Review Paper: Virtual Autopsy: A New Trend in Forensic Investigation
Review Paper: Virtual Autopsy: A New Trend in Forensic Investigation
Review Paper: Virtual Autopsy: A New Trend in Forensic Investigation
Introduction: The modern high-resolution imaging difficult forensic cases; body length and Individual
has been used as a well described aid in the decedent feature identification; identifying distinct
setting of post-mortem investigations. In developed foreign bodies retained bullets, blades, etc.;
countries Computed Tomography (CT) and identification of injuries and forensic
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are now being reconstructions three dimensional
evaluated as complementary means for reconstructions, bullet tract identification;
cause-of-death determination. education and clinical performance improvement
process; and research.
Objective: This paper explores the implication of
virtual autopsy from ethical and technical point of Conclusion: Due to its minimal invasive
view. procedure, virtual autopsy is very much acceptable
to the society. In USA and European countries
Methods: Published literature with strict inclusion virtual autopsy is likely to replace conventional
and exclusion criteria were extensively reviewed autopsies in future. We can also utilize this modern
through use of general and Meta search engines technology to upgrade the century old investigation
to elucidate the applications and implications of system in our country.
virtual autopsy.
Key-words: Virtual autopsy, Conventional post
Discussion: Virtual autopsy introduces a new era mortem examination, Future aspect.
in autopsy examination. It utilizes the
technological innovation of modern imaging
system to obtain high quality 3 Dimensional
images of the body in multiple plains without Introduction
mutilation of the human body. The Virtual Autopsy
can be applied in a broad number of forensic The modern high-resolution imaging has been used
situations, such as thanatological investigations; as a well described aid in the setting of
carbonized and putrefied body identifications; post-mortem investigations. In developed countries
mass disaster cases; age estimation; Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic
anthropological examinations and skin lesion Resonance Imaging (MRI) are now being evaluated
analyses, determining cause of death as complementary means for cause-of-death
determination; decedent gender, identification in determination.
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