Oman Building Regulations
Oman Building Regulations
Oman Building Regulations
Conditions of Buildings
Article 11: Percentage of Covered Area
The percentage of covered area differs from one area to
another depending on the condition of each area and the
type of buildings. Hence, it is not allowed to exceed the
percentage set by the Authority for each area according to
its detailed plans.
Article 12: The percentage of covered area does not include the
1. Architectural Projections.
2. Water tanks and mechanical equipments (if it is
necessary to keep these separate from the main
3. Guard room and annexed facilities (if built separately
from the main building).
4. (The annex of the workers residence and the external
services of the main building provided the annex should
be of one floor, and 20% of the main building area not
more than 50 square meters).
5. Pergola whether it is used for sitting out of doors or for
6. Open-to-sky.
7. Projecting shades, canopies at entrances of buildings
Article 13: The calculations of the percentage of floor area does not
include the following:
A. Mezzanine.
B. Service floor.
C. Stair and lift room on the roof of the building or any
other room permitted on the roof.
D. Buildings mentioned in article (12) above under 3, 4, 5, 6,
Article 14: Standard Internal Architectural Design of Residential Units.
Building Materials, Areas and Dimensions of Rooms:
1. Privacy within the residential unit
A. The architectural design of the building shall conform
with the social norms of the Arab Muslim families in terms
of the location of various parts of the residential unit eg.
the main entrance should be located in such a way that
does not expose the house or interfere with the privacy
and freedom of internal movement of members of the
family ie. from the living room to the bedroom or to
various service facilities in the house.
B. Privacy within the residential unit shall be maintained
whether the building is for private residence or for
investment ie. a multi-floor apartment.
C. Boundary walls of any building, walls separating two
residential units or separating the living room from the guest
room shall not De less than 20 cm. thick, so as to prevent or
reduce the emission of sound. The Consultant shall be
required to submit proper technical treatment in this regard.
2. Building Materials
A. Materials used for buildings shall conform to locally
approved specifications and measurements. The main
building materials should be non-inflamable.
B. Heat insulation materials shall be used for roofs and
external walls according to the following formula:
- Roofs:
U (Maximum) = 0.1 B.t.u/sq.ft/hr. F
ie. 0.57 Watts/sq.m.C
External Walls.
U (Maximum) = 0.13 B.t.u/sq.ft/hr. F
ie. 0.741 Watts/so.m C
C. Sketches showing heat insulation layers (for external face
walls and roofs) should be submitted. These should be
appropriately placed in relation to other layers and in
accordance with the standard technical practice. Other
specifications or information that help in implementation may
also be submitted.-
D. Acceptable building insulation materials are.
- Non-inflammable poly-styrene (extruded or expanded)
- Sprayed or solid Poritine/rigid polyurethane foam.
Other materials of the identical qualities may be used as heat
insulators. However heat insulation materials used in
buildings should be of similar composition, long lasting
insulation capacity, fixed dimensions, hardly liable for
expansion or contraction, and corrosion and stiff resistant. It
would also be resistant to environment conditions in the
Sultanate, chemical changes and reactions and fire resistant.
-The condition for using heat insulation materials for
(external walls) may not apply to the following
-Oriental style buildings of one floor only where the internal
court yard, verandah etc. provide treatment for weather
- Part of the boundary wall within the balcony.
- Industrial buildings (workshops, factories,
warehouses). Buildings for non-human use may
also be excluded.
3. Areas and Dimensions of Rooms:
The minimum areas and dimensions of
rooms in buildings are determined according
to the following table:
Article 21: International code of practice shall apply to public buildings (eg.
International and regional exhibitions, conference halls, theatres,
cinemas and similar buildings if no particular conditions are
specified). Sheds may exceed the limit of maximum height, subject
to functional and structural requirements.
Article 22: Staircase room, water tank and air conditioning equipment etc. on
the roof of the buildings may exceed the maximum height of the
building and shall be screened according to the Municipalitys design
or any other approved design. The parapet wall shall not be more
than one metre and a half above the maximum height of the
building. Domes decorations, ventilation towers, chimneys and
minarates may exceed the maximum height of the building.
Article 26: A distance of 1.5 m., minimum shall left for set-back if there are
exhaust fans or air conditioners facing the adjacent plot. This
condition applies to all residential and residential-commercial buildings
whatever the number of the floors.
Article 27: In areas for industry and warehouses where plot area is more than
1500 sq.m. (whether there are openings in the building or not) set
backs shall be as follows:
- 8 m. between the main building and the boundary of the plot on the
main road side. Guards room, usually built near the main entrance of
the plot is not included.
- 3 m. between the main building and the boundary of the plot on the
minor road side, if any.
- 5m. minimum, between the main building and the boundaries on the
side of the adjacent neighbor.
Article 28: In plots allotted for light industry (workshops) with areas ranging
from 800-1500 sq.m. set backs shall be as follows:
- 5 m. between the main building and the boundaries of the plot
on the main road side.
- 1.50 m. minimum, between the main building and boundaries of the
plot on the side of the adjacent neighbor or neighboring street or road
whether there are openings in the building or not.
- 3m. between the main building and plot boundary on the side of the
adjacent neighbor. This applies to two-storeyed buildings where there
are openings for windows in the upper floor.
Article 29: In plots allotted for light industry with areas less than 800 sq.m.,
set-backs shall be as follows:
- 1.5 m set-back, in the ground floor between the main building and
boundary of the plot of adjacent neighbor (if the building has openings
overlooking the neighboring plot).
- 3 m. between the main building and boundary of the neighboring plot in
case, there are window openings for offices in the upper floor.
N.B. Planning conditions for set-backs, as determined by the concerned
Authority, shall be adhered to (This only applies where the set-backs
required are more than what is mentioned under these Regulations).
N.B. 1. Balconies in residential buildings overlooking the street and used for
washing lines shall be screened. Perforated wood may be used for
screening provided that the openings are not more than 1.50 cm x 1.50
cm., also perforated concrete depth 10 cm. maximum and openings not
more than 7 cm x 7 cm. may be used. The relevant sketches shall be
submitted to the concerned Department.
2. In multistoreyed residential buildings, with more than three units (flats)
a balcony shall be provided in each unit for washing line. This should
be appropriately located according to the architectural design of the
unit and screened using one of the screening elements mentioned in
No. 1 above.
3. Washing lines. on balconies may only be used if the screening
elements mentioned above are provided.
4. It shall not be permitted to use metal grills to screen openings in
buildings (balconies or windows).
Article 36: All the conditions regarding ventilation natural lighting and set-
backs shall apply to the leveling floor.
Article 40: 1. The basement should not project, more than 1.40 m. above
the level of the internal courtyard or the level of road pavement.
2.The basement shall have natural ventilation, directly or
Article 42: Provisions for setbacks of the main building apply to the
basement floor as well.
Article 43: Protections against leaking through the walls and the ground of
the basement should be considered. Drainage shall be provided
and necessary precautions taken to protect neighboring
buildings during the construction of basement.
Article 44: All the conditions and provisions for protection against fire and
other safety conditions apply to the basement floor.
Article 45: The area of basement shall not exceed the area of the ground
Article 47: The pergola should be open on all sides except the side adjoining
part of the building or a wall.
Article 48: The area of openings in the pergola shall not be less than 50% of
its total area.
Article 51: The main staircase shall be built of reinforced concrete or any
non-inflammable material. Staircases of private buildings (villas)
and those for mezzanine in small shops are not included.
Article 52: The nett minimum clear width of stairs of a main staircase shall be
as follows:
Residential and Residential Commercial building 1.10 m if the
staircase serves
three residential
units in one floor oi
a total of 12 units
maximum in all
1.20 m. if the
number of
residential units in a
floor is above 12
Commercial Buildings 1.20 m. in buildings
that consist o* up to
5 floors and 1.40 m.
in buildings above
that limit 1.40 m.
Public Buildings(Hospitals Schools- Hotels etc.)
The above conditions do not apply to staircases used for special or
industrial purposes, minarets, towers and small oriental style
buildings, Also excluded are staircases of private buildings and villas
the dear width of which shall be 1m, minimum.
Article 53: The maximum travel distance served by the staircase shall be 27 m.
Article 54: The number of stairs in each part of the staircase leading in one
direction shall not exceed 14. Open external stairs of one-storey
oriental buildings are not included.
Article 55: The tread of one step may not be less than 28 cm in width and
not more than 30 cm. The rise of the step should not be less
than 15 cm and not more than 18 cm.
Note: Tread excludes nosing if any.
Article 56: The stairs shall be calculated according to the following formula.
Twice the rise of one step + tread = 60-65 cm.
Article 57: The nett distance between one landing and the one above shall
not be less than 2.20 cm.
Article 60: The number and capacity of each lift supported by any other
information shall be indicated in the drawings submitted for any
building of more than three floors. This shall be according to the
conditions and specifications for electric lifts shown in the appendix
issued by the Municipality.
Article 61: Electric lifts should work efficiently throughout the year, the owner
(or his agent) should submit a certificate from a specialized
registered company certifying that the lift is in good condition or is
properly maintained and usable. This certificate should be submit-
ted to the Municipality at least once a year.
Article 64: Setbacks shall be according to the Regulations set for the
Article 66: The design of tanks shall not include sharp angles that lead to the
accumulation of dirt or germs and obstruct regular cleaning.
Article 67: Tanks shall have tightly closed openings for filling, distribution and
discharge. Openings shall be designed in such a way that prevent
pollution and entry of insects. The openings shall be as follows:
A.For big tanks the opening for filling shall be wide enough to allow
the person in charge of regular cleaning to get inside the tank.
B.Openings for distribution shall be at one side of the tank at a
height of 6 cm, minimum, in order to prevent in-flow of deposits
from the tank to distribution pipes.
C.Openings for scour-drainage shall be at the bottom of the tank. It
shall be wide enough to drain all water and deposits.
D.The tank shall be covered with wooden slats designed according
to the architectural design specified by Directorate General of
Technical Affairs of the Municipality.
Article 68: The tank inward or outward connections for distribution of water to
the building should be of non-rusting, non-corrosive material.
Article 70: Water tanks shall be cleaned regularly (once in every six months
minimum) and sterlized with approved detergents. Materials and
equipment used for cleaning should be non-poisonous and should
not include organic materials harmful to health. The Municipality
has the right to take regulatory actions according to the controls set
in this regard.
Article 71: Municipal authorities reserve the right to enter residential com-
plexes at appropriate times to inspect water tanks, ensure
adherence to the conditions and that tanks are regularly cleaned
and the water is suitable for human consumption.
Article 72: The regulations and laws in force in other Ministries and Govern-
ment departments shall be observed in the implementation of the
provisions of these Articles.
Article 75: The minimum number of sanitary units required in public buildings
is as follows:
1. Hotels
Halls: 1 toilet, 2 urinals, 2 hand-washing
basins for every 80-100 men,
3toilets, 2 hand washing basins, for every 100
Rooms: 1 toilet, 1 hand-washing basins, 1
bathroom basin for every 10 beds.
2. Theatres & Cinemas
1 toilet 1 urinal for every 200 men
2 hand washing basins for every 300 men
1 toilet for every 150 ladies
1 hand washing basin for every 200 ladies
3. Hospitals
1 toilet for every 18 beds (men)
1 urinal for every 30 beds (men)
1 hand washing basin for every 25 beds
1 hand washing basin for every 12 beds
1 hand washing basin for every 15 beds
Visitors and staff toilets are not included in the above. A
reasonable number of toilets should therefore be provided.
4. Sports grounds and similar buildings
Standard international code of practice shall be
5. Mosques
1 toilet, 4 water taps for ablution for every 100
A. A separate area for ablution shall be provided and connect to the
women place of prayer (i.e. 1 toilet and four water taps for ablution for
every 100 ladies)
B. It is not permitted to build toilets and ablution facilities on the front
side of the mosque or on the directional-bearing of Mecca. Ablution
places and toilets shall be carefully deter- mined taking into
consideration the direction of winds and the possibility of entering the
ablution place or toilet from outside and then to the mosque through
an inside door.
C. Ablution places (toilets in particular) shall have a high
degree of privacy i.e. no one can see from outside through a
door or window.
6. Filling Stations
1 toilets shall be built as part of the main building
of a petrol filling station (toilets for workmen in the
station are not included) one for men and the
other for ladies. The men's toilets shall be
provided with a hand washing basin and 2 urinals,
the ladies with a hand washing basin only.
Article 76: 1. The minimum number of sanitary units required for schools
below secondary level is as follows:
1 toilet, 1 hand washing basin for every 20 students or half a
2 .For secondary schools and schools above the secondary level
the minimum number of sanitary units should be as follows:
1 toilet for every 30 students Male
1 hand washing basin for every 25 students Male
1 urinal for every 25 student Male
1 toilet for every 20 student Female
1 hand washing basin for every 15 students
3.In boarding schools (male and females) architectural standard
code of practice shall be applicable.
A. A water tap shall be provided near toilet or bathroom basin for
cleaning purposes unless there is a bidet (ladies shower)
B. All sanitary items shall be fixed in position according to the
specifications and criteria adopted in the Sultanate. Technical
Standards shall be observed for proper installation and
Sewage Disposal
Without violation of the conditions and specifications for sewage
disposal network and the provisions stipulated vide Ministerial
Decision No. 5/86 issued by the Ministry of Environment the
following articles shall be applicable.
Article 78: Waste water pipes (ground connections) should not be less than 60
cm. below the ground level and its slope shall be as follows:
Horizontal gradient Vertical gradient
Pipes diameter 15 cm. 1/60 1/8
Pipes diameter 20 cm. 1/90 1/12
Pipes diameter 22.5 cm. 1 /100 1/14
In case it is necessary to use pumps the department concerned
may permit lesser gradients as follows:
Pipes diameter 15 cm 1/100 Maximum
Pipes diameter 20 cm 1 / ^ 75 Maximum
Pipes diameter 22.5 cm 1 /200 Maximum
Article 81: Waste water pipes, septic tanks and soakage pits shall be within
the legal boundaries of the plot, exceptional cases in unplanned
areas, plots of small areas or rocky lands are excluded subject to
prior approval of the Municipality and adherence to the conditions
under Article (80).
Article 82: Septic tanks and soakage pits already built outside the boundaries
of the plot shall remain in place. A permission to maintain and
clean them shall be obtained. If a house is demolished and rebuilt,
its owner shall lose the above concession and shall construct a
septic tank or soakage pit according to the permit and drawings
approved by the Municipality.
Article 85: The staircase provided for escape shall have a clear width of not
less than 90cm. The rise of one step shall not be more than 20 cm.
and the number of steps leading in one direction shall not exceed
Article 86: 1. The distance from the escape staircase to the entrance of the unit
shall not be more than 10 m.
2. The distance from the door of any bed room to the entrance of
the unit shall not be more than 7.50 m.
3. Doors of bed rooms, kitchen and the main entrance of the unit
shall be fire resistant for half an hour at least.
4. Partitions between indoor halls and corridors shall be provided
with materials capable of resisting fire for half an hour at least.
The same applies to walls along the staircases.
5. In order to limit the spread of fire to other parts of the building,
facilitate extinction and the safe evacuation, the building shall be
divided horizontally and vertically into fire zones according to the
specifications and conditions for the protection of buildings
against fire issued by the Civil Defence Administration of the
Royal Oman Police.
Article 87: Buildings where large number of people are usually present or
areas where inflammable or dangerous materials are manufactured,
used or stored, the number, direction and distance from one point
and the nearest emergency exit should be according to the
specifications and conditions for protection of buildings against fire
issued by the Directorate of buildings against fire issued by the
Directorate of Civil Defence and Fire of the Royal Oman Police. The
same applies to unfamiliar buildings or building in which people
cannot easily' move.
Article 88: Stairs shall be secured with rails. The nett vertical height of these
rails shall not be less than 80 cm.
Article 89: Roofs of buildings, balconies and open-to-sky shall be provided with
rails or walls of height not less than 90 cm.
Article 90: 1. Hose reels for fire extinction or rising pipes shall be used to
extinguish fire in buildings of more than four floors or where the
number of flats in one floor exceeds four.
2. Small shops shall be provided with manually operated fire
extinguishers. Equipment for fire extinction in commercial
showrooms of large areas (area of one show room more than 60
sq.m.) shall be determined by concerned department, each case
considered separately.
3. Fire extinguishing equipment shall be appropriately placed
and according to approved technical standards.
Article 91: Buildings of heights and areas mentioned under these Articles shall
have fire warning and firefighting devices according to the
specifications and guidelines approved by the concerned fire
Article 98: When the minimum limit for paths within car parks is applied, traffic
shall be in one direction to facilitate entrance and exit.
N.B. If parking cannot be provided within the iegal boundaries of
the plot, for any reasons, it may be permitted to use the ground
floor for parking provided that the height of the floor from the
ground to the slab of the roof is 225 cm. But, that height shall
not be included in the permitted heights of buildings. Thus the
location of columns and smooth entrance and exit of cars
should be considered carefully. The same applies for residential
buildings where the number of units or flats is more than seven.