2016 Mwaa Annual Aircraft Noise Report Final
2016 Mwaa Annual Aircraft Noise Report Final
2016 Mwaa Annual Aircraft Noise Report Final
Reagan National
Dulles International
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2016 mwaa.com 1
Executive Summary
The 2016 Annual Aircraft Noise Report provides data analysis of flight operations, noise monitoring data
and noise complaint statistics for Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington Dulles
International airports. This report is a public information resource compiled by the Metropolitan
Washington Airports Authority, which operates the airports on behalf of the federal government. The
Airports Authority does not control or regulate airspace, aircraft operations, aircraft noise levels, airline
schedules, airline fleet mix or local land-use zoning.
Background: The National Capital region is unique within the Federal Aviation Administrations National
Airspace System because of its high volume and type of aircraft operations, in addition to federally
mandated prohibited airspace over the National Mall, White House and Naval Observatory.
Aircraft noise continues to be a concern for neighborhoods in the National Capital region and across
the nation. A recent increase in complaints at Reagan National and Dulles International has been
attributed to community and media awareness of airline schedule changes to accommodate early
and late-night travel demand, as well as the FAAs implementation of advanced satellite navigation
procedures (Next Generation Air Transportation System), resulting in more consolidated flight corridors
over some neighborhoods.
Noise Monitoring Data: The Airports Authority voluntarily funds and operates a noise monitoring
system with 34 noise monitors installed around Reagan National and Dulles International. The
Airports Authority was the first U.S. airport system to upgrade its noise detection and processing
software using ANEEM, Aircraft Noise Event Extraction Methodology. ANEEM improves aircraft,
community and mixed noise source classifications based on available aircraft position and flight
plan data. Monthly noise event summaries and detailed noise event reports for each monitor are
published in this report and online (Noise Reports and Data) as general information to track
historical trends only. Federal law prohibits the use of flight track and noise monitoring data to
audit, investigate or enforce any regulation.
Noise Complaint Statistics: As a public resource, the Airports Authority also voluntarily collects,
publishes and forwards noise complaints to the FAA and airlines for their consideration of changes
to flight procedures, schedules and fleet mix. In 2016, Reagan National received 36,653 complaints
from 836 individuals (762 households); the majority of individuals (51.3%) submitted one complaint.
Dulles International received 6,030 complaints from 93 individuals (89 households); the majority of
individuals (64.5%) submitted one complaint.
Additional Information: The Airports Authority provides additional noise-related information on its
websites, MWAA, Reagan National and Dulles International.
2016 mwaa.com 2
In addition to operating both airports, the Airports Authority oversees two key regional transportation
programs: the design and construction of the Metrorail Silver Line extension and the operation and
maintenance of the Dulles Toll Road.
Although air travel is an essential element of the metropolitan Washington economy, aircraft noise can
disturb residents living near flight paths, particularly during early morning and late-night hours. This is
especially true in densely populated neighborhoods adjacent to Reagan Nationals flight paths along
the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and housing developments constructed near Dulles Internationals
2016 mwaa.com 3
Recently, Reagan National and Dulles International have experienced an increase in aircraft noise
complaints; subsequently, several key factors have been identified:
Reagan National - Increased Travel Demand: An increase in demand for early morning and
late-night travel has resulted in more arrivals and departures between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. The
change has prompted additional complaints from residents who live near the flight paths in
Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
D.C. Metroplex - Procedure Changes: FAA continues the implementation of its nationwide Next
Generation Air Transportation System program (NextGen) to improve airspace safety and
efficiency. Procedure changes in the D.C. airspace (D.C. Metroplex) have resulted in additional
noise complaints from residents near Reagan National and Dulles International.
The Airports Authority operates a Noise Information Office to provide noise-related information, record
noise complaints and explain the facts, science and regulations. When public concerns arise over
these issues, the Airports Authoritys management and Noise Information Office may meet with
individuals, groups, elected officials, airline representatives and the FAA to discuss airport operations
and potential mitigation measures.
In 2016, the Airports Authority continued to work with the FAA, airlines and community stakeholders to
provide information and help identify procedures that may potentially mitigate aircraft noise in
neighborhoods near Reagan National and Dulles International airports. The 2016 Annual Aircraft Noise
Report includes information related to these efforts as well as flight operations, noise monitoring data
and complaint statistics.
The Airports Authority does not control or regulate airspace, aircraft operations, aircraft noise levels,
airline schedules, airline fleet mix or local land-use zoning.
The federal government has exclusive sovereignty of U.S. airspace. The only federal restrictions
imposed on commercial aircraft operating over populated neighborhoods include:
o Minimum Altitudes: This restriction does not apply to arriving and departing aircraft.
o Federal Prohibited Airspace: White House, U.S. Naval Observatory and U.S. National Mall.
The Federal Aviation Administration is solely responsible for managing the National Airspace
System including all aircraft flight paths and altitudes.
The Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 limits U.S. airports from imposing new noise-based
operational restrictions on quieter (stage 3) aircraft, including limits on airport hours of
operation, number of aircraft operations or aircraft noise levels.
Airlines are responsible for managing their individual flight schedules and aircraft fleet mix.
Local government jurisdictions are responsible for all land-use zoning around airports.
2016 mwaa.com 4
For more information about the Airports Authority and aircraft noise, please visit:
Reagan National
Dulles International
The 2016 Annual Aircraft Noise Report is provided as a public resource for general information only.
The Noise Information Office strives to provide accurate data; however, because of the large
quantity of processed data, the Airports Authority shall assume no liability for:
2016 mwaa.com 5
Reagan National (DCA)
Airport Diagram and Information
Figure 1: Prohibited Airspace, P-56 A/B
The D.C. airspace is unique within the FAAs
National Airspace System because of prohibited
airspace (P-56) located 1.5 nautical miles north of P-56B
Reagan National. The airspace consists of two sub-
areas (Figure 1):
2016 mwaa.com 6
Reagan National (DCA)
Runway Utilization
During 2016, Runway 4/22 re-opened after the completion of scheduled runway safety area
improvements. There were no significant changes in runway utilization after re-opening. Figures 3 4
provide approximate arrival and departure runway utilization percentages.
Figure 3: DCA Runway Utilization - Arrivals Figure 4: DCA Runway Utilization - Departures
1.0% 33.1%
Arr RW15 Arr RW19 3.0%
Dep RW33 62.3%
Dep RW1
15 15
19 19
99 33
Arr RW22
Dep RW4
22 22
33 33
7.7% Dep RW15
Arr RW33
4 4
1 0% 1
0% Dep RW22
Arr RW4 30.5%
58.1% Dep RW19
Arr RW1
2016 mwaa.com 7
Reagan National (DCA)
FAA D.C. Metroplex Routes: Standard Arrivals and Standard Instrument Departures
FAA D.C. Metroplex routes for DCA Standard Arrivals (STARs - blue) and Standard Instrument Departures
(SIDs - red) (Figures 5 6) are FAA computer-modeled flight routes for Reagan National. Actual flight
corridors associated with the modeled routes will be wider because of the number of flights operating
on the routes, pilot technique, aircraft type, weather, FAA Flight Standards safety criteria, FAA Air Traffic
instructions etc.
2016 mwaa.com 8
Reagan National (DCA)
Typical Daily Flight Track Map
On a typical day, approximately 4,000 aircraft operate in the metropolitan Washington airspace.
Aircraft operate to/from more than a dozen airfields including commercial, general aviation and
In 2016, Reagan National experienced a daily average of 399.4 arrivals and 394.3 departures. Figure 7
depicts typical, mixed flow Reagan National arrivals (blue) and departures (red) during a 24-hour
period. Overflights (green) are aircraft operating in the airspace but not at Reagan National.
2016 mwaa.com 9
Reagan National (DCA)
Quarterly Track Density Plots
A Track Density Plot graphically illustrates the frequency of aircraft movements over a defined area
during a specified time period. It is an effective method to show arrival and departure corridors, or
changes in flight procedures. A regional grid map is defined and each grid is color-coded based on
the number of times (frequency) an aircraft passed through that grid (Figure 8).
On the following pages, Figures 9 16 show 2016 Quarterly Track Density Plots for Reagan National
arrivals and departures:
2016 mwaa.com 10
Reagan National (DCA)
Aircraft Frequency Count
2016 mwaa.com 11
Aircraft Frequency Count
2016 mwaa.com 12
Reagan National (DCA)
Daily Average Operations by Hour
In 2016, Reagan National experienced a daily average of 399.4 arrivals and 394.3 departures. Figure 17
provides the daily average arrival and departure counts by hour.
DCA 2016
Average Daily Arrivals and Departures
by Hour
Daily Average
0a 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12p 1p 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p 8p 9p 10p 11p
Arrivals 3.3 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.3 6.2 21.0 18.6 23.5 25.6 20.5 24.4 26.9 24.5 23.8 30.3 18.5 28.1 22.3 22.5 25.8 19.9 11.9
Departures 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.7 19.8 23.4 26.3 25.7 27.7 22.4 24.8 20.4 24.1 27.3 20.8 30.2 21.2 21.5 25.5 9.2 16.3 3.9
2016 mwaa.com 13
Reagan National (DCA)
Aircraft Fleet Mix
The Airports Authority maintains an open dialog with all airlines operating at Reagan National and
encourages them to operate quieter aircraft types. Certified aircraft noise levels are published in FAA
Advisory Circular 36-3H. Figures 18 - 20 show the average annual fleet mix percentages by aircraft type.
Figure 18: DCA Annual Average Fleet Mix by Aircraft Type Figure 19: DCA 2016 - Top 25 Fleet Mix
Aircraft Aircraft
2013 2014 2015 2016
Type Category DCA 2016
Top 25 Aircraft Types
A319 Narrowbody Jet 12.3% 11.9% 11.3% 9.9%
2016 mwaa.com 14
Reagan National (DCA)
Aircraft Fleet Mix - Continued
DCA 2016
Annual Fleet Mix
Turboprops 0.8%
2016 mwaa.com 15
Reagan National (DCA)
DCA Nighttime Noise Rule History
The DCA Nighttime Noise Rule is a regulation that enables the Airports Authority to levy penalties on
non-compliant (louder) aircraft that operate during nighttime hours. It defines:
Compliant and non-complaint (louder) aircraft based on published FAA noise certification data
for each aircraft.
Guidelines for imposing civil penalties on airlines/operators for operating non-compliant aircraft.
When it was implemented, only a few aircraft complied with the DCA Nighttime Noise Rule. Some
residents incorrectly interpreted the lack of nighttime operations as a curfew. However, aviation
technology has improved since 1981, and the majority of modern aircraft now comply with the DCA
Nighttime Noise Rule. Figures 21 22 provide the average number of daily arrivals and departures
during early morning and late-night hours. Changes in operations are the result of airlines operating
compliant aircraft to meet the demand for early morning and late-night travel.
Figure 21: DCA Operations 5 a.m. 7 a.m. Figure 22: DCA Operations 10 p.m. 1 a.m.
60 60
Operation Counts
Operation Counts
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Year Year
2016 mwaa.com 16
Reagan National (DCA)
DCA Nighttime Noise Rule Enforcement Policy
During certification test conditions, as defined in Federal Aviation Regulation Part 36 Noise
Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification, noise measurements are required at
specific approach and departure locations (Figure 23):
DCA Nighttime Noise Rule compliant aircraft are solely determined by FAA noise certification levels (not
operational, in-flight aircraft noise levels) that are equal or less than:
Approach: 85 dB(A)
Takeoff: 72 dB(A)
2016 mwaa.com 17
Reagan National (DCA)
DCA Nighttime Noise Rule Violations
The Airports Authority administers and enforces the DCA Nighttime Noise Rule to ensure aircraft are in
compliance. Non-compliant aircraft may be fined a civil penalty up to $5,000 per violation by the
Airports Authority.
In 2016, Reagan National recorded 29 DCA Nighttime Noise Rule violations (Figure 24). Most violations
were related to heavier (non-compliant) aircraft weights operating during the nighttime hours:
DCA Nighttime Noise Rule Violations
# of Total of Accessed
Violations Civil Penalties
American 22 $110,000
Delta 4 $20,000
United 3 $15,000
Total 29 $145,000
2016 mwaa.com 18
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Program
The Airports Authority operates a network of noise monitors around Regan National and Dulles
International. The first noise monitors were installed around Reagan National in 1978 when the FAA
operated the airport. At Reagan National, a key strategy for limiting aircraft noise exposure has been to
maximize aircraft movements over water and minimize movements over densely populated
communities. After consultation with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, many of
the noise monitors have been sited along the flight corridors near the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers to
track historical noise trends. Under FAA regulations, noise monitor data may not be used for regulatory
or enforcement purposes.
The Airports Authority continues to voluntarily upgrade and maintain the noise monitors around Reagan
National without any external funding. The noise monitors provide aircraft and community noise levels
near Reagan National as a public resource for general information only.
Federal law prohibits the use of noise monitor data to audit, investigate or
enforce the DCA Nighttime Noise Rule, or any other rule or regulation.
ANEEM - Aircraft Noise Event Extraction Methodology: As of 2015, the Airports Authority was the first
U.S. airport system to upgrade its noise monitoring software using a new noise event detection
methodology called ANEEM (Aircraft Noise Event Extraction Methodology), provided by Bruel &
Kjaer EMS.
ANEEM does not solely rely on the noise monitor to detect a noise event. During noise data post-
processing, ANEEM cross-references databases to identify aircraft in the vicinity of the noise monitor
when the noise level rises above the background level. It identifies and correlates aircraft-
dominated noise events by comparing aircraft position data with predicted noise levels for that
aircraft, using FAA noise certification data. ANEEM provides a more accurate detection
methodology for distinguishing aircraft noise from other noise sources experienced in neighboring
It is very important to clarify that the total noise experienced at a noise monitor is unaffected by the
choice of a noise event detection methodology.
ANEEM only improves the accuracy of the noise source classification process. ANEEM noise event
counts will be higher because ANEEM accounts for quieter aircraft and higher background noise levels.
