Defects in Crystals
Defects in Crystals
Defects in Crystals
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Point Defect in ionic crystals and metals
1.3 Diffusion in solids
1.3.1 Type of Diffusion
1.3.2 Diffusion Mechanisms
1.3.3 Diffusion Coefficient
1.3.4 Applications
1.4 Ionic Conductivity
1.5 Colour Centres
1.5.1 F- Centres
1.5.2 V-Centres
1.6 Excitions
1.7 General Idea of Luminescence
1.8 Dislocations & Mechanical Strength of Crystals
1.9 Plastic Bahaviour
1.10 Type of Dislocations
1.11 Stress field of Dislocations
1.12 Grain Boundaries
1.13 Etching- Types of Etching
1.14 Let Us Sum Up
1.15 Check Your Progress: The Key
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
a = vacancy (Schottky defect)
b = interstitial
c = vacancy interstitial pair (Frenkel defect)
d = divacancy
e = split interstitial
= vacant site
Fig. 1 Some Simple defects in a lattice
Defects in Crystal
The Main aim of this unit is to study defect in crystals after going through the unit
you should be able to
Describe the type of defects
Explain the diffusion in crystal
Explain the color center and excitations
Explain the type of dislocation
The point imperfections, which are lattice errors at isolated lattice points, take
place due to imperfect packing of atoms during crystallisation. The point
imperfections also take place due to vibrations of atoms at high temperatures.
Point imperfections are completely local in effect, e.g. a vacant lattice site. Point
defects are always present in crystals and their present results in a decrease in the
free energy. One can compute the number of defects at equilibrium concentration
at a certain temperature as,
K, n/N = exp[-1/(8.62 x 10-5 x 1000)] 10-5, or 10 parts per million. For many
purposes, this fraction would be intolerably large, although this number may be
reduced by slowly cooling the sample.
(i) Vacancies: The simplest point defect is a vacancy. This refers to an empty
(unoccupied) site of a crystal lattice, i.e. a missing atom or vacant atomic site
[Fig. 2 (a)] such defects may arise either from imperfect packing during original
crystallisation or from thermal vibrations of the atoms at higher temperatures. In
the latter case, when the thermal energy due to vibration is increased, there is
always an increased probability that individual atoms will jump out of their
positions of lowest energy. Each temperature has a
Defects in Crystal
vacancies exist in a certain proportion in a crystal and thereby leading to an
increase in randomness of the structure. At higher temperatures, vacancies have a
higher concentration and can move from one site to another more frequently.
Vacancies are the most important kind of point defects; they accelerate all
processes associated with displacements of atoms: diffusion, powder sintering,
(ii) Interstitial Imperfections: In a closed packed structure of atoms in a crystal
if the atomic packing factor is low, an extra atom may be lodged within the crystal
structure. This is known as interstitial position, i.e. voids. An extra atom can enter
the interstitial space or void between the regularly positioned atoms only when it
is substantially smaller than the parent atoms [Fig. 2(b)], otherwise it will produce
atomic distortion. The defect caused is known as interstitial defect. In close
packed structures, e.g. FCC and HCP, the largest size of an atom that can fit in the
interstitial void or space have a radius about 22.5% of the radii of parent atoms.
Interstitialcies may also be single interstitial, di-interstitials, and tri-interstitials.
We must note that vacancy and interstitialcy are inverse phenomena.
(iii) Frenkel Defect: Whenever a missing atom, which is responsible for vacancy
occupies an interstitial site (responsible for interstitial defect) as shown in Fig.
2(c), the defect caused is known as Frenkel defect. Obviously, Frenkel defect is a
combination of vacancy and interstitial defects. These defects are less in number
because energy is required to force an ion into new position. This type of
imperfection is more common in ionic crystals, because the positive ions, being
smaller in size, get lodged easily in the interstitial positions.
(iv) Schottky Defect: These imperfections are similar to vacancies. This defect is
caused, whenever a pair of positive and negative ions is missing from a crystal
[Fig. 2(e)]. This type of imperfection maintains charge neutrality. Closed-packed
structures have fewer interstitialcies and Frenkel defects than vacancies and
Schottky defects, as additional energy is required to force the atoms in their new
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
(v) Substitutional Defect: Whenever a foreign atom replaces the parent atom of
the lattice and thus occupies the position of parent atom (Fig. 2(d)], the defect
caused is called substitutional defect. In this type of defect, the atom which
replaces the parent atom may be of same size or slightly smaller or greater than
that of parent atom.
(vi) Phonon: When the temperature is raised, thermal vibrations takes place. This
results in the defect of a symmetry and deviation in shape of atoms. This defect
has much effect on the magnetic and. electric properties.
All kinds of point defects distort the crystal lattice and have a certain influence on
the physical properties. In commercially pure metals, point defects increase the
electric resistance and have almost no effect on the mechanical properties. Only at
high concentrations of defects in irradiated metals, the ductility and other
properties are reduced noticeably.
In addition to point defects created by thermal fluctuations, point defects may
also be created by other means. One method of producing an excess number of
point defects at a given temperature is by quenching (quick cooling) from a higher
temperature. Another method of creating excess defects is by severe deformation
of the crystal lattice, e.g., by hammering or rolling. We must note that the lattice
still retains its general crystalline nature, numerous defects are introduced. There
is also a method of creating excess point defects is by external bombardment by
atoms or high-energy particles, e.g. from the beam of the cyclotron or the
neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The first particle collides with the lattice atoms and
displaces them, thereby causing a point defect. The. number of point defects
Defects in Crystal
created in this manner depends only upon the nature of the crystal and on the
bombarding particles and not on the temperature.
Diffusion refers to the transport of atoms through a crystalline or glassy solid.
Many processes occurring in metals and alloys, especially at elevated
temperatures, are associated with self-diffusion or diffusion. Diffusion processes
play a crucial 'role in many solid-state phenomena and in the kinetics of micro
structural changes during metallurgical processing and applications; typical
examples include phase transformations, nucleation, recrystallization, oxidation,
creep, sintering, ionic conductivity, and intermixing in thin film devices. Direct
technological uses of diffusion include solid electrolytes for advanced battery and
fuel cell applications, semiconductor chip and microcircuit fabrication and surface
hardening of steels through carburization. The knowledge of diffusion
phenomenon is essential for the introduction of a very small concentration of an
impurity in a solid state device:
1.3.1 Types of Diffusion
(i) Self Diffusion: It is the transition of a thermally excited atom from a site of
crystal lattice to an adjacent site or interstice.
(ii) Inter Diffusion: This is observed in binary metal alloys such as the Cu-Ni
iii) Volume Diffusion: This type of diffusion is caused due to atomic movement
in bulk in materials. (iv) Grain Boundary Diffusion: This type of diffusion
is caused due to atomic movement along the grain boundaries alone.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
(v) Surface Diffusion: This type of diffusion is caused due to atomic movement
along the surface of a phase.
1.3.2 Diffusion Mechanisms
Diffusion is the transfer of unlike atoms which is accompanied with a change of
concentration of the components in certain zones of an alloy. Various mechanisms
have been proposed to explain the processes of diffusion. Almost all of these
mechanisms are based on the vibrational energy of atoms in a solid. Direct-
interchange, cyclic, interstitial, vacancy etc. are the common diffusion
mechanisms. Actually, however, the most probable mechanism of diffusion is that
in which the magnitude of energy barrier (activation energy) to be overcome by
moving atoms is the lowest. Activation energy depends on the forces of
interatomic bonds and crystal lattice defects, which facilitate diffusion transfer
(the activation energy at grain boundaries is only one half of that in the bulk of a
grain). For metal atoms, the vacancy mechanism of diffusion is the most probable
and for elements with a small atomic radius (H, N and C), the interstitial
mechanism. Now, we will study these mechanisms.
(i) Vacancy Mechanism: This mechanism is a very dominant process for
diffusion in FCC, BCC and HCP metals and solid solution alloy. The activation
energy for this process comprises the energy required to create a vacancy and that
required to move it. In a pure solid, the diffusion by this mechanism is shown in
Fig. 3(a). Diffusion by the vacancy mechanism can occur by atoms moving into
adjacent sites that are vacant. In a pure solid, during diffusion by this mechanism,
the atoms surrounding the vacant site shift their equilibrium positions to adjust for
the change in binding that accompanies the removal of a metal ion and its valency
electron. We can assume that the vacancies move through the lattice and produce
random shifts of atoms from one lattice position to another as a result of atom
jumping. Concentration changes takes place due to diffusion over a period of
time. We must note that vacancies are continually being created and destroyed at
the surface, grain boundaries and suitable interior positions, e.g. dislocations.
Obviously, the rate of diffusion increases rapidly with increasing temperature.
Defects in Crystal
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Kirkendall was the first person to show the inequality of diffusion. By using
an brass/copper couple, Kirkendall showed that Zn atoms diffused out of
brass into Cu more rapidly than Cu atoms diffused into brass. Due to a net
loss of Zn atoms, voids can be observed in brass.
From theoretical point of view, Kirkendall's effect is very important in
diffusion. We may note that the practical importance of this effect is in metal
cladding, sintering and deformation of metals (creep).
1.3.3 Diffusion Coefficient: Ficks Laws of Diffusion
Diffusion can be treated as the mass flow process by which atoms (or
molecules) change their positions relative to their neighbours in a given phase
under the influence of thermal energy and a gradient. The gradient can be a
concentration gradient; an electric or magnetic field gradient or a stress
gradient. We shall consider mass flow under concentration gradients only. We
know that thermal energy is necessary for mass flow, as the atoms have to
jump from site to site during diffusion. The thermal energy is in the form of
the vibrations of atoms about their mean positions in the solid.
The classical laws of diffusion are Fick's laws which hold true for weak
solutions and systems with a low concentration gradient of the diffusing
substance, dc/dx (= C2 C1/X2 X1), slope of concentration gradient.
(i) Fick's First Law: This law describes the rate at which diffusion occurs.
This law states that
dn D a dt (2)
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
1 dn dc
J D (3)
a dt dx
where J is the flux or the number of atoms moving from unit area of one
plane to unit area of another per unit time, i.e. flux J is flow per unit cross
sectional area per unit time. Obviously, J is proportional to the
concentration gradient. The negative sign implies that flow occurs down
the concentration gradient. Variation of concentration with x is shown in
Fig. 5. We can see that a large negative slope corresponds to a high
diffusion rate. In accordance with Fick's law (first), the B atoms will
diffuse from the left side. We further note that the net migration of B
atoms to the right side means that the concentration will decrease on the
left side of the solid and increase on the right as diffusion progress.
Fig.5 Model for illustration of diffusion : Ficks first law. We note that the concentration of B
atoms in the direction indicates the concentration profile
This law can be used to describe flow under steady state conditions. We find that
it is identical in form to Fourier's law for heat flow under a constant temperature
gradient and Ohm's law for current flow under a constant electric field gradient.
We may see that under steady state flow, the flux is independent of time and
remains the same at any cross-sectional plane along the diffusion direction.
Defects in Crystal
Equation 4 Ficks second law for unidirectional flow under non steady conditions.
A solution of Eq. (4)given by
c ( x, t )
exp ( x 2 / 4 Dt ) (4a)
Where A is constant Let us consider the example or self diffusion or radioactive
nickel atoms in a non-radioactive nickel specimen. Equation (4a) indicates that
the concentration at x = 0 falls with time as r -12 and as time increases the
radioactive penetrate deeper in the metal block [Fig.6 ] At time t 1 the
concentration of radioactive atoms at x = 0 is c 1= A/(Dt1)1/2. At a distance x1 = 0
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Fig.6. The radioactive sheet of Nickel (shown by shaded section) is kept in contact with a block of
nonradioactive nickel. Radioactive atoms diffuse from the sheet to the bulk metal and can be
detected as a function of time. In figure, the diffusion of atoms is shown (i) for t= 0 (ii) for t 1, and
(iii) t2 with t2> t1
dc d 2c
D 2 (5)
dt dx
Even though D may vary with concentration, solutions to the differential Eq. 5 are
quite commonly used for practical problems, because of their relative simplicity.
The solution to Eq.5 for unidirectional diffusion from one medium to another a
cross a common interface is of the general form.
c ( x, t ) A B erf ( x / 2 Dt
Where A and B are constant to be determined from the initial and boundary
conditions of a particular problem. The two media are taken to be semi-infinite
i.e. only one end of each of them, which the interface is defined. The other two
ends are at an infinite distance The initial uniform concentrations of the diffusing
species in the two media are different, with an abrupt change in concentrations at
the interface erf in eqn.5 (a) stands for error function, which is
x / 2 Dt
x 2
exp( ) d
erf (5a)
2 Dt 0
is an integration variable, that gets deleted as the limits of the integral are
substituted. The lower limits of the integral is always zero, while the upper limit
of the integral is the quantity, whose function is to be determined 2 is a
normalization factor. The diffusion coefficient D (m2/s) determines the rate of
Defects in Crystal
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Fig. 8. Activation energy for diffusion (a) vacancy mechanism (b) interstitial mechanism
The energy is required to pull the atom away from its nearest atoms in the
vacancy mechanism energy is also required top force the atom into closer contact
with neighbouring atoms as it moves along them in interstitial diffusion. If the
normal inter- atomic distance is either increases or decrease, addition energy is
required. We may note that the activation energy depends on the size of the atom.
i.e. it varies with the size of the atom, strength of bond and the type of the
Defects in Crystal
diffusion mechanism. It is reported that the activation energy required is high for
large- sized atoms, strongly bonded material , e.g. corundum and tungsten carbide
(since interstitial diffusion requires more energy than the vacancy mechanism.)
