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(A Government of Rajasthan Enterprise)

Board of Directors
as on 01.09.2012

Shri C. K. Mathew Chairman

Shri Sunil Arora Director

Dr. Govind Sharma Director

Shri Sudhansh Pant Director

Shri Naresh Pal Gangwar Director

Shri A.C. Wadhawan Director

Shri Ajitabh Sharma Managing Director

Financial Advisor Registered Office

Shri M.L. Tailor C - 89 - 90, Janpath,
Lal Kothi Scheme, Jaipur-302015

Company Secretary Tel.: 0141-2743734,2743934

Shri P.K. Jain Fax: 0141-2743735
E-mail : [email protected]

M/s. P.C. Modi & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Bankers Corporate Office

IDBI Bank 4,Meera Marg ,Udaipur- 313004
ICICI Bank Tel.: 0294-2428763-67
State Bank of India Fax: 0294-2428770,2428739
Punjab National Bank


Page No.
Notice 1
Directors' Report 2
Addendum to the Directors Report 11
Auditors' Report 12
Balance Sheet 17
Statement of Profit & Loss Account 18
Cash Flow Statement 19
Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts 21
Statement pursuant to section 212 of the 53
companies Act 1956
Comments of CAG under section 619 (4) of the 54
companies Act 1956
Financial statements of Subsidiary companies :
(i) Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 57
(ii) Barmer Lignite Mining Company Ltd. 77
In supersession of notice dated 08 September, 2012, the 65th Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the

company will now be held on Friday, 19th October, 2012 at 4.00 PM at the Registered Office of the company, C-89-90,
Janpath, Lal Kothi Scheme, Jaipur - 302015 (Rajasthan) to transact the following business :

Ordinary Business
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2012, Profit and Loss Account for the year
ended on that date, the Auditors' Report thereon and the Report of the Board of Directors;
2. To appoint a Director in place of Shri Naresh Pal Gangwar who retires by rotation under Article 103 of the
Articles of Association of the company and is eligible for reappointment;
3. To declare dividend for the financial year 2011-2012;
4. To fix the remuneration of the statutory auditors.

By the Order of the Board

For Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited

Pradeep K. Jain
Company Secretary

Place : Udaipur
Date : 19th September 2012




Dear Shareholders, l The total revenue increased to Rs. 1340.30

Your Directors are pleased to present the 65 Annual Crores, from previous year's revenue of Rs.
Report on the business and operations of your 1125.01 Crores, registering a growth of 19.14
company together with the Audited Statement of % over the previous year.
Accounts and Auditors' Report for the year ended on l The Profit Before Tax (PBT) stood at Rs. 408.99
31st March, 2012. Crores as against the PBT of Rs. 271.69 Crores
earned during the previous year, which is
50.54% higher than the previous year's profit.
Financial Year 2011-2012 l The company's Profit After Tax (PAT) stood at
The Indian economy is expected to grow by 6.9 per Rs. 281.30 Crores which is higher by 49.20 %
cent in 2011-12, after having growth @ of 8.4 per cent over the previous year's PAT of Rs. 188.54
in each of the two preceding years. The slowdown in Crores.
Indian Economy in 2011-12 is not only for the last two l Earnings per Share (EPS), which indicates
years but it traces back to 2003 with an exception in return on shareholders' investment, stood
2008-09. Though the Agriculture and Service sectors at Rs. 36.27 per share as compared with
are continuing to perform well, the slowdown in previous year's earning of Rs 24.31 per share,
India's Economy can be attributed mainly to registering growth of 49.20 % over the
weakening industrial growth. previous year.
Despite of the recession in Indian economy and l The output per employee, which is one of the
reported lower industrial growth, your company has ke y i n d i c a to r s f o r h u m a n re s o u rc e
been able to achieve excellent results in terms of total productivity, also stood at the level of Rs.
revenue, turnover and profitability. Your company 71.23 Lac per employee as compared to Rs.
could achieve higher profit due to better realization of 57.38 Lac during the previous year.
price, efficient management and increase in
production of Lignite and Limestone minerals.
Performance highlights during the reporting year are
summarized below-

Financial Outcome
The financial performance as compared to the previous fiscal year is depicted below-

(Rs. in lakhs)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Profit after Interest but before Depreciation and Prior period Adjustments 47985.39 34492.49
Depreciation & amortisation (6298.38) (7209.11)
Prior Period Adjustments (802.17) (113.86)
Profit Before Tax 40884.99 27169.52
Provision for Current Tax (14000.00) (8000.00)
Tax Adjustment of Earlier Years 30.36 103.94
Exceptional Items 14.99 -
Deferred Tax Provision 1200.24 (419.64)
Net Profit after tax 28130.44 18853.82
Add : Balance brought forward from the previous year 42.67 41.49
Balance available for Appropriation 28173.11 18895.31
- General Reserve 24500.00 17050.00
- Proposed Dividend 3102.06 1551.03
- Tax on Proposed Dividend 503.23 251.61
Balance carried forward to Next Year 67.82 42.67

Growth Indicators (Rs. in lakhs)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Total Revenue 134030.06 112500.86
Cash Profit 47985.39 34492.49
Profit after tax 28130.44 18853.82
Net Worth 116984.58 92453.78
Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share (Rs.) 36.27 24.31
Output per Employee 71.23 57.38

The Government of Rajasthan in its budget announcement for financial year 2010-2011 had announced
disinvestment of 10% equity of the company. Looking to the depressed market scenario, the Government of
Rajasthan decided not to proceed further in the matter of disinvestment.


Financial Resources contraction and low availability of working areas

planned for excavation and development.
Strategic Business Unit & Profit Centre-Lignite
Production and sale of lignite stood at 10.60 Lac MT as
Authorized and paid up share capital of the company against 8.83 Lac MT produced and sold during 2010-11,
during the financial year 2011-12 remain unchanged. registering a remarkable growth of 20%.
The authorized capital of the company was Rs.80.00
Crores (Rupees Eighty Crores only) as on 31st March, Profit before tax was stood at Rs. 31.56 Crores as against
2012. previous year of Rs. 25.78 crores registering a growth of
22.42%. This was mainly on account of better price
The paid up capital of the company as on 31.3.2012 realization through e-auction and recommencement of
stood at 7,75,51,500 shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid production at Matasukh mines, Nagaur.
up, totalling to Rs. 77,55,15,000 (Rupees Seventy Seven
Crores Fifty Five Lac Fifteen Thousand only). A preliminary work has been undertaken to re-start
Kasnau pit as an integrated project at Nagaur.
Dividend Production at Soneri mines, Barmer is expected to
In view of encouraging performance of the company, commence in the current financial year and it is
your directors are pleased to recommend a dividend @ expected to achieve production of 4.00 Lac MT during
40% of paid up share capital i.e. Rs. 4/- per share of the the financial year 2012-13.
company for the financial year 2011-2012. The figure The mine plan of Gurah West has already been
is double the amount paid in earlier years. approved by the Ministry of Coal. The acquisition of
Unclaimed dividend land of Gurah West is in progress. The production
from this mine is expected to be commenced in the
Pursuant to Section 205A of the Companies Act, 1956,
financial year 2013-14. The production of this mine will
unclaimed dividend for the year 2004-2005 has been
be supplied to 70 MW lignite based power plant to be
transferred during year under report to Investor
set up by the bidder already identified by RRVPNL.
Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the
Government of India. Mine blocks namely Shiv Kurla Mahabar, Sachha
Sauda in Barmer district have already been allocated
Physical Performance to the company. Obtaining necessary clearances /
approval of above blocks is in progress.
Strategic Business Unit & Profit Centre - Rock
Phosphate Strategic Business Unit and Profit Centre Gypsum
During the financial year 2011-12, production of high- The production and sale of gypsum stood at 33.36 Lac
grade ore (HGO) and low grade ore (LGO) was 9.64 Lac MT and 33.65 Lac MT respectively in the year under
MT and 7.42 Lac MT respectively. The corresponding report as against 34.63 Lac MT and 34.04 Lac MT in the
figures for the previous year were 9.32 Lac MT and 8.59 year 2010-11. The total revenue of gypsum stood at Rs.
Lac MT. The sale of Rock Phosphate stood at 11.36 Lac 16897.28 Lac as against Rs. 16056.28 Lac registering a
MT during the financial year 2011-2012 as against sale of growth of 5.23% over the previous year. Three new
12.57 Lac MT in the previous year. The total revenue mining leases namely Burasar, Larawala and Deheriya
earned by the unit during the year was Rs. 77991.07 Lac were sanctioned to the company during the year
as against Rs. 66692.88 Lac earned during the previous under report. Production in these mines is likely to
year, registering a growth of 16.94%. Profit before tax commence in the current financial year 2012-13. A
was Rs. 255.71 Crores as against the previous year of Rs. gypsum grinding unit is proposed to be setup in
153.28 Crores, registering a growth of 66.82% over the Bikaner district for which land has been identified.
previous year. This was mainly on account of better price The company has also applied 18 new mining leases
realization in the market. of gypsum mineral in the district of Bikaner,
Hanumangarh, Jalore and Jaisalmer.
The total rock handling at the Jhamarkotra mines was
192.62 Lac MT against the previous year's 240.33 Lac Strategic Business Unit and Profit Centre
MT. The shortfall in rock handling was mainly due to Limestone
unprecedented heavy rains resulting in water logging The steel grade limestone are produced at Jaisalmer
in major mining areas in D & E blocks and consequent and supplied to major steel plant in the country.

Chemical and cement grade limestone are produced 1515 Lac units was supplied in 2011-12 to State Grid
from the Gotan deposit. The overall production of the from these eco friendly projects besides contributing
limestone at Jaisalmer has shown growth during the to reduction of Co2 emission to the extent of 1.35 Lac
year under report. The production and sales of tonne per year.
limestone at Jaisalmer for the financial year stood at Carbon Credit
27.59 Lac MT and 27.57 Lac MT for the year 2011-12, as
against 25.75 Lac MT and 25.36 Lac MT respectively in The company has earned 61511 CERs this year from
the previous year registering 7.14% growth in UNFCCC towards its contribution in sustainable
production and 8.71% in sales over the previous year. development and to protect global warming through
Production of limestone from departmental crushing green energy generation. The verification work for
and screening plant has also reported to 8.55 Lac MT issuance of CERs for other two projects of the
as against 7.24 Lac MT in previous year. Profit before company is under progress and it is expected that
tax was Rs. 26.61 Crores as against the previous year additional CERs may be obtained in the next financial
of Rs. 15.39 Crores, registering a growth of 72.82% year.
over the previous year. Desalination Project at Kasnau - Matasukh Lignite
T h e d e m a n d o f th e l i m e s to n e f ro m s te e l Mines, Nagaur
manufactures has witnessed further increase in the A desalination plant of 20 MLD has been set up at
year under report. SAIL, TISCO and Jindal Steel have Nagaur by M/s Nagaur Water Supply Company Pvt. Ltd
increased their off take of limestone from Jaisalmer. (NWSCPL) on DBOOT basis to treat brackish water of
It is expected that market of limestone will further Kasnau-Matasukh project. The plant has the capacity
improve in year 2012-2013. The company has applied to produce 13 MLD potable water for supplying to
for nine new mining leases of limestone during the nearby villages in Nagaur district through PHED. The
reporting year. production of potable water commenced on
A proposal for laying down rail line from Hameera to 22.05.2010 and desalinated water is being supplied by
Sanu mines for smooth transportation of limestone to RSMML to PHED for further distribution to 120 villages
various steel plants is under consideration with the of Nagaur district.
company. Mining in Schedule Area
Production and sales of limestone from Gotan stood The company has been assigned the responsibility of
at 4.73 Lac MT as against 5.05 Lac MT in the previous developing mineral wealth of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP)
year. Production and sales of Floursphar from area by the Government of Rajasthan. The company
Bhinmal stood at 212 MT only during the reporting has taken several initiatives for development of
year. However, due to exorbitant cost of land mineral wealth of TSP area. The company has applied
diversion demanded by Forest Department, the for 11 nos. of M.L for manganese deposit in
company has applied for surrender of 3 leases of Kushalgarh Tehsil of Banswara district, out of which 8
fluorspar namely Karara, Tavidar and Lakhawas-II. nos. of M.L. were recommended by Govt. of Rajasthan
Non-Functional Units and forwarded to the Central Government for its
approval. P.L. for one lease area of about 3000
Non-viable units Rajasthan Fluorspar Project (RFP) at hectares is also applied for Manganese. In the
Dungarpur and Mahi Graphite Project at Banswara meantime, SAIL has shown its interest to become a
and Green Marble Project, Keshariyaji have already joint venture partner with RSMML for manganese
been closed. Most of the mining leases of these mining in TSP area. After few meetings with SAIL
projects have been surrendered to the Government. broad terms & conditions of a joint venture agreement
Remaining leases of non-functioning units are being has been finalized. A Joint Venture Agreement shall
surrendered to the Government. be executed shortly between RSMML & SAIL.
Projects and New Ventures The company has also executed on 12th July, 2012 a
Wind Power Project at Jaisalmer Memorandum of Understanding with Hindustan
Copper Limited for development of base metal
Your company has forayed into generation of green deposit in TSP and other areas in Rajasthan. This will
energy through installing wind energy farms of 106.3 provide impetus to the development of metal
MW capacities at Jaisalmer. The power to the tune of deposits in the State for the benefit of people.


Potash initially conceived to meet the growing requirement

The Government of Rajasthan has reserved 878 of DAP in the country based on availability of raw
hectares area for RSMML to explore and exploit Potash materials like rock phosphate and sulphuric acid in
mineral through Joint Venture Company. the state which could not be taken up due to non
viability of the project on account of international
As reported earlier, for potash mining, RSMML has pricing of DAP.
issued 'Expression of Interest' for joint venture partner
in which company shall hold minimum 51% share. In It was decided to explore the possibility of setting up
response to it, six prominent firms had responded and SSP plant in place of DAP for which RRCF has engaged
given their detailed presentation regarding their M/s PDIL for carrying out study of financial viabilities
capabilities, strength and future plan. All the 6 firms of setting up SSP project in Rajasthan in current
were issued the RFP document. However, single offer scenario.
has been received from M/s Nuziveedu Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Subsidiary Companies
which is under consideration.
Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited (BLMCL)
Geo-chemical mapping programme
M/s Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited has
As earlier reported, a tripartite agreement has been been incorporated with 51% share holding of RSMM
signed among the Geological Survey of India (GSI), and remaining 49% equity with joint venture partner
Directorate of Mines & Geology (DMG) and Rajasthan M/s Raj West Power Ltd (RWPL) for development,
State Mines & Minerals Limited (RSMML) for operation and extraction of lignite from Jalipa and
geochemical mapping in 8 district of Rajasthan. Kapurdi mines block for supplying it to 1080 MW
Process for setting up chemical laboratory at Udaipur power plant being set up by RWPL in Barmer under
is in progress. In first phase the work of sampling and Fuel Supply Agreement.
field work has been undertaken in the district of
The company has acquired 22347.85 bigas of private
Banswara and Dungarpur.
land for Jalipa mining lease. Commercial production
Deep-seated gypsum mining at Badwasi in Nagaur has been commenced from kapurdi lignite mine from
District October 2011. Four units of 135 MW each are
The work of preparation of mine plan and the generating power at Bhadres district Barmer. Mine
environmental studies has been started for the deep- development activities at Jalipa have been
seated gypsum mining at Badwasi in Nagaur District. commenced.

Joint Venture Projects The company has received in principle approval from
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH) on
RBG Mineral Industries Limited 24th September, 2009 for diversion of NH-15 passing
A Memorandum of Understanding had earlier entered through lease area. Pre-Feasibility Report for the
into with M/s Binani Industries Ltd and M/s Gujarat project has been received from the consultant
Mineral Development Corporation Ltd, for setting up a appointed by PWD (NH Division), Barmer. Preparation
multi metal project at Deri and Basantgarh. Pursuant of Detailed Project Report (DPR) is under way.
to the above, a joint venture company namely RBG Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited
Mineral Industries Ltd (RBGMIL) was incorporated. As (RSPCL)
per the MOU and our commitments, an application for
transfer of mining lease of Deri in favour of RBGMIL Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited has
has already been submitted to Govt. of Rajasthan. been formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of your
company with the objective of conducting activities in
Joint Venture with RCF the petroleum & natural gas sector. The Government
Rajasthan Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers of Rajasthan has approved the business line of oil
Limited (RRCFL) were incorporated with Rashtriya refining, pipe line transport, gas retailing, city gas
Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCF) for setting up distribution, oil exploration, oil field support services
a facility to manufacture 850 TPD of Di-Ammonium for this company. The company has applied for
Phosphate (DAP), at Kapasan in Chittorgarh district. allocation of a lignite block at Nagurda in Barmer-
RCF is having 51% shares, whereas RSMML is holding Sanchor basin for underground coal gasification to
49% of the equity in this company. The project was Ministry of Coal, New Delhi.

A joint venture agreement with GAIL GAS has already Trainee) including Eleven (11) compassionate
been finalized for undertaking city gas distribution appointment were recruited during the year under
and other non-regulated business and which is likely report. The manpower employed at the end of the
to be signed shortly financial year 2011-12 was 1788 as against 1879
employees last year.
Foreign Exchange: Earnings and Outgo
The total foreign exchange earning was of Rs NIL and Concern for Environment
outgo was Rs. 7.68 Lac towards, travelling and other The company is concerned for environment and has
matters. taken various steps including providing fund for
undertaking various environmental management
Research & Development, Technology measures including pollution control and waste
Absorption and Conservation of Energy minimisation. Your company believes in following the
The details of conservation of energy and Research & entire applicable environment related statutory laws
Development and Technology Absorption as required and regulations. Regular water spraying at all points
by Section 217(1) (e) of the Companies Act, 1956, read where dust is generated, installation of dust
with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the extraction and collection systems on drill machines,
Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 are given in treatment of acidic water generated from
the Annexure to the Directors' Report. beneficiation process are the measures taken for
protection of environment. Periodical monitoring is
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report done to keep the pollutants under control.
As a policy, your Company is committed to support
Industrial Relations
the principles of Global Compact to act in a socially
responsible way to contribute to national wealth and Industrial relations in all mines and offices of the
upholding its responsibility for the environment and company remained cordial during the year under
promoting the well-being of customers, employees, report. The industrial relations in the company are
shareholders and other stakeholders. Several based on principles of joint consultation and
initiatives in this direction have been taken. RSMM is participating management. All major issues
contributing generously towards rural development, pertaining to workmen are resolved through
education, health and other areas as a part of its amicable process and discussions. Efforts were made
Corporate Social Responsibility through various direct to ensure strict compliance with the safety rules and
initiatives and contribution to Chief Minister Relief procedures. Seminars on safety were organised to
Fund. educate workforce and Safety Week is also being
observed in all mines every year.
Disclosure under Section 217(2A) of the
Human Resource Development & Training
Companies Act, 1956
Your company recognises human resource as the
most valuable resource and strive to provide a The information required under the provision of
conducive and congenial work environment along Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, read
with facilities and opportunities for growth. Your with the Companies' (Particulars of Employees) Rules,
company believes that the quality of human resource 1975, as amended from time to time is nil.
is the key driver of corporate success and accords Audit Committee
priority for Human Resource Development with
emphasis on improving skill, competence and The Audit Committee of the company constitutes Shri
knowledge through regular training and professional Sunil Arora, Shri Sudhansh Pant and Shri A. C.
development programmes. Wadhawan.

The company provides safe working environment The roles & terms of reference, the authority and the
which promotes the business of the company and powers of the Committee are in conformity with the
growth of its employees in an effective and long- requirements under section 292A of the Companies
term manner. Eight (08) executives (Probationer Act, 1956.
Trainee) and Thirteen (13) workmen (Probationer


Directors' Responsibility Statement Ajitabh Sharma was appointed as Managing Director

in place of Shri Akhil Arora. Shri Sudhansh Pant was
The Companies Act, 1956 requires the Board of
also appointed as a Director on the Board.
Directors of the Company to prepare accounts for
each financial year giving a true and fair view of the The Board places on record the valuable contribution
state of affairs of the company and the profit and loss made by the outgoing directors in the growth of the
of the company for that period. The directors to the company.
best of their knowledge and explanation state that: Auditors
(i) in preparing the annual accounts, the
The appointment of Statutory Auditors is made by the
applicable accounting standards have been
Comptroller & Auditor General of India, New Delhi.
followed and there is no material departure
M/s P. C. Modi & Company, Chartered Accountants,
from the Accounting Standards.
Jaipur were appointed to audit Annual Accounts for
(ii) The Accounting Policies adopted have been the financial year 2011-12.
consis tentl y applied and, wherever
Your Directors request you to authorise the Board of
necessary, made judgements and estimates,
Directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors to be
that are reasonable and prudent, so as to
appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs
India under Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956
of the Company at the end of the financial
for the financial year 2012-13.
year and of the profit of the company for the
year under review; Acknowledgement
(iii) Proper and sufficient care has been taken for The Directors gratefully acknowledges and express
the maintenance of adequate accounting their gratitude for valuable co-operation and
records in accordance with the provisions of continued support extended by the various
the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding Government Department, Financial Institutions,
the assets of the Company and for Bankers, Consultants and Customers. Your Directors
preventing and detecting fraud and other also take this opportunity to thank CAG of India and
irregularities; and Statutory Auditors for their co-operation and
(iv) The annual accounts have been prepared on guidance.
a going concern basis. Your company always holds the commitment and
competence of its people in a very high esteem and
considers it as one of its greatest strength. Your
Article 99(i) and 100 of the Articles of Association of Directors place on record their sincere appreciation
the company empower the Governor of Rajasthan to for all employees of the company for their
appoint directors on the Board of the company. In contribution, co-operation and unstinted support
exercise of the same, GoR has appointed Shri C.K. towards the overall growth of the company.
Mathew as Chairman in place of Shri S. Ahmad. Shri

For and on behalf of the Board

C.K. Mathew

Place : Jaipur
Date : 17.08.2012

Particulars pursuant to the provisions of Companies l Cost saving achieved due to low cost
(Disclosure of particulars in the Report of Directors) power from wind mills, Jaisalmer.
Rules, 1988 l Reduction of energy consumption from
A. Conservation of Energy 49 KWH to 32 KWH/MT of LGO feed and
consequent impact on the cost of
a) Energy Conservation Measures taken : p ro d u c t i o n o f B e n e f i c i a te d Ro ck
RSMML has already taken initiatives towards Phosphate.
energy conservation. The company has
exhibited tremendous concern for trimming
B. Technology Absorption
its energy consumption so as to be the least Research and Development (R&D)
cost producer in the segments in which it 1. Specific areas in which R&D carried out by the
operates. company.
l Installation of energy efficient High R&D efforts in the following areas strengthened
pressure Grinding Rolls in grinding circuit the company's operation through technology
in Industrial Beneficiation Plant. absorption, adaptations & innovation.
l Energy audit has been carried out (a) A research project has been awarded to
th ro u g h Pet ro l e u m C o n s e r v a t i o n MPUA&T, Udaipur for Rs. 11,62,500/- for three
Research Association (PCRA). PCRA has years to increase agronomic efficacy of
submitted the report and suggested the secondary ore which is being produced as
energy conservation opportunities, intermediate product and presently not used.
which are being implemented. Energy The quantity is about 50 lakhs tonnes.
audit has been carried out through
Petroleum Conser vation Research (b) PROM Technology Standardization of
Association (PCRA). PROM is under progress. Company has an
ambitious plan to adopt the villages in and
l After successfully testing the bio-diesel, around the mines of respective SBU for
company has installed, commissioned and extension works of the PROM technology
operated 1 TPD Jetropha seeds based bio- which in turn will save the subsidy burden by
diesel pilot plant and using the 10 BD bio- reducing the fertilizer requirement.
diesel in LCV and some of HEMM. So far
RSMML has produced about 68000, liters of (c) Converting the tailing rejects of IBP to direct
bio diesel. The Company is in the process of application fertilizer as source of Magnesium
installing a bio-gas plant based on Jetropha in acidic soils. The results of trials under taken
cake and test the gas so produced for by Horticulture Research Station, Ootty are
suitability of power generation. A research encouraging for three years. The Government
project is under active consideration. of Tamilnadu has considered using the tailing
as source of magnesium.
b) Additional investments and proposals, if any,
being im plemented for reduction of (d) Productivity studies of HEMM at Jhamarkotra
consumption of energy: Mines.

l Investment proposal amounting to Rs. (e) Beneficiation of secondary rock-phosphate.

