Missio Richtlinien Englisch

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Project funding The International Catholic Mission Societies missio in Aachen and
missio in Munich constitute the German branch of the Pontifical

Mission Societies. They have a dual task:
to raise and strengthen the missionary awareness of the
faithful as a community of learning, prayer, and solidarity in
to provide both financial and non-material support for the
mission of local Churches in Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
A Projects 4
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God promises all human beings
B Submitting an application 7 holistic liberation. Individuals, communities, and societies within
the Church work together, contributing their individual skills and
C Processing projects 13 expertise, to serve the goal of liberation, which is fraught with
many different hardships and challenges. The main focus of missios
D Appendix 18
co-operation work is on the pastoral work of the Church.

In the spirit of the Gospel and within the scope of its project funding
activities, missio supports local Church initiatives that
promote pastoral care and the development of the Church life;
are rooted in the Christian vision of the world and of
humankind and that are, in terms of the form they take,
based on basic Christian values;
take into account local cultural, religious, socio-economic and
political circumstances when defining their objectives and
promote ecumenical co-operation between the Churches;
promote dialogue between religions and world views;
work towards justice, peace, and the integrity of creation;
enable people to stand up for those who are powerless,
oppressed, persecuted and without rights and those who seek
to foster disadvantaged groups within both the Church and
society as a whole;
are in line with the principle of subsidiarity.
4 A Projects 5

An application for project funding shall only be processed by missio missio provides funding for:
if it meets the above-mentioned criteria. the establishment and development of training centres
Every project submitted for consideration to missio should be (especially major seminaries and novitiates)
part of the detailed elaboration and implementation of a longer-term courses, seminars, workshops for groups
pastoral plan that was drawn up in conjunction with all those who individual scholarships2
are responsible for pastoral work in a diocese, region, congregation collective scholarships from Church training centres and
or movement. This aspect must be emphasized in the application. formation institutions
On request, missio can get involved in such longer-term pastoral
planning processes, providing advice and funding. missio does not provide funding for:
Applications can only be submitted in those cases where the project minor seminaries
owners local resources are insufficient. The project owners local schools and general teacher-training
contribution must always be as high as possible.
Several applications may be submitted every year. If possible,
these applications should be submitted to missio at the same time 3. Establishing and strengthening local Churches
or should be combined and submitted as a single application. and religious communities
Applications must be ranked according to their priority. These parishes and communities (small Christian communities,
priorities are determined by the longer-term pastoral plans and the parish councils, parish development, etc.)
corresponding objectives. Country-specific funding profiles apply in structures and bodies at diocesan level, congregational level,
addition to these general guidelines. Moreover, detailed explana- and higher levels
tions and guidelines exist for certain types of projects.1 synods, conferences, symposia, etc.
analyses and evaluations (including academic work in the
Individual project types service of pastoral development and planning)

1. Planning pastoral processes/programmes 4. Proclamation and pastoral programmes

missio helps its partners to draw up and implement pastoral pro- (first) evangelisation (establishing parish catechesis, etc.)
grammes, involving as many people as possible. These pastoral inculturation (also in the field of art)
programmes are based on an analysis of prevailing social con- biblical apostolate (bible courses, bible sharing method, etc.)
ditions and pastoral challenges. pastoral programmes for special target groups
for couples (including preparation for marriage)
and families
2. Training and continuing professional development for women (establishment and networking of womens
and on-going formation groups, promotion of gender equality, single-parent
The training and continual professional development and on- families, etc.)
going formation of lay people working for the Church, men and for youth (training group leaders, establishment and
women religious (only those who have completed their canonical networking of youth groups, etc.)
novitiate year) and clerics in the following areas: pastoral work, for refugees, drug addicts, prostitutes, disabled people,
spirituality, theology, philosophy, and associated subjects, as well prisoners, orphans, children who live on the street, child
as other training courses (also those that are not academic) that soldiers, etc.
support the mission and the self-reliance of the local Church. for those affected by Aids (education, advice, care, etc.)
for counselling and trauma healing
For more information, please contact the relevant country officer at missio. 2
Scholarships for Europe and America are, as a rule, only granted in cases where the
intended training and/or further professional development is not available in the country
in question or in another African, Asian, or Latin American country.
6 A Projects B Submitting an application 7

media work and communication3 The signed, original application and the complete, signed, original
ecumenism documents must be submitted to missio at least six months before
interreligious dialogue the start of a measure (e-mails and fax will not be accepted). All
human rights work and peace work legal requirements pertaining to the implementation of a project
integrity of creation (building approval, etc.) must be met. Incomplete applications
cannot be approved.

5. Media, resources, and vehicles4 The following overview should help you put together your
Bibles and other printed matter, audiovisual and application:
electronic media (including translation and production)
catechetical and religious teaching materials
means of communication 1. Applicant
technical resources name
vehicles postal and e-mail addresses
task and position

6. Buildings, fixtures, and fittings

centres for the training and continuing professional 2. Person responsible for the project
development of Church staff (if not the same person as the applicant)
churches and chapels name
multi-purpose buildings postal and e-mail addresses
presbyteries task and position
convents and monasteries
fixtures and fittings
power supply 3. Project owner
repairs (not maintenance) name
postal and e-mail addresses

7. Self-help and livelihood

income-generating measures that contribute to 4. Project title
the financial independence of local Churches
mass stipends
development of retirement provisions for Church staff 5. Project description
support in the event of emergencies
5.1. Description of the project environment
missio does not provide funding for the repayment of debts or for (generally no longer than two pages)
the supplementary financing of projects that have already been geographical
started or completed. political
religious pastoral
The Catholic Media Council (CAMECO) provides advice about media and communica-
tions projects. CAMECO, Postfach 10 21 04; 52021 Aachen, Germany (www.cameco.org)
BEGECA (the German Private Limited Company for Procurement for Church-related,
Charitable and Social Institutions) can be of assistance when purchasing technical equip-
ment, and this at a reasonable price. BEGECA, Postfach 10 03 56, 52003 Aachen, Germany
8 B Submitting an application 9

5.2. Planning and background number, gender, age, and social background of the
information on the pastoral plan, educational plan or participant(s) or the target group(s)
similar plan at diocesan, congregational or other level skill(s) and qualification(s) being sought
and how the measure fits into this plan location and duration (from ... to ...)
information as to how the project will help implement costs per person and per day
the plan of which it is part
information on the provisions made for meeting future Collective scholarships:
running costs In the case of group scholarships, the following also applies:
information on the genesis of the project composition of the board that awarded the
previous/preliminary project(s): information on content scholarships
and funding (if missio funded/co-funded the project, the scholarship criteria
project number should be indicated) detailed itemization of the training fees and other
training-related costs
5.3. Objective areas in which the scholarship holders are likely to
What is to be achieved? work once they have completed their studies
What changes are to be effected?
Who is involved in the achieving of the objective? Individual scholarships6 :
Who will check whether the objective information about the scholarship holder: name,
has been achieved and how? address, diocese/congregation/institute, date of
birth, marital status/Church status, brief Curriculum
5.4. Planned measures Vitae, academic and professional qualifications
(divided up according to project type) place of study, including address and reason for
choosing this institution
5.4.1. Planning pastoral processes/ field of study
programmes qualification being sought
themes and contents duration (from ... to ...)
structures and methods statement from the bishop or the major superior,
qualification of the staff responsible for outlining why the scholarship holder was selected
implementation statement from the bishop or the major superior,
target group and number of participants outlining why the qualification being sought is
selection criteria for participation necessary for the diocese/congregation/movement/
location and duration (from ... to ...) institution
guarantee that the diocese/congregation/ movement/
5.4.2. Training and continuing professional institution will pay for the cost of the outward and
development and on-going formation5 return journeys to and from the place of study
themes and contents confirmation of registration from the college,
methods and didactics university or institute, including
names and qualifications/profiles of the trainers/ evidence that the scholarship holder has all the
resource persons qualifications (including language skills) needed to
start training

