Unit-16 Field Administration PDF
Unit-16 Field Administration PDF
Unit-16 Field Administration PDF
Regional Administration
Divisional Administration
Evolution of District Administration
Territorial Sub-divisions
Collector and District Administration
Component Parts of District Administration
Administrative Organisation
Problem Areas in Field Administration
Let Us Sum Up
Key Words
References and Further Readings
Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
2 ) The size of tlie set-up required for the office of the Head of the Department is
such that the work could be devolved on regional offices at an appreciably
higher cost.
2) In large States like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, it is not possible to
exercise effective supervision over Collectors unless a regionally based officer
undertakes it.
3) The Commissioner's presence at the intermediate level will encourage
elegation from the State level. This will make speedy disposal of cases
ossible as -11 as make administration more accessible to the public.
4) Commissioners are officers of wide and mature experience and as such their
availability at the State Headquarters would mean a fuller use of the valuable
experience. Divisional administration fails to create a much useful
preoccupation for officers of the Commissioner's seniority and experience. .
Check Your Progress 1
Note: i) Use the space given below for your answers.
ii) Check your answers with those given at the end of the Unit.
1) Discuss the meaning of Regional Administration.
3) Give arguments in favour of Divisional Commissionership.
District Collector, who is also called as the Deputy Commissioner in States like
Haryana and Punjab, Heads district administration. Ever since the creation of the
post in 1772, the District Collector continues to be the administrative Head of districl
administration. Though created as an agent of the then British Government tc
establish its hegemony throughout the length and breadth of the country, he plays a
significant role both in development and regulatory areas. Basically, he has three
major functions namely revenue, magisterial and developmental. Apart from these
major functions, the State and Central Government also entrusted a large number 01 .
~niscellaneousfunctions to him.
Collector has been the Head of the revenue administration. Though there has been
considerable change in the nature of the State from police to development and
welfare, revenue functions continue to claim considerable time and attention. The
Collector is also in charge of law and order administration in the district. He has
control and supervisory role over the Police Administration. He advises the
Government on various aspects of law and order. However, several controversies
have arisen with regard to his role in the maintenance of law and order and his
relations with Superintendent of Police, even then law and order continues to be one
of his important functions.
After Independence and with the adoption of planning strategy, the Collector has
become a pivotal figure in implementing the development programmes. He
continues to play a significant role in the development administration. There are
several other areas like conduct of elections, dealing with calamities, supervising
local Government institutions, etc. wherein the Collector has an important role tc
play. Details of his role in the District Administration would be discussed in the nexr
unit on the District Collector. Suffice it to say that in District Administration there is
no area where he is not associated.
While working in the same district each department maintains a distinct identity of
its own like their State counterparts. Despite task differentiation and maintaining
distinct identity there is a certain degree of task sharing between the departments.
The reforms that have been effected over the years could not tackle the major
problems like deteriomtion in law and order and problems of inter-agency
caprdination of field administration in the country. Structural reorganisation by
itself may not, and probably will not help to improve the efficiency of the district
administration. There is a need for attitudinal change among the officials.
Unfortunately, the reform committees and commissions have not dealt with this
important aspect of field administration. What is needed, therefore, is a total
restructuring of field administration keeping in view both structural as well as
behavioral aspects of the officials as well as the expectations of the community in
tune with the democratic traditions.
3) Discuss the problem areas in District Administration.
I Atrophy: Waste
I ;
Nepotism: Favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power.
1 .
Nomenclature: A formal system of naming
Maheshwari, S.R. (200 I), Indian Administration, Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd, New
Role of the District CoHector in the development administration.
Your answer s h o u l d ~ l u d ethe following points:
Presence of several Departments namely Agriculture, Animal Husbandry,
Education, etc. at the District level apart from the Office of the Collector.
Various Departments like Revenue, Police, Panchayati Raj Institutions
are structured separately in the Districts.
Emergence of two patterns of District Administration in the country.
Separation of regulatory from development functions under the first
pattern as in Gujarat and Maharashtra. The second pattern where the
Collector continues to be in-charge of both regulatory and development
functions, as prevalent in States like Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh.