Emulation Working Explained
Emulation Working Explained
Emulation Working Explained
Practical Handbook for the Guidance of Officers, from Me
Master to the Outer Guard, in Craft Lodges under Me
jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England
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O n 6 t h S e p t e mb e r 1 8 4 3 , V . W . B r o . W . H .
White, Grand Secretary, wrote to the W.M. of
Lodge 523:
" Bro. Gilkes was fully master of all the Ceremonies,
and I believe he most faithfully observed them."
Bro. Peter Gilkes was born in 1765 and died in
1833. He was Initiated in 1786 in the British Lodge, now
No. 8, the Lodge which gave its sanction to the United
Lodge of Perseverance, of which Lodge Gilkes
was a 'prominent member. Peter Gilkes was pre-
sent at the first meeting of the Emulation Lo d ge
o f I mp ro vement; he b ecame a memb er shortly
afterwards and was Leader of the Committee in 1825.
It is worthy of note that Gilkes was an attendant
at the meetings of the Lodge of Promulgation, a
Lodge constituted in 1809 by the Grand Lodge of
the Moderns, its object being 'the Ascertaining and
Promulgating of the Ancient Landmarks of the
Craft.' Put into plain words, this simply means
that the members of the Lodge of Promulgation met
to decide which of their own customs and practices
they must insist upon when the hoped-for Union
came about, and how far they would be prepared to
give way to the Ancients.
A careful study of ancient Records and Minutes
leads one to the conclusion that the majority of the
changes which were ultimately made were decided
upon in the Lodge of Promulgation between 1809
has been wisely chosen for his Office, our friendly over-
tures are not likely to be abused.
Brother Tyler may truthfully claim that his Office is
one of antiquity. He was first mentioned in
Grand Lodge Minutes under date 8th June 1732,
and reference to his Office is - be found - ! Consti-
tutions of 17 3 8. He cannot be ' appointed ' by the
Worshipful Master, sharing as he does with
Brother T reasurer the d istinction o f being an
'elected' Officer of the Lodge. Once elected he
may, if he be trustworthy and diligent, confidently
look forward to re-election from year to year, for
there is little likelihood of any Lodge dispensing
with the services of a good Tyler.
That Brother Tyler should be a man of unim-
peachable character, tact, and courteous demeanour is
essential, for not only is he brought into contact with
distinguished Brethren who are visiting the Lodge,
but, by the very nature of his duties, he is the first
Officer of the Lodge to have any ceremonial dealings
with a Candidate seeking admission to our Order.
The ceremony to take place within the Lodge is one
of solemnity and beauty, and it is not to be imagined
that Brother Tyler would indulge in anything in the
nature of jocularity with the Candidate in the prepara-
In some Lodges it is customary for the Worshipful
Master to depute the Director of Ceremonies, or
some other Brother of ability, to assist with the prepara-
tion of the Candidate; but for the purpose
o f this Manual it is assumed that the T yler is
thoroughly competent to superintend such details,
as, indeed, he usually is. Likewise, it is assumed
that he has long since acquired word-perfection in
the phrasing of the reports for the various Degrees.
It is quite likely that our Brother Tyler was well
versed in the mysteries of the Craft before our atten-
tion was first directed to the Three Great Lights.
We assume, therefore, that we are not here writing
for the guidance of a younger Brother, and it is not pro-
posed to discuss the duties of the Tyler's Office in
detail. Suffice it to say that those duties may
truthfully be described as multifarious; the Tyler
who discharges them in a thoroughly conscientious
and efficient manner will earn the lasting gratitude
and goodwill of Brother Secretary and Brother
Director of Ceremonies, who will certainly find
themselves relieved of much anxiety in connection
with minor details.
If there be one direction in which confusion is
apt to arise in relation to the Tyler's duties it is
with respect to the series of reports given upon the
door of the Lodge. If such confusion arises let us
not be too hasty in condemnation of the Brother
who guards the outer porch, for it has to be re-
membered that he serves many Lodges and that
Masonic customs vary in this connection as in others.
We who believe in one particular system should not
be too ready to condemn all others as wrong.
