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Clinical Research Associate

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Competency Profile

Clinical-Research Associate (CRA)

Reports to: Project Manager or Clinical-Research Site Manager

Main A
 ssesses site qualification potential: reviews
Evolution W
 hile company mergers may have
study requirements; conducts pre-study visits and an impact on organization, procedures
Duties drafts pre-study evaluation reports. of the and methods, the role of the Research
may vary from
Associate remains the same.
one company
to another
 articipates in the implementation of clinical
La Commission des partenaires du march du travail contribue
au financement des activits de Pharmabio Dveloppement.

studies: communicates with investigators T he development of specialized

software lightens the burden related
and their staff; ensures compliance with terms
to managing regulatory documents.
and conditions; properly trains site personnel and writes initiation
Online data capture (increasingly used) accelerates data
visit reports. collection, processing, and validation.

 upervises the conduct of clinical studies: acts as liaison between C
 ompanies are implementing new procedures pursuant to
site personnel and the sponsor; performs monitoring in the field; an observation (audit, inspection, etc.), as well as verification
ensures compliance with protocols, regulatory requirements, and good measures in order to protect themselves from legal
clinical practices; writes follow-up visit reports. proceedings, bias, or irregularities.

 nsures the quality of the project: verifies materials and data
integrity; assists site personnel with internal audits or regulatory
inspections; and perform ongoing follow-up with the in-house
project team.
 eep knowledge up to date
 loses clinical studies: verifies the integrity of investigator files;
ensures availability of clinical and non-clinical materials; jointly reviews
Best to remain proficient.

with investigators the obligations inherent at the end of the study and Practices A
 ttend symposiums, conferences,
writes closure visit reports. and continuing-education training.

Main responsibilities
Coordinate Clinical Trials Ensure Quality Assurance of Projects

Visits trial sites regularly. A

 dheres to protocol regulatory requirements, good clinical practice regulations,
 cts as liaison between project managers and standard operating procedures.
and research-site personnel. Assesses the trial site and applicable personnel on an ongoing basis.
Maintains the quality of the work and relationships. Ensures compliance with the patient-consent process.
 onitors the conduct of clinical trials V
 erifies the receipt, handling, accounting, storage conditions, and availability of clinical
and compliance with established timelines. products under investigation.
 nsures harmonization of in-house Verifies compliance and quality of collected data.
monitoring practices. Ensures compliance with the procedures to apply in the event of serious adverse events.
 rafts an appropriate intervention plan for the avoidance of redundant errors
and deviations.
 erifies investigator records and checks for consistency with the contents
of sponsor files.
College nursing diploma or Depending on experience
Bachelor of health sciences, nursing, biomedical sciences, Career-Path in the fields of health-care
Qualifications pharmacy, pharmacology, or a related discipline. and clinical research as well
Masters degree in one of the aforementioned disciplines or
Options as areas of interest, CRAs
another postgraduate degree1 (an asset). can aspire to, among other
Communication skills and good interpersonal relationships. positions, the following:

Ability to work independently, coupled with management and organizational skills. Lead CRA.
Meticulous and detail oriented. Head of Clinical Research.
Bilingual. Project Manager.
Proficiency in the use of the Microsoft Office Suite and specialized software for Director of Clinical Operations.
electronic databases such as CRF2, INFORM3, e-Clinical, TrialStat, OC-RDC, etc.
Knowledge of the product under investigation for its mechanism of action, The work of a Clinical-Research Associate
pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. opens career opportunities in the pharmaceutical
Understanding of the regulatory context, good clinical practices and standard research-and-development sector for positions
operating procedures. in pharmacovigilance, regulatory affairs,
Availability to travel frequently. and marketing.

Competencies Behavioural Indicators

Interpersonal Relationships Adapts behaviour to situations and individuals in personal interactions.

Ability to build trust with site personnel Is empathetic, receptive, and attentive.
and communicate with concerned personnel. Acts as liaison between the sponsor and site personnel.
Detects and decodes non-verbal cues/behaviours.
Communicates clearly and effectively (written and spoken).

Teamwork Actively contributes to the team.

Ability to work cooperatively as part Promotes cooperation with others.
of a team. Coordinates activities with those of other team members.
Exchanges relevant information with colleagues.

Information Analysis Verifies the protocol and assesses training needs of site personnel.
Ability to establish links between various Reviews the process used to obtain a fully informed consent of the patient.
elements necessary to the proper conduct Ensures the investigator is aware of all his obligations.
of the clinical study. Verifies application of regulatory requirements relative to site activities.

Problem Solving Identifies potential problems during the conduct of the trial.
Ability to solve problems related Assists in developing an action plan specific to or in response to observations
to clinical trials. identified in inspection and audit reports.
Makes realistic and appropriate decisions.
Follows up on compliance issues until final resolution.

Responsible Management Manages the various monitoring activities.

Ability to monitor clinical trials. Performs verifications required for the proper conduct of the trial.
Maintains close contact with site personnel and ethics committee.
Effectively manages priorities.
Accurate assessment of unforeseen situations.

Compliance Control Is very proficient with the contents of the research protocol, regulatory
Ability to ensure that site personnel comply requirements, and good clinical-practice regulations.
with the research protocol, regulatory Takes into consideration the standard operating procedures of the company,
requirements, good clinical-practice regulations, research site, and ethics committee.
and standard operating procedures. Enforces compliance with regulations.
Judiciously detects non-compliant situations.
Proposes relevant and realistic solutions.
Maintains consistent follow-up and adherence to established timelines.

1 For example, the D..S.S. (Diplme dtudes Suprieures Spcialises) in drug development, a postgraduate diploma, is a specialization and training development program that qualifies

graduates to work in the biopharmaceutical, governmental, and other sectors.

An acronym for electronic case report form, which serves as the patient case-record form.
Depending on the therapeutic area, the product can be a drug or medical device.
Please refer to the Clinical-Research Associates (CRA) Analyse de profession* and Profil de comptences* for all additional information.
The Competency Profile was made through funding by the Commission des partenaires du march du travail.
* This document has not been translated yet.

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