Estimating and Costing

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For all engineering works it is required to know beforehand the probable cost of construction
known as the estimated cost. If the estimated cost is greater than the mopey available, then attempts
are made to reduce the cost by reducing the work or by changing the specifications. From this the
importance of estimate for engineers may be understood. II?- preparing an estimate, the quantities of
different items of work are calculated by simple mensuration method and fr,om these quantities the
cost i~ calculated. The subject of estimating IS simple, nothing much to understand.ibut knowledge- "
of drawing is essential. One who understands and can read drawing may find out the dimensions
lengths, breadths, heights, etc. from the drawing without difficulty and may calculate the
quantities. The calaculations mainly consist of, length x breadth" x height or length x breadth or
length x height. Student who is weak in drawing, if gives attention to estimating and prepares a few
estimates from the drawings, will gain in power of understanding of drawing and his knowledge of
drawing will be much improved. In preparing an estimate one has to go into details of each item, big
or small, nothing can be left or missed. Estimating makes one thorough, superficial work does not
do, one has to 'go deep into details. The subject of estimating cannot be prepared just before the
examination, but preparation of a few estimates is essential. "" , "
There is no hard and fast rule for finding out the dimensions from the drawing (plans,
elevations, sections, etc.) but for quick work certain principles, as explained in this book, may be
followed, Beginners find it difficult to take out dimensions (length, breadth and height) from the
plan, elevation and section, but they can easily find out the dimensions by measurements from the
existing building. Foundation is more difficult for thebeginners as it is not exposed and not visible__
An estimator should picture the object (building, structure, etc.) in his mind from the study of
drawing" and specifications, Beginners, generally, find building easier "to estimate than bridges,
culverts, irrigation work, etc., '!S they are mor.e familiar with different parts of building than those
of other works. In fact the estimating of works other than building is simpler, v ""
... " . ~ .
. Accuracy in estimate. is very important, if estimate is exceeded it becomes a very difficult
problem for engineers to explain, to account for and arrange for the-additional money. Inaccuracy
, v-,
, in preparing estimate, omission 'of items, designs, improper rates, etc. are the reasons for
exceedingthe estimate, though increase- in the rates is one of the main reason. In framing a correct
estimate, care should be taken to find outthe dimensions 01 "al"1 theuemscorrecuy, andto' avoid
omissions of any kind of work or 'part thereof. The rate of each item should also be reasonable and
workable. The rates in the estimate provide for the complete work, which consist of the cost of
materials, cost of transport, cost of labour, cost of scaffolding. cost. of tools and plants, cost of
water.ltaxes, establishment and supervision cost, reasonable profit of contractor, etc, "
B~t h standard brick 20 em x 10 em x 10 cm (nominalsize) and traditional bricks 9" x4" )(3" or
22.9 ern x "11.4cm x 7.6 ern (nominal size) have been used in this book, The conventions and units
of different items of works vary to some extent from state to state. though the units of the most of
'v. ". the items are same. An uniformity in units forall items of work should be maintained throughout
the country based on the Indian Standard Institution. In preparing estimate the principle to be
followed is to make each item or dimension clear and intelligible so that they can be understood,
checked or verified by anybody, A remark column may be introduced and notes may he given
where necessary"

.!'Io .r :


Metric system is very simple as the units are multiples of ten o~ on~~tent~ of the other..The
most important advantage of the metric system is the ~re~ne~~~u~slmPJ~~~~~of ctl~~,:!~a~~I1~~ "__
---T-he adoption ofrhemetric systehi.-nas-muClnimpliIieatne antnmctlcal~peratr?nsof. addition,
substraction, multiplication and division, and also has.saved much useful time being quicker, The
foot pound system of calculations by fraction in almost all topics which is complicated, has been
done away.
For Civil Engineering Works the units which are commonly used are-(i) Metre for ~engt~,
(ii) Square metre for area. (iii) Cubic metre for volume, (iv) Kilogram for mass. and (v) litre for


_ The sub-units are named by adding the ~uitable prefixes as milli (one thousandth), centi

(one-hundredth) and deci (one-tenth). The multiple units are named by adding the prefixes as deca

(ten times), hecto (hundred times) and kilo (thousand times).

The prefixes for formation of multiples and sub-multiples of units are as given below-
Prefix Multiplying factor Prefix Multiplying factor

-tera I'f) JOOOOOOOOOOOO ::;IOI~ deci(d) 0.1 ::;10- 1

giga rG) 1000000000 = 10~ ccnti(c) 0.01 = 10-2

mega I M) 1000000 =IO~ milli(m) 0.001- =~o-3

kilo (k) 1000 ::; 103 - micro (J.L) 0.000 001 ::; lJr6
hecto (h) 100 ::; lOe nano (n) 0.000 000 00 I _ ::; Ip-9
deca (da) 10 -c 10 1 pice (p) 0.000 000 000 001 = 10-12
femto (f) 0.000 000 000 000 OOi =10-1.5
atto (a) 0:000000000000001 = ~()-I8.


1 kilometre';::: 1 km ~ 1 x 103 m :::: 1000 metre 1 milimetre :::: 1 mm :::; 1 x 10-3 m ;::: .001 m

I kilograrrr > 1 kg :::; I X 103 g :::; 1000 gram 1 miligram =

1 mg =
1 x 10-3 g :::: .()()1 gram

1 kilo litre :::: lkl :::; 1 x 10 I :::; 1000 litre 1 mili litre == 1 ml == 1 x 10-3 I :::: .()()1 litre

Unitof mass and capacity -In metric system there i's simple relationship among these units
length, .capacity and weight. The capacity of a cube whose side measures as one decirnetre
(one-tenth of.a metre) is designed ciS 'litre 'the stand ard 'uni\ of capacity: For practica.l pu rposes the
weight 'Of pure water contained in the same cube (cubic decirnetre) is known as kilogram, the urtit of
mass. The weight of I .cubic centimetre of pure water is one gram, 1000 gram is equal tolone

kilogram. litre is the volume occupied by one kilogram of pure water at the temperature of its
maximum density (4c) and under normal pressure. The prototype of 'kilogram' is a platinum
cylinder whose diametre and height are the same. viz. 39 mm. .
Square measure and cubic measure - In engineering works square arid cubic measures are
very often required. Square metre and cubic metre are the standard unit for area and volume
respectively. Square metre is the area eq uivalent to t hat of square of sides each equal to one metre. 1
Cubic metre is the volume equivalent to that of a cube of sides each equal to one metre.
For conversion (rom FPS system to ,\fKS system Indian Stendsrd Institute has adopted - I yard
I metre = f.{)936 I yerd > .1.28084 {I_
=0.9144 metre. or

.. ,


.:-..2;he !r<lditi()~_'! S)'~t~~_( M-'~S~ system - Metre, Kilogr~m, Seco~d, A~pere ~ystem)
does not tnclu~mt ofThermodY!11rmlctem-l'..e~a-ture.and_the_UJlJ.LQr ~lI_rntnOUS mtensity. The
International Con~rence_~_asadopted the International system of Units (Syst~nii1ernatiOnal--"-----'
~ I Unit) which includes six basic units covering all the units. The six basic units with their
symbolsare - Metre (rn) for length; Kilogram (kg) for mass, Second (s) for time, Ampere (A)for
electric current, Degree Kelvin(K) for thermodynamic temperature and Candela (Cd) for luminous
.'-...-' intensity, The S I unit covers the co-he rent units of tile system (the basic un its, supplementary units
and the co-herent derived units and decimal multiples and sub-multiples of the units formed by the
uses of the prefixes (See page. 2). Tile co-herent units only are designated SI units.
A system of unit is co-herem if the product or' quotients of any two units quantities in the
, I system is the unit of the resultant quantity - for example, in any co-herent system, unit of area
. results when the unit length is multiplied by unit length: unit velocity when the unit length is divided
by unit time; and unit force when the unit mass is multiplied by unit acceleration, etc, Whatever be
the system of units and whether it be co-herent or non-co-herent, the magnitudes of some physical
quantities must be arbitrarily selected and declared to have unit value. These magnitudes form a set
of standard and are called 'basic unit." All other units are derived units related to the basic units by

Most of the advanced countries have adopted SI unit. Adoption of Sl unit has little effect on
the M KSA system as the four units of Metre, Kilogram, Second and Ampere, remain the same and
only two more independent basic units have been added.


1. Units of Length - Metre(m). The metre is the length equal to 1650673.73 wavelengths
in vacuum of theradiation corresponding to the transition between the levels 2 p 10and 5 d soCthe
Krypton ~6 atom. .
2. Unit ofMass-Kilogram (kg).-- The kilogram is the unit of mass and is equal to the mass of
the internationalprototype of the Kilogram. ..
I .

3. Unit of Time - Second (s). _:... The second is the duration of 9192 63 [ 770 periods of the
-J radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the

Ceaiurn 133 atom. . .

. .. 4. Unit of Electric Current - Ampere (A). The ampere is that constant current which, if
maintained in two straight p'dfJllcl conductors ('f indefinite length, of negligible circular cross
section, and placed one metre apart in vacuum. would produce between these'conductc.s-aIzrcs
...... equal to 2 x 10-7 newton per unit length. . .

J S. Unit orThermodJna~ieTemperature - Kelvin (K). - The kelvin unit of thermodynamic

of the .triple
point of w a t e r , ' .
,,,bt~ . The kelvin mOlY HIm be used lor expressing H tempersturc.intcrvet. The-degree celsius (DC) is a unit of the
It1/crn!ai/lJIitl prile/icill Tcmpcrsturc S";I'" on which the thcrmodynumic temperature of'cia point is 273.16 K. The degree
CCI.,;u.,\ i., cquu! to kelvin (I o C: I K). Tl,... dcgrc ...clslu muy slso he used for expressing a temperature intcrvul.

', ....,J'
6. Unit of Luminous Intensity - Candela (cd).. - The candela is the luminous intensity, in the
perpendicular dirccton, of a surface of I '000.000 square metre of a black body at the temperature
of freezing platinum, under a pressure of 10 1.325 newtons per. square metre,

.---~- _...._... ~~~.:n..~_. _ ...

.... -"._

Supplementary Units. - in the International System of units, the quantities, plane an~le and
solid angle, are treated as independent quantities with SI units radian (rad.) and steredisn (sr)
re~p~cti.v~l~._ .. _ _ _ .. _
One radian is the angle between two radii of a circle whlch cuts o fCon tne Cifcu ul feten ce-a n - ---- -

equal in length to the radius.

One steradian is the solid angle which having its vertex in the centre of a sphere, cuts of an area
of the surface of the sphere equal to that of square with sides of length equal to the radius of the
Derived Units - The expressions for the derived S\ units are stated in terms. of the basic units,
as the SI units for velocity is metre per second (ml s). For some of the derived units, special name
have been adopted together with special letters symbols, as the SI unit for force is newton (N), for
energy is (Jj.Tor power is watt (W), etc. Some derived SI units are also expressed in terms of th_e
units from which they are derived as the Sl unit for area is square metre (rn-) for volume is cubic

metre (m') for density is kilogram per CUbic metre (kgj m-), etc.

Refer lSI publication - 'Guide to the u~e of International System (51) Units. S. P. : 5-1969.' ~ .'


Estimate. - Before undertaking the construction of a project it is necessary to know its

probable cost which is worked out by estimating. An estimate is a computation or calculation of the
\: ,"

quantities required and expenditure likely incurred in the construction of a work. The primary
~. :

object of the estimate is to enable one to know beforehand, thecost of the work (buildings,

., , .~

structures, etc). The estimate is the probable cost of a work and is determined theoretically by
j ..
mathematical calculations based on the plans and drawing and current rates. Approximate

estimate may be prepared by various methods but accurate estimate is prepared by Detailed
... :

Estimate Method. .

Actual Cost. - The actual cost.of work is known at the completion the work. Account of
all expenditure is maintained day-to-day during the execution of work in the account section and at

the end of the completion of the work when the account is completed, the actual cost is known. The

actual-cost should not differ much from the estimated cost worked out at the beginning,

Detailed Estimate..- Preparat.ion of detailed estimate consists of working out the quantities

of different items of work and then working out the cost i.e. the estimate is prepared in two

stazes-- . , '

(i) 'Details of M~asurementsand Calculation of Quantides - The whole wcrk is divided

into different items of work as earthwork, concrete, brickwork, etc. and the items are
classified and grouped under different sub-heads, and details of measurement of each
item of work are taken out and quantities under each item are computed in
prescribed form Details of Measurement Form.
Details of Measurement Form

Height or Content orO:

hem No. Descrrption or
I Length Breadth
Quanti t y !

I ...

. ..

,.t'. .A:o.

It is better to add one more column for total quantity or eontent,

(ii) Abstract of Estimated Cost. -The cost under item of work is calculated from the
. quantities already computed at workable rate, and the total cost is worked out in a
c.e,nl age.9f 31.0 5J?cr.cent is added
,.. ,., .....- ptesc-rib-etl-fb"rm;;4-bstract-of-Estima.te-Eorm.. Ap.ef_
for contingencies, to allow for petty contingent expenditures, unforeseen expendi.----- .
tures, changes in design, changes in rates, etc. which may occur during the execution
of the work. A percentage of I V2 to 2.per cent is also added to meet the expenditure of
work-charged establishment. The grand total thus obtained is the estimated cost of
the work.
Abstract of Estimate Form-e-

Item No. Description or Quantity Unit Rate Amount


In the above forms the description ofeach item should be such as to express exactly what work,
material, proportions of mortar, etc. have been provided for. .
In preparing an estimate items are usually classified and grouped sub-head wise but for
beginners it is convenient to make up the items in the same order, as far as possible, as they would be
executed or constructed. If the principle of following the order of construction from foundation to
upward direction is followed there is little chance of omission of items.
Note-For different types of estimates, etc" Sec Chapter /0. 'Types lJf Estimate:


1. Earthwork. - Earthwork in excavation and Earthwork in filling are usually taken out
separately under different items, and quantities are calculated in cu m. Foundation trenches are
usually dug to the exact width of foundation with vertical sides. Earthwork in excavationin
foundation is calculated by taking the dimensions of each trench length x breadth X depth. Fillingin
trenches after the construction offoundation masonry is ord inarily neglected. If the trenchfilling is
~. ",'
accounted, this may be calculated by deducting the masonry from the excavation.
Earthwork in plinth filling is calculated by taking the internal dimensions in between plinth
wall (Length x Breadth) which are usually less than the internal dimensions of the room by two
off-sets of plinth wall i.e. lOcm (4W') and height is taken after deducting the thickness of concrete in
floor, usually 7.5 em (3"). If sand filling is done in plinth, this should be taken separately. The length
and breadth for each filling may be same as the internal dimensions of the room if there is no off-set
in plinth wall. . ' .
Excavated earth is used in trench filling and plinth filling and usually not paid for separately,
but may also be included under separate item-s- "Retarn/ill and ram or backfill" and paid at a
lesser rate. Extra ea-rth if required for filling is brought from outside. If there is surplus earth after
trench and plinth filling, this may be utilised in levelling and dressing of site or carted away and
r, removed'<
2. Concrete - The concrete is taken out incu m bylength> breadthx thickness.
The length and breadth of foundation concrete are usually the same as for excavation, only the
depth or thickness differs. The thickness of concrete varies from 20 ern to 45 ern, usually 30 cm
(9" to t 8" , usually 12"), Foundation concrete consists of lime concrete or weak cement concrete.
The proportion of cement concrete in foundation may be t : 4: 8 or 1.: 5 : 10.
3l Soling.- When the soil is softor bad, one layer of dry 'brick or stone soling is app~e~ below
the foundation concrete, The soling layer is computed in sq m (Length> Breadth) specifying the

, .. -_._.. ~--, ;

. : . . . . _ - - - _ - . _ - . _ - :- - - - - : . . - , - , _ '-'---'~'-""-'-- - _ - -_. >


4. Damp proof course. - D. P.c. usually or 2.5 cm (I") thick rich cement concrete I: I Y2 : 3 or
2 em. (~") t hick rich cement mortar I : 2. mixed with standard waterproofing material. is provided
at the plinth level to full width of plinth wall, and the quantities are computed in sq.!!1_._~!~engt..!~__~ __
Hrcu.-tiifif IT.~i.ianY-D:l' :C:ls--no\-
providecratthesills- of doors and verandah openings. for which
deductions arc made. (One: kg of Cem-Scul or ltnpertno or otherstuadurd waterproofing
,;ciii1i )Ow lIJ per bag or cement is generally used).
5. Masonry. - Masonry is computed in cu m (Lengrhxbreadthxlteight). Foundation and
plinth masonry is taken- under one item, and masonry in superstructure is taken under a separate
item. In storeyed building the masonry in each storey as ground floor above plinth level, first floor,
etc. is computed separately. In taking out quantities the walls are measured as solid and then
deductions arc made for openings as doors, windows, etc. and such other portions as necessary.
Masonry of different types or classes. masonry with different mortar. etc. arc taken out under
.separatc items. Arch masonry work is taken out separately. Splayed or rounded sides of wall arc
considered as rectangular and extreme dimensions are taken to find out the quantities. Thin
partition wall is measured in sq m. Honeycomb brick wall is taken under a separate item in sq
deduction is made for holes. Stone mason ry is calculated iii the same manner as for brick masonry.

No deduction is made for the following :

ii! Opening each up to 1000 sq ern or 0.1 sq m (I sq It),

(ii) Ends of beams, posts, rafters, purlins, etc. upto 500 sq em or 0.05 sq m (72 sq in) in
(iii) Bed plate, wall plate. bearing of chajjas and the like upto 10 em (4") depth.
Bearings of floor and roof slabs are not deducted from wall masonry.
For other openings deductions are made in the following manner ;

Rectangular Openings-Full deduction is made.


f.t- I ---t
1 Deduct-- - Ix n thickness of wall.

Fig. 11

Doors and Windows-with Small Segmental Arches- .

Deduction is made for rectangular portion only up to the springing line.
T The segmental portion is considered as solid to allow for the extra expenses
m constructing the arch, and the filling up with thin wall.

\0$-- I ~
1 Deduction-Ix h thickness of wall.

Fig. 1-2

....~_Rise Segmental Arch Openings-

Deduction is made for the whole opening, the rectangular portion as
T well as the segmental portion.
---------- -------
h .. . - . 2 - rr
I he urcn of scgmcntul portio = J Ir + IT

~ l--.l
1 11tH lor deduction. the area of the segmental portion is obtained
approximately hy taking 2/3 of span. x rise, (21.\ x I x r) and the quantity for
deduction is 1 x I x r: thickness 01 wall. (r'12Ibeing small is neglected for
Fig. 1-3 simplicity.) 3 - 2 -
The total ded~lction will be ". LUX~) ;t ("3
x I x r)] x thickness olwall.

Semi-circular Arch Openings-

The area of semi-circular portion :.= Y2 tr r 1.
T But for the deduction, the area ofthe semi-circular portion is' obtained
approximately by -Y4 of span x rise, (% x I Xr).
Thc total deduction will b~ =L(lx h) + (% x [: r)] x thickness of wall.
El1iptical arches may be considered as semi-circular arches and may be
dealt in the same manner.
---41 For Large Arches the actual area of opening should be calculated
Fig. 1-4 correctly by mensuration formulae, and deduction should be made for
I", actual area.

6. Arch masonry work-s-Masonry work in arches is calculated in cu m

separately by multiplying the-mean length of the arch by the thickness of
arch and by the breadth of the wall.

Quantity of arch masonry> 1m X t x thickness of wall.

Deduction <t: x t Xthickriess of wall.
If-- S '---M

Fig. 1-5 Calculation of arch work heve been dealt in details in Chapter 2.

t'- " I '

>:':;~:::~.<::.::.:~.:: :1- --;; Lifl-;t::s"Ovefl,.p~ni.ngs. --Lintels are-~j,i;her()fR.CC. or of [,:B.,
quantities are calculated in cu m. Length of the lintel is equal to the clear
span plus two bearings. If dimension of bearing is not given the bearing may
be taken as same as the thickness of lintel with a Idnimum of 12 ern (4!h").
Thus the-length of the lintel, 1= s + 2t, i.e. clear span plus two bearings.
Quantity of lintel = I x t x thickness of wall.

Deduction = I x t x thickness of wall.

~ s --'II .

Fig. 1-6 _

8. R.e.e. and R:B. work.-R.C.C. and R.B. work may be in roof or floor slab, in beams,

lintels, columns, foundations, etc. and the quantities are calculated in cu m. Length, breadth and

thickness are found correctly from the plan, elevation, and section or from other detailed drawings.

Beari~gs arc added With the clear span to gel the dimensions. The quantities are calculated in .c~ m

exclusive of steel reinforcement and its bend ing but inclusive of centering and shuttering and fixing

, ....
.' ~,
;. .'

and binding reinforcement in position. The reinforc~ment including its bending is taken' up
separately under steel works in quintal.Forjhis purposeO.6%to 1%(usually 1%) of R.C.C. or R.B.
work by volume may be taken for steel, if other details';are not given. T~e volume of steel ~s not
re~irJ~d_to_be deducted from.the R. C. C. or R.B.wolk ..... , -rr-r-r-:> . - - - ------ --

R.C.C. and R.B. works mav also be estimated inclusive of steel and centering and shuttering
for the complete works, if specified. ': ' .
Centering and shuttering (form work) are usually included in the R.C.C. or R.-B. work, but . \

may also be taken separately in sq m of surface in contact with concrete.

In R.C.C. work plastering is not taken separately, but the exposed surface are finished with
thin rich cement sand mortar plastering to give smooth and even surface, which usually is not taken
into consideration. .
(For R.C.C. or R.B. work. See also Chapter 5).
9. Flooring and Roofing.
(i) Ground floor-The base lime concrete and floor finishing of c.c. or stone or marble
. or mosaic, etc. are usually taken as one job or one item (combined in one item), and
the quantity is calculated in sq m multiplying the length by the breadth. The length
and breadth are measured as inside. dimensions fromwall to wall of superstructure.
Both the works of base concrete arid floor finishing are paid under one item.
(ii) 1st floor, 2nd floor etc-Supporting structure is taken separately in cu mas R.C.C.,
R.B. etc. and the floor finishing is taken separately in sq m as 2.5 cm or 4 ern (I" or
I V2") C. C. or marble or mosaic, etc. 1f a cushioning layer of lime concrete is given in
between the slab and the floor, thecushioning concrete may be measured with the
floor under one item or taken separately.
(iii) Roof-Supporting structure is taken separately in cu m and the lime concrete
terracing is computed in sq m with thickness specified, under a separate item
including surface rendering smooth. The' 'compacted thickness of lime concrete ~.

terracing. is 7.5 ern to 12 em (3" to 4~") .average, .L.C. terracing may also be
calculated in cu m with average thickness, (as in practice in U.P.).
The bearing of roof or floor slab is given same as the thickness of slab, usually 10 ern to 15 em
(4" to 6").
. In case of tiled, galvanised iron sheet, or asbestos cement sheet roofing the roof coverings are
taken out in sq m and measured flat includingoverlaps with all fittings.and supporting trusses and
members are taken under separate item. .. .,' .". " _
Floor of doorsills and sills of opening; should also be taken into account. In the case of ground
floor sills should be taken separately, as there is no lime concrete in sills.

10. Plastering and Polntlngo--Plastering usually 12 mrn (~").thick is calculated in sq m. For

walls the measurements are taken for the whole face of the -wall for both sides as solid, and
deductions for openings are made in the following manner :----,
(i) No deduction is made for ends of beams, l/ostS, rafters, etc..
(ii) For small opening up to 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft) no deduction is made, and at the same time no

additions are made for jambs, soffits and of sills of these openings.

.iii) For openings exceeding 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft) but not exceeding 3 sq m (30 sq 1) deduction is .

made for one face only, and the other face is allowed for jambs, soffits and sills which are

not taken into account separately.

(iv) For openings above 3 sq m (30 sq ft) deduction is made for both faces of the opening, and

the jambs, soffits and sills are taken into account and added.

... ;

As the outer jambs, etc. are much smaller than the inner ones, the deduction is usually made
from the outer face.
. _--- _........ -, .._- .._-- ..... -._-_ .. - _._- ... ---....- -" . _. -

~ I -+l
Inside ptastar = L X H

Outside plaster ""L x H -rxh




. .' . Fig.1-7 .
I For deduction for arch opening the same principle as for masonry work (pages 6-7) is followed.
Plastering of ceiling usually of 12 mm (Y2") thick is computed in sq m under a separate head as
this work is done with richer mortar. For R.C.C. work usually no plastering is allowed but for fair
I .
I finish a thin plaster of rich cement mortar may be allowed which should not be taken in the
measurement separately. Thin rich cement mortar plastering in R.G.C. work may also be taken
L under a separate item, specially in the ceilingiriside room. ' . '.
1 .Pointing...... Pointing in walls is calculated in sq m for whole surface and deductions similar to
plastering are made. . . .
r 11. Cornice..... Ornamental or large Comiceis measured in running metre (running foot) for
r the complete work which includes masonry, plastering, mouldings, etc. and paid for in r m (r ft).
. Similary, string course, drip course, cor-belling, coping, etc. are measured and paid for in'
) running metre for the complete work. ,
L 12. Pillars."":,", Pillars are taken separately in cu m for their net volume and quantities are
calculated by correct geometrical measurements by simple mensuration method.
r '\

.Quantity> Sec. area ?< ht.> Tr~\,ht. cu.m..

J\'1( round pill~rs:~d is thedie.
L . . ~

::: a2 x ht. cu m for square pillars, B is the side.

.. . ,

Hexagonal, octagonal, etc. pillars are dealt similarly.' .'
Plastering in the pillars are calculated in sq m multiplying the. circumference of perimeter by
J. "
r the height.
13. Doors and Windows.

(i) Chowkhet or Frame -. - Door and window frames or chowkhats are computed
in cu rn, Length is obtained by adding the length of all the members of-the
chowkhat, top and two verticals if there is no sill member";' and adding botton
also if there is sill, and this length is multiplied' by the two dimensions of the
cross-section of the member. If there is horn projection these projections also
should be added to t he length. If there is no sill member, vertical members s~oulo
be inserted into the floor by about 2.5 ern to d cm (I" to lY2").

~ < ~

(ii) Door or Window Leaves or Shutters. - They are computed in sq m by

multiplying the breadth by the height of the shutters. the rebates in the ch':lwkhat ;
_,__ ,.,sho.uLd be taken into consideration in finding the breadth and the height. A ' ; .
c1eara~~~~["6'~-~-(i,4;")'may--bea llowed at the bottom oTaooTiTlfierels no sill----------1 f
me.nber. For estimating the clearance may not be taken into consideration. this !~1
may be neglected. But for measurement for payment the clearance should be -,
taken into account. The rebates in the chowkhats may be taken as 12 mm to '
20 mm (\12" to W'). The central overlap is not taken into account. ~'
The name of the timber used. the thickness of shutters. type of shutters and the nature of
fittings (iron. brass. etc.) should be noted in the item. Shutters of different types as panelled. glazed;
partly panelled and partly glazed. venetian. etc. should be computed separately as the rates differ. t:
- Fittings are computed by number i.e. enumerated. Fittings may also be included in the sq m .~: '
rate of shutters. For estimate. the fitting may be taken under a separate item in sq m basis -of }.
shutters. or a lump sum provision may be made. Hold fasts are taken separately under a separate ~' ,
item by weight or by number. ~

It is better to purchase the fittings by the department to the choice and requirement. and to get ~.
them fitted by the contractor whose rate for shutters shall include the labour for fixing the fittings. t
In such case the rate of shutters will exclude the cost of fittings but will include the cost of fixing ~'
them. In estimating the cost of fittings will be provided under a separate item 'fittings of doors arid ~;
windows' on area basis or on lump sum basis for the purchase of fitting. .,~
14. Wood Work. - Wooden beams. burgahs, posts. wooden roof trusses. chowkhats, etc. ;t
come under this item, and the quantities are computed in cu m. The dimensions of finished work ::.,\
shall be taken. . '~l'l

15. Iron Work. - T'his is. 'computed -in weight in kg or quintal and the quantities are
calculated correctly by multiplying the weights per' running metre by the length. The weight per r m
can be obtained from the steel section book (steel tables are given at theend of the book). For steel ," :fi
joint the length is equal to the clear span plus two bearings. the bearing may be takenz; thickness of

wall or 20 ern .
to,30 em .(H" to 12")..

Density 'of mild steel is equal to 7850. kg{cu m or 78.5 q{cu m or 0.785 gramr cu ern
(490 lbs{cu ro, :~:l
Weight of iron hold fasts may be taken as III: kg. (2 Ibs to 2~ lbs) each. For doors 6 hold fasts ',"i
_(three on each side). a~d for windows 4hold fasts m~y be provided if not specified. l
The weight of bolts 'and nuts and rivets with heads can calculated by counting their nu mbers

and sizes and consulting steel table. Sometimes certain percentage of the whole steel work is

provided for rivets and bolts and nuts. For steel roof truss 5 per cent of the steel work is usually

provided for rivets and bolts and nuts;

16. White-washing or Colour-washing or Distempering. - The quantities are computed in

sq m and are usually same as for plastering. The inside is usually white washed or distempered and

this item will be same as for inside plaster. The outside is colour-washed and the quantities of

colour-washing will be same as for outside plaster. These items need not be calculated separately.

but simply written as same as for inside plaster or outside plaster. Number of coats of white

washing or colour-washing are taken as one job or work and the rates cover for the number of coats

which should not be a multiplying factor. The number of coats should be mentioned in the item.

Ded uctions are dealt in the same manner as for plastering. Other type of surface finishing may also

be done and may be taken accordingly.

, ,


17. Painting. - Painting or Varnishing of doors and windows are computed in sq m, the
dimensions should be taken for outer dimensions of the chowkhat i.e. outer dimensions of doors
-andwindows.Thc__an:~~Li~_JJ1~~sured Oat (not girthed). No separate measurement is taken for the
chowk hat, the area is same as the a~eaof waH opening.rorironlYafS~];Tllts~tc:-the-area-ofthe-clear - -
opening inside tl:: cl.owkhar is t-aken. For both faces of doors and windows, the simple area as
measured above is multiplied by appropriate numbers as below -
(I) Panelled, framed and braced
[edged and battened or ledged
battened and braced ... 2'!.l times one surface area, for both sides.
(i/) Fully glazed or gauged I time one surface area, for both sides.
(iii) Partly panelled and partly glazed
or gauged . 2 times one surface area, for both sides.
(iv) Flush door 2 times one surface area, for both sides.
(v) Venetian 3 times one surface area, for both sides.
(\II) Iron bars, grills in windows' I time the area of clear opening in between
chowkhat for over all.
This covers also for chowkhats on three faces. Painting is done in two or three coats. usually
over a coat of priming. The rate covers for the number ofcoats under one item. The number of coats
, "
should be mentioned in the description of item.
(The multiplying factors differ slightly from State to State. IS 1200 should be followed).
For UiP. consult UiP... P. WD.. S.l.
The concealed surface of the chowkhat which is in contact with the jamb of the wall is usually
-, .:
painted with two coats of coaltar or solignurn, and this item is computed separately.
For beams, rafters, purlins, posts, etc., of timber or iron.jhe area of actual exposed surfaceis
taken for painting. . .

Corrugatedsurface is taken as nat and a .percentage increase is allowed. (See Chapter la-on
, .
Methods of Measurement). . ,
, .1
Lump-sum Item. - Sometimes a lump-sum rate is provided for certain small items for which
' . ..J detailed quantities cannot be taken out easily orit takes sufficient time to find the detail. as front
architectural or decoration work of a building, fire-place. -sitecleaning and dressing, etc..
/ ' Other Items. - For other ite"ms the units of different works given in pages 14 to 23 may be
cousultvd. The units being known. it will not be difficu!; to estimate the". quantities of different items
or w o r k . ~ . .,0 0 . . , - o'

Electrlfication and Sanitary and Watersupply Works. - For Sanitary and Water supply
Works 8% and for Electrification .8~c of the estimated cost of the building works are usually
provided in estimate. 0 0

! ~.
Nomenclature of Items. - The nomenclature of items are fully described so that each item is
clear and there is no ambiguity. Type arid quality of materials, proportion of mortar, method of
construction. etc. are included in the description of the items. Nomenclatures of item in the solved
exam pies in this book are given in brief. for detailed nomenclatures. P. W. D. Schedule of rates may
be consulted. 0

Rates. - Rates of different items in the estimate are the current rates for the completion of the
items of work which include supplyof materials, transport, labour scaffolding, overheads,
contractor's profit. taxes etc, TilL' rates arc usually taken from the "P.W.D. Schedule of Rates."

.... ,-

Reducing Calculation. - There are certain items where calculation can be reduced, and time
and labour saved, by adopting the following methods ~- . .
..."i. F;;~-;"da.tfon-coiicreie;;
Depth of excavation . . ~
For example, if the depth of excavation is 90 ern and the thickness of concrete is 30 em, then '::~
concrete = 1/ 3 X Quantity of earthwork. . .. Ili\
This is ture only when the depth of excavation and the thickness. of concrete are same for all
walls if not same take byparts whose depths are same. '
2. Sand Filling in Plinth = Quantity of earth filling in plinth x Hei~ht of sand filling..

Height of earth filling

. For example, ifheight oJ earth filling in plinth is 60 em and the height of sand filling is 30 em,
then the quantity ofsand filling = Y2 x Quantity of earth filling.
. Instead of sand filling, cinder is also used in filling the upper part of theplinth, which may be.
dealt in the same manner as that of sand filling. .
3. Inside White-washing. - Quantity is same as for inside plastering, Simply write 'the same
area as for inside plastering'. .. . .
" 4. Outside Colour-wsshing. - Quantity is same as for outside plastering. Simply write 'the
same area as for outside p l a s t e n n g ' . . .
5. Masonry Work in Footings. - When there are number ot
footings, the average breadth may be taken and the quantity may be
calculated by multiplying by the length and height.

Average breadth = b l +b2


Quantity of masonry to the footing = Lx bl -+- b2 X h.


..:. ~ .'
.....: . : . : " - ; -
1 Quantity thus obtained is only' approximate but may be
sufficient for practicalpurposes.
' .~ .<10,
; J . : :.,...... a.,:_.: .~::

Length L should be mean length or centre line length.

6. To save multiplication against every line' combine those whose breadth and height are
common, add the length of all and multiply by the common breadth and height. By adopting this
method many multiplications can be avoided. ,.,.'
For example

Item Description of Item No. 1..

Ht. Quantity
Brick masonry in super-structure 2 7.65 m .30m 3.60.m
3 3.50m ..30 m 3.60m
2 3.80 m .30m 3.60m
1 4.20 m .30 m 3.60 m
Total ... 37.60 m x .30 m x 3.60 m = 40.608 = 40.6] cu m

Degree of Accuracy in Estimating. -:- The accuracy, to be observed in preparing an estimate

depends on the rate of the item andtheunit of payment. The higherthe rates the greater should be
t-he, rates are high and 'paid_p-eJ:JmiJ,
dimensions should be absolutely correct, though taking dimensions to the nearest I ernto.5 em (W'
to 14") may be allowed for practical purposes. The quantities in such cases should be worked out to
at least two places of decimal. But where rates are low and paid for % to o/oo'unitsuch extreme
accuracy 1S not required. .

In the case of wall where masonry is paid per cu m a few ern added to or substracted from the
length or height would but little affect the total content. But the width or thickness of the wall,
where every half em or quarter em affects the result considerably should be taken out withgreat
accuracy. The quantities may be computed to the nearest two places of decimal.
In general, dimensions should be measured to the nearest I em (.0 I m), areas should be worked
out to the nearest 0.0 I sq m and cubic contents should be worked out to the nearest to 0.0 I cu IIi.
Thickness of slabs, partitions, etc. and sectional dimensions of columns, pillars, beams, etc. should
be takeh to the nearest half centimetre (.005 m). .

(Se~ also Chapter 4 -Rules and Methods of Measurements and Taking out Quantities);


The principle for dimensions and measurements is to use milimetre (mm) for minute
dimensions, centimetre (ern) for'small dimensions and metre (m) for .big dimensions. Distances are'
measured in kilo metre (km). !

The dimensional units for main item of materials and worksfor general construction works as
used in metric system areas follows : - . .

Unitsof Dimensions for Materials and Works -.

Psrticulsts of Materials and Works DimensionsMetric System
1::-: Bricks, stone blocks, etc, All.dimensions pm. ,
2. Files, slates, wall board, glass panes, A.C. sheets, Lengthand breadth in cmorm.
sheets, etc: . Thickness' in mm,'
~ 3. Door, windows, etc. Height and breadth in ern or m.
4. Parts of doors and windows as pannels, .
shutters ... ' . ern or rnrn.
5. Timber Length in .m.and cross-sectional
dimensions in em, or mrn, .
6. Masonry (brickwork, stone masonry, etc.) .Length. and height in rn.
.Thickness or breadth in ern.
7. Cement concrete, Lime concrete, R.C.C. . Length and breadth in m.
Flooring, etc. . Thickness in cm.
8. White washing, Colour washing, Distempering, Length 'and breadth.or height
Painting, etc, . . in.rn.
9. Aggregates, ballast, grit, sand, etc. Size in rnm.
10. Rolled steel sections as I-beam, channel, angle,

etc.... Length in m, section in rnIlJ.,.

., .
II. Mild steel bars Length in. m, Dia. in rnrn.

... ..
'.~--'~_ "'~~-- .,


Principle of Unlts for Various Items of Works-:- . . . . . .

The units of different works depend on their nature, Size and shape. In general. the uruts of
different items of work are based on the following principle:- .
. .. :..-. "{l)'" Masse-voluminous -and", thick"works-'shall' betak:enin-'eubie-tlni-t-0r-volume~:-=Fhe--- .
measurements of length, breadth and height or depth shall be taken to compute the
volume Or cubic contents.
(it) Shallow, thin and surface works shall be taken' in square unit or in area. The
measurement of length and breadth or height shall be taken to compute the area.
. I
(iiI) Long and thin work shall be taken in linear or running unit. and linear measurement
shall be taken.

(ill) Piece work. job work, etc., shall be taken in number. .

The units of payments and measurements .of various items of workin metric system an~
same exceptTor earthwork. Earthwork is measured in cu m but payment is made per 100 cu I1l
(per % cu m). .


S1. Units of U nits of Units 0 f

No. Particulars of Items payment paymen t
in'MKS in MKS in FPS
I. Earthwork in excavation in ord inary soil, earth
work in mixed soil with kankar, bajri, etc.

earthwork in hard soil ...

) . cu m per % cu m % cu ft
2. Rock excava tion ..:' .. cu'm.-_ per % cu m %cu ft
3. Earthfilling in excavation in foundation ... cu m per % cu m . % cu ft
:4. Earthfilling in foundation trenches ... cu m per%~um % cu f
(Usually not measur~dand riot peid seperstelyv
5. Earthfilling in plinth r '

.. . . ...
cu m per%cu m % cu f
I .'

6. Earthwork in banking, cutting, 111 road I

- ..

irrigation channel '"

ell m per % eu m % cu f t
7. Surface dressing and levelling. cleaning. etc. ... sq m perslfm %sq f
8. Cutti-ng of trees (Girth specified) I per no. per no
- ..
I no. i
9. ... cu m I per C::C eu m I c( cu f
Puddling, Puddle clay core
10. Sand filling ... cu m per eu m I c::e eu r
II. Quarrying of stone or boulder ... cu m per cu m rc eu r
12. Blasting of rock (Blasted stone stacked and
then measured) ... cu m per eu rn r- c cu f
Note.-(For earthwork. normal lead is 30 m
end normal lift is 1.5 m. I

. ..

SI. Units of Units of Units of

Particulars of Items
No. measurement payment payment
in MKS in MKS in FPS
--- --- -

Concrete --
- _-_._ .. - ---- - -. ------ --- --.- - - - -
.. -_ .. _., - ... -_. __ ._----

l. Lime concrete (L.e.) in foundation Cll m per cu m % cu ft

2. Lime concrete (LiC") in 'roof terracing, thick

ness specified ... sq m persq m % sq ft
(May also be in volume basis as practice in
3. Cement concrete rc.c.: cu m per cu m per cu ft
4. Reinforcedcement concrete (R.C.C.) cu m per cu m per cu ft
!.III 5. C.c. or R.C.C. Chujja, sun shade cu m per cu m per cu ft
6. Precast c.c. or R.C.C. cu m percum per cu ft
7. Jali work or jaffri work or c.c. tracery panels
(Thickness specified) ... sq m persq m per sq ft
8. Cement concrete bed cu m per cu m per cu ft
9. Damp proof course - Cement concrete, Rich
cement , Asphalt, etc. (Thickness
specified) ... sqm persq m % sq f1
Brickwork - :
1. Brickwork in foundation and plinth, in-super
structure, in arches, etc., in 'cement, lime or.
j mud mortar. . .. cu m percu m %cu ft
2. Sun dried brickwork cu rri percu m %cu ft
3. Honey-comb brickwork, thickness specified ... sq. m persq m % sq ft
(May also be in volume basis as practice in
_ u.P.)
4. Brickwork Hi jack. arcnes.: if measured sepa
rately ... cu m percu m e:t cu ft

5. Jack arch roofing including top finishing sq m persq m ';(. sq ft

" .~

6. Brickwork in wellsteining cu m percu m % cu ft

7. Half-brickwork with or without reinforcement sq rn pcrsq m % sq ft
(May also be in cu m as practice In UP.)
8. Thin partition wall sq m persq m %sq ft
9. Reinforced brickwork (R.B. work) cu m per cu m % cu ft
10. String course, drip course, weather course,
coping etc. (Projection specified) ... metre per m pCI' I' ft

Sl. Units of .Units of Units of

Particulars of Items measurement payment payment

in MKS' in MKS in FPS

1i.T Cornice (Pr~i~~tion andtype-~pe-~ifi~dj----------"'-----------------

metre per'm--' ------perrti-----------------
12. Brickwork in Fire place, Chulla, Chimney... cu m per cu m % cu ft

13. Pargetting Chimney, fire place flue metre per m per. r ft

14. Brick edging (by road side) metre per m per r ft

Stone work
1. Stone masonry, Random Rubble masonry,

Coursed Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry in

walls, in arches, etc. .., cu m

percum % cu ft

2. Cut stone work in lintel, beam, etc. cu m percu .m percuft

3. Stone slab in' roof, shelve, etc., stone chujjas,

stone sun shed, etc. (Thickness specified) ... -sq m

persq m %sq ft
4. Stone work in wall facing or lining (Thickness

specified) . sq ill
persq m per sq. ft
Wood work
1. Wood work, door and window frame or chow
.- .khat, r-afters beams, roof trusses, etc, ... cum
percum per cu ft
2. Door and window shutters or leaves, panelled,

battenedvglazed, part panelled and part glazed,

wire gauged, etc. (Thickness specified) ... sq.m

per sq m per sq ft
3. 'Door and window fittings as hinges tower bolt-s:

sliding bolts, handles, etc. . .. no.

per no. per no. ,:;
(May also be on the basis ofarea ofshutters as .
practice' in U.P.)
4. Timbering,
, boarding (Thickness specified)

... sqm persqm per sq ft
5.) Timbering of trenches (Area of face sup
ported) _ ... sq m
persqIl}. per. sq ft

6. Sawing of timber sqm persq m per sq ft

7. Woodwork i~ partition. Ply wood, etc. sq rn, persqm per sq ft

8. Rallies (Diameter specified) metre per m per r ft

Steel work
1. Rolled Steel joists, Channels, Angles, T-irons,

.Flats, Squares, Rounds, etc. ... quintal

per q per cwt
2. Steel reinforcement bars, etc., in R.C.C., R. B.'

wo~ .
quintal per q per cwt
3. Bending, binding of steel reinforcement quintal perq per cwt

Units of Units of Units of
Particulars of Items
measurement payment payment
...... . ... "_... - . . __. .. .. - . . .. -- _.- -,
in MKS ~n MKS in FPS

4. Fabrication and hoisting of steel work ...

per q per cwt
5. Expended Metal (X. P.M.), size specified ...
sq m
per sq m per sq ft
6. Fabric reinforcement, wire netting .. ,
sq m
persq m per sq ft
7. Iron work in struss ...
per q per cwt
8. Gusset plate (Minimum rectangular size from

which cut)
per q per cwt
9. Cutting of Iron Joists, channels ...
percm per inch
10. Cutting, Angles, Tees, Plate ..,
sq ern
per sq cm per sq inch
11. THreading in iron
'" cm
per em per inch
12. Welding, solder of sheets, plates cm
percm per inch
,'( Welding of rails: steel, trusses, rods~
per no.)
13. Boring holes in iron ......
per no,
p-er no.
14,_ ' Cast Iron (C.l.) pipe, Dia. specified .. ,
per ft
15. Rivets, Bolts and' nuts, Anchor bolts, Lewis

bolts, Holding down bolts, etc. ...

per q per cwt
16. Barbed 'wire fencing ...
per m % r ft
17. Iron gate ...
sq m
per sqm per sq ft
(May also be by weight, quintal)
18. Iron hold fast ... quintal
perq per cwt
(May also be by no.)
19. Iron railing (Height and types specified) '" metre
perm per r ft
-20,. Iron grill, collapsible gate , , ... sq,m'
per sq ,!TI . .. , ,p er s9Jt

(May also be by 'weight, ,quintal) r

21. Rolling shutter ... sq m persq m per sq ft

22. Steel doors and windows (type and fixing
specified) ... sq m persq m per sq ft

1. Tiled roof ~ Allahabad tile, Faizabad tile,
Mangalore tile, etc. including battens ... sq m persqm % sq ft
2. Country tile roof including bamboo jaffri '" ,sq m persqm % sq ft
3. Corrugatediron (G.c.l.) roof, Asbestos cement
(A.C.) sheet roof ... sq m per sqm '% sq ft

Units of Units of Units of
No. Particulars of Items measurement payment payment
in MKS in MKS in FPS
4. Slate roofing, timber roofing persq m % sq ft
5. Thatch. roofing including bamboo jaffri (Thick
ness specified) ... sq m persq m % sq ft

6. Eave board (Thickness specified) .,. sq m per sq m per sq ft

7. R.C.C., R. B. slab roof (excluding steel) ... cu m per cu III per cu It

8. Lime concrete roof over and inclusive of tiles or

b r i c k , or stone slab, etc. (Thickness
specified) ... sq m persq m % sq ft
9. Mud roof over and inclusive of tiles, or bricks,
or stone slab, etc. (Thickness and type speci
fied) .... sq m per sq m % sq ft

10. Ridges, valleys, gutters, (Girth specified) .. ,

metre per m per r ft

11. Tar felting, Bituminous painting

sq m persq m % sq fI

12. Insulating layer in roof of sand and clay,

. asphalt, etc. sq m per sq m % sq ft

13. Expansion, contraction orconstructionjoint .... metre perm per r f~.
14. Ceiling - Timber, A.C. Sheet plain, Cloth, j
Cement plaster on XPM, Paste board, etc... , sq m per sq m per ~q it . i
15. Centering and shuttering, Form work - Sur
face area of R.C.C. or R.B. work supported sq ,m .'. persq m _% sq ft I
(May also be per cu In (cu fly of R. C.C. or R. B. !
'wor~ ,

Plastering, Pointing and Finishing ~

1. Plastering - Cement mortar, Lime mortar,
i..ud, etc, (Tirickuess, IJl Jporllvl1 .specified): S'i m
persq ;:1 1% sq ft
2. Pointing - Struck, Flush, Weather, etc. sq m
per sq in I % sq ft
3. Dad 0 (Thickness and type specified)
sq m
per S({. m I % sq ft
4. Skirting (Thickness type and height specified) metre
per m . per r ft
5. Cement mortar or lime mortar rubbing sq rn
persq m % sq ft
6. White washing, Colour washing, Cement wash
ing (No. of coat specified) ... sq m persq m % sq ft .
7. Distempering (No, of coat specified) .. , . sq m persq m % sq ft
8. Snow cement..washing or finishing (No. of coat
spcci fied) ... sq III pcrsq m



Sl. Units of Units of Units of
Particulars of Items measurement payment payment
..... _.- , _.. .... ".,- .. -- .. ' .. - ._--- -- - ... -
in.. MKS
- '-"--'-'--
in MKS
-------~._._---_. _. ___ J!l_EeS
9. _ Painting, Varnishing (No. of coat specified) ... sqm per sq m - % sq ft
10. Polishing of wood work (No. of coat specified) sq m per sq m % sq ft
II. Painting letters and figures (Height specified) - no. per no. per no.

