Gauge Invariance and Weyl-Polymer Quantization
Gauge Invariance and Weyl-Polymer Quantization
Gauge Invariance and Weyl-Polymer Quantization
Invariance and
Lecture Notes in Physics
Volume 904
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viii Introduction
(e.g. the plane waves as the limit of narrower and narrower wave packets of
momentum). Much more problematic and actually mathematically inconsistent is
to consider quantizations built on a cyclic non-normalizable vector, typically the
ground state, because then all the so-obtained vectors are non-normalizable and all
transition amplitudes are divergent. As discussed in these notes (Chap. 3), a much
more satisfactory solution of this problem is Weyl quantization with non-regular
The non-regular Weyl representations for the quantization of systems with a
gauge symmetry exhibit the following characteristic structures, which play an
important role in the analysis of the vacuum structure in Quantum Chromodynamics
(QCD) and do not have a counterpart in the Dirac-Heisenberg canonical quantiza-
i) a gauge invariance constraint (typically a Gauss law constraint) in operator
form compatible with canonical Weyl quantization
ii) superselected charges defined by the center of the observable algebra
iii) gauge invariant ground states, defining inequivalent representations of the
observable algebra, labeled by the spectrum of the superselected charges (the
strict analog of the so-called sectors of QCD)
iv) absence of Goldstone states associated to the spontaneous breaking of
symmetries conjugated to the gauge transformations (like the chiral symmetry
in QCD).
Such features are not peculiar of QCD and also appear in all (finite dimensional)
QM models with a gauge symmetry generated by the center of the observable
algebra. In our opinion, the realization of such general structures and their very clear
and simple realization in (finite dimensional) QM mechanical models, fully under
control, discussed in Chap. 3, sheds light on the more difficult infinite dimensional
Gauge Quantum Field Theory models.
In particular, the occurrence and relevance of non-regular representations of field
algebras is exemplified by the massless scalar field in two spacetime dimensions
and by the (positive) realization of the temporal gauge in Quantum Electrodynamics
(QED) (Chap. 4).
Non-regular Weyl quantization also provides a strategy for a derivation of the
vacuum structure and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD in a more acceptable and
convincing mathematical setting, as discussed in Chap. 4, Sect. 4. In this respect,
these notes may be regarded as a supplement and a mathematical glossary to the
standard somewhat heuristic arguments about the vacuum structure in QCD and the
U.1/ axial symmetry breaking.
Non-regular representations arise also in quantizations of diffeomorphism covari-
ant theories with a diffeomorphism invariant ground state, as discussed in Chap. 5.
They play a crucial role in string quantization and in Loop Quantum Gravity, where
they have been advocated under the name of polymer quantizations. Their features
(like the occurrence of non-separable Hilbert spaces, the impossibility of defining
gauge dependent fields as Hilbert space operators, etc.) should not be regarded as
x Introduction
qi ; pj D iij ; qi ; qj D 0 D pi ; pj ; i; j D 1; : : : ; s; (1.1.1)
P.A.M. Dirac, The principles of Quantum mechanics, Oxford University Press 1986, Chap. IV.
The unitary equivalent so-called Heisenberg representation is obtained by (the unitary) Fourier
transform: .q Q /.k/ D i@k Q .k/, .p Q /.k/ D k Q .k/.
qj D D; pj D D; qi pj pj qi D iij 1; on D: (1.1.2)
Without further conditions the commutation relations in the form of Eq. (1.1.2)
admit a plenty of representations which are not unitarily equivalent to the
Schrdinger representation. Thus, one is facing the mathematical and physical
problem of focusing the conditions which select the standard Schrdinger choice;
this will be the object of the present section.
To this purpose we recall the following basic concepts.
The (real) Heisenberg Lie algebra,, henceforth denoted by LsH is the Lie algebra
with generators Q Q i ; PQ i ; Z,
Q i D 1; : : : ; s, and Lie brackets Q
Q i ; PQ j D ij Z,
Q all other
Lie brackets vanishing. The relation with the canonical variables qi ; pi is given by
qj ! iQ Q j , pj ! iPQ j , 1 ! iZ. Q
The non-compact Heisenberg group Hs is obtained by the exponential map
.; ; / D eQC PC
, ; 2 Rs , 2 R, so that the group law is
.; ; /. 0 ; 0 ; 0 / D . C 0 ; C 0 ; C 0 C 12 . 0 0 //:
The so defined Heisenberg group has a non-trivial center, generated by .0; 0; z/,
so that its irreducible representations are not faithful. Hence, it is convenient to
consider the reduced Heisenberg group, obtained by restricting z to be a real
number modulo 2; in the following for simplicity, the reduced group shall still
be referred to as the Heisenberg group.3 Clearly, it is generated by the elements
U./ .; 0; 0/, V./ .0; ; 0/, eiz 1 .0; 0; z/, z being a real number
modulo 2.
The Weyl algebra, also briefly called CCR algebra is the algebra generated by
the elements U./; V./, ; 2 Rs , with product rules provided by the group laws
of the Heisenberg group
For more details on the Heisenberg group, see G.B. Folland, Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space,
Princeton University Press 1989, esp. Chap. 1.
2 * From Heisenberg to Weyl Quantization 3
also called canonical commutation relations in Weyl form or briefly the Weyl
relations. Clearly, by the Weyl relations, all monomials of Us and Vs reduce to
products of the form UVeiz 1.
One may define a * operation by U./ D U./, V./ D V./, and there is
a unique norm jj jj, with jjU./jj D jjV./jj D 1 and satisfying jjA Ajj D jjAjj2 ,
8A.4 The norm closure of the Weyl algebra with such a norm defines the Weyl C -
algebra AW .5
Definition 1.1 A representation of a (real) Lie algebra L in a Hilbert space H is a
homomorphism of L into a set of linear operators in H having a common invariant
dense domain D. A representation is therefore identified by the pair .; D H/.
The representation is said to be self-adjoint if 8X 2 L, i.X/ is essentially self-
adjoint on D.
A representation of a Lie group G in a Hilbert space H is a homomorphism
of G into a set of bounded operators in H, i.e. .g1 g2 / D .g1 / .g2 /, .e/ D 1,
8g1 ; g2 2 G, e denoting the identity.
The representation of G is called unitary if 8g 2 G, .g/ is a unitary operator.
A unitary representation of G is called regular if the representatives of the one-
parameter subgroups of G are continuous in the group parameters with respect to
the strong Hilbert space topology.
A self-adjoint representation of the Heisenberg Lie algebra defines what shall
be called a Heisenberg quantization. A representation of the Weyl algebra
(equivalently a unitary representation of the Heisenberg group) defines a Weyl
quantization, which is called regular if so is the defining representation.6
A regular Weyl quantization defines a Heisenberg quantization, but the converse is
not true, without further (mathematical) conditions discussed in the next Section.
See J. Slawny, Comm. Math. Phys. 24, 151 (1971); J. Manuceau, M Sirugue, D. Testard and A.
Verbeure, Comm. Math. Phys. 32, 231 (1973).
We recall that a C -algebra A is a complex Banach algebra with an involution * such that the
norm satisfies jjA Ajj D jjAjj2 , 8A 2 A.
This means that for any pair of Hilbert space vectors ; 2 H , the matrix elements
F .; / .; .U./ V.// /, of the representatives of the group elements, are continuous
functions of ; .
4 1 Heisenberg Quantization and Weyl Quantization
the Heisenberg group.7 Clearly, Weyl strategy can be regarded as a regularized (and
actually more general) version of Heisenberg quantization, since it is formulated in
terms of the (bounded) Weyl variables U; V. Moreover, by Stone-Von-Neumann
(SvN) theorem, the requirement of regularity of the unitary representations of
the commutation relations in Weyl form, uniquely leads to Schrdinger quantum
mechanics (see below).
Furthermore one has
Theorem 2.1 Let U./; V./, ; 2 Rn be weakly continuous unitary groups
satisfying the Weyl relations (1.1.3), (1.1.4), in a separable Hilbert space H, then
there is a dense domain D of essential self-adjointness for the generators q; p
satisfying Eqs. (1.1.2)
The proof of Theorem 1.2 follows from Stone-von Neumann uniqueness theorem
on the unitary equivalence of all weakly continuous irreducible unitary representa-
tions of the Weyl relations (see below). A direct proof exploits the construction and
properties of the dense Grding domain D, defined as the linear space spanned by
the vectors
W.f / d d f .; /U./ V./
2 2
with f of the form f .; / D n m ea. C / , m; n 2 N; a > 0. The argument
is essentially the same as for the proof of Stones theorem on weakly continuous
groups of unitary operators, by which weak continuity is equivalent to the condition
that the generators are represented by self-adjoint operators.8
Thus, strongly continuous unitary representations of the Heisenberg group define
self-adjoint representations of the Heisenberg Lie algebra. However, not all the
representations of the Heisenberg Lie algebra are obtained in this way. In fact,
even if the Heisenberg canonical variables q; p are represented by essentially self-
adjoint operators on a common invariant dense domain D, on which they satisfy
the canonical commutation relations (1.1.2), they need not to exponentiate to the
Heisenberg group, nor be equivalent to the Schrdinger representation.
An interesting physical question is to clarify the physical requirements which
lead from Heisenberg quantization to Schrdinger quantum mechanics. For this
purpose, as we shall see, two properties are at issue: the exponentiation of the
Heisenberg variables to unitary groups satisfying the Weyl relations and the weak
continuity of such unitary groups.
H. Weyl, The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, Dover 1931; W. Thirring, A Course in
Mathematical Physics, Vol. 3, Quantum Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules, Springer 1981. For
an extensive and excellent analysis of Weyl quantization see D.A. Dubin, M.A. Hennings and T.B.
Smith, Mathematical aspects of Weyl quantization and phase, World Scientific 2000.
See M. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. I,, Academic Press
1972, Sect. VIII.4, and Vol. II, Problem 30, p. 341.
2 * From Heisenberg to Weyl Quantization 5
From a mathematical point of view the property that the Heisenberg variables
q; p exponentiate to one-parameter weakly continuous unitary groups is equivalent
to their self-adjointness (by Stones theorem); therefore, it is implied by the physical
requirement that q; p describe (unbounded) observables and are therefore described
by self-adjoint operators in the Hilbert space of states.
The strong continuity is a standard condition in the theory of representations of
Lie groups and by von Neumann theorem, for representations in separable Hilbert
spaces, it is equivalent to the weak measurability of .U.//, .V.//.9 Therefore,
it is hard to think of a weaker condition, if the generators of the Heisenberg group
are required to be observable variables.
Given for granted that the Heisenberg variables must at least satisfy Eqs. (1.1.2),
the Weyl relations for the corresponding unitary groups may be derived by the
condition that on the common dense domain D also the quadratic Nelson operator
q2 C p2 associated to the Heisenberg Lie algebra is essentially self-adjoint. By
Nelson-Stinespring theorems this implies that on D all the polynomials of q or of p
are essentially self-adjoint on D, i.e. all such polynomials are uniquely defined as
selfadjoint operators.10 A physical motivation for such a condition is the selection
of those representations of the Heisenberg canonical variables which guarantee
the construction of at least the polynomial functions separately of q and of p,
as self-adjoint operators.11 Under such conditions the Weyl relations follow from
Eqs. (1.1.2) by the Rellich-Dixmier theorem.
Theorem 2.2 If q and p satisfy the Heisenberg relations in the form (1.1.2) and
also q2 C p2 is essentially self-adjoint of D, then the unitary groups defined by q and
p satisfy the Weyl relations.
Proof Under the same hypotheses Dixmier proved that the action of q and p is
unitarily equivalent to that of a direct sum of the Schrdinger representations and
for all of them the Weyl relations hold.12
See e.g. M. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. I, Academic
Press 1979, Chap. VIII, Sect. 4, Theorem VIII.9.
For the Nelson-Stinespring theorems see, e.g., A.O. Barut and R. Raczka, Theory of Group
Representations and Applications, World Scientific 1986, Chap. 12, Sect. 2.
One cannot require that all the elements of the enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg Lie algebra,
namely the polynomial algebra generated by the Heisenberg canonical variables q; p, are essentially
self-adjoint on D.
For the proof of Dixmier theorem and more generally for the discussion of mathematical
conditions on the generators of the Heisenberg Lie algebra, which ensure their exponentiation
to the Heisenberg group, see C.R. Putnam, Commutation Properties of Hilbert Space Operators
and Related Topics, Springer 1967, esp. Chap. IV; P.E.T Jorgensen and R.T. Moore, Operator
Commutation Relations, Reidel 1984.
6 1 Heisenberg Quantization and Weyl Quantization
Weyl quantization allows for a simple formulation of the condition which leads to
Schrdinger quantum mechanics.
Definition 3.1 A unitary representation of a Lie group G in a Hilbert space H is
said to be irreducible if the only closed invariant subspaces are f0g and H.
Proposition 3.2 Given a unitary irreducible representation of a Lie group G
in a Hilbert space H, let AG denote the algebra generated by (complex) linear
combinations and products of the operators .g/, g 2 G. Then any vector 2 H is
cyclic for AG , i.e. AG D H.
Proof Clearly, denoting by * the Hilbert space adjoint one has AG D AG and H1
AG is a closed invariant subspace.
Theorem 3.3 (Stone-von Neumann Uniqueness Theorem) All unitary regular
irreducible representations of the canonical commutation relations in Weyl form
are unitarily equivalent to the Schrdinger representation:
Proof Since, by the Weyl relations the monomials of elements of the form
W.; / D ei U./ V./ reduce to an element of the same form, a unitary
irreducible representation is completely determined, up to isometries, by the
expectations of the W.; /s on a (cyclic) vector . In fact, if ; 0 are two
unitary irreducible representations in H; H0 , respectively, and for a pair of (cyclic)
vectors 2 H, 0 2 H0 , one has .; .AG // D . 0 ; AG 0 /, then the mapping
U W .A/ ! 0 .A/ 0 , 8A 2 AG , and its inverse are densely defined and preserve
the scalar products. Then, U defines an isometry between the two representations.
Now, for any unitary regular representation , .W.; // is a continuous
bounded operator-valued function, so that the integral
2 C 2 /=4
P .1=2/ d d e. .W.; // D P ; (1.3.2)
See, e.g., F. Strocchi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd
expanded edition, World Scientific 2010, p. 63; hereafter this book will sometimes be referred to
as Strocchi (2010).
8 1 Heisenberg Quantization and Weyl Quantization
this is no longer the case for N identical particles, characterized by presence of the
gauge group of permutations.
These considerations suggest that the basic ingredient for description of quantum
systems is the C -algebra of observables and the quantization problem, i.e. the
identification of the quantum states of the system, reduces to the analysis of the
representations of its C -algebra of observables.14
Such a structure is already present, actually in a stronger form, in one of the
Dirac-von Neumann axioms, where it is assumed that the observables are described
by the set of self-adjoint operators in the Hilbert space H of vector states, so that
they generate the C -algebra of all bounded operators in H.
As discussed in the references of footnote 14, the C -algebraic structure of the
observables is enough for deriving the other Dirac-von Neumann axioms: (i) the
description of the states by Hilbert space vectors follows from the Gelfand-Naimark-
Segal representation theorem, (ii) the representation of the observables by Hilbert
space operators follows from Gelfand-Naimark theorem on the characterization of
abstract C -algebras, (iii) finally, by Stone-von Neumann theorem, Schrdinger
quantum mechanics follows from Heisenberg uncertainty relations codified by
the canonical commutation relations which define the non-abelian C -algebraic
structure of AW .
The formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of the algebra of observables
allows for a simple description of the so-called superselection rules, which in the
conventional formulation correspond to the existence of quantum numbers commut-
ing with all observables. In the C -algebraic formulation, superselection rules are
defined by the existence of inequivalent physically acceptable representations of the
observable algebra.
Therefore, in the cases in which the algebra of observables is given by the Weyl
algebra, so that the regularity of the representations of the Weyl algebra is physically
motivated and may be taken as a criterion of physical acceptability, Stone-von
Neumann uniqueness theorem implies that there are no superselection rules; this
is the case of quantum systems of N distinguishable particles.
In view of the relevance of the C -algebraic structure of the observables and in
order to provide a simple dictionary for the discussion of the following Chapters
we recall a few basic facts15 about representations of C -algebras, which in the
following shall always be assumed to be unital, i.e. to have an identity 1.
A state ! of a C algebra A is a positive linear functional on A, i.e. 8A; B 2 A,
!.A/ 2 C, !.A C B/ D !.A/ C !.B/, !.A A/ 0. A positive functional is
necessarily continuous: j!.A/j jjAjj !.1/. Without loss of generality, one can
assume that the states are normalized, i.e. !.1/ D 1.
For a presentation of quantum mechanics based on the physically motivated C -algebraic
structure of the observables, see F. Strocchi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Structure of
Quantum mechanics, 2nd expanded ed. World Scientific 2010; Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2012), 127:12.
For a more extended account see e.g. Strocchi (2010).
3 Stone-von Neumann Theorem and Schrdinger Quantum Mechanics 9
Any other representation, !0 in a Hilbert space H!0 with a cyclic vector !0
satisfying Eq. (1.3.4), i.e. .!0 ; !0 .A/ !0 / D !.A/, is unitarily equivalent to ! .
Theorem 3.5 The GNS representation defined by a state ! is irreducible if and
only if ! is pure.
Theorem 3.6 (Gelfand-Naimark) A C -algebra A, with identity, is isomorphic to
a C -algebra of (bounded) operators in a Hilbert space.
A multiplicative linear functional m on an abelian (unital) C -algebra A, is a
homomorphism of A into the set C (of complex numbers), i.e. a mapping which
preserves all the algebraic relations:
q D q1 q2 ; p D .m2 p1 m1 p2 /=.m1 C m2 /; P D p1 C p2 :
The gauge invariant states are the eigenstates of P; in particular, the ground state of
the Hamiltonian
corresponds to the zero eigenvalue of P. Then, the GNS representation of the (twelve
dimensional) Heisenberg group defined by such ground state is not regular.
As discussed in the Introduction, the cheap widespread solution of admitting
non-normalizable states is mathematically unacceptable, since a non-normalizable
cyclic ground state implies that all transition amplitudes are divergent.
Actually, for the gauge invariant quantization of gauge models, as the examples
mentioned above, rather than considering the fake escape of non-normalizable state
For a mathematical analysis of non-regular representations of the Weyl algebra see the pioneering
paper by R. Baume, J. Manuceau, A. Pellet and M. Sirugue, Comm. Math Phys. 38, 29 (1974);
a systematic analysis from the point of view of gauge quantum models is given by F. Acerbi, G.
Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour, Math. Phys. 34, 899 (1992); Lett. Math. Phys. 27, 1 (1993); Lett.
Math. Phys. 26, 13 (1992).
2 The Representation Defined by a Translationally Invariant State 13
We consider for simplicity the one-dimensional case. The group of space transla-
tions , 2 R, is described by the one-parameter group V./, and a state !0 on
AW is translationally invariant if
may be represented by a wave function A .x/ D n2Z an ein x , with scalar product
given by the ergodic mean
. A; A/ D jan j2 D lim .2L/1 dx N A .x/ A .x/: (2.2.4)
L!1 L
!0 .U./ V. /// D !0 .V./U./ V. /V./ / D !0 .U./ V. //ei : (2.2.5)
is a unitary operator and satisfies T./AT./ D .A/. In fact, the mapping T./
(together with its inverse) defined on the dense set AW 0 by
The rest of the Proposition follows from a direct check that the cyclic vector
defined by the wave function 1 D 1 yields the same expectations as !0 ; therefore
the corresponding GNS representations are unitarily equivalent. Moreover, one has
(Bloch electrons). Such improper states do not play the mere role of limiting
extrapolations of well defined vectors (like the plane waves in the free case),
since all the physically relevant states used in the treatment of periodic structures
in solids belong to the cyclic representation defined by the ground state and the
For an excellent treatment of the Schrdinger operators with periodic potentials, see M. Reed and
B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. IV, Academic Press 1978, Sect. XIII.16;
in particular pp. 287301 for the one-dimensional case. For an expository presentation of the one-
dimensional case, see e.g. A.A. Cottey, Am. J. Phys. 39, 1235 (1971). For the discussion of the
related physical problem see e.g. J.M. Ziman, Principles of the Theory of Solids, Cambridge Univ.
Press 1964, Chap. 1; N.W. Ashcroft, Solid State Physics, Saunders College Publ. 1976, p. 132141.
G. Floquet, Ann. cole Norm. Sup. 12, 47 (1883); W. Magnus and S. Winkler, Hills Equation,
Wiley 1966; F. Bloch, Z. Physik 52, 555 (1928).
16 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
latter corresponds to the improper wave function 00 .x/ D v00 .x/ (Eq. (2.3.1) with
k D 0; n D 0). This justifies to look for a mathematical control of the status of such
representations also in order to obtain well defined rules for computing transition
amplitudes etc.
Another motivation for such an investigation is to clarify the analogy drawn
between the vacua representations in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and that
of the ground state of the Bloch electron.4
Proposition 3.1 5 Let W.x/ be a bounded measurable periodic potential, W.x/ D
W.x C a/, then there exists one and only one irreducible representation .; K/ of
the CCR algebra AW in which the Hamiltonian
H D p2 =2 C W.x/
is well defined, as a strong limit of elements of AW (on a dense domain), and has a
ground state 0 2 K.
Moreover, such a representation is independent of W, in the class mentioned
above, and it is the unique non-regular representation 0 in which the subgroup
V./, 2 R is regularly represented; its generator p has a discrete spectrum.
The Hilbert space K of 0 consists of the formal sums
.x/ D cn ein x ; fcn g 2 l2 .C/; x 2 R; n 2 R; (2.3.2)
. ; /D 2
jcn j D lim .2L/ 1
dx N .x/ .x/: (2.3.3)
L!1 L
R. Jackiw, Rev. Mod. Phys. 49, 681 (1977), Sect. III. G.
J. Lffeholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 35, 251 (1995).
3 Bloch Electron and Non-regular Quantization 17
.x/ D cn U.n / 1 D cn exp .in x/ 2 H ;
n n
implies V.a/ .x/ D ei .x/ and on the other hand, by the Weyl commutation
V.a/ cn U.n / 1 D cn ein .xCa/ :
n n
Hence, one must have n D =a C 2n=a, n 2 Z and .x/ can be written as in
Eq. (2.3.6), i.e. .x/ is a quasi periodic function of the form of Eq. (2.3.1), with
k D =a.
3) The unique ground state belongs to H D0 .
Since V.a/ commutes with H, the subspaces H reduce K and in H the
Hamiltonian reduces to H D H0; C W.x/, H0; D p2 =2m. Since W.x/ is
bounded, it is a bounded operator in each H and therefore it is infinitesimally
smaller than H0; in the sense of Kato, (i.e. jjW jj ajjH0; jj C bjj jj,
with inf a D 0). Since the spectrum of H0; is discrete, so is the spectrum of H ;
this implies that ground states exist.
Moreover, the boundedness of W.x/ in H implies that eH has a strictly
positive kernel, i.e. eH .x/ > 0, 8 0. Now, if 0 2 H is the
ground state, it must have a non-vanishing projection 0; on at least one H ,
corresponding to inf .H /. By a generalized Perron-Frobenius theorem the
corresponding wave function may be chosen strictly positive
For the permanence of a discrete spectrum under a bounded perturbation see M. Reed and
B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. IV, Academic Press 1972, Theors.
XII.11, XII.13. For the generalized Perron-Frobenius theorem see J. Glimm and A. Jaffe, Quantum
Physics. A Functional Integral Point of View, Springer 1987, Sect. 3.3; for a simple account see F.
Strocchi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., World
Scientific 2008, Sect. 6.4.
3 Bloch Electron and Non-regular Quantization 19
U./ U.=a/ maps K into K C . In each space K corresponding to such
a decomposition, the spectrum of p is discrete and coincides there with the
spectrum in the subspace H of the preceding case. Then, the representation
of the subalgebra generated by V./, 2 R and by U.2n=a/, n 2 Z, is
quasi equivalent to that in H . The Hamiltonian H is therefore defined in K
and has the same spectrum as in H ; by the same arguments if inf .H/ is
an eigenvalue the corresponding eigenvector must belong to K D0 , which must
therefore appear as a discrete component of K. Since the spectrum of p is purely
discrete in K D0 , by irreducibility it is purely discrete in K and has no singular
component there.
The above theorem allows to recover in a simple (mathematically rigorous) way
the basic features of the analysis of the energy spectrum in the case of periodic
a) Band structure. The energy spectrum fEn ./g is characterized by bands,
classified by the quantum number n 2 Z; within each band the energy levels
are functions of the parameter 2 0; 2=a/.
b) Description in terms of the elementary cell. Equation (2.3.6) defines an
isomorphism between H and L2 .0; a/; dx=a/, so that the scalar product in H
reduces to an L2 product with integration over the elementary cell 0; a. In this
identification, p is represented by the self adjoint extension of the differential
operator id=dx, corresponding to the boundary conditions .a/ D ei .0/.
The generic function 2 K can be expressed as a denumerable superposition
of k
.x/ D c.k / k .x/
. ; H / D. 0; .H C p=m C 2 =2m/ 0 /:
M. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. IV, Academic Press,
Sect. XIII.16.
20 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
Let V.g/ denote the element of G which defines g : g .F/ D V.g/ F V.g/1 ,
8F 2 FW ; then, ! .V.g//U.g/ commutes with FW and, in each irreducible
representation of FW , ! .V.g// U.g/ D ei.g/ 1. Hence, ! is an eigenvector of
! .V.g//, with eigenvalue ei.g/ ,
Thus, the analysis of Sect. 2, applies, with the result that the GNS representation
! of FW , equivalently of GH , defined by a gauge invariant state ! is non-regular,
H! D H ;
2 .Z/
The description of the quantum two-body problem is provided by the Weyl field
algebra FW generated by the exponentials u./; v./ of the center of mass canonical
variables Q; P, and by the exponentials U./, V./ of the relative canonical
variables q; p. The Hamiltonian has the form
and, for the purpose of discussing the bound state spectrum and in particular
the lowest energy level, the position of the center of mass is irrelevant. It is
therefore natural to consider as observable C -algebra A the algebra generated by
the canonical variable q; p; P. Since the center of mass position is not observed, the
translations v./ of the center of mass have the meaning of gauge transformations.
Therefore, the representations of the canonical field algebra FW defined by a
gauge invariant state ! are characterized by the property that the vector ! , which
represents !, is an eigenvector of v./, equivalently of P. In particular, the lowest
energy state !0 must satisfy !0 .P2 / D 0, so that the corresponding vector 0
This means that the representation defined by the state ! , ! .A/ !..A// is
unitary equivalent to ! :
R. Jackiw, Topological Investigations of Quantized Gauge Theories, in S.B. Treiman, R. Jackiw,
B. Zumino and E. Witten, Current Algebra and Anomalies, World Scientific 1985.
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, J. Math. Phys. 44, 5095 (2003).
4 Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Canonical Quantization 23
In this case, gives rise to a Wigner symmetry in H! , i.e. all transition amplitudes
are invariant. Otherwise, if there is no unitary operator which implements in H! ,
by Wigner theorem on symmetries at least one transition amplitude is not invariant
and the symmetry is said to be broken in H! . An algebraic symmetry is said to be
regular if it maps regular representations into regular ones.10
In the case of quantum systems described by the canonical Weyl algebra, any
regular algebraic symmetry is unbroken in any regular irreducible representation,
since, by Stone-von Neumann theorem, all such representations are unitarily
equivalent. Thus, the important phenomenon of symmetry breaking, in the strong
sense of a loss of symmetry as defined above, (not merely as the non-invariance
of the ground state) cannot appear in the case of Heisenberg quantization, more
generally in the case of regular Weyl quantization.
The situation drastically changes in the case of non-regular Weyl quantization.
A distinguished case is when one has the structure discussed in Sect. 4.1, namely
a canonical algebra FW and an observable (gauge invariant) subalgebra A, with a
non-trivial center Z A.
Clearly, any symmetry of A, defined by an element of FW , is implemented
by a unitary operator T./ in the non-regular representation of FW , defined by a
gauge invariant state ! , 2 .Z/.
However, if does not commute with the gauge group G, is broken in each
irreducible representation H of the observable subalgebra A, i.e. fails to define a
Wigner symmetry of the gauge invariant states of H D A ! , because T./ does
not leave H invariant.
In the regular irreducible representation, r of FW , the symmetry is unbroken
but the elements of Z have a continuous spectrum in Hr and there is no gauge
invariant (proper) state vector in Hr .
Proposition 4.2 Let FW denote the canonical field C -algebra defined by a
Heisenberg group GH , A the observable C -subalgebra, Z the non-trivial center
of A generated by the commutative subgroup G GH (gauge group), then
i) any algebraic symmetry of A, defined by an element of GH which does not
commute with G, is spontaneously broken in each irreducible representation of
A ( sector);
ii) in any representation of FW defined by a gauge invariant state !, the one-
parameter subgroups which do not commute with G are non-regularly repre-
sented, so that the corresponding generators cannot be defined as operators in
H! , only their exponentials exist.
For representations of A defined by a ground state !0 , (more generally by a state
! invariant under time translations), the non-invariance of !0 ,
For a discussion of the meaning and the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking see: F.
Strocchi, Symmetry Breaking, 2nd ed., Springer 2008.
24 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
is still compatible with giving rise to a Wigner symmetry in the GNS representa-
tion space H!0 . In this case, if commutes with the dynamics, Eq. (2.4.6) implies
degeneracy of the ground state. This is what happens if (2.4.6) holds for defined
by an element of the field algebra FW which commutes also with the gauge group.
A one-parameter group , 2 R, of symmetries shall be called a continuous
symmetry. A symmetry is called internal if it commutes with the one-parameter
group t , t 2 R, of the time translations. In the following, the breaking of an internal
symmetry shall be called spontaneous symmetry breaking.
d . .A//
F D ..A// D jD0 ;
ii) the generation of the continuous symmetry by elements of the strong closure
.A/00 of .A/, in the sense that there is a sequence Qn D Qn 2 .A/00 ,
n D 1; ::, such that
F D i lim Qn ; F :
For a review and critical discussion of the Goldstone theorem see F. Strocchi, Symmetry Breaking,
2nd ed., Springer 2008, Chap. 15.
4 Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Canonical Quantization 25
states. In this case, one gets a picture close to the standard heuristic formulation
of spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry, based on the following
oversimplified assumptions: (i) the continuous symmetry is generated by a
charge Q, in the sense that F D i Q; F , (ii) the Hamiltonian is symmetric,
i.e. Q; H D 0, (iii) < F > 0; the conclusion being that Q0 0 has zero
Closer to the infinite-dimensional case is the case in which there is no sequence
Qn , with the above property, which converges weakly to a self-adjoint operator
Q; then, if < F > 0, the symmetry is broken in the strong sense of loss of
symmetry and < F > is the strict analog of a symmetry breaking order parameter,
which characterizes symmetry breaking in quantum field theory or in many body
theory. Similarly, < F >D i limn!1 < Qn ; F > plays the role of the symmetry
breaking Ward identity.
If commutes with t , then, by the invariance of the ground state under t , one
lim < Qn ; t .F/ >D id < .t .F// > =djD0 D id < .F/ > =djD0
It is worthwhile to stress that such a time independence of the Ward identity holds
also in the more general case in which the symmetry does not commute with the
Hamiltonian, limn!1 Qn .t/; H D A 0, but < A; F >D 0 (in analogy with the
so-called anomaly occurring in the infinite-dimensional case). This is, e.g., the case
in which the Hamiltonian is invariant up to a time derivative which commutes with
F (see the example of the Bloch electron discussed below).
Theorem 4.3 Let , 2 R, be a one-parameter group of automorphisms of the
algebra A, t the one-parameter group of time translations and the representation
defined by a ground state !0 . If for some F 2 .A/,
for a suitable sequence of Qn D Qn , Qn .t/ t .Qn /, the limit being understood in
the sense of convergence of tempered distributions in the variable t, then there is no
energy gap above the ground state. Actually, there is a state (Goldstone-like state)
orthogonal to the ground state, with the ground state energy.
Proof It is enough to consider the case in which F D F , since if F D F1 C iF2 ,
Fi D Fi , i D 1; 2, by linearity the symmetry breaking condition must hold
for at least one Fi . Since the representation is defined by a ground state, .t/ is
implemented by a one-parameter group of unitary operators U.t/; t 2 R, with
26 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
the generator normalized so that the ground state has zero energy. Without loss
of generality one can assume that < Qn >D 0, since Eq. (2.4.7) holds also for
QQn Qn < Qn > : Then, one has
The distributional convergence of Jn .t/ 2 Im < Qn U.t/F > and Eq. (2.4.7)
imply the following distributional convergence of the Fourier transforms JQn .!/
Then, by using the spectral representation U.t/ D ei!t dE.!/, one concludes that
the energy spectral measure contains a .!/.
The ground state !0 cannot be responsible for such a point spectrum, since its
contribution as intermediate state in the right hand side of Eq. (2.4.7) vanishes as
a consequence of < Qn >D 0; hence there is a zero energy eigenvector orthogonal
to the ground state vector.
Remarks A few remarks may be useful.
The statement that the infinitesimal variations under the symmetry transforma-
tions is given by a limit of commutators with charges Qn does not require that, in
the given ground state representation, is implemented by a weakly continuous
group of unitary operators.
In the infinite-dimensional cases of quantum field theory and of many body
theory, the generation of the symmetry is through the commutator of local charges,
typically the integrals of the charge density j0 .x; t/ of a conserved current j .x; t/
(@ j D 0):
F D i lim QR ; F ; QR D dx j0 .x; t/
R!1 jxjR
and < F > 0 implies that the commutator QR ; F does not converge to the
commutator of a charge Q; therefore QR is not weakly convergent to a well defined
global charge Q. Hence, the generation of the symmetry can only be expected to
occur as a limit of commutators of (not weakly converging) local charges.
It is worthwhile to stress that the non-invariance of the ground state expectation
of a field F does not guarantee that one can write a corresponding Ward identity, a
crucial ingredient for the Goldstone theorem.
The interplay between gauge invariance and the breaking of a continuous
symmetry provides a mechanism for evading the conclusions of the Goldstone
theorem, i.e. for allowing an energy gap in the presence of symmetry breaking.
In fact, let us consider the case in which
i) the continuous symmetry is defined by a (one-parameter) subgroup of the
Heisenberg group GH , which does not commute with the gauge transformations,
4 Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Canonical Quantization 27
The field algebra FW is generated by the Weyl operators U./; V./, ; 2 R (we
keep considering the one-dimensional case).
The periodic structure of the system leads to consider as observable C -algebra
A the sub-algebra generated by V./ and by the periodic functions of the position
U.2n=a/, n 2 Z. The center Z of A is generated by the translations V.a/ and the
irreducible representations of A are defined by the subspaces H ( sectors).
The operators U.=a/; 2n intertwine between the inequivalent represen-
tations and C and the corresponding one-parameter group is non-regularly
represented in the representation of FW defined by the gauge invariant ground
state 0 .
The Bloch model has been discussed in order to clarify structures and mecha-
nisms argued to characterize Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).12 For the analo-
gies and correspondences we remark that the lattice translations play the
role of the large gauge transformations Tn and the sectors H correspond to the
R. Jackiw, Topological Investigations of Quantized Gauge Theories, in S.B. Treiman, R. Jackiw,
B. Zumino and E. Witten, Current Algebra and Anomalies, World Scientific 1985, p. 211359,
Sect. 3.5.
28 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
representations defined by the vacua, (here all the states D U./0 have
higher energy than 0 ). The transformations on FW defined by the one-parameter
group U./ Q
U.=a/, 2 R: .F/ U./F Q
U./ 1
, 8F 2 FW , correspond to
the chiral transformations.
The transformations are implemented by unitary operators in the space H
carrying an irreducible representation of the (gauge dependent) field algebra FW ;
therefore they define Wigner symmetries there, but they do not leave the sectors
invariant and therefore they are not implemented by unitary operators there. The
corresponding symmetry is spontaneously broken in each sector.
An explicit symmetry breaking order parameter is provided by p or by,
since .p/ D p and . ; p / D 0: The Hamiltonian is invariant up to
a time derivative:
.H/ D H p=m:
U./ D C ; Q 1 Q
D ein U./:
In the QCD context, the last equation is usually written in terms of the chiral charge
Q5 , which is assumed to generate the chiral transformations,
Tn Q5 Tn1 D Q5 C n;
however, it should be stressed that the generator of the chiral transformations does
not exist, not only in the sectors, but not even in the large Hilbert space H, because
U./ is non-regularly represented.
Thus, one cannot write a symmetry breaking Ward identity for the expectations
on states. The overlooking of this subtle point is at the basis of problems and
paradoxes affecting the use of Ward identities in the temporal gauge of QCD.
The Bloch model clearly displays the fact that the crucial ingredient for the
breaking of chiral symmetry with energy gap (the so-called U.1/ problem) is the
existence of a non-trivial center in the algebra of observables and its pointwise
instability under chiral transformations.13
For the realization and relevance of this structure see F. Strocchi, Selected Topics on the General
Properties of Quantum Field Theory, World Scientific 1994, Sect. 7.4 and refs. therein; G. Morchio
and F. Strocchi, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 3173 (2007); Ann. Phys. 324, 2236 (2009).
5 Quantum Hall Electron: Zak States 29
2 e
HD C W.x/; i pi Ai ; i D 1; 2; 3; (2.5.1)
2M c
where M denotes the electron mass and W.x/ is a bounded measurable periodic
potential reflecting the lattice periodic structure in the x y plane.
We adopt the symmetric gauge, so that the electromagnetic potential Ai is given
by Ai D 12 "ijk Hj xk , we take the magnetic field H in the z-direction and consider the
motion in the xy-plane. For simplicity, we shall use units such that D 1 D M D
ejHj=c, so that the cyclotron frequency !c D ejHj=Mc and the magnetic length
l D .c=ejHj/1=2 are both equal to one. Then, one has
where the vectors aj are the lattice basis. The operators T.aj /, also called magnetic
translations, commute with the Hamiltonian and satisfy the following commutation
Thus, they commute if the lattice cell satisfies the rationality condition14
a1 x a2 y a1 y a2 x D 2k; k 2 Z: (2.5.6)
In the following for simplicity we shall consider a square lattice with unit lattice
For a detailed excellent discussion of the magnetic translation group see E. Brown, Aspects of
Group Theory in Electron Dynamics, in Solid State Physics, F. Seitz et al. eds., Academic Press
1968, pp. 313408.
30 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
The abelian group generated by the Tj T.j /, with the condition of Eq. (2.5.6),
will be denoted by G. It plays the same role of the group of lattice translations of the Bloch electron without magnetic field (see Sect. 4.5). It may therefore
be given the meaning of an abelian gauge group.
In view of the above symmetry properties, it is convenient to describe the systems
in terms of the two pairs of canonical (independent) variables
q y ; p x I Q c x ; P c y : (2.5.7)
and it is also the ground state of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian Hosc .Q; P/
2 2
2 .P C Q /.
A complete set of states for the first LL level if obtained by acting on 0 0 by the
magnetic translations
Since, apart from (xy dependent phases) the magnetic translations act as lattice
translations on the wave functions, the m n defined above are peaked at the lattice
In this way, one gets a regular representation of the Heisenberg group GH which,
however, does not contain gauge invariant states, i.e. states invariant under the gauge
group G.
By an argument similar to that repeatedly used before (see e.g. Proposition 2.1)
a gauge invariant state ! defines a non-regular representation of the Heisenberg
group GH (or of the exponential field algebra FW ). Its representative cyclic vector
! is an eigenstate of Tj
Clearly, the introduction of the periodic potential does not change such con-
clusions and actually strengthens the interpretation of the lattice translations as
the generators of a gauge group, with a picture which is very close to the case
of the Bloch electron without magnetic field. The first LL is not stable under the
application of u./; v./ and of the potential W.
As in case of zero magnetic field, the GNS representation space K defined by
a gauge invariant state has an orthogonal decomposition over the spectrum of the
generators of the gauge group
KD H1 ; 2 ; (2.5.13)
1 ; 2
each H1 ; 2 being the carrier of an irreducible representation of the gauge invariant
algebra of observables A.
The operators U. /, V./ intertwine between the sectors
U. / V./ H1 ;2 D H1 ;Q 2 CQ ; Q
.Q ; / 2.; /:
They play the same role of the U./ discussed in Sect. 4.5 and as such are the
analogs of the chiral transformations in QCD; they commute with the Hamiltonian
if the potential W (which plays the role of the fermion mass term in QCD) vanishes.
J. Zak, Phys. Rev. 168, 686 (1968).
32 2 Delocalization, Gauge Invariance and Non-regular Representations
They define Wigner symmetries in K which are broken in each irreducible repre-
sentation H1 ; 2 of the observable algebra. Such a breaking does not require the exis-
tence of Goldstone-like states by the same mechanism discussed in Sects. 4.3, 4.5.
The potential W is a periodic function of x D q P and y D Q p and since it
commutes with Tj it must be a function of them16 and therefore in each sector H1 ;2
it reduces to a periodic function of q 2 , Q 1 .
As in the case of vanishing magnetic field, in each sector W is infinitesimally
smaller than H0 12 .p2 C q2 / in the sense of Kato; therefore, in each sector, since
the spectrum of H0 is discrete, so is the spectrum of H D H0 C W, and, by a
generalized Perron-Frobenius theorem as in the case of zero magnetic field (Sect. 3,
Proposition 3.1), the ground state is unique. This implies that the spectrum of H is
discrete in K and there is a (possibly degenerate) ground state in K.
Particular instructive is the simple case of a periodic potential described by
p p p p
W D cos. 2 x/ cos. 2 y/ D cos. 2.q P// cos. 2.Q p//:
p p
In the sector H1 ;2 , W reduces to cos. 2q 2 / C cos. 2p 1 / and to first
order in the inf of the spectrum of H in H1 ;2 is
E0 .1 ; 2 / D 1
2 C e .cos.1 / C cos.2 //: (2.5.14)
Thus, for negative the minimum in K is obtained for i D 0, and for positive for
i D , i D 1; 2.
In conclusion one has
Proposition 5.1 A gauge invariant state !, i.e. a state invariant under magnetic
translations, T1 , T2 , defines an irreducible representation .H1 ;2 ; 1 ;2 / of the
observable algebra A, labeled by the eigenvalues 1 ; 2 of the magnetic translations
and non-regular representation .K; / of the Heisenberg group GH (and of the field
algebra FW ).
The (non-separable) Hilbert space K has an orthogonal decomposition over the
spectrum of the magnetic translations, Eq. (2.5.13).
The Hamiltonian H, Eq. (2.5.1), has a discrete spectrum in K and, at least for
small periodic potential, a unique ground state belonging to the 1 D 2 D 0
It it worthwhile to remark that in the representation defined by a gauge invariant
state the one-parameter groups of unitary operators U. /, V./ are not regularly
represented, so that Q; P cannot be defined as operators in K, only their exponentials
exists in K.17
J. Zak, Phys. Rev. 168, 686 (1968).
With such a proviso, some of the paradoxes raised in the literature (see, e.g., R. Ferrari, Int. Jour.
Mod. Phys. 12, 1105 (1998)) disappear. In particular, the derivatives with respect to the angles 1 ,
2 correspond to the momenta canonically conjugated to Q, P respectively, and therefore cannot
be defined in K.
5 Quantum Hall Electron: Zak States 33
In our opinion, as in the case of zero magnetic field (Sect. 3), the description
in terms of the representation given by the Hilbert space K clarifies the meaning
and the role of the boundary conditions used in the literature for the wave function
restricted to the primitive cell,18 as a substitute of Eq. (2.5.11); such boundary
conditions are unstable under the action of the unitary operators U. /, V./, which,
instead, are well defined in K. Thus, the description in terms of the states of K
already takes the infinite volume limit into account.
b) Quantum Hall electron
In the Quantum Hall Effect (QHE) each electron lives in a periodic lattice under
the influence of both a constant strong magnetic field, say in the z direction, and a
constant electric field E in the xy plane.
It is convenient to choose the symmetric temporal gauge for the vector potential
Ai D 12 "ijk Hj xk eEi ;
so that the motion of an electron in the xy plane is described by the following time
dependent Hamiltonian
Q 2 C W.x/;
H.t/ D 12 Q i pi eAi =c D i eEi :
By means of a Galilei transformation19 one can shift the dependence on the electric
field from the kinetic term to the periodic potential, obtaining the following new
Hamiltonian (by introducing the dual E of E, E1 E2 ; E2 E1 )
The only difference with respect to the case of zero electric field is that the periodic
potential has become time dependent.
Thus, most of the previous analysis applies. In particular, the algebraic structure
of the Heisenberg group GH , of the exponential field algebra FW , of the gauge group
G and of the gauge invariant or observable algebra A remain the same.
Gauge invariant states are analogously defined and the representations defined
by them have the same properties as in Proposition 5.1.
See, e.g. J. Zak, Phys. Rev. 168, 686 (1968); E. Brown, Aspects of Group Theory in Electron
Dynamics, in Solid State Physics, F. Seitz et al. eds., Academic Press 1968, pp. 313408; F.D.M.
Haldane, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2095 (1985).
J. Belissard, Quantum systems periodically perturbed in time, in Fundamental aspects of
quantum theory, V. Gorini and A. Frigerio eds., Plenum Press 1986, p. 163171, and references
therein; R. Ferrari, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. 12, 1105 (1998). For a comprehensive updated discussion
of the quantum Hall effect and of the physical principles underlying it see: S. Bieri and J.M.
Frhlich, Comptes Rendus Physique, 12, 332346 (2011).
Chapter 3
Quantum Mechanical Gauge Models
The canonical variables which describe a quantum particle on a circle (of radius
R D 1) are the angle ' 2 0; 2/ and its conjugate momentum p. They are not
genuine Heisenberg variables, since one cannot write the corresponding canonical
commutation relations in Heisenberg form. In fact, '; p D i, would imply
'; eip D ieip , (the existence of eip , 8 2 R is given by the self-adjointness of
p), which yields jj'jj =2, 8, contrary to the constraint ' 2 0; 2 . One is then
led to consider a Weyl quantization based on the C -subalgebra A of the standard
Weyl (field) algebra FW , generated by U.n/ D ein' , n 2 Z, and V./ D eip , 2 R.
The canonical commutation relations read
0 .V.// P D P
Thus, P is a projection and the representation space H0 contains a (cyclic) vector
0 with the property
By the GNS theorem (see Chap. 1, Sect. 3) all such representations are unitarily
For 0, we note that the automorphisms defined by
.U.n// D U.n/; .V.// D ei V./; Q =2;
! .U.n/V.// D n; 0 ei : (3.1.4)
H D p2 =2m;
Each sector contains a lowest energy state, called vacuum, and the ground state
belongs to the D 0 sector.
Each vacuum defines a non-regular representation of the field algebra FW and
for 2 0; / it is given by
! .U./ V.// D 0; if 0; ! .V.// D ei : (3.1.6)
Proof We start with the simpler case D 0. Then, Eq. (3.1.3) implies
.0 .V. / U.n// 0 ; 0 .V./ 1 0 / D 0, and since the linear span of the
vectors 0 .V. / U.n// 0, 2 R, n 2 Z, is dense,
0 .V./ 0 D 0 ; 0 .p/ 0 D 0; H0 0 D 0:
and Eq. (3.1.6) follows (for 2 0; / the ! are the lowest energy states).
By Eq. (3.1.3) and the automorphism , the representation of A is the same
as that of the gauge invariant algebra of the Bloch model (Sect. 4.5) with a D 2.
The elements of H can be represented by quasi periodic wave functions as in
38 3 Quantum Mechanical Gauge Models
Eq. (2.3.6):
.'/ D ei' an ein' ; fan g 2 l2 ;
A characteristic feature of gauge theories is that one of the equations is the so-called
Gauss law constraint, e.g. in electrodynamics one has
G div E D 0; P D 0:
The canonical variables are the two particle positions q1 ; q2 , the corresponding
conjugate momenta pi D qP i C eA, i D 1; 2, the electromagnetic potential A and
its conjugate momentum D qP E, playing the role of the electric field. The
Hamiltonian and the corresponding Hamilton equations are
(by the explicit appearance of the time variable G.t/ does not transform covariantly
under time translations). Clearly, the Gauss law constraint on the states in the form
R. Jackiw, Topological investigations of quantized gauge theories, in S.B. Treiman, R. Jackiw, B.
Zumino and E. Witten, Current Algebra and Anomalies, World Scientific 1985, pp. 211359.
40 3 Quantum Mechanical Gauge Models
The time evolution t of the observable variables q; p is the standard time evolution
of a particle in a potential V and for the gauge invariant variables P; E one has
t .P/ D P, t .E/ D E.0/ C e P t. Thus, as expected and needed, t maps the
observable algebra into itself.
For a gauge invariant state, the invariance under time translations requires
3 Christ-Lee Model
The operators
play, respectively, the role of a charge density and of a current density (with
Hamiltonian coupling e A j). It is easy to see that
dj dE
D i H; j D 0; D ej:
dt dt
N. Christ and T.D. Lee, Phys. Rev. D 22, 939 (1980); T.D. Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction
to Field Theory, Harwood Academic 1990, Chap. 18, Sect. 1A.
42 3 Quantum Mechanical Gauge Models
See, e.g., the canonical Hamiltonian for a complex scalar field interacting with the electromagnetic
field; G. Wentzel, Quantum Theory of Fields, Dover 2004, p. 68.
In the original form of the Christ-Lee model, without the term 12 AP 2 , the Lagrangian reduces to
L D 12 .Pr2 C r2 .P /2 / V.r/, where has the meaning of a gauge parameter. The role of
the Gauss law constraint is taken by the canonical momentum p q2 .P /, conjugated to
, and gauge invariance would require p D 0, incompatibly with the canonical commutation
relations in Heisenberg form. The strategy advocated above of adopting Weyl quantization provides
a mathematically acceptable treatment also in this case.
4 A QM Model of QCD Structures and of Josephson Effect 43
of Eq. (3.2.3) of Proposition 2.1. For the proof of the second statement we consider
the scalar product
Then, by using the transformation properties of '.t/ under the time dependent gauge
transformations, Eq. (3.3.2), we get
'; p D i; A; E D i; (3.4.1)
taking into account inductance terms, ' being in this case the Josephson phase,
A the charge carried by the normal current (identified by AP D E).5
The model can also be interpreted as the bosonized version of the massive
Schwinger model in 0 C 1 dimensions, with M cos.' M / and M playing the role
of the fermion mass term and the mass angle, respectively. From this point of view
the model provides a non-perturbative realization and control of mechanisms which
have been argued to play a crucial role in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).6 We
briefly mention that the so called U.1/ and strong CP problem of QCD arise from
the fact that the QCD Lagrangian is invariant under an axial U.1/ symmetry which is
not realized in nature (absence of parity doublets) and for the spontaneous breaking
of which, without Goldstone bosons, one cannot invoke the Higgs mechanism.
The standard explanation is that the gauge invariant axial current associated to
the axial symmetry has an anomaly, but the non-trivial contribution of the anomaly
to the commutator with the order parameter has only been argued on the basis of
semiclassical approximations. On the other hand, as clarified by Bardeen on the
basis of perturbative renormalization (in local gauges),7 the time independent axial
U.1/ transformations define a time independent symmetry of the field algebra and of
its observable subalgebra and they are generated by the conserved gauge dependent
axial current. Thus, the Ward identities related to axial symmetry should be written
for such a current, and the absence of the corresponding Goldstone bosons requires
an explanation.
A very deep insight on the vacuum structure of QCD, with consequences on the
U.1/ problem, has been obtained by functional integral methods and semiclassical
approximations8: the topological structure of the smooth configurations of gauge
fields gives rise to the so called large gauge transformations, the spectrum of which
label the gauge invariant ground states or vacua. Since the set of such smooth
configurations are expected to have zero functional measure, a mathematical control
of this structure is at issue.
The above problems become even more relevant in the case of massive fermions
(M 0), since the invariance of QCD under CP requires the alignment of the
vacuum angle and the mass angle M , and the question arises of obtaining it
without fine tuning in a way stable under radiative corrections.
One of the interests of the model is that all the above problems are reproduced
and their solution is under mathematical control, shedding light on the expected
mechanisms of QCD.
S.M. Apenko, Phys. Lett. A 142, 277 (1989).
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Ann. Phys. 250, 367 (1996).
W.A. Bardeen, Nucl. Phys. 75, 246 (1974).
G. t Hooft, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 8 (1976); R. Jackiw and C. Rebbi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 172 (1976);
C.G. Callan, R.F. Dashen and D. Gross, Phys. Rev. Lett. B 63, 34 (1976). For an excellent review
see the quoted lectures by R. Jackiw in Current Algebra and Anomalies, 1985, pp. 211359. For a
mathematical control see Chapter 4, Sect. 4.
4 A QM Model of QCD Structures and of Josephson Effect 45
leave the canonical structure and the Hamiltonian invariant, but irreducible repre-
sentations of FW are obtained by fixing the gauge, namely by fixing the value
of the non-trivial center ZQ of FW , generated by ei2p , namely .ei2p / D ei2F 1,
F 2 0; 1/. In the following, for simplicity, we shall take F D 0. The following
group of gauge transformations (hereafter called large gauge transformations)
survive the gauge fixing and are implemented by the unitary operators
T n ein.'E=e/ ; H; T D 0: (3.4.4)
The lesson that the model teaches us is that there are two possible quantum
descriptions. One choice corresponds to the regular irreducible representation of
the field algebra FW : the Hilbert space is Hr D L2 .0; 2/ R; d' dA/, with states
described by wave functions .'; A/, on which the fields ', A act as multiplication
operators, and p; E as derivatives i@=@' (on periodic functions of '), and i@=@A,
The spectrum of the large gauge transformation T D eiq is purely continuous in
Hr and therefore gauge invariant states (i.e. eigenstates of T) are not proper vectors
of Hr . The irreducible representations . ; H / of the gauge invariant (observable)
algebra can be obtained by decomposing Hr according to the spectrum of T
Hr D d./ H ; 2 0; 2/; (3.4.6)
all the other variables remaining unchanged, which will be called chiral transfor-
mations. The generator of such transformations is p, which satisfy a conservation
law dp=dt D 0, but it is not gauge invariant.
On the other hand the gauge invariant operator P D p eA generates the chiral
transformations on the fields '; A, at equal times, but not at any time, since
Thus, the ground states 0; n , also called n-vacua, are invariant under chiral
transformations and one has < F >0; n .0; n ; F 0; n / D 0, 8F 2 FW , since
< ei' >0; n D< eiq >0; n < eiQ >0; n D e1=4e < eiq >0; n D 0;
having used that the ground state of P2 C Q2 gives the expectation < ei. QCP/ >D
2 2
e. C /=4 and the last of Eqs. (3.4.9). This indicates that the n-vacua correlation
4 A QM Model of QCD Structures and of Josephson Effect 47
functions of the fields calculated either by the functional integral with the field
functional measure or by the perturbative expansion are chirally symmetric.
However, each n vacuum 0; n defines a reducible representation of the observ-
able subalgebra with an integral decomposition over the continuous spectrum of T,
Eq. (3.4.6).
Each sector has a lowest energy state 0 , called -vacuum, which by definition
is an eigenstate of T, T0 D ei 0 . Thus, an alternative to the regular (or
Heisenberg) quantization is to use from the start a gauge invariant state, typically
a vacuum ! . As we already learned from the quantum gauge models discussed
before, the representation of the exponential field algebra FW defined by a
vacuum is non-regular, namely the gauge dependent fields cannot be defined in
the corresponding representation space K. As repeatedly stressed before, this is the
mathematically consistent way of solving the conflict between gauge invariance and
canonical quantization.
A characteristic feature of the state space K is that the spectrum of T is a
purely point spectrum, so that eigenstates of T are proper vectors of K and in the
KD H (3.4.10)
Such equations display the mechanism of chiral symmetry breaking in the sectors
by the instability of the gauge invariant vacua.
The operator eip , which implements the time independent chiral transforma-
tions, is a well define operator with continuous spectrum in the regular represen-
tation space Hr of the exponential field algebra and it is weakly continuous in .
It has a pure point spectrum in K, but it does not define a one-parameter weakly
continuous group there, since
Therefore, the chiral symmetry breaking in each sector does not imply the
existence of a Goldstone state, because the analog of Eq. (2.4.7) cannot be written,
since the would be generator at all times p becomes a non-regular variable and does
not define an operator in H . As a matter of fact no Ward identity expressing the
breaking of the chiral symmetry can be written in H ; a Ward identity can be written
in Hr , where however the chiral symmetry is unbroken.
In each sector, the compatibility of chiral symmetry breaking and an energy gap
m > 0, in the subspace ei' 0 can be easily checked by computing (< > denotes the
48 3 Quantum Mechanical Gauge Models
expectation on 0 )
< P.t/; ei' > D ei < P.t/; eiQ > D ei < eiQ > D
D ei : (3.4.12)
< QH nC1 Q > D inC1 .dn =dtn /2 < PU.t/Q > jtD0 D
D inC1 .dn =dtn / < P.t/; Q.0/ > jtD0 :
For different statements in the literature, see e.g. S. Coleman, Aspects of Symmetry Cambridge
Univ. Press 1985, Chap. 7.
Such a mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking is compatible with an energy gap; relevant
examples are the breaking of Galilei symmetry in Coulomb systems, accompanied by the plasmon
energy gap, the breaking of the U.1/ symmetry in the BCS model of superconductivity. For a
general discussion of the mechanism see: G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Removal of the infrared
cutoff, seizing of the vacuum and symmetry breaking in many body and in gauge theories, invited
talk at the IX Int. Conf. on Mathematical Physics, Swansea 1988, B. Simon et al eds., Adam Hilger
Publ. 1989, p. 490; F. Strocchi, Long range dynamics and spontaneous symmetry breaking in many
body systems, lectures at the Workshop on Fractals, Quasicrystals, Knots and Algebraic Quantum
mechanics, A. Amman et al. eds., Kluwer 1988.
4 A QM Model of QCD Structures and of Josephson Effect 49
D 0; otherwise: (3.4.14)
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Ann. Phys. 250, 367 (1996).
50 3 Quantum Mechanical Gauge Models
i) the Hamiltonian H is well defined and gauge invariant states exists in the
corresponding Hilbert space K; moreover, for M 0 this is the only irreducible
representation of FW in which H has a ground state,
ii) the spectrum of T D eiq is discrete in K, which may therefore be decomposed as
in Eq. (3.4.10); in each proper subspace H the Hamiltonian has a pure point
spectrum, with no degeneracy and therefore a unique ground state ( vacuum),
iii) in K there is a lowest energy state corresponding to D M and therefore CP
Proof The requirement that the Hamiltonian be well defined implies that so is also
P2 C e2 Q2 , since the mass term is a bounded perturbation. This condition selects
the Fock representation for the Weyl algebra A.Q; P/ generated by the canonical
variables P; Q.
Since T commutes with H, one can reduce the spectrum of H with respect to
the spectrum of T, i.e. discuss the spectrum E./ of H as a function of . Now,
one can prove (see below) that the function Inf E./ has only one minimum,
corresponding to D M . Therefore, the existence of a ground state requires that in
the decomposition of the representation space over the spectrum of T, of the form
of Eq. (3.4.6), the Hilbert space H DM should be a proper subspace, i.e. eiM should
be an eigenvalue of T.
Since eip acts transitively on the spectrum of q, the irreducibility of the repre-
sentation implies that the entire spectrum of q is a pure point spectrum, with no
multiplicity and K can be decomposed as in Eq. (3.4.10). Any vector of the proper
subspace H is an eigenvector of q and since 0 is a Fock representation of A.Q; P/,
one can find a vector 0 2 H , which gives the expectation (3.4.14) for n D 0 D .
Finally, since qeip 0 D . / 0 , for =2 Z, eip 0 is orthogonal to 0 and
Eq. (3.4.14) follows.
The uniqueness of the lowest energy state in each H follows from the strict
positivity of the kernel of eH
in the variable Q and by a generalized Perron-
Frobenius argument.12 The corresponding energy eigenvalue E0 can be computed,
for fixed e > 0 and M small, to first order in M:
J. Glimm and A. Jaffe, Quantum Physics. A Functional Integral Point of View, Springer 1987,
Sect. 3.3; for a simple account F. Strocchi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Structure of
Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific 2005, Sect. 6.4.
4 A QM Model of QCD Structures and of Josephson Effect 51
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Ann. Phys. 250, 367 (1996).
G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Boundary Terms, Long Range Effects, and Chiral Symmetry
Breaking, Lectures at the Schladming School 1990, Fields and Particles, H. Mitter and W.
Schweigen eds., Springer 1990, p. 171.
Chapter 4
Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field
The traditional (historically the first) approach to field quantization1 mimics very
closely the standard quantum mechanical case, by realizing a field as a mechanical
system of infinite degrees of freedom and by adopting the canonical formalism and
For example, for a real scalar field '.x; t/, by choosing a complete set ffn .x/g, n 2
N, of real orthonormal smooth functions, a real scalar field is completely identified
by a denumerable set of Lagrangian variables
qn .t/ '. fn ; t/ d3 x fn .x/'.x; t/; qP n .t/ '.
P fn ; t/; (4.1.1)
'.x; t/ D qn .t/ fn .x/; '.x;
P t/ D qP n .t/ fn .x/:
n n
See G. Wentzel, Quantum Theory of Fields, Dover 1949; S. Schweber, An Introduction to
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory, Harper and Row 1961, Part Two.
L d 3 x L.'.x; t/; @i '.x; t/; '.x;
P t//
all other Poisson brackets vanishing. They are equivalent to the following Poisson
brackets for the fields
For (irreducible) fermion fields, R.T. Powers (Comm. Math. Phys. 4, 145 (1967)) has shown that
canonical anticommutation relation are compatible only with a free theory in s C 1 dimensions
with s > 1, under very general conditions. No interaction theorems for the bosonic case have been
proved by K. Baumann (Jour. Math. Phys. 28, 697 (1987); Lecture at the Schladming School 1987,
in Recent Developments in Mathematical Physics, H. Mitter and L. Pittner eds., Springer 1987).
A.S. Wightman, Phys. Rev. 101, 105 (1956); S. Schweber, An Introduction to Relativistic
Quantum Field Theory, Harper and Row 1961, Sect. 7b; for a brief discussion see e.g. F. Strocchi,
An introduction to non-perturbative foundations of quantum field theory, Oxford Univ. Press 2013.
1 Quantum Field Algebras and Quantizations 55
For these reasons, following Wightman,4 a quantum field theory (QFT) is defined
in terms of a field *-algebra F , briefly called field algebra, generated by the
polynomials of the smeared fields
'. f / D dx '.x/ f .x/; f 2 S.Rd /;
d denoting the space-time dimension and S.Rd / the C1 functions of fast decrease.
The field algebra is called local if it satisfies microcausality or locality; e.g., for a
hermitian scalar field '.x/, this means
It will be understood that F will also include the sharp time restrictions of the
fields, whenever they exist as distributions in the space variables. The space-time
translations are assumed to define automorphisms a , a D .t; a/ 2 Rd , of F .
In the following, FW denotes the exponential field algebra formally generated
by the exponentials of the (smeared) fields '. f /; A and AW will denote the observ-
able (field) subalgebras of F and of FW , respectively. It should be mentioned that
the definition of the exponential of a smeared field requires its self-adjointness, a
property which is not obvious in QFT, in contrast with the quantum mechanical
case; for this purpose general conditions have been discussed in constructive QFT,
which guarantee the exponentiability of fields.5
Definition 1.1 A representation of a field algebra F is a homomorphism into a
*-algebra of operators acting on a common dense domain of a Hilbert space H.
By an easy adaptation of the GNS theorem, a positive linear functional ! on F
defines a representation of F in a Hilbert space H, with a cyclic vector ! such that
!.F/ D .! ; ! .F/ ! /; 8F 2 F :
Such a result in QFT is called the Wightman reconstruction theorem (see Streater
and Wightman book).
Definition 1.2 A quantum field theory is a representation of a field algebra
F defined by a positive linear functional W on F , invariant under space-time
translations (d the spacetime dimensions)
R.F. Streater and A.S. Wightman, P C T, Spin and Statistics and All That, Benjamin 1980; R. Jost,
The General Theory of Quantized Fields, Am. Math. Soc. 1965.
J. Frhlich, Comm. Math. Phys.54, 135 (1977).
56 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
The quantum theory of a relativistic massless hermitian scalar field in two space-
time dimensions has attracted much attention in the last years, not only as a gauge
model, but also because it is one of the building blocks of very instructive two-
dimensional models, like the Schwinger model, which mimics very closely some
basic structure expected to characterize QCD, like quark confinement and chiral
symmetry breaking.7
The massless scalar field is also at the basis of the construction of two-
dimensional conformal models, which have received much attention in connection
with important developments of QFT8 as well as for string theory.9
At the classical level, the relativistic massless real scalar field '.x; t/ in 1+1
dimensions satisfies the free wave equation and the classical canonical Poisson
For a focusing of this property see e.g. F. Strocchi and A.S. Wightman, Jour. Math. Phys. 15,
2198 (1974); F. Strocchi, Gauss law in local quantum field theory, in Field Theory, Quantization
and Statistical Physics D. Reidel 1981, p. 227236; F. Strocchi, Elements of Quantum Mechanics
of Infinite Systems, World Scientific 1985, Part C, Chap. II; F. Strocchi, An Introduction to Non-
perturbative Foundations of Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ. Press 2013.
For an analysis of the Schwinger model which takes into account the delicate issue of the
quantization of the massless scalar field in two-dimensions, see G. Morchio, D. Pierotti and F.
Strocchi, Ann. Phys. 188, 317 (1988); F. Strocchi, Selected Topics on the General Properties of
Quantum Field Theory, World Scientific 1993, Chapter VII, Section 7.4.
See e.g. P. Furlan, G.M. Sotkov and I.T. Todorov, two-dimensional Quantum Field Theory, Riv.
Nuovo Cim. 12, 1 (1989).
B.F. Hatfield, Quantum Field Theory of Point Particles and Strings, Addison-Wesley 1992.
58 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
and Lorentz transformations). Actually, quite generally, the two point function of '
defined by the expectation of a Poincar invariant vacuum !0 violates positivity.10
Such a result has led to the statement that there is no quantum field theory for
the massless scalar field. Actually, as we shall see, the result means that there is no
regular representation of the exponential field algebra FW invariant under P, but a
Poincar invariant non-regular representation of FW exists.
For this purpose, we first note that, since the field is a free field, its sharp
time restrictions exist and FW may be assumed to contain the Weyl field algebra
generated by the exponentials U.h1 /, V.h2 / of '.h1 ; t/, .h2 ; t/ '.h
P 2 ; t/, hi 2
S.R/, respectively, satisfying the Weyl commutation relations
.@ '.x/ @
'.y// D @ @
.4/1 log.x y/2 C i".x0 y0 / ; (4.2.3)
(we recall that the elements of S0 .R/ may be written as the derivatives of elements
of S.R/). Such a state also satisfies the relativistic spectral condition, i.e. one has
8A; B 2 AW
da eipa .A U.a/ B/ D 0; if p V C fpI p2 0; p0 0 g: (4.2.4)
W ' ! ' C ; 2 R:
Thus, the model shares the general structure discussed in Chap. 2, Sect. 4.
Proposition 2.1 Let be a positive (pure) vacuum state on AW , then
i) does not have a positive extension to the field algebra F , generated by '.g/,
g 2 S.R2 /, invariant under space-time translations and satisfying the positive
energy spectral condition,
A.S. Wightman, Introduction to some aspects of the relativistic dynamics of quantized fields,
in High Energy Electromagnetic Interactions and Field Theory, Cargse lectures in Theoretical
Physics (1964), M. Lvy ed., Gordon and Breach 1967, esp. Sect. I.4; for a general analysis of the
quantization in terms of a non-positive vacuum state, see G. Morchio, D. Pierotti and F. Strocchi,
Jour. Math. Phys. 31, 147 (1990).
2 Massless Scalar Field in 1+1 Dimensions 59
The energy spectral condition requires that A and B be of the form A.pC / D
a.pC /.pC /, B.p / D b.p /.p /, and the condition of providing an extension
of the unique two point function (4.2.3) implies that the distributions a.pC /, b.p /
There are no positive distributions or measures which satisfy such equations except
.p /, which lead to a trivial two point function, (incompatibly with the non-
triviality of on AW ). Thus, does not have a positive extension to F .
A positive extension to FW is provided by the gauge invariant state defined by
Eq. (4.2.5). It is easy to see that gauge invariance uniquely selects such an extension.
In fact, a gauge invariant extension ! of to FW satisfies
!.U.h/V.g// D !. .U.h/ V.g/// D ei h.0/ !.U.h/V.g///;
i.e. Eq. (4.2.5) holds, since for h.0/ D 0, U.h/ V.g/ 2 AW and ! coincides with
there. One can actually show that the state ! defined by Eq. (4.2.5) is the only
positive extension of .11
See F. Acerbi, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour. Math. Phys. 34, 899 (1993); F. Acerbi, Master
thesis, SISSA Trieste, 1990.
60 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
R fields U.h/ have the interpretation of charged fields with charge
dx h.x/ D h.0/:
The gauge invariance of ! implies that the gauge group is unbroken in K and the
decomposition of Eq. (4.2.6) follows.
In conclusion, the model reproduces most of the structural features discussed in
Chap. 2, for a general quantum mechanical model described by a canonical algebra.
Thus, one has the analog of the non-regular representations of the Heisenberg group,
which has now become infinite dimensional.
An important structure associated to the quantization of the massless scalar field
is obtained by considering the extension AF of the observable algebra AW generated
by the (unitary) operators
For an analysis of this structure, see F. Acerbi, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 26,
13 (1992).
F. Acerbi, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 27, 1 (1993).
See e.g. the comprehensive book by A. Bassetto, G. Nardelli and R. Soldati, Yang-Mills Theories
in Algebraic Non-covariant Gauges, World Scientific 1991.
3 Temporal Gauge in QED 61
The temporal gauge is defined by the gauge condition A0 D 0 (both in the free
as well as in the interacting case), without requiring the transversality of Ai . Thus,
in the free case it is similar to the Coulomb gauge, but longitudinal photons are
allowed. Manifest covariance is obviously lost, but, in contrast with the Coulomb
gauge, locality holds in the free case and has been argued to persist in the interacting
The variation with respect to Ai of the gauge invariant Lagrangian
L D 14 F
C Lmatter ;
where Lmatter is the gauge invariant Lagrangian for the matter fields (for simplicity
taken to be Dirac fermions ; N ), typically obtained from the free Lagrangian by
the minimal coupling prescription, yields the following equations of motion
are clearly incompatible with the Gauss law, which in the free case reads
divE D 0; Ei D @0 Ai and such an incompatibility persists in the interacting case.
In fact, the conflict between quantization and the validity of the Gauss law
divE.x/ j0 .x/ D 0 can be argued quite generally, independently of the existence
of equal time restrictions of the fields and of a full quantum canonical structure.
Eqs. (4.3.1) and the current continuity equation imply that G.x; x0 / divE.x/j0 .x/
is time independent, so that
G. f ; x0 / G. f ; h/; f 2 S.R3 /; h 2 S.R/; dt h.t/ D 1;
is a well (densely) defined operator and its equal time commutators with the fields
are well defined operator valued distributions, fixed by the condition, which can
be taken as part of the definition of the temporal gauge, that G generates the time
independent gauge transformations. Thus, quite generally, one has
Ai .g; h/; G. f ; t/ D i.@i g; f / h.0/;
By taking the vacuum expectation of the above equation, one gets a conflict with
the validity of the Gauss law on the vacuum:
G. f /0 D 0:
G. f /; A D 0; 8A 2 AI
iii) the exponential field algebra FW generated by exp iA. f /, and .g/, .g/,
f ; g 2 S.R4 /;
iv) the exponential longitudinal algebra FL generated by exp iG. f /, exp iA.@h/,
A.@h/ Ai .@i h/, h 2 S.R4 /.
The inevitable violation of positivity for the regular quantizations and the general
properties of the positive quantizations are stated by the following
Proposition 3.1 Let be a Poincar invariant positive vacuum state on the
observable subalgebra A, then one has
i) any extension of to the field algebra F violates positivity
ii) all the positive extensions ! to the exponential field algebra FW are invariant
under time independent gauge transformations, in particular, if ! denotes the
GNS cyclic vector which represents the state !, one has
G. f /! D 0: (4.3.4)
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour. Math. Phys. 44, 5095 (2003), hereafter referred
to as LMS.
The non-regularity of the positive quantizations of the temporal gauge in the free case has been
discussed by D. Buchholz and K. Fredenhagen, Comm. Math. Phys. 84, 1 (1982); H. Grundling
and C.A. Hurst, Lett. Math. Phys. 15, 205 (1988); F. Acerbi, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, J. Math.
Phys. 34, 899 (1993). The unique selection of the non-regular representation by the condition of
positivity of the energy spectrum has been proved in LMS.
3 Temporal Gauge in QED 63
!.eiA.@h/ / D 0; if 0I
D 1; if D 0 (4.3.5)
G. f / D c. f / ; c. f / 2 C;
functions. This strategy has a well founded mathematical status and it is under
complete control for the quantization of canonical systems as discussed before.
In the free field case the positive non-regular representation of the exponential
field algebra FW is uniquely determined solely by the condition of positivity of the
energy spectrum.17
For simplicity, we start by considering the case with only vector fields (no fermion or
scalar field being present). Then, at the classical level the QCD Lagrangian density
reduces to the Yang-Mills form
L D 14 Fa
a D 1
2 .E2a B2a /; (4.4.1)
a a
P a;
Ea D A Ba D r a Aa 12 gfabc Ab Ac ; (4.4.2)
(a is a color index and fabc are the structure constants of the Lie algebra of the color
gauge group). The corresponding equations of motion, obtained by variations with
LMS, Proposition 3.3.
See the excellent lectures by R. Jackiw, Topological investigations of quantized gauge theories,
in S.B. Treiman, R. Jackiw, B. Zumino and E. Witten, Current Algebra and Anomalies, World
Scientific 1985, pp. 211359. This section relies on G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Ann. Phys. 324,
2236 (2009), hereafter referred to as Ref. MS; for an expository account, see F. Strocchi, An
introduction to non-perturbative foundations of quantum field theory, Oxford Univ. Press 2013.
4 Temporal Gauge in QCD: Chiral Symmetry Breaking 65
respect to Aa ,
They state that the Gauss operators generate the infinitesimal time independent
gauge transformations, , with the c-number gauge function a .x/ 2 S.R3 /
Since the variables A0a are missing in the Lagrangian, one cannot exploit the
stationarity of the action with respect to them and therefore one does not get the
Gauss law Ga D 0. Actually, the Gauss law is incompatible with Eq. (4.4.5) and
therefore with canonical quantization and more crucially with the Gauss operator
being the generator of the time independent gauge transformations, Eq. (4.4.6).
A proposed solution of this conflict, widely adopted in the literature and in
textbook discussions of the temporal gauge, is to require the Gauss law constraint
as an operator equation on the (subspace of) physical states and, in particular, on the
vacuum state. However, such a solution is not free of paradoxes and mathematical
inconsistency. In fact, the vacuum expectation of Eq. (4.4.5) gives zero on the left
hand side and non-zero on the right hand side.
It has been proposed19 to cope with this paradox by admitting that the vacuum
vector is not normalizable. In our opinion, such a solution is not acceptable, because
it does not yield a representation of a field algebra containing both gauge dependent
and gauge independent fields, since the non-normalizability of the vacuum vector
would give divergent expectations also of the observable algebra (which in particular
contains the identity).
A mathematically acceptable solution for the Gauss law constraint is to adopt a
Weyl quantization and admit non-regular representations.
R. Jackiw, loc cit.; A. Bassetto, G. Nardelli and R. Soldati, Yang-Mills Theories in Algebraic
Non-covariant Gauges, World Scientific 1991.
66 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
V.U / D ei G.g/ ; G.g/ D Ga .ga /; ga 2 D.R3 /: (4.4.8)
V.U / ! D ! ; 8 U :
The fields A, formally the generators of the W.f/, cannot be defined in the GNS
Hilbert space defined by the vacuum expectations and in particular the two point
function of the gauge potential does not exist, only (the vacuum expectations of)
the exponential functions (and of course the gauge invariant functions) of A can be
In the free case, the exponential field algebra becomes a Weyl field algebra
and Eqs. (4.4.9) uniquely determine its representation as a non-regular Weyl
68 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
By definition, Eq. (4.4.7), the gauge functions considered are localized and, there-
fore, they extend to the one-point compactification RP 3 of R3 , which is isomorphic
to the three-sphere S :
P 3
S3 ! G:
U.x/ W R
Such maps fall into disjoint homotopy classes labeled by winding numbers n
2 1 3
n.U/ D .24 / d x " Tr .Ui .x/ Uj .x/ Uk .x//
d3 x nU .x/; (4.4.10)
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour. Math. Phys. 44, 5095 (2003).
For the geometry of the gauge transformations see S. Coleman, Aspects of Symmetry, Cambridge
Univ. Press 1985, Chapter 7, Sect. 3; R. Jackiw, loc. cit.; T. Frankel, The Geometry of Physics. An
Introduction, 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press 2004.
4 Temporal Gauge in QCD: Chiral Symmetry Breaking 69
gauge transformations, (see Ref. MS). Then, the U are implementable by (time
independent) unitary operators V.U/.
The physically crucial question is the implications of the non-trivial topology of
the large gauge transformations on the classification of the physical states. Actually,
the non-triviality of the large gauge transformations on the physical space turns out
to be a rather subtle question, not fully appreciated in the standard treatment, and,
as we shall see below, the presence of fermions plays a crucial role.
An important ingredient is the exploitation of the properties of the so-called
topological current, formally defined by
where A D .0; Ai /, F
12 "
F . In the mathematical literature, for classical
fields, P is called the Pontryagin density and C the Chern-Simons secondary
characteristic class.
At the classical level, one can prove the following transformation law of C0 .x/
under gauge transformations U , defined by Eq. (4.4.7)
U .C0 .x// D C0 .x/ .8 2 /1 @i "ijk Tr.@j U.x/ U.x/1 Ak .x// C nU .x/:
Therefore, at the classical level the space integral of C0 .x; x0 / is invariant under
small transformations, but it gets shifted by n under gauge transformations with
winding number n.
In the quantum case, one meets non-trivial mathematical problems. First of
all, the formal expression in the right hand side of Eq. (4.4.11) requires a point
splitting regularization. It is very reasonable to assume that this can be done by
keeping the transformation properties of the formal expression under large gauge
transformations, Eq. (4.4.12).
The next problem is the space integral of C0 .x/. Even for conserved currents, the
space integral of the charge density is known to diverge and suitable regularizations
are needed, including a time smearing. Under some general conditions one may
obtain the convergence of a suitably regularized integral of the charge density of a
conserved current, in matrix elements on states with some localization22; but in the
general case of non-conserved currents the problem is seriously open.
For these reasons, one is led to consider a suitably regularized space integral of
C0 .x/
C . fR R / d 4 x fR .x/ R .x0 / C0 .x/; (4.4.13)
B. Schroer and P. Stichel, Comm. Math. Phys. 3, 258 (1966); H.D. Maison, Nuovo Cim. 11A,
389 (1972); M. Requardt, Comm. Math. Phys. 50, 259 (1976); G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour.
Math. Phys. 44, 5569 (2003).
70 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
where fR .x/ RD f .jxj=R/, f .x/ D 1, for jxj 1, D 0, for jxj 1 C ", R .x0 / D
.x0 =R/=R, dx0 .x0 / D .0/ Q D 1.
Actually, an even more serious problem arises in the quantum case, as a
consequence of the gauge dependence of C .x/, i.e. only its exponentials exist. To
this purpose, we consider the unitary operators V C . fR R /, formally the exponentials
exp i C0 . fR R /, with properties inferred from those of such exponentials. In partic-
ular, for any fR with fR D 1 on the space support KU of U, so that fR @j U D @j U,
@i fR @j U D 0, from the gauge transformations of C0 .x/, Eq. (4.4.12), one has that
U .V C . fR R // D einU V C . fR R /: (4.4.14)
.; V C . fR R / / D 0: (4.4.15)
Since for any f there is at least one U .x/ such that the integral on the right hand
side does not vanish, one gets a contradiction. Thus, only the exponential of C0 . f /
can be defined.
Moreover, given fR one can find a small gauge transformation U.x/, with
.; V C . fR R / / D .; V.U/ V C . fR R / V.U/1 / D
D einU1 .; V C . fR R / /;
and therefore .; V C . fR R / / D 0.
Thus, if only vector fields are present, the topological current and its non
invariance under large gauge transformations cannot give rise to any relevant
structure on the physical states (as claimed in the literature).
4 Temporal Gauge in QCD: Chiral Symmetry Breaking 71
The situation changes substantially in the presence of massless fermions, since the
role of the topological current is taken by a conserved current; hence, there is a
symmetry associated to it and the crucial point is its relations with the large gauge
transformations and with their implementers.
In this case, the Lagrangian of Eq. (4.4.1) gets modified by the addition of the
(gauge invariant) fermion Lagrangian and the Gauss operators become
The time independent gauge transformations of the fermion fields in the fundamen-
tal representation of the gauge group are
At the classical level, the Lagrangian is invariant under the one-parameter group of
chiral transformations , 2 R,
its conservation being equivalent to the anomaly equation for j5 . For the discussion
of the Weyl quantization, we take as local exponential field algebra FW the
algebra generated by the operators W.f/, by the local implementers of the gauge
transformations V.U/, by the gauge invariant bilinear functions of the fermion fields
and by the unitary operators V 5 . f /, formally given by exp i J05 . f /.
For a general review of this phenomenon, see R. Jackiw, Field Theoretical Investigations in
Current Algebra, in S.B. Treiman, R. Jackiw, B. Zumino and E. Witten, Current Algebra and
Anomalies, World Scientific 1985, pp. 81210.
72 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
It is important to stress that the limit R ! 1 exists thanks to locality, the limit
being actually reached for finite values of R; furthermore the limit preserves locality
and gauge invariance, i.e. it defines an automorphism of the local exponential
algebra FW .
Thus, contrary to statements appeared in the literature, the presence of the chiral
anomaly does not prevent the chiral symmetry from being a well defined time
independent automorphism of the observable algebra, which is identified as the
gauge invariant subalgebra of the field algebra FW .
Furthermore, the chiral symmetry is locally generated by the unitary operators
VR ./ V 5 . fR R /, the formal exponentials of J05 . fR R /, which act as local
W.A. Bardeen, Nucl. Phys. B 75, 246 (1974).
G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 3173 (2007).
4 Temporal Gauge in QCD: Chiral Symmetry Breaking 73
properties under them as the formal exponential exp i J05 . fR R /. It codifies the
crucial consequence of the axial anomaly, namely that the implementers V.Un /
of the large gauge transformations have a non-trivial relation with the local
implementers of the chiral transformations.
The absence of parity doublets requires that the chiral symmetry be broken in
QCD and the U.1/ problem amounts to explaining the absence of the corresponding
Goldstone massless bosons. Now, as discussed above, one of the basic assumptions
of the Goldstone theorem, namely the existence of a one-parameter group of
automorphisms of the algebra of observables, which commute with space and time
translations is satisfied.
The second crucial property, needed the proof of the theorem,26 is the link
between the vacuum expectation of the infinitesimal variation of the symmetry
breaking order parameter and the local commutator of a conserved current
< A > < .A/ >D0 D i lim < J05 . fR R /; A > : (4.4.20)
d R!1
!. .A// !.A/ 0;
For a discussion of the role of this property, see e.g. F. Strocchi, Symmetry Breaking, 2nd ed.
Springer 2008, esp. Part II, Chapter 15.
74 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
L D .1=4/F
C .=4/ "
; F
D @ A
A ; (4.5.1)
@ F
C 12 "
F D 0; (4.5.2)
R.J. Crewther, Chiral Properties on Quantum Chromodynamics, in Field Theoretical Methods in
Particle Physics, W. Rhl ed., Reidel 1980, pp. 529590.
See G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Ann. Phys. 324, 2236 (2009); F. Strocchi, An introduction to
non-perturbative foundations of quantum field theory, Oxford Univ. Press 2013.
F. Nill, A constructive approach to abelian Chern-Simons theory, in Theory of Elementary
Particles, G. Weigt ed., Inst. Hochenenergiephys. 1991, p. 78; Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. 6, 2159 (1992).
5 Abelian Chern-Simons Theory 75
imply . C 2 /F
D 0. They are invariant under the gauge transformations A !
A C @ , whereas the Lagrangian changes by a total derivative. It is convenient
to discuss the quantization in the temporal gauge, defined by A0 D 0.30 The Gauss
all other equal time commutators vanishing, the Gauss operator generates the time
independent gauge transformations.
As for the cases discussed in Sects. 3, 4, the Gauss law must be imposed as a
condition of the physical states. We consider the local (exponential) field algebra
FW generated by the Weyl operators W.f/, f i .x/ 2 S.R3 /, formally the exponentials
of A.f/ D Ai . f i /, and by the unitary operators V.U /, U D eiG.g/ , g 2 D.R2 /,
formally the exponentials of the Gauss operator, representing the group G of time
independent gauge transformations
d 2 x fi @i g
V.U / W.f/V.U /1 D ei W.f/: (4.5.5)
V.U / D : (4.5.7)
!.W.f// D 0; if @i f i 0: (4.5.8)
S. Deser, R. Jackiv and S. Templeton, Ann. Phys. 140, 372 (1982).
76 4 Non-regular Representations in Quantum Field Theory
Thus, the fields A.f/, cannot be defined in the Hilbert space H! , if @i f i 0 (non-
regular Weyl quantization).
Proof As before,
d 2 x fi @i g
!.W.f// D !.V.U / W.f/ V.U // D ei !.W.f//
Lint D A j ; j D e N :
Clearly, the same argument of non-regular representation applies to the pure non-
abelian Chern-Simons theory in 2+1 dimension defined in the temporal gauge by the
Lagrangian L D 12 "i j AP ai Aaj .31
G.V.Dunne, R. Jackiw and C.A. Trugenberger, Ann. Phys. 194, 197 (1989).
Chapter 5
Diffeomorphism Invariance and Weyl Polymer
Especially in connection with Quantum Gravity, great attention has been paid to the
problem of combining diffeomorphism invariance and quantization.
According to Wigner theorem on quantum symmetries, diffeomorphism symme-
try, or equivalently diffeomorphism covariance, of a quantum theory requires the
implementation of the elements of the diffeomorphism group by unitary operators
in the Hilbert space of the (quantum) states.
Now, the diffeomorphism group of a manifold is infinite dimensional and the
representation of infinite dimensional groups is not yet under mathematical control;
this is one of the reasons of the relevance and difficulty of the problem.
For the infinite dimensional local gauge group the difficulty of quantization has
been overcome through the choice of the gauge fixing, which breaks the local gauge
symmetry and reduce it to the identity on the physical states characterized by the
fulfillment of a subsidiary condition; a crucial point is the independence of the
expectation values of the observables from the choice of the gauge fixing.
For the case of diffeomorphism symmetry such a route is made difficult by the
lack of a full control on the representations of the diffeomorphism group. To this
purpose it has been suggested, in particular in connection with Loop Quantum
Gravity (LQG) and String Theory (ST), to use a non-regular Weyl (also called
polymer) quantization1 and to guarantee the unitary implementation of the elements
For the vast literature on this subject we refer to the Bibliography of Publications related to
Classical Self-dual variables and Loop Quantum Gravity, see: A. Corichi and A. Hauser, arXiv:gr-
qc/0509039v2. For very recent reviews of LQG, see H. Sahlmann, Loop quantum gravity-a
short review, arXiv:1001.4188v1 [gr-qc]; S. Mercuri, Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity,
arXiv:1001.1330v1 [gr-qc].
of the diffeomorphism group by the stronger condition that the Hilbert space of
the (quantum) states is the GNS representation space defined by a diffeomorphism
invariant (vacuum) state.
Such a proposal has raised both interest and discussions and, in our opinion, it
may be useful to focus the problem starting with the question of diffeomorphism
invariance and quantization in general. As one should expect on the basis of
quantum gauge models, the diffeomorphism invariance of the ground state leads
to a non-regular Weyl quantization. To get some insight, in the following we shall
start by considering the case of diffeomorphism covariance in quantum mechanics.
G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 82, 219 (2007).
2 Quantum Mechanics on a Manifold and Diffeomorphism Invariance 79
f v; f g v. f /; f f ; g g 0; (5.2.2)
The reality of C1 .M/ and of Vect.M/ induce the following involution on the
above defined Weyl operators
and the polynomial algebra A generated by the Weyl operators becomes a *-algebra.
By construction, Eqs. (, Diff(M) defines a group of *-automor-
phisms h , h 2 Diff(M) of A
f .a C b/ D f a C f b; . f C g/ a D f a C g a;
. fg/ a D f .g a/: (5.2.6)
then is a Lie-Rinehart (LR) product and the pair .L0 ; L/ is (called) a Lie-Rinehart
(LR) algebra. A LR algebra is said to have an identity if L0 has an identity 1,
satisfying 1 v D v; 8v 2 L.
A module structure of Vect(M) on C1 .M/ is realized by the product f v D w 2
Vect(M), where w is the vector field with components . f @=@xi /, if vi D @=@xi . It is
easy to check that the so-defined product satisfies Eqs. (5.2.6), (5.2.7)
Thus, the pair .C1 .M/; Vect M/ is a LR algebra with identity 1 given by
the function 1.x/ D 1; the crucial consequence is that, as a module over C1 .M/,
Vect .M/ is locally generated by n vector fields, with n the dimension of M, so that
the infinite dimensional Diff(M) and its Lie algebra may be described by a finite
number of generators. This means that, for any region O diffeomorphic to a disc,
one can find n vector fields pi , supp pi O, so that forPany v, with supp v O,
there exist n functions fi 2 C1 .M/ such that v D i fi pi . This means that
any vector v with supp v O, is functionally dependent on the n vector fields pi ,
through the LR product.
Since a quantum particle on a manifold has a finite number of degrees of freedom,
the reduction of the algebra A to finite dimensions is necessary for its quantum
mechanical use and the natural way is to take into account the Lie-Rinehart structure
of .C1 .M/; Vect M/.
G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 82, 219 (2007).
2 Quantum Mechanics on a Manifold and Diffeomorphism Invariance 81
G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 82, 219 (2007).
82 5 Diffeomorphism Invariance and Weyl Polymer Quantization
defined by
is one-dimensional.
Proof In fact, j!.W. f //j D 1 implies W. f /! D e. f / ! and since ! is
invariant under the V.v/, . f / must yield a representation of Diff(M). Since the
only one-dimensional representation is the trivial one, . f / must be a constant
independent of f and without loss of generality one can take W. f / ! D ! .
Hence, the generating monomials W. f ; v/ W. f / V.v/ leave ! invariant and
by the cyclicity of ! the Hilbert space H! is one-dimensional.
Proposition 2.5 The GNS representation defined by a diffeomorphism invariant
state ! with
!.W. f // D 0; if f const 1
and the right hand side is equal to 1 if D 0 and vanishes otherwise. Hence, weak
continuity fails.
In connection with Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) and String Theory (ST), it has
been suggested to use diffeomorphism invariant states with very strong invariance
84 5 Diffeomorphism Invariance and Weyl Polymer Quantization
properties, the so-called polymer states.5 Their analog for the algebra A is the state
Such a kind of states were proposed by A. Ashtekar, S. Fairhurst and J.L. Willis, Class. Quantum
Grav. 20, 1031 (2003); T. Thiemann, Class. Quantum Grav. 23 1923 (2006).
F. Acerbi, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Jour. Math. Phys. 34, 899 (1993).
Chapter 6
* A Generalization of the Stone-von Neumann
1 Zak Algebra
J. Lffelholz, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett. Math. Phys. 35, 251 (1995).
where x denotes the integer part of x. In the following, we shall analyze the
representations of AW in terms of representations of AZ .
Proof By an explicit control, one can see that the Schrdinger representation,
and therefore all the regular (non-degenerate) irreducible representations of AW ,
are spectrally multiplicity free for AZ . For the converse, spectral multiplicity free
implies non-degeneracy and by the Stone-von Neumann theorem the representation
is unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of Schrdinger representations. Multiplicity
free, implied by spectral multiplicity free, requires that such a sum contains only
one term.2
Furthermore, one has3
Theorem 2.3 Let be a representation of a (unital) abelian C -algebra A, then
the following statements are equivalent
i) the representation is spectrally multiplicity free
ii) for each vector x 2 H the projection on the cyclic subspace Hx D .A/x
belongs to the Baire *-algebra generated by .A/ (i.e. the smallest Baire *-
algebra in H containing .A/)
O such that x .A=S
iii) for every x 2 H , there exists a Baire subset Sx of A, O x / D 0,
and y .Sx / D 0, 8y 2 Hx , where x denotes the positive Baire measure on the
Gelfand spectrum AO defined by x via the Riesz-Markov representation theorem
(called the spectral measure of x).
The next problem is to find a generalized substitute of regularity. For this purpose,
we recall that, for representations in a separable Hilbert space, strong measurability
is equivalent to strong continuity and therefore to regularity. Now, there is a notion
of strong measurability in non-separable Hilbert spaces, which provides the needed
generalization of regularity.4
Definition 2.4 Let .X; M; / be a positive -finite measure space and H a Hilbert
A function F W X ! H is said to be countably-valued if it assumes at most a
countable set of values in H, each value being taken on a measurable set. A function
F W X ! H is called measurable with respect to if there exists a sequence of
countably-valued functions converging -almost everywhere to it.
An operator valued function F W X 3 a ! F.a/ 2 B.H/ is strongly measurable
w.r.t. if, 8x 2 H, the vector-valued function F.a/x is measurable with respect to
Theorem 2.5 Let .X; M; / be a positive -finite measure space and H a Hilbert
The detailed argument is given in S. Cavallaro, Ph. D Thesis, academic year 1996/97, ISAS,
Trieste, Chapter V, Sect. 3.
S. Cavallaro, Algebras and Representation Theory, 3, 175 (2000).
E. Hille and R.S. Phillips, Functional Analysis and Semigroups, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Pub.
Vol. 31, New York 1948, Theors. 3.5.3, 3.5.5.
2 A Generalization of Stone-von Neumann Theorem 89
S. Cavallaro, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Lett, Math. Phys. 47, 307 (1999). At the moment, we
cannot offer a simpler version of the rather technical proof presented there.
90 6 * A Generalization of the Stone-von Neumann Theorem
G. Mackey, Duke Math. J. 16, 313 (1949).
Algebra Delocalization, 11
of observables, 8 Diff .M/, 78
unital, 8 Diffeomorphism
A observable algebra, 20 covariance, 77
AW Weyl algebra, 3 covariant quantum mechanics, 80
AZ Zak algebra, 85 group, 78
invariance, 77
invariant states, 81
Baire -algebra, 87 Dirac-von Neumann axioms, 8
Bloch electron, 15, 27
band structure, 19
ground state, 18 Exponential field algebra, 55, 66
in a magnetic field, 29
Bloch waves, 17
Borel -algebra, 87 Fermion bosonization, 60
Borel measure, 87 Fermionic fields, 60
FW exponential field algebra, 20, 55, 62
F field algebra, 55
C -algebra, 3 Field algebra, 20, 55, 62
Canonical commutation relations (CCR), 1 observable, 62
algebra, 2 Floquet-Bloch theorem, 15
Heisenberg form, 1
Weyl form, 3
Center, 30 Gauge invariance, 11, 20
of observable algebra, 20 Gauge invariant state, 20
of observables, 12 Gauge invariant subgroup, 30
Charged fields, 60 Gauge models, 35
Chern-Simons theory Gauge transformations, 12, 21, 35, 58
abelian, 74 large, 27
Chiral anomaly, 71 Gauss invariant state, 67
Chiral symmetry, 71 Gauss law, 57, 61, 62, 65, 67
Chiral symmetry breaking, 47 Chern-Simons theory, 75
Chiral transformations, 28, 46, 71 constraint, 38, 40
Christ-Lee model, 41 operator, 38, 65
C1 .M/, 78 QCD, 64
Regular representation, 3, 56
Heisenberg gauge subgroup, 20 Relativistic spectral condition, 58
Heisenberg group, 2, 12 Representation
Heisenberg Lie algebra, 2 of a C - algebra, 9
Heisenberg observable group, 12 of field algebra, 55
Heisenberg observable subgroup, 20 of a Lie algebra, 3
Higgs-Kibble model, 41 of a Lie group, 3
H sector, 17, 20 physical, 20, 42, 56
unitary, regular, 3
Jackiw model, 38
Schrdinger QM, 4
Landau levels, 30 Schrdinger representation, 1
Large gauge transformations, 30, 45, Schwinger model, massive, 44
68 sectors, 20, 27, 37
Lie-Rinehart algebra, 80 Spectral condition, 56
Lie-Rinehart product, 80 Spectral measure of x, 88
Loop quantum gravity, 77 Spectral multiplicity free, 87
State, 8
pure, 9
Magnetic translations, 29 Stone-von Neumann theorem, 6
Massless scalar field, 57 Strong CP problem, 50
Multiplicative linear functional, 9 Strong measurability, 87
Superselected charges, 12, 20
Superselection rules, 8, 20, 21
Non-regular quantization, 20 Symmetry, 22
Non-regular representation, 12, 13 broken, 23
n-vacua, 46 continuous, 24
regular, 23
unbroken, 22
Observable algebra, 20 Wigner, 23
Observable variables, 2, 5 Symmetry breaking, 22, 40
order parameter, 25
spontaneous, 24
Particle on a circle, 35 Ward identity, 25
Index 97
Zak algebra, 85
Vacua, 16, 28, 37, 47 Zak states, 29, 31
Vacuum state, 56 Z center of A, 12, 20