20.00 lacs has been identified and being (f) Development of appetite for use as semi
implemented for reduction of energy precious stone.
consumption. (g) Making the use of fine size limestone gitti
c) Impact of the measures at (a) and (b) above for produced at Jaisalmer.
reduction of energy consumption and (h) Utilization of saline water encountered while
consequent impact on the cost of production mining of lignite in KasnauMatasukh mines.
of goods: Desalination plant is installed and


(i) Linking up the PROM technology with Biogas b) Company is being operated 1 TPD bio-diesel
technology using lignite residues generated pilot plant after successfully tested the use of
while handling the lignite. The work is being bio-diesel.
carried out at Maharana Pratap University of c) Two patents have been filed by the Company
Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur. jointly with MLS University, Udaipur under
2. Benefits derived as a result of the above R&D the title i) process for making slow release
a) Strengthening of market share phosphate fertiliser. ii) An eco-friendly
process for making EPSOM and Gypsum.
b) Converting waste into useful product
2. Benefits derived as a result of the above efforts,
c) Conservation of mineral. e.g., product improvement, cost reduction,
3. Future plan of action product development, import substitution, etc.
a) Energy efficient process l Above efforts helped in satisfying the
consumer needs as well as business
b) Massive plantation of Jetropha plants in
requirements by introducing new products.
company's leased area for bio-diesel
Dissemination of PROM technology will
bring down the import of phosphoric
c) Forms of customized products. fertilizers.
4. Expenditure on R&D 3. In case of imported technology (imported during
(i) capital Rs. NIL the last 5 years reckoned from the beginning of
the financial year), following information are
(ii) Recurring Rs. 36.12 Lac
furnished as under.
(iii) Total R& D 0.027 %
a) Technology imported. - Nil
expenditures as percentage
b) Year of import
of total turnover
c) Has technology been fully
C. Technology absorption, adaptation and absorbed?
innovation d) If not fully absorbed, areas Not
1. Efforts, in brief, made towards technology where this applicable
absorption, adaptation and innovation. has not taken place, reasons
a) Company has developed the low cost therefore and
organic fertilizer PROM future plans of action.

(Under Section 217 of the Companies Act, 1956)

Clarifications on the remarks contained in the Auditors' Report are as under:

(f) (i) As in the opinion of the company, the development charges are not refundable, therefore the
company did not accept the demand and accordingly no liability on this account has been provided
for. However, the company has disclosed the amounts of demand as contingent liability.
(f) (ii) The company has provided liability for excess over burden handled by the contractor during the
contract period of 7 years on the basis of recommendations of the sub-committee of the Board
which were accepted by the Board of Directors in its 382nd meeting held on 21st July, 2011.
Accordingly, in our opinion liability has adequately been provided.
Annexure to the Auditors' Report
xv The company for which guarantees were given has already been wound up. However, in case any
liability arises on this account, the same shall be provided in the year in which the demand is raised.

For and on behalf of the Board

C.K. Mathew

Place : Jaipur
Date : 17.08.2012


The Members of
Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited
1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited as at 31st March,
2012 and also the Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date
annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's Management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
2. We have conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining on test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our
3. As required by the Companies (Auditor Report) Order, 2003 issued by the Central Government of India in
terms of section 227(4A) of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the annexure, a statement on the
matters specified in the paragraph 4 & 5 of the said order.
4. Further to our comments in the annexure referred to above, we report that: -
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and
belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit;
b) In our opinion, proper books of accounts, as required by law, have been kept by the Company, so far
as appears from our examination of those books;
c) The Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report
are in agreement with the books of accounts;
d) In our opinion the Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement read with
Significant Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts as referred in Notes 1-40 comply with the
Accounting Standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956.
e) In accordance with the notification dated 21st October, 2003 issued by the Ministry of Finance-
Department of Company Affairs the provisions of section 274(1) (g) of the Companies Act, 1956
regarding disqualification of directors are not applicable to Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals
Limited being a Government Company.
f) We also report that:
(i) The Development Charges on Gypsum and Limestone of ` 21.31 crores were refunded back by
the government to the Company in the year 2006-07 as the levy of development charges was
withdrawn since 1/04/2006. However, the said levy of ` 21.31 crores was recovered from the
buyers while raising the bills/invoices. The Company had received certain claims from the
buyers, as informed by the Company, amounting to ` 2.37 crores but the liability has not been
provided. The total impact is that the Reserves and Surplus has been overstated by a total of
` 2.37 crores, Current Liabilities understated by ` 2.37 crores and Contingent Liabilities under
the head 'Claims against company not acknowledged as debt' overstated by ` 2.37 crores.
(ii) The Contractor M/s National Construction Company has raised a claim based on the terms of
contract between the Company and the Contractor, for Excess Wastage Handling
Remuneration which has not been adequately provided for by the Company in its books of
accounts. The claim has been provided for at ` 19.25 crores in the financial year 2009-10

instead of ` 39.06 crores resulting into short provision of ` 19.81 crores. The total impact is
that Reserves and Surplus has been overstated by a total of ` 19.81 crores, Current Liabilities
understated by ` 19.81 crores and Contingent Liabilities under the head 'Claims against
company not acknowledged as debt' overstated by ` 19.81 crores.
(iii) We further report that had the observations made by us in sub para nos. (i) and (ii) of para (f)
above, been considered Reserves & Surplus would have been ` 1081.04 crores (as against `
1103.22 crores as reported by the Company), Current Liabilities would have been ` 1518.36
crores (as against ` 1496.18 crores as reported by the Company), Contingent liabilities, under
the head 'Claims against company not acknowledged as debt', would have been ` 408.83
crores (as against ` 431.01 crores as reported by the Company).
g) Subject to our comments in paragraph (f) above, in our opinion and to the best of our information and
according to the explanations given to us, the Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow
Statement read together with the Accounting Policies and other notes thereto, give the information required
by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the
accounting principles generally accepted in India:
a) In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2012;
b) In the case of the Statement of Profit and Loss, of the Profit of the Company for the year ended on
that date; and
c) In the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the Cash Flows of the Company for the year ended on that

For P.C. Modi & Co

Chartered Accountants
FRN: 000239C

Place: Jaipur Bharat Sonkhiya

Date: 7th August, 2012 Partner
Membership No. 403023



(Referred to in paragraph 3 of our report of even date)
I (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details
and situation of fixed assets.
(b) All the fixed assets have been physically verified by the management during the year. There is a
phased programme of physical verification of fixed assets by the management which, in our
opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. No
material discrepancies between the book records and the physical inventory have been noticed in
respect of the assets physically verified.
(c) Some of the fixed assets have been sold during the year, which do not amount to disposing off
substantial part of the fixed assets of the Company.
ii. (a) The management has conducted physical verification of inventory at reasonable intervals except as
i) Store Inventories at Lignite and Gypsum units.
ii) Stock of Rock Phosphate at B Block MGO (Rock Phosphate) at Jhamarkotra.
(b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the procedure of
physical verification of inventory followed by the management were found reasonable and
adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business except few instances
as mentioned above.
(c) On the basis of our examination of records of inventory, in our opinion, the Company has
maintained proper records of inventory and discrepancies noted on physical verification between
the physical stocks and the books records were not material in relation to the operations of the
Company and have been properly dealt with in the books of accounts.
iii. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has neither granted nor taken any
loans, secured or unsecured, from companies, firms or other parties listed in the register maintained under
section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. Accordingly, clauses iii (b), iii (c) and iii (d) of paragraph 4 of the
Order are not applicable to the Company.
iv. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there are adequate internal
control procedures commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business for the
purchase of inventory, fixed assets and for the sale of goods except in case of reconciliation of old
outstanding balances appearing in the books of accounts of the Company relating to E-RSMDC and others.
Further, on the basis of our examination and according to the information and explanations given to us, we
have neither come across nor we have been informed of any instance of continuing failure to correct major
weaknesses in the aforesaid internal control procedure.
v. Based on the audit procedure applied by us and according to the information and explanations provided by
the management, we are of the opinion that there are no transactions that need to be entered into the
register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. Accordingly, Clause 4(v) (b) of the Order
is not applicable to the Company.
vi. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not
accepted any deposits from the public within the meaning of Section 58A and 58AA of the Companies Act,
1956 and the rules framed there under.
vii. In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with its size and nature of its
business. However, the system of Internal Audit needs to be strengthened in terms of timely completion and
prompt remedial action.
viii. According to the information and explanations given to us the cost records are under the process of

preparation. Hence, we have not reviewed the books of account required to be maintained by the Company
pursuant to the rules made by the Central Government of India, regarding the maintenance of cost records
under clause (d) of subsection (1) of Section 209 of the Act. Considering the same, we are not able to give
opinion on maintenance of cost records with a view to determine whether they are accurate or complete.
ix. (a) According to the information and explanations given to us and according to the books and records as
produced and examined by us, the undisputed statutory dues in respect of the Provident Fund, Investor
Education and Protection Fund, Employees' State Insurance, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Custom
Duty, Excise Duty, etc., to the extent applicable and required, have been regularly deposited by the
Company during the year with the appropriate authorities except the following which are outstanding
as at 31st March, 2012 for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable:
S.No. Nature of dues Amount (` In lacs )
1. Royalty payable to DMG including Dead Rent(Gypsum) 114.94
2. Development Charges payable to DMG (Gypsum) 22.04
3. Royalty payable to DMG (Jaisalmer) 176.28
4. Royalty payable to DMG (Rock Phosphate) 2192.93
5. Premium Charges payable to DMG (Gypsum) 72.21
6. M. R. Cess (Gypsum) 3.39
7. Land Tax (Wind Mills, Banswara, Dungarpur, Gypsum) 398.13
8. Entry Tax 383.79
9. Service Tax on transportation (Limestone) 27.73
10. Contribution to PF 1.16
Total 3392.61
(b) As at 31 March, 2012 according to the records of the Company, the following are the particulars of
disputed dues on account of Sales Tax, Income Tax, Customs Duty, Wealth Tax, Excise Duty, etc. that
have not been deposited (net of refund adjustments):

S.No. Name of Statute Amount Forum where dispute is pending

(` in Lacs)
1. MP Sales Tax 6.22 Commissioner of Sales Tax, Chhattisgarh
2. Rajasthan Sales Tax 45.13 Rajasthan Tax Board, Ajmer
3. Entry Tax 206.14 Dy. Commissioner (Appeal)
4. Land Tax 10709.64 RTB, Ajmer
Total 10967.13

x. The Company has neither accumulated losses as at 31st March, 2012 nor has it incurred any cash losses during
the financial year ended on that date or in the immediately preceding financial year.
xi. During the year the Company has not taken any loans from financial institutions, banks or debenture
holders. Therefore, the said clause is not applicable to the Company.
xii. The Company has not granted any loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares,
debentures and other securities.
xiii. The provisions of any special statute applicable to Chit Fund and Nidhi/Mutual Benefit Fund/Securities as
specified under clause (xiii) of paragraph 4 of the Order are not applicable to the Company.


xiv. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not a dealer or
trader in securities.
xv. The Company has given guarantees to RIICO/RFC for loans taken by Rajasthan Granite and Marble Ltd. Since
the guarantee agreements have not been provided to us, we are unable to comment on the prejudice of the
interest of the Company.
xvi. During the year the Company did not obtain any term loan.
xvii. According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the financial
statements of the Company, we report that no funds raised on short-term basis have been used for long-
term investment and no long-term funds have been used to finance short-term assets.
xviii. The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies covered in the
register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 during the year.
xix. The Company has not issued any debentures during the year.
xx. The Company has not raised any money by public issue during the year.

For P.C. Modi & Co

Chartered Accountants
FRN: 000239C

Place: Jaipur Bharat Sonkhiya

Date: 7th August, 2012 Partner
Membership No. 403023

BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH, 2012 (Amt in `)
Particulars Note No. As at 31st March,2012 As at 31st March, 2011
1 Shareholders' Funds
(a) Share Capital 2 77,55,15,000 77,55,15,000
(b) Reserves & Surplus 3 1103,21,63,034 1180,76,78,034 857,96,47,948 935,51,62,948
2 Non-Current Liabilities
(a) Long-term Borrowings 4 55,62,500 1,61,94,500
(b) Deferred tax Liabilities(Net) 5 78,48,92,640 90,49,17,037
(c) Other Long term Liabilities 6 6,82,36,615 8,97,72,646
(d) Long-term Provisions 7 38,35,35,148 124,22,26,903 20,58,99,215 121,67,83,398
3 Current Liabilities
(a) Trade Payables 8 53,27,52,903 43,05,34,506
(b) Other Current Liabilities 9 1256,32,22,918 913,30,04,105
(c) Short-term Provisions 10 186,58,58,425 1496,18,34,246 107,26,84,904 1063,62,23,515
TOTAL 2801,17,39,183 2120,81,69,861

1 Non-current assets
(a) Fixed Assets
(i) Tangible Assets 11 584,02,50,949 446,96,96,281
(ii) Capital Work-in-Progress 5,42,77,461 6,03,13,327
(b) Non-current Investments 12 1,28,45,004 13,45,005
(c) Long-term loans and advances 13 123,93,84,686 267,44,22,841
(d) Other non-current assets 14 12,21,23,955 726,88,82,055 12,78,80,282 733,36,57,736
2 Current Assets
(a) Inventories 15 70,74,03,598 55,59,96,535
(b) Trade Receivables 16 171,09,29,410 100,26,67,928
(c) Cash & Bank Balances 17 703,41,48,985 576,73,01,882
(d) Short term Loans & Advances 18 950,50,22,488 500,27,43,613
(e) Other Current Assets 19 178,53,52,647 2074,28,57,128 154,58,02,167 1387,45,12,125

TOTAL 2801,17,39,183 2120,81,69,861

Significant Accounting Policies 1

Notes to Accounts 2-40
In terms of our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant Ajitabh Sharma
Director Managing Director
For P.C. Modi & Co. M.L. Tailor P.K. Jain
Chartered Accountants Financial Advisor Company Secretary
FRN: 000239C

Bharat Sonkhiya
Membership No. 403023

Place: Jaipur
Date: 7th August, 2012


(Amt. in `)
Particulars Note No. 2011-12 2010-11

I Revenue from operations 20 1273,63,23,221 1078,15,67,231
II Other Income 21 66,66,82,562 46,85,18,308
III Total Revenue (I+II) 1340,30,05,783 1125,00,85,539
Purchase of Ore 15,61,65,507 1,62,38,151
Changes in inventories of finished goods & Others 22 -15,01,43,805 -11,45,42,138
Employee benefit expenses 23 135,40,27,748 126,07,43,326
Finance costs 24 12,21,11,428 1,55,96,978
Depreciation & Amortisation expense 62,98,37,976 72,09,11,165
Other Expenses 25 712,23,06,270 662,28,00,149
Total Expenses 923,43,05,124 852,17,47,631
V Profit before Prior Period Adjustments, Exceptional Items & Tax 416,87,00,659 272,83,37,908
Less : Prior Period Adjustments (Net) 26 8,02,16,462 1,13,86,320
VI Profit before Exceptional Items & Tax 408,84,84,197 271,69,51,588
Add : Exceptional items (Refer Note No. 12.4) 14,99,999 0
VIII Profit Before Tax 408,99,84,196 271,69,51,588
IX Tax expense:
Current Tax 140,00,00,000 80,00,00,000
Tax of earlier years -30,35,661 -1,03,93,819
Deferred Tax -12,00,24,397 4,19,63,739
X Profit for the year (VIII-IX) 281,30,44,254 188,53,81,668
XI Earning Per equity share 27
Basic and Diluted 36.27 24.31
Face value Per equity share 10.00 10.00
Weighted Average Number of Equity Shares 7,75,51,500 7,75,51,500

Significant Accounting Policies 1

Notes to Accounts 2-40
In terms of our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant Ajitabh Sharma
Director Managing Director
For P.C. Modi & Co. M.L. Tailor P.K. Jain
Chartered Accountants Financial Advisor Company Secretary
FRN: 000239C

Bharat Sonkhiya
Membership No. 403023

Place: Jaipur
Date: 7th August, 2012

(Amt in `)
Particulars Year Ended Year Ended
31.03.2012 31.03.2011
A Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net Profit Before Tax 4089984196 2716951588
Adjustments For :
Depreciation 629790006 662340817
Miscellaneous Expenditure written off 2449389 382512
Miscellaneous Expenditure paid (1883941) (1347243)
Reversal of dimunition in value of shares (1499999)
Interest received (593557585) (267566769)
Dividend Income (10000) (10000)
Interest expenditure 122055861 15492799
Impaired/Obsoletion loss on assets 1792604 316192
Fixed and other Assets Written Off 134562 11813
Profit/Loss on sale of Fixed Assets (Net) 91025 159361922 (5680117) 403940004
Operating Profit Before Working Capital Change 4249346118 3120891592
Change In Working Capital (Excluding Cash &
Bank Balance)
Inventories (151407063) (157506347)
Trade receivables (708261482) (257664)
Loans & advances & other assets (1922905597) (3714633370)
Trade payables, other liabilities and provisions 3701446049 918871907 3707516672 (164880709)
Cash Generated From Operation 5168218025 2956010883
Less: Direct Taxes Paid net of refund(including TDS) (872405284) (767073227)
Net Cashflow From Operating Activities 4295812741 2188937656
B Cash Flow From Investing Activities
Addition/Price revision in Fixed Assets (3301128696) (182862681)
Sale of Fixed and Other Assets 1547918 7834544
Dividend Income 10000 10000
Investment in share application money (10000000) 0
Interest Income 593557585 267566769
Net Cash (Used) In/From Investing Activities (2716013193) 92548632
C Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Payment of Dividend (155103000) (155103000)


Contd ...

Year Ended Year Ended

31.03.2012 31.03.2011

Payment of Corporate Dividend Tax (25161584) (25760670)

Refund/Adjustment of Deferred Payment Credit (10632000) (16194500)
Interest paid (122055861) (15492799)
Net Cash (Used) In/From Financing Activities (312952445) (212550969)
D Net Change In Cash & Cash Equivalents(A+B+C) 1266847103 2068935319
E Cash & Cash Equivalents at beginning of the year 5767301882 3698366563
F Cash & Cash Equivalents at end of the year 7034148985 5767301882

Net Change In Cash & Cash Equivalent (F-E) 1266847103 2068935319

Notes: ` In lac ` In lac
1 Cash & Cash Equivalent held by the Company and 6392.41 27853.24
not available for use by it.
2 Cash Flow has been prepared under indirect method as set out in AS-3 issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.
3 Adition/Purchase of Fixed Assets includes movement of Capital Works in Progress & Capital Advances
during the year.
4 Previous Year's figures have been recasted/regrouped, wherever necessary, to conform to the current years'

In terms of our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant Ajitabh Sharma
Director Managing Director
For P.C. Modi & Co. M.L. Tailor P.K. Jain
Chartered Accountants Financial Advisor Company Secretary
FRN: 000239C

Bharat Sonkhiya
Membership No. 403023

Place: Jaipur
Date: 7th August, 2012

1.1 Basis of the preparation of the Financial Statement:
The Financial Statements are prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with the
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and materially comply with the mandatory accounting
standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
1.2 Valuation of Inventories, Stores & Spares:
(a) Inventory:
The valuation of inventories is carried out on the principle of net realizable value or cost of
production whichever is less.
(b) Stores & Spares:
Stores and Spares are valued at their weighted average cost.
(c) CERs/ VERs in hand
CERs/VERs are valued at cost incurred for their certification or net realisable value whichever is
1.3 Shortages found on physical verification of materials are being accounted for considering the nature of
material and the volume of shortages.
1.4 (a) Obsolete spares, stores are taken at Nil value.
(b) Obsolete Equipment, Machinery and other fixed assets have been valued at lower of estimated
realizable value or carrying cost in accordance of with AS-28-Impairment of Assets.
1.5 Fixed Assets & Depreciation
(a) The value of "Gross Block" of fixed assets represents the cost of acquisition including taxes, duties,
expenditure on installations, attributable to pre-operative expenses including borrowing cost and
other identifiable direct expenses incurred up to the date of commercial use of assets.
(b) Depreciation has been provided on written down value method at the rates prescribed in Schedule
XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.
(c) Depreciation on High Grade Ore crushers at Jhamarkotra Mines has been provided for treating as a
part of surface mining machinery.
(d) Cost of leasehold land is amortized over the period of lease.
(e) Cost of freehold mining land remained unusable after excavation of minerals is amortized on the
basis of minerals actually produced during the year to the total estimated mineable reserves
reckoning from the year in which regular production is commenced.
(f) Depreciation on Tailing Dam has been provided for on written down value method considering the
useful life of seven years based on technical estimation.
(g) Assets costing up to Rs. 5,000/- each are fully depreciated in the year of purchase/installation.
(h) Depreciation on assets not owned by the Company is amortized over a period of five years from the
year of completion.
1.6 Additional liability, if any, in respect of taxes and duties is accounted for when such liability is ascertained
with reasonable certainty.
1.7 Retirement Benefits
(a) Provident Fund & Pension Fund of the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner are a defined
contribution schemes as per applicable rules/statute and contribution made to the Provident Fund


Trust and Regional Provident Fund Commissioner respectively are charged to the statement of
profit and loss.
(b) Gratuity liability is defined benefit obligations and is provided for on the basis of actuarial valuation
and is being funded every year through policy of L.I.C. of India.
(c) Liability of leave encashment is accounted for on the basis of actuarial valuation.
(d) Actuarial gains and losses are charged to statement of profit and loss .
(e) Payments made under the Voluntary Retirement Scheme are charged to the statement of profit and
loss as and when incurred
1.8 Assests and Liabilities in foreign currency are translated at the rates prevailling at the close of the
1.9 Investments
(a) Long term investments are valued at cost less provisions, if any, for diminutions, other than
temporary, in the value of such investments.
(b) Equity shares of Joint Sector/Assisted Sector are valued at token value of `1 except shares in Mayur
Inorganics Ltd., Rajasthan Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited and Tedco Granite Ltd. which
have been valued at lower of cost and realizable value.
1.10 Revenue Recognition
(a) Revenue from the sale of goods and services rendered is recognized upon passage of title and
rendering of services to the customers.
(b) Insurance & other claims including liquidated damages/refunds etc. are accounted for on
acceptance/actual receipt basis, if there is uncertainty in realization of such income.
1.11 Taxation
Income tax expenses comprise of current tax & deferred tax charge or credit. Current tax is provided on the
taxable income, by applying the prevailing rates and tax laws. The deferred tax for timing difference
between the book and taxable profit for the year is accounted using tax rates and tax laws that have been
enacted or substantively enacted at the Balance Sheet date. Deferred Tax Assets arising from the timing
difference are recognized to the extent there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income
will be available.
1.12 Forest Plantation & Environment
Expenditure on afforestation including payments made to forest department is written off in the year in
which the same is incurred.
1.13 Deferred Revenue Expenditure
The expenditure incurred on survey, prospecting and development of mines are deferred, till the mining
operation commences/ is abandoned. Once the mining operation starts, the same are being amortized
over the period of five years in equal annual installments. In case the operation is abandoned in subsequent
period unamortized portion of the deferred expenditure is charged to statement of profit & loss in the
same year.
1.14 Mine Closure Expenses
Concurrent mine closure expenses are accounted for as and when incurred. Expenditure on Final mine
closure plan of lignite are charged annually as revenue expenses in accordance with the Guidelines issued
by the Ministry of Coal, Government of India in this respect , considering life of the mine and other relevant
data as per technical estimations.

1.15 Grants -In Aid
The Expenditure including capital expenditure incurred from the grant received is being adjusted against
the amount of the grant so received. Unspent balances of Grants in aid are being carried forward to the
subsequent years under the head Other Current Liabilities for future expenses.
1.16 Segment Reporting
The accounting policies adopted for Segment Reporting are in line with the accounting policies of the
Company with the following additional policy for Segment Reporting:
(a) The Company has identified its business segments based on its products.
(b) There are no geographical segments.
(c) Inter segment transfers have been accounted for on the market price or the cost price whichever is
lower, except in case of transfer of power generated from wind mills which have been valued at the
rate equal to the amount being adjusted in power bills by Ajmer Vidhyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
(d) Income & Expenses have been identified to segments on the basis of their relationship to the
operating activities of the segment. Income & Expenses, which relate to the enterprise as a whole
and are not allocable to segments on a reasonable basis, have been included under unallocated
corporate income/expenses.
(e) Segment assets include all operating assets used by a segment and consists mainly of fixed assets,
inventories, advances and trade receivables. Assets at the corporate level are not allocable to
segments on a reasonable basis and thus, the same has not been allocated.
(f) Segment liabilities include all operating liabilities and consist of principal creditors and accrued
1.17 Earning per share
Basic and diluted earning per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to equity
shareholders by the weighted average number of equity share outstanding during the year.
1.18 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Provisions are recognized only when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and when a
reliable estimate of the amount of obligation can be made. Contingent liabilities is disclosed for (i) Possible
obligation which will be confirmed only by future events not wholly within the control of the Company or
(ii)Present obligations arising from past events where it is not probable that an outflow of resources will be
required to settle the obligation or a reliable estimate of the amount of obligation cannot be made.
Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements.


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
8,00,00,000 Equity Shares of `10/- each 80,00,00,000 80,00,00,000
(Previous Year 8,00,00,000 Equity Shares of ` 10/- each)
7,75,51,500 Equity Shares of `10/- each fully paid-up
(Previous year, 7,75,51,500 Equity Shares of `10/- each fully paid-up) 77,55,15,000 7,55,15,000
Total 77,55,15,000 77,55,15,000

2.1 Details of shares held by Shareholders holding more than 5% Shares

(Amt In `)
Particulars 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Name of Shareholder No. of Shares % held No. of Shares % held
Government of Rajasthan 7,75,46,489 99.99 7,75,46,489 99.99

2.2 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding is set out below-
(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Equity shares at the begining of the year 7,75,51,500 7,75,51,500
Add: Issued during the year 0 0
Less : Shares cancelled on buy back during the year 0 0
Equity shares at the end of the year 7,75,51,500 7,75,51,500

2.3 Terms/right attached to equity shares-

The Company has one class of equity share having a par value of ` 10 per share . Members of the
Company holding equity share capital therein have a right to vote on every resolution placed before
the Company and right to receive dividend.Each shareholder is eligible for one vote per share held.


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March, 31st March,
2012 2011
31st March, 31st March,
2012 2011
Capital Reserve 10,83,93,493 10,83,93,493
General Reserve
As per last balance sheet 846,69,87,799 676,19,87,799
Add: Transferred from statement of
Profit and Loss 245,00,00,000 170,50,00,000 1091,69,87,799 846,69,87,799
Surplus in statement of Profit and Loss
As per last balance sheet 42,66,656 41,49,572
Add: Profit for the year 281,30,44,254 188,53,81,668
281,73,10,910 188,95,31,240
Less: Appropriations
(a) Proposed Dividend on Equity Shares 31,02,06,000 15,51,03,000
(b) Tax on Dividend 5,03,23,168 2,51,61,584
(c) Transferred to General Reserves 245,00,00,000 170,50,00,000 67,81,742 42,66,656
Total 1103,21,63,034 857,96,47,948

3.1 The dividend proposed by the Board of directors is subject to the approval in the ensuing Annual General
Meeting, except in case of interim dividend. During the year ended 31st March 2012 the amount of per share
final dividend recognised as distribution to equity shareholders was ` 4 per share (F. Y. 2010-11: ` 2 per


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Deferred Payment Liabilities 1,64,81,000 3,26,71,500
Less Transferred to other current liabilities (Refer Note No. 9) 1,09,18,500 1,64,77,000
Total 55,62,500 1,61,94,500



(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Difference between book value of Depreciable Assets as per books
of accounts and written down value for tax purposes 91,68,55,824 102,48,44,117
Deferred Revenue Expenditure 13,79,548 0
91,82,35,372 102,48,44,117
Deferred Tax Assets
Provision for doubtful debts, claims & advances 2,95,83,129 3,20,34,720
Provision for Leave Encashment 7,65,39,499 6,79,93,162
Provision for Bonus 0 3,14,617
Deferred Revenue Expenditure 0 23,56,019
Others 2,72,20,104 1,72,28,562
13,33,42,732 11,99,27,080
78,48,92,640 90,49,17,037


(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Security Deposits 6,82,36,615 8,97,72,646
Total 6,82,36,615 8,97,72,646


(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
(a) Provision for emloyees benefits
Provision for Leave Encashment 23,19,99,148 20,58,99,215
(b) Others
Provision for Mine closure (Refer note no 25.3) 15,15,36,000 0
Total 38,35,35,148 20,58,99,215

(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Due to Micro & Small Enterprises 17,80,104 39,27,643
Others 53,09,72,799 42,66,06,863
Total 53,27,52,903 43,05,34,506

8.1 In compliance of the requirement under "The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006"
the Company has been making request to its vendors to provide their status under "The Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006" on the basis of the information received from various
supplier/vendor the requisite information is as under-

(Amt in `)
Particulars Amount Amount
2011-12 2010-11
Delayed payments due - Principal 1,07,99,223 35,61,789
Interest due 4,48,836 2,65,096
Total interest paid on all delayed payments during the year 0 0
under the provisions of the Act
Interest due on principal amounts paid beyond the due date during 4,44,836 2,65,096
the year but without the interest amounts under this Act
Interest accrued but not due 0 0
Total Interest due but not paid 4,44,836 2,65,096


(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Current Maturity of Deferred Payment Liabilities (Refer note No .4) 1,09,18,500 1,64,77,000
Unclaimed Dividend 38,062 37,842
Security Deposits 9,34,97,116 3,62,55,662
Advances from customers & Others 42,85,49,901 65,89,30,990
Subsidiary Companies 987,28,23,992 735,97,11,915
Other payables 215,73,95,347 106,15,90,696
Total 1256,32,22,918 913,30,04,105

9.1 As per the system prevailed in the Company upto the year 2010-11, the Demand Drafts/Pay Orders towards
Earnest Money were being kept till the award of the work/purchase order and were being returned back in
original. The Company was having Demand Drafts/Pay Orders amounting to ` NIL (Previous year
` 2,78,11,073/) in hand as on 31/03/2012.
9.2 As royalty is chargeable / payable on the mineral taken out from mining areas, the Company is not providing
for any liabilities towards royalty chargeable / payable on the minerals lying in the mining areas.
9.3 In compliance of Gazette notification dated 10th April 2003, Royalty on Rock Phosphate & Gypsum was being
paid to DMG at rate declared by the Indian Bureau of Mines(IBM) on the month wise bench mark price of
these minerals. Since IBM is declaring the bench mark prices after a gap of six-seven months which are
effective retrospectively, there remains some difference in the amount of royalty collected and payable to
DMG on Rock phosphate as per the IBM formula. The Company had issued demand letters in earlier years to
its customers for Rock Phosphate for payment of differential royalty in the cases where amount of royalty
recovered was short and the customers have filed cases in Jodhpur bench of Hon'ble High Court, Rajasthan,
against such demand letter. The cases are yet to be decided. As matter is sub-judice, and assessment of
Royalty for the period is also pending, the accounts of the customers would be settled and necessary
accounting adjustment would be made as per the decision of the Hon'ble High Court, Rajasthan and on the
basis of the outcome of the royalty assessment.



(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
(a) Provision for emloyees benefits
Leave encashment 39,06,227 36,65,163
Gratuity 10,14,23,030 8,87,55,157
(b) Others
Proposed Dividend 31,02,06,000 15,51,03,000
Tax on proposed dividend 5,03,23,168 2,51,61,584
Income Tax 140,00,00,000 80,00,00,000
Total 186,58,58,425 107,26,84,904

10.1 As per Accounting Standard 15 Employees Benefits, the disclosures of Employee benefits as defined in the
Accounting Standard are given below:
(` in Lacs)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Employer's Contribution to Provident & Pension Funds 896.94 837.05

10.2 The Company's Provident Fund is exempted under section 17 of Employees' Provident Fund Act, 1952. The
conditions for grant of exemption stipulate that the employer shall make good deficiency, if any, incurred by
the trust on account of difference in declared rate and income earned or other reasons. During the year
there was a deficiency to the tune of ` 175.48 lacs(Previous year ` 260.25 lacs) which has been booked
under the head of Welfare.
Defined Benefit Plan:
The employees' gratuity fund scheme managed by a Trust (LIC) is a defined benefit plan. The present value
of obligation is determined based on actuarial valuation using the Projected Unit Credit Method, which
recognizes each period of service as giving rise to additional unit of employee benefit entitlement and
measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation. The obligation for leave encashment is
recognized in the same manner as gratuity.

I. Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of Defined Benefit Obligation

(` in Lacs)
Particulars Gratuity Leave Gratuity Leave
(Funded) Encashment (Funded) Encashment
(Unfunded) (Unfunded)
2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2010-11
Present value of obligations at 7611.55 2095.64 6187.76 1684.61
beginning of the year
Current Service Cost 290.11 153.90 196.29 49.98
Interest Cost 608.92 167.65 495.02 134.77
Actuarial loss 1107.69 205.88 979.86 285.79
Benefits paid -1016.20 -264.02 -247.38 -59.51
Present value of obligations at end of the year 8602.07 2359.05 7611.55 2095.64

II. Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of fair value of plan assets
(` in Lacs)
Particulars Gratuity Gratuity
(Funded) (Funded)
2011-12 2010-11
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the year 6724.00 5994.12
Expected return on plan assets 702.38 587.33
Employer Contribution 1177.66 389.93
Benefits paid -1016.20 -247.38
Fair value of plan assets at end of the year 7587.84 6724.00
Actual return on plan assets 702.38 587.33

III. Reconciliation of fair value of assets and obligation

(` in Lacs)
Particulars Gratuity Gratuity
(Funded) (Funded)
2011-12 2010-11
Fair value of plan assets at end of the year 7587.84 6724.00
Present value of obligation at end of the year 8602.07 7611.55
Liability recognized in Balance Sheet 1014.23 887.55

IV Expense recognized during the year

(` in Lacs)

Particulars Gratuity Leave Gratuity Leave

(Funded) Encashment (Funded) Encashment
(Unfunded) (Unfunded)
2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2010-11
Current Service Cost 290.11 153.90 196.29 49.98
Interest Cost 608.92 167.65 495.02 134.77
Expected return on plan assets -702.38 - -587.33 -
Actuarial loss 1107.69 205.88 979.86 285.79
Net Cost 1304.34 527.43 1083.84 470.54


V Actuarial assumptions
(` in Lacs)

Particulars Gratuity Leave Gratuity Leave

Encashment Encashment
(Funded) (Unfunded) (Funded) (Unfunded)
2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2010-11
Mortality Table (LIC)
Discount rate (Per annum) 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%
Expected rate of return on plan assets 8.50% NA 7.50% NA
(per annum)
Rate of escalation in salary (per annum) 8.50% 8.50% 7.50% 7.50%

The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, takes into account inflation, seniority,
promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment market.
The expected rate of return on plan assets is determined considering several applicable factors, mainly the
composition of plan assets held, assessed risks, historical results of return on plan assets and the Company's policy
for plan assets management.

11. FIXED ASSETS (Amt in `)
PARTICULARS Total Cost Additions Deductions/ Total Cost Up To for the year Deductions/ Upto As at As at
as at 1.4.2011 2011-12 Adjustments as at 31.3.2012 31.3.2011 2011-12 Adjustments 31.03.2012 31.03.2012 31.03.2011
Mining Land 21,44,13,518 188,62,24,116 210,06,37,634 1,06,88,723 17,44,026 0 1,24,32,749 208,82,04,885 20,37,24,795
Free Hold 2,22,61,764 1,53,62,368 3,76,24,132 0 0 3,76,24,132 2,22,61,764
Lease Hold 5,99,79,583 5,99,79,583 90,48,274 8,18,720 0 98,66,994 5,01,12,589 5,09,31,309
Buildings 33,44,44,907 4,40,05,715 6,88,340 37,77,62,282 18,47,77,532 1,17,32,295 6,62,056 19,58,47,771 18,19,14,511 14,96,67,375
Railway Rakes- Leased to Railways 24,78,86,511 24,78,86,511 21,99,76,615 38,82,268 22,38,58,883 2,40,27,628 2,79,09,896
Railway Sidings 84,54,151 84,54,151 76,68,560 1,09,276 77,77,836 6,76,315 7,85,591
Plant & Machinery 217,54,78,170 4,40,03,107 7,61,27,741 214,33,53,536 174,73,35,604 11,29,19,436 7,08,91,679 178,93,63,361 35,39,90,175 42,81,42,566
Power Plant 12,43,73,039 12,43,73,039 11,29,18,162 15,93,373 11,45,11,535 98,61,504 1,14,54,877
Wind Power Plant 531,19,97,334 531,19,97,334 193,03,60,070 47,03,85,744 240,07,45,814 291,12,51,520 338,16,37,264
Furniture & Fittings 3,38,85,406 5,56,149 5,81,234 3,38,60,321 2,15,17,009 23,75,484 5,28,607 2,33,63,886 1,04,96,435 1,23,68,397
Vehicles 4,16,40,232 1,47,63,326 27,51,174 5,36,52,384 3,21,64,615 40,98,514 26,97,763 3,35,65,366 2,00,87,018 94,75,617
Water Supply Plant & Pipeline 16,24,41,538 2,09,337 8,700 16,26,42,175 13,11,37,434 43,58,154 8,897 13,54,86,691 2,71,55,484 3,13,04,104
Dam 5,46,42,501 5,46,42,501 5,13,51,403 4,57,792 5,18,09,195 28,33,306 32,91,098
Office & Other Equipment 6,25,39,090 71,31,179 14,88,250 6,81,82,019 4,64,24,565 49,82,777 13,99,184 5,00,08,158 1,81,73,861 1,61,14,525
Electrical Equipment & Inst. 23,07,56,725 18,96,432 28,953 23,26,24,204 18,27,40,755 72,86,419 26,693 19,00,00,481 4,26,23,723 4,80,15,970
Road 11,60,88,749 11,60,88,749 6,40,23,483 26,03,263 6,66,26,746 4,94,62,003 5,20,65,266
Tailing Dam 4,73,25,639 4,73,25,639 4,60,54,189 4,42,465 4,64,96,654 8,28,985 12,71,450
Obsolete Machinery 87,04,937 68,11,533
Machinery in stores/at site 22,21,938 1,24,62,884
Total 924,86,08,857 201,41,51,729 8,16,74,392 1118,10,86,194 479,81,86,993 62,97,90,006 7,62,14,879 535,17,62,120 584,02,50,949 446,96,96,281
Previous Year 914,65,39,298 15,08,36,571 4,87,67,012 924,86,08,857 418,32,10,512 72,09,11,165 10,59,34,684 479,81,86,993 446,96,96,281


11.1 Free hold land includes ` 62,16,030/- located at Bhatt ji ki Bari,Udaipur given on conditional Lease of ` 1/- p.a.
to American International Health Management Ltd.(AIHML) for 99 Years.
11.2 Electric instalation includes ` 1,31,78,550/-(Gross) being power lines at Nagaur & Barmer which is not owned
by the Company.
11.3 Depreciation for the year includes ` 47970 (Prev. Year Rs Nil) in respect of earlier years.
11.4 The cost of land includes ` 17,18,16,973/- deposited with the office of Collector, Nagaur for disbursement to
the land owners in respect of acquisition of 7509 bighas of land for mining of Lignite at Nagaur vide Land
Acquisition Award dated 19.09.2000 issued by Land Acquisition Officer (SDO, Nagaur). Out of the above
deposited amount, the District Collector, Nagaur has disbursed an amount of ` 164818466/- so far.
11.5 The cost of land includes ` 1,52,70,872/- (Previous year ` 1,52,70,872/-). The land acquired in compliance of
original award issued by Dy. Collector, Girwa, Udaipur bearing no. ACQ/1/02/4953 55 dated 30.6.2004 and
modifications thereof issued in the financial year 2006-07 for acquiring 56 hectare of land at Jhamarkotra,
Lakkadwas, Sameta and Dhamdhar villages. Out of the total compensation, only 42 land owners took
payment of ` 5419044 /-(Previous year ` 5419044 /-). The balance amount has been deposited with the court
of Civil Judge Sr. Division Udaipur in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipts. The land acquisition proceeding and
mutation are in progress.
11.6 As per the terms of Joint Venture Agreement dated 27.12.2006 entered between Raj West Power Limited,
Jaipur (RWPL) and Company, the Joint Venture Company has paid a sum of ` 26869.25 Lac to the Company for
purchase/acquisition of Land for Mining of Lignite at Kapuradi villages in the state of Rajasthan. The
proceedings for purchase/acquisition of Land have been initiated and the amount of ` 26825.77 Lac has
been paid to Land acquisition Officer for acquisition of land and ` 43.48 Lac has been refunded back to JV
Company. Though the possession of the land has been taken but the mutation of the land in favour of
Company is yet to be completed. After the mutation ,the land shall be transferred in favour of BLMCL. As the
Company has acquired the land to be transferred in favour of the Company and not to be used by RSMML,the
same is not being shown as the fixed assets of RSMML.
11.7 As per the terms of Joint Venture Agreement dated 27.12.2006 entered between Raj West Power Limited, Jaipur
(RWPL) and Company, the Joint Venture Company has paid a sum of ` 70925.55 Lac to the Company for
purchase/acquisition of Land for Mining of Lignite at Jalipa villages in the state of Rajasthan. The proceedings for
purchase/acquisition of Land have been initiated and the amount of ` 66191.95 Lac has been paid to Land
acquisition Officer for acquisition of land upto 31.03.2012. After the mutation of the land, the same shall be
transferred in favour of BLMCL. As the Company has acquired the land to be transferred in favour of the
Company and not to be used by RSMML,the same is not being shown as the fixed assets of RSMML.
11.8 In compliance of the award of the Government, an amount of ` 3341.75 lacs has been paid to Land
acquisition Officer for acquisition of land at Gudawest . The land acquisition and mutation is in progress.
Hence the same is not being shown fixed assets of the Company.
11.9 Various assets taken over by erstwhile RSMDC from RIMDC (now RIICO) on 31.10.1979 have not yet been
registered in the name of the Company)
11.10 Various assets taken over by the Company from erstwhile RSMDC consequent upon its merger with the
Company have not yet been registered in the name of the Company. The process of registration of such
assets is in progress.

11.11 No provision for assets, stores and spares taken over from the Directorate of Mines & Geology, Rajasthan at
Deri Mines in 1979-80 has been made as the value of the items in question was not intimated by DMG and
accordingly no depreciation and consumption of stores, spares and tools have been charged/adjusted on
such items during relevant years although put to use. The materials sold out of such stock of DMG have been
credited to DMG account.
11.12 The Company has submitted a solvency security certificate to the Jodhpur Bench of Hon'ble High Court
Rajasthan in favour of North Western Railway & other Railway Authorities Jodhpur on assets of the Company
in a case bearing no. D.B. SAW no. 697/2008 filed by the Company against Railway relating to payment of
punitive charges amounting to ` 7,60,57,373/- imposed on the Company.


12 Non Current Investments (Amt in `)

Particulars As at As at As at As at
31st 31st 31st 31st
March,2012 March,2011 March,2012 March,2011
(a) Subsidiaries
(I) 1,02,00,000 Equity Shares in Barmer Lignite
Mining Company Limited of ` 10/- each fully
paid-up)(Previous Year 1,02,00,000 Equity Shares) 1 1
(ii) 1,00,000 Equity Shares in Rajasthan State Petroleum
Corporation Limited of ` 10/- each fully 10,00,000 10,00,000
paid-up) (Previous Year 1,00,000 Equity Shares)
(iii) Application money paid to RSPCL 100,00,000 0
(b) Joint Sectors/assisted sectors
(i) 24500 Equity Shares in Rajasthan Rashtriya
Chemicals & Fertilisers Limited Ltd. of ` 10/- 2,45,000 2,45,000
Each Fully Paid up(Previous year 24500 shares)
(ii) 9,000 Equity Shares in Rajesh Mineral Inds. Ltd
Ltd. of ` 100/- Each Fully Paid up (Previous 9,00,000 9,00,000
year 9,000 shares)
Less :Diminution in value 8,99,999 8,99,999 1 1
(iii) 10,000 Equity Shares in Mayur Inorganics Ltd.
of ` 10/- Each Fully Paid-up 1,00,000 1,00,000
(Previous year 10,000 shares)
(iv) 300000 Equity Shares (including 150000 Bonus
in Tedco Granite Limited ` 10/- Each Fully
Paid up) (Previous year 15,000 shares of
` 100/- Each Fully Paid up) 15,00,000 15,00,000
Less :Diminution in value 0 14,99,999 15,00,000 1
(a) Under buy back arrangement
(i) 1,43,000 Equity Shares In Mewar Marbles 14,30,000 14,30,000
Ltd of ` 10/- Each Fully paid-up. Last quoted
at ` 7/-Per Share at Mumbai Stock Exchange
in 1996-97 (Previous year 1,43,000 shares)
Less :Diminution in value 14,29,999 14,29,999 1 1
(ii) 3,00,000 Equity Shares in Nihon Nirman Ltd 30,00,000 30,00,000
of ` 10/- each fully paid-up.last quoted at
` 2/-per share at Kolkata Stock Exchange
in Aug.1997 (Previous year 3,00,000 shares)
Less :Diminution in value 29,99,999 29,99,999 1 1
(b) Others
1,72,500 Equity Shares In Nihon Nirman Ltd
of ` 10/- each fully paid-up.last quoted at
` 2/-per share at Kolkata Stock Exchange 17,25,000 17,25,000
in Aug.1997 (Previous year 1,72,500 shares)
Less :Diminution in value 17,25,000 17,25,000 - -
Total 128,45,004 13,45,005

12.1 The Company has formed a joint venture company with Raj West Power Limited, Jaipur (RWPL) in the name
of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Ltd. Jaipur (BLMCL). BLMCL will undertake the work of Lignite mining in
Jalipa Kapuradi areas of Barmer District and supply the same to RWPL for its Lignite based pit head power
plant. As per the terms of the agreement between RSMML & RWPL, RSMML shall have 51% shares in BLMCL
and RWPL will hold the remaining 49% of the equity of the JV Company. BLMCL has allotted 1,02,00,000
shares (Previous year 1,02,00,000 shares) to the Company having face value of ` 1020.00 Lac till 31.03.2012
(Previous year ` 1020.00 Lac). These shares are shown as investment at a token vale of ` 1/- in view of the
opinion obtained from the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India.
12.2 The Company has formed a joint venture company with RCF Ltd. Mumbai (RCFL), (A Govt. of India
Enterprises) in the name of Rajasthan Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers Limited having registered office at
Jaipur (Rajasthan) to establish a plant for manufacturing a chemical fertilizer namely, Di-Ammonia
Phosphate (DAP) in Kapasan, Rajasthan. As per terms of agreement between RSMML & RCFL, equity of the
proposed Joint Venture Company shall be shared by RSMML & RCFL in the ratio of 49:51. Looking to the
present market conditions, decision for commissioning of Plant has been deferred and hence the
provisions of Accounting Standard -27Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint Venture Issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is not applicable to the Company at present.
12.3 The Company has paid a sum of ` 1.00 Crores to M/s Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation (A subsidiary
company of RSMML)as share application money against which shares are pending for allotment till
12.4 As M/s Tedco granite has turn around and has wiped off its accumulated losses , accordingly a sum of
` 14,99,999/- being amount provided earlier on account of diminution in value of investment have been
reversed during the year and shown as an exceptional item .
12.5 For basis of valuation refer accounting policies 1.9 (b).