1.3.4 Applications of Diffusion
Diffusion processes are the basis of crystallization recrystallization, phase
transformation and saturation of the surface of alloys by other elements, Few
important applications of diffusion are :
(i) Oxidation of metals
(ii) Doping of semiconductors.
(iii) Joining of materials by diffusion bonding, e.g. welding, soldering,
galvanizing, brazing and metal cladding
(iv) Production of strong bodies by sintering i.e. powder metallurgy.
(v) Surface treatment , e.g. homogenizing treatment of castings , recovery,
recrystallization and precipitation of phases.
(vi) Diffusion is fundamental to phase changed e.g. y to -iron.
Now, we may discuss few applications in some detail. A common example of
solid state diffusion is surface hardening of steel, commonly used for gears and
shafts. Steel parts made in low carbon steel are brought in contact with
hydrocarbon gas like methane (CH4) in a furnace atmosphere at about 9270C
temperature. The carbon from CH4 diffuses into surface of steel part and theory
carbon concentration increases on the surface. Due to this, the hardness of the
surface increase. We may note that percentage of carbon diffuses in the surface
increases with the exposure time. The concentration of carbon is higher near the
surface and reduces with increasing depth Fig. (9)
Fig. 9. C gradient in 1022 steel carburized in 1.6% CH4, 20% CO and 4%H.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
It is known that the dominant lattice defect responsible for the ionic conductivity
in pure and doped lead chloride is the anion vacancy (Jost 1952). The activation
energy for migration of the anion vacancy has been measured by Simkovich
(1963), Seith (De Vries 1965) and Gylai (De Vries 1965) in powder samples and
is found to range from 0-48 eV to 0-24 eV. The measurements on single crystals
of pure and doped lead chloride, however, show that the energy of formation of
vacancies is 1-66 eV and that for migration of the anion vacancies is 0-35 eV
(De Vries and Van Santen 1963; De Vries 1965).
Theroles of various point defects in this material are not yet clearly understood.
Simkovich, fox example, concluded that in the extrinsic region half of the anion
vacancies are associated with cation vacancies to form charged pairs. Barsis and
Taylor (1966), on the other hand, proposed that appreciable number of
inteistitials, i.e., unassociated Frenkel defects, are present in the extrinsic region
as seen from the analysis of isotherms obtained by them from the data of De Vries
and Van Santen. The recent experiments by Van den Brom etal (1972) on the
dielectric relaxation in pure lead chloride suggest that in this region dipole species
such as anion vacancy-impurity associates are piesent.
In this paper, we shall present the results of self-diffusion and ionic conductivity
measurements made on pure crystals of lead chloride, and show that ir this
material Schottky defects are mainly responsible for the observed ionic transport
Defect in Crystal
and that the impurity anion vacancy associates, particularly the oxygen ions,
influence it markedly in the extrinsic region.
Defects in Crystal
1.5.1 F Centres: The simplest and the most studied type of colour centre is an F centre.
It is called an F centre because its name comes from the German word Farbe
which means colour. F centres are generally produced by heating a crystal in an
excess of an alkali vapour or by irradiating the crystal by X rays, NaCl is a very
good example having F centres. The main absorption band in NaCl occurs at
4650A 0 and it is called the F band. This absorption in the blue region is said to be
responsible for the yellow colour produced in the crystal. The F band is
characteristic of the crystal and not of the alkali metal used in the vapour i.e., the
Defect in Crystal
F band in KCI or NaCl will be the same whether the crystal is heated in a vapour
of sodium or of potassium. The F bands associated with the F centres of some
alkali halide crystals are shown in fig. 10, in which the optical absorption has
been plotted against wavelength or energy in eV
Split up into electrons and positive ions in the crystal (fig. 11). The crystal
becomes slightly non-stoichiometric, with more sodium ions than chlorine ions.
This results in effect in CI- vacancies. The valence electron of the alkali atom is
not bound to the atom, it diffuses into the crystal and becomes bound to a vacant
negative ion site at F because a negative ion vacancy in a perfect periodic lattice
has the effect of an isolated positive charge. It just traps an electron in order to
maintain local charge neutrality. The excess electron captured in this way at a
negative ion vacancy in an alkali halide crystal is called an F centre. This electron
is shared largely by the six positive metal ions adjacent to the vacant negative
lattice site as shown in 2-dimensions by the dotted circle in fig. 11. The figure
shows an anion vacancy and an anion vacancy with an associated electron, i.e.,
the centre. This model was first suggested by De-Boer and was further developed
by Mott and Gurney.
Change of Density: Since some Cl- vacancies are always present in a NaCl crystal
in thermodynamic equilibrium, any sort of radiation which will cause electrons to
be knocked into the Cl- vacancies will cause the formation of F centres. This
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
explains Becquerel's early results also. With that the generation of vacancies by
the introduction of excess metal can be experimentally demonstrated by noting a
decrease in the density of the crystal. The change of density is determined by X-
ray diffraction measurements.
Energy Levels of F -centres: Colour centres are formed when point defects in a
crystal trap electrons with the resultant electronic energy levels spaced at optical
frequencies. The trapped electron has a ground; state energy determined by the
surroundings of the vacancy. These energy levels lie in the forbidden energy gap
and progress from relatively widely spaced levels to an almost continuous set of
levels just below the bottom of the conduction band. When the crystal is exposed
to white light, a proper component of energy excites the trapped electron to a
higher energy level, it is absorbed in the process and a characteristic absorption
peak near the visible region appears in the absorption spectrum of the crystal
having F-centres. The peak does not change when an excess of another metal is
introduced in the crystal if the foreign atoms get substituted for the metal atoms of
the host crystal. This justifies the assumption that the absorption peak is due to
transitions to excited states close to the conduction band-determined by the
trapped electron. Fig. 12
shows the energy level diagram for an F centre. It also shows that the F absorption
band is produced due to a transition from the ground state to the first excited state
below the conduction band.
Effect of temperature on F-band: We have seen above that the energy levels of an
F-centre depend upon the atomic surroundings of vacancy. This means that the
absorption peak should shift to shorter wavelengths i.e., higher energies when the
interatomic distances in the crystal are decreased. This shift is actually observed
on varying the temperature of the crystal. The absorption maximum has a finite
breadth even at very low temperature, which increases on increasing the
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Defect in Crystal
At any finite temperature the ground state is not at 0, the minimum of curve G
but lies above it by about kE because the coordinating ions vibrate between A and
B due to thermal energy. Hence the energy of the absorbed radiation can range
between that of transition A A` or B B`. The difference between energies,
corresponding to A` and B` gives the width of the absorption peak. AB represents
the amplitude of vibration of ions at a lower temperature but as the temperature
rises it moves to a higher energy position so that CD represents the amplitude of
vibration at the higher temperature and thus the width of the absorption peak- the
F band increases.
