Lexique Anglais Vocabulaire Juridique

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Vocabulaire et lexique juridique anglais

Franais => Anglais

a but non lucratif => non-profit (association) associ principal => senior partner
but lucratif => profit-seeking attestation => certificate, testimonial
abus de confiance => breach of trust audience => hearing
abandonn, maltrait => neglected audience prliminaire => preliminary hearing
accord, contrat, arrangement => settlement audience sur ltat de linstance => status
accusation criminelle => criminal charge hearing
accus, prvenu => accused, defendant auteur de dlit => perpetrator, offender
accrdit => authorised (reprsentant accrdit = auto-contradiction => self-contradiction
autorised agent) auto-incrimination => self-incrimination
acquitt => acquitted autopsie => autopsy
acquittement => acquittal auxiliaire de justice => officer of the court
acte => certificate, deed avec prmditation => premeditated
acte de dcs => death certificate aveu => confession
acte de procdure judiciaire => process of a avis daudience => notice of hearing
court avocat => attorney, lawyer
acte de procdure/plaidoirie => pleading avocat adverse => opposing counsel
acte gratuit, injustifi => a wanton act avocat commis doffice => public defender
acte non intentionnel => unintentional act avocat de dfense pnale => defender
adjoint parajuridique => paralegal avocat senior => senior counsel
administration pnitentiaire => penitentiary avocat-conseil principal => general counsel
Administration banc des accuss => prisoners dock
ADN => DNA barre des tmoins => witness stand, witness box
affaire => a case bonne conduite => good behavior
affaire/dossier => a brief bonne foi => good faith
affirm => affirmed cabinet davocats => firm
agir de concert => acting in concert casier judiciaire => criminal record
agression, attaque => assault caution => bail
agression physique => physical assault chantage => blackmail
agression sexuelle => sexual assault chambre dun tribunal/salle daudience =>
aide financire => financial assistance courtroom
aide juridictionnelle, aide lgale, assistance chef daccusation, dinculpation => charge
lgale => legal aid circonstances aggravantes => aggravating
ajournement => adjournment circumstances
alibi => alibi commission rogatoire => commission rogatory
allgation => allegation comparution devant le tribunal => court
amende => financial penalty, fine appearance
annulation du jugement => mistrial complice, co-auteur => accomplice
appel => appeal comportement anti-social => anti-social behavior
appellant => appellant condamnation, peine => sentence
arbitrage => arbitration condamn => convicted
archive, dossier, document, casier judiciaire => confiscation dun bien => forfeiture
record conseil, avocat de la dfense => counsel
archives judicaires => court records conseiller juridique => legal adviser
arrestation => arrest consentement mutuel => mutual consent
arrestation illicite => false arrest constat => statement
assesseur => assessor contravention, amende => fine
assistance judiciaire => legal assistance contrefaon => forgery
corruption => bribery indemnisation/dommages et intrts =>
coupable => guilty compensation
coups et blessures => assault and battery infraction => criminal offence
cour dappel => court of appeal innocent => innocent
criminel => criminal invalidit => invalidity
culpabilit => guilt irrgularit => irregularity
dclarant => declarant interrogatoire => interrogation
dclaration antrieure => prior statement juge => judge
dclaration crite => written statement juge du procs => trial judge
dclaration inexacte => misstatement jugement de non-lieu => judgment of non-suit
dfaut dinformation => nondisclosure jugement dfinitif => final judgment
dfense => defense jur => juror
dfense de pouvoir lgitime => legal authority juridique => legal
defense juridiction => jurisdiction
dfenseur, accus, prvenu => defendant, jurisprudence => case-law
accused jury => jury
dlibration => deliberation larcin => petty theft
dlinquance => delinquency lgitime dfense => self-defense
dlit => offence, crime libration conditionnelle => conditional release
dlit diniti => insider trading magistrat => magistrate
demande de jugement => request for judgment maltrait/qui a subi des svices sexuels =>
dposition => deposition, statement abused
dtention => confinement mandat => warrant
dtenu => inmate mandat darrt => warrant of arrest
directive/instruction => instruction mandat de fouille => search warrant
disculpation => disculpation mandat de perquision => seizure Warrant
divulgation => disclosure ministre de la Justice => ministry of Justice
dommage, prjudice => damage ministre public => attorney general
dossier => file mise en libert => release from custody
droit au silence => right to remain silent motif => motive
droit civil => civil law multircidiviste => persistent offender
droit commun => common law ngligence => negligence
droit pnal => criminal law non-lieu => non-suit
droit procdural => procedural law obligation juridique => legal duty
droits de greffe => fees paid to the clerk obligation morale => moral obligation
echance => expiry officier de police => police officer
emprisonement => imprisonment faux tmoignage => perjury
enqute/investigation => investigation peine => penalty, punishment
etablissement pnitentiaire => penal institution peine capitale => capital punishment
examen mdical => medical examination peine de mort => death penalty
expert lgiste/mdecin lgiste => forensic expert pension alimentaire => alimony
expert mdical => medical expert perptuit => perpetuity
expos de la dfense => statement of defense perquision/saisie => seizure
expulsion => deportation pice conviction => exhibit
faux tmoignage => false evidence plaideur => litigant
flagrant dlit => red-caught handed plaignant, requrant, demandeur => plaintiff
fonctionnaire => public officer plainte => complaint
force majeure => force majeure pot de vin => bribe
fraude bancaire => bank fraud poursuite judiciaire => lawsuit
fraude/escroquerie => fraud/swindle president la sance => presiding judge
fugitif => fugitive prsomption dinnocence => presumption of
greffier => clerk Innocence
greffe du tribunal => registry of the court preuve => proof, evidence
homicide => homicide preuve contraire => countering evidence
honoraires => fee preuve formelle => formal proof
honoraires davocat => legal fees prison/maison d arrt => jail
illgal => illegal procs => try, trial
immunit => immunity procureur, Magistrat du Parquet => prosecutor
inculp => charged propos diffamatoires => defamatory words
inculpation => charge punitif => vindicative
recherch => wanted corroborer => to corroborate
rcidive => recidivism dclarer coupable => to find guilty
rcidiviste => repeat offender dclarer non-coupable => to find non-guilty
rclusion perptuit => life term/life diffrer => to differ
emprisonment disculper => to disculpate / exonerate
rgle/rglement => rule discuter => to argue
relaxe/libration => release disposer => to dispose
reprsentant lgal => legal representative divulger un document => to disclose a document
reprise de laudience => resumption of hearing engager les services dun avocat => to hire (an
rsidence surveille => house arrest attorney)
responsabilit civile des tiers => third-party tre reconnu coupable => to be found guilty
liability faire une dposition => to make a testimony
responsabilit pnale => penal liability faire du trafic de/faire de la contrebande de =>
serment => oath to smuggle
sous serment => under oath faire chanter => to blackmail
sous surveillance dEtat => public surveillance falsifier => to falsify
sursis avec mise lpreuve, mise en libert incriminer => to incriminate
surveille => probation period inculper => to inculpate
tmoignage => testimony, statement instruire => to try
tmoin => witness interroger => to interrogate
tmoin oculaire => eye-witness interrompre => to discontinue
tmoin-cl => key witness invoquer titre de preuve => to use as evidence
titre juridique => legal title invoquer un moyen => to rely upon a ground
toxicomane => drug addict juger, amener en justice => to try, bring to trial
traffic de drogue => drug trafficking lancer un mandat darrt contre quelquun => to
transcription officielle, compte-rendu dun issue a warrant for somebodys arrest
tmoignage => transcript of testimony librer sous caution => to release on bail
tribunal => a court menacer => to threat
tribunal civil => civil court plaider coupable => to plead guilty
tribunal fdral => federal court plaider non coupable => to plead non guilty
tribunal correctionnel => magistrates court poursuivre en justice => to sue
tribunal administratif => administrative court produire en justice => to produce to the court
tribunal pour enfant => juvenile court rfuter => to refute
tribunal militaire => military tribunal rejeter un pourvoi => to quash an appeal
un suspect => suspect rejeter une demande => to dismiss a claim
verdict => verdict rendre public un jugement => to release a
vice de procdure => procedural error judgment
vide juridique => loophole (se) rendre => to surrender, to give up
viol => rape nommer un avocat commis doffice => to appoint
violence familiale => domestic violence an attorney
violence/mauvais traitement/abus => abuse sopposer une question => to object to a
vol main arme => armed robbery question
vol ltalage => shop lifting sceller => to seal
vol main arme => armed robbery poursuivre => to prosecute
voleur ltalage => shop lifter soutenir abusivement une poursuite => to
maintain a suit
VERBES UTILES suspecter => to suspect
accuser => to accuse tmoigner => to testify
acquitter => to acquit tmoigner sous serment => to give evidence
ajourner un jugement => to reserve a judgment under oath
blanchir => to launder traduire en justice => to bring to justice
certifier => to certify violer (droits, etc) => to violate (rights, etc.)
commuer une peine => to commute a sentence
comparatre => to appear in court
confesser => to confess
confisquer => to confiscate
contester => to dispute
contrefaire/falsifier => to counterfeit, falsify
corrompre => to bribe

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