CSN 513 Ins
CSN 513 Ins
CSN 513 Ins
7. Pre-requisite: CS106
8. Subject Area: PEC
9. Objective of the course: This course provides an introduction of symmetric key and
public key encryption techniques, hash functions, message authentication codes,
digital signatures. Application of these cryptographic techniques in different fields
email, web and IP security is discussed. The goal of this course is to provide the
students adequate foundation to apply cryptographic technique to emerging area of
information and network security.
10. Details of the Course:
S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Classical Encryption: symmetric cipher models, Vigenere cipher, stream 02
ciphers, LFSR based ciphers.
2 Block Ciphers: Substitution and permutation networks (SPN), Feistel structure, 06
description of Data Encryption Standard (DES). Review of finite fields. Advanced
Encryption Standart (AES). Linear and differential attacks on block ciphers.
3 Public Key Encrytion: Principles of public key cryptosystems, RSA, El Gamal 08
cryptosystems. Testing primality: quadratic reciprocity, Chinese Remainder
Theorem (CRT), Miller Rabin algorithm, Solovay Strassen algorithm.
4 Hash Functions: Random oracle model, security of hash functions, Merkel 06
Damgard iterative construction. Message Authentication and has functions. MD5
message digest algorithm. Secure Hash Algorithm.
5 Digital Signatures: Properties of digital signatures. Generic signatures. RSA 04
signature, El Gamal signature.
5 Authentication Application: Kerberos. X.509 Authentication service. 04
6 Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). S/MIME. 04
7 IP Security: IP security overview, architechture, key management. 04
8 WEB SECURITY: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security 04
(TLS). Secure Electronic Transaction.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books: