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"tfu{rl-< - qsb /bq Registered No.-768i97



4( 138 fr"t"5, :tq4{rq, 1l qErE, 2017, 21D\5, 1939 CrS)

No. 138 Dispur, Tuesday, llthApril, 2017, 21stChaitra,1939 (S'E.)




The 11th Apil,20l7

No. LGL. 6812017 t6.- The following Act of the Assam Legislative Assembly
which received the assent of the Governor on 6th Ap ril,20l7 is hereby published for

general information.


(Received the assent of the Governor on 6th April, 2017)


to provincialise the services of the teachers of the Venture Educational Institutions and
also to re-organise and s[reamline the Educational Institutions up to degree level in the
State of Assam.

Preamble Whereas it is expedient to provincialise the services of the teachers of

the Venture Educational Institutions and also to re-organise and sfieamline
the Educational tnstitutions up to Degree Level in Assarn so as to conform to

the prevailing statutory nonns and standards wi& a further objective to

restrict any further growth of such Venture Educational Institutiorx in the
State of Assam;

It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-eighth Year of the Republic of India

as follows:-

Short title, l. (1) This Act may be oalled The Assam Education
ertent and (Provincialisation of Services of Teachers and Re-Organisation
of Fxlucational lnstitutions) Act, 20L7.

a) It extends to the whole of Assam.

It shall come into force on such date as the State Government
may, by notification in the 0ffrcial Gazette, appoint and

different dates may be appointed for different provisions of the

Act or for different category of educational institutions.

Definitions 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a)"Assam Higher Secondary Education Council" or
"AHSEC' means the Assam Higher Secondary Education Act No.
Council constituted under the provisions of the Assam Higher XVII of
Secondary Education Act, 1984;
(b) "Block Elementary Education Offtcer" me&ns the Block

Elementary Education Officer in the concemed Block;

(c) "Board of Secondary Education, Assam" or "SEBA" means Assam
Act No.
the Board of Secondary Educatioq Assam constitutod under the )OfV of
provisious of the Assam Secondary Education Act, 196l; 1961

(d) ..Base school" mcans either an existing provincialised or a

Venture Ed.ucational Institution identified for the purpose of
proviucialisation of services of teachers and/or tutors, as the

case may be, within the radius of 1 km in case of l,ower

Primary schools, within the radius of 3 kms in case of Upper

Primary schools, within the radius of 5 krus in case of Higb

Schools or High Madrassas and within the radius of 7 kms in
case of Higher Secondary sshools or Junior Colleges and
which posses satisfactory norms and standards in relation to
enrollment of sfudeirts, adequate infrastrucfure and having
DISE Code for the year 2009-2010 or before;
(e) "Deputy lnspector of Schools" means the Deputy lnspector
of Schools in the concenred Sub-division;
(f1 "Director" means the Director of Elernentary Education in
case of a Primary or a Upper Primary School; Director of
Secondary Education in case of a High School or High
Madrassa or a Higher Secondary School or a Junior College;
and Director of Higher Education in case of a Degree College :

Provided that in case of amalgamated High or Higher

Secondary Schools, wlrere primery or upper primary education
is also imparted, the Director would mean the concemed
Director in nespect of the teachers and matters conceming their
service conditions and emoluments but for the purpose of
administration and all other purpo$es the Director would mean
the Director of Secondary Education;
(g) "District Elemeotary Education Officer" means the District
Elementary Edtrcation Officer of the concerned district:
Provided that in case of newly created districts, ths
concerned distict shall mean the erstwhile district until the
District Elernentary Education Officer for the newly created
disfiict is appointed.
(h) "District Scrutiny Committee" means the District Scrutiny
Commiftee constituted under section 12 fot each District to
reconrmend names of Venture Educational lnstitutions along

with the rurmes of teachers and tutors whose services are

considered eligible for provincialisation under this Act;
(i) "DISE Code" means District Information System for
Education Code prepared by the Sarba Sil*rsa Abhijan, Assam
and as available in the records of the National University of
Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi;
(i) "ernpioyee" means and includes all serving teachers and

tutors as the case may be, of Venture Educational Instittrtions

who have been appointed and joined in the concerned Venture
Educational Institution before the Is day of January' 2011 and

whose services are being or woukl be provincialised under this

(k) "Goveming Body" means the Goveraing Body of a College
or a Junior college approved by the appropriate autbority as
notified by the State Govemment, for carrying out the
management of the College or the Junior College, as the case
may be;
(l) ..Inspector of Schools" meaos the Inspector of Schools in the
concemed distriCt and unless the context o&erwise requires, it
includes an Assistant Inspector of Scbools of the saure district:
Provided that in case of newly created districts, the
conoerned district shall mean the erstwhile district, until the
Inspector of Schools of the newly created district is appointed;
(m) "Managing Committee" means the Managing Committee Central
of to
Act No.
constituted under ttre provisions of the Right Children
35 of
Free and compulsory Education Act, 2009 or the rules made 2009
therermder in the case of a Primary or Upper Pfimary School
and in case of ttigh School, High Madrassa and Higher
Secondary School, the Managing Committee approved by the
appropriate authority as ootified by the State Govemmsnt for
carrying out the milrlgwrcr-rt of the concerned educational

(n) "Mixed Medium School" mea$s a Primary School (both
Upper Primary a*d Lower Primary) and a High School as
defirled in section Z(za),2(zb) and 2(x) respectively situaled in
the same campus imparting education in more than one medium

like Assasrase, Bodo etc;

(o) ..newly created district'means distict created by the state
Governmeirt by Notification in the official Gaz.etu ou or after
(p) *proviucialisation" means taking over the liabilities for
paymeot of salaries including dearness allowance, medical
allowances and such other atlowanccs to the tEachers and/or
tutors, as admissible to the Government sprvant of similar

catcgory'and gramity, pension, lEave encashment etc. 8s

adrrissible, gnder the oristing rules to the Government servants

serving under the Govemment of Assam;
(q) "Provinciatised School" or'Provincialised College" means
an existing provinoialised school or college or a Venture
Educational Institution wherein the services of teachers and
tutors are provincialised underthis Act;

(r) "State Govenrment" means the State Govenrment of Assam

in the coacerned Education Department i.e. Elomentary

Education Deparfinent in case of Primary and Uppsr'Primary

Schools; Secondary Education Deparunent in c&se of
Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools and Junior Colleges;
Higher Education Department in case of Degree Colleges;
(s) "State Level Scrutiny Committee" means the State Level
Scrutiny Committeo constituted under section 12 (10) to cause
physical verificalion of the institutions as rscommended by the
District Scrutiny Committee for final recommenclation ir the
matter of provinciali sation;
(t) l'teacher" means Teachers, Assistant "feachers, Classical
Teachers and alsO includes Lecfurers, Assistant Professors,
Associale Professors, Professots, Principal, Vice'Principal,
Demonstrator, Headmsster, Assistant Headmester,

Superintendent, Assistant Superiutendent and any person of the

teaching faculty working in the Venhrre Educational Institution Central
haviag required educational and professional quaiitication as Act No.
35 of
per norms and standards fixed by the Right of Children to Free 2009;
anri Compulsory Education Act, 20A9, National Council for Central
Act No.
T'eachers Education Act, 1993, University Grants Commission 73 of
Act, 1956 and the relevant rules and regulations framed t993; ,
thereunder and any other Act as the case may be, as applicable Aot No.3
on the day of provincialisation and whose services are of 1956

provincialised under this Act in the post of teacher or in any

other post in the teaching faculty but, not as tutor rmder this
(u) "tutor" means and includes Teachers, Assistanl Teaehere,
Classical Teaclrers and also includes Lecflrer$, Assistant
Professors, Associale Professors, Professors, Priucipal, Yiw-
Principal, Demonstrator, Headrnaster, Assistant Headmaster,
Superintenderrt, Assistant Superintendent in a provinoialis$d

educational institution under this Act who are not eligible for
provincialisation of their services and whose services cannot be Cental
provincialised in the post of Teacher under this Act due to lack Act No.
35 of
of his,/her educational and professional qualifications required
as per the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Educatiou Central
Act No.
Act, 2009, National Council for Teachers Education Act, 1993, 73 of
University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and tfue relevant rules 1993,
and regulations framed thereunder and any other Act, as the Act No.3
case may be, as applicable on the date of provincialisation, of 1956

bowever, hisrler serrrice is provincialised as tgtor with separate

terms and conditions of serioe, to be notified by the competert
Admiuistrative Deparffi ent :
Providd that a tutor shall not be eligible to hold the post of
Professors, Principal, Vice-Principal, Headmastsr, Assistant
Headmaster, Superiatendeut, Assistant Superintendent, as the
case may be, in an educational institution provincialised under
this Act;
(v) 'University" means the Universities which have got the
status of an affiliating University under the relevant Acts
constituting such Uuiversities;
(w) "Ve,lrture Degree College" means a Degree College
imparting education beyond Highr Secondary stage
established by ths people of the looality prior to 1.1.2006 and
which has also receivd affiliation up to the highest class from
the concemed University and conrcurrencc from the State
Government on or before 1.1.2006 and wbereof tle services of
teaehers have not been provincialised under any Act enacted by

the State legislature so far;

(x) 'Yenture High School" means High School imparting
educatioq up to class X and establi*hed by the people of the

localif prior to 1.1.2m6 which has rweived permission from

the State Governmont and recogpitiou from the Board of
Secondary Education, Assam on or before 1.1.2006 and
uihereof the services of tlre teachers have not beeu
provincialised under any Act eoactd by the state legislsture so
(y) "Venture Higher Swondary School" means a Higher

Secoadary School imparting ducation up to Class XII qnd

established by the people of the locality prior to 1.1.2006 which

has received permission from the State Govemme'ot on or
before 01.01.2006 and wbereof the services of teachers have
not been povinciatised under any Act earlier enafided by the
State legislatue so far;
(z) "Venture Jrurior College" meaffl a Venture Junior College
established by the people of the locality priot to 1.1.2005 which
has rpceived conculreuce from the Governrnent and pennission

from the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council on or

before 01.01.06 and wbereof thp services of teachss have not
been provincialised under any Act earlier ffiactod by the State
legislanre so far;

(za) ,,venture ME School" including "venture ME Madrassa''

means an upper-Primary school imparting education from
class VI up to class VII and established by the people of the
locality prior to 1.1,2006 which has received recoglition from
the competent authority on or before 01.01.2006 and captured
in the DISE Code up to 2009-10 and whereof the services of the
teachers have not been provincialised under any Act enacted by

the State legislature so far:

Provided that the DISE Code shall have to be issued on
or before 2OOg-tO and DISE Code issued thereafter shall not

considered for the purpose of proviilcialisation of services

any employee of the institution;
(z,b) ,.venture Lower Primary school" or "venture LP School"
means a School imparting education up to Class V and

established by the people of the locality prior to 1.1.2006


rurme figure in the DISE Code up to 2009-10 and prior to


and whereof the services of the teachers have not been

provincialised under any Act enacted by the State legislat[e so
Provided that the DISE Code shal,l have to be issued on or
before 2009-10 and DISE Code issuecl thereafter shall not be
considered for the purpose of provincialisation of services of
any employee of the institution;
(zc) 'Yenture Upper Primary School" means a School
imparting education from class VI up to class VIII and
established by the people of the locality prior to 1.1.2006 which
has received recognition from the competent authority on or
before 01.01 .2006 and captured in the DISE Code up to 2009.
l0 and r*'hereof the services of the teachers have not been

provincialised under any Act enacted by the State legislature so

(zd) ,.venture Educational Institutions" means and includes
Venture Degree College, Velture t{igher Secondary School,
Venture Junior College, Venture High School, Venture Fligh
Madrassa, Venture ME School, Venture ME Madrassa, Venture
Upper Primary School and Ventufe Lowe'r Primary School
situated within the State of Assam excluding the areas covered
under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India unless a
separate Notification for inclusion of the Venture Educational

Institution in such areas is issued and published by the

Government in the Official Gazette t


Provided t&at the educational institntions which are nrnning

professional courses and private instihrtions run with the fees
received fron the students shall not come within the purview of
the definition of Veirture. Educational lnstitutiort under this

Eligibility 3. (i) Subject to the provisions of Article 30 of the Constinrtion of

criteria for Indie, the following categories of Venture Educational
selection of Institutions shall be eligible for being considered for
educational provincialisation of the services of their teachers and tutorsl-
institution for (i) The Venttre Educational Institutions which have becn
provincialisation establislred and had obtained the required permission"
ofservices of reoognition, effiliatiou, cotrcurrence, a.s the case may be,
teachers/ tutors. up to the last and highest class required for the concerned
instinrtiou from the respective competent Authority or
Authorities on or before I . I .2006:
Provided that the order for such permissioa,
recognition, affiliation, concurrence etc. shall have to be
issued or or before 01.01.2006 and any order issued
thereafter with any retrospective effect, shall not be

consideted for the pu{pos of provincialisation of services

of any teacber and tutor, as the csse may be, of the

(ii) The land, building and other infrastructure of such Venture
Educational Institutions in case of Venture Primary and
Upper Primary Schools shall be as far as practicable at par Central
Act No'
with the provisions under tle Right of Children to Froe and 35 of
Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Rules framed there 2009;

under; Venttre Educationat Institutions in the case of

Venture Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools and
Juoior colleges shall be as far as practicable at par wittr the Assam
provisions under Assarn Non-Governmeirt Fducational Act No'
Institutions (Regulation and ManagemenQ Act, 2006 and 2007
Rules framed thereunder, and in case of Degree Colleges,
sanre shall be as per norms set by University Grants
(iii) The concemed Venture Educational Institution must have

land in the name of the tnstitution with olear and exclusive

title and possessioo over the land before 01.01.2006 and no
lease or rent or donor agleement executed at any point of
time, shall not be considered in any maorer forthispurpose:

Provided that in case of institutions situated in Forest

area, Forest Possession Certificate from the competent
Forest Authority certiffing that the institution has been in
possession of Forest Land prior to 01.01.2006 and in case

of instinrtions situated in Tea Gardens, certificate from Tea

Garden Authority certifying that the institution has been in
possession of Tea Garden Land prior to 01.01.2006, shall

have to produced by the concemed educational institution

before the District Scrutiny Comrnittee constituted under
section 13.
(iv) Venture Educational Institutions has a minimum total
enrolment of 30 students if it is a Venture himay or
Upper Primary School as on the date of coming into force
of this Act;
(v) The Venture Educational Iustittrtions has a minimum total
enrolment of 25 studenrc in class-X, if it is a Venture High
School; 25 students in Class-XII if it is a Venture Higher
Seondary School or a Venture Junior College; 30 students
in the Final year of Three Year Degree Course, if it is a

Venture Deglce College, as on the date of coming into

force of this Act;

(vi) In case of a Venture High School or a Venture Higher
Secondary School or a Venture Junior College or a

Ventue Degree College, the concerned

Educational Institution must have a cousistent good
academic performance which worrld rnean that at least

3A% af the candidates appearing for the final examination

as a whole must have passed in the last three consecutive

examinations held during previous three consecutive years

prior to the date of coming into force of this Act.
(vii) In addition to the provision under clause (v) above, at
Ieast 10 students must have appeared in the last final
examination in any subject in case of Venture High
School, Venture High Madrassa, or Venturp Higher
Secondary Sohool or Venture Junior Collcge. At least 15
students in any subject must have appeared in case of
Venture Degree College in the last final examination.
(viii) In sase of Venttre ME School, there mwt be one
Science teacher ot tutor to teach Science and Mathenratics
subject. In case of Venhrre High School, there must be one

teacher or tfior to each core subject i.e. Mathmatics,

$ciace, Enghdq MIL and Social Studics;
(ix) There shall be additional pod in the same n$joct in
Veutre Highr School, Hi$ lv{adrassq Venarre Highcr
Seodry $oh.slr-Yffiuilr Jrmior Collcgn ad Ventne
Degrw Collegn, if &o minimtm sudens appearing i* the
las ftBl clumincion of &s hiehest class for thar subject
aroceds cigbfy in each class for the secood post and
exceeds 150 in eacir cla,s for the third post
(x) Two numbers of tmchers and /sr tutors of the Ventrne LP
Shool shall be provircialised mdsr thie Act and their
scrrrices shall be merged wi& the Base School idsntifid fur

aespoot of tlre area wlrercin tbe said veNrfirre school cms

dffiars& Aft6r so EErgFr in th Base Schwl, the mini+uru ActNo.
number of techer as specified in the schedule of ths Right
35 of
of Children to Frpe and Cornpulsory Education Acq 2009
shall be follourcd. The deficit in number of post of teacher
i*&c;&eu.S&ool:rfdt&a,#td, rry+ in.affiflfuog ude,&e
, : : :.iqm*b,l*mAnuexdid*x,:,,n*di .M+ndffi,',&c

,;,,srp(ffii,s*fr*c$Mr}[**'d,R& in fo]m, frr ffuisg w

of vacmtpost.
(xi) kr case of Vennro Uppcr Primry School there shall be
minimum tluro techsr$ or firtors at least one taoha each
for (a) Scienec and lrdsbernatics (b) $ocial Sardies and (c)
Providod that fsr additional posts it shall be considered
in accodance with thenomrs and standad stipulxedinthe Central
Schodule under scctions 19 and 25 of the Rightof Chil&en
35 of
to Frsc *d Compulsory Education Act, 2009. 2m9
{xii) The enrolment shall be verified wi& the data as per DISE
Code 2009-10 or beforc as available in tlre rooords of the
Naional Univarsity of Eduoetioual Plaming and

Administretion, New Dclhi. There shall be ptysical

verification of students and cheoking of records of
atendance of sfidnts of last three ycars.
(xiii) In case of mixed medium school for provincialisetion of
teacher and /or tutor each mdiunr of instruction of suoh
school shall bB treaEd as a separete school oxcept for the
poat of Head of tho institution who shall be the Head of the

Institution in respect of both the rchools.


@ In case of a Vcnflre Degree College and a Venturp Higher

Secondary School or a Ventrrre Junior College the eligibility
criteria specified in sub-section (1) above regarding date of
recognition, affiliation or conc\rrence, minimum enrolment and
performance would mean in respect of each of the subjects with
or without 'Major' as the case may be, and the services of the
teachers appointed or engaged in connection with such subject

or subjects shall be considered for provincialisation under the

provisions of this Act, only if the specified eligibility criteria as Central
per University Grants Cornmission Act, 1956, National Council
of 1956;
for Teachers Education Act
1993 and relevant rules and Central
regulations framed thereunder, as the case may be, as 73 of
applicable on the dateof provincialisation, are satisfied and 1993,

having sufficient enrolment in the concerned School or

Colleges including in the concerned subject.

(3) The concemed Venture Educational lnstitution rnust have the

required infrastnrcture as specified by the concemed University
to which the College is affiliated in case of Veirture Degree
Colleges; and as specified in the Schedule of the Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 as far as Central
practicable and having DISE Code for the year 2009-2010 or 35 of
prior to that in case of Venflrre Primary or Upper Frimary 2049
School and in oase of all other Educational Institutions, ttre
concerned institution must have the required inftastructurc as
specified in section 10 of the Assam Non'Government Act No
Educational lnstitutions (Regulation md Manageinent) Act IV of
2006 as far as practicable.

(4) Subject to the provisions of the Statutes, Ordinances and

Regulations made by the concerned affiliating University, in
case of a Ventrue Degree College ; subject to the provisions of Central
Act No
the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 35 of
2009, in case of a Venhre Primary or Venture Upper Pfimary 2AA9

School ; and, of all other institutions, subject to the

in case
provisions of the Assarn Non-Govemment Educational Assart
Act No
Institutions (Regulation and Management) Act, 2006, if an IV of
educational institution which does not fulfiII the eligibility 2007
criteria as stated herein above on the date of coming into force
of this Act, such institution, shall not be eligible to be


considered for provincialisation of the services of its teachers,

bul may be allowed to rur as a Private Institution or a Non-
Government Educational Institution as before subject to

fulfillment of other statutory nonus in force.

(5) If any venture Educational Institution established and

administered turder Article 30 of the Constitution of India
prefers to come under the arnbit of this Act and if the services
of teachers of such institutions are provincialised under this

Act, such institutions shall not remain under the ambit of the
provisions of Artiole 30 of the Constitution of lndia with effect
from the date of suchprovincialisation'

(6) (a) The Governme,nt of Assarn shall identiff Base School for
the ptgpose of provincialisation of services of teachers of the
Venture Educational lnstihrtions so as to fulfill the norrrs and

standards required for providing educational institutions within

a specified anea as follows:-
(D at least one Lower Primary School within a radius of I
(ii) at least one upper Primary school within a radius of 3

(iii) at least one High School or High Madrassa within a radius
of 5 Kms; and
(iv) at least one Higher Secondary School or Junior College
within a radius of 7l(ms'
(b) If
aoy Provincialised school already exists within the
aforesaid radius, the existing Provincialised School shall be
identified as the Base School at the exclusion of a Venture
Educational Institution within the said radius:
Provided that in case of two or more existing provincialised
Educational Institutions within the radius of the area as
specified in clause (a), the District Scrutiny Commiftee shall
identi$ only one of such educational institgtions as tbe Base
School, considering the existing infiastructrge and other
amenities aod facilities available in such educational institution.

(7) All the Teachers including Tutors and the students of an

Educational Institution provincialised trnder this Act shall be
merged with the Base School, to fulfill and maintain norms and
standard of Educational Institution including Pupil Teacher

Ratio (PTR) and all other statutory requirements for the

purpose to re-organise in education sector in all levels. Thc
Base School can be an existing provincialised School or it may

be a Venture Educational lnstitution eligible for

provincialisation under this Act having adequate infrastructure:
Provided that the existing provincialised School shall be
preferred over a Venture Educational Institution for
identification as a Base School.
(8) Educational institution which are running professional courses
and private instihrtion run with the fees realised from the
students shall not be considered for provincialisation of services
of the teachers under this Act.
(9) Save and except an institution covered under Article 30 of the
Constitution of krdia which is already getting financial
assistance or grants-in-aid from the Government, no other
Private or Non-Government educational institution shall be

entitled to get any aid or assistance from the State Government

in any form with effect from the date of coming into force of
this Act.
(10) If any eligible Venture Educational Institution intends to remain
outside the purview of provincialisation of services of their
teachers and/ or tutors undcr this Act, such instinrtion shall give

their option in uriting expressing their intention to remain

outside the purview of this Acg before the District Scrutiny
Committee within one yeax fiom the date of coming in to force
of this Act.