Klcinschord observed that the F band instead of being exactly like a bell, ossesses
a shoulder and a tail on the short wavelength side. Seitz called the shoulder as a
K-band and it may be considered to be due to transitions of the electron to excited
states, which lie between the first excited state and the conduction band. The tail
may be supposed to be due to the transition from the ground state of F-centre to
the conduction band.
Magnetic Properties of F-Centres: In fig. 13, the upper curve E is determined by
the change in the surroundings of a vacancy when the trapped electrons is in the
excited state. This is usually expressed by a change of the effective dielectric
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Fig.15 Proposed models of V centres after Seitz Nagamiya
Defects in Crystal
It can be understood that the strong peak observed by Mollwo in KBr as shown in
fig. 14 is however, not of the above type. Mollwo's experiment proves that the
saturation density of colour centres is proportional to the number of bromine
molecules at a particular temperature. By the law of mass action, we know that
one colour centre should be produced by each molecule absorbed from the
vapour. Hence it was proposed by F. Seitz that the centres associated with the
strong peak are of molecular nature, i.e., two holes are trapped by two positive ion
vacancies. Such a centre is called a V2 centre and is shown in fig. 15.
As is evident from the figures 13 and 15, the V 1 centre is the counterpart of the F-
centre, V2 and V3 are those of the R centres and V 4 is the counterpart of the M
centre. However, the identification of the V1 centre with the V 1 band is uncertain
because the spin resonance results of Kaenzig suggest that a centre having the
symmetry of the V3 centre produces the V1 band. The detailed properties of V
centres have not yet been properly understood.
Production or Colour Centres by X-rays or Particle Irradiation: The colour
centres can also be produced in crystals by irradiating them with very high energy
radiation like X -rays or rays. An X-ray quantum when passes through an ionic
crystal produces fast photo electrons having the energy nearly equal to that of the
incident quantum. These high energy electrons interact with the valence electrons
in the crystal and lose their energy by producing free electrons and holes, excitons
(electron hole pairs) and phonons. These free electrons and holes diffuse into the
crystal and come across vacancies present in the crystal where they may be caught
producing trapped electrons and holes. In this way both F and V types of colour
centres are produced in crystals irradiated with high energy radiations. However,
these are not permanent like those produced in non stoichiometric crystals in
which there is an internally produced excess of electrons and holes. Their colours
cannot be removed permanently without changing them chemically. The colour
centres produced by X-ray radiation are easily bleached by visible light or by
heating because the excited electrons and holes ultimately recombine with each
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
other. The F and V centres produced by irradiation with 30 keV X -rays at room
temperature (20C) have been shown in fig. 16 in the absorption spectrum of KCl
taken by Dorendorf and Pick.
The most obvious point defects consist of missing ions (vacancies), excess ions
(interstitials), or the wrong kind of ions (substitution impurities). A more subtle
possibilitials is the case of an ion in a perfect crystal, that differs from its
colleagues only by being in an excited electronic state. Such a defect is called
a Frenkel exciton. Since any ion is capable of being so excited, and since the
coupling between the ions outer electronic shells is strong, the excitation energy
can actually be transferred from ion to ion . Thus the Frenkel exciton can move
through the crystal wit\hout the ions themselves having to change places, as a
Defects in Crystal
result of which it is (like the polaron) for more mobile than vacancies,
interstitials, or substitutional impurities. Indeed, for more accurate to describe
the electronics structure of a crystal containing an exciton, as a quantum
mechanical superposition of states, in which it is equally probable that the
excitation is associated with any ion in the crystal. This latter view bears the
same relation to specific excited ions, as the Bloch tight binding levels
(Chapter 10) bear to the individual atomic levels, in the theory of band
Thus the exciton isprobably better regarded as one of the more complex
manifestions of electronic band structure that as a crystal defect. Indeed, once
one recognizes that the proper description of an exciton is really a problem in
electronic band structure, one can adopt a very different view of the same
Suppose we have calculated the electronic ground state of an insulator in the
independent electron approximation. The lowest excited state of the insulator
willevidently be given by removing one electron from the highest level in the
highest occupied band 9the valence band) and placing it into the lowest lying
level of the lowest unoccupied band (conduction band). Such a rearrangement of
the distribution of electrons does not alter the self- consistent periodic potential
in which they move. This is because the Bloch electron are not localized (since
nk(r)2 is periodic), and therefore the change in local charge density produced by
changing the level of a single electron will be of order 1/N (since only an Nth of
the electron's charge will be in any given cell) i.e. negligibly small. Thus the
electronic energy levels do not have to be recomputed for the excited
configuration and the first excited state will lie an energy c -v above the energy
of the ground state, where c is the conduction band minimum and v the valence
band maximum.
However, there is another way to make an excited state. Suppose we form a one-
electron level by superposing enough level near the conduction band minimum
to form a well- localized wave packet. Because we need levels in the
neighborhood of the minimum to produce the wave packet, the energy c of the
wave packet will be somewhat grater than c. Suppose in addition that the
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
valence band level we depopulate is also wave packet. , formed of levels in the
neighborhood of the valence band maximum (so that its energy v is somewhat
less than v) and chosen so that the center of the wave packet is spatially very
near the center of the conduction band wave packet. If we ignored electron
electron interactions, the energy required to move an electron from valence to
conduction band wave packet. If we ignored electron- electron interactions, the
energy required to move an electron from valence to conduction band wave
packets would be c - v > c - v, but because the levels are localized, there will,
in addition, be a non negligible amount of negative Coulomb energy due to the
electrostatic attraction of the (localized) conduction band electron and
(localized) valence band hole.
This additional negative electrostatic energy can reduce the total excitation
energy to an amount that is less than c - v, so the more complicated type of
excited state, in which the conduction band electron is spatially correlated with
the valence band hole it left behind, is the true lowest excited state of the crystal.
Evidence for this is the onset of optical absorption at energies below the inter
band continuum threshold the following elementary theoretical argument,
indicating that one always does better by exploiting the electron hole attraction:
Let us consider the case in which the localized electron and hole levels extend
over many lattice constants. We may then make the same type of semi classical
argument that we used to deduce the form of the impurity levels in
semiconductors. We regard the electron and hole as particles of mass m c and mv
(the conduction and valence band effective masses, which we take, for
simplicity, to be isotropic). They interact through an attractive Coulomb
interaction screened by the dielectric constant of the crystal. Evidently this is
just the hydrogen atom problem, with the hydrogen atom reduced mass (1/ =
1/Mproton + 1/melectron 1/melectron) replaced by the reduced effective mass m* (1/m*
= 1/mc + 1/mv ) , and the electronic charge replaced by e 2/. Defects
Thus there will be
in Crystal
bound states, the lowest of which extends over a Bohr radius given by:.