In many Lodges, more particularly in the Pro-
11.The I.G. shows no Sn. when directed by the
J.W. to 'prove t.L.c.t.' He proceeds to the door
and gives the K.'s of the First Degree, which will
be answered by the T yler. I.G. then returns to
position, takes Sp., shows Sn. of E.A. and reports:
'Bro. J.W., t.L.i.c.t.' Dis. Sn. after report, keeping
the hand open.
12.When the J.W. has declared that the Lodge
is 'closed accordingly' and given , the I.G.
again proceeds to the door and gives K.'s of the
First Degree, which will be answered by the Tyler.
1.When the Tyler gives report for the Can. the
I.G. should rise, take Sp., show Sn. of E.A., and
announce to the J.W.: `Bro. J.W., t.i.a.r.' I.G.
must remain standing to 0. while J.W. reports
to the W.M. Upon receiving J.W.'s instructions
the I.G. should dis. Sn., keeping the hand open.
He then proceeds to the door, opens it, and demands
of the Tyler : Whom h.y.t. ? '*
2.After bidding Tyler to 'Halt, while I report
.. . .,' the I.G. should close the door, not forgetting to
lock it, return to position in front of his chair, take Sp.,
show Sn. of E.A., and repeat T.'s report to the
3.When asked by the W.M. whether he vouches
that the Can. is p.p. the I.G. answers: ' I do, W.M.'
The I.G. should not bow to the W.M. when making
this reply.
4.The correct moment for the I.G. to dis. Sn.
is when the W.M. speaks the words, . . in due
5.The I.G. takes p.n...d and proceeds to the
door. He must not open it until both Deacons are
ready to receive the Candidate. I.G. applies p.n...d
and asks Can. : Do y.f.a. ? ' He then holds
p.n...d aloft so that the W.M. may see it. The I.G.
should place the p.n...d on S.W.'s ped. after use.T
6.When the Tyler gives next report for the
Can. who is waiting to be readmitted for the Charge
the I.G. rises, takes Sp., shows Sn. of E.A., and
announces to the J.W.: Bro, J.W., t.i.a.r.' I.G.
B !! , - -!B p. t
should not dis. Sn. until the J.W. has answered by
. I.G. then proceeds to the door to receive
Tyler's announcement, after which he closes the
door, not forgetting to lock it, returns to position in
front of his chair, takes Sp., shows Sn. of E.A., and re-
ports: 'W.M., the Can. on his return.' Dis. Sn.
when W.M. has replied. I.G. then again proceeds
to the door, but he should not open it until the J.D. is
ready to receive the Can.
1.When the Tyler gives the report for the Can.
the I.G. should rise, take Sp., show Sn. of F.C., and an-
nounce to the J.W.: 'Bro. J.W., t.i.a.r.' I.G must
remain standing to 0. while J.W. reports to the W.M.
Upon receiving J.W.'s instructions the I.G should
dis. Sn., keeping both hands open. He then proceeds to
the door, opens it, and demands of the Tyler: 'Whom
h.y.t. ?' *
2.After bidding Tyler to 'Halt,' the I.G. pro-
ceeds as in First Degree, returns to position, takes
Sp., shows Sn. of F.C., and repeats report to W.M.
3.Again the I.G. should remember not to bow
to the W.M. when answering: 'I do, W.M.' T
4.The correct moment for the I.G. to dis. Sn.
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! ( ;9 3! (-. just within the entrance of the Lodge and
keeping hold of the door with his left hand F(!! : #>G
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is when the W.M. speaks the words : '. . . in due
5.The I.G. now takes the Sq., and proceeds to
the door, waiting until both Deacons are ready be-
fore he opens it. He applies Sq. and holds it aloft
so that the W.M. may see it. (NOTE. See p. 95
for correct method of applying the Sq.)
6.When the Tyler gives report for the Can.
who is waiting to be readmitted for Explanation of
the T.B. the I.G. rises, takes Sp., shows Sn. of F.C.,
and announces to the J.W.: ' Bro. J.W., t.i.a.r.'
I.G. should not dis. Sn. until J.W. has answered by
[image] I.G. then proceeds to the door to re-
ceive Tyler's announcement, after which he closes
the door, not forgetting to lock it, returns to position
in front of his chair, takes Sp., shows Sn. of F.C., and
reports : W.M., the Can. on his return.' Dis. Sn.
when W.M. has replied. I.G. then again proceeds to
the door, but he should not open it until the S.D. is
ready to receive the Can.