13. Long term loans & advances :

(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Capital advances 36,39,23,794 166,71,77,573
Security Deposits 8,25,66,740 8,19,38,954
To Employees
Considered good 7,15,97,133 7,75,87,225
Considered doubtful 56,206 56,206
7,16,53,339 7,76,43,431
Less : Provision for Doubtful Loans & Advances 56,206 56,206
7,15,97,133 7,75,87,225
To Others
Considered good 10,33,20,661 6,94,95,069
Considered doubtful 15,72,906 15,72,906
10,48,93,567 7,10,67,975
Less : Provision for Doubtful Loans & Advances 15,72,906 15,72,906
10,33,20,661 6,94,95,069
Prepaid Expenses 32,04,461 44,13,998
Income-Tax Deposits 61,47,71,897 77,38,10,022
Total 12393,84,686 26744,22,841


(Amt in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Northern Western Railway 65,37,994 54,68,338
Interest accrued on FDRs/NSCs 86,07,316 1,50,26,744
Non Judicial Stamps in hand 13,385 13,385
Unamortised Expenditure
Mine development expenditure 1092,19,688 1097,85,136
Less Transferred to other current assets (Refer Note No 19) 22,54,428 24,13,321
10,69,65,260 10,73,71,815
Total 12,21,23,955 12,78,80,282

(Amt. in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Finished Goods
Rock Phosphate 41,02,04,075 26,00,29,565
Beneficiated Rock Phosphate 5,36,56,903 3,68,87,809
Rajphos 95,537 31,24,984
Gypsum 1,26,54,150 1,96,84,145
Lime Stone 1,99,58,364 2,79,35,557
Granite 0 2,07,922
Bio diesel and by products 26,803 5,01,872
Stores & Spare Parts 20,88,87,939 20,76,24,681
(Including in transit ` 0.87 Lac ) (Previous year ` 13.49 Lac)
CERs/VERs in hand 19,19,827 0
Total 70,74,03,598 55,59,96,535
15.1 For basis of valuation refer accounting policy 1.2.
15.2 The Company had used a small percentage of secondary ore of Rock Phosphate for beneficiation in its
Industrial Beneficiation Plant on trial basis from time to time. The Secondary ore of Rock Phosphate is a very
low grade mineral containing high silica and is being treated as waste material having no value. Since, the
usability & economic viability of the secondary ore of Rock Phosphate for beneficiation is yet to be
established, the same has not been valued and is being valued at zero as per the prevailing system of
valuation of Rock Phosphate from the financial year 2008-09.
15.3 Hereto the income from emission reduction certificates Carbon Emission Reduction (CERs)/ Voluntary
Emission Reduction (VERs) and/or was recognized at the estimated realisable value on their confirmation
by the concerned authorities. Consequent upon Guidance note issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India Accounting for Self-generated Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The Company was having
61511 CERs and 44098 VERs in hand on 31/03/2012 which have been treated as part of inventory and
accordingly valued at cost incurred for certification or net realisable value whichever is lower. On account
of change in accounting policy, the profit has been reduced by ` 134.89 Lacs.


(Amt. in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Over six months from the date these become due for payment
i Considered good 4,39,000 34,328
ii Considered doubtful 8,01,22,695 8,76,78,837
Other debts considered good 171,04,90,410 100,26,33,600
179,10,52,105 109,03,46,765
Less: Provision for doubtful debts 8,01,22,695 8,76,78,837
(Bad debts written off during the year ` 70988/-) (Prev. Year Nil)
Total 171,09,29,410 100,26,67,928



(Amt. in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
(a) Cash and cash equivalents
Balances with Banks
In current accounts 219,54,68,993 322,94,55,239
In deposit accounts with original maturity less than three months 19,26,69,633 15,74,46,942
Cash on hand 3,25,496 2,46,062
Remittances in Transit 0 1,55,00,000
Balances with Treasury in P.D. Account 444,97,45,677 223,06,14,449
(b) Other bank balances
Earmarked balances with banks 19,49,39,186 13,16,40,583
Short term bank deposits 10,00,000 23,98,607
Total 703,41,48,985 576,73,01,882

17.1 A court case had been filed by M/S Ace India Transport Pvt. Limited and in compliance of directives given by
the competent courts, Bank had frozen a sum of ` 47.88 Lac . The frozen amount of ` 47.88 Lac is lying in
bank account of the Company under the lien in the form of FD as per the order of the competent court.
17.2 Balances with banks includes unclaimed dividend of ` 38062/- (Prev year ` 37842/-)
17.3 Earmarked balances with bank includes Fixed deposit of ` 934.93 lacs (Prev Year ` 677.35 lacs) with maturity
of more than twelve months.


(Amt. in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011

To Subsidiaries 1,05,114 69,64,286
To Employees
Considered good 64,33,363 85,57,248
Considered doubtful 1,27,505 1,27,505
65,60,868 86,84,753
Less : Provision for Doubtful Loans & Advances 1,27,505 1,27,505
64,33,363 85,57,248
To Others
Considered good 949,07,13,376 497,90,46,988
Considered doubtful 42,14,393 42,14,393
949,49,27,769 498,32,61,381
Less : Provision for Doubtful Loans & Advances 42,14,393 42,14,393
949,07,13,376 497,90,46,988
Prepaid Expenses 77,70,635 81,75,091
Total 950,50,22,488 500,27,43,613

(Amt. in `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Income-Tax Deposits 165,32,14,558 141,87,35,488
Interest accrued on FDRs/NSCs 1,50,69,027 78,43,780
Claims Recoverable (Including Duty Drawback Receivables)
- Considered good 10,11,69,683 10,15,56,752
- Considered doubtful 50,85,613 50,85,613
1062,55,296 1066,42,365
Less Provision for doubtful claims 50,85,613 50,85,613
1011,69,683 1015,56,752
Current portion of unamortised Mine development expenses 22,54,428 24,13,321
(Refer Note No 14)
Others 1,36,44,951 1,52,52,826
Total 178,53,52,647 154,58,02,167

19.1 Claims recoverable includes an amount of ` 1002.02 Lac recoverable from various contractors engaged in
transportation and loading of limestone at Railway siding on account of punitive/penal/dead freight levied
by the Railways on under loading/overloading of limestone. The contractors have filed Court cases against
the company which are yet to be decided.


(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Sale of -
High Grade Rock Phosphate 644,22,74,423 522,85,89,290
Beneficiated Rock Phosphate 118,08,21,282 122,95,90,629
Rajphos 5,53,39,333 12,18,91,100
Lignite 129,00,33,250 81,47,20,560
Gypsum 165,74,85,977 157,14,53,437
Selenite 1,62,42,816 70,26,104
Lime Stone 153,40,94,032 132,69,17,902
Power 55,90,98,277 47,96,54,875
Fluorspar 5,86,231 17,23,334
Granite 3,05,100 0
Bentonite 42,500 0
Total 1273,63,23,221 1078,15,67,231


20.1 The selling prices of Rock phosphate and Cement grade Limestone are inclusive of Environment and Health
Cess on mineral rights imposed by the State Government while the cess is being recovered separately in
case of Gypsum. The amount of cess whether included in selling prices or recovered separately is being
treated a part of turnover of Company. During the year sum of ` 167.62 Lac are recovered on Gypsum from
the customers on account of Environment and Health Cess. Simultaneously expenditure amounting to
` 5739.54 lacs on this account is being shown under the head MR cess in mining and other operating

(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Interest 59,35,57,585 26,75,66,769
Lease Rent on Railway Rakes 23,25,580 23,25,580
Dividend received on Long Term Investments 10,000 10,000
Carbon/Voluntary Emission Reduction (CER/VER) 0 2,81,98,150
Profit on Sale of Obsolete and Other Fixed Assets 6,44,904 56,81,079
Profit on Sale of Obsolete and other Spares 1,77,997 0
Miscellaneous Receipts, Refunds, Forfeitures & Claims 6,16,52,698 9,21,59,933
Excess provision for doubtful debts written back 74,85,154 25,50,814
Depreciation/Amortisation writtenback 0 5,79,10,137
Liability no longer required written back 3,51,965 1,09,37,939
Sundry Credit Balances written back 4,76,679 11,77,907
Total 66,66,82,562 46,85,18,308

21.1 The Company is getting CERs from its wind mill projects and other projects registered with United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
category which are tradable in the international market. The Company would be receiving CERs on regular
basis from its existing registered and future projects in pipe line for registration. Similarly the Company has
also started getting Voluntary Emission Reduction (VERs) from Swiss Registry, Switzerland for its wind mill
projects, which are also tradable in the international market.

(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Finished Goods
Rock Phosphate 26,00,29,565 17,43,49,846
Beneficiated Rock Phosphate 3,68,87,809 3,56,00,016
Rajphos 31,24,984 99,85,845
Gypsum 1,96,84,145 56,96,292
Lime Stone 2,79,35,557 75,70,742
Granite 2,07,922 2,15,025
Bio diesel and by products 5,01,872 4,11,950
Total 34,83,71,854 23,38,29,716
a. Finished goods
Rock Phosphate 41,02,04,075 26,00,29,565
Beneficiated Rock Phosphate 5,36,56,903 3,68,87,809
Rajphos 95,537 31,24,984
Gypsum 1,26,54,150 1,96,84,145
Lime Stone 1,99,58,364 2,79,35,557
Granite 0 2,07,922
Bio diesel and by products 26,803 5,01,872
b. Others
CERs/VERs in hand (Refer Note No. 15.3) 19,19,827 0
Total 49,85,15,659 34,83,71,854
Increase/ Decrease -15,01,43,805 -11,45,42,138


(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Salaries & Wages 85,89,83,784 81,67,73,358
Contribution to Provident/Pension & Other Funds 24,41,58,245 19,43,52,646
Leave Encashment 8,53,95,988 9,05,36,583
Bonus/Additional Remuneration 1,47,82,505 1,53,69,674
Ex gratia to employees 90,00,075 0
Voluntary Retirement Payment written off 0 19,57,504
Employees' Welfare 14,10,19,971 14,11,96,537
Employees' Social Security 6,87,180 5,57,024
Total 135,40,27,748 126,07,43,326


(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Interest expense 12,20,55,861 1,54,92,799
Guarantee Commission 55,567 1,04,179
Total 12,21,11,428 1,55,96,978

(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Mining and other operating expenses
Stores consumed 74,89,36,278 78,42,88,522
Payment to Contractors :
(i) For Removal of Overburden 30,89,66,910 34,63,61,002
(ii) For Raising, Transportation & Others 139,98,44,201 123,42,74,465
Freight Charges 8,33,920 10,55,845
Dewatering of Mines 1,55,71,174 49,23,412
Power Charges 12,21,65,714 10,00,10,701
Survey & Prospecting Charges 5,63,875 8,53,067
Royalty & Dead Rent 114,17,55,931 111,33,30,671
MR Cess 57,39,54,252 60,35,36,743
Land Tax 222,05,49,246 192,15,82,741
Mine Closure expenditure 8,41,37,500 0
Mine Development Expenses written off 24,49,389 3,82,512
Repairs to Buildings 44,93,483 61,00,888
Repairs to Plant 2,42,94,465 3,13,77,458
Repairs to Machinery 9,68,24,600 10,39,86,464
Crushing Plant Expenses 78,70,324 56,80,303
Repairs to Road 1,19,06,195 17,38,186
Research & Development 36,11,874 3,46,000
Sampling & Analysis 1,48,87,497 1,53,99,708
Laboratory Expenses 7,99,232 15,26,437
Compensation for Mineral 8,20,55,029 3,16,22,808
Afforestation Plantation & Environment 50,91,457 2,65,07,674
Rural Development Expenses 1,42,35,619 1,26,15,773
Selling and distribution expenses
Cash Discounts/Rebate on Sales 38,99,509 2,82,85,789
Selling Expenses including commission 1,24,00,206 4,25,476
Packing Charges 1,86,92,377 2,67,21,734
Business Promotion Expenses 31,08,721 61,90,757

(Amt. in `)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11

Establishment & other Misc expenses

Repairs to Others 67,72,698 74,54,762
Rent including Plot Rent 82,42,936 90,71,373
Rates & Taxes 96,49,548 58,35,016
Insurance 99,39,450 1,02,54,311
Travelling & Conveyance 4,87,24,459 4,12,86,635
Vehicle Up-keep 1,75,99,014 1,58,24,469
Payment to Auditors:
(i) Audit Fees 4,30,170 3,41,930
(ii) Tax Audit Fees 1,10,300 88,240
(iii) For reimbursement of expenditure 3,09,679 3,00,015
General Charges 28,67,561 26,26,520
Postage, Telephone & Telegraphs 55,52,845 54,54,770
Printing & Stationery 51,83,045 39,92,809
Electricity & Water 50,21,577 43,72,297
Seminar, Training & Exhibition 12,37,391 5,01,205
Legal & Professional Charges 64,57,350 65,41,489
Advertisement & Publication 1,62,28,863 1,45,23,615
Bank Charges 98,854 1,80,117
Subscription 1,92,028 4,92,779
Entertainment 8,32,567 7,67,384
Board Meeting Expenses 1,52,959 75,771
Donation 3,79,20,073 3,12,55,980
Sundry debit balance written off 9,607 12,62,846
Consultancy Charges 73,65,405 53,40,630
Claims & Settlements 0 4,17,82,641
Computer Maintenance & Software Expenses 48,10,389 37,18,442
Obsolete and Other Fixed Assets written off 1,34,492 11,813
Impaired/Obsoletion loss on Fixed assets 17,92,604 3,16,192
Loss on sale/transfer of Obsolete and Other Fixed Assets 7,35,929 962
Loss on Sale of Spares 35,499 0
Total 712,23,06,270 662,28,00,149

25.1 Land tax has been provided for on the basis of demand notices received from various assessing authorities .
However, where the demand notices are not received, the liabilities are being provided as per the
Company's own assessment. The Company has filed petition challenging the land tax assessment orders
issued by assessing authorities of various lands for different financial years with appellate authorities and
Rajasthan Tax Board. Some of the appeals filed by the Company have been referred back to assessing
authorities for reconsideration of the assessments done or otherwise by appellate authorities. The
accounting adjustment will be made on final outcome of such cases.


25.2 Revenue expenditure on Research & Development is charged to Statement of Profit & Loss in the year in
which it is incurred. There is no capital expenditure on Research & Development.
25.3 In compliance to the Guidelined dated 27/08/2009, as amended from time to time, by Ministry of Coal,
Governement of India, for preparation of Final Mine Closure plan, an amount of ` 718.65 Lac has been
charged to prior period expenses for the year 2010-11 and proportionate expenses for the year 2009-10. In
addition to this a sum of ` 796.71 Lac has been provided for in the financial year 2011-12 on this account .
The expenses are provided on the basis of final closure plans prepared for various lignite mines of the
company as on date.
25.4 Stores consumed does not include consumption of Stores & spares of ` 1767.29 Lac charged under various
heads (Prev. Year ` 1346.00 Lac.)


(Amt. in `)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Interest 0 0 0 1,05,600
Increase/Decrease in stock 0 7,98,399
Stores Consumed 6,930 0 0 0
Salaries and Wages(Net) 13,672 7,203 7,964 0
Employees' Welfare 3,600 0 0 0
Payment to raising & transporation contractor 7,44,065 0 1,80,869 42,23,260
Mine Closure expenditure (Refer note no 25.3) 7,18,65,000
Electricity & Water 0 7,14,229 0 0
Rent 0 6,51,307 15,000 0
Rates & Taxes 0 8,15,197 36,94,731 0
Land Tax 96,36,258
General Charges 750 12,887 0 0
Repairs to Machinery 0 2,10,000 0 0
Repairs to Others 0 43,338
Legal & Professional Charges 8,250 0 0 5,387
Travelling & Conveyance 13,542 0 0 0
Depreciation 0 47,970 0 6,60,211
Seminar & Conference 6,000 0 0 3,89,081
Afforestation, Plantation & Environment 0 1,20,000 0 0
Postage, Telephone & Telegram 838 0 0 0
Royalty & Dead Rent 0 0 1,36,24,817 1,061
Miscellaneous 4,96,350 0 12,812 10,212
827,95,255 25,78,793 175,79,531 61,93,211
Net Debit 80216462 11386320

Basic and diluted earning per share is calculated by dividing the net profit for the year attributable to equity
shareholders by the weighted average number of equity share outstanding during the year. The Company
has not issued the potential equity shares, and accordingly, basic and diluted earning per share is the same.


(` in Lacs)
S.No. Particulars As at As at
31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011
i. Claims against Company not acknowledged as debt 43100.60 39898.68
ii. Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be 10015.21 24864.24
executed on Capital Account
iii. Disputed Income tax liability pending:
(a) Company in appeals
Payment made (` 74.99 Lac) (Previous year ` 106.85 Lac) 74.99 106.85
(b) IT Department in appeals (As per information available 9540.75 8453.42
with Company)
iv. Guarantee given by banker on behalf of the Company for 186.57 180.45
which counter guarantee provided by the Company
v. Claims of workmen pending adjudication and of those who have taken Voluntary Retirement amount
vi. Additional Liabilities, if any, in respect of pending Sales Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax, Land Tax, Land &
Building Tax, House Tax, Royalty, M. R. Cess, Development Charges, Dead Rent, Surface Rent and Rent of
Office Building and diverion of Forest Area and other claims whatsoever and interest on such liabilities
and on the various claims of the contractors ,incremental liability if any of pay and allowances of
employees who opted for Vth & VIth pay commission etc. is unascertainable.
vii. Guarantee given by Company to RIICO/RFC in respect of debt and interest thereon recoverable from
Rajasthan Granite and Marble Ltd.(Since Liquidated ) amount unascertainable.
viii. Amount relating to environmental liabilities are unascertainable.
ix. Liabilities on account of Rider Agreements with contractor in which amounts are unascertainable.
x. Liability for the claims on account of other court cases filed against Company in which claim amount
cannot be ascertained is not included in the above. Besides interest on the amount claimed by various
parties who have filed court cases against the Company, is not included as the same is not ascertainable .

29 The Mining operations at Matasukh Lignite mines of the Company were suspended from January 08, due to
collapse of few benches in the mining area because the mining pit was filled with the huge quantity of water.
The rehabilitation & mining work in the mining area continued during the year. However, the mining work
has been discontinued after 16.01.2010 as the contractual period of mining contractor has expired. The
mining activities have already been recommenced in the financial year 2011-12.
30 (i) The Company in its Board meeting held on 31/10/2011 decided to invest in equity of ` 5.00 Crores in
phased manner to its wholly owned subsidiary M/s Rajasthan Sate Petroleum Corporation limited
against which a sum of ` 1.00 Crore has been invested up to 31/03/2012.


(ii) The Company has entered in to tripartie Memorandum of Undertanding with DMG and GSI for
Geochemical maping of Rajasthan. Under MOU all the cost of project ( estimated to ` 19 Crores) will
be borne by the RSMML and assets created with the above expenditure would be property of the
company. The Company has already paid a sum of ` 185.00 Lac upto 31/03/2012 as an advance to be
adjusted against expenditure incurred by DMG for the project.
31 The Government of Rajasthan vide its notification dated 23/01/2009, had enhanced the rate of M. R. Cess on
Rock phosphate from ` 35/- PMT to ` 500/-PMT with effect from 01.04.2008. Since the rate of M. R. Cess was
enhanced retrospectively the Company has issued demand letters to its customers of Rock phosphate for
payment of differential amount of M. R. Cess for the year 2008-09. Against such demand letters some of the
customers have filed cases in Jodhpur and Jaipur benches of Hon'ble High Court, Rajasthan. The cases have
been decided by the respective High Courts in their favour, against which the Govt. of Rajasthan, being an
aggrieved party in the cases, has filed appeal with Honble' supreme Court which is yet to be decided . As
matter is sub-judice, the accounts of the customers would be settled and necessary accounting adjustment
would be made as per the decision of the Hon'ble High Court, Rajasthan. The amount in dispute is of
` 4626.90 Lacs.
32 Company is generating power from Wind Farm since August 2001 and part of the generated power is being
adjusted in power bill of SBU PC Rock phosphate (Jhamarkotra Mines) towards captive use by Ajmer Vidyut
Vitaran Nigam Ltd. (AVVNL) while balance is being sold to AVVNL. From February 2005, AVVNL had stopped
the adjustment of wind power in captive use without assigning any reason thereof. After long persuasion at
various levels, AVVNL informed in November, 2005 that they have revised power bills from 2002 on new
methodology as per guidelines of their Audit team. The amount so adjusted and in dispute is ` 115.08 lacs.
RSMML had objected the methodology of AVVNL and filed petitions in this matter with Rajasthan Electric
Regulatory Commission (RERC) Jaipur which have been decided in favour of the Company. Further, the
matter was referred to the Chairman, Central Tribunal wherein the case was decided in favour of the
Company. However, AVVNL has filed a writ in Hon'ble High Court of Rajasthan against the order and the
amount has not been refunded by AVVNL as the matter is subjudice.The Company has also filed an appeal
against AVVNL with RERC for noncompliance of order of RERC which is yet to be disposed off.
33 As per the Memorandum of Undertanding (MOU) dated 04/05/1997, M/s Binani Industries Ltd. (Parent
Company of BZL), erstwhile RSMDC (since then merged with RSMML), and M/S White Tiger Resource NL
formed a Joint venture Company under the name and style R.B.W. Minerals Industries Limited was
incorporated on 16/07/1997 to carry out prospecting work on base metal deposits and other allied activities
in Rajasthan and Gujarat states including at the Deri Multi Metal Project of the Company.
It was also provided in the MOU that Joint venture Company would enter into an MOU with erstwhile RSMDC
with a stipulation that erstwhile RSMDC would allow the Joint venture Company to carry out exploration work
in mines and Joint Venture Company would reimburse the expenditure incurred on watch & ward, dead rent,
other expenses for retaining the area. It was further, provided in the MOU that once the project is proved to
be economically viable then Deri mines along with fixed assets would be transferred to the new company on
mutually agreed valuation and terms & conditions after the permission of erstwhile RSMDC Board and State
Govt. However, no such activities were started within the time specified in the MOU and thereafter.
Subsequently, M/S White Tiger Resource NL has withdrawn itself from the Joint Venture and GMDC has
become a new entrant in the project as per the terms of MOU dated 01/09/2001 executed between GMDC
and of R.B.W. Minerals Industries Limited. Accordingly, the name of R.B.W. Minerals Industries Limited was
changed to R.B.G. Minerals Industries Limited.
Though, the various activities are in progress at the project sight but no significant development has taken
place. The transfer price of the assets of the compnay has been firmed up and agreed by Joint Venture
Company.The Company has given 'No objection' to Director,Mines & Geology to transfer the lease of Deri
mines to the Joint Venture Company M/s RBG Minerals but the lease is yet to be transferred.
Pending final decision on the issues, the Company is booking the expenses incurred on Deri mines in the
books of accounts as per prudent accounting principles & policies.

34 (i) Smt. Aparna Arora from 01.04.2011 to 12.05.2011, Shri Akhil Arora from 12.05.2011 to 13.08.2011 and
Sh. Ajitabh Sharma from 13.08.2011 to 31.03.2012 Managing Director being key managerial
personnel with whom transactions have taken place during the year.
a Details of remuneration of the Chairman and Managing Director are as under: -
(` in Lacs)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Salary (including pension contribution & perquisite on 10.83 5.13
accommodation provided)
Total 10.83 5.13
Amount adjusted in respect of accounts
Rent (Net) NIL NIL

* Value of Telephone/Car used not ascertainable

(ii) Parties where control exists

a Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited (BLMCL) -Subsidiary Company
b Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited(RSPCL)-Subsidiary Company
c Rajasthan Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited(RRCFL)- Associate Company

(iii) Transactions with Related parties

a Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited :

(Amt. in `)
Nature of Transactions during the year 2011-12 2010-11
Expenses incurred 63,01,893/- 1,88,13,293/-
Interest earned on deposits 10,94,13,970/- 1,33,93,686/-
Received towards acquisition of land (net) 241,00,00,000/- 4,68,94,79,522/-
Received towards reimbursed of expenditure 0 740,627/-

b Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited :

(Amt. in `)
Nature of Transactions during the year 2011-12 2010-11
Expenses incurred 10,40,828/- 46,30,446/-
Share application money 1,00,00,000/- 0
Received towards reimbursed of expenditure 79,00,000/- 0

c Rajasthan Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited :

(Amt. in `)
Nature of Transactions during the year 2011-12 2010-11
Contribution 0 10,00,000/-


35 Miscellaneous:
(i) The Revised Schedule VI has become effective from 1st April, 2011 for the preparation of financial
statement. The adoption of revised Schedule VI does not impact recognition and measurement
principles followed for preparation of financial statements. However, it significantly impacts the
disclosure and other presentation made in the financial statements. Previous year's figures have
been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year's
(ii) Normal Opearting Cycle of Company's business has been determined in accordance with the
requirement of Revised Schedule VI.
(iii) Assets and liabilities have been classified into Current and Non current using the above Normal
Operating Cycle and applying other criteria prescribed in Revised Schedule VI.
(iv) Balance of trade payables, trade receivables and loans and advances are subject to
confirmation/reconciliation and resultant adjustment(s) thereof.
36 Analysis of Stores and Spares consumed is as under:-

(` in Lacs)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Imported 0.00 (0.00%) 250.82 (2.73%)
Indigenous 9256.65 (100.00 %) 8938.07(97.27 %)

37 No imported raw material was consumed during the year.

38 Earning and expenditure in foreign currency (On accrual basis) are as under:-

(` in Lacs)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Earnings - 315.53
Spares - 250.82
Other Matters 7.68 7.96

Rock Rock Limestone Limestone Lignite Lignite Gypsum Gypsum Captive Power Plant Captive Power Plant Wind farm Wind farm Other misc Other misc Eliminations EliminationsConsolidated Consolidated
Phosphate Phosphate (D G Set) (D G Set) Total Total
2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11
External Sales 7678435038 6580071019 1534680263 1326917902 1290075750 814720560 1674033893 1578479541 0 0 559098277 479654875 0 1723334 0 0 12736323221 10781567231
Inter-segment Sales 481443 1996906 53600353 47123895 0 0 -54081796 -49120801 0 0
Other Revenue 120671845 89217833 18890297 24160431 183143578 109141885 15694218 27148663 0 0 27143220 28198150 476679 1472411 0 0 366019837 279339373
Unallocated corporate revenue 300662725 189178935
Total Revenue 7799106883 6669288852 1553570560 1351078333 1473219328 923862445 1689728111 1605628204 481443 1996906 639841850 554976920 476679 3195745 -54081796 -49120801 13403005783 11250085539
0 0
Total Expenses 5232196481 5126874563 1287330007 1190973056 955818276 651740831 791827136 643746446 9199762 11185274 572392227 615443326 2348220 46049831 -54081796 -49120801 8797030313 8236892526
Result 2566910402 1542414289 266240553 160105277 517401052 272121614 897900975 961881758 -8718319 -9188368 67449623 -60466406 -1871541 -42854086 0 0 4605975470 3013193013

Other Unallocable Expenditure 315218950 269362306

Operating Profit 2566910402 1542414289 266240553 160105277 517401052 272121614 897900975 961881758 -8718319 -9188368 67449623 -60466406 -1871541 -42854086 0 0 4290756520 2743830707
Interest & Financial Charges exp. -122055861 -15492799
Income taxes -1276939942 -831569920
Profit from ordinary activities 2891760717 1896767988
Prior period adjustments -80216462 -11386320
Excepetional Items 1499999 0
Net Profit 2813044254 1885381668
Segment assets 2520982377 1856065333 768673926 657056053 13834742788 9727150626 406979812 385514213 14372889 15966262.37 3072004239 3434653880 2850860 3745144 0 0 20620606891 16080151511
Unallocated corporate assets 7391132292 5127034636
Total Assets 2520982377 1856065333 768673926 657056053 13834742788 9727150626 406979812 385514213 14372889 15966262 3072004239 3434653880 2850860 3745144 0 0 28011739183 21207186147
Segment liabilities 1592521370 867080467 348058271 340099767 556040702 268430390 359020537 335423802 1533495 1317150 88073813 103315550 3787594 7436291 0 0 2949035782 1923103417

Unallocated corporate liabilities 13074760783 9928919782

Total liabilities 1592521370 867080467 348058271 340099767 556040702 268430390 359020537 335423802 1533495 1317150 88073813 103315550 3787594 7436291 0 0 16023796565 11852023199
Capital Expenditure 51096502 118497882 26630494 8602891 1896801261 5064355 26314176 29061970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000842433 161227098
Unallocated corporate Capital
Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2967516 21635583
Total Capital expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1997874917 182862681
Depreciation/Amortisation 4449283816 138184752 1144923585 5174124 788381720 10891687 602594774 5021652 1593373 1850823 471793714 547971489 0 9427 0 0 7458570982 709103954
Unallocated corporate
Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11148183 11807211
Total Depreciation 4449283816 138184752 1144923585 5174124 788381720 10891687 602594774 5021652 1593373 1850823 471793714 547971489 0 9427 0 0 7469719165 720911165
Non-cash expenses other than
depreciation 1759521 297638 616946 0 2308148 0 315124 382512 0 0 0 0 0 11813 0 0 4999739 691963

Unallocated Non-cash expenses

other than depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13682 19516
Total 1759521 297638 616946 0 2308148 0 315124 382512 0 0 0 0 0 11813 0 0 5013421 711479

39.1 Previous year's figures have been recasted/regrouped, Wherever Necessary, to conform to the current years' presentation.



(i) Rock Phosphate, Beneficiated Rock Phosphate and Rajphos
(In MT)

Particulars Rock Phosphate Beneficiated Rajphos

Rock Phosphate
2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11
Opening Stock 558097 328913 13563 12858 2693 8661
Production 1705392 1791792 264256 309413 30976 68955
Less: Moisture Qty. -52131 -63600
Purchase 31921 29424
Transfer 47251 35167 -47251 -35167
Retrieval 1241 27
Sales 942509 944872 180411 237316 33592 74923
Less: Moisture -19933 -29714
Own consumption 536194 664136
for Ben. Rock
Phosphate Rajphos
Stock as per Books 865199 576315 17959 15902 77 2693
Shortages 1284 18218 864 2339
Closing Stock 863915 558097 17095 13563 77 2693

(ii) Gypsum & Selenite: (In MT)

Particulars Gypsum Selenite
2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11
Opening Stock 76653 19262 - -
Purchases 453 1725 - -
Production 3323532 3455970 13047 6736
Sales 3352391 3396980 13047 6736
Stock as per Books 48247 79977 -
Shortages/Retrieval 300 3324 -
Closing Stock 47947 76653 - -

(iii) Lime Stone: (In MT)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Lime Stone Sub Grade Lime Stone Sub Grade
Lime Stone Lime Stone
Opening Stock 61279 44505 3647 86728
Production 2819465 413003 2660153 420100
Sales 2921580 309236 2631303 409678
Stock as per Books -40836 148272 32497 97150
Shortages/Retrieval -63384 17285 -28782 52645
Closing Stock 22548 130987 61279 44505

(iv) Lignite:
(In MT)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Opening Stock - -
Production 1059906 882537
Sales 1059906 882537
Stock as per Books - -
Shortages - -
Closing Stock - -

(v) Granite:
(In MT)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Dressed Cobbles Khandas Dressed Cobbles Khandas
Block in in Nos. in Block in in in Nos.
(CU.M.) Nos. (CU.M.) Nos.
Opening Stock 908 369941 50268 908 369941 50268
Sales 908 369941 50268
Stock as per Books - - 908 369941 50268
Written off - -
Closing Stock - - 908 369941 50268

(vi) Fluorspar : (In MT)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Opening Stock - -
Production 212 565
Sales 212 565
Stock as per Books -
Shortages - -
Closing Stock - -

(vii) Multimetal:
(In MT)
Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Opening Stock 340 340
Production - -
Sales - -
Stock as per Books 340 340
Shortages - -
Closing Stock 340 340


(viii) Bentonite: (In MT)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Opening Stock 1008 1008
Production - -
Sales 1008 -
Stock as per Books 1008
Shortages - -
Closing Stock 1008

(iX) Power : (106.3 MW Wind power plant) (In Units)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Generation 152193872 132630353
Sales 136825407 118942713
Own Consumption 14717215 12689344
Wheeling units 651250 998296

(x) Power: (3.8 MW DG Set) (In Units)

Particulars 2011-12 2010-11
Generation 170580 546780
Own Consumption 110170 456958
Auxillary Consuption out of generation 60410 89822

Note: The plant is operated for 12 days only during the financial year (previous year 28 days), as and when

In terms of our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant Ajitabh Sharma
Director Managing Director
For P.C. Modi & Co. M.L. Tailor P.K. Jain
Chartered Accountants Financial Advisor Company Secretary
FRN: 000239C

Bharat Sonkhiya
Membership No. 403023

Place: Jaipur
Date: 7th August, 2012

S. Name of the Subsidiary Company Barmer Lignite Rajasthan State
No. Mining Company Petroleum
Limited Corporation Limited

1 Financial year of the Subsidiary ended on 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-12

2 The extent of the holding company's interest in the

subsidiary at the end of the financial year
I Face Value ` 10.00 10.00
ii. Number of Shares held No. 10200000 100000
iii. Extent of holding % 51.00% 100.00%

3 The net aggregate amount of profit/loss of the

subsidiary for the above financial year so far as they
concern the members of the holding company
I Dealt with in the accounts of the holding Nil Nil
ii. Not dealt with in the accounts of the holding ` (71914573) (1040938)

4 The net aggregate amount of profit/loss of the

subsidiary for the previous financial years since it
became a subsidiary so far as they concern the
members of the holding company
i Dealt with in the accounts of holding company Nil Nil
ii Not dealt with in the accounts of holding
company ` (74426504) (6969286)

For and on behalf of the Board

Sudhansh Pant Ajitabh Sharma
Director Managing Director
Place: Jaipur M.L. Tailor P.K. Jain
Date: 7th August, 2012 Financial Advisor Company Secretary




CAG Comments Management Reply

The preparation of financial statements of Rajasthan

State Mines & Minerals Limited, Udaipur for the year
ended 31 March, 2012 in accordance with financial
reporting framework prescribed under the
Companies Act, 1956 is the responsibility of the
Management of the Company. The Statutory
Auditors appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India under section 619(2) of the
Companies act, 1956 are responsible for expressing
opinion on these financial statements under section
227 of the Companies Act, 1956 based on
independent audit in accordance with the Auditing
and Assurance Standards prescribed by their
professional body, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India. This is stated to have been
done by them vide their Audit Report dated 7th
August, 2012.
I, on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General
of India, have conducted a supplementary audit
under Section 619(3) (b) of the Companies Act, 1956
of the financial statements of Rajasthan State Mines
& Minerals Limited, Udaipur for the year ended 31
March, 2012. This supplementary audit has been
carried out independently without access to the
working papers of the Statutory Auditors and is
limited primarily to inquiries of the Statutory Auditors
a n d C o m p a ny p e r s o n n e l a n d a s e l e c t i ve
examination of some of the accounting records.
Based on my supplementary audit, I would like to
highlight the following significant matters under
section 619(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 which
have come to my attention and which in my view are
necessary for enabling a better understanding of
the financial statements and the related audit

CAG Comments Management Reply

A. Comments on Financial Position

Balance Sheet
1. Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities ( Note No. 9)-
Rs. 1256.32 crore
This is understated by ` 0.48 crore due to non Noted. Necessary accounting treatment will be
providing of liability for the interest payable to made in the books of accounts for the Financial Year
Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited (BLMC) for 2012-13.
the year 2009-10 on the advance received for
purchase of land, payable as per directives of the
Government of Rajasthan ( July, 2011). The Company
has paid/adjusted interest for the years 2010-11 and
2011-12. This has resulted in understatement of prior
period expenses ( Finance Cost) and overstatement
of Profit by ` 0.48 crores.

2. Non Current Liabilities

Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net)
(Note No.5) Rs. 78.49 crore
The above is overstated by ` 2.73 crore due to not In view of the Company, the expenditure is
considering the provision of ` 8.41 crore made for allowable as revenue expenditure in income tax.
mine closure expenditure at the time of calculation However, there is no effect on the profit after tax of
of Deferred Tax Liabilities. The provision made by the the Company even if expenditure is disallowed by
Company is not be allowable in income tax as the income tax department.
expenditure, due to non deposition of the amount in
the designated Escrow Account as per guidelines of
Ministry of Coal. Consequently, Current Liabilities
(short term provisions for income tax) has been
understated by ` 2.73 crore.

B. Comments on profitability
Profit & Loss Account
Other Expenses ( Note No. 25) Rs. 712.23
The above does not include Rs. 1.18 crore being the In view of the Company, the amount is not payable
various demands raised by the Department of Mines to DMG. However, matter will be reviewed and
& Geology on account of interest on late payment of necessary provisions, if required, would be made in
premium charges/lease rent and dead rent. Though the books of accounts of the Financial Year 2012-13.
the Company has not contested for the same and
has shown the demand as Contingent Liability


CAG Comments Management Reply

instead of making provision for the same. This has

resulted in understatement of Mining and Other
Operative Expenses and Current Liabilities by Rs. 1.18
crore and consequently, Profit has been overstated
to the same extent.

C. General
As per Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Coal In opinion of the Company, such disclosure is not
Govt. of India (27-8-2009), as amended from time to mandatorily required. However, as suggested the
time regarding Mine Closure Plan, the mining same would be disclosed in the Notes to Accounts of
Company shall create a provision on the basis of the the Financial Year 2012-13.
final mine closure plan and also open an escrow
account for depositing the same. The Company has
made a provision of Rs. 15.15 crore for mine closure
expenditure during the year 2011-12 and did not
open the Escrow Account to deposit the amount in it.
The fact of non opening of Escrow Account has also
not been disclosed in the Notes to Accounts.

For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

the Comptroller and Auditor General of India Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited

R. Chouhan
Principal Account General C.K. Mathew
(Eco. & Rev. Sector Audit ) Chairman
Rajasthan, Jaipur
Place : Jaipur Place : Jaipur
Date : 03.10.2012 Date : 17.10.2012

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited




(A Subsidiary Company of RSMML)


Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited

(A Subsidiary Company of RSMML)

To Gasification and Syn gas production in Rajasthan.
The Shareholders, The draft MoU has been sent to NLC for confirmation.

Your directors take pleasure in presenting the forth 5. Dividend

annual report along with the audited accounts of the Since the Company has not commenced its
Company for the year ended on 31st March, 2012. commercial operations during the year under review,
1. Financial Performance the company has not made any profits. Hence, the
Directors do not recommend any dividend for the
During the year your company has incurred an year under review.
expenditure of ` 10,40,938/- towards routine
establishment expenses . The net debit balance in the 6. Fixed Deposit
profit& loss account as on 31st March 2012 is Your Company has not accepted any Fixed Deposits
` 80,10,224/-. from the public and is therefore not required to
2. Change in share capital furnish information as per Companies (Acceptance of
Deposits) Rules, 1975.
There is no change in composition of authorized and
paid up share capital during the year. However, the 7. Composition of Directors
company has received ` 1.00 Crores towards share During the year under report Shri Sudhansh Pant was
application in the month of March 2012 which will be nominated as Director in place of Shri Govind Sharma.
allotted financial year 2012-13.
Your Directors place on record their appreciation for
3. Progress of the activities of the the valuable services rendered by Shri Govind Sharma
corporation during their tenure.
Company is in advance stage of finalization of Joint 8. Directors' Responsibility Statement
Venture agreement with GAIL Gas for developing City Pursuant to the requirement under Section 217 (2AA)
Gas distribution Network in Rajasthan. For of the Companies Act, 1956 with respect to Directors'
underground Coal Gasification, the Government of Responsibility Statement, it is hereby confirmed:
Rajasthan has recommended allocation of Nagurda
Block in Barmer-Sanchore Basin to RSPCL under a) That in preparation of the annual accounts,
Government dispensation route. However, the the applicable accounting standards have
Ministry of coal; Government of India has notified been followed.
new policy for coal block allocation vide gazette dated b) That the Directors have selected such
February, 2012.The company shall apply for block accounting policies and applied them
allocation as per the guidelines of the policy as soon consistently and made judgments and
as blocks are identified for govt. companies estimates that are reasonable and prudent so
Meanwhile, the company is also exploring the as to give a true and fair view of the state of
possibility of undertaking Underground Coal affairs of the Company at the end of the
Gasification and Microbial Coal Conversion in financial year.
allocated areas of RSMML. Further, Neyveli Lignite
c) That the Directors have taken proper and
Corporation Limited (NLC) has in principle agreed for
sufficient care for the maintenance of
forming alliance with RSPCL for Underground Coal
adequate accounting records in accordance
with the provisions of the Companies Act,

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited
1956 for safeguarding the assets of the energy and technology absorption are not applicable.
Company and for preventing and detecting
fraud and other irregularities.
11. Secretarial Compliance Report
d) That the Directors have prepared the annual Pursuant to Section 383A of the Companies Act, 1956,
accounts for the year under review, on a a certificate from Company Secretary in whole time
going concern basis. practice regarding status on compliance of the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 by the
9. Auditors Company is attached to the report.
M/s Maharwal & Associates, Chartered Accountants, 12. Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
Jaipur were appointed as Auditors under Section 619
of the Companies Act, I956, to audit the Company's There are no foreign exchange earnings or outgo
Annual Accounts for the Financial Year 2010-11. during the year.
Necessary recommendation shall be made to 13. Particulars as per Section 217 (2A) of
comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) for the the Companies Act, 1956
re-appointment of M/s Maharwal & Associates,
Chartered Accountants, Jaipur to audit the accounts None of the employees of the Company was in receipt
for the financial year 2011-12. of remuneration in excess of the limits specified
under section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956.
Your Directors request you to authorize the Board of
Directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors as 14. Acknowledgment
appointed by the CAG under Section 619 of the Your Directors express their grateful appreciation for
Companies Act, I956. the cooperation and assistance received from the
10. Conservation of Energy and Government of Rajasthan, various Government
Technology Absorption departments and authorities, banks, consultants,
Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited and
Since the Company has not commenced commercial Directorate of Petroleum, Government of Rajasthan.
operations, reports pertaining to conservation of

For and on behalf of the Board

Sunil Arora
Place: Jaipur Chairman
Dated: 16.08.2012



CIN : U23201RJ2008SGC026960 5. The Company is not required to close its

Register of Members during the financial year.
Nominal Capital : ` 35,00,00,000/-
6. The Annual general Meeting for the financial
To year ended on 31.03.2011 was held on 19.12.2011
The Members after giving due notice to the members of the
Company and the resolution passed thereat
maintained for purpose.
C/O Directorate Of Petroleum,
7. No Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held
Khanij Bhawan,Tilak Marg ,C -Scheme during the financial year.
Jaipur 8. The Company has not advanced any loans to its
I have examined the registers, records, books and Directors or persons or firms or companies
p a p e r s o f R A J A S T H A N S TAT E P E T RO L E U M referred in the section 295 of the Act.
CORPORATION LIMITED (the Company) as required to 9. The Company has duly complied with the
be maintained under the Companies Act, 1956, (the provisions of Sec.297 of the Act in respect of
Act) and the rules made thereunder and also the contracts specified in that section.
provisions contained in the Memorandum of
10. The Company has made necessary entries in the
Association of the Company for the financial year
register maintained under section 301 of the
ended on 31st March, 2012. In my opinion and to the
best of our information and according to the
examinations carried out by me and explanations 11. As there were no instances falling within the
furnished to me by the Company, its officers and purview of section 314 of the Act, the Company
agents, I certify that in respect of the aforesaid has not obtained any approvals from the Board
financial year: of Directors, members or Central Government.
1. The Company has kept and maintained all 12. The Company has not issued any duplicate
registers as stated in Annexure 'A' to this Share Certificate during the financial year.
certificate, as per the provisions of the Act and 13. The Company has:
the rules made thereunder and all the entries
therein have been duly recorded. (i) not made allotment of securities during the
year under review. There is no share transfer
2. The Company has duly filed the forms and during the year under review.
returns as stated in Annexure 'B' to this
certificate, with the Registrar of Companies, (ii) not declared any dividend/ interim dividend
Regional Director, Central Government, during the financial year under review.
Company Law Board or other authorities within (iii) not required to post warrants to any
the time prescribed under the Act and the rules member of the Company as no dividend
made thereunder. was declared during the financial year.
3. The Company being a public limited Company, (iv) not applicable being no amount is
comments are not required. outstanding at the end of the year.
4. The Board of Directors duly met on 18.10.2011in (v) duly complied with the requirement of
respect of which meeting proper notices were section 217 of the Act.
given and the proceedings were properly
recorded and signed in the Minutes Book 14. The Board of Directors of the Company is duly
maintained for the purpose. Company has constituted. There was no appointment of
passed resolution by circular during the year. additional Director and no appointment of
alternate Director, Directors to fill casual vacancy

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited
and Mr. Shiv Kumar Agarwal, Mr. Ajithabh 24. The Company has not made borrowing during
Sharma and Mr. Naresh Pal Gangwar were the financial year in accordance to the provision
appointed as nominee director Mr. Chunni Lal of the Act..
Kayal, Mr. Akhil Arora Mr. Shreemat Pandey, and
25. The Company has not made loans and
Akhil Arora were ceased as nominee director
investments, or given guarantees or provided
during the financial year.
securities to persons in compliance with the
15. The Company has appointed Mr.Ajithabh provisions of the Act.
Sharma as Managing Director during the
26. The Company has not altered the provisions of
Financial year.
the Memorandum with respect to situation of
16. The Company has not appointed any sole selling the Company's registered office from one state
agent during the financial year. to another state during the financial year under
17. The Company has got approval from Registrar of
Companies for extension of time for holding 27. The Company has not altered the provisions of
Annual General Meeting. Company was not the Memorandum with respect to the objects of
required to obtain any approval of the Central the Company during the financial year under
Government, Company Law Board, Regional scrutiny.
Director, and/ or such authorities prescribed
28. The Company has not altered the provisions of
under the various provisions of the Act during
the Memorandum with respect to the name of
the financial year.
the Company during the financial year under
18. The Directors have disclosed their interest in scrutiny.
other firms/ companies to the Board of Directors
29. The Company has not altered the provisions of
pursuant to the provisions of the Act and rules
the Memorandum with respect to the Share
made thereunder.
Capital of the Company during the financial year
19. The Company has not issued any securities under scrutiny.
during the year.
30. The Company has not altered its Articles of
20. There was no redemption of preference shares Association during the financial year.
or debentures during the financial year.
31. There was no prosecution initialed against or
21. The company has not bought back any shares show cause notices received by the company and
during the financial year. no fines or penalties or any other punishment was
imposed on the company during the financial
22. There was no transaction necessitating the
year, for offences under the Act.
Company to keep in abeyance the rights to
dividend, right shares and bonus shares 32. The Company has not received any money as security
pending registration of transfer of shares. from its employees during the financial year.
23. The Company has not invited/accepted any 33. The Company has not deducted contribution
deposits including any unsecured loans falling towards Provident Fund under Section 418 of the
within the purview of section 58A during the Act during the financial year.
financial year.

For S.K. Joshi & Associates

Company Secretaries

Sanjay Kumar Joshi

Place: Jaipur
Dated: 01.08.2012 C.P. No. 7342


Registers as maintained by the Company
1. Register of Members u/s150
2. Minute Book of Board Meetings u/s193(1)
3. Minute Book of General Meetings u/s 193(1), 196(1)
4. Register of Contracts u/s 301
5. Register of Directors u/s 303
6. Register of Directors Shareholding u/s 307
7. Register of Charges u/s143
8. Books of Accounts u/s 209

Annexure B
Forms and Returns as filed by the Company with the Registrar of Companies, Regional Directors, Central
Government or other authorities during the financial year ending on 31st March, 2012

S.N Document/ Form Under Date of Filed on Whether Filed Whether

Section Document within time additional
fee paid
1. Form 23AC& 23ACA 220 31.03.2011 18.01.2012 NO YES
2. Form 20B 159 19.12.2011 16.02.2012 NO YES
3. Form 66 383A(1) 31.03.2011 18.01.2012 NO YES
4. Form 32 303(2) 02.09.2011 11.10.2011 NO YES
5. Form 32 303(2) 05.04.2011 18.01.2012 NO YES
6. Form 32 303(2) 30.05.2011 13.06.2011 YES N.A.
7. Form 23 192 30.05.2011 13.06.2011 YES N.A.
8. Form 61 166(1) N.A. 06.09.2011 N.A. N.A.

For S.K. Joshi & Associates

Company Secretaries

Sanjay Kumar Joshi

Place: Jaipur
Dated: 01.08.2012 C.P. No. 7342

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited
(0) 2372450 (M) 9828197927
(M) 9314538631

To The Members of explanations, which to the best of our
Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited knowledge and belief were necessary for
the purpose of our audit;
1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet,
Statement of Profit & Loss and annexure thereto ii. In our opinion, proper books of accounts
of Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Ltd, as as required by the law have been kept by
at 31st March, 2012 and also Cash Flow Statement the company so far as it appears from our
for the year ended on that date. These Financial examination of those books;
Statements are the responsibility of the iii. The Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit
company's management. Our responsibility is and Loss and Cash Flow Statement dealt
to express an opinion on these financial with by this report are in agreement with
statements based on our audit. books of account;
2. We have conducted our audit in accordance iv. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet,
with auditing standards generally accepted in Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash
India. Those standards that we plan and Flow Statement dealt with by this report
perform thereto obtain reasonable assurance comply with the Accounting Standards
about whether the financial statements are referred to in sub section (3C) of section
free of material misstatement. An audit 211 of the Companies Act, 1956;
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence v. As per the explanations given to us that it
supporting the amounts and disclosures in is being a Government Company,
the financial statements. An audit also therefore the provisions of section
includes assessing the accounting principle 274(1)(g) of the Companies Act, 1956 are
used and significant estimates made by the not applicable to it as per G.S.R. no. 829
management, as well as evaluating the (E) dated 21.19.2003 for the Companies
overall financial statement presentation. We Affair Department, Finance Ministry.
believe that our audit provides a reasonable
vi. In our opinion and to the best of our
basis for our opinion.
Information and according to the
3. As required by the Companies (Auditor's explanations give to us, the said account
Report) Order, 2003 issued by the Central give the information required by the
Government of India in terms of sub section companies Act, 1956, in the manner so
(4A) of section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, required and give a true and fair view in
we enclose in the annexure, a statement on the conformity with the accounting
matter specified in paragraph 4&5 of the said principles generally accepted in India.
a. In the case of the Balance Sheet of
4. Further to our comments in Annexure I referred the state of the affairs of the
to above, we report that: company as at 31st March, 2012;
i. We have obtained all the information and


b. In the case of Statement of Profit & c. In the case of Cash Flow Statement,
Loss of the loss of the company for of the cash flow for the year ended
the year ended 31st March, 2012 and on that date.

For Maharwal & Associates

Chartered Accountants
FRN 003989C

T. C. Kumawat
Membership No. 078029
Place: Jaipur
Date : 6th August 2012

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited


(Statement referred to in paragraph-3 of our report of even date on
the matters specified on paragraph 4 of the Statement on the
Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003)

Referred to in paragraph 3 of our report of even date. company has not accepted any public
(i) (a) The company has not kept any fixed deposit, so section 58A and 58AA of the
Assets. Companies Act, 1956 does not apply.

(b) A b o v e re f e re n c e ( i ) ( a ) i s n o t (vi) In our opinion, internal audit system is not

applicable. compulsory for this company.

A b o v e re f e re n c e ( i ) ( a ) i s n o t (vii) As per section 209 (1) (d) company is required

applicable. to maintain cost records, but company has
not commenced business, and has not
(ii) (a) Company has not commenced the maintained any cost record.
Business Operation, and there is no
inventory as on the date of balance (viii) (a) Company has not commenced the
sheet. business activities so this clause does
not apply.
(b) A bove reference (ii) (a) is not
applicable. (b) Above reference (ix) (a) is not
A bove reference (ii) (a) is not
applicable. (ix) This clause is not applicable as the company
has not yet completed 5 years.
(iii) (a) The company has not taken any loans.
(x) In our opinion and according to the
(b) Above reference (iii) (a) is not information and explanation given to us the
applicable. company has not defaulted in repayment of
Above reference (iii) (a) is not dues to a financial institution and bank.
applicable. As reported, Company has (xi) In our opinion and according to the
not accepted any loan. information and explanation given to us
(d) Above reference (iii) (a) is not company has not granted any loan and
applicable. advances agains t security of share,
debentures and other securities.
(iv) Company has not commenced the business
activities, so this clause does not apply. (xii) In our opinion, the company is not a chit fund
or a Nidhi/Mutual benefit Fund/Society
(a) According to the information and
therefore the provisions of clause 4 (xiii) of
explanation given to us, we are of the
the companies (Auditor Report) order 2003
opinion that the particulars of all
are not applicable to the company.
contracts or agreements that need to
be entered in the register maintained (xiii) In our opinion, the company is not dealing or
under section 301 of the Companies trading in share, security debentures and
Act, 1956 have been so entered. other investments. According to the
provision of clause 4 (xiv) of the companies
(b) In our opinion and according to the
(Auditors Report) order 2003 are not
information and explanation given to
applicable to the company.
us, the transaction made in pursuance
of contracts or agreement entered in (xiv) According to the information given to us,
the register maintained under section company has not given any guarantee for
301 of the Companies Act, 1956. loans taken by other from Bank or financial
(v) In our opinion and according to the
information given to us, in this financial year (xv) In our opinion and according to the
information and explanation given to us, that


the company has not accepted the term loan. in this year so provision of clause (xix) is not
(xvi) According to the information and applicable.
explanation given to us and on an overall (xix) The company has not raised any money
examination of balance sheet of the through a public issue during the year.
company, we report that no funds raised on (xx) Based upon the audit procedure
short term basis have been used for long performance for the purpose of reporting the
term investment. true and fair view of the financial statements
(xvii) The company has not made any preferential and information and explanation given by
allotment of shares, so clause (xviii) is not the management, we report that no fraud on
applicable. or by the company has been noticed or
(xviii) The company has not issued any debentures reported during the course of our audit.

For Maharwal & Associates

Chartered Accountants
FRN 003989C

T. C. Kumawat
Membership No. 078029
Place: Jaipur
Date : 6th August, 2012

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited


(Amt in `)
Particulars Note No. As at As at
31.03.2012 31.03.2011
1 Shareholder's Fund
(a) Share Capital 2 10,00,000 10,00,000
(b) Reserves & Surplus 3 -80,10,224 -69,69,286
2 Share Application Money Pending for Allotment 4 1,00,00,000 0.00
3 Current Liabilities
Other Current liabilities 5 1,10,114 69,69,286
TOTAL 30,99,890 10,00,000

1 Current Assets
Cash & Cash equivalents 6 30,99,890 10,00,000
TOTAL 30,99,890 10,00,000

Significant Accounting Policies 1

Notes on Financial Statements 2-8

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 003989C Ajitabh Sharma
Managing Director
T.C. Kumawat
(Partner) Rajendr Rao
Membership No. 078029 Company Secretary
Place: Jaipur
Date: 06.08.2012


(Amt in `)

Particulars Note No. For the year For the year

2011-12 2010-11
I. Revenue from operations 0.00 0.00
II. Other Income 0.00 0.00
III. Total Revenue (I+II) 0.00 0.00
IV. Expenses
Employee benefits expense 7 4,17,472 5,57,001
Other expenses 8 6,23,466 40,73,445
Total Expenses 10,40,938 46,30,446
V. Loss before tax (III-IV) -10,40,938 -46,30,446
VI. Tax expense
Current Tax 0.00 0.00
Deferred Tax 0.00 0.00
VII. Loss for the period (V-VI) -10,40,938 -46,30,446
VIII. Earning per equity share
1) Basic -10.41 -46.30
2) Diluted -10.41 -46.30

Significant Accounting Policies 1

Notes on Financial Statements 2-8

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 003989C Ajitabh Sharma
Managing Director
T.C. Kumawat
(Partner) Rajendr Rao
Membership No. 078029 Company Secretary
Place: Jaipur
Date: 06.08.2012

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited

(Amt in `)
PARTICULARS Year ended Year ended
31.03.2012 31.03.2011
Rs. Rs.
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net profit before tax -10,40,938 -46,30,446
Adjustments 0 0
Operating profit before working capital changes -10,40,938 -46,30,446
Working capital changes
Other payables (RSMML) -68,59,172 46,30,446
Cash generated from operations -79,00,110 0.00
Less: Direct tax paid 0.00 0.00
Net cash flow from operating activities (A) -79,00,110 0.00
Cash Flow From Investing Activities (B) 0.00 0.00
Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Share Application Money 1,00,00,000 0.00
Cash Flow From Financing Activities (C) 1,00,00,000 0.00
Net Change in Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) 20,99,890 0.00
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year 10,00,000 10,00,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 30,99,890 10,00,000

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 003989C Ajitabh Sharma
Managing Director
T.C. Kumawat
(Partner) Rajendr Rao
Membership No. 078029 Company Secretary
Place: Jaipur
Date: 06.08.2012



AS AT 31st MARCH, 2012


1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES indication of impairment of the company's

(a) The financial statements are prepared under assets relating to cash generating units, the
the historical cost convention, on the carrying amount of such assets are reviewed at
accounting principles of going concern and as each balance sheet date of determine whether
per applicable accounting standards. The there is an impairment. The recoverable
Company follows mercantile system of amount of such assets is estimated at the
accounting and recognizes income and higher of its net selling price and its value in
expenditure on accrual basis except those with use. An impairment loss is recognized in the
significant uncertainties. Profit & Loss Account whenever carrying
amount of such assets exceeds its recoverable
The preparation of financial statements in amount.
conformity with Generall y Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) requires the (e) Investments
m a n a g e m e n t to m a ke e s t i m a te s a n d Long term investments are stated at cost. In
assumption that affect the reported amounts of case, there is a decline other than temporary in
assets and liabilities and the disclosures of the value of the investment, a provision for the
contingent liabilities on the date of financial same has been made.
statements and reported amounts of revenue (f) Inventories
and expenses for that year. Actual result could
differ from these estimates. Any revision of Inventories are valued at lower of cost and
accounting es timates is recognised realisable value. Cost is determined on the
prospectively. basis of weighted average. Obsolete and
unserviceable stock is duly provided for
(b) Fixed Assets wherever applicable.
Fixed assets are recorded at historical cost (g) Foreign exchange Transaction
which includes all direct and indirect expenses
up to the date of acquisition and installation of Transactions are recorded at the exchange rates
the same. prevailing on the date of the transaction.
(c) Depreciation Foreign currency designated assets, liabilities
and capital commitments are stated at the year
Depreciation is provided on Straight Line Method end rates. The exchange differences are
at the rates and in the manner specified in adjusted to carrying cost of the fixed assets
Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, I 956. acquired outside India if they relate to fixed
Depreciation on impaired assets related to a cash assets and to profit and loss accounts in other
generating unit is provided by adjusting the cases.
depreciation charge in the remaining periods so (h) Borrowing Cost
as to allocate the revised carrying amount of the
assets over its remaining useful life. Borrowing Costs directly attributable to the
acquisition and construction of qualifying
(d) Impairment of Assets assets are capitalized as a part of cost of such
In accordance with AS 28 on Impairment of assets up to the date when such assets are
Assets issued by ICAI, where there is an ready for its intended use.

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited
(i) Provisions and Contingent Liabilities reimbursement is recognized to the extent
Provisions are recognized for liabilities that can of provision or contingent liability as the
be measured only by using a substantial degree case may be, only when it is virtually
of estimation, if certain that the reimbursement will be
a) The Company has a present obligation as a
result of a past event. Contingent liability is disclosed in the case
b) A probable outflow of resources is
expected to settle the obligation and a) A present obligation arising from a past
event, when it is not probable that a
c) The amount of the obligation can be outflow of resources will be required to
reliably estimated settle the obligation.
Where some or all the expenditure b) A p o s s i b l e o b l i ga t i o n , u n l e s s th e
required to settle a provision is expected to probability of outflow of resources is
be reimbursed by another party, such remote.

(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
1. Authorised Share Capital
3,50,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 35,00,00,000 35,00,00,000
(Previous Year 3,50,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each )
2. Issued, Subscribed & Paid up Share Capital
1,00,000 Fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10/- each 10,00,000 10,00,000
10,00,000 10,00,000

2.1 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding is set out below-
(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
Equity Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year 1000000 1000000
Add: Issued during the year 0 0
Equity Shares outstanding at the end of the year 1000000 1000000

2.2 Shares held by Holding Company

(Amt In `)
Name of Holding Company As at 31st March 2012 As at 31st March 2011
Amount No. of Shares Amount No. of Shares
Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited 10,00,000 100000 10,00,000 100000


2.3 The details of Shareholders holding more than 5% shares

(Rs. In Lac)
Name of Shareholder As at 31st March 2012 As at 31st March 2011
No of Shares % held No of Shares % held
Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited 100000 100 100000 100

2.4 Terms/right attached to equity shares

The Company has one class of equity share having a par value of `10/- per share . Members of the Company
holding equity share capital therein have a right to vote on every resolution placed before the Company and
right to receive dividend. Each shareholder is eligible for one vote per share held.


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
Debit balance of statement of profit and loss
As per last balance sheet -69,69,286 -23,38,840
Add: Loss for the year -10,40,938 -46,30,446
-80,10,224 -69,69,286


(a) Number of shares proposed to be issued for share application money pending allotment
outstanding as of March 31, 2012 10,00,000 representing the shares to be issued against share
application money received from RSMML.
(b) Securities premium on account of shares pending allotment amounts to NIL as on March 31, 2012.
The shares pending allotment as of the year-end is expected to be allotted in the current Board
(c) The Company has sufficient authorized equity share capital to cover the share capital on allotment
of shares pending allotment as of March 31, 2012.
(d) There are no interest accrued and due on amount due for refund as of March 31, 2012.
(e) No shares are pending for allotment beyond the period for allotment as of March 31, 2012.


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
Other Payables
From Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited (holding Company) 1,05,114 69,64,286
From others 5,000 5,000
1,10,114 69,69,286

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited
5.1 Based on the information available with the Company regarding the status of the suppliers as defined under
the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, there are no amounts due to Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises Suppliers on accounts of principal and/or interest as at the close of the year.


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
Balance with ICICI Bank in current account 30,99,890 10,00,000
30,99,890 10,00,000


(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
Salary & Wages 4,02,073 5,49,894
Medical Aid & Welfare 15,399 7,107
4,17,472 5,57,001

(Amt In `)
Particulars As at As at
31st March 31st March
2012 2011
Legal & Professional Fees 23,850 30,79,055
Printing & Stationery 9,915 4,071
Travelling Expenses 2,89,217 1,10,351
Advertisement Expenses 0 8,08,505
Audit Fee 5,000 5,000
Postage & Telephone Expenses 11,816 4,403
Entertainment Expenses 0 5,660
Books, Periodicals & Library Exp. 0 56,400
Seminar, Conference & Exhibition 2,83,098 0
Bank Charges 110 0
General Charges 460 0
6,23,466 40,73,445


9. Contingent Liabilities provided for Nil.

10. The project is under implementation and yet to commence commercial operations. In view of the Opinion
issued by the Expert Advisory Committee of the profit & Loss Account has been prepared as required by AS-
26. Accordingly various expenses incurred during the current year have been charged to Profit & Loss
Account for the year.
11. As per AS-22, deferred tax should be recognized for all the timing differences, subject to the consideration
of prudence in respect of deferred tax assets. Therefore, no provision of deferred tax assets and liabilities is
made as on 31 March, 2012 as there is no timing difference and project is yet to start its commercial
12. Remuneration to Auditors
2011-12 2010-11
Audit fees Rs. 5000/- Rs.5000/-
13. In the opinion of the Management, Current Assets, Loans and Advances have a value on realization in the
ordinary course of business, at least equal to the amount at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet. The
provision for all known liabilities is adequate and not in excess of what is required.
14. Related party Disclosure as per Accounting Standard 18:
List of Related Parties:
(i) parties where control exists
Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited- Holding Company.
(ii) Related Party Transactions - Transaction with Related parties.

(Amt In `)
Nature of Transaction during the year 2011-12 2010-11
Receipt of Share application Money 1,00,00,000/- -
Refund towards reimbursement of expenditure -79,00,000/- -
Expenses incurred 10,40,828/- 46,30,446/-

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Sudhansh Pant
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 003989C Ajitabh Sharma
Managing Director
T.C. Kumawat
(Partner) Rajendr Rao
Membership No. 078029 Company Secretary
Place: Jaipur
Date: 06.08.2012

Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited



The preparation of financial statements of Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited, Jaipur for the year ended
31 March 2012 in accordance with the financial reporting framework prescribed under the Companies Act, 1956 is the
responsibility of the management of the company. The statutory auditors appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India under Section 619(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 are responsible for expressing opinion on these
financial statements under section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956 based on independent audit in accordance with
the auditing and assurance standards prescribed by their professional body, the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India. This is stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 06.08.2012.
I, on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have decided not to review the report of the Statutory
Auditors on the accounts of Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited, Jaipur for the year ended 31 March 2012
and as such have no comments to make under Section 619 (4) of the Companies Act, 1956.

For and on behalf of

the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

(R. Chouhan)
Principal Accountant General
(Eco. & Rev. Sector Audit)
Rajasthan, Jaipur

Place : Jaipur
Date 12.09.2012

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited

(A subsidiary company of RSMML)


Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited

Sixth Annual Report
To the Shareholders, parallelly engaged Engineers India Limited (EIL) to
Your directors take pleasure in presenting the 6th carrying out an international Competitive Bidding
Annual report along with the audited accounts of the (ICB) process. RERC in September, 2011 determined an
Company for the year ended 31st March 2012. ad-hoc interim transfer price of lignite to be supplied
to RWPL for the year 2011-12. Pursuant to receipt of ad-
1. Financial results hoc interim transfer price from RERC, supply of lignite
During the year, the Company achieved commercial commenced form your Company to RWPL from
operation of the kapurdi Mines w.e.f. October 10, October 10, 2011. During the year, your Company
2011. As at March 31, 2012 the Gross Block and Capital removed 20.70 Million CuM of overburden and
Work-in-progress aggregates to Rs. 506.80 Crores. supplied 1.67 Million Tonnes of lignite to the power
During the year, your company has incurred a loss of plant. We are pleased to inform that the Kapurdi
Rs 0.60 Crores. One of the reasons for losses in the lignite mine reached its rated production capacity of 3
corresponding year was the grant of adhoc interim MTPA in January 2012. Until the issue related the MDO
transfer price of lignite by Regulatory Commission, is fully resoloved, the existing MDO is continuing to
which was insufficient to cover the entire expenses operate & provide Lignite from the Kapurdi Mines.
and other reasons like delay in acquisition of land for During the year, an amount of Rs. 613 Crs.have been
the project and consequential delays in project disbursed to the khatedars out of Rs. 709 Crs. (Approx)
exection. paid to RSMML for payment to land losers towards
2. Details and status of the project acquisition of land for jalipa lignite block, R&R and
compensation towards structures. Jalipa Mining Area
Your Company was incorporated on 19th January,
also covers 2087. 15 bighas of Government Land.
2007 as a joint Venture Company between Rajasthan
State Mines& Mineral Ltd. (RSMML), a Government of During the year, the Company initated the process of
Rajasthan enterprise & Raj West Power Ltd. (RWPL), a preparation of DPR by PWD-NH Division for diversion
subsidiary of JSW Energy Limited with equity of NH-15 which was passing through the Jalipa mining
particaption of 51% and 49% respectively to develop lease area and paid Rs. 50 Lacs to PWD-NH Division for
lignite mines in two contiguous blocks viz kapurdi preparation of pre-feasibility report and DPR. Your
and Jalipa in Barmer district of Rajasthan for supplying company is pursuing with RSMML to expedite the
lignite to the mine-head located 1080 MW (8X135 execution of Jalipa mining lease including the release
MW) capacity Lingnite Based Thermal Power Plant of of forest land alongside of the NH-15 at earliest.
RWPL. During the year, your Company has awarded EPC
Your Company is pleased to inform that during the contract for lignite Handing system (LHS) of 5 MTPA
year, the process of transfer of the Kapurdi lignite capacity at Kaprudi lignite mines to FL Smidth,
mines lease was completed. The mining lease of Chennai on 06.12.2011 valued at Rs. 94 crores. The
kapurdi lignite block was transferred in the name of period of execution to complete the LHS is 14 months
your company in October 2011. 3. Financing
The Company had filed petition with Rajasthan During the year, your company has received Rs. 50.53
Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) for Crores from its Promoter, RWPL, towards Subordinate
determination of provisional transfer price in january, Debt as per Joint Venture Agreement to meet the
2011. RERC vide its order dated 17.08.2011, has sought project requirements.
rebid of the Mine Developer cum Operater (MDO)
appointed by the company citing certain deficiencies Your Company has achieved financial closure for the
in the process of tendering. The Company while project by tying up debt aggregating to Rs. 1260 Crores
having appealed against the said order of RERC in to part finance the project costs appraised at 1800
Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Aptel), has also Crores with a consortium of banks.

