Section A: Note-: Attempt All Questions

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Section A: Note-: Attempt all questions.

1. Define Instruction Stream and Data Stream. How can you classify systems on the
basis of these two streams? [2]
2. Explain the functional of 4-bit binary Adder-Subtractor with circuit diagram and
functional table. [3]
3. Starting from initial value of R=11011101, determine the sequence of binary values
in R after a logical shift-left, followed by circular shift-right, followed by a logical shift
right and a circular shift-left. [4]
4. What is wrong with the following register transfer statements?

yT: R1 R2, R1 R3 [2]

5. Differentiate between direct and an indirect address instruction. How many

references to memory are needed for each type of instruction to bring an operand
into a processor register? [3]
6. Distinguish between the write-through and write-back policies out their merits and
demerits. Draw the flow-chart of cache read operation. [4]
7. Differentiate between serial synchronous and serial asynchronous modes of data
transfer. Explain in brief simplex and duplex modes. [2]

Section B:

UNIT-I (Internal Choice in Q. no. 3)

1. A Computer uses a memory unit with 256K words of 32 bits each. A binary
instruction code is stored in one word of memory. The instruction has four parts: an
indirect bit, an operation code, a register code part to specify one 64 registers, and
an address part.
a. How many bits are there in the operation code, the register code part, and
the address part?
b. Draw the instruction word format and indicate the number of bits in each
c. How many bits are there in the data and address inputs of the memory? [6]
2. An instruction is stored at location 300 with its field at location 301. The address
field has the value 400. A processor register R1 contains the number 200. Evaluate

the effective address if the addressing mode of the instruction is (a) direct; (b)
immediate; (c) relative; (d) register indirect; (e) index with R1 as the index register.
3. Explain the functional of 4-bit combinational circuit shifter with circuit diagram and
functional table. What is the value of output H in 4 bit combinational circuit shifter if
input A is 1001, S=1, IR=1, and IL=0? [4+2]


Define Microoperations. List Logic Microoperations that can be performed with two
binary variables. [2+4]

4. Register A holds the 4-bit binary 1010. Determine the value of A after logic operand
B=1100 is applied in the following Microoperations
a. Selective Set
b. Selective Complement
c. Selective Clear [3]

UNIT-II (Internal Choice in Q. no. 2)

1. Write a program/set of instructions to evaluate the arithmetic statement:

X = (A+B) * (C+D)

a. Using a general register computer with three address instructions.

b. Using a general register computer with two address instructions.
c. Using an accumulator type computer with one address instructions.
d. Using a stack organised computer with zero address operation instructions.


2. Illustrate Booths Algorithm with flow chart. Show the step-by-step multiplication
process using Booth algorithm when the following binary numbers are multiplied.
Assume 5-bit registers that hold signed numbers.

a. (+15) X (-13) [4+8]


Illustrate Division Algorithm with flow chart. Show the contents of registers E,A,Q,
and SC during the process of division of

b. 10100011 by 1011

Use a dividend of eight bits. [4+8]

UNIT-III (Attempt any 1 Group)

1. Draw a space-time diagram for a six-segment pipeline showing the time it takes to
process eight tasks. [6]
2. Discuss the various hazards that might arise in a pipeline. What are the remedies
commonly adopted to overcome/minimize these hazards. [4+3]
3. Discuss Page replacement policies. Consider the following reference string and
determine the number of page faults using various algorithms
1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [3+4]


1. A non-pipeline system takes 50ns to process a task. The same task can be processed
in a six-segmented pipeline with a clock cycle of 10ns. Determine the speedup ratio
of the pipeline for 100 tasks. What is the maximum speedup that can be achieved?
2. Explain the concept of Principle of Locality with example. Explain the concept of
virtual memory with any one virtual memory management techniques. [3+5]
3. Discuss the various mapping techniques used in cache memories. [6]

UNIT-IV (Internal Choice in Q. no. 3)

1. Give the organization of a typical hardwired control unit and explain the functions
performed by the various blocks. Discuss the data flow for a simple instruction [5]
2. Why do we need I/O interface? How does I/O Bus communicate to I/O devices?
What are the different ways in which computer buses can be used to communicate
with memory and I/O? [8]
3. Explain the interrupt driven mode of data transfer and the DMA driven data transfer
elaborating on how they are accomplished and their relative merits and demerits.

Why does DMA have priority over the CPU when both request a memory Transfer?
4. Indicate whether the following commands constitute a control, status, data input or
data output transfer commands.
a. Skip next instruction if flag is set.
b. Seek a given record on a magnetic disk.
c. Check if I/O device is ready.
d. Move printer paper to beginning of next page.
e. Read interface status register.
f. Writing on disk. [3]

Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
End Semester Examination-2010
Programme: M.Sc. (CS)
Subject: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (MAI-103)

MAX MARKS: 100 DATE: 8/12/2010 TIME: 3hrs

Attempt all the questions.

Q1.Answer in brief
(a) = ( ) [3]
(b) Validate your answer using masters theorem [3]
T(n) = 4T ( / 2) +
(c) Analysis running time of minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm if Fibonacci heap implementation
is used. [3]
(d) Analysis worst case complexity for Ford Fulkerson algorithm. [2]
(e) Compare complexity for Naive string matching algorithm, KMP matching algorithm, Boyer Moore
algorithm. [1+1+1]
(f) Find total no of records moves for given files (20,30,10,5,30) using optimal merge pattern. [3]
(g) Since matrix multiplication ( ) is more expensive than matrix addition ( ).Suggest any
improvement, so as to have fewer multiplication as possibly more additions. [3]

Unit I

Q1.Describe notations with help of example. [6]

Q2.(a)Prove or disprove [4]
( ) = ( )
(b) If = ( ) then calculate [4]

Q3.The recurrence T (n) = 7T ( / 2) + describes the running time of an algorithm A.
Another algorithm A has a running time of T(n) = aT( / 4) + . What is the largest

integer value for a such that A is asymptotically faster than A. [3+3]

Unit II

Q1. Write matrix chain multiplication algorithm and obtain optimal parenthesization for matrix (P Q R T)[4+6]

Dimensions are as follows <15, 5, 10, 20,25 >

Given that m[P Q]=750 m[Q R]=1000 m[R T]=5000

here m[i j]=multiplication cost from Ai matrix to Aj matrix.

Q2.Let F(I) be the value of solution generated for given instances by greedy knapsack when objects are input in
nonincreasing order of profits(pis).
Let F*(I) be the value of an optimal solution for this instances.
How large can the ratio F*(I) / F(I). [4+4+2]
No. of object = 5 capacity m=12
Profit < p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 > = <10, 15, 7, 6, 18 >
Weight < w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 > = <2, 5, 7, 1, 4 >


Q1.Write recursive solution(s) for Longest Common Subsequence(LCS) problem where [8]

A = <1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 >
B = <0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 >
Q2. (a)Explain in brief about Branch & Bound method. [4]
(b)Solve following cost matrix using Branch & Bound method. [8]

B [ ]

Unit III

Q1.Write floyd warshall algorithm and find minimum route between all pair of nodes of given graph. [4+8]

Q2(a).Suggest an algorithm for that running time of Prims algorithm is O(V2). [4]
(b)Suppose that a graph G has a minimum spanning tree (MST) already computed. How quickly can the
MST be updated if a new vertex & incident edged are added to G. [4]


Q1.Validate Max Flow Min Cut theorem for given network. (F as Source, E as Sink ) [3+7]

Q2.Write Dijkastras algorithm and hence find shortest path assuming node A as a source to all nodes.[4+6]

Unit IV

Q1.Attempt any two [5 marks each]

(a) Calculate prefix function for pattern= [a a b a a a b a a a] using KMP matching algorithm and analysis
complexity for KMP matching algorithm.
(b) Circuit Satisfiability problem.
(c) NP Completeness & Reducibility.
Q2. Write and apply KMP matching algorithm to search the pattern in given Text. [4+6]
Given Text T=< 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0>
Pattern P=<1, 1, 1, 0>

Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
End Semester Examination-2010
Programme: M.Sc. (CS)
Subject: Formal Language and Automata Theory (MAI-104)

MAX MARKS: 100 DATE: 13/12/2010 TIME: 3hrs

Attempt all the questions.

Q1. Why we study automata theory? (2)

Q2. Discuss the factor why Turing machine is more powerful FA / PDA. (2)
Q3. By using Pumping lemma one can show that a language is regular. Justify your answer. (2)
Q4. Construct FA containing set of string over {0, 1}* | when interpreted as a binary number, is
divisible by 5. (3)
Q5. Find a grammar generating {ajbncn | n>=1, j>=0} (3)
Q5. Explain chomsky classification with the help of suitable example, also define relationship
between grammars. (4)
Q.6 Design a TM to recognize string w {a}+| number of (a) = 2n+1| n>=0. (4)

. UNIT-1
Q1. (a) Consider a given finite automaton, with moves; obtain an equivalent automaton
without moves. (5)

(b) Is language L= {a2n | n>=1} regular? If no, show by pumping lemma. (5)


(a) Finds the regular expression corresponding to given automaton by using
Ardens theorem. (5)

