STNW3355 SubTran Overhead Line Design

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Standard for

Sub-Transmission Overhead

Line Design
This standard and any referenced standards were created and made available for the construction
of Ergon Energy infrastructure. Application of these standards ensures meeting of Ergon Energys
requirements. External companies should not use these standards to construct non-Ergon Energy
This standard is uncontrolled in a printed version. To ensure compliance, reference must be made
to the Ergon Energy internet site to obtain the latest version.

Approver Jason Hall

If RPEQ sign off required insert details below.
Ergon Energy
Certified Person name and Position Registration Number
Carmelo Noel Engineering manager Distribution 8802
Network Standards
Paul De Sousa Roque Senior Line Structure 10013
Greg Chapman Senior Line Design Engineer 9240
Steven Brooks - Senior Line Design Engineer 13555

Standard detailing Ergon Energys design requirements for lines built using the sub-transmission
construction standards.
Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
For definitive document version and control detail, please refer to the information stored on the
Process Zone.
Revision history

Revision date Version Author Description of change/revision


25/03/2013 1.0 Steve Brooks/Greg Original Issue


15/05/2014 2.0 Steve Brooks/Greg Addition of 132kV and 66kV double

Chapman circuit

29/06/2015 3.0 Paul De Sousa Roque Addition of Section 24 Annex J concrete

pole load capacity tables. Minor
changes to formatting. Section 9.2
revised, Section 10.4 revised. Table
20.1 revised, Section 23 rendition errors
in drawings corrected.

Document approvals

Name Position title Signature Date

Jason Hall GM Engineering Standards & Technology J. Hall 24/04/14

Tony Pfeiffer EGM Asset Management T. Pfeiffer 29/04/14

Jason Hall GM Engineering Standards & Technology Jason Hall 12/08/15

David Edmunds EGM Network Optimisation Jason Hall 12/08/15

Stakeholders / distribution list

Name Title Role

Carmelo Noel Engineering Manager Distribution Endorse

Network Standards

Paul De Sousa Roque Senior Line Structure Engineer Endorse

Greg Chapman Senior Line Design Engineer Endorse

Stephen Brooks Senior Line Design Engineer Endorse

Kevin Hunter Manager Lines Design Endorse

ii Standard STNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

Table of Contents

1 Overview................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................ 8
2 References ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents ......................................................................... 8
2.2 Other documents ....................................................................................................... 9
3 Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes ............................................................................ 10
4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations ............................................................................. 10
4.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations ................................................................................... 19
5 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 20
5.1 ROUTE ACQUISITION............................................................................................ 20
5.2 DESIGN PARAMETERS ......................................................................................... 21
5.3 DESIGN DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................... 22
5.4 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT ................................................................................. 22
5.5 DESIGN DRAWINGS .............................................................................................. 23
5.6 DRAWING STANDARD .......................................................................................... 23
5.7 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS .......................................................... 24
5.8 SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................... 24
6 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 25
6.1 NETWORK SECURITY ........................................................................................... 25
6.2 STRUCTURE SECURITY ....................................................................................... 25
6.3 NETWORK RELIABILITY ........................................................................................ 26
6.4 POWER QUALITY................................................................................................... 27
6.5 THERMAL CURRENT RATING .............................................................................. 28
6.6 LOSSES .................................................................................................................. 31
6.7 VOLTAGE REGULATION ....................................................................................... 31
6.8 NETWORK STABILITY ........................................................................................... 31
6.9 LIGHTNING PERFORMANCE ................................................................................ 31
6.10 FAULT CURENTS ................................................................................................... 33
6.11 EASEMENT WIDTHS.............................................................................................. 33

iii Standard STNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
7 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 39
7.1 STRUCTURE HEIGHT LIMITATIONS .................................................................... 39
7.2 CLIMBING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 39
7.2.1 Subsidiary Circuits ............................................................................................. 40
8 ELECTRICAL DESIGN......................................................................................................... 41
8.1 INSULATION ........................................................................................................... 41
8.2 CONDUCTORS ....................................................................................................... 42
8.3 ELECTRICAL CLEARANCES INTERNAL ........................................................... 43
8.3.1 Climbing Clearances .......................................................................................... 43
8.3.2 Insulator Swing .................................................................................................. 44
8.3.3 Midspan Separation ........................................................................................... 45
8.4 TRANSPOSITIONS ................................................................................................. 45
8.5 EARTHING .............................................................................................................. 47
8.5.1 Earthing Metalwork ............................................................................................ 47
8.5.2 Footing Resistance ............................................................................................ 48
8.5.3 Earthing Electrodes ........................................................................................... 48
8.5.4 Voltage Gradient Control ................................................................................... 48
8.5.5 Overhead Earthwire ........................................................................................... 48
8.6 LIGHTNING ............................................................................................................. 48
8.7 COMMUNICATION CABLES .................................................................................. 49
8.8 ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS..................................................................... 49
8.9 INDUCTION............................................................................................................. 49
8.10 EARTH POTENTIAL RISE ...................................................................................... 49
8.11 CORONA ................................................................................................................. 49
9 STRUCTURAL LOADING .................................................................................................... 50
9.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 50
9.2 WIND LOADS .......................................................................................................... 50
9.2.1 Substation Landing Spans ................................................................................. 51
9.3 CONDUCTOR LOADS ............................................................................................ 51
9.4 SEISMIC CONDITIONS .......................................................................................... 52
9.5 STANDARD WEATHER CASES ............................................................................. 52
9.5.1 Weather Case .................................................................................................... 52
9.5.2 Cable Condition (PLS CADD modelling) ........................................................... 53

iv Standard STNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
9.5.3 Analysis Method ................................................................................................ 53
9.5.4 Queensland Weather Cases .............................................................................. 55
9.6 CONDUCTOR TENSIONS ...................................................................................... 62
9.6.1 Slack Spans ....................................................................................................... 62
9.6.2 Slack Dead-end Spans ...................................................................................... 64
9.7 PERMANENT ELONGATION ................................................................................. 65
9.8 CONDUCTOR MODELLING ................................................................................... 66
9.9 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE LOADS ................................................... 69
9.10 LOAD AMPLIFICATION (P-DELTA) EFFECTS ...................................................... 72
9.11 DISPROPORTIONATE LOAD SHARING AMONGST STAYS ............................... 72
9.12 POLE RAKING ........................................................................................................ 72
9.13 RESIDUAL STATIC LOAD ...................................................................................... 72
9.14 NEW CIRCUITS ON EXISTING POLES ................................................................. 73
10 STRUCTURE DESIGN......................................................................................................... 74
10.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 74
10.2 FAILURE CONTAINMENT ...................................................................................... 74
10.3 STRUCTURE DESIGN CODES .............................................................................. 75
10.4 POLE MATERIAL .................................................................................................... 75
10.4.1 CONCRETE POLE DESIGN STRENGTH CAPACITIES .................................. 76
10.5 CROSSARMS ......................................................................................................... 76
10.6 STAYS ..................................................................................................................... 76
10.7 DURABILITY AND DESIGN LIFE ........................................................................... 77
10.8 PROTOTYPING AND TESTING ............................................................................. 77
10.9 DETAILING.............................................................................................................. 77
10.10 ERECTION MARKS ................................................................................................ 78
10.11 BOLTS AND NUTS ................................................................................................. 78
11 STRUCTURE FOUNDATIONS ............................................................................................ 78
11.1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS ..................................................................... 78
11.2 FOUNDATION DESIGN .......................................................................................... 79
11.3 FOUNDATION DETAILS ......................................................................................... 80
11.4 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS .............................. 80
11.4.1 Excavations Near Foundations .......................................................................... 80
12 LAYOUT ............................................................................................................................... 81

v Standard STNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
12.1 SURVEY .................................................................................................................. 81
12.2 LAYOUT CLEARANCE BUFFER ............................................................................ 81
12.3 USING THE BUFFER.............................................................................................. 84
12.4 LAYOUT CLEARANCES ......................................................................................... 84
12.5 LAYOUT CHECKS .................................................................................................. 86
12.6 Layout for Security Cascade Failure Prevention .................................................. 86
13 LINE UPGRADING ............................................................................................................... 86
13.1 VOLTAGE UPGRADING ......................................................................................... 86
13.2 STRUCTURAL UPGRADING.................................................................................. 89
14 LINE UPRATING .................................................................................................................. 89
14.1 RATING STUDY ...................................................................................................... 89
14.1.1 Survey Methods ................................................................................................. 89
14.1.2 Legacy Clearances ............................................................................................ 90
14.1.3 Modification Requirements ................................................................................ 92 Structural ................................................................................................................. 92 Ground clearances .................................................................................................. 92 Electrical .................................................................................................................. 92
14.2 UPRATING WITHOUT RECONDUCTORING ........................................................ 93
14.2.1 Weather Parameter Reassessment ................................................................... 93
14.2.2 Real Time Rating ............................................................................................... 93
14.2.3 Increase Maximum Operating Temperature ...................................................... 93
14.3 UPRATING BY RECONDUCTORING .................................................................... 94
14.3.1 Conventional Conductors .................................................................................. 94
14.3.2 High Temperature Low Sag Conductors ........................................................... 95
15 AGREEMENTS .................................................................................................................... 97
15.1 Queensland Transport and Main Roads (TMR) ...................................................... 97
15.2 QR ........................................................................................................................... 97
15.2.1 QR Wayleave Applications ................................................................................ 97
15.3 Aurizon (previously QR National) ............................................................................ 98
15.3.1 Aurizon (previously QR National) Wayleave Applications ................................. 98
15.4 Telstra...................................................................................................................... 98
15.5 Local Council ........................................................................................................... 98
15.6 Harbour Board ......................................................................................................... 98

vi Standard STNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
15.7 Aircraft ..................................................................................................................... 99
16 ANNEX A - SAFETY LEGISLATION AND POLICIES ........................................................ 100
16.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 100
16.2 ERGON ENERGY WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ................................ 100
16.3 QUEENSLAND ELECTRICAL SAFETY LEGISLATION ....................................... 100
16.4 WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY............................................................................. 101
16.4.1 Work Health and Safety Act ............................................................................. 101
16.4.2 Reasonably Practicable ................................................................................... 102
16.4.3 Safety in Design (Risk Management) .............................................................. 103
MANUAL ................................................................................................................................... 104
18 ANNEX C OPGW SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................. 110
19 ANNEX D CONDUCTOR WIND PRESSURE ................................................................. 111
20 ANNEX E EASEMENTS.................................................................................................. 112
21 ANNEX F DESIGN CHECKLIST ..................................................................................... 115
22 ANNEX G VIBRATION DAMPERS ................................................................................. 119
22.1 NO DAMPERS ...................................................................................................... 119
22.2 Mass Dampers Quantity ..................................................................................... 120
22.3 Mass Damper Selection ..................................................................................... 121
22.4 Mass Dampers Placement ................................................................................. 127
23 ANNEX H ELECTRICAL: CLEARANCES ....................................................................... 130
24 ANNEX J LIMIT STATE CONCRETE POLE CAPACITY TABLES ................................. 140

vii Standard STNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
1 Overview
1.1 Purpose
This standard for Sub-transmission Line Design specifies the minimum structural, electrical and
geotechnical design requirements for the overhead sub-transmission structures used in Ergon
Energy's Queensland network. This standard complies with AS/NZS 7000:2010 and any
exceptions are explicitly noted.

1.2 Scope
This standard provides detail on Ergon Energys specific requirements for the design of overhead
sub-transmission lines, thereby ensuring that lines are built to suit the conditions encountered
within the Ergon Energy network as well as providing commonality within the Ergon Energy owned
network. It is not intended as a substitute for AS/NZS7000, or other Regulatory Standards, Codes
or Acts. The use of this standard does not negate the need for Professional Engineering
Certification of the design or modification of lines, structures or components. Every effort has been
made to ensure that this standard complies with AS/NZS7000 except where explicitly stated,
however it remains the users responsibility to ensure that all relevant regulatory requirements are
satisfied, particularly where recent amendments may have been made.
This standard is specifically customised for the local conditions in Ergon Energys distribution area
in Queensland and should not be applied in other localities. This standard should only be used for
sub-transmission voltages from 33kV up to 132kV. For design purposes all 110kV transmission
lines shall be built in accordance to the 132kV requirements. Distribution voltages up to and
including 33kV should be designed in accordance with the Ergon Energy Distribution Design and
Construction Manuals.
The designer shall provide certification of the design and drawings for all of the design works
required for the project. Such certification is to be provided by a Professional engineer who is a
Registered Professional engineer of Queensland (RPEQ).

2 References
2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents

Document number or location Document name Document type

(if applicable)
EE Subtransmission Construction Ergon Energy Sub Transmission Standard Drawings
Manual Construction Manual
EE Intranet Ergon Energy Sub Transmission Standard Specification
Standard Specifications document
PW000702F100 Simple Project Risk (Form)
Management Plan
ES000905F102 Safety in Design Risk (Form)
ES000904R104 EMF Guideline for New Document
Infrastructure (Reference)

. Page 8 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
ES000905R104 Safety in Design (Reference) Document
NA000000R100 Plant Rating Guidelines Document
SS-1-1.8 Ergon Energy Substation Standard Document
Standard Standard for Climatic
and Seismic Conditions
STMP001 Standard for Network Standard Document
STMP003 Standard for Transmission and Standard Document
Distribution Planning
Weather Parameter Analysis for Weather Parameter Analysis for Weather Parameter Analysis for
Ergon Energy Overhead Line Ratings Ergon Energy Overhead Line Ergon Energy Overhead Line
Ratings Ratings
BS001405R104 Excavations Around Overhead Standard Document
Electrical Parts Guideline
NA000404R100 Power Coordination Guideline. Reference Document
Agreement between Ergon
Energy and Telstra.

2.2 Other documents

Document number or location Document name Document type

(if applicable)
AS 1154.1:2009 Insulator and Conductor Fitting Standard
for Overhead Powerlines -
Performance, Material, General
Requirements and Dimensions
AS 1154.3:2009 Insulator and Conductor Fittings Standard
for Overhead Powerlines -
Performance and General
Requirements for Helical Fittings
AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Structural Design Actions Part 0: Standard
AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 Standard
AS 1170.4:2007 Structural Design Actions - Standard
Earthquake Actions in Australia
AS 1824.1:1995 Insulation Co-ordination - Standard
Definitions, Principles and Rules
AS 1824.2:1985 Insulation Co-ordination Part 2 Standard
Application Guide
AS 3600:2009 Concrete Structures Standard
AS 4436:1996 Guide for the selection of Standard
insulators in respect of polluted
AS 4100:1998 Steel Structures Standard
AS/NZS 4600:2005 Cold Formed Steel Structures Standard
AS 4799:2000 Installation of Underground Standard
Utility Services and Pipelines
within Railway Boundaries

. Page 9 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
AS/NZS 4853:2012 Electrical hazards on metallic Standard
AS/NZS 7000:2010 Overhead Line Design Standard
Detailed Procedures
HB 331:2012 Handbook Overhead Line Standard
IEEE Std 1222:2004 IEEE Standard for All-Dielectric Standard
Self-Supporting Fiber Optic

3 Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes

This document refers to the following:

Legislation, regulations, rules, and codes

QLD Electrical Safety Act 2002
QLD Electrical Safety Regulation 2013
QLD Work Health and Safety Act 2011
QLD Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
QLD Electricity Act 1994
QLD Electricity Regulation 2006
ASCE No. 74 - Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading - 3rd Ed.
Building Code of Australia (BCA) National Construction Code 2012
CIGRE SC 22 WG 05, Permanent Elongation of Conductors. Prediction Equation and Evaluation Methods,
ELECTRA 75 (1981)
Southwire Company Overhead Conductor Manual Second edition (2007)
Reding, J.L. 2003. BPAs Probability-Based Clearance Buffers-Part 1: General Development, IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, 18(1), 226-231

4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

4.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:

<Term> <Definition>

Cable Any aerial cable e.g. stranded conductor, earthwire, OPGW, ADSS, pilot cable,
aerial bundled cable, covered conductor

Capacity There are two ways of increasing the capacity of a transmission network: uprating
the capacity of the existing network and building new transmission lines.
Building new transmission lines is considerably more expensive, more time
consuming and more difficult because of the need to acquire new
wayleaves/easements. Additional lines alleviate transmission constraints caused
by thermal limitations because the power transfer is shared among more paths.
They also enhance the systems voltage and angular stability because they
reduce the overall impedance of the network.

. Page 10 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Uprating an existing network is usually the cheaper and environmentally-friendlier
option because it does not require the acquisition of new easements.

Network Reliability The reliability of electricity supply to customers can be improved by network
planning, maintenance, operation and outage response times. The majority of
sustained outages (duration greater than one minute) occur in the distribution
network. Therefore reliability indices are used to measure the performance of the
network and of the distribution business. Regulators apply reliability specific
planning and performance requirements to counter cost reduction by reducing
reliability. Ergon operates under the Australian Energy Regulators (AER) Service
Target Performance Incentive Scheme (STPIS). Refer to Standard for Network
Performance document number STMP001.Network reliability is quantified by
Network Reliability Indices that encapsulate outage duration, frequency of
outages, system availability, and response times.
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index. Definition: Total minutes,
on average, that customers are without electricity (both planned and unplanned
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index. Definition: The
average number of occasions each customer is interrupted.
CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration Index. Definition: Average
duration of each interruption (=SAIDI/SAIFI).

Network Security Security is the vulnerability of the network to unserved power caused by a
credible contingency. Clause 4.2.3 of the National Electricity Rules gives the
definitions of credible and non-credible contingency events. Security analysis
forms the basis for making investment decisions for the network to maintain a
high level of reliability. The planning method affects the level of redundancy and
over-investment in assets.

Network security planning is based on one of the following methods -

a. The deterministic approach specifies a level of redundancy in terms of N-x

which refers to a supply situation where x components fail and the remaining
components continue to supply customers.

b. The probabilistic approach indicates that network augmentation should

proceed only when loading has increased to the extent that the cost of unserved
energy at risk justifies the expenditure.

c. The energy cap approach limits (caps) the size of customer load or energy
that can be lost after a credible contingency event.

Deterministic N-x planning generally results in a higher cost system because it

builds in a level of duplication and/or redundancy which may only be drawn upon
in limited circumstances. In comparison probabilistic planning exposes customers
to supply interruption risks that need to be managed.

Ergon (2014) is preparing for a hybrid network security methodology.

. Page 11 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Refurbishment Refurbishment of a line refers to repair or replacement of components to extend
the life of the line.

Structural Reliability Structural Reliability is the probability that a structural system performs a given
mechanical purpose, under a set of conditions, during a reference period.
Reliability is thus a measure of the success of a system in accomplishing its

Importance Levels AS/NZS 7000 clause 6.2.2 refers to line security levels. However this term should
be called importance level in accordance with Appendix F of AS/NZS
1170.0:2002 because it relates to the risk to life, property, economy and
community in the event of loss of supply (failure). An increase in importance
(security level) requires an increase in structural reliability. Refer to line security.

Line Security Security refers to the limiting of consequential damage (cascading failures) in the
event of an initiating failure (AS/NZS 7000:2010 clause 6.2.4). This is generally
achieved by minimising the effects of longitudinal loads by creating failure
containment load cases. However consequential failure may also be limited by
the use of regular stop structures and/or utilising load release mechanisms such
as slipping suspension clamps or frangible crossarms.
The security of stayed structures is improved by designing for a broken staywire
load case

Power Quality Power quality determines the fitness of electrical power for use with electrical
devices. Poor quality power may cause the device to malfunction, fail
prematurely or not operate at all. Power quality is measured by a number of
parameters such as voltage fluctuations (sags, swells, and flicker), abnormal
waveforms (harmonic distortions, transients), frequency, momentary interruptions
(less than one minute) and phase imbalance. Refer to Standard for Network
Performance document number STMP001.

Thermal Rating The thermal rating is the current (or power transfer) that produces the maximum
operating conductor temperature that the line was designed for. This is derived
from the balance of solar heating and resistive heating against convective cooling
and radiated heat loss. The real-time (dynamic) thermal rating varies depending
upon the weather conditions existing at the time. The static thermal rating is
calculated using static, conservative values of weather variables.
For long lines, the transmission capacity may be determined by voltage control
rather than the thermal rating

Upgrading (Mechanical) Mechanical upgrading refers to increasing the mechanical strength of the
structures to handle larger or additional conductors or to improve reliability (higher
meteorological actions eg wind).

Upgrading (Voltage) Voltage upgrading refers to increasing the operating voltage of an existing line.
Voltage upgrading is a consideration when a lines transfer capacity is limited by
voltage drop or stability. The increase in loading is approximately the square of
the ratio of the voltage increase. Increasing voltage may reduce power losses,
whereas increasing the thermal capacity increases the power losses

Uprating In many cases the transmission capacity is restricted by thermal limitations on

existing lines. For these instances, improved capacity may be achieved by
reassessing the conservative assumptions used to calculate the static

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
thermal rating
real-time thermal monitoring of the line (weather parameters, conductor
temperature, sag or tension)
replacing existing conductors with larger ones
replacing the existing conductors with high temperature low sag (HTLS)
improving the ground clearance to operate the line at a higher temperature
(increase structure height or increase conductor tension)
When capacity is limited by voltage drop or angular stability considerations -
install Static VAR Compensators (SVC) to provide dynamic reactive support
insert series compensation to reduce the apparent impedance of long lines
install advanced control schemes, such as power system stabilizers or inter-
tripping schemes that disconnect some customers in a controlled manner to limit
upgrade the line for a higher operating voltage

Intermediate (Tangent) A structure where the conductor is supported by insulation that is usually
Structure perpendicular to the conductor. Insulator types include I string, V string, horizontal
V, line post, braced line post

Strain Structure A structure where the conductors are terminated with insulators in-line with the
conductor. The structure is incapable of resisting termination loads on one face of
the structure alone.

Termination (Dead-End) A structure where the conductors are terminated with insulators in line with the
Structure conductor. The structure is capable of resisting terminated conductor loads on
one face of the structure.

Span Usually refers to the horizontal distance between two adjacent structures.

Level Span A span where the conductor attachment points are at the same level.

Inclined Span A span where the conductor attachment points are at different levels.

Dead-End Span A single span where the conductor is terminated at both ends to either a strain
structure or a termination structure.

Ruling Span A level, dead-end span where the tension behaviour, is equivalent to a series of
inclined spans where the intermediate supports permit longitudinal swing or
deflection such that tension equalisation occurs.

Weight Span The length of conductor used to calculate the vertical load that the conductor
imposes on the supporting structure. The horizontal distance between the low
point of sag in the back span and the low point of sag in the fore span is normally
used as an approximation where there is uniform vertical loading in both spans.
The weight span on a particular structure may change as the conductor loading
changes (wind pressure, conductor temperature, and ice thickness).

Wind Span The length of conductor used to calculate the wind load that the conductor
imposes on the supporting structure. The average of the back span and the fore
span is normally used as an approximation where there is uniform horizontal
transverse loading in both spans.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Vertical Structure Load Conductor loads (intact or broken) and maintenance loads imposed on the
structure in the vertical direction (usually but not necessarily on crossarms). This
will typically include the weight of conductor, the vertical component of conductor
tension during stringing, the weight of insulators and fittings, men and tools.

Longitudinal Structure Conductor loads (intact or broken), wind loads and maintenance loads applied to
Load the structure in the longitudinal direction of the structure centreline (generally in
the direction of the conductors).