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
Your company has been prompt in discharging its effect from 19th July 2012.
obligations to lenders & statutory authorities in the FY Mr. Umesh Narain Gupta has been
2012. nominated by RWPL as Director in place
4. Share capital of Mr. Nirmal kumar jain, Director with
There is no change in the Authorised and paid up effect from 06th September, 2012.
capital of the Company during the year. Your Directors place on record their deep
5. Fixed Deposits appreciation for the valuable services
rendered by Mrs. Aparna Arora, Mr. Akhil
Your company has not accepted any Fixed Deposits Arora, Mr. Lalit Kumar Gupta and
from the public and is therefore not required to Mr. Nirmal kumar jain during their
furnish information as per companies( Acceptance of tenures as Directors.
Deposits) Rules. 1975.
8. Composition of Audit Committee.
6. Dividend
As per the requirements of section 292A of the
As your Company has not made any profits during the Companies Act, 1956, an Audit Committee was
year under review, your directors have not constituted on 27th December, 2007 and was
recommended any dividend for the year under reconstituted from time to time and presently
review. constitutes of the following members.
7. Directors 1. Mr. Sudhansh Pant
a) Composition 2. Mr. Naresh Pal Gangwar
The Board Comprises of 7 directors. 3. Mr. Sanjay Sagar
b) Retirement by Roatation 4. Mr. Pramod Menon
Mr. Naresh Pal Gangwar and Mr. Sanjay The terms of reference of audit committee are in
Sagar, Directors, retire by rotation at the accordance with Section 292A of the Companies Act,
ensuring Annual General Meeting and 1956 Members of the Audit Committee met once
being eligible, offers themselves for re- during the year.
appointment, The proposals regarding
9. Director's Responsibility statement
their re-appointment as Directors are
placed for your approval. Pursuant to the requirement under Section 217 ( 2AA)
of the Companies Act, 1956, with respect to Director's
c) Changes in the Board
Responsibility Statement, it is hearby confirmed that:
Mr. Akhil Arora was nominated by RSMML
a) In the preparation of the annual
as Director in place of Mrs. Aparna Arora,
accounts for the year ended 31st march,
Director with effect from 30th May, 2011.
2 012 , th e a p p l i c a b l e a c c o u n t i n g
Mr. Ajitabh Sharma was nominated by standards have been followed and there
RSMML as Director in place of Mr. Akhil is no material departure from the same;
Arora, Director with effect from 23rd
b) The Directors have selected such
August, 2011.
accounting policies and applied them
Mr. Nirmal kumar jain has been consistently and made judgments and
nominated by RWPL as Director in place estimates that are reasonable and
of Mr. Lalit Kumar Gupta, Director with prudent so as to give a true and fair view
effect from 01st December, 2011 of the state of affairs of the Company at
Mr. Sanjay Sagar ceased to be the the end of the financial year and of the
Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. profit or loss of the company for that
19th July, 2012 but continues to remain as period;
Director of the Company as nominee of c) The Directors have taken proper and
RWPL. Mr. Pramod Menon has been sufficient care for the maintenance of
nominated by RWPL as Managing a d e q u a te a c c o u n t i n g re c o rd s i n
Director in place of Mr. Sanjay Sagar with accordance with the provisions of the


companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the report of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 is
the assets of the Company and for given as Annexure to the Director's Report.
preventing and detecting fraud and other 12. Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
irregularities; and
There are no foreign exchange earnings or
d) The directors have prepared the annual outgo during the year.
accounts for the year under review, on a
going concern basis. 13. Particulars as per Section 217 (2A) of the
Companies Act 1956
10. Auditors
In terms of Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act,
The Statutory Auditors, M/S Chatter & Chatter, 1956, read with the companies (Particulars of
Chartered Accountant, Jaipur were appointed as Employees) Rules, 1975, as amended, none of the
Auditors under Section 619 of the Companies Act, employees of the company was in receipt of
1956, to audit the Company's Annual Accounts for the remuneration in excess of the limits prescribed.
Financial year 2011-12.
14. Acknowledgment
11. Particulars of Conservation of energy and
Technology Absorption etc. Your Directors wish to place on record their
appreciation for the cooperation and assistance
The particulars relating to energy conservation and received from the Government of Rajasthan, various
technology absorption, as required to be disclosed government contractors, suppliers departments and
under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 authorities, banks, consultants, Rajasthan State Mines
read with the companies (Disclosure of Particulars in and Minerals limited and Raj West Power Limited.

For and on Behalf of the Board

Place: Jaipur Sunil Arora

Date : 13.12.2012 Chairman

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
Particulars pursuant to the provisions of Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the report of Directors) Rule, 1988
A. Conservation of Energy
a) Energy Conservation Measures taken:
This is the first year of operations of the Company. The Company will be evaluating the energy
conservation measures to be taken.
b) Additional Investments and Proposals, if any, being implemented for reduction of consumption of
The same will be considered
c) Impact of the measures at (a) and (b) above for reduction of energy consumption and consequent
impact on the cost of production of goods;
During the year under consideration impact cannot be measured.
B. Technology Absorption

1. Specific area in which R&D carried out Company is making studies in the field of slope stability
by the company

2. Benefits derived as a result of the Result of above R&D will be helpful in reducing the ultimate
above R&D slope angle of benches and in turn will result in reduction in land
use, reduction of cost, recovery of maximum quantity of
Geological Reserve and stability of ground in due course of

3. Future plan of action The study will be completed only when the mine reaches the
maximum depth. Depending on the result of first phase of study
future course of action will be decided

4. Expenditures a. Nil
a. Capital b. Nil
b. Recurring c. Nil
c. Total d. Nil
d. To t a l R & D e x p e n d i t u r e a s a
percentage of turnover
C. Technology Absorption, Adoption and Innovation
1. Ef forts in brief, made towards The Mine is working with Conventional Shovel Dumper
Technology absorption, adaptation Combination Technology with Fuel Efficient Equipment
and innovation

2. Benefits derived as a result of the This technology is Fuel Efficient and Cost Effective.
above efforts

3. In case of imported technology This technology is not an imported technology.

(imported during the last five years
reckoned from the begining of the
financial year) following information
may be furnished:
a. Technology imported
b. Year of import
c. Has technology been fully absorbed
d. If not fully absorbed, areas where this
has not taken place, reasons thereof
and future plans of action



We had earlier given our report dated 8th September, 2012 on the Balance Sheet of Barmer Lignite Mining Company
Limited as at 31st March, 2012 and the profit and Loss Account and also the Cash Flow statement for the Year ended
on that date annexed there to duly approved by the Board of Directors on 8th September, 2012.
Subsequent to the above report the said accounts of the company have been revised by the management to give
effect to major audit observations made by the comptroller & Auditor General of India. The revised accounts have
been approved by the Board of Directors on 13.12.2012. The impact of the revision has resulted in the decrease in loss
for the year by Rs. 13.50 Crores and other changes in the Financial Statement on account of the revision are reflected
in note no. 24 (a) of Notes on accounts of the financial statements.
This report supersedes our earlier report dated 8th September, 2012 on the Financial statement for the year ended on
31st march, 2012.
We have audited the attached Balance sheet of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited as at 31st March, 2012 and
the Profit and loss Account and also the Cash Flow statement for the year ended on that annexed thereto. These
financial statements are the responsibility of the compnay's Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India, which require that we
plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
1. As required by the companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2003 as amended by the companies (Auditor's
Report) (Amendment) Order 2004 ("the Order") issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-
section (4A) of Section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure a statement on the
matters specified in paragraph 4 and 5 of the said Order.
2. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that:
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and
belief, were necessary for the purposes of our audit:
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as
appears from our examination of the books and proper returns adequate for the purposes of our
audit have been received from the branches not visited by us;
c) The Balance Sheet, profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in
agreement with the books of account.
d) In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by
this report comply with the accounting standards referred to in sub-section (3 C) of section 211 of the
companies Act, 1956;
e) Disclosure in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 274 of the Companies Act. 1956 is not
required for Government Companies as per Notification No. GSR 829 (E) dated October 21, 2003
issued by the Department of Company Affairs;
f) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the
said accounts read in conjunction with the Significant Accounting Policies, Notes on Accounts and
other schedules, give the information as required by the companies Act, 1956 in the manner so
required and give a true and fair view in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited

i. In the case of the Balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the company as at 31st march,
ii. In the case of the Profits and Loss Account, of the loss for the year ended on that date; and
iii. In the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flow for the year ended on that date.

For Chatter & Chatter

Chartered Accountants

Rakesh Chatter
Membership No. 073831
Place: Jaipur FRN: 005376C
Date: 03.12.2012


Annexure to the Auditors' Report records of inventories and no

(Referred to in paragraph 1 of our Report of even discrepancies were noticed on
physical verification.
(iii) (d) The Company has not granted any
Based upon the information and explanations
loans, secured or unsecured to
furnished to us and the books and records
companies, firms or other parties
examined by us in the normal course of our audit,
covered in the register maintained
we report that to the best of our knowledge and
under section 301 of the Act.
Accordingly, Sub-clause (b),(c) and
(i) In respect of its fixed asset (d) are not applicable.
(a) The Company has commenced its (e) The company has taken unsecured
commercial operations during the loans from M/S Raj Wes Power
year and capitalized its assets Limited amounting to Rs. 361.63
pertaining to Kapurdi Mining Block crores, out of which loan received
upto the date of commercial during the year is of Rs. 50.53 crores
operation and all other capital assets covered in the register maintained
are shown as Capital Work in Process under section 301 of the Act.
which has not been put to use. The
(f) The rate of interest and other terms
Company has maintained proper
and conditions of loans taken by the
records showing full particulars,
company, are not prima facie
including quantative details and
prejudicial to the interest of the
situation of the fixed assets.
company; and
(b) The Fixed Assets were physically
(g) The company has not repaid the
verified by the internal auditors /
principal/interest amount of the
management in accordance with the
loan during year, as according to
regular programme of verification
explanation and information
which, in our opinion is reasonable.
provided to us that same was not
According to the information and
due for payment during the current
explanations given to us, no material
year. Company has made provision
discrepancies were noticed on such
for interest on subordinated loan
received from M/s Raj West power
(c) None of or part of fixed assets have Limited.
been disposed of during the year.
(iv) During the year the company has started
(ii) In respect of Inventory commercial operation and hence internal
(a) As explained to us, inventories were auditors has been appointed by the company
physically verified during the year by with the approval of the board of Directors.
the management at reasonable There is adequate internal control system
intervals. commensurate with the size of the company
and the nature of its business with regard to
(b) In our opinion and according to the purchase of inventory and fixed asset and
explanations given us, the procedures sale of goods. During the course of our audit,
for the physical verification of we have not observed any major weakness in
inventories followed by the such internal control system.
management were reasonable and
adequate in relation to the size of (v) (a) The particulars of contracts or
the company and the nature of its arrangements referred to in section
business. 301 of the Act have been entered in
the register required to be
(c) In our opinion and according to the maintained under that section, if
explanations given to us, the applicalble; and
company has maintained proper
(b) The transactions made in pursuance

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
of such contracts or arrangements Barmer in accordance with the
have been made at prices which are directive of the Honorable High
reasonable having regard to the Court, Jodhpur.
prevailing market prices at the (x) The company's accumulated losses at the
relevant time. end of the financial year are Rs. 1.09 crore
(vi) The company has not accepted deposits from which includes loss in the current year of Rs.
the public during the year, so section 58A and 0.60 Crore, which is less than 50% of its net
58AA of the Companies Act. 1956 does not worth. The company has not incurred any
apply. cash loss during the current year however it
(vii) In our opinion, the internal audit functions had incurred cash loss of Rs. 0.35 crore
carried out during the year by a firm of during the preceding year.
chartered accountants appointed by the (xi) In our opinion and according to the
management have been commensurate with information and explanation given to us the
the size of the company and the nature of its company has not defaulted in repayment of
business. dues to a financial institutions or bank.
(viii) The maintenance of cost records has been (xii) In our opinion and according to the
prescribed by the Central Government under information and explanation given to us, the
clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 209 of company has not granted loans and
the Act, is not applicable in Lignite Mining advances on the basis of security by way of
business and hence is not applicable to the pledge of shares, debentures and other
company which is engaged in Lignite Mining. securities.
However the same has been made applicable (xiii) The company is not a chit Fund/ a
from the financial year 2012-13. Nidhi/Mutual benefit fund society/ company.
(ix) (a) The company is regular in depositing Therefore special statute applicable to chit
undisputed statutory dues including fund is not applicable.
Provident Fund, Investor Education (xiv) The company is not dealing or trading in
and protection Fund, Employees' shares, securities, debentures and other
State Insurance, Income-tax, Sales- investments and hence it is not applicable.
tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Custom
Duty, Excise Duty, cess and any other (xv) In our opinion and as per information and
statutory dues with the appropriate explanation provided to us the company has
authorities and no amount is not given guarantee for loans taken by others
outstanding for a period of more than from bank or financial institutions
six months from the date they (xvi) As per information and explanation provided
became payable. to us the company has obtained sanction of
(b) According to the information and term loan Rs. 1260.00 crores. The company
explanation given to us there is no has availed Rs. 762.50 crores during the year
undisputed amount payable in case under review and has been utilized for the
dues of income tax/ sales tax/ wealth purposes for which they were raised.
tax/ service tax/ customs duty/ excise (xvii) The funds raised on short-term basis have
duty/ cess etc except the amount of been used for Capital Advances paid for
land tax demand of Rs. 2.11 crores for acquisition of land for mining. During current
the financial year 2011-12, which is year the company has raised Rs. 100.00
subjudice with the Honorable High Crores. (PY Rs. 650.00 Crores) on short-term
cour t, Jodhpur. However, The basis from Banks. The said amount of Rs.
company has deposited 30% of the 750.00 Crores has been repaid by the
land tax out of the above mentioned company by availing long term loans. The
demand i.e. Rs. 0.63 crore as per short-term loan has been used for the
assessment of sub-Register office, acquisition of Mining land and the payment


of interest during construction. (xxi) Based upon the audit procedures performed
(xviii) During the year, the company has not made for the purpose of reporting the true and fair
any preferential allotment of shares to parties 'view of the financial statements and
and companies covered in the Register information and explanation given to us, we
maintained under section 301 of the Act. have to report that no fraud on or by the
company has been noticed or reported
(xix) During the year the company has not issued during the course of our audit.
and Debentures, so provision of this clause is
not applicable.
(xx) The company has not raised any money
through the public issue during the year.

For Chatter & Chatter

Chartered Accountants

Rakesh Chatter
Membership No. 073831
Place: Jaipur
Date: 13.12.2012 FRN : 005376 C

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited


Particulars Note As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore
(1) Shareholders' funds:
(a) Share capital 2 20.00 20.00
(b) Reserves and surplus 3 (1.09) (0.49)
18.91 19.51
(2) Non-current liabilities:
(a) Long-term borrowings 4 1,124.13 311.10
(b) Other long-term liabilities 5 96.21 -
1,220.34 311.10
(3) Current Liabilities:
(a) Short-term borrowings 6 - 650.00
(b) Trade payables 7 11.32 6.29
(c) Other current liabilities 8 43.05 4.59
(d) Short term Provisions 9 2.01 0.43
56.38 661.31
TOTAL 1,295.63 991.92
(1) Non-current assets:
(a) Fixed Asssets
(i) Tangible assets 5.29 -
(ii) Intangible assets 10 361.00 -
(iii) Capital work-in progress 132.03 73.79
(b) Non-current investments 11 0.00 0.00
(c) Long-term loans and advances 12 712.67 736.52
(d) Other non-current assets 13 0.00 0.00
(e) Deferred tax Assets 1.72 0.09
1,212.71 810.40


(2) Current assets:

(a) Inventories 14 25.54 -
(b) Trade receivables 15 37.34 -
(c) Cash and bank balances 16 5.96 177.46
(d) Short-term loans and advances 17 0.81 2.44
(e) Other current assets 18 13.27 1.62
82.92 181.52
TOTAL 1,295.63 991.92

Significant Accounting Policies 1

Notes forming Integral part of Financial Statements 2-24

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Director
For Chatter & Chatter
Chartered Accountants

Rakesh Chatter Pramod Menon Sunil Arora

Partner Managing Director Chairman
Membership No. 073831
FRN : 005376C
Place: Jaipur Nitesh Gangwal
Date : 13.12.2012 Company Secretary

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited


Particulars Note For the year ended For the year ended
31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011
In crore In crore
I Revenue from operations 19 163.43 -
II Other income 20 0.03 0.00
III Total Revenue (I+II) 163.46 0.00
IV Expenses:
Cost of Lignite Mining 21 146.78 -
Increase / (Decrease ) in Inventories (25.54) -
Finance costs 22 18.43 0.00
Depreciation and amortisation expenses 8.48 -
Other expenses 23 15.77 0.35
Total Expenses 163.92 0.35
V Profit / (Loss) before tax (III-IV) (0.46) (0.35)
VI Tax Expenses:
Current tax 1.76 (0.07)
Deferred tax (1.62) (0.02)
(0.14) (0.09)
VII Profit /(Loss) for the year (V- VI) (0.60) (0.26)
VIII Earnings per share (Rs.)
Basic (0.30) (0.13)
Diluted (0.30) (0.13)
Significant Accounting Policies 1
Notes forming Integral part of Financial Statements 2-24

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Director
For Chatter & Chatter
Chartered Accountants

Rakesh Chatter Pramod Menon Sunil Arora

Partner Managing Director Chairman
Membership No. 073831
Place: Jaipur Nitesh Gangwal
Date : 13.12.2012 Company Secretary



For the year ended For the year ended

31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011
In crore In crore
Profit before Tax (0.46) (0.35)
Adjusted for:
Depreciation 8.49 -
Interest Income (0.03) (0.00)
Finance Costs 18.43 -
Prior Period Adjustments - 0.07
26.89 0.07
Operating profit before working capital changes (26.43) (0.28)
Adjustments for:
Trade and other receivables (37.34) -
Trade Payables including Advance received from customers 44.59 0.71
Inventories (25.54) -
Loans and advances 13.83 (2.58)
(4.45) (1.87)
Cash generated from operations 21.97 (2.15)
Direct Taxes Paid (Net) (1.30) 0.07
Purchase of Fixed Assets including CWIP & (336.81) (480.27)
Pre-Operative Expenses
Interest Income 0.03 0.00
Purchase of Investments (Previous year Rs.20000/-) - (0.00)
Proceeds from Borrowings 163.03 659.45
Finance cost paid (18.43) -
CASH EQUIVALENTS (A+B+C) (171.50) 177.09

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
Note :
1) The above cash flow statement has been prepared by using the indirect method as per Accounting
Standard 3.
2) Previous year's figures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever necessary to conform to current
year's classification

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Director
For Chatter & Chatter
Chartered Accountants

Rakesh Chatter Pramod Menon Sunil Arora

Partner Managing Director Chairman
Membership No. 073831

Place: Jaipur Nitesh Gangwal

Date : 13.12.2012 Company Secretary



NOTE: 1 on the date of financial statements
Significant Accounting Policies and reported amounts of revenue and
expenses for that year. Actual result
(a) General: could differ from these estimates. Any
i) T h e f i n a n c i a l s t a te m e n t s a re revision to accounting estimates is
prepared under the historical cost recognized prospectively.
convention, on the accounting v) All assets and liabilities have been
principles of a going concern. classified as current and non- current
ii) Accounting policies not specifically as per the company's normal
referred to otherwise are consistent operating cycle and other criteria set
and in consonance with the out in the revised Schedule VI to the
applicable accounting standards Companies Act, 1956.
prescribed by the Companies (b) Fixed Assets:
(Accounting standards) Rules, 2006
to the extent applicable. (i) Tangible Assets

iii) All expenses and incomes to the Fixed assets are stated at cost which
extent ascertainable with reasonable includes all direct and indirect
certainty are accounted for on expenses up to the date of
accrual basis. All taxes, duties and acquisition, installation and/or any
cess etc paid on purchases have cost attributable for bringing the
been charged to the profit and loss asset to its working condition for its
account except such taxes, duties intended use.
and cess, which are subsequently Expenditure incurred during
recoverable with reasonable construction period:
certainty from the taxing authorities. Apart from costs related directly to the
In case of Service tax paid / payable construction of an asset, indirect
on Lignite extraction charges and expenses incurred up to the date of
other Services, the same has been commencement of commercial
charged to Profit and Loss account production which are incidental and
after netting off the Excise duty related to construction are capitalized
payable on sale of Lignite. On as part of construction cost. Income, if
account of the huge difference in any, earned during the construction
Service tax paid on Lignite extraction period is deducted from the indirect
cost and excise duty paid on sale of costs.
Lignite, the possibility of utilisation of (ii) Intangible assets:
CENVAT credit cannot be ascertained
with reasonable certainty. Surface Rights on Kapurdi Land and
Rights under the implementation
iv) T h e p re p a r a t i o n o f f i n a n c i a l and Joint Venture agreement are
statements in conformity with amortized on the basis of lignite
generally accepted accounting actually extracted during the period
principles (GAAP) requires the with respect to the estimated
management to make estimates and quantity of extractable mineral
assumptions that affect the reported reserves.
amounts of assets and liabilities and
the disclosures of contingent liabilities

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
(c) Capital work-in- progress (CWIP) assets is estimated as the higher of its net
Capital work-in-progress comprises of the selling price and its value in use. An
cost of fixed assets that are not yet ready for impairment loss is recognized profit & loss
their intended use at the reporting date. statement whenever carrying amount of such
assets exceeds its recoverable amount.
Cost of material consumed, erection charges
thereon along with other related expenses Depreciation on impaired assets related to
incurred for the projects are shown as CWIP cash generating unit is provided by adjusting
for capitalization. the depreciation charge in the remaining
periods so as to allocate the revised carrying
Expenditure attributable to construction of amount of the assets over its remaining
fixed assets are identified and allocated on a useful life.
systematic basis to the cost of the ralated
asset. (f) Employee related Benefits

Interest during construction and expenditure The company does not have any employee
(net) allocated to construction are apportioned on its rolls and are being deputed from Joint
to CWIP on the basis of the closing balance of Venture Partners. Hence, all employee
specific asset or part of asset being capitalized. related benefits are being taken are by the
The balance. If any, left after such capitalization respective Companies from whom the
is kept as a separate item under the CWIP employees are deputed.
Schedule. (g) Revenue Recognition:
Claims for price variation/exchange rate Revenue from sale of goods and services
variation in case of contracts are accounted rendered is recognized upon passage of title
for on acceptance/receipt of claims. and rendering of services to the customers.
Any other expenditure which is not directly or (h) Investments:
indirectly attributable to the construction of
Long term investments are stated at cost. In
the project/construction of the Fixed Asset is
case, there is a decline other than temporary
charged off to profits and loss statement in
in the value of the investment, a provision for
the period in which they are incurred.
same is made. Current investments are
(d) Depreciation/ Amortization: valued at lower of cost of fair value.
Depreciation is provided on Straight Line (i) Inventories:
Method at the rates and in the manner
Inventories are valued at lower of cost and
specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies
net realizable value. Cost is determined on
Act. 1956.
the basis of weighted average. Net realizable
Surface Rights on Kapurdi Land and Rights value is the estimated selling price in the
under the implementation and Joint Venture ordinary course of business, less the
agreement are amortized on the basis of estimated costs of completion and the
lignite actually extracted during the period estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
with respect to the estimated quantity of Obsolete, defective and unserviceable stock
extractable mineral reserves. is duly provided for whenever applicable.
(e) Impairment of Assests: (j) Borrowing cost:
In accordance with Accounting Standard 28 Borrowing Costs directly attributable to the
on "Impairment of Assets" Prescribed by the acquisition and construction of qualifying
Company (Accounting Standards) Rules, assets are capitalized as part of cost of such
2006, where there is an indication of asset up to the date when such assets are
impairment of the company's assets relating ready for its intended use. A qualifying asset
to cash generating units, the Carrying amount is one that necessarily takes substantial
of such assets are reviewed at each balance period of time to get ready for its intended
sheet date to determine whether there is an use. The borrowing cost eligible for
impairment. The recoverable amount of such capitalization is being netted of against


borrowing cos ts shall cease when cost on the Guidelines for preparation of
substantially all activities necessary to Mine closure plan issued by the Ministry of
prepare the qualifying asset for its intended Coal, Government of India. An amount equal
use are complete. to the annual cost is to be deposited every
Other borrowing costs are charged to year throughout the mine life compounded @
revenue. 5% annually.