1 O f f i ce i s o n e o f 2 !'
origin ; no mention o f it is to be found in the
Co n stitu tio n s until the year 191o. His jewel is 'a
scrip purse upon which is a heart.' In the table of
precedence the Almoner ranks between the
Assistant Director of Ceremonies and the Organist.
During the impressive ceremony of Initiation we
are reminded that we have ranged under our banners
Brethren who are reduced to the lowest ebb of
poverty and distress. To bring relief to such dis-
tressed Brethren is the duty of Brother Almoner,
and to supplement the funds for this worthy cause it
is the custom in most Lodges for the Almoner to
circulate the Charity Box among the Brethren.
Whether this should be done in Open Lodge or
deferred until the period of Refreshment is a ques-
tion upon which there exists a divergence of opinion. The
question is one which must be left to individual Mas-
ters, who will doubtless be guided b y the prac-
tice existing in their respective Lodges.
The question as to whether visiting Brethren
should be asked or allowed to contribute to the
1.The J.D. should remember that he is again in
charge of the Candidate until the Lodge is actually open
in the Second Degree, i.e. during his examination by
the W.M. and while he is being entrusted with the
P.G. and P.W. After the W.M.'s announcement that
'Bro. A. B. is this evening a Candidate . . .' the
J.D. conducts Can. to the W. at 1. of the S.W., and
stands with him facing E.* J.D. should be ready to
prompt if necessary.
2.At conclusion of Examination J.D. conducts
Can, to N. side of the W.M.'s ped. without squaring.
J.D. repeats the P.W. after W.M., and Can. repeats it
after J.D.
3.After the entrusting J.D. conducts Can.
straight to the W. at 1. of the S.W. without squar-
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1.The S.D. has to remember that he is in charge
of the Candidate from the start, i.e. before the
Lodge is actually opened in the Third Degree.
After the W.M.'s announcement that 'Bro. A. B.
is this evening a Candidate to be . . .,' the S.D.
conducts the Can. to the W., on the 1. of the S.W.,
and stands with him facing E.* S.D. should be
ready to prompt if necessary.
2.At conclusion of Examination S.D. conducts
Can. to N. side of the W.M.'s ped. without squaring.
S.D. repeats the P.W. after the W.M., and Can.
repeats it after S.D.
3.After the Entrusting S.D. conducts Can.
straight to the W. at left of the S.W. without squaring.
Can. is directed to salute the W.M. as a F.C., first
as an E.A. He then retires, S.D. escorting him to
the door.
(The Lodge is here Opened or Resumed
in the Third Degree.)
Assisted by his junior colleague the S.D. now*
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1.During his first examination of the Can. the
S.W. should remain seated until the answer `I have.'
He then rises, takes Sp., and receives the P.G. and
P.W. S.W. should not give the P.G. until it has
first been given by the Can. After examination
S.W. remains standing while S.D. places Can. in
proper position. S.W. then takes Can.'s r.h. in
his own 1.h., shows Sn. of F., and presents the Can. to
2.Upon receiving the W.M.'s reply the S.W.'
should dis. Sn. smartly, keeping the hand open,
restore Can. to charge of S.D., resume seat, and
give S.D. necessary directions.
3.At the next examination of the Can., after he
has been entrusted with the Ss. of the Degree by the
W.M., the S.W. should remain seated while he
directs the Can. to adv. to him as a F.C. first as an
E.A., rising when the Can. answers that he has
something to communicate. S.W. then takes Sp.,
and r eceives the G. or T . o f a F.C.F.M. S.W.
should not give the G. or T. until it is first given by
the Can.; at completion of examination S.W. says
'Pass ............. ' and remains standing while S.D.
places Can. in proper position. S.W. then takes
Can.'s r.h. in his own l.h., shows Sn. of F., and
presents Can. to W.M. for some further mark, etc.*
Dis. Sn. smartly when W.M. has replied, keeping
the hand open. Can. is now invested with the B. of
a F.C. S.W. must not leave his ped. to discharge
) ,##+ #+ / # -
this duty.* S.W. restores Can. to charge of S.D.
and resumes his seat.
