This document provides French to English translations of common legal vocabulary. Some key translations include:
- "abus de confiance" to "breach of trust"
- "accusé, prévenu" to "accused, defendant"
- "acte de procédure judiciaire" to "process of a court"
- "aide juridictionnelle" to "legal aid"
- "avocat" to "attorney, lawyer"
- "cabinet d’avocats" to "firm"
- "chambre d’un tribunal/salle d’audience" to "courtroom"
- "corruption
This document provides French to English translations of common legal vocabulary. Some key translations include:
- "abus de confiance" to "breach of trust"
- "accusé, prévenu" to "accused, defendant"
- "acte de procédure judiciaire" to "process of a court"
- "aide juridictionnelle" to "legal aid"
- "avocat" to "attorney, lawyer"
- "cabinet d’avocats" to "firm"
- "chambre d’un tribunal/salle d’audience" to "courtroom"
- "corruption
This document provides French to English translations of common legal vocabulary. Some key translations include:
- "abus de confiance" to "breach of trust"
- "accusé, prévenu" to "accused, defendant"
- "acte de procédure judiciaire" to "process of a court"
- "aide juridictionnelle" to "legal aid"
- "avocat" to "attorney, lawyer"
- "cabinet d’avocats" to "firm"
- "chambre d’un tribunal/salle d’audience" to "courtroom"
- "corruption
This document provides French to English translations of common legal vocabulary. Some key translations include:
- "abus de confiance" to "breach of trust"
- "accusé, prévenu" to "accused, defendant"
- "acte de procédure judiciaire" to "process of a court"
- "aide juridictionnelle" to "legal aid"
- "avocat" to "attorney, lawyer"
- "cabinet d’avocats" to "firm"
- "chambre d’un tribunal/salle d’audience" to "courtroom"
- "corruption