Sagar Wright - Investment Search Services

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4 Executive Summary

5 Our Coverage

6 Contact Details

As a business we have extremely
high expectations, which Sagar
Wright understand well
Best recruitment firm I have
worked with.
Executive Summary

Sagar Wright is a national A deep understanding of the market

search firm founded in 1999. We have spent the last 14 years speaking the the language of investment professionals.
We provide our clients with You can be confident in our understanding of what you need culturally & technically
a proactive recruitment and in our ability to deliver a shortlist that always hits the mark.
solution that delivers results
akin to those of a retained A dedicated research function
arrangement without the Sagar Wright employs a full time investment research team who spend 80+ hours a
upfront financial risk. week immersed in the investment market. This ensures our network is always warm,
accurate and wider-reaching than our competition.
We help our clients hire people
of a consistently higher quality Headhunting methodology
than those found via advertised Our clients benefit from a full market search regardless of level. We bring our
response. Our candidates experience as executive search practitioners to mid-&-junior-level roles, improving
always have direct experience the quality of your hires across the board.
of your need and often join
from your closest competitors. Full market coverage
Our network of over 20,000 The investment team covers multiple complimentary service lines. As the lines
investment professionals between each segment continue to blur we can bring expertise from all corners of
nationally is ever-growing institutional investment to our clients teams, augmenting the value you can add to
and covers all of the market, your own clients.
removing the limits individual
professional networks often Consultants to your business
have. We offer: We partner with our clients and are on hand to advise you throughout the interview
process. Hiring the best candidates requires a joined up approach and we ensure our
client is fully briefed on how to attract, how to mitigate any concerns and the optimal
package needed to gain acceptance.

Trusted advisors to candidates

Our Consultants are trained to uncover a candidates deep-lying motivators, abilities
& career goals first before recommending appropriate roles & companies.You can be
sure that candidates are meeting with you for the right reasons.

High quality Consultants, trained for a full 12 months

At Sagar Wright we only hire quality Consultants. Our team are all home grown 1st
I find your process market leading, class or 2:1 graduates that we train for a minimum of 12 months in our in house
a refreshing change from the semi- Graduate Training Academy.
disinterested stance of many peers
(especially those in selection roles). Introductions at all levels
This makes securing the new role Each year we help an incredibly wide spectrum of professionals find a new role, from
seem more of a partnership than fresh graduates to some of the most highly-regarded investment professionals globally.
a contest even though each role
is secured by just one of many Shortlist timescales
competing candidates. Two to three weeks. No more.
Executive Summary

From top to bottom

Investment Consulting
DB & DC Implementation Insurance consulting

Client relationship management LDI Structuring Sovereign entities & endowments

Investment Strategy De-risking ESG

ALM & risk modelling New business Sales & marketing

Manager Research Client services Technology


LDI Asset Management Manager Research Pensions

LDI structuring UK & US Equity
Client strategy/Solutions Emerging Market Equity
Actuarial Consulting
LDI Portfolio Management Fixed Income
Trustee advisory
LDI trading Multi-Asset
Corporate advisory
Implementation Diversified Growth
Client relationship management Real Assets
Product specialists Hedge Funds
Covenant advisory
Derivative pricing & structuring Liquid Alternatives

Passive / Exchange Traded In House

Multi-Asset Fund Risk Premia Investment directors
Management Portfolio managers
Asset allocation Fiduciary Management Investment strategists
Research Fiduciary sales
Portfolio management Portfolio management

Client relations Fiduciary manager research & selection Banking

Client strategy & solutions Fiduciary manager monitoring
Pension & insurance solutions
Risk Premia Product specialist
Structuring & ALM
Passive strategies Client strategy
Institutional sales & marketing
Active portfolio management Client account management

Quantitative analysts Multi-asset & LDI fund management

Contact us

Phoenix House Tel: +44 (0) 113-234-0500 James and Adam have now secured
3 South Parade Fax: +44 (0) 113-243-3684 me two roles in my career, which is
South Parade commendable. Working with other
Leeds Email: [email protected] agencies has been a mixed bag. Whilst
LS1 5QX there have been other good recruiters
who have secured me roles (and some
average ones that have too), none have
come close in terms of attentiveness.

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