4.At the conclusion of the T.B., when the W.M. al-
ludes to a certain symbol, the I.P.M. gives H .
which must be answered by S.W. and J.W. in
proper order.[image1]
1.During his first examination of the Can.
the S.W. should remain seated until the answer I
have.' He then rises, takes Sp., and receives the G.
or T. of a F.C.F.M. S.W. should not give the G. or
T. until it is first given by Can. S.W. then says '
Pass ............................' and resumes seat.
2.During the next examination the S.W. again re-
mains seated until the Can. answers I have.'
S.W. then rises, takes Sp., and receives the P.G.
and P.W. The S.W. should not give the P.G. until it
is first received from the Can. At conclusion of examina-
tion S.W. says, 'Pass .............................................' and
remains standing while S.D. places Can. in proper posi-
tion. S.W. then takes Can.'s r.h. in his own l.h. and pre-
sents him to the W.M., showing P.S. of a M.M. [image2]
3.Upon receiving the W.M.'s reply the S.W.
should dis. Sn. smartly, keeping the hand open and
not forgetting to recover. S.W. restores Can. to
charge of S.D. and resumes seat. He then gives
Deacons necessary directions.
4.When the Wardens are summoned to assist
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ing that the Worshipful Master will ' take wine with
the Brethren on his right' and subsequently 'with
the Brethren on his left' is one to be deplored,
resulting as it generally does in undignified uproar.
The prandial proceedings following a Lodge meet-
ing should be characterised by that same dignity
and decorum which, it is to be hoped, have marked
the proceedings during the period of Labour.
Brother Immediate Past Master may do much to-
wards preserving that dignity and decorum.
7.Remembering his responsibilities the W.M.
must be careful to see that any E.A.'s retire before
the Lodge is opened in the Second Degree. Even
though he has reason to believe that none is present, it
is a wise precaution to use the familiar phrase. `If
there are any E.A.'s present I must now ask them
to retire from the Lodge.' T he W.M. can never go
wrong in doing this, as a Lodge cannot be opened di-
rectly into the Second or Third Degree.
8.When discharging the Sn. the W.M. should
drop the 1.h. at the words 'duly open,' and draw
the r.h. smartly a.t.b. at the words ' on the Sq.'
9.The Lodge being open in the Second Degree
the I.P.M. will attend to the Sq. and C.'s. It does
not matter which p...t of the C.'s is exposed.
B r et h r e n f r o m L a b o u r t o R e f r e s h me n t . ' T h e
W.M. says: 'I will thank you to declare it.' J.W.
t h e n a n n o u n c e s : ' B r e th r e n , i t i s t h e W . M . 's
command that you cease Labour and go to Refresh-
ment; keep within hail so as to come on in due time, that
profit and pleasure may be the result.'
The J.W. gives one [image], which is answered
first by the S.W. and then by the W.M. T he
I.P.M. should close the V.S.L. without moving the
S. and C.'s. T he J.W. raises his column and the
S.W. lowers his column. In many Lodges it is cus-
tomary for the J.D. to turn the T.B. over at this
point, but there is no precedent for such procedure
according to strict Emulation-working, as the
T.B. is not changed for the op enings and clo s-
ings in the different degrees at Emulation Lodge
of Improvement.
The Brethren being assembled in Lodge for the
Call from Refreshment to Labour (or Calling On),
the W.M. gives one , which is answered by the
W ar d e n s. W .M. sa ys : 'P r in cip a l O f f ice r s up -
standing,' when he and his Wardens rise, the rest
o f the B r ethr en r emain i ng seated . T he W .M.
asks: 'Bro. J.W., what time is it ?' to which the
J.W. replies: 'Past High time, W.M.' The W.M.
asks: 'Your duty ?' and the J.W. answers: To call
the Brethren from Refreshment to Labour.' The
W.M. says: I will thank you to declare it.' The
J.W. then announces: 'Brethren, it is the W.M.'s
command that you cease Refreshment and return to
Labour, for the further despatch of Masonic busi-
The J.W. gives and lowers his column.
To tabulate details for the Master's guidance in
all the Ceremonies would require far more space
than the writer has at his command. Perfection
can only come from careful study of the Ritual combined
with diligent practice in a reliable Lodge of Instruc-
tion.* T he few hints hereunder set out, however,
will be of assistance.
