Installation Manual

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The key takeaways are that safety precautions must be followed when handling, installing, and working with busbar sections to avoid damage, electrical failures, injuries or death. Personal protective equipment should always be worn as per health and safety regulations.

When manually lifting busbar sections, each section should be lifted along its center and not by the end sections or conductors. Care must be taken to avoid risk of injury to personnel and damage to equipment.

A full risk assessment must be carried out before using mechanical lifting equipment like forklifts or cranes to lift busbar sections. The load rating of the lifting apparatus must not be exceeded and equipment must be used as per manufacturer guidelines.


Installation Manual

This Installation Manual is designed to assist in the Safe Handling and Installation of
the HPB system. These instructions are in addition to normal safe working practices
as required by the local health and safety regulations. These instructions do not in
any way advocate a departure from these requirements. THIS EQUIPMENT
Powerbar Ltd supply all busbar sections unpacking and installation on site, it is MAX 600V PHASE
tested in accordance with type test important to study this document.
Ensure COMPLETE electrical
requirements as detailed in IEC61439-6
isolation, verification and lock off
and are subject to a full Quality Check If the guidelines outlined within this of supply device in accordance
before packaging. document are not adhered to, this could with isolation procedures for
the particular installation prior
give rise to the damage of the product, to carrying out any installation,
In order to ensure that the Busbar remains electrical failure of the Busbar, personal inspection, or maintenance.
in this condition during transport, injury, or even death.
Only Powerbar approved
installation personnel may carry
out installation of this product.
If training is required contact
Powerbar using the details at
the back of the brochure and
specify the nature of the training

requirements. Training can
be provided on site or at our
manufacturing facility.

Manual Lifting
In accordance with Manual Lifting Always check that the load does not
Regulations the guidelines below are exceed the safe working load of the lifting
provided to reduce risk of injury to apparatus. Ensure that equipment is used
personnel and damage to equipment as per manufacturers guidelines.
during transport and installation of
busbar section. Storage
PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)
should be worn at all times in accordance The Busbar will be delivered to the
with Health and Safety Regulations and customer neatly stacked on a wooden
specific site requirements. When lifting pallet for ease of removal. The maximum
Busbar sections, care must be taken to lift weight of the pallet will not exceed
each section along its centre and not by 2500kg.
the end sections or conductors. The Busbar is protected from minor water
ingress by means of an overall outer
Mechanical Lifting polythene wrap and individual polythene
stretch wrap around the ends of each
Some sections of Busbar may require busbar. The stretch wrap should be left
mechanical lifting due to their weight. in position until the bar is mounted and
Options for mechanical lifting includes Joint Pack fitted.
Genie Lift, forklift, scissor lift, platform If the Busbar is not to be installed
lift and block and tackle. A full assessment immediately upon delivery it should be
of the risks should be carried out by the stored in a heated, clean, dry area not
installer before commencing work. exposed to wind, rain, frost, or physical
The Busbar must be safely secured to the damage.
lifting apparatus before lifting. Busbar should never be stored outdoors.

Page 01
Powerbar HPB

The Busbar Sections are secured to a framing system, such as Unistrut, using the Fixing
Brackets as shown to the right. The bar can be secured both on its flat and on its edge.

Before lifting a Busbar Section, ensure that a detailed Risk assessment is carried out Flat
for the lifting procedure being performed in that specific area.

Vertical Installation : The fixing brackets must be mounted at a distance of 250-350mm

from the centre of the joints. For Vertical Riser Installation of sections greater than 2 metres
it may be easier to lower the Busbar trunking from the floor above where it is to be installed
or from a fixing on the ceiling of the same floor if at the end of the run. Care is to be taken
not to damage ends of the trunking when raising from horizontal to vertical position.




This image shows how to lift a

Busbar selection vertically.

Page 02

Spring Hanger Bracket

Spring Hanger Brackets are used to support weight of a vertical installation and compensate for minimal building movement and
thermal expansion.

Step 1. Step 4.
Fix Unistrut Size (41 x 41) on floor/ wall as per layout drawing. Attach Spring Hanger Brackets to Busbar using fixing brackets.

Step 2. Step 5.
Lower busbar into place and connect to Joint Pack. Ensure the Tighten the joint pack to 65Nm 5Nm once the spring hanger
weight of the busbar is supported throughout. bracket has been attached.
Only hand tighten joint pack at this stage.
Step 6
Step 3. After inspecting the arrangement to ensure it is securely
Attach Spring Hanger Brackets to Unistrut with M10 Hex Bolt installed the hanging support can be removed from the
and Lock Nut, tighten the bolts to 45Nm 5Nm. busbar.

Page 03
Powerbar HPB

Horizontal Installation: The fixing brackets must be mounted no

more than 1.5 metres apart and a least 750mm from the centre of
the joint pack.

Ensure that each section of busbar has at least one set of fixing
brackets fitted and that the Busbar is level and plumb before final
tightening of all joints.


* Please note: PowerBar fixing brackets must be used. Drilling or

cutting the Busbar on site is prohibited

Fire Barriers
When installing a Busbar section with a fire barrier ensure
that the fire barrier protudes from both sides of the wall.
Final sealing between fire barrier and wall to be completed
by contractor.

Page 04

Joint Pack
The steps below outline best practice, the Busbar orientation and site conditions may restrict installers from adhering to this
methodology. In these cases installers must be cautious and ensure the joint pack is installed correctly. Ensure all parts are meggered
and visually inspected prior to installation.

Step 1. Step 3.
Mount Busbar A firmly to the Unistrut Install joint pack, never force
the joint or strike it with any
object, as this may damage
Step 2.
the joint or the busbar section.
Attach the rear joint pack cover to Busbar A
The joint should be inserted
by means of constant force i.e.
Rear joint pushing by hand or means of a
pack cover
suitable clamping arrangement.
The images show 2 methods of
installing the joint pack.

* Before joining the two

Busbar A separate sections of the
Busbar trunking, ensure that
all contact surfaces are:
Socket screw X2 n free from contaminates
n unblemished
n not damaged
n correctly aligned

Busbar A Busbar B
Earth side plate

Step 4.
a) Position
Busbar B as shown in
the image. Ensure that the
Earth side plate is not overlapping
the Expansion Rib. Ensure the 2
sections of Busbar trunking are
275mm 1mm apart and that the joint
pack is centred between them.

b) Mount Busbar B firmly to the

Unistrut. Expansion Rib

c) Attach the rear joint pack cover to the

Busbar B.

Page 05
Powerbar HPB

Step 5. Step 6.
Tighten the joint pack assembly to 65Nm 5Nm using a calibrated Megger the installed joint pack to ensure it is fitted correctly.
torque wrench with a 19mm socket. If installed correctly the joint Following a visual inspection to ensure that there are no anomalies
will appear level and no overlapping should appear. If overlapping such as foreign material etc, install the front joint pack cover.
of the Expansion Ribs is apparent then the joint is not installed
Joint pack cover

The shear nut will break when torqued to 65Nm 5Nm in a Sign & date the label on the joint cover for
clockwise direction. This will cause the indicator disc to fall off. the quality control records.

Joint Pack Elbow

Ensure all parts are meggered and visually inspected
prior to installation. Step 4.
Mount the second Busbar section firmly to the frame work.
Step 1.
Mount Busbar to frame. Step 5.
Attach the rear Joint Pack Cover to Parts.
Step 2.
Install the Joint Pack Elbow to Busbar, never force the joint or strike it Step 6.
with any object as this may damage the Joint or Busbar section. The Tighten the Joint Pack assembly to the correct torque level (65Nm
joint should be inserted by means of a constant force, i.e. pushing 5Nm). If installed correctly the joint will appear level and no
in by hand or by means of a suitable clamping arrangement. overlapping should appear. If overlapping of the Expansion Ribs is
apparent then the Joint is not installed correctly.
Position second busbar as shown in image overleaf. Ensure the Earth Step 7.
Side Plates are not over lapping the Expansion Ribs. The Earth side Megger the installed joint pack to ensure it is fitted correctly. This
plates should sit approx 2mm back from the Expansion Rib when is on a visual inspection for any anomalies such as foreign material
positioned correctly. etc. Now attach the front Joint Pack Cover to the Busbar.

Page 06

Page 07
Powerbar HPB

Cable End Box 1

M10 Channel Nut

n This is generally the first component to be mounted on a rising busbar.

n The entire route should initially be inspected for any obstructions before installation.
n The box should be installed at the correct height in accordance with the
approved drawings.
n A plumb line should be applied at this point from the start of the run to the end of the
M10 Bolt
run, as a guide for the vertical installation of the Busbar Run.
n 4 of M10x20 bolts c/w Bellville washers and a 17mm socket are required to install the
Unistrut rail
Cable End Box following the instructions shown.

[1] Unistrut rail

[2] Access cover

Access cover

[3] Gland plate Gland plate

Tap Off Slot Cover Tap Off Cover

n Distribution Busbar lengths are available with up to 5 tap off

positions on a 3 metre length.

n Each tap off position is IP2X in accordance with IEC61439-2.

n With a standard tap off installed the rating is IP54 but this can
be improved if required.

n A cover is required over unused tap off positions to increase

the ingress protection (IP) level to the required standard.

n When fitting a new tap off, this cover is to be removed.

The drawing opposite shows the removal of the cover.

Page 08

Tap Off Modules

Step 1. Step 3.
In accordance with isolation procedures and risk assessments to Open door using key provided and release both clamping mechanisms
be carried out by the installer, ensure complete isolation of the by using a 6mm t-bar in an anticlockwise direction.
electrical busbar by proving dead.
Step 4.
Step 2. Offer the tap off box up to the shutter housing and visually line up
Following removal of the tap off unit from its packaging, check the the earth contact bracket and actuator to ensure correct location of
device is not damaged and tap off contacts are visually in line. the tap off contacts.
The box cannot be inserted upside down as the design of the
actuator mechanism prevents this.
Insert the tap off box until base of tap off box finishes flush with
busbar assembly.
Use the 6mm t-bar to clamp the tap off box to the busbar assembly
Tap off box Lock Handle by rotating the clamping mechanism in a clockwise direction.

Step 5.
Install the rear fixing brackets as illustrated below.


Secure rear fixing brackets

Step 7.
Megger test installation prior to re-energisation of busbar.

Step 8.

Ensure earth contact

Before turning the Breaker ON, ensure the neutral link is connected
is correctly alligned and tightened.

Page 09
Powerbar HPB

Prior to Energising Maintenance of Busbar

3 test must be completed prior to energising n Prior to carrying out any maintenance work, ensure the Busbar
is completely electrically isolated by isolation, verification and lock
Step 1. A continuity test to verify the run is complete. off of the supply device in accordance with isolation procedures /
Step 2. A ductor test to check the resistance of the joints through method statement.
the entire length. n Familiarisation with IEE Wiring Regulations or similar Local
Step 3. A megger test, 1000VDC between each conductor Safety Standards should be understood in order to ensure safe
and Earth. Readings will vary widely between site to site due isolation of the Busbar Trunking.
to length of run, humidity, temperature and site conditions. If n On an annual basis, Thermal Imaging should be conducted
readings less than 5M are obtained, measures must be taken along the Busbar route to identify any possible problems.
to identify the location of the low resistance level and take n Once identified a preventative maintenance program should
appropriate measures to increase the resistance level. This test be instigated with the Busbar isolated as described above before
should only be carried out by competent personnel. carrying out any work.
Step 4. Ensure all tap off boxes have been correctly installed as n If joints are found to be loose they should be re-torqued to the
instructed and are in the ON position for insulation resistance correct torque level as outlined in the Installation Detail. If the joints
testing. have simply come loose but the joint shows no sign of overheating
Step 5. Ensure all connections to the Busbar / tap offs have been simply re-torque the joint and conduct an Insulation Resistance
disconnected. test prior to re-energising.
Step 6. Verify that all joints have been torqued according to n If slight discolouration occurs remove the joint and clean the
the recommended setting and have not been subsequently conductor with a fine grade (240) abrasive paper. Re-install the joint
loosened. Ensure all joint covers are firmly secured. and megger test.
Step 7. When reconnecting the system prior to energisation, n If adverse overheating has occurred, please contact Powerbar
ensure correct Phase Rotation is achieved by testing prior to for further details.
energising the supply. n Megger test results at this point could be lower than those
Step 8. Ensure all tap offs are turned off again prior to Energising. taken during the first installation test. As long as the reading does
Step 9.The testing procedure should be performed and not measure below 5M at 1000VDC the system is satisfactory for
documented as per PowerBar standard testing procedure re-energisation.
available on request.

Maintenance of Tap Off Module

As with the main Busbar system the joints require checking on
Energising the Tap Off connections. Thermal Imaging can identify localised
heat spots.
n The Busbar should be energised immediately after following n As previously described, upon identifying a local problem
steps 1 to 6 (shown above). preventative maintenance should be investigated with the
n Only authorized, competent personnel should energise busbar isolated.
electrical circuits in line with switching procedures and permit n If discolouration has occurred on the contact due to
to work forms provided by the Site Electrical Supervisor. overheating, ensure the gap between contacts are consistent
and have not been damaged during transport, if they have,
n All connected load to the Busbar Trunking via tap offs for
please contact Powerbar.
example should be isolated prior to energizing the bar.
n If the joints show slight discoloration, clean them and re-
n The Main Supply switch to the Busbar is to be energised first. tighten. If adverse overheating has occurred, please contact
n The Protection Settings should be at the circuit breakers Powerbar for further instruction.
minimum protection level. Visually check the installation of the Tap Off Module, check
n Only when the Busbar is being put into service are the clamping mechanism, check door-interlocking device to ensure
Protection Settings set to the specified figures. it still operates correctly. Check outgoing cable connections
n Following the successful closing off the supply breaker, close the and gland tightness / integrity.
Check the operation of the switching device positive ON, OFF
circuit breaker(s) supplying the connected loads (via Tap-Offs)
operation. Examine protective device for sign of short circuit
one by one.
operation. If a short circuit has occurred on the equipment
n Visually inspect the energised Busbar route to look for any
connected to the tap off module check operation of device and
anomalies. Listen for noises from the system as this could the integrity of the device.
indicate untightened cover plates.

Page 10
Ballyderowen N16/N17 E & I Engineering
Burnfoot Al Ghail Industrial Park 2/8 Victoria Avenue
Lifford Ras Al Khaimah London
Co. Donegal PO Box 31921 EC2M 4NS
Ireland UAE UK

Tel: +44 (0) 28 71353030 Tel: +971 (0)72 216100 Tel: +44 (0) 20 32061650
+353 (0) 74 9368719 Fax: +971 (0)72 216107 Email: [email protected]
Fax: +44 (0) 28 71354100 Email: [email protected]
+353 (0)74 9368106
Email: [email protected]

PowerBar Limited has a policy of continuous development and therefore has the right to supply a product which may differ in detail from those shown in this publication.

OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2004

OHS 533652 FM 12680 No: EMS 566536


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