High-Flow Nasal Cannulae in Very Preterm Infants After Extubation
High-Flow Nasal Cannulae in Very Preterm Infants After Extubation
High-Flow Nasal Cannulae in Very Preterm Infants After Extubation
original article
A bs t r ac t
The use of high-flow nasal cannulae is an increasingly popular alternative to nasal From the Newborn Research Centre, Royal
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for noninvasive respiratory support of Womens Hospital (B.J.M., L.S.O., L.W.D.,
P.G.D.), the Departments of Obstetrics
very preterm infants (gestational age, <32 weeks) after extubation. However, data and Gynaecology (B.J.M., L.S.O., L.W.D.,
on the efficacy or safety of such cannulae in this population are lacking. P.G.D.) and Paediatrics (L.W.D., S.M.D.),
University of Melbourne, and the Critical
Care and Neurosciences Theme (B.J.M.,
Methods L.S.O., L.W.D., P.G.D.) and Clinical Epide-
In this multicenter, randomized, noninferiority trial, we assigned 303 very preterm miology and Biostatistics Unit (S.M.D.),
infants to receive treatment with either high-flow nasal cannulae (5 to 6 liters per Murdoch Childrens Research Institute,
Melbourne, VIC, the Department of Neo-
minute) or nasal CPAP (7 cm of water) after extubation. The primary outcome was natal Medicine, Womens and Childrens
treatment failure within 7 days. Noninferiority was determined by calculating the Hospital, Adelaide, SA (C.C.A.), and Wom-
absolute difference in the risk of the primary outcome; the margin of noninferiority ens and Newborn Services, Royal Brisbane
and Womens Hospital (D.W.C., M.A.P.), the
was 20 percentage points. Infants in whom treatment with high-flow nasal can- Department of Paediatrics and Child Health,
nulae failed could be treated with nasal CPAP; infants in whom nasal CPAP failed University of Queensland (D.W.C.), and the
were reintubated. University of Queensland Centre for Clini-
cal Research (M.A.P.), Brisbane, QLD all
in Australia. Address reprint requests to
Results Dr. Manley at the Newborn Research Centre,
The use of high-flow nasal cannulae was noninferior to the use of nasal CPAP, with Level 7, Royal Womens Hospital, 20 Flem-
ington Rd., Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia,
treatment failure occurring in 52 of 152 infants (34.2%) in the nasal-cannulae or at [email protected].
group and in 39 of 151 infants (25.8%) in the CPAP group (risk difference, 8.4 per-
N Engl J Med 2013;369:1425-33.
centage points; 95% confidence interval, 1.9 to 18.7). Almost half the infants in DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1300071
whom treatment with high-flow nasal cannulae failed were successfully treated Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
with CPAP without reintubation. The incidence of nasal trauma was significantly
lower in the nasal-cannulae group than in the CPAP group (P=0.01), but there were
no significant differences in rates of serious adverse events or other complications.
Although the result for the primary outcome was close to the margin of noninferi-
ority, the efficacy of high-flow nasal cannulae was similar to that of CPAP as respi-
ratory support for very preterm infants after extubation. (Funded by the National
Health and Medical Research Council; Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Net-
work number, ACTRN12610000166077.)
n the United States, approximately Me thods
75,000 infants were classified as very preterm
(gestational age, <32 weeks) in 2011.1 Very Study Design and Oversight
preterm infants have substantially higher mor- From May 31, 2010, to July 3, 2012, we recruited
tality and morbidity than term infants, partly be- infants in three Australian neonatal intensive care
cause they are more prone to respiratory failure units at the Royal Womens Hospital, Melbourne;
and often require mechanical ventilation through Womens and Childrens Hospital, Adelaide; and
an endotracheal tube after birth. Once they re- the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital, Bris-
cover from their acute breathing problems, the bane. The trial was designed and conducted by
best way to achieve successful extubation from the authors. The human research ethics commit-
mechanical ventilation is controversial. Nasal con- tee at each center approved the trial. The study
tinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is known was funded by the participating neonatal units
to be superior to no positive-pressure support2 and by the National Health and Medical Research
and is the current standard of care for noninvasive Council. All authors vouch for the accuracy and
respiratory support of very preterm infants. completeness of the data and the fidelity of the
The use of high-flow nasal cannulae is an study to the protocol, which is available with the
alternative means of providing noninvasive re- full text of this article at NEJM.org. There was no
spiratory support to very preterm infants. Such commercial support for this study.
cannulae deliver heated and humidified gas at
flow rates of more than 1 liter per minute Patients
through small binasal prongs. Because high-flow Infants were eligible if they were born at a gesta-
nasal cannulae have a simpler interface with the tional age of less than 32 weeks, were receiving
infant and smaller prongs than nasal CPAP, the mechanical ventilation through an endotracheal
cannulae are perceived as easier to use, more tube, and were scheduled to undergo extubation
comfortable for the infant, and advantageous for for the first time to noninvasive respiratory sup-
motherinfant bonding.3,4 The use of high-flow port. Infants were ineligible if their gestational
nasal cannulae is increasingly popular for non- age was more than 36 weeks at the time of extu-
invasive respiratory support in neonatal intensive bation, if they were participating in a concurrent
care units around the world.3,5 In 2008, the de- study that prohibited inclusion, if they had a
vices were being used in up to two thirds of known major congenital anomaly that might af-
academic neonatal units in the United States.6 fect breathing, or if maximal intensive care was
High-flow nasal cannulae are used to prevent not being provided. All parents or guardians pro-
extubation failure in preterm infants, with pre- vided written informed consent.
scribed flow rates typically ranging from 2 to
8 liters per minute.3,7,8 However, there is little Randomization
evidence regarding the risks and benefits of this A computer-generated block-randomization se-
new technique.9,10 Several mechanisms of action quence with random block sizes was used. All
of high-flow nasal cannulae in preterm infants infants were stratified according to gestational
have been described,11 but the contribution of age (<26 weeks vs. 26 weeks) and study center.
each is undefined. Furthermore, concern has Infants who were part of multiple births under-
been raised that the generation of unregulated went individual randomization. Clinicians opened
distending pressure from high-flow nasal can- consecutively numbered, sealed, opaque enve-
nulae might injure the lungs.12,13 lopes immediately before extubation to deter-
We hypothesized that high-flow nasal cannu- mine the study-group assignment. In the case of
lae are an appropriate alternative to nasal CPAP, an unplanned extubation in an infant for whom
even if the devices do not provide superior respi- consent had already been obtained, randomiza-
ratory support. We performed a multicenter, tion occurred if the treating physician decided to
randomized, noninferiority trial of high-flow provide noninvasive respiratory support. If the
nasal cannulae, as compared with nasal CPAP, infant required resuscitation and immediate re-
as respiratory support after extubation in pre- intubation, randomization did not occur, and the
term infants born at a gestational age of less infant remained eligible for inclusion with the
than 32 weeks. next planned extubation.
152 Were included in primary analysis 151 Were included in primary analysis
Serious adverse events were predefined as where high-flow nasal cannulae had not been
pneumothorax occurring while the infants re- used previously. We prespecified the margin of
ceived the assigned treatment and death. These noninferiority for high-flow nasal cannulae as
events were reported to the principal investiga- 20 percentage points above the failure rate for
tor and the relevant ethics committee as they nasal CPAP. Since little guidance was available
occurred. Data were collected until death or the for such a comparison, the choice of margin was
first discharge home from the hospital. somewhat arbitrary. Our rationale was that many
clinicians already strongly prefer the use of high-
Statistical Analysis flow nasal cannulae, and the devices are in wide-
We estimated that extubation would have a fail- spread use because of their perceived benefits over
ure rate of 25% for very preterm infants on the nasal CPAP. We allowed the use of rescue nasal
basis of a review of 2 years of data from the lead CPAP for infants in whom treatment with high-
center (the Royal Womens Hospital, Melbourne), flow nasal cannulae failed. This procedure reflected
* Plusminus values are means SD. There were no significant differences between the two groups. CPAP denotes con-
tinuous positive airway pressure, and IQR interquartile range.
Race was reported by the investigators.
The Apgar score was not known for three infants.
Blood gas results were from capillary (heel-prick) or arterial blood samples.
clinical practice around the world at centers where to-treat basis, and infants remained in their as-
both treatments are commonly available. signed group for all outcomes. For the primary
The primary outcome was short-term treat- outcome and dichotomous secondary outcomes,
ment efficacy, rather than death or disability, for we calculated the difference between the groups
which a lower noninferiority margin might be using risk differences and 95% confidence inter-
recommended.14 Noninferiority was determined vals. We used chi-square tests to compare second-
by calculating the absolute risk difference and ary dichotomous outcomes and the appropriate
95% confidence interval for the primary out- parametric test (Students t-test) or nonparamet-
come. For treatment with high-flow nasal can- ric test (Wilcoxon rank-sum test) to compare
nulae to be noninferior, the upper limit of the continuous outcomes. An independent data and
95% confidence interval had to be below 20 per- safety monitoring committee performed two
centage points, and the lower limit of the 95% interim analyses, when the primary outcome
confidence interval had to be below zero.14 We was known for 100 infants and for 200 infants,
determined that a sample of 300 infants was and on the basis of each analysis recommended
required to show noninferiority for high-flow that the study continue unaltered. All analyses
nasal cannulae with a power of 87%. were performed with the use of Stata/IC soft-
All analyses were performed on an intention- ware, version 12.0 (StataCorp).
Table 2. Reasons for Treatment Failure, Reintubation, and Other Secondary Outcomes.
* Positive values favor the CPAP group, and negative values favor the nasal-cannulae group.
Treatment may have failed for more than one reason. In one infant in the CPAP group, treatment failed because a set
pressure of more than 8 cm of water was prescribed during the primary-outcome period.
One infant had a measured pH of exactly 7.20, and one infant had a measured pH of 7.21.
Respiratory support included the use of high-flow nasal cannulae, nasal CPAP, nonsynchronized nasal intermittent
positive-pressure ventilation, and mechanical ventilation through an endotracheal tube.
Infants who died before discharge were excluded.
This category includes only hospital days, even though some infants received oxygen therapy after being discharged.
Treatment Failure
Other Secondary Outcomes and Adverse Events 60 High-flow nasal cannulae
There were no significant between-group differ- 50
ences in rates of other secondary outcomes (Ta- 40
ble 2) or in rates of death or other serious adverse 30
events (Table 3). The pneumothorax rate after 20
Nasal-Cannulae CPAP
Group Group Risk Difference
Event (N=152) (N=151) (95% CI)* P Value
* Positive values favor the CPAP group, and negative values favor the nasal-cannulae group.
This event was prespecified as a serious adverse event.
Infants who died before hospital discharge were excluded.
cautious before using high-flow nasal cannulae pressures.18-20 Since it was not possible to blind
as first-line respiratory support in extremely the intervention, we used prespecified, objective
preterm infants after extubation. The risk dif- criteria for treatment failure as the primary out-
ference for treatment failure among infants come to minimize bias.
with a gestational age of 26 weeks or more was We allowed the use of rescue nasal CPAP in the
5 percentage points. nasal-cannulae group only after treatment failure.
The results of our trial pertain only to infants We acknowledge that this may have influenced
who have been extubated and should not be ex- some of the secondary outcomes in the nasal-
trapolated to the use of high-flow nasal cannulae cannulae group. Because the use of nasal CPAP
as primary respiratory support after birth. We used prevented the reintubation of almost half the in-
the Fisher & Paykel high-flow nasal-cannulae sys- fants in whom treatment with nasal cannulae had
tem in our trial, but there is no evidence that any failed, it seems reasonable to use high-flow nasal
one commercially available system is superior to cannulae initially after extubation if both therapies
another.17 The flow rates for the nasal cannulae are available. In our trial, nonsynchronized nasal
that we used have been shown to result in dis- intermittent positive-pressure ventilation could be
tending pressures in vivo that are similar to, or used in infants receiving nasal CPAP. If the use
slightly lower than, commonly set nasal CPAP of nonsynchronized nasal intermittent positive-
pressure ventilation had not been permitted cannulae as primary respiratory support from
until nasal CPAP had failed, the risk difference birth will be important. We conclude that treat-
for the primary outcome might have been ment with high-flow nasal cannulae was non
smaller. inferior to the use of nasal CPAP as respiratory
When appraising the result of a noninferiority support after extubation in very preterm infants.
trial, both the risk difference and its 95% confi- Since our trial was underpowered to show non-
dence interval are considered. Although our best inferiority in infants with a gestational age of
estimation of the risk difference was 8.4 per- less than 26 weeks, the use of high-flow nasal
centage points, we acknowledge that the upper cannulae as first-line respiratory support after
limit of the 95% confidence interval was close to extubation in this extremely preterm group re-
the margin of noninferiority (20 percentage points) quires caution.
and that slightly different failure rates in either Supported by a program grant (606789) and a Centre for
group could have altered our conclusions. Clinical Research Excellence grant (546519) from the National
Health and Medical Research Council.
Further research on the use of high-flow na- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
sal cannulae in preterm and term newborn in- the full text of this article at NEJM.org.
fants is required. Since such cannulae are used We thank the patients families and the staff members who
cared for them at the three participating centers, and research
with increasing frequency in the nontertiary care nurses Connie Wong, Donna Hovey, Louise Goodchild, and Ros
setting, randomized trials of high-flow nasal Lontis for their assistance in recruitment and data collection.
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