2 m
a ex a0
m * (e / )
the energy of the bound state will be lower than the energy (c - v ) of the non-
interacting electron and hole by
(e 2 / ) m * 1 e 2
E ex
2a 0* m 2 2a 0
m* 1
m 2
The validity of this model requires that aex be large on the scale of the lattic (i.e.,
aex >>a0), but since insulators with small energy gaps tend to have small effective
masses and large dielectric constants, that is no difficult to achieve, particularly in
semiconductors. such hydrogenic spectra have in fact been observed in the optical
absorption that occurs below the inter and threshold.
The exciton described by this model is known as the Mott- Wannier exciton Evidently
as the atomic levels out of which the band levels are formed become more tightly bound
will decrease m* will increases, a0* will decrease, the exciton will become
more localized, and the Mott- Wannier picture will eventually break down. The
Mott- Wannier exciton and the Frenkel exciton are opposite extremes of the
same phenomenon. In the Frenkel case, based as it is on a single excited ionic
level, the elelctron and hole are sharply localized on the atomic scale. The
exciton spectra of the solid range gases fall in this class.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
are probably the manganous halides, samarium and gadolinium sulfate,
molybdates, and platinocyanides.
(ii) The alkali halides activated with thallium or other heavy metals.
(iii) ZnS and CdS activated with Cu, Ag, Au, Mn, or with an excess of one of their
constituents (self-activation).
After the discovery of X-rays, Darwin and Ewald found that the intensity of X-ray
beams reflected from actual crystals was about 20 times greater than that expected
from a perfect crystal. In a perfect crystal, the intensity is low due to long
absorption path given by multiple internal reflections. Also, the width of the
reflected beam from an actual crystal is about 1 to 30 minutes of an are as
compared with that expected for a perfect crystal which is only about a few
seconds. This discrepancy was explained by saying that the actual crystal
consisted of small, roughly equiaxed crystallites, 10-4 to 10-5 cm. In diameter,
slightly misoriented with respect to one another, with the boundaries between
them consisting of amorphous material. This is the "mosaic block" theory in
which the size of the crystallites limits the absorption path and increases the
intensity. The misorientation explains the width of the beam. It was however
found recently that the boundaries of the crystallites are actually arrays of
dislocation lines.
The presence of dislocation lines is also proved by the study of crystal growth.
Volmer's and Gibbe's theoretical study on nucleation of new layers showed that
the layer growth of perfect crystals is not appreciable until supersaturation of
about 1.5 were attained. However, experimental work of Volmer and Schultze on
Defects in Crystal
iodine showed that crystals grew under nearly equilibrium conditions. Frank
removed this discrepancy by saying that the growth of crystals could take place at
low supersaturations by the propagation of shelves associated with the production
of a dislocation at the surface.
The development of the theory of dislocations was given a great impetus by the
consideration of the strength of a perfect crystal. A crystal can be deformed
elastically by applying stresses on it but it can regain its original condition when
the stresses are removed. If the stresses applied be very large, of the order of
about 106 -107 dynes per cm2 then a small amount of deformation will be left on
removing these stresses and the crystal is said to suffer a plastic deformation. It
will be seen that the atomic interpretation of the plastic flow of crystals requires
the postulation of a new type of defect called dislocations.
Mechanical Strength of Crystal : The weakness of good crystals was a mystery for
many years, in part, no doubt, because the observed data easily led one to the wrong
conclusion. Relatively poorly prepared crystal were found to have yield strengths close to
the high value we first estimate for the perfect crystal. However, as the crystals were
improved (for example, by annealing) the yield strengths were found to drop drastically,
falling by several orders of magnitude in very well prepared crystals. It was natural to
assume that the yield strength was approaching that of a perfect crystal as specimens
were improved, but, in fact, quite the opposite was happening.
Three people independently came up with the explanation in 1943, inventing the
dislocation to account for the data. They suggested that almost all real crystals contain
dislocations, and that plastic slip occurs through their motion as described above. There
are then two ways of making a strong crystal. one is to make an essentially perfect
crystal, free of all dislocation. This is extremely difficult to achieve. Another way is to
arrange to impede the flow of dislocations, for although dislocations move with relative
ease in a perfect crystal, if they work required to move them can increase considerably.
Thus the poorly prepared crystal is hard because it is infested with dislocations and
defects, and these interfere so seriously with each other's motion that slip can occur only
by the more drastic means described earlier. However, as the crystal is purified and
improved, dislocation largely move out of the crystal, vacancies and interstitials are
reduced to their (low) thermal equilibrium concentrations, and the unimpeded motion of
those dislocations that remain makes it possible for the crystal to deform with c\ease. At
this point the crystal is very soft. If one could continue the process of refinement to the
point where all dislocations were removed, the crystal would again become hard.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Let us now apply a shear stress in the direction shown in fig.19 (a). All the
atoms in the upper plane are thus displaced by an amount x from the original
positions as shown by the dotted circles. In fig. (b), the
Fig. 19
shear stress has been plotted as a function of the relative displacement of the
planes from their equilibrium positions and this gives the periodic behavior of as
supposed by Frenkel. ' is found to become zero for x = 0, a/2, a etc., where a is
the distance between the atoms in the direction of the shear. Frenkel assumed that
this periodic function is given by
c sin (7)
where the amplitude c denotes the critical shear strees which we have to
calculate For x << a, we have as usual,
c (8)
In order to calculate the force required to shear the two planes of atoms, we from
the definition of shear modulus
Stress 2x
G c
Strain y x/d a
where G is the shear module and y is the elastic strain
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
d G
G (9)
Comparing it with equation (12), we have
2 x x G a
c G or c .
a d 2x b
or c , if a d (10)
2x 6
This gives the maximum critical stress above which the crystal becomes unstable.
It is about one sixth of the shear modulus. In a cubic crystal, G c 44 = 1011 dynes
per cm. for a shear in the <100> direction. Hence the theoretical value of the
critical shear stress on Frenkel's model is c = 1010 dynes per sq. .cm. which is
much larger than the observed values for pure crystals. However., the
experimental values for the maximum resolved shear stress required to start the
plastic flow in metals were of the order of 10-3 to 10-4 G at that time and it was not
a agreement with the results of eqn.. (10)
Later it was considered that eqn (10) gave a higher value as the different semi-
inter atomic force of Fig.19 (b) as taken by Frenkel. The above disagreement
may also be due to other special configuration of mechanical stability which the
lattice may develop when it is sheared. Mackenzie in 1949, using central forces in
the case of close packed lattices found that c could be reduced to a value G/30 ,
corresponding to a critical shear strain of about 20 This value, however, is
supposed to be an underestimate due to the neglect of the small directional force
which are also present in such lattices. The contributions of thermal stresses also
reduce c below G/30 only near the melting point. Thus at room temperature we
should have G/5 > c > G/30 i.e. = G/15. In the case of whiskers only,. the
experimental value of c for various metals has been found to be of this order
which is in excellent agreement with the theoretical result. Recent experimental
work on bulk copper and zinc has shown that plastic deformation being at
stresses of the order of 10-9 G. Hence, except for whiskers the disagreement is
even larger than before..