In the case of applications relating to training and continuing professional development 6
When applying for scholarships, the Guidelines for Scholarships for Basic Studies/Courses
and on-going formation, please ask missio for a copy of the detailed Guidelines for the and the Guidelines for Scholarships for Post-graduate Studies apply. For copies of both
Funding of Church Educational Work. documents, please contact missio. Applications for funding for post-graduate studies for
Applications for seminaries at diocesan level or above (including training, vehicles, academic staff at seminaries, colleges, and institutes of research as well as applications
resources, etc.) should be submitted to Pontificium Opus a Sancto Petro Apostolo. missio for academic funding in the fields of theology, philosophy, and related academic disciplines
can at most co-fund major seminaries if Pontificium Opus a Sancto Petro Apostolo gives should be sent to: Missionswissenschaftliches Institut missio e.V. (MWI), Postfach 10 12 48,
its approval. 52012 Aachen, Germany (www.mwi-aachen.org).
10 B Submitting an application 11

duration of the training course (from ... to ...) until cost estimate including price per square metre (from
the qualification is acquired construction company, architect, etc.)
detailed itemization of the training fees and fixtures and fittings (description and cost estimate)
other training-related costs use, number of inhabitants/users/events
information regarding the scholarship holders place of provisions for future maintenance/repair costs
work and job after the completion of studies
5.4.7. Self-help and livelihood
5.4.3. Establishing and strengthening local self-help project, including income-generating
Churches and religious communities measures (type and objective, sustainable impact,
themes and contents cost-benefit analysis and business plan)
structures and methods mass stipends (number of offerings, number of priests)
qualification of the teaching staff or the people emergencies: reason, description of the short-term
responsible for implementation measure, number of beneficiaries, overview outlining
target group and number of participants how the same short-term emergencies can be
selection criteria for participation avoided in the future
location and duration (from ... to ...) retirement provisions (type and objective, sustainable
costs per person and per day impact, long-term prospects, cost-benefit analysis)

5.4.4. Proclamation and pastoral programmes 5.5. Impact with regard to
themes and contents the projects social context
structures and methods members of the Church
qualification of the staff responsible for implementation members of other religions or people with other world views
target group and number of participants environmental context
selection criteria for participation sustainability
location and duration (from ... to ...) self-reliance of the local Church or religious community
costs per person and per day (where applicable)
5.6. Measures to protect the physical and mental
5.4.5. Media, resources, and vehicles as well as sexual integrity of children and young
exact description people in care
intended use
proforma invoice
provisions for future maintenance/repair costs 6. Cost calculation in tabular form
Detailed itemization of total costs, divided up according to cost
5.4.6. Buildings, fixtures, and fittings types and given in the local currency and in euros or US dollars7
status of ownership (plot of land)
building plan, including side elevation
description of the building (living space/utilizable space
in square metres, floor plan, list of rooms including
their size in square meters, construction materials)

See appendix 2: financial overview
12 B Submitting an application C Processing projects 13