(k) Taxation: (m) Provisions and Contingent Liabilities:

Income tax expenses comprise current tax ( Provisions and recognized based on the best
i.e. amount of tax for the period determined estimates of the expenditure required to
in accordance with the income tax law) and settle the present obligation at the balance
deferred tax charges or credit (reflecting the sheet date when
tax effects of timing differences between a) The Company has a present
accounting income and taxable income of obligation as a result of a past event.
the year). b) A probable outflow of resources is
The deferred tax charge or credit and the expected to settle the obligation and
corresponding deferred tax liabilities or c) The amount of the obligation can be
assets are recognized using the tax rates that reliably estimated.
have been enacted or substantively enacted
by the balance sheet date. Where some or all the expenditure
required to settle a provision is
Deferred tax assets are recognized only to expected to be reimbursed by another
the extent there is reasonable certainly that par ty, such reimbursement is
the assets can be realized in future; however recognized to the extent of provision
where there is unabsorbed depreciation or or Contingent liability as the case may
carry forward loss under taxation loss, be, only when it is virtually certain that
deferred tax assets are recognized only if the reimbursement will be received.
there is virtual certainty of realization of such
assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at Contingent liability is disclosed in the
each balance sheet date and written down or case of
written up to reflect the amount that is a) Present obligation arising from a
reasonably/ virtually certain, as the case may past event when it is not probable
be to be realized. that a outflow of recourses will be
Tax credit recognized in respect of Minimum required to settle the obligation.
Alternate Tax (MAT) paid in terms of section b) A possible obligation arising from
115JAA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 based on past event, the existence of which
convincing evidence that the company will will be confirmed only by the
pay normal Income tax within the statutory occurrence or non occurrence of
time frame and the same is reviewed at each one or more uncertain future event
balance sheet date. not within the control of the
(l) Provision for Mine Closure charges: enterprise.
Company provides for annual mine closure

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited



As at As at
31st 31st
Particulars March,2012 March,2011
In crore In crore

20.00 20.00
2,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each
(Previous year 2,00,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each)

Issued,Subscribed and paid-up: 20.00 20.00

2,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each
(Previous year 2,00,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each) 20.00 20.00

2.1 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
No. of Shares No. of Shares

2,00,00, 000 2,00,00,000

Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year
- -
Add: Fresh Issue of Shares
Shares oustanding at the end of the year
2,00,00, 000 2,00,00,000

2.2 Details of agrregate shareholding by Holding Company, Subsidiary of Holding Company or Associate
of Holding Company

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
No. of Shares No. of Shares

Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited (Holding Company) 1,02,00, 000 1,02,00,000
- a Government of Rajasthan Enterprise

2.3 Details of shareholding more than 5% of aggregate shares in the Company

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
No. of Shares No. of Shares

Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited (Holding Company) 1,02,00,000 1,02,00,000
Raj West Power Limited ( Joint Venture partner) 98,00,000 98,00,000


2.4 Terms & Rights attached to equity shares

a) The Company has only one class of equity share having a par value of Rs.10/- each. Each holder of equity
shares is entiltled to one vote per share.
b) In the event of liquidition, the equity shareholders are eligible to receive the remaining assets of the
Company after distribution of all preferential amount, in proportion to the shareholding.

2.5 Aggregrate number of Bonus Shares issued and shares issued for consideration other than cash
during the last five years

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
No. of Shares No. of Shares

Shares alloted as fully paid-up without payment received in cash 1,02,00,000 1,02,00,000
to RSMML as per IA & JV Agreement


Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Surplus :
Balance as at the beginning of the year (0.49) (0.23)
Add: Net Loss for the current year (0.60) (0.26)
Balance as at the end of the year (1.09) (0.49)


Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Secured Loans
Rupee Term Loans:
From Banks 762.50 -
Unsecured Loans
Subordinate Debt from Related Parties
Raj West Power Limited (RWPL) 361.63 311.10
1,124.13 311.10

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
4.1 Details of Security:
Rupee Term Loan amounting to Rs. 762.50 crores is availed on which partial security has been created on 24th July,
2012. For balance creation of Security, the Company is awaiting approval from Govt./Govt. undertaking. The
stipulated security for the said facility is:
l Hypothecation of movable assets.
l A first mortgage charge by way of mortgage on the immovable assets of the Project as may be permitted by
the Government
l A first charge on all the Project's bank accounts including but not limited to the Trust & Retention Account
l A first charge on the operating cash flows, commissions, revenues of whatever nature and wherever arising,
present and future, intangibles, goodwill, uncalled capital, present and future;
l Assignment of all rights, titles and interests of the Company in, to and under all assets of the Project and all
project documents, contracts, insurance policies, permits/approvals etc. related to the lignite mine
development to which the Company is a party, which can be legally assigned and as may be permissible by
the Government;
l Assignment of mining lease/mining rights and other related rights as may be permissible under relevant
laws/ allowed by the Government;
l Pledge of 51% equity shares of the Company.
4.2 Terms of Repayment of Loan:
a) Oustanding amount of Rs.762.50 Crores as rupee term loan is repayable in 50 Structured Installments
commencing from 30 September 2014 till 24 November 2026
b) Outstanding amount of Rs. 361.63 Crores of subordinated debt is repayable after repayment of rupee term
loan .



Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Others :
Interest on Subordinated Debt 96.21 -
96.21 -


Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Secured Loans
Rupee Term Loans:
From Banks - 650.00
- 650.00


Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Trade Payables 11.32 6.29

11.32 6.29

1) There are no amounts due to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises suppliers on account of principal and/or
interest on suppliers as defined under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 .
2) All balances are confirmed by the respective parties.

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Payables - Projects 6.75 3.72

Other payables:
Statutory Dues payable 11.58 0.87
Lignite Extraction charges payable 19.05 -
Mine closure Charges payable 4.71 -
Others payable 0.96 -
43.05 4.59

1) All vendor balances, other than Statutory dues are confirmed by the respective parties.


Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Provison for Tax 0.47 0.43

(Net of advance tax and TDS (Previous year
Rs. 0.05 crore)
Others provisions 1.54 -
2.01 0.43

Note : 10
FIXED ASSETS ( In crore)
Gross Block Depreciation / Amortisation Net Block

Particulars As at 1st Deductions/ As at 31st Upto 31st Deductions/ As at 31st As at 31st As at 31st
Additions For the year
April, 2011 Adjustments March, 2012 March, 2011 Adjustments March, 2012 March, 2012 March, 2011

(A) Tangibles
Building - 0.15 - 0.15 - 0.00 - 0.00 0.15 -

Plant & Equipment - 5.27 - 5.27 - 0.22 - 0.22 5.05 -

Office Equipment - 0.07 - 0.07 - 0.00 - 0.00 0.07 -

Furniture & Fixtures - 0.02 - 0.02 - 0.00 - 0.00 0.02 -

Vehicles - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL - 5.51 - 5.51 - 0.22 - 0.22 5.29 -

(B) Intangibles
Surface Rights on Kapurdi Land - 365.86 - 365.86 - 8.18 - 8.18 357.68
Rights under the Implementation and JV
Agreement 3.40 - 3.40 0.08 - 0.08 3.32
TOTAL - 369.26 - 369.26 - 8.26 - 8.26 361.00 -

TOTAL (A+B) - 374.77 - 374.77 - 8.48 - 8.48 366.29 -

Previous Year - - - - - - - - - -

1. Surface rights on Kapurdi Land includes Borrowing costs of Rs. 74.81 cores (Previous year Rs. Nil) capitalised during the year (refer note 24(h))
Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
NOTE: 10 contd....
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore


Rights under the Implementation and Joint Venture Agreement 10.20 10.20
Plant and Machinery and Civil Works 5.91 5.59
16.11 15.79
Less : Amount Transferred to Fixed Assets 8.92 -
Total A 7.19 15.79


Opening Balance 58.00 45.03

Manpower Cost 2.09 0.10

Mining Lease Expenses 0.01 0.02
Land Development Expenses 0.31 0.22
Mining Plan Expenses 0.02 0.02
NH Diversion Expenses 0.50 0.05
Trenching Cost - 0.19
LAO Expenses 0.10 0.15
Consulting Engineering - 0.45
Electricity Connection Charges - 0.17
Geo Technical Investigation - 0.06
Water Pipelines expenses - 3.85
Legal and Professional Charges 0.39 1.46
Advertisement Expenses 0.00 0.21
Travelling Expenses - 0.53
General Expenses 0.01 0.16
Office Rent 0.02 0.22
Labour Charges 0.16 0.27
Finance Charges 6.62 0.94
Income Tax Expenses - 0.54
Interest During Construction Period 169.13 4.99
237.36 59.63

Less: Interest Income earned (including interest of 2009-10 Rs 0.48 crores) 13.41 1.63
(TDS: Rs.1.29 crore (Previous Year :Rs.0.02 crore))
Less: Amount Transferred to Balance Sheet 96.68 -
Less: Amount Transferred to Profit & Loss Account 2.43 -
Total B 124.84 58.00
Total A+B 132.03 73.79
Interest during Construction includes Rs.73.84 crores and Finance Charges includes Rs. 0.97 crores pertaining to
Kapurdi Mining Land.


NOTE: 11
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Government and trust securities

6-Year National Savings Certificate Rs.20,000 (Previous Year
0.00 0.00
(Pledged with Commercial Tax Department)

0.00 0.00

NOTE: 12
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Unsecured, considered good

Capital Advances 712.67 736.52
Deposits with Government/Semi Government authorities 0.00 0.00
`20,000 (Previous year ` 10,000) (Pledged with DMGR)

712.67 736.52

NOTE: 13

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Others :
Interest accrued on NSC - ` 2,357 (Previous Year ` 675 )
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

NOTE: 14

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Finished Goods 25.54 -

25.54 -

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
NOTE: 15

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Unsecured, considered good - -

Outstanding for a period not exceeding six months from the
due date
37.34 -
37.34 -
1) All vendor balances are confirmed by the respective parties.
NOTE: 16
Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Cash and Cash Equivalent

On Current accounts 0.41 2.46
Bank Deposit 5.55 175.00
5.96 177.46

NOTE: 17

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Unsecured, considered good

Sundry Deposits 0.53 0.17
VAT - Input Credit Receivable - 0.74
Other Advances 0.28 1.53
0.81 2.44


NOTE: 18

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Prepaid Expenses - Rs. 33,613 (Previous Year -Nil) 0.00 -

Interest Accrued on Advances 12.92 1.62
( TDS Rs.1.21 crore; Previous Year Rs.0.02 Crore)
Insurance Claim Receivable 0.35 -
13.27 1.62

NOTE: 19

Particulars For the year ended For the year ended

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Sale of Lignite 201.32 -

Less: Excise Duty 9.16 -
Less : Other Levies
i) Royalty 10.79 -
ii) Clean Energy Cess 8.35 -
iii) VAT 9.59 -
Revenue from Operation (Net Sales) 163.43 -

NOTE: 20

Particulars For the year ended For the year ended

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Interest income
Fixed Deposits (TDS Rs.32,274/-Previous Year Rs.Nil/-) 0.03 0.00
0.03 0.00

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
NOTE: 21

Particulars For the year ended For the year ended

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Lignite Extraction Cost 136.74 -

Mine Closure Charges 4.71 -
Excise duty on Closing Stock 3.40 -
Royalty on Closing Stock 1.93 -
146.78 -

NOTE: 22

Particulars For the year ended For the year ended

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Interest expenses
Subordinated Loan from RWPL 4.04 -
Interest on Loan from Bank 13.36 -
Interest other 0.06 -
Finance Charges (Previous year Rs.1,431/-) 0.97 0.00
18.43 0.00

NOTE: 23

Particulars For the year ended For the year ended

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Manpower cost 0.36 -

Rates and taxes (Previous Year Rs.12,055/-) 11.28 0.00
Insurance 0.03 -
Advertising Expenses 0.02 0.07
Sampling Expenses 0.32 -
Legal and professional charges 2.63 0.15
Audit Fees 0.01 0.01
Travelling and Conveyance 0.09 -
General expenses 1.03 0.12
15.77 0.35


NOTE : 24
(a) The accounts of the company for the year accounts for the year ended on 31st march
2011-12 were originally adopted by the Board 2012 to give effects of the major observations
of Directors on 8th September, 2012. of CAG auditors. Due to revision of the
However the CAG auditors have made various accounts, following changes have been
observations. Subsequently, details were made in the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
obtained on the observations and after account of the original accounts of the
detailed examination and analysis of the company:
same, it was deemed expedient to revise the

(Amt In `)

Particulars Note No. Figures as Figures as Increase (+)/

per original per recast
account account Decrease (-)

Balance Sheet
Reserve & Surplus 3 -14.59 -1.09 -13.50
Trade Payables 7 -29.69 11.32 -18.37
Other Current liabilities 8 45.50 43.05 -2.45
Short term provision 9 1.48 2.01 -0.53
Capital Work- in progress 10 131.73 132.03 0.30
Deferred tax assets 0.33 1.72 1.39
Inventories 14 27.99 25.54 -2.45
Short term loan & advance- 17 7.32 0.81 -6.51
Other current assets 18 12.79 13.27 0.48
Profit & Loss accounts
Cost of Lignite Mining 163.17 146.78 -16.39
Increase/ (Decrease) in Inventories 21 -27.99 -25.54 2.45
Finance Costs 22 18.37 18.43 0.06
Tax expense -0.24 0.14 0.38

In addition accounting policies (Note No.1 (a) (iii), 1(b) (ii), 1 (d) and notes (24 (h), (l), (m) & (n) to accounts have
been modified and note no. 24 (i) has been added.

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
(b) The company commened commercial Controller may permit withrawls (four years
operations of Kapurdi Lignite Mines on before mine closure date) form the Escrow
October 10, 2011 besides commencement account proportionate to the quantum of
of lignite supplies to Raj West Power Limited. work carried out, as reimbursement. The
(c) The Company has recognized Sales on the withdrawn amount each year shall not
basis of Adhoc Interim Transfer Price Order exceed 20% of the total amount deposited in
for supply of lignite dated September 30,2011 the Escrow account.
for Unit-1 and Unit-2 of RWPL and for Unit-3 (h) The company has paid a sum of Rs. 977.51
and Unit-4 vide order dated October 21, 2011 Crore upto 31st March, 2012 (upto previous
o f R a j a s t h a n E l e c t r i c i t y Re g u l a to r y Year Rs. 736.51 Crore) to Rajasthan State
Commission (RERC). The same is subject to Mines & Minerals Limited (RSMML) towards
adjustment as per final transfer price to be the compensation for land acquisition of
determined by RERC. Consequent to any such 17,323.05 bighas of Kapurdi Mining Block and
adjustment, the Company will have to revise 22347.85 bighas of Jailpa Mining Land which
Lignite extraction charges payable to Mine in turn has been paid as land compensation
Developer cum Operator (MDO). to the land owners. Presently, the mutation
(d) Contingent Liabilities and Commitments: process of Kapurdi Lignite Mining Block has
been completed and land has been
Estimated amount of Contracts remaining to transferred in the name of RSMML. RSMML
be executed on capital Account and not has intimated that the transfer of land to the
provided for (net of advances) Rs. 90.11 Crore Company, pursuant to an opinion obtained
(Previous Year Rs. 241.01 Crore). by the Company from Advocte General on the
(e) A demand for Rs. 2.11 crore was raised by Sub- transfer of land in accordance with the
registrar Barmer towards Land Tax for the year Implementation Agreement and Joint
2011-12 and the same has been provided in Venture Agreement, has been rejected by
the books during the year. As per the Government of Rajasthan. Accordingly, the
directives of honorable High Court, Jodhpur cost paid towards the acquisition of Kapurdi
an amount equivalent to 30% ie. Rs. 0.63 land to RSMML is reflected as Surface Rights
crore has been deposited and an appeal has for Kapurdi Land and documentation for
been filed with the honorable High Court, which is under process.
Jodhpur. (i) The company had received NOC for 2,172.03
(f) As per Ministry of Environment and Forests bighas of government land from District
(MOEF) clearance, the Compay needs to Collector (Barmer) vide letter dated
expend at least Rs. 2.00 crore per annum 12.01.2010 to be used by company for lignite
towards CSR activities. Accordingly the mining in Kapurdi. Subsequently, District
Compay has provided proportionate amount Collector (Barmer) has raised a claim by
in its books for its Kapurdi Mining block from issuing a letter dated 31.07.2012, seeking for
the date of Commencement of Commercial payment of Rs 32.58 Crores towards
operations. government land against transfer of title on
the government land admeasuring 2,172.03
(g) An amount of Rs. 4.71 crore has been
bighas. The Company has not accepted the
provided in the books towards Mine closure
o f f e r / c l a i m , a n d i s i n t h e p ro c e s s
obligation for the current year and the same
approaching appropriate government
will be deposited in an Escrow account with
authorities against the claim raised.
the Coal Controller. This is in line with the
guidelines for Mine Closure Plan issued by (j) During the year the company has recognised
the Ministry of Coal, Government of India. Rs. 2.21 crore (Previous year Rs 0.12 crore)
The said funds to be deposited in the Escrow being the amount payable to RSMML towards
account shall be available for utilization the proportionate amount of Salary and
starting five years before the scheduled wages of RSMML employees and office
closure of Mining Operations. The Coal expenses for the period from FY 2006-07 to FY
2001-12. The above charge relates to the time


spent by RSMML employees on the Considering the above, the Company has
Company's project and the same has been recognized interest on subordinated debt for
charged to Capital Work in progress (CWIP) the period from 27th February, 2007 to 31st
(k) The Company has an outstanding March, 2012, aggregating to Rs. 96.41 crore
subordinated debt of Rs. 361.63. crore (Previous year Nil) during the current year.
(Previous Year 311.10 crore) as on 31st March, (l) The Government of Rajasthan vide its order
2012 availed @ 10% interest rate from RWPL to dated 30th March, 2011 had stated that any
fund its project related requirements. The interest gained by RSMML on the amount
company was not providing for interest on deposited with it by the Company towards
the aforementioned debt but was showing it land compensation to be paid for Jalipa and
as a contingent liability upto the previous Kapurdi Mining Block (as a result of delayed
year, as the same was not forming part of the payment) will be refunded to the Company.
original project costs approved by lenders. Accordingly, the company has accounted for
The revised project cost appraised by SBI interest income of Rs. 12.61 crore (Including
Capital Market Limited based on which Rs. 0.48 crore pertain to FY 2009-10) (Previous
financial closure for the project was year Rs. 1.49 crore) on the basis of the bank
achieved, considers the interest on sub- statement/ledger balance outstanding in the
ordinate debt as part of Project cost. books of RSMML.

(m) Deferred tax asset consists of timing differences on account of:

Particulars As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Preliminary Expeses written Off 0.17 0.21

Carry Forward losses - 0.06
Unabsorbed depreciation (1.07) -
Disallowances u/s. 43B 6.19 -
Deferred Tax Asset/ (Liability) 1.72 0.09

(n) Earnings Per Share (Basic & Diluted):

Particulars For the year ended As at

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
In crore In crore

Net Profit/(Loss) as attributable to equity shareholders (A) (0.60) (0.26)

(Rs. In crore)
Weighted Average Number of equity shares outstanding 2,00,00,000 2,00,00,000
during the period (Face value Rs. 10 per share (B)
Earnings per share (Basic and Diluted) (0.30) (0.13)

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
(o) Based on the information available with the company regarding the status of the suppliers as defined under
the Micro, small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, there are no amount due to Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises suppliers on account of principal and/or interest as at the close of the year.

Sr.No. Particulars Current Previous

Year year
1. Principal amount due and remaining unpaid - -
2. Interest due on (1) above and the unpaid interest - -
3. Interest Paid on all delayed payments under the MSMED Act. - -
4. Payment made beyond for the period of delay other then 3 above - -
5. Interest accured and remaining unpaid - -
6. Interest accrued and remaining unpaid - -
7. Amount of further interest remaining due and Payable in succeeding year - -

(p) Remuneration to Auditors (excluding service tax): (Rs. in Crore)

As at As at
31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Audit Fees 0.01 0.01
Tax Audit fees* (Rs. 30,000/-) 0.00* -
For other services Rs. 45,820/- (Previous Year Rs. 6180/-) 0.00 0.00

*Rs. 20000/- for F.Y. 2011-12 and Rs. 10000/- for F.Y. 2010-11
(q) In the opinion of the Management, the Current Assets, Loans and Advances have a value on realisation in
the ordinary course of business, at least equal to the amount at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet.
The Provision for all known liabilities is adequate and not in excess of what is required.
(r) There are no reportable segments as per Accounting Standard 17 prescribed by the Companies (Accounting
Standards) Rules, 2006.
(s) Related Party Disclosure as per Accounting Standard 18:
(I) List of Related Parties:
Companies with Significant influence:
i) Raj West power Limited (RWPL)
ii) JSW Energy Limited (JSWEL)


(II) Related Party Transactions: (Rs. in Crore)

Nature of Transaction Current Year As at

31st March,2011
Transactions with RWPL
Subordinated loan (Unsecured Loan) 50.53 9.45
Interest on Subordinated Loan 96.41 -
Salary to deputed staff 0.09 -
Reimbursement of expenses related to land acquisition 0.71 3.52
Transactions with JSWEL
Manpower Cost
0.08 0.10

Closing balance of related parties: (Rs. in Crore)

Name of the Related Party As at As at

31st March,2012 31st March,2011
Raj West power Limited (RWPL)
-Subordinated Debt 361.63 311.10
-Others 100.53 3.52
JSW Energy Limited (JSWEL) - 0.10

a) Related Party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the auditor.
b) No disclosure is required in the financial statements of state controlled enterprises as regards related party
relationship with other state controlled enterprises and transactions with such enterprises. Accordingly
transaction with RSMML has not be reported.
(I) Key Mangerial personel
Mr. Sanjay Sagar Managing Director (up to 18.07.2012)
Mr. Pramod Menon Managing Director ( from 19.07.2012)
There is no remuneration paid to key managerial person.
(t) Previous year's figures have been regrouped/ rearranged wherever necessary to conform to current year's

As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Director
For Chatter & Chatter
Chartered Accountants

Rakesh Chatter Pramod Menon Sunil Arora

Partner Managing Director Chairman
Membership No. 073831

Place: Jaipur Nitesh Gangwal

Date : 13.12.2012 Company Secretary

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited
The preparation of financial statements of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited, Jaipur for the year ended 31
March 2012 in accordance with the financial reporting framework prescribed under the companies Act, 1956 is the
responsibility of the Management of the Company. The Statutory Auditors appointed by the comptroller and Auditor
General of India under Section 619 (2) of the Companies Act, 1956 are responsible for expressing opinion on these
financial statements under section 227 of the companies Act, 1956 based on independent audit in accordance with
the Auditing and Assurance Standards prescribed by their professional body, the Institute of Chartered Accountant
of India. This is stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 13 December 2012.
I, on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit under section
619(3) (b) of the Companies Act, 1956 of the financial statements of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited, Jaipur
for the year ended 31 March 2012. This supplementary audit has been carried out independently without access to
the working papers of the Statutory Auditors and is limited Primarily to inquiries of the statutory Auditors and
Company personnel and a selective examination of some of the accounting records. In view of the revisions made in
the financial statements by the management, as a result of my audit observations highlighted during supplementary
audit as indicated in the Note No. 24 (a) of the Notes forming part of Accounts. I have no further comments to offer
upon or supplement to the statutory Auditors Report, under Section 619(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 except
that the observations regarding interest on subordinate loan and equity investment by Rajasthan state Mines
and Minerals Limited, as Pointed out in supplementary audit (Memo no. 3 and 6), have been deferred in view
of the fact that the matter stands referred to Government of Rajasthan/Advocate General by the Company.

For and on behalf of

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India
R Chouhan
Principal Accountant General
Place: Jaipur (Eco. & Rev Sector Audit)
Date : 20.02.2013 Rajasthan, Jaipur

Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited

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