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1.Prior to the Ob. the W.M. should exercise
great care in adjusting one p...t of the C.'s to the
Can.'s n.l.b.
2.The correct Sn. during the Ob. is the P.Sn. of
the Degree.
3.When making a certain movement during the
Ob. at the words ' hereby and hereon' the W.M.
should use his l.h., maintaining the P.Sn. with his
r.h. The word hele ' is pronounced 'HAIL.'
4.The correct point at which to dis. Sn. is
immediately the Can. has repeated the final words
of the Ob. [image1] The W.M. should remember to
remove the C.'s at this point.
5.Restoration to L...t. The importance of this
portion of the Ceremo ny has been stressed in
Chapter XVI, para. 8, p. 134, q.v. Perfect under-
standing between the W.M. and J.D. is essential.
The W.M. should hold his g.v.l aloft so that all may
see it. Three distinct and deliberate movements
should be made, i.e. across to the left, across to the
right, then down, the J.D. removing the h.-w. as
the W.M.'s g.v.l descends in the final movement.
6.When rising to communicate the Ss. of the
Degree to the Can. the W.M. should remember to
take the Sp. When communicating the G. or T.
to the Can. at this point it is the W.M. and not the
J.D. who adjusts the Can.'s (See footnote,
p. I C
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1.The correct Sn. during the Ob. is the P.Sn.
of the Degree. The W.M. should use his left hand
for a certain movement at the words 'hereby and
hereon,' maintaining the P.Sn. with r.h. The cor-
rect moment to dis. Sn. is when Can. repeats final
words of the Ob. Do not forget to recover.
2.At the words Rise newly Ob. M.M.,' the
W.M. should use the right hand only.
3.At the words, ' when the villain who was
a.w.a.h.m.s.h.a.v.b.o.t.f.,' the W.M. should make a
motion with the M..l. He should not leave his seat
to touch Can.'s F...............d with the M..l.
4.The W.M. should remember that the Can.
o ught to be r..s.d o n the F.P.O.F. P ractice is
essential before this can be done correctly.
5 .Fo llo wing the co nclud ing wo r d s o f the
Charge' peace and salvation to the faithful and
obedient of the human race 'the W.M. takes both
the Can.'s h.'s in his own and moves slowly round
to the right until they occupy each other's places,
the W.M. facing the S. and the Can. facing N.
Even among experienced Preceptors there is often a
doubt as to the correct direction of this movement.
No mistake can be made if the W.M. remembers
that the mo vement sho uld be made in an anti-
clockwise direction.
6.During the T.H. the W.M. should not take
Sp. when he rises at the words ' one of the Brethren,
looking round, observed . .
7.Later, when the W.M. rises to demonstrate
the five Sns., then he should take the Sp.
1.When signifying his assent with the Sn. of F.
to the Ancient Charges and Regulations read by
the Secretary, the M.-E. should remember that the
Sn. is dropped, not drawn.
2.When directed to advance to the ped. to take
the S. Ob. of M.-E., the M.-E. should not advance
until the I.M. has completed his sentence.
3.The correct Sn. during the Ob. is the Sn. of
F. The Sn. should be discharged when the M.-E.
repeats final words of the Ob.
4.The W.M. should not ' declare all Offices
vacant' at any period during this Ceremony. A
reference to Rule Book of Constitutions, will
show the only method by which a Master is em-
powered to displace an Officer. Under the Con-
stitutions no Master of a Lodge has the power simultane-
ously to displace all the officers by a mere declaration
that all Offices are vacant.*
5.The I.W. For obvious reasons detailed hints
cannot here be set down regarding this important
portion of the Ceremony. T he I.M., ho wever,
should remember that there should be no movement to
illustrate the words when he refers to the p...lty at
the end of the Ob. T he correct word here is
` s l u n g , ' n o t 'f l u n g ' a s i s s o o f t e n h e a r d . T h e
meaning of the sentence is that the h. shall be slung
over the l.s.i.e. suspended in a sling for all to see as
a visible mark of degradation.
6 .W he n t he B r et hr e n a r e r ead mi t ted a nd
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