STNW3355 SubTran Overhead Line Design
STNW3355 SubTran Overhead Line Design
STNW3355 SubTran Overhead Line Design
Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
This standard and any referenced standards were created and made available for the construction
of Ergon Energy infrastructure. Application of these standards ensures meeting of Ergon Energys
requirements. External companies should not use these standards to construct non-Ergon Energy
This standard is uncontrolled in a printed version. To ensure compliance, reference must be made
to the Ergon Energy internet site to obtain the latest version.
Standard detailing Ergon Energys design requirements for lines built using the sub-transmission
construction standards.
Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
For definitive document version and control detail, please refer to the information stored on the
Process Zone.
Revision history
Document approvals
Table of Contents
1 Overview................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................ 8
2 References ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents ......................................................................... 8
2.2 Other documents ....................................................................................................... 9
3 Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes ............................................................................ 10
4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations ............................................................................. 10
4.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations ................................................................................... 19
5 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 20
5.1 ROUTE ACQUISITION............................................................................................ 20
5.2 DESIGN PARAMETERS ......................................................................................... 21
5.3 DESIGN DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................... 22
5.4 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT ................................................................................. 22
5.5 DESIGN DRAWINGS .............................................................................................. 23
5.6 DRAWING STANDARD .......................................................................................... 23
5.7 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS .......................................................... 24
5.8 SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................... 24
6 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 25
6.1 NETWORK SECURITY ........................................................................................... 25
6.2 STRUCTURE SECURITY ....................................................................................... 25
6.3 NETWORK RELIABILITY ........................................................................................ 26
6.4 POWER QUALITY................................................................................................... 27
6.5 THERMAL CURRENT RATING .............................................................................. 28
6.6 LOSSES .................................................................................................................. 31
6.7 VOLTAGE REGULATION ....................................................................................... 31
6.8 NETWORK STABILITY ........................................................................................... 31
6.9 LIGHTNING PERFORMANCE ................................................................................ 31
6.10 FAULT CURENTS ................................................................................................... 33
6.11 EASEMENT WIDTHS.............................................................................................. 33
1.2 Scope
This standard provides detail on Ergon Energys specific requirements for the design of overhead
sub-transmission lines, thereby ensuring that lines are built to suit the conditions encountered
within the Ergon Energy network as well as providing commonality within the Ergon Energy owned
network. It is not intended as a substitute for AS/NZS7000, or other Regulatory Standards, Codes
or Acts. The use of this standard does not negate the need for Professional Engineering
Certification of the design or modification of lines, structures or components. Every effort has been
made to ensure that this standard complies with AS/NZS7000 except where explicitly stated,
however it remains the users responsibility to ensure that all relevant regulatory requirements are
satisfied, particularly where recent amendments may have been made.
This standard is specifically customised for the local conditions in Ergon Energys distribution area
in Queensland and should not be applied in other localities. This standard should only be used for
sub-transmission voltages from 33kV up to 132kV. For design purposes all 110kV transmission
lines shall be built in accordance to the 132kV requirements. Distribution voltages up to and
including 33kV should be designed in accordance with the Ergon Energy Distribution Design and
Construction Manuals.
The designer shall provide certification of the design and drawings for all of the design works
required for the project. Such certification is to be provided by a Professional engineer who is a
Registered Professional engineer of Queensland (RPEQ).
2 References
2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents
<Term> <Definition>
Cable Any aerial cable e.g. stranded conductor, earthwire, OPGW, ADSS, pilot cable,
aerial bundled cable, covered conductor
Capacity There are two ways of increasing the capacity of a transmission network: uprating
the capacity of the existing network and building new transmission lines.
Building new transmission lines is considerably more expensive, more time
consuming and more difficult because of the need to acquire new
wayleaves/easements. Additional lines alleviate transmission constraints caused
by thermal limitations because the power transfer is shared among more paths.
They also enhance the systems voltage and angular stability because they
reduce the overall impedance of the network.
Network Reliability The reliability of electricity supply to customers can be improved by network
planning, maintenance, operation and outage response times. The majority of
sustained outages (duration greater than one minute) occur in the distribution
network. Therefore reliability indices are used to measure the performance of the
network and of the distribution business. Regulators apply reliability specific
planning and performance requirements to counter cost reduction by reducing
reliability. Ergon operates under the Australian Energy Regulators (AER) Service
Target Performance Incentive Scheme (STPIS). Refer to Standard for Network
Performance document number STMP001.Network reliability is quantified by
Network Reliability Indices that encapsulate outage duration, frequency of
outages, system availability, and response times.
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index. Definition: Total minutes,
on average, that customers are without electricity (both planned and unplanned
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index. Definition: The
average number of occasions each customer is interrupted.
CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration Index. Definition: Average
duration of each interruption (=SAIDI/SAIFI).
Network Security Security is the vulnerability of the network to unserved power caused by a
credible contingency. Clause 4.2.3 of the National Electricity Rules gives the
definitions of credible and non-credible contingency events. Security analysis
forms the basis for making investment decisions for the network to maintain a
high level of reliability. The planning method affects the level of redundancy and
over-investment in assets.
c. The energy cap approach limits (caps) the size of customer load or energy
that can be lost after a credible contingency event.
Structural Reliability Structural Reliability is the probability that a structural system performs a given
mechanical purpose, under a set of conditions, during a reference period.
Reliability is thus a measure of the success of a system in accomplishing its
Importance Levels AS/NZS 7000 clause 6.2.2 refers to line security levels. However this term should
be called importance level in accordance with Appendix F of AS/NZS
1170.0:2002 because it relates to the risk to life, property, economy and
community in the event of loss of supply (failure). An increase in importance
(security level) requires an increase in structural reliability. Refer to line security.
Line Security Security refers to the limiting of consequential damage (cascading failures) in the
event of an initiating failure (AS/NZS 7000:2010 clause 6.2.4). This is generally
achieved by minimising the effects of longitudinal loads by creating failure
containment load cases. However consequential failure may also be limited by
the use of regular stop structures and/or utilising load release mechanisms such
as slipping suspension clamps or frangible crossarms.
The security of stayed structures is improved by designing for a broken staywire
load case
Power Quality Power quality determines the fitness of electrical power for use with electrical
devices. Poor quality power may cause the device to malfunction, fail
prematurely or not operate at all. Power quality is measured by a number of
parameters such as voltage fluctuations (sags, swells, and flicker), abnormal
waveforms (harmonic distortions, transients), frequency, momentary interruptions
(less than one minute) and phase imbalance. Refer to Standard for Network
Performance document number STMP001.
Thermal Rating The thermal rating is the current (or power transfer) that produces the maximum
operating conductor temperature that the line was designed for. This is derived
from the balance of solar heating and resistive heating against convective cooling
and radiated heat loss. The real-time (dynamic) thermal rating varies depending
upon the weather conditions existing at the time. The static thermal rating is
calculated using static, conservative values of weather variables.
For long lines, the transmission capacity may be determined by voltage control
rather than the thermal rating
Upgrading (Mechanical) Mechanical upgrading refers to increasing the mechanical strength of the
structures to handle larger or additional conductors or to improve reliability (higher
meteorological actions eg wind).
Upgrading (Voltage) Voltage upgrading refers to increasing the operating voltage of an existing line.
Voltage upgrading is a consideration when a lines transfer capacity is limited by
voltage drop or stability. The increase in loading is approximately the square of
the ratio of the voltage increase. Increasing voltage may reduce power losses,
whereas increasing the thermal capacity increases the power losses
Intermediate (Tangent) A structure where the conductor is supported by insulation that is usually
Structure perpendicular to the conductor. Insulator types include I string, V string, horizontal
V, line post, braced line post
Strain Structure A structure where the conductors are terminated with insulators in-line with the
conductor. The structure is incapable of resisting termination loads on one face of
the structure alone.
Termination (Dead-End) A structure where the conductors are terminated with insulators in line with the
Structure conductor. The structure is capable of resisting terminated conductor loads on
one face of the structure.
Span Usually refers to the horizontal distance between two adjacent structures.
Level Span A span where the conductor attachment points are at the same level.
Inclined Span A span where the conductor attachment points are at different levels.
Dead-End Span A single span where the conductor is terminated at both ends to either a strain
structure or a termination structure.
Ruling Span A level, dead-end span where the tension behaviour, is equivalent to a series of
inclined spans where the intermediate supports permit longitudinal swing or
deflection such that tension equalisation occurs.
Weight Span The length of conductor used to calculate the vertical load that the conductor
imposes on the supporting structure. The horizontal distance between the low
point of sag in the back span and the low point of sag in the fore span is normally
used as an approximation where there is uniform vertical loading in both spans.
The weight span on a particular structure may change as the conductor loading
changes (wind pressure, conductor temperature, and ice thickness).
Wind Span The length of conductor used to calculate the wind load that the conductor
imposes on the supporting structure. The average of the back span and the fore
span is normally used as an approximation where there is uniform horizontal
transverse loading in both spans.
Longitudinal Structure Conductor loads (intact or broken), wind loads and maintenance loads applied to
Load the structure in the longitudinal direction of the structure centreline (generally in
the direction of the conductors).
Transverse Structure Conductor loads (intact or broken), wind loads and maintenance loads applied to
Load the structure in the transverse direction of the structure centreline (generally in the
direction perpendicular to the conductors or along the bisect of centreline
Wind Load The wind load is the force resulting from wind imposed onto an object with a
nominated area exposed to the direction of the wind and with a nominated
aerodynamic shape factor (drag coefficient). For objects (e.g. conductor) larger
than the width of the wind gust, a pressure reduction (span reduction) factor is
applied. For objects that are not solid (e.g. lattice tower), the drag coefficient is
determined by the solidity ratio and wind direction.
Wind Effect The effect of wind is to produce stresses in resisting structural components.
Examples of these effects are axial stress, shear stress, bending stress, torsional
stress or combined stress.
Wind Pressure For strength limit state design the wind pressure is derived from the 3 second
wind gust (design wind speed) with the specified return period that has been
factored for direction, terrain, height, shielding and topography.
Residual Static Load RSL is the redistributed and equalised (static) conductor tension subsequent to a
(RSL) broken conductor.
Broken Conductor Load The conductor loads imparted to a structure upon the failure of one or more
conductors. Usually taken as a load factor on the RSL.
Construction and Loads due to the weight of linespersons and associated tools, and conductor
Maintenance Load loads associated with stringing activities, such as vertical loads imparted from
brakes and winches and additional weight span caused by conductors being
removed from adjacent structures. The loads are dependent on work practices
and load factors are nominated in AS/NZS7000.
Dead Load Dead loads or permanent loads are static forces that are relatively constant for an
extended time while the structure remains unmodified. Dead loads include the
structure self weight and weight of conductors and fittings.
Live Load Live loads, imposed loads or dynamic loads are temporary, or moving, and of
short duration (not cyclic). Live loads are also referred to as probabilistic loads
and include environmental loads such as wind, ice, temperature changes and
seismic loads.
Limit State Design Limit state design philosophy takes into account the statistical nature of loads and
material strengths, thereby providing consistent levels of component reliability and
safety. It also considers other requirements such as serviceability and fatigue.
The design action effect S* represents the internal action (axial force, shear force,
bending moment) that is obtained by structural analysis after applying factored
loads X.
Load factors vary with the type of load, combination of loads, the particular limit
state and the method of analysis.
Capacity factors vary with the variation in material strength and accuracy of
fabrication (tolerances).
The loads X are dead loads, live loads (including wind loads) or combination
thereof. The loads are vectors (with magnitude and direction) and their sum is not
algebraic unless they are co-linear. For linear elastic structures the effect of
loads is proportional to the load eg stress is proportional to tensile load. For
geometrically nonlinear structures such as conductors, doubling the wind load
does not double the tension. In these instances the load factor is applied to the
effect of load. The combined effect of design loads X is analysed to determine
the minimum design strength and hence the nominal strength of the resisting
component (element).
Limit State Design Process:
Strength Limit State The Strength Limit State is the governing criteria for the strength design of
structural elements. The strength limit state is deemed to be satisfied if all design
action effects (effect of factored loads) are less than the factored design capacity
of the structural element.
Serviceability Limit Serviceability Limit States relate to the criteria governing normal use such as
State deflection, vibration, durability or fire resistance. To satisfy the serviceability limit
state criterion, a structure must remain functional for its intended use subject to
everyday loading for its design life.
Fatigue Limit State The fatigue limit state is associated with the fatigue failure of the structure or
structural members due to load repetition. The fatigue limit state can be
considered to be one of the ultimate limit states, because the structure fails at the
fatigue limit state. However, since the fatigue failure under repeat loading
involves a variable strength not a static strength as in the ultimate limit state, the
fatigue limit state is treated separately. For conductors, a strength reduction
factor () is defined for a given terrain category and damping system that is
considered safe (bending stress below 150 micro-strain peak-to-peak for
aluminium measured at 100mm from the support) under the design load (vibration
weather case) with unity load factor.
Return Period Natural phenomena such as wind, snowfall, floods and earthquakes are random
events in time as well as space. The return period is defined as the average time
(years) between two successive statistically independent events. The actual time
between events is a random variable. Therefore the probability of the event
occurring within the return period is not 100% but rather 63%. However the
probability of occurrence of the event within any one year is the reciprocal of the
return period.
An event constitutes the exceedance of a certain threshold (eg wind speed > 100
Maximum Design Load level above which damage to the core begins to occur and which is the limit
Cantilever Load (MDCL) for serviceability loads. The post insulator is loaded at 110% of the rated MDCL
and held for 96 hours without cracks or delamination of the core (AS 4435.4:2005,
IEC 61952:2002). The MDCL is the allowable tensile load using the older
Allowable Strength Design (ASD) method with a safety factor of 2 (non-ceramic)
to 2.5 (ceramic) i.e. 40% to 50% of the SCL.
Specified Cantilever The specified cantilever load of the post insulator is the maximum limit state
Load (SCL) cantilever load which can be applied to the insulator at the line end fitting. This is
also referred to as the ultimate strength limit state cantilever load or ultimate
cantilever load. The post insulator is tested quickly until SCL is reached without
breakage of the core or end fitting (AS 4435.4:2005, IEC 61952:2002). Most
manufactures will only provide the MDCL, however the SCL is required for limit
state design.
Specified Tensile Load The specified tensile load of the post insulator is the maximum limit state tensile
(STL) load which can be applied in-line with the longitudinal axis of the core; away from
the end metal fitting (away from the pole); at or near the intended conductor
attachment point. This is sometimes referred to as the ultimate tensile load
capacity of the insulator. The insulator is rapidly loaded to the rated STL without
pull-out of the core or breakage of the end fitting (AS 4435.4:2005, IEC
61952:2002). Most manufactures will only provide the Rated Tensile Load (RTL
see 3.6.4), however the STL is required for limit state design. The compression
load is usually not provided.
Rated Tensile Load The RTL is the allowable tensile load using the older Allowable Strength Design
(RTL) (ASD) method with a safety factor of 2 i.e. 50% of the STL.
Standard Impulse The lightning and switching impulse waveshapes are described by their time to
Waveshapes crest and their time to half value of the tail. The standard lightning impulse
waveshape is 1.2/50 s. This standard is chosen, not because lightning conforms
to this waveshape, but because testing laboratories can readily produce this
waveshape. The standard switching impulse waveshape is 250/2500 s. The
magnitude of the crest voltage and the polarity are required to completely
describe the waveshape.
Critical Flashover The crest (maximum) voltage for which the probability of flashover is 0.50 for the
Voltage (CFO) standard lightning or switching impulse waveshape.
Power Frequency The rms voltage at power frequency (50 or 60 Hz) for which the probability of
Flashover Voltage flashover is 0.5. For transmission lines, the power frequency flashover voltage
under clean conditions is rarely used for insulation design. It is the performance
under contaminated (polluted) conditions that dictates the insulation design.
Basic (lightning) The crest voltage of the standard lightning impulse for which the probability of
Impulse Insulation Level flashover is 0.10. The BIL is also known as the lightning impulse withstand
(BIL) voltage. The BIL is universally defined for dry conditions under standard
atmospheric conditions.
By assuming a Gaussian distribution for the insulation characteristic, the BIL is
Basic (switching) Surge The crest voltage of the standard switching impulse for which the probability of
Impulse Insulation Level flashover is 0.10. The BSL is also known as the switching impulse withstand
(BSL) voltage. The BSL is universally defined for wet conditions.
By assuming a Gaussian distribution for the insulation characteristic, the BSL is
the crest voltage 1.28 standard deviations below the CFO for switching impulses.
BSL = 0.936 CFO assuming a coefficient of variation of 5% for switching
Apparent Power Apparent power as the magnitude of the vector sum of real and reactive power. It
is the product of the rms voltage and the rms current. The unit of measure of
apparent power is VA (volt-ampere).
Phase Sequence Australia follows an anti-clockwise phase sequence and the convention for this
sequence is RWB (Red White Blue). Other sequences such as ABC, RYB (Red
Yellow Blue) may be found on old drawings. Rotating machines use the UVW
and L1 L2 L3 markings (AS 60034.8 Rotating electrical machines - Part 8:
Terminal markings and direction of rotation).
Power Factor The power factor of a load is a measure of the fraction of the apparent power that
is real power performing actual work. When power factor is equal to 0, the energy
flow is entirely reactive, and stored energy in the load returns to the source on
each cycle. When the power factor is 1, all the energy supplied by the source is
consumed by the load. Power factors are usually stated as "leading" or "lagging"
to indicate the sign of the phase angle. Capacitive loads are leading (current
leads voltage), and inductive loads are lagging (current lags voltage).
A load with a low power factor draws more current than a load with unity power
factor for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher currents
increase the energy losses in the distribution system.. Some utilities charge a
higher cost to industrial or commercial customers where there is a low power
factor. Presently this is not the case with Ergon.
Reactive Power AC power systems consist of reactive components that possess capacitive
(electric field) and/or inductive (magnetic field) properties. These electrical
properties cause the current to get out of phase with the voltage, thus creating
reactive power. The unit of measure of reactive power is VAR (volt-ampere
reactive). Reactive power may be considered as the imaginary component of
apparent power.
Real Power Real, active or true power is the power that performs work and it is measured in
Watts (W). Real power is measured by revenue meters and forms the basis for
energy consumption (kWh) for customer billing.
RMS (Root Mean The square root of the mean of the square of a continuous waveform (usually
Space Potential Space potential is the voltage (electric potential) of a point in space relative to
remote earth. Points with the same voltage define an equipotential surface. The
rate of change of space potential with distance defines an electric field or voltage
Securing the line route precedes the detailed engineering design. Alternative routes may need to
be investigated.
Most of the design parameters in the following section will be required to assess the
engineering feasibility of route options. The deliverables suffixed with an asterisk form part of
the engineering design.
Approved route plan on cadastral background (*)
Schedule of property owners and access requirements
Third party approvals (Telstra, Railways, Main Roads, Council, PowerLink) (*)
Noxious weed survey
Vegetation clearing approvals where construction is expected to occur within 5 years
Technical specification for clearing and access (*)
Estimated clearing and access cost (*)
Vegetation clearing and access complete
Environmental planning for work - risk assessment
EMF report (for community consultation) (*)
Engineering report indicating typical structure types, typical structure heights and span
lengths on flat terrain, minimum ground clearances, conductor swing, easement width, and
typical staying requirements (for community consultation) (*)
Dial Before You Dig search (*)
Technical specification for surveying (cadastral and engineering) (*)
Estimated surveying cost (*)
Registered easement surveys and signed wayleaves
Centreline survey (DTM) suitable for complete design (*)
High resolution orthorectified imagery (*)
Resumptions and compensation complete
Technical specification for site investigation (geotechnical, soil resistivity) (*)
Estimated site investigation cost (*)
Geotechnical assessment or investigation (*)
The design shall incorporate and be in accordance with the Ergon Energy Sub-transmission
Construction Manual Drawings and Sub-transmission Standards Specifications. Any proposed
deviation from these standards requires Ergon Ergon approval.
Once introduced, interdependence between circuits can be difficult and expensive to remove. In
some cases interdependence can be very subtle and be very difficult to detect. It needs to be the
objective of all planners to minimise or eliminate interdependency wherever possible at all stages
of the planning process.
Theft removal of lattice steel members No removal of secondary bracing will not cause
failure under everyday loads, routine inspection will
discover missing members
Upstream outages (generation or transmission) No
Vandalism shooting insulators No failed glass discs should be identified during
Vegetation infringement No regrowth permitted by failure of
inspection/maintenance regime
Yes if vegetation clearance is inadequate
Vibration causing conductor breakage Yes poor vibration damping system design
The climatic conditions for the static ratings are provided in table 6.5.
Summer Winter
Summer Day Summer Evening Winter Day Winter Evening
Night/Morning Night/Morning
Dec-Mar Dec-Mar Dec-Mar Jun-Aug Jun-Aug Jun-Aug
(9am - 5pm) (5pm to 10pm) (10pm - 9am) (9am - 5pm) (5pm to 10pm) (10pm - 9am)
Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp.
Region Full description
m/s C m/s C m/s C m/s C m/s C m/s C
Far North 0.8 38 0.4 34 0.2 30 1.4 32 0.7 28 0.3 24 Gulf and Cape York
Eastern & East of Great Divide excluding
1.3 35 0.8 31 0.3 27 1.2 28 0.5 23 0.3 23
Coastal Mackay & Special zones
Mackay 1.9 33 1.5 27 1.2 27 1.8 24 0.5 19 0.5 19 Mackay area
Eastern &
Along the coast from Yeppoon
Coastal - 1.7 33 1.3 27 0.4 27 1.2 25 0.4 19 0.4 19
to Hervey Bay
Toowoomba 1.8 33 1.8 27 1.8 21 1.8 19 1.5 14 1.3 11 Toowoomba area
Central West of the Great Divide and
Tablelands - 1.3 37 0.7 34 0.2 29 0.8 30 0.4 26 0.2 20 from between Emerald & Roma
North to Far North region
Central West of the Great Divide and
Tablelands - 1.3 37 0.7 34 0.2 29 0.8 25 0.4 22 0.2 15 from between Emerald & Roma
South to NSW border
Western 1.7 42 1.4 40 1.4 36 1.4 32 1.2 29 0.7 20
Western - Mt Isa/Cloncurry &
1.5 41 0.8 37 0.3 32 1.1 32 0.4 28 0.3 20
Special Blackall/Charleville
Table 6.5 Climactic Conditions for Static Ratings
where the voltage magnitude is measured at the load for normal power factors (0.95 lagging to
55m EWPs that are rated to 500kV are available for hire in Queensland. The standard
subtransmission structures are high reliability and will not normally require maintenance for 20
years or more. So no structure height restriction shall be imposed upon the design of new lines.
Hiring EWPs is considered to be the appropriate maintenance response.
Subtransmission structures with subsidiary circuits shall have the upper subsidiary conductor no
higher than 20m above ground.
66kV Bridging 5x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 5x320=1600
Strings Ceramic Post Insulator 1800
66kV Line Post
Silicone Line Post Insulator 2354
132kV Suspension
9x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 9x320=2880
132kV Strain 10x125kN Porcelain Discs With Zinc Sleeves and R
Strings1 Clips
132kV Bridging
9x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 9x320=2880
132kV Line Post
Silicone Line Post Insulator 3736
Note 1: Disc insulator strength capacity cannot be varied without the express approval from Ergon Energy
Note 2: The quantity of insulator discs shown in the above table are the minimum requirement for each line type.
Additional creepage is required for heavy pollution levels.
For landing spans: Termination strings on substation landing spans should contain an extra disc or equivalent
Standard conductors are provided in the table below with the applicable voltages. There are many
in-service lines built over the last 60 years that utilise conductors other than these. If modifications
are required to these lines, an assessment with the Asset Owner is required to determine the
conductor to be used.
No new lines shall utilise HDBC. No new line shall utilise AAC where the vibration catenary
constant is greater than 1000m. ACSR shall only be considered where
the line is located in a cyclonic region (to resist severance from flying debris)
there is a high fire risk especially on ridges (annealing of aluminium)
the tension is high enough to straighten kinks (vibration catenary constant greater than
The fire risk may be assessed at
All ACSR conductors shall be greased.
The selection of conductor type shall be based on the rating, spanning requirements, land use
along the line, cyclonic region, cost, and pollution levels.
Construction Conductor Diameter OHEW 33 /66kV 110
(mm) /132kV
SC 7/2.75 SC/AC 8.25 Y N N
ACSR Sultana 9.0 Y N N
Banana 11.3 Y N N
Cherry 14.3 Y Y N
Grape 17.5 N Y Y
Lime 24.5 N Y*** Y***
AAAC Iodine 14.3 N Y** N
Figure 8.3.2 Wind Span to Weight Span Ratios for Various Conductors and Structure
Geometries (0 line deviation angle)
Suspension insulators require sufficient conductor weight to limit their swing under transverse
winds. The allowable swing angle is determined by electrical clearance requirements. If the
weight of the insulator string is ignored and there is no deviation of line direction, then the insulator
swing angle can be calculated for various wind pressures.
tan tan
The typical application curve in the above diagram is plotted for a specific structure geometry (30
swing at 100Pa). If this structure is placed in a valley where the wind-span to weight-span ratio is
1.4, then the layout would work for AAAC conductors greater than 15mm diameter but would not
work for diameters less than 15mm. Alternatively a 15mm AAAC conductor used with this
structure will permit layout wind-span to weight-span ratios of less than 1.4. To layout using ratios
greater than 1.4 requires a structure geometry with more liberal swing angles.
It is proposed to use a suspension structure for laying out a line over undulating terrain with an
average ground slope of 3.5% over the span length. (This gradient is calculated based on a fixed
structure height. In reality, a steeper gradient can be accommodated by varying the structure
heights.) This corresponds to a maximum wind span to weight span ratio of 1.4. The proposed
pole top geometry has the following minimum permissible swing angles that satisfy the electrical
requirements for its nominal insulation: 30 at 100 Pa; 60 at 300 Pa and 71 at 500 Pa. Is the
structure suitable for Hydrogen (AAAC 13.5 mm diameter) or its electrical equivalent, Cherry (6/7
ACSR 14.3 mm)? Figure 7.3.2 shows that the structure geometry is unsuitable for Hydrogen. A
minimum diameter of 15 mm is required for AAAC. However the geometry is suitable for Cherry
(minimum of 12 mm required for 6/1 and 6/7 ACSR). If Hydrogen is used with this structure then
the terrain gradient would have to be shallower. Alternatively, a structure with more generous
insulator swing angles would be required.
8.3.3 Midspan Separation
Refer AS/NZS7000 CL 3.7.3. for midspan separation formulae and application.
Phase conductors are transposed on long transmission lines to balance the mutual impedances
and reduce the load current unbalance. Unbalanced phase currents result in zero and negative
sequence currents that increase power losses. In a fully transposed line, each phase is changed
so that it occupies each geometric position for an equal length of the line. In this document,
transposition shall refer to the rolling of the phase conductors.
The ideal phase configuration is an equilateral triangle. For a delta phase configuration, it is not
necessary to transpose the phases provided that the minimum phase-to-phase separation is within
25% of the maximum phase-to-phase separation. Transpositions of delta configurations are easily
achieved (refer to drawing below) and incur minimum cost penalties
<25 km Nil 1
25 to 75 km 1 2
>75 km 2 3
8.5.1 Earthing Metalwork
For a conductive structure, all metalwork that forms part of the electrical circuit during an earth fault
shall be positively earthed to carry its share of the fault current. For conductive and non-
conductive structures, all metalwork within 2.4m of the ground surface level shall be positively
earthed but does not require full fault current rating unless it is an earth downlead or a power cable
guard. Other metalwork may be inherently earthed (such as step bolts on conductive poles) or
unearthed (such as step bolts on non-conductive poles).
Item Capacity (kA)2.s Assumed Area Initial & Final
(mm2) Temp. (C)
1 x M12 S/S bolt 41.5 92.6 45 - 870
2 x M12 S/S bolt 166 185.2 45 - 870
1 x M16 S/S bolt 140 169.7 45 - 870
2 x M16 S/S bolt 560 339.4 45 - 870
1 x 35mm2 copper wire 96 35 45 - 850
2 x 35mm2 copper wire 384 70 45 - 850
1 x 70mm2 copper wire 384 70 45 - 850
1 x 50 x 5 galv. steel (22 hole) 82 140 45 - 400
2 x 75 x 5 galv. steel (22 hole) 294 265 45 - 400
Table - Fault Capacities for Earthing Equipment
ENA EG1:2006 section 10.2.2 provides further guidance regarding conductor sizing
Where Standard Ergon Energy structures are not able to be used, the structure geometry shall be
designed to achieve the lightning performance better than 2 outages per 100km per year.
Insulation coordination at cable termination structures shall be designed in accordance with
AS1824.2 Section 6.
Magnetic fields, caused by line current under load or fault, can be coupled with adjacent
conductive and insulated circuits to produce hazardous voltages. The risk and mitigation
measures shall be assessed in accordance with AS/NZS 4853 or HB 102. Such circuits are
metallic pipelines, other power lines, fences (timber posts), long agricultural trellises, conveyor
belts, copper telecommunication lines.
From a design perspective, corona is not an issue at 66kV. At 132kV and above, conductor size
and hardware fittings become important.
The mechanical and civil design must ensure that the line performance will comply with all relative
National and State Legislation, that the line can be readily constructed and maintained using
standard industry practices and tooling, and that routine maintenance can be affected without loss
of supply.
The design shall ensure premature failure of components does not occur from fatigue stresses,
abrasion or corrosion or other serviceability conditions that will be encountered within the design
operating parameters for the line.
The structural loads on lines shall be designed in accordance with AS/NZS 7000 and the following
Ergon Energy requirements.
Where Ergon Energy Standard structures are used, the structural limit state design loads must be
within the structure capacities given in Annex B.
Condition Description
Initial New cable is assumed to be in its Initial condition for the few hours that follow its
Creep Cable is in its final after Creep condition after it has been assumed exposed to a
particular creep weather condition for a long period of time, Ergon Energy uses 10
years. The permanent elongation is predominately due to metallurgical creep. It is
normally assumed that the weather case that causes creep consists of a no wind or
ice condition at some average temperature. The Creep weather case given in
9.5.4 Queensland Weather Cases is used to determine the cable stress and
subsequently the long term strain value to apply for the after creep condition. The
same cable temperature shall be used in the creep prediction calculations used to
define the after creep stress/strain curve.
Load The final after Load condition assumes that the cable has been permanently
stretched by a specified weather condition that causes large tensions. The
permanent elongation is predominately due to strand settlement. For the linear
elastic cable model, the Initial and After Load conditions are identical.
Max Sag This is NOT a cable condition. It is used to display the maximum sag produced by
either the Creep or the Load cable condition. The Initial cable condition will never
produce the maximum sag.
Table 9.5.2 Cable Conditions
9.5.3 Analysis Method
The type of analysis performed to generate the cable tensions are the Ruling Span (RS) and the
Finite Element (FE) method.
With the ruling span (RS) method, the actual length of cable in each span is not used in the
analysis, as tensions are based on the equivalent ruling span. The horizontal tensions in all the
spans in the tension section are the same. This is the traditional method used for line design.
With the finite element (FE) method, the analysis is based on fixed unstressed lengths for each
cable in each span. This method assumes that the horizontal tensions in all the spans in the
tension section are the same at the reference sagging weather case and cable condition. This
results in suspension insulators being plumb only for this sagging condition. The following actions
will result in tension differences (longitudinal structure loads) in the tension section:
changing the weather case or cable condition
movement of a structure (longitudinally, transversely or vertically)
changing the structure geometry or structure stiffness
Page 53 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3
Average conductor temperature of the coldest month. In Fatigue limit state for tension constraint -
the absence of detailed data the average of the daily AS/NZS 7000 Table Z1 therein defined as
mean maximum temperature and the daily mean "everyday load". Used to limit fatigue
Vibration minimum temperature may be used. It is assumed that No wind. damage due to Aeolian vibration.
the ambient temperature and the conductor For OPGW a fatigue limit of 18% CBL shall
temperature are the same. Refer to Figure 2 for typical apply. Also to determine the minimum
values. Suitable value 10C. amount of slack in short spans.
The average day/night cable temperature over its
economic life. For heavily loaded feeders (e.g. from a
Weather case used to calculate the
Creep generator) the cable temperature will be above the No wind. N/A
permanent stretch due to creep.
ambient temperature. Refer to Figure 3 for ambient
temperatures. Suitable value 20C.
Used to check mid-span conductor
50C 50C as specified in AS/NZS 7000 equation 3.1 No wind. Max sag
CE = earthwire catenary constant (m)
CC = conductor catenary constant (m)
Page 63 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3
Figure Minimum span lengths for various conductors and voltages (number of
Figure - Minimum span lengths for various conductors and voltages (length of
The metallurgical creep prediction for AAAC/1120 conductor is based on the following equation
=K^a1 t^a2 e^(a3(T-20))
= creep strain (mm/km or micro-strain)
= tensile stress (MPa)
t = elapsed time (hours
T = temperature (C)
K = strain multiplier = 0.034
a1 = stress exponent = 1.516
a2 = time exponent = 0.321
a3 = empirical constant = 0.034
Data taken from Olex Cables report for Selenium conductor 7 Jan 1999 and modified to suit field
The metallurgical creep prediction for ACSR conductor is based on the following equation
=G(%NBL)^1.3 t^0.16
= creep strain (mm/km or micro-strain)
G = constant listed in the table below
%NBL = tension as percentage of nominal breaking load (%NBL)
t = elapsed time (hours)
For ACSR conductors with steel areas greater than 7.5%, the additional creep at elevated
temperatures is not significant.
Construction and maintenance loads shall include all loads that may arise during construction and
maintenance of the line including stringing, rigging and men and equipment loads. These loads
shall be applied with the low wind weather case (100Pa) applied to the structure, fittings and
In addition to the load combinations detailed in AS/NZS 7000 an unfactored vertical load of (2 x
weight span x conductor weight) + fittings + insulators shall be applied to crossarms. The weight
span on a structure may be doubled if the conductor is lowered from adjacent structures and it
does not reach the ground. After applying a live load factor of 2, the crossarm is capable of
restraining more than 4 times the normal weight span. This is not onerous for steel crossarms and
provides a healthy safety margin. An engineering review shall be performed for maintenance
practices that involve lowering wires at one or more structures. The lowering of wires to ground
will almost double the original tension unless there is longitudinal movement (eg insulator swing).
This could impose a dangerous combination of vertical and longitudinal loads on the adjacent
Designs shall be arranged so that the pole steelwork (e.g. crossarms, earth peaks, ladders etc.)
can be bolted to the pole and can be removed.
For the double circuit lines, the design shall allow removal of crossarms or post insulator brackets
on one circuit whilst the adjacent circuit is live.
10.6 STAYS
The use of stays are an economical method to transfer the conductor tensions and wind loads from
termination and flying angle structures to ground without significantly increasing the pole size.
However they increase the overall footprint of a structure, this is undesirable in urban areas or
where easement widths are constrained.
Stayed termination and strain structures shall be designed so all loading criteria can be met when
the conductors are fully terminated in one direction. The appropriate load factors and capacity
reduction factors shall be used in accordance with AS/NZS7000.
In order to minimise the risk of a line cascade in the event of a stay failure, stayed poles shall be
designed so that at 500Pa any one stay is redundant, with the remaining stays and/or pole being
able to take all wind and conductor loads, without failure.
As a general rule, suspension structures without deviation angles shall be unstayed (self-
For partially stayed structures, such as those stayed in one direction only, the load amplification
due to stays shall be taken into account in the pole design i.e. the P-Delta load is amplified by the
vertical component of stay tension.
Bollards may be used in built up areas or when staying across roads and driveways is required.
The bollards shall be designed so that deflection under everyday conditions is minimised.
Where it is not possible to locate a stay in a safe location, and such a stay would only be required
due to unbalanced stringing or maintenance loads, the provision for the installation of temporary
stays should be allowed for by way of stay brackets and, if possible foundations. The construction
schedules and Work Health & Safety Plan should be clearly marked, advising the need for the use
of temporary stays.
For conductive poles (steel or concrete), stay insulators are to be included in the design to prevent
circulating currents and thus to prevent electrolytic corrosion of the stay anchor. The insulation
provided by porcelain guy insulators is sufficient for this purpose.
The load testing shall confirm the overall strength of the structure as well as the strength
coordination between components.
All structure drawings shall be prepared with the inclusion of the following items which detail the
Principals requirements for the structures.
All structures shall incorporate attachment fittings such as hanger brackets and landing plates and
shall provide a position for attachment of insulators.
The number of different parts shall be kept to a minimum in order to facilitate transport, erection
and inspection. Pockets and depressions likely to hold water shall be avoided and all vertical
flanges of members shall be orientated downward unless requirements dictate otherwise. If
pockets are unavoidable then holes or outlets must be provided to ensure proper drainage.
Fasteners (nuts and bolts) shall be capable of being installed such that adequate clearance from
adjacent structural members is provided to enable standard tools to be used for tightening.
Gusset plates shall be reduced to the minimum dimensions possible with all surplus material,
sharp corners etc., cropped for safety and aesthetic reasons. The minimum thickness of gusset
plates and angles shall be 6 mm and 5 mm respectively.
Bolt groups shall be compact and arranged for minimum eccentricity.
At all tension, suspension and maintenance plates and/or brackets the flanges of angles or any
part of the structure shall not interfere with the free insertion or removal of any bolt or pin
associated with line hardware or maintenance equipment.
The positioning of the various parts of a structure shall be such that contact areas are flat. Where
necessary, members shall be cropped to maintain clearance from any adjacent member or corner
Standard foundation depths have been determined for standard structure types. The designer will
determine whether the in-situ ground conditions are adequate for the standard foundation design
and setting depth. Where they are deemed not to be suitable the designer shall design alternative
The sub-transmission line structure capacity shall not be limited by the capacity of the structure
foundations. Structure foundations (including stays) shall be designed to accommodate the
maximum design loads for the type of structure, as opposed to the maximum site loads that the
structure will experience at the particular site. This will enable the structure to be loaded to its
maximum design capacity if the line configuration is changed in the future, without the need to
redesign/construct the foundation which may be costly and difficult to achieve with an in-service
The preferred design for concrete poles is for direct buried pole foundations. Steel pole foundations
shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The exact requirements for geotechnical tests will vary with each design, however these would
likely include:
The soil profile to approximately 2 m deeper than the anticipated foundation depth at each site.
Strength characteristics to enable design of the foundations, including soil cohesion, internal
angle of friction, rock mass cohesion, unit weight, skin friction and allowable lateral bearing
Anticipated excavation and construction conditions, including water table.
n 1
Where N is the number of errors involved, n is the offset (mean) of error number n and n is the
tolerance (standard deviation) of error number n.
To allow for these sources of error with a confidence of 84% the required clearance buffer is
B1 ( )
To increase the confidence to 98% requires
B2 ( 2 )
Reding (2007) details this method adopted by Bonneville Power Administration, Pacific Northwest
region of USA.
Roads: carriageway crossing Vertically 7.0m 7.0m 7.5m
Roads: other locations Vertically 7.0 7.0m 7.5m
High load corridor routes Vertically 7.5m 8.0m 9.0m
Other than roads Vertically 6.0m 7.0m 7.5m
Over truck stop areas / high load areas Vertically 8.5m 9.0m 10.0m
Extremely steep or swampy terrain that
Vertically 4.8m 5.5m 6.0m
traffic or mobile machinery cannot cross.
Road cuttings, embankments etc. Horizontally 2.1m 4.6m
Over or adjacent cultivation Vertically 8.0m 8.5m 12.0m
Over or adjacent to cane Vertically 8.0m 8.5m 12.0m
Sugar cane bin unloading areas Vertically 12.5 12.5m 13.0m
Waterways Recreational/navigable Vertically As agreed with appropriate
Refer to the Distribution Design Manual controlling body / AS6947
Dwg 3143 Sh 1 to 10.
Waterway main channels Above flood Vertically 5.0m 5.5m 6.0m
(allowance for debris)
Waterway backwaters Above flood Vertically 3.0m 3.5m 4.0m
(allowance for dingies)
Table 12.4.1 Clearances from Ground and Roads
Unroofed terraces, balconies, sun decks, Vertically 4.6m 5.5m 7.0m
paved areas and similar areas subject to
pedestrian traffic only, that have a handrail
or wall surrounding the area and on which
a person may stand. Easement Horizontally 2.1m 4.6m 5.5m
Roofs or similar structures not used for Vertically 3.7m 4.6m 6.1m
traffic, but on which a person may stand Horizontally 2.1m 4.6m 6.0m
includes parapets
Covered balconies, open verandas, In any
2.1m 4.6m 6.5m
opening windows direction
Intercircuit clearances shall be determined in accordance with the Ergon Energy Standard for
Distribution Line Design and AS/NZS7000.
A technical feasibility study needs to be conducted initially. An economic comparison of feasible
alternatives (including new construction) provides a rational basis for choice. Such analysis shall
include the present worth of future electrical losses.
Extensive reference material is available to provide guidance for the voltage upgrading of existing
lines. For example
Southwire Overhead Conductor Manual Chapter 6
Uprate and upgrade of overhead transmission lines methodologies and reliability,
From Figure 2
From Figure 3
V1 = base case voltage (p-g)
I1 = base case line current
Z1 = base case load impedance (p-g)
P1 = base case load (p-g)
V2 = uprated voltage (p-g)
I2 = uprated line current
Z2 = uprated load impedance (p-g)
P2 = uprated load (p-g)
a = turns ratio of the transformer
Since the equation for I2 is based on ratios, the voltages can be phase-to-phase values and the
loads can be three phase values.
A rating study determines the maximum electrical load that a feeder can carry without violating
statutory ground clearances. Where more than one conductor size has been used, each may be
operating at different temperatures under the same load current and ambient conditions. A survey
of the feeder along with conductor temperature measurements is used to create a model. The
conductor tension is derived from the model. The conductor temperature that infringes statutory
ground clearance in the worst span or produces unsafe clearances at crossing of other services is
used to determine the thermal load rating. The model is then used to determine the extent of work
required to achieve the required load rating (uprating).
14.1.1 Survey Methods
The accuracy of survey methods is listed below from the most accurate to the least accurate.
Lidar data taken from a plane flying at night with the line out of service. The conductor
temperature is taken as the ambient temperature because there is no heat input from the sun
nor from resistive heating.
Lidar flown at night with the line in service. At the same time the actual conductor temperature
is measured. This way the whole line is surveyed in a short period with very little ambient
temperature variation or load variation.
Day time Lidar with the line out of service.
Day time Lidar with the line in service.
Terrestrial scanning with conductor temperature measurement.
Terrestrial scanning with conductor temperature estimation (ambient or calculated).
GPS surveying with total station measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
GPS surveying with total station measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
estimation (ambient or calculated).
GPS surveying with rangefinder measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
GPS surveying with rangefinder measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
estimation (ambient or calculated). Structural
AS/NZS 7000 does not apply to the refurbishment of existing lines. Whenever alterations overload
components according to the legacy standard then the structure shall comply (clause 1.1) with
AS/NZS 7000. Given that the uprating is required on an already aged asset, it is acceptable to
reduce the design working life of the structure and adopt a reduced return period for strength limit
states (AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Table 3.3, AS/NZS 7000 clause 12.2.2). Whenever new structures
are added, these shall comply with AS/NZS 7000 and the requirements of this document.
Appendix N of AS/NZS 7000 provides guidance for structural upgrading including foundations.
A rating study shall report the thermal rating based on the legacy ground clearance at the time of
construction. Any works (other than refurbishment) required to improve the thermal rating shall
bring the ground clearance in the vicinity of the works up to the requirements of the current
Electrical Safety Regulation. If the conductor is retensioned then the ground clearance at the
maximum operating temperature in all spans in that section shall meet the current statutory
requirements. If the conductor attachment is raised or the structure is replaced then the spans
either side of that structure shall meet the current statutory requirements. If the ground level is
lowered (e.g. by dozer) then the clearance in that span is required to comply. Electrical
The following table lists the modifications that are permitted on existing line construction types.
The table should be used when like-for-like replacements are not feasible. Conductive structures
are concrete poles; steel poles; steel lattice towers; etc. Insulated structures are wood poles; fibre
reinforced plastic (FRP) poles; fibre reinforced concrete; etc. Insulated poles with an overhead
earthwire (OHEW) have an earth downlead to ground. The downlead may or may not stand off the
pole as it bypasses the phase conductors. The stand-off downlead improves lightning
15.2 QR
For Overhead QR Design Requirements refer to Dwg 3141 Sh 1 & 2 of the Distribution Design
Manual and for Underground QR Design Requirements refer to Dwg 3401 Sh 1 & 2 of the
Distribution Design Manual.
The proposed works need to comply with the relevant Engineering Technical Requirements:
MCE-SR-003 Requirements for Work Adjacent to Overhead Line Equipment
MCE-SR-002 Requirements for Work in or About QR Property
MCE-SR-016 Services Under Rail Corridor.
Technical drawings need to comply with AS 4799-2000: Installation of underground utility services
and pipelines within railway boundaries.
15.2.1 QR Wayleave Applications
The relevant applications below should be completed and submitted to:
15.4 Telstra
Refer to Reference Document NA000404R100: Power Coordination Guideline.
The designer is responsible for ensuring the placement of structures complies with the Power
Coordination Guidelines.
If applicable complete Template Document PW000802T100: Telstra HV Approval Letter.
15.7 Aircraft
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has produced Manual of Standards Part 139
Aerodromes which is available at
Volume 1 consists of Chapters 1 - 8 and Volume 2 consists of Chapters 9 14. Chapter 7
Obstacle Restriction and Limitation details the technical requirements for obstacles near the
runway approach.
Aircraft warning markers may be required on cables in excess of 90m above the ground. Refer to
AS 3891.1:2008 Air navigationCables and their supporting structuresMarking and safety
requirements Part 1: Permanent marking of overhead cables and their supporting structures for
other than planned low-level flying.
For low level flying e.g. crop dusting, mustering, power line inspection and ballooning, refer to
AS 3891.2:2008 Air navigationCables and their supporting structuresMarking and safety
requirements Part 2: Marking of overhead cables for planned low-level flying operations
Person who suppliers,
Management importers,
conducts a Workers and
manufacturers Officers
business or other persons
or control , installers of
substances or
Due Reasonable
Reasonably practicable
diligence care
Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection
Limited by eye bolt shear & Bow Shackle yeilding of ductile structural elements
5-2-1004 (0A) OHEW Strain Eyebolt 907224-05 (0A) M20 eye bolt - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8 Testing of forged fittings allows for no
Stay side
Stay side limited by Bracket capacity Stay Bracket - (load in stay direction)
Stay Bracket for M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 125 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay bracket loaded
5-2-1005 (0A) Earthwire Termination 929568-01 (0A) Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse - - - lower centre hole only
& Line Deviation Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.
108 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay bracket loaded
(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to from vertical and 15 from transverse - - - lower centre hole only
limit pole torque load and potential plane.
bending of bolts.) 125 kN per inclined hole (both loaded) Stay load to inclined
@ 45 from vertical and 0 from AS7000 CL 6.3.2 allows for
ductile yeilding of ductile
holes only
transverse plane. structural elements at the (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
discretion of the designer.
125 kN per inclined hole (both loaded) Testing of forged fittings allows
@ 45 from vertical and 15 from for no yeild @ 50% of Breaking Stay load to inclined
load. Therfore 62.5% has been
transverse plane. chosen as the design factor holes only
Earthwire side which allows for some minor (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
ductile yield while not
Earthwire side limited by Shackle capacity Earthwire Connection approaching the minimum
5-2-1009 (0A) OHEW Heavy Duty 930543-01 (0A) Limited by Bracket capacity
Raiser 10 315/405 tip M20 grade 4.6 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 12.9 kN transverse @ 4 kN vertical 4.1 kN longitudinal 13 kN longitudinal
pole. Tension capacity Ntf - 78 kN (Limited by SHS section capacity) (Limited by cleat (Limited by M20 top
Shear capacity Vf (No thread) - 62kN plate yield) bolt shear)
Rural Intermediate 930838-01 (0A) Limited by bolt shear in thread. = 0.8 20kN vertical load in combination 7 kN longitudinal 24 kN vertical
5-2-1047 (0A) Normal Crossarm 930615-01 (0A) with 20 kN transverse load load load.
to Pole 930525-01 (0A)
5-2-1049 (0A) Vertical Flying Angle 930838-01 (0A) Limited by bolt shear in thread. = 0.8 20kN vertical load in combination 7 kN longitudinal 24 kN vertical
Crossarm to Pole 930613-01 (0A) with 20 kN transverse load load load.
5-2-1054 (0A) Extension Eyebolt to 875223-01 (0A) Limited by Eybolt bracket capacity 9 kN vertical 3.2 kN longitudinal 10 kN longitudinal
315 Tip Pole @ 1 kN vertical @ 1 kN vertical
Rural Intermediate 930539-01 (0A) Limited by bolt shear in thread. = 0.8 15 kN vertical load in combination 5.8 kN longitudinal 20 kN vertical load.
5-2-1055 (0A) Extended Crossarm 930531-01 (0A) with 20 kN transverse load load
to Pole 930584-01 (0A)
930565-01 (0A)
5-2-1063 Porcelain Insulator 949355-01 0 Limited by Bracket Capacity 1.4 kN vertical Insulator Capacity
Stub Mounted, Tie Top 1.0 kN longitudinal Minimum Failing Load
Bridging Apllication Cantilever = 12.5kN
5-2-1071 Stay Bracket & 929568-01 (0A) Stay side limited by Bracket capacity Stay Bracket - (load in stay direction)
Backing Plate 929878-01 (0A) M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 125 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse lower hole
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.
(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to 108 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
limit pole torque load and potential from vertical and 15 from transverse lower hole
bending of bolts.) plane.
5-2-1077 Bisect Stay brackets 929568-01 (0A) Stay side limited by Bracket capacity Stay Bracket - (load in stay direction)
& Backing Plate. 929878-01 (0A) M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 125 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse lower holes
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.
(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to 108 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
limit pole torque load and potential from vertical and 15 from transverse lower holes
bending of bolts.) plane.
5-2-1084 M24 Eyebolt to Pole Limited by Eyebolt bending capacity Load per stay
M20 grade 8.8 eyebolt. Bolts = 0.8 Stay Load 23 kN @ 45 to vertical
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN 16 kN vertical (resultant load)
Shear capacity Vf - 89kN (Threads)
Pole Stock Code Assemby drawings
5-2-1100 Urban Pole SC Conc. Delta/Ver Intermediate N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1102 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Fly Ang No Xarm N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1105 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 15 - 45 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1106 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 0 - 15 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1107 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 45 - 75 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1108 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 75 - 105 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1126 Rural Pole SC Conc. Delta Susp Norm/1 Ext N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1127 Rural Pole SC Conc. Delta Susp 2 Ext Xarms N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1134 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Fly Ang+Xarms N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1135 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Fly Ang No Xarm N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1139 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 0 - 5 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1140 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 5 - 15 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1141 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 15 - 35 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1143 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 35 - 45 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1144 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 45 - 55 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1145 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 55 - 65 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1146 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 65 - 75 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1147 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 75 - 85 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1148 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 85 - 95 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1149 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 95 - 105 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1150 Stayed Bollard 100kN Capacity N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1151 Unstayed bollard 100 kN Capacity N/A - Non-Structural assembly
Earthing Assemblies
5-2-1251 Grading ring - Earthing Arrangement N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1252 Earth to Concrete Pole. N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1280 900 Dia Vertical Pier 929569-01 (0A) Limited by soil capacity
929824-01 (0A) Max Stay Load = 200kN (in plane of stay)
5-2-1320 Fall Arrest Bracket & 907224-07 (0A) Limited by Pole step Bending
Pole Steps QESI 01-01-02 Can support 1- 61 kG person standing on the bolt head.
ETS 01-02-01
The wind forces on poles, towers and insulators shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 7000
Appendix B.
Table E1 is a sample of conductors and their swing angle from vertical at 500 Pa of transverse
wind pressure.
For conductors not listed in Table E1, the conductor swing angle is
P wind pressure of 500 Pa
d conductor overall diameter (m)
w conductor weight (N/m)
Target Date
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Date Completed
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No external damping is required for single conductors strung with tensions (catenary constants)
less than those tabulated below.
Spiral damper selection is based solely on the conductor diameter. SVDs do not have any
specified performance criterion. Spiral dampers are not placed over armour rods. Typical ranges
Engineering calculations are unnecessary for the placement of spiral dampers. The gripping
section faces the closer span-end and is nominally located 100mm from the deadends, armour
rods, mass dampers or other conductor hardware. Two or three spiral dampers may be
intertwined together. If they bind together they lose their overall effectiveness.
Manufacturer Model Assembled Clamp Range (mm)
Mass (kg)
Dulmison - Dogbone DB05 1.2 7.1 27.0
(now PLP) DB1 2.3 18.1 24.0
DB2 4.7 21.1 31.0
DB3 6.8 31.1 34.0
PLP - VORTX VSD-10 1.7 9.7 20.0
VSD-20 2.0 12.3 32.0
VSD-25 2.4 15.5 32.0
VSD-35 3.5 20.0 50.0
VSD-40 5.2 25.0 61.0
VSD-50 5.5 32.0 61.0
Dulhunty - 4D 4D10 1.0 7.0 - 11.5
(normal clamp ranges) 4D20 1.4 11.0 18.0
4D30 2.5 16.5 27.0
4D40 4.7 24.5 34.0
4D50 5.5 32.3 43.0
Table 22.3.2 Damper Clamp Ranges.
The variables used in the selection criteria can be derived from the following equations.
C = catenary constant (m)
T = conductor tension (N)
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s )
m = conductor mass (kg/m)
V = transverse wave velocity (m/s)
100 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 6.9 187 SVD
200 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 9.8 133 SVD + 1.4 kg
300 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 12.0 108 1.4 kg
400 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 13.8 94 2.5kg
500 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 15.5 84 4.7 kg
600 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 16.6 78 5.5 kg
700 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 17.9 72
800 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 19.2 67
900 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 20.3 64
1000 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 21.4 60
1200 3.8 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.3 6.5 23.5 55
1400 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 26.8 48
1600 6.1 6.7 7.3 7.8 8.2 8.7 9.1 9.5 9.9 10.3 10.6 28.7 45
1800 7.3 8.0 8.7 9.3 9.8 10.4 10.9 11.4 11.8 12.3 12.7 30.4 43
2000 8.6 9.4 10.2 10.9 11.5 12.1 12.7 13.3 13.8 14.4 14.9 32.1 40
Approximate Tension (% NBL)
ACSR 54/7 12 15 17 19 22 24 27 29
ACSR 6/1 11 14 16 18 20 23 25 27 29
ACSR 30/7 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 28 30
ACSR 4/3 8 10 12 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 25
ACSR 3/4 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23
Table 22.3.4 - Damper Selection for ACSR and OPGW Conductors
100 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.6 283 SVD
200 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 6.5 200 SVD + 1.4 kg
300 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 7.9 163 1.4 kg
400 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 9.2 141 2.5kg
500 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 10.2 126
600 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 11.2 115
700 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 12.3 106
800 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 13.1 99
900 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 13.9 93
1000 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 14.7 88
1200 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 16.1 81
Approximate Tension (% NBL)
SC/GZ 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19
SC/AC 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Table 22.3.5 - Damper Selection for SC/GZ and SC/AC Conductors
(A, B) - the pair of dampers A and B at the same end of the span
N/A - one of the dampers is ineffective for the full frequency spectrum
For asymmetrical mass dampers (i.e. a large and a small weight), the orientation of the damper
does not affect their performance.
Cond. 2 7
Diam. DamperPositionZ(m)75%ofShortestLoopLength m/s m/s
(mm) Wind Wind
10 0.29 0.31 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 37 130
12 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.44 0.46 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.60 31 108
14 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.65 0.67 0.70 26 93
16 0.46 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.79 23 81
18 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.65 0.69 0.73 0.77 0.80 0.83 0.86 0.89 21 72
20 0.57 0.63 0.68 0.73 0.77 0.81 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.96 0.99 19 65
22 0.63 0.69 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.89 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.09 17 59
24 0.69 0.75 0.81 0.87 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 15 54
26 0.75 0.82 0.88 0.94 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.29 14 50
28 0.80 0.88 0.95 1.02 1.08 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.29 1.34 1.39 13 46
30 0.86 0.94 1.02 1.09 1.15 1.22 1.28 1.33 1.39 1.44 1.49 12 43
32 0.92 1.01 1.09 1.16 1.23 1.30 1.36 1.42 1.48 1.54 1.59 12 40
34 0.98 1.07 1.15 1.23 1.31 1.38 1.45 1.51 1.57 1.63 1.69 11 38
Table 22.4.2 Damper Location
19/3.75 AAAC/1120 Neon conductor is to be used at Kingaroy where the average daily mean
temperature is between 12 and 15C. The terrain varies from numerous closely spaced trees
having heights generally from 3 to 10m (terrain category 3) to open grassland with well scattered
trees (terrain category 2). The conductor is designed to be 22% NBL at 15C after creep. The
ruling span is 300m, the maximum span length is 380m and the minimum span length is 250m.
Figure 22.4.5 Damper Location Effectiveness for all Laminar Wind Speeds
Figure 23.3 Electrical Clearances - Hand Reach Test 66kV Suspension Insulators
Figure 23.4 Electrical Clearances - Live Line Maintenance 66kV Suspension Insulators
Figure 23.7 Electrical Clearances - Summary 66kV Flying Angle without Crossarms
Figure 23.8 Electrical Clearances Live Line Climbing 66kV Flying Angle without
Figure 23.9 Electrical Clearances Lightening & Power Frequency Withstand 66kV
Flying Angle without Crossarms
Figure 23.10 Electrical Clearances Live Line Climbing 66kV Post Insulator W/Gainbase