It is therefore clear that agreement between theory and experiment be obtained on
the basis of Frenkel's model where atomic plant glide past each other assuming
fig. 19 (a) that the atoms of the upper atomic plane move simulantaneously
relative to the lower plane. This assumption is based on the supposition of a
perfect lattices, and that is the main cause of difficulty. We have , therefore, to
consider the presence of imperfections which act as sources of mechanical
Defects in Crystal
weakness in actual crystals and which may proud a slip by the consecutive motion
of the atoms but not by simultaneous motion of the atoms of one plane relative to
another. After Frenkel theory Masing and Polanyi, Pradtl and Dehlinger proposed
different defects but in 1934, Orowan, Polanyi, and Taylor proposed edge
dislocation, while in
1939 Burgers gave the description of screw dislocation to explain the discrepancy
between c theoretical and experimental. It has now been established that the new
type of defect called dislocation exists in almost all crystals and it is responsible
for producing slip by the application of small stresses only
apart from each other and the structure is expanded. This local expansion round
an edge dislocation is called a dislocation. Besides the expansion and contraction
near the dislocation, the structure is sheared also and this shear distortion is quite
Dislocations are produced when the crystal solidifies from the melt. Plastic
deformation of cold crystals also produces dislocations. 'Dislocations are of
importance in determining the strength of ductile metals. These dislocations can
be experimentally observed by many techniques. Electron microscopes can be
used to study dislocations in their specimens of the order of a few angstroms
which may transmit 100 kV electrons. It can be studied by the precipitation of
impurities because the region of dilatation along a dislocation line is very suitable
for their precipitation. Optical microscopes can be used to study them if the
dislocations are first decorated by precipitating metallic impurities along the
dislocation lines e.g., silver decoration of alkali halides. The intersection of
dislocation lines with the surface of a crystal can be revealed by the etch pitch
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Defects in Crystal
The Screw Dislocation: The screw dislocation was introduced by Burger in 1939.
It is also called Burger's dislocation. To understand this, let a sharp cut be made
part way through a perfect crystal and let the crystal on one side of the cut be
moved down by one atomic spacing relative to the other so that the rows of atoms
are placed back into contact as shown in fig. 21. A line BD of distortion exists
along the edge of the cut, which is called the screw dislocation. In this case
complete planes of atoms normal to the dislocation do not exist any longer but all
atoms lie on a single surface which spirals from one end of the crystal to the other
and so it is called screw dislocation. The pitch of the screw may be left-handed or
right-handed and one or more atom distances per rotation. The distortion is very
little in regions away from the screw dislocation of while atoms near the centre
are in regions of high distortion so much so that the local symmetry in the crystal
is completely destroyed. In this case, the atoms near the centre of the screw
dislocation are not in a dilatation as in edge dislocation but are on a twisted or
sheared lattice.
Motion of a Dislocation: Dislocations can move just like the point defects move
in the lattice but these are more constrained in motion because a dislocation must
always be a continuous line. Motion of a dislocation is possible either by a climb
or by a slip or by a glide. The motion of dislocation can give rise to a slip by a
mechanism shown in fig. 22. When the upper half is pushed sideways by an
amount b, then under the shear the motion of a dislocation tends to move the
upper surface of the specimen to the right. Edge dislocations for which the extra
half plane DB lies above the slip plane are called positive. If it is below the slip
plane it is called negative edge dislocation. When an edge dislocation moves from
one lattice site to another on the Fig. 22 slip plane, the atoms in the core move
slowly so that the extra half plane at one lattice position becomes connected to a
plane of atoms below the slip plane and the nearby plane of atoms becomes the
new extra half plane. When finally the extra half plane BD reaches the right hand
side of the block, the upper half of the block has completed the slip or glide by an
amount b.
Climb of a dislocation corresponds to its motion up or down from the slip plane.
If the dislocation absorbs additional atoms from the crystal, it moves downward
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Defects in Crystal
The Burger's circuit S1234F is shown by dark line in fig. 23 for a screw
dislocation. Starting at some lattice point S at the front of the Fig. 23 crystal, the
loop fails to close on itself by one unit translation parallel to the dislocation line.
This is the Burger's vector which always points in a direction parallel to the screw
dislocation. If the loop is continued, it will describe a spiral path around the
Burger's dislocation just like the thread of a screw. In the figure, the height of the
step on the top surface is one lattice spacing i.e., b, thus b is a vector giving both
the magnitude and the vector of the dislocation. It must be some multiple of the
lattice spacing so that an extra plane of atoms could be inserted to produce a
dislocation. The dilatation at a point near an edge dislocation can now be
described to be given by
V b
V r
where b is the Burger's vector which measures the strength of the distortion
caused by the dislocation, r is the radial distance from the point to the dislocation
line and is the angle between the radius vector and the slip plane .as shown in
fig. 20. Similarly, the atoms which are on a sheared lattice in a screw dislocation
being on a spiral ramp, are displaced from their original positions in the perfect
crystal according to the equation of a spiral ramp i.e.
where the z-axis lies along the dislocation and u, is the displacement in that
direction. The angle is measured from one axis perpendicular to the
dislocation. Thus when increases by 2 the displacement increases by a
quantity b, the Burger's vector, which measures the strength of the dislocation.
The Burgers vector of a screw dislocation is parallel to the dislocation line while
that of an edge dislocation, it is Perpendicular to the dislocation line and lies in
the slip plane. In general cases, the Burger's vector may have other directions with
respect to the dislocation and for these cases the dislocation is a mixture of both
Defects and screw
in crystals types. Thus
and Elements the mixed dislocation is defined in terms of the
of Thin Films
Fig. 24
e (11)
and the corresponding shear stress in the good region is,
G. b
G.e. (12)
where G is the shear modulus or modulus of rigidity of the material. A distribution
of forces is exerted over the surface of the cut for producing a displacement b and
Defects in Crystal
the work done by the forces to do it gives the energy Es of the screw dislocation.
ES F .b.dA (13)
where F is the average force per unit area at a point on the surface during the
displacement and the integral extends over the surface area of the cut. The
average value is to be taken because the force at a point builds up linearly from
zero to a maximum value as the displacement is produced. Thus the average force
F (1 / 2)
Gb 2 1 R
log (16)
4 r0
Thus, total elastic energy per unit length of a screw dislocation is given by
Gb 2 R
ES log (17)
4 r0
where R and r0 the proper upper and lower limits of r. The energy depends upon
the values taken for R and r0 is suitable when it is equal to about the Burger's
vector b or equal to one or two lattice constants and the value of R is not more
than the size of the crystal. Actually, however in most cases K is very much
smaller than the size of the crystal. The value of R/r 0 is not important as it occurs
in the logarithmic term.