(b) State Kleenes theorem with example. (5)

Q2. (a)Construct a language L for following grammar G. (3x3)

(1) If G= ({S, C}, {a, b}, {SaCa, CaCa, Cb}, S) then find L(G).
(2) If G= ({S, A}, {a}, {SSS, AaS}, S) then find L(G)
(b) Show that L= {ap| p is prime} is not regular. (4)


Q1. Consider the Moore machine described by the transition table. Construct the corresponding
Mealy machine. (5)

Present State Next state Output

a=0 a=1

q1 q1 q2 0

q2 q1 q3 0

q3 q1 q3 1

Q2.Find a deterministic accepter equivalent to
M= ({q0, q1, q2}, {a, b}, , q0, { q2})
Where ig given by (5)

Present State
a b

q0 q0, q1 q2

q1 q0 q1

q2 q0, q1

Q.3 Construct a minimum state automaton equivalent to the given finite automaton transition
table. (10)


State 0 1

q0 q1 q5

q1 q6 q2

q2 q0 q2

q3 q2 q6

q4 q7 q5

q5 q2 q6

q6 q6 q4

q7 q6 q2


Q.1 Find a grammar in CNF equivalent to the grammar (5)

S -S/[SS]/a/b (S being the only variable)
(a) Find the grammar equivalent to (2.5x2.5)
A, B, Db With no - production.
(b)Eliminate the unit production from the CFG with P given by
Aa, BC/b, CD, DE and Ea
Q2. Consider the following production (5)
AaS/bAA/a, BbS/aBB/b
For the string aaabbabbba, find
(1) The leftmost tree
(2) The rightmost tree
(3) Parse tree
Find reduced grammar equivalent to the given grammar (5)
AbA/b, BcC, Cabc
Q3. Construct a grammar in Greibatch Normal Form equivqlent to the grammar
SAA/a, ASS/b (10)

Q1. Design a TM accepting L= {x (a+b)*| x contain substring aba}. (4)

Q2. Design a TM which accept palindrome string w {0, 1}*. (6)

Q3. Construct a Null store/empty store PDA accepting the set of string w =anbn+mcn | n, m>=1

Q4. Construct a PDA equivalent to the following CFG. (4)

SaB/bA (3+3)
AaS/bAA/A, BbS/aBB/b

Test whether babbaa is in N(A).

Central University of Rajasthan
End-Semester Examination, December 2010
Dynamics of Communication Skills and Technical Writing (DCSTW)
Department of English (for M.Sc. Computer Science. MAI 107)

DATE: 10-12-2010; TIME: 3 Hrs [MM 100 marks]

SECTION I Short Answer Type Questions; Attempt all the questions.

i. Mention briefly different methods of vocabulary building? (3 marks)

ii. How would you formally introduce yourself to an interviewer? (3 marks)
iii. Enumerate all the dipthongs. Furnish at least two examples for each. (3 marks)
iv. Rectify the spelling errors in the following words: (3 marks)
a. Bunglow b. Disestar
c. Resamble d. Validite
e. Refrence f. Thaetre
v. Transcribe the words given below: (3 marks)
a. North b. Boardroom
c. Chilled d. Mother
e. Silent f. Reason
vi. Identify errors in the following sentences, if there are any, and rewrite them. (2 marks)
a. I doesnt know the reason behind it.
b. The boys should has reached by now.
c. Everyone love his country.
d. We can achieve anything if we decide.
vii. Answer to the interviewers question, What qualities do you have? (2 marks)
viii. Mention at least three different ways in which you may apologise? (1 mark)

SECTION II - Long Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 20 marks

II. A vacancy for the post of a Software Consultant has been advertised in Employment News on Nov.
08, 2010 by the firm Teleperformance in Delhi. Prepare a Resume for the above post in response to
the advertisement.


Write a formal letter to the Director of a travel agency Globe Trotters requesting him to hire your
services as a Software designer.

III. Choose a section and answer all questions in that section:

a. Define the purpose of a Group Discussions (GD). What should be avoided in a GD?
b. Write a paragraph on The Importance of Culture. (Word limit:300)


a. Write a paragraph on the significance of co-education (200 words).
b. Compose a paragraph on the emergence of India as Global leader in the domain of information

IV. Discuss the pure Vowels and Consonants in detail. Equip your answer with the examples discussed
for each of them in the class.


a. Discuss in detail the ways of co-ordinating with others in a group discussion.

b. Compare and contrast the effective and ineffective ways of vocabulary building.

V. Create an imaginary dialogue between a lawyer and a client. (Word limit 400 words)


Write a paragraph on The most unforgettable incident of your life. (Word limit 400 words)

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