However, the total noise experienced at the noise monitor is consistent with legacy software.
2016 mwaa.com 19
Figure 25: Reagan National Noise Monitor Locations
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Locations
2016 mwaa.com 20
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Data
As noted on Page 19, the Airports Authority upgraded its noise monitoring
software to include a new noise event detection process called Aircraft Noise
Event Extraction Methodology (ANEEM). ANEEM classifies aircraft, community
and mixed noise events based on available aircraft position and flight plan data.
Although ANEEM improves the noise source classification process, a noise event
may occasionally be misclassified due to limited aircraft data.
The monthly noise event data provides the following noise classifications and
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor Year Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
For noise event comparisons at a noise monitor location, the 2016 report provides:
*Leq for direct comparison of non-penalized aircraft, community, mixed and background noise.
**Aircraft DNL Only since the 10 dB penalty is only applied to aircraft noise events (22:00 06:59).
2016 mwaa.com 21
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise data may not always be available for a specific site because of technical issues associated with
the noise monitoring equipment, software anomalies, power, communications, site construction,
vandalism and other factors.
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time Total (non-event)
Monitor 2016
Online Leq # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq Leq Leq Leq
Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax
2 Jan 99.9 51.8 50.6 48.3 8,491 50.7 60 85.3 43.2 6,285 52.4 58 93.7 36.5 108 55.0 68 91.4 47.6
2 Feb 99.9 53.1 52.3 49.7 9,188 50.3 64 82.7 45.3 8,425 51.9 58 91.3 37.1 173 57.5 66 83.9 48.6
2 Mar 99.8 53.6 53.7 50.9 11,454 51.0 64 86.0 43.4 5,969 52.3 58 91.9 37.1 192 54.7 66 83.1 48.9
2 Apr 99.9 53.9 53.4 50.5 10,692 50.6 64 83.4 45.5 8,186 52.3 58 91.3 38.5 180 57.6 72 80.9 49.6
2 May 99.7 55.5 54.1 51.3 11,853 50.8 64 80.1 49.2 9,214 52.3 58 100.7 38.8 143 56.6 68 95.2 51.2
2 Jun 99.8 58.3 55.1 51.7 11,584 50.7 64 85.2 50.3 10,118 52.2 58 99.7 42.2 181 55.9 67 95.4 56.0
2 Jul 99.7 54.6 54.7 51.3 11,701 51.0 64 87.6 46.6 7,594 52.3 56 95.9 39.7 117 56.3 70 88.1 49.9
2 Aug 99.7 57.3 54.0 50.7 11,926 50.6 64 79.7 52.8 7,861 52.3 58 96.6 41.3 110 55.2 74 91.7 53.3
2 Sep 99.7 54.3 53.2 50.1 11,407 51.0 64 81.3 44.3 4,907 52.0 58 90.8 38.2 78 57.3 70 89.3 51.3
2 Oct 99.7 53.5 52.7 50.0 11,415 50.4 62 79.6 44.0 6,175 52.4 58 86.3 37.4 118 55.1 66 84.8 49.6
2 Nov 99.7 54.3 52.5 50.0 10,664 50.4 62 83.0 46.8 7,824 52.2 58 85.7 39.2 121 51.5 74 88.6 50.6
2 Dec 99.7 53.6 52.5 49.6 10,098 50.4 62 82.2 45.9 6,897 52.2 58 90.2 41.6 134 54.4 72 85.0 49.3
3 Jan 99.9 49.9 40.9 39.2 1,943 50.4 56 79.4 44.9 10,527 52.3 56 87.3 35.2 212 54.0 62 85.4 47.4
3 Feb 99.9 50.6 42.8 40.9 2,454 50.3 58 79.8 46.0 12,942 52.5 58 85.9 31.2 233 54.4 62 79.9 47.9
3 Mar 99.8 51.5 43.6 41.8 2,638 50.5 58 86.2 44.7 10,791 52.5 58 88.2 36.1 395 54.4 62 86.5 49.7
3 Apr 99.9 53.2 42.8 40.9 2,359 50.5 58 79.3 48.9 15,939 52.4 58 85.6 41.2 505 51.0 60 85.0 50.3
3 May 99.7 54.8 45.0 42.9 3,266 50.1 60 83.1 49.8 15,493 52.3 58 90.0 43.8 405 54.8 62 85.6 52.1
3 Jun 99.7 53.5 44.9 42.4 3,291 50.2 58 82.8 49.2 17,346 52.3 58 88.8 38.4 504 54.9 60 85.4 50.7
3 Jul 92.1 53.4 44.7 41.8 3,138 50.4 56 83.9 49.7 11,746 52.3 58 89.2 40.0 425 53.4 62 86.7 49.9
3 Aug 99.8 54.1 43.8 41.5 3,834 50.2 58 81.2 49.8 14,127 52.1 58 99.9 44.3 499 54.5 62 99.7 50.8
3 Sep 99.7 53.0 43.7 41.8 3,664 50.3 58 82.4 48.5 12,029 52.1 58 92.1 38.4 284 56.3 62 90.2 50.3
3 Oct 99.7 56.6 43.6 42.0 3,250 50.4 58 82.1 54.0 17,180 52.3 58 87.2 44.0 509 55.0 63 83.8 52.1
3 Nov 99.8 52.0 42.5 40.9 2,405 50.3 58 82.1 47.1 15,366 52.3 58 86.5 36.2 356 52.5 62 84.9 49.6
3 Dec 99.7 55.8 42.3 40.6 2,199 50.2 58 84.6 50.6 16,267 52.2 58 89.2 37.3 217 54.1 62 84.8 54.0
4 Jan 99.9 56.3 55.8 53.4 10,623 51.1 68 90.9 48.7 9,827 52.4 58 92.5 42.3 147 56.6 69 90.1 50.7
4 Feb 99.9 57.3 57.1 54.6 10,544 51.1 68 86.8 48.3 10,338 52.2 58 89.5 42.0 166 57.7 70 89.1 52.2
4 Mar 99.8 57.9 58.3 55.6 12,656 51.4 68 86.5 47.2 11,818 52.6 58 92.4 41.8 203 55.5 70 83.5 52.8
4 Apr 99.9 57.7 57.7 55.1 11,905 51.2 68 86.8 48.5 15,421 52.8 58 98.8 43.9 140 56.9 70 93.0 52.4
4 May 99.7 58.3 58.7 56.1 12,442 51.8 68 88.2 49.4 15,942 52.3 58 92.0 38.5 87 61.6 75 89.1 52.4
4 Jun 99.7 58.2 58.5 55.6 12,243 51.5 68 88.2 49.5 14,136 52.8 58 91.8 42.5 92 57.1 74 95.2 53.0
4 Jul 99.7 57.5 57.9 55.1 12,238 51.3 68 86.2 47.9 10,756 52.4 58 91.1 40.6 64 59.7 76 88.0 52.2
4 Aug 99.7 57.6 57.8 54.9 12,640 50.4 68 85.3 49.9 12,386 52.6 58 106.5 37.6 52 62.2 77 83.9 52.3
4 Sep 99.7 57.0 57.5 54.7 12,024 50.7 68 84.7 46.2 7,453 52.5 58 92.7 43.4 54 58.4 72 106.0 51.4
4 Oct 99.7 57.5 57.8 55.3 12,244 50.8 68 86.3 47.1 8,864 52.0 58 87.0 43.6 135 58.1 72 98.6 51.9
4 Nov 99.7 57.6 57.4 55.1 11,834 50.9 68 85.9 48.9 10,332 52.4 58 89.4 40.6 79 60.3 70 87.0 52.0
4 Dec 99.8 57.9 57.7 55.2 11,263 51.1 68 86.7 49.8 10,883 52.4 58 101.0 40.2 109 50.9 70 85.6 52.6
5 Jan 99.9 56.1 56.6 54.0 10,791 51.3 68 84.2 45.5 16,146 52.4 54 85.5 39.6 49 55.4 75 91.1 50.5
5 Feb 99.9 57.1 57.9 55.1 10,668 52.1 70 85.4 45.8 15,895 52.2 56 85.5 37.6 69 55.4 70 88.3 51.5
5 Mar 99.8 58.2 59.3 56.3 12,805 51.8 70 86.7 44.9 15,832 52.4 56 82.3 39.0 101 60.2 76 81.7 52.9
5 Apr 99.9 58.2 58.6 55.8 11,947 52.4 70 85.1 48.4 17,570 52.5 56 94.2 41.4 82 55.9 78 87.8 52.9
5 May 99.7 59.4 59.5 56.8 12,430 51.1 70 86.8 50.3 18,880 52.3 56 102.7 42.1 93 56.9 74 87.1 54.3
5 Jun 99.7 58.5 59.3 56.1 12,244 51.5 70 86.3 49.9 18,852 52.4 56 92.1 39.9 82 54.8 78 86.9 52.9
5 Jul 99.7 57.8 58.8 55.7 12,274 51.5 70 86.1 47.9 13,615 52.3 54 94.6 38.0 49 56.3 78 83.3 52.2
5 Aug 99.7 59.4 58.9 55.9 12,575 52.3 70 85.2 53.1 10,918 52.2 56 114.5 41.1 66 62.8 77 86.1 54.3
5 Sep 99.7 58.7 58.7 55.9 11,986 52.6 70 85.3 49.7 12,650 52.5 56 93.9 40.3 74 54.7 67 95.1 54.0
5 Oct 99.7 58.5 58.6 56.0 12,339 52.5 70 85.1 46.9 14,452 52.4 56 89.0 41.1 78 56.2 75 87.6 53.8
5 Nov 99.7 58.3 57.7 55.1 11,782 52.8 68 84.8 50.8 22,756 52.3 56 91.4 38.2 59 64.2 72 84.1 53.4
5 Dec 78.8 58.2 57.6 54.9 8,647 52.4 70 86.1 50.1 18,858 52.3 56 87.1 39.6 55 60.1 71 84.6 53.7
2016 mwaa.com 22
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time Total (non-event)
Monitor 2016
Online Leq # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq Leq Leq Leq
Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax
6 Jan 99.9 55.5 55.6 53.0 10,814 51.0 62 88.0 46.5 14,154 52.2 56 87.6 36.4 55 63.3 72 87.8 50.2
6 Feb 99.9 57.2 56.9 54.1 10,728 51.2 62 84.2 50.3 15,552 52.2 58 93.7 44.0 72 55.3 72 94.1 51.3
6 Mar 81.3 57.3 57.7 54.8 10,541 50.5 64 85.0 47.4 11,674 52.2 60 91.7 38.7 67 58.3 74 91.5 52.4
6 Apr 99.9 57.3 56.9 54.3 11,928 51.6 64 85.9 48.8 15,746 52.4 60 95.6 38.7 84 58.6 76 91.6 52.6
6 May 99.7 57.9 58.6 55.7 12,496 50.6 72 85.7 47.7 17,727 52.1 58 90.1 37.9 70 59.2 73 94.1 52.6
6 Jun 99.7 57.5 57.9 54.8 12,223 50.9 62 88.4 48.2 13,596 52.4 60 90.7 36.2 53 58.2 76 89.4 52.8
6 Jul 99.7 56.8 56.8 53.7 12,160 51.3 62 85.7 47.1 10,752 52.5 60 97.9 34.1 42 58.8 76 91.2 52.8
6 Aug 99.7 58.7 57.0 54.1 12,251 52.2 62 84.7 51.3 9,163 52.6 62 111.3 34.6 35 60.9 75 88.1 55.5
6 Sep 99.7 57.6 57.4 54.6 11,969 51.8 70 86.4 46.4 10,390 52.3 60 89.6 42.8 54 55.8 76 98.7 53.6
6 Oct 99.7 57.6 57.7 55.1 12,411 51.0 70 87.3 48.8 13,655 52.3 58 93.8 38.1 44 63.2 72 86.2 52.3
6 Nov 99.7 57.3 57.3 54.6 11,856 51.7 70 87.0 48.6 13,801 52.1 58 94.2 35.7 43 59.5 74 90.8 52.4
6 Dec 99.7 57.5 57.4 54.8 11,382 51.1 70 86.9 48.5 15,025 52.5 58 93.2 36.1 37 51.9 76 90.8 52.6
7 Jan 99.9 58.4 59.1 56.6 10,919 52.7 70 90.5 47.2 8,182 52.4 58 90.2 40.5 61 61.0 70 93.5 52.5
7 Feb 99.9 59.4 60.1 57.7 10,772 51.3 72 89.8 48.2 8,468 52.4 58 95.0 40.3 121 51.5 74 95.8 53.2
7 Mar 99.8 60.6 61.3 58.5 12,936 50.9 74 90.1 51.8 8,255 52.3 58 90.9 42.9 139 57.5 76 88.0 54.4
7 Apr 99.9 61.0 60.5 58.0 12,055 50.9 72 95.7 54.9 13,483 52.5 58 94.6 43.6 115 58.4 74 90.7 54.5
7 May 99.7 61.9 61.6 59.0 12,495 52.9 74 89.9 56.4 14,056 52.4 58 93.2 40.8 99 60.0 77 88.8 54.6
7 Jun 99.7 62.0 61.0 58.2 12,332 50.6 74 90.6 56.1 14,016 52.6 58 94.0 44.9 93 57.6 79 92.0 56.9
7 Jul 99.7 59.5 60.4 57.6 12,376 50.9 72 89.4 49.3 8,568 52.3 58 96.4 37.4 28 56.8 82 88.6 53.6
7 Aug 99.7 59.8 60.5 57.6 12,784 52.8 68 88.2 47.7 9,168 53.0 60 90.4 34.1 23 60.4 75 82.7 54.9
7 Sep 95.7 59.7 60.7 57.8 11,578 53.8 74 90.2 46.7 6,038 52.8 58 87.7 33.2 37 58.8 76 79.8 54.6
7 Oct 99.5 59.7 60.8 58.1 12,379 51.7 74 87.8 47.4 8,016 52.3 58 97.1 38.7 72 61.9 76 87.4 53.5
7 Nov 99.7 59.5 60.3 57.6 11,975 51.5 72 87.8 49.6 8,139 52.4 58 94.2 37.2 39 60.5 77 85.5 53.2
7 Dec 99.8 59.5 60.3 57.9 11,484 51.8 72 89.4 47.4 8,932 52.3 58 87.8 36.5 27 62.9 75 85.7 53.3
8 Jan 99.9 57.3 58.2 55.5 10,818 50.5 66 85.5 47.5 10,805 52.1 58 95.3 31.4 42 55.8 64 81.7 50.8
8 Feb 99.9 58.3 59.4 56.5 10,864 51.0 68 88.1 47.2 12,354 52.4 58 91.2 41.7 92 52.2 66 91.2 52.1
8 Mar 99.8 59.3 60.4 57.8 12,467 51.2 68 87.3 46.5 11,426 52.5 58 87.0 39.0 96 55.2 68 86.6 52.8
8 Apr 99.9 59.6 60.5 57.6 11,934 51.7 68 91.6 49.1 11,774 52.2 58 87.2 42.2 115 53.9 72 86.3 53.7
8 May 99.7 59.6 60.6 57.7 12,527 51.6 68 91.6 50.4 16,850 52.4 58 92.3 40.7 90 55.8 68 87.4 53.1
8 Jun 99.4 60.0 61.2 58.1 11,982 52.4 68 88.3 51.1 16,951 52.4 58 100.8 38.0 56 59.2 65 84.3 53.5
8 Jul 99.7 60.0 61.0 57.8 12,011 51.7 66 87.3 52.9 13,761 52.3 58 102.0 37.1 26 58.9 81 83.9 53.1
8 Aug 99.7 60.2 60.9 57.8 12,602 50.9 66 88.8 52.8 17,548 52.5 58 102.7 46.6 66 56.2 64 101.8 53.3
8 Sep 99.7 59.5 59.4 56.4 11,966 51.8 68 87.4 52.8 11,422 52.6 58 104.6 48.3 71 54.2 66 103.4 53.0
8 Oct 99.7 58.7 59.7 56.9 12,478 51.2 68 86.6 47.3 11,891 52.3 58 86.7 38.3 59 54.2 66 83.1 52.8
8 Nov 99.7 58.3 59.2 56.5 11,730 51.0 68 90.1 48.1 12,374 52.2 56 87.7 37.2 52 56.5 70 84.0 52.2
8 Dec 99.7 59.5 59.3 56.3 11,394 51.2 66 87.6 47.9 11,948 52.4 56 85.1 42.5 65 52.1 67 90.9 55.8
9 Jan 99.9 52.7 44.5 41.3 2,665 50.7 60 76.6 48.1 23,222 52.4 58 90.7 34.0 170 52.5 64 83.8 50.3
9 Feb 99.9 54.4 45.6 42.6 2,704 50.9 60 79.3 50.2 27,668 52.6 60 94.2 40.0 247 53.2 64 94.3 51.6
9 Mar 99.8 54.0 45.8 42.6 2,757 50.8 60 84.9 48.6 25,660 52.4 58 90.8 36.0 182 55.1 64 82.8 51.9
9 Apr 99.5 54.7 45.4 42.3 2,602 50.6 60 85.9 50.4 27,380 52.2 58 92.0 36.4 234 52.2 62 83.8 52.2
9 May 99.7 55.4 46.3 43.2 3,243 51.0 60 85.2 51.9 36,794 52.1 58 100.3 38.5 291 57.2 66 81.0 52.2
9 Jun 99.7 55.3 45.8 42.4 2,796 50.5 60 82.1 52.0 33,792 52.4 58 97.0 38.0 233 55.4 64 91.8 52.1
9 Jul 99.7 58.6 46.1 41.7 2,636 50.6 60 80.4 57.2 30,263 52.2 58 105.0 38.9 177 53.7 64 98.6 52.4
9 Aug 99.8 54.8 45.1 41.5 2,821 50.7 60 80.1 51.3 30,219 52.3 58 90.1 36.3 162 51.8 63 81.5 51.7
9 Sep 99.7 54.8 45.3 42.3 3,284 51.0 60 80.7 49.8 24,623 52.5 58 90.4 36.4 200 55.9 64 84.3 52.7
9 Oct 99.7 54.6 46.5 43.3 3,396 50.8 60 79.9 49.7 26,167 52.1 58 88.5 37.9 251 55.5 64 82.7 52.2
9 Nov 99.7 55.1 46.7 43.2 3,004 51.0 60 82.5 50.8 27,431 52.4 58 92.1 37.3 233 55.9 64 85.0 52.4
9 Dec 99.7 54.4 46.6 43.6 3,181 50.5 62 78.6 50.5 25,892 52.3 58 103.5 36.0 225 52.6 64 82.9 51.4
2016 mwaa.com 23
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time Total (non-event)
Monitor 2016
Online Leq # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq Leq Leq Leq
Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax
10 Jan 99.9 56.7 56.1 53.2 10,602 51.0 68 83.5 52.3 24,236 52.2 66 104.3 39.5 201 59.6 68 90.7 49.0
10 Feb 99.9 57.5 56.9 54.0 10,603 51.2 68 83.9 53.1 26,744 52.6 68 100.3 40.3 286 54.1 70 85.9 49.8
10 Mar 99.8 57.9 57.4 54.7 12,338 50.8 68 85.7 52.1 24,400 52.3 66 102.3 40.1 271 56.8 71 87.2 51.7
10 Apr 99.9 58.3 57.2 54.5 11,783 51.6 68 85.4 53.9 28,446 52.5 66 95.6 40.8 230 53.0 72 89.4 51.4
10 May 99.7 59.2 58.6 55.7 12,413 51.5 70 87.7 54.3 31,178 52.5 66 97.8 43.3 191 56.3 79 91.3 52.3
10 Jun 99.7 59.2 58.2 55.4 11,930 51.2 70 86.9 53.9 30,941 52.5 66 99.4 39.7 180 54.6 66 87.5 53.6
10 Jul 99.7 58.5 57.8 54.9 11,812 51.3 68 86.8 53.9 31,173 52.2 66 97.7 39.9 151 58.4 71 91.4 51.6
10 Aug 99.7 58.7 57.2 54.3 12,415 50.6 68 84.3 54.4 34,077 52.4 66 100.9 42.7 220 54.3 68 94.7 52.5
10 Sep 99.8 58.1 56.7 54.0 11,819 51.1 68 86.5 52.6 25,247 52.4 66 98.6 40.5 232 54.6 66 90.8 53.0
10 Oct 99.7 58.3 57.1 54.6 12,442 50.9 68 84.5 53.0 27,525 52.4 66 101.4 43.2 177 60.3 70 103.7 52.1
10 Nov 99.7 57.6 56.9 54.2 11,664 51.0 68 87.2 53.0 29,828 52.4 66 95.1 39.1 211 55.6 68 88.3 50.3
10 Dec 99.8 57.9 56.8 54.1 11,294 51.3 68 83.9 54.0 29,492 52.3 68 106.2 37.4 175 56.5 70 84.1 50.2
11 Jan 99.9 49.7 47.2 44.8 4,299 50.3 54 80.5 40.0 4,859 52.3 56 86.8 33.2 248 52.1 60 83.4 47.0
11 Feb 99.9 50.9 49.1 46.2 5,137 50.4 54 79.8 41.5 5,435 51.0 56 91.3 34.5 253 51.8 60 80.1 48.1
11 Mar 99.8 54.3 50.3 48.1 6,717 50.3 54 81.6 47.5 6,930 52.5 56 85.4 40.6 422 52.7 59 83.3 51.4
11 Apr 99.9 56.0 50.9 48.0 6,036 50.3 54 82.7 49.5 9,486 52.4 56 97.6 44.1 455 52.0 60 97.6 53.4
11 May 99.7 55.0 50.8 47.7 5,854 50.3 54 83.8 51.0 9,410 52.3 58 97.7 41.1 442 54.2 62 83.9 50.7
11 Jun 99.7 56.3 52.1 48.8 6,603 50.3 54 81.3 50.4 9,166 52.5 56 98.6 46.3 435 52.3 60 98.7 53.0
11 Jul 99.7 54.3 51.8 48.3 5,915 50.4 54 84.0 48.0 6,971 52.1 56 89.3 39.8 280 55.8 60 84.6 51.1
11 Aug 99.7 55.5 51.9 48.6 6,326 50.3 54 84.1 48.8 8,779 52.3 56 98.3 41.3 379 52.7 62 85.6 52.8
11 Sep 99.7 54.1 49.4 46.2 5,299 50.2 54 81.0 48.8 5,651 52.4 56 85.7 42.7 357 52.2 60 91.1 50.8
11 Oct 99.7 54.4 50.2 47.2 6,359 50.1 54 85.1 47.1 6,942 52.3 56 84.4 41.5 363 54.5 60 85.2 52.0
11 Nov 99.7 56.5 48.9 46.5 5,847 50.3 54 82.1 49.9 7,862 52.2 56 85.5 42.7 482 55.4 60 84.2 54.5
11 Dec 99.7 57.2 48.8 45.8 5,444 50.2 54 81.4 48.8 6,416 52.3 56 86.0 41.5 388 52.5 59 81.7 56.0
12 Jan 99.9 51.9 48.0 45.1 6,173 51.0 60 76.4 48.9 15,756 52.3 66 94.4 36.5 445 52.8 68 77.2 46.0
12 Feb 99.9 52.6 49.0 46.2 6,442 50.9 60 79.8 49.4 16,162 52.3 66 89.8 38.0 502 52.6 68 89.4 46.7
12 Mar 99.8 53.2 49.0 46.2 6,635 51.0 62 82.6 49.4 16,655 52.3 64 101.6 37.4 436 54.0 68 90.6 48.7
12 Apr 99.9 55.6 48.7 45.8 6,231 50.6 62 80.0 50.4 18,477 52.2 66 98.6 39.4 457 53.2 66 80.0 53.2
12 May 99.7 55.0 50.5 47.7 8,481 50.8 62 78.3 51.7 21,040 52.3 66 97.0 41.3 454 52.7 68 90.5 49.9
12 Jun 99.7 54.9 49.6 47.0 6,607 50.9 62 85.9 51.8 20,969 52.3 66 92.6 39.4 492 52.5 70 84.7 50.0
12 Jul 99.7 54.2 48.2 45.3 5,812 50.8 60 77.9 51.1 24,410 52.2 64 92.7 37.2 377 51.2 65 82.7 49.7
12 Aug 99.7 54.3 48.3 45.3 6,224 50.8 60 78.9 50.3 25,986 52.1 64 93.3 37.2 374 52.8 66 86.5 51.0
12 Sep 99.7 53.5 48.8 46.2 7,891 50.8 60 76.7 48.9 16,860 52.0 64 95.4 38.2 420 52.4 68 88.3 49.9
12 Oct 99.7 53.3 49.3 46.9 8,143 50.5 60 77.5 49.3 17,072 52.4 64 92.9 39.1 425 52.3 68 93.4 48.6
12 Nov 99.7 52.8 49.4 46.6 7,408 50.6 60 77.2 49.4 18,779 52.3 66 88.7 37.3 461 53.0 68 82.3 47.2
12 Dec 99.7 53.1 49.1 46.7 7,355 50.6 60 78.4 49.8 18,932 52.1 66 94.2 39.1 547 52.5 69 88.6 47.2
17 Jan 99.9 58.6 54.7 53.0 5,517 50.5 66 94.0 52.4 22,891 52.3 60 89.9 41.6 232 52.7 69 87.1 55.3
17 Feb 99.9 59.3 54.9 53.4 5,277 51.0 66 90.3 53.5 24,611 52.3 60 90.5 43.7 317 56.9 69 93.3 55.8
17 Mar 99.7 58.7 55.3 53.3 5,005 51.4 68 87.8 51.9 20,727 52.2 62 85.5 40.5 299 55.2 68 85.0 55.6
17 Apr 99.9 57.9 54.6 52.8 4,746 51.8 66 86.3 51.3 18,344 52.4 60 88.0 38.8 214 61.2 69 85.8 54.6
17 May 99.7 57.9 55.3 53.2 5,272 51.3 68 86.8 51.7 22,714 52.1 58 85.8 42.2 309 56.5 69 95.6 53.9
17 Jun 97.3 57.7 55.7 53.4 4,122 51.6 68 87.3 51.1 21,651 52.2 58 86.5 39.6 155 59.3 69 86.9 53.7
17 Jul 99.7 57.5 53.6 51.5 3,566 51.0 66 86.7 53.3 21,701 52.3 58 106.0 36.2 43 56.9 69 94.8 53.2
17 Aug 99.7 57.8 52.8 50.9 3,402 51.9 66 86.2 53.6 20,748 52.7 60 105.9 44.2 71 58.4 70 99.8 53.5
17 Sep 99.7 56.4 53.2 51.5 5,031 51.1 66 89.4 49.2 14,515 52.3 58 92.4 38.2 101 52.8 68 83.6 53.2
17 Oct 99.7 58.0 54.9 53.2 5,699 51.0 66 88.2 51.9 20,815 52.2 60 86.7 40.8 213 59.8 69 93.8 54.1
17 Nov 99.7 59.4 55.7 53.8 5,212 51.5 66 91.8 53.9 24,166 52.3 60 94.7 44.4 305 58.3 68 90.2 55.5
17 Dec 99.7 59.3 55.3 53.8 5,535 51.0 68 91.1 53.6 25,040 52.4 60 94.2 42.8 403 61.3 69 87.5 55.6
2016 mwaa.com 24
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time Total (non-event)
Monitor 2016
Online Leq # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max # Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq Leq Leq Leq
Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax Events Lmax Lmax Lmax
19 Jan 99.9 49.4 39.6 36.9 1,562 50.4 54 78.3 42.5 5,792 52.3 60 79.2 30.2 194 53.2 62 77.6 48.0
19 Feb 99.9 50.5 41.1 37.7 1,888 50.5 56 75.2 43.6 6,274 52.5 58 99.9 29.9 210 53.5 58 75.7 49.1
19 Mar 99.8 49.2 41.6 39.2 2,609 50.5 56 79.7 39.1 4,772 52.2 56 75.9 27.5 142 53.2 60 76.6 48.2
19 Apr 99.9 50.0 42.6 39.8 2,517 50.2 58 80.3 41.4 5,327 52.7 58 89.0 25.3 82 54.3 60 72.5 48.8
19 May 99.7 52.1 44.7 41.1 1,870 50.5 60 81.6 41.8 5,905 52.3 58 84.1 27.5 114 54.9 60 73.5 51.2
19 Jun 99.6 55.2 46.4 43.3 2,469 50.7 62 81.1 44.0 5,262 52.2 60 93.1 30.4 155 54.1 62 76.2 54.5
19 Jul 99.8 55.7 47.4 44.1 2,696 50.4 62 81.2 44.2 3,403 52.0 65 94.6 33.3 170 55.4 64 84.0 55.0
19 Aug 99.7 54.8 47.8 44.3 3,070 50.5 62 83.9 43.3 2,633 52.3 56 92.5 30.4 140 55.3 60 74.8 54.0
19 Sep 99.8 53.7 45.3 41.6 2,148 50.4 60 78.1 44.3 5,783 52.4 60 83.0 33.6 177 54.4 62 82.0 52.8
19 Oct 99.7 52.2 46.8 43.2 2,795 50.3 62 82.3 44.2 8,421 52.3 58 83.2 32.7 266 53.4 59 79.4 50.7
19 Nov 99.7 52.0 45.9 42.8 2,548 50.3 60 80.8 45.4 9,239 52.5 60 82.3 32.9 249 54.9 60 76.7 50.2
19 Dec 99.8 51.9 46.5 42.6 2,386 50.6 62 82.2 44.2 7,683 52.7 60 81.9 32.9 234 55.2 63 79.4 50.3
20 Jan 99.9 49.7 41.7 39.1 2,133 50.6 58 82.8 44.0 9,590 52.3 56 98.7 35.6 169 53.4 62 88.5 47.5
20 Feb 99.9 51.9 42.8 41.3 2,690 50.5 58 81.1 46.5 14,878 52.3 58 88.2 34.4 305 53.9 58 81.4 49.8
20 Mar 99.8 52.2 43.0 41.3 2,579 50.9 58 81.8 44.3 10,723 52.3 56 81.7 33.0 441 53.5 62 78.4 50.9
20 Apr 99.9 53.0 43.4 41.7 2,891 50.5 58 89.8 47.4 13,578 52.3 58 85.1 39.1 376 53.6 56 84.9 50.9
20 May 99.7 53.3 45.9 43.6 5,155 50.2 58 85.6 48.2 17,138 52.3 58 95.1 38.9 392 52.4 62 86.7 50.7
20 Jun 99.7 54.0 45.7 42.6 4,161 50.4 58 81.2 49.7 14,988 52.3 56 94.2 39.7 363 54.1 62 89.9 51.2
20 Jul 99.8 51.7 42.7 40.2 3,932 50.6 56 80.3 46.7 8,807 52.1 56 92.0 38.2 251 53.9 57 83.5 49.3
20 Aug 99.7 53.7 43.2 40.6 4,216 50.3 56 76.8 47.4 11,719 52.4 56 91.0 39.3 420 51.6 56 83.8 52.0
20 Sep 99.7 52.4 44.7 42.1 5,293 50.3 56 78.6 45.5 8,788 52.1 56 88.3 40.1 183 53.7 56 92.8 50.5
20 Oct 99.7 52.5 44.2 42.5 4,842 50.5 56 85.8 47.5 12,566 52.3 56 84.3 39.5 208 54.1 63 95.4 49.8
20 Nov 99.8 51.3 43.0 41.5 3,126 50.5 56 80.5 46.9 12,229 52.4 56 93.8 34.1 187 54.3 58 81.7 48.4
20 Dec 99.7 48.9 42.6 41.1 2,973 50.5 58 81.4 42.6 11,798 52.3 56 86.4 25.3 84 54.4 62 72.3 46.6
22 Jan 94.6 54.9 44.4 41.9 3,443 50.5 58 79.1 51.4 13,431 52.5 60 103.0 40.2 177 55.5 65 93.1 51.7
22 Feb 99.9 53.1 46.1 43.6 4,376 50.5 58 79.0 49.8 12,928 52.2 58 93.0 37.4 140 56.8 67 95.0 48.9
22 Mar 99.8 49.3 47.3 44.7 6,164 50.6 60 79.5 40.1 3,847 52.4 56 80.1 33.0 92 53.2 70 79.3 46.4
22 Apr 99.9 51.1 47.6 44.5 5,875 50.5 58 81.0 45.8 5,311 52.7 56 88.7 37.5 63 54.7 60 84.3 47.5
22 May 99.7 52.6 49.5 46.7 7,223 50.7 60 75.2 47.3 10,526 52.3 56 96.2 35.5 121 53.8 71 81.8 49.0
22 Jun 99.7 54.0 51.2 47.5 7,519 50.7 60 79.7 49.2 12,695 52.3 56 89.7 38.8 229 54.1 71 81.0 50.3
22 Jul 99.7 54.0 50.4 46.8 7,453 50.5 60 83.8 49.9 9,114 52.3 56 96.7 38.8 199 55.5 72 89.1 49.8
22 Aug 99.7 51.0 48.6 45.1 7,422 50.2 58 79.9 44.9 3,770 52.3 56 88.5 36.1 63 54.9 68 84.2 47.7
22 Sep 99.7 51.1 47.4 44.3 6,695 50.3 58 78.0 45.7 2,119 52.5 56 94.7 38.6 52 52.7 78 84.2 47.6
22 Oct 99.7 49.9 46.5 44.2 6,084 50.5 58 79.8 43.2 3,150 52.3 56 84.1 32.7 46 54.7 66 79.2 46.9
22 Nov 99.7 48.6 46.0 43.6 5,294 50.5 58 78.3 40.6 3,579 52.4 56 80.3 32.1 36 54.7 66 82.5 45.7
22 Dec 99.7 48.4 45.9 42.8 4,500 50.3 58 78.1 40.9 3,251 52.3 56 86.6 31.4 45 53.0 57 80.3 45.6
2016 mwaa.com 25
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Complaint Statistics
In 2016, the Airports Authority received 36,653 complaints from 836 individuals (762 households) that
were associated with Reagan National (Figures 26 28). The majority of individuals (51.3%) submitted
one complaint.
Figure 26: DCA 2016 Complaint Statistics Figure 27: DCA 2016 Complaints - Top 5 Individuals
# of # of # of
City Quad Households Indiv iduals Complaints
DCA 2016 Complaints
W ashington
NW 165 185 26,563 Top 5 Individuals vs. All Other Individuals
SW 4 4 8
Total 169 189 26,571 Individuals 1 & 3*
Individual 2
# of # of # of Individual 4
City Households Indiv iduals Complaints 6.5%
City of Alexandria 63 65 212 Individual 5 1 DC NW Resident (Foxhall)
Alexandria (Fairfax County) 228 262 6,473 Individual 2 = 2,384 Complaints
Arlington 93 96 1,099 All Other DC Individuals
Burke 1 1 56
All Other VA Individuals 3.9%
Fairfax 3 3 6
1 DC NW Resident (Palisades)
Fairfax Station 1 1 4
All Other MD Individuals Individual 4 = 1,436 Complaints
Falls Church 1 1 2
Great Falls 5 5 22 * Same Residence
McLean 7 7 17 3.%
Springfield 7 8 1,201 1 VA Alexandria Resident
Vienna 1 1 2 (Fairfax County)
Total 410 450 9,094
Individual 5 = 1,101 Complaints
All Other DC Individuals
# of # of # of 3,605 Complaints
City Households Indiv iduals Complaints
Accokeek 19 23 158
Beltsv ille 1 1 1
Bethesda 89 97 692 34.3% 21.8%
Cabin John 34 35 72 All Other VA Individuals
Dickerson 1 1 2 7,993 Complaints
Fort W ashington 13 13 15
La Plata 1 1 1
Oxon Hill 2 2 2
Potomac 21 22 43
All Other MD Individuals
Temple Hills 1 1 1
988 Complaints
W aldorf 1 1 1
Total 183 197 988
Total # of Total # of Total # of
1 DC NW Residence (Foxhall)*
DCA Grand Total Households Individual Complaints 2 Individuals:
762 836 36,653
Individual 1 = 17,273 Complaints
Individual 3 = 1,873 Complaints
2016 mwaa.com 26
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Complaint Statistics - Continued
Figure 28: DCA 2016 Complaint Statistics
Complaints # of # of % of % of
per Individual Individuals Complaints All Individuals All Complaints
1 429 429 51.3% 1.2%
2 105 210 12.6% 0.6%
3 59 177 7.1% 0.5%
4 43 172 5.1% 0.5%
5 17 85 2.0% 0.2%
6 12 72 1.4% 0.2%
7 11 77 1.3% 0.2%
8 11 88 1.3% 0.2%
9 10 90 1.2% 0.2%
10 4 40 0.5% 0.1%
11 7 77 0.8% 0.2%
12 3 36 0.4% 0.1%
13 7 91 0.8% 0.2%
14 4 56 0.5% 0.2%
15 8 120 1.0% 0.3%
16 3 48 0.4% 0.1%
17 7 119 0.8% 0.3%
18 5 90 0.6% 0.2%
19 2 38 0.2% 0.1%
20 4 80 0.5% 0.2%
21 2 42 0.2% 0.1%
22 2 44 0.2% 0.1%
23 4 92 0.5% 0.3%
24 2 48 0.2% 0.1%
25 5 125 0.6% 0.3%
26 1 26 0.1% 0.1%
27 5 135 0.6% 0.4%
28 1 28 0.1% 0.1%
29 4 116 0.5% 0.3%
30 3 90 0.4% 0.2%
31 2 62 0.2% 0.2%
32 3 96 0.4% 0.3%
36 1 36 0.1% 0.1%
37 2 74 0.2% 0.2%
38 1 38 0.1% 0.1%
39 1 39 0.1% 0.1%
40 1 40 0.1% 0.1%
44 1 44 0.1% 0.1%
46 1 46 0.1% 0.1%
47 1 47 0.1% 0.1%
52 1 52 0.1% 0.1%
55 1 55 0.1% 0.2%
56 1 56 0.1% 0.2%
57 1 57 0.1% 0.2%
2016 mwaa.com 27
Reagan National (DCA)
Noise Complaint Statistics - Continued
Figure 28 - Continued: DCA 2016 Complaint Statistics
Complaints # of # of % of % of
per Individual Individuals Complaints All Individuals All Complaints
61 1 61 0.1% 0.2%
64 1 64 0.1% 0.2%
66 1 66 0.1% 0.2%
72 1 72 0.1% 0.2%
73 2 146 0.2% 0.4%
76 1 76 0.1% 0.2%
82 1 82 0.1% 0.2%
86 1 86 0.1% 0.2%
97 1 97 0.1% 0.3%
107 1 107 0.1% 0.3%
110 1 110 0.1% 0.3%
144 1 144 0.1% 0.4%
166 1 166 0.1% 0.5%
177 1 177 0.1% 0.5%
179 1 179 0.1% 0.5%
182 1 182 0.1% 0.5%
196 1 196 0.1% 0.5%
204 1 204 0.1% 0.6%
207 1 207 0.1% 0.6%
244 1 244 0.1% 0.7%
248 1 248 0.1% 0.7%
270 1 270 0.1% 0.7%
281 1 281 0.1% 0.8%
283 1 283 0.1% 0.8%
294 1 294 0.1% 0.8%
327 1 327 0.1% 0.9%
491 1 491 0.1% 1.3%
682 1 682 0.1% 1.9%
713 1 713 0.1% 1.9%
748 1 748 0.1% 2.0%
840 1 840 0.1% 2.3%
1,060 1 1,060 0.1% 2.9%
1,101 1 1,101 0.1% 3.0%
1,436 1 1,436 0.1% 3.9%
1,873 1 1,873 0.1% 5.1%
2,384 1 2,384 0.1% 6.5%
17,273 1 17,273 0.1% 47.1%
2016 mwaa.com 28
Reagan National (DCA)
Community Noise Working Group
A Reagan National Community Noise Working Group was established in October 2015, in cooperation
with the FAA, to engage broad-based stakeholder participation to identify practical aircraft noise
mitigation measures and to formulate mitigation recommendations to the FAA for its consideration.
The 2016 Working Group was comprised of Reagan National stakeholders representing regional
communities along the Potomac and Anacostia river corridors, as well as airlines serving the airport.
The Working Group voting members included 12 community representatives, appointed by their local
elected officials, and two airline representatives. For 2017, the Working Group will include additional
community members from Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties in Maryland.
The Airports Authority serves as the facilitator for Working Group meetings and recommendations. The
Airports Authority and FAA serve as non-voting, advisory Working Group members. The Airports Authority
forwards recommendations to the FAA for consideration after they have been approved and endorsed
by a Working Group majority.
Recommendation #2*:
Develop a feasibility plan, and an associated implementation plan, for a new, Area Navigation
(RNAV) Approach Procedure to Runway 19 with the goal of maximizing the time aircraft spend
flying directly over the Potomac River and minimizing the time aircraft spend flying over land.
o Status: Regular Meeting Summary (12), 27 Apr 2017 FAA developed a prototype RNAV
(GPS) Approach Procedure to Runway 19. Working Group requested baseline
environmental data prior to issuing a consensus needed by the FAA to begin the
environmental/safety review process.
2016 mwaa.com 29
* Recommendation #1was approved in 2015, see page 8.
Recommendation #3:
Endorse the concept of FAA modifying flight paths south of Reagan National to keep aircraft
more centered over the Potomac River on departures, as well as modifying waypoints to move
departing aircraft farther down the Potomac River before turning east or west.
o Status: Regular Meeting Summary (13), 25 May 2017 FAA developed a prototype South
Flow Standard Instrument Departure procedure that received a DCA Working
Group consensus to establish a formal FAA Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)
working group to continue procedure development. An FAA PBN working group
kick-off is expected by early fall 2017 and will include local community outreach.
A procedure publication goal is 18-24 months.
Recommendation #4:
Recommend the FAA modify flight paths, including possible waypoint adjustments, along South
Flow departure routes from Reagan National with the goal of maximizing the time aircraft spend
flying directly over the Potomac River and minimizing the time aircraft spend flying over land in
communities south of the airport, especially neighborhoods, as a way to mitigate the impact of
aircraft noise.
Recommend relocating the turning point for aircraft heading west off the river farther south
along the Potomac River to minimize flights over residential areas and at a location where
aircraft have reached the highest practical altitudes, consistent with the FAAs study of
operational considerations.
Recommendation #5:
Recommend MWAA fund and conduct a study to develop new Reagan National DNL contours
from 65 to 50 DNL, in 5 dB increments.
o Status: Regular Meeting Summary (11), 16 Feb 2017 Airports Authority and Ricondo &
Associates presented noise monitor data for the seven monitors closely aligned
along the Potomac River. Generalized findings were presented for Overall Noise
Levels, Noise Events and Individual Aircraft Noise Levels.
2016 mwaa.com 30
Reagan National (DCA)
Community Noise Working Group - Continued
Recommendation #6:
North Flow Departures:
Recommend FAA develop a departure procedure, including waypoint adjustments and
establishment of minimum waypoint altitudes, which centers aircraft over the Potomac River
from the Maryland State Line to at least the American Legion Bridge.
Recommend maximizing altitudes before aircraft are permitted to turn east or west, thus
minimizing the amount of time aircraft overfly communities located adjacent or near the
Potomac River, as a way to mitigate existing aircraft noise impacts on residents.
o Status: Pending
Recommendation #7:
South Flow Arrivals:
Recommend FAA develop an approach procedure, including waypoint adjustments and
establishment of minimum waypoint altitudes, which centers aircraft over the Potomac River
from the Maryland State Line to at least the American Legion Bridge.
Recommend maximizing altitudes before aircraft are permitted to turn east or west, thus
minimizing the amount of time aircraft overfly communities located adjacent or near the
Potomac River, as a way to mitigate existing aircraft noise impacts on residents.
o Status: Pending
2016 mwaa.com 31
Dulles International (IAD)
Airport Diagram and Information
2016 mwaa.com 32
Dulles International (IAD)
Runway Utilization
Figures 30 - 31 provide approximate 2016 arrival and departure runway utilization percentages.
Figure 30: IAD Runway Utilization - Arrivals Figure 31: IAD Runway Utilization - Departures
1.3% 21.7%
Arr RW19R Arr RW19C
0% 5.0%
Dep RW1L Dep RW1C
19L 19L
Arr RW12 72.0%
Dep RW30
12 1L 12 1L
1C 1C
30 0% 30 0.1%
0.9% Dep RW12
1.1% Arr RW30
Dep RW19R
Arr RW1L
1R 2.6%
Dep RW19C
Arr RW1C 11.4%
Dep RW19L
Arr RW1R
2016 mwaa.com 33
Dulles International (IAD)
FAA D.C. Metroplex Routes: Standard Arrivals and Standard Instrument Departures
FAA D.C. Metroplex routes for IAD Standard Arrivals (STARs - blue) and Standard Instrument Departures
(SIDs - red) (Figures 28 29) are FAA computer-modeled flight routes for Dulles International. Actual
flight corridors associated with the modeled routes will be wider because of the number of flights
operating on the routes, pilot technique, aircraft type, weather, FAA Flight Standards safety criteria, FAA
Air Traffic instructions etc.
2016 mwaa.com 34
Dulles International (IAD)
Typical Daily Flight Track Map
On a typical day, approximately 4,000 aircraft operate in the metropolitan Washington airspace.
Aircraft operate to/from more than a dozen airfields including commercial, general aviation and
In 2016, Dulles International experienced a daily average of 393.7 arrivals and 390.7 departures. Figure
32 depicts typical 2016 Dulles International arrivals (blue) and departures (red) during a 24-hour period.
Overflights (green) are aircraft operating in the airspace but not at Dulles International.
2016 mwaa.com 35
Dulles International (IAD)
Quarterly Track Density Plots
A Track Density Plot graphically illustrates the frequency of aircraft movements over a defined area
during a specified time period. It is an effective method to show arrival and departure corridors, or
changes in flight procedures. A regional grid map is defined and each grid is color-coded based on
the number of times (frequency) an aircraft passed through that grid (Figure 34).
On the following pages, Figures 35 42 show 2016 Quarterly Track Density Plots for Dulles International
arrivals and departures:
Figure 34: Track Density Grid Colors based on Aircraft Frequency Count
2016 mwaa.com 36
Dulles International (IAD)
Aircraft Frequency Count
2016 mwaa.com 37
Dulles International (IAD)
Aircraft Frequency Count
2016 mwaa.com 38
Dulles International (IAD)
Daily Average Operations by Hour
In 2016, Dulles International experienced a daily average of 393.7 arrivals and 390.7 departures. Figure
33 provides the daily average arrival and departure counts by hour.
IAD 2016
Average Daily Arrivals and Departures
by Hour
Daily Average
0a 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12p 1p 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p 7p 8p 9p 10p 11p
Arrivals 5.0 2.5 1.3 0.4 1.4 5.5 13.8 22.8 9.7 9.1 16.4 38.6 12.6 16.8 23.1 49.6 40.2 17.8 16.2 16.2 35.1 20.8 9.2 9.7
Departures 2.3 1.9 1.1 0.3 0.2 1.6 9.3 11.3 43.0 19.3 12.7 11.7 35.6 24.5 13.1 13.5 16.3 57.0 34.2 17.7 10.0 7.0 38.0 9.3
2016 mwaa.com 39
Dulles International (IAD)
Aircraft Fleet Mix
The Airports Authority maintains an open dialog with all airlines operating at Dulles International and
encourages them to operate quieter aircraft types. Certified aircraft noise levels are published in FAA
Advisory Circular 36-3H. Figures 43 - 45 show the average annual fleet mix percentages by aircraft type.
Figure 43: IAD Annual Average Fleet Mix by Aircraft Type Figure 44: IAD Top 25 Fleet Mix
Aircraft Aircraft
Type Category 2015 2016 IAD 2016
A319 Narrow-body Jet 1.6% 1.1%
A320 Narrow-body Jet 6.0% 5.0% Top 25 Aircraft Types
A321 Narrow-body Jet 0.3% 0.3%
A330-200 Wide-body Jet 0.4% 0.3%
A330-300 Wide-body Jet 0.8% 1.1%
A340-300 Wide-body Jet 0.2% 0.1%
MD88 1.0%
A340-600 Wide-body Jet 0.2% 0.1%
A380-800 Wide-body Jet 0.3% 0.5% A319 1.1%
B350 Turboprop 0.3% 0.4%
B717-200 Narrow-body Jet 0.6% 0.6% A330-300 1.1%
B737-700 Narrow-body Jet 2.6% 2.1%
B737-800 Narrow-body Jet 4.4% 4.9%
CL60 1.1%
B737-900 Narrow-body Jet 6.3% 7.7%
B747-400 Wide-body Jet 0.1% 0.2%
B747-8 Wide-body Jet 0.3% 0.3%
GLF4 1.2%
B757-200 Narrow-body Jet 2.1% 2.3%
B767-300 Wide-body Jet 1.6% 1.7% CL30 1.2%
B767-400 Wide-body Jet 0.5% 0.7%
B777-200 Wide-body Jet 3.2% 3.1% H25B 1.2%
B777-300ER Wide-body Jet 1.5% 1.4%
B787-8 Wide-body Jet 0.1% 0.2%
E190 1.4%
B787-9 Wide-body Jet 0.2% 0.3%
BE20 Turboprop 0.2% 0.2%
BE40 General Aviation 0.7% 0.7% B777-300ER 1.4%
C208 General Aviation 0.2% 0.5%
C25A General Aviation 0.2% 0.2% C56X 1.5%
C25B General Aviation 0.3% 0.3%
C550 General Aviation 0.2% 0.1% B767-300 1.7%
C560 General Aviation 0.5% 0.4%
C56X General Aviation 1.5% 1.5%
Aircraft Type
2016 mwaa.com 40
Dulles International (IAD)
Aircraft Fleet Mix - Continued
IAD 2016
Annual Fleet Mix
Turboprops 11.5%
Regional Jets
2016 mwaa.com 41
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Program
The Airports Authority operates a network of noise monitors around Regan National and Dulles
International. The first noise monitors were installed around Dulles International in 1978 when the FAA
operated the airport. After consultation with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments,
many of the noise monitors have been sited located along the flight corridors that align with Dulles
International runways to track historical noise trends.
The Airports Authority continues to voluntarily upgrade and maintain the noise monitors around Dulles
International without any external funding. The noise monitors provide aircraft and community noise
levels near Dulles International as a public resource for general information only. Under FAA regulations,
noise monitor data may not be used for regulatory or enforcement purposes.
Traditional Noise Event Detection Methodology: As noted on Page 19, prior to 2015, the Airports
Authoritys noise monitors detected a noise event when the noise level exceeded a noise threshold
for a minimum duration. During noise data post-processing, only detected noise events were
correlated against aircraft position data. The traditional methodology had technological
Quieter aircraft commonly generated noise levels that did not satisfy the noise event
threshold criteria.
Aircraft noise events could easily be contaminated by community noise sources (traffic,
sirens, lawn mowers, construction, community activities, nature weather, animals, foliage).
Lowering the noise event detection threshold did not account for increased background
noise levels.
ANEEM - Aircraft Noise Event Extraction Methodology: As of 2015, the Airports Authority was the first
U.S. airport system to upgrade its noise monitoring software using a new noise event detection
methodology called ANEEM (Aircraft Noise Event Extraction Methodology), provided by Bruel &
Kjaer EMS.
ANEEM does not solely rely on the noise monitor to detect a noise event. During noise data post-
processing, ANEEM cross-references databases to identify aircraft in the vicinity of the noise monitor
when the noise level rises above the background level. It identifies and correlates aircraft-
dominated noise events by comparing aircraft position data with predicted noise levels for that
aircraft, using FAA noise certification data. ANEEM provides a more accurate detection
methodology for distinguishing aircraft noise from other noise sources experienced in neighboring
It is very important to clarify that the total noise experienced at a noise monitor is unaffected by the
choice of a noise event detection methodology.
ANEEM only improves the accuracy of the noise source classification process. ANEEM noise event
counts will be higher because ANEEM accounts for quieter aircraft and higher background noise levels.
However, the total noise experienced at the noise monitor is consistent with legacy software.
2016 mwaa.com 42
Figure 46: Dulles International Noise Monitor Locations
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Locations
2016 mwaa.com 43
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Data
As noted on Page 42, the Airports Authority upgraded its noise monitoring
software to include a new noise event detection process called Aircraft Noise
Event Extraction Methodology (ANEEM). ANEEM classifies aircraft, community
and mixed noise events based on available aircraft position and flight plan data.
Although ANEEM improves the noise source classification process, a noise event
may occasionally be misclassified due to limited aircraft data.
The monthly noise event data provides the following noise classifications and
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor Year Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
For noise event comparisons at a noise monitor location, the 2016 report provides:
*Leq for direct comparison of non-penalized aircraft, community, mixed and background noise.
**Aircraft DNL Only since the 10 dB penalty is only applied to aircraft noise events (22:00 06:59).
2016 mwaa.com 44
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise data may not always be available for a specific site because of technical issues associated with
the noise monitoring equipment, software anomalies, power, communications, site construction,
vandalism and other factors.
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor 2016 Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
13 Jan 99.9 58.4 49.9 46.6 2,706 50.5 56 82.3 56.1 29,083 52.4 64 96.4 40.8 327 51.7 67 89.7 53.4
13 Feb 99.9 57.6 51.0 48.1 3,038 50.8 56 83.7 55.3 25,602 52.3 64 101.3 40.3 358 52.8 66 88.8 51.9
13 Mar 99.8 57.5 51.8 48.6 3,837 51.0 58 81.9 53.8 15,345 52.2 60 105.5 43.7 419 52.1 64 89.3 53.5
13 Apr 99.9 57.8 51.7 48.6 3,713 50.5 56 86.2 54.7 16,306 52.5 60 93.1 42.1 387 51.9 62 88.1 53.5
13 May 99.7 55.4 51.1 48.5 4,027 50.6 58 82.3 52.3 16,397 52.2 60 103.7 38.0 312 52.5 62 84.2 50.1
13 Jun 99.7 54.3 51.8 48.8 4,671 50.6 54 82.3 49.8 16,280 52.2 60 97.1 37.7 284 53.1 64 88.2 49.6
13 Jul 99.8 55.5 51.3 48.3 4,204 50.4 58 81.7 51.1 18,878 52.2 60 95.7 38.3 295 51.9 64 93.1 51.8
13 Aug 96.5 57.6 52.7 49.4 4,507 50.5 68 80.3 52.3 21,120 52.2 60 95.2 42.2 490 51.7 64 97.2 54.8
13 Sep 99.7 55.6 52.5 48.6 3,687 50.8 64 83.2 48.5 11,744 52.2 60 96.4 35.8 182 52.1 62 86.2 53.3
13 Oct 99.7 54.9 52.3 49.2 4,172 50.4 56 81.9 49.1 16,253 52.3 60 90.9 37.2 268 53.3 66 80.7 51.4
13 Nov 93.2 54.4 50.2 47.0 3,018 50.2 58 88.7 49.5 14,424 52.2 60 94.3 37.8 176 52.4 64 88.1 51.1
13 Dec 99.7 54.0 51.5 47.9 3,430 50.6 56 82.4 49.3 16,633 52.1 60 91.5 36.8 231 53.7 62 87.1 50.0
14 Jan 99.9 67.3 56.0 53.3 3,409 51.2 72 87.3 65.5 108,289 52.5 72 109.7 52.9 2,569 52.1 72 106.0 61.4
14 Feb 99.9 67.6 56.6 54.1 3,580 51.6 72 85.7 65.5 107,385 52.8 72 109.3 55.1 2,726 60.2 72 107.6 62.0
14 Mar 99.8 67.8 57.2 54.5 4,198 52.8 72 88.5 64.7 93,533 52.7 70 106.5 54.7 3,175 60.0 72 110.5 63.9
14 Apr 99.9 67.7 57.3 54.6 4,351 51.9 72 88.5 65.1 102,476 53.2 70 109.3 56.1 3,108 57.6 72 107.1 62.8
14 May 99.7 68.1 59.0 56.3 5,300 51.5 72 86.6 66.1 117,372 52.4 72 108.2 54.3 3,300 58.6 72 101.9 62.2
14 Jun 99.7 67.2 58.5 55.4 5,549 51.2 70 86.2 64.9 112,709 53.3 70 107.5 54.1 3,208 58.3 70 102.2 61.9
14 Jul 99.7 66.4 57.7 54.4 5,486 50.8 70 86.8 64.4 120,394 52.4 70 108.4 52.9 3,265 58.5 70 102.0 60.5
14 Aug 99.7 66.8 58.3 55.0 5,747 51.3 70 93.7 64.7 118,822 53.5 70 107.3 53.8 3,177 58.3 70 105.7 60.9
14 Sep 99.7 66.9 58.1 55.1 5,368 51.1 70 93.4 64.0 95,230 52.3 70 107.3 53.9 2,966 60.5 70 107.5 62.6
14 Oct 99.7 67.8 58.2 55.3 5,164 51.3 72 88.2 65.5 108,515 52.7 70 109.8 53.7 3,141 59.0 72 100.8 62.7
14 Nov 99.7 68.1 57.4 54.6 4,216 50.9 72 86.1 66.2 116,541 53.0 72 110.1 55.1 2,987 61.4 72 106.5 62.2
14 Dec 57.2 68.0 57.1 54.5 2,362 52.1 72 88.8 66.1 69,785 52.8 72 109.0 54.9 1,667 62.3 72 109.0 62.1
15 Jan 99.9 55.9 41.3 38.9 962 51.0 58 75.4 48.2 10,892 52.1 58 89.5 30.9 54 54.4 69 82.1 55.0
15 Feb 99.9 55.9 41.7 39.9 1,192 50.8 60 83.1 48.3 10,391 52.6 56 93.5 33.6 58 54.0 64 85.8 54.9
15 Mar 99.8 56.6 42.0 39.1 1,143 51.3 60 78.3 48.7 7,886 52.5 56 91.6 34.1 88 54.6 64 86.2 55.7
15 Apr 99.9 58.0 42.6 40.3 1,099 51.6 60 77.9 50.1 9,592 53.8 56 100.7 34.0 111 52.5 65 81.2 57.1
15 May 99.7 58.1 43.8 41.9 1,109 51.4 58 78.9 49.9 7,233 52.2 56 100.5 34.8 77 58.1 63 86.1 57.2
15 Jun 99.6 58.5 44.4 41.3 1,134 51.5 59 81.7 48.6 5,854 52.2 62 100.5 43.4 63 52.8 65 97.8 57.8
15 Jul 99.7 59.8 43.3 41.2 1,011 51.5 64 79.3 49.3 4,129 52.2 56 99.2 31.8 53 55.0 61 85.8 59.3
15 Aug 99.8 60.4 42.6 40.1 798 51.5 60 81.1 48.5 3,021 53.1 56 100.1 33.9 46 56.9 66 81.7 60.1
15 Sep 99.7 59.6 43.7 40.6 789 52.7 60 79.6 48.4 3,306 54.0 64 97.1 33.7 42 54.7 63 83.6 59.2
15 Oct 99.7 58.3 46.0 42.6 1,170 50.6 60 79.1 49.2 6,136 52.4 56 100.0 34.9 78 56.5 65 80.7 57.6
15 Nov 99.7 58.3 45.1 41.8 1,127 51.0 62 81.5 50.1 10,908 52.5 58 94.2 34.4 85 53.8 66 80.5 57.4
15 Dec 99.7 57.3 43.4 40.8 1,243 50.9 60 78.8 48.9 11,880 52.3 58 91.2 31.6 74 54.7 62 84.4 56.5
16 Jan 99.9 48.9 43.9 40.8 2,184 50.5 54 80.3 37.6 4,218 52.2 56 82.8 26.5 61 53.2 64 81.6 47.7
16 Feb 99.9 52.3 44.2 41.9 2,019 50.4 56 82.0 41.7 7,795 52.1 54 85.6 28.7 101 51.7 56 79.5 51.4
16 Mar 99.8 51.1 46.0 43.6 2,576 50.6 56 81.8 41.9 7,074 52.1 56 82.9 28.6 94 52.2 58 80.4 49.5
16 Apr 99.9 50.6 45.1 42.5 2,526 50.4 54 78.5 43.2 7,302 52.1 56 82.8 29.1 91 53.3 56 79.9 48.8
16 May 99.7 51.3 46.3 43.8 3,608 50.3 54 80.6 44.7 8,218 52.3 56 86.9 31.5 115 52.5 57 76.3 49.0
16 Jun 99.7 52.3 48.2 44.8 3,447 50.5 54 84.9 46.6 9,449 52.2 56 90.7 34.2 134 53.2 58 82.1 49.6
16 Jul 99.8 57.4 45.4 42.7 2,756 50.3 54 84.6 55.5 19,984 52.2 56 107.5 36.2 291 51.9 66 75.4 52.5
16 Aug 99.7 61.8 47.9 44.5 2,032 50.7 64 83.8 60.4 25,729 52.2 66 108.6 39.1 484 53.6 66 86.5 55.9
16 Sep 99.7 54.3 46.6 43.4 2,407 50.2 55 88.3 42.1 5,021 52.1 56 84.2 32.4 103 52.2 56 79.7 53.6
16 Oct 99.7 51.7 46.9 43.9 3,195 50.5 54 82.6 44.2 8,796 52.1 56 86.5 34.3 122 51.8 58 81.6 49.7
16 Nov 99.7 51.5 45.5 42.7 3,017 50.3 54 81.9 46.6 9,009 52.3 56 86.4 36.3 121 53.5 56 85.4 48.7
16 Dec 99.7 50.8 44.3 42.0 2,978 50.4 54 79.9 44.1 11,568 52.1 54 86.6 34.1 108 53.6 57 86.8 48.8
2016 mwaa.com 45
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor 2016 Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
18 Jan 99.9 56.2 47.8 43.4 2,180 50.6 62 80.2 49.7 34,199 52.2 60 90.2 32.7 138 55.8 64 78.6 54.8
18 Feb 99.9 57.1 48.7 44.5 2,209 51.9 62 80.3 50.1 32,922 52.3 60 92.7 33.1 166 56.8 63 78.7 55.8
18 Mar 99.8 57.8 50.5 46.0 2,682 51.5 62 82.2 49.3 26,601 52.2 60 88.7 34.2 214 57.4 63 77.5 56.8
18 Apr 99.9 58.3 50.6 46.0 2,395 50.5 62 80.6 49.6 23,199 52.2 60 93.4 34.8 231 55.4 64 76.1 57.3
18 May 99.7 57.9 50.1 46.0 2,848 51.0 60 79.8 49.6 29,342 52.3 58 91.8 35.0 218 54.3 62 82.1 56.8
18 Jun 99.7 57.5 50.9 45.7 3,303 50.7 58 79.4 48.3 21,495 52.1 56 86.7 34.3 154 52.8 65 88.3 56.6
18 Jul 99.8 55.6 50.1 44.8 3,286 50.4 58 79.4 47.2 19,632 52.3 56 97.4 29.8 85 52.0 63 83.2 54.5
18 Aug 99.7 56.0 50.6 45.2 3,501 51.0 58 79.9 48.1 17,830 52.3 56 104.4 29.5 82 52.1 63 78.3 54.8
18 Sep 99.7 56.0 49.2 45.3 2,807 50.4 58 77.9 46.5 18,949 52.1 56 92.8 29.9 75 51.7 64 80.1 55.0
18 Oct 99.7 56.4 49.7 45.2 2,884 50.7 60 85.2 49.7 23,614 52.3 56 88.8 33.3 121 53.0 62 84.5 54.9
18 Nov 99.8 56.5 48.9 44.7 2,639 51.0 60 81.4 51.4 28,802 52.2 56 89.2 33.8 156 53.0 63 83.3 54.4
18 Dec 99.7 56.3 48.2 44.4 2,688 51.0 60 79.5 51.4 33,462 52.3 58 88.4 33.5 138 52.6 60 82.7 54.2
21 Jan 100.0 61.7 51.7 47.9 4,447 50.5 66 79.4 42.5 5,846 52.4 56 92.4 49.6 168 52.7 66 96.9 61.2
21 Feb 100.0 61.8 52.6 48.7 4,607 50.4 66 79.9 49.0 7,527 52.3 56 96.9 50.4 201 53.0 65 96.9 61.0
21 Mar 99.9 61.8 52.5 48.7 5,070 50.5 66 85.6 48.2 8,332 52.3 58 96.9 49.6 225 52.9 66 96.9 61.1
21 Apr 100.0 62.0 52.5 48.9 5,089 50.8 68 81.2 51.6 15,096 52.2 58 96.9 48.9 299 50.7 68 96.9 61.1
21 May 99.7 56.0 55.2 51.5 6,417 50.7 68 82.0 58.8 21,222 52.3 58 99.1 49.8 336 52.7 67 99.1
21 Jun 99.8 55.7 54.3 50.0 5,326 50.3 70 83.5 50.4 17,223 52.2 58 96.9 38.2 237 54.6 68 88.3 52.0
21 Jul 99.8 54.6 53.8 49.9 5,079 50.5 70 84.4 45.7 4,998 52.3 56 87.1 35.4 136 53.3 68 81.9 51.8
21 Aug 99.8 55.3 51.9 48.4 4,207 50.6 66 82.8 50.5 7,002 52.4 58 106.6 47.5 123 53.3 68 96.9 50.0
21 Sep 99.8 54.6 53.6 50.2 5,654 50.5 70 83.9 47.8 10,066 52.2 58 96.8 46.4 205 52.5 67 96.8 49.0
21 Oct 99.6 54.1 53.4 50.0 5,768 50.4 70 83.6 47.5 12,118 52.3 58 97.0 46.9 259 52.7 66 96.8 47.3
21 Nov 99.8 53.9 53.9 50.1 5,817 50.4 68 79.9 45.2 9,088 52.2 56 88.3 36.5 212 51.8 66 86.4 50.2
21 Dec 99.8 53.7 54.2 50.5 5,811 50.5 70 82.2 47.9 8,689 52.3 56 97.5 49.5 210 52.2 66 97.4
25 Jan 99.9 56.9 54.4 51.1 5,253 50.3 66 82.0 51.0 21,635 52.2 56 96.7 39.1 398 52.5 68 87.4 53.6
25 Feb 99.9 56.7 54.8 51.8 5,139 50.7 68 86.2 50.7 20,962 52.3 58 93.2 38.5 414 52.4 70 84.2 52.8
25 Mar 99.8 56.7 55.9 52.8 6,076 50.3 68 89.9 49.2 18,828 52.3 58 93.8 39.3 358 52.2 68 79.8 52.7
25 Apr 99.9 56.9 55.7 52.7 6,105 50.6 68 86.4 50.3 23,729 52.3 58 94.7 40.1 397 51.3 67 93.4 52.7
25 May 53.5 57.8 56.6 54.0 3,866 50.8 68 88.0 51.0 14,392 52.5 58 94.0 40.3 275 54.4 68 89.4 53.3
25 Jun 58.3 59.7 57.4 54.7 3,494 50.7 70 99.9 54.0 17,833 52.4 64 98.1 41.9 341 55.7 66 82.7 55.7
25 Jul 99.8 58.7 57.4 54.4 6,094 50.3 70 86.3 52.3 25,876 52.4 62 95.2 40.2 445 54.8 68 79.8 54.5
25 Aug 69.5 58.4 57.2 54.1 4,074 50.8 70 88.0 52.1 18,313 52.5 62 100.4 40.7 305 53.8 65 96.8 54.1
25 Sep 99.7 58.6 58.1 54.8 6,641 50.7 70 88.9 50.6 17,733 52.2 62 93.6 40.4 431 54.1 68 85.5 54.7
25 Oct 99.7 58.9 58.2 55.0 6,741 50.7 70 91.0 50.7 20,598 52.5 60 92.6 42.6 473 54.9 68 91.7 55.0
25 Nov 99.8 58.4 57.3 54.2 6,348 50.6 70 85.5 51.2 21,928 52.3 60 96.3 40.5 480 54.3 70 87.3 54.5
25 Dec 99.7 58.4 57.0 54.0 6,183 50.6 68 87.9 52.6 25,592 52.6 58 98.8 39.9 522 53.7 66 86.2 54.1
26 Jan 99.9 52.1 41.0 36.8 881 50.5 54 76.5 43.7 13,404 52.3 54 81.6 23.7 53 51.6 59 76.2 51.3
26 Feb 99.9 53.5 42.2 38.6 956 50.5 56 77.9 44.4 11,633 52.1 56 82.2 28.8 87 52.7 60 76.3 52.8
26 Mar 99.8 54.1 43.7 39.7 1,276 50.7 56 80.9 44.3 9,350 52.3 54 86.6 27.7 118 51.9 60 76.2 53.4
26 Apr 99.9 53.3 43.1 39.6 1,322 50.6 57 75.3 45.2 11,104 52.2 56 87.3 30.2 160 52.0 59 73.3 52.3
26 May 99.7 53.9 43.1 39.7 1,268 50.9 58 78.6 45.1 10,102 52.1 56 94.9 27.8 73 54.5 62 81.1 53.1
26 Jun 99.7 56.2 44.8 40.4 1,091 52.6 58 77.1 44.4 4,387 54.6 59 85.2 28.1 83 52.8 57 75.5 55.8
26 Jul 99.7 55.0 43.8 39.7 960 51.9 56 78.8 44.0 3,403 54.4 58 95.1 26.7 52 54.3 59 78.2 54.5
26 Aug 99.8 56.3 43.2 39.2 1,052 52.6 56 73.8 50.3 2,284 54.3 58 101.1 38.4 41 55.0 56 96.8 54.8
26 Sep 99.7 55.2 43.1 38.2 809 52.8 56 81.9 40.1 2,105 54.0 58 85.7 25.6 36 54.6 57 81.2 55.0
26 Oct 99.7 55.3 43.9 40.1 1,135 51.4 58 75.6 43.2 5,956 54.4 58 84.8 26.4 63 53.9 60 78.3 54.9
26 Nov 99.8 55.4 43.5 38.8 732 51.9 56 75.0 44.6 7,057 53.7 56 86.7 26.2 35 54.2 56 74.9 54.9
26 Dec 99.7 55.2 42.9 38.5 874 52.3 58 77.2 43.8 7,787 53.5 56 86.8 25.8 49 54.8 60 78.5 54.8
2016 mwaa.com 46
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor 2016 Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
27 Jan 99.9 53.5 46.8 42.1 1,480 50.4 60 82.0 49.0 19,380 52.3 60 83.4 33.7 231 51.0 62 84.1 51.0
27 Feb 99.9 54.0 47.6 43.0 1,483 50.6 60 81.4 49.2 18,657 52.5 58 92.0 33.2 248 53.0 62 77.2 51.7
27 Mar 99.8 53.8 47.6 43.0 1,699 50.8 58 83.5 47.8 16,030 52.4 58 85.6 33.9 298 51.0 66 75.8 52.0
27 Apr 99.9 53.5 48.4 42.9 1,690 51.0 58 84.1 48.2 17,038 52.7 58 85.7 33.6 277 51.1 62 79.5 51.4
27 May 99.6 53.1 46.7 42.6 1,652 50.5 56 80.3 46.7 12,648 52.2 58 90.2 33.5 180 52.7 61 80.3 51.4
27 Jun 99.7 53.7 47.5 42.6 1,631 50.4 60 88.1 46.4 10,367 52.4 60 94.1 32.2 205 53.0 61 81.8 52.3
27 Jul 99.7 55.9 47.6 43.0 1,432 50.8 62 83.7 51.1 11,695 52.8 60 110.2 34.6 222 53.0 62 85.8 53.8
27 Aug 99.7 53.8 46.0 41.2 1,432 50.6 58 81.0 46.0 10,340 52.2 60 87.1 31.9 255 51.1 62 76.8 52.7
27 Sep 99.7 53.2 46.2 42.3 1,534 50.8 60 84.6 46.0 9,867 52.4 60 85.2 32.2 193 52.5 60 77.4 51.8
27 Oct 99.6 54.1 47.8 43.2 1,823 50.6 56 80.0 48.7 17,586 52.4 58 87.7 35.8 274 52.4 62 82.7 52.0
27 Nov 99.7 52.2 47.3 42.7 1,613 50.6 54 81.4 46.0 14,520 52.3 58 84.9 28.6 107 51.2 62 81.4 50.3
27 Dec 99.7 51.9 47.2 42.8 1,768 50.5 60 78.9 46.3 15,876 52.3 58 89.8 30.4 186 51.9 60 76.8 49.6
28 Jan 99.9 46.2 31.2 29.7 311 50.9 54 74.3 40.3 2,280 52.1 56 83.2 22.9 66 52.8 59 74.1 44.8
28 Feb 99.9 47.0 33.7 30.5 485 50.9 54 70.5 40.4 3,100 52.1 56 84.4 23.2 61 52.3 60 70.5 45.8
28 Mar 99.8 47.1 33.9 31.6 536 51.0 54 80.0 38.0 2,614 52.2 56 80.7 25.6 66 52.7 60 79.6 46.4
28 Apr 99.9 50.9 35.2 33.2 585 50.7 54 80.3 46.8 4,424 52.1 56 87.9 33.3 98 51.1 58 80.1 48.6
28 May 99.7 53.3 37.8 35.7 1,155 50.5 54 78.0 50.1 5,789 52.2 58 105.1 36.1 177 53.3 58 79.2 50.2
28 Jun 99.7 50.6 39.9 36.3 1,051 50.3 54 85.2 45.5 5,608 52.3 56 91.5 29.7 119 52.2 57 81.5 48.7
28 Jul 99.7 50.8 36.8 34.0 858 50.4 54 78.8 46.2 4,566 52.1 56 94.7 33.4 91 52.7 58 81.3 48.7
28 Aug 99.7 51.8 36.5 34.1 961 50.5 54 77.2 45.5 3,521 52.1 56 93.2 34.6 112 51.9 58 78.4 50.4
28 Sep 99.7 50.3 36.4 33.2 782 50.4 54 75.1 42.9 2,702 52.3 56 84.8 27.3 65 53.0 56 81.2 49.3
28 Oct 99.7 49.0 34.9 32.3 767 50.8 54 77.5 41.5 2,909 52.3 56 84.7 27.6 94 51.2 60 74.5 48.0
28 Nov 99.8 47.7 35.3 32.8 639 50.3 54 78.8 40.8 3,518 52.5 58 88.9 25.6 83 52.4 58 71.4 46.5
28 Dec 99.7 46.6 33.3 31.1 539 51.0 54 71.6 38.9 2,596 52.4 56 85.9 26.8 68 52.5 58 74.4 45.6
29 Jan 99.9 49.3 44.6 41.8 2,308 50.4 56 80.2 43.2 7,133 52.3 60 85.3 30.0 119 53.2 62 77.7 46.8
29 Feb 99.9 51.0 44.9 42.1 2,390 50.9 56 81.3 46.7 7,805 52.4 60 101.3 33.8 178 51.3 63 89.4 47.8
29 Mar 99.8 50.7 45.8 42.9 2,898 50.8 58 79.7 43.8 9,455 52.7 58 86.8 33.5 248 53.5 65 83.8 48.6
29 Apr 99.9 51.8 45.7 43.1 3,024 50.7 58 81.0 46.6 11,009 52.6 58 89.7 30.9 169 53.2 63 80.9 49.2
29 May 99.7 53.3 44.8 42.8 3,268 50.7 58 85.6 45.9 8,824 52.2 60 92.4 32.6 141 53.0 64 86.7 51.9
29 Jun 99.7 56.7 45.4 43.0 2,263 50.8 58 79.6 46.4 4,902 52.3 60 102.2 31.5 115 53.0 64 82.1 56.1
29 Jul 99.1 59.4 46.6 43.9 2,059 50.7 56 79.1 43.9 2,233 52.2 66 86.5 26.3 32 53.9 63 75.7 59.1
29 Aug 99.7 60.6 45.0 42.1 1,506 50.6 56 78.9 44.4 1,776 52.2 66 98.8 30.6 36 52.3 66 84.5 60.4
29 Sep 93.4 59.4 46.2 43.0 2,020 50.5 56 80.0 41.7 2,044 52.2 56 93.0 26.3 26 53.5 66 75.9 59.2
29 Oct 99.7 54.0 46.9 43.8 3,469 50.3 58 81.0 44.4 7,259 52.3 60 92.8 34.9 202 54.5 64 84.2 52.9
29 Nov 99.7 52.9 47.8 44.7 3,471 50.7 58 83.3 48.8 11,469 52.5 58 91.6 38.9 266 51.3 64 92.6 49.2
29 Dec 99.7 51.5 46.9 44.3 3,331 50.7 58 79.6 47.0 8,973 52.3 60 92.4 34.9 210 53.5 66 84.4 47.9
33 Jan 99.9 49.2 42.9 39.4 2,015 50.4 54 78.0 41.9 8,743 52.3 54 87.2 28.0 117 52.9 60 75.7 47.7
33 Feb 99.9 50.0 42.9 39.8 2,176 50.8 54 81.4 43.5 10,999 52.1 56 93.1 29.1 123 52.1 64 75.0 48.3
33 Mar 99.8 50.8 43.6 41.1 2,321 50.4 54 82.7 43.6 12,095 52.3 56 78.4 29.5 155 53.0 60 75.9 49.2
33 Apr 99.9 50.9 43.9 41.0 2,342 50.4 54 78.3 44.1 12,415 52.4 58 85.3 29.0 162 51.8 64 76.8 49.2
33 May 99.7 51.4 45.0 41.9 2,884 50.2 56 78.3 44.7 12,043 52.2 56 102.6 31.6 218 52.9 62 80.7 49.6
33 Jun 99.7 52.5 46.0 42.5 2,504 50.5 54 80.3 46.2 8,628 52.2 60 102.1 30.3 156 52.3 64 75.1 50.7
33 Jul 99.7 51.8 44.4 40.7 2,320 50.4 54 80.8 43.8 4,234 52.1 54 92.0 27.6 78 52.5 64 79.7 50.6
33 Aug 99.8 52.3 45.5 41.9 1,982 50.4 54 81.9 41.2 3,175 52.2 56 97.4 43.2 41 51.2 61 105.7 50.8
33 Sep 99.7 50.6 44.9 41.4 2,558 50.5 54 79.3 40.2 5,311 52.2 58 91.4 29.7 97 52.0 65 87.8 49.5
33 Oct 99.7 51.2 45.6 42.3 2,697 50.4 56 77.7 43.5 11,090 52.1 58 82.1 30.8 152 52.9 60 79.5 49.6
33 Nov 99.8 51.1 44.7 41.5 2,813 50.2 54 79.3 44.3 13,013 52.3 58 82.7 28.9 146 51.0 59 74.7 49.4
33 Dec 99.8 50.3 43.3 40.5 2,762 50.3 54 76.5 43.4 13,671 52.2 54 87.5 27.4 134 51.1 61 72.8 48.6
2016 mwaa.com 47
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor 2016 Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
34 Jan 99.9 56.0 55.1 51.5 4,700 50.7 68 85.1 49.4 28,617 52.2 56 82.5 41.1 584 51.4 67 82.6 52.0
34 Feb 99.9 56.8 55.8 52.0 4,541 50.4 70 82.2 50.5 26,618 52.2 56 84.3 41.2 652 52.9 60 84.3 52.9
34 Mar 99.8 56.8 55.9 52.4 5,139 50.6 70 84.4 49.6 23,137 52.3 56 86.4 41.0 624 52.3 70 83.9 53.1
34 Apr 99.9 57.3 56.0 52.4 5,138 50.6 70 85.4 51.4 22,969 52.2 58 102.2 40.1 556 51.4 60 84.5 53.3
34 May 99.7 57.0 57.6 54.0 6,047 50.8 70 85.4 46.5 19,371 52.2 58 88.7 39.9 462 52.3 60 86.3 52.8
34 Jun 99.7 57.4 58.2 53.8 5,313 51.1 70 86.2 48.6 15,288 52.3 60 95.7 39.2 437 53.3 59 81.9 53.5
34 Jul 99.7 56.4 57.3 53.3 5,234 50.7 70 85.3 43.3 8,507 52.3 54 83.1 39.1 252 51.7 58 86.0 52.9
34 Aug 99.8 56.6 56.2 52.7 4,677 50.4 69 86.8 46.8 12,777 52.1 60 93.2 36.8 230 53.2 60 81.3 53.4
34 Sep 99.7 57.1 57.4 53.8 5,885 50.7 70 85.7 46.0 12,592 52.2 60 84.5 40.0 435 51.9 60 88.7 53.4
34 Oct 99.6 57.7 57.0 53.7 5,679 50.7 70 87.7 50.6 23,035 52.3 58 87.9 42.4 772 52.3 58 83.9 53.4
34 Nov 99.8 57.6 56.9 53.4 5,585 50.3 70 85.8 51.1 25,015 52.3 58 91.7 41.8 718 51.7 60 86.3 53.3
34 Dec 99.8 57.0 56.8 53.2 5,534 50.8 70 83.3 50.1 28,613 52.0 56 87.4 42.2 682 53.1 60 87.0 52.3
35 Jan 99.9 53.3 44.8 42.1 2,603 50.8 62 80.4 42.8 4,611 52.8 60 81.6 28.7 61 56.1 70 79.6 52.5
35 Feb 99.9 53.9 45.9 43.1 2,793 52.3 60 79.9 43.8 4,935 52.1 60 86.4 31.9 106 54.5 67 78.2 53.0
35 Mar 99.8 53.9 46.3 43.7 3,315 53.8 60 78.5 42.8 5,115 52.2 60 84.3 32.4 152 57.5 64 80.8 53.0
35 Apr 99.9 53.5 45.8 43.3 3,451 52.8 60 76.7 44.2 6,324 52.2 60 85.8 31.6 110 53.2 62 77.2 52.4
35 May 80.3 58.0 46.3 44.1 2,972 53.7 60 75.5 54.5 4,886 52.4 60 96.6 32.9 92 55.6 69 76.4 55.1
35 Jun 99.7 56.3 47.5 45.0 3,499 54.4 62 79.8 50.1 6,061 52.2 62 104.3 36.0 223 55.6 63 85.8 54.6
35 Jul 99.7 54.2 47.3 44.5 3,622 53.7 62 77.7 41.6 2,323 52.4 62 91.2 31.9 105 55.1 62 84.7 53.4
35 Aug 99.8 54.3 46.5 43.8 3,506 53.5 60 78.9 42.6 2,265 55.8 60 92.9 31.7 90 57.0 60 80.0 53.5
35 Sep 99.7 54.2 47.8 44.9 3,878 54.1 62 77.3 41.9 4,493 56.2 60 87.1 32.8 130 56.0 62 75.4 53.3
