S Sunil
S Sunil
S Sunil
Central cementifying fibroma is a rare non odontogenic tumor coming in the group of fibro osseous
lesion, arising from periodontal ligament and is usually seen in tooth bearing area. It can affect both
the mandible and the maxilla, particularly the mandible. This bone tumour consists of highly cellular,
fibrous tissue that contains varying amounts of calcified tissue resembling bone, cementum or both.
Here we present a case of Central cementifying fibroma (recurrent) in a 34 year old female.
Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal [ OMPJ ] Vol 1 No 1 Jan- Jun 2010 ISSN 0976-1225
Case Report Histopathologically lesion is made of
moderately dense bundles of collagen fibers
A thirty four year old lady presented with a with moderate cellularity.There is presence of
started eight years back and it was slowly lesion show discrete masses of cementum
growing. Swelling was not painful.There was .With the above mentioned features diagnosis
no history of dental pain or trauma She had of central cementifying fibroma was made.
Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal [ OMPJ ] Vol 1 No 1 Jan- Jun 2010 ISSN 0976-1225
Discussion variable mixture of bony trabeculae,
The origin of cementoossifying fibroma is cementum like spherules or both.
supposed to be from periodontal ligament
.Age range of this tumor is from 20-40 years . Surgical contouring of affected bone or local
In a study by Eversole females were five times resection and bone grafting is done
more affected than males. In Summerlin and
Tomich study females were affected twice
than males. Usually condition is painless but if
a nerve is involved there can be pain.
Central cementifying fibroma is a fibro
Mandible is more affected than maxilla. It is a
osseous lesion arising from periodontal
relatively slow growing tumor and because of
ligament and is usually seen in tooth bearing
this , the cortical plates of bone and overlying
area. Here we presented a lesion occurred in
mucosa or skin are almost invariably
ramus of mandible. It was a recurrent lesion
intact.Growth of the tumor will be usually in
probably due to inadequate curettage. The
centrifugal manner. Usually lesion occurs in
affected bone was surgically resected and
tooth bearing area .Radiographic appearance
deformity was repaired with rib graft.
of lesion vary according to stage of
development of tumor. In early stages it is
radiolucent lesion with no evidence of internal
radiopacities. As it matures , there is
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Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal [ OMPJ ] Vol 1 No 1 Jan- Jun 2010 ISSN 0976-1225