7. Financing plan in tabular form 1. Project registration

in the local currency and in euros or US dollars missio shall register project applications and allocate a project
total costs number to them. This project number should be included in all
local contribution in the form of money and/or labour/ subsequent correspondence relating to the application.
materials (monetary equivalent)
contributions from third parties with information as to
whether these contributions have been requested or approved 2. Decision on the project
(development agencies, donors, etc. listed individually) The relevant bodies at missio shall consider the project appli-
sum requested from missio cation and make a decision on it. If necessary, missio shall
commission an external expert opinion on the project before
Please note: Missing information on the involvement of a third making a decision. missio shall then inform the project owner,
party is a reason for a negative decision on the project. applicant and person responsible for the project in writing of its
decision. If the application is approved, the project owner will
receive a letter of approval, which contains a contract form. The
8. Recommendations project owner must fill out the contract form, sign it, and send
Applications submitted by dioceses, parishes, diocesan the original to missio.
congregations, and Church lay organizations must be If the application is not approved, the project owner will
recommended by the local bishop. receive a letter of rejection. In many cases, a lack of resources
Applications from entities higher than diocesan level must be makes rejection unavoidable.
recommended by the responsible bishop.
Applications from religious congregations must be
recommended by the responsible major superior. 3. Project implementation
Applications relating to the settlement of religious orders or Once missio receives the contract form, it transfers the relevant
religious communities in a particular diocese must include the sum and sends a letter of notification about the transfer and an
nihil obstat of the local bishop. acknowledgment of receipt form. Once the money is received,
this form must be filled out, signed where possible by the
Signed, original applications and recommendations must be project owner and the beneficiary and returned by post to
submitted in writing (not by e-mail) to: missio with written confirmation from the bank that the money
has been received (copy of the bank voucher). missio must be
missio missio notified about any delay in the implementation of the project.
Internationales Internationales This notification must include the reason for the delay and its
Katholisches Missionswerk Katholisches expected duration. missios consent must be sought before the
Ludwig Missionsverein KdR Missionswerk e.V. objective of a project is changed. If this consent is not sought or
Pettenkoferstrae 26-28 Goethestrae 43 if the funds provided are misappropriated, missio reserves the
80336 Mnchen 52064 Aachen right to demand repayment of the transferred sum.
GERMANY GERMANY In the event of payment by instalments, missio shall only trans-
fer the next instalment once it has received an interim narrative
and financial report.
14 C Processing projects 15

names and qualifications/profiles of the trainers/

4. Project report and project completion resource persons
The project owner is responsible for making sure that a final themes and contents
narrative and financial report is sent to missio once the project methods and didactics
has been completed. The original final report must be signed skill(s)/qualification(s) acquired; changes regarding
and sent to missio. The narrative and financial report shall be possible areas of work
checked by a number of different departments both inside and feedback from the participant(s)/target group(s)
outside missio. missio reserves the right to send representatives
with the mandate to verify the proper use of funds. All original Individual scholarships:
project documents must be archived for ten years after the end copy of reports, certificates, (academic) degree
of the project so that they may be inspected if necessary. These copy of the thesis/dissertation
documents must be made available to missio on request. information regarding the scholarship holders place
of work and job after the completion of studies
4.1. The narrative part of the report
The narrative part of the report provides a description of the Collective scholarships:
implementation of a project, including its positive and negative List of all scholarship holders, containing the following
impacts and any difficulties encountered during its implemen- information:
tation. It provides information on the objectives (achieved), the complete name and date of birth
measures implemented, the duration, the forecast sustainable institute/place of training
impacts and a comparison of all these aspects with what was subject
written in the project application. year of study
The conclusions that can be drawn from the project for (academic) degree
future pastoral work are of particular importance. future work
Depending on the project type, the narrative section of the signatures of the scholarship holders
final report should contain the following information8 :
4.1.3. Establishing and strengthening local
4.1.1. Planning pastoral processes/programmes Churches and religious communities
number, gender, age, and social background of the location and duration (from ... to ...)
participant(s) number, gender, age, and social background of the
number of events and measures, location and duration participant(s) or the target group(s)
methods and didactics names and qualifications/profiles of the trainers/
results, documents, conclusions resource persons
themes and contents
4.1.2. Training and continuing professional methods and didactics
development and on-going formation skill(s)/qualification(s) acquired; changes regarding
location and duration (from ... to ...) possible areas of work
number, gender, age, and social background of the feedback from the participant(s)/target group(s)
participant(s) or the target group(s)
list of signatures of the participants

In the case of comprehensive programmes, missio requires a short summary of the most
important aspects (max. two pages). This should come at the beginning of the narrative
section of the report. It is followed by a detailed description of the implemented
measures and the results achieved.
16 C Processing projects 17