Transverse Structure Conductor loads (intact or broken), wind loads and maintenance loads applied to
Load the structure in the transverse direction of the structure centreline (generally in the
direction perpendicular to the conductors or along the bisect of centreline

Wind Load The wind load is the force resulting from wind imposed onto an object with a
nominated area exposed to the direction of the wind and with a nominated
aerodynamic shape factor (drag coefficient). For objects (e.g. conductor) larger
than the width of the wind gust, a pressure reduction (span reduction) factor is
applied. For objects that are not solid (e.g. lattice tower), the drag coefficient is
determined by the solidity ratio and wind direction.

Wind Effect The effect of wind is to produce stresses in resisting structural components.
Examples of these effects are axial stress, shear stress, bending stress, torsional
stress or combined stress.

Wind Pressure For strength limit state design the wind pressure is derived from the 3 second
wind gust (design wind speed) with the specified return period that has been
factored for direction, terrain, height, shielding and topography.

Residual Static Load RSL is the redistributed and equalised (static) conductor tension subsequent to a
(RSL) broken conductor.

Broken Conductor Load The conductor loads imparted to a structure upon the failure of one or more
conductors. Usually taken as a load factor on the RSL.

Construction and Loads due to the weight of linespersons and associated tools, and conductor
Maintenance Load loads associated with stringing activities, such as vertical loads imparted from
brakes and winches and additional weight span caused by conductors being
removed from adjacent structures. The loads are dependent on work practices
and load factors are nominated in AS/NZS7000.

Dead Load Dead loads or permanent loads are static forces that are relatively constant for an
extended time while the structure remains unmodified. Dead loads include the
structure self weight and weight of conductors and fittings.

Live Load Live loads, imposed loads or dynamic loads are temporary, or moving, and of
short duration (not cyclic). Live loads are also referred to as probabilistic loads
and include environmental loads such as wind, ice, temperature changes and
seismic loads.

Limit State Design Limit state design philosophy takes into account the statistical nature of loads and
material strengths, thereby providing consistent levels of component reliability and
safety. It also considers other requirements such as serviceability and fatigue.

Design strengthDesign action effect

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
R_neffect of loads (X) "for linear analysis"
R_neffect of loads (X) "for non-linear analysis"
Rn = design strength, design resistance, design capacity
Rn = nominal or characteristic strength, nominal resistance, nominal capacity
S* = design action effect, effect of factored loads
= strength reduction factor, capacity factor
= load factor
X = load, characteristic load
X = design load or design load combination (linear analysis only)

The design action effect S* represents the internal action (axial force, shear force,
bending moment) that is obtained by structural analysis after applying factored
loads X.
Load factors vary with the type of load, combination of loads, the particular limit
state and the method of analysis.
Capacity factors vary with the variation in material strength and accuracy of
fabrication (tolerances).
The loads X are dead loads, live loads (including wind loads) or combination
thereof. The loads are vectors (with magnitude and direction) and their sum is not
algebraic unless they are co-linear. For linear elastic structures the effect of
loads is proportional to the load eg stress is proportional to tensile load. For
geometrically nonlinear structures such as conductors, doubling the wind load
does not double the tension. In these instances the load factor is applied to the
effect of load. The combined effect of design loads X is analysed to determine
the minimum design strength and hence the nominal strength of the resisting
component (element).
Limit State Design Process:

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Line Design

Strength Limit State The Strength Limit State is the governing criteria for the strength design of
structural elements. The strength limit state is deemed to be satisfied if all design
action effects (effect of factored loads) are less than the factored design capacity
of the structural element.

Serviceability Limit Serviceability Limit States relate to the criteria governing normal use such as
State deflection, vibration, durability or fire resistance. To satisfy the serviceability limit
state criterion, a structure must remain functional for its intended use subject to
everyday loading for its design life.

Fatigue Limit State The fatigue limit state is associated with the fatigue failure of the structure or
structural members due to load repetition. The fatigue limit state can be
considered to be one of the ultimate limit states, because the structure fails at the
fatigue limit state. However, since the fatigue failure under repeat loading
involves a variable strength not a static strength as in the ultimate limit state, the
fatigue limit state is treated separately. For conductors, a strength reduction
factor () is defined for a given terrain category and damping system that is
considered safe (bending stress below 150 micro-strain peak-to-peak for
aluminium measured at 100mm from the support) under the design load (vibration
weather case) with unity load factor.

Return Period Natural phenomena such as wind, snowfall, floods and earthquakes are random
events in time as well as space. The return period is defined as the average time
(years) between two successive statistically independent events. The actual time
between events is a random variable. Therefore the probability of the event
occurring within the return period is not 100% but rather 63%. However the
probability of occurrence of the event within any one year is the reciprocal of the
return period.
An event constitutes the exceedance of a certain threshold (eg wind speed > 100

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Line Design
m/s). Therefore random wind speeds are transformed into a time-independent
value that is determined for a certain reference return period. This value is used
to define a design load and the design of the structure itself is then done
deterministically. Hence this design method is only partially probabilistic.

Maximum Design Load level above which damage to the core begins to occur and which is the limit
Cantilever Load (MDCL) for serviceability loads. The post insulator is loaded at 110% of the rated MDCL
and held for 96 hours without cracks or delamination of the core (AS 4435.4:2005,
IEC 61952:2002). The MDCL is the allowable tensile load using the older
Allowable Strength Design (ASD) method with a safety factor of 2 (non-ceramic)
to 2.5 (ceramic) i.e. 40% to 50% of the SCL.

Specified Cantilever The specified cantilever load of the post insulator is the maximum limit state
Load (SCL) cantilever load which can be applied to the insulator at the line end fitting. This is
also referred to as the ultimate strength limit state cantilever load or ultimate
cantilever load. The post insulator is tested quickly until SCL is reached without
breakage of the core or end fitting (AS 4435.4:2005, IEC 61952:2002). Most
manufactures will only provide the MDCL, however the SCL is required for limit
state design.

Specified Tensile Load The specified tensile load of the post insulator is the maximum limit state tensile
(STL) load which can be applied in-line with the longitudinal axis of the core; away from
the end metal fitting (away from the pole); at or near the intended conductor
attachment point. This is sometimes referred to as the ultimate tensile load
capacity of the insulator. The insulator is rapidly loaded to the rated STL without
pull-out of the core or breakage of the end fitting (AS 4435.4:2005, IEC
61952:2002). Most manufactures will only provide the Rated Tensile Load (RTL
see 3.6.4), however the STL is required for limit state design. The compression
load is usually not provided.

Rated Tensile Load The RTL is the allowable tensile load using the older Allowable Strength Design
(RTL) (ASD) method with a safety factor of 2 i.e. 50% of the STL.

Standard Impulse The lightning and switching impulse waveshapes are described by their time to
Waveshapes crest and their time to half value of the tail. The standard lightning impulse
waveshape is 1.2/50 s. This standard is chosen, not because lightning conforms
to this waveshape, but because testing laboratories can readily produce this
waveshape. The standard switching impulse waveshape is 250/2500 s. The
magnitude of the crest voltage and the polarity are required to completely
describe the waveshape.

Critical Flashover The crest (maximum) voltage for which the probability of flashover is 0.50 for the
Voltage (CFO) standard lightning or switching impulse waveshape.

Power Frequency The rms voltage at power frequency (50 or 60 Hz) for which the probability of
Flashover Voltage flashover is 0.5. For transmission lines, the power frequency flashover voltage
under clean conditions is rarely used for insulation design. It is the performance
under contaminated (polluted) conditions that dictates the insulation design.

Basic (lightning) The crest voltage of the standard lightning impulse for which the probability of
Impulse Insulation Level flashover is 0.10. The BIL is also known as the lightning impulse withstand
(BIL) voltage. The BIL is universally defined for dry conditions under standard
atmospheric conditions.
By assuming a Gaussian distribution for the insulation characteristic, the BIL is

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Line Design
the crest voltage 1.28 standard deviations below the CFO for lightning impulses.
Therefore BIL = 0.962 CFO assuming a coefficient of variation of 3% for lightning

Basic (switching) Surge The crest voltage of the standard switching impulse for which the probability of
Impulse Insulation Level flashover is 0.10. The BSL is also known as the switching impulse withstand
(BSL) voltage. The BSL is universally defined for wet conditions.
By assuming a Gaussian distribution for the insulation characteristic, the BSL is
the crest voltage 1.28 standard deviations below the CFO for switching impulses.
BSL = 0.936 CFO assuming a coefficient of variation of 5% for switching

Apparent Power Apparent power as the magnitude of the vector sum of real and reactive power. It
is the product of the rms voltage and the rms current. The unit of measure of
apparent power is VA (volt-ampere).

Phase Sequence Australia follows an anti-clockwise phase sequence and the convention for this
sequence is RWB (Red White Blue). Other sequences such as ABC, RYB (Red
Yellow Blue) may be found on old drawings. Rotating machines use the UVW
and L1 L2 L3 markings (AS 60034.8 Rotating electrical machines - Part 8:
Terminal markings and direction of rotation).

Power Factor The power factor of a load is a measure of the fraction of the apparent power that
is real power performing actual work. When power factor is equal to 0, the energy
flow is entirely reactive, and stored energy in the load returns to the source on
each cycle. When the power factor is 1, all the energy supplied by the source is
consumed by the load. Power factors are usually stated as "leading" or "lagging"
to indicate the sign of the phase angle. Capacitive loads are leading (current
leads voltage), and inductive loads are lagging (current lags voltage).
A load with a low power factor draws more current than a load with unity power
factor for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher currents
increase the energy losses in the distribution system.. Some utilities charge a
higher cost to industrial or commercial customers where there is a low power
factor. Presently this is not the case with Ergon.

Reactive Power AC power systems consist of reactive components that possess capacitive
(electric field) and/or inductive (magnetic field) properties. These electrical
properties cause the current to get out of phase with the voltage, thus creating
reactive power. The unit of measure of reactive power is VAR (volt-ampere
reactive). Reactive power may be considered as the imaginary component of
apparent power.

Reactive power can be produced or consumed by different load/generation

elements. It is essential for voltage regulation. The current associated with
reactive power does no work at the load, it heats the wires, wasting energy.
Conductors, transformers and generators must be sized to carry the total current,
not just the current that does useful work.

Real Power Real, active or true power is the power that performs work and it is measured in
Watts (W). Real power is measured by revenue meters and forms the basis for
energy consumption (kWh) for customer billing.

RMS (Root Mean The square root of the mean of the square of a continuous waveform (usually

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Line Design
Square) voltage or current). For a resistive load with a time-varying applied voltage, the
average power dissipation is
P_avg=(V_rms^2)/R=I_rms^2 R=V_rms I_rms
For a sinusoidal waveform (AC power) the rms value is the peak value divided by

Space Potential Space potential is the voltage (electric potential) of a point in space relative to
remote earth. Points with the same voltage define an equipotential surface. The
rate of change of space potential with distance defines an electric field or voltage

4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

The following abbreviations and acronyms appear in this standard.

<Term, abbreviation <Definition>

or acronym>
AAC All Aluminium Conductor
AAAC All Aluminium Alloy Conductor
ACSR/AC Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (Aluminium Clad)
ACSR/GZ Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (Galvanized)
ADSS All Dielectric Self Supporting Optical Fibre Cable
CBL Calculated Breaking Load (kN)
DTM Digital Terrain Model or Digital Elevation Model
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EMF Electromagnetic Field
GIS Geographical Information System (Smallworld)
LIDAR A remote sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with
a laser and analysing the reflected light. The term comes from combining the
words light and radar.
MOV Metal oxide varistor
OHEW Overhead Earth Wire
OPGW Optical Fibre Ground Wire
RMS Root mean square
RS Ruling Span (m)
RSL Residual Static Load (kN)
SAS System Alteration Sketch
SC/AC Steel Conductor (Aluminium Clad)
SC/GZ Steel Conductor (Galvanized)
SRF Span Reduction Factor (unitless)
SVD Spiral vibration damper or impact damper
SWMS Safe Work Method Statements
SWP Standard Work Practices
TSRF Tension Section Reduction Factor (unitless)

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Line Design
VAR Reactive or apparent power (volt ampere reactive)

Securing the line route precedes the detailed engineering design. Alternative routes may need to
be investigated.
Most of the design parameters in the following section will be required to assess the
engineering feasibility of route options. The deliverables suffixed with an asterisk form part of
the engineering design.
Approved route plan on cadastral background (*)
Schedule of property owners and access requirements
Third party approvals (Telstra, Railways, Main Roads, Council, PowerLink) (*)
Noxious weed survey
Vegetation clearing approvals where construction is expected to occur within 5 years
Technical specification for clearing and access (*)
Estimated clearing and access cost (*)
Vegetation clearing and access complete
Environmental planning for work - risk assessment
EMF report (for community consultation) (*)
Engineering report indicating typical structure types, typical structure heights and span
lengths on flat terrain, minimum ground clearances, conductor swing, easement width, and
typical staying requirements (for community consultation) (*)
Dial Before You Dig search (*)
Technical specification for surveying (cadastral and engineering) (*)
Estimated surveying cost (*)
Registered easement surveys and signed wayleaves
Centreline survey (DTM) suitable for complete design (*)
High resolution orthorectified imagery (*)
Resumptions and compensation complete
Technical specification for site investigation (geotechnical, soil resistivity) (*)
Estimated site investigation cost (*)
Geotechnical assessment or investigation (*)

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Line Design
If structure positions are a necessary requirement for community consultation then the route
acquisition shall be finalised after design. The specification shall clearly state the iterative nature
of the design, given that route approval is conditional upon centreline location and structure


At the commencement of design the project scope shall include as a minimum
Approved line route which provides:
o Route length
o Climatic conditions (wind region, wind speed, wind direction, temperatures, lightning ground
flash density)
o Seismic conditions
o Topographical features (terrain category, altitude)
o Pollution level (insulation, conductor and earthwire construction type)
o Environmental and cultural heritage requirements
Operating voltage (the line may initially be energised at a lower voltage) which provides:
o Minimum conductor diameter
o Minimum ground clearances (reference height for wind speed)
o Structure family
Design working life for the line (typically 50 years)
Security level (importance level, reliability)
Operational requirements which provides:
o Construction type (live maintenance)
o Switch locations
o Protection settings auto reclose times
o Lightning performance requirements (shielding, arresters)
o Communication requirements (OPGW and fibre count)
Connection points:
o Substation general arrangement drawing, to scale, with dimensions and survey reference
o Reactive power compensation
o Tee in existing structure details
o Phasing arrangement
Number of circuits including subsidiary circuits
Maximum power demand which provides:

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Line Design
o Conductor size (voltage drop)
o Maximum operating temperature
o EMF exposure
Earth fault current level which provides:
o Earthwire size
o Step and touch potential hazard
o Induction hazard
Constructability issues that may determine the location of termination structures:
o Outage restrictions
o Powerline crossing requirements
o Staged construction requirements
o Time to restore line to service during an emergency
o Induction from parallel powerlines


The completed design shall incorporate:
Approved drawings suitable for entering into Ergons EDMS (Electronic Document
Management System)
Construction specification and schedules for pricing
Safety in design - risk assessment
Bill of materials
Structure pegging complete
Assets recorded into Ergons GIS (Geographical Information System)
System operating diagram updated with a SAS (System Alteration Sketch)
For minor jobs the designer may be required to complete an Environmental and Cultural
Heritage Risk Assessment. The requirement for these will be nominated in the Project Scope.
All design calculations undertaken during the design (including sag/tension, structure loadings
and footings).


Where the contractor is required to offer construction support it shall include:
On-site supervision
Engineering certification that the line was constructed in accordance with the design
Engineering support and certification where departures are required

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Line Design
Sourcing of material shortfalls
Dispute resolution (technical not commercial)
Construction records
As-built mark ups of design drawings and Ergon Energys GIS.
Compilation of a technical data manual an example of which is available on request.


Profile and long section drawings. These shall include conductor type, maximum design
temperature and the minimum clearance provision.
Pole schedules. These shall be in a tabulated format, summarising the details of the line.
Conductor schedule that includes the design tensions (stringing charts)
Phasing diagrams
Stringing/sagging tables (offset clipping if applicable)
Vibration damper schedule and installation dimensions
Stay layout sheets
Pegging sheets
Structure drawings (if utilising non-standard structures)
Rail crossing drawings (if applicable)
Other powerline crossing drawings (if applicable)
Navigable waterway crossing drawings (if applicable)
Landing span drawings
For non-standard structures
o General arrangement and bill of materials
o Steelwork fabrication details
o Pole manufacturing details
o Electrical clearances
o Design loading capacity with load factors
o Structure test reports


All drawings shall be produced via a computer aided drafting (CAD) package suitable for uploading
to, and being stored within, Ergons eDMS system. Drawings which, in the opinion of the
Superintendent, are of an inadequate standard will be rejected.
All drawings shall comply to AS 1100.101 - Technical drawing, Part 101: General principles for:
Sheet sizes A4, A3 (preferred) and A2.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Title blocks.
Types of lines.
Projection - third angle preferred.
Sections and dimensioning.
Lettering, numerals and symbols.
Conventions for the representation of components.
All drawings shall have a standard Ergon Energy drawing frame and title block. Contractors title
blocks may be added above the Ergon Energy title block.
Each drawing will be allocated an Ergon Energy drawing number and sheet numbers as required
by Ergon Energy. A separate number will be allocated for each drawing type in the series of
drawings covering the project. The drawing number and the agreed title conforming to the Ergon
Energy drawing registration requirement shall be placed in the title block area by the Contractor.
Where drawing numbers are used for cross reference purposes within a drawing the applicable
Ergon Energy reference number shall be used. Contractors may add their specific number if
required in the contractors allocated area.
For general drafting Ergon Energy uses AutoCAD. Drawing files shall be supplied in .DWG format
if suitable or in interchange .DXF format on a recordable compact disk, recordable DVD or USB
memory card (any such media shall be non-returnable).
A Transmittal Form shall accompany all document deliveries. An example is Ergon Energys
Transmittal Form - NI000401F104
The layering convention used by the Contractor supplying drawings in .DWG or .DXF format shall
be forwarded identifying the information created in each layer.
System operating schematics shall use the Ergon Energy Schematics Common Standard.


Line layouts shall utilise the Sub-transmission Construction Standards wherever possible.
Deviation from the standards requires Ergon management approval and RPEQ certification.

The design shall incorporate and be in accordance with the Ergon Energy Sub-transmission
Construction Manual Drawings and Sub-transmission Standards Specifications. Any proposed
deviation from these standards requires Ergon Ergon approval.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Network security is addressed at the planning phase. Ergons planning policy is provided in the
joint Ergon/Energex document Standard for Transmission and Distribution Planning (Ergon
process document STMP003).
ENA Doc 029:2011 Electricity Network Development (Subtransmission and Distribution) provides
additional guidance.
Lines may be interdependent such that one event results in the failure of two circuits. Examples -]
common structures
common protection communication paths
cables in common trenches
common stay wires
common overcrossing by transmission circuit
common isolation point
at risk of damage from the collapse of common large trees
close physical proximity such that a common storm event fails both circuits

Once introduced, interdependence between circuits can be difficult and expensive to remove. In
some cases interdependence can be very subtle and be very difficult to detect. It needs to be the
objective of all planners to minimise or eliminate interdependency wherever possible at all stages
of the planning process.


Structure security is required to limit the consequential damage in the event of a structural failure
whatever its cause. The design approaches for limiting cascade failures are based on reducing the
effects of torsional and longitudinal loads. Increased security comes at a price and additional
security beyond that coded in AS/NZS 7000 needs to be justified.
AS/NZS 7000 (clause 7.2.7) provides minimum requirements for security loads, however
intermediate distribution structures using pin or post insulators with ties are exempt. The proposed
later revision of the standard does permit ductile failure of a crossarm or a post insulator gain base
as a means of limiting cascade failures.
Providing structure security is generally achieved by introducing longitudinal restraint design rules
for broken wire loads. It may also be improved by designing stay configurations such that the
structure will not fail under everyday loads with a broken staywire or anchor failure.
Other means to provide security apart from managing failure containment loads are
increase the structure strength (reliability)
using load release mechanisms eg slipping suspension clamps or frangible crossarms

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Line Design
accept failure of a limited number of adjacent structures i.e accept a reduced longitudinal
utilise termination (stop) structures at regular intervals


To measure Network Reliabiility, the electricity industry has developed several performance
measures. These reliability indices include measures of outage duration, frequency of outages,
system availability, and response times.
Reliability indices such as SAIDI, SAIFI and CAIDI targets are set in the Minimum Service
Standards (MSS), as detailed in Queensland Electricity Industry Code (STMP001 Standard for
Network Performance). In practice, a very small proportion of any reliability index is attributed to
transmission and subtransmission outages. This is because of the higher reliability and security of
the transmission and subtransmission network over the distribution network. However a single
outage affects a great number of customers and therefore it has to be more reliable and secure.
The following table lists some factors affecting the frequency and duration of network outages and
whether line design influences these factors.
Factors Affecting Reliability Influenced by Line Design?
Bushfires conductor annealed and requires Yes poor conductor selection in high risk areas
Bushfires flashover Yes inadequate electrical clearances in high risk
Corrosion hardware failure Yes poor quality hardware
Yes - poor workmanship/ poor supervision
No inadequate inspection/maintenance
Equipment malfunction (recloser) No
Failure to detect and fix serious defects No inspection/maintenance regime failure
Flooding foundation erosion Yes poor structure placement or foundation design
Flooding submerged conductors Yes inadequate flood clearance
Line overload requiring load shedding No thermal rating is a planning decision
No network security is a planning decision
Operational error No
Yes if operational signage is inadequate
Planned maintenance requiring outage no No if inadequate procedures for working live from
alternative supply EWP
Yes if no provision for live-line access from
structure or EWP

Pollution insulator flashover Yes poor insulator selection

No if infrequent insulator washing in high pollution

Restoration times after a failure No

Yes if non-standard equipment used

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Line Design
Yes if oversize EWP is required

Sabotage removal of bolts or lattice members No if not foreseen

Yes if foreseen and poor structure or stay selection

Storms debris severing conduct No if uneconomic

Yes poor conductor selection

Storms lightning flashover followed by power arc No

Yes if underinsulated

Storms rain and wind causing foundation failure No if unforeseen

Yes if poorly designed or installed

Storms wind causing electrical failure No if designed to the code

Yes inadequate suspension insulator swing angle
or inadequate mid-span separation

Storms wind causing structural failure No if wind speed beyond design

Yes if structural reliability does not match the
importance of the line

Theft removal of lattice steel members No removal of secondary bracing will not cause
failure under everyday loads, routine inspection will
discover missing members
Upstream outages (generation or transmission) No
Vandalism shooting insulators No failed glass discs should be identified during
Vegetation infringement No regrowth permitted by failure of
inspection/maintenance regime
Yes if vegetation clearance is inadequate

Vehicular impacts - structure No - accidental

Yes if involved with route selection or failure to use
guard rails for high risk areas

Vehicular impacts - conductor No accidental or poor high load management

Yes if inadequate clearance for high vehicle

Vibration causing conductor breakage Yes poor vibration damping system design

Wildlife - flashover Yes inadequate electrical clearances

No if uneconomical to achieve
Table 6.3 Factors Affecting Reliability


Power quality is influenced by loads and is considered in the planning phase. Ergon document
STMP003 has a section on power quality. The subtransmission line design has very little impact
on power quality such as
Harmonics line design has no effect

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Line Design
Voltage Flicker line design has no effect
Voltage Unbalance transpose long lines
Transient Events lightning performance


A line is designed so that statutory ground clearances are maintained at the maximum operating
conductor temperature. This temperature forms the basis for all current ratings (except the zero
wind rating) used for planning or operational purposes. Two rating categories are generally
applicable to overhead lines
Normal (static) rating: A fixed (static) value that depends upon climatic region, season
(summer/winter) and solar intensity (day/night). Based on statistical data.
Real-time (dynamic) rating: Varies dynamically depending upon real-time measurements of
ambient temperature and wind velocity, or alternatively conductor tension, sag or temperature.
Used during contingency events and to defer costly upgrades.
A zero wind rating is introduced to limit the conductor temperature to 140C under still conditions.
At this temperature the conductor will sag unacceptably low but Ergon accepts this risk to achieve
a balance between effective utilisation and cost. The zero wind condition may exist where there is
wind sheltering from trees, buildings, hills, etc. The lower value of the static rating and the zero
wind rating is taken as the thermal rating of the line.
Planners will either
Specify a static thermal rating for summer/winter day/night. This is the preferred option
because it gives the designer the opportunity to optimise the conductor selection.
Recommend a conductor type and maximum operating temperature. This option is least

The climatic conditions for the static ratings are provided in table 6.5.

