Evaluation of Passive Stretching in The Hamstrings Flexibility
Evaluation of Passive Stretching in The Hamstrings Flexibility
Evaluation of Passive Stretching in The Hamstrings Flexibility
1. Introduction
The practice of regular physical activity contributes to a more active lifestyle, is related to voluntary human
behavior, and is determined by biological, psychological, sociological and cultural aspects [1, 2].
Many exercises can be used in sports and therapeutic environments for increasing flexibility, enhancing the
performance of individuals, and rehabilitating athletes and sedentary people [3, 4].
Flexibility is an important component of physical conditioning programs as an adjunct to muscle strength and
endurance training. A shortened muscle may create imbalance at joints and faultyposturalalignmentthatmaylead
to injury and joint dysfunction. The hamstring muscles are an example of a muscle group that has a tendency to
shorten and this reduced extensibility of the hamstrings could be associated with several clinical conditions of
interest [5, 6].
Among these, muscle stretching is a type of exercise that
* Corresponding author: [email protected] (Luana Torres Monteiro Melo) Published online at
http://journal.sapub.org/sports Copyright 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved
tenses the soft tissue structures to enable greater mobility, leading to an increase in joint range of motion and
flexibility. Besides reducing muscle tension, muscle stretching can help maintain satisfactory levels of mobility in
joints [7, 8].
Among the various ways to stretch are: prolonged relaxation, dynamic or ballistic stretching and passive(static)
stretching. Passive stretching is the safest and most commonly used form of stretching [8, 9].
The acute effect of passive stretching allows the excitability reduction of alpha motor neuron for low-speed,
creating better adaptations of muscle and connective tissue, and promoting their mechanical properties [9].
When performed incorrectly, passive stretching can beamajorcauseofmovementdeficits.However,whendone
properly, it protects the joints and muscles, as it improves blood supply andkeepsthemhealthy[10,11].Thereare
still questions surroundingthetrueinfluenceofstretchingandtheidealtimestoutilizeitinrelationtothefunctional
performance of individuals, regardless of athletic ability.
Currently, passive stretching before exercises that require effortisnotbeingdonebecausetheshortdurationmay
cause decreasedmusclestrength[5,11].Instead,ithasbeenrecommendedafterphysicalactivity,asitcontributesto
the maintenance of muscle-tendon flexibility [5, 12].
2. Methods
2.1. Design
We conducted an interventionist, controlled, single blinded study developed at the Ncleo de Ateno Mdica
Integrada (NAMI), at the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), from December 2011 to March 2012.
2.2. Participants, Therapists, Centers
The sample consisted of 40 students who visited the gym regularlyfor1to5months.Thesubjectsrangedinage
from 18 to 35 years, and had no history of chronic disease or musculoskeletal injury.
This research adhered to the bioethical principles contained in Resolution 196/96oftheNationalHealthCouncil
[14], which regulates the ethical-legal aspects of research on humans. The research was approved by the Ethics
Committee of UNIFOR according to opinion n 294/2010. Before starting the study all participantswereinformed
about the objectives, benefits, and risks included in the terms of consent.
2.3. Intervention
After selection, the participants went through an initial assessment to collect the following information:
identification, amount and type of physical activity, and sit and reach test scores using the Wells bench.
The Wells bench was used to assess the flexibility of the hamstring muscle. In this test, a person sits on a mat,
with the solesofbothfeetmaintainingcontactwithabox.Thetopoftheboxhasanindicatormarkedincentimeters
that is used to measure flexibility by how far the personcanpushtheindicatorwithoutbendingthelegs.Theknees
of the seated person are extended while the hips are flexed. The subject is then asked to take a deep breath, and
during exhalation, flex the trunk forward with the upper limbs extended. Theupperlimbsaresupportedbyabench
of 23 cm long aligned with atapemeasureoverthebench.Duringflexionofthetrunk,therighthandisplacedover
the left and the tips of the fingers touch the indicator on top, and move it forward as far as possible.
2.4. Outcome Measures
After evaluation, the participants were randomly divided into four groups: A, B, C and D. Group A. stretched
before and after workout ; group B stretched only beforeworkout;groupCstretchedonlyafterworkout;andgroup
D did not stretch at all.
Passive stretching of the hamstrings was performed only once, lasting 30 seconds [15], andinitiatedontheright
leg. Participants were in supine positionwithhead,trunkandarmsalignedalongthebody.Theresearcherremained
ipsilateral to the subject s leg being stretched and applied external force to the limit tolerated by the participant.
The researcher performed a hip flexion, knee extension, and dorsiflexion of the ankle while the opposite leg
remained extended on the ground.
Different researchers, seeking to standardize and blind stages of the research, performed the assessments and
stretching procedure.
2.5. Data Analysis
The data were submitted for descriptive and inferential statisticalanalysis.Toanalyzethedifferencebetweenthe
initial and final evaluations, the following tests wereappliedtoeachgroup:analysisofvariancetest(ANOVA),the
paired t test, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality. In addition, the Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 was used. The level of significance was set at 5% (p <0.05).
3. Results
This study evaluated 40 students withameanageof23.34.18years,weight67.112.26kgandheightof1.67
0.90 meters. Of those evaluated, 24 (60%) were female and 34(85%)hadengagedinphysicalactivityatanother
The purpose of working out, according to the participants, ranged from losing weight (n =12/30,0%)togaining
muscle (n = 25/62,5%) and maintaining health (n = 3/7,5%).
The effects of passive stretching on hamstringflexibilitywasassessedbycomparingthefinalevaluationwiththe
initial evaluation between groups. Group A (stretched before and after workout) experienced a significantincrease
in flexibility of 34.29cm (p = 0.002), group B(stretchedonlybeforeworkout)of31.60cm(p=0.017)andgroupC
(stretched only after workout) of 22.76 cm (p = 0.019). In group D, thevariationinflexibilityof22.46cmwasnot
significant (p = 0.071) (Table 1).
Did passive stretching before and after strength training effect flexibility among the participants in groups A, B
and C?
The influence of passive stretching on hamstring flexibility was assessed by comparing thefinalevaluationwith
the initial evaluation between groups. Group A experienced a significant increase in flexibility of 34.29 cm (p =
0.002); group B experienced an increase in flexibility of
4. Discussion
Several studies have been conducted with the objective of finding the optimal frequency and duration of
stretching exercises [15, 16]. Also, there is a dearth of research linking these exercises with the best time to do
This study did not find any variation in flexibility between the groups, demonstrating that performing a static
stretch for
Initial Final p
30 seconds regardless of when the stretch is performed helps to increase range of motion. GROUP A 235,1a
58,88 269,3 56,59* 0,002
In humans inadequate flexibility is a contributing factor to
GROUP B 203,9 73,89 235,5 59,92* 0,017 GROUP C 181,2 70,28 204,0 74,39* 0,019 GROUP D 194,9 55,46 217,4
52,53 0,071
muscle injuries, particularly the hamstrings [17]. When stretching, a reduction of muscle strength due to increased
viscoelasticity of the motor unit resulting in increased
a, represents the mean SD of groups. *Statistically significant between groups
muscle length and can prevent injuries if performed (p>
0.05 paired t test). Group A (before and after stretching), B (just before stretching), C (only later) and D (without stretching).
consistently before and after exercise programs [18, 19, 20]. However, there is disagreement on this issue as existing
Is there a difference in flexibility increase between the
research shows that muscle strength is reduced when
groups? Moreover, is sex or age a factor in increasing
stretching is performed. This is due to neural and
mechanical flexibility?
factors such as decreased activation of motor units,
changes When comparing the increase in flexibility in initial and
in the viscoelastic properties of the muscle and final
evaluations among groups A, B, C and D, the results
musculotendinous, and changes in the length-tension
of the showed no significant differences (p> 0.05) (Figure 1).
muscle fiber [21, 22, 23].
Other research shows that the effectiveness of stretching is due more to changes in the individual's tolerance to
stretching than to changes in the elasticity of the muscles. They also claim that stretching does not make the
hamstrings more or less rigid, but only influences tolerance to stretching [24, 25].
Some factors such as gender, age and biological individuality, influence flexibility [26]. Variations such as the
female hormonal cycle, serum estradiol, or menstrual phase influence muscle flexibility [27, 28]. However, in this
study, age and sex did not influence the increase in range of motion. Figure 1. Analysis of the influence of muscle
stretching for flexibility in
Studies also reveal that in relation to sex, women have
the variation of ischiotibial obtained in the initial and final evaluations in
greater flexibility as compared to men [29, 30]. However,
Wells bench in people who workout at the gym. Fortaleza-Cear
other authors claim that women tend to have greater
body The flexibility of hamstrings was not affected according to the sex and age of participants. The males showed
an increase in stretching of 9.1 cm more than females and participants aged over 26 years were 1.2 cm longer than
the age below 25 years (p> 0.05) (Table 2).
composition, which is a factor that can negatively influence flexibility [31].
The results of this study may contribute to health professionals working in clinical practice and scientific research in
determining the best moment to stretch when engaging in physical activity, as there is a lack of reliable Table 2.
Analysis of the influence of gender and age on variations in flexibility ischio tibial at Wells Bench in people who
workout at the gym. Fortaleza-Cear
references on the effects of stretching on the flexibility of people who work out regularly.
Demographic data Gender
Flexibility Variation
5. Conclusions Male Female Age
16 35,4 29,12 0,29 24 26,3 24,69
The data showed that passive stretching resulted in an increase in flexibility in the hamstrings of individuals who
Under 25 year-old 31 29,7 28,13 0,90
worked out particularly those who stretched before and
after Upper 26 year-old 9 30,9 21,75
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