Management of Student Behaviour

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3 Manage Challenging Behaviour

I addressed challenging behaviour
promptly using a behaviour chart; the
students peg was able to be moved
Written feedback from my mentor forwards and backwards on the
demonstrates my ability to manage ladder. I used restorative justice as
student behaviour during lesson, set clear part of my teaching strategy to
expectations, implement rules and address behaviour issues. It is evident
consequences, while supporting the here that a student has moved
students in the classroom activity Focus forward due to positive behaviour.
area 4.3. Focus area 4.3

To manage students behaviour I used the classroom rules

One of the students within the class was on a behaviour plan which
and consequences which were established were negotiated
is part of the school discipline policy. The behaviour record required
with the students at the beginning of the year. I reminded
a comment from me on his behaviour sheet after each session. I set
the students of the classroom rules and being respectful to
clear and concise rules for him and the class at the beginning of
others within the classroom at the beginning of each lesson.
each lesson. A teaching strategy I used during class was to set a goal
If the rules were broken at any stage of the lesson, I followed
in each lesson for him to achieve. I also focused on the positives by
the school policy and the student was given the appropriate
giving him positive behaviour feedback throughout the day.
consequence. Focus area 4.3
Evidence for Focus area 4.3

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