35 Oct 99.7 54.5 48.6 45.5 4,048 53.8 62 78.9 45.5 7,811 52.8 62 84.6 34.4 179 55.5 66 77.4 53.2
35 Nov 99.7 55.1 47.3 44.9 3,468 53.4 62 79.5 47.5 7,031 56.7 62 87.3 37.2 192 56.2 62 85.8 53.7
35 Dec 99.7 54.8 47.0 44.5 3,380 54.7 62 80.6 46.7 6,941 55.6 60 87.1 36.0 154 56.8 70 83.7 53.5
36 Jan 99.9 54.0 46.9 44.5 3,285 51.1 60 89.2 48.9 41,710 52.3 58 85.9 33.2 239 54.2 60 77.2 51.6
36 Feb 99.9 55.2 47.8 45.5 3,465 51.1 62 79.8 50.0 41,782 52.3 58 87.3 35.5 297 55.2 60 77.4 52.8
36 Mar 99.8 54.8 48.1 45.7 4,212 51.3 60 78.8 48.5 34,652 52.3 58 89.1 36.6 471 55.0 60 80.8 52.8
36 Apr 99.9 54.8 48.1 45.5 4,341 50.6 60 76.9 49.7 36,607 52.3 58 89.9 36.3 418 53.2 60 87.6 52.2
36 May 99.7 55.5 48.7 46.5 4,703 51.5 62 79.0 50.6 35,590 52.3 58 101.5 36.3 321 55.4 60 78.4 52.8
36 Jun 94.8 55.1 49.0 46.1 4,508 51.4 60 78.4 48.8 31,037 52.3 56 95.1 36.4 329 54.6 60 81.3 53.1
36 Jul 99.7 53.7 48.2 45.4 5,015 51.0 60 77.2 47.9 29,768 52.4 56 96.5 33.4 260 53.4 58 79.0 51.4
36 Aug 99.7 53.8 47.9 45.3 4,841 51.8 60 76.6 46.5 25,396 52.3 56 91.3 33.6 295 54.9 58 76.5 52.0
36 Sep 99.5 53.5 48.3 45.7 4,747 51.0 60 78.3 46.1 23,573 52.3 56 85.8 33.1 186 54.8 58 82.6 51.6
36 Oct 99.7 54.5 48.7 46.4 4,743 51.8 62 79.5 48.2 33,159 52.3 58 86.7 37.3 305 55.0 58 82.0 52.2
36 Nov 99.8 55.4 48.3 46.2 4,148 50.7 62 79.0 50.5 43,856 52.3 58 89.1 36.5 328 51.2 60 81.4 52.7
36 Dec 99.7 55.3 48.2 46.0 3,945 51.0 62 76.3 50.2 46,614 52.3 58 89.2 37.4 275 53.8 58 86.6 52.7
37 Jan 99.9 69.5 55.4 52.7 3,336 50.2 64 88.0 67.5 65,500 52.4 74 97.9 53.1 789 54.3 75 89.9 64.6
37 Feb 99.9 65.6 56.0 52.9 3,847 50.9 68 89.4 64.0 49,004 52.4 70 98.9 50.6 586 55.0 78 90.0 59.1
37 Mar 99.8 54.2 54.4 50.9 4,437 50.4 64 86.1 43.6 9,419 52.4 58 79.4 30.6 92 56.0 58 77.9 50.6
37 Apr 99.9 54.9 54.2 51.1 4,473 50.8 64 87.1 45.0 11,866 52.4 58 85.1 28.5 83 54.4 58 74.8 51.7
37 May 99.7 55.6 55.7 52.2 4,627 50.5 64 87.4 46.0 10,944 52.4 58 91.3 29.5 68 55.1 62 76.3 52.0
37 Jun 99.5 57.1 56.0 52.1 4,631 50.5 64 88.3 52.4 8,949 52.3 66 105.0 30.6 112 54.4 62 75.0 52.4
37 Jul 76.9 55.2 56.7 52.5 3,832 50.5 64 86.5 43.0 3,530 52.5 56 85.1 29.7 64 55.3 62 77.6 51.2
37 Aug 99.4 57.0 54.9 50.8 4,016 50.3 66 84.9 51.5 2,694 52.2 56 108.0 29.4 44 52.3 61 81.1 53.8
37 Sep 99.7 55.8 55.4 51.5 4,471 50.6 64 85.9 43.6 3,766 52.2 62 98.6 33.0 47 56.4 62 86.2 53.3
37 Oct 99.8 55.5 55.9 52.4 4,845 50.4 66 86.2 45.1 9,924 52.7 60 82.0 30.1 90 54.7 62 75.0 51.6
37 Nov 99.7 55.2 55.1 51.8 4,655 50.5 64 84.8 46.9 12,078 52.4 62 82.9 30.3 75 56.6 67 78.7 51.2
37 Dec 99.7 56.1 55.3 51.5 4,397 50.5 64 85.6 52.5 8,498 52.2 58 107.9 43.7 69 54.2 58 97.0 48.4
2016 mwaa.com 48
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Monitor Data - Continued
Noise Aircraft Community Mixed
% Time (non-event)
Monitor 2016 Total Leq
Online Min Modal Max Min Modal Max Min Modal Max
# DNL Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq # Events Leq
Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax
38 Jan 99.9 53.0 50.4 46.0 2,341 50.6 62 81.6 47.2 19,506 52.4 56 84.8 27.3 37 52.5 68 72.5 50.3
38 Feb 99.9 53.5 51.7 46.9 2,408 50.6 62 87.1 47.8 20,783 52.5 58 86.9 28.5 35 55.7 62 78.3 50.6
38 Mar 99.8 53.2 52.6 48.1 3,107 51.4 62 83.8 45.9 14,208 52.4 56 86.6 29.4 36 52.3 65 78.2 50.2
38 Apr 99.9 53.5 52.3 47.3 2,904 50.5 62 83.4 47.7 18,043 52.4 56 87.4 27.4 33 58.8 60 77.4 50.4
38 May 99.7 53.2 52.9 48.1 3,280 50.4 60 85.1 45.6 15,762 52.2 58 93.3 29.1 29 53.3 71 81.7 50.3
38 Jun 99.7 53.9 53.1 48.5 3,339 50.5 62 82.5 47.6 13,874 52.3 56 98.9 30.3 28 53.4 64 82.6 50.7
38 Jul 99.7 51.2 51.9 46.7 3,012 50.3 60 88.1 42.5 5,528 52.4 56 89.3 23.6 8 52.4 69 73.0 48.3
38 Aug 99.7 55.5 51.3 46.2 3,153 50.6 60 82.9 52.9 14,428 52.4 58 107.3 29.0 29 57.8 72 76.9 50.6
38 Sep 99.7 52.9 52.1 46.9 2,821 50.6 60 83.5 46.5 11,810 52.3 56 81.3 30.6 27 56.6 67 75.9 50.0
38 Oct 99.7 54.0 51.9 47.3 3,057 50.8 62 82.7 48.6 16,230 52.5 56 87.8 33.4 61 51.2 73 75.6 51.0
38 Nov 99.7 54.2 52.0 47.0 2,800 50.6 58 85.6 49.7 19,067 52.4 56 83.9 29.0 37 54.9 73 76.1 50.7
38 Dec 99.7 52.5 51.5 47.3 3,069 50.6 62 81.3 46.2 15,951 52.2 56 83.1 28.2 23 57.6 70 82.3 49.2
39 Jan 99.9 56.5 45.7 41.1 1,242 51.0 62 78.9 53.2 29,897 52.4 60 92.5 34.9 99 51.4 66 83.9 53.5
39 Feb 99.9 59.3 46.3 41.9 1,228 51.5 60 80.1 57.3 35,853 52.3 60 107.3 36.9 113 51.3 62 95.1 54.6
39 Mar 99.8 56.4 47.7 42.5 1,322 50.8 61 80.9 52.3 25,681 52.5 60 95.4 32.6 106 54.5 66 79.0 53.9
39 Apr 99.9 57.7 48.2 42.2 1,335 50.9 64 88.5 54.6 28,290 52.5 62 98.4 34.4 92 53.0 63 85.2 54.5
39 May 99.7 59.5 48.1 42.7 1,259 51.0 64 79.6 57.6 19,685 52.6 60 105.2 29.6 52 53.8 69 80.4 54.8
39 Jun 99.7 54.6 47.6 41.5 1,134 50.5 60 79.8 44.2 5,578 52.3 62 88.7 24.5 33 51.1 60 73.4 53.9
39 Jul 99.7 53.7 47.1 41.6 1,302 50.6 60 79.8 43.0 2,753 52.2 62 89.9 27.3 16 50.6 61 88.3 53.0
39 Aug 99.7 55.1 46.3 40.6 988 51.0 62 77.2 45.2 3,978 52.2 64 103.3 27.5 28 52.2 65 87.8 54.4
39 Sep 99.7 54.9 45.5 40.7 1,007 51.3 62 77.5 44.6 6,240 52.3 64 84.7 26.2 32 51.3 65 72.8 54.3
39 Oct 99.7 54.9 48.1 42.9 1,402 50.8 62 80.8 48.7 12,949 52.2 60 89.2 28.3 49 51.5 61 76.6 53.3
39 Nov 99.7 54.4 47.2 42.1 1,327 50.7 60 81.5 49.3 13,747 52.3 60 86.0 31.2 59 53.7 61 81.3 52.4
39 Dec 99.7 53.1 46.7 42.2 1,502 50.9 58 78.5 47.7 14,057 52.4 58 86.6 27.6 51 52.0 60 72.4 51.1
40 Jan 99.9 50.1 45.9 42.1 1,788 50.2 58 83.0 43.5 7,874 52.1 58 83.0 29.4 98 50.9 58 78.3 48.0
40 Feb 99.9 51.2 46.7 42.8 2,037 50.7 58 81.8 44.3 7,485 52.3 56 83.6 29.8 87 51.2 60 76.0 49.3
40 Mar 99.8 52.0 47.8 44.1 2,764 50.8 58 78.2 43.8 8,989 52.3 58 84.1 31.3 134 52.6 64 78.3 50.3
40 Apr 99.9 52.7 48.0 44.2 2,454 50.8 58 78.7 46.5 8,461 52.4 60 87.4 32.1 124 53.1 66 81.6 50.6
40 May 99.7 52.2 48.9 45.1 2,859 50.6 60 79.7 43.6 7,672 52.3 60 85.0 30.8 109 51.2 62 78.9 50.4
40 Jun 99.7 53.2 49.5 45.3 3,089 50.8 58 80.2 45.0 7,661 52.3 56 92.8 32.4 125 51.0 62 84.1 51.5
40 Jul 99.7 49.7 46.6 42.7 2,605 50.5 56 78.4 41.1 3,052 52.6 56 88.9 29.0 58 50.9 54 79.1 47.9
40 Aug 99.8 50.7 48.0 43.6 3,203 50.3 56 77.8 41.3 3,658 52.3 56 93.3 28.7 54 51.2 54 79.1 49.0
40 Sep 92.2 50.7 46.5 42.5 2,079 50.5 58 76.6 40.7 4,208 52.3 60 82.5 25.7 53 52.5 64 75.9 49.4
40 Oct 99.6 51.0 47.2 43.6 2,897 50.5 56 80.3 43.6 7,677 52.4 60 84.9 28.9 76 50.9 54 76.4 49.0
40 Nov 99.7 54.1 45.8 42.2 2,271 50.6 56 78.9 51.2 9,501 52.3 60 88.5 33.6 97 50.9 55 84.4 50.2
40 Dec 99.7 51.8 46.6 42.6 2,191 50.9 56 81.0 47.1 7,612 52.3 60 89.7 30.5 75 51.0 62 78.8 49.1
2016 mwaa.com 49
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Complaint Statistics
In 2016, the Airports Authority received 6,030 complaints from 93 individuals (89 households) that were
associated with Dulles International (Figures 47 49). The majority of individuals (64.5%) submitted one
Figure 47: IAD 2016 Complaint Statistics Figure 48: IAD 2016 Complaints - Top 5 Individuals
# of # of # of
City Households Indiv iduals Complaints
IAD 2016 Complaints
Aldie 9 9 74 Top 5 Individuals vs. All Other Individuals
Arlington 1 1 1
Ashburn 23 24 48
Centrev ille 3 3 22 Individual 1
Chantilly 6 6 8
Clifton 3 3 10 Individual 2 & 4*
Fairfax 3 3 3
1 VA Residence (Great Falls)*
Great Falls 2 3 1,957 Individuals 3 2 Individuals:
Haymarket 1 1 1 Individual 2 = 1,904 Complaints
Herndon 9 9 11 Individual 5 Individual 4 = 50 Complaints
Leesburg 6 6 10
Manassas 3 3 4
All Other VA Individuals .8%
Oakton 2 2 3
1 VA Resident (Aldie)
Reston 5 6 29
All Other MD Individuals Individual 3 = 50 Complaints
South Riding 2 2 2
Sterling 4 5 30 * Same Residence
# of # of # of
City Households Indiv iduals Complaints
Dickerson 1 1 18
Gaithersburg 1 1 1
All Other VA Individuals
Poolesv ille 1 1 3,794 3.5% 192 Complaints
Potomac 1 1 1
Total 4 4 3,814
1 MD Resident (Poolesville)
Individual 1 = 3,794 Complaints
2016 mwaa.com 50
Dulles International (IAD)
Noise Complaint Statistics - Continued
Figure 49: IAD 2016 Complaint Statistics
Complaints # of # of % of % of
per Individual Individuals Complaints All Individuals All Complaints
1 60 60 64.5% 1.0%
2 12 24 12.9% 0.4%
3 5 15 5.4% 0.2%
5 2 10 2.2% 0.2%
6 3 18 3.2% 0.3%
7 1 7 1.1% 0.1%
8 1 8 1.1% 0.1%
14 1 14 1.1% 0.2%
18 2 36 2.2% 0.6%
20 2 40 2.2% 0.7%
50 2 100 2.2% 1.7%
1,904 1 1,904 1.1% 31.6%
3,794 1 3,794 1.1% 62.9%
2016 mwaa.com 51