Stress field of an edge dislocation: The calculation of the stress field is done on
the assumption that the medium is isotropic having a shear modulus G and
Poisson's ratio Let us consider the cross-section of a cylindrical material of
radius R whose axis is along the z-axis and in which a cut has been in the plane y
= 0, which becomes the slip plane. The portion above the cut is now slipped to the
left by an amount b, the Burger's vector along the x-axis so that the new position
assumes the shape shown dotted in fig. 25. Thus, a positive edge dislocation has
been produced along the z-axis. Let rr be the radial tensile stress, ie, compression
or tension along the radius r and let be the circumferential tensile stress i.e.,
compression or tension acting in a plane perpendicular to r. Let r denote the
shear stress acting in a radial direction. As seen from fig. 20, it is an odd function
of x, considering the plane y = 0 and is found to be proportional to (cos /r). In
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Gb cos
and r .
2 (1 v ) r
where the positive values of are for tension and negative values for
compression. Above the slip plane rr is negative giving a compression, below the
slip plane, it corresponds to a tensile stress. It may be noted that for r = 0, the
stresses become infinite and so a small cylindrical region of radius ro around the
dislocation must be excluded. This is necessary because in the bad region, the
theory of elasticity
Fig. 25
does not hold as the stresses near a dislocation are very large. To know the value
of ro, let us put ro = b, the magnitude of the strain there is then of the order of
1/2(1-v)1/4 which is too much large to be treated by Hooke's law. We shall now
calculate the energy of formation of an edge dislocation of unit length. The final
shear stress in the plane y = 0 is given by (19) by putting = 0. For a cut along z-
axis in a unit length, the strain energy for edge dislocation will be given by
Defects in Crystal
1 1 R Gb 2 Gb 2 R
Ee 2 stress x strain
2 r0 2 r (1 v)
4 r (1 v)
This shows that the energy of formation becomes infinite if R becomes infinite.
But even in large crystals the stress field are actually displaced some distance by
other dislocation so that R = 10-3 cm.
Assuming r0 = 5 10-8 cm. for a dislocation in copper
Ee = 310-4 erg/cm = eV/atom plane
Since G = 4 1011 dynes/cm2
b = 2.510-8 cm. and v = 0.34
In the case of screw dislocations its value is about (2/3) of this. The core energy of
edge dislocation should be added to the elastic strain energy but it is of the order
of 1eV per atom plane which is much less than the elastic strain energy and can be
neglected. For a screw dislocation in the Z-direction in a cylindrical material, the
stress field is given by a shear stress, according to (12).
z z .(21)
Fig. 26 Low angle grain boundary (a) Two crystals Joined Together
(b) Grain boundary formed with 2 rows of dislocations.
There is no tensile and compress ional stress in this expression and this is perhaps
due to the fact that there is no extra half plane in a screw dislocation. Also in this
case the stresses are independent of expecting thereby that the stress field is
cylindrically symmetric.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
We can also explain the free energy of a dislocation. The contribution to the free
energy by entropy, in a dislocation, is very small as compared to the strain energy
and so the free energy in crystals of ordinary size at room temperature can be
assumed to be nearly equal to the strain energy. Since the strain energy is positive,
the free energy increases by the formation of dislocation. Hence no dislocation
can exist as a thermodynamically stable lattice defect
Burger suggested that the boundaries of two crystallites or crystal
grains at a low angle inclination with each other can be . Considered to be a
regular array of dislocations. Two such crystallites placed close together at a small
angle have been shown in fig. 26 (a). There are simple cubic crystals with
their axes perpendicular to the plane of the paper and parallel. The crystals have
been rotated by /2 left and right of these axes. The results of joining the two
crystals together is shown in fig. 26 (b). A grain
boundary of the simple example of Burger's model is formed. The boundary plane
contains a crystal axis common to the two crystals. Such a boundary is called a
pure tilt boundary. Crystal orientations on both sides of the boundary plane are
symmetric with each other such a boundary has a vertical arrangement of more
than two edge dislocations of same sign. This arrangement is also stable as that
for two dislocations. From the figure it is seen that the interval D between the
dislocations so formed is given by
b b
tan or D .(22)
2 2D
Where b is the Burgers vector of the dislocations and is small
Burgers model of low angle grain boundary has been was confirmed
experimentally by Vogel and co-workers for germanium single crystals. A
germanium crystal was grown from a seeded melt along <100> direction. When
the surface of this crystal was etched with a suitable chemical (acid), the terminus
of a dislocation at the surface become a nucleus of the etching. action and a row
of each pits was formed. It is shown diagrammatically in fig. 27. On examining
these boundaries under very high optical magnification they were found to consist
of regularly spaced conical pits. By counting the number of these etch pits, we are
Defects in Crystal
able to find out the number of dislocations in the crystal grain boundaries. The
distance D between the pits is obtained by counting. The relative inclination
angle was also measured by means of X ray diffraction experiments. From this
value of and knowing the value of b = 4.0 A0 in germanium, the value of D was
calculated theoretically. This was found to be in very good agreement with the
experimental etch pit interval.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
In the following, we will briefly discuss the most popular technologies for wet and
dry etching.
Wet etching: This is the simplest etching technology. All it requires is a container
with a liquid solution that will dissolve the material in question. Unfortunately,
there are complications since usually a mask is desired to selectively etch the
material. One must find a mask that will not dissolve or at least etches much
slower than the material to be patterned. Secondly, some single crystal materials,
such as silicon, exhibit anisotropic etching in certain chemicals. Anisotropic
etching in contrast to isotropic etching means different etch rates in different
directions in the material. The classic example of this is the <111> crystal plane
sidewalls that appear when etching a hole in a <100> silicon wafer in a chemical
such as potassium hydroxide (KOH). The result is a pyramid shaped hole instead
of a hole with rounded sidewalls with a isotropic etchant. The principle of
anisotropic and isotropic wet etching is illustrated in the figure below.
This is a simple technology, which will give good results if you can find the
combination of etchant and mask material to suit your application. Wet etching
works very well for etching thin films on substrates, and can also be used to etch
Defects in Crystal
the substrate itself. The problem with substrate etching is that isotropic processes
will cause undercutting of the mask layer by the same distance as the etch depth.
Anisotropic processes allow the etching to stop on certain crystal planes in the
substrate, but still results in a loss of space, since these planes cannot be vertical
to the surface when etching holes or cavities. If this is a limitation for you, you
should consider dry etching of the substrate instead. However, keep in mind that
the cost per wafer will be 1-2 orders of magnitude higher to perform the dry
If you are making very small features in thin films (comparable to the film
thickness), you may also encounter problems with isotropic wet etching, since the
undercutting will be at least equal to the film thickness. With dry etching it is
possible etch almost straight down without undercutting, which provides much
higher resolution.
Dry etching: The dry etching technology can split in three separate classes
called reactive ion etching (RIE), sputter etching, and vapor phase etching.
In RIE, the substrate is placed inside a reactor in which several gases are
introduced. A plasma is struck in the gas mixture using an RF power source,
breaking the gas molecules into ions. The ions are accelerated towards, and reacts
at, the surface of the material being etched, forming another gaseous material.
This is known as the chemical part of reactive ion etching. There is also a physical
part which is similar in nature to the sputtering deposition process. If the ions
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
have high enough energy, they can knock atoms out of the material to be etched
without a chemical reaction. It is a very complex task to develop dry etch
processes that balance chemical and physical etching, since there are many
parameters to adjust. By changing the balance it is possible to influence the
anisotropy of the etching, since the chemical part is isotropic and the physical part
highly anisotropic the combination can form sidewalls that have shapes from
rounded to vertical. A schematic of a typical reactive ion etching system is shown
in the figure below.
Sputter etching is essentially RIE without reactive ions. The systems used are very
similar in principle to sputtering deposition systems. The big difference is that
substrate is now subjected to the ion bombardment instead of the material target
used in sputter deposition.
Vapor phase etching is another dry etching method, which can be done with
simpler equipment than what RIE requires. In this process the wafer to be etched
is placed inside a chamber, in which one or more gases are introduced. The
material to be etched is dissolved at the surface in a chemical reaction with the
gas molecules. The two most common vapor phase etching technologies are
Defects in Crystal
silicon dioxide etching using hydrogen fluoride (HF) and silicon etching using
xenon diflouride (XeF2), both of which are isotropic in nature. Usually, care must
be taken in the design of a vapor phase process to not have bi-products form in the
chemical reaction that condense on the surface and interfere with the etching
The first thing you should note about this technology is that it is expensive to run
compared to wet etching. If you are concerned with feature resolution in thin film
structures or you need vertical sidewalls for deep etchings in the substrate, you
have to consider dry etching. If you are concerned about the price of your process
and device, you may want to minimize the use of dry etching. The IC industry has
long since adopted dry etching to achieve small features, but in many cases
feature size is not as critical in MEMS. Dry etching is an enabling technology,
which comes at a sometimes high cost.
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
There are many forms of crystal point defects. A defect wherein a silicon atom is
missing from one of these sites is known as a 'vacancy' defect. If an atom is
located in a non-lattice site within the crystal, then it is said to be an 'interstitial'
defect. If the interstitial defect involves a silicon atom at an interstitial site within
a silicon crystal, then it is referred to as a 'self-interstitial' defect. Vacancies and
self-interstitial defects are classified as intrinsic point defects.
Defectsin Crystal
If an atom leaves its site in the lattice (thereby creating a vacancy) and then
moves to the surface of the crystal, then it becomes a 'Schottky' defect. On the
other hand, an atom that vacates its position in the lattice and transfers to an
interstitial position in the crystal is known as a 'Frenkel' defect. The formation of a
Frenkel defect therefore produces two defects within the lattice - a vacancy and
the interstitial defect, while the formation of a Schottky defect leaves only one
defect within the lattice, i.e., a vacancy. Aside from the formation of Schottky and
Frenkel defects, there's a third mechanism by which an intrinsic point defect may
be formed, i.e., the movement of a surface atom into an interstitial site.
Extrinsic point defects, which are point defects involving foreign atoms, are even
more critical than intrinsic point defects. When a non-silicon atom moves into a
lattice site normally occupied by a silicon atom, then it becomes a 'substitutional
impurity.' If a non-silicon atom occupies a non-lattice site, then it is referred to as
an 'interstitial impurity.' Foreign atoms involved in the formation of extrinsic
defects usually come from dopants, oxygen, carbon, and metals.
The presence of point defects is important in the kinetics of diffusion and
oxidation. The rate at which diffusion of dopants occurs is dependent on the
concentration of vacancies. This is also true for oxidation of silicon.
Crystal line defects are also known as 'dislocations', which can be classified as
one of the following: 1) edge dislocation; 2) screw dislocation; or 3) mixed
dislocation, which contains both edge and screw dislocation components.
An edge dislocation may be described as an extra plane of atoms squeezed into a
part of the crystal lattice, resulting in that part of the lattice containing extra atoms
and the rest of the lattice containing the correct number of atoms. The part with
extra atoms would therefore be under compressive stresses, while the part with
the correct number of atoms would be under tensile stresses. The dislocation line
of an edge dislocation is the line connecting all the atoms at the end of the extra
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
If the dislocation consists of an extra plane of atoms (or a missing plane of atoms)
lying entirely within the crystal, then the dislocation is known as a 'dislocation
loop.' The dislocation line of a dislocation loop forms a closed curve that is
usually circular in shape, since this shape results in the lowest dislocation energy.
Dislocations are generally undesirable in silicon wafers because they serve as
sinks for metallic impurities as well as disrupt diffusion profiles. However, the
ability of dislocations to sink impurities may be engineered into a wafer
fabrication advantage. i.e., it may be used in the removal of impurities from the
wafer, a technique known as 'gettering.'
A grain boundary is the interface between two grains in a polycrystalline material.
Grain boundaries disrupt the motion of dislocations through a material, so
Defects in Crystal
1. Point defects can be divided into Frenkel defects and Schottky defects, and these
often occur in ionic crystals. The former are due to misplacement of ions and
vacancies. Charges are balanced in the whole crystal despite the presence of
interstitial or extra ions and vacancies. On the other hand, when only vacancies of
cation and anions are present with no interstial or misplaced ions, the defects are
called Schottky defects.
2. Few, if any, crystals are perfect in that all unit cells consist of the ideal
arrangement of atoms or molecules and all cells line up in a three dimensional
space with no distortion. Some cells may have one or more atoms less whereas
others may have one or more atoms than the ideal unit cell. The imperfections of
crystals are called crystal defects. The missing and lacking of atoms or ions in an
ideal or imaginary crystal structure or lattice and the misalignment of unit cells in
real crystals are called crystal defects or solid defects. The two terms are
Defects in crystals and Elements of Thin Films
Color centers are imperfections in crystals that cause color (defects that cause
color by absorption of light). Due to defects, metal oxides may also act as
semiconductors, because there are many different types of electron traps.
Electrons in defect region only absorb light at certain range of wavelength. The
color seen are due to lights not absorbed. For example, a diamond with C
vacancies (missing carbon atoms) absorbs light, and these centers give green color
as shown here. Replacement of Al3+ for Si4+ in quartz give rise to the color of
smoky quartz.
Defect in Crystal
A high temperature phase of ZnOx, (x < 1), has electrons in place of the O 2-
vacancies. These electrons are color centers, often referred to as F-centers (from
the German word farben meaning color). Similarly, heating of ZnS to 773 K
causes a loss of sulfur, and these material fluoresces strongly in ultraviolet light.
List of References and Suggested Readings
Luminescent Materials And Applications- Adrian Kitai
Solid State Physics By A J Dekkar
Crystals, Defects and Microstructures Modeling Across Scales-ROB
Solid-State Physics- Introduction to the Theory - James D. Patterson Bernard C.
Solid State Physics -by Neil W. Ashcroft N. David Mermin David Mermin
Modern Physics & Solid State Physics 3rd Edition by Pillai S O