4.1.4. Proclamation and pastoral programmes 4.2. The financial part of the report
location and duration (from ... to ...) number, gender, In principle, the financial part of the report adheres to the same
age, and social background of the participant(s) or the structure as the cost calculation and the financing plan for the
target group(s) project application and provides the following information (see
names and qualifications/profiles of the trainers/ appended diagram):
resource persons accounting period

themes and contents itemization of all financial contributions to the project
methods and didactics (from missio and other organizations as well as local
skill(s)/qualification(s) acquired; changes regarding contribution(s)) given in the local currency and in euros
possible areas of work or US dollars
feedback from the participant(s)/target group(s) itemization of all expenditure
4.1.5. Media, resources, and vehicles Copies of invoices must be provided for larger items of
use expenditure (such as media, resources, vehicles as well as
impact, improvement of work, benefits for fixtures and fittings). Smaller items of expenditure (e.g.
the target group(s) purchases at market) should be combined. If the project
partner submits to missio a financial report compiled by a
4.1.6. Buildings, fixtures, and fittings chartered accountant, individual evidence (e.g. invoices) is
(where applicable) not required.
duration of construction work All original invoices and documents must be archived for
type of use ten years and made available to missio on request.
impact(s), improvement of work, benefits for the
target group(s)
maintenance/repair funds

4.1.7. Self-help and livelihood
investment/expected income, profitability
long-term impact and sustainability

The narrative section of the report should, if possible,

contain a few relevant photos.

18 D Appendix 19

Example: Budget Application and Financial overview

1. Budgeted Income

Exchange rate:

missio Local Currency (underline equivalent used)
(other aid organizations, donors, etc.) amount received/ amount requested
list individually
Local contribution

Other income (sale of materials, tuition fees,

rental income, etc.)
list individually

Total income

2. Cost projection

Position number Description of single Unit cost (per person, day,

Category Number of Units Total Cost
(as many as required) journal entry m, article, etc.)

[Sub-total category in
the local currency and
1 Human resources in the Euro or US-Dollar

1.1 [for e.g. Lecturer] [2] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

1.2 [Director] [1] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

[Sub-total category in
the local currency and
2 Material costs in the Euro or US-Dollar

2.1 [Books] [2] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

2.2 [Paper] [1] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

3 Board and Lodging

4 Transportation

5 Administration

6 Other

Total Cost 0,00

3. Income - Expenses = Balance

20 D Appendix 21

Example: Financial report

Accounting period:

1. Income

Exchange rate:

missio Local Currency (underline equivalent used)
(other aid organizations, donors, etc.)
list individually
Local contribution

Other income (sale of materials, tuition fees,

rental income, etc.)
list individually
Total income

2. Expenses (listed according to instalments received)

Position number Receipt Description of single Number Unit cost (per person, day,
Category journal entry of Units m, article, etc.) Total Cost
(as many as required) number

[Sub-total category in the local

1 Human resources currency and in the Euro or
US-Dollar equivalent]

1.1 [for e.g. Lecturer] [2] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

1.2 [Director] [1] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

[Sub-total category in the local

2 Material costs currency and in the Euro or
US-Dollar equivalent]

2.1 [Books] [2] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

2.2 [Paper] [1] [X Cost/Month] [Cost]

3 Board and Lodging

4 Transportation

5 Administration

6 Other

Total Cost 0,00

3. Income - Expenses = Balance

22 23

Recommen e
Proof of dation of th / Consultant Conference: Evaluation of
) local bi sh op
(financial, ... rior the projects
personal major supe
contributio n of the order

Project Project Project

Application Application Application

Board of directors

Project Application

Information for
the donors


Final report
with photos
Amount 1 1
received 100 100
2 2

Acknowledgement Payment
of receipt

Missionswerk e.V.
Goethestrae 43
52064 Aachen

Katholisches Missionswerk
Ludwig Missionsverein KdR
Pettenkoferstrae 26-28
80336 Mnchen

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