12. Oiling and clearing of doors and windows '" sq m persq m % sq ft

13. Coal tarring (No. of coat specified) ... sq m per sq m % sq ft
14. Removing of paint or varnish, ... , sq m per sq m % sq ft
15. Gobri Leppir.g ~cow dung wash) ... sq m persq m % sq ft
I. 2.5 cm (t") C.c. over 7.5 cm (3") i.c. Floor
, (including L.c.) ... sq m per sq m % sq ft

2. Conglomerate floor, artificial patent stone floor

Ilil 2.5 ern (I") C.C. over7.5 ern (3") L.C. (including
i.c ... sq m persq m % sq ft
3. 4 cm (l W') thick stone floor flag stone floor
over 7.5 cm (3") i,c. (including L.C) ... sq m per sq m % sq ft

4. 2.5 em (I") marble flooring over 7.5 ern (3")

L.C (including LC.) ... sq m persq m per sq ft
5. Mosaic or terrazo or granolithic floor over 7.5
em (3") i.c. (including L.C) ... sq m persq m per sq ft
6. Brick flat floor over 7.5 em (3") L.C. (including

L.C) .., sq m persq m % sq ft
7. Brick on edge floor over 7.5 ern (3") L.c.
,r...... (including L.c.) ... sq m persq m % sq ft

:: ... 8.
2.5 em (I ") or 4 cm (I W') ec., floor
s9 m persqm % sq ft_
9. Mud
flooring finished gobri lepping '
... sq rn per sq m % sq ft
10. Apron or Plinth protection (May be of C.C,
L.C, brick, etc.r .. , sqrn persq m % sq ft
'- ;.
II. Door and window sill {CC. or cement mortar'
plastered) ... sq m persq m % sq ft

Miscellaneous Items
\. Ornamental cornice (Projection, type speci
fied) metre per m per r ft

2. Moulding String course, Drip course, Bead-

I ing, .Throating, etc. ... metre per m per r ft

_~.....__...w..~. __............ (_ .......I0..-...... - '-rA"- *' is'td"'29'~::r:r:t'l-'---' I,"



SI. Units of ''''Units of Units of ',I .

No. Particulars of Items measurement payment payment " '

_ - _.- .. - , ,. __ .- ..
"",' '" -'--... .in,MKS
- ._ .... - -
." _..iii MKS .._..._- ._.- in- FPS -
-', _~.~-_._

3. Ornamental Pillar caps, Pillar base. Flowers,

Brackets, etc. . ..
no. per no. per no.
4., Railing (Height and type specified) ... metre per m per r ft
5.. Surface drain small (size, material, etc. speci <
fied) ...
metre per m per r ft
6. Surface drain large (item wise) -,
(1) Masonry cu m per cu m
(iI) Plastering
% cu ft}
sq m persq m % sq ft .~

7. Pipe - rainwater, sanitary. water pipe. etc.

(Dia, specified) ...

metre per m per r ft
8. Laying pipe line - sanitary. water pipe. etc.

(Dia, depth, bedding etc. specified) ."

metre per m per r ft
9. Jungle clearance ... sq m or persq m or % sq ft
(Maya1so be per km for roed and irrigation hectare per hectare or per acre
10; Silt clearance in irrigation channels (Similar to
earthwork) , ...
cu m per % cu m % cu ft

(For thin Jayerupto5 em may be on area basis) .~

II. Trestle. Crate (size, type, etc. specified) . no. per no. per no. '
12. Cleaning flues . no. per no. per no.
13. Cotton cords in sky light '" no. per no. per no.
(May aJ50 be by weight in kg)
14. Easing doors and windows no. per no. per no.
15. Fixing doors and windows no. per no. per no.
16. Supply and fixing of Hinges; Tower bolts,

Hasp and staples, Handles, Hardwares, etc....

no. per no. per no.
17. Glazing sq m persq m per sq ft.
18. Glass panes (supply) sq m persq m per sq ft.
19. Fixing of glass. panes or cleaning no. per no. per no.
20. Renewing of glass panes no.
per no. per no.
Well sinking (Masonary or tube well) metre per m per r ft.
22. Pile driving or sinking
'metre per m per r ft I
.23. Furnitures -
Chairs, tables, etc. (size shape
... no. per no. per no.

Sl. Units of Units of Units Of

Particulars of Items measurement payment, payment
in MKS in MKS in FPS
24. Painting furnitures no. per no. perno.
25. Caning chairs no. per no. per no.

26. Pitching of brick, stone, kankar, etc. '" cu m per cu m ' % cu ft

(Brick pitching may also be on area basis in
sq m)

27. Lining of Irrigation Channel, Tunnel, etc.

Materials, thickness specified ...

sq m per sq rn % sq ft
(Thick lining may be in volume basis in cu m)

28. Kankar quarrying, kankar supply ... cu m per cu m % cu ft

29. Kankar coi.sol.dation, road metal consolida
tion ...
cu m per cu m % cu ft
30. bag-belling metre per m % r ft
I (May also be per km)
31. Bituminous road surfacing sq m
persqm % sq' ft
32. Dismantling Same as for
Same as for, Same as'for
different different
items items

33. Dismantling of brick masonry ... cu m

per cu m % cu ft
34. Grouting (Bituminous grouting of road metal,

" .: % sq ft
cement grouting of concrete) ...
sq m persq m
35. .Grouting of cracks, joints, etc. ... metre per m per r ft

36. Electric Wiring or Electrification Light, Fan,

Plug points ' .. ..,

point per point per point
I ".

37. Watercloset (W.C), wasil hand basin, Man-'

hole, etc. (Si7~ specified) " .. . .... no per no per no


Supply of bncks

,~.,% nos. per % nos. % nos.

I' . . .
2. Supply of Sand, Surkhi, Cinder, etc. cu rn per cu m % cuIt
3. Supply of cement bag of per bag or per cwt
50 kg per quintal or per ton
or per tonne

4. Supply of Iirnc unslaked quintal per quintal per maund

/. 5. Supply of lime slaked quintal per quintal per maund

(May also be in volume bssis in cu m)


~ ....... ~~_..i. '"-_'- ~ '.z=-'




S1. Units of Units of Units of

No. Particulars. of Items
measurement payment payment
...... - ... '"--_.-.- .. _--- .. -- ...- -- ... -_.,---_._-., .. -
in MKS in MKs in FPS

6. .Supply of Brick ballast, Stone ballast, Aggre

gate, etc. ... cu m per cu m % cu ft

7. Broken bricks, Kankar, etc. cu m percu m % eu n

.8. Supply of Timber cu m per cu m 0/-, cu ft
9. Supply of Steel quintal per q or per ewt
per tonne
10.. Supply of Bitumen, Tar tonne pertonne per to~
11. Supply ofCoal tonne per tonne per ton
12.. Supply of A.C. sheets (Measured flat) sqm sq m sq ft
13. Supply of G.I. sheet quintal . per qunital per cwt
14. Supply of switches, plugs; ceiling roses, bulbs,
brackets, etc. ... no. per no. per no.
15. Supply of insulated electric wire (size
specified) ... quintal per quintal per cwt.
16. Supply of bare electric wire (size specified) ... quintal per quintal per cwt.
17. Tents, sholdaries (size specified) no. per no. per no.
18. Supply of Water closet, W.C. (site
specified) . no. per no. per no.
19. Supply of Wash hand basin (size specified) . no. per no. per no.
20. Supply of Cowl, Mica valve, Intercepting trap,
etc. (size specified) . . .. no. per no. per no.
21. .Supply of Bib cock, Stop cock, Ballcock, etc
(size specified) .... no. per no. per no.
22. Supply of Ferrule, C.l. Tank, Water meter. etc.
(size specified) ... no. per no. I per no.
23. Supply of pipe, C.l. pipe, S. W. pipe. Hume
pipe, A.C. pipe, G.t. pipe, etc. (Di a.
specified) ... metre per m per r ft
24. Supply of lead, lead wool kg or
per kg or
per cwt
per quintal

is. Spun yarn kg

per kg
per lh
26. Supply of varnish, oil, etc. litre
. per litre
,'. per g!

. ,.; ,.'~

Units of Units of Units of
Particulars of Items measurement payment
- payment
-_ .._- ..... . . .. _- .... _-. --. . .. _0 _______ ...__ _..__ ._ .._..-

..... -_.-. .,_... - "--

... ., _lILM.KS._.__ ._In.M~ --.l~J::PS_ ..

27. Supply of paint ready mix ... litre pc. litre per gl
28. Supply of stiff paint . .. kg per kg pertb
29. Explosive for blasting '" kg per kg perlb

Note:' (1) Petticulsts of items should be fully described.

(iI) For further items of work P. WD. Schedule ofRates may be consulted. (See Chapter
20). .
(iiI) For Rules and Methods of Measurement. (See Chapter 14).



1. Sizes of Doors ..:-. 5. Thickness of Doors and Windows, Shut

120 em x 210 em} 4' 0" 6" 6\1" ter or Leaves .
(1.20 m x 2.10 m) - x. - 7"4 2.5 em - I" 3 em - fW'
'I 1,10 em x 200 em } 3' 6" .6' 6" 4 em -'1 W' 4.5 em ..-- 1~"
(,1.10 m x 2.00 m) - x
rpo em x 190 em} . 3'
(1.00 m x 1.90 m) -

3" 6. Thickness of Lime Concrete in Founda
. 90 em x 180 em} 3' 0" 6' 0" 15 em - 6" 20 em -8"
(0.90 m x 1.80 m) - _. x
25 em 10'" . 30 em - 12"
75 em x 180'em l 2' 6" 6' 0" . 40 em -16" 45 em - 18"
. ~
(0.75 m x 1.80 m)' x . ,

2. Size of Windows :.... 7. Thickness of Lime Coneretem Roof

100 em x 150 em} 3' 3" 5' 0". Terracing "
(1.00 mx 1.50 m) - x 7.S em '3"
90 em. x 120 em . }_ 3' x 4' 10 em":"':' 4"
(0.90m x 1.20 m) . . _12em~4~"

3. Size of C.S: Windows,

I .
Vcntfut.tors .

rzo em x 60 em} 4' x 2' 8. Thickness of R.C.C. Slab -.,

q.20 m x 0.60 m) . 7.5 em- 3" 10 em 4",
em x60 em '} _ 3' __ 3" X 2' 12.5 em 5" '15 em 6"
m x 0.60 m) .
9p em x 50 em } 3' 0" l' 6" "9. Thickness of Plastering
(0.90 m x 0.50 m) - - x._
10 mm --..;.. fa" 12 mm W'
4. Size of Chowkhat sections for Doors and
15 mms- *" 20 mm -~"
12 em x 7.5 em - S" x 3" 10. Thickness of D.P.C. -'- .
Ip em x 10 em - 4" x 4" ... 2em ~ ~".
10 em x 7.5 em -'-- 4" x 3" 2.5 em ~ I"
is em x 7.5 em - 3" x 3" 4 em - lY2"

. ,_",.~.~."' ......, : ,,__,_._ ..=a...

I . ,.,.. :...c



. ". ~

II. Thickness of c.c. Floor 14. Height of Plinth

2 em - ~"
30 em - l' - 0" 45 ern - l' - 6"
"'-2Scrit"~ I"
--60-cm-~-l!..--()!-'-- ------7-S-cm--~-.2'-~6 '.'- --- .... _.
4cm - IW"
2.5 em c.e. flOOr}- I" c.c, floor IS. Height of Building
over 7.5 em i,c. over }" i.c. 2.80 m - 9' - }" 3.00 rn - 10' - 0"
3.30 m ~ II' - 0" 3.60 m - 12' - 0"
12. Insulation layer in Roof 3.90 rn - 13' - 0" 4.20 rn - 14' - 0"
2.5 em - I" . \
4 em - I Y2" 16. Size of Rooms
3mx 3m - 10' x 10'
13. Steps, Rise and 3.00 m x 3.60 m - 10' x 12'
15 em x 30 ern - 6" x 1"2'" 3.60 m x 3.60 rn - 12' x 12'
15 em x 28 em - 6"'x II" 3.60 m x 4.20 m - 12' x 14'

18 em x 28 ern - 7" x II" 3.60m x 4.80 m - 12' x 16'

Mild steels bars, metric dimensions and weights -

Dia. of bars fps.

units currently used !I.l" %" Y2" X" '.x" *" 1" 11.4" I Yi"
Dia. and weight in
metric unit to be
used Dia. ... 6 mm. rOmm 12 mm 16mm 20 mm 22 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm
Wt, per metre .. , 0.22 kg. 0.62 kg. 0.89 kg. 1.58 kg. 2.47 kg. 2.98 kg. 3.85 kg. 6.31 kg. 9.86 kg.j

Size of standard modular bricks
Sizes of standard modular bricks as fixed by Indian Standard Institution are as given below
(Fig. 1-9). These standard bricks will now be manufactured and used andoldtraditional bricks
shall be given up. .: :.
. ..
(Standard Modular Bricks with Frogs. all Dimensions 'in Ccntimares thig. 1-9)

19---. \.-19

Fig. 1- 9

Actual size Nominal size

Standard modular brick 19cm x9cm xgem 20em x 10em x 10cm
.c-'Standard-mudular'bri-ck-tile . ..~9_<:.:.m_~_~_em ~9 ern x 10 ern x 5 em
.._._---_._---_.. _._- ....._----_... _-_.

Thickness of wall with standard brick -

Wall ... lh brick I brick I V2 brick 2 brick, 2Y2 brick 3 brick

Thickne,ss of Wall ... 10 ern 20 ern 30 em 40cm 50 ern 60 ern

Actual thickness of wall with 1 ern mortar joint are 9 em for Y2 brick, 19 ern for lbrick, 29cm
for IV2 brick, 39 ern for 2 brick, 49 ern for 2\12 brick, 59 ern for 3 brick. But the thickness of wall is
taken as multiple of 10 as given in the above table irrespective of the actual thickness for estimating
and for payment. Above 3 brick wall the thickness of wall is actually measured after construction
for payment but for estimating the thickness may be taken as multiple of 10.

Thickness of R.B. lintel and slab with standard brick

Layer I flat brick 2 flat brick 3 flat brick 4 flat brick
Thickness 10 em 20 ern 30 cm 40cm
Using brick-tile in combination with brick the thickness of R.,B. lintel and slab may also be
made as 15 ern, 25 ern, 35 ern, etc.
: ','

I ,I Metric dimensions of present traditional (9" x 4~" x 3") bricks and width of walls :-:
, As the standard modular bricks are not being manufactured, the metric dimensions of present
" /.
bricks of9" x 4Y2" x 3" (nominal size) have been fixed to the nearest one place ofdecimal.Until the
" . .'
metric standard bricks are available, the present traditional bricks are to be used and the thickness
of walls shall be measured as multiple of half brick (] 1.4 em), The dimensions of traditional brick
and thickness of walls in metric unit are as given below :
'. ./

" ') Dimensions of traditional brick in metric unit ....;.

': :."; .'

\ Metric Dimension
r: '.
Actual . ::;:.9 c.i; X 112cm: x ? 0. em
.' -,
I Nominal 9" x 4Y2" x 3" 22.9 ern x llA cm x 7.6 em
r ..

"- Width of walls present traditional bricks in metric unit

Walls .....- 'h brick I brick I Y2 brick 2 brick 2V2 b ick 3 brick 3!h brick 4 brick
3" . (4!h") (9") ( 131/2" ) ( 18") (22Vf') . (27") (311h") (36" )
Thickness of

walls - 7.6 crn 11.4 ern 22.9 em 34.3 ern 45.7 cm 57.1 em 68.6 ern 80.0 em 91.4 em

For 10" x 5" x )" size (nominal) brick, the metric dimension will be taken as 25.4 em x 12.7 em x
'}6 em (nominal) and the thickness of walls shall be measured as multiple ofhalf brick ( 12.7 em),
and shall be as 7.6 em, 12.7 em, 25.4 em, 37.1 em, 50.8 em, 63.5 em, 76.2 em, 88.9 em, 101.6 ern,
.' 14.3 em and so on. .

--- .. ' .. '-- -._._----_._._..... _


__________ . lVlI;ItlQOJLQEJ3UlL,DlNG...ES,-1MAIES ._

Example 1. - Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4 m long,
3 m high and 30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is Rs. 320.00 per cu m and
of plastering is Rs. 8.50 per sq m.

Quantity of brickwork> L ?< B x H = 4 m x 3 m x .30::: 3.6 cu m.

Quantity of plastering (two faces) = 2 x L x H = 2 x 4:m x 3 m = 24 sq m.
Cost of brickwork = 3.6 x 320.00-= Rs. 1152.00.
Cost of plastering = 24 x 8.50 = Rs. -204.00.
Total cost = 1152.00 + Rs. 204.00 = Rs. 1356.00.

Example 2. -Prepare a detailed estimate of part of a wall of a building from the given plan
and section and general specifications (Figs. 2-1 and 2-2).

(I) Foundation ccr.crete shall be of lime concrete.
(2) Foundation and plinth shall be of 1st class brickwork in lime mortar.
(3) Damp Proof Course 2.5 mm c.c. I : 1Y2 : 3 with water proofing compound.
__ '__ (4) Superstructure - 1st class brickwork in lime mortar.

-(5) Wall finishing - Inside wall 12 mm Cement plastered I : 6 and white washed 3 coats.

Outside wall 12 mm cement plastered I : 6 including 1.0 em.below ground level and finished
with two coats of colour wash over one coat of white was-hing.

/: .

RATES: Assume local current rates.


Note: - Fig. 2-1 and Fig. 2-2 are plan and cross-section of the w~1I with stundurd modular
brick and with treditional brick respectivcly. For simplicity only a port ion.oiu wull luis been taken
and h(,I1I.:~ there arc no footings at the ends. - - -

., .. ------------ _..
. ~

Plan and Section "fig. 2-2

Fig. 2-1



Outside E Inside Outside g Inside
~ M
Super Structure
Super Structure Wall Wall

- 4- Plinth

2nd. Footing 2nd Footing

1st. Footing 1st.Footing -'9't:"~~~:Y
-Llrne Cone UrneCooe
I-- 80 em. -~

~ 80 em ~

-40 em.

30 em.
I I ~
45.7 em



With Standard Bricks, Fig. 2-1 -

~ , !
-- - I Qcantiti
ltcn.11 Description of items of work
I~ o.
!.1 or Total
; Length Breadth Ht. or Content s quantities

-~ I
I Depth

I. I Earthwork in excavation in foun- i

., !I dation .,. I 6.00 m .80 m 90 m 4.32 4.32 ell m

Lime concrete in foundation ... I 6.00 m .80 m .30 m 1.44 1.44 cu m
3. list class brickwork in lime mortar
in foundation and plinth -
Ist footing ... [ 6.00 m .60 m .20 m .72

2nd footing ...

1 6.00 m .50 m .20 m .60

Plinth wall up to G. L. ...

I 6.00 m .40 m .20 m .48
Plinth wall above G.L. ... [ 6.00 m "AOm -.60 m 1.44
(COIllJ, J
-~ .



--- - - - - - - --_.
. .
Item .Description__Q(jJemS .QL wQrk __ No. or Total
No. l,e-ngihF t ll tTt.or- Icontents----: -qii"anfiricS-
, Depth
._--_ ....
4. 2.S em Damp proof eourse(D.P.C.)
c.c.I 11Iz:3 ...
I 6.00 m .40 m - 2.4 2.4 sq.rn
5. First class Brickwork In lime

mortar for superstructure ...

I 6.00 m .30 m 3.50m 6.3 6_3cu m
6. ' 12 mm plaster of Cement sand

1:6 .:
l 6.00 m - 3.50 m 21.0
O~tside including 10 em below

G.L. ...
I ' 6.00 m - 4.20 m 25.2
} 46.2 sq m

7. White washing 3 coats (inside) ...

I 6.00 m - 3.50 m 21.0 21.0 sq m
8. Colour washing 2 coats over one

coat of white washing (outside

above G.L.) '"

I 6.00 m I - 4.10 m 24.6 24.6 sq m


Rate Amount
Item Description of Items of Work Quantity Unit Per f----
No. Rs. Rs.
/ '- I. Earthwork in excavation in Foundation 4.32 cum 350.00 % cu. m 15..12
. ) -.
2. Lime concrete in foundation with-white .. '

lime, surkhi and brick ballast, 1.44 - - ,.cu. -." m

, .. ..
220.00 per cum 316.80
3. lst class' brickwork with white lime and
1.1 '.
surkhi mortar 1 : 2 in foundation and
plinth 3.24 cum 300.00 per cu m 972.00
4. 2.5 ern thick c.c. I : I liz : 3 Damp proof
course with water proofing compound 2.4 sq m .20.00 - per sq'm 48.00
5. 1st class Brickwork with white lime and - '

surkhi I : ) mortar in super-structure 6.3 cu rn 320.00 per eu m 2016.00

6. 12 mm cement and local sand plaster
r- -. 7.
I: 6
White washing 3 coats
sq m
sq m
I 8.50 . per sq m \ 392.70
0,.75 persq m 15.75
8. Colour washing 2 coats over one coat of '"

white washing 24.6 sq m 0.82 . I per sq m \. .

I .

, , Total . I3796.54
Add for Contingencies 3%
Add for Workcharged Establishment 2% .
Grand Total
Note: - For the items ofplastering and white washing or colo ur washing the end faces of the
wall have not been taken into consideration: and the outer plinth offset of5 cm has been neglected.


Trench Filling. - Earthwork in trench piling is usually not taken into account. If required
this can be calculated as follows ;- . i . :

..,Qiiail.iityofe~ffthWorkirt trench -ciUing-=:=--Quantityin-excavation=Quantity-ofconcre~e-+ .

Quantity of brickwork upto G.L.:==4.32 - (1.44 + 1.80) = 1.08 cu m. . :
. , I

For simplicity the earthwork in trench filling may be taken as 1/5 of earthwork in excavation.

Example 2 - With Traditional Bricks, Fig. 2.2

With traditional bricks, the items of foundation concrete, Plastering; White washing and
Colour washing are same as for above. The earthwork, Brickwork in foundation and plinth,
Brickwork in superstructure,and D.P.C. differ and are as calculated below :~

Item L - Earthwork in excavation in founda

tion 1 x 6.00 rn x .80 m x :75 m = 3.60 cu m
Item 3. - 1st class brickwork in lime mortar
in foundation arid plinth -
1Sf footing . 1 x 6.00 m x .686 m x .15 m = 0.62 cu m
2nd footing l' x 6.0001 x .571 m x.15 m = 0.52
Plinth wall above footing I x 6.00 m x A?7 m x .75 m = 2.06
Total = 3.20 cu m
Item 4. - 2:5 ern thick D.P.C. 1 :'1 Y2 : 3 1 x 6.00 m x .457 m .= 2.74 sq m
Item 5. - First class brickwork in lime mortar'
in superstructure I x 6.00 m x .343 m x 3.5 m > 7.20 cu m
Abstract of cost may be prepared accordingly.


The dimensions, length, breadth and height or depth are to be taken out from the drawing'
plan, elevation and section. From the study of the drawings, the building is to be imagined and
pictured in the mind and the dimensions are to be taken out correctly. There is no hard and fast rule
for finding out dimensions from the drawing but the dimensions are to be t.ken out accurately.
Junctions of wall atthe corners and at the meeting points of walls require 'special attention."
Fur symmetrical foundation which is the usual case, earthwork in excavation ihf\)u~Ja~:.:,."
roundation concrete, brickwork in foundation and plinth, and brickwork in superstructure may be
estimated by either of the following two methods.

Separate or individual wall method. -_. In this method, measure or find out the external length
of walls running in the longitudinal directicn generally the long walls out-to-out, and the internal
lengths of walls running in the transverse direction in-to-in i.e. of cross or short walls in-to-in, and
calculate quantities multiplying the length by the breadth and the height of wall. The same rule
applies to the excavation in foundation. to concrete in foundation and to masonry. Care should be
taken to note the difference in dimensions at different height due to offset, or footings. It is
convenient to imagine plans at different level of heights as foundation trench plan, foundation
concrete plans of each footing, etc. and dealing each plan or part separately.

The simple method is to take the long walls and short or cross walls separately and to find out
the centre to centre lengths of long walls and short walls from the plan. For symmetrical footing on
eithersides;-the- centreline -remains-same--fo --_._--~

For long walls add to the centre length one breadth of wall, which gives the length of the wall

out-to-out, multiply this length by the breadth and the height and get the quantities. Thus for

finding the quantities of earthwork in excavation, for length of the trench out-to-out add to the

centre length one breadth of foundation. Adopt the same process for foundation concrete, and for

each footing. It should be noted that each footing is to be taken separately and the breadth of the

particular footing is to be added to the centre length. .

(Long wall length out-to-out = centre to centre length + halfbreadth on one side + halfbreadth
on the other side = centre to centre length + one breadth);
I .

For short or cross walls subtract (instead of adding) from the centre length one breadth of wall,
which gives the length in-to-in, and repeat the same process as for the long walls, subtracting one
breadth instead of adding.

(Short wall length in-to-in = centre to centre length - one breadth).

That is, in case of long wall add one bread th and in case of short wall subtract one breadth from
. the centre length to get the corresponding lengths.

In foundation the offset of concrete on either side may be 10 cm to 20 cm depending on the

thickness ofconcrete (usually less than the thickness ofconcrete). The offset on either side ofbrick
wall of standard brick: is 5 em, and of traditional bricks is 5.7 cm.

This method can alsobe worked out in a quicker way. For long walls find the length of the
foundation trench of the long wall out-to-out in the same. manner as explained above, the length of
the foundation concrete is the same, for the length of the first footing or first step of brick wall
subtract two offsets in foundation concrete from the length of the trench or concrete, for the second
. footing subtract from the length of l st footing two offsets infooting i.e. 2 x5 = 10 em (2 x 5.7= llA
em for traditional bricks), for the third footing subtract from the length of the 2nd footing two
offsets i.e. 10 em (11.4 cm for traditional bricks) in this way deal the long walls up to the
superstructure. [F(~r 25A'cm x 12./cm x f:6 cm(Hf'xj';x 3W'j bricks, one offset in footing =6.35
em and two offsets = 12.7 cm].
. . .
. .

For snort wall follow the sarne rnct hod but instead of subtracting, add two offsets to get the
corresponding length in-to-in.

It will be noticed that by taking dimensions in this way, the long walls are gradually decreasing
in length from foundation to superstructure, while the short walls are increasing in length.

lrrnayalso be noted that thewall which is taken first is to be treated as long wall though its
length may be lesser, and the 01 her wall be treated as short wall.

This method is simple and accurateand thereis no chance of anymist akc. This method may be
named as Long wull nnd short wall method. or gcncrsl method.

The following examples (Exs, 3a, 4a, and Sa) illustrate this method :

Example 3laJ;:=Ffg:-2~3';-the-ptan-repfestmt-s-theplaILois,up~_[structut~ w~l of a single room


building of 5 m x 4 m, and Sections represent the cross-sections of the walls with fQundation,-
Estimate the quantities of

(1) Earthwork in excavation in foundation, (2) Concrete in foundation, (3) Brickwork in

foundation and plinth and (4) Brickwork in superstructure..
. . . '

The length of long wall centre to centre = 5.00 Y2 x .30+ Y2 x .30 + = 5.30 m. The length of short
wall centre to centre = 4.00 + Y2 x .30 + Y2 x .30 = 4.30 m.


.' '.' '0 ""0 0,

30 em.
1f-90 cm.-tl SECTION ON AS
~I o
I. I
30 em,
"., rr---------- 11 :;-r

.1 I

I _I
I 0
-. I

I '0 .
J .: ~

z. A

I E I o

is -.:i - 8
I 0
.. 1. .0 C!
ow !. - ~

(/) I
0 E
---i 0 5.00m o~
(') .
! 0

~'t - - - - - - - - - ... -t
I( clco.3D m



Fig: 2-3


~ Long Wall Out to Out :::"1
! :--- 5.30 m clc

or'1-- -90em.- - '

~-~~-_.- ~
--01: --1. _

Plan of Found"
g 0=
To estimate the quanti Trench and' -1 ~ Et::~
ties, the plan of foundation Found" Cone.
I g,g.!::
, ";00
trencb and foundation con I
crete, the plan ofeach footings
or steps of wall may be
. ...
~-.--90emo-. - - r
-i" -*
imagined as given in Fig. 2-4.
Then the long wall in-to-in
and the short wall In-to-in of ---~60cm-' _._.
each part may be dealt one by
Plan of 1stFooting ~

I'-- _. tiOQm-'
- -:

" 1
Fig.2-4 1E
Plan of 2nd Footing
:; .
10 g
". j

"" I Plan of i-'\inth Wall

'<, ~. Plan ot Super

Structure Wall

/ .

~ f

~. ~ ~ . ~

'.' ' .' .: I,. ' ..


-Item Particulars of fIeight

,-N,o.-- -Items. ,. , .. ,.- . -_ ... ~NQ._ , -_
, or . Q~~J1tit~ Explanatory note
, -Deptli
_ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _.,~_._

l. Earthwork in

excavation in

Long walls ...
2 6.20.!U .90 m .90 m 10.04 . Length > 5.30 + .90 ::: 6.20 m
Short walls ...
2 3.40 i:n .90 m .90 m 5.51 Breadth> 4.30 - .90 ::: 3.40 m
Total 15.55
2. Concrete in
Long walls ...
2 6.20 m .90 m .30 m 3.35 Length same as for excavatio n'
Short walls ...
2 3.40 m .90 m .30m 1.83 Quantity> 1/ 3 of excavation
Totiil 5.18
3. Brickwork in

foundation and

Long walls ~ . ,

1st footing ...

2 5.90 m .60m .30m 2.13 Length = 5.30 + ;60 =5.90_m
2nd footing ...
2 5.80 m .50 m. .30m 1.74 Length> 5.30 + .50 ::: 5.80 m
Plinth walls ...
2 5.70 m .40 m .60 m 2.74 Length> 5.30 + .40 ::: 5.70 m
Short walls -',

lst footing , ...

2 3.70 m -:60 m '.30 m: 1.33 Length> 4.30 .: .60 ,,; 3.7Q m
2nd footing ...
2 3.80m .50 m .30 .m 1.14 jLength > 4.30 - .50'::: 3.80 m
Plinth walls ...
2 3.90 m .40 m .. .60m 1.87 , Length> 4.30 ,- .40 ::: 3.90 m
Total 10.95

4. Brickwork in ..",!

Long walls ... 2 II 5.60 m iI .30 m 3.50 m 11.76 Length > 5.30 + .30 ::: 5.60, m
Short walls' ...


2 4.00 m .30 m '3.5001 - 8.40 ' Length> 4.30 - .:00= 4.00 m
Total 20.16

l I
The door openings. window opctungs, lintels, etc. shall have to be deducted from
cu m.' ,f
superstructure as ususl.
See C-ll.J.{,'
It may be noted .that in the ease of long wall. the lengths of the 2nd footing, 3rd footing ete.
differ by 10 em and eaeh is shorter than the previous one by 10 ern.Similarly for short wall the length
is longer than the previous footing by 10 em. Thus the lengths can be obtained by subtracting or
adding 10 em as the ease may be. F ortraditional bricks (22.9 em x 11.2 em x 7.6 em) the length ean
be obtained by subtracting or adding 11.2 em. (For 25.4 em x 12.7 em x 7.6 em bricks add or
subtract 12.7 em).

As study of the plans and elevations (Fig. 2-5) 'will make it clear. The plan (1) shows the
foundation footings. The long walls and short walls may be imagined to be constructed separately,
first the long walls and then the short walls. From the elevation (iiI) and (v) it will be clear that the
'" ----length,of each-successive footing-of.long-walls-iS-r-educed-inJength--and.thaLof-the-shor:t-walls-each,---
successive footing is increased in length.' "

The corresponding breadth and height can be obtained from the cross-section of wall.


- .' .-

re ----I

5.70m 40 em

5.80 m 30 em _x--

. . .... ..
. 5.90m
. . ... 3030emem

6.20m ~ -.. .- ....


. ..
t-;;-,; - -


-~ -
w I Ir.:
J: -, I

I. ,- ,

, '--l so em h

E E --l
60cm 1::1..- : ~
~ 90cm -. E
-.i t I <'l
I .

.0 I-
00000 II

5 I g~gggt
.. .. .. .,

-Il. '" '.
1 1_ I
T:'30,... 16
~ 'em -+I ' - Pf-JPPI-J - - - -

~i 90cm ~J:" ...".:.:". ,.. :: .. .' '. .


In the Example J(a) with traditional bricks, the breadth ofwall in first tooting, second Iootuig,
plinth wall and superstructure wall will be 68.6 em, 57.1 em, 45.7 cm andJ4.3 cm respectively. The
students may solve this problem having walls with traditional bricks.

. i
Example 4(a). - Estimate the quantities of the following items of a two roomed building
from the given plan and section (Fig. 2-6) :
... __-(l)-Earthw.or-k-in-excav.ation.in_fo_undaJl~m,Jfl_1i!!!.~ concrete in foundation, (3) 1st class
brick work in cement mortar I : 6 in foundation and plinth, (4) 2.5 em c.c~-damp proofCourse, ana--
(5) 1st class brickwork in lime mortar in superstruc-ure,


3U""em ...
w w

~ ~

;: Room4m x 6m .~~
Room6m x 6m

E l.
4.00m ~I ..
. ~
--l 0 6.00m !f-
0 I~ 0 I~
L C') -.
J 3C em. &. .J

7.5 em L.C. Terrace Over 13 em R.C.C. -. ~i:~"':

...:, : ~;. :": ~
All Walls are of same section -.
Untels over Doors. WindOWSarK!
Shelves are 15 em thick R:B.:' _..
E ..; ....
2em D.P.G.
~~~:m~~2~'as5 em c.c, Over 7.5 em L.C.

Doors 0-1.20 m x 2.10 m

Windows W-1.00 x 1.50 m
Shelves S-1.00 m x 1.50 m

Ii--l.10 m--toj Lime cone.

Note: ... No beumhes been shown in the plan as the object ofthis example is to explain the
method ot' cstitnuting the walls only.

- -,

Note: - Length of subsequent footings of long' walls after 1st footing may be obtained
simply by deducting 10 em from first footing.
. ~..
f ?~ .f ~
(Ex4a Contd.]
, ,'.
Item Particulars of Height:
No.Items No. ~ength Breadth or 'Quantity Explanatory note
., Depth
,-, .. _.. -- ..
~5.70 m .60;m ~10 m '. l.O3 T=- O:-JO' - .60- -5:70: m
3rd footing -:.. 3
4th footing ... '3 5.80 m .sOm .10 rn
0.87 L == 6.30 - .50 ':: 5.80 m
Plinth wall

above footing 3 5.90 m .40,m .80 m 5.66 L ;;; 6.30 - .40 == 5.90 m
Total 26.10
cu m
4. Damp proof
2.5 ern thick
Long walls ...
2 1\;00 m .40 m - 8.80 Lengths same as for plinth
Short walls '0' 3 5.90 m .40 m - 7.08 wall in item 3..
Total 15.88
Deduct door

sills ...
.2 1.20 m .40 m - 0.96
Net Total . 14.92
sq m
5. Ist class brick
work in lime

mortar in


Long walls ... 2 10.90 m 30m 4.20 rn 27.47 L:: 10.60 + .30 == 10.90 m
Short walts ... 3 6.00 m .30 m 4.20m 22.68 L == 6.30 ...:'.30 '" 6:00 m
Total 50.t5
cu m
Deduct -: ..
Door openings 2 1.20 m .30 m 2.IOm 1.51
':1 openings ... 4 I.oom i .3~ m . 1.50 m 1.80
1.00 m I .20 rn i 1.50 ill
. '.~ f

. r.>: .
Shelves ... 2 V.W Backorshelves iO cru thick .

Lintels over
doors ... 2 1.50 m I .30 m .15 m 0.14 Bearing [5 em

Lintels over

windows ... 4
1.30 m .30 rn .15 m 0.23 Bearing 15 ern
Lintels over

',oJ shelves '"

2 1.30 m .30 m .15 m 0./2 Bearing 15 em
~otal of deduc
eu m tion 4.40
-- - ' - - - - _ ... --"- .
Net Total
45.75 i cu m
Note: ... Length ofsubsequent tooting ufshort wallsafter 1st footing may be obtained simply
by adding 10 em from first footing.

-it 1.20 m\t


5m x 4m

Bed 4m x 4.5m
s rn x 4.5m
- - 5.00m ---41 ~-- 4.oom --~

~- Drawing
5mx6m o o~

5.00 m ~ ~ ~:2J.
'. l~D Jew IW/ew . D/cw
" ./ ~

a: 2.00 m ver, I :> ~


~~~~~-~~_:.~~~ -_:.-.-.-.-:::-.I::J::-.:::.--'-:.-: :.-.dJ

W.jcw 30 em x 15em ~2.00m~


_ 10 em L C. Over 12 em R.C.C.
D,-120 em x 210 em (1.20 m x 2.10 m)

y 7.5 em. L.C. Over 10 em'R.C.C, D2-100cmx 200 em (1.00 m x 2.00 rn)

D3 - 75 em x 160 em (.75 m x 1.80 m).


30 em
t W,-100cm x 150 em (1.00 m x 1.50m)

W2 - 200 em x 1S0 em (2.00 m x 1.50 rn)

W 3 -75 em x 120 cm.<.75 m x , 20m)

C:,VV. - 7S em' jo; 60 ern (.1!:..rnx .60m).
2.5 em C;C~ Over
~~~!:!7ZJl5~cm;-.. L.C. FLOO-eR~='!:!f"i S-1ooem x 150 em (1.00m x 1.50m)
60em _ 3 0 e m
G 10 em :l=~="40 c.n Lint.el Over Doors. Windows Etc.
50cm 20 em .....,.......- , 15 em RB.
60 em 20 em~..L - ""'.
, -GOem.


,,' .
. Alfw~.Ils of ,Drawing Rooms and Bath Rocn wa!ls have similar

Bed Rooms have same section ' section.

Note-No beam has been shown in the plan. Fig. 2-7

\ ......

Example 5(a). - Estimate the quantitiesof the following items oa residential building from
the given drawings (Fig. 2-7) ;.- .~ .. .... ' . ..... '
.... ..... u{l)uEarthworkin..excavation'in.Io..u.nd_aJio.o_.J~)J",ime concre!~jn foundation. (3) First class
brickwork in I : 6 cement sand mortar in foundaiion andplinth, (4) 2.5 cm Damp proofco~rs~';'''-'
and (5) First class brickwork in liine mortar in su.perstructure. .
. ~~ ~
,l :.

Centre to centre lengths of wall -

For estimating it is convenient to find the centre to centre lengths ofdifferent walls first. The
centre to centre lengths of different walls have been worked {Jut below :

Drawing and left hand side bed room combined

c. to c. long walts = 6.00 +4.00 + .30 + 2 x .15 = JO.60m.
c. to c. short walls = 5.00 + 2 .x .15 = 5.30 m.

'Bed rooms right side (both combined) .

c. to c. long walls = 5.00 + 4.00 +.. 30 + 2 x .15 79.60 m.
c. to c. short walls = 4.50 + 2 x .15 ;;:;; 4.80 m. '.

'". ';:'::/ .

Front verandah - , " ..

Front wall c. to c. length > 5.00 + 4.00 + 2 x .30 + .~O - .~O =9.65 m.
Side wall c. to c. length = 2.00 + .~o + .~O = 2.25 m.

Back verandah including bath room- '- ..... ' ....


c. to c. long wall (rear wall including bath room) 9~65 m same as front ver. Wall.

c. to c. length of side wall ofbath room = 2.50 + .~O + .~O = 2.75 m.

_- -'-- __. . .-...,._ ,=!"""'~- . -.-- J



Item.~~[ticutarsof- .... -_. ..... ..... ----_._._-_. __., --- _. .. _- .... _- .Height. 1 - - - - - -1---... _-_. _ _... -.....:.._ .. - - . ~ .

No. Items No~ Length Breadth or Quantity Explanatory note

I. Earthwork in exca
vation in
) foundation
Drawing room and.
left bed room
Long walls ... 2 11.50 m .90 m 1.00 m 20.70 L = 10.60+ .90 = 11.50 m
Short walls ... 3 4.40 m .90m 1.00 m 11.88 L = 5.30 - .90 = 4.40 m
Bed rooms right .
side (both) -
Long walls '"
2 9.60m .90m 1.00m 17.28 L=9.60 _ .9~ +.9~ =9.60m
.. )
Short walls ... 2 3.90 m .90 m 1.00 m 7.02 L = 4.80 - .90 = 3.90 m
Front verandah
Front long wall ...
, "I I 9,50 m .60 m .50 m 2.85 L=9.65 - .9~ +.6~ =9.50m
Side short wall ... I 1.50 m .60 m .50 m 0.45 L=2.25 _ .9~ _ .6~ =1.50m
Back verandah
including bath
-Long wall (rear
wall including . '. .. . . "

bath) ... I 9.50 m :6Orn .50 m L=9.65- .9~ '+ .6~ =9,50m
. .,.. ..
Short walls ,
(remaining walls of
bath) .,.
2 2.00 m .60 m .50 m '1.20 ~=2.75 - .9~ ., .6~ =2.00~
2. Lime concrete in
foundation -Draw ., Total .64.23
cu m
. .. . .... .. .. :: ... , .
ing and left bed
room I
Long walls ... 2 11.50 m .90m .30 m 6.21 L same as for earthwork in
Short walls ... 3 4.40 m .90m .30 m 3.56
Bed,room right side
'Long walls ... 2 9.60 m .90 m .30 m 5.18 L same as for earthwork in
Short walls
Front verandah
... 2 3.90m .90m .30 m ~.II .. ..
Front Long wall ...
I. '9.70 m .60 m ..20 m. . 1.16 L=9.65 _ .5~ +.6~ =9.70m
Side short wall ... I 1.10 m .60 m .20 m 0.20 L=2.25 _ .5~ _ .6~ = I.70m
." -
. \

. ': . ~:

. .~
.(Ex. 5(1 COII(d.)
._-_. -- -- -.---.,-----"T--.."..--------,+-------..,;._ ._ _. _-,-
Item Particulars of Height \
_.-.No,.Jlc;m~ .. N.9.~_~<::n.g~h. ~~~.~~!! ._._~r~j_9uar:~i_t~__ E..XE.I_~.~a~~ry ~ote . _
--- ._-_._ ------ ------- --_ . - .._-- ........... '-"_._-.
Back verandah,
including bath
room ;

long wall including

9.70 m .60 m .20 rn 1.16 l=9.65 _ .5~ + .6~ =9.70m
Short wall
(remaining walls of
2 2.20 m .60m .20 m 0.53 l=2.75 - .5~ _ .6~ =2.20.m
Total ,20.11 ,,


3. 1st class brick work

in foundation and
plinth in I : 6
cement mortar
Drawing and left
bed room long
l st footing 2 1.20 m .60 m .20 m 2.69 l = 10.60 + .60 ~ I 1.20 m
2nd footing 2 1'.10 m .50 m .20m 2.22 L = 11.'20 - 2x.05 = 11.10 m
Plinth wall above
footing 2 1.00 m .40 m .90 m 7.92 L = ILl 0 - .10 = [1.00 m
Short walls
1st footing 3 4 .70 m .60m .20m 1.69 l = 5.30 - .60 = 4.70 m
2nd footing 3 4 .80 m .50 m .20m 1.44 l := 4.70 + 2 x .05 == 4.80 m
, ?~:nt!-. :;all.abJ\e .. ..

I footing

3 4 .90 m .40 m .90 m 5.29 L = 4.80 + .10 = 4.90 m

I Bed rooms right

I side (both)
I .

I Long walls
l I s t footing .2 9.60 m .60 m .20m 2.31 L=9;60 _ .6~ + .6~ =9.60m
2nd footing 2 9.60 m .50 m .20m 1.92
L=9.60 - .5~ + .5~ ~9.60m
Plinth wall
above footing ...
2 9.60 m 040 m .90 m 6.91 L=9.60 _ A~ + .4~ =9.60m
. _.1. .._.....__ ._ .. .__---'-_~____!....._'__ _ __!_ __..!....._ _...!.__ ____!. _

. ,.' _0'''./ ..{thtiK;~" ~'" friJSm:;=5ff~T t":'r'wsrrt

"'\ ..

Item Particulars of Height

-Nl):-- Items: --------- ......... _. -N{)o- Length- Breadth __0%___ QllJlntity_ ~.!planatory no~________
Short walls _.

1st footing ...

2 4.20 m .60 m .20 m 1.01 L = 4.80 - .60 = 4't m
Znd footing ."
2 4.30 m .50 m .20m 0.86 L = 4.20 + 2 x .05 4.30 m
Plinth wall above I
footing ...
2 4040 m 040 m .90 m 3.17 L = 4.30 + 10=4Apm
Front verandah

Front wall
Footing ... I 9.65 m Ap .20m 0.77 L=9.65 _ A~ + Ag=9.65 m
Plinth wall above

footing ...
I 9.60 m .30 m .70 m 2.02 J-,=9.65 - A~ + .3~ =9.60'm
Side short wall-

Footing ...
I 1.85 m 040 m .20 m 0.15 t=2.25 _ A~~ ~4~. ~ 1.85m
Plinth wall above

footing . ...
I 1.90 m .30 m .70 m 0040 L=2.25':.4~ ~ .3~ = 1.90m
Back verandah

including bath
., .

room .' . .,
Long wall
Footing ... : "1 :. 9.65'm '040 m :20:m ,-0.77 }Lengl~"ame as for front
long wall
: "/". ' . '
... .
Plinth wall ., - -. ..
: :'- ... .;.... ': ~ ~ .
above footing ... I 9.60 m .30 m .70m 2,02
Short walls

(remaining walls of

-. .. - . ... .. ,
, . - ,

.footing ... 2 2.35 m 040 m .. ..20_m 0.38 L=2.75.- A~ - .~g' =2.35 m

Plinth wall ;:,.~ ... .. ,
above footing ... 2 2AOm .30 m .70m 1.01 L=2.75 _ A~ _ .3~ =2040 m
Total 44.95 cu m
I -- - -
Note- It may be noted that for length oflong walls ottight side bed rooms..hall" breadth on
the left side has been deducted. and half breadth on tberigh! side has been added.
For long walls of front and back verandah.halfbreadth of main walls on the left hand side at
the ssme {evel, has been deducted. and halfbreadth otthc verendub wall on the right hand side has
III been added to get lengths. . ..
For cross walls ofthe rooms and side,wall ot'Irontverendsh, halfbreadth ofmain walls lit the
same level has been deducted for inner side. and halfbresdth at"verendeh wsl! has been deducted
for the outer side to get !f:~ lengths. . .

.. -~---
.. -"--"
" ; j -,

~ (Ex. 5a Contd.)
Item Particulars of
items No. Length Breadth or . Quantity Explanatory note
..... ..... _- -. .- ..
""--" .. ......... . -- .

4. 2.5 ern Damp proof


Drawing and left

bed rooms
Long walls .... 2 11.00 m .40m - 8.80 L same as plinth wall.
Short walls 3 4.90 m .40 m - 5.88 L same as plinth wall.
Bed rooms inner
Long walls ... 2 9.60 m .40 m -- 7.68 L same as plinth wall.
Short walls ... 2 4.40 m .40 m - 3.52 L same as plinth wall.
Verandah Pillars ... 4 0.50 m .30m - 0.60 5 em extra on all sides.
Bath room-
Rear wall ... 1 2.50 m .30m - 0.75 L ;: 2.20 + 2 x ;15 = 2.50 m
Side and inter

walls '"
2 2.40m .30m 1.#
Total 28.67

Door sills D 1 '"
6 1.20 m .40 m _. 2~8
Door sills D2 ..... 2 1.00 m .40 m - 0.80

Door sills D) ...

I 0.75 m .30 m - 0.23
!rotal of deduction 3.91
. ... ..
Net Total 24.76
sq m

5. Ist class brick-work

in superstructure in
lime mortar-Draw
ing and left bed
Long walls ... 2 10.90 m .30 m 4.00m 26.16 L = 10.60 + .30 = 10.90 m

Short walls ... 3 5.00 m .30 rri 4.00m 18.00 L =5.30"': .30:: 5,00 m
. - .. _~._ ..

- . 1 .
-.. ' , ..

... : .
Item Particulars.of.. - ______ ""-- ..._ -- - - - - , - - - - ' _H.eight
No.' .Iterns No. Length Breadth or Quantity Explanatory note
Depth "

Bed room right

side -
Long walls ... 2 9.60 m .30m 4.00'm 23.04 L==9.6p _ .3~ + .3g ==9.60m
Short walls ... 2 4.50 rru .30 4.00m 10.80 L == 4.80 - .30 == 4.50 m
Front verandah
Front wah as
solid ...
L=9.65 _ .3~ + .2~ ==9.60m
I 9.60 m .20 m 3.05 m 5.86
. Side wall- as
- ~

solid ... I 2.00m .20 m 3.05 m 1.22 '

Back verandah
including bath
room -
Back 10 ng wall
as solid ... I 9.60 m .20 m 3.05 III I
5.86 ' L same as front verandah.
Side and inter walls
of bath ... 4 2.50 m .20 m 3.05 m 3.05 I
Total 93.99
, '

cu m
Deduct -
Door openings
rl;. operungs
. D, ... 6 1.20 III .30m 2.10 m 4.54
O. openings D 2 '" 2 1.00 III .30 m .~..oq'!ll; 1.20
D. openings 03 '" 'I 0.75 m .20 III 1.80' m ' 0.27
Window openings :.;':". .. .. , . ;~.:. ~
, "

W. openings WI '" 11 1.00 III .30 m 1.50 III 4.95

W. openings W2 ... I : , 2.00 III .30 m iSOm
IW' opening's 'ih' , .~. 2,' 0.75 rn .20m; ,.L:lthril' "'036' , ..

Clerestory window
(c. W.) opening ... 18 0.75 m .30 m ,O.60m 2.43
Shelves opening ' " 5 1.00 m 1.20 m 1.50 ~ 1.50 Back of shelves 10 ern thic k
Front verandah
opening in between
pillars ... I 8.40 m .20 m 2.40m 4.03 L == 9.60 - 3 x Ao == 8.40 m
Front verandah ,

opening side ... I 2.00m .20 m 2.40 m 0.96

Back verandah
opening '"
I 6.80 m .20 m 2.40 m 3.26 L=9.60 - 2.40 - .40 == 6.80 m

(Ex. Sa Coatd.)

Item Details of
-No; ltems- ........ .. - .... _- ... -- -No.-- -Length- Breadth __OL.... __ Q.Y~ Explanato'!y note


Over doors

D. doors DI ... 6 1.50 m .30 m .15 m 0.405 Bearing 15 ern

D. doors D2 2 1.30 m .30 m .15 m 0.117 Bearing 15 cm

D. doors DJ 1
.95 m .20 m .15 ill 0.029 Bearing 10 em
Over windows .
W. windows WI ...
11 1.30 m .30 m .15 m 0.644 Bearing 15 em

W. windows W2 ...
2.30 m .30 m .15 rn 0.103 Bearing 15 ern

O. windows W3 ...
.95 m .20 m .15 rn 0.057. Bearing 10 ern

Over C.W. ...

.95 rn .30 m .15 rn 0.770 Bearing 10 em

Over shelves ...

1.30 111 .30 m .15 m 0.293 Bearing 15 c~

Verandah lintels
Front ... 1 9.75 rn .20 m .15 m 0.293 L=9.60 + .15 = 9.75 m
Side '" 1 2.15 m .20 m .15 m 0.065 L = 2.00 + .15 = 2.15 rn
Back ... 1 7;50 rn .20 rn .15 rn 0.225 L = 9.60 - 2.40 + 2 x .15
=7:50 rn

Irotalof deduction 27.401 cu rn ,

.. -

'. Net
Total 66.59 cu m

Note : - Verandah walls above lintel, verendeh pillars, and bath rootuwslls may' be taken
scperstely end-no deduction for verandah openings need be. tuede. ' " z ..

1. Earthwork in excavation in foundation 64.23 cu m.

2. Lime concrete in foundation 20.22 cu rn.
3. l st class brickwork in foundation and plinth in 1:6 cement.mortar 44.95 cu rn.
4. 2.5 ern damp proof course .-;. 24.76 sq rn.
5. lst class brickwork in superstructure in lime mortar 66.59 cu m.

Note: -- Steps have not been taken into consideration es the object of this example is to
illustrate (he method of estimating of walls only.

;e'.s.C"" Firt" .. mn __ _....m-~-:<


. METHOD II . . . ~I

Centre Line Method. - In this method known as centre line method sum-tot1llJ~ngtlLoLc~ntr.~.._ '. ..
tlnesaf walls-,Tting and short, has to-be
found out. Find the total length of centre lines' of walls, of "
same type, long and short having same type of foundations and footings and then find the ~
quantities by multiplying the total centre length by the respective breadth and the height. In this i
method, the length will remain same for excavation in foundation, for concrete in foundation, f o r t .
all footings and for superstructure (with slight difference when there are cross walls or number of .~.
junctions). This method is quick but requires special attention and consideration at the junctions, &
. meeting points of partition or cross walls, etc. .,~

. For rectangular, circular polygonal (hexagonal, octagonal, etc.) buildings having no inter or ~!
cross walls, this method is quite simple. For buildings having cross or partition walls, for every t
junction of partition or cross walls with main walls, special consideration shall have to be made to i
find the correct quantity. For each junction half breadth of the respective item or footing is to be
ded ucted from the total centre length. Thus in the case of a building with one partition wall or cross
wall having two junctions, for-earthwork in foundation trench and foundation concrete deduct one
! '.

breadth of trench or concrete from the total centre length (half breadth for one junction and one i"
breadth (2 x Y2 = one for two junctions). F0!" footings, similary deduct one breadth of footing for ~:
two junctions from the total centre length, and so on. If two walls come from opposite directions t
and meet a wall at the same point,. then there will be two junctions. I-

For building having different types of walls, each set of walls shall have to be dealt separately.
Find the total centre length of all walls ofone type and proceed in the same manner as described

above. Similarly find the total centre length of walls of second type and deal this separately, and so


In the case of a building having different type of walls, suppose the, outer (main) walls are of A
type and inter cross walls are ofB type, then all Atype walls shall be taken jointly first, and then all
B type wall's shall be taken together separately. In such cases no ded uction of any kind need be made
for A type walls, but when B type walls are takenrf6I- eachjunction deductionof haif breadth of A
'type wall (main wall) shall have to be made from the total' centre length of walls.
It rn,aybe noted that at corners ofthe building where two walls are meeting no substraction or
addition is required. .
When there are number of footings, the length of the first footing is to be determined by
r,;:;d ucting half breadth of fouting' per] .In.;i.:vli rrom l.ilt:lotai centre linelengthand then the length
of the subsequent footing can be obtained simply by adding one offset of footing i.e. 5 ern for every
junction to the length of the previous footing, .
The examples 3(a). 4(a) and 5(a) which have been solved by method I in the previous pages, I

have been solved again under examples 3(b). 4(b) and 5(b) in the following pages, by method II to
illustrate this method. These illustrations will make this method quite clear.
Note.-Student should practice method I first and when they have become sufficiently.
acquainted with method I, then only they should take up the method fl.


Example 3(b). - Estimate by centre line method the quantities of the following items of a
single room building Fig, 2-3 of example 3a (page 31)-( I)Earthwork in excavation in foundation,
i (2) Concrete in foundation, (3) Brickwork in foundation and. plinth, a~d (4) Brickwork in
superstructure. . .

~ .~. r~

Total centre length of walls = A~ + BC +CQ' +PA .; ~;~O +4.30 + 5;30 + 4.30 F/19.20 m
Fig. 2-8 represents the foundation trench plan. ' !
._-_,_, ILthe_t.o_tal~~n.t.r~l~J],8!h_~~J!!~J~!PJ~_~_~_~ -'--!7-7'""':Ir-7'-r-~r--7_.."..'7'"""l.........

; r-_....
the breadth and the depth we get the quantity J<-;;; - - - -- - - -""".. ~

of earthwork in excavation. -t\y doing so we A

take certain portion twice and leave an equal

portion but this does not affect the quantity.

The quantity of excavation = AB x 90 ern

x 90 ern + BC x 90 cm x 90 em + CD x 90 ern x

90 cm + DA x 90 cm x 90 ern. It may be

noticed that the portions P,Q,R and S

marked with double hatch. lines come twice

while the portions K,L,M,N left blank do not

come at all, but these portions being equal in

magnitude, we get the correct quantity.

The same principle applies to foundation con

crete, footings, plinth wall and superstructue wall.
Fig. 2-8


Item Description of Height

No. Items No. Length Breadth or Quantity Explanatory notes
Depth ..
I. Earthwork in
excavation in foun
dation ... 1 19.20 m .90 m .90m 15.55 Total centre length of all
cu m walls = 19.20 m
2. Concrete in founda -.
. ,
tion '" .1 19.20m .90m .30m 5.18
cu m .
3. Brickwork in
foundation and - . . . .. .' .
Ist footing ... I 19.20 m .60'm .30 m 3.46 I
2nd footing ... I 19.20 m .50 m .30 m 2.88
Plinth wall ... I I 19.20 III .40 m .60 m 4.61
Total 10.95
I cu m

4.jBriCkWO'k in super- Door and window open

structure ... 1 19.20 m .30 m 3.50 m 20.16
cu m ings, lintels, etc. tobe
- -
\otc:. - The above may be compared with the solution by method I givenf"a'l( s,,;.,.



Example 4(b). - Estimate by centre line method the quantities of the following items of a two
roomed building Fig. 2-6 Example 4a (page 35)
, --(l-)E~~th-~~--;:k-i'~ excav-;ti~nTn foundation:c2fLune-concieteTnfouncraTIoii~-(3)~src1ass---
brickwork in cement mortar I: 6 in foundation ami plinth, (4) 2.5 ern c,c. damp proof course, and
(5) lst class brickwork in lime mortar in superstructure.
In this problem there are two junctions of the inter wall with the main wall.
Total centre length of wall = 2 x c. to. c. of long wall + 3 x c. to c. of short wall.
, ='2xIO.60+3x6.30=40.lOm'
Fig. 2-9 represents the foundation trench plan. '

.t-. ---- -- ~.

I r
I i!
lA, I ,;a:


g I
.... o ....
0 ui -~

s' ,I

', .. '
-t-. ---;'-' --, ?~

If the total centre length is multiplied by the breadth and depth, at the junction the portions A
-: -. and B shown by hatch lines in Fig. 2-9 come twice .. and weget the quantity in excess by these
portions, and these excesses shall have to be deducted. The deduction mas be effected reducing the
centre length byhalf breadth for each junction.

Thus the quantity of earthwork in excavation

:= [To,,',ill centre length-(2 x Y2 breadthj] x breadh x depth. , "
r >,

'- .. "
= (40.10 - 2 x VI x 1.10) x 1.l0 x 1.00:= 39.00 x' l.lO x LOO:;= 42..90 cu m.
The same principle applies to foundation concrete, to footings, plinth wall and superstructure
wall. At every stage deduction of half breadth of the main wall at that particular level shall have to
be made per junction (i.e. one breadth for two junctions) from the total centre length, and this net
centre length after ded uction shall be multiplied by the respective breadth and the height or depth to
get quantities. " , '
" '

The estimate of the quantities of this Example 4(b) is as follows:

""' .. ,
. ~ 1 .~


., ,
Item Particulars of l{eigp~ ,. .,.' .\;.: ', ,;.'"

No. Items No. L~rgth BreaQt~ 'or Q~antity Explanatory

. ;
.. ,
----- . --., _ _ _ ' _ _ "_"H _ _ _ _
'-'-~' '_"._'_'_""'_'~''-

' - - - " , - - - f----.-~

pe~th , .. ,
, Total centre length ="40.10
\. Earthwork in ; .. m
excavation in foun
'" I 39.90 m 1.I0m 1:00 m 42.90
L == 40.10 - 2 x
= 39.00 m 2
2. Lime concrete in

foundation '"
I 39.00 m 1.l0m .30m 12.87 L same as above.

3. I st class brick-work

in 1:6 cement

mortar in

foundation and


I st footing ... I 39.30 m .80m .20m 6.29 L=40.l0 ,-2 x .8~ == 39.30
. ,
2nd footing ... 1 39040 m .70 m .10 m 2.76 L=40.1O - 2 x .7~ ~ 39.40m
3rd footing ... I 39.50 m .60 in .10 m 2.37 L==4Q.1O - 2 x .6~ == 39.50m
4th footing . .. .J. 39.60 m .50 m
L==40.1O - 2x.. 5~ . == 39.60m

.10 m 1.98
Plinth wall above


'" 1 39.70 m 040 m .80 m 12.70 L==40.1O ~ 2 ~ A~ == 39.70m.
Total 26:10 ..
cu m
4. Damp proof course
2.5 ern c.c,
... :
1 39.70 m 040 m - 15.88 L==40.1O - 2 x .4~ == 39.70m
Deduct door sill 2 1.20 m .40 m - 0.96 I
'.' .. .. -. .' - -.; ;
Net 14.92
..... . .. CI,J m .. ..
5. I I stc1ass brick-work I' I .'

i in lime mortar in j I I
! superstructure ... iI
I Deduct door.
I 39.80 ml .30 rn 4.20 m 50.15 L==40.10 ., 2 x .3~ = 39.80m
window, shelve I
openings and !
lintels I
1 I
Same as per detail in . I

! page 37 1 4.40 Deduction to be made as

Net 45.75
I cu m
Note.--:- The length of2nd footingean be obtained simply by adding 10 em (i.e. 2 x 5 em) to the
length ofthe l st footing, the length ofJrd footing byJ:dding /1) em to the length ofth'e2nd rooting
and so on. . .
This may be compared with the solution by method I worked out in pages 36-37.

----------~---- ....
Example S(b).-Estimate by centre line method the quantities of the following items of a j
.\ residential building,.Fig. 2-7 of Example 5a (page.38). '.~
. -_ _ _ .. - ,,- -----------,-.-.----..-- -_ __ ---__ . ' ~~i
.. ~ (1) Earthwork in excavation in-foundation, (2fLlme concrete-lnfounClarion, (3rptrsrctass----~
brickwork in 1: 6 cement sand mortar in foundation and plinth, (4) Damp proof course and (5) F i r s t '
class brickwork in lime mortar in superstructure.
Total centre length of all 30 em walls (same type) of main rooms
= l'otal centre length of walls ofdrawing and left side bed room + Total centre length of walls of
bed rooms right side
. = (2 x c. to c. length of long wall + 3 x c. to c. length of short wall)
+ (2 x c. to c. length of long wail + 2 x-c. to c. "length of short wall)

;:: (2 x 10.60 + 3 x 5.30) + (2 x 9.60 + '2 x 4.~0) .

= 37.10 + 28.80;:: 65.90 m. .

'. Number of junctions for these walls is 6 marked 'x' in the plan Fig. 2-7, page' 38 and all these
junctions are with main walls of 30 em.

Total centre length of all 20 em walls (same type) offront verandah, back verandah and bath

(c. toc. length of front wall + c~ to c. length of side wall) '+- (c. to c. length of back verandah

long 'wall including bath + 2x C. to-c~"lngih of cross walls of bath room)
;:: (9.65 + 2.25) + (9.65 +2 x. 2.75) = 11.90 + 15.15 = 27.05 m. .

~ : r

Number of junctions of these wall is Sis mm-ked'+' and one is.marked '-' in the plan Fig. 2-7,
page 38.. . . '
I '. . :".,' .' ", ', ' . . ..

Fiye junetionsare with main walls of 30 em and one junction with similar wall of 20 ern,
, .

See page 39 for centre length ofdifferent walls.

The estimate of the different items by centre line method is as follows -."

\ 1\ '

.~ .


... r \(
"I i'. >

lte.n Particulars of Height :"

No. Items No. Length Breadth . or
.' Depth'
Quantity Explanatory notes.

I. Earthwork in exca

vation in

Wall of main room

'(six junctions) \ ... 63~20m .90 m 1.00 m .. 56.88 L=65.90 - 6x~Q= 63.20m
Walls of verandahs

including bath (five

and onejunctions) ...

24.50 m .60 rn .50 m 7.35' L = 27.05' - S x .?O _ 1 x .60
= 24.50 ni' 2 2
Total 64.23
ou m
2. Lime concrete in


Walls of main

rooms ...
63.29 m .90 m .30m 17,.06 L same as above.
Walls of verandah
and bath
25.50 m ~60 m .20 m 3.06 'L = 27.05 - 5 x .~O _ I x .~O
= 25.50 m
(Minus half breadth per
Total 20.12 junction at the same level)
cu m
3. Ist class brick-work

in foundation and

-plinth in I : 6

cement mortar

Walls of main

1st footing ... .I 64.10 m ',,60 m .20m 7.69 L==65.90 - 6 x .~O = 64. 10m
2nd footing
64.40 m .50 m .20m 6.44 L= 65.90 ~ 6 x .~0=64.4Om
Plinth wall above


64.70m AOm .90 m 23.29 L=65.90 - 6 x 'iO'~ 64.7Om

, . (Length of subsequent
footing after first can be
obtained by adding 6 x 5 =
Walls of verandah 30 em to the prfvious
and bath footing). 4Q..
Footing 2.07 L = 27.05 - 5 x AO - 1 x '..,
25.85 m .40 m .2001
== 25.85 m 2
Plinth wall above
25.90 rm .30 m .70 m 5.44 L=27.05 - 5 x
= 25.90 m
'iO 1 x~

-- __------l._I-L. Total 44.93

cu m
J_. _

"",.n,.n-n"'" ox. .....c rt'


Item Particulars of Height

.... 1'l.9! . items - -.--- -- - -- - ---- No. ---------
Length Breadth
0 _____ - or Quantity Explanatory notes

l)epln --.-._-----,- --_..._-------._-_.-

4. 2.5 ern Damp proof
Walls of main
rooms ... I 64.70 m . .40 m - 25.88 L same as for plinth wall.
Verandah pillars ... 4 0.50 m .30 m - 0.60
Bath room (total of
3 walls) ... I .7.30 m .30 m - 2.J9 L ::: (2.20 + 2 x .15) + 2 x

Deduct door
Total 28.67
( 2.75 - 'iO - .~O ) =7.30 m
sills .... Same as per /detail in
page 43 3.91 Details of deduction as us
Net Total 24.76
sq m
5. 1st class brick-work
in superstructure in I

lime mortar-
Walls of main
... I 65.OQ m .30m 4.oom 78.00 L=65.90 - 6 x 'i O
= 65.00m

Walls of verandah
and bath (as solid) I 26.20 m .20m 3.05 m 15.98 L=27.05 - 5 x .30 _ I x .20
.. .. =26.20 m 2 2

. Total' . 93.98
. .Deduct openings.. . .
and lintels ." Same as per idetail in' Details of deduction as.'
pages 44-45 27.40 usual. .'

I Net Total 66.58 .

,;' : cum ,
Note. - This solution may be compared with that of by method I worked out in pages 40-45.

Method I, 'Long wall and Short well" method as explained in pages 29 to 45 is generally
Followed in the Engineering Department. The measurement otthe work done. is taken separately
for each waJ! for preparing bill for payment and the qusntityIor each wall as per measurement may
. be compared with the estimated quantity.

II - -


. .

The quantities of masonry work in arch iscalculated by multiplying the mean length of arch by
. . .. . .

-!~J_llickrtess of arch. In the case of culvert the quantity of arch masonry

work is equal to the length ofarch-TacetoTactfKmean-length-of-arch-x-t-hiekness-of-arch.----- _
Case I. Segmental Arch with span and angle given. - Arch of span Ssubtending an angle 9 at
the centre.
s = span, 0 = angle at the centre, r = radius,
r m= mean radius, - __
1m = mean length of arch, t = thickness of arch, ,
b = breadth of wall,
, ---~_._--+--- /
. 0
SID_ 5/ 2 . S
= __ ," r = _.
I - '. \ -
/ /
X ---ri -,
2 r 2 Sm_
.' Ii 2 ,, 8"!"4/ r
2 ,, ,"
'I' /
0 8
---= , r. 1m = 27i- r m X _ _
2 71"rm 360 360 Fig.2-10
1m can be found.
Quantity of arch masonry work Q = mean length of
arch x breadth of wall x, thickness of arch = 1m X b X t,
Illustration I. ~ An arch of2.50 m span subtends an angle of 80 at the centre. The thickness
of arch is 30 ern and the breadth of wall is 40 em. Calculate the quantity of arch masonry work.

Radius r = ..:... X = 2.50 x = 1.945 m

2 Sin 40 2 .6428

Mean radius r- = r + 1 = 1.945 + .~Q.= 2.095 m

. 0 22 80 - '
Mean length of arch 1m = 271" rm X =2 X_X 2.095 X __ = 2.93 m
360 7 360
Quantity or arch masonry = 1m X breadth of wall X thickness of arch =2.93 x .40 X .30
= .352 cu m.
Case II. Se&men~al'/;rch ("f.I-.~.o~rr~~.over doors and windows are usually segmental
subtending an angle 'of 60 at the centre. 60 0 arch forms an equilateral triangieou tilesi)afl with
1m = mean length of, =:: mean radius,

s = span, -r = radius,

1 I

r = s, and rm = r + - , - ' - -m- - - = =

2 211' rm 6

.I I
1m = X 211' rm:=;- 11' 1Jn. Irr.can be found.

6 3

Quantity Q = 1m X breadth of wall X thickness of arch

= 1m X b X t

Fig. 2-11

Illustration II. -- Calculate the quantity of brickwork in a 60 'arch over a door of 1.20 m
width. The arch is 20 em thick and the thickness of the wall is 30 cm.
- ------ - ---------- --- - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -------
r = 1.20 m, rm=r+ .,', =(1.20+ .20 ) = 1.30 m

2 2

I . 22
1m = _IT rm =. _1 x _x 1.30 = 1.36 m

3 3 7

Breadth of wall b = .30 m, Thickness of arch t = .20 m

':. Q = L, X b X t = 1.36 X .30 X .20 =' .082 cu m

Case III. Segmental Arch with span and rise given

r =:: radius of arch i.e. of lntrados, r m =:: radius of mean arc.

1 := length of arch of intrados, 1m= length of mean arc.

From similar figures

_~ = ~~ , or 1m =:: I X ~
I r r
To find radius r
a 2 == h (d - h), where d := dia. of intrados.
a = semi chord = Y2 span = ~,
. . 2 - S
, J

h = rise of 'arch (given)

Fig. 2-12

Hence d can be found, and r = d/2

" h . 2

From the above it can also be proved that: r =_ + ~

.' .. ,,':~ -. '2 8h

/ . Radius r can be found by first principle or directly by the formula.

t : ". .. .....x 'i;;;; .. -.

Mean radius rm =r + __,where t := thickness of arch.

. 2

.... -' T'; :i..-.d ~eni~hof arc of; I : .. '

8b - 2a 'f.
Mensuration formula, I = _ .,
r: " 3 'Z . ~
. '{


b =J a2 + h 2

a and h being known, b can be determined, and hence I can be found.

r, r m and I being calculated, 1m can be found 1m = I X ~


Quantity Q := 1m X b X t. Fig. 2-13

Note. - After finding radius r, thc tutgle dsubtended at the centre may also be determined as
in Case I above in Pagc'53 and then 1m may be found. '.' .


lIIustrationUI ..:.- Calculatethe quantity of brickwork in a segmental arch of2.20 m span, SO

em rise and 30 em thick. The breadth of the wall is 30 em.

.. ~eanTengt:horatcnl';;=lx ~-- .,---. ---.--.--.-----.. --- -- -------- ------ -- -..-.----

r can also be founddlrectly from the formula
a2 = h (d -. h), a > _
s 2.20
=__= 1.10, h::: .50
.h 52
2 2 r=_+_
:. (1.\)2::: .5 (d - .5) 2 &h
. solving d = 2.92 m 2
= + 2.2 ::: 1.46 m

. r = ~::: 2.92 = 1.46 m 2 8 x .5

2 2
.. t .30
.. rm ::: r+_::: 1.46 +_= 1.61 m

2 2

8b- 2a
\ ::: 3~' b = .J-a2 + h2 ::: .J 1.12 + .52 ::: 1.21 m
:. 1= (8 x 1.21) - (2 x 1.10)::: 2.49 m
Mean length i, = 1x ~::: 2.49 X ~= 2.75 m

r 1.46

Quantity of arch work Q = 1m X b X t "" 2.75 X .30 X .30 = .247 cu m.

Case IV. Semi-circular Arches

s. = span, r = radius of arch,

r m ::: mean radius, h = rise,

Im~ = mean lengthof arch
R a diiUS r; -
- '_
s ,
Riseh= ~
,2 2

Mean Radius

=r+ _

,t __
_ +


s t
Mea length-of arch l'i1 = rr r m = _ X ( _ + _)
7 2 2

Fig. 2-14
Quantity of arch masonry ~ ,;: 1m X b X t.
Illustration IV. - Calculate the q uanrityof brickwork in a semi-circular arch of 2.00 m span,
thickness of the arch is 30 em and the breadth of the wall is 40 cm. I
' .. f 2.00 . I
R a d lUS 0 arch r = _ = 1.00 m I

M ean R a IUS rm = r + _=.00t '1 .30

+_= 1.15 m
"2 2
22 . .

Mean length 1m ::: 1T X f m = _ X 1..15 = 3.61 m

Quantity of arch work Q = ImX b X t = 3.61 X .40 X .30 = .433 cu m,


Ca~e'V. Flat Arches. - May be used over doorsand windows for small spans, but a small
camber should
be given.

Flat.arch us ually angle.oL60~_aUhe.-centrc-andiorms...an_equilate.r.aL1.riallgle

.. ._
Inclined thickness of arch at the springing point tl = _t_ = _t_= 1.15 t
sin 60 .866

tJ .
Mean length of arch 1m =.s + .
Fig. 2-15 ,

Quantity of arch masonry work Q =1m X b X t '.

.... 60...,s'
, I
For practical purposes tl may be considered as equal to t and
. t v
mean length of arch may be taken as, 1m
. .
=s + 2
-, S

Illustration V. - Calculate the quantity of arch workin a Hat arch over a door of 1.20 m
width. The thickness of arch is 30 ern and the breadth of wall is 30 em.
s = 1.20 m, tl = = 1.15 t = 1.15 X .30 = .345 m .,
sin 60
} .
. tl .345

Mean length 1m = s + _._= 1.20 +_ _= 1.3.72 m

2 2

Quantity of arch work Q = Jill X bx t = 1.372 x .-30 x .30 = 1.23 1Jl..

SEMI-ELLIPTICAL ARCHES may be considered as segmental arches; and' the same

method m,ay be adopted to calculate the quantities which is sufficient for practical purposes.
. .~.... . :':. - . ~ . ' . r . "
Illustration VI. :.;... The arch of a culvert, subtend an angle of 120. at the centre. The span of .
the arch is 5.00 m and the thickness ofthe arch is 50 em. The length of the archis 8.00 m from face
to face. Calculate the quantities of arch masonry work, and cement plastering in the soffit of arch.

Ra d'IUS, r = _s x _._

2 .Sin 8

where s = span =. 5.00 rn, 8 = angle subtended at the centre = 120
500" . 'I . 1 ' " .. .,.,.

= _._ x = 2.5 x _ = 2.886 m

2 sin 60 .866

Me/an radius, rm = r + ~ where t = thickness of arch = 50 em =.50m

2 ..

= 2.886 + .. 50 = 3.136 m


Mean length of arc, 1m - . . ..'.

1 () () . 22 120. .

_'_m_ = _ 1m = 2rr rm x __ = 2 x_x 3.136 x __ = 6.57 m

2rr rm 360 360 7 360

Length of arch from face to face, L = 8.00 m (given).


Quantity of arch masonry = Length of arch x 1m X t = 8.00 X 6.57 X .50 = 26.28 cum

'.. -----
1m rm
Arclength of intrados, I
-\==-\"..; 'x '.' .t_ =657-x-Z.~~-6-=-6~5m;
rm 3.136
Area of soffit plastering =Arc length of intrados x length of arch = 6.05 x 8.00 :::: 48.40 sq m.
Note. ---'- For building work the mean length of the arch may be found from the drawing by
measuring with divider or thread, and then the quantltycalculated; But for big arches, as culverts,
the correct mean length should be found by theoretical calculations. The estimate of a building
having vsrioustypes of arches has been given in Chapter 4.
Problem - Estimating the quantities of Earthwork, Concrete, Brickwork and Finishing
work of different types of steps from given drawings.
Steps are usually constructed when the construction ofthe building has progressed sufficiently 'I
and the earth work in foundation for step needs excavation afresh. The earthwork in excavation for
step is usually neglected. 111


1. Estimate of simple step given in Fig. 2-16.

c Plinth Level




Verandah -- ..

2 90cm
qcJ_Cm-- -
1~3C m ----,.-04 .
~ m . Treads-30 em
Risers - 15 em DETAILED VIEW
Fig. 2-16
Surface in steps 20 mm plastered with I : 3 cement sand mortar finished neat cement
Items No.. L B. Ht. or D. Qty.
m m m
I. Earthwork in excavation 1 1.90 .95 .15 '.27 cu m
2. Concrete in foundation I 1.90 .95 .10 .18 cu m
3. Brickwork - lst step'
2nd step
I 1.80
I 1.80
3rd step I 1.80 .30 .15 .081
Total ... 0.567 cum

4. Finishing 20 rnm cement plastered

Treads 3 1.80 .30 1.62
Risers .... 4 1.80 .15 1.08
Ends 2 .90 .IS .27 _
. ii .. c-2---.60---=----~15._.
_..._L8_ ._ . ~:
2 .30 - .15 .09 .
Total... 3.24 sq m

In the above estimate of step

The quantities of brickwork may also be calculated in short as
.... .90 + .30 .
Average sectiona] area x Iength > ( x .4S) x 1.80 :::; .486}
2 Total... .567 cu m

Below-ground level = 1.80 x .90 x .05 .' . == .081

The quantities of plastering may be calculated in short as

. Risers and treads> Length x total of risers and treads

=1.80 X (4 x.15+3 x.30) "==2.70}

. Ends > 2 x Average breadth x height> 2 X( .90 + .30) X.45::': .54 Total ... 3.24 sq m
. .... . 2
Note. - If there are fou~ steps' (even number Of steps) the quantities may be calculated in
details step by step. By short method the quantities may be calculated as follows
Quantities of brickwork above G. L. = ( 1.20 + .90 + .60 + .30 x .60) x 1.80 = .81 cu m
Quantity of plastering
Risers and treads > 1.80 (5 x .15 + 4 x .30) = 3.51 }

Ends > 2 x ( 1.20 + .90 + .60 + .30<.60 = .90 .

Total 4.41 sq m
4 - . '.

II. Estimate of three sides step given in Fig. 2:-17.

'. . . Plinth Level
r' -.
. I

....- .. ELEVATION


5 rrvn Dia Bar

//{.~1iZJl~ ...., 27.5 cm
. ;.w:~~'i?I ~
, 18 cm !
2.5cm 1B'cm ,..~,,~~~p 1
..... JoC2.?_~!!,_ '" _. __2... ; I 25 em '2.5 em I

-- _~5 ~!!!.__ ..... _. _.... _... ~: =~2.5 em . Deta;;;;Nosing HoSIng. J

Of 3.00m ~
I Treads - 27.5 em including 2.5 em Nosing
\iiI Risers 18 em .
PLAN Fig. 2-17
Surface of steps is provided with 2.5 em c.c, I : II./.. : 3 finished with. neat cement.

Items . No. . L. B. Ht... or D. Qntty,

m m::. m ","
1. Earthwork in excavation ... .1 ~.20 1.10 '~ ..20.71 cu m
...- .'--'-'2~" Concrete"iil' 'fbu-iid'atrcm-' '---.- ..-'.- ;;; ----l---3;-20-1..10---.1-S-----.-5,l-cu-rn--- --_..---- .
3. Brickwork - I st step 1 3.00 . 1.00 .23 .690}
2nd step 1 2.50 .75 .18 .338
3rd step I 2.00 .50 .18 .180
4th step 1 1.50 .25 .18 ,068
Total... 1.276 eu m

4. 2.5 em c.c. 1 : 1Y2 : 3 in surface finishing -

1st step - Tread, front and sides 4.50 .25 1.125
Risers, front and sides' 1 5.00 .18 .900 I: II

2nd step - Tread, front and sides' 1. 3.50 .25 .875

Risers, front and sides I 4.00 .18 .720
3rd step - Tread, front and sides' 1 2.50 .25 .625
Risers, front and sides 1 3.00 .18 .540
4th step - Tread, front and sides . .... 1 1.50 .25 .375
Risers, front and sides I 2.00 .18 .360
Plinth - Riser 1 1.50 .18 .270
Total ... 5.790 sq m

5. 2.5 cm Nosing -
1st step front and sides. 5.00 5.00
2nd step front and sides . 4.00 4.00
3rd step front and-sides 3.00 3.00
4th step front and sides 2.00 2.00
Total ... 14.00 r rn


I. Earthwork in excavation 0.71 cum

2. Concrete in foundation 0.53 cu m
3. Brickwork 1.276 cu m
4. 2.5 cmc.c. I : 112 : 3 in surface finishing 5.79 sq m
5. 2.5 ern nosing 14.00 running metre.

_:0:.1-:~'._ .. .. ~ ..... ~"-.- ... _ ....


Ill. Estimate of corner step given in Fig. 2-18.



2.50 m
I 3

\. "
90 em
,J. " ' 30 em
I' 2.50 m

Treads - 30 em
PLAN Risers - 15 em Fig. 2-18

.Surface of stepswith 20 mm cement plastered 1 : 3 with neat cement rendering.

Items No. L. B.' Ht. or'D.Qty. Explanatory note "

m m ill
I. Earthwork in excavations
Front 2.70 1.00 .20 .54 L = 2.50 + .10 + .10
= 2.70 m ,.

! -,
Side I' 1.70 1.00 .20 .34 L = 2.50 - .90 + .10
= 1.70 m
I -,
,Total... , .88 cu m
-: .....
2. Conerete'lilloundatiOn'-'"
'---' Front 2.70 1.00 .15 .405 ' Length same as
Side 1.70 1.00 .15 .255 above
Total ... '.66 ell m 1!
3. Brickwork
1st step - Front 1 2.50 .90 .20 .450
Side 1 ,1.60 .90 .15 .216 L = 2.50 - .90 = 1.60 m
2nd step - Front I 2.20 .60 .15 .198 L = 2.50 - .30 =2.20 m
Side' 1 1.60 .60 .15 .144 L = 2,20 - .60 = 1.60 m
3rd step - Front. 1 1.90 .30 .15 .086 L = 2.50 - .60 = 1.90 m
, 'Side I 1.60 .30 .15 .072 L = 1.90 - .30 = 1.60 m
Total. .. 1.166 cum


. .


4. 2P mm cement plastering .
1st step - Tread, front and side I 4.70 .3p 1.41 L = ~.50 + 2.20
Riser, front and side I 5.00 ~ .15 .75 == 4.70 m
. "'~(rsiep=-' Tread~ ftoilCand-stde::; -t -..4;tO.....;JO----.~-----1.2_3--_b-~._10~--I_.90-.~---.----- _ ..... ---- ..
Riser, front and side... I 4.40' .15.66 k 4.10 m .
3rd step - Tread, front and side ... I 3.50 .30 1.05 L = t.90 + 1.60
. Riser, front and side . I 3.80 .15:57 ~ 3.50 m
Plinth- Riser, front and side 1 3.20 - .15 ~48
Total... 6.15 sq m


1. Earthwork in excavation. 0.88 cu m

2. Concrete in foundation 0.66 cu m
3. Brickwork 1.166 cu m
4. 20 mm cement plastering ...... 6.15 sq m

. . .

IV. Estimate of circular step as given in Fig. 2-19.

<" Plinth Level

J,.V~ .-, _',LI--------1---..,

~1C!:!:!2"'""K- r:. 50 em Tread

. -+I. r.- 30 em Tread
11 ~ 15cm Rise

. -,.;.~:~~ ~ ic~cm




K--1.50 m----tl

Treads - 3hem
Risers 15 em.

Fig. 2-19

Surface of step cement plastered I : J with neat cement finish.


Quantity of Earthwork, Concrete and Brickwork may be calculated by finding the area of the
respective segment and multiplying the area by the height or depth. .
. I

---For siirfacearea.thearea offreaa--may-6e caICUHlleabyfinOing-:-rne mean lengtnofeacnlfeaa--"
(mean arc length) 'and multiplying by the breadth. The area of riser may be calculated by finding the
outer length of each step (outer arc length) and multiplying by the height.


, Figure 2-20 represents inverted position of 4th and 3rd step showing notations for easy
II i understanding.
Radius of steps-R
h 52
Radius of segment is given by R =- +- where s = span or chord length, and

2 8h

h = rise or perpendicular length at centre.

. .5 1.5 2

Radius of 4th step -- R 4 = - + - - = .81 m

, .' 2. 8 x .5 .;

-- Radius of 3rd step -- R J = R~_ + .3 = .81 + .3 = 1.11 m - --1,

-- Radius of 2nd step -- R z =. R 3 + .3 = 1.11 + .3 = 1.41 m

" . ./

-- Radius of 1st step -- R I = R z + .3 = 1.41 + .3 + 1.71 m !:

Straight length (span) of steps, S - . ~
-, .: Straight length of4th step = 1.50 m (given) ~

---- i
Straight length of 3-rd step = 2 .JR3 2 - (R 3 - .8)2 = 2 Vl.112 :... (I. I I - .8)2 = 2.13 m '.1

" ." '1
Straight length of
2nd step = 2 v'R2 2 - (R2 - 1.1)2
v' 1.4 J2 -' (1.41 -
.. .
1.1)2 = 2.75
m j
Straight length of lststep ={JR t2 - (Ri - 1.4)2 ~-2~!I.7J2..,. (1.71 - 1.4)2 = 3.36 m

./' .

Straight length Of foundation concrete = 3.36 + .20 = 3.56 m.

Note. - Forpracticalpurpose the straight lengths may be.Iound by adding two treads i.e. 60
/"' ... em, thus the approximate straight length may be taken as.:.
.............. ,"
3rd seep - 1.5 + ~6 = 2. 10 m, 2nd step - 2/ + .6 = 2. 70m, lst step - 2.7 + .6= 3.30 m..
/: -.
Perpendicular length at centre, (height) h - :

. 4th 'step~h = .50 m, 3rd step--h= .5 + :3 ::= :80 iii, .

.1' ".
2nd. step-h= .8+.3= 1.10 m, lst step"':""h = 1.1 + .3 = lAO m,

. fS . 2 sh + h 2 .

Area 0 egment =:'"1 2s where s = straight length (span)

h = perpendicular length (rise).

" Volume = Area of segment x height.

. .(
Curved length of step (arc length)
. . . 8~2a' . ..... " - -
Curved length = " where a = half straight length, b =J
a 2 + h 2 (See Fig. 2-20)

4th step - a= L~ = .75, h = .5. b =J .75 2 + .52 = .9 .


, d Iengt hi 4
Curve = 8 x .9 - 23.x;.75
.., 90 .m .
=. . .,
------:Wa-Slel'-=a .=2. ~ 3.= 4;06--5;-h .=: :::8,.b u __ --;;:.JI~0(l5?:.-+--.8~,_==- L.3.1.m. _.' __. .__...__ ~. ._. __ __ .

Curved length b = 8 x 1.33 -- 2 )f. 1.065 = 2.84 m

2.75 3
2nd step - a = 2 = 1.375, h = 1.10, b . =J1.375 2 + 1.12 =1.76 IT!

Curved length b = 8 x 1.76 - 2 x 1.375 '= 3.78 m

l st step -, a = 3.~6 = 1.68, h = 1.40, b =JL68 2 + 1.42 :::: 2.186 m

Curved length II :::: 8 x 2.186 - 2 x 1.68 :::: 4.71 m

3 '
Surface area of riser > Curved 'length x height of riser.
Surface area of tread > Mean curved length x breadth of tread.
Items No. L. B. Ht. or 0: Qty.
I. Earthwork in excavation I {e! 3 x 3.56 x 1.5)+
1.5 } '
2 x 3.56
. x .15 .605 cu m

. Area x depth (1 sh +~.) x depth

3 2s .
2. Concrete in foundation I {e!3
x 3.56 x.1.5) + 1.5

2 x 3.56
} ,x .10 .403 cu m

3. Bricks in step -
I {(~/J x 3.36 x 1.4) +
14 x .20 .708

Ist step }
i x 3.36
2nd step I{ r--.l x 2.75 x,l.I) + x .15 .338

2 x 2.75 }

3rd step ,I {-(1 j : x 2.13 x .8)
1 + 8
2 x 2.13
} x .15 .188

4th step l{r,J x I. 5x.5) + ,,5J } x .15 .081

2 x 1.5
4. 20 mm cement plaster I : .3 - Total 1.315 cu m
hi step 'Tread I 4.7'. + ~ 78 x '.30 1.27
Riser 4.71 .15 .71

3.78 ... 2.R4 x .30 .99

2nd st~p-- Tread


Riser 3.78
- .15 .57

2.~4 1.90 .15 .71

3rd step- Tread -- '" .30

Riser 1.90 .15 .29

.5.1 ) .54

4th step- Tread F i 3 x 1.5 x ,5 +

2 x I.5
Riser 1.5 .15 .23
Total 5.31 sq III



! .
~ -~---"---------

Specificatio~specifies or describes the nature and the class of the work, materials to beused in
the work, workmanship, etc., and is very important for the execution of the work. The cost of a
work depends much on the specifications. Specifications should be clear, and there should not be
any ambiguity anywhere. From the study of the specifications one can easily understand the nature
of the work and what the work shall be. The drawings of a building or structure show the
arrangement of the rooins and various parts, and the dimensions-length, breadth and height, with
very btief descriptions of different parts. Drawings do not furnish the details of different items of
work, the quantity of materials, proportion of mortar and workmanship which ary described in
specifications. Thus the combinations of drawings and specifications defiriecoinpletely the
structure. Drawings and specifications form important parts of contract document.
D,uring writing specification attempts should be made to express all the requirements of the
work Clearly and in a concise form avoiding repetition. As far as possible, the clauses of the
specification should be arranged in the same order in wh1ch the work will be carried out. The
specifications are written in a language so that they indicate what the work should be, and words
"shall be" Or "should be" are used. .
Specifications depend onthe nature of the work, the purpose for Which the work is required,
strength of the materials, availability of materials, quality of materials, etc. .
Specifications are of two types :
(I) General specification or Brief specification, and (2) Detailed specification.
. . '," . :.: .',

\ . ." General or brief specification-General the nature and class of the work

and' materials in general terms, to be used in the various parts of the work, from.the foundation to

... ".
the superstructure. It is a short description of different parts of the work specifyingmaterials,

proportions, qualities, etc. General specifications give general idea-of the whole work or structure
and are useful for prep-aring the estimate; ,' .' ..' ,"" ,", , '
For general idea, ,the general specifications of different classof buildings aregiven below.
\ ....
These' will of course vary according to the necessity and type of-works. , , ' '. . , -- ,"

1. I. General Specifications of a First Class Building'

Foundationand pllnth- Foundation 'a rid plinth st'ia.-l1 be cft-el~s brickwork in lime mortar or
I : 6 cement mortar over lime concrete or I : 4 : 8 cement concrete.
Damp proof course- 0, P.c. shall be 2.5 ern (1") thick cement concrete I: IIh:3, mixed with
one kg of Impermo per bag of cement or other standard water proofing, materials as specified and
painted with two coats of bitumen. ' .
r :
Superstructure-Superstructure shall be of l-class brickwork with lime mortar or I : 6 cement
mortar. Lintels over doors and windows shall be of R.C.C. .
Roofing-Roof shall be of R.C.C. slab with an insulationlayer and lime concrete terracing
above, supported over R.S. Joists or R.C.C. beams as required. Height of rooms shall not be less
than 3.7 m (12 feet). . .
. . .

Flcoring-c-Drawing roomand dining room floors shall be of mosaic (terrazo). Bathroom and
W.e. floors and dado shall be of mosaic (terrazo). Floors of bedrooms shall be coloured and
polished of 2. 5 ern (I ") cement concrete over 7.5 ern (3") lime concrete. Floors of others shall be of
'." '

2.5 em (l") cement concrete over 7.5 cm' (3") lime concrete polished.
Finishing-Inside and outside walls shall be ~f 12 mm (Yl',)'cement li~e.plaste~ed I :1 : 6.

Drawing.-dining-'and-bed-fooms-inside-'shall,heJJlSte.mpl:.m1..,~nd .Q!ll~~~_=l!!.~~~. w~~t~_~~s_~~~, ,~ __,__

coats. Outside shall be coloured snowcem washed two coats over one coat of white wash ..

Doors and wi~dows-Chaukhatsshall be seasoned teakwood'. Shutters s?a:llbe ~eak w~Q.d 4.3

om (lW') thick panelled glazed or partly panelled and partly glazed as required ',with addlt~onal

wire gauge shutters. All fittings shall be of brass. Doors an~ w.indow~ shall be varnished o.r pamt.ed

two coats with high class enamel paint over one coat of pnrmng, Windows shall be provided with

iron gratings or grills.


. Miscellaneous-Rain water pipes of cast iron or of. asbestos cement shall be provided and ".;" ,

. finished painted. Building shall be provided with lst class Sanitary and Water fittings and Electrical '. ".~

installations'. 1 metre wide 7.5 cm thick C.C, I : 3 : 6 apron shall be provided all round ~:,e building.

II. General Specifications of a.Second Class'Building

F~undation and plinth-Foundation and plinth' shall be of lst class brickwork with lime

mortar over lime concrete,

Dampproofcourse-D.P.C. shall be df2cm(Y4") thick cement concrete l : 2 mixed with I kg

of Impermo per bag ofcement or other standard water proofing materials.

Superstructure-s-Superstructure shall be of 2nd class brickwork in lime mortar. Lintels over

doors and windows shall be of R.,B. '
Roofing-Roof shall be R.B. slab with..7.5 ern lime concrete terracing above (or flat terraced
roof supported over wooden battens and-beams, or Jack arch roof). Verandah roof may be of A. C.
sheet or Allahabad tiles. . /. .'
,FIoor~g-Flo-ors shall be ern (I") cement concrete over7~5 em (3") L.C. Verandah floor
shall be of brick tile or flag stone over lime concrete, finished cement painted,
Ftnlshlng-e-Inside and outside walls shall be of 12 mm cement mortar plastered 1 : 6. Ceiling
shall be cement plastered 1 : 3. Inside shall be white washed 3 coats. colour washed two coats over
one coat of white wash. . .
Doors and windows-Chaukhat shall be of RC.C. or well seasoned sal wood. shutters of
_shisham wood . or deodar wood 4 ern (1 W') thick, panelled. glazed or partly panelled and partly
glazed as required, fitted with iron fittings: .u001~ all~ wit,JuNS~ildll bepaintedtv..o coats over ':',l'~ .
coat of priming.
Miscellaneous-Rain water pipes shall be of cast iron finished painted. Electrification. and
sanitary and water fittings may be provided if required.

III. General Specifications of a Third Class Building

Foundation and plinth-Foundation and plinth shall be of 2nd class brickwork in lime mortar
ov~r lime concrete. Damp proof course shall be 2 ern thick cement mortar I: 2 mixed with stand ard
water proofing compound.

Superstructure-Superstructure shall be of second class brickwork in mud mortar. Door and

window opening shall be provided with arches of 2nd class brickwork in.lime mortar or with
wooden planks. '

.: ...

'Roofing- Roof shall be of mud over tiles or bricks or planks over wooden beams or of tile or
G.!. sheet or A.C. sheet sloping roof.
___ ____ ____F-loor~ng--Fl{)or--sllall--be-e-f-br-iek:-(}n-edge-ftoolover-wel}-raltlmed earth.
,- ..."
Finishing-Inside and outside walls shall be plastered with lime ....iortar and white washed
three coats.
Doors and windows-Chaukhat shall be of salwood, and shutters of chir mango or other
country wood. Doors and windows shall be paintedtwo coats with ordinary paint over one coat of
Foundation and superstructure-Foundation and superstructure shall be of sun-dried or
kutcha bricks in mud mortar. Door and window openings shall be provided with arches of 2nd class
brickwork in lime mortar or with wooden planks. Inside and outside shall be water proof mud
v, /
Roofing- Roof shall be of tile roof over bamboo and wooden supports.'
" ../
Flooring-Floor shall be kutcha or earthen floor finished with "gobri" washing (cowdung
v. ,/
lepping). .
. .
" .;
Doors and windows-Doors and windows shall be of chir or mango wood, or country wood.
" .." (See also Specifications' of Village House, Chapter 19).:'

The detailed specification is a detailed description and expresses.therequirements in detail.

The detailedspecification of an item of work specifies the_qua1ii~e!)..~~4~J.~ntitl;;s,Qf materials,
,,-' \
the proportion of mortar, workmanship, the method of" preparationand-execution and the
methods of measurement. .The detailed specifications of different-items: 6fwork' are prepared
separately, and describe what the works should be and how they shallbe executed and constructed,
Detailed specifications are written to express the requirementsclearly.iri1iiconCiseform 'avoiding
repetition and ambiguity. The detailed specifications are arranged aSJar:.aS,possible in the same
sequence of order as the work is carried out. The detailed specificatioD.s'WpreparedjJroperly are
very helpful for the execution of work. The detailed specificatioris~((rfm an important part of
contract document. . " _.. . . ". _' _". i: ' , .. -" "

Every engineering department prepares the detailed speciilcetions of the various items of
worl:s, and get them printed in book form under the name 'DetsiledSpeciticetions; When the
work. or a structure or project is taken up, instead of writing detailed specification every-time, the
primed Detailed Specifications are referred. . ..
The detailed'speclflcations of various items of works are as.follows :
1. Earthwork in excavation in foundation-
E.xcavation-Foundation trenches sh~ll be dug out to the exact width offoundation concrete
and the sides shall be vertical. If the soil is not good and does not permit vertical sides, the sides
should be sloped back or protected with timber shoring. Excavatedearth shall not be placed within
\;,1'" . l m (3') of the edge of the trench.
Finish of trench-The' bo'ttom of foundation trenches shall be perfectly levelled both
longitudinally and t,'ansversely and the sides of the trench shall bedressed prefectly vertical from


i./ . ..~

I, .

bottom up tothe least thickness oflo~se concrete ~o that concr~te may be lai9 ex~ctwidth a per
design. The bed of the trench shall betightly watered and well rammed. Excess dl~mg Ifdone thr]6sugh
mistake shall be filled with concrete at the expense bfthe contractor. Soft or defective spots shall b~ dug --
........ -'oiit alia -Fem(jVed-'ri:UeQ--with-~orfcret~-orwith-stabilized-soil;-lf-rocks-or-bcimlders-are--found--dtlrmg- --.~
excavation, these should be removed and the bed of the trenches shall be levelled and made hard by
consolidating the earth. Foundation Goncreteshall pot be laid before the inspection and approval of the
trench by the engineer-in-charge. , '
Finds-Any treasure and valuables or materials found during the excavation, shall be property of

the Government.

Water in foundation-Water, if any accumulates in the trench, should be bailed or pumped out

without any extra payment and necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent surface water to enter

into the trench. .

Trench filling-After the concrete has been laid masonry has been constructed the remaining

portion of the trenches shall be filled up with earth in layers of 15 ern (6") and watered and well rammed.

The earth filling shall be free from rubbish and refuse matters and all clods shall be broken before filling.

Surplus earth not required, shall be removed and disposed, and site shall be levelled and dressed.

Measurement--The measurement of the excavation shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) as for rectangular
trench bottom width of concrete multiplied by the vertical depth of foundation from ground level and

multiplied. by the length oftrenches even though the contractor might have excavated with sloping side

for his convenience. Rate shall be for complete work for 30 m (l00 ft) lead and 1.50 m (5') lift, including

all tools and plants required for the completion of the works. For every extra lead of 30 m and every
extra lift of 1.5 m separate extra rate is provided.
Excavation in saturated sell-s-Excavation in saturated soil or below sub-soil water level shall be

taken under a separate item and shall be carried out in the same manner as.above. Pumping or bailing

out of water and removal of slush shall be included in the item. Timbering of the sides of trenches if

required shall be taken under a separate item and paid separately....

" , , -.
., ..
. Note"",:", Excavation in different kinds ofsoil mixed with mooram or kamkar or shingle, soft rock or' .:
decomposedrock or shale hardrock, etc; shall be taken underseparate items. The excavation shall be .
dOD,! on the same principle as above item 1. . .
2. Llmeeonerete in foundation-s- .' .
MateriiI1s...;.....All materials shali be per standard specifications. Coarse aggregate shall be of hard,
well-burnt or overbumt brick ballast of40 mm gauge. It shall oe deep cherry red or copper colour, and i.,
shall be clean, free from dust, dirt, and other foreign matters. Itshall be homogeneous in texture and
roughly cubical in shape: Ballast which appears porous or shows signs of saltpetre shall not be used.'
Brick ballast shall pass through square mesh of 52.5 mm and not more than.20 per cent shail pass
through a mesh of 25 mm. Any rejected material shall be removed from site of work within 24 hours.
Fine aggregate shall be ofsurkhi or sand orcinder as specified, and clean and free from dust. dirt.

and foreign matters. Surkhi shall be made of well burnt bricks or brick bats (not overburnt) and shall

pass through a sieve of 2.5 meshes per sq cm. (144 meshes per sq in). Surkhi is preferable for better


Lime shall be white fat lime (unless otherwise specified) and shall be freshly burnt and free from

ashes and other foreign matters. Lime shall be slacked at site of work and screened through a sieve or 3

meshes to a cm (8 meshes to an inch).

. Proportion-s-The concrete shall consist of I cu m of brick ballast, 0.32 cu In of surk hi (sand or

Cinder) and 0.16 cu m of white lime ii, .ue proportion of 100 : 32 : .16 by volume.




h.... .....
Mixing-Mixing shall be done on a clean watertight, masonry platform of sufficient size. Brick
ballast shall be stacked in a rectangular layer of uniform thickness usually30 em (l2") mgh and weD
~l" soaked with clean water for a period of at least three hours.
. . ....... .Li~ean(fS\.irkhl( or Cifider)snalf5e measuredWith-wooden-box-in-the-propornen-l+2-and-..,
t( mixed thoroughly dry to have uniformcolour. The dry mix of limeand surkhi (or sand or cinder)shall
be spread over the stacked ballast to the required thickness to give the specified proportion. The
..1 materials shall then be mixed dry turning at least three times. Clean water shall then be added slowly
:. f and gradually by water-can to the required quantity while mixingand the materials mixed thoroughly
by turning at least three timesso that wholesurface ofeach ballastgets coated withmortar and the mix:
J becomes plastic of uniform colour of workableconsistency and should besuch that the ballastdo not
.J separate from the mortar. Concrete shall be mixed only for day's work, old and staleconcreteshall not
be used. For big work the mixingshall be done by machine.In this case aggregate and wetmortar shall
& be poured in the drum, while it is revolving. The water shall be added slowly to the required quantity
and the mixing shall be continued for at least one minute, till a mix of uniform colour and workable
.. t consistency is obtained and should be such that the ballast do not.separate from the mortar.
Iii I Laying and compacting-Bed' of foundation trench shall be lightly sprinkled with water before
.) concrete is laid. Concrete shall be laid slowly and gently(not thrown) in layers of not morethan 20em
(8") and thoroughly consolidated to 15 em (6/1) with 6 kg (12 lbs) iron ranuners. During consolidation
~y c~:mcrete should be kept free from earth, dirt, leaves and other foreign matters. The consolidationshall
') b~ checked by water test, by digginga hole of about 7.5 em dia. and 7.5 em deep in the concrete and
filling water. The water level should not sink. more.than 1.25 em in 15 minutes if concrete has been
:~ -t well-eonsolidated.
fointand consecutive Jayers-Whenjoint in a layer of concreteare unavoidable,the end shall be
sloped at an angle. of :JOe-and junctions of different layers shall break joint. In laying upper layer of
concrete, the lower.surfaceshall be made rough and clean~ and watered before upper layer is laid. ~ ,..
Ciiring-Concrete after completionshallbe kept wetfor a period of at least7'daYs and no masonry
shall be constructed upon it during this period. The curing shall be done by spreading gunny bags or
;8:1 sand or keeping them wet by water-can at regular interval. '." ..,. .
f;{( Measurement~M'easurement shall be takenin eu m (cuft) forthe firikhc<l concrete, The length
. and breadth shall be measured correct to 1 em and depth correct to'O.5 cm?The"rateshall be" for the
~,'. complete work includingthe cost-ofform work if required, and" aU tools.and plants.


, . Note-s- Ifkenksr lime is used n.35 cu m ofkankar lime shall be used with 1 cu m ballast (35'cu m
ksnksr lime with "100 cu m ba1Iast)l;U1d no surthi or sandorcintki- Sb81J bi84ded. '. "
I '?\
When brick ballast is net evsllsblc, in hill sress, stone, Nll.. 4Q mm (1 ~., gauge. sandend white


lime may be used in the same proportion as above. .' . ' .. - .... '.' ...'" ...... ; ....
;r. . .
" .J

-r :....


Lime shall be white fat lime and. shall be freshly burnt and free from ashes and other foreign
matters. Lime shall be slaked at site of work and screened through a sieve of 3 meshes to a ern (8 meshes
to an inch).
-'-"--Pfoi'-ortfon~oifcfeiesnall cOnSTSfofTcum-bnck-Danasi~"O:::r6cu m"o{surkhi and O:rS
cu m whIte
lime (proportion 1.00 : 36 : 18 by volume).
Mixing-Mixing shall be similar to lime concrete in foundation (item 2).
",: :.
Laying und consolidation-Surface shall be lightly sprinkled with water and then concrete shall be

laid slowly and gently (not thrown) in layers'so as to have the required slope and specified thickness a.t:ter

compaction. The concrete shall then be lightly rammed with 6 kg (12 lbs) rammers and during

preliminary ramming the surface shall then be perfectly levelled by means of trowel, straight edge and

spirit level. The concrete shall then be kept further consolidated by two rows of labourers sitting close

and beating the concrete with wooden 'thapis' and moving forward and backward covering the w~ole

surface. The beating shall continue for at least seven days until the concrete is thoroughly compacted

and until the 'thapis' rebound from the surface when struck on the concrete. Special care shall be taken

to consolidate the concrete properly at the junction with the parapet wall and the junctions shall be

rounded. .
When beating is in progress, the surface of the concrete shall be frequently sprinkled with a mixture

of lime molasses and boiled solution of 'bael' fruit for water proofing. Bael fruit solution shall be

prep~red by boiling 2 kg of bae~ fruit in IO?to 13~.litres of wate~ and to this solution after cooling 3'1 kg

of molasses (gur) and the requiredquantity of lime shall be mixed. .' !

Finishing-As soon as beating has been completed the mortar that has come to top shall be

softened by the addition of lime, 'molasses' and 'bael fruit' solution and smoothened by rubbing and

pressing with atrowel or float to a fine polish. No plaster shall be usedon any account for finishing the

surface. The finished surface shall have a minimum slope of I in 50 and maximum slope of I in 36

towards the rainwater outlet. For every 40 sq m of roof area, 100 Ill;IIldiameter rainwater pipe-shall be

provided.. . . ~ ......>,. . , .. ~.. .' , . ' . .

.Cuting- The concrete shall be-kept wet for a fortnight. The wetting should be done by covering

with straw or sand arid watering frequently by water-can or dividing into squares by mud kiaries which

shall be kept flooded with water.

Measurement-The measurement shall be taken for the finished work of superficial area in sq m
(sq ft) stating the average thickness. The average thickness shall be measured correct to 6 mm and length
and breadth shall be measured correct to 1 em, No deduction in measurement shall be made for opening
up to 0.4 sq m and extra payment shall not be made for extra material or labour involved in forming
r~c~ openiag, Fcropenlngcxccediag O.~'S-l ill deductions will-he made in the measurement but extra
payment shall not be made for material and labour involved in forming such opening. Rate shall be for
the finished work including au tools and plant.
Ie f '

Instead ofBsel fruit the solution of Terminalia Cbebuls (ksduksi) may be used, as used in South
India. Dry nuts ofkadukaishall be broken to smallpieces, and allowed to soak in water. The solution be
prepared to have a proportion of600 g ofkeduksi, 200 g ofmolasses and 40 litres ofwater for 100 sq m
area ofroofconcrete. The solution is brewed for 12 to 24 hours, and the resulting liquoris decanted and
used for the work.

Note-(i) U kankar lime is used, 0.45 cu m of kankar lime shaJ/ be mixed with 1 cu m brick
ballast (proportion 45 :' 1(0).
(ii) Ifstone ballast is used the proportion shaJ/ be 1 cu m ofstone ballast of25 mm gauge,
0.5 Ci.J m of sand and 0.25 cu m of white lime (proportion 1 : 2 : 4).

. ,....
\ .. ~.

(iii) The finished thickness oflime concrete in roofterracing may be 7.5 czn to /2 cm
(3" to 4M'').
~. . Jiyl Th~~'!J!!!..'!.t:.finishingmay be taken insq m under il separate item..
. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -- --------- - - - - - - - - -
4. Cement concrete 1: 1 ': 4- --- --
~ ,
Materials-Aggregate shall be of invert materials and should be clean, dense, hard, sound,

durable, non-absorbent and capable of developing good bond with mortar.

Coarse aggregate shall be of hard broken stone of granite or similar stone, free from dust, dirt

and other foreign matters.The stone ballast shall be of20 mm (%") size and down and all should be

retained in a 5 mm square mesh (~" square) and well graded such that the voids do not exceed 4:'.

per cent. (The gauge of the stone ballast shall be as specified depending on the thickness of concrete i

and nature of work. For building work 20 mm gauge and for road work and mass work 40.1060 mm

gauge may be used, . .

\ ...~

Fine aggregate shall be of coarse sand consisting of hard, sharp and angular grains and shall

pass through screen of 5 mm (3/16") square mesh. Sand shallbe of standard specifications clean

and free from dust, dirt, and organic matters. Sea sand shall not be used. (Fine aggregate may also

be of crushed stone if specified). . .

Cement shall be fresh portland cement of standard I.S.1. specifications, and shall have the

required tensile and compressive stresses and fineness.

Water shall be clean and free. from alkaline and acid matters and
. ' . suitable
. ......

for drinking
,-' Proportion--Tee pr.oportion of concrete shall be 1 : 2 : 4 as cement: s~nd : stone: ballast by

volume unless otherwise specified. Minimum compressive strength; 'ofconcrete 'of ,I : 2 : 4

proportion shall be 140 kgper ~q cm (2000 lbsj sq in) 7 days.": on .::". .

Stone aggregate and sand' shall be measured by volume with- boxes.-Cement need not be .
measured by box, one 'bag of cement (50 'kg) should be considered as 1J30 cum (1 ~2 cu ft). Size of - ....
measuredbox may be 30 em x 30 em x 38 cm or 35 cm x 35 em x 28 cmequivalent.toconrent of one
bag of cement. All materials shall be dry. If damp sand is used compensation shall be made by
adding additional sand to the extent required for the bulking of damp'sarid, ~Mixing shall be of
r' machine mixing. For small work hand mixing by' batches may be' allowed.' :',' :-,
. Hand mixing-Mi~ing: shall be done in masonry platform 'Or she~nr6rt:-tr/y. For concrete of
1 : 2 : 4 proportion, first two boxes of sand and one bag of cement sn3Il be'mixed dry thorougaly

and then this dry mix of cement and sand-shall be placed over a stack of4 boxes of stone aggregate

and the whole mixed dry turning atlcasr three times ts -h::t,vel,~o.ifor~m,i?c:'Water shall then be

........ ",

added slowly and gradually with a water-can while being mixed to the required quantity 25 to 30

litres (S to 6 gallons) per bag of cement. to give a plastic mix.of the required workabilityand water

cement ratio. The whole shall be mixed thoroughly turning atleast three times to give a uniform

'. Machine mixing-Stone ballast sand and cement shall be put into the cement concrete mixer
, , to have the required proportion. For concrete of I : 2: 4 proportion first four box~s ofstone ,?all~t,.
..... ~
. then two boxes of sand and then one bag of cement shall be put into the C.C. Mlx~r, t.he mac~lOe
shall then be revolved to mix materials dry and then water shall be added g.radually to the requlr~d
q~antity. 2S to 30 litres (5 to 6 gallons) per bag of cement to have.the reqUired.water cemen~ ratio:
The mixing should be thorough to have a plastic mix of uniform colour. It requires 1 ~ to 2 mmutes
rotation for. thorough mixing. Mixed concrete shall be unloaded .on a masonry platform or on a
sheet iron.OutpcJt of concrete mixer is 15to 20 mix per hour. v .


Slump-':"Regular slump test should be carried out to control the addition of water and to
maintain the required consistency. A slump of 7.5 ern to 10 em (3" to 4") may be allowed for
building work,
............ _._. -- _- "-_.--" .. _-'
" ,
cm ..to_ 3 em
and_..4----_._ (l W' to 2") may be allowed for.._-_
_.-----.:..-:---_._ _. __
road work,
.._-------------- __
-~.- -----

Formwork-Formwork centering and shuttering shall be provided as required, as per

standard specifications before laying concrete to confine to support or to ~e~p the ~oncrete in

position. The inner surface of shuttering shaH be oiled to prevent concrete sticking to It. The ba~e

and forrnwork over which concrete to be laid shallbe watered by sprinkling water before concrete IS

laid. Forms should not be removed before 14 days in general, side forms may however be removed

after 3 days of concreting. Forrnworks shall be removed slowly and carefully without dlsturbing

and damaging concrete.

. Laying-Concrete shall be laid gently (not thrown) in layers not exceeding 15 ern (6") and

compacted by pinning with rods and tamping with wooden tampers or with mechanical vibrating

machine until a dense concrete is obtained. (For important work mechanical vibrating should be

used, for thick or mass concrete immersion type vibrators and for thin concrete surface vibrators

should beused for compacting concrete). Over-vibration which will separate coarse aggregate from

concrete should be avoided. After removal of the form-work in due time the concrete surface shall

be free from honey combing, air holes or any other defect.

Concrete shall be laid continuously, is suspended for rest odor the following day fhe

end shall be sloped at an angle of 30 and made rough for further jointing. When the work is

resumed, the previous sloped portion shall be roughened, cleaned and watered and a grout of -neat

cement shall be applied and the fresh concrete shall be laid. For successive layer the"upper layer

shall be laid before the lower has set.

Curing-After about two hours' laying when concrete has begun to harden, it shall be kept

damp by covering with wet gunny bags or wet sand for 24 hours, and then cured by flooding with

water making mud walls 7.5 em (3") high or by covering with wet sand or earth and kept damp

continuously for 15 days. If specified, curing may be done by covering concrete with special type of

waterproof paper as to prevent water escaping or evaporating.

Note-(i) For weak concrete 1: 3: 6, I : 4: 8, I : 5: lO,etc., stack measurement and hand

mixing in a pucce platform may be sllowed as in lime concrete (item 2). For
foundation concrete or weak concrete brick ballast or cheap type stone bsllest of
40 mm (1M'') sJze maybe used. . .
(ii) Approximate quentity ot wster required for cement may be taken 30% by weight
of ceinent plus 5% by weight of total aggregate. For concrete' lJ) ...
mechanical vibrators the quantity of water shalJ be reduced by 20%.
5. Reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C.)~
Steel-Steel reinforcing 'oars shall be of mild steel or deformed steel of stand ard specifications

and shall be free from corrosion, loose rust scales, oil, grease, paint, etc. The steel bar shall be round

and capable of being bent (doubled over) without fracture. Bars shall be hooked and bent

accurately and placed in position as per design and drawing and bound ~ogether tight with 20

S. W.G. annealed steel wire at their point ofintersection. Bars shall be bent cold by applying gradual

and even motion, bars of 40 rom (1 W') diameter and abovemay be bent by heating to dull red and

allowed to cool slowly without immersing in water or quenching. Joints in the bar should be

avoided as far as possible, when joints have to be made an overlap of 40 times diameter of the bar

shall be given with proper hooks at ends and joints should be staggered. Biggerdiameter bars :

should-be joined by weld ing and tested before placing in position. While concreting steel bars shall


be given side and bottom covers of concrete by placing precast cover blocks underneath of 1 : 2
cement mortar 2.5 ern x 2.5 em (I" x l") in section and thickness of specified cover, 4 ern to 5 ern
I (I Y2"~0 2") f9r~_~a_I1Jnand.!,,~m,~?2_<:lTl_{~'-'--to *")J~ sla~J~uri~Kl~Yin&.-and__compacting.of__ .
-"1 concrete the reinforcing bars should not move from their positions and bars of the laid portions
should not be disturbed.
Centering and shuttering-Centering and shuttering shall be made with timber or steel plate
I close and tight to prevent leakage or mortar, with necessary props, bracingsand wedges, suffi
ciently strong and stable and should not yield on laying concrete and made in such a way that they
can be slackened and removed gradually without disturbing the concrete. No plastering should be'
made on the concrete surface. A coat of oil washing should be applied over the shuttering or paper
should be spread to have a smooth and finished surface and to prevent adherence of concrete. For
slab and beam small camber should be given in centering, 1 ern per 2.5 m (Y2" per 10 ft) with a
maximum of 4 ern (l W'). Centering and shuttering should not be removed before 14 days in general
(4 days for R.C.C. columns, 10 days for roof slab, and 14 days for beams). The centering and
shuttering shall be removed slowly and carefully so that no pari is disturbed or damaged. (For
I details of centering and shuttering see item 29). .
I Proportion ofcement concret~-Cementconcrete shall be of I : 2; 4 proportion by volume for
I: I slabs, beams and lintels, and 1 : 1Y2 : 3 porportion for columns unless otherwise specified.
, Materials for con~rete-Cement, sand and coarse aggregate shall be same as for cement
concrete in item 4. the stone aggregate shall-usually be 20 mm to 6 mm (W' to W') gauge unless
otherwise specified. For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams
. the maximum size of aggregate shouldusually be restricted to 5 mm less than the minimum clear
f distance between the. main bars or 5' mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement
which-ever is .smaller.: Where the reinforcement is widely spaced, limitations of the size of the
':--{ aggregate may "not be,so important.
Mixing-Same as for cement concrete in item 4,
._ Laying-Before laying the concrete, the shuttering shall be clean, free from dust, dirt and other
,. I~ foreign .matters. The concrete shall be deposited (not dropped) in its final position. In case of ..'.
Ll )
columns and walls it is desirable to place concrete in full height if practical so as to avoid'
construction joints but the progress of concreting in the vertical direction shall be restricted to one
, .. , 1 metre per hour. Care should be taken that the time between mixing and placingof concrete shall not
"f exceed 20 minutes so that the initial setting not interfered with. During winters concreting
shall not be done if the temperature falls below 4C. Concrete shall-be protected by frost and
,.--_! concrete affected by frost shall be removed and work redone.' ' "

Concr~te shall be compacted by mechanical vibrating machine' until 'dense 'concrete is

, / obtained. The virbation shall continue duringthe entire period of placing concrete. Compaction

I shall be completed before the initial setting starts, i.e., within 30 minutes of addition of water t? the
I dry mixture. Over-vibration.which will separate coarse aggregate from concrete shall he a\'ol~ed,
After removal of the form work in due time the concrete surface shall be free from honey comb 109,
I '

air holes or any other defect.
, 'I Concrete shall be laid continuously, if laying is suspended for rest or the following day, the end
shall be sloped at an angle of 30 and made rough for future jointing. When the work IS resumed,
the 'previous sloped position shall be roughened, cleaned and watered and a,coat of neat ceme~t
-i sha~l be applied and the fresh concrete laid. For successive layer the upper layer shall be laid
1 before the lower layer has set.
I ' , "
. Structures exceeding 45 metres in 'length shall be divided b~ one o.~ more e:~pan,sl~n J01l11S.
'. Structures in which plan dimension changes abruptly shall be provided With expansron jomts at the

- ./

-. ;"
572 A:I
. ~.';~~

section where such changes occur. ~'einforcem~~t s~~ll not e~tend across ~n expansion joint at the
break between the sections shall be complete. i :
.' I
. ! ,

Cuaiig~Same as--Cor cement cpiicrelein ilerii~. -~ ..-... --------------------.-,-.------ .. ----.--

Finishing-If specified the expcised su~face shall be plastered with I : 3 cement sand mortar not
exceeding 6 mm (\4.") thickness and the plastering shall be applied immediately after removal of the
centering while the concrete is green: Immediately before applying the plaster the SUrface of concrete
shall be wetted and neat cement wash shall be given.

Mea,surement-Measurement shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) for the finished work and no
deduction shall be made for the volume of steel. Steel reinforcement shall be measured under a
separate item in'quintal (cwt). Plastering, if any, shall not be included in the measurement The rate
for R.C.C. work shall be for the complete work excluding steel but including centering and
shuttering and all tools and plants.
! r.
Note-Student should repeat the specifications of materials, mixing, laying and curing in >."
short as described under cement concrete in item 4.

6; Damp proof course 2.5 cm (I") c.c, 1 : llf2 : 3

Materials-Damp proof course shall consist of cement, coarse sand and stone aggregate of 1.:

1~ : 3 proportion with 2% of impermo or cern-seal, or Acco proof by weight of cement or other

standard water proofing compound (l kg per bag of cement). .The damp proof course shall be

applied at the plinth level in a horizontal layer of 2.5 em thickness. The cement shall be fresh

portland cement of standard specifications. The sand shall be clean, coarse of ~ mm size and down,

and the stone aggregate shall be hard and tough of 20 mm size well graded and free from dust. and

dirt. (Composeal, pudlo, cico and other standard water proofing compound may be used, and the

quantity shall be used as per instruction of the manufacturers.)

'Mixing-Mixing shall be done in a masonry platform or in a sheet iron tray in the proportion

of 1 : 1~ : 3 by measuring with measuring boxes. The cement is first mixed thoroughly with the

water proofing compound to the required quantity, and then mixed dry with the sand in the

porportion of 1 : H~.-The mix: of cement and sand shall then be mixed dry with stone aggregate to

have the proportion 1 : 1~ : 3. Clean water shall then be added slowly and gradually while being

mixed, to the required quantity to give a plastic mix of the required workable consistejcy. The

mixing shall be done by turning at least three times to give a uniform and homogeneous concrete.

Laying-fhe'level of the surface of cheplinth shall be checked longitudinally and transversely..

The top of walls at damp proof course should be laid with frogs of the brick downward. Side forms

or shuttering of strong wooden batten of2.5 ern thickness shall be fixed properly and firmly on both

sides to confine the concrete so that the shuttering does not.get disturbed during compaction and

mortar does not leak through. The inner edges of the shuttering shall be oiled to prevent concrete

adhering to it. The surface of the wall shall be cleaned and the masonry shall be wetted by watering

before concrete is laid. The concrete shall be laid within half an hour of mixing and compacted

thoroughly by tamping to make dense concrete and levelled.both longitudinally and transversely.

After two hours of laying the surface of concrete shall be made rough and chequered so as to form a

key with the wall above. The damp proof course shall be laid in continuation in one day without any

joints. Joints or breaks ifunavoidable shall be given at the sills of doors or openings. Ifjoints cannot

be avoided the joint shall be sloped and the sloped surface shall be applied with neat cement wash

-- just before starting concreting on the following day. Shuttering may be removed after three days. -r
.On removal of the shuttering the edges should become srnootn without any honey combing.


Curing-The 'damp proof course shall be cured by watering and kept wet for 7 days, and the
construction of wall above may be started. The surface shall be cleaned and wetted before masonry
is started. . . .
~1 . -_.
I Painting with ~sphaJ.t-:- Two co~ts of asphalt painting may ~e applied on the upper surface of
.i " d~n,p proof course, if specified. The first coat of hot asphalt at 1.5 kg persq m (15% kg % sq ft) shall
be applied uniformly on the surface when the concrete is dry and the painted surface is blinded
immediately with coarse sand and the surface is tamped lightly. The second coat of hot asphalt at I
kg per sq m ( 10 kg % sq It) shou ld then be applied uniformly and the surface is immediately blinded
, with coarse sand and tamped lightly.
2 em Damp proof course.-The damp proof course may be of 2 em (:X''') thick layer of I : 2
cement and coarse sand mortar with standard water proofing compound at the rate of I kg per bag
of cement. The mixing, laying, curing, etc., shall be done in the same manner as above. The form or
shuttering shall be 2 em thick.
. ,
! 7. Brickwork I class
Bricks-All bricks shall be of first class of standard specifications made of good brick earth
thoroughly burnt, and shall be of deep cherry red or cO,pper colour. Bricks shall be regular in shape
and their edges should be sharp and shall emit clear ringing sound on being struck and s hall be free
from cracks, chips, flaws and lumps of any kind. Bricks shall not absorb water more than one-sixth
of 'their weight after one hour of soaking by immersing in water. Bricks shall have a minimum
crushing strength of 105 kg per sq em (1500 lbs per sq in). .
Mortar-Mortar shall be specified and materials of mortar shall be of standard specifications.
For cement mortar cement shall be fresh portland cement of standard.specifications. Sand
shall be sharp, clean and free from organic and foreign matters. For rich mortar coarse or medium
sand should be used and fOT weak mortar local fine sand may be used. Proportion of cement sand
mortar may be of (I : 3 to I : 6, as specified). Materials of mortar shallbe measured to have the
required proportion with measuring box and first mixed dry to have' a uniform colour in a clean
."'-' masonry platform and then mixed by adding clean water slowly and gradually to have workable
consistency and mixed thoroughly by turning at least three times. Fresh mixed mortar shall be
used, old and stale mortar shall not be used and mortar'for one hour's work only shall be mixed
with water so thatthe mortar may be used beforesetting starts.
Lime surkhi (or sand or cinder) mortar ~f specified shall be mixed in the specified proportion
by grinding in mortar mill for at least three hours on the same day of use. Lime shall be fresh and
.slaked.and screenedat sise ofwork ..-Freshroixed mortar within 24 hours shall be used, old and stale
r ' mortar should not be used. For small work hand mixing may be allowed in the same manner as for
.cement mortar described above. (Proportion of lime surkhi (or sand or cinder) mortar may be I: 2
to I : . 3 as specified.]
,..... .
Soaking of brick-Bricks shall be fully soaked in-clean wate.r by su?m~~ging i~ a t~nk for a
period of 12 hours immediately before use. Soaking shall be continued till air bubbhng IS ceased.

..... ;
Laying-Bricks shall be well bonded and laid in English bond unl~ss ?t?erwise specifi~d.
i Every course shall be truly horizontal and wall shall be truly in plumb. Vertical joints of consecutive
course shall not come directly over one ariother, vertical joints in alternate course shall come
directly over one another. No damaged o"r broken bricks shall be used, Closers shall be of clean cut
bricks and shall be placed ncar the ends of walls but not at the other ed~e: Sel~cted best s~aped
.~. -t

bricks shall be used for face work. Mortar joints shall not exceed 6 mm (~ ) in thl~kness and joints
shall be fully filled with mortar. Bricks shall belaid with frogsupwardexcept 'In the top course
. ~ . ,


, " t.

where frogs shall be placed downward. Brickworkshall be carried out.not more than I m (j ft)

height at a time. When one part of the wall has to bedelayed, 'stepping shall ::::: lzft at an angle of

..__45_~. __.c_o..Ibelli~_Kgs_prgjections where made should not be more than Y4 brick projections in one
course. All joints should-be rakedand-facesof\fan-"cleanea ~nne end-(5f~e-ach-day's-work:"-"--"
Curing-The brickwork shall be kept wet for a period of at least 10 days after laying. At the

end of day's workthe tops of walls shallbe flooded with water by making small weak mortar edging

to contain at least 2.5 ern (1") deep water.

Protection-The brickwork shall be protected from the effect of sun, rain, frost, etc., during

the constructions and uptil such time iris green and likely to be damaged.

Scaffolding-Necessary and suitable scaffolding shall be provided to facilitate the

construction of brick wall. Scaffolding shall be sound and strong and supports and members

sufficiently strong so as to withstand all loads likely to corne upon them.

Measurement-Brickwork shall be measured in cu m (cu ft). Different kinds of brickwork

with different mortar shall be taken under separate items. The thickness of wall shall be taken as

multiple of half brick as half brick, 1 brick 20 em, I ~ brick 30 cm and so on. The rate shall be

for the complete work including scaffolding and all tools and plants.

Brickwork in arch-In addition-to the above type of arch-rough arch or axed or gauged arch

as the case may be, and the centering of the arch should be specified.

8: Brickwork II class and III class-

For II-class brickwork bricks shall be of second class and mortar shall be as specified, may be

kankar lime or white lime and surkhi (or sand or cinder) of 1: 2 to 1 : 3 proportion. Mortar joints

shall not exceed 10 mm (% It) in thickness. Bricks shall be soaked in water for at least three hours

immediately before use. Other detailsare same as for item 7 above..

For III-class brickwork bricks shall be III class if otherwise not specified. Mortar shall be as

specified and mortar joints shall not exceed 12 min (%") in thickness. Bricks shall be dipped into a

tub of water before lise. . .

9. Brickwork in mud mortar-'

Bricks shall be specified, may be of II class or III class. The mud should be made of selected

earth of tenacious nature so that .it sticks ~nrf binds bricks. The earth should be soaked in water at

least one day before and then worked up with waterby labourer treading it, until it is perfectly tree .

from lumps and forms a thick plastic mix. Joints should notexceed (~") 12 mm thickness. Soaking'

of bricks is not required. The bond of brickwork shall be of English bond. Not more than60 ern (2')

height of brickwork shall be carried out at a time, and the walls must be truly in plumb and every

course shall be truly horizontal. Other details of laying, protection, scaffolding and measurement

will be similar to item 7 above. ." .

10. Reinforced brickwork (R.B. work)

Material-Bricks shall be strictly of first class quality and selected first class bricks shall be
- used. Mortar shall consist of cement and coarse sand of l : 3 proportion. Cement shall be fresh
portland cement. Sand shall be coarse of 5 mrn (3/ 16") size and down and sharp, clean and free
from foreign matters. Steel reinforcement shall be of standard specification as described in item 5,
page 570. .'

.....:i , .

Centering and shuttering.-:rhe centering and shuttering shall be made with planking or
..r , sheeting of bamboos packed together at the required level supported on runners of beams and
, u, _G()Y~r~1t.FjiliJI.Jltinlayer of about 2.5 em thick o~earth fin~~h_ed off with a light sprinkle ofsand. The
centering shall be simple in construction so that it could be easily removed without disturbing fhe--'
structure. The planking shall be kept clear of the bearirigs for stab ann will rest on crossbeams only.
Planks shall not be laid too close as to tender them liable to jam. Cross beams shall be carried on the
wklls supported at intervals by ballies or temporary dry brick pillars. The top surface of centering
sHall be given a camber of2 mm for every 30 ern of span up to amaximum of3 mm for slabs and 1.5
mm for every 30 ern of span to maximum of 4 ern for lintels. .

Mixing ofmortar-Mortar of cement and sand shall be mixed thoroughly in the proportion of
I : 3, first by mixing dry and then adding water slowly and gradually and mixing by turning at least
three times to get uniform plastic mix of workable consistency, so that the mortar may be packed
round the reinforcement. Quantity of water shall not exceed 25 litres (6.5 gls) per bag of cement.
Mortar shall be mixed just before it is actually required and shall be used within 30 minutes. Stale
mortar shall never be used.

Laying-All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked with water for not less than' six hours
immediately before use. Bricks shall be laid with frogs downward over the centering in straight line
parallel to the direction of the reinforcement bars leaving the required gap for mortar joint. No
, vertical joint should come along the inner edge of the wall. The gap for mortar joint in which
reinforcement has to be placed shall not be less than four times the diameter of as to provide
, ,
a cover of 12 mm (Y2") on all sides of the steel bars. Usually mortar joint shall be 32 mm to 40 mm
(1 Y4" .{;o 111"). Other joints where there will not be any bar, may be 6 mm to 10 mm (Y4" to 3/ 8")
thick. Reinforced brick slab shall have 'a bearing equal to their thickness with a minimum of 12 em.:

After the bricks have been laid and arranged over the whole area fresh mixed mortarshall be
placed into the gaps in between the bricks to a thickness of2.5 mm (1 Ii). Reinforcing rods previously
cut to the correct length and bent and hooked as per design shall beplaced exactly at the centre of
the joint and pressed down into the mortar to leave 12 mm (Y2") clear mortar below the bar. The
joints shall then be filled in completely with fresh mortar. Newly laid portion shall not be disturbed
\ ... ,...

or walked over. Each slab shall be laid in one operation. Care shall be taken thatthe reinforcement
at all points is completely surrounded on all sides by mortar.

i Centering and shuttering shall be removed slowly and carefully 'without anyshock not earlier
~h!' 10 ~:'.ys . After removal of the.centering if the work. is found defective and rods are exposed and
visible to sufficient extent the work shall be dismantled and reconstructed. In such a case no extra
payment shall be made for reconstruction. If rods are exposed at few places orily, they should be
covered with rich cement mortar of I : 2 proportion by pressing the mortarInto the gap
immediately after removal of the centering while the laid work is green, ',.

For double layers the upper layer shall be laidwith joints of 10 mm (3/8") thickness with I ; 3
cement and coarse sand mortar immediately after laying the bottom layer. If there are top bars
provided in the upper layer. the joints shall be thicker a~ for bottom layer..

r 2.5 cm to 4 ern (J" to 1'12") thick cement concrete of I : 2 :'4 proportion may be provided over
the one layer of R.B, work if specified to have greater compressive strength .
. . Cuting- Same ':IS for item No, 4. page 57n.
McaslJrcmCf1{ -Sarnc as for item No.5. page 572.

Finishing-Plastering of the underside and sides shall be done immediately ~fter 6pe~ing of
the centering with fresh cement and coarse sand mortar of 1 : 3 p~oportlOn to a ~mmm~m thickness
of 12 mm (Y2"). Before plastering the surf~ce shall be soaked With. wate.r and Immediately before
"phIstering ts 'applied' the'surface'shallbe-glvena' washofneat-cementwlth-water. -

11. Plastering cement mortar or lime mortar-

Thejoints of the brickwork shall be raked out to a depth of 18 mm (W') and the surface of the

wall shall be washed and 'kept wet for two days before plastering.

The materials of mortar cement and sand or lime and surkhi or sand, or kankar lime, as

specified should be of standard specifications. The materials or mortar shall be first dry mixed, by

measuring with boxes to have the required proportion (as specified), and then water added slowly

and gradually and mixed thoroughly.

The thickness of plastering shall be as specified usually 12 mm (W') applied in two or three
coats. To ensure uniform thickness of plaster, patches of 15ern x 15 cmIo") strips I rri (3') apart or
10 ern (4") wide plaster shall be applied first at about 2 m (6') apart to act as a guide. First mortar
shall be dashed and pressed over the surface and then brought to a true smooth and uniform su rface
by means of float and trowel. External plastering shall be started from top and worked down
towards floor. Internal plastering shall be started wherever the building frame is ready andcentering
of the roof slabs have been removed. Ceiling plastering shall be completed before starting of wall
plaster. All corners and edges shall be rounded. The plastered surface shall be kept wet for 10 days.
The surface should
_.. be protected from rain, sun, frost, etc.

For ideal work, the plastering should be applied in three coats-the rendering or first coat of
10 mm, the floating or second coat of 10 mm to 6 mm and finishing coat of 5 to 6 mm, having a total
minimum thickness of 20 mm (* "). The first coat shall be applied on the prepared raked cleaned
and wetted surface by dashing the mortar and floated roughly with wooden float. It shall be kept
damp for at least two days. When the first coat has sufficiently set, the surface shall be wetted and a
second coat of plaster shall be applied and brought to true even surface and then lightly roughened
with a wooden float to provide bond for the finished coat. The second coat shall be' kept damp for at
least two days and then allowed to dry. The. finishing coat shall then be applied on the wetted
surface of the second coat and finished smooth to true even surface by float and trowel.

The work shall be tested frequently with a straight edge and plumb bob. At the end of the day
the plaster shall be left cut clean to line. When the next day's plastering is started the edge of the old
work shall be scrapped, cleaned and wetted with cement slurry. At the end ~f the day the plastering
shall be closed on the body of the wall and not nearer than 15 cm to any corner.

Curing shall be started as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently not to be damaged when
watered. Tl.e plaster shall be kept wet for at least 10 days. Any defective plaster shall be cut in
rectangular shape and replaced. '

If specified; the final surface shall be given special finishing textures, as Scaped textures,
-Canvas textures, Cork-float finish, Wavy combed finish, Concentric arc finish, etc.. with the
required tools by engaging an expert worker in the profession.
NC'te- Different proportions of mortar which may be used for plastering
Cement sand mortar-- I : 3, I : 4, 1 : 5, I : 6; Cement, lime, sand mortar-I: I : 6; C : L : S,_
Lime surk hi or sand mortnr-i--l : I, I : 2 : Kankar lime mortar- Kankar lime alone.

---------~~~=~-_.--_.,-- .

For ceiling plastering 1 : 3 cement mortar with coarse sand is generally used.
Cement, lime sand mortar is slow setting and has better workability than cement sand mortar.
'For'W'eterProo] Mud'Plisier~S-ee-ChapleTI9'=Village-cUousing~" -.-_
Measuring-For measurement, See Chapter 14, Methods of Messurement,

12. Pointing (cement or lime mortar)

The joints of the brick work shall be raked out to a depth ono mm (~") and the surface of the
wall washed and cleaned and kept wet for two days before pointing.
The materials of mortar cement and' sand, or lime and surkhi or sand, or kankar lime as
specified, shall be of standard specifications. The materials of mortar shall be first dry mixed by
measuring with boxes to have the required proportion as specified (l : 2 or 1 : 3 for cement sand
mortar, I : I for lime surkhi mortaror kankar lime mortar), and then mixed by adding water slowly
and grad ually and thoroughly mixed.
Mortar shall then be applied in the joints slightly in excess and pressed by a proper tool of the
required shape. Extra mortar if any is removed and surface finished. Mortar shall not spread over
the face of bricks, and the edges of bricks shall be clearly defined to give a neat appearance. After
pointing the surface shall be kept wet for seven days. .
Flush pointing-The mortar shall be pressed into the raked, cleaned and wet joints and shall
be finished on flush and level with edges of brick to give a smooth appearance. The edges shall be
neatly trimmed with a trowel and straight edge..
Ruled pointing-The mortar shall be pressed into the raked, cleaned and wet joints and a
groove of shape and size of 5 to 6 rnrn deep shall be formed running a formingtool of steel along the
centre line of the joint. The vertical joints also shall be finished in a similar wayatright angles to the
horizontal lines. The finished work shall give a neat and clean appearancewith straight edges.
Weather or Truck pointing-The mortar shall be applied on ther~k~d;~l~~~:~.d;a nd wet]oints
and horizontal joints shall be pressed and finished with a pointing tool so 'thC\iJ~e join t is sloping
from top to bottom. The vertical joint shall be finished as. ruled pointing."
., .
. I. .
. .
. . . ... .
. Raised or Trucked pointing-The mortar shall be applied in raked; cleaned and wet joints in
excess to form raised bands. The mortar shall be pressed and run with proper tool to form bands of
6 mm (Y4") raised and 10 mm (3/8") width or as directed. .

Measurement-For measurement. Sec Chapter 14. Method;' of ~\1easurement.

13. Lime punning- .. .

White stone lime and shell lime shall be slaked at site of work and mixed in the proportion of 3
of stone lime and one of shell lime and then thoroughly mixed with sufficient quantity of water in a
drum. The mixture shall then be screened through a COarse cloth into another container and
allowed to settle down for 7 days after which the. clear water shall be decanted and the cream like
paste of lime shall be taken from top, leavi ng residue at bottom for application to wall surfa~e. The
surface shall be cleaned thoroughly and wetted and the prepared lime, paste of proper consistency
sh~1l be applied uniformly to 3 mm (1/8") thickness by a wooden trowel. This shall be finished by
rubbing with a steel trowel to a hard smoot hand shining white surface. After finishing, the surface
shall be kept moist for seven days. Lime punning shall be applied on smooth plastered surface when
the plaster has hardened. . .
-~.- 1


14.2.5 em (1") cement concrete noor

. The cement concrete shall be of proportion I : 2: 4 or I : 2Y2 : 3Y2 as specified. Cement shalt be
fresh portland cement of standard specifications. The coarse aggregat~ shall be hard and tough
(granire stone) of 20 mrn rW'-)gauge;-wellgraded.; dlrl.-e_tc.. _Th~_s_~n~t~hl:lll!J~
coarse of 5 mm (3/ 16") maximum sizeand down, well graded, clean and free from dust, dirt and
organic matters.
The floor shall be levelled and divided into panels of size not exceeding I metre in its smaller
dimensions and 2 metres in large dimensions. Glass or aluminium strips 3 mm t~ick and depth
equal to the thickness of floor shall be fixed on the base with cement mortar. Required cambet of
slope shall be given in the floor for draining wash water. . I
Mixing of concrete shall be done either by hand mixing or by mechanical mixer. In case of

hand mixing first cement and sand mixed dry thoroughly and the dry mix of cement and sand

mixed with ballast dry till stone ballast are well coated with dry mix of cement and sand and then

mixed by adding water slowly and gradually to the required quantity and mixed thoroughly to have

uniform plastic mix. The quantity of water shall not exceed 30 litres per bag of cement. Concrete for

one panel only shall be mixed in onelot. Alternate panels shall be laid on alternate days. The floor

shall be laid in two layers. The lower layer being 22 mm thick and upper layer 3 mm thick. The base

shall be made rough and cleaned and soaked with water thoroughly and then given a cement wash

Just before laying. Concrete shallbe placed gently and evenly and compacted by beating with

wooden 'thapies' and then the surfaceshall be tamped with wooden tampers. The surface shall then

be smoothened with wooden floats and any unevenness shall be removed by adding I : 2 cement

sand mortar. Finally the surface shall be finished with wooden or steel floats by -applying a thick

slurry of mortar. The whole operation of laying shall be completed within 30 minutes. After laying

the surface shall be left undisturbed for 2 hours and then covered with wet bags and after 24 hours

cured by flooding with water and kept flooded for at least 7 days. The surface of floor may be

polished if specified. It is important that same brand of cement is used for the whole floor of one

room and the proportions are maintained strictly to have a uniform colour. Junctions offloor with

wall plaster, dado and skirting shall be rounded off neatly.

Coloured floor-For coloured finish the surface shall be finished with coloured cement or with

a mixture of ordinary portland cement and coloured pigment of the desired colour in .the

proportion of 3 of cement and one of colour (or4 : I or 5 : I). ~or coloured floor the thickness of the

two layers shall be 19 mm and 6 mm. For polished floor the thickness of surface cement finishing

should be 2.5 mm to allow for grinding and polishing.

Base-In ground floor the c.c. floor is to be l1tid on a 7.5 ern (3") base of lime concrete or weak

cement concrete as per standard specifications. If the bases consist of cement concrete it shall be

allowed to set for. about 7 days. In case the base is of weak cement concrete the flu,ri~g shall

commence within 48 hours of laying the base.

In first floor or upper floor if c.c. floor is to be laid on R~C.C.slab, the surface of R.C.C. slab

shall be made rough with brushes while concrete is green. Before laying the c.c. floor the surface

shall be cleaned. \vetted and a neat cement \....ash shall be applied to get a good bond. A base of lime

concrete may abo be pr ov idcd 0\ cr t he R. C.C. slab if specified. The base shall be provided with the

slope required for the flooring.

The thickness otc.c. floor Ior office building. school building, and in upper floor should be 4

em (l.':~ ").

Patent stone floor-This is cement concrete floor but furnace slag of 10 mm gauge is used

instead of stone grit. In other respects, same specifications as for cement concrete floor (above) may

be followed


15. Mosaic or terrazo Ooor-

The mosaic floor consists of two layers, the bottom layer 2 em to 2.5 em (W' to 1") cement
concrete,l :2:4 (or 1: 2Y2 : 3 Yi, as specified), and the upper layer 6" mm (Y4") thick consisting of a mix
of marble chips and cement in the-porportion-of 1:l-Y2;--oneparLoLcernentand-l-Yi-parts-ofmarble_
chips. The top layer is laid on the following day. It shall be laid more than the specified thickness in '
order to get the specified thickness after cutting and finishing. Cement shall be of standard
specifications. The sand shall be coarse, well graded, clean and free from dust and dirt. The stone
grit shall be hard and tough (granite stone) of 12 mrn (W') gauge well graded, clean and free from
dust and dirt. The marble chips shall be of 3 mm (1/8") gauge having maximum size 3 rnrn (l/8")
and minimum size of 1.5 mm (1/ 16"). Large size of marble chips limited to 6 mm (Y4") may be used
ih floors of big rooms. ' " ) ,
I '

Cement concrete shall be prepared by mixing the ingredients dry by measuring with boxes to
have the required proportion. First cement and sand shall be mixed dry and this dry mix shall be
mixed with stone chips dry and then mixed by adding water slowly and gradually and mixed
thoroughly to have a uniform plastic mix. The base shall be made rough and watered and given a
cement wash, and then the concrete shall be laid in 2 em Hi") thick layer in panels of 1 m x 2 m
(3'x6') bounded by 3 mm thick glass of aluminium strips. After laying, the concrete shall be
-, compacted by beating and tamping and levelled with wooden floats.
The marble chips and cement shall be mixed by measuring with boxes to have the required
proportion first dry mixed, and then thoroughly mixed by adding water gradually to have a
uniform plastic mix. Within two hours of laying of the bottom layer of cement concrete, the upper
layer of marble chips and cement shall be laid, and the surface tamped lightly and finished perfectly
level with St:;';;';b~tedge float and trowel. After about 2 hours of laying, the surface shall be covered
with wet bags and kept wet and left undisturbed for two days. The surface' shall,
then be cut or
ground by rubbing with sand stone blocks and all the cement in the surface removed, A neat cement
wash shall then be given in the' surface and left undisturbed for six days and then the surface shall be
ground (or rubbed) with corborundum stones of different grades sta:itlng:-qi~~:c9a.~se,one and
s]uccessively with finer ones, and the rubbing continued until the entire surface shows a u~iform
granular appearance. The surface should be kept wet during all these days. Afterfinal rubbing the
surface shall be thoroughly cleaned by washing with soap water and then with,'dean water.
. . '. .... . . .. .~. : ~

Finally when the surface is absolutely dry, oxalic acid powder' shall, be ,,,ell rubbed on the
s rrface with pieces of felt and a few drops ~f water and this operation shall:be repeated until the
surface becomes perfectly smooth and glossy. The surface may also be 'rubbed 'with wax to give a
.glazing surface. Whitecrnent or coloured cement shall be used to havethe required colour if
specified. ' " , ,- '

(Proportion (If mosaic layer may be I: 2 or I : I Y2 or I : I cement, marble chips as specifie? !~:._
mosaic layer may- also be applied on .the following day instead of the same day of concr~tlO~, 11
I specified. In that case surface should be left rough and a neat cement wash, shall be applied Just
before mosaic layer is laid.) ,
For ground floor a base of LiC. or weak c.c. and for first and upper floor roughening and
cement washing shall be provided as described under item 14. '
The grinding and polishing may also be done by grinding ~ac~ines ~n three. operation'S, first
grinding with machine fitted with coarse grade stone, second grinding with medium grade stone,
and final grinding with fine grade stone .

. _" , _.'-- --c-----~--


Mosaic or terrazo tile fioor-p~ecast manutactured mo~aic or terrat-o ti~es are used. For
d,tails ~ee page 507. The method of g~nding and polishingare ~ame as for l1J.0salc or terratO floor
above (Item 16). '. "
16;-Brick,;ort-;;edgeor--bnck-nooring' Qver-7~S-cm '(3"-)-lime-concrete- -- ----- -- ------.- .-- ---- ,',-" -_.. -- ,'.-
'.' The bricks shall be first class seleJted to have smooth face.good red colour and hardness. The
mortar shall be specified (1 : 6 cemeat sand mortar, or 1 : 21Jme surkhi mortar or .kankar lir;ne
nl,ortar). All bricks shall be soaked in water in a tank,' for at least'12 hours bef~!e use. Lime concre\te
of base shall be of the same specification as for item 2. The su~face of base lime c.oncrete shall ~e
cambered or sloped for draining wash water as per drawing or instructions. The bricks shall be laid
with mortar as specified with 'break joints at half the length of brick, with the required bond. The
surface should be checked frequently with spirit level and wooden straight edge to have a true
surface. No damaged or broken bricks shall be used anywhere except at the edges; where properly
straight cut bricks shall be used. Mortarjoints shall not exceed 12 mm (12") and all joints should be '
full of mortar. The brick work should not be disturbed but shall be kept wet for at least 10 days. The
surface should be finished with pointing with cement mortar as specified.
17. White washing- '
Fresh white lime slacked at site of work should be mixed with sufficient water to make a thin
cream. The approximate quantity of water required in making the cream is 5 litres of water to 1 kg
of lime. It shall then be screened through a coarse cloth and gum (glue) in me proportion of 100
grams of gum to 16litres (three chattacks of gum to 6 gallons) of wash shall be added. The surface
should be dry and thoroughly cleaned fromdust and dirt. The wash shall be applied with 'moonj'-pr
jute brush, vertically and horizontally alternately and the wash kept stirred in the container while
using-.Two or three ooats shallbe applied as specified and each coat shall be perfectly dry before the
succeeding coat is applied over it. After finishing the surface shall be of uniform colour. The white
wash should not splash on the floor and other surfaces. In old surface the surface should be cleaned
and repaired with cement mortar where necessary.and allowed to dry before white wash is applied.
For final coat blue pigment powder should be m.ixed to the required quantity with the lime water to
give a-bright' white surface.

18. Colour washing- .

Colour wash shall be prepared with fresh slaked white lime mixed with water to make thin
cream adding the coloured pigmentto the required quantity to give the required tint. Gum (glue) in
the proportion of 100 gm of gum to 16litres (three chattacks ofgum to six gallons) of wash shall be
added. The colour wash may be applied one or two coats as specified. The method of application
should be same as for white washing (item 17). For new work the priming coat shall be of white
wssh, '

19. Distempering-
The distemper shall be of best quality and the colour should be as specified. The distemper
should be mixed and prepared and water added, as laid down in the instructions of the
manufacturer. First a paste is made by adding little hot water to the distemper powder and stirred
thoroughly, and the paste is allowed to stand for afew minutes. The paste is then thinned with water
to have a thin cream to the consistency of oil paint and stirred thoroughly all the time while
applying. If the surface is rough, it should be smoothened with sand paper.

The surface must be perfectly dry before distempering is commenced. In new cement plaster
the surface shall be washed over with a solution of zinc sulphate, one kg zinc sulphate in 10 lit res of
water and then allowed to dry. In old surface, the surface shall be repaired with plaster

of paris where required and then whole surface sand papered and washed and allowed to
dry. . '.

. --- - .The.numberof.coats shall-be two -0 r.asspecified. -The-distemper-shallbe-kept-well-stif'fed-in

containers and shall be applied with broad brushes first horizontally and immediatley crossed
vertically. Brushing should not be continued too long to avoid brush marks. The second coat shall
be applied after the first coat is dried up. After each day's work the brushes shall be washed and kept
dry. Distempering should be done during dry weather but not during too hot weather, nor wet

Oil distemper-Dil distemper is similar to ordinary dry distemper in powder form. In the oil
distemper compound (dry powder) oil is mixed by the manufacturer while manufacturing. For
:..: .. application of oil distemper it is mixed with the required quantity of water and then applied on the
surface, The methods of preparation and application are similar as described above.
I .

20. Snowcem washing-

Genera1-----'Snowcem consists of a base of white cement mixed with finely powdered colouring
pigment to have the desired colour and with the addition of small quantities of other ingredients. It
..... : gives a water proof surface. Snowcern is sold by the manufacturer in 50 kg drums, 25 kg drums and
5 kg tin of various colours. The snowcern of the desired colour may be chosen.

Mixing-Dnly fresh snowcern should be used. Hard or set snowcem should not be used. The
. -": ..
contents should be made loose by rolling and shaking the container before opening the container.
. , ,1:" ~

. ....'.... ~.
c.: First a paste shall be prepared by mixing 2 parts of snowcem powder with one part of water by
volume and immediately this should be thinned by adding another one part of water to have a
uniform solution of consistency of paints.
. . .,d#. [Mix j litre (2 pin ts) of water with 3 kg (71bs) ofsnowcem powder to get a paste, dilute this with
~ ..,>;: another I litre (2 pints) of water which will give approximately 3 littes (6 pints) ofsnowcem for
-c , :f
: - ~~~;. application.] . .
Application-The surface should be cleaned to remove loose dust or dirt by use of a soft wire
brush. The surface shall then be wetted by sprinkling with water and water shall be allowed to run
.. \(" off. The fresh mixed snowcem shall then be applied with broad. good quality brush. The first coat
. ;.~~~~ shall be well brushed into the surface to form a good bone, Snowcem should be used within an hour
, .>'
.. of mixing and should be kept stirred during application. At the end of the day each application of
snowcem the surface .should bewetted with fine water spray for cUring._
After a day or two a second coat of snowcem of similar preparation should be applied on the
wetted surface and the second coat should be applied carefully to give a uniform and good finished
appearance. 'r.

The approximate covering capacity of 50 kg of snowcem for two coats on plastered surfal:c--is
100 sq m ( 1000 sq ft).
Other cement washing compound as Supercem, Aquecem, Durocem, etc., may also be used
similar to Snowcem.
21. Decorative cement colour washing (similar to snowcern)- . .. .
For decorative as wellas water repellent washing on the external surface of buildings, w,h~te
cement mixed with" colour (pigment) and .
other ingredients
may be used. The quantities

,+a. _

, ,

(proportion) of the different ingredients in percentage basis as well as per bag of cement are given
below):- .
Ingredients Percent~ge Per bsg of
....--- -- -..--.------..---bywetght--- --. -cement
(I) White cement . . . 75% 50 \ kg
(2) Slaked lime (clean, screened) t 0% 6.5 kg
(3) Powdered glue 10% 6.5 kg
(4) Alum 2% 1.3 kg
(5) Alumininum Stearate Y2% 0.33 kg
(6) Plaster of Paris 2\12% 1.63 kg
To get the desired colour and shade, powdered metallic colour should be mixed with white
cement to the extent of 5% to 10% of the white cement by weight (2.5 kg to 5 kg per bag of cement).
Mixing and preparation~Slaked lime should be dissolved in co~d water and powdered g.lue
and powdered alum should be dissolved in hot water in separate containers or drums. The solutl~n
should be thin and should be screened through a piece of cloth, and prepared and kept ready 10
advance of application.
At the tiITI~ of application White cement, Plaster of Paris, Aluminium stearate and colour
should be mixed intimately in the above mentioned proportions and the mixture added tq the
slaked lime solution and stirred continuously. The alum and glue solutions should then be added
and stirring continued. Fresh water should then be added to bring the solution to the consistency of
a cream similar to oil paint. The final mixed solution should consist of all the ingredients .in the
proportion mentioned above. The mixing should be by batches of about Y4 bag of cement at a time
with other ingredients in the same proportion. A uniform consistency should be maintained for all
batches of mix. Only as much quantity as can be used within half an hour should be prepared and
mixed at a time:

Application of wash-Before the wash is applied, the surface should be rubbed and cleaned of
all loose dust and dirt, and washed with water and wetted. The mixed cement wash should then be
applied evenly with broad distemper brushes. Second coat should be applied after 4 hours and
during this period the surface should be kept moist.

Curing-After application of the cement the surface should be kept moist for at least two days
by frequent light sprinkling of water. Surface should be protected from hot sun and drying winds by
hanging hessian cloth on the scaffolding and periodically wetting it with water.

Coveringcepecity-i-Cnie bagof white cement (50 kg) mixed with other ingredients will cover
an area of 80 sq m to tOO sq m (800 sq ft to 1000 sq ft) for two coats over plastered surface.

One expert washer (white washer) and one boy coolie can wash 30 sq m to 40 sq m (300 sq ft to
400 sq ft) per day for first coat, and 40 sq m to 50 sq m (400 sq ft to 500 sq ft). per day for second coat.

22. Painting-
The brand of the paint shall b~ specified and ready-made paint of the required colour should be
used. If thinning is required, pure turpentine may be added to the required extent. The surface shall
be made perfectly smooth by rubbing with sand paper of different grades, first with coarse one hnd
successively with fine sand papers. All holes and open joints should be filled with strong putty or
with a mixture of glue and plaster of paris and smoothened by rubbing with sand paper. ln steel


work. all rusts and scales shall be perfectly removed by scrapping and brushing.
, The n urn ber of coats shall be as specified in new work one priming coat and then two coats of
, b\ paints shall be applied. The paint shall be applied with brushes evenly and smoothly by crossing and
~. ;:~\ I ,. Iayingofirithe' diieciionofgl"ai'ns.ofWooa=-wof}(and-if<n''fusn nfatKss1ioula-oeviSiJ:)1e~Eacti-coat
'.' ~ , shall be perfectly dry before the next is applied. Before the next coat is applied, the surface shall be
rubbed with No 0 sand paper, to give a smooth and glazed surface. Tile paint should be stirred in
the container immediately before use. Brushes should be cleaned and washed with turpentine at the
end of the day's work and kept d r y . ' ,
If stiff paint is used it should be first prepared by mixing with double boiled linseed oil and
turpentine to a thin cream. '
For measurement ofpainting on different works, Chapter 14 on Methods of Measurement
may be.referred.
If old paint is to be removed, it may be removed by washing with soda water or with caustic
soda or blowing with blow lamp and scrapping or by using any patent remover. After removing the
paint the surface should be dried and rubbed with sand paper and smoothened before paint is
, applied. In old painted surface if paint is not required to be removed but required repainting, the
surface should be washed with soap water and then paint shall be applied.
"",~: '; '
,In steel work exposed to weather, the painting should be done either with red oxide paint or
with aluminium paint.
23. Painting steel and iron wOrk- , ,
All rust scales, dirt, suppliers delivery marks, oil, grease, etc., shan be removed-by rubbing with
sand paper before painting. Special care shall be taken for cleaning of corners. All structural steel
work shall be painted with red lead before erection except the surfaces which wilI be in contact with
concrete. Where corrosive effect is likelhood from sea atmosphere, a coat .of raw linsed oil shall be
applied on the surface immediately after cleaning and before the Ist coat of redlead is applied. Two
to three coats of approved ready-manufactured paint or ready-mixed paint shall be applied at right
angles to e!>f'!:t other after erection of the structural member. Each coat shall be.allowed to dry up
perfectly before the succeeding coat is laid over it. Painting shall be carded out during the dry
weather. . , . '

24. Varnishing- "
Knots, holes, cracks, etc., shall be filled and covered with putty.made of-whiting and linseed
oil. The wood work shall be rubbed down with sand paper sufficiently smooth to remove any grain
marks and it shall be cleaned before-hand. Two coats of boiled linseed oil ortwo thin coat of glue as
specified shall be applied and eachsuch CC3t shall be allowed to dry up andrubbeddownsmooth
, with a fine sand paper. The varnish shall be applied with brushes using strong firm strokes, of
, brushes and spread evenly. The brushes shall be of good quality and perfectly cleaned. In no. case
sand paper shall be rubbed across the grain. which may cause the finest marks on .the ~mshed
surface. Specified quality ofco pal varnish shallthen be laid on the prepared surface in thin co~ts
unless any other brand is specially mentioned. For new woodwor~ a.second coat shall be ~pphed
after the first coat of varnish has thoroughly been dried up. Varnishing shall be done dunng dry
r ", weather and should not be allowed to be undertaken in rainy days.

25. French spirit polishlng-s- '. .. . . . ..

Polish. -Pure shellac varying from pale orange to lemon yellow colour,.free fro,? .resJn~ dirt,
etc., shall be dissolved in methylated spirit at the rate of0.15 kg ofshellac to I litre of spint. SUitable
-. ~
pigment shall be added to get the required shade. .

" ,
~. );1
~~ .
fi , '

. Preparation ofsurface......:.The Qurfaceof the timbershall be cleaned and rubbed <Sown

, with sand paper. Knots if visible sh)lll be covered with a preparation of lead and glue'laid on while

hot. Holes and indentations on the.surface shall be filled with putty and smoothened, The surface

, ., .. shall-then-be given. a coat ofwood.filler.made. oy.mixing methylated

spirit at the rate of 1.5 kg of whiting per litre: of spirit. T1}e surface shall then be rubbed! down
perfectly smooth with glass paper ~nd wiped clean. , ,
Application. -A pad of woollen cloth covered by a fine cloth used toapply the polish.

The pad shall be moistened with the polish and rubbed hard on the wood; in series of overlapping

circles applying the polish sparingly but uniformly over the entire surface to give a uniform surface

and.high gloss. Number of coat shall be as specified. The second coat shall be applied, after the first

is dried, in the same way as for the first coat.

26. Wood work (carpenter's wotk)- '.

All wood work of which the scantling exceeds 20 sq ern (3 sq in) section and which is not

specially moulded or carved' comes under carpenter's work. This include all timber, work in

chaukhats of doors and windows, in roof works as beams, struts, ties, rafters purlins in timber

bridge, etc.

Timber shall be as specified.rnay be teak, shisham, sal, deodar, etc. The timber shall be ofthe

best quality well seasoned and free from saps.knots, warps, crack and other defects. The scantling

shall be sawn in the direction of the grains. All wood work shall be planed and neatly and truly

finished to the exact dimensions. Alljoints shall be neat and strong, truly and accurately fitted, and

coated with white lead before being fitted together.

All portions of timber built into or in contact of masonry or concrete shall be given two coats

of solignum or tar or other approved preservations. Exposed surfaces of timber shall be painted

with two eoats of approved paint over a coat of priming. ,

All beams shall be bedded on plates with a minimum bearing of 25 em and 6 mm clear air' .":.,\

spaces shall be left on each side. No wood work shall be fixed within 60 em of any fire place or flue. ",
: .. :~ ."

Measurement of wood work shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) for the finished work fixed in

position including sawing, planning, joining, nails,screws, etc. Painting of wood work shall be

measured under separate item. ' ~~; ,"

<"E \ .

27. Doors and windows .~i. ",.

.::{ ....
Timber shall be of the kind as specified, may be teak,shisham, sal, deodar. etc. The timber .-.:.~;

shall be of the best quality, well seasoned and free from sap, knots, warps, cracks, and other defects.
A11 wood- work .shall be nlaned. lind neatly and truly finished to the exact dimensions. All joints
shall be neat and strong, truly and accurately fitted, and glued before being fitted together. .
Chaukhats.:--The chaukhats shall be properly framed and joined by mortise and tenon joint
with hard wooden pins, and the joints shall be coated with white lead before being fitted together.
The chaukhats shall be of section as per drawing, may be 7.5x 10 ern, ! Ox10 em, 8x 12 ern or similar
section. For double leaves the chaukhats shall be ofSx 12 cm section. Concealed faces of chaukhats
shall be painted with two coats of coaltar or solignum and the other faces shall be painted with a
prime coat before fixing in position. '
Shutters or leaves (Joinery).-The shutters may be panelled, glazed, part panelled and part
glazed battened, or venetian as specified. The thickness of shutters shall be(I~" to 2") 3 em to Scm
as specified. The styles, rails and panels shall be planed and neatly and truly finished to the exact
dimensions. The styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with morties and tenon
... ,


~r joint and fixed with wooden pins. Panels shall be of one piece without any joint and shall be fixed
with 12 mm (liz") insertions into the rails and styles and rails provided with mouldings as per design.
The thicknessof panels s hallbe-IZmm-to 25-mm (~~' -r~}as.specified.:AILraiLover.15_(anJQ.IIJ .
in width shall have double tenon. No tenon shall exceed one-fourth of thickness of the plank. For
glazed windows sash bars shall not be less than 40 mm x 40 mm and glasses shall be fixed with nails
and putty or with wooden beadings over felt as specified. All joints shall be glued before being
fitted. (For joints see pages 519-520).
Fittings.-All doors shall be provided with handles on both sides and all windows with
handles on the inner side. One of the doors of each room shall be provided with sliding bolts on the
outer side for locking. Necessary hinges, tower bolts, hook bolts, stops for keeping the leaves open,
and also wooden blocks to prevent leaves striking the jambs of wall, etc., shall be provided. The
fittings may be of iron, brass or oxidized as specified of approved quality. Screws shall be of
suitable length and correct diameter and shall be fixed with screw driver and not by hammering.
Painting.-The surface of shutters and chaukhats shall be painted with two coats of approved
paint over a coat of priming. Faces of chaukhat in contact with masonry shall be painted with two
coats of solignum or coaltar or other preservative before fixing. A prime coat of painting with
primer paint shall be applied on the remaining surface before fixing in position.

, ',:
I Measurement.-The rate shall be for the complete work including hanging and fixing in
position. The chaukhat shall be measured in cu m (cu ft) under wood work for the finished work,
and the length of tenons, horns, etc., shall be added to right lengths. The measurement of shutters
shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) for the finished work in closed position overlaps of two shutters shall
.... : ; not be measured. The painting shall be measured separately under a separate item in sq m (sq ft) .
\. _.
The cost of fittings may be excluded if specified, and the fittings supplied 'by the department or
owner, but the fixing of the fittings and hanging in position shall be included 'in the rate. (For
measurement refer Chapter 14-Methods of Meesurement.)
28. Glazing-
Glass shall be of the best quality and free from bubbles, scratches and other imperfections. The
thickness of glass be 3 mm or as specified. The glass panes shall b~fixed in:15 nun rebate of the
" '
;-' "", I

"-, .
wooden frame leaving 1.5 mm clear gap allround for allowing for expansions. The rebate shall be
r ':. . painted before glasses are fixed. Putty shall be of best quality made offinelypowdered whiting and
'. .
...~~" ~
linseed oil, kneaded into a stiff paste. First a thin layer of putty (back putty) shall be applied on the
rebate. then glass shall be fixed in position by a few small nails and then putty (front putty) shall be
r: . applied and pressed in position and finished off neatly and in such a manner that no putty projects
beyond Liie rebate, The putty shall then he painted with a coat ofpaint.
In case of large glass panes or plate glasses, these should be fixed in the rebate-by moulded
wooden fillets allround with brass or nickle screws, inserting a strip of felt or rubber in the rebate
under the glass to act as a cushion. ThL wooden fillets shall be finished with painting.
.,. ..' i
- I 29. Centering and shuttering
I Shuttering shall be either of hard wooden planking 30 mm (lW') thick (or of steel plates
stiffened by angle iron). The shuttering shall be supported on battens, beams, props and wedges and
properly cross braced together so as to make the form work s~fficientlY r~gid strong and
support the wet concrete work and should not yield on working and laying concrete. Beams ror
centering shall be carried and supported on the walls with double wedges underneath and
supported at intervals with props. .

',- ..

Props shall consist of ballies or brick pillars in mud mortar. Ballie prop~ ~hall ~est on .d?uble
wedges placed over wooden sole planks of 40 moo (I W') thickness so as to facilitate tlghtemn pand
easing of the centering and sh.uttering. In case of brick pillars the wooden sole plank shall be
... prQYi.d.~d.aUb~ tQ.P.9.LpJH~I&a,I!<;I. ~ou.1?.1~ w.~Q.g~~. i~~C?r!~~ i.p. b~!~e~~ .~~~ _~~~.epl.~Il:~ a.~d_t.h~ b~~m 0 f
the centering and shuttering. .
Theshuttering shall be kept clear of wall bearing and made to rest on cross-beams or battens.
The shuttering shall have smooth and even surface and its joints shall be closed tight and shall not
permit leakage of cement mortar, if required the joints shall be lined with craft paper or other
approved material. Inner face of shuttering shall be applied with a wash of moulded oil or raw
linseed oil or soap solution or other approved materials to prevent adherence of the concrete.
For slabs and beams small camber shall be given in the shuttering. Camber of I em per 2.50 m
or W' per 10 ft (1 in 1250) with a maximum 4 ern OW').
Centering and shuttering shall not be removed before 14 days in general (4 days for R.C.C. ."
columns, 10 days for roof slab and 14 days for beams). (,
. ".

Centering and shuttering shall be removed slowly and carefully without any shock or vibration
by slackening and removing the wedges gradually in such a manner that no part of the concrete is
disturbed or damaged. .
Centering' and shuttering shall be measured in sq 00, and the surface area in contact with
concrete shall be measured.
30. Ashlar masonry-
The stone shall be hard, tough, round and durable of approved quarry. Stones shall be chisel
dressed on all beds (all sides) to have perfectly square or rectangular faces so that they may be laid in
perfectly horizontal and vertical joints. Minimum height of stone shall be 20 ern (8") and breadth
not less than 1 Y2 times height. Stone shall be laid alternate headers and stretchers with break joint
and proper bond shall be maintained not to have any vertical joint in two consecutive layers. Each'
course shall be truly horizontal and each stone shall be laid on its natural bed. The wall shall be truly
in plumb. No joint shall be thicker than 3.5 moo(1/8"). If pointing is not provided as separate item,
the joints shall be struck and finished at the time of laying. Not more than 60 ern (2') height of
masonry shall be constructed at a time.
Mortar shall be as specified.richfine mortar shall be used, may be of cement mortar I : 2 to 1 : 4
or lime mortar I : 1 to 1: 2, materials of mortar shall be of standard specifications. Mortar shall be
first dry mixed to have the required proportion and then mixed with water by adding water slowly
and grad ually and mixed thoroughly to get a uniform mortar of workable consistency. Fresh mixed
mortar shall be used. . , .'

All stones shall be thoroughly wetted before use. At the end of day's, work the masonry shall be
flooded with 2.5 em (I") water at the upper surfaces. The masonry shall be kept moist for a period of
at leat 10 days aand shall be protected from sun. rain. frost and other weather effect.
Usually, exposed faces of stones and edges of face stones fine chisel dressed and inner surfaces
of stones are rough chiseled. In such case the inner joint may be 6 mm (~") thick.

31. Coursed rubble stone masonry-

The stone shall be hard, sound and durable of approved quarry. Stones shall be hammer
dressed on bed and top and also on sides so that the stones will come to close proximity and each
stone can be laid in course. Stone with round surface shall not be used. Each (.v;;~.:,e shall consist of

.------_ .. _ - - - - - - - - -

stone not less than 10 ern (6") thick. Stone should be laid with broader face downward and vertical
joints should be broken. All courses shall be truly horizontal and all joints shall be full of mortar.
Outer faces of stones shall be squared by hammer dressing to give a good appearance, and face!' of
wall shall be truly in plumb. The face joints shall be at right angle to the face for at least to a depth of
5 em (2"). Theface stones shall be [email protected]~JleEoq~CS~!!.<!~!:-~~GJJet:!!C!nd5hould-tail
sufficient depth to bond well. Corner stones or quoins should be of good stone anti dressed to
correct angle and laid header and stretcher alternately...

Mortar shall be as specified, may be cement mortar I : 3 to I : 6 or lime mortar 1 : 2 to I : 3.

I Materials of mortar shall be of standard specifications. Mortar shall be first dry mixed to have the
required proportion and then mixed with water by adding water slowly and gradually and mixed
thoroughly to get a uniform mortar of workable consistency. Fresh mixed mortar shall be used.
Joints shall not be thicker than 12mm (Y2"), face joints shall be thinner. Interstices, if any.rnay be
filled with pieces of spalls of stones embedded in mortar. Not more than 60 ern (2 feet) height of
masonry shall be' constructed at a time.

Through bond stones of one piece shall be provided one for every 0.5 sq m(5 sq ft) of face and
should extend to the full thickness of walls. For walls thicker than 75 em (2W) the bond.stones may
be of two pieces placed with side overlapping of at least 15 cm (6 inches). Breadth of bond stones
shall not be less than 1Y2 times the height. . .

All stones shall be thoroughly wetted before laying. At the end ofday's workthe masonry shall
b~ fioodedwith 2.5 cm (1") water at the upper surface. The masonry shall be kept moist for a period
of at least 10 days and shall be protected from sun, rain, frost and other weather effect.

32. Random rubble stone masonry-s-

The stone shall be hard, sound and durable of approved quarry. Stone shall be hammer
dressed to secure close joint so that the stones when laid will come into close proximity. Stones shall
be fairly equal in size and every stone shall be fitted to the adjacent stones. No stone shall be less
than 15 em (6") in size. Stone with round surface shall not be used.

Face stone shall be comparatively larger and uniform in size and colour to give a good
appearance and breadth of face stones shall be greater than the height. Face stone should tail into
wall to a sufficient depth to bond well. Stones shall be laid with broader face downward to give a
good bedding. Facejoints shall be broken and face of wall shall be truly in plumb. Corner stones of
quions should be a good stone and -iressed to correct angle and laid as headers and stretchers.

Mortar shall be as specified, may be of cement mortar I : 3 to I : 6 or lime mortar I : 2 to I : 3.

Materials or mortar shall be ()f standard <pecifications. Mortar shall be first dry mixed to have the
required proportion and then mixed with water by adding water slowly and gradually and mixed
thoroughly to get a uniform mortar of workable consistency. Fresh mixed mortar shall be used.
Joints shall not be: thicker than 2 cm (X"), face joints shall be thinner. Interstices, if any, I?ay be
filled with pieces or spalls of stones embedded in mortar. 'Sot more than 60 em (2') height of
masonry shall be constructed at a time.
. Through bond stones of one piece shall be provided one for every 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft) of face and
should extend to the full thickness of wall. For wall thicker than 75 cm (2V:z') bond stones may be of
two pieces placed side by sid~ overlapping at least 15 ern (6"). Breadth of bond stones shall not be
less than I Y2 times the height. .


All stones shall be thoroughly wetted before laying. At the end of day's work the ,masonry s~all
be flooded with 2.5 ern (I") water at the upper surface. The masonry shall be kept moist for a period
.ofa; least 10 days and shall be protected from sun, rain; frost and other weather effect.
. -.. "- . - ",. . ' --.. ... -. _ - .. _ - - .. ---, "'-""-'.' ". '-".' .

33. Mud phuska terracing with tile brick paving- . . . . .

M lid phuska terracing will be suitable in hot dry regions where the rainfall does not exceed 130
ern per annum and extremely hot temperature occurs during summer. .
Mud mortar.-M ud mortar shall be prepared from good brick-earth free from grass, root,
gravel, kankar, etc. The earth shall be reduced to a fine powdered state and mixed with 'bhusa' at 8
kg per cu m of mortar (121bs per 4 cu ft) and then mixed with sufficient water in a pit. The mix shall
be worked up with spades (phawras) and feet daily forat least 4 days so as to get a homogeneous
. ,

Laying.-The mud mortar shall be laid on the terrace to the requisite thickness 7.5 cm to 10 ern
(3" to 4") and a minimum slope of 1 in 48 towards the outlets, and rammed with wooden thapis
under optimum moisture condition. The surface shall be checked with straight edge and spirit level
and corrected where necessary, with the same mortar. The surface shall be allowed to dry somewhat
and if any cracks appear these shall be filled with liquid cowdung.
Mud gobri plaster.-The surface shall thenbe given a coat of 12 mni(Y2") plaster of mud gobri
mortar 3: 1 (3 mud: I cowdung). Cowdung free from grass, straw seeds and other impurities shall
be soaked in water and powdered earth shall be added in the ratio of 3 : 1, and mixed thoroughly
adding water to have homogeneous mix of the workable consistency, The mortar shall then be
applied to a uniform thickness of 12mm .(Y2")..
Pa.ving with the brick.--First class flat tiles 4 ern (l W') thick well burnt made of good
brick-earth shall be used. The tiles shall be laid dry oil the mud gobri plaster before it dries up
completely (not over cement or lime mortar) with open joints not more than 6 mm (~") wide. Tiles
should be inserted into parapet walls by 4 ern (l W'). The open joints shall then be grouted with
cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement, 3 local sand) care should be taken to see that no joint remains unfilled
or partially filled. The joints shall then be finished flush with the surface. The tile paving shall be
_ cured by covering with wet bags or wet sand (not by ponding) for at least seven days and during this
period the surface shall be protected from damage. .
Measurement.-The rate shall be for the complete work of mud layer of the stipulated
thickness, mud gobri plaster and the tile paving. The measurement shall be taken for the finished
~ ark over the tiled surface in sq m (sq ft). No deduction shall be made for opening or recesses up to
0.4 sq m (4 sq rn.

Mud terracing may be over R.C.C. slab, o~t~~ layers of tiles orone layer of brick or one layer
of stone slab or wooden planks supported on batten or beams of R.C.C. steel or timber.
One coat or two C<./Jts ofespbelt ma.y be applied on the base slab or concrete before laying the
mud mortar jf specified.

34. Madras terrace roaf-

Madras terrace roof shall consist of a layer of a lime concrete over a layer of brick-on-edge laid
in lime mortar, supported over beams or battens. (See Fig. 4-4, page 187).
Terrace brickwork. -The terrace brick shall be of first class quality of 15x 1.)x2.5 ern in size
and shall be laid on-edge in diagonal rows with lime surkhi mortar of 1 : I Y2 proportion, closely
packed spanning over the beams. The brickwork shall he so laid as to have slight camber not

,.-..- ,

exceeding 5 cm in between the joints, to enhance the self-supporting arch action. The spacing of the
beams or battens shall not be more than 45 cm. The brickwork shall then be cured by frequent
sprinkling.of water for a periodof .1 0 days,..t\Jte~~e~ti':lg of t~~.~!:!~.~,,:,_oJkCllay.erg.DLI1lec_~~r~~~
shall be laid.
Before brickwork is laid centering and shuttering shall be made strong and rigid enough to
support the roof during construction. .
Brick aggregate.-The brick aggregate shall be well burnt of first class quality and broken to
20 mm O~ ") size and shall contain 5 tol'O per cent surkhi. The grading of brick aggregate shall be
100 per cent passing through IS-sieve of 20 mm and 5 to 100 per cent passing through
IS-sieve of 10 mm. .
Mixing and laying of Lime Concrete (Lime-Brick-Jelly Concrete). -Brick aggregate shall be
cleaned and placed ona water tight platform and spread to an even thickness and thoroughly
wetted for at least three hours. Fresh slaked white lime shall then be spread over the brick aggregate
stack to have the proportion of I : 2'12 (one of lime and 2'12 of aggregate) and mixed dry. The whole is
then mixed by adding water gradually by sprinkling to the required quantity, and mixed
thoroughly by turning at least three times, until a uniform mix is obtained and all pieces of
aggregatesare covered with mort~r and the aggregates do not separate from the mortar.
.,I The brickwork shall then be lightly sprinkled with water just to moisten the surface and then
the mixed lime concrete shall be laid gently to a thickness of 10 cm. The roof shall be given a
minimum slope of I in 50.
- ,
; After the lime concrete has been laid, it shall be consolidated initially with wooden rammers of
2 kg weight, and the consolidation shall further be done with hand beaters so that the concrete.
'\ hardens and the surface becomes even during consolidation and beating solution of Bael fruit,
r ...,
~ molasses and lime water or solution of Kadukai, molasses and lime water shall be sprinkled over the
II surface for strengthening and water proofing. (For details see lime concrete terracing page 567).
The bearing shall be continued until the beater makes no impression on the concrete, and readily
I rebounds from the surface when struck on it. After compaction the surface shall be wetted with
"'. j solution of Bael fruit or Kadukai, molasses or lime and smoothened with trowel to have a thin water
proof layer.
,-1 Curing.-The lime concrete shall be kept moist for a fortnight by covering with straw or sand
- I
and sprinkling water frequently.' .
The ceiling .:;~all be finished with 12 mrn ('12") plastering with 1 : 3 cement mortar or 1 : 2 lime
, - I
,I mortar. . . " . ' " . . . .... .'
Measurement..,-The lime concrete terracing including brickwork shall' be measured of the
'I finished surface under one item in sq m (sq ft). The supporting beams or battens and ceiling
/ i
' .. , plastering shall be measured separately.

ill' , 35. Asbestos cement corrugated shed roofing

... ,.,'1 Sheets.-The sheets shall be of the best quality of approved manufacturers as 'Everest',
i 'Bigsix', 'Crownit corrugated'. Ashoka corrugated' or similar, The sheets shall be free from cracks,
chipped edges or corners and other damages.
Puriins.-The sheets shall be laid on wooden or steel purlins as per drawing. The maximum
spacing of purlins shall bel.6 m (5' -3") in the case of7 mm (9/3,2") thick sh~et and 1.4 m (4' -6") in
the case of 6 mm (W') thick sheets. The upper surfaces of purlins shall be m one plan so that the
sheets shall rest on the purlins without forcing down.

Laying.-The sheets shall be laid with smooth side upwards. wi~h a minimum sid~lap of ha~f a
corrugated 4.5 ern (I *") and a minimum end lap of 15 cm (6"). The Side laps shall be laid on the side
opposite the prevailing monsoon wind. The free overhang of the sheet shall not exceed 40 ern
(J'~"). . ..... _.. __..... __ ... __ . . _
Fixing. -The sheets shall be fixed to the purlins by means of 8 mm (3/ 16") diameter
galvanized J or L hook bolts and nuts providing a bitumen washer and a galvanized iron washer for
each bolt and nut before the nutis screwed down from above. Each nut shall be screwed lightly first
and when a number of sheets are laid the nuts shall be tightened.Theholes for hook bolt shall be
drilled not punched in the ridge of thecorrugations in their exact positions while the sheets are on
the roof. The diameter of the holes shall be 1.5 mm (1/16") more than the diameter of the fixing
bolt.' Roof ladders or planks shall always be used when laying and fixing the sheets, to avoid
damage to the sheets. During fixing if any sheet gets damaged this shall be rejected and replaced by
another good sheet. The finished surface shall be uniform and the lines of corrugations shall be
straight and parallel. .
Slope.-Roof slope shall not be flatter than 1 in 5. the normal slope shall be usually I in 2. In
case of roof slope flatter than I in 2VI, the end overlap shall be 25 ern (10") or more.
Ridges.-Ridges shall be of the type specified such as "Plain. wing adjustable", "Serrated
adjustable", "Close fitting adjustable", "Northlight adjustable". etc. Ridges shall be of the same
manufacturer as for the corrugated sheets, and shall be free from cracks and damages. The ridges
are usually in pairs having the required overlap. The ridges shall be fixed with the same galvanized
iron J or L bolts and nuts with bitumen washer and galvanized iron washer which fix the sheets with
Hips if required shall be of 'Unserrated hips' of the same manufacturer.
Wind ties.-Wind ties shall be of40 mm x 6 mm(l VI"xy.j") and shall be fixed at the eave ends
of the sheets. The fixing shall be done with the same hook bolts which secure the sheets to the
Measurement.- The measurements shall be taken of the laid finished flat surface in sq m
(sq ft) and not girthed. The laps at the ends and side shall not be measured. The ridges and hips shall
be measured in running metre (r ft) for the finished workalong the centre line of the ridge or hip.
Wind ties shall be measured under a separate item. The rate shall include all the materials and
labour, bolts and nuts washer, etc. The rate shall not include roof supporting members as purlins,
rafters, etc., which shall be measured separately.

36. Asbestos \?*,"If''1 t semi-corrugated or trafford sheet roofing-s-

The detailed specifications shall be similar to the above with the exceptions that the side.
overlap shall be one corrugation 9 cm.
37. Galvanized corrugated iron shed (G.c.r. sheet) roofing-'
The corrugeted iron shall be of the gauge as specified, 22 B. G. ~ ~ rnrn thick) or 24 B. G. (.64 rnrn
t hic k). The sheets shall be free from rust and the zinc covering at the time of fixing shall be in perfect
The sheet shall be laid on wooden or steel purlins with an end overlap 15ern (6") and side overlap
of two corrugations. Holes for nails, screws, rivets, etc., shall be punched on the ground (before
taking in roof) in the ridges with very sharp punches from below upward in such a manner that the
hole will come on the ridge of the sheets. The sheets shall be joined together with galvanized bolts

_._- .. --- - - - - - - -

and nuts and with bitumen washer and G.!. washer and fixed to the purlins with galvanized hook
bolts of J or L type of 8 mm (5/16") in diameter, with bitumen and limpet washers.
......... '.. Ridges and hips shall be covered by special ridge or hip sections and shall be bolted orclipped
in the sheets, witli-ilO'cm'OTOTap-on cacns'ide-s<ranup-reventtherain-driving'under'iL-Windties ...
of nat iron bar 40 mm x 6 mm (1'12" J:< Y;") shall be fixed at the eave ends of the sheets and fixing shall
be done with the same J or L hook bolts and nuts which secure the sheets with purlins.
Roofs shall not be pitched at the flatter slope than I in 5, the normal pitch being 1 in 2. For
flatter pitch than I in 2t;2 the end overlap should not be less than 23 ern (9").
I The finished surface shall be uniform and the lines of corrugations shall be straight and
Measurement shall be taken for the complete laid roof in sq m (sq ft) for the flat superficial
area, not girthed. Wind ties shall be measured under a separate item. Supporting purlins and
structures shall be taken under separate item.
38. Allahabad tile roof-
The tiles shall be of Allahabad pattern well burnt, dark red in colour and shall give a clear
ringing sound when struck. Wind ties shall be sound regular in shape and free from cracks, and shall
I. not absorb water more than 1/ 6th of their weight. .
Timber for battens shall be of the type specified may be of sal, shisham, deodar, teak, etc., and
, \ shall be of best quality, well seasoned and free from saps, cracks, knots, flaws and other defects. The
battens shall be 30 mm x 45 mm (I t;2" x 34") in section and fixed over 30 cm (I ft)centre to centre
i over common rafters with nails. The spacing of commor:. rafters shall not be more than 90 em (3 ft).
\'1 The eave batten shall be 45 mm x 60 mm in section. All battens shall be painted with two coats of
approved paint over a coat of priming.
Single tiling.-Single tiling shall consist of layer of flat tires laid closely on battens, and the
... " .
adjacent edges of every two tiles shall be covered with semi-cylindrical tiles. All the lines of the tiles

.1 shall be straight in both directions and whole roof when laid must give a uniform appearance. The

.. , flat tiles must lap accurately at their ends one over the other. The moulded niche at the lower end of
I each flat tile must fit completely into the head of the tile next below it and the bottom of the tiles at
.' .1 the upper end must have a firm hold on the battens. Each semi-cylindrical tile must be exactly in its
position on the flat tiles under it and also into the bed specially formed in the upper end of the next
..I semi-cylind rical tile, to receive it. At the ridges and hips the tiles must abut closely. All ridges and hips
/ .,i xhall be covered by ridges or hip tiles laid in lime mortar. The tiles over walls shall be laid in lime
ruo rta. and ttc ends :;f the semi-circular tiles ar.t he eaves shall be filledwith lime mortar for half
their length. The under side of the nat tiles shall be finished with white washing, .
/' ! The roof slope should not be less than I in 3 nor more than I in 2. The roof when completed
shall be true to lines and slope, and shall be leakproof.
:1 c
i Measurement of the complete laid roof shall be taken flat in sq m (sq ft) including battens.

ill /~.,I riqges and hips.

Double tiling.-Double tiling shall consist of two layers. The bottom layer shall consist of a
layer of nat tiles laid on battens and the side joints of every two adjacent flat tiles shall be covered by
semi-hexagonal tiles. Over these semi-hexagonal tiles shall be laid an upper layer of flat tiles and the
adjacent .,dges of every two of these nat tiles being covered with a semi-cylindrical tile. The other
details arc similar to single tiling.
f ,':
~ . -, rj

39. Mangalore tiled roof- , ': ~! ':;" ,,';:;'" ';: ' i.;l,
The tiles shall be of Mangalore.pattern double c~annen~aiwe\\burnt; ~ark-red 'in colour and
shall give a clear ringing sound wherrstruck. The tHes~hCl;\l be.~o\.Jnd,.regu~~r In sha~e Cl;nd free from,
'cracks and-s hall not absorb-water-more-than' !-/-6tli oqhelfwelgh t~. Ridge tl~es,andlllp,tll~s,shaU-also
~". :-
be of Mangalore pattern. ;',"

Timber battens shall be similar to Allahabad tile roof, as in item 38 above.

The tiles shall be laid in such away thatthey properly fit with each other in the grooves and rest

firmly on the battens. The edges of the adjoining tiles shall overlap giving water proofjoints. At the

ridges and hips the tiles should abut closely. The ridges and hips shall be covered by ridge hip tiles

laid in lime mortar. The tiles over the walls and the lowest eave tiles shall be laid in lime mortar. The

under side of the tiles shall be finished with white washing. '

Measurement of the complete laid roof shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) including battens, ridges
and hips.
Specification of Rsnigung tiled roof, Sielkot tiled roof and Ouilon tiled roof are similar to
Mangalore tiled roof.
40. Earthwork in irrigation channels and road-
Centre line of channel or road or bank and its edges (toes) shall be marked correctly and neatly
by daghbelling, Outlines of borrowpits shall also be marked on the ground. Formation pillars of
masonry shall be constructed at suitable points as directed by the Engineer-in-charge to serve as
bench marks. '
, The whole area under cutting or filling shall be cleaned of al! jungles, vegetations, rubbishes,
loose stones and other materials. Roots of trees, if any, shall be removed to a depth of 60 em (2 ft)
below ground level. For banking the existing surface shall be ploughed to a depth of 15 ern (6") to
make bond with new earth, and all clods broken and surface roughly levelled. Earthern or pole
profiles shall be made 30 m to 100 m (lOO' to 300') apart and extra profiles may be made at curves or
where there is change in direction or gradient. For banking settlement allowance sha.ll be allowed
and profiles shall show the total height including allowance for settlement. In case of ordinary hand
rammed consolidated fills 10% settlement allowance and in case of consolidation by heavy
machinery 5% settlement allowance shall be provided.
Bank shall be made in layers of25 cm (9") thickness and each layer should be slightly concave
towards the centre. In banking side slopes of I Y2: 1to 2: I should be given as specified depending on
the nature of soil. All clods of earth shall be broken in borrowpit, and all roots, stones, etc.,
removed. Earthwork shall rye done from the edge to the centre and eC\c~l(\verwellr.amm.ed with
wooden rammer of 5 to 8 kg (to to 15 Ib) weight. Thorough compaction if required shall be done by
rolling each layer with sheep foot roller.
In cutting. first the central rectangular port ion shall be excavated from top to bottom and then
the side with side slopes of I; , to I J,~ : I depending on nature of soil. J

Depth of borrowpits should not he more than 30 em (l foot). spoil banks where required
should b~ regular an~ ofun.iiorm height with the prcsc~ibed slope. Old and new bank shall be joined
by stepping. If there IS cutting and banking alternately, the cutting earth should be used for filling
up to the economical limit. In irrigation channel the excavated earth should be utilised for side
banks for which no extra payment shall be made.
Surface and side slopes shall be dressed and finished neatly. Rate shall include normal lead and
lift oDO m (100') lead and 1.5 m (5') lift. Profile or fill measurement allowing settlement allowance
or borrowpit measurement shall be taken as specified. Where terupc rnr y land is costly borrowpi:
.. ' 1

may be made deeper on the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.

41. Cement mortar-
The proportion ofcement and sand be as specified, may be of I : 2, I : 3, I: 4, I : 5 and I : 6.
Cementshall' be port landcemen tof standard specifications. from-dust, .
dirt and organic matters and shall not contain more than 4% silt. Fine local sand may be used which
shall pass through screen having 9 meshes per sq cm (64 meshes per sq in). Fineness modulus of
I sand shall not be less than 10.
. The mixing shall be done first day on a pucca platform and then with water. Cement and sand
shall be meas ured with boxes to ha ve the req uired proportion, sand spread out on the platform and
the required quantity of cement spread on top of sand and the whole mixed dry. The dry mixture
shall then be formed roughly into a hollow cone shape and water added slowly and gradually by a
can, and the whole mixed thoroughly to have a uniform colour and consistency. Quantity of water
should not exceed 30 litres (6 gls.) per bag of cement. One bag of cement (50 kg) shall be taken at
I i/ 30 cu m (12 cu It) and sand shall be measured with box to have the required proportion.
Mixing may also be done by means of mechanical mixer. In this process first about 5 to 10 per
cent of water shall be put in the mixer and then sand and cement in the required proportion shall be
added. Mixing will be continued until the mix becomes uniform in colour and consistency.
Only such q uan tity of mortar as can be used before setting begin, s hall be mixed wi th water at
one time. No mortar which has begun to set shall be used even after remixing, such set mortar shall
,. "l be immediately removed from the site of work.
42. White lime mortar- .
The mortar shall consist of freshly slaked white lime and surkhi or sand or cinder, of
proportion I : I, I : 2 and I : 3 as specified. The lime should be slaked at the site of work, and
screened through a sieve of 9 meshes per sq ern (64 meshes per sq in), before mixing. Lime shall be
free from ashes and organic matters. Surkhi, sand or cinder shall be clean and of standard
specifications. The ingredients shall be first dry mixed by measuring with boxes to have the
required proportion, and then mixed by grinding in masonry mortar mill for not less than 180
..... '
revolution by adding water to give a uniform plastic mix. Mortar for the day's work shall be mixed
and used on the same day; no old and stale mortar shall be used, but removed from the site of work.
For small work hand mixing in pucca platform may be done as in cement mortar above.

43. Kankar lime mortar-

The mortar shall consist of kankar lime alone or kankar lime and surkhi or sand or cinder in
the proportion of I : lor I: 2 as specified. The materials should be clean and of standard
specification. Kankar after 'burning shall be ground tine and screened through a sieve having 25
meshes per sq cm( 144 meshes per sq in). The materials sh all be measured with measuring boxes to
have the required proportion and mixed by grinding in a masonry mortar mill continuously fortwo
hours, with sufficient water to give a uniiorm plastic mix. Mortar for the day's work only shall be
mixed and used on the same dav: no old and stale mortar shall be used but removed from the site of
works. Mortar shall have a mi~imum tensile strength of7 kg per sq ern at 21 days. For small work
hand mixing in pucca platform may be made.

44. White lime-

I Lime shall be of freshly burnt lime stone of approved quarry. Lime should be fresh slaked.
Unslakcd white lime should be brought to the site of work and slacked on pucca platform and
slaked. at site and screened through a sieve of9 meshes per sq ern (64 meshes per sq in) and residue

,/~0al ,'-'- ---------- dOd

~ ", .
~ . .

on the screen rejected. Lime shall bJ free from ~shJ~a:nd ot~er

foreign ~atters. L~fl1~
should be
stored in a covered weather proof shed. Tank slaking may bedone If specified and lime putty may
be used. q..... . '_. __ : ______ .
45. Kankar lime- '. .: ...'. '...
, Kankar lirue should be made from "bichwa" kankar free from earth and other impunues..
Kankar should be burnt in kiln and then ground fine and screened through sieve of25 meshes per sq
em (144 meshes per sq in) and the residue 011 the screen rejected. Kankar lime shall be clean and free
Ir orn dirt, dust and foreign matters. Kankar lime mortar briquetc should give a tensile strength on
kg per sq ern at 21 days. .
46. 'Brick ballast- ,
Brick ballast shall be broken to the specified gauge from dense over-burnt or well-burnt bricks

or brickbats of copper colour or deep cherry red colour. No under burnt porous or jhama bricks, or

bricks showing signs of saltpetre shall be used. The ballast shall be free from dust, dirt and foreign

matters. For foundation 40 mm (I 'hIt) gauge and for roof terracing 25 mm (I") gauge well graded

brick ballast should be used. .

47. Surkhi-
Surkhi shall be made from fully burnt bricks but not over-burnt bricks. Surkhi shall be ground

fine and after grinding, shall be screened through sieve of25 meshes per sq em (144 meshes per sq in)

and residue on the screen shall be rejected. Surkhi shall be clean and free from foreign matters.

Surkhi shall be stacked on brick platform and protected from earth dirt, etc.

48. Cinder-
Cinder should be made from coal-ash and should be free from burnt clay, wood ash, dirt and
foreign matters. Cinder should be obtained from furnaces using coal fuel only. Cinder should be
ground fine and screened through sieve of~ meshes per sq ern (64 meshes per sq in) and residue in'
the sieve should be rejected. Cinder shall not contain more than 10% of un burnt carbon
(combustible matter).
49. Sand-
Sand shall be clean hard, durable, angular, sharp and gritty to touch and free from mica, salts,
alkalies, organic and' vegetable matters. It should not contain more than 5% .of clay or silt. Sand
should be perfectly dry before being measured. If damp sand is used, compensation shall be made
lor bul king by adding additional sand up to the extent of bulking. Sand shall be natural river sand
,r pit sand of approved quality. J\
For concrete coarse s:J.NI of.maximum size of" rnm (~i .16") shall be used. All sand shall pass
through a sieve of 5 rnrn Oi 16") sq mesh and 60 cc(1 retained on I.S, sieve 60 (B.S. 25). Fineness
modulus of coarse sand shall not be less than 2.5.
For brickwork or masonryand for plastering or pointing fine or medium sand shall be used.
This shall be screened through a sieve having 9 meshes per sq em. and the bigger particle excluded
and rejected. Fine sand should not pass more than 20% through a sieve or 400 meshes per sq em and
not more than 5% should pass through a sieve of 1600 meshes per sq em. Fineness modulus ,If [inc
.sand should not be less than 1,0. .
50. Determination of silt contents of sand by field test-
Take a (narrow long) glass measuring cylinder (say 200 ml) fill half the cylinder with sample of
sand (100 ml mark), add clean water up toy." height ofcylinder(150 ml mark), shake vigorously
allow the contents to settle Ior J hours. Coarse particle settle first at the bottom and gradually the
finer particles 'and finally thesilt at the top. The height of the silt layer(h) as visible above the sand 'IS

. .-;;
-----------_ ......

measured from the graduations of the cylinder and expressed as percentage of the height (H) of the
sand below ; - .

Percentage of silt content"> hX"-IOO~

If the percentage of silt content is above the allowable percentage, then the sand should be
washed to remove the silt.
. , 51. Determination of bulking of damp sand by field test-
Take a glass measuring cylinder and fill three-fourth of the cylinder with the sand under test
and lightly tap the cylinder and read the volume of sand (say V). Then pour water in the-cylinder to
submerge the sand and stir the sand well and allow to settle and then read the volume of sand (say
v). When the sand is fully saturated by submerging its volume is same as dry volume.

\I The difference in the original volume and final volume is the bulking and the percentage of
bulking is { V-v x 100.}

Note-:-For spe!i(ications ofMud roof, Mud well, Mud plaster, etc., Chapter on Village
Housing given at the end may be consulted.

1. Subgrade-Shall be well consolidated and compacted each with a camber of 1 in 60.

2. Soling-Shall be 30 ern (I ') wider than the metalled width of the road surface, and may be
either of : - .

(i) Over burnt bricks laid flat or on edge well packed and joints filled up with sand 'and the
surface blinded with 2.3 ern (I") thick earth and lightly rolled with roller.

(ii) Split stone boulders 15 em (6") thick laid well packed, and the surface blinded with
earth and rolled with roller. .

3. i~ter co'at-Shall be of Slone ballast. or over burnt brick ballast of l2cm (4'12") thick layer
and consolidated and compacted by road roller to 8 ern (3").

4. Top coat-Shall be of stone ballast laid in 12 ern (4 112" ) thick layer. and ~onsolidatedand
compacted by road roller to R cmt I").

5. First coat of bituminous painting-Shall be with Asphalt or Road Tar N~. 3 and stone grit
of 20 mm (~") gauge at 220 kg of asphalt and 1.35 cu m of stone grit per 100 sq m. .

6. Second coat of bituminous painting-Shall be with Asphalt or Tar No. 3-A and stone grit
III' of 12 mm (112") gauge at 120 kg of asphalt and 0.75 cu m of stone grit per 100 sq m.

7. Brick edging- Brick edging with straight over burnt bricks shall be provided on both Sides.

;?i~ _

.' . .:'

8. If traffic is heavyinsteadofb~tuminous painting rhe wearing surface may be pr~~idedwith

bituminous carpet OJ cement concrete. .' , ; " ,
" "9. If subgrade is soft or weak, a~hick sub-base ofcheap.and infeci.onm\~~!i~l~~_C?_Us:_o,f!l:e~~~ed
, 1. Overburnt bricks.-:-I-class over, burnt bricks made from good brick-earth shall be used.

The brick-earth shall be free from gravel, kankar and other materials. All bricks shall be overburnt,

of copper colour, no lhama or under-burnt brick shall be used. ' ,

2; Overburnt brick ballast.i--f-class brick ballast of 50 mm(2") gauge, broken at site from ~ell
overburnt bricks of copper colour shall be used. No lhama or underburnt ballast shoul.i be used.
'Brick ballast shall be homogeneous intexture and roughly cubical in shape. B~lIast shall be clean
and free from dust etc. and shall be stacked 30 crru (12") high on the levelled side-berm along the
road having the section as required per metre length for the full width of metalling. The stack
'should be continuous without any gap. For 3.70 metres wide road and 12em loose layer the stack
may be trapezium section of 1 m width 1.48 m bottom width and 30 em high .
. '3. Stonebellesto--Hard, rough and durable granite stone ballast 60 mm gauge, shall be used.

Ballast should not absorb water and should not be effected by weather action andshall be clean and

free from dust, dirt, etc. Ballast should be stacked 30 em (12") high on the levelled side-berm of the

road in a continuous stack along the road having the section as required per metre length of the

road. Size of stack may be similar as for brick ballast.

4. Kankar.-Good hard Bichwa kankar65 mrn to 20 mm (2Y2" to *") gauge, free from earth,

dust, dirt, etc., should be used. Kankar should show a bluish surface on fracture. Kankar shall be,

stacked 32 ern (13") high on the levelled side-berm along the road, and measured as 30 cm (12")

high. Kankar should be, cleaned and broken to gauge at the quarry and then carried to the roadside,

and cleaned again before' stacking and the stack should be made continuous without having any

gap. The top width and bottom width of stack may be I m and 1.48 m respectively and the height

will be 32 em.
", "'';'..
5.: Layin 2 and consolidation of road metal, stone ballast or brick ballast.-Laying and
consolidation shall be done during early rainy season, so that sufficient water is available for . .:";",:.

consolidation, and during the later part of the rains the ballast gets fully compacted. The surface
shall be made to a camber of I in 60 or 1 in 48 as specified and two mud walls 20 em (8") wide and 15
em (6") high shall be m Ide along the outer edges for the metalling and ballast spread evenly hand
packed to the required camber with template and bigger pieces of metal placed at the bottom. The
,ballast shall firstbe dry rolled longitudinally with 10 tonne roller commencing from the edges and
working towards the centre, and dry rollmg continued until ..he metal is ~-hor('l:!:~ly compacted.
The metal shall then be fully saturated with water and rolled until thoroughly compacted and no
mark of roller left on the surface. Rolling should be done slowly without any jerk. For checking
consolidation a few J;'ieces of stones shall be placed over the surface and roller passed over them, the
stones shall not sink if consolidation is perfect. The surface shall then be thinly blinded with sandy""
earth and' watered and rolled. Finally the side mud walls shall be rolled and pressed flush to the
surface. The surface should be brought to the required camber by placing template at regular
intervals. The road shall be opened to traffic when dry but still damp, and the traffic should be
spread over the full width by traffic diversion (Iikh katai). The patries or side-berms shall be
repaired with earth to a slope of I in 36.
6. Laying and consolidation of kankar metal-The laying and consolidation of kankar shall be
done during the early rains so that sufficient water is available for consolidation and during later
part of the rains kankar metal gets fully compacted. !

The kankar stacks shall be opened before rain starts and sori~~'jt;l. three rows as fOllo ws:
. r. ,:\... . _. .'.

(1) Largest kankar (size 63 mm to 40 mm) to be used at the b~toin.

(iiI) Smallest size kankar (25 mm and below) to be used at top. . ',':-

. . The sur~ace should be broughtto the required camber and two mud walls 20cIn(8") wide and
. (h) lntermediate-0r--medlUm-slze.Jc.ankaL(sjze-4o..mmB~.1im~t~_b_e..,used. inthe_mM1Jile.
--- .....

15 ern (6") high shall be made along the outer edges of metalling and the surfacecleaned, and then
kankar spread in three operations, first the big sizekankarthen the medium size kankar and finally
I, at the top small size kankar and the surface brought to camber with template placed at 10m (30 ft)
apart. Kankar is then fully saturated with water and consolidated with rammers of5 to 8 kg(10 to 15
los) weight and 16 rammers shall be used for the 3.7 m(12 ft) wide road. The ramming shall be done
first at the side (haunches), to width of I m (3 ft) on each side working along the road, and then the
central portion working across the road. The ramming is. continued until. the metal has been
thoroughly compacted and no marks are left by the rammers or by any traffic moving over the new
.surface. 'When the consolidation is completed the mud-walls shall be rammed flat with the metal
surface and the surface blinded with standy soil. No blinding'should be done on kankar surface
d uring consolidation. .
,I The road shall be opened to traffic when the surface is drybut still damp. The traffic shall be

I spread over the full width by traffic diversion (likh katai). The patries or sides-berms shall be

repaired with earth to a slope I in 36.

t 7. First coat of painting or surface dressing with bitumen-The surface shall be bone dry and
absolutely free from dust, dirt, cowdung, etc. The cleaning shall be done first by wire brushes then
by hard brush brooms and then with soft brush, so as to expose clean metal surface to a depth of
6 mm to 12 mm (W' to W') without loosening the stone. Finally, immediately before painting all

dust, dirt, etc., should be blown away with blower of blowing with gunny bags.

Road Tar No: 3 heated to a temperature of 200 to 225F, 0t: Asphalt, 80/ 100 heated to 350
,.1 to 375 F, shall be the road surface uniformly along the road with.pouring cans or with
,I hose pipe directly connected with tar boiler, and brushed evenly over the surface'with brush brooms
or rubber squeegees working from .edge to the. crown of the road. For proper control and
.! uniformity of spreading of tar, the surface area which.can be covered by one can marked-with chalk,
1 or the length which can be covered by one drum of tar should be marked.About 220 kg of tar of
r 1
asphalt are required per 100 sq m of surface (45 lbs % sq f t . ) . '
. .

.; Assoon as che paint[Tar or Asphalt) has beenapplied, stone grits 7QtIlm to 6 mm (W' to W')
gauge, should be spread evenly on the surface. The grit should be screened. into two portions.bigger
and smaller pieces beforehand. The bigger grits shall be 'spread first and then the smaller grits at the
top. The surface shall then be rolled slowly and lightly with light road roller just to press the grits
into the paint and to give a uniform smooth surface. the quantity of stone grits should be 1.35 cum
per ,100 sq m (4.4 cu ft % sq ft). If any signs of bleeding is developed anywhere on the surface, the
spot should be covered with small stone grits or coarse sand and lightly compacted. Road may be
opend to traffic after 12 hours of rolling. .
No painting shall be done during December and January.No hot painting shall be done during
rainy season.
u 8. Second coat of painting or surface dressing with bitumen-The second coat ofpaintingsha.ll
I ' be applied when all loose grits of the first coat have been. absorbed and the surface shows a mosaic

',.rh-- .- --_ .... - .. ------------------_--..:.:..::.----'--
" ,.
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. Z

":.' i

", :.

',:, i
.. i

Binder, shelmac or shelspra heated to a temperature of 320 to 340 F (or Tar No. 3-A heated ~.

to 220 to 240F) should be applied on the cleaned surface uniformly at the rate of 100 kg per %
sq m (20 lbs per % sq ft). Application should be made with sprayer but if this is not available, with
pouring can and brushed evenly. Thetack coat should be applied just ahead of spreading carpet.
Preparation ofpremix.-Two part's of stone chips 12 mm (~.") size (passing 20 mm mesh and
retained' on 12 mm mesh) and one part of stone chips 10 mm (3/8") size (passing 12 mm mesh and
retained on 3 mm mesh) shall be loaded in drum mixer and thoroughly mixed dry. The stone chips
should be a~gular, hard tough and durable and perfectly clean. Stone chips need not be heated but
should be perfectly dry. ,'. .
The binder @ 56 kg per cu m (@ 3~ lbs per cu ft) of chips, shelmac or shelspra heated to a
temperature of 320 to 340F (or Tar No. 3-A heated to.. 220 to,"4()OF) s,hqlll)p .poured into. the
mixer and thoroughly mixed until the stone chips are thoroughly coated with binder', '
The mix shall then be discharged from the mixer on wheel-borrows or stretchers and carried to
the site.
. For 100.sq m of premix carpet surface 1.8 cu m of 12 mm size stone chips, 0.9 cu m of 10 mm
size stone chips and 155 kg of bitumen shall be req uired.
If mechanical mixer is used larger quantity can be mixed at a time.
Spreading of premix.-Immediately after applying the tack coat to the road surface the hot
premix shall be spread evenly with rakes to the desired thickness and to the correct camber and
che~ked by template. Any unevenness on the surface shallbe adjusted by adding premix bcforb
rolhng commences. . .. .


Rolling.-As soon as sufficient length (15 m) of premix has been laid, rolling should bestarted
with 7 to 8 tonne roller. Rolling should commence at the edges and progress towards the centre.
After light rolling high spots or depressions, which become apparent should be corrected by
removing or adding premix and then-rolled to-thorough-compactien.Bxeessive
avoided. Roller wheel should be kept damp to.prevent the premix from adhering and picking up.
Over this compacted surface immediately after rolling, dry coarse sand should be spread at the
rate of 0.3 cu m per % sq m (I cu ft per %sq ft) and rolled again until a smooth surface is obtained.
Sand should be coarse, clean, hard, durable and free from dust, dirt and organic matter.
Traffic may be allowed on the carpet surface after 24 hours of completion of rolling.

Seal coat-A seal coat shall be applied as soon as found necessary but not later than 1 ~ years
after laying the carpet. The binder shelspra or shelmac orTar No. 3-A should be heated (as for tack
coat) and mixed with dry coarse sand (or 6 mrn size stone chips) and then spread on the road surface
uniformly and rolled. The quantity of sand and binder should be at the rate .75 cum ofsand per %
sq m (2.5 cu 1% sq ft) of surface and 128 kg of bitumen (binder) per cu m of sand (8lbs per cu ft) .
Instead of seal coat of premix and binder, a coat of surface dressing may be applied as in
..... -' .

second coat of painting, item No.8. . ,

Cold-mix and Hot-mix Premix Carpeting

Cold-mix-The above specifications of premix bituminous road is for Cold-mix type in which
stone chips or aggregates are not required to be heated. Bitumen should be of the qualityand grade
such that the heated bitumen when mixed with cold (atmospheric temperature) and dry stone chips
they will be well coated and form a good mix and will not harden by the timethe mix isapplied on
the road surface and rolled. Shelspra, shelmac and Road Tar No. J,A possess quality for Cold-mix.

Hot-mix- Hot-mix type rnay be used' with suitable quality and grade of asphalt where both
the binder and the aggregate shall have to be heated separately and then mixed together, and then
carried and applied on the road surface while hot and rolled. ' :;;'; ::CL, ~ !: .T,' .. '
. .#.; .I' ~ :1: .:.~f... '7.": : .::;.. ,

Stabilized Soil Road-See Chapter /9 Village Housing. '. ~ < - : j : . ,,".:". :


The requirements of different classes of roads are as follows ;

Particulars National Major Other. YilIage

Highway District District Road.
(N.H.) and Road
Road (V.R.)
State High (M.D.R) (O.D.R.)

ways (P.H.)

I. Controlled land width against

ribbon development in open

country . 70 metres from centre of road on either side

2. Width of permanent Iand

Minimum 30 m 30 m 24m 12 m

Particulars Natidnal Major , Other Village

HighWay ,IiistricttDistrict Road
(N.H.)'.'and Road :; Road ,,';, (V.R.)
" .,..~_t1it,e).$.ig~;~" '<M}t.RJ. __,.,~9...D,J~.-,L .~.L-.~ .
ways (r.H.) ':": i)
Minimum if' uncultivated or Usar
areas 45 m ~O m 30m 12 m

3. Width of road foundation in plains 10 m ,:10 m 10m 5m


'. Width of road formation in Hills 5.5 m-7-5 m 5.5 m-7.5 m 2 m for Briddle road
Briddle road
4. Minimum height of bank above,
flood level 60 ern '60 em 45 em 30cm

5. Width of metalled surface

Single Lane ,3.70 m 3.70 m 3.70 m
Double Lane 7.00 m 7.00 m

. 6. Minimum thickness of metal,

crust compacted (in three layers) 24cm 24cm 24cm

1. Width of soling coat so ernmore than metalled width

8.: Camber or cross slope of

metalled surface

9. Maximum gradient in plains

'Maximum gradient in hills
Ruling gradient in plains
Ruling gradient in hills

10. Visibility at vertical curves


It. Minimum radii of curves-

In plains .
In hills

I 2. Maximum superrelevation
In plains
In hills

13. Design load for bridges and


..... .
...... '

Particulars :\ atiorial Major Other Village

Highway District District Road
(~.H.) and Road Road (V.R.)
State High (M.D.R) (O.D.R.)
w a vs (J~.H.)

14. Road width over culverts

ln plains
10.00 m 10.00 m 10.00 m 5m
I n hills (minimum)
5.50 m 5.50 m 5.50 m 4m
15. Road width over bridges-
In plains
7.50 m 7.50 m 7.50 m 5m
In hills (minimum)
4.JO m 4.30 m 4.30 m 4m
. \
16. 'Approaches to bridges and' Minimum straight level length of 30 m on
', "\ culverts either side '

17. Kilometre and half kilometre

stone , At every half kilometre

18. Boundary stones At every hectometre(IOO m) and at

changes in land width and curves

19. Gang huts At every 15 kilometres apart

20. Overseer's Rest House' At every 30 kilometres apart

21. Inspection House At every 40 kilometres as far as possible '
close to town.

22. Arboriculture-
Distance on either side from,
centre 11m' II m 9m
Distance apart along road 12m 12 m 12 m

~. ,
23. Side slopes of earthen
in banking 2: I to Ilh : I depending on the
in cutting , 1i;2: I to I : I nature of soil.

'Note.- Thickness of metal crust should 'be designed taking the intensity ofiraffic iru o , '
consideration and working out P.!., C.B.R, value, etc., of the soil (See Chapter 16).

Culverts and minor bridges should be provided in the road ~stimate. For major bridge-s
separate e~timate should be prepared.

AI!lI' ----------------:--




(Based on Indian Standard-IS: 1200 may be referred)

Measurement of works occupies a very important place in the planning and execution of any
work or project, from the time of the first estimate are made until the completionand settlement of
payments. The methods followed [or the measurement are not uniform and the practices as
prevalent differ considerably in between the States. Even in the same state different departments
follow different methods. For convenience a uniform method should be followed throughout the
country. The uniform methods of measurement to be followed which is applicable to the:
preparation of the estimates and bill of quantities and to the side measurement of completed works
have been described below.


I. Measurement shall be item wise for the finished item of work and the description of each
item shall be held to include materials, transport, labour, fabrication, hoisting, tools and plants,
overheads and other incidental charges for finishing the work tothe required shape, size, design and
specifications. The nomenclature of each item shall be fully described so that the work involved in
item is self-explanatory. .

2. In booking dimensions the order shall be in the sequence of length, breadth and height or
depth or thickness. .

3. All work shall be measured net subject to following tolerances unless otherwise stated

(a) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 metre, i.e., I em (Y2").
(b) Areas shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 sq m (0.1 sq ft) ..
(c) Cubic contents shall be worked up to the nearest 0.0 I cu m (0.1 cu ft).

4. Same type of work under different cond itions and nature shall be measured separately under
separate items.

5. The bill of quantities shall fully describe the materials; proportions and werkrnanships, and
accurately represent the work to be executed. Work which. by its nature cannot be accurately taken
off or which requires site measurements. shall be described as Provisional.

6. In case of structural concrete, brickwork or stone masonry, the work under the following
categories shall be measured separately and the heights shall be described

(a) from foundation to plinth level: (b) From plinth level to first floor level; (c) Frornfirst floor
level to second floor level and so on.

The parapet shall be measured with the corresponding items of the story next below:

Principle of units- The. units of different works depend on their nature, size and shape. In
general the units 0: liii-:ercnt items of work are based on the following principle "

ili l
I, ; ,1

i) Mass, voluminous and thick works shall be taken in. cubic unit' or volume! The.
measurement of length, breadth and height or depth shall be taken to compute the
volume or cubic coP,tents (cu m), , . ' , , ' ... , ".: ' ., .,.. ' .. "., , . ' , \
ii) Shallow, t\~;n', and~~~r'face '~~rkshal\ be: taken' in square units' or in area. The
measurement of length and breadth or height shall be taken to compute the area (sq m).
" . 1 ' .

iii) Long and thin work shall be taken in linear or- running unit, and linear measurement
shall be taken (run?ing metre).'
iv) Piece work, job work, etc., shall be enumerated, i.e., taken in number.

, "
Earthwork shall be taken in cu m (cu ft)and the length, breadth and height or depth shall be
measured to get the cubic content. '
Earthwork of different nature as in excavation in foundation, in trenches, etc., and in filling in
plinth, in banking, etc., shall be measured under separate items.
, '

Earthwork in different kinds of soil as ordinary soil, hard soil, ordinary rock, hard rock, etc.,
shall be classified separately and measured under separate item.
Excavation shall include throwing of the excavated earth at least one metre clear of the edge of
Dressing or trimming and levelling or grading, ramming and consolidation thickness of each
layer, etc., shall be described and included in the item of earthwork.
Measurement of excavation or .trenches or borrowpits shall be taken for average dimensions.
When the ground is fairly uniform 'Desdmen 'or 'Tell-Tales 'which shall be \eft atsuitable interva\s
to determine the average depth of excavation. For uneven or sloping ground diagona\ 'Tell-Tales'
I shall be left.
No deduction shall be made for Deadmen, Tell-Tales, which shall be removed after the
measurements have been taken and checking has been completed.
When the ground is very uneven levels shall be taken before the start and after the completion
of the earthwork by levelling instrument and the average depth of excavation or fillirig shall be
determined from these levels.
Whenever it is not possible or convenient to make measurements from cutting the filling or
banking shall be measured and deduction for shrinkage or voids (settlement allowances) shall be
made from actual measured cubic contents depending on the nature of the soilanc' IDt>th'1rl~ ')f
consolidation. Generally 10% deduction shall be made in case of ordinary consolidated fills and in

case of consolidation done by heavy machinery a deduction of 5% shall be made.
For road earthwork in banking, the profile or fill measurement may be taken and usual
settlement or shrinkage allowance shall be given, The volume 0: quantity shall De obtained by

multiplying sectional area by the 'length. Quantity = Length x ~~ (Top width +Bottom width) x
. No separate measurement shall be taken, for setting out works, profiles. site clearance,
deadmen, stepping, removal of slips or falls, bailing out watcr frorn rains, ctc., these arc included in
the rate.
Lead and lift-The measurement shall be taken separately for every 30 m (100 ft) lead or
distance and every 1,5 In (5 ft) lift or heigh lor depth. The lead shall be measured from the centre of

the area of excavation to the centre of the area ofspoil heap. Similarly lift shall be measured from
the centre of excavation to the centre of spoil heap. .

.. The normal rate is for each unit of 30m-(-I-00'-) lead-and -L5m{5') lift. For-greater.lead.or.lift..
the rate shall tie different for every unit of 30 m (100ft) lead, and for every unit of 1.5m (5 ft) lift.

I.S.1. specifies the unit of lead as 50 m, measured over the shortest practicable route.
Foundation trench- Unless otherwise specified the foundation trench shall be measured in cu
m for rectangular section, bottom width being width of concrete and the depth shall be measured as
vertical depth even though the contractor might have excavated with sloping sides for convenience.

Return, fill and ram - Returning, filling and ramming excavated earth shall be taken .in cu III
(cu ft) under a separate item and shal.1 include spreading in layers of 20 ern (8") in depth, watering,
ramming and levelling. .

Puddling-Clay puddle work shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) and shall be described including
supply of clay, its preparation, placing in layer of 15 em (6"), ramming, etc.

Surface dressing- Trimming and dressing of natural ground to remove vegetation and small
irregularities not exceeding 15 ern (6") deep shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) under a separate item
'Surface Dressing'.

Cutting down trees exceeding 30 ern (12") girth shall be accounted separately and enumerated,
i.e., taken in numbers, stating the girth at I m (3') above ground and paid separately.
Surface excavation-Excavationexceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sq m in plan but not
exceeding 30 cm in depth shall be described as Surface excavation and measured in sq m.

Pumping- When spring water requires pumping the workof pumping or dewatering shall be
taken under a separate item.

Timbering-Timbering or 'Planking and Struting' for protecting the sides of trench or loose
earth.shall be measured in sq m of face supported, and shall be classified under separate items as :

(a) Depth not exceeding 1.5 m; (b) Depth exceeding 1.5 m but not exceeding
5 m; (c) Depth exceeding 5 m.

Timbering shall include all necessary tir-ber \I~or1(;i';-,,~J)1.ciing~~s,.s.tf1lts,p()~ingboar~.s, etc.....

Both sides of trench shall be one side area and shall be equal to length x'depth of timbering.
For concrete kind, size, grading and proportion of materials, method' of mixing, cutting, etc.,
shall be described. Different kinds of concrete work as Lime concrete, Cement concrete.
Reinfo~ced cement concrete. etc .. of different proportions, different materials shall be taken under
separate items. Concrete foundation, roof, wall, mass concrete, etc., shall be classified and
measured under separate items: ..
Concrete shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) and measurementsof length, breadth and height or
thickness shall be taken to the nearest I ern ('12"), except that the thickness of slabs, partitions,
post, beams, and the like shall be measured to the nearest 0.5 cm (14"). No ded uction shall be made
for openings up to 0.1 sq m (l sq ft),

Form work, centering and shuttering shall be taken under separate itemin sq m (sq ft) unless
otherwise herein provided. Formwork shall be measured as the actual surface in contact with the
concrete, For slabs vertical sides (edges) shall not be measured. - - ._-_ .... _.,-_ ..

., Fair finish to the exposed surface ofco'ricrete"o-; h~~ki~i~~r~~'ghening surfaces of concrete

shall be include:' in the description and the thickness of finishing shall not be measured with the
concrete..Special finishes, except in precast concrete shall be measured separately in sq m (sq ft ).
R.C.C. work- Reinforced cement concrete shall be kept separate from unreinforced concrete.
R.C.C. work shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) excluding steel and the steel reinforcement shall be
measured under a separate item in quintal (cwt) authorised overlaps hooks cranks, etc.. of bars
shall be measured. Normally, centering and shuttering (forrnworkjshall not be measured separately
but included in the rate of R.C.C. or C.c. work. Binding wire is not measured separately. The
volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted from the measured concrete volume. The
item of R.C.C. work shall include R.C.C. slabs, beams, lintels, columns, chujjas, staircases,
foundation, rafts and footings, etc., and each of them shall be classified under a separate item. The
exposed surface shall be fair finished which shall not be measured separately. Chujjas may be
measured in running metre stating the projection and its average thickness, if.specified.
Special light weight partitions shall bemeasured in sq m stating thickness and fully described.
Precast cement concrete-Precast C.C. reinforced or plain shall be taken separately in cu m
(cu ft) and shall be described as including all moulds, finished faces hoisting and setting in position. IiI'i
Reinforcement if any shall be described and included in the item or measured separate if specified. \

Expansion joints-Expansion joints in roofs, floors, walls, road, etc., shall be measured in i
running metre (r ft), the depth and width of joint and materials used for filling shall be described.
Joints-Jallies or Jaffries, louvers shall be described and thicknesccpccified and taken in sq m
(sq ft). Reinforcement shall be described and included in the item.
Concrete posts-Fencing posts, corner posts, struts etc., shall be taken in cu m and
reinforcement and formwork shall be included and described.

Concrete piles-Concrete piles shall be described and taken in eu m (eu ft) and classified
according to the section and length. Steel reinforcement shall be included with the item and fully

Head and shoes of steel or iron shall be enumerated, i.e., taken in numbers and weight of each

Pitching and driving of piles shall be enumerated stating size and length. If specified the
driving of piles may' be taken and measured in running metre for the portion driven below ground
Damp proof course-Damp proof course shall be fully described and taken in sq m (sq Tt)
stating the thickness. The item shall include formwork finishing, levelling, curing, etc. The
horizontal and vertical damp proof courses shall be measured separately.


The description of the bricks, and of the materials of mortar with proportion shall be stated.
Different kinds and classes of brickwork shall be taken under separate items, The brickwork of

. ~.

foundation and plinth, of first floor, of second floor, etc., shall be measured under separate items.
Scaffolding works are not measured separately but included in the item of brickwork.

. Brickwork shall be taken in eli m (cuft), and rtieasurements-oHength,breadth,Q[.thicknessand.

height shall be taken to compute the quantity. The length and height shall be measured to the
nearest 1 ern ('h").

Thickness of wall-Brick walls upto and including three bricks in thicknessshall be measured
in multiples of half brick, which shall be deemed to be inclusive of the mortar joint. The following
shall be taken as brick measurement : - .

For brick nominal size 22.9xl1.4 X7.6 em (9"X4Y2"x3"), Half brick size is 11.4 em (4\12").

For brick nominal size 22.5xI2.7x7.6 em (1O"x5"X3"), Half brick size is 12.7 ern (5").

For module bricks 20 cmx l O cmx l O em

(actual size 19 cm x 9 cm x 9 em) Half brick size in 10 em
Thus for different bricks , 20xlOxlO xcm 9"x4Y2"x3"
One brick wall shall be measured as 20 em 22.9 em (9")
One and half brick wall shall be measured as 30 em 34.3 em (l3V2")
Two brick wall shall be measured as 40 em 45.7 em (18")
Two and half brick wall shall be measured as 50 ern 57.1 em (22\12")
Three brick wall shallbe measured as 60 ern 68.6 em (27")

For walls which are more than three bricks in thickness, the actual thickness shall be measured
to the nearest 1 ern (W').

Where functions of half brick occur due to architectural or other reasons, the measurements
shall be taken as follows :
(a) For fractions of 2 ern under actual measurement.
(b) For fractions exceeding 2 em-full half brick.

Deduction-No deduction or addition shall be made for the following.:

, (a) Opening up to 0.1 sq m (I sq ft) in section.
(b) Ends ofjoints, beams, lintels, posts, rafters, purlins, corbels, steps, etc.

(~) Wall platesand bed plates, bearing' of slabs, chajjas and the like where the thickness

does not exceed 10 ern and the bearing does not extend overthetull width (thickness) or
wall, '

Fire place, chimneys, etc.i--Brickwcrk shall be measured as solid in cu m (cu ft) if smoke or
airflues do not exceed 0.25 sq m (2.5 sq ft) in sectional area, no deduction shall be made for flues and
no extrct payment shall be made for pargetting and coring of flues. When flues exceed 0.25 sq m (2.5
sq ft) in.sectional area deduction shall be madefor the core opening andpargetting and coring of
flues taken separately in running metre (I' ft) stating the siz.e of flue.
,Pillars-The pillars shall be measured in cu m (cu It) for their net volume and fully described.
Arches and vaultso--Brickwork in arches and vaulting shall be measured in cu m (cu ft)
separately and shall include centering for spans up to 6 metres (20 ft). For spans exceeding 6 metres

, ,
(20 ft) centering shall be measured separately in sq m (sq ft)as the actual area of the soffit to be
supported. '
Well steining.-Brickwork in well steining shall be measured in cu m (cu ft) separately stating
themean radius -an'dffi-e-tofil'depifi-ofsterriiil."g.-SteeTfier(jas"a:-rid-fiafsshall"be "meastifeasepatately
in quintal (cwt).
Sinking of well steining shall be measured in running metre(r ft) separately in stages of 3 m(lO

ft) and shall include all tackles, loading platform loads, dredgingor excavation, etc. The rate of

sinking for every 3 m (10 ft) is different.

Well curb of R.C.C. or timber shall be taken under separate item in cu m (cuft) and shall be
'fully described. Steel in R.C.C. or in wellcurb shall be taken separately in quintal (cwt).
Honeycomb brickwork.-Honeycomb brickwork shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the
thickness of well and the pattern of honey-combing. Honeycomb holes or opening shall not be
Partition wall.-Half brick wall or brick-on-edge shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the
thickness and shall be fully described including mortar and its proportion. Reinforcement as hoop
irons, wire netting or bars if provided shall be included in the items and fully described, stating type
width, gauge or thickness or diameter and spacing. '
Reinforced brickwork.- Reinforced brickwork shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) under separate
item the steel reinforcement shall be measured separately in quintal (cwt).
Brick edging.- Brick edging by the sides of roads, paths and the like shall be described and
measured in running metre (r ft). '
Moulding and cornices.-String courses, corbel, drip course, cornices, etc., shall be fully
described and measured in running metre (r ft).
Toothing and bonding.-Toothing and bonding for new and existing walls shall be taken
under a separate item, in sq m (sq ft) and measured on the vertical face.
Brickwork around steel joists.-Extra labour in cutting and fitting brickwork around steel
joists, stanchions, girders, etc., shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) the girth ofjoists, girders, etc., being

The de scr iptionof, ::.~i.(,.ic:Js C;" .nortar andtheir pre porticn and the nature-and type. 01
walling shall be stated. Different kind of stone masonry as Random or Uncoursed rubble walling.
coursed rubble walling, ashlar walling, etc., shall be taken under separate items.
Stone masonry work shall be taken in cu m (cu ft). Thr thickness of wall shall be measured to
(he nearest I em (iF'), fractions including 0.5 Col (Y.i") and above shall be measured a:. I ern t y;")
and fractions he 10''''' 0.5 Col (Yt") shall be ignored.
Rules for deduction, measurement of an arch work andother items of stone masonry shall be
same as for the ... imilar items of brickwork.
Stone face work or wall lining shall be described and taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the thickness.
Stone chujja, stone shelves, stone sun-shades and stone slabs shall be taken in sq m (sq ft)
stating the thickness and described including, dressing, etc.

Dressed stone work in sills, steps, columns, copings lintels, etc., shall be taken in cu m (cu ft)
and the type of dressing shall be described fully. Each dressed stone shall be measured as the
smallest rectangular dressed block from which finished dressed block can be worked. String course,
cornic~s,.~t~., shalU;>G.J:neasuredjnrunning.metre.(dt) describing-dctails-of-seetions. 00 0 0

Boulder work shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) stating the size of boulders. Different kind and
nature of boulder work shall be taken under separate item.
Carpenter's work.-Generally all wood work of which the scantling exceeds 20 sq ern (3 sq in)
in section and which is not specially moulded or carved comes under carpenter's work. This
includes all timber work in door and window chaukhats, in roof works as beams, struts, tics, rafters,
purlins (all work in roof trusses), in timber bridge in verandah posts, in centering and shuttecing, in
shoring, and the like.
Joinery.- Woodwork which is prepared, turned, moulded, carved andjointed together comes
under joinery. Joiner's work requires finishing and putting together at the bench and includes door
and window shutters, framed partitions, furnitures and the like.
(a) Batten.-Battens are pieces of sawn timber, whose dimensions do not exceed 5 ern (2")
either in breadth or in thickness.
(b) Scantlings.-Scantlings are pieces of sawn 'timber whose cross-sectional dimensions
exceed 5 ern (2") in both directions and do not exceed 20 cm (8") in both directions.
(c) Baulks.-Baulks are pieces of sawn timber whose cross-sectional dimensions exceed 5 em
(2") in one direction and 20 ern (8") in other direction.
(d) Planks. -Planks are pieces of sawn timber whose thickness does not exceed 5 ern (2/1) and at
the same time the width exceeds twice the thickness.
,- .


Different kind of wood and different nature of woodwork shall be taken under separate item
and shall be fully described stating the wood and the work. 0

-: Woodwork (carpenter'< ..... o r ]; 1 <hal] be taken in cu m (cu ft). Length shall be measured to the
nearest 2 ern (I."). Width and t~id;.n~~:::- shal] be measured ro the.nearest Z rnrn (LI 16"), All week .
shall be measured net as fixed arid tolerance of2 mm (I f 16") may be allowed. No allowance shall be
made for the sawn or wrought [aces for the finished work. Scantlings.bauens etc., in sections other
than rectangular. shall he rncasurcd a- the least rectangular form which the section can be obtained.
I All woodwork shall include nails. .screvvs. spikes etc., required for fixing. .

Boarding.-Roof boarding, ceiling. floor shelves, partition, etc., shall be taken in sq m (sq ft)
staring the finished thickness and shall be fully described. Supporting beams, framework, shall be
taken separately in cu rn (cu ft). 0 0

o I 0

Cfntering and shuttering-Normally centering and shuttering (formwork) shall not be

measured separate ly but included in t he rate of ct: or R.C.C. work. If specified that the formwork
shall be paid separately the Iorrnwork shall be measured and the actual surface in contact with the
cor-crete and tuk enjn sq rn (sq ft) and shall include plankings, beams. props, wedges. nails, etc.

.. _


Formwork of different kind of works as beams, lintels, floors, roads, walls, columns.staircases,
etc., shall be measured under separate items and fully described.

, ForsJabs,chajjas, arc.hcs,.s}u;J./HUJc! qCJ~e.~.QnJy.L~~_a!..e,,: ofbo~~~!l':_~lJ~((~lil1g illf;_C!nt~ct wit]:

concrete surface shall be meesured and side shuttering shall not be taken into account (C.P. W. D.

Specifications). .

Roof battenso-- Roof battens, where not included with the item of roof, shall be taken as

surface area of the roof in sq m (sq ft) stating the size of battens and the spacing.

FiIlets.-Fillets; beadings, etc., shall be measured in funning metre (r ft) stating thewidth and

thickness. Finishing of fillet as edges charnferred, rounded or moulded shall be described.

Ballies.-Ballies shall be measured in running metre (r ft) stating the mean diameter which

shall be average of the two diameters at the ends.

Wood piles.- Wood piles shall be measured in running metre (r ft) stating the size. Steel shoes li,.,'\, I,

and heads of piles shall be enumerated separately stating their weights.

Sheet piles shall be measured separately in sq m (sq ft) stating the thickness and shall be


Driving and pitching of whole piles shall be taken in running metr-Jr ft) and of sheet piles in

sq m (sq It) stating the size in each case. Portion in ground only shall be measured.

Description and quality and kind of wood shall be stated and joinery of different kind of work

shall-be taken under separate items.

. Joinery work shall be taken in sq m (sq ft)ofthesurface stating the thickness. Alljoiner's work

shall include nails, screws, keys, wedges, pins, glue, etc., required for fitting and all fittings shall be

included in item. Unless work is described as finished sizes, 2 mm (1/6")-shali be allowed for each

wrought face.

. Door and window shutters.-Shutter shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the thickness and the
. kind of wood and both faces shall be described. Measurement shall be taken from inside after
,clOSlOg the shutters excludingchaukhat. Different types of shutters as (1) Ledged, and
oattened, (ii):"'ecged; braced and battened. (ifi,! Framed, ledgedbraced and battened: (iv) Framed
and panelled, (\.) Framed and louvered. ( Ii) Flush, (vii) Glazed, (\'iil) Part panelled and part glazed,
etc., shall be taken separately and each type fully described.
Thickness of battened leave shall be the thickness of battens only, not the combined thickness

of battens and ledges the thickness oi ledges and braces shall be stated in the description.

Glazed shutters shall be measured flat over all in sq rn (sq ft) including the timber Irurncwor k,

stating the thickness of timber frame and of glass panes. Glazing shall not be measured separately.

The method of fixing glass panes as puttied. felted. wooden beading fitted with nail. screws. etc.,

shall be described and different type of fixing shall be measured under separate item.

Part panelled and part glazed shutters. shall be measured flat over all in sq m (sq It ) and how

much glazed as half one-third, ctc., shall be stated. .


Glass panes.s--For supply glass shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) stating the thickness and type
of glass. Measurement, length and breadth shall be taken to the nearest 5 mm (y-!"). Irregular or
circular panes shall be measured at the smallest rectangular area from which theycanbecutunless ~ __
otherwisespecified, . ...- - ... ---.,- -- ------------- --

Doorand window chaukhat.-Chaukhats mullion and transomes shall be taken in cu m (cu ft)
and the length of tenons, horns etc., shall be added to the sight lengths. The sectional area shall be
the area of the least square or rectangle from which they may be cut or made. Rebates, beads,
chamfers etc., shall be described and included with the item. Portion of chaukhats of segmental or
circular shape shall be measured separately and described. Type of wood shall be stated and
chaukhat of different kind of wood shall be kept separate.
Wooden' staircase- Work of staircases shall be measured under separate headings.
Landing.including bearers shall be measured under a separate item in sq m (sq ft) of the upper
surface, stating the thickness.
. Treads and risers shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating thickness, the area being obtained by
multiplying the length of tread by the exposed width of the tread, plus the rise from step to step and
...._. the work shall be described stating the kind of timber's method of jointing, fixing, etc .
Hand rails shall be taken in running metre (r ft)'and measured along the top centre line stating
the extreme section of the straight portions and mouldings and rounding.
Balusters shall be taken in numbers stating the size and shall include framingsat ends shall be

fully described. . .

Newals shall be described and measured in running metre (r ft) stating the section and the

nature of finishing. .

Miscellaneous items.-Towel rails, contain brackets, plate racks, toilet fixtures, small fittings,

furnitures etc., shall be taken in numbers stating the size and shall be fully described.

Builder's hardwares.-Builder's hard ware is the trade name of the articles made of base metal

as iron, steel, copper, etc. The various kinds of builder's hardware shall be described and

enumerated and taken separately according to the materials, finish, size and pattern. The following

articles come under builder's hardware :- . .

Hinges, door hand les, hasp and stapples, locks, hat pegs, hat and coat hooks..... ardrobc hooks,

knobs, springs, screwed eyes, cle-ats, latches, bolts and the like .. :

Curtain rods or poles, curtain rails, for running sashes, etc., shall be measured in running

metre stating diameter and size. .

Clazing.-Giazing shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) ~tating the quality, weight and thickness.

The method "f ~Ialing and fixing with putty, wooden beads, metal beads, .etc., shall be fully

described. Diftcrcru kind of glass and different methods of fixing each shall be taken separately,


In general steel and iron work shall be measured by weight in.juantity (cwt) and fullv described.

Various items of rolled steel sections as joists, channels, angles, tees, mild steel rounds, flats. bolts,

. ~ ", cast iron, wrought iron. etc .. shall be measured under separate items .


. ,
Structural steel works-e-Structural steel wQr~s asgirdersccompound.girders, plate and I~tice
girders, steel'stanchions, trusses, fra'med steel work, etc., shall each taken under separate lfem
and measured in quintal (cwt) and fully described. No deduction shall be made for rivet and bolt
holes.Ln-riveted work the weight of.rivet heads except lncaseof countersunkrtvers.sbart be added.
Tl1e weight of cleats. brackets, packing pieces, separators, gusset and fish plates, bolts and nuts,
rivet heads, etc., shall be added to (he weight qf the respective items. The work shall include
fabrication, hoisting, placing, fixing i;n position. ':
Site drilling to existing steel work shall be enumerated stating the diameter of bolts and
thickness of metal. Rivets driven at site shall be enumerated as 'extra over'
Bottsv--Bolts. holding down bolts. anchor bolts, etc., shall be measured in 'quintal (cwt)
separately including nuts and head and washers shall be grouped according to the diameter.
Grills grating, framed gaurd bars. ladders, brackets, etc., shall be measured in quintal (cwt)
separately and shall be fully described. If specified grills, gratings, etc., may be taken in sq m and
fully described. .
Iron hold fasts shall be taken by weight in quintal (cwt), or enumerated stating the length,
breadth and thickness of flat iron. The method. of fixing with bolt or screw and embedding in
cement concrete or cement mortar shall be described and included in the iten.,
Flue pipes shall be measured in running metre (r ft) stating the diameter and thetype of pipe,
gauge or weight per unit length and the method of jointing and fixing shall be described.
Cast iron balusters and newels shall be enumerated and fully described including the methods
of fixing.

Cast iron railings shall be measured in running metre (r ft) stating the height and fully
described including the method of fixing.

Spiral staircase-Cast iron spiral staircase shall be enumerated (i.e., counted as one for the
complete work) stating the overall diameter, total number of treads and total height above ground
level. ~he description shall include tread, riser and sleeves in one piece including hand rails,
bal usters, etc. .

Cast iran chcqucrcd plates shall be described and measured in quintal (cwt).

Expended ttictsl. wire netting etc., shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) stating gauge and mesh. No
ded uction shall be made for openings up to 0.2 sq m (2 sq ft), Different items shallbej(epl'S~parate.

Steel reinforcement.-Bar reinforcement shall be measured by weight in quintal (cwt) stating

the diameter and shall include cutting to length, hooked endscranking or bending etc. Aut horiscd
overlaps shall be measured. Different diameter bars shall be kept separate.

Binding wire shall not be measured separately, this shall be included in the item.

Fabric reinforcement shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the mesh ana size of strands.
. .

Wire netting in wrappings to steel work embedded in concrete or plaster, in encasing steel work
shall be measured separately in sq mIsq ft) stating the mesh and gauge.

Hoop iron shall be measured in running metre (r ft}stating the width and gauge.

Wire fencing.c-Plain or barbed wire in fencing shall be measured in running metre (r ft) and
shall be described stating the gauge. Each line of wire shall be measured. Fencing posts shall be
measured separately. _ _
c;ij~psibj~gate~-shall-bet~-ken- by overall area in sq m (sq ft) or by weight in quintal and fully
describe d stating the size of gate opening, channel pickets, pivoted Oat bars, size of mesh when fully
extended. The top and bottom runners, locking Iugs, hand les, etc., shall be described and included
in the item. The work shall include erection in position and securing runners with hold fasts or
brackets which shall be described.
Rolling shutters shall be measured flat in sq m (sq ft) stating the gauge and width of slats,
distance between centres of interlock and the bridge depth. The description shall include spring
winding mechanism, top cover, jamb guides, bottom rail and locking arrangements including
erection and finishing in position. .
Steel doors and windows shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the sizes of various numbers and
shall be described. Hanging, fixing and fastening in position shall be included and described.
Manufacturer's protective treatment as galvanizing, painting, etc., shall be described.
Lightning conductors.-Conductors and band of tape shall be measured in running metre (r
ft) in position after fixing stating width, gauge or thickness, metal, etc and shall be described,
induding the method of fixing. Socket attachments and rods shall be enumerated and shall be fully
General.-Roof covering shall generally be taken in sq m (sq ft) and measurements of laid roof
shall be taken without any allowance forlaps. Opening up to 0.4 sq m (4 sq ft) shall not he described.
Supporting structure of the roof shall be taken under separate item. Timber trusses (rafters, ties,
purlins, etc.) shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) and steel trusses shall be taken in quintal (cwt),

Sheet roofings hall be taken in sq m (sq ft) ofthe laid work net. The gauge of the metal, whether
black or galvanized, plain or corrugated and the methods offixing including side and end laps shall
be described. .
Corrugated sheeting shall be measured flat not girthed .
. Ridges, hips, valleys flashings, etc., shall be measured in running metre (r ft) stating the girth.
lap, etc., and shall be desci ibed includingtbemcthod of fixing.' ..
Asbestos cement sheeting shall be measured nat and not girthed, The type of sheeting plain.
corrugated or semi-corrugated shall be described stating the thickness. When the ridges or hips are
in two pieces measuremetit shall be taken in running metre (r [t) for one length only for the two
interlock pieces.
Roof tiling shall be taken in sq m (sq Inofthe laid work net stating the kind. pattern. quality,
size and thickness of tile numbers of layers, etc .. and the method of laving shall be described. If laid
in two layers only one surface area shall be measured and numberofl~\'ers shall be stated. Different
kind of tile roof shall be kept separate. -. .
Ridges and hips shall be measured in running metre(r It) stating the girth.
Eave ;t~le;s bedded in mortar or walls shall be taken in running metre (r It) as 'extra ov-r ' for
eaves describing the mortar and width of bedding. . ...

Slate roofshall be measured in the same way as for the rooftiling.

. Thatched roofshall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the finishing thickness, kind of straw,
numberof layers including.bamboo jalleyUaffri)workan~:ts.ballbefully..described. Thedescripti.on
shall include method of laying, tying string, trimming to eaves and verges, and bamboo jaffri work.
Ridges and hips shall be described and taken in running metre (r ft).
Matting if provided and incl uded with the roof shall be taken separately in sq m (sq ft) of the
laid work net stating the number of layers, laps and the method of fixing. Different kind of matting
shall be kept separate.
Bamboo jaffri or trellis work.-Independentjaffri work shall be taken separately in sq m (sq ft)
and overall surface measurement shall be taken stating the size of bamboo quarter, half or full] their'
spacings, one way or two way, type of string Or wire for tying, etc. l\

Framing shall be included with the item and described.

Bamboos fixed independently as supports shall be taken in running metre (r ft) stating the
Flat terraced roof shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the thickness, size and quality of bricks,
tiles, or stone slabs. The spacing, number of layers, type of joint, kind of mortar and its mix,
pointing,and the method of laying shall be described.The finish on top and 'underside of roof shall .
be included with the roofing. Different kind of terraced roof shall be taken as separate item.
Madras terrace roofing.shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) and shall includetop and underside
plaster finish and shall be fully described.
Lime concrete in roof terracing over R.C.C. slab,jack arches, etc., shall be taken in sq m (sq ft)
stating the type and size of aggregate (ballast), mortar and its mix, and the thickness of the
consolidated layer, Finishing of the surface shall be described and included with the item. If special
surface finishing is req uired this shall be taken separately in sq m(sq ft) and fully described.
Stone slab roofing shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) stating the thickness and centre to centre
distance of battens or joists.
Mud roof-Mud layer shall be described including the quality of clay and its mix and shall be
measured in sq m (sq It) in the same way as for lime concrete in roof.
Weep boles ot rain wale: holes in parapetor in edging shall be enumerated stating the size and
Waterproofing layer with tar or hitumen shall be taken in sq m(sq ft) stating the quality. type,
and quantities of materials to be used per sq m (sq It).
Fell work shall be taken in sq rn (sq ft)and shall be described stating the weight per sq m (sq It),
method of application, laps. etc.
Jack ~rch roofing--v-Jack arch work including haunch filling concrete shall be measured flat
overall, and taken in sq m (sq ft). Centering and shuttering shall be included in the item. The clear
s pan, rise, and thickness of arch. method of laying.jointing, mortar and its mix, and pointing shall
be described. The haunch filling. finish of top and underside shall also be stated and included. Lime
concrete in tel racing over jack arch shall be taken in sq m under a separate item stating the
consolidated thickness.

Ifspecified the brickwork injack arch may be taken in volume basis in cu tn, the concrete in
haunch filling may be taken in cu m and the plastering in soffit may be taken in sq m each under a
sepereteitcm. __ ____ ..__ _ .___ .___ __ _ ._ _ . .__ ______. .
Lime concrete t-:.,i.-:.cing haunch filling, and top finishing shall be taken separately in sq m (sq
ft) in the same way as for terraced roof.
Rain water fitting.-Rain water pipe gutter, etc., shall be taken in ru~ning metre (r .ft) stating
the material, diameter or girth, gauge or weight or thickness, etc. All specials as bends, Junctions,
etc. and. fittings and jointings shall be included in the item. Iron brackets for gutters shall be
measured separately in quintal.
Ceiling shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) and the materials, thickness and the method of fixing shall
be described. No deduction shall be made for opening not exceeding 0.4 sq m (4 sq It). Different
kind of ceiling shall be kept separate.
Cover fillets or beading over joints shall be measured separately in running metre (r ft) stating
the materials, width and thickness. If the edgesof fillets are chamferred or rounded or moulded, this
shall be described.
Supporting member shall be measured separately under the respective items.
- "

Insulation layer, boards or slabs in walls or roof shall Le taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the
materials, number of layers, thickness of each layer and the manner of fixing.
Floors and pavements shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) and net area covered shall be measured
stating the thickness, kind of materials, size, mortar and its mix. The method of bedding, jointing
and surface finishing shall be described including the formwork.
Different kind of flooring as brick flat, brick-on-edge stone, marble, cement concrete, mosaic
terrazo, etc., shall be taken under separate' item. .
The surface finishing of cement concrete floor shall be measured in sq m separately unless
otherwise stated and fully described. In practice the surface finishing of cement concrete floor with
a floating coat of neat cement is usually included in the item. The rubbing and polishing of mosaic,
terrazo, marble or stone floor are usually included in the item. Pointing of brick floor shall be
measured in sq m (sq ft) separately unless otherwise stated. .
. .. . '. - .': .' "

Under layer of lime concrete, or cement concrete sand, etc., shall be described and measured
separately in cu m (cu ft) unless otherwise stated. . .
Skirting and dado.-Skirting up to 30 ern in heightshall be measured in running metre (r ft)
and skirting or dado ex.ceeding 30 ern shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) stating the type of finish.
Plastering.-Plasterillg shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating thickness, mortar and its mix.
Plastering of all roofs ceiling, walls, etc., shall be measured under separate items. The measurement
of all plastering shall be taken for the dimensions before plastering for length and from top to floor
or skirting to the ceiling for height. Exterior plastering to a height greater than tOm (30 It) from
average ground level shall be measured separately in stages of 3 m ( 10ft),. .
Plastering bands 30 em (12") or below shall be measured in funning metre (I' It ).

(a) No deductions shall be made for ends of joists, beams, posts, etc., and openings. not
exceeding 0.5 sq rn (5 sq ft) each and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs,
soffits, sills, etc., of these openingsnorfinishing pl-aster around ends of Joints, beams,
posts, etc.
(b) For openings exceeding 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft) but not exceeding 3 sq m (30 sq ft)' each
deduction shall be made for one face only and the other face shall be allowed for jambs,
soffits and sills which shall not be measured.
(c) When the two faces are plastered with different mortars or if one side is plastered the'
other pointed, deduction shall be made on the side of chaukhat of door and windows on
which the width ofjambs or reveals is less than on the side. (Usually, deduction shall be
made for the outer face only).
(d) In case of openings of area above 3 sq m (30 sq ft) each deduction shall be made for both
faces of the openings, and the jambs and sills, shall be measured andadded. In taking
measurement of jambs, soffits and sills, chaukhat if any shall be neglected and the whole
shall be measured.
Moulded cornices and eaves shall be measured in running metre (r ft) stating the girth and shall
be fully described. - _ -_ 1

PO~NTING-Pointi.n? s?all be taken in ~q m .(sq ft) ~nd measured fl~t ~f the whole surface
area stating the type of pointing mortar and Its mix. Various types of pomting as, struck flush,
. keyed, truck, etc., shall be taken separately. Pointing of wall, floor, roof, etc., shall be kept separate.
Raking of joints shall be included in the item.
Deductions shall be dealt in the same way as for plastering.
All works falling under this shall be taken in sq m (sq ft). Preparation of surface as cleaning,
brooming, scraping, etc., shall be included in the item. The items shall include repairs of surfaces as
holes, cracks, patches.etc., not:exceeding 0.1 sq m (I sq ft) with materials similarto existing surface.
Different types of works shall be measured separately and described. Deduction shall be dealt in the
same way as for plastering.
Finishing coat on corrugated surface shall be measured flat as fixed in sq m (sq ft) and not
girthed and the quantities so measured shall be increased by the following percentages and added
wit': the measured ;n'a :----,-
Corrugated iron sheets . 14 per cent
Corrugated asbestos cement sheet with large corrugations (as Big sixsheets) 20 per cent
Semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets (as Trafford sheets) '.'>
10 per cent
Cornices and mouldings, when these are not taken as separate item, shall be girthed and J

included in the wall measurement.

Painting shall be taken in sqm (sq ft) stating the number of coats and measurement shall be taken

flat. Preparatory work as cleaning rubbing down, removing, burning off, etc., shall be described.

Different types of surfaces as steel, wood, fibre board; concrete surface etc., shall be measured under

separate item. Painting in large area as roof ceiling etc., shall be kept separate and painting of small

areas as doors and windows. steel works. etc.. shall each be taken under separate item.


Corrugated surfaces shall be measured flat in sq m (sq ft) and percentage )ncrease similar to
white washing, etc., shall be added.
. Doors and windows.-Painting of doors and windows shall be._~_e.~_'-:1r~<i (;IQ_s_~Q]
girthed in sq m (sq ft) and shall includechaukhat edges,cIeats, etc. Different types of doors and
windows as battened, panelled, glazed, etc., shall be grouped .under one item and the areas of
uneven surfaces shall be covered into equivalent plain area by multiplying the flat measured area by
a multiplying factor.
The co-efficients or multiplying factors for different surfaces to get equivalent plain area are as
given below :
Particulars Method of Multiplying
Measurement Factors
Doors-end Windows-
I. Panelled, framed, and braced, ledged and Measured flat not I Y8 (for each side).
battened, ledged, battened and braced. girthed including
chaukhat, edges, chocks,
. cleats, etc., shall be
included in the item.
2. Fully glazed or gauged. Same as above. Y2 (for each side).
3. Part panelled and part glazed or gauged Same as above. I (for each side).
4. Flush door Same as above. I (for each side)
5. Flush venetioned or lauvered Same as above. I Y2 (for each side).
Miscellaneous works-,-.
6. Boarding with cover fillets and match Measured flat not I 1/20 (for each side).
boarding. -grithed
7. Roof battens (tile or slate roof).. Measured flat overall, ~ (for painting all-
no deduction for open over).
8. Trellies or jaffri work one way or two Same as for (6) above, 2 (for painting all-
way. (Supporting members over).
shall not be measured
9. Guard bars, balustrates, grating, railings, Measured flat overall no I (for painting all
griltsv.expanded .metal, etc. deduction for open over)
10. Corrugated iron sheeting in roof: '. Measured flat not 1.14 (for each side).
r I. A.e. corrugated sheeting in roof Measured flat not 1.20 (for each side).
12. A.C. semi--eorrugated sheeting in roof Measured] flat not 1.1 J (for each side).
13. Steel rolling shutters. Measured flat not . I ~ (for each side).

Painting upto 15 ern (6") in width or in girth and not in conjunction with similar work shall be
measured in running metre (r ft).
~ I

,~, . ~ i .
, ,
' . t- 1
Painting on components of tr~lsses, compqun?' girders. stanchions.ilatices and ~imilar work
shall be taken in sq m (sq ft).and me~suren1cntpfpe~Jmet~~~Qd-,engthshall be taken fO'get the area.
. .Painting on eaves.vgutters, pipes, steel poles, etc., shall be measured in runnirtg metre (r ft)

stating thesizeand girth:' ... :~. ... .:.~._.. _.._.'.--. ...--;.. .... .----------..---.. -

Small articles up to O. I sq m (I sq ft) painted surfaces shall be enumerated and described.

Painting of furnitures shall be enumerated and fully described. .

; ..
Coal tarring shall be measured similar to 'painting.
Varnishing of wood work shafl be measured in the same way as for painting.
. Painting ofletters and figures and similar items shall be enumerated stating height, form and

style, namely block italics, etc. Stops, commas, hyphens and the like shall be deemed included in the



Ail pipes and fittings should be classified according to their types, diameters, jointing and

fixing. Pipes of different types and different types of joints shall be taken separately. The diameter

shall be the nominal diameter of the internal bore.

Pipes shall be measured in running metre (r ft) net as laid or fixed with overall fittings such as
bends, junction, etc., which shall not be measured separately: The length shall be measured ~ODg
the centre line of the pipes -and fittings. Methods of laying and jointing shall be fully described.
Testing of pipe line shall be included in the item. Lead caulked joints shall be enumerated
separately. . . i
Digging and refilling of trenches, concrete bedding, etc., shali be either measured separately or
cl ubbed with the main item. Usually for small diameter pipes the digging and refilling, timbering if
required, concrete bedding, etc., are included with the main item and fully described.
Fitting and apptiances---Gullies, syphons, intercepting traps, etc. including concrete bedding
and setting in position shall be enumerated stating the size.
Connection of fittings, elbows, bends, tees, connectors unions, diminishing sockets and the
like shall be enumerated.
Cutting through walls, floors, etc., and making good shall be included with the item.
. . . . .

Closet pans.' urinals. flushing cisterns, lava.o ..y ~as:;-.~,j.:t~ tt'~:, shower rose and ot he r
fillings shall be enumerated stating the size and fully described.
Sluice valves, stop cocks, hydrants, surface boxes, water metres, etc., shall be described stating
size and enumerated.
Bib-cocks, pillar cocks, ball cocks, ferrules, gratings, etc., shall be described stating the size
and enumerated.

Boilers, cisterns, cylinders, water tanks, etc., shall be-enumerated stating the size, capacity.
materials, etc., and fully described.
Manholes.-Manholes up to 6 m (20 It) depth shall be enumerated stating the size and depth
and shall include cast iron cover with frame (weight to be stated) foot iron, inverts, materials and
mortar, formwork, etc., all of which shall be fully described. . .

"''''';0.,., .,.- .. __.....


Manholes shall be classified under three different groups as follows :

(J) Shallow up to 2.1 m (7') in depth.
(iJ) Deep above 2.1. m and up to 7.2 m (7' to 14') in depth.
(iiI) Extra deep above 4.2 .m,and. 6.0 -m-C14' to 20'_)-in.depth._
Manholes under each classification shall be enumerated separately stating the size and least
depth and the extra depth shall be measured in running metre (r ft) and totalled up separately for
each classification and taken as 'extra over'under separate item following the main item. Depth
shall befrorn the top of manhole to the invert of channel.
Manholes exceeding 6 m (20') in depth shall be measured in details under the various items of

works, brickwork, concrete, c.1. cover with frame, etc.

Electrical wiring shall be taken in points as light point, fan point, plug point, etc., and shall be

enumerated under different items and fully described.

Wiring in different systems such as Tough rubber sheathed (T.R.S.) on battens. Vulcanized
insulated rubber (V.I.R.) in casing or capping, Vulcanized insulated rubber (V.I.R.) in conduit.
etc., shall be fully described and taken separately. These shall be further classified according to the
size of cablesused, number of wires and size iri the cable shall be described under each classification.
Point wiring shall include all work necessary in complete wiring of a tumbler switch circuit and
length from the tapping point on the distribution circuit to the various points as ceiling rose, lamp
holder, back plate, call bell, etc., via the switch. Point wiring shall include switch, ceiling rose, wood
and metal blocks, switch boards, battens, clips, nails, screws joint and junction boxes, bulk head
fittings, earth wire, etc.
Lamps, brackets, lamp holders, shades, sockets, outlets, fans, regulators, call bells, fuses, main
switch boards etc., shall not be included in the point wiring but shall be enumerated separately and
fully described.
Classification.i--Point wiring shall be classified according to the length of wiring as under:
(a) Short points riot exceeding 3 m (10') in length.
(b) Medium points 3 to 9 m (l0' to 20') in length.
(c) Long points 6 to 10.m (20' to 30') in length.
(d) Special pointsof length exceeding 10 m


Circuit. wiring.-=-:The length of wiringfrom the mainswitchboard tothe sub-main board shall
be considered as circuit wiring and shall be measured separately in running metre (r ft) stating the
type and size of wire.
Service connections.-Service connection shall be fully described stating the type and size of
the wire and shall be measured as follows :- .
Insulated cables in running metre (r ft),
Bare cables in kg or quintal.
All over-head bare wire or cables shall be measured in kg of the actual length fixed.
Pole and struts for over-head links shall be enumerated and described stating the type,
sectional size, girth and diameter and the total length. .
Steel brackets, cross-arms, clamps, etc., fixed to poles and struts shall be fully described and
enumerated under separate item. .
. "

. .

Stay assemblies shall be enumerated and fully described including excavation, concrete, etc.
Earthing poles and sen/Ice conncctionsshall be enumerated and fully described as including
earth electrode! packing charcoal, earth. \' i . .

. . . I
Road metal cclleetlon---Rcad metal, ballast, grit, ctc., shall be measured in cu m(cu ft) stating'
gauge, the type, quantity, etc .. and shall be described. Measurement shall be taken in bottomless
boxes or 'firrnas ' or in closely packed stacks on level ground. Road metal of different type of gauge
shall be taken separately. Usually road metal is stacked along the road on the side berms and
cross-sectional measurement is taken with the help of stacking template of trapezium type and the
length of the stacks arc measured to get the quantity. Stacking of metal shall be included In the item.
Stacks of kankar shall be 32 ern (13") high and shall be measured as 30 ern (12").
Boulder-deduct 10% for voids.
Road metal consolidation.-The same quantity as collected shall betaken as consolidated, in
cu m (cu It) stating the method ofconsolidation; type and weight of rollers or hand rammers, etc.
Thickness consolidated thickness, if required, shall be the minimum thickness of layer after
consolidation. Spread thickness, before consolidation shall be derived from dividing the quantity
collected by the superficial area over which the metal is spread.
. Soling.-Soling coat of Brick flat or brick-on-edge shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) of the laid.
work stating the thickness of layer, number of layers, quality of bricks, etc. The method of1ayin~,
filling of joints, blinding of the Surface and rolling shall be fully described. .
Boulder or stone soling shall be taken in cu m (cu ft)of the collected metal. Laying shall be'
taken as the same quantity as collected stating the thickness of layer, method of laying, blinding,
rolling, etc. .
Earthwork.-Earthowrk shall be measured in accordance with the rules and methods
described under 'earthwork' at the beginning of this chapter. Trimming and dressing of formations
to exact level, camber, gradient, superelevation, etc., shall be included and described.
Berms.-Preparation and repair of side berms shall be measured in km (miles) stating the
average filling and width. Both sid :s shall be included under one linear measurement.
Preparation ofsub-grade or formation to proper camber shall be measured in sq m (sq ft) and
described fully, depth of excavauonno. exceedingl S em (6").
Sub-bases or light-wearing surfaces of clinker, cinder, shingle, gravel, moorum, bajri, etc ..
shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the minimum thickness and describing the method of


Tar and bitumen roads in general shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) stating the quality and quantity
or binder, stone grit, etc. The method of preparation of surface, mixing, laying, consolidation, etc.,
shall be included and fully described.
SLlrf"CC pairitin1?shall be taken in sq rn (sq ft) and the quantity of binder (tar or bitumen) in kg
per sq m rlbs per':f.stl ft) and the quantity of stone grit in cu m persq m(cu ft per%sq ft) required on
road su. face shall be described in the item.


Premix carpet shall be taken in sq m (sq ft) and the quality of binder in kg per cu m (lbs per ClI
ft) of aggregate shall be described in the item and the consolidated thickness stated.
Grouting(full grout or semi-grout) shall be taken, in sq m(sq ft) and the quantity of binder in
kg per sq m (lbs p-er % sq ft) shall be-stated. The consolidationthieknessof Gnist.oflaycF.shallalsobc
stated. . .
Saerlfylng.v-Sacrifying of road shall be taken in sq 111 (sq It) stating the depth of sacrifyiug and
. the metal and surface.
. Cement concrete road.-Cement concrete road shall be measured in cu rn in accordance with
rules stated under concrete in this chapter. Forrnwork of pavement not exceeding 20 em (8") in
thickness shall be included in the concrete item and described including formwork. For those
exceeding 20 ern ~1S) in thickness the formwork shall be measured separately.
The term dismantling implies carefully taking up or down and removing carefully without
The term demolition taking up or down or breaking up without care.
The units and methods of measurement of dismantling and demolition shall be generally the
same as those employed for the construction of the respective item of work. Full description of
work including necessary precautions and protections required shall be stated. Parts of work
required to be dismantled and those required to be demolished, shall be measured separately. The
description shall also include separation and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials within 30 m (100'). Thickness of plaster shall be excluded in the
measurement of wall. .
Dismantling of door and windows shall be enumerated stating their size.
Repairs-The units and methods of measurement for repair works shall generally be the same
as those employed for the construction of the item of work. .

Bricks and tiles shall be taken in numbers stating the size and quality under different
classification as first class, second class, etc. Bricks are stacked by 1000 in each stack and stacks are
numbered and the number of stacks entered in the measurement book.
. .

The following materials shall be taken in cu m (cu ft) and measurement shall be taken in
bottomless boxes or 'firrnas' or closed packed stacks prepared on level ground, stating the size,
gauge., quality, type, etc. .. .
Sand, surkhi, cinder, bajri, kenksr.Iimc etc. Brick bellest.brick pats, boulder, stone ballasts.
kanka~ gravel. shingle scone grit, etc. Different item of materialsshall be taken separately. .
Vlhite lime or scone lime slaked or unslaked shall b'e measured by weight in kg. or qui ntal
(rnaunds) and described. Slaked lime may also be measured in cu rnif specifed.
Cement shall be measured by weight in 50 kg bag in quintal or tonne. Loose cement in ~n:.111
q uantities shall be measured by weight in kg. . .
. B}.eaking ofstone, brick, etc., shall be measured in cu m (eu ft) in bottomless box or stacks as in
road metalstating the size and shall include stacking. ... .
Screening of ballast, grit, sand, etc. shall be measured by weight in kg or quintal by actual
weighing. . . . .
Large sizes orsections of steel are measured in length (metre) and weight is calculated in kg or
quintal from steel section book by multiplying the weight per metre by the length.


13-1. What is analysis of rate? The. basis of arriving at a correct and reasonable rate per unit work
orsupply, for aparticular item following its specification anddetailed s-UiVeyofmaterlaisJabour~equiP-
merits etc. as required fer the unit work and their prevailing rates may be called as an analysis of rate.
13-.2. Purposes of rate analysis. - Main purposes of rate analysis are the following :
(a) To determine the current rate per unit of an item at the locality,
(b) To examine the viability of rates offered by contractors,
(c) To calculate the quantity of materials and labour strength required for project planning and
.. (d) To fix up labour contract rates.
13-3. How to fix up rate per Unit of an item. - (Unit means unit of rate viz, cost of 1 GU m brick
work,) cu m concretework etc.) The following five sub-heads are estimated and a summation of these is
the rate per unit of an item. . . .
(a) Quantity of materials and cost,
(b) Labour costs,
(c) Costs of equiprnents or Tools and Plant (T. and P.),
(d) Overhead or Establishment charges (including incidental).and
(e) Profit,
(a) Quantity of materials and cost. -: The estimator takes off the quantities of various materials
required per unit quantity of an item following the detailed specification and calculates costs from local
market rates.
Quantities of materials are those required per unit rate of work delivered at work site and
its cost
'include first cost, freight, transportation, sales. tax and insurance charges as arises in question. In case
when materials like cement, steel, stone chips and bitumen are supplied departmentally then profit on the
cost of materials is not allowed, but cost of carriage from godown to work site shall be added. ..
(b) Labour COSI. - 1 U UUli1iUII1UVLH ,",v::'l.3, ~'V 'h..uUU'" auu ''''6.:: _ _ _ _ .gories of
labourers, skilled, and unskilled, namely mason or carpenter, mazdoor, boy etc. required for each unit of
work should be known and this number is to be multiplied by the respective wage per day (or per hour).
(c) Cost of equipments, Tools and Plant (T & P). - Wherever possible the cost of equipments
and ordi nary T. & P. those are required for general use should beallocated to specific item of rate. For ex
ample, the cost of operating a . concrete mixer should be spread over those items of rates for which it is
used. For certain tools and plants it isdifticult to allocate ti.eir use to an individual item of rates and it is,
therefore, suggested to add costs in such cases of expenditure to over-head i.e, establishment charges.
Special Tools and Plants. - . For big work or project it becomes necessary to use special type of
tools and plants, viz, special type oe concrete mixing machines named. as Batching plants, special type of
mixed concrete transport vehicles named as 'Tripping wagon or Dumper'. Cranes etc. are in use. In order
to purchase such type of special cquiprncnts an amount of 1%to l:t % of the estimated cost is provided
in the estimate.
(d) Overhead or Establishment Charges. - This includes such items as office rent and deprecia- .
tion of its cquiprncrus, salaries of office staff', postage, lighting, travelling, telephone account, plan and
specification etc. Small tools, planks, ladders, ropes and such hand-tools as the contractor provides for his.
workman should also be included in the overhead ciiargc as suggested in (c). This is usually 2"1 % of the
net cost or a unit or rate and may rise up to 5%.
()"c:-I":ad chargci; increase if the prC1gfC';:-; 01;'. project is delayed, Ov~rh~d charges may JC divided
1I11lkr ["In c\!c~_:r)ric:.;

- - -..----- .
. .


(A) General Overheads and(n) Job Overheads.

(A) General Overheads : /\ contractor firm used' to maimainoffice through the years irrespective to
running works in hand. At times there may be no work or several works under execution. But general ex
penses to maintai 1\ the 0 lficc have 10 be borne and all such expenses-are considered general overheads such
'as(i) Salaries of office' staff; (iijPurchase of stationcryariicles,printings;posurges;-i'epai.fsctc~-(iii)Off1~ -_.
rent, (iv) Telephone and electric bills, (v) Travelling etc. and all such expenses required to the run tJ:~ office.
General overhead is a recurring known expenditure and docs not depend on the velum- '""work ur.der exe
cution. This account is spread proportionately on all work in a year. A construction Firm has to rear such
expenditure even though there is no work in hand. For a big Firm general overhead is high. On :..':c other
hand small Firms require nominal general overhead. Any amount for such expenses can not be ~~.:ove,ej
from the work. Volumes of work can be executed with proportionally low general overhead e,~:.2blish
(B) Job Overheads: These are the nature of expenses directly incurred to construct a job cr. ;

such as (1) Salaries of all personnels (technical or non-technical) engaged for the work, (2) Te:::porx)'

sheds or house and godown rents for the work. (3) Small tools, planks ladders, ropes and hand tn.-'s as L'1e

contractor provides for his workmen, (4) Repairs and depreciation for Tools and Plant, (5) L~::ling at

site, (6) Mobilization of establishments, Tools and Plant, (7) Public relations. (8) Labour wc~:.:r~ and

safety measures, (9) Workmen's compensation, Insurance etc., (10) Interest on investment, (1 i) '21e~t.

or loss etc. All such other expenses required till the work is completed and handed over to the owner for

which no separate payment is received by a contractor against the work. Job overhead is not a krown ex

pense, depends on the volume of work under execution. When there be no work no expense is required. In

case there be idle labour or maintenance due to owner's fault recovery of expenses for such p:o..-: or job

overhead becomes possible. . .

(C) Profit. - Generally a profit of 10% should be considered reasonable for ordinary contracts .,t'ti:r

allocating all charges of equiprnents, establishments etc. For small jobs 15% profit and for large jobs 8::i:

profit should be considered as reasonable.

The method ofpreparation ofan analysis of rate has been based on All India Standard Schedule of
Rates which is documentary and prepared by the National Building Organisation and U. N. Regional
Housing Centre. ESCAP (India). The conference of State Housing Ministers held at Bhopal during Octo
ber 1975 has recommended that the Standard Schedule of Rates being a necessary adjunct to the National
Code should also be adopted by all construction agencies in the country. There may be some variations
between the prevailing practice and the provisions made in the analysis of rates but "All India Sizndard
Schedule ofRates" may be considered as authentic end a basic document.
Water Charge: - For drinking purpose of the workers and.for the work, ~~~:';~'::l(n! .f water
either by sinking tubewell or by taking temporary water connection from the- C0rp0r:l:10:1 or \~i.J7'::.:ipdlj!:. " .,

becomes r.ecessary. In order to meet up theexpensean amountor i % of the total C'OS! of rnater.ais and !
labour has been provided in the analysis of Rate as per provision made in the Sundar J ..\:-.J.::. sis ;:'::- ~J.te.s.
13-4. Factors effecting the rate analysis. - The rate of an item or work mainly depends on the IC'l!t.:,win;
factors :- (I) Specification of the item which indicates the quality and proportion or materals, the
methods of construction and protection or work; (2) The present rate of materials for the item .:f work
~;;' t, t::.: orksitc ; (.') Daily W:lgCS of different categories of labourer at the locality ',>,::j their
respective outputs: (4) The range of lead and lift required- for deposition of male-rials to c~Ty om
the item or work ; (5) Percentage charge for overheads which includes insurance .ind the pcssibilit'.
or lh;::ft or loss etc; (6) The range of profit and availability or water in connection with th;? construction work,
Beside these the site condition. site organisation and cost-control during cxcctuticn ('[2 .. 3,:'~uld be
considered as U1(',s(' factors affect the cost per unit of work done at site.

13-5. Quantity of Materials Required for Different Items of Works

Name of work Materials Quantity

1. Briekwork per 10 cu. Ill. Bricks 20 em x 10 em x 10 em 5000 nos.

..... 25.4 em x 12.7 ern x7:6em ..4-tOO-_."
" 22.9 ern x 11.4 em x 7.6 em 5000
Dry cement mortar 3.5 cu m
.. lime mortar 4.0 eu m
2. Halr brickwork-s per 100 sq. m Bricks 20 em x 10 em x 10 em 5000 nos.
" 25.4 em x 12.7emx 1-6 em 4100 nos.
" 22.9 cm x 11.4 em x 7.6 em 5000
Dry mortar 3.15 ell In
3. Random Rubble per 10 cu. m Stone
12.5 cum
stone Masonry Dry lime mortar
Dry cement mortar .
4. Ashlar Masonry per 10 cu. m Stone
12.50 eu m
Dry cement mortar
... "2.5 "
It lime mortar 3.0
5. Coursed Rubble per 10 cu. m Stone
12.5 eu m
stone Masonry Dry cement mortar
It lime mortar 4.2 eu m
6. Single brick per 10 sq. m Bricks 20 em x 10 em x 10 em 425 nos.
flat soling .. 25.4 em x 12.7 em x 7.6 em 320 It

22.9 em x 1i,4 em x 7.6 em

It 425
7. Brick on edge floor per 10 sq. m Bricks 20 em x 10 em x 10 em 500 nos.
with cement mortar .. 25.4 em x 12.7 em x 7.6 em 410
.. 22.9 em x 11.4 em x 7.6 em 500 .
Dry mortar 3.:5 eu m
8. 20mm thick D.P.C. per 100 sq.m Cement
27 bags
with cement mortar Sand
1.8 cu m
Water-proofing compound
27 kg
9. Reinforced
per 10 cu m Bricks
. 4,500 nos.
3rc'::':,r~ .
. f)ry el'IT'eflt mortar
4.R.Cll m.
10. Precast Terrazzo per 100 sq.rn. Tiles
110 sq m
Tiles on 12 mm Cement
13 bags
thick cement plaster Pigment
oA/i kg
11. Lime terracing on
per 100sq m Lime
2.1 cu m
roof 2: 2: 7
2.1 eu m
(a) For 7.5 em thick Brick ballast 7.5 eu m
(b) For 10 em thick Lime
2.9 cu m
2.9 eu m
Brick ballast
10.2 cu m


Najne or wnr.k Materials Quantity

2. Ranigunj Tile roofing Ranigunj Tiles 124 nos.

in lime mortar- pCf 10 sq.m. Dry lime mortar 0.15 cu III

. .._. , ,_ ... "(~m~I!t~Qrtar O.14__ cum . '.

per 10 sq. m. G.1. sheet 12.8 sq m

3. C. G. 1. Shectroofing-
l. A. C. Corrugated sheet roofing
;. 1201m thick cement plaster
per 10 sq. m.
PCi 100 sq.m.
A. C. sheet
Dry mortar
11.50 sq m
1.92 cu m
'~': I

). Neat cement punning per 100 sq.rn Cement 5.5 bags

(about 1.5 mm)
1 flush pointing in cement per 100 sq.m Dry mortar '0.7 cu m
L Single coat while-washing per 100sq.m Stone lime (unslaked) 10 kg
to old work
I. Two coats white-washing on a per 100 sq.m . Stone lime (unslaked) ,30 kg
coat of primer to new work
l. Distempering two coats per 100 sq. m. Tropic dry distemper

to new cement plaster 1st coat

12 kg
. 2nd coat
7.5 kg

.. Lime punning over plastered per 10 sq. m. Slaked stone lime

18 kg

surface Shell lime

8 kg

I Snow-cern washing on per 100 sq. m. 1st coat

30 kg

plastered surface- 2nd coat

20 kg

I. Primer coat on steel work per 100 sq. m Primer


with 'ready mixed primer

Primer coat on wood work per 100 sq. m.. Primer

7.5 litres
with ready mixed primer.

I. Painting two coats on new - do '- Ready mixed paint

12.5 litres
work with ready mixed paint .

I. Water-proofing cement . per 10 sq. m. Mixed cement paint

2 litres
painting two coats to '

new plaster to exterior walls

Spray painting with wall per 100 sq.m. Priming coat primer 8.1 litres

paints on new work inclu- Wall paint 11 litres

ing under coat .

Painting with synthetic per 100 sq.m. Enamel paint 11.6 litres
enamel paint on new work
(excluding primer.coat)
Varnishing with Copal . per 100 sq.m. Under coat varnishing 7.0 litres
varnish on new work inclu Cop31 varnish 11.6 litres
ding under coat
Wax polishing, on new
woodwork with ready
made polish per 100 sq.m. Ready-made wax polish 5.0 kg
Floating coat of cement per sq. m. Cement 2.2 kg


32. Quantity of coarse aggregate, sand and cement for different proportions.
,I In the analysis of rates per CU m, at first a volume of 10 cu m has been considered in the calcula
tions to avoid one place of decimal. - - . .
-_/ to But it is difficult to assess exactly the amount of each material required to produce 10 cu m of wet
concrete- when-deposited in place Quantities of.ingredients. may closely he determined .by. a.thumb.rule' as.,

1 given below.
.1 To find out the volumes of cement, sand and coarse aggregate divide a numerical number 15.4 vari
able up to 15.7 according to the proportioning and 'Water cement ratio' by the summation of the propor
tions of the Ingredients used and then muluply theresult thus obtained by their respective strength of pro
portioning. In case of brick ballast (or jhama chips) the nume-rical number is variable from 15.7 to 16.0
as void in brick ballast is higher than that of stone chips. Variation should be adjusted with an aim to get
a round number as far as possible.
Example 1.- For 1 : 2: 4 proportion with stone chips:
Summation of proportion = =
1 + 2 + 4 7. The numerical number should be 15.4 to obtain a
round figure (as far as possible) after dividing the number by 7.
- 15,4 - .
:. Cement = -7- =2.2 cu m ; Sand 2.2 x 2:= 4,4 cu rn ; Stone ChIpS = 2.2 x 4= 8.8 cu m

For 1 : 2 : 4 proportion with brick ballast (or jhama chips) the numerical number (variable from
15.7 to 16.0) Il}ay be considered ne-arly as 15.8.
:. Cem~nt =-::;- =2.25 cu m; Sand= 2.25 x 2= 4.5 cu m _; Brick ballast =2.25 x 4 =9.0 cu m..
Note 'that the last-figure of the numerical number has been adjusted in both the cases during divi
sion to obtain the result as round as possible.
Note : volume of cement 1 cu em of ordinary portland cement. 1.440 grams
:. 1 cu m .. .. = 1440 kg
Now, weight of 1 bag cement = 50 kg. :. VoL of 1 bag cementl~~~ = 0.0347 cu m
A tab le has' been prepared for quantity of materials that may be required' in different proportions
subject to a variation .of plus/minus five percent and mostly same as adopted by Government. departments
and also recommended by All India ~hedule of rates.
Quantity of materials "or 10 cu m of concrete (varlation 5% allowed) based on as
sumption that dry sand with necessary allowance for bulking in used.

Brick I
__ I Volumetric Cement -\
'oallasr peroog
proportion] Dry Sand _I Dry Sand 20mm to of
~u m bags eu m _ eu m 6mm cement
1 : 1: 2 i 3.9 112,4 3~9 recommender 71; Hues
IJ . ~
1 . 2' -" - .,....8 80.7'
4.2 -do - do 8-i .
1 : 2: 4 : 2.2 63.4 4.4 4.5 9.0 cu m 9~ ..
l .. -') -2Ii.. -':
,,: 1 8
. 4.6
51.9 - 4.7 9.3 " 10 "
. 1 : 3 : 6 i 1.57 45.2 4.7 4.8 9.6 n 11 II

9.8 13 1 ..
) : 4 : 8 ! 1.20 J 34.6 4.8 4.9 If
. L.
~_:1_~ _~9JQ:2~J 28_.2--,-_____
4.9 _ __ 5.5 10.0 .. 14 ..

13-5. Estimating labour. During preparation of labour estimates due allowance must be made for

variations in wages, working conditions and for the di(ferent classes of labour required for different kinds

ofworks. . , -., - -', t .

The length of time required to do ~certain piece of work may vary according to the skill and m~n-'

tal development of the workman and alsq according to the working 'conditions to the particular job. When

, work is-plentiful, labour scarce, and jobs are easy-to:get-thetime-required-for-a-labGurer-to do-a-certain ._-

piece of work is generally more than the average and vice-versa. However, the experience ofa contractor,

after a few months when he has had a number of workmen under hirri, should enable him to estimate quite

accurately the length of time that any of the workmen will need to do a certain job. Local customs or un
_.)on regulations often require to specify number and classes of labour for a certain work. The recommenda
tions 'of All India Standard Schedule of Rates for different kinds of labourers as required to do a certain
piece of work have precisely been adopted to prepare the analysis of rates.
13-6. Task or out-turn work: -'- This is the quantity of work which can be done by an artisan or

skilled labour of the trade working for 8 hours a day. Although out-tum work is variable yet in order to

specify the same an average approximate quantity has been worked out following the Standard Analysis of

Rates as far as possible. The out-turn work does not mean that the quantity of work can be completed

only by the labourer as designated below. But other types of labourers or helpers are also to be engaged to

complete the quantity of work. For an example a Mason can complete 1.50 cum of brickwork per day

(8 hours a day) provided he is helped by 2'Mazdoors to carry and mix the ingredients of mortar and also to

carry and place all other materials at his disposal etc. Instruction from a Head Mason for a few hours 'is

also necessary to complete the quantity of brickwork.

Description of Work Quantity of work per day

1. Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches in ordinary
(8 hours a day)
soil, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m ' 2.27 cu m per Mazdoor

2. Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches in hard soil,

lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m . 2. 1(} cu m


3. Excavation in soft or decomposed rock by blasting, lead up to - ;

50 m and lift up to 1.5 m. ' It .~. ;

4. Sand filling in plinth, consolidating and dressing _ 4.00
5. Single layer brick flat soling including ramming and

dressing the bed etc. 9.00 sq m

6. Lime concrete in foundation 10.00 Cll m per Mason

i. Cement concrete 5.00
8. Cement concrete ( 1 : 2 : 4 ) for R. C. C. work 3.25

<;. J:3jiC~WUf.K in Ioundation and plinth L25

10. Brickwork in superstructure ground floor 1.10

11. Half brickwork in partition wall 7.00 sq m
12. Brickwork in plain arches 1.00 ~~ m
13. Reinforced Brickwork in slabs 1.00 cu m
14. 2.5 ern thick cement concrete D. P. C 12.50 sq m per Mason
15. 20 mm thick D. P. C. with cement mortar 20.00 sq m per Mason
16. Random rubble masonry in foundation and plinth ' 1.00 cu m
17. in superstructure 0.90
Descriptior; c- f Work Quantity of work per day
'>.If (8 hours a day)

18. Ashlar masonry in superstructure 0.40 "

19. Coursed rubble stone masonry in superstructure _..._."
0.67 .. - - _. - ._.-_.. _--

20. Brick-on-edgefloor with cement mortar . 1.00 sq m

21. 7.5 cm thick cern ~nt concrete floor ( I: 4 : 8) . 10.00 II

22. Terraced DOOling 7.5 em thick 20.00 "

23. 2.5 ern thick cement concrete flooring 12.50 II

24. Neat cement punning (about 1.5 mm thick) 40.00 "

25. Terrazzo floor 6 mm thick mosaic work over 2 em
thick cement concrete ( 1 : 2 : 4 ) 5.00
26. Terrazzo skirting or dado 6 mm thick Terrazzo layer

over 12mm thick cement plaster

27. Precast Terrazzo tiles 20mm thick laying ona bed of

25 mm thick lime mortar

5.00 sq m per Mason
28. Precast Terrazzo tiles 20 mm thick in skirting and rises of

steps on 12 mm cement plaster
29. 10 em average thick lime terracing on R. C. roof
30. Flat terrace roofing average 10 cm thick over two layers

of tiles (with 2.5 ern mortar)

5.00 II

31. Ranigunj Tile roofing

6.70 ..
32. Mangalore Tile roofing including wooden battens,

Tiles set in cement mortar 10.00 II

33. Corrugated Galvanised Iron sheet roofing 10.00 II " Carpenter

34. 12 mm thick cement plaster on new brickwork 10.00 II IIMason
35. 6 mm thick cement plaster to R. C. ceiling 10.00 II "
36. Rule pointing on brickwork 10.00 "
37. Single coat white-washing over old white-washed surface 133.00 " .. Painter
38. White-washing two coats on a coat of primer 66.70 ..
39. Distempering two coats to new cement plaster with a coat of primer 17.00 .. ..
40. Lime punning over interior plaster 10.00 .. " Mason
4L . Water-prooflng cement paint (snow cemjto new cement piaster 20.00 " " Painter
42. Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint for even shade
, ,
28.00 " IIPainter
43. Primer coat with ready mixed primeron wood or steel-work 40.00 " "
44. Painting two coats (excluding primer coat) with ready
mixed. paint for wood-work 18.00 sq m per Painter
45. Painting two coats (excluding primer coat) ready mixed
paint on old wood-work 28.00 "
46. Breaking of overbumt brick to ballast 40 mm down 0.75 cu m per Mazdoor
i . .

47. Breaking of overburnt brick to ballast 25 mm down 0.55

.. _.~---~.~~--

Students and beginners having little practical experience often find it difficult to bear in mind the

number of labourers (skilled and unskilled) which are to be engaged to complete different types of works.

Therefore. the number of labour gangs having different working strength has been shown in a tabular

form and the item of works that are 'to be completed by such a gang has been indicated against them.

Consider-ing allthe..factors as discussed beforea yia~iol1.up.t.~ ?% in' some cases. if it ever occurs.

should not affect the accuracy of the estimate. . . .. _._.. . - .

.I 0i~ (iv) (v)
Strength of I Anyone item of work which may Volume Adjustment
Gang. be completed by the gang. Volume of 'for column (ii)
of work is an in column (iv) work

(1) Lime concrete in foundation ... l O'cu m

1 .

-4 Head Mason
(2) Lime punning over plastering ... 10sqrn I S1. (2) decrease 18 Mazdoors .
1 Mason
and the head mason.
20 Mazdoors

(3) Cement concrete in foundation ... 10cu m SI. (3) Increase 1 Mason

I (1) Brick work in ground floor 10 cu m (1) For plinth and foundation
reduce 2 Masons and increase
1. Head Mason
(2) Brickwork in plain arches ... 10 cu m 2 Mazdoors (Beldars) & for
10 Masons
first floor reduce 1 Mason and
15 Mazdoors
increase 5 Mazdoors

(3) Brick on edge floor

.. . 100 sq m (3) Add 4 more Mazdoors.
. !
I For ground floor add 1 Mason
(~) Reinforced concrete brick slab .. lOcum and 2 Mazdoors overplinth
(5) Random Rubble masonry in
foundation and plinth ... m
(6) 6 mm thick cement plastering
to ceiling ... 100sqm (6) reduce 3 Mazdoors
(7) 12 mm thick cement plasterin~.
on walls .. 100 sq m I (7) reduce 5 Mazdoors
.. .. (8) Rule pointing on brick wall
.. 100 sq m I(8) reduce 5 Mazdoors
(9) 7.5 em-thick cement concrete
floor .. 100 sq m i (9) Increase 5 Mazdoors
(1) Ashlar. Masonry in super 1
structure at ground floor .. 10 cu m I (1) Add 10 Masons and
10 Mazdoors,
~ Head 'Mason (2) Coursed Rubble stone Masonry
15 Masons in superstructure at ground floor 10cu m (2) Add further 4 nos.
20 Mazdoors I Mazdoors.
'j (3) Half brickwork at ground floor ... 100 sq m (3) Reduce 1 Mason, !
I increase 1 Mazdoor.
. I


137 Labour output constant in Days (8 working hours) following All India Schedule
of Rate. This is helpful to fix up labour contract rates.

Sf. Description of work Unit Labour in days (8 working hrs.)

(A) Earthwork
1. Excavation in trenches for foundation
not exceeding 1.5m in width. lift up to
105m and lead up to 30m
(a) In ordinary soil ... 10 cu mMazdoor-3 '4
(b) In dense or Hard soil "'110 cu m Mazdoor- 7 1.
2. Filling excavated earth in trenches
plinth, sides of foundation in layers . I
'I not exceeding 20 ern in depth
I .
... 10 eu m Mazdoor-2 t
Ii 3. Lime concrete in foundation ... 10 cu m Head Mason-i; Mason- 1
(B) Concretework Mazdoor- 18; .. Bhisti- 2
4. Cement-concrete (hand mixed) in Head Mason-
foundation prop. 1 : 5 : 10; 1 : 4: 8; 1 : 3: 6 10 cu m Mazdoor- 10 ;
-t; Mason- 2
Bhisti- 2
5. Cement concrete (machine mixed) Head Mason-~; Mason- 21
in foundation ... 10 cu m Mazdoor- 12 ; Bhisti- 2
6. Cement concrete for R. C. C. work ... 10 cu m Head Mason-i; Mason- 3 .
Mazdoor- I? ; Bhisti- 4
8. . Centering and shuttering for

flat surface ...

10 sq rn Carpenter- 3; Mazdoor-4
9. Reinforcement work for R. C. C. \ perQt1. Mason-cum- blacksmith- 1
10. R.B.Work ... 10 cu rn Head Mason-I; Mason- 10,
Mazdoor- 16, Bhisti- 4,
Black-smith- 5
Mazdoor for M.S. work- 6
. I
11. 2.5 cm thick cement concrete D.P.C 10 sq rn .. Head Mason- 0.p5 : Mason- 0.8
. I
Mazdoor-O.8; Bhisti- 0.01
(C) Brick work
] 2. Brick work i~ foundation and plinth . 10 Cll m Head Mason-1 ; Mason-8
Mazdoor- 14 ; Bhisti- :2
13. First class brickwork in superstructure Head Mason-i ; Mason-8
ground floor .,. 10 cu m Mazdoor- 15 ; Bhisti- 2
14. First-class brickwork for 1st. Floor ... 10 cu m Head ~1ason-1 ; Mason-9
(The rate of grou nd floor + 1% for each Mazdoor- 18 ; Bhisti- 2
addition floor avo 3m extra over)
15. Half brick wail (wilhout hoop iron Mason- 1.2; Mazdoor- 2.0
reinforcement) ... 10 sqm Bhisti~ 0.3
l~ -do- do- with H. B. wire netting ... 110 sq m Mason- 1.4 ; Mazdoor- 1.8 ; .
I . . I Bhisti-- 0.3


. . "'b";r=uJiiI"-_ _~
:i '


Description of work '

17. Random rubble stone masonry in

foundation and plinth in lime or cement
'. . ' .. ...

10 cu III
. ,-- . .
Labour in days (8 working hrs.)

Head Mason-i ; Mason- 10 ;

~~CJ?r~ 1~2,.~~~~~~1
18. Coursed rubble stone masonry in

lime or cement mortar in superst, ...

10 cu m Head Mason-l ; Mason- 15 ; i
Mazdoor- 22 2 ' Bh"ISU- 1 "21
19. Ashlar masonry in lime-or-cement

mortar in superstructure ...

10 cu m Head Maso;j ; Mason- 25;
2' Bhisti- 11;
Mazdoor- 3
(D) Flooring
20. 7.5 ern thick terraced (lime concrete) Floor ... 10 sqm Head 1VIason-1; Mason ~ ,
Mazdoor- 3 2, Bhisti- 0.3
21. 7.5 em thick cement concrete floor 10 sq m Head Mason do;
Mason- 1;
Mazdoor- 1.8 Blusu- 51
22. 25mm thick cement concrete or artificial Head Mason-io; Mason- 0.8
stone flooring ... 10 sq m Mazdoor- 1.2; Bhisti- 0.2
23. Terrazzo skirting or Dado ... 10sqm Head Mason-lo ; Mason- 2 1:;
Mazdoor- 4; Bhisti-t ; Polisher- 9.8
24. Precast terrazzo tiles to floor ... 10 sqm Head Mason- -to ;
Mason-, 2; ,
Mazdoor- 2; Bhisti- 0.1~ Polisher- 61
(F) Roofing
1 .
25: 10 em (av.) thick lime terracing at 10 sq m Head Mason- 20 ; Mason- 1; .
Ist, floor . Mazdoor-. 1.9; Bhisti- 0.3;
Mazdoor (femalej- 6i
26. Mangalore Tile roofing with battems ... 10 sq m Carpenter-!; Tile layer- i;
Mazdoor- 31 ~. .

27. Corrugated Galvanised iron roofing ... 10 sqm Carpenter- 1; Blacksmith---! ;

(G) Plastering and polnung
28. 12 mm thick plaster to brickwork ... 10 sq m Head Mason- in ~Mas(.n-.1;
Mazdoor-.l.4; Bhisti- 0.10
29. Rule pointing' incemenr mortar on' 10 sq m Head Mar.on-l0; ,Mason- 1;
brick on walls Mazdoor- 0.9; Bhisti- 0.10
(H) Finishing
30. , White washing or colour washing
2 coats with a coat of primer coat 100 sq m Painter- 11 ; Mazdoor-2.
31. Distempering two coats with a coat of primer 1
100 sq m Painter- 21 ; Mazdoor-2 2
32. Lime punning ... 10 sq m Mason- 1; Mazdoor-2
33. Painting two coats with '
aprimer coat with ready mixed paint to new
woodwork ... 100 sq m Painter(lst class)- 8; Helper- 8.
13-8. Rate of Materials and labour : This is variable from place to place and time to time. In practice
the actual local market rates should be collected from the area concerned. For metropolitan towns the rates
~1 -, ofbricks, sand, stone chips, and surki should be increased even up to 10%. The rates provided in the analysis
[J, for different items 1 to 81 arc all old. The cu rrcntrates for materials and labou r are given below. These
new rates should rephlcc the old nltcs in the tables of analysis of rates for items 1 to 8i. ' ,

':.I Description of Item Unit of Rate Rate

Rs. P.
Rate of hilly
or sandy area
- - - -, -. Rs:-P
I (A) Materials as per approved specifications
" delivered at wurksitc including stacking,
I. Bricks first class (kiln burnt) 20 em x LO em x 10 em
or traditional 9" x 4~" x 3" (nominal) %0 Nos. 2,200.00 2.000.00
2. Bricks first class (kiln burnt) 10" x 5" x 3" , %0 Nos. 2,800.00 2.500.00
3. Bricks 2nd class (kiln bunu) 20 em x 10 em x lu cm or
traditional 9" x 4~"'-x 3" , %0 Nos. 2,500.00 1.800.00
- \
4. Bricks second class (kiln burnt) 10" x 5" x 3" %0 Nos. 2,500.00 2.300.00
5. Over burnt of'Picked jhamabrick 20 em x 10 em
x 10 em or traditional 9" x 41." x 3" ' .. _.. %0 Nos. 2,000.00 1.800.00
6. Over burnt or Picked jhama bricks 10" x 5" x 3" .... %0 Nos. 2,200.00 2,000.00
7. Over burnt brick bats cu. m. 400.00 350.00
8. Sand (coarse) cu. m. 400.00 600.00
; .... 9. Sand (medium) cu. m. 300.00 500.00
10. Sand (local) cu. m. 200.00
11. Surki cu. m. 400.00 260.00
12. Cement per bag 173.00
13. Lime (slaked stone or white) cu. m. 1,400.00
14.- Lime (unslaked stone or white) free lime 60% 450.00
& above quintal 800.00
15. Stone ballast 40' mrn down cu. m. 900.00
16. Stone chips 20 nun down cu. m. 850.00
17.. Stone chips 12 nun down cu. m. 800.00
18. Hard stone ballast 40 nun down (local) cu. m.
19. Over burnt brick chips 25 mm down
cu. m.

20. Brick ballast or jhama chips 40 nun down
cu. m.
21. Marble chips (grit Dehradun)
22. Tor steel up to 16 nun diameter 2,800.00
23. 'Tor steel frOI11 16 up to 32 mm diameter quintal 2,600.OQ
24. Black iron wire ' . kg. 23.00
25. Ft.B. wire netting . . sq:m. 70.00
.., :i5.JO'
26. Water-proofing compound kg.
27. GUl11 kg. 40.00
28. Primer . Litre 70".00
29. -hopic distempering kg. 40.00
3~). Raniganj Pattern Tiles . %0 Nos. 500.00
B. Labour t S hours working period in day time)
I. Head mason ' Each per day 110.00 Note :

2. Mason (ordinary') 100.00 For a short
3. Mazdoor (Bcldar)
" 60.00 period ....-ork
-l. Carpenter
100.00 increase the

5. Black-smith and Fitter [email protected]
G. Painter u u . 100.00 for each kind
7. Plumbing Mistry , I00.00 of labourer
X. SHlllras __ ~~~~_-:-'- ~__ lOQJXL _
F'h-ar;;::;;rs-- ..... - ....- .._-_......


13-9. Statement of Building Cost Indices over plinth area rates on Oct6ber 1976 as ~?se lq<lReceived dur- -:
.io.!!LM period 31. 10.87 to 31. 08. 88 C.P.W.D. as effective from 1988. (Cost Index IS variable but to have
a general idea of comparative cost between important towns of India the Cost Index may be helpful). .
"St. Name of City/Stale Cost

Cost Sl.. Name of City/State

No: . "" Indexi..:.::_No.----""-""""-~,------~.,.."...".-==-::-=j Index .,li .
1. Ambala (HR) 374 ! 47. Gulbarga (Karnataka)
"," "---'-'-:396:- :::~~~:

2. Arnritsar (PB) 366 i 48. 'l.iUrltur 414 .-?~~

..~ ~.~....
3. Allahabad (U. P.) 424 I 49, Kouayarn (Kerala) 521
4. Agra (0. P.) 360 "I 50. Bakara (Bihar) 433
5. Arnarkot 372 ' 51. Kalapct (Pondichcry) 402 ]
Bulandshahar (U. P,)
358 I 52. Kakinada (A. P.) 422
401, 53. Karim Nagar (A. P.) , 349 ,; ,.J,
' .. '
8. Bharatpur (RAJ) 348 : 54. Mangalorc City (Kamataka) 469
9. Bikanear (RAJ) , 358 I 55. Madras City (T. N.) 418 .{

10. Barcilly CU. P.) ,436' 56. Machili Pamam (A. P.) 430
II, Chittorgarh (RAJ) 299 !' 57. Mallapuram (Kerala) 456
12, Churu (RAJ) 359', 'I' 58. Nizarn Sagar (A. P.) 386
13. Derababananak (FB) 369 59. Nellore (A. P.) 396
14. Faridkot (FB) 377 60. amy (T. N.) 464
15. Fazilka (PB) 384 61. Pondicherry CU: T.) 361
16. Ferozpur (PB) 372 62. Qullon (Kerala)
17. Gurdaspur cPB) 376 63. Salem (T; N.)
18. Jaipur (RAJ) 328 64. Trivandrurn (City & CA)
19. Jallalabad 380 65. Trichy (T. N.)
20. J aiselmer (RAJ)
333 66. Vijayawada.fTown) (A. P.)
21. Kargil (J & K)
556 67. Warangal (A. P.)
22. Kanpur CU. P.)
389 68. Calcutta
. 552
23. Kota (RAJ)
333 69. Baruini
24. Leh (J & K)
524 70. Baripada (Orissa)
25. Lucknow CU. P.)
412 71. Chaibasa (Bihar)
26. Madhupur
362 ,72. Chiplima (Orissa)
, '406
27. Meerut CU. P.)
394 73. Coochbehar (W. B.)-
28. Mount Abu (RAJ)
342 74. Dirnapur (Nagaland),
29. Dhanbad (Bihar)
452 75. Gaya (Bihar)
377 .........

30. Pant Nagar CU. P.)

389 76. Hazaribagh (Bihar),;
31. Srinagar (J & K)
473 77. Imphal (Manipur) "" ,
32. Shirnla (H. P.)
509 78. Pumea (Bihar) , '
33. Udharnpur (J & K)
386 79. Paradeep (Orissa)
34. Aurangabad (Maharasntra)
3S4 ' ba. ' Rouzkela(Orissa) , 376
35. Arnravati (Maharashtra)
393 81. S iliguri (W. B.) 366'
36. Bombay (Maharashtra)
416 82. Shillong (Meghalaya) 391
37. Bhavnagar(Gujarm)
382 83. Santiniketan (Bolpur) (W. B.) 364
38., Kolhapur(Maharashtra) 409 84. Bhopal (M. P.) 407
39. Nasik (Maharashtra) 379 85. Muzaffarpur (Bihar) 469
40. Nanded ( " )" 372 86. Ludhiana (PB) 388
41. Parbhani ( " ) 357 87. Raipur (M. P.) 353
42. Ratnagiri ( "" ) 427 88. Bilaspur (M. P.) 436
43. Shcgaon ( " ) 383 89. Asansol (W. B.) 524
44. Anarnhapur (A. P.) 372 90. Durgapur ( .. ) 491
45'1 Calicut & Karipur (A. P.) 443 92. Burdwan ( .. ) 529
46. Coimb::llore (City & Ca) (T.N.) 427 93. Santiniketan(") 465
.1310. Analysis of Rates for Manufacturing materials .
~~ 1. Manufacturing common Burnt clay; Bricks in kilns.
..i . -- . ..
Unit =1000 no:
;',1 It is not economical to bum less than 6 to 7 lakhs of bricks in a single kiln. The quantity of coa
.j required {Jr burning varies considerably depending upon the sun-soil waterlevel, nature of soil and climat
ic condition. Top bum one lakh bricks (19cl~1 x 9cm x 9cm) where water level is low 14 tonnes of coa
" may be considered fair, but where the sub soil water level is high the quantity of coal may be as high a
"j 24 tonnes. Considering such variations about 20 tonncs of coal may be considered to bum one lakh 'brick
in Bull type kiln. . .
Particulars Quantity Rate
. '.; Rs. P .
Rs. P.

~\ ~ (a) Materials :
S team coal and coal dust . ...
0.2 Tonne 700.00 perTonne 140.00
Fuel wood for first fuelling ...
0.5 kg . 2.40 kg 1.20
Sand (local) for moulding ... O.ll cu m 120.00 per cu m 13.20
Pug-mill charge ...
I Lump Sum 35.00 L. S. 35.08
Cost of land or Royalty ... Lump Sum 45.00 L. S. 45.00
Moulding boxes, chimney & kiln charge ... Lump Sum 30.00 L. S. 30.00
Sundries, T. & P. etc. '" Lump Sum 12.00 12.00

(b) Labour :- Head Mason (Mistry). TIl no. 50.00 Each per 5.00
.Mazdoor for Moulders '" 5 nos. 45.00 " " 225.00
" " loading in kiln 3 nos. 25.00 .. . 75.00
" " unloading &. Stacking 2-! nos.. 25.00
.. . 62.50
Fireman .. '"
"2 no. 45.00
. . 22.50
Mazdoor (as waterman i.e, Bhisti) ... 1
'2 no. 25.00
. " 12.50
.. I

Total- 678.90

(c) Water charge . @ 1% of the total 6.79 .

Total = 685.69
. I "

(d) Profit and Overhead @ 10% = 68.57

Grand Total = 754.26

:. Rate per 1000 nos. = 754.26 and this consists of the following categories of bricks after; ideal
burning :- 1st class... 60%. 2nd class ... 15%, 3rd class ... 10%, Overbumt...l~%, and breakage ... 5o/c.

._,~ ... ..........

~ ..:.~.

]81cmtt cz,..,::::;rrex-rr .. .";;a



-- .

2. Manufacturing and Burning Kankar Lime.;

': ' Unit = 1 cu m
1.1 cu m of Kankar shall be taken'to produce 1 cu m of lime (Note: 1 c~ m of unslaked lime =
580 to 600 kg.) ...
' . _ .... . . . . . , '. __ .._.. '...
. __ ._ ..
.. -._ .... , .. ... .. _ ... ._.-' . ~

Particulars Quantity Rate Amout


Rs. ' P; Rs. - P.

(a) Materials :-Kankar ... 95.00 104.501.1 cu m
Charcoal ... 2.00 300.00150 kg
Fuel wood for first burning ... 2.00 per kg 50.0025 kg
(b) Labour Head Mason .- ...J. ' 50.00 5.00
, 10
Mazdoor (Beldar) ...5 nos. 25.00 125.00
Grinding of burnt kankar ...L.S . 4.00 L.S. 4.00
Cost of land or Royalty ...
. L.S. 3.50 L.S . 3.50
Kiln etc. ...L.S. 3.00 L.S. ' 3.00
Contingencies, T. & P. Insu. etc. L.S. 3.00 L.S. 3.00
Total = 598.00
(c) Water Charge :- ... @ 1% of the total = 5.98
Total 603.98 =
(d) Profit and Overheads : - ... @ 10% do = 60.40 ...
:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 664.38 Grand Total = 664.38

3. Production of Brick Ballast (Le. jhama metal) from Overburnt Bricks to 40mm. gauge.
, Unit = 1 cu; m.
For conversion of brick materials from one to another 380 nos. of Metric "Bricksof 20 em x 10 em
x 10 em (nominal) or traditional blick~22.9 em x 11.4 em x 7.6 em (Nominal) and in' case of traditional
bricks.Zfi.d em x 12.7 em x 7.6 em (nominal) 314 nos. shall be taken as equivalent to 1 cu m of bats. ~
1.1 cu m ofbats shall be taken to produce 1 cu m of brick ballast.
Unit = 1 cu m.

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

1I Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials .-Ovcrburnt brick bats 1.10 cu m 150.00 ncr cu m 165.00,
... '1
(b) Labour:"': Mazdoors i1 nos."125.00 Each per day 33.33
Contingencies. T. & P. etc. L.S. @ .\ % (a + b) = 0.99 L.S. 0.99
Total = 199.32

(c) Profit and Overhead @ , 10% of' the ' total = ' 19.93

Rate per eu m = Rs. 219.25 Grand Total = Rs.219.25

4. Production of Brick chips from overburnt bricks to 25 mm gauge.

Unit = 1 cu m
The number of Mazdoor shall be 1 3/4 nos. in the labour column (b) of item no 3. AU other par
ticulars are same as in item no. 3. '

l3-11.Analysis of Rate for Earth work :

5. Earthwork in excavation in trenches for foundations and for pipes, cables etc. not ex
ceeding 1.5 m in width including dressing of sides dhd ramming of bottoms, lift up LO 1.5 m and lead
up to 30m (a) in ordinary soil (i.e. loose or soft). .
Consider flrst l O ell m Unit == 1 cu m

Particulars Quantity Rate Amout

(a) Labour. - Mazdoor(Bcldar)

(b) Water charges. -
(a) 1% of
Rs. P.
f -- -.
2 5 00---1
the total
I- - Rs. P.
Total = I 82.06
(c) Profit and Ovethead. - @'100/0 == I 8.20
Rate per cu m :::: Rs. 9.03 Grand Total = Rs, 90.26
(b) For Dense or Hard soil, Mazdoor (Male):: 2j 'nos. & Mazdoor(Female) == 2 nos. .
(c) For Mud. Mazdoor (Male = 3 ~ nos. & Mazdoor(Ferriale = 2 10s. Other particulars are same

as sl. 5

For additional Lead and Lift. -For every additional lead of 30m beyond the initial lead add
1 Mazdoor. For every additional lift of 1.5m beyond the initial lift add 1Mazdoor.
For Shoring-If the work requires shoring but not pumping add an amount 25% of the total la- .
bour charge from (a). . .
6. Excavation in trenches' for foundations and for pipes, cables, etc. not exceeding
1.5 rn in width and for shafts, walls, etc. not exceeding 10 m 2 on plan including dressing of
~ides up to 1.5 m and lead up to 50 m for disintegrated or soft rock (not requiring. blasting).

Considerfirst 10 cu m Unit == 1 cu m

(a) Labour. - Excavator (skilled) . 1..1 nos. 50.00,Each per day 87.50
Breaker - do 3.1 nos. 25.00
2 II
Hole driller - 'do - 1 nos. 45.00 45.00
Mazdoor (Male) 7 '21 . nos. 25.00' II
(b) Ma terials.-Fuse

I 3 nos...

2i kg.

15.00 Each
25,QO per kg
COflt;!lg~n,..:,..,,'.; T. &0., etc.
;'..s. .;o(~+ b)
2.89 Le:;.. 2.89
Total: 581.64
(c) Water charges. - . @ 1% of the total : 5.82
TOLaI= 587.46
(d) Profit and Overhead.
@ 10% of the total : 58.75

.. Rate per cu m : R5. 64.62 Grand Tow.l Rs. 646121

When the excavation/or
item no. 6. shall be in Hard rock requiring blasting.
Labour for Excavators, Breakers and Hole drillers shall be considered as twice for Decomposed rock
(as in 51. 6.). Mazdoor shall be same as item no. 6. Fuse shall be 7 nos. and powder shall be 6.5. kg.

_ _ _ _ _ ... r' 4ii:r~"-'-" ..... ';'..,J


7. Fiiling availabIcexca,'ated earth in trenches, plinth sides of rou~dations in 'layers not

exceeding 20 cm in depth consolidating layer by layer ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift up
1.50 m.
Considerfirst 10 etc m Unit = 1 cum ...
. _- ._---_. . - ..,. _____e_". _._- . .- ... _...... _._-
Particu lars Quantity. Rate Amount !
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(3) Labour. - Mazdoor (includes Bhisti) ... 23 nos. 25.00 Each per day 58.33 I

(b) \Vater charge. @ l%of the total 0.58

Total = 58,91
(c) Profit including Overhead. @ 10% of. the total = 5.89

:. Rate per cu m = Rs, 6.84 Grand Total = 64.80

8. Filling in plinth with local sand under floors including, ramming, consolidating and
d r esslng corn p lete
Consider first 10 cu m Unit ~ 1 cu m

(a) l\iateria!s. Fine sand (Local) 10 emu m 110.00 1,100.00

(b) Labour. Head Mason ... 1 50.00 Each per day 4.17
12 nos
(includes-j rd as Bhisti) ... 2 nos . 25.00 "
u n
Total= 1,154]17
(c) 'Vater charge. @ 1% = 11.54
Total = .1,165.71
(d) Profit incl udingOverhead. 'oo @ 10% = 116.57

:. Rate per cu m = Rs, 128.23 Grand Total = 1,282.28

9. One' layer brick flat soling joints filled with local sand or powdered .earth
.Consider first 10 sq m Unit =1 sq m
Calculation oj materials :- Metric brick each to occupy a space of 10 ern x 20 em number of
bricks per 10 sq m 10 10 si~
em x em
- 500 nos. But due to irregular shape of over b~t bricks
and also

3S open space between bricks prp"'lically.~~mains, less 15% = 500 - 500 x. 11 = 425 nos. (as adopted by
All/ndia Standard Schedule ofRates).
(a) t\'1ateri:t1s - Brick metric. ( for
22.9 x 'i2.7 x 10 ern :::: 320 nos.) 425 nos 1000 per % nos. 425.00
(0) Labour. - Mazdoor ? no. 25.00 per day 20.00
J 1 .
Contingencies: T. s.
P. 'etc. L. S. -2 % (a + b) 2.33 L.S. 2.23
Total 447.23
(c) Water charges. - @ 1% of the total = 4.47
Total = 451.70
(d) Profit and overhead. - @ 10% of the Total = 45.17
:. Rate per sq m ::: Rs, 49.69 Grand Total = Rs.496.87

13-12. Analysis of Rate for concrete Works:

10. Lime concrete in foundation with 25 'rnm down brick chips (of Jhama chips) -wil
1 lime and 2 Surki mortar. Prop. 1 : 2 : s! (18: 36 : 100).
Consider first 10 c u m - l } n i t - = I-eu
Calculation of Materials: - Summation of proportion = 1 + 2 + 5.5 = 8.5. Following the proc
durc as described in tile article 13-5 S1. 32. "
Lime = ~{- = 1.8 cu m; Surki = 1.8 x 2 = 3.6 cu m: Brick chips = 1.8 x 5.5 = 9.9 say 10 cu m
Particulars Quantity Rate Amour
Rs. P. Rs. I
(a) Ma terials.
Brick chips (or Jhama chips) '0' 10 cu m 250.00 per cu m 2,500.0
Surki ... 3.6 cu m 1200.00 per cu m 720.0
Stone lime ( slaked) ." 1.8 cu m 450.00" .. 810.0
(b) Labourv-s- Head Mason ... 1
2. no . I 50.00 Each per day 25.0'
Mason ... ... 1 no . 45.00 .. .. " 45.0.
Mazdoor (Beldar) (2 Mazdoors as Bhisti) ... 20 nos. ~:25.00
. .. . 500.0'
Contingencies. T. & P. etc. ... L.s. - (a + b)= 3.00 23.d,
Total = 4,623.0
(c) Water charges. ... 1% @of the total = 46.2
Total = I 4,623.?,_
(d) Profit including overherd @ 10% of the total, = "466.9\
:. Rate per cu m = Rs, 513.62 Grand Total = Rs. 5.136.1;
11. Lime concrete in foundation with 40mm down stone ballast, lime and sand pro!
1 : 2 : 4
Consider first 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu I
/ ".
Calculation of Materials: -summation of proportion = 7. Following the article 11.5. S1. 32
Lime = 15.4(7 = 2.2 eu m. sand = 2.2 x 2 =4.4 .cu m; stone ballast = 2.2,x 4 := 8.8 cu m.
Particulars Quantity Rate Amour
Rs. P. Rs. I"
(a) Materials. t
Sto:1C ballast (local) 8.8 cu rn" 1165.00 per eu rn I 1.452.0
Sand (local)
I 4.4 cu m 11120.00 per cu rn 528.0
Stone lime (slaked)
I 2.2 cu m 450.00...." 990.0
(b) Labour. I Sa~e as in I (10) = 570.0
Contingencies, T & P. etc. ~o (a+ ~117.70 L.S. 17.7
ToW =.'" --3S57.7
(c) Water charges. - @ l%of the total = 35.5
Total = 3.593.2
(d) Profit. - @ 10 % of the total :=: I 359.3

.. Rate per eu m = Rs, 395.26 Grand Total :=:R.s.3.952.6

....... _-_ .....~;,;~-- ,

-_ ..
. .
12. Cement .concrete1: 5 : 10 with graded brick ballast (jhama chips) 40mm down in
Considerfirst ]().cu m Unit = I cum
Calculation of Materials: - Same as described in the article 13-5 S1. 32

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Rs. P. I Rs. P.

(a) Materials.
Brick ballast (or Jharna chips) ... 9.8 cu m 300.00 per ell III 2,940.00
Sand (medium) '"
4.9 ell rn 160.00 per cu rn 784.00
Cement '" 0.98 cu m
= 29.4 bags
. 1 .
g .00 per bag. 2,352.00
(b) .Labour. .Head Mason ... "4 no, 50.00 Each per day 12.50
Mason' ...... 2 nos. '45.00. II
Mazdoor (male 2 nos. as Bhisti) ... 2? nos. 25.00
Contingencies. T & P. etc L.S. 2% (a + b) , 33.39 L. S. 33.39
Total = 6.711.89
(c) Water charges. '- '" @ l%of the total = 67.12
Total = 6,779.0~
(d) Profit and Overhead. - ... @ 10% of the total = 677.90,
. I
':. Rate per cu m :;; Rs, 745.69 Grand Total:;::: 7456.91

13. Cement concrete 1: 4 . 8 with graded stone ballast 40 mm down in foundation

Consider first] 0 au m Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation ofMaterials: - Same as described in the article 11~5. S1. 32.

Particulars Quantity Rate '. I" Amount

RS. P. Rs. P.
(a) Mater'ials--Stone ballast 9~6 ell m 325.00 per ell rn 3,120.00'
Stand (coarse) 4.8 ell m 225.00 per ell m 1,080.00
Cement 1.2 cu m
= 36 bag 80.00 per bags 2,880.00
(b) Labour. -

Contingencies, T. & P. etc,

.! ~a~e
as .in I.
itp.mnl). 1. ~ 57(\00 ..
... !LS.@ ,c(a+b) . 34.68 .

(c) Water charges'. - @ 1q of the lo:f3l

TOlal == 7,720.91
Total = I 7,798.12
(d) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10~ of the 10l.31 =1 779.81
:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 857.79 Grand Total = 8,571.93
For proportion 1 : 3 : 6 the above labour strength is to be considered, But for 1 : 2 : 4 or 1 : .~ : 3 pro
portion quantity of materials arc in page 446and increase the strength of Mason by ~ no. and Mazdoor
by 2 nos. for greater care of mixing and compaction of concrete work in foundation.

.:~:..:....... .. - _-~


14. C-ement concretei: 2 : 4 with graded stone chips from 20 mm down to 6 mm 'for
R. C. works exclusding shuttering and reinforcement.
Consider first It) ell m Unit == 1 cu m
Calculation of Materials: - Same as in the article 11-5. S1. 32 Labour Gang -,(8)
. Analysis :..:....:..
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Rs. P. Rs. P.

- '-'
(a) Mater lals--Stone chips 8.8 cu m 325.00 per cu m 2,860.00
Sand (coarse) ... 4.4 cu m 225.00 per cu m 990.00
Cement ... 2.2cu m
== 66 bags 80.00 per bag 5,280.00
(b) Labour. - H~~~ Mason ... 7. no . ~O.oo Each per day 25.00
Mason ... 3 nos. .45.00 " " " 135.00
Mazdoonincludes 4 Bhisti) . ... 23 nos. 25.00 " " " 575.00
Contingencies T. P. etc. ... L...5. ~ (a +b) 43.64 L.S . 48.83
Total == 9,813.83
(c) Water charges. - ... @ l%of the total == 98.14
II Total = 9,911.97
(d). Profit and Overhead. - ... @1O% == 991.20

:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 1,090.32 Grand total == 10,903.17

Note :-For each additional storey the strength of Mazdoor (Beldar) should be increased by 6 nos.

for volume of 10 cu m to lift the materials. All India Standard Schedule ofRates provides an increase of

rate by 1% per floor per cu mfor lifting-the materials assuming each floor to beaverage of3m height. .

15. Cement concrete work (propv.L : 2 : 4) pouring into moulds complete.

Consider first 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu m
Particulars Quantity !, c , Rate' I Amount
IRs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Mater-ials. ....
Stone chips 8.8 cu m 325.00 per cu m 2,860.00
Stand (coarse) 4.4 eu m 225'()() per eu m 990.00
Cement 2.2eu m 80.00 per bag 5,280.00
:: 66 bags
(b) Labour.-{For pouring concrete in thin section as
provided by All India: Standard SC:,.;;du10 ofRates).
Mason I class 5 nos. 50.00 Each per day I 250.00
Mason II class 5 nos. '4"5.00 n' It I 225.00

Mazdoor 10 nos. 2S.00 " 250.00

Contingencies, T. & P. risk etc. t.s, (a+b) .43.55 L. S. 49.28
Total = 9,904.28
(c) Water charges. ., @ l%of . the total == ~904
Total = 10,003..32
(d) Profit and Overhead. @ 10% of the total = 1,000.33

:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 1,100.37 Grand Total == ll,003.65

Note :- The above analysis of cost does not include for mixing of concrete.
2.5an PLANKING" 25crnx5an BOITCM PUNK
.. v. ~:~ ,.
".:'.::::, .


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I 25~an.We
. . ~~ . of R.,C.T. Be,

nO"o'~f"o4J++ I .' 1'

o "I' ""I"' '.
it 1
15cm x 5cm" I. I Ball i' Props
o ode
l - -............c.. .L:W:Jj
. Beam ~ I;/ A: oan~ ~
. I !I I


..... ._~-~
I 16. Supplying, fitting, fixing and removing shuttering. and staging. Unit = 1 sq m
Consider a room = 5m x 4m with an intermediate T-bcam 25 em x 20 em wide web. Height of the
f room = 3.5 m(Fig. 13-1). Area of shutLering.--{a) For beam = (20 em + 2 x 25 em) x 4 m = 2.8 sq m.
I (b) For slab = 5 m x 4 m - (20 em x 4 m) = 19.2'sq m. :. Total area::: 22 sq m,
., _.. .'.
~l Particulars .' -. No:--~---r-" .B. -T~~~~~~.-QuantitYI .. -::te~.-~~~u~~
cm em
- - - - - - - - . - -..- - - - - - ------- - - - - - - . - .----f-.-----t------j-.------ --"---.
For beam>
Side planks ... 2 4m 25 2.5 0.050. cu m
Side cleats @ 1m e/e ... 2x4 30em
I 8 4 0.008 eu m
Bottom Plank '"
1 4111 I 25 5 0.050 cu m
Base beam (at prop only) ... 4 50 ern 10 5 0.010 Cll m
Brackets (2 nos. at prop.) ... 2x4 50cm 5 4 0.008 ell rr
For slab-
Planks = (5m - 20 em I
- 2 x 2.5cm) 1 4.75 m 4 2.5 I 0.475 eu m
Beam @ l mc/c =1x 4.75 2x4 2.375m 5 15 0.143cll.m
(ii) For beam.and slab braces-
(a) Short side ... , 7 4m 10 4 0.112cu m
\.. - (b) Long side .., 4 5m 10 4 0.080 eu m
Wedges under props '" 28 22cm 10 8 0.049 cu m
Bearing planks under wedges 28 50cm 22 ~ 0.154 eu m
Total = 1.139 cu m 6;000.OC 6,834
per eu r .

) 3.45 m 96.60 r.m. 6.00 r.m 579.60'
Total = 7,413.60
Deduct the cost of scrap value of timber @ 8% = 593.09
Total = . 6,820.51
) Assuming that this set of shuttering and staging becomes unserviceable
,,' after being used for 12 times (time of use is governed by the availability
ofwork, cuuing the frame work to suit different dimensions, damage for
) nailing etc.) ~ost for using once. . ..... . . .. . .' .... "
6.820.51 .. +12= 568:j15
r (b) Labuur-e-- Head Carpenter
. ~ no.
3 nos.
Mazdoor (Bcldar) 6 nos. 25.00 15C";J~
Carriage within a town 2 times 50.00 100.00
Nails L. S. 30 L.S. 30.00
Contingencies. T. & P. ClC. L. S. 4 L. S. 5.00
Total = 1,013.38
(e) Profit and overhead @ 10%' = 101.34
:. Rate per sqm. 1,~~4.72:=: Rs. 50.67' GrandTotaI = Rs. 1.114.72

17. Providing mild steel reinforcement for R. C. C. work including bending, bin~ing
and placing ill position complete up to two floor l e v e l . ' , !\I': '
Unit = 1 tu m
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
...... -_... ....
'" '- ..__. .. . . .. . . - .. -
Rs. P. Rs. P.
..,,-_ ..- .- .. "_.. __ . __ ..

(a) Materials.-M.S. reinforcement ... i Quintal

Wastage 5% '"
0.05 QU.
l.05 quo 880.00 per quintal 924.00
Black iron wire ... 1 kg. 15.00 per kg. ' 15.00
(b) Labour. Blacksmith ... 1 no. 45.00 Each per day I 45.00
Mazdoor (Beldar) ... 1 roo 25.00 Each per day 25.00
Contingencies, T. & P. etc. ... lL.s.2,% (8 + b) 5.05 L. S. 5.05
Total = 1,014.05
(c) Water charges. @ l~of the total .- 10.14
Total = 1,024.19
(d) Profit and Overhead. @ 10% of the total = 102.42
:. Rate per quintal = Rs. 1,126.6 Grand Total = 1,126.61
18. Cold twisted steel reinforcement R. C. C. work : - .Same as M. S. reinforcement con
sisting of 10 rnrn diarods (0.62 kg/rm) at 10 ern centres and 6 mm diu. rods (0.22 kg/rm) at 20cffi centres
for the roof slabs. .
Consider first 10 mx 10m ofa continuous slab Unit=] sqm

. 10 mm dia. rods _ lO X ~O m. = 1000 m,

. a.1
Since alternate bars of continuous slabs are carried into the next span to a point{ th, span away from the
support from each side, increase this amount by 25% and 5% for hooking, bending etc, . .' .
., Total length = 1000 + 1000 x -{go-BOO m. Weight of 1300 m @ 0.62 kg/rm = 806 kg. .
. WxW ' . . . 5
. 6 mm dia. rods . = 500 m. Increase this amount by 5% for hooking, bending etc. =500 + 500 x - .
0.20 . 100
= 525m. Welght of 525m. @ 0.22 kg'/rm= 115.5 kg.
.'. Total M. S. work in theslab = 806 + 115.5 = 922 kg. (say) = 9.22 quintals.
: Black iron wire@ 0;75 kg. per 10 sq m'=:7.5 kg.
Labour. -Mason-cum blacksmith @ I no. per quintal = 9 nos. [email protected]. per quintal = 9 nos.
Particulars .Quantity Rate Amount

Rs P. Rs. P.

(a) Materials.-M. S. reinforcement ... 9~qu

Waslage@ 5% ... 0.4
... 9.68 quo 880.00 per cr~. 8.518.40
Black iron wire (18 G) ... I 7.5 kg. 15.00 per kg. 112.50
(b) Labour. Blacksmith ... I 9 nos. 45.00 per day 405.00
Mazdoor (Bcldar)
Sundries, T. & P. I
... