Duratherm Brochure

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Enable architects
designs, dont
compromise them.
The eyes may be the metaphorical window These and many other considerations are
to the soul. Real windows often have critical to the successful implementation of
more paradoxical characteristics than an architects design. Collaboration during
this simple adage of transparency implies. development of the design, preparation of
Windows are meant to disappear, yet they details that support the architects intent,
shape our vision of the world as frames and manufacture to spec with the precision
for views or panels of light. Windows can and quality envisioned by the architect
open a wall or room to embrace the outside, these are Duratherms contributions to an
dissolving the walls material nature, yet architects success.
they also define space and have a material
presence of their own. On a faade, Louis Kahn experienced just such success
windows and doors express the architects with the Phillips Exeter Academy Library,
intent through a fixed composition of working with our founder Philip Cole.
elements, yet the act of opening and The enabling experience prompted Kahn
closing them allows occupants to subtly to suggest that Cole begin a custom
animate a buildings image and adapt it to monumental wood window business.
suit their needs. Duratherm was born. This collaborative,
enabling spirit remains the foundation
By establishing connection between of Duratherms success. We have had the
interior and exterior, windows and doors pleasure of working with the preeminent
become integral components of both architects of contemporary design as well
spaces and the surrounding architecture. as those at the beginning of their journey.
Scale is the window in the wall or is the Enabling their designs and yours is our
window the wall? Placementreinforce business.
design patterns or break them? Material
complementary or contrasting?
Duratherm louis kahn exeter library
Louis Kahn

A craftsman never wants to cover his work. In a

good drawer the dovetailing is not hidden, the joint
is the beginning of ornament. I could not disguise
a joint, nor could I disguise the material itself.
photo jeff goldberg/esto

burgin center for the arts mercersburg academy mercersburg, pennsylvania

polshek partnership architects

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duratherm window corporation light

Frank Lloyd Wright

In true modern
sense of surface and
mass disappears in
light, or fabrications
that combine it with
photo christian richters

villa nm upstate new york un studio

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duratherm window corporation light

photo christian richters

Villa NM Upstate New York UN Studio

photo cervin robinson

photo paul warchol

Landman Library Arcadia University Glenside Pennsylvania Kliment Halsband Architects Byzantine Fresco Museum Houston, Texas Franois de Menil Architect
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Buckminster Fuller

When I am working
on a problem I never
think about beauty.
I only think about how
to solve the problem.
But when I have
finished, if the solution
is not beautiful,
I know it is wrong.
photo michael moran

private residence shelter island, new york

tod williams billie tsien architects

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duratherm window corporation beauty

photo frederick charles

Private Residence Westchester County, New York Julie Evans Architecture & Design

photo elizabeth felicella

photo don f. wong

Private Residence Long Beach Island, New Jersey Christoff Finio Architecture Private Residence Northern Wisconsin Vincent James Associates Architects
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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

We must remember
that everything
depends on how we
use a material, not on
the material itself....
New materials are not
necessarily superior.
Each material is only
what we make it.
photo michael moran

honan allston branch boston public library boston, massachusetts

machado and silvetti associates

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duratherm window corporation material

photo white construction

Private Residence Austin, Texas David Heymann Architect

photo nick wheeler

photo barry halkin

Private Residence Massachusetts Will Bruder Architects, Ltd Atwater Commons Middlebury College Middlebury, Vermont. KieranTimberlake Associates
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Always design a thing
by considering it in its
next larger contexta
chair in a room, a room
in a house, a house in
an environment, an
environment in a
city plan.
photo don f. wong

private residence minneapolis, minnesota

vincent james associates architects
Eliel Saarinen
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photo alain jaramillo courtesy of ziger/snead
Woodvalley House Pikesville Maryland Ziger/Snead Architects

photo michael moran

photo dan gair

Private Residence Coastal Maine DeStefano Architects

photo michael abrnes/lohan anderson

Private Residence Long Island, New York Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects Ravinia Festival Food Service Building Highland Park, Illinois Lohan Anderson
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Durability Maintenance Hurricane Certification
Wood windows historically last Woods like teak, mahogany, Our window and door units have
the life of the building. Even many redwood and sinker cypress, been tested to meet performance
century-old buildings retain when properly treated, are nearly requirements for Wind Zone 3.
original wood windows. maintenance free. Please contact us for specific unit
type, size, and detail information.

First Costs Life Cycle Costs Aesthetics

Installed, a Duratherm wood Duratherm wood window systems Woods aesthetic character and
system typically costs more than result in lower life cycle costs with depth draws us in. It compels us to
commercial grade aluminum. But respect to energy loss, maintenance look, touch, and feel. Its rich natural
our factory-glazed installed window and replacement over the life of a color, grain and texture bring
wall often costs less than aluminum. building. beauty and warmth to designs.
Architects liken a Durathem
window to finish carpentry.

Energy Performance Sustainable Design

Duratherm window and door Wood is sustainable and
systems are designed to achieve renewable. It needs less energy to
high energy efficiency in the produce than any other building
harshest climates. product.
Wood, unlike metal, produces no Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
condensation, making it ideally certified wood species are available.
suited for high- or balanced- Our designs help to achieve www.durathermwindow.com
humidity environments. Leadership in Energy and
Woods thermal properties Environmental Design (LEED) Green Please visit our website to view a large, representative
complement energy-conserving Building Certification goals with project portfolio and complete product information
glazing innovations. the use of certified woods and high including details, hardware, wood species, and
Duratherm is National Fenestration performance glazing. performance data.
Rating Council (NFRC) certified.
Duratherm is an Energy Star Contact us for a copy of our full product binderor
Partner. download a copy in pdf format from our website.
Our products meet Window & Duratherm Window Corporation
Door Manufacturers Association 720 Main Street
(WDMA) standards. Vassalboro, Maine 04989

voice 800.996.5558
fax 207.872.6731

[email protected]

Duratherm Window Corporation reserves the right to

modify design and specifications without notice.
On the cover
Aldrich Museum Ridgefield, Connecticut
Tapp Associates Duratherm and are registered trademarks of
photo: peter aaron/esto the Duratherm Window Corporation.
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Duratherm Window Corporation

720 Main Street
Vassalboro, Maine 04989
phone 800.996.5558 Duratherm

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