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Summer Winter
Summer Day Summer Evening Winter Day Winter Evening
Night/Morning Night/Morning
Dec-Mar Dec-Mar Dec-Mar Jun-Aug Jun-Aug Jun-Aug
(9am - 5pm) (5pm to 10pm) (10pm - 9am) (9am - 5pm) (5pm to 10pm) (10pm - 9am)
Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp. Wind Temp.
Region Full description
m/s C m/s C m/s C m/s C m/s C m/s C
Far North 0.8 38 0.4 34 0.2 30 1.4 32 0.7 28 0.3 24 Gulf and Cape York
Eastern & East of Great Divide excluding
1.3 35 0.8 31 0.3 27 1.2 28 0.5 23 0.3 23
Coastal Mackay & Special zones
Mackay 1.9 33 1.5 27 1.2 27 1.8 24 0.5 19 0.5 19 Mackay area
Eastern &
Along the coast from Yeppoon
Coastal - 1.7 33 1.3 27 0.4 27 1.2 25 0.4 19 0.4 19
to Hervey Bay
Toowoomba 1.8 33 1.8 27 1.8 21 1.8 19 1.5 14 1.3 11 Toowoomba area
Central West of the Great Divide and
Tablelands - 1.3 37 0.7 34 0.2 29 0.8 30 0.4 26 0.2 20 from between Emerald & Roma
North to Far North region
Central West of the Great Divide and
Tablelands - 1.3 37 0.7 34 0.2 29 0.8 25 0.4 22 0.2 15 from between Emerald & Roma
South to NSW border
Western 1.7 42 1.4 40 1.4 36 1.4 32 1.2 29 0.7 20
Western - Mt Isa/Cloncurry &
1.5 41 0.8 37 0.3 32 1.1 32 0.4 28 0.3 20
Special Blackall/Charleville
Table 6.5 Climactic Conditions for Static Ratings

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Figure 6.5 - Ergons Climate Zones for Static Rating Calculations

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Line Design
The main factors that contribute to excessive losses are small cross sectional area conductors,
long circuit lengths, unbalanced loads, poor power factors and low operating voltages.
The peak demand loss (kW) is generally obtained from a load flow analysis. A check shall be
made to verify that reasonable (less than 10%) power losses are achieved at the thermal current
rating for the line at normal power factors (0.95 lagging to unity).
The energy losses (kWh) can vary from year to year due to changes in network utilisation, network
configuration, the shape of the load profile, the level of reactive power support (power factor) and
generator patterns.


It is preferred to normally operate the subtransmission network at the higher end of the allowable
voltage range. Reasons for this include reduced losses, easier voltage regulation and greater
reach into the distribution network. The receiving voltage range of 10% of nominal voltage is
allowable under the Queensland Electricity Regulations (QER). Power transformers typically have
tap changers with an operating range from -15% to +5%. A check shall be done to verify that
reasonable (less than 10%) voltage regulation is achieved for the selected conductor size. Voltage
regulation is defined as
| | | |
| |

where the voltage magnitude is measured at the load for normal power factors (0.95 lagging to


Electrical energy is produced at the same time as it is consumed and a balance between
production and consumption is required for stability (constant frequency and voltage). Generators,
loads and the electrical networks which connect them have mechanical and/or electrical inertias
which complicate the maintaining of a balance.
When confronted with a disturbance, the electrical system normally resumes a stable state after a
few oscillations. However in certain cases the oscillating state can diverge, and studies are then
required to avoid this phenomenon and guarantee the stability of the electrical network. These
studies are of particular importance in the case of wind turbines that use induction generators.
Stability studies are a planning function and minor variations of the line impedance due to design
changes will not affect the outcome.


Typical lightning fault rates for overhead lines are provided in Table U1 of AS/NZS 7000.
Predicted outage rates for Ergons standard structures are proportional to the average annual
lightning flash density. Refer to the figure provided in 6.9.

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Figure 6.9 Average annual lightning ground flash density

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Line Design


The fault ratings of any network equipment should be designed to exceed the maximum fault level
of the network they belong to at any time. Short circuit fault levels vary with network augmentation
and network reconfiguration. The designer shall carefully assess normal and potential network
configurations, and the resultant fault levels that the line may be exposed to, to ensure that the
conductor and the earthwire are adequately rated. The target fault ratings given in STMP003 are
25kA for 3s for new subtransmission and distribution equipment installation.
The maximum allowable temperature of the conductor is determined by the material properties
(such as annealing or loss of zinc). The thermal energy developed during a short circuit is
determined by the short-circuit magnitude and duration. The duration is determined by the
protection clearing times and the number of recloses to lock out (usually 2 to 4).
Earth fault currents produce step and touch potentials at each earthed structure. These need to be
managed in accordance with Section 10 of AS/NZS 7000. Induction into adjacent metallic circuits
(pipelines, telecommunications and fences) is another consideration.


An easement shall be sized to satisfy the following constraints at its edge
acceptable EMF levels
acceptable audible noise levels
regulation safety clearances under high wind conditions
Where lines are located on road reserves, the conductors shall not encroach over the adjoining
property with no wind. An easement over the adjoining property is required where the calculated
easement width (refer to method below) is beyond the building setback requirement of the local
municipal authority.
Annex E provides easement and inter-circuit distances based solely on electrical clearance
considerations. The easement shall encompass the entire asset including stays. Generally,
ground stays can be located anywhere within a 25m radius from the centre of a structure.

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Line Design

Figure 6.11.1 Easement Around Stayed Structures

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Line Design

Figure 6.11.2 Distance to Edge of Easement

A crossarm width
B horizontal component of insulator swing
C horizontal component of conductor swing at 500 Pa transverse wind pressure
Ea horizontal clearance to structures normally accessible to persons
Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 Schedule 4 Part 4.1
DA -minimum distance from centreline to edge of easement
- conductor swing angle at 500 Pa transverse wind pressure
(insulator swing angle assumed to be the same)

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Line Design

Figure 6.11.3 Inter-Circuit Distance for Structures Out-of-Step

A1, A2 crossarm width of structures
B horizontal component of insulator swing
C horizontal component of conductor swing at 500 Pa transverse wind pressure
Eb horizontal clearance to structures NOT normally accessible to persons
Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 Schedule 4 Part 4.5
Ec exclusion zone for plant operated by untrained persons
Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 Schedule 2 Part 1
DB -circuit separation for out-of-step structure alignment
- conductor swing angle at 500 Pa transverse wind pressure
(insulator swing angle assumed to be the same)

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Line Design

Figure 6.11.4 Inter-Circuit Distance for Structures Out-of-Step

A1, A2 crossarm width of structures
B1, B2 horizontal component of insulator swing
C horizontal component of conductor swing at 500 Pa transverse wind pressure
Ec exclusion zone for plant operated by untrained persons
Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 Schedule 2 Part 1
Ed horizontal clearance that allows for out-of-phase conductor swing between circuits
under turbulent winds. AS/NZS 7000:2010 equation 3.1.


DC circuit separation for in-step structure alignment

DC circuit separation for in-step structure alignment
1, 2 conductor swing angle at 500 Pa transverse wind pressure
- assume 2 = 40 (large conductor low swing angle)
(insulator swing angle assumed to be the same)

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Line Design
U maximum voltage difference between the two circuits (kV)
for the worst case (60 phase shift)

V1, V2 phase-to-phase r.m.s. voltage of circuit 1 and 2 (kV)

V maximum voltage of the two circuits max(V1,V2)

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Ergon EWP vehicles suitable for live line work are typically
6x4 (6 wheels with 4 driven)
height to the floor of the bucket 16.5 to 21.5m
basket safe working load 325kg

55m EWPs that are rated to 500kV are available for hire in Queensland. The standard
subtransmission structures are high reliability and will not normally require maintenance for 20
years or more. So no structure height restriction shall be imposed upon the design of new lines.
Hiring EWPs is considered to be the appropriate maintenance response.
Subtransmission structures with subsidiary circuits shall have the upper subsidiary conductor no
higher than 20m above ground.


Climbing provision shall be made on all structures. Where stepbolts are used, ferrules shall be
provided but the stepbolts do not have to be installed. Stepbolts shall be fitted where
structures do not have all weather access
the line cannot be de-energised (no alternative supply)
Climbing aids shall commence from the top of the extension ladder (6 to 7m) to 1.2 to 1.5m from
the top of the structure.
Maintenance EWP No EWP No EWP
Type access to access access at
the during any time
structure inclement
Corrective Line can be de- EWP dead EWP dead Manual dead
or energised anytime (stepbolts may be (postpone
preventative or during light omitted) maintenance)
Corrective Line cannot be de- EWP live EWP live (postpone Manual live
or energised maintenance)
Emergency Line de-energised EWP dead EWP dead (access) Manual dead
due to sustained Manual dead (no
fault access)
Table 7.2 Maintenance Strategy
EWP live live maintenance (stick method) from an EWP
EWP dead maintenance from an EWP (de-energised/dead)
Manual live live maintenance (stick method) from the structure manual climbing

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Manual dead maintenance from the structure with the line de-energised manual climbing
Structures shall be designed to facilitate live stick working from an EWP where there is no
alternative means of supplying the electrical demand. Single circuit delta structures in suburbia
shall be fitted with the two phases on the kerb side for ease of access. For an EWP with insulated
boom and basket, the minimum horizontal phase to phase clearance at 66kV is 1200 (basket
width) + 2 x 600 (MAD) = 2400mm. At 132kV the minimum horizontal phase to phase clearance is
1200 (basket width) + 2 x 1200 (MAD) = 3600mm. Where a structure is inaccessible to an EWP it
shall be live climbable.
The area operations staff will usually be the first to respond to an emergency. The limited EWP
height may increase the time to restore service but it is also likely that spares will not be on hand
and tools inadequately rated.
7.2.1 Subsidiary Circuits
Where subsidiary circuits (up to 33kV) are added, climbing through the live subsidiary is generally
not possible. Stepbolts should only be fitted above 1500mm from the top subsidiary conductor and
none below the subsidiary. This will allow manual live climbing out of an EWP if necessary.
The minimum vertical separation between a subsidiary circuit (up to 33kV) and a 66kV super circuit
is 450 (33kV MAD) + 1000 (basket height) + 350 (head height) + 600 (66kV MAD) = 2400mm.
Live work above an energised subsidiary is permissible, however dead work (under access permit)
above an energised subsidiary is not. However dead work on a subsidiary circuit with an
energised super-circuit is permissible.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Insulation coordination shall be in accordance with AS1824.
Ergon Energy utilises the following insulation arrangements (on conductive structures):
Creepage Distance
Line Type Insulation Arrangement
66kV Suspension
5x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 5x320=1600
66kV Strain 6x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 6x320=1920
6x125kN Porcelain Discs With Zinc Sleeves and R
(Dependant on 6x292=1752
conductor size)

66kV Bridging 5x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 5x320=1600
Strings Ceramic Post Insulator 1800
66kV Line Post
Silicone Line Post Insulator 2354
132kV Suspension
9x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 9x320=2880
132kV Strain 10x125kN Porcelain Discs With Zinc Sleeves and R
Strings1 Clips
132kV Bridging
9x70kN Glass Discs With Zinc Sleeves and W Clips 9x320=2880
132kV Line Post
Silicone Line Post Insulator 3736
Note 1: Disc insulator strength capacity cannot be varied without the express approval from Ergon Energy

Note 2: The quantity of insulator discs shown in the above table are the minimum requirement for each line type.
Additional creepage is required for heavy pollution levels.
For landing spans: Termination strings on substation landing spans should contain an extra disc or equivalent

Table 8.1 Insulation per line type.

Standard insulator assemblies are detailed in the Ergon Energy Sub-transmission Construction
Manual, and shall be used unless otherwise negotiated. It remains the responsibility of the
designer to notify Ergon Energy if the Standard assemblies are not suitable for use. Requests to
use alternate equivalent products should be submitted to the Manager Engineering Line Design
Standards however, Ergon Energy reserves the right to refuse such requests.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Contaminated environments require insulator selection based on the surface creepage distance as
recommended in AS4436 Table 2. These specific creepage distances are based on testing done
on ceramic insulation. These same values are also used for composite insulation, however
silicone rubber has superior flashover performance in contaminated environments. Silicone has
the unique ability to impart hydrophobicity to the contaminated layer due to the migration of low
molecular weight silicone polymer molecules into the contaminate.
Insulation shall be co-ordinated such that strain assemblies have higher levels of insulation than
bridging, suspension and post insulator assemblies.
Disc insulators shall be placed such that the sheds do not collect water or debris, i.e. discs may
need to be inverted on landing spans.
Air break switches should also have higher levels of insulation (impulse withstand voltage)
because of switching surges and proximity of the switching operator.
Wherever possible, disc insulators shall be used in preference to synthetic long rods, due to their
superior lifespan and the susceptibility of synthetic insulators to wildlife attack.

Standard conductors are provided in the table below with the applicable voltages. There are many
in-service lines built over the last 60 years that utilise conductors other than these. If modifications
are required to these lines, an assessment with the Asset Owner is required to determine the
conductor to be used.
No new lines shall utilise HDBC. No new line shall utilise AAC where the vibration catenary
constant is greater than 1000m. ACSR shall only be considered where
the line is located in a cyclonic region (to resist severance from flying debris)
there is a high fire risk especially on ridges (annealing of aluminium)
the tension is high enough to straighten kinks (vibration catenary constant greater than
The fire risk may be assessed at
All ACSR conductors shall be greased.
The selection of conductor type shall be based on the rating, spanning requirements, land use
along the line, cyclonic region, cost, and pollution levels.
Construction Conductor Diameter OHEW 33 /66kV 110
(mm) /132kV
SC 7/2.75 SC/AC 8.25 Y N N
ACSR Sultana 9.0 Y N N
Banana 11.3 Y N N
Cherry 14.3 Y Y N
Grape 17.5 N Y Y
Lime 24.5 N Y*** Y***
AAAC Iodine 14.3 N Y** N

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Line Design
Neon 18.8 N Y Y
Nitrogen 21.0 N Y Y
Oxygen 23.8 N Y Y
Selenium 29.3 N Y*** Y***
Sulphur 33.8 N Y*** Y***
Table 8.2.1 Sub-Transmission Conductors
1. *Where conditions warrant, e.g. high pollution levels, the equivalent ACSR/AC conductor may
be used instead of the ACSR/GZ conductor listed.
2. ** in rural applications Iodine conductor should be avoided due to swing problems
encountered due to its low weight to diameter ratio.
3. ***Ergon Energy Standard Structure Types do not support these conductors.
Minimum single wire conductor sizes for corona are:
Nominal Voltage Min. Phase Min. Conductor Diameter Min. Conductor
Phase Separation (Dry and weathered) (mm) Diameter (Wet) (mm)
33kV 1.0 & 1.5 2.0 & 1.8 7.5 & 7
66kV 1.5 & 2.0 5.4 & 5.0 19 & 17.5
132kV 3.2 12.5 42
220kV 5.0 23.1 bundle
Table 8.2.2 Sub-transmission voltage phase separation and conductor diameters.


Internal clearances are confined to circuits attached to the structure and located at the structure or
in the span. They exclude clearances to the ground or clearances to parallel power lines or
8.3.1 Climbing Clearances
If a structure is not designed to be climbed with the conductors energised, then no safe climbing
clearance to the conductors is required since they are de-energised. However live-line
maintenance from an EWP may be possible.
For live climbing for inspection or maintenance refer to clause 3.5.2 of AS/NZS7000.

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Line Design
8.3.2 Insulator Swing

Figure 8.3.2 Wind Span to Weight Span Ratios for Various Conductors and Structure
Geometries (0 line deviation angle)
Suspension insulators require sufficient conductor weight to limit their swing under transverse
winds. The allowable swing angle is determined by electrical clearance requirements. If the
weight of the insulator string is ignored and there is no deviation of line direction, then the insulator
swing angle can be calculated for various wind pressures.

tan tan

1 =maximum allowable insulator swing from vertical under P1

2 =minimum required insulator swing from vertical under P2
P1 =transverse wind pressure 1
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P2 =transverse wind pressure 2
For example, from figure 7.3.2 above, a maximum allowable swing angle of 30 at 100Pa wind
requires a minimum allowable swing angle 71 at 500Pa. Conversely a maximum allowable swing
angle of 71 at 500Pa wind requires a minimum allowable swing angle 30 at 100Pa. This allows
the limitation of the structure geometry (used where there is no line deviation) to be readily

The typical application curve in the above diagram is plotted for a specific structure geometry (30
swing at 100Pa). If this structure is placed in a valley where the wind-span to weight-span ratio is
1.4, then the layout would work for AAAC conductors greater than 15mm diameter but would not
work for diameters less than 15mm. Alternatively a 15mm AAAC conductor used with this
structure will permit layout wind-span to weight-span ratios of less than 1.4. To layout using ratios
greater than 1.4 requires a structure geometry with more liberal swing angles.

It is proposed to use a suspension structure for laying out a line over undulating terrain with an
average ground slope of 3.5% over the span length. (This gradient is calculated based on a fixed
structure height. In reality, a steeper gradient can be accommodated by varying the structure
heights.) This corresponds to a maximum wind span to weight span ratio of 1.4. The proposed
pole top geometry has the following minimum permissible swing angles that satisfy the electrical
requirements for its nominal insulation: 30 at 100 Pa; 60 at 300 Pa and 71 at 500 Pa. Is the
structure suitable for Hydrogen (AAAC 13.5 mm diameter) or its electrical equivalent, Cherry (6/7
ACSR 14.3 mm)? Figure 7.3.2 shows that the structure geometry is unsuitable for Hydrogen. A
minimum diameter of 15 mm is required for AAAC. However the geometry is suitable for Cherry
(minimum of 12 mm required for 6/1 and 6/7 ACSR). If Hydrogen is used with this structure then
the terrain gradient would have to be shallower. Alternatively, a structure with more generous
insulator swing angles would be required.
8.3.3 Midspan Separation
Refer AS/NZS7000 CL 3.7.3. for midspan separation formulae and application.

Phase conductors are transposed on long transmission lines to balance the mutual impedances
and reduce the load current unbalance. Unbalanced phase currents result in zero and negative
sequence currents that increase power losses. In a fully transposed line, each phase is changed
so that it occupies each geometric position for an equal length of the line. In this document,
transposition shall refer to the rolling of the phase conductors.
The ideal phase configuration is an equilateral triangle. For a delta phase configuration, it is not
necessary to transpose the phases provided that the minimum phase-to-phase separation is within
25% of the maximum phase-to-phase separation. Transpositions of delta configurations are easily
achieved (refer to drawing below) and incur minimum cost penalties

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Line Design

Figure 8.4.1 Transposition Diagram for Sub-transmission Single Circuit Lines.

Vertical or horizontal phase configurations are more difficult to transpose and require special
structures. The cost of the difference in losses between a transposed and untransposed line is
approximately 20 times more for the horizontal (or vertical) configuration versus the delta
Route Length Number of Number of
Transpositions Different

<25 km Nil 1

25 to 75 km 1 2

>75 km 2 3

Table 8.4 Guideline for Transpositions

The route length can be divided into phasing sections as indicated in the following diagram. These
transpositions achieve complete impedance balance. If it is impractical to achieve the ideal
transposition locations then section differences up to 15% of the route length are acceptable. A
single transposition improves the impedance balance but is incomplete

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Line Design

Figure 8.4.2 Phasing Section Options

8.5.1 Earthing Metalwork
For a conductive structure, all metalwork that forms part of the electrical circuit during an earth fault
shall be positively earthed to carry its share of the fault current. For conductive and non-
conductive structures, all metalwork within 2.4m of the ground surface level shall be positively
earthed but does not require full fault current rating unless it is an earth downlead or a power cable
guard. Other metalwork may be inherently earthed (such as step bolts on conductive poles) or
unearthed (such as step bolts on non-conductive poles).
Item Capacity (kA)2.s Assumed Area Initial & Final
(mm2) Temp. (C)
1 x M12 S/S bolt 41.5 92.6 45 - 870
2 x M12 S/S bolt 166 185.2 45 - 870
1 x M16 S/S bolt 140 169.7 45 - 870
2 x M16 S/S bolt 560 339.4 45 - 870
1 x 35mm2 copper wire 96 35 45 - 850
2 x 35mm2 copper wire 384 70 45 - 850
1 x 70mm2 copper wire 384 70 45 - 850
1 x 50 x 5 galv. steel (22 hole) 82 140 45 - 400
2 x 75 x 5 galv. steel (22 hole) 294 265 45 - 400
Table - Fault Capacities for Earthing Equipment
ENA EG1:2006 section 10.2.2 provides further guidance regarding conductor sizing

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Line Design
8.5.2 Footing Resistance
Structures shall be designed so that an earthing resistance of 10 ohms is achieved at each
structure along the line and 5 ohms where structures are within 2km of a substation (unless
otherwise detailed in the scope), these readings shall be taken before the OHEW is connected.
Additional earthing may need to be installed to meet this requirement.
8.5.3 Earthing Electrodes
Copper clad steel earth rods shall be used unless otherwise directed. Stainless steel clad earth
rods may be used
for hard driving conditions (stainless steel is more abrasive resistant than copper)
in tidal lands, salt marshes and land fill consisting of coke ash or coke breeze
where galvanic corrosion will occur with copper e.g. direct buried galvanised steel poles
Ground rods are ineffective when placed closer to a conductive pole than the depth of the pole in
the ground.
8.5.4 Voltage Gradient Control
Grading rings shall be nominated on all poles with OHEW that are accessible to the public in urban
areas. A risk assessment shall be undertaken to determine if poles on rural lines require grading
8.5.5 Overhead Earthwire
The OHEW shall be sized to carry (without damage) the designated earth fault currents that could
be reasonably anticipated over the life of the line. For a line with reclosers, the earthwire shall
survive the initial fault plus one reclose onto the fault. In the absence of quantitative data, the
following assumptions shall be:
the arc resistance at the fault is 10 ohms
the first span of OHEW outside the substation shall take 100% of the fault current (this usually
requires two OHEWs, however two may also be required for shielding from lightning)
the first 2 km of OHEW outside a substation (source or destination) shall handle 80% of the
earth fault current
the remainder of the OHEW shall survive 50% of the fault current
OHEW shall have a steel content so that any failure of protective equipment that causes annealing
of aluminium stands will not allow the OHEW to permanently sag into the phase conductors.
Examples include OPGW, ACSR or SC construction. The minimum outer strand size shall be
2.75mm for steel and 3.0mm for aluminium to reduce the likelihood of strand fusion from a direct
lightning strike.

Where Standard Ergon Energy structures are not able to be used, the structure geometry shall be
designed to achieve the lightning performance better than 2 outages per 100km per year.
Insulation coordination at cable termination structures shall be designed in accordance with
AS1824.2 Section 6.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
The standard communications cables for lines shall be OPGW. Ergon Energy uses special designs
for these, being:
11.4mm (24 fibre)
14.0mm (24 and 48 fibre)
17.7mm (24 fibre)
Refer Annex B for OPGW specifications.
New lines shall typically utilise OPGW as an earthwire and communication path. Where existing
lines and structures are modified for communications, it may be possible to under sling OPGW
where clearances and structural capacities permit. Do not use standard polyethylene ADSS where
the space potential is greater than 12kV(rms) due to the dry band arcing failure mechanism.
Special track-resistant jackets are required for space potentials up to 20kV(rms) or high pollution


The designer shall undertake EMF calculations for submission to Ergon Energys Environmental
Projects engineer. Designs shall be in accordance with ES000904R104 EMF Guideline for New

Magnetic fields, caused by line current under load or fault, can be coupled with adjacent
conductive and insulated circuits to produce hazardous voltages. The risk and mitigation
measures shall be assessed in accordance with AS/NZS 4853 or HB 102. Such circuits are
metallic pipelines, other power lines, fences (timber posts), long agricultural trellises, conveyor
belts, copper telecommunication lines.


Where it is impractical to eliminate the step and touch voltage hazard using the deterministic
approach (AS/NZS 7000 clause, then AS/NZS 7000 allows for a risk based approach to
earthing. Refer to AS/NZS 7000 section 10.5 for design requirements as well as Appendix U for
the risk based process.
The proportion of the earth fault current that flows to ground via any structure with OHEW can be
estimated from HB 331 section 17.8. The earth potential rise (EPR) at this structure is estimated
from HB 331 section 17.9. The step voltage depends on the earth electrode geometry at this site.
For a conductive structure with no additional earthing, the touch voltage is approximately 73% of
the EPR. Values for other electrode geometries are given in Table 17.6. If the touch voltage falls
below the criteria given in AS/NZS 7000 Figure 10.1 and the assumptions provided in Table 10.2
are valid, then no further analysis is required.

From a design perspective, corona is not an issue at 66kV. At 132kV and above, conductor size
and hardware fittings become important.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
A conductor surface voltage gradient of 16kV peak per cm is generally accepted as a design
criterion for sizing conductor; however corona losses will increase during wet weather.

The mechanical and civil design must ensure that the line performance will comply with all relative
National and State Legislation, that the line can be readily constructed and maintained using
standard industry practices and tooling, and that routine maintenance can be affected without loss
of supply.
The design shall ensure premature failure of components does not occur from fatigue stresses,
abrasion or corrosion or other serviceability conditions that will be encountered within the design
operating parameters for the line.
The structural loads on lines shall be designed in accordance with AS/NZS 7000 and the following
Ergon Energy requirements.
Where Ergon Energy Standard structures are used, the structural limit state design loads must be
within the structure capacities given in Annex B.


Wind loads shall be calculated in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2 2011, AS/NZS 7000 -2010
and the Building Code of Australia.
The following criteria shall apply as a minimum
Wind region as per AS/NZS 1170.2
Where lines of significant length crossover wind regions, the appropriate region can be applied to
each respective section, however any change in wind pressure along the line should be done at a
termination structure, with the higher wind pressure applied to the structure itself.
Regional wind V200 wind speed.
Terrain category 2
Shielding multiplier 1.0
Height and topographic multiplier as encountered.
Drag coefficient for conductor 1.0 (where standard Ergon conductors are used).
The drag coefficients for pole structures and steel work should be determined as per AS/NZS
A load factor of 1.2 shall be applied to the wind forces on the conductors and structures in cyclonic
regions. Due to the geographic nature of the Ergon Energy network, there are higher
concentrations of lines within cyclonic regions, where multiple failures are likely to occur, and there
is a high probability of loss of life and damage as a result. The V200 wind pressures for non-
cyclonic areas also remain in line with past design practices and have proven satisfactory in these
Design wind pressures for conductors shall be determined as per AS/NZS 7000

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Line Design
Refer Annex D for indicative wind pressures.

9.2.1 Substation Landing Spans

Higher wind pressures are generally used for landing spans entering substations and associated
supporting structures, as these assets are designed to a higher importance level. These should be
designed in accordance with SS-1-1.8 which requires:
Cyclonic region C
Terrain category 2
The pressures used for structure electrical clearances (AS/NZS7000 clause 3.8.2) shall be the low
wind, moderate wind and high wind weather cases given in 7.4.4.


Figure 9.3 Conductor Loads Relative to Direction of Span

The components of conductor tension (figure above) for each weather case (8.5) are calculated as
Longitudinal tension component = horizontal tension derived via a tension change to the
appropriate weather case with the TSRF applied to the wind pressure
Transverse tension component = wind span x appropriate wind pressure x SRF x conductor

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Line Design
Vertical tension component = weight span in the vertical plane x conductor weight. The wind
pressure is reduced by the appropriate SRF.
Structure loads are applied relative to the structure axes, which will be different from the span axes
for strain/termination structures. Refer to clause 27.4 of HB331:2012 to determine longitudinal,
transverse and vertical structure loads.
Load Case Weather Longitudinal Transverse Vertical Tension
Case -Wind Tension Tension (SRF)
Strength limit Ultimate 1.25 1.2 Region C 1.25 max. weight
(synoptic and V200 1.0 Region A & B 0.0 no weight
downdraft) 1.25 max. uplift
Failure Failure 1.25 1.0 1.25
containment Containment
0.25 x V200
Maintenance Low Wind 1.5 1.5 1.5
intact loads 100 Pa (TSRF = 1) (SRF = 1) (SRF = 1)
Maintenance Low Wind 2.0 2.0 2.0
live loads 100 Pa (TSRF = 1) (SRF = 1) (SRF = 1)
Table 9.3 - Conductor Load Factors
The TSRF results in lower wind pressures and thus tensions than those obtained using the SRF.
When designing a new strain/termination structure, consideration shall be given to the fact that
strain/termination structures may be used for single dead-end spans where the section length
equals the wind span length and SRF equals TSRF.


Generally, transmission lines are not susceptible to damage from dynamic forces resulting from
seismic activity. Non-standard structures with ancillary equipment such as transformers may
experience negative impacts and these should be considered in accordance with AS1170.4


9.5.1 Weather Case
Many strength and serviceability criteria assume that the line is subjected to a given combination of
wind, ice (or snow) and conductor temperature. Such a combination is called a "weather case".
All cable sag and tension calculations, and consequently all loads and clearance calculations, are
done at designated weather cases. A table of weather cases is typically used for:
Specifying the tension constraints
Checking the strength of the structures
Checking various geometric clearances (to ground, blowout, between phases, swings,
galloping etc.)
Checking ground wires and conductors tensions
The weather case assumed to cause metallurgical creep on conductors
The heavy load case which potentially causes permanent stretch of the cable

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Line Design
Displaying the cable at various temperatures
The weather cases required for producing sag tables are not tabulated.
Wind direction is required for structure strength calculations at line deviations. The wind direction
for sag/tension calculations is assumed to be normal to the span and defined as blowing from the
left or the right hand side.
9.5.2 Cable Condition (PLS CADD modelling)
Whenever a weather case is required then the cable condition and analysis method is also
required. The cable conditions are:

Condition Description
Initial New cable is assumed to be in its Initial condition for the few hours that follow its
Creep Cable is in its final after Creep condition after it has been assumed exposed to a
particular creep weather condition for a long period of time, Ergon Energy uses 10
years. The permanent elongation is predominately due to metallurgical creep. It is
normally assumed that the weather case that causes creep consists of a no wind or
ice condition at some average temperature. The Creep weather case given in
9.5.4 Queensland Weather Cases is used to determine the cable stress and
subsequently the long term strain value to apply for the after creep condition. The
same cable temperature shall be used in the creep prediction calculations used to
define the after creep stress/strain curve.
Load The final after Load condition assumes that the cable has been permanently
stretched by a specified weather condition that causes large tensions. The
permanent elongation is predominately due to strand settlement. For the linear
elastic cable model, the Initial and After Load conditions are identical.
Max Sag This is NOT a cable condition. It is used to display the maximum sag produced by
either the Creep or the Load cable condition. The Initial cable condition will never
produce the maximum sag.
Table 9.5.2 Cable Conditions
9.5.3 Analysis Method
The type of analysis performed to generate the cable tensions are the Ruling Span (RS) and the
Finite Element (FE) method.
With the ruling span (RS) method, the actual length of cable in each span is not used in the
analysis, as tensions are based on the equivalent ruling span. The horizontal tensions in all the
spans in the tension section are the same. This is the traditional method used for line design.
With the finite element (FE) method, the analysis is based on fixed unstressed lengths for each
cable in each span. This method assumes that the horizontal tensions in all the spans in the
tension section are the same at the reference sagging weather case and cable condition. This
results in suspension insulators being plumb only for this sagging condition. The following actions
will result in tension differences (longitudinal structure loads) in the tension section:
changing the weather case or cable condition
movement of a structure (longitudinally, transversely or vertically)
changing the structure geometry or structure stiffness
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Line Design
adding or removing a structure
adding a concentrated load in a span
removing or adding a length of cable into a span
Therefore the following combinations of cable condition and analysis methods are available
Initial RS
Creep RS
Load RS
Initial FE
Creep FE
Load FE
The cable condition (Creep or Load) producing the largest sag for the specified weather case is
displayed when the following cable condition is selected
Max Sag RS
Max Sag FE

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9.5.4 Queensland Weather Cases
Name Temperature Wind Pressure Conditio Usage
(1)Serviceability limit state tension
Daily mean minimum temperature of the coldest month. constraint whilst stringing new conductor.
Cold Refer to Figure 1 for typical values. Suitable value No wind. Initial The cable tension shall be no greater than
15C. 1.25 times the vibration tension limit.
(2) Weight span check.

Average conductor temperature of the coldest month. In Fatigue limit state for tension constraint -
the absence of detailed data the average of the daily AS/NZS 7000 Table Z1 therein defined as
mean maximum temperature and the daily mean "everyday load". Used to limit fatigue
Vibration minimum temperature may be used. It is assumed that No wind. damage due to Aeolian vibration.
the ambient temperature and the conductor For OPGW a fatigue limit of 18% CBL shall
temperature are the same. Refer to Figure 2 for typical apply. Also to determine the minimum
values. Suitable value 10C. amount of slack in short spans.
The average day/night cable temperature over its
economic life. For heavily loaded feeders (e.g. from a
Weather case used to calculate the
Creep generator) the cable temperature will be above the No wind. N/A
permanent stretch due to creep.
ambient temperature. Refer to Figure 3 for ambient
temperatures. Suitable value 20C.
Used to check mid-span conductor
50C 50C as specified in AS/NZS 7000 equation 3.1 No wind. Max sag

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Name Temperature Wind Pressure Conditio Usage
Used for calculating intercircuit clearances.
The hot ambient temperature used for calculating the Example upper circuit at maximum
maximum operating temperature of the cable. Refer to operating temperature coincident with the
Figure 4 for trends. Also refer to: lower subsidiary circuit at the hot ambient
temperature for maximum demand during
Weather Parameter Analysis for Ergon Energy
summer. If the maximum demand is in
Hot Ambient Overhead Line Ratings No wind. Max sag
winter then the lower subsidiary circuit may be at the winter evening temperature. ENA
er%20Parameter%20Analysis%20for%20Ergon%20En C(b)1-2006 required the subsidiary circuit to
ergy%20Overhead%20Line%20Ratings%20V2.0%20Fi be at everyday temperature (Fig 10.4.2) but
nal.pdf this is not required by AS/NZS 7000:2010
Fig 3.7.
Used to calculate ground clearances,
weight spans and intercircuit clearances.
Maximum operating cable temperature with rated
Max Op The maximum operating temperature for a
current at hot ambient temperature and low coincident No wind. Max sag
Temp subsidiary circuit may differ from the
wind speed. Typical range 75 to 100C.
primary circuit. Use Max Op Temp xxC and
Max Op Temp yyC.
(1) Serviceability tension constraint where
the cable tension is limited to 40% of its
CBL to allow for maintenance activities that
The wind pressure when affect cable tensions.
maintenance activities such as live (2) Used to calculate suspension insulator
Coldest temperature for maintenance activities with After
Low Wind structure climbing are ceased. swing angles and electrical clearances for
coincident wind. Suitable value 15C. creep
Typical deterministic value 100Pa live line climbing and working. A warmer
(46km/hr). temperature will produce tighter clearances
for flying angle structures with the wind
opposing the line deviation but these
structures are in the minority.

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Name Temperature Wind Pressure Conditio Usage
The transverse wind pressure Used to calculate suspension insulator
assumed to occur (with low swing angles and electrical clearances to
Moderate Temperature during a thunder storm event. Suitable probability) simultaneously with a withstand a lightning impulse (or back
Max sag
Wind value 20C lightning event. Typical deterministic flashover for properly shielded lines).
range 100Pa (46km/hr) to 300Pa Clearances based on AS/NZS 7000 Table
(80km/hr). 3.4.
The infrequent transverse wind
pressure that could lead to a power Used to calculate suspension insulator
Low temperature during a high wind event. Suitable
High Wind frequency flashover. Typical Max sag swing angles and electrical clearances to
value 25C
deterministic value 500Pa withstand a power frequency flashover.
The infrequent transverse wind
pressure that could blow conductors Calculate midspan swing to buildings.
High temperature during a high wind event. Suitable
Blowout close to adjacent buildings. Typical Max sag Clearances based on AS/NZS 7000 Table
value 35C
deterministic value 500Pa 3.8.
(104km/hr). #1
Used to calculate the longitudinal loads
Failure 0.25 times the ultimate wind
Cable temperature of the Creep weather case. Max sag resulting from a broken cable. AS/NZS
Containment pressure.
7000 clause
(1) Strength limit state tension constraint.
Ultimate 3 sec. wind pressure when
The strength reduction factor (AS/NZS
factored for return period, wind
7000 Table 6.2) shall be no greater than 0.7
region, terrain category, height, wind
Coincident conductor temperature at the ultimate wind for conductor, 0.5 for OPGW; 0.4 for LV
Ultimate span, shielding and topography. PLS
speed. Tropical cyclones and thunder storms usually After load. ABC and ADSS.
Wind factors being
occur in summer. Suitable value 25C. (2) Weather case used to calculate the
Weather Load Factor = 1
permanent stretch due to load. For the
Wind Ht Adjust Model = None
linear elastic cable model there is no
Wire Gust Response Factor = 1
permanent stretch.

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Table 9.5.4 Queensland Weather Cases
#1 The ruling span (RS) analysis method assumes that the wind blows uniformly in every span of the section and that the tension is the same in
each span. More realistically the wind will have a narrow gust front that will produce much greater blowout when suspension insulators are used.
These swing longitudinally into the higher pressure zone producing more slack. The effect of this increased blowout should be considered with
regards to the required horizontal clearances.

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Figure - Cold Weather Case

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Figure - Vibration Weather Case

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Figure - Everyday Ambient Temperature

Everyday weather case temperature will be higher for heavily loaded lines.

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Figure Hot Ambient Weather Case


9.6.1 Slack Spans
No ruling span of earthwire shall have less than 70mm of slack and no ruling span of conductor
shall have less than 100mm of slack. This will provide an earthwire sag to conductor sag ratio of
84%. The conductor slack allows the load to be released off strain insulators while they are being
replaced without over-tensioning the conductor. This slack is to be applied under the vibration
weather case. The following catenary constants are tabulated for various ruling spans.

Ruling Span (m) Maximum Earthwire Catenary Maximum Conductor Catenary

Constant (70mm slack) (m) Constant (100mm slack) (m)
10 24 20
15 45 38
20 69 58
25 96 81
30 127 106
35 160 134
40 195 163
45 233 195

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Line Design
Ruling Span (m) Maximum Earthwire Catenary Maximum Conductor Catenary
Constant (70mm slack) (m) Constant (100mm slack) (m)
50 273 228
55 315 263
60 359 300
65 404 338
70 452 378
75 501 419
80 552 462
85 605 506
90 659 551
95 714 598
100 772 645
110 890 745
120 1014 849
130 1144 957
140 1278 1069
150 1417 1186
160 1561 1306
170 1710 1431
180 1863 1559
190 2021 1691
200 2182 1826
Table 9.6.1 Maximum Catenaries for Slack Spans
To determine the ruling span tension:

Where H = maximum ruling span tension (N)

C = maximum catenary constant from the table above (m)
w = cable weight (N/m)
This constraint cannot be automated in PLS and manual intervention is required for each ruling
span section. It is a method of maintaining slack tensions for short span lengths. There is very little
additional structure height required to implement this design rule. The vibration tension constraint
eventually governs for larger ruling span lengths.
For larger ruling spans where the slack rule does not apply, the earthwire tensions are calculated
based on an earthwire sag to conductor sag ratio of approximately 84%. This provides a greater
shielding angle from the earthwire to the conductor at midspan without wind.

CE = earthwire catenary constant (m)
CC = conductor catenary constant (m)
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HE = earthwire tension (N)
HC = conductor tension (N)
wE = earthwire weight (N/m)
wC = conductor weight (N/m)
PLS gives the option to sag the cable using tensions or catenary constants. This option is in the
Preferences menu.
9.6.2 Slack Dead-end Spans
For slack dead-end spans the weight of the strain insulator is significant. Excessive sag of the
stain insulator may create electrical clearance issues on poles and be aesthetically displeasing.
Figure A provides guidance for slack spans strung with 100mm of slack and using normal disc
insulators (4 kg each). The curves are plotted for level spans where there is a difference of 10
between the take-off angle of the strain string (assumed rigid) and the conductor take-off angle.

Figure Minimum span lengths for various conductors and voltages (number of

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Composite longrods are frequently used to overcome the excessive sag caused by discs. The
curves in Figure B are based on a 5 difference between the take-off angle of the longrod and the
conductor take-off angle. The longrod is assumed to have a mass of 3.5 kg/m (22mm fibreglass

Figure - Minimum span lengths for various conductors and voltages (length of

Example Application of Figure

A 40m dead-end span of AAAC/1120 Nitrogen (0.72 kg/m ) is to be installed using 6 normal discs
(66kV). To achieve 100mm of slack, it is tensioned with a catenary constant of 163m at 15C (1.15
kN or 1.8% NBL). The 10 difference in take-off angles is achieved with a minimum span length of
27m (Table A). Therefore the 40m span (which is greater than 27m) does not have aesthetic
issues. The insulator take-off angle (for a level 27m span with 100mm of slack) is 18.5 and the
conductor take-off angle is 8.5 (i.e. 10 difference). For the 40m level span the insulator take-off
angle is 12.7 and the conductor take-off angle is 7 (i.e. the 5.7 difference is acceptable). The
additional ground clearance allowance for the 40m span is 85mm (not from Figure If a
longrod of the same length is used instead, the additional clearance allowance would be 8mm.


Permanent (plastic) elongation (strain) has two components
Strand settling and deformation that occurs when tension is initially applied to the conductor.

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Metallurgical creep that occurs over the life of the conductor. The amount of creep strain
depends upon the conductor design, tension history and temperature history.
The plastic elongation due to high loads and the plastic elongation due to metallurgical creep over
a long duration are not additive. The total permanent elongation is not the sum of the two, but is
approximated as the larger of the two. PLS-CADD calculates both independently and refers to the
final cable conditions as after creep and after load. Therefore, two weather cases have to be
assumed in the design criteria before any sag-tension calculation is performed. These are:
the weather case under which metallurgical creep is assumed to occur over a long duration,
i.e. the creep weather case of 9.5.4
the severe weather case that causes the maximum strand settlement to occur i.e. the
ultimate wind weather case of 9.5.4.
There is a school of thought that a 3 second wind gust is of insufficient duration to develop the
strand settlement that is derived from a stress-strain cable test where the stress is maintained for
30 minutes. By assuming that the full amount of strand settling does occur, conservative values of
permanent elongation will be calculated when strand settlement is the dominant factor.


A minimum of 10 years of metallurgical creep shall be estimated for the creep weather case. An
average temperature of not less than 20C shall be used even though the average annual ambient
temperature may be below this value. For heavily loaded feeders (e.g. from a generator) the cable
temperature will be above the ambient temperature. Thermal modelling will be required to
estimate the average temperature over the life of the conductor.
Stress-strain modelling shall be used when test data is available. For composite cables such as
ACSR, the outer stress-strain curve is derived by subtracting the core curve from the composite
curve as per the PLS-CADD Users Manual.
In the absence of stress-strain data, the linear elastic model shall be used. In this instance the
strand settling elongation is ignored and it is irrelevant which weather case is selected for final
after load. However it is recommended that the ultimate wind weather case is selected in case a
non-linear conductor model is used later in the design process.
Where the linear model is used, the model with the creep proportional to the load shall be selected.
The metallurgical creep compensation temperature at 20% NBL shall be estimated for the creep
weather case for a minimum duration of 10 years.
In the absence of creep test data, the following minimum values of creep compensation
temperatures shall be used.

Average temperature over a period of 10 years

Construction Stranding
20C 30C 40C
7 19C 34C 50C

AAC/1350 wire drawn 19 18C 33C 49C

from hot- rolled rod 37 17C 30C 45C
61 15C 27C 41C

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AAC/1350 wire drawn 7 12C 21C 31C
from continuous-cast 19 12C 21C 31C
(Properzi) rod - common
manufacturing process 37 11C 19C 28C
today 61 9C 16C 24C
AAAC/6201A hot rolled All strandings 22C 38C 57C
AAAC/1120 All strandings 19C 27C 38C
3/4 47C 47C 47C
4/3 43C 43C 43C
30/7 36C 36C 36C
ACSR 1350 strands
6/1 34C 34C 34C
drawn from hot-rolled rod
6/7 33C 33C 33C
54/7 33C 33C 33C
54/19 33C 33C 33C
3/4 26C 26C 26C
4/3 23C 23C 23C
ACSR 1350 strands
30/7 19C 19C 19C
drawn from continuous-
cast (Properzi) rod - 6/1 19C 19C 19C
common manufacturing
6/7 18C 18C 18C
process today
54/7 18C 18C 18C
54/19 18C 18C 18C
ACSR 6201 strands
Same as ACSR 1350 Properzi
ACAR Refer to Southwire Conductor Manual
Table 9.8.1Temperature Compensation for 10 yrs of Creep
The metallurgical creep prediction for AAC/1350 and AAAC/6201 conductors is based on the
following equation
=KT^1.4 ^1.3 t^0.16
= creep strain (mm/km or micro-strain)
K = constant listed in the table below
T = temperature (C)
= tensile stress (MPa)
t = elapsed time (hours)

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The following table is taken from the Southwire Conductor Manual Table 3-16. The constants
have been modified to suit metric units.
# Strands 7 19 37 61
AAC/1350 (wire drawn from hot-rolled rod) 0.0148 0.0142 0.0136 0.0129
AAC/1350 (wire drawn from continuous- 0.0090 0.0090 0.0084 0.0077
cast (Properzi) rod - common
manufacturing process today
AAAC/6201 0.0077 0.0077 0.0077 0.0077
Table of K Values for AAC/1350 & AAAC/6201 Conductors

The metallurgical creep prediction for AAAC/1120 conductor is based on the following equation
=K^a1 t^a2 e^(a3(T-20))
= creep strain (mm/km or micro-strain)
= tensile stress (MPa)
t = elapsed time (hours
T = temperature (C)
K = strain multiplier = 0.034
a1 = stress exponent = 1.516
a2 = time exponent = 0.321
a3 = empirical constant = 0.034

Data taken from Olex Cables report for Selenium conductor 7 Jan 1999 and modified to suit field

The metallurgical creep prediction for ACSR conductor is based on the following equation
=G(%NBL)^1.3 t^0.16
= creep strain (mm/km or micro-strain)
G = constant listed in the table below
%NBL = tension as percentage of nominal breaking load (%NBL)
t = elapsed time (hours)

For ACSR conductors with steel areas greater than 7.5%, the additional creep at elevated
temperatures is not significant.

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The following table is taken from the Southwire Conductor Manual which is identical to ELECTRA
No. 75 Table II
ACSR with 1350 strands drawn from hot-rolled rod 2.4
ACSR with 1350 strands drawn from continuous-cast (Properzi) rod 1.4
Table 9.8.2 - G Values for ACSR Conductors


Construction and maintenance loads, unlike weather related loads, are controllable and are directly
related to construction and maintenance practices. Construction loads are those that are imposed
during the erection of structures and the installation of earthwires, conductors, insulators and
hardware. Maintenance loads are those imposed as a result of planned or emergency
replacement of all or part of a structure, earthwire, conductor, insulator or hardware.

Construction and maintenance loads shall include all loads that may arise during construction and
maintenance of the line including stringing, rigging and men and equipment loads. These loads
shall be applied with the low wind weather case (100Pa) applied to the structure, fittings and
In addition to the load combinations detailed in AS/NZS 7000 an unfactored vertical load of (2 x
weight span x conductor weight) + fittings + insulators shall be applied to crossarms. The weight
span on a structure may be doubled if the conductor is lowered from adjacent structures and it
does not reach the ground. After applying a live load factor of 2, the crossarm is capable of
restraining more than 4 times the normal weight span. This is not onerous for steel crossarms and
provides a healthy safety margin. An engineering review shall be performed for maintenance
practices that involve lowering wires at one or more structures. The lowering of wires to ground
will almost double the original tension unless there is longitudinal movement (eg insulator swing).
This could impose a dangerous combination of vertical and longitudinal loads on the adjacent

Figure 9.9.1 Conductor Dropped from Adjacent Structures

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The conductor tension under the low wind weather case, Ftm should be applied to longitudinal and
transverse loads using a load factor of 1.5 (AS/NZS 7000 Table 7.3). It is assumed that only one
phase will be maintained at any one time and this with a live load factor of 2.0 whilst the other
phases have a 1.5 load factor. The unfactored load of men and equipment is specified in AS/NZS
7000 clause 7.2.5.

Figure 9.9.2 Square Rigging During Insulator Replacement

The longitudinal capacity of intermediate structures shall allow for the conductors and earthwires to
be terminated on the ground at a minimum horizontal distance of three times their attachment
height. This imposes a longitudinal load of 5% of the stringing tension and a vertical load of 31%
of the stringing tension. The live load factor of 2 shall be applied.

Figure 9.9.3 Temporary Termination During Stringing

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The vertical capacity of termination structures shall be sufficient to allow for the possibility of pulling
the conductors from directly below the attachment point, i.e. vertical capacity = stringing tension
(ignoring weight span). The live load factor is 2.

Figure 9.9.4 Termination Load

Additionally loads factors of 0.7 and 1.5 shall be applied to conductor tensions relating to flying
angle structures. The value of 0.7 is applied where the wind is blowing into the reflex angle and 1.5
when the wind is blowing into the obtuse angle.

Figure 9.9.5 Flying Angle Loads

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The loads on the structure shall include and allow for second order moments caused by structure


Poles shall be of sufficient strength and stiffness between stays to prevent excessive deflection..
Yoke plates or sheaves shall be used to balance loads onto a common stay anchor.


Where unstayed pole structures are used, the poles shall be raked such that under everyday load
conditions, the tip of the pole is vertically above the base at the groundline. The direction to be
raked may need to be adjusted to allow for the conductor stringing sequence.
Temporary stays may need to be allowed for as per section 10.6.


In the event of conductor breakage, the conductor tensions in adjacent spans are redistributed,
due to movement in suspension strings and line post insulators, torsional rotation of poles and
foundations, as well as deflection in steelwork. The unbalanced tension in the conductor or
earthwire in the span adjacent to the break is known as the Residual Static Load (RSL).
The RSL can be determined under the creep weather case (AS/NZS 7000 clause The
RSL as a proportion of the conductor tension prior to the break can be estimated using the
following equation -

RSL=0.8Hx^((-0.07 log x+0.14) ) (0.002x5)

assume RSL = H for x > 5 i.e. earthwires with short suspension clamps and post insulators
RSL = tension in the first span adjacent to a span with a broken wire after the conductors have
settled (N)
H = tension prior to the breakage (N)
x = /D (m/m)
= slack prior to breakage (m)
D = suspension insulator length or pivot length (m)
Slack can be calculated as
=(^2 L^3)/(24H^2 )
= conductor slack (m)
= distributed conductor weight (N/m)
L = span length (m)

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A number of assumptions are inherent in this equation

the span lengths in the section are equal
the attachment elevations are the same (level spans)
the suspension insulator lengths are identical
the next strain structure is beyond the influence of the breakage (this gives pessimistic (larger)
RSL values)
Prior to and after the breakage, the weather case is the same
This equation is unpublished and is original work done by Ergons Transmission Line Design
To determine whether a given structure, span lengths, conductor type, size and tension satisfy the
failure containment criterion is difficult in the case of suspension insulators. AS/NZS 7000
specifies a wind pressure of 25% of the ultimate wind pressure for failure containment. This is
uncharacteristic of international practice. The RSL calculation under wind requires a detailed finite
element model of the structure and conductor system. The RSL calculation under no wind is well
documented in the literature. An analytic solution is provided above However, after a conductor
breaks, the assumptions regarding the remaining ruling span section are no longer valid. When
wind is applied to the remaining ruling span section, the tension is not equalised in every span.
For simplicity, the failure containment load, Fb shall be calculated by applying a wind pressure of
0.25 times the ultimate wind pressure (with TSRF clause 8.3) to the RSL using a ruling span
value of L. Generally this will result in longitudinal failure containment design loads greater than
the Vibration (everyday) tension.


Where it is proposed to utilise existing structures to support heavier conductors or additional
circuits, the structures are required to comply with current standards. This may require an
assessment of the structure capacity and the loads applied to the structures.

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Where Ergon Energys standard structure suite is not suitable for the line, the designer shall be
responsible for the design and detailing of the line structures.
Thus, the designer shall:
Determine limit state design loads if not supplied by Ergon Energy.
Prepare design calculations to ensure that the structures are adequate for the strength limit
state loads specified and the specified serviceability conditions.
Prepare detail drawings of all structure elements.
Provide Certification of the design and drawings for all of the works, not coved by standard
structures. Such Certification is to be provided by a Registered Professional Engineer of
Queensland (RPEQ).
Be responsible for ensuring that designs meet all of the strength, limit state, serviceability,
dimensional, clearance and performance requirements of this manual, and all relevant
Australian Regulations, Codes and Standards.
Provide all of the construction, operation, maintenance and other facilities shown on or implicit
in Ergon Energys typical designs, and in the Specification, Schedules and accompanying
The designer shall be responsible for the design and detailing of all joints, bolts, plates, packers,
splices and connections to be in accord with the design loads for members.
The designer shall detail ladders, platforms, step bolts, access landings, identification plates, anti-
climbing barriers, maintenance facilities, earthing requirements and foundation set out dimensions
and all information required to fabricate and erect the structures and foundations.
The design of the structures used shall include structure loading tree drawings, detailing limit state
structure capacities for
Broken Wire.
Other load conditions shall be detailed as the designer sees fit.


Strength co-ordination should be considered so that an appropriate failure sequence of
components takes place in order to minimise damage to the transmission line and its structures.
The general order of failure shall be:
1. Intermediate conductor supports (conductor clamp slippage)
2. Steelwork (cross arms, gainbases)
3. Pole

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4. Foundations
5. Conductor
Successful failure containment may be achieved by
1. Providing sufficient longitudinal strength on all structures.
2. Providing redundancy in the event of a failed staywire/stay anchor (section 9.6).
3. Providing termination structures at regular intervals (section 10.6).
4. Limiting the effect of longitudinal loads by utilising a controlled load release mechanism (such
as plastic deformation of steelwork or clamp slippage but not sudden load release caused by bolt
5. Limiting the Residual Static Load (RSL) by utilizing hanger brackets, hinged horizontal V
insulators or elastic structures.
Where load relief is provided by failure of steelwork, it should be in a ductile manner, whereby
energy is absorbed by the plastic deformation of components. Where load relief is provided by
conductor clamp slippage the strength co-ordination needs to be considered. AS 1154.3-2009
provides a holding tension (withstand slip) test for helical suspension or support fittings. Where a
load release mechanism is critical to the design then the manufacturers Nominated Holding
Tension (NHT) shall be specified on the drawings as part of the material requirements.


Structures shall be designed for the appropriate loads and load combinations in accordance with
this manual and the relevant Australian Standards. The strength reduction factor of all components
shall be as per AS/NZS 7000.

Structure Type Design Standard

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Poles AS 3600
Spun Reinforced Concrete Poles AS 4065 and/or relevant British Standard
Steel Poles AS 4100 and AS/NZS 4600 as appropriate
Steel Towers AS 3995
Table 10.3 Structure Design Codes


Poles on new lines shall be concrete structures with an OHEW in accordance with the Ergon
Energy Sub-transmission Construction Manual. Where the sub-transmission construction manual
is unable to be used due to strength or height limitations, poles outside of the sub-transmission
construction manual shall be designed in either steel or concrete and shall be provided with RPEQ
certification. Maintenance or modifications on existing timber pole lines may utilise timber poles. If
conductive structures are used on existing non-conductive lines without OHEW, consideration shall
be given to the insulation co-ordination (section

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Limit state concrete pole strength capacity tables for sub-transmission construction manual poles
are provided in ANNEX J. Factored applied loadings shall not induce forces or moments which
exceed the strength capacities listed in these tables. Any pole designed with factored applied
loadings which induce forces or moments exceeding the strength capacities listed in ANNEX J will
not be accepted by Ergon Energy and will not be covered by RPEQ certification. ANNEX J tables
are derived from manufacturer supplied strength and design data.

Designs shall be arranged so that the pole steelwork (e.g. crossarms, earth peaks, ladders etc.)
can be bolted to the pole and can be removed.
For the double circuit lines, the design shall allow removal of crossarms or post insulator brackets
on one circuit whilst the adjacent circuit is live.

10.6 STAYS
The use of stays are an economical method to transfer the conductor tensions and wind loads from
termination and flying angle structures to ground without significantly increasing the pole size.
However they increase the overall footprint of a structure, this is undesirable in urban areas or
where easement widths are constrained.
Stayed termination and strain structures shall be designed so all loading criteria can be met when
the conductors are fully terminated in one direction. The appropriate load factors and capacity
reduction factors shall be used in accordance with AS/NZS7000.
In order to minimise the risk of a line cascade in the event of a stay failure, stayed poles shall be
designed so that at 500Pa any one stay is redundant, with the remaining stays and/or pole being
able to take all wind and conductor loads, without failure.
As a general rule, suspension structures without deviation angles shall be unstayed (self-
For partially stayed structures, such as those stayed in one direction only, the load amplification
due to stays shall be taken into account in the pole design i.e. the P-Delta load is amplified by the
vertical component of stay tension.
Bollards may be used in built up areas or when staying across roads and driveways is required.
The bollards shall be designed so that deflection under everyday conditions is minimised.
Where it is not possible to locate a stay in a safe location, and such a stay would only be required
due to unbalanced stringing or maintenance loads, the provision for the installation of temporary
stays should be allowed for by way of stay brackets and, if possible foundations. The construction
schedules and Work Health & Safety Plan should be clearly marked, advising the need for the use
of temporary stays.
For conductive poles (steel or concrete), stay insulators are to be included in the design to prevent
circulating currents and thus to prevent electrolytic corrosion of the stay anchor. The insulation
provided by porcelain guy insulators is sufficient for this purpose.

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Line Design
The structures and their footings shall be designed for a maintenance free life of 50 years. Thus,
steel poles or towers shall be galvanised. All steel up to 300 mm above ground level and below to
full depth of foundation shall be concrete encased.
These requirements may be modified for temporary structures at the discretion of the engineer.


Prototyping shall take place for all structures not previously used, as well as when poles or
steelwork is fabricated by an alternative supplier.
Generally all new designs should be load tested. The decision to load test structures should be
made by the designing engineer, taking into account the following factors:
Similarity of existing designs and design principles.
Quantity of structures to be used, consideration should be given to their utilisation on future
Confidence in the adequacy of the design.
Cost of testing.

The load testing shall confirm the overall strength of the structure as well as the strength
coordination between components.

All structure drawings shall be prepared with the inclusion of the following items which detail the
Principals requirements for the structures.
All structures shall incorporate attachment fittings such as hanger brackets and landing plates and
shall provide a position for attachment of insulators.
The number of different parts shall be kept to a minimum in order to facilitate transport, erection
and inspection. Pockets and depressions likely to hold water shall be avoided and all vertical
flanges of members shall be orientated downward unless requirements dictate otherwise. If
pockets are unavoidable then holes or outlets must be provided to ensure proper drainage.
Fasteners (nuts and bolts) shall be capable of being installed such that adequate clearance from
adjacent structural members is provided to enable standard tools to be used for tightening.
Gusset plates shall be reduced to the minimum dimensions possible with all surplus material,
sharp corners etc., cropped for safety and aesthetic reasons. The minimum thickness of gusset
plates and angles shall be 6 mm and 5 mm respectively.
Bolt groups shall be compact and arranged for minimum eccentricity.
At all tension, suspension and maintenance plates and/or brackets the flanges of angles or any
part of the structure shall not interfere with the free insertion or removal of any bolt or pin
associated with line hardware or maintenance equipment.
The positioning of the various parts of a structure shall be such that contact areas are flat. Where
necessary, members shall be cropped to maintain clearance from any adjacent member or corner

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Line Design
All members shall be stamped with an alphanumeric mark number to identify the member and also
a mark to show whether the member is of high tensile or mild steel. Only fully interchangeable
members shall have the same mark number. The Contractor shall supply appropriate information
on the Drawings to enable the Superintendent to quickly and easily identify the position or mark of
any member.


All field connections between tower members shall be by means of galvanised or stainless steel
bolts and nuts to Australian Standards.
The diameter of bolts shall be not less than 12 mm. The threads of all bolts shall be of I.S.O.
Coarse Pitch series and bolt heads and nuts of the hexagonal type. The design capacity of bolts
shall be in accordance with AS 4100.
All nominal braces shall be capable of transferring 2.5 percent (%) of connected main member
loads and fastened with a minimum of one 16 mm diameter bolt.
All bolts shall be fitted with galvanised spring washers to AS 1968 and nuts.
Bolts in tension shall be also fitted with lock nuts or stainless steel split pins.
The threads of bolts shall in all cases project past the depth of the nut, when the nut is fully
tightened, but such projection shall not exceed 10 mm.
The length of bolt shank shall be chosen to ensure that the plane or planes of shear of the
members connected are clear of the bolt thread, and also the nut shall not be thread bound when

Standard foundation depths have been determined for standard structure types. The designer will
determine whether the in-situ ground conditions are adequate for the standard foundation design
and setting depth. Where they are deemed not to be suitable the designer shall design alternative
The sub-transmission line structure capacity shall not be limited by the capacity of the structure
foundations. Structure foundations (including stays) shall be designed to accommodate the
maximum design loads for the type of structure, as opposed to the maximum site loads that the
structure will experience at the particular site. This will enable the structure to be loaded to its
maximum design capacity if the line configuration is changed in the future, without the need to
redesign/construct the foundation which may be costly and difficult to achieve with an in-service
The preferred design for concrete poles is for direct buried pole foundations. Steel pole foundations
shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


The foundation design shall be based on an assessment of the soil strength made for each
structure site. Local construction crews may be able to provide an overview of the typical soil
profiles found in the area. The adopted soil strengths shall be based on site specific investigations
or a desktop study. Some areas may contain sufficient data from previous geotechnical
investigations, from other infrastructure, such that further testing may not be required. The
designer shall determine the level of geotechnical investigation necessary for each site and record

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Line Design
the soil strength used and the basis of the adopted soil strength on the drawings or schedule. Due
to the nature of transmission lines being spread along a large area, it is often not cost efficient to
perform site tests at each pole location. The designer should make an assessment of the number
and location of tests required, based on which structures are more heavily loaded, visual changes
in topography and geography and distance between test locations.
To enable the Geotechnical engineer to provide the most useful information they should be
provided with:
Line route
The design loads, sustained and ultimate, (or estimated if not yet finalised)
Pole and stay capacities and types
Expected foundation depths
Proposed construction methodology.

The exact requirements for geotechnical tests will vary with each design, however these would
likely include:
The soil profile to approximately 2 m deeper than the anticipated foundation depth at each site.
Strength characteristics to enable design of the foundations, including soil cohesion, internal
angle of friction, rock mass cohesion, unit weight, skin friction and allowable lateral bearing
Anticipated excavation and construction conditions, including water table.


The foundation shall be designed for all soil strength conditions likely to be experienced over the
design life of the line due to effects such as a fall or rise in the water table (including flooding) and
erosion of nearby soil. The effect of long term and short term load conditions on soil strength
should also be considered.
The strength reduction factor selected for use should be in accordance with AS/NZS 7000, with
consideration to the confidence in the soil parameters used in the design, type of foundation (i.e.
temporary loading (suspension pole) or permanent loading (unstayed termination pole, stay
anchor)) and level of engineering supervision during construction.
The designer should take into account the various strengths and elasticitys of soil and rock
encountered in the soil profile and ensure that foundation loads are suitably transferred into the
pole, such that the shear capacity of the pole is not exceeded.
Constructability should be taken into account in the design, such as the requirements for shoring
and access to concrete in remote areas.
The Brinch Hansen method is acceptable to Ergon Energy for foundation design of short rigid piles
subjected to lateral loads, however, the design method used shall be up to the designing engineer.
The designer shall provide options to increase the strength of the foundations should soil
parameters differ from those anticipated. These options shall be submitted to Ergon Energy for
review prior to construction along with accompanying RPEQ design certification.
Where pore water pressures are likely to be encountered which may cause the walls of the
foundation to collapse during construction, the use of concrete or steel caissons should be advised
by the designer. These may be a reusable or sacrificial design.

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Line Design
All steel pole designs shall incorporate concrete foundations extending above ground line, such
that there is no exposed steel within 500mm of ground line. Concrete shall incorporate sufficient
steel reinforcing to prevent cracking of the concrete as per the requirements of AS/NZS 3600.
Stay rods shall utilise concrete/ grout or denso tape (or equivalent) covering 500mm above ground
In corrosive environments more onerous requirements may be required.


The following foundation details shall be determined and provided on the drawings or construction
Minimum footing size (pier diameter and depth or for mass concrete provide excavation width,
length and depth.)
Minimum pole embedment depth
Backfill details (e.g. concrete, stabilised soil, unstabilised soil, compaction, etc.)
Bearing pad details
Minimum soil strength or soil profile with strengths for differing soil types.
Geotechnical Report, if available.


Constructability, cost, access to plant, condition monitoring
11.4.1 Excavations Near Foundations
Refer to Ergon document BS001405R104 Excavations Around Overhead Electrical Parts

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
The line route survey should be undertaken in accordance with the Standard for Line Survey.


An electricity entity must ensure the distance from the conductors of its overhead electric lines is in
accordance with the Electrical Safety Act and Electrical Safety Regulation. There are tolerances in
the design and the construction of an overhead line such that as-built clearances will differ from
the design clearances. These tolerances are closely tied to the design and construction practices.
Traditionally a deterministic clearance buffer has been applied to maintain compliance with the
code. The method detailed below offers a probabilistic method that incorporates the various design
and construction practices into the design clearance.
A ground clearance buffer shall be provided to allow for the following sources of error:

New Construction Rating Study (Notes

Error Source Method
(Note A) A & B)
Survey Level Errors
GPS 0100 0100
Theodolite 050 050
Lidar 0150 0150
Rangefinder 0200 0200
Pegging Error or Pole Planting Error
1 m in 300m, C = 1500m 050 or 0.7% sag N/A
1 m in 150m, C = 1500m 025 or 1.3% sag N/A
Conductor Modelling
No creep allowance AAC,
-2510oC? N/A
AAAC (not recommended)
No creep allowance ACSR -3010 C
(not recommended) Typical Span Only
N/A (creep virtually
Creep prediction 05C
RS assumption, max span/ min
? ?
span less than 2
RS assumption, max span/ min
? ?
span less than 4
N/A (catenary tension
Parabola instead of catenary L = or parabola tension
300m, C = 1500m derived from measured
Conductor Using measured conductor
N/A 02C
Temperature temperature

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
New Construction Rating Study (Notes
Error Source Method
(Note A) A & B)
Conductor Temperature - Using Ambient Temperature Instead Of Measuring Conductor
Measured at mid-day, no cloud,
lightly loaded feeder, slight N/A 1010C
Measured at mid-day, no cloud,
moderately loaded feeder, slight N/A 1515C
Measured at mid-day, cloud
cover, lightly loaded feeder, N/A 55C
slight breeze
Sag Error In Unsagged Spans
Sheave friction large sheaves,
rugged terrain, less than 10 N/A
successive unsagged spans
Sheave friction small sheaves,
flat terrain, up to 10 successive N/A
unsagged spans
Tensioning Errors
Dynamometer (used correctly) 0250 N/A
Line-of-sight (eyeballed, poor
target, no correction for 0150 and
temperature changes during 010C
sagging operation)
Line-of-sight (telescope, 050 and
accurate target, corrected for
temperature changes) 05C

Theodolite (offset method) 050 N/A

Theodolite (tangent method) 0100 N/A
Return wave method (1s in 3
? N/A
returns, L = 300m, C = 1500m)
Conductor Fabrication Tolerances
Mass 1% Sag
Elastic modulus
Thermal coefficient
Alloy temper
Structure Fabrication Tolerances
Steel pole with slip joint 0100 N/A
Concrete pole 050 N/A
Lattice tower 075 N/A

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
New Construction Rating Study (Notes
Error Source Method
(Note A) A & B)
Foundation Depth Direct Buried Poles
Well supervised 150 N/A
Poorly supervised 400 N/A
Benched sites 300 N/A
Foundation Depth
Flange based pole 50100 (50 grout) N/A
Towers 0100 N/A
Table 12.2 Margins of Error in Construction.
A. Tabulated values of offset and typical tolerance (mean and standard deviation) in millimetres
unless indicated otherwise. The offset is positive when the additional ground clearance is provided.
For example if the tower height is measured from the K point and the K point is typically 300mm
above the centre peg then the offset is 300mm.
B. The as-built line is surveyed and there are no construction errors to account for. However if
modifications to the line are required to uprate the line then construction errors will be introduced
depending on the nature of the modifications. For example, retensioning the conductor will
introduce sagging errors. Unfortunately this means that a different buffer is required for different
portions of the line, a task that layout software applications do not normally accommodate.
It is assumed that each error source is statistically independent and is normally distributed. The
sum of these random variables is also normal such that:


n 1

Where N is the number of errors involved, n is the offset (mean) of error number n and n is the
tolerance (standard deviation) of error number n.
To allow for these sources of error with a confidence of 84% the required clearance buffer is

B1 ( )
To increase the confidence to 98% requires

B2 ( 2 )
Reding (2007) details this method adopted by Bonneville Power Administration, Pacific Northwest
region of USA.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Lines shall be designed with a clearance buffer and a temperature buffer based on the 84%
confidence limit. The assumed values tabulated above may be altered to suit the degree of control
exercised during the design and construction phases.
For example, a new line with a thermal rating of 75C and a temperature buffer of 5C shall be
spotted with a temperature of 80C. If the statutory ground clearance requirement is 6.7m and the
clearance buffer is 0.5m then the line shall be spotted with 7.2m of clearance.
The records shall state the following:
Maximum operating temperature = 75C with 5C buffer
Minimum ground clearance = 6.7m with 0.5m buffer
No line shall be designed with a vertical clearance buffer of less than 0.3m and a temperature
buffer less than 5C.
The clearance buffer does not apply to
Vertical separation for unattached crossings
Vertical separation for attached crossings
Mid-span phase separation
Electrical clearances to the supporting structures
The clearance buffer does apply to
Unroofed terraces, balconies and sun decks
Covered places of traffic
Structures not normally accessible to persons
The horizontal clearance buffer is much more difficult to evaluate because of
Structure deflection
Insulator swing
Distributed nature of wind gusts
Neither the Electrical Safety Regulations nor AS/NZS7000 specifies a wind pressure to use for
horizontal clearances. The blowout weather case shall be used to calculate horizontal
clearances. Clearances may be infringed with a lower wind pressure because the conductor moves
in an arc. No additional horizontal buffer is required because the hazard to humans is considerably
lessened during blowout wind speeds.


Unless otherwise specified in the project scope, structures shall be located so that the required
clearances below are satisfied at a maximum operating temperature of 75C, 10 years after
commissioning. That is, the designer shall allow 10 years of conductor creep. For the purpose of
calculating creep the creep weather case shall be used.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Where the statuary guidelines (AS/NZS 7000, Electricity Act) differs from the figures below, the
more onerous shall apply. The horizontal clearances shall be satisfied under the high wind weather

Roads: carriageway crossing Vertically 7.0m 7.0m 7.5m
Roads: other locations Vertically 7.0 7.0m 7.5m
High load corridor routes Vertically 7.5m 8.0m 9.0m
Other than roads Vertically 6.0m 7.0m 7.5m
Over truck stop areas / high load areas Vertically 8.5m 9.0m 10.0m
Extremely steep or swampy terrain that
Vertically 4.8m 5.5m 6.0m
traffic or mobile machinery cannot cross.
Road cuttings, embankments etc. Horizontally 2.1m 4.6m
Over or adjacent cultivation Vertically 8.0m 8.5m 12.0m
Over or adjacent to cane Vertically 8.0m 8.5m 12.0m
Sugar cane bin unloading areas Vertically 12.5 12.5m 13.0m
Waterways Recreational/navigable Vertically As agreed with appropriate
Refer to the Distribution Design Manual controlling body / AS6947
Dwg 3143 Sh 1 to 10.
Waterway main channels Above flood Vertically 5.0m 5.5m 6.0m
(allowance for debris)
Waterway backwaters Above flood Vertically 3.0m 3.5m 4.0m
(allowance for dingies)
Table 12.4.1 Clearances from Ground and Roads

Unroofed terraces, balconies, sun decks, Vertically 4.6m 5.5m 7.0m
paved areas and similar areas subject to
pedestrian traffic only, that have a handrail
or wall surrounding the area and on which
a person may stand. Easement Horizontally 2.1m 4.6m 5.5m
Roofs or similar structures not used for Vertically 3.7m 4.6m 6.1m
traffic, but on which a person may stand Horizontally 2.1m 4.6m 6.0m
includes parapets
Covered balconies, open verandas, In any
2.1m 4.6m 6.5m
opening windows direction

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Blank walls and windows, which cannot be
Horizontally 1.5m 3.0m 4.5m
opened. Circuit separation.
Other structures not normally accessible to Vertically 3.0m 3.0m 4.5m
persons. e.g. TV aerials, clothes hoists. Horizontally 1.5m 3.0m 4.5m
Real property boundaries Horizontally 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m
Table 12.4.2 Clearances from Structures, Buildings & Boundaries

Intercircuit clearances shall be determined in accordance with the Ergon Energy Standard for
Distribution Line Design and AS/NZS7000.


The following additional requirements should also be met:
Avoid structure and stay locations in erodible areas and flooded areas.
Avoid Telecom(s) facilities and other infrastructure, refer to NA000404R100 : Power
Coordination Guideline.
Avoid areas of Cultural Heritage significance.
Constrain maximum wind limit state loads (factored) to termination structures in substations to
the requirements shown on Ergon Energy Drawing EESS 10075.
Allow for extra clearance over riparian vegetation and rare and endangered flora.
Satisfy the specified electrical clearances on the structures.
Avoid overloading of structures.
Consider aesthetics and amenity where there is impact around local community.
Gain agreement from local councils and other corporations and authorities with infrastructure in
the area.

12.6 Layout for Security Cascade Failure Prevention

The maximum length of line between termination structures shall be 5km. These termination
structures shall be capable of supporting the full termination loads of all conductors and earthwires.

A technical feasibility study needs to be conducted initially. An economic comparison of feasible
alternatives (including new construction) provides a rational basis for choice. Such analysis shall
include the present worth of future electrical losses.
Extensive reference material is available to provide guidance for the voltage upgrading of existing
lines. For example
Southwire Overhead Conductor Manual Chapter 6
Uprate and upgrade of overhead transmission lines methodologies and reliability,

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
CIGRE B2-202_2008
Transmission Line Reference Book 115-138kV Compact Line Design, EPRI
IEEE journals
In Ergons network, the most promising upgrade path is from 110kV to 132kV. The minimum
ground clearance requirement before 1989 was 6.4m and is currently 6.7m.
There is a misconception that increasing the voltage will lead to an increased loading capacity
equal to the square of the voltage increase. The following simplified analysis (for short lines)
based on single line diagrams, provides some guidance for the power transfer improvement by
uprating the voltage.

Figure 13.1.1 Base Case Single Line Diagram

Figure 13.1.2 Uprated Single Line Diagram

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Figure 13.1.3 Equivalent Uprated Single Line Diagram
From Figure 1

From Figure 2

From Figure 3

V1 = base case voltage (p-g)
I1 = base case line current
Z1 = base case load impedance (p-g)
P1 = base case load (p-g)
V2 = uprated voltage (p-g)
I2 = uprated line current
Z2 = uprated load impedance (p-g)
P2 = uprated load (p-g)
a = turns ratio of the transformer
Since the equation for I2 is based on ratios, the voltages can be phase-to-phase values and the
loads can be three phase values.


An 110kV line is to be uprated to 132kV.

If the maximum load remains unchanged (P2 P1), what is the thermal current rating of the
uprated line?
If the conductor is unchanged and the statutory ground clearance is achieved at the same
operating temperature then the thermal current rating will be the same (I2 I1). What is the
maximum power transfer of the uprated line?
The power increase is proportional to the voltage increase.
If a 50% increase in load capacity is required (P2 1.5 P1), what thermal current rating is
required for the uprated line?
1.5 1.25
A second conductor is bundled with the original to combat a corona problem (I2 2 I1) and
the line is operated to the same temperature limit. What is the maximum power transfer of
the uprated line (assuming that no extra ground clearance is required for the higher
2 2.4

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Line Design


AS/NZS 7000 Appendix N is an informative appendix covering this topic.

A rating study determines the maximum electrical load that a feeder can carry without violating
statutory ground clearances. Where more than one conductor size has been used, each may be
operating at different temperatures under the same load current and ambient conditions. A survey
of the feeder along with conductor temperature measurements is used to create a model. The
conductor tension is derived from the model. The conductor temperature that infringes statutory
ground clearance in the worst span or produces unsafe clearances at crossing of other services is
used to determine the thermal load rating. The model is then used to determine the extent of work
required to achieve the required load rating (uprating).
14.1.1 Survey Methods
The accuracy of survey methods is listed below from the most accurate to the least accurate.
Lidar data taken from a plane flying at night with the line out of service. The conductor
temperature is taken as the ambient temperature because there is no heat input from the sun
nor from resistive heating.
Lidar flown at night with the line in service. At the same time the actual conductor temperature
is measured. This way the whole line is surveyed in a short period with very little ambient
temperature variation or load variation.
Day time Lidar with the line out of service.
Day time Lidar with the line in service.
Terrestrial scanning with conductor temperature measurement.
Terrestrial scanning with conductor temperature estimation (ambient or calculated).
GPS surveying with total station measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
GPS surveying with total station measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
estimation (ambient or calculated).
GPS surveying with rangefinder measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
GPS surveying with rangefinder measurement of conductor levels with conductor temperature
estimation (ambient or calculated).

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Line Design
The preferred method for determining the conductor temperature is a direct contact method using a
thermocouple and conductive grease. Data loggers are available that can measure the line current
and conductor temperature. These are applied using a hot stick. Data loggers provide a means of
coordinating (time stamping) the survey measurements with the conductor temperature. There are
several commercial loggers available for use on bare overhead conductors e.g. Gridsense Line IQ
(5 to 138kV, 6 to 36mm diam., -40 to 130C); GE Multilin FMC-T6 (0.5 to 140kV, 10 to 28mm, -10
to 85C 2C); Horstmann Navigator ( 46kV, 8 to 29mm diam., -40 to 130C 5C).
Instantaneous temperature measuring devices are also available for use with a hot sick e.g.
Change Digital Thermo-Tector.
Infrared cameras require calibration due to surface emissivity variations and do not normally have
sufficient zoom capability.
14.1.2 Legacy Clearances
Queensland Electric Light and Power Regulations of 1938
The ground clearances are at an ambient temperature of 120F (49C) in still air.
SEC as approved by the State Electricity Commission of Queensland
Location LV Conductors HV Conductors
Insulated Bare >650 >33kV >66kV >110kV
Aerial & & & &
Cable 33kV 66kV 110kV 275kV
Roads - carriage way Vert. 19 19 20 20 21 SEC
5.8m 5.8m 6.1m 6.1m 6.4m
Road - at other locations Vert. 17 17 20 20 21 SEC
5.1m 5.1m 6.1m 6.1m 6.4m
Other than roads Vert. 16 16 20 20 21 SEC
4.8m 4.8m 6.1m 6.1m 6.4m
Inaccessible areas, road Vert. 16 16 20 20 21 SEC
cuttings and the like
4.8m 4.8m 6.1m 6.1m 6.4m
Table Regulation 33
Queensland Electricity Act 1976 Regulations 1977
Location LV Conductors HV Conductors
Insulated Bare >650 >33kV >66kV >110kV
Aerial & & & &
Cable 33kV 66kV 110kV 275kV
Road - carriageway Vert. 5.8 5.8 6.0 6.4 6.4 7.5
Road - at other positions Vert. 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.4 6.4 7.5
Other than roads Vert. 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.4 6.4 7.5
Road cuttings, Vert.
Road cuttings, Horiz. 1.5 1.5 2.1 4.6 4.6 5.5
Table Regulation 21
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Line Design
Queensland Electricity Regulations 1989
Location LV Conductors HV Conductors
Insulated Bare >650 >33kV >66kV >132kV
Aerial & & & &
Cable 33kV 66kV 132kV 275kV
Road - carriageway Vert. 5.8 5.8 6.0 6.4 6.4 7.5
Road - At other positions Vert. 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.4 6.4 7.5
Other than roads Vert. 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.4 6.4 7.5
Road cuttings, Vert.
Road cuttings, Horiz 1.5 1.5 2.1 4.6 4.6 5.5
Table Regulation 25

Queensland Electricity Regulations 1994

Location LV Conductors HV Conductors
Insulated Bare >1kV >33kV >66kV >132kV
Aerial & & & &
Cable 33kV 66kV 132kV 275kV
Road - carriageway Vert. 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 6.7 7.5
Road other places Vert. 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 7.5
Other than roads Vert. 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 7.5
Nontrafficable land Vert. 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 6.0
(steep, swampy)
Road cuttings, Horiz. 1.5 1.5 2.1 4.6 4.6 5.5
Table Schedule 2

Queensland Electrical Safety Regulation 2002

Location LV Conductors HV Conductors
Insulated Bare >1kV >33kV >66kV >132kV
Aerial & & & &
Cable 33kV 66kV 132kV 275kV
Road - carriageway Vert. 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 6.7 7.5
Road other places Vert. 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 7.5
Other than roads Vert. 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.7 6.7 7.5
Nontrafficable land Vert. 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 6.0
(steep, swampy)
Road cuttings, Horiz. 1.5 1.5 2.1 4.6 4.6 5.5
Table Schedule 4

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Line Design
14.1.3 Modification Requirements Structural

AS/NZS 7000 does not apply to the refurbishment of existing lines. Whenever alterations overload
components according to the legacy standard then the structure shall comply (clause 1.1) with
AS/NZS 7000. Given that the uprating is required on an already aged asset, it is acceptable to
reduce the design working life of the structure and adopt a reduced return period for strength limit
states (AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Table 3.3, AS/NZS 7000 clause 12.2.2). Whenever new structures
are added, these shall comply with AS/NZS 7000 and the requirements of this document.
Appendix N of AS/NZS 7000 provides guidance for structural upgrading including foundations. Ground clearances

A rating study shall report the thermal rating based on the legacy ground clearance at the time of
construction. Any works (other than refurbishment) required to improve the thermal rating shall
bring the ground clearance in the vicinity of the works up to the requirements of the current
Electrical Safety Regulation. If the conductor is retensioned then the ground clearance at the
maximum operating temperature in all spans in that section shall meet the current statutory
requirements. If the conductor attachment is raised or the structure is replaced then the spans
either side of that structure shall meet the current statutory requirements. If the ground level is
lowered (e.g. by dozer) then the clearance in that span is required to comply. Electrical

The following table lists the modifications that are permitted on existing line construction types.
The table should be used when like-for-like replacements are not feasible. Conductive structures
are concrete poles; steel poles; steel lattice towers; etc. Insulated structures are wood poles; fibre
reinforced plastic (FRP) poles; fibre reinforced concrete; etc. Insulated poles with an overhead
earthwire (OHEW) have an earth downlead to ground. The downlead may or may not stand off the
pole as it bypasses the phase conductors. The stand-off downlead improves lightning

Proposed Structure Existing Overhead Construction Type

Type to Replace Conductive with
Insulated Insulated with OHEW Conductive
Existing OHEW
No breaks
No breaks continuity continuity of OHEW.
Insulated Yes of OHEW. Yes Yes in an emergency
Yes for calf poles. only.
Yes for calf poles.
Insulated with Yes but redundant Yes but redundant
Yes Yes but not preferred.
OHEW OHEW attachment OHEW attachment
No step/touch No breaks continuity No breaks
Yes in remote
Conductive issue. of OHEW. continuity of OHEW.
Yes if low footing Yes as calf pole with Yes as calf pole with

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Line Design
resistance; step/touch low footing resistance low footing
issue addressed; & step/touch issue resistance &
lightning arrestor addressed (eg horiz. step/touch issue
considered. ABS). addressed (eg horiz.
No step/touch issue
& redundant OHEW
Conductive with attachment. Yes but redundant
Yes Yes
OHEW Yes if OHEW added OHEW attachment
to at least 2 insulated
poles & earthed.
Table - Permitted Structure Additions to Existing Powerlines
Lightning arresters need to be considered at the interface between higher lightning impulse
withstand structures (wood without OHEW and perhaps wood with OHEW) and lower lightning
impulse withstand structures (conductive with and without OHEW). The lightning arrestors may
take the form of Darverters on the de-energised end of insulators for insulated structures (or
crossarms); or MOV arrestors on the energised end of insulators for conductive structures. A
lightning arrestor will reduce the likelihood of a power arc following a lightning flashover and
minimise transient outages of the line.


14.2.1 Weather Parameter Reassessment
Static thermal ratings are based on conservative estimates of air temperature, wind speed and
direction, intensity of solar radiation, conductor emissivity and absorptivity. Ergon has reviewed
the weather parameters across Queensland published its recommendations in the internal
document Weather Parameter Analysis for Ergon Energy Overhead Line Ratings. Ergon has
adopted static ratings for 9 geographic regions and the following 6 weather cases
summer and winter day (9 am to 5 pm)
summer and winter evening (5 pm to 10 pm)
summer and winter night/morning (10 pm to 9 am)
Care should be exercised when rating lines that are partially shielded from the wind by trees or
terrain. The static thermal rating of long lines should generally be less than short lines because the
wind cannot blow perpendicular to the conductor for all sections of the line.
14.2.2 Real Time Rating
Real time rating methods use actual measurements of the variables that influence the transfer
capacity of the line. The real time thermal rating of the line is almost always higher than the
conservative static thermal rating. Real time rating methods provide an increased transfer capacity
without the large capital expenditure and outages required by invasive uprating methods.
14.2.3 Increase Maximum Operating Temperature
An increase in the maximum operating conductor temperature may be possible if the additional
thermal capacity is required for emergencies only i.e. annealing is not significant. The increase in
sag at the higher operating temperature can be offset by
removing hanger brackets
raising the lowest crossarm

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Line Design
raising the structure (additional body section for lattice towers, rebutting for wood poles)
replacing suspension insulators with horizontal post insulators
replacing the structure with a taller one
adding extra structures (interpoling)
removing soil at the critical ground clearance locations
increasing the conductor tension by resagging the ruling span section
increasing the conductor tension by removing a segment of conductor - this places a slight
longitudinal load on intermediate structures (not recommended)
increase the conductor tension by adding weights to distort the catenary shape (not
An increase in conductor tension requires
calculation of ultimate tension and a review of the loading capacity of strain and termination
a review of damper requirement or damper placement
no creep allowance when sagging


14.3.1 Conventional Conductors
The figure below shows the current rating for AAAC/1120 conductor at two operating temperatures.

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Line Design
Figure 13.3.1 AAAC/1120 Rating
An existing transmission line designed for a maximum operating temperature of 75C using Kryton
(150 mm2 eq. aluminium) conductor needs to be uprated by 50%. The current rating at 75C is
475A and 712A is required. Using conventional conductor, 248 mm2 Nitrogen (712A at 82C) is
required. The structures will experience an increased conductor wind load of (21-16.3)/16.3 =
29%. To maintain the original ground clearances the vibration conductor tension of Nitrogen has
to be increased by 75%. Refer to option 1 in the table below. This uprating can only be achieved if
the structures were considerably overdesigned or if the structures are upgraded.
Typically, conductor diameter increases up to 10% are economically viable. For an increase of
50% or more, a new line may be the economic option.
14.3.2 High Temperature Low Sag Conductors
Uprating using high temperature low sag (HTLS) conductors is an expensive option. Of the
available HTLS conductors, ACSS (aluminium conductor steel supported) is extensively used in
the United States. The cost of ACSS is approximately twice the cost of equivalent ACSR. The
advantages are
structure modifications are minimised
high operating temperatures - up to 250C continuously without loss of strength
corrosion protection of steel strands by a coating of zinc-aluminium-mischmetal alloy
low thermal expansion
self-damping improves with age
broken outer strands do not degrade the mechanical strength
no creep aluminium strands are fully annealed
standard strength; high strength and ultra-high strength cores are available
The disadvantages are
soft aluminium strands are susceptible to damage and bird- caging
extra stringing precautions required longer socks, rubber lined sheaves
not initially self-damping but improves with age or if pre-stressed
more expensive than conventional conductors
A 66kV line constructed using Krypton requires uprating by 50%. ACSS Partridge does not require
any structural uprating. The wind loads are identical and the ultimate longitudinal tension is lower.
The vibration tension and catenary constant are higher, however ACSS has excellent self-damping
as it ages and this tension increase is acceptable. The losses with ACSS are higher but most lines
are highly loaded under a rare single network contingency. Refer to option 2 in the table below.
Base Case Uprating Option 1 Uprating Option 2
Conductor 19/3.25 AAAC/1120 37/3.00 AAAC/1120 26/7 ACSS
Krypton Nitrogen Partridge

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Line Design
Equiv. aluminium area 150 mm2 248 mm2 135 mm2
AC resistance 0.230 /km 0.143 /km 0.302 /km
at 75C at 82C at 138C
Overall diameter 16.3 mm 21.0 mm 16.3 mm
(wind load increase) (29% increase) (no increase)
Mass 433 kg/km 721 kg/km 546 kg/km
Nominal breaking load 37.4 kN 62.2 kN 39.5 kN
Summer noon rating 1 475 A at 75C 712 A at 82C 712 A at 138C
(50% increase) (50% increase)
Power transfer at 66kV 54 MVA 81 MVA 81 MVA
Losses at max. current 52 W/m 72 W/m 153 W/m
Final catenary constant 1260 m at 75C 1260 m at 82C 1260 m at 138C
Final vibration tension 2 1762 m 1847 m 2102 m
at 15C 7.5 kN 13.1 kN 11.3 kN
20% NBL 21% NBL 28% NBL
Initial vibration tension 2 1994 m 2115 m 2102 m
at 15C 8.5 kN 15.0 kN 11.3 kN
23% NBL 24% NBL 28% NBL
Ultimate wind tension 2 25.7 kN 36.4 kN 23.9 kN
at 25C 1500 Pa (42% increase) (7% decrease)
69% NBL 59% NBL 61% NBL
1 Based on IEEE Std 738:2006, 35C ambient, 1.3 m/s wind at 45, 0.5 absorptance, 0.5 emissivity
2 Based on 300m ruling span

Table 14.3.2 Uprating Options for 50% Increase

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Line Design
The designer shall liaise with the relevant Owners and Authorities with regards to crossings of
other infrastructure such as roads, rail, communications, pipelines and other electrical

15.1 Queensland Transport and Main Roads (TMR)

If applicable complete Template Document ES000905T108: Written Agreement for Proposed
Works Works on Roads DTMR.
The distance (clear zone) that powerpoles need to be off the roadway depends upon factors such
TMR plans to widen the carriageway
Annual average daily traffic numbers
Vehicle speed zoning
Radius and direction of horizontal curves
Slope of embankment
The following advice was taken from TMR Road Planning and Design Manual 2nd Edition at
TMR has further work (as of July 2013) to complete the transition from the Road Planning and
Design Manual (1st edition) to align with Austroads guides. Until then the criteria within the Road
Planning and Design Manual (1st edition) should be used in lieu of those in the Austroads Guide to
Road Design Part 6. This will ensure that no new criteria are introduced that may later be
rejected. The relevant chapter of the Road Planning and Design Manual (1st edition) is Chapter 8
Safety Barriers and Roadside Furniture and is found at

15.2 QR
For Overhead QR Design Requirements refer to Dwg 3141 Sh 1 & 2 of the Distribution Design
Manual and for Underground QR Design Requirements refer to Dwg 3401 Sh 1 & 2 of the
Distribution Design Manual.
The proposed works need to comply with the relevant Engineering Technical Requirements:
MCE-SR-003 Requirements for Work Adjacent to Overhead Line Equipment
MCE-SR-002 Requirements for Work in or About QR Property
MCE-SR-016 Services Under Rail Corridor.
Technical drawings need to comply with AS 4799-2000: Installation of underground utility services
and pipelines within railway boundaries.
15.2.1 QR Wayleave Applications
The relevant applications below should be completed and submitted to:

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Line Design
[email protected] to ensure they are received and processed as soon
as possible.
Wayleave Application Conditions (FRM0113)
Wayleave Applications for Electrical Crossing Underground (FRM0112)
Wayleave Applications for Electrical Crossing Overhead (FRM0115)
Wayleave Application Form and Tax Invoice

15.3 Aurizon (previously QR National)

For Overhead QR Design Requirements refer to Dwg 3141 Sh 1 & 2 of the Distribution Design
Manual and for Underground QR Design Requirements refer to Dwg 3401 Sh 1 & 2 of the
Distribution Design Manual.
The proposed works need to comply with the relevant Engineering Technical Requirements:
MCE-SR-003 Requirements for Work Adjacent to Overhead Line Equipment
MCE-SR-002 Requirements for Work in or About QR Property
MCE-SR-016 Services under Rail Corridor
Technical drawings need to comply with AS 4799-2000: Installation of underground utility services
and pipelines within railway boundaries.
15.3.1 Aurizon (previously QR National) Wayleave Applications
The relevant applications below should be completed and submitted to:
[email protected] to ensure they are received and processed as soon as
Wayleave Application Conditions
Wayleave Applications for Electrical Crossing Underground
Wayleave Applications for Electrical Crossing Overhead

15.4 Telstra
Refer to Reference Document NA000404R100: Power Coordination Guideline.
The designer is responsible for ensuring the placement of structures complies with the Power
Coordination Guidelines.
If applicable complete Template Document PW000802T100: Telstra HV Approval Letter.

15.5 Local Council

Where the line route utilises council land or road reserve the designer shall liaise with the relevant
Council on the design. Complete Template Document ES000905T103: Written Agreement for
Proposed Works Works on Council Roads.

15.6 Harbour Board

Procedures for Obtaining Sanction of Water Crossings refer to the Distribution Design Manual
Dwg 3143 Sh 1 to 10.

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Line Design
If applicable complete Form Document MN000301F137: Water Crossing Works Checklist.

15.7 Aircraft
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has produced Manual of Standards Part 139
Aerodromes which is available at
Volume 1 consists of Chapters 1 - 8 and Volume 2 consists of Chapters 9 14. Chapter 7
Obstacle Restriction and Limitation details the technical requirements for obstacles near the
runway approach.

Aircraft warning markers may be required on cables in excess of 90m above the ground. Refer to
AS 3891.1:2008 Air navigationCables and their supporting structuresMarking and safety
requirements Part 1: Permanent marking of overhead cables and their supporting structures for
other than planned low-level flying.

For low level flying e.g. crop dusting, mustering, power line inspection and ballooning, refer to
AS 3891.2:2008 Air navigationCables and their supporting structuresMarking and safety
requirements Part 2: Marking of overhead cables for planned low-level flying operations

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Safety is a paramount concern of Ergon Energy and all design and supply of lines and materials
must take into account all safety implications for its construction, maintenance, operations, and
ultimate disposal.


Ergon Energy is committed to working in a way that ensures the health and safety of its
employees, contractors, customers and members of the public.
To support this commitment, Ergon Energy shall:
Continually reinforce that working safely is a mandatory condition of employment for all
employees and contractors.
Implement a Health and Safety Management System that not only meets all statutory and
industry health and safety requirements, but also aims to achieve best practice.
Ensure all levels of management demonstrate commitment to and are accountable for
community and workplace health and safety.
Establish and measure occupational health and safety programs to reduce work-related injury
and illness.
Continue to deliver comprehensive safety leadership programs.
Integrate community and workplace health and safety requirements into all relevant business
processes and decisions.
Consult and involve employees in the development and implementation of workplace health
and safety programs that strive for continuous improvement towards zero injuries.
Develop and implement procedures and work practices which minimise and manage exposure
to workplace hazards and risks.
Ensure all employees and contractors have the information, training and equipment required to
competently and safely perform their work.
Provide and manage the rehabilitation of injured/ill employees.
Recognise, reward and promote employees who demonstrate positive safety behaviours and
take personal responsibility for their safety and those around them.
Allocate adequate resources to fulfil the aims of this policy.
Monitor and report compliance with statutory, industry and corporate health and safety


(i) The Qld Electrical Safety Act 2002 provides that an electricity entity has an obligation to
ensure that its works:-
(a) are electrically safe, and

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
(b) are operated in a way that is electrically safe
(ii) The Qld Electrical Safety Act 2002 provides that the designer of electrical equipment or an
electrical installation has an obligation to ensure that:-
(a) the electrical equipment or installation is designed to be electrically safe, and
(b) if the designer gives the design to another entity who is to give effect to the design, the
design is accompanied by information about the way the electrical or installation must be
used and installed to ensure the equipment or installation is electrically safe.
(iii) The Qld Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 provides the following requirements that apply
for the works of an electricity entity:-
(a) the works must be able to perform under the service conditions and the physical
environment in which the works operate;
(b) the works must have enough thermal capacity to pass the electrical load for which they are
designed, without reduction of electrical or mechanical properties to a level below that at
which safe operational performance can be provided;
(c) to the greatest practicable extent, the works must have enough capacity to pass short
circuit currents to allow protective devices to operate correctly;
(d) the works must have enough mechanical strength to withstand anticipated mechanical
stresses caused by environmental, construction or electrical service conditions;
(e) the works must be
(iv) designed and constructed to restrict unauthorised access by a person to live exposed parts;
(v) operated in a way that restricts unauthorised access by a person to live exposed parts;
(f) design, construction, operation and maintenance records necessary for the electrical safety
of the works must be kept in an accessible form;
(g) parts of the works whose identity or purpose is not obvious must be clearly identified by
labels, and the labels must be updated as soon as possible after any change is made to the
electrical equipment intended to form part of the works of an electricity entity must undergo
commissioning tests and inspection to verify that the electrical equipment is suitable for service
and can be operated safely when initially installed or altered.


16.4.1 Work Health and Safety Act
The Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011 provides the framework to protect the
health, safety, and welfare of all workers at work, and of all other people who might be affected by
the work.
Under the WH&S Act everyone has duties (obligations), and the duties for a person conducting a
business or undertaking are defined and involve:
management or control of workplaces
management or control of fixtures, fittings or plant at workplaces
design of plant, substances or structures
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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
manufacture plant, substances or structures
Importation of plant, substances or structures
supply plant, substances or structures
installation, construction, commissioning plant or structures

Designers of plant, structures or substances have a duty:

(a) To Ensure Health and Safety in The Workplace
A designer of a plant, structure or substance that is to be used, or could reasonably be
expected to be used, at a workplace must ensure all workplace activity relating to the plant,
structure or substance, including its handling or construction, storage, dismantling and
disposal is designed to be without risks to health or safety.
(b) To Test
A designer of the plant, structure or substance must carry out tests and examinations sufficient
to ensure that when used for its intended purpose it is safe and without risks to health or
(c) To Provide Information
Information must be made available to those for whom the plant, structure or substance was
designed about its intended purpose, test results and any conditions necessary to ensure that it is
safe and without risks to health or safety, when used for its intended purpose.

Duties related to Duties related to

Primary duty
specific activities specific role

Person who suppliers,
Management importers,
conducts a Workers and
manufacturers Officers
business or other persons
or control , installers of
substances or

Due Reasonable
Reasonably practicable
diligence care

Figure 16.4.1 Work Health and Safety Act Duties.

16.4.2 Reasonably Practicable
A Person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable
the health and safety of:
workers (broadly defined) engaged, or caused to be engaged by the person; and
workers whose activities in carrying out work are influenced or directed by the person; and
other persons are not put at risk from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business or
A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable:
provision and maintenance of a work environment without risks to health and safety
provision and maintenance of safe plant and structures

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Line Design
Provision and maintenance of safe systems of work
Safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances
Provision of adequate facilities
Provision of information, training, instructions or supervision
Monitoring of workplace conditions
Reasonably practicable, in relation to a duty to ensure health and safety, means that which is, or
was at a particular time, reasonably able to be done in relation to ensuring health and safety,
taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters including:
(a) the likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring; and
(b) the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or the risk; and
(c) what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about the hazard or the risk;
(d) ways of eliminating or minimising the risk; and
(e) the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk; and
(f) after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or minimising the
risk, the cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, including whether
the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
16.4.3 Safety in Design (Risk Management)
Safety in Design is defined as the integration of hazard identification and risk assessment and
control methods early in the design process to eliminate, and if this is not reasonably practicable,
minimise the risk to health and safety throughout the life of the product being designed.
The designer shall document using the Safety in Design Risk Assessment Form any hazards or
risks associated with the design, construction or ongoing operation and maintenance of the
structure in the design development phase. These risks must be assessed, and any residual risks
assessed as higher than a low risk must be documented in the Simple Project Risk Management
Plan. For design works undertaken by an Ergon Energy designer, the designer will supply a Simple
Project Risk Management Plan (SPRMP) detailing any specific risks or hazards not covered by
Ergon Energys Standard Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), Standard Work Practices
(SWP), or Work Instructions for identified risks or hazards for the construction work.
Refer: ES000905R104 Safety in Design Reference
ES000905F102 Safety in Design Risk Assessment Form
PW000702F100 Simple Project Risk Management Plan

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design


Load capacities for fabricated components/assemblies
Component / Assembly Load Capacities ( = 0.9 applied U.N.O.)

Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection

Limited by Bracket capacity

5-2-1001(0A) OHEW Bracket 930104-01 (0A) M16 grade 4.6 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 15 kN transverse @ 0 kN vertical 4.1 kN longitudinal 15 kN longitudinal @ - (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
Tension capacity Ntf - 50 kN 23 kN transverse @ 4 kN vertical @ 1 kN vertical 1 kN vertical (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 27kN
- AS7000 CL 6.3.2 allows for ductile

Limited by eye bolt shear & Bow Shackle yeilding of ductile structural elements

Tension. at the discretion of the designer.

5-2-1004 (0A) OHEW Strain Eyebolt 907224-05 (0A) M20 eye bolt - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8 Testing of forged fittings allows for no

Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 43kN - - - yeild @ 50% of Breaking load. Therfore

62.5% has been chosen as the design
Bow Shackle capacity -
factor which allows for some minor
Ru = 0.625 x rated capacity ductile yield while not approaching the
Tension capacity Ru = 75 kN minimum braking force.

Stay side
Stay side limited by Bracket capacity Stay Bracket - (load in stay direction)
Stay Bracket for M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 125 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay bracket loaded
5-2-1005 (0A) Earthwire Termination 929568-01 (0A) Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse - - - lower centre hole only
& Line Deviation Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.
108 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay bracket loaded
(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to from vertical and 15 from transverse - - - lower centre hole only
limit pole torque load and potential plane.
bending of bolts.) 125 kN per inclined hole (both loaded) Stay load to inclined
@ 45 from vertical and 0 from AS7000 CL 6.3.2 allows for
ductile yeilding of ductile
holes only
transverse plane. structural elements at the (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
discretion of the designer.
125 kN per inclined hole (both loaded) Testing of forged fittings allows
@ 45 from vertical and 15 from for no yeild @ 50% of Breaking Stay load to inclined
load. Therfore 62.5% has been
transverse plane. chosen as the design factor holes only
Earthwire side which allows for some minor (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
ductile yield while not
Earthwire side limited by Shackle capacity Earthwire Connection approaching the minimum

Ru = 0.625 x rated capacity Max Earthwire tension - 75kN

5-2-1006 (0A) OHEW Earthing N/A
Connections Non-Structural assembly

5-2-1007 (0A) Stay Brackets 929568-01 (0A) Limited by Bracket capacity

Back to Back M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 113 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay bracket loaded
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse lower centre hole only
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.
(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to 98 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay bracket loaded
limit pole torque load and potential from vertical and 15 from transverse AS7000 CL 6.3.2 allows for
ductile yeilding of ductile
lower centre hole only
bending of bolts.) plane. structural elements at the
discretion of the designer.
113 kN per inclined hole (both loaded) Testing of forged fittings allows
Stay load to inclined
@ 45 from vertical and 0 from for no yeild @ 50% of Breaking holes only
load. Therfore 62.5% has been
transverse plane. chosen as the design factor
(Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)
113 kN per inclined hole (both loaded) which allows for some minor Stay load to inclined
ductile yield while not
@ 45 from vertical and 15 from approaching the minimum
holes only
transverse plane. braking force. (Rockfield Stage 1 Add #1)

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Component / Assembly Load Capacities ( = 0.9 applied U.N.O.)
Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection

5-2-1008 (0A) M20 Eyebolt to Pole QESI 01-02-02

Limited by Eye Bolt shear.
- - - -
M20 eye bolt - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 44.6kN

5-2-1009 (0A) OHEW Heavy Duty 930543-01 (0A) Limited by Bracket capacity
Raiser 10 315/405 tip M20 grade 4.6 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 12.9 kN transverse @ 4 kN vertical 4.1 kN longitudinal 13 kN longitudinal
pole. Tension capacity Ntf - 78 kN (Limited by SHS section capacity) (Limited by cleat (Limited by M20 top
Shear capacity Vf (No thread) - 62kN plate yield) bolt shear)

5-2-1010 (0A) OPGW Strain

Limited by Eye Bolt Capacity.
Connection to OHEW
Raiser Bracket M16 eye bolt - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8
Tension capacity Ntf - 50 kN
Shear capacity Vf (thread) - 28kN

5-2-1016 (0A) Composite Post

Limited by Bolt shear.
M20 bolt - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8
Shear capacity Vf (no Threads) - 62kN
Limited by Bracket capacity
5-2-1018 (0A) Gain Base Bracket 987653-01 (0A) Insulator weight plus 6kN Vertical Insulator weight plus 8kN Longitudinal
& Insulator or 6kN Vertical or
Insulator Weight plus 4kN Longitudinal.
Insulator Weight plus
M20 bolts - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8 4kN Longitudinal.
Tension capacity Ntf - 78 kN
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 43kN

5-2-1023 (0A) Insulator Composite Limited by Insulator capacity

longrod Insulator capacity - Ru = 60 kN
Ru = 0.5 x rated capacity AS7000:2010 Table 6.2
Tension capacity Ru = 60 kN

5-2-1030 (0A) Insulator Composite Limited by Insulator capacity

longrod with extension Insulator capacity - Ru = 60 kN
link Ru = 0.5 x rated capacity AS7000:2010 Table 6.2
Tension capacity Ru = 60 kN

Limited by Eyebolt capacity

5-2-1031 (0A) Eyebolt to Pole QESI 01-02-02 M20 grade 4.6 eyebolt. Bolts = 0.8
Tension capacity Ntf - 78 kN
Shear capacity Vf - 43kN (Threads)

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Component / Assembly Load Capacities ( = 0.9 applied U.N.O.)
Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection

Normal Insulator to Limited by Insulator capacity

5-2-1046 (0A) Single Conductor Insulator capacity - Ru = 35 kN
Support Ru = 0.5 x rated capacity AS7000:2010 Table 6.2
Tension capacity Ru = 35 kN

Rural Intermediate 930838-01 (0A) Limited by bolt shear in thread. = 0.8 20kN vertical load in combination 7 kN longitudinal 24 kN vertical
5-2-1047 (0A) Normal Crossarm 930615-01 (0A) with 20 kN transverse load load load.
to Pole 930525-01 (0A)

5-2-1049 (0A) Vertical Flying Angle 930838-01 (0A) Limited by bolt shear in thread. = 0.8 20kN vertical load in combination 7 kN longitudinal 24 kN vertical
Crossarm to Pole 930613-01 (0A) with 20 kN transverse load load load.

5-2-1054 (0A) Extension Eyebolt to 875223-01 (0A) Limited by Eybolt bracket capacity 9 kN vertical 3.2 kN longitudinal 10 kN longitudinal
315 Tip Pole @ 1 kN vertical @ 1 kN vertical

Rural Intermediate 930539-01 (0A) Limited by bolt shear in thread. = 0.8 15 kN vertical load in combination 5.8 kN longitudinal 20 kN vertical load.
5-2-1055 (0A) Extended Crossarm 930531-01 (0A) with 20 kN transverse load load
to Pole 930584-01 (0A)
930565-01 (0A)

5-2-1061 (0A) Normal Insulator 907224-06 (0A) Limited by Insulator capacity

Termination with 907224-04 (0A) Insulator capacity - Ru = 35 kN
Extension Link Ru = 0.5 x rated capacity AS7000:2010 Table 6.2
Tension capacity Ru = 35 kN

5-2-1062 (0A) Normal Insulator 907224-04 (0A) Limited by Insulator capacity

Termination with Insulator capacity - Ru = 35 kN
Adjustable Sag Link Ru = 0.5 x rated capacity AS7000:2010 Table 6.3
Tension capacity Ru = 35 kN

5-2-1063 Porcelain Insulator 949355-01 0 Limited by Bracket Capacity 1.4 kN vertical Insulator Capacity
Stub Mounted, Tie Top 1.0 kN longitudinal Minimum Failing Load
Bridging Apllication Cantilever = 12.5kN

5-2-1064 Flanged Eyebolt to 907224-05 (0A) Limited by Eyebolt capacity

pole M20 grade 4.6 eyebolt. Bolts = 0.8
Tension capacity Ntf - 78.4 kN
Shear capacity Vf - 43kN (Threads)

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Component / Assembly Load Capacities ( = 0.9 applied U.N.O.)
Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection

5-2-1071 Stay Bracket & 929568-01 (0A) Stay side limited by Bracket capacity Stay Bracket - (load in stay direction)
Backing Plate 929878-01 (0A) M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 125 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse lower hole
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.

(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to 108 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
limit pole torque load and potential from vertical and 15 from transverse lower hole
bending of bolts.) plane.

5-2-1077 Bisect Stay brackets 929568-01 (0A) Stay side limited by Bracket capacity Stay Bracket - (load in stay direction)
& Backing Plate. 929878-01 (0A) M24 grade 8.8 bolts (each). Bolts = 0.8 125 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN from vertical and 0 from transverse lower holes
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 89kN plane.

(Non-symetric loads should be avoided to 108 kN at centre hole only @ 45 Stay load to centre
limit pole torque load and potential from vertical and 15 from transverse lower holes
bending of bolts.) plane.

5-2-1084 M24 Eyebolt to Pole Limited by Eyebolt bending capacity Load per stay
M20 grade 8.8 eyebolt. Bolts = 0.8 Stay Load 23 kN @ 45 to vertical
Tension capacity Ntf - 163 kN 16 kN vertical (resultant load)
Shear capacity Vf - 89kN (Threads)
Pole Stock Code Assemby drawings
5-2-1100 Urban Pole SC Conc. Delta/Ver Intermediate N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1102 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Fly Ang No Xarm N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1105 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 15 - 45 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1106 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 0 - 15 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1107 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 45 - 75 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1108 Urban Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 75 - 105 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1126 Rural Pole SC Conc. Delta Susp Norm/1 Ext N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1127 Rural Pole SC Conc. Delta Susp 2 Ext Xarms N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1134 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Fly Ang+Xarms N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1135 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Fly Ang No Xarm N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1139 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 0 - 5 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1140 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 5 - 15 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1141 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 15 - 35 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1143 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 35 - 45 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1144 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 45 - 55 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1145 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 55 - 65 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1146 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 65 - 75 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1147 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 75 - 85 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1148 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 85 - 95 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1149 Rural Pole SC Conc. Vert Strain 95 - 105 N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1150 Stayed Bollard 100kN Capacity N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1151 Unstayed bollard 100 kN Capacity N/A - Non-Structural assembly

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Component / Assembly Load Capacities ( = 0.9 applied U.N.O.)
Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection
Subsidiary Assemblies
5-2-1160 11kV Crossarm Composite Fibre
5-2-1161 Insulator Disk Ball & Socket
5-2-1162 11kV Crossarm to Concrete pole.
5-2-1163 Extension eyebolt to composite crossarm
5-2-1164 Double brace to composite crossarm
5-2-1165 M16 Bolt & Nut to Concrete pole
5-2-1166 Normal Insulator Disk Starin/Termination 11kV
5-2-1167 M20 Eyebolt to Composite Crossarm
5-2-1168 11/22/33kV Insulator Pin
5-2-1169 11/22/33kV Pin Insulators
5-2-1170 200kV BIL Porcelain Tie Top Insulator to Limited by Bracket capacity Insulator weight plus 8kN Longitudinal
Concrete Pole Insulator weight plus 6kN Vertical 6kN Vertical or
Insulator Weight plus 4kN Longitudinal. Insulator Weight plus
M20 bolts - grade 4.6 Bolts = 0.8 4kN Longitudinal.
Tension capacity Ntf - 78 kN
Shear capacity Vf (Threads) - 43kN
5-2-1171 Termination Bracket to Pole 70kN
5-2-1172 Crossarm clampband to concrete pole
5-2-1173 Ball & Socket Connection
Conductor Hardware Assembly Drawings.
5-2-1200 AGSU single to OHEW support N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1201 AGSU single to Phase Conductor N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1202 AGSU double to OHEW support N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1203 AGSU double to Phase Conductor N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1204 AGSU single to OPGW support N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1205 AGSU single to OPGW Conductor N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1206 Armour grip support w/o armor rods N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1208 Trunion support clamp N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1209 Trunion support clampw/ armour rods N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1213 Compression Dead end trans palm w/ eye N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1214 Compression Dead end in-line palm w/ eye N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1215 Preform Dead end+thimble for cond & OHE N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1216 Preformed tie top insulator for conductor N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1217 Preformed tie top insulator w/ armor rods fo N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1219 Stockbridge vibration dampers N/A - Non-Structural assembly

Earthing Assemblies
5-2-1251 Grading ring - Earthing Arrangement N/A - Non-Structural assembly
5-2-1252 Earth to Concrete Pole. N/A - Non-Structural assembly

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Component / Assembly Load Capacities ( = 0.9 applied U.N.O.)
Failure Containment
Reference Description Ref. Fabrication Load Capabilities Limit State Wind Load Maintenance Load Notes
Drawing DWG's Yeild Significant Deflection
Foundation Assemblies.
Stay Anchors
5-2-1276 Conc Bedlog - M24 Rod 929511-01 (0A) 1276-1 Limited by Rod Tensile Capacity = 0.8
929393-01 (0A) M24 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 113 kN
Conc Bedlog - M36 Rod 929512-01 (0A) 1276-2 Limited by soil bearing capacity = 0.8
929394-01 (0A) 100kPa soil - P = 240 kN M36 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 261 kN

5-2-1277 Stay Anchors Limited by Rod Tensile Capacity

Inclined Soil/Rock M24 ro 929511-01 (0A) M24 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 113 kN = 0.8
Inclined Soil/Rock M36 ro 929512-01 (0A) M36 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 261 kN

5-2-1278 Stay Anchors Limited by Rod Tensile Capacity

MassCon 1-M24 929511-01 (0A) M24 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 113 kN = 0..8
MassConc M36 929512-01 (0A) M36 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 261 kN
MassConc2-M24 2xM24 Grade 4.6 - Ntf = 226 kN

5-2-1279 600Dia Vertical Pier 929568-01 (0A) Limited by soil capacity

929825-01 (0A) Max Stay Load = 100kN (in plane of stay)

5-2-1280 900 Dia Vertical Pier 929569-01 (0A) Limited by soil capacity
929824-01 (0A) Max Stay Load = 200kN (in plane of stay)

5-2-1290 Precast Concrete 940557-01 (0A) Compression base non-structural.

Biscuit Transfer DL to subbase. Load spreading

5-2-1320 Fall Arrest Bracket & 907224-07 (0A) Limited by Pole step Bending
Pole Steps QESI 01-01-02 Can support 1- 61 kG person standing on the bolt head.
ETS 01-02-01

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design


Suzhou Furukawa
AFL AFL AFL Power Optic Cable
Manufacturer Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications (SFPOC)
Catalogue Number CC-30/30/449 CC-38/48/551 CC-38/48/551 SFSJ-J-3377
CentraCore CentraCore CentraCore Dual Tube
Single layer Single layer Single layer Two layers
2 2 2 2
30 mm AC 38 mm AC 38 mm AC 31 mm AC
2 2 2 2
30 mm AA 48 mm AA 48 mm AA 140 mm AA
Description 0.449 OD 0.551 OD 0.551 OD 0.449 OD
Overall Diameter (mm) 11.4 14.0 14.0 17.7
Nominal Sectional Area (mm ) 75.83 116.46 116.46 171
Fibre Count (single mode) 24 24 48 48
Approximate Mass (kg/km) 341 527 527 612
Calculated Breaking Load (kN) 48.88 73.26 73.26 69.00
DC Resistance at 20C (/km) 0.5809 0.3787 0.3787 0.2080
Final Modulus of Elasticity
(GPa) 105 105 105 76
Coefficient of Linear
Expansion (per C) 16.6E-06 16.5E-06 16.5E-06 19.8E-06
Short Circuit Rating (kA) .s 45 109 109 300 UN
Short Circuit Current for 1s
(kA) 6.7 10.4 10.4 17.3 UN
Table 18.0 OPGW Specifications
1. AC aluminium clad steel strand
AA aluminium alloy 6201 strand
OD overall diameter
UN unknown rating assumptions

2. Short circuit rating based on

adiabatic heating
cable temperature prior to fault of 40C
allowable cable temperature after fault of 210C

Page 110 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Span A4 B C
Length (m) (Downdraft) (Downdraft) (Synoptic)
0 (no SRF) 1109 1464 2221
50 1109 1464 2028
100 1109 1464 1876
150 1109 1464 1757
200 1109 1464 1662
300 1075 1418 1529
400 1040 1373 1446
Table 19.0 - Transverse Conductor Wind Pressures
The values in the above table are indicative only. It remains the Designers responsibility to ensure
that the appropriate terrain category, height and topographic multipliers are applied as encountered
and in accordance with Section 9.2 of this manual.

Summary of table above:

V200 wind speed
Terrain category 2
Average conductor height 10m
Shielding multiplier 1.0
Drag coefficient for conductor 1.0 (where standard Ergon conductors are used).

The wind forces on poles, towers and insulators shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 7000
Appendix B.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
The following assumptions are inherent in the tabulated values below -
Parallel circuits are the same voltage or lower.
2.0 m crossarms for 66 kV and 2.5 m crossarms for 132 kV.
Sags and tensions based on AAAC/1120 conductors with a minimum slack of 100mm and a
maximum tension of 20% NBL at 15C.
Conductor swing at 35C and 500 Pa wind pressure (no localised wind shear).

Figure 20.0 - Graphical Representation of the Tabulated Distances Below

DA Distance from the centreline to the edge of the easement.
DB Distance from centreline to centreline for structures placed in-step with each other.
The conductors blow out together.
DC Distance from centreline to centreline for structures placed out-of-step with each other.
The conductors blow out towards a structure placed opposite the midspan of the other circuit.

Table E1 is a sample of conductors and their swing angle from vertical at 500 Pa of transverse
wind pressure.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Swing Angle Angle Diameter
Construction Stranding at 500Pa () Range () (mm)
HDC 37 / 0.064" 39.9 35 - 45 11.4
HDC 19 / 0.083" 41.8 35 - 45 10.5
HDC 7 / 0.136" 41.9 35 - 45 10.4
HDC 19 / 0.072" 46.0 45 - 55 9.1
HDC 19 / 0.064" 49.2 45 - 55 8.1
HDC 7 / 0.104" 49.5 45 - 55 7.9
AAC & AAAC 61 / 3.75 42.8 35 - 45 33.8
AAC & AAAC 61 / 3.50 44.7 35 - 45 31.5
AAC & AAAC 61 / 3.25 46.8 45 - 55 29.3
AAC & AAAC 37 / 3.75 49.9 45 - 55 26.3
AAC & AAAC 19 / 4.75 52.7 45 - 55 23.8
AAC & AAAC 37 / 3.00 56.0 55 - 65 21.0
AAC & AAAC 19 / 3.75 58.9 55 - 65 18.8
AAC & AAAC 19 / 3.25 62.4 55 - 65 16.3
AAC & AAAC 7 / 4.75 65.1 65 - 75 14.3
AAC & AAAC 7 / 4.50 66.2 65 - 75 13.5
AAC & AAAC 7 / 3.75 69.9 65 - 75 11.3
AAC & AAAC 7 / 3.00 73.6 65 - 75 9.0
54 / 3.75 +
ACSR 19/2.25 37.4 35 - 45 33.8
ACSR 54 / 7 / 3.5 39.3 35 - 45 31.5
ACSR 54 / 7 / 3.25 41.5 35 - 45 29.3
ACSR 30 / 7 / 3.5 43.4 35 - 45 24.5
ACSR 54 / 7 / 3.0 43.7 35 - 45 27.0
ACSR 30 / 7 / 3.25 45.5 45 - 55 22.8
ACSR 30 / 7 / 3.0 47.7 45 - 55 21.0
ACSR 30 / 7 / 2.5 52.9 45 - 55 17.5
ACSR 4 / 3 / 3.75 56.7 55 - 65 11.3
ACSR 6 / 4.75 + 7 / 1.60 61.0 55 - 65 14.3
ACSR 4 / 3 / 3.0 62.2 55 - 65 9.0
ACSR 6 / 1 / 3.75 65.0 65 - 75 11.3
ACSR 6 / 1 / 3.0 69.6 65 - 75 9.0
Table 20.0 Conductor Swing Angles at 500 Pa

For conductors not listed in Table E1, the conductor swing angle is

P wind pressure of 500 Pa
d conductor overall diameter (m)
w conductor weight (N/m)

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Conductor Swing
66 kV Angle at 500Pa
35 - 45 45 - 55 55 - 65 65 - 75
(m) Span (m) Insulation
20 28 Post 7.9 7.0 8.3 8.1 7.0 8.5 8.2 7.0 8.6 8.3 7.0 8.7
40 56 Post 8.5 7.0 8.9 8.8 7.0 9.2 9.0 7.0 9.4 9.2 7.0 9.6
60 84 Post 9.0 7.0 9.4 9.4 7.0 9.8 9.7 7.0 10.1 10.0 7.0 10.4
80 112 Post 9.4 7.0 9.8 9.9 7.0 10.3 10.4 7.0 10.8 10.9 7.2 11.3
100 140 Post 9.9 7.0 10.3 10.5 7.0 10.9 11.1 7.1 11.5 11.7 7.6 12.1
150 210 Suspension 11.7 7.0 12.1 12.7 7.3 13.1 13.7 8.0 14.1 15.0 8.8 15.4
200 280 Suspension 13.1 7.0 13.5 14.1 7.8 14.5 15.9 8.9 16.3 17.5 9.8 17.9
250 350 Suspension 15.8 7.4 16.2 17.1 8.7 17.5 19.5 10.3 19.9 21.5 11.5 21.9
300 420 Suspension 18.9 8.1 19.3 20.5 9.8 20.9 23.7 11.8 24.1 26.1 13.4 26.5
350 490 Suspension 22.6 8.8 23.0 24.5 11.0 24.9 28.5 13.6 28.9 31.2 15.4 31.6
Table 20.1 - Minimum Easement and Inter-Circuit Distances (m) at 66kV
Conductor Swing
132 kV Angle at 500Pa
35 - 45 45 - 55 55 - 65 65 - 75
(m) Span (m) Insulation
20 28 Post 8.4 8.0 10.9 8.6 8.0 11.1 8.7 8.0 11.2 8.8 8.0 11.3
40 56 Post 9.0 8.0 11.5 9.3 8.0 11.8 9.5 8.0 12.0 9.7 8.0 12.2
60 84 Post 9.5 8.0 12.0 9.9 8.0 12.4 10.2 8.0 12.7 10.5 8.3 13.0
80 112 Post 9.9 8.0 12.4 10.4 8.0 12.9 10.9 8.3 13.4 11.4 8.7 13.9
100 140 Post 10.4 8.0 12.9 11.0 8.2 13.5 11.6 8.7 14.1 12.2 9.1 14.7
150 210 Suspension 12.6 8.1 15.1 13.7 8.9 16.2 14.8 9.6 17.3 16.1 10.3 18.6
200 280 Suspension 14.0 8.4 16.5 15.1 9.3 17.6 16.9 10.4 19.4 18.6 11.4 21.1
250 350 Suspension 16.7 9.0 19.2 18.1 10.3 20.6 20.5 11.8 23.0 22.6 13.1 25.1
300 420 Suspension 19.8 9.6 22.3 21.5 11.4 24.0 24.7 13.4 27.2 27.2 14.9 29.7
350 490 Suspension 23.5 10.3 26.0 25.5 12.5 28.0 29.5 15.1 32.0 32.3 17.0 34.8
Table 20.2 - Minimum Easement and Inter-Circuit Distances (m) at 132kV

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design


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Line Design



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Page 118 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Uncontrolled vibration is very destructive, leading to loosened hardware, fretting and strand
breakages. Vibration dampers are used to reduce the amplitude of Aeolian conductor vibration.
Two types are in common use today, the mass damper (Stockbridge type damper) and the impact
damper (spiral damper).
Mass dampers resonate with the forced frequency caused by wind excitation but the reactive force
is out of phase with it. These dampers dissipate energy through interstrand friction of the
messenger cable. Mass dampers are effective at low frequencies and therefore suit large
conductors (greater than about 15mm diameter).
Impact dampers are long enough to cover the loop lengths of multiple frequencies. The vibration is
dissipated by impacting (slapping) against the conductor. These dampers do not dissipate energy.
Impact dampers are effective at high frequencies and thus suit small conductors (less than about
12mm diameter).
The design of the damping system is determined by the following factors -
(a) Span lengths
(b) Characteristics of the conductor: type, stranding, distributed mass
(c) Bundle configuration
(d) Tensile load of the conductor at the Vibration weather case
(e) Degree of conductor self-damping
(f) Type of conductor clamp (clamped or tied, unarmoured or armoured, helically formed armour
grip with elastomer insert, etc.)
(g) Terrain category (flat, coastal area, suburban area, etc.)
(h) Yearly distribution of the 10 minute average wind velocity
(i) Characteristics of in-span devices (e.g. warning spheres) and their distribution.
This standard is for conventional, concentric-lay, stranded, round wire construction. It does not
include trapezoidal wire conductors, vibration resistant conductors, self-damping conductors or
high temperature conductors. No recommendations have been made for bundled conductor

No external damping is required for single conductors strung with tensions (catenary constants)
less than those tabulated below.

Page 119 StandardSTNW3355 Ver 3

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
AS/NZS 1170.2 IEC 60826 Terrain Characteristics
Terrain Terrain (AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 Section 4)
Category Category
1.5 1 Near or across a large body of water
2 2 Open, flat, no obstruction eg grassland with well scattered
obstructions generally from 1.5 to 5m, and fewer than 2
obstructions per hectare
2.5 3 Open, flat or undulating with isolated obstacles (fewer than 10
per hectare) e.g. large acreage development, farmland with
few trees
3 4 Built-up with trees and buildings generally from 3 to 10m e.g.
residential suburbs, light industrial, woodland
Table 22.1.1 - CIGRE Safe Design Tensions
Spiral Dampers Quantity, Selection and Placement
The minimum quantity of spiral vibration dampers is

Span Length Number of Spiral Dampers

per Span
Slack spans up to 110 m 0
(Section 9.6.1)
Full tension up to 250 m 2
250 m 500 m 4
500 m 750 m 6
Table 22.1.2 Spiral Vibration Damper (SVD) Quantities

Spiral damper selection is based solely on the conductor diameter. SVDs do not have any
specified performance criterion. Spiral dampers are not placed over armour rods. Typical ranges

Conductor Diameter Range Colour Code

4.4 6.3 red
6.4 8.2 blue
8.3 11.7 black
11.8 14.4 yellow
14.5 19.5 green
Table 22.1.3 SVD Selection

Engineering calculations are unnecessary for the placement of spiral dampers. The gripping
section faces the closer span-end and is nominally located 100mm from the deadends, armour
rods, mass dampers or other conductor hardware. Two or three spiral dampers may be
intertwined together. If they bind together they lose their overall effectiveness.

22.2 Mass Dampers Quantity

The quantity of mass dampers is determined from an energy balance equation where the energy
input from the wind matches the energy dissipated by the dampers and the inter-strand friction of
the conductor.

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Line Design
The calculated quantity of mass dampers is a minimum quantity. The marginal cost of dampers is
very small and it is prudent to overdamp provided that the interaction of multiple dampers is not
detrimental to the overall performance. This is usually confirmed by testing. Additional dampers
are not required to prevent fatigue of the messenger cables. The messenger cable of a well
designed and manufactured damper will not fatigue during its lifetime. Drooping damper weights
may be the result of conductor galloping (associated with ice) or poor handling during transport and

Figure 22.2 - Mass Damper Protectable Span Length

22.3 Mass Damper Selection

The performance of mass dampers shall satisfy the requirements of AS 1154.1:2009 Section 7.2.
Preferred dampers have unequal weights and unequal messenger lengths that produce multiple
resonance modes.
Unless otherwise recommended by the damper manufacturer, the type of damping system shall be
selected using the criteria given in the following table. The colour codes identify the damping
systems in subsequent tables for AAC and AAAC; ACSR; SC/GZ and SC/AC.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
Selection Criteria
Damping System Mass of Loop
Colour Conductor
(masses are nominal) Length at
2m/s Wind
Range (kg/s)
SVD (approx. 0.3 kg) < 0.5
SVD + 1.4 kg Mass
0.5 - 1.2
1.4 kg Mass Damper 1.2 - 2.0
2.5 kg Mass Damper < 200 > 2.0
4.7 kg Mass Damper 200 - 315
5.5 kg Mass Damper > 315
Table 22.3.1 Damper System Selection Criteria

Manufacturer Model Assembled Clamp Range (mm)
Mass (kg)
Dulmison - Dogbone DB05 1.2 7.1 27.0
(now PLP) DB1 2.3 18.1 24.0
DB2 4.7 21.1 31.0
DB3 6.8 31.1 34.0
PLP - VORTX VSD-10 1.7 9.7 20.0
VSD-20 2.0 12.3 32.0
VSD-25 2.4 15.5 32.0
VSD-35 3.5 20.0 50.0
VSD-40 5.2 25.0 61.0
VSD-50 5.5 32.0 61.0
Dulhunty - 4D 4D10 1.0 7.0 - 11.5
(normal clamp ranges) 4D20 1.4 11.0 18.0
4D30 2.5 16.5 27.0
4D40 4.7 24.5 34.0
4D50 5.5 32.3 43.0
Table 22.3.2 Damper Clamp Ranges.
The variables used in the selection criteria can be derived from the following equations.

C = catenary constant (m)
T = conductor tension (N)
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s )

m = conductor mass (kg/m)
V = transverse wave velocity (m/s)

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

Z = conductor mechanical impedance (kg/s)

f = forced excitation frequency due to vortex shedding (Hz)

Vw = laminar wind velocity (m/s)
d = conductor diameter (m)

L = loop length of standing wave (m)

ML = mass of conductor in a single loop length (kg)

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Catenary Constant (m) at Vibration Weather Case
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Approx. (Hz)
at 7 m/s
Conductor (mm)
Mass(kg)ofLoopLengthat2m/sWind Wind Colour Legend
100 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 7.8 166 SVD
200 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 11.0 118 SVD + 1.4 kg
300 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 13.6 95 1.4 kg
400 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 15.8 82 2.5kg
500 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 17.6 74 4.7 kg
600 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 19.3 67 5.5 kg
700 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.4 20.8 62
800 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 22.3 58
900 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 4.9 23.6 55
1000 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 25.0 52
1200 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.4 7.6 27.4 47
1400 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.0 7.4 7.8 8.2 8.6 8.9 9.3 9.6 29.6 44
1600 6.8 7.4 8.0 8.6 9.1 9.6 10.1 10.5 10.9 11.3 11.7 31.7 41
1800 8.1 8.9 9.6 10.2 10.9 11.4 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 33.6 39
2000 9.5 10.4 11.2 12.0 12.7 13.4 14.1 14.7 15.3 15.9 16.4 35.4 37
Approximate Tension (% NBL)
AAC 17 21 24 28 31
AAAC/1120 12 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 31
Table 22.3.3 - Damper Selection for AAC and AAAC Conductors

Catenary Constant (m) at Vibration Weather Case Approx. Frequency

Diameter (Hz)
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 (mm) at 7 m/s

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Conductor Colour
Mass(kg/km) Legend

100 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 6.9 187 SVD
200 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 9.8 133 SVD + 1.4 kg
300 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 12.0 108 1.4 kg
400 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 13.8 94 2.5kg
500 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 15.5 84 4.7 kg
600 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 16.6 78 5.5 kg
700 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 17.9 72
800 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 19.2 67
900 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 20.3 64
1000 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 21.4 60
1200 3.8 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.3 6.5 23.5 55
1400 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 26.8 48
1600 6.1 6.7 7.3 7.8 8.2 8.7 9.1 9.5 9.9 10.3 10.6 28.7 45
1800 7.3 8.0 8.7 9.3 9.8 10.4 10.9 11.4 11.8 12.3 12.7 30.4 43
2000 8.6 9.4 10.2 10.9 11.5 12.1 12.7 13.3 13.8 14.4 14.9 32.1 40
Approximate Tension (% NBL)
ACSR 54/7 12 15 17 19 22 24 27 29
ACSR 6/1 11 14 16 18 20 23 25 27 29
ACSR 30/7 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 28 30
ACSR 4/3 8 10 12 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 25
ACSR 3/4 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23
Table 22.3.4 - Damper Selection for ACSR and OPGW Conductors

Catenary Constant (m) at Vibration Weather Case Approx. Frequency

Diameter (Hz)
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 (mm) at 7 m/s

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead Line Design
Conductor Colour
Mass(kg/km) Legend

100 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.6 283 SVD
200 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 6.5 200 SVD + 1.4 kg
300 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 7.9 163 1.4 kg
400 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 9.2 141 2.5kg
500 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 10.2 126
600 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 11.2 115
700 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 12.3 106
800 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 13.1 99
900 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 13.9 93
1000 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 14.7 88
1200 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 16.1 81
Approximate Tension (% NBL)
SC/GZ 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19
SC/AC 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Table 22.3.5 - Damper Selection for SC/GZ and SC/AC Conductors

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

22.4 Mass Dampers Placement

Number of Dampers per Span
Span Type 1 2 3 4

Suspension to Suspension A or (A, B) & D or

A&D (A, B) & (C, D)
(Figure 1) D A & (C, D)
Suspension to Dead-end (A, B) or
A A & (G, H) (A, B) & (G, H)
(Figure 2) (G, H)
Dead-end to Dead-end (E, F) or
N/A N/A (E, F) & (G, H)
(Figure 3) (G, H)
Table 22.4.1 - Mass Damper Placement

(A, B) - the pair of dampers A and B at the same end of the span
N/A - one of the dampers is ineffective for the full frequency spectrum

Figure 22.4.1 - Suspension to Suspension

Figure 22.4.2 - Suspension to Dead-end

Figure 22.4.3 - Dead-end to Dead-end

Two dampers are required next to strain insulators in accordance with the table above. This is
because of the obscure mechanical impedance of the termination and the difficulty of locating a
single damper at the ideal location. The two dampers shall be separated by a distance less than
the loop length of the highest anticipated vibration frequency i.e. at the highest anticipated laminar
wind velocity. If the damper weights touch at this separation, then one damper shall be inverted.

For asymmetrical mass dampers (i.e. a large and a small weight), the orientation of the damper
does not affect their performance.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
If dampers of different masses are used together (e.g. A & B or G & H) to protect against a broad
range of frequencies, then the lighter mass damper (higher frequency, shorter loop length) shall be
located closer to the span end (e.g. mass A lighter than mass B; mass H lighter than mass G).

Catenary Constant (m) at Vibration Weather Case Forced

1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Frequency

Cond. 2 7
Diam. DamperPositionZ(m)75%ofShortestLoopLength m/s m/s
(mm) Wind Wind

10 0.29 0.31 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 37 130
12 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.44 0.46 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.60 31 108
14 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.65 0.67 0.70 26 93
16 0.46 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.79 23 81
18 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.65 0.69 0.73 0.77 0.80 0.83 0.86 0.89 21 72
20 0.57 0.63 0.68 0.73 0.77 0.81 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.96 0.99 19 65
22 0.63 0.69 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.89 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.09 17 59
24 0.69 0.75 0.81 0.87 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 15 54
26 0.75 0.82 0.88 0.94 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.29 14 50
28 0.80 0.88 0.95 1.02 1.08 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.29 1.34 1.39 13 46
30 0.86 0.94 1.02 1.09 1.15 1.22 1.28 1.33 1.39 1.44 1.49 12 43
32 0.92 1.01 1.09 1.16 1.23 1.30 1.36 1.42 1.48 1.54 1.59 12 40
34 0.98 1.07 1.15 1.23 1.31 1.38 1.45 1.51 1.57 1.63 1.69 11 38
Table 22.4.2 Damper Location

Figure 22.4.4 Damper Location

19/3.75 AAAC/1120 Neon conductor is to be used at Kingaroy where the average daily mean
temperature is between 12 and 15C. The terrain varies from numerous closely spaced trees
having heights generally from 3 to 10m (terrain category 3) to open grassland with well scattered
trees (terrain category 2). The conductor is designed to be 22% NBL at 15C after creep. The
ruling span is 300m, the maximum span length is 380m and the minimum span length is 250m.

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design
The final tension at 12C is 10.76 kN. Therefore the catenary constant is 1904 m. Neon has a
mass of 576 kg/km.
From Table A5 the damper size is borderline between a 1.4 kg and a 2.5 kg mass damper.
From Figure A1 the protectable span length is approximately 220m per damper for terrain category
2. The number of dampers required for the minimum span is 250/220 = 1.1 and 380/220 = 1.7 for
the maximum span. Therefore two mass dampers per span are required. Use one 1.4 kg and one
2.5kg mass damper per span. From Table A8 use dampers A & D for suspension to suspension
arrangements; (A 1.4kg, B 2.5kg) for suspension to strain arrangements; and (E 1.4kg, F 2.5kg) or
(G 2.5kg, H 1.4kg) for strain to strain arrangements.
From Table A8 the damper location dimension Z is about 740 mm. The dampers are positioned in
accordance with Figure A5. The length of armour rods for Neon is 1450100 mm so the end of the
armour rods is 72550mm from the centre of the AGSU. Most likely the dampers will be positioned
50mm from the end of the armour rods. The length of a preformed deadend for Neon is 124050
mm therefore the damper is placed 50mm beyond the end of the preformed deadend and not over
the rods.
Figure A6 shows the first damper location to be effective for laminar winds from 2.3 to 7 m/s. The
second damper is only used when one end of the span is terminated. Alone, the second damper is
ineffective over the range of wind speeds from 3.5 to 5.8 m/s. However if one damper is situated
at a node (at any wind speed between 2.3 and 7 m/s) then the other damper (separated 740mm
apart) is between 25% and 75% of the loop length (i.e. effectively damped provided that the
damper is efficient at that frequency).

Figure 22.4.5 Damper Location Effectiveness for all Laminar Wind Speeds

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

Figure 23.1 Electrical Clearances - 66kV Suspension Insulators - Summary

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Line Design

Figure 23.2Electrical Clearances-Live Line Climbing Corridor66kV Suspension Insulators

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Line Design

Figure 23.3 Electrical Clearances - Hand Reach Test 66kV Suspension Insulators

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Line Design

Figure 23.4 Electrical Clearances - Live Line Maintenance 66kV Suspension Insulators

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Line Design

Figure 23.5 Electrical Clearances Lightening Withstand 66kV Suspension Insulators

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Line Design

Figure 23.6 Electrical Clearances Power Frequency Withstand 66kV Suspension


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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

Figure 23.7 Electrical Clearances - Summary 66kV Flying Angle without Crossarms

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

Figure 23.8 Electrical Clearances Live Line Climbing 66kV Flying Angle without

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Line Design

Figure 23.9 Electrical Clearances Lightening & Power Frequency Withstand 66kV
Flying Angle without Crossarms

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

Figure 23.10 Electrical Clearances Live Line Climbing 66kV Post Insulator W/Gainbase

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
Line Design

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Standard for Sub-Transmission Overhead
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