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Draught Survey PRO

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Date 10-05-2015 B/Lading tonnes 10990.00
Ship Name Greta C Port Newport
Port of Reg Teesport Draughts If the Hydrostatics are from the top of the
Flag IOM Arrival Departure keel enter keel correction in mm
Owner Carrisbrooke Shipping Ford p 5.3700 9.1000
Capt D.O. Ford s 5.3700 9.1000 Hydrostatic Data
Cargo Officer S.T. Mid p 6.2750 9.1500
Berth 143 Mid s 6.2000 9.1850 Arrival
Agents United Agents Aft p 7.1900 9.1800 Below
Cargo Coal Aft s 7.1800 9.1800 Draught 6.25
Arrived 08-05-2015 Dist Fp -0.920 -0.920 Displacement 21726.00
Commenced 08-05-2015 Dist Midp 0.000 -1.500 TPC 37.560
Completed 10-05-2015 Dist Ap 6.630 6.630 LCF A 88.296
Year of Build 2008 App Trim 1.8150 0.0800 MCT+50cm 398.00
Gross 15400.00 True Trim 1.8997 0.0837 MCT-50cm 381.00
Nett 7600.00 3/4 mean 6.2555 9.1604
LOA 171.00 Scale density 1.0250 1.0250 Departure
LBP 169.40 Dock Density 1.00000 0.99800 Draught 9.15
Breadth 22.10 Disp @ 3/4 mean 21746.37 32933.17 Displacement 32892.00
Depth 18.5000 Tpc 37.560 39.410 TPC 39.400
Displacement 19465.00 Lcf (- if aft) -3.589 1.176 LCF A 83.536
Deadweight 27500.00 Mct+ 398.00 453.39 MCT+50cm 453.30
Light Ship 6088.00 Mct- 381.00 435.49 MCT-50cm 435.40
Last Port Newport Total Oil 360.70 353.00
Next Port Tilbury Total F.Water 83.00 75.00
Surveyor Gonzalles Total Ballast 59.00 70.00
Other Constant = (Disch)
Weather Conditions and Report CARGO Wt 10986.47 Constant = (Load)
cs are from the top of the
el correction in mm

ostatic Data



Vessel Greta C Port Newport Date

BALLAST Trim 1.8997 Trim 0.0837

Initial Survey Final Survey
Tank Capacity Sounding Volume Density Tonnes Sounding Volume
m3 m3 m3
1 100.00 1.00 59.00 1.00000 59.00 1.20 70.00
100.00 full 100.00 0.00000 0.00 full 100.00

TOTAL 200.00 TOTAL 159.00 59.00 TOTAL 170.00

Tank Capacity Initial Survey Final Survey Initial Survey
m3 Sounding Tonnes Sounding Tonnes Tonnes
1 120.00 12.00 83.00 11.45 75.00 Heavy 304.90
Diesel 40.30
Lub Oil 0.00
Slops 15.50
Fecal 0.00

Total 120.00 Total 83.00 Total 75.00 Total 360.70


Final Survey
Density Tonnes

1.00000 70.00
0.00000 0.00

Final Survey
Heavy 297.20
Diesel 40.30
Lub Oil 0.00
Slops 15.50
Fecal 0.00

Total 353.00
Ref No. Voy. No. 259

Draught Survey Certificate

VESSEL: Greta C B/L (M/T) : 10990 tonnes

PORT : Newport DATE : 10-05-2015
Aft Mid Ford L.Ship 6088.00
Port 7.1900 6.2750 5.3700 LBP 169.40
Starboard 7.1800 6.2000 5.3700
Mean 7.1850 6.2375 5.3700 Tpc 37.560
Corr'n to Perpendicular 0.0743 0.0000 -0.0103 Lcf (-Ford) -3.589
Draught 7.2593 6.2375 5.3597 Trim 1.8997
3/4 Mean Draught 6.2555 Mct+ 398.00
Disp @ 1.0250 21746.37 Mct- 381.00
Trim Correction A -151.16
Trim Correction B 18.11 Oil 360.70
Corrected Displacement 21613.31 F.Water 83.00
Density of Dock Water 1.0000 Ballast 59.00
Displacement @ Density 21086.16 Other 0.00
Variables 502.70 Total 502.70
Nett Displacement 20583.46
Aft Mid Ford
Port 9.1800 9.1500 9.1000
Starboard 9.1800 9.1850 9.1000
Mean 9.1800 9.1675 9.1000
Tpc 39.410
Corr'n to Perpendicular 0.0033 -0.0007 -0.0005
Lcf (-Ford) 1.176
Draught 9.1833 9.1668 9.0995
Trim 0.0837
3/4 Mean Draught 9.1604 Mct+ 453.39
Disp @ 1.0250 32933.17 Mct- 435.49
Trim Correction A 2.29
Trim Correction B 0.04 Oil 353.00
Corrected Displacement 32935.49 F. Water 75.00
Density of Dock Water 0.9980 Ballast 70.00
Displacement @ Density 32067.92 Other 0.00
Variables 498.00 Total 498.00
Nett Displacement 31569.92
CARGO 10986.47
SURVEYOR Gonzalles
Dist of Draught Marks Arrival Departure
From Aft Perpendicular 6.630 6.630
From Mid Perpendicular 0.000 -1.500 Marks forward of perpendicular +ive
From Ford Perpendicular -0.920 -0.920 Marks aft of perpendicular -ive


Ship Greta C Built 2008

Port of Registry Teesport N.R.T. 7600

Flag IOM G.R.T. 15400

Owner Carrisbrooke Shipping L.O.A. 171

Captain D.O. L.B.P. 169.4

Cargo Officer S.T. Breadth 22.1

Berth 143 Depth 18.5

Agents United Agents Summer Displacement 33588.00

Cargo Coal Summer Deadweight 27500

Arrived 08-05-2015 Light Ship 6088

Last Port Newport Next Port Tilbury

Commenced 08-05-2015 Completed 10-05-2015

D.Survey Weight 10986.47 tonnes Draught Surveyor Gonzalles

Weather Conditions and Report

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