HeIRIT Program Details
HeIRIT Program Details
HeIRIT Program Details
DOST De La Salle
DOST Mindanao
University of Science and
14 TBIs
in 8 years
Notable Startups from DOST TBIs
Pay Ruler of UP Cebu TBI has now 22,000 users,
MICAB from UP Cebu is now incorporated Generated 1 million e-payslips, 54 million man
in Singapore and has signed with the Phil hours processed and 6 billion pesos worth of
National Taxi Operators Association and transactions
the Association of Taxi Operators in Metro
CROPITAL, Hydro+, OneWatt and RetailGate Wela Systems of MUST TBI and OneWatt of
from UP Enterprise received investments from UP Enterprise included in the Top 20 Finalists
investors amounting to P14.2M (Total) for the STARTUP Summit 2017
Requirements for Partner Universities
Qualifications/standards for DOST TBI funding
No potential startups
Lacks Experience/
No Technopreneurship Program
Opportunities to expand TBIs in the region
Specific Objectives:
Train 20 Managers to execute a TBI Operation
Setting up
Business Incubation: Managing the Module 11 Virtual TBIs
Module 1 Module 6
Definition & Principles Incubator
Planning an Module 13
Module 3 Module 8 Implementing a Ecosystem
Incubator Mentoring Program Development
Month 6- 10 Month 5
Month 10 Writeshop/
11-12 Reporting
InfoDev Modules 8-13
After 1 year, the SUCs should produce.
Requirements for a Full Blown TBI Output Criteria for Selection of Pre-TBI