Teachersand/or 4 (1) Subjeot to fulfillment of all other provisions of this Act, the

tutors to be services of the teachers and/or tutors of all Venture Educational

govemme,nt Institutions eligible under section 3 shall be deemed to have

servants. been provincialised on the date of publication of the

provincialisation order by Notification in the Official Gazette

and they shall become employees of the State Government with
effect from such date.
(2) The teachers and/or tutors to be provincialised under this Act,-
(i) must have been working as a teacher in the concerned
. Ventune Educational Institution *rat have been frrlly
recognized up to the [ast and highest class required for
such Institution by the competent authority on or before


(ii) must have minimum educational and professional

qualifications as laid down under differeut Acts, Rules and

Regutations as rnentioned under section 6 or any other
relevant statutory provisions, as the case may be;
(iii) must have rendced at least six years continuous se'ryice as
on l.l.2}l7 from the date of joining in the concerned
Venture Educational Institution which must be on
3l.12.2010 or prior to that date.
(iv) in case of teachers and/or tutors of the Schools for special
subject like Sanskrit, Arabic, Hindi, Craft Teacher, Music
Teacher and other Classical Teachers, the number of
students appeated in the concerned final examination likc
HSLC and HS (10 + 2) conducted by the SEBA or the
ASHEC, as the case may be, shall not be less than 10

students in each class per year during last three years,

Land, building 5 (1) With effect from the date of provincialisation of the services of
etc to vest with the teachers and/or tfiors of the Venture Educational

the Goverxrent Institutions turder this Act, the land, building and other assets of
the concerned educational institution shall vest with the


@ In case of merger/or amalgamation of one educational

institution with other educational institution, the lan4 building
and other assets vacatpd by any such merged educational
institution shall be used by the Government for other suitable
purpose whatsoever.

Educationaland 6. (1) The senriccs of teachers in a Ventgre Educational Iustitgtion

Professional from the Primary level up to the Degree Level, shatl be
qualification of oonsidered for provincialisation in the post of teachers or
tpachers. relevant teaching faculty in appropriate nomenclature, as the
case may be, srbject to fulfillment of the eligibility criteria

relating to educational and professional qtralifications as laid Central

down underthe following Acts, Rules and Regulatioffl :- Act No.
35 of
(a) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education 2409;
Act,2009 and its Rules;
(b) The National Council for Teachers Education Act, 1993 ::l|rt
and its Regulations in force at the time of 73 of
provincialisation of services.
(c) The Assarn Secondary Education (Provincialised)

Service Rules, 2$03,as arnended lul.2012.


(d) The University Grants Cornrnission Acq 1956 and Central

Act No.3
University Crrants Commissiou Regulations on Minimum
of 1956
for Appointnaent of Teachers and other
Acadeqric Statr in Universities and Cotleges snd
Measues for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher
Education, 2010, fraured thereunder, as the case may be.
(2) The services of a teaching ernployee in a Venture Educational
Institution strall be considered for provincialisation as teacher
only if they have the requisite academic and professional
qualifications prescribed under the relevant Acts, Rules or
Regulations as mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section
which are applicable for the time being in force, otherwise their
services shall be provincialized as tutor.
(3) In case of teachers for special subjects like Sanskrit, Ambic,
Hindi, Craft Teacher, Music Teacher, and any other Classical
Teachers, the qualification should be as per the qualification
prescribed by the relevant statutory Rules of the State
Govemment in force.

Educationaland 7 (l) The tutor must acquire the prescribed educational and
Professional professional qualifications within a period of five years from
qualification of the date of publication of the order of provincialisation of
hrtor. services of the teachers and or tutors of the concerned Venture
Educational Institutions in the Official Garet1,r, and after
acquirement of required qualification, they shall be upgraded to
the post ofteacher in appropriatE eadre.

(2) If such tutor fail to acquire such prescribed qualifications

within a period of five years from the date of publication of the

order of provincialisation in the Official Gazrlw, their cases

shall not bc considered for up-gradation to the post ofteacher

after the lapse of a period of five years from the date of
publication of provincialisation order in the Official Gazette
and they shall continue to function as tutor as per same tem$
and conditions which were applicable to
them before
provincialisation of the concerned Venture Educational

Te,nns and 8 (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Rules made
conditions of hereunde,r all rules including sewice rules and rules of conduct
service. and discipline which are applicable to State Govenment

servant of corrcsponding ranks, shall be applicable to all

teachers of educational institution whose services have becn or
to be provincialised under the provisions of this Act.
(2') The teachers whose services have been provincialised under
this Act shall get full scale of pay and zuch emoluments as

salary and allowances as per nomrs of the State Govemnrent

applicable to the anployees of the conesponding rank with
effect from the date of provincialisation of their services, as if
they are fresh appointees and they cannot claim any benefit
whatsoever in respect ofpast seryices rendered by them before
provincialisation and in rcspect of pension, they shall be
governed by the New Pension Scherne applicable to the State
Government teachers of the corresponding rank.
(3) For the tutors urhose services are provincialised as hrtors under
this Aot, their scope of work and other condition of sewice
shall be notificd by the concerned administrative departurent
separately. The smoluments for tutor shall be paid at the rate as
specified in the Schedule appended to this Act subject to the
condition that the enhanced emoluments after 2(two) years as
per schedule shall be admissible in respect of a tutor on
submission of a satisfactory performance report by the head of
tle concerned eduoational irutitution to the Drawing and
Disbursing Officer after completion of 2(two) years seflrice
&om the date of provincialisation. In the event of subsequent
acquirement of educational and professional qrralification by
such tutors within 5 years from the date of provincialisation of
the services of tpachers in the concemed Ventu Educational
Institution, they shall be eligible for upgrading their posts as
teachers. In the event of failure in ac.quiring rcquired
qualification within five years ftom the date of provincialisation
of the Venture Educational Institutions, he shall continue as a

hrtor only tmder the tenns and conditions of senrioe inctuding

their salary and allowances as rnay be notified by the

Government under zub-seotion(4) of this section.

(4) The scope of work and otlrer tsrms and conditions of seryice of
the hrtors +hall be notified by the respective adrninistrative
(5) The teachers, u&o have completed sixty yearls of age as on tlre
date of coming into force of this Act, shalt be deemed to tave
retired with effect from that date and they shatl have no claim
'whatsoever from the State Government as regards their pay,

allowances and retirement bnefits for services already rtndered

by them in such educational institutions before thc date of
(6) The teachers and tutors provincialised under this Act shall hold
personal posts to be created for provincialisation of their

services. These posts shall be outside the cadre which shall

stand abolished on cessation of services by the concerned

teacher or tutor, as the case may be, due to retirement, death,

resignation or any other reason whatsower.
Management of 9. With effect from the date of publication of the notification
the educational under sub-section (1) of section 4,. the administration,
institution wheir management and control of all provincialised educational
services of institutions coming within the purview of this Act shall vest in
teachers are the State Governrnent.

Manasng 10. The constitution, composition, powers, functions and duf,es of

comrnittee in the Managing Committee in respect of the Primary and Upper
respeot of Primary Schools shall be govemed by the provisions of the Central
Act No.
primary/ upper Right of Children to Free aod Compulsory &lucation Act,2009 35 of
prfurury schools. and the rules made thercundet. 2009

Mauaging 1t (1) The State Governrnent or an officer authorized by the State

committee Government not below the rank of a District Elementary

/govcrning lody Education Offfioer in case of Elementary Schools or the

in respect of Inspector of schools of the District in case of High School,

other High Madrassa, Higher Secondary School by order passed in
oducuionral that behdf shall constitute a Managing Committee in respect of
institutions. High School, High Madrassa or Higher Secondary School and a

Governing Body in respect of a Junior College.

(2) The Stare Government or an Officer authorized by the State

Govsrnment not below the rank of the Director of Higher

Education, in case of Degree College, shall constihrte a
Governing Body in respect of a Degree College.
(3) The Goveming Body and the Managing Committee, as the case
may be, of zuch institutions shall exercise suoh powers and

shall perforrn such functions as specified in the relet/ant Acts

and rules prescribed thereunder.

(4) The State Government or the officer so authorized by the State

Government may, re-@nstitute the Managing Committee or the
Governing Body, as the case may be, as may be required under
the relevant ststutory provision.

(5) The composition of the Managing Committee or Governing

Body, as the case mey be, shall be such as provided in the
relevant Ac! rules or orders etc. in respect of the concerncd
Educational Institution,
(6) Subject to overall control and supervision of the Director, all
teachers and/tutors whose services are or would be

provincialised under this Act, shall be accountable and remain

subject to the confrol of the Managing Committee or the

Governing Body, as the case may bc.

(7) All teachers, whose services have been provincialised under
this Act, shall render their senrices under the contol and

supervision of the Head of the Institution and if so required

their servicet may be utilized in the lower classes also, for
smooth running ofthe concemed Educational Institution.

Anralgamation/ t2. (r) In appropriate cases, ifthere is already an existing educational

merger and institution nearby, and the enrolment of the students do not
strifting or justi& for more than one institution in the same locality, or
expansion of there are other sufficient reasons so to do, the State
educational Govemmen! in the public interest and for reasons to be
institution. recorded in uniting may, order for tansfer or shifting of the
institution and the incumbents of the institution from one place
to another, or may order amalgamation or merger of two or
more existing institutioas as pcr Siksha Kheta Scheme.
(2) ln appropriate cases, if the State Govemment is of thc view that
an existing educational institution needs be cxpanded so as to
have more classes, the State Government may, by order, make
expansion of an existing educational institution from Frimary to

Upper-Frimary and from Upper-Primary to Secondary and

Secondary to Higher Secondary or reverse the said cducational

institutions to a lower level in the case of lose or abseuce of
such necessity of more classes in any such Educational
(3) All incumbents whose services have been provincialiscd under
the provisions of this Act and who are working in one of the
schools in respect of which an order under sub-sections (l) and

(2) above has been passed, shall be liable to be transferred and

posted in any other provincialised institution in the sarne rank
and grade.
(4) All teachsrs working in a higher grade in an institution in
respect of which an order undet sub-section (2) has bce,lr passed
may be required to teach in the lower classes also.

District Scnxiny 13. (1) There shall be Distict scrutiny committees in each district

Corurnittee and separately for Elernentary, secondary and for Higher Rlucation

State Level to scrutinize service records and othsr related issues of the

Scrutiny serving teachers of Venttye Educational Institutions pertaining

Commitrce. to provincialisation of their services.

Q) The Deputy commissioner of the District, by an ordcr, shall

constitute the District scrutiny committee for the rcspective
district under preceding sub-section:
Provided that in case of newly created districts, the
Deputy Commissioner of the erstrphile district with the help of
Deputy commissioner of the newly created distfict shall

scrutinize all cases of entire erstwhile district'

(3) The Distriot scrutiny corrunittee for Higher Education shall be
constituted with the following members, namely:-
(i) The Deputy Commissioner or his nominee not below the
rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner of the
concerned district - -Chairman;
(ii) The lnspector of Schools of the concerned distict----
(iii) One nominee of the Deputy Commissioner of newly

created distict if the institution falls witbin the

jurisdiction of the newly created distria;
(iv) one Principal of coltege situated within the district to
be nominated by the Inspeotor of Schools-*-Member;
(v) one retired Principal of college of the concerned distict
to be nominafed by the Inspector of Schools --Member;
(vi) one erninent person in the field of education who is an

ordinary resident of the concemed district to be

nominated by the Deputy Commissioner-Member'

(4) The Disfict Scrutiny Committee for Secondary Education shall

be constituted with the following mernbers, namely:-
(i) The Deputy Commissioner or his nominee not below the
rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner of the

concerned district --Chairman;

(ii) The Inspector of Schools of the concemed di$lrict----

(iii) One nominee of the Deputy Comrnissioner of newly
creared disrict if the institution falls within the

jurisdiction of newly created distict; ..-... Member;

(iv) One Principal of Jturior Cottege situated within the
distict to be norninated by the Inspector of Schools--
(v) One Principat of Provincialised Higher Secondary
School situated in the district to be nominated by the
Inspector of Schools --Member;
(vi) One Headmaster of Provincialised High School/High
Madrassa situated within the district to be nominated by
the krspector of Schools - Member;
(vii) One eminent prson in the field of education who is an

ordinary resident of the District to bc nominated by the

Deputy Cornmissioner-Member;
(viii)One retired hincipal/Headmaster of an Edrrcational
Institution situated within the district to be nominated
by the Inspector of Schools--Member.

(5) The District Scrutiny Committee for Elementary klucation

shall be constituted with the following members, namely:-
(0 The Deputy Comrnissioner or his nominee not below the
rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner of the

concemed district --Chaiman;

(ii) The DisEict Elementary Education O{Iioer of the

concemed district---Member-Secrttary;
(iii) One representative of the Deputy Cornmissioner of the
newly created district if the instittrtion falls wittrin the
jurisdiction of newly crtated district-'--Member;
(iv) The Depury Inspectors of schools of all subdivisions
within the concemcd disrict--Members;
(v) The Block Elernentary Education officer of all Blocks
within the concerned distict- *'Membersl
(vi) one ernincnt person in the field of educatiou who is an
ordinary resident within the distict to be nominarcd by
the Deputy Commissioner*--Member.

(6) The District Scnrtiny Comneittee shall first sc,rutinize 8od

prepare a list of atl Venture Educational Instinrtions wittrin the

district, which are eligible in terms of the provisions of this Act
and shalt thereafter proceed to scnrtinize and verify the service
records of all the serving t@chers, who are eligibte or would
beeome eligibie for being eonsidered for provincialisation of

their services. The Distict Committee shall identify a Base

School for each category of school and recommend the nasre of

teacher/ tutor to be associatd against each Base School.
(7) The Dishict Scrutiny Committee shatl forward the vsrified list
of eligible teachers Base school-wise in accordance wittr this
Act, to the concerned Director who shall place the mattet
before the State Level Scrutiny Committee to be constituted
wrder sub-sectiou (10) of this section and after making such
firther scrutiny as rnay be required, shall forward the same to

the concerned Department of the State Government for

consideration and for issuing Notification in respect of the
eligible institutions and teachers eligible for getting their
services provincialised.
(S) The District Scrutiny Committee shall have the powers to
inspect physical existence of school and to inspect all

documents and records produced before it and call for such

further records and documents as may be required for the
purpose of causing verification and scrutiny and examine
witnesses for the pu{pose, if considered necessary and while
doing so it shall have the powers of a Civil Court for the
purpose of compelling.attendance of persons and production of
(9) The State Govemment may, for reasons to be recorded in
by an order re-constitute the District Scrutiny
Committee or may change in its composition, if the
circumstances so warran! from time to time.
(10) There shall be one State Level Scrutiny Committee at State
level for verification of leconrmendation received from the
District scnrtiny commiuees with the following member,
(i) Director of the concerned Departnent of Education-

... Chairman.
(ii) Joint DirectorlDeputy Director of the concerned

Directorate- ..MemberSecretary.
(iii) One representative nominated by the conoorned

Administrative Deparhaent-'. .. . . 'Member.

(ll) The State Level Scrutiny Committee shall have to cause
physical verification of all institution and will also inspect all
documents and records produced before it and call for such
other records and docurnents as may be required for the putrpose
of causing verifi cation.
| 'i _.


(12) When there arises differsDce in betneen the recommendation of

the District Scrutiny Cornmittee and the Physical verification
report caused by *re State Level Scrutiny Committee, the
matter shall be placed before the State Level Scnrtiny
Committee and the decision of the State Level Sonrtiny
Committee shall be final.
Erplanation:- for the purposes of this section the Deputy
Commissioner in relation to Districts included in the areas
covered under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India
shall mean the hincipal Seuetary of the respective council.

Appellarc 14, The State l;vel Scrutiny Committee shall be the appellate
authority. authority against any recommendation of the District Scrutiny
Committee aud the Statc Government in the conoerned
administrative department shall be the Appellate Authority
against any recornmendation of the State Level Scrutiny

Educational ls. (l) The services of teachers of the Venture Educational Institutions
instihsion not which have been established on or aftcr I-1-2006, shall not be
provincialised to provincialised aud no such educational institution shall be
fiustion as allowed to remain functional unless it has obtained,-
pnvate / non- (i) affiliation &om the affiliating University, if it is a Degree
govemment College;
institutions. (ii) permission under the provisions of the Asmm Non-
Governrnent Educatioaal Institutions (Regulation and Act No.
IV of
Managerrent) Aot, 2006, in case of all other educational
institutions; and
(iii) certificate of rccognition from the authority notified under
Act No.
the provisions of section 18 of the Right of Children to 35 of
Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.

Q') All such Venture Educational Institutions which have obtained

the required affiliation, permission or reoognition, as the oase

may be, shall be allowed to firnction as purely Private or Non-

Govemment Educational Institution.

Offences and 16. (1) Whoever provides misleading, incorrect or false information to
Penalties. and suppresses materid information from or abets the providing
or of such information to the District Scrutiny
Committee or to any other authority under this Act shall
commit an offence under this Act which shatl be puni$able
with imprisonment for a temr which may extend to two ye{rs.

Offencestobe 17. Offences committed under this Act shall be cognizable and Central

cognizable and non-bailable under the provisions of the Code of Crinninal ffIil}'
non-bailable. Procedus,e, 1973.

Trial of cases 18. (1) Offences under section 17 shall be tiable by a Judicial Cental
Magistrate of the competent jurisdiction under the Code of ffl#l'
Criminal Procedure, I 973.
(2) Cases trnder this sestion shatl be tried summarily under the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

Suit and 19. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie for
proccedings anything in good faith done under this Act, except with the
t previous sanction ofthe State Government.

(2) To adjudicate disputes for redressal of grievances relating to the

teaching staff of the Non-Goverment Educational Instrtution
as well as disputes concerning disciplinary action, genuineness
of establishment of school and claim for provincialisation in
respect of teaching staff of Venture Fducational [nstitution,
there shall be an Educational Tribunal for edch district within
their respective Territorial Jurisdiction. The District and

Sessions Judges and the Additional District and Sessions

Judges of each District are designated as Educational Tribunal.

Power of 20. (l) If any difficulty arises in interpretation of any provisions of this

intcrpretation Act, the interpretation of the State Government shall be fioal.

and removal of a) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this
difficulties. Aot, the State Govemment may, by order do anything not
inconsistent with &e provisions of this Act and the rules framed
therelnder, which appear to be necessary or expedient for ttre
purpose of removingthe difficulty'

Creation of 2r. (l) For the purpose of provincialisation of services of the teachers
personal post and tutors under this Act, the Crovernment shall create and
and mainteaance sanction suoh number of ex*adre posts whioh shall be personal

of resenation to the incumbents. These personal posts shall stand abolished

policy. on cessation of the services of the teachers for any reason
whatsoever including retirement, resignation, death etc. Sinco
these are personal as well as ex'cadre Posb, the ptesent cadre
sEength of the concemed seryic shall not be impacted in any
way due to creation of these Posts.

(2) The Administrative Deparhlent may retaitr the posts of any

Educational Institution p,rovincialised under'this Act affer

cessation of the services of the teachers which may be deemed

to be necessary to run the insitution,
(3) The posts so rctained as per sub-section (2), sllall be e,lr-cadred
in appropriate cadre and shall oontiaue as pertranent posts.

(4) While making retention of posts tmder sub-section (2) and in

creating additional posts as may be required under this Act, thc
prescribed prccntage of reservation for Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes and othet reserved categories, as applicable

under the relevant Acts and rules, shall be maintained.

Creation of fund 22 The State Government shall create a special pool of fund to
facilitare implementation of the provisions of this Act in
consultation with the Finance Department of the Government of
Assam in due course of time.
Power to make 23 (1) The State Govemment may, by notification published in the
nrles. Official Gazette, make nrles for carrying out the provisions of
this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions,

such rules may provide for all or any of the following mattcts,
(i) prescribing service conditions and specifring the duties
ar.rd responsibilities of all teachers u&ose services have
been provincialised under this Act;
(ii) prtparation and maintenance of service records of the
teachers whose servioes have been provincialised;

(iii) for managatne,nt of the educatioual institutions;

(iv) speci&ing ttre powers, duties and responsibilities of the

Manraging Committee or Governing Body of the

educational iastitutions;
(v) prescribing the scope of work, emoluments and

remureration, and othcr temns and condition of service of

ttrtors provincialised under this Act.

(3) All rules made by the State Govemment under this Act shall, as

soon as may be after they are made, be laid before the Assam
Legislative Assembly while it is in session, for a total period of
not less thao fourteen days whioh may be comprised in one

sessiou or two or more successive sessions and shall, unless

some later date is appointod, take effect from the date of their
publication in the Official Gozntte subject to such modifications
or annulments as the Legislative Assembly maYr during the said
period agree to make; so howevet, that any such modification
or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of
anything previously done thereunder.

Repeal and 24. The Assam Venture Educational Instinrtions (Provincialisation Assant
savings. of Services) Act, 2011 as amended vide the Assam Venttre ffjr|l;
Educational Institutions (Provincialisation of Services) 201 l;
(Amendment) Act, 2012 and the Assam Venture Educational
Act No.
I Institutions (Provincialisation of Services) (Amendment) Act )OC of
2013, which have been struck down by the Hon'ble Gauhati
High Conrt vide order dated 23.09.2016 in WP(C) No. ActNo.
319012012, and atl rules, orders, notifications issued
therpunder, shall strnd repealed, however, all the teacher;
whose services were provincialised prior to 23.9.2016, shall
continue and their cases shall be reviewed as per the eligibility
nonns set forth for provincialisation under this Act.


[See section 8(3)]

Fixed selary admissible to a Tutor

Fixed salarv Fixed salarv

Category of post held by the employee
Category of for ltt to 2nt for 3d to 5fi
in the institution prior to year. year.
Institrfiion (in Rs) (inRs)

Principal 36000 40000

Degree College
Assistant hofessor 270A0 30000

Principal 24740 23000

Junior College Lectr.uer rc2AA 18000

De,mons&ator 14400 16000

Higher Secondary Subject Teacher ,6200 18000

Demonshator 14400 116000

Headmasterl Superintendent 16200 18000

Asstt. Headmaster/ 144CI0 16000

Asstt. Suprintendent

Hieh ScbooU
Crraduate Teacher (BAIB. Com/B. S c) 12600 r4000
High Madrassa
Sr. Hindi Teacher t2600 14000

Music Teacher/ Classical Teacher r2600 14000

Craft Teachq 9900 I 1000

Headmaster 12150 13500


Upper Primary Assistant Teacher 10800 12000

School (ME
SchoolllvlE Graduate (Science & Mathematics) l 1700 13000
lvladrassa) Teacher
Hindi Teacher /Arabic Teacher
10800 12000
lLanzuage Teacher
Primary School 10800 12000
Assistant Teacher
G.P School)

Commissioner & Secretaryto the Govt. ofAssam,
kgislative Departnent, Dispw, Guwahati-6.

Assam, Guwahati-2l
Guwahati :- Printed and Published by the Dy. Director (P & S), Directorate of Printing and Stationery
ExtraGazetreNo.2T5 -200+ l0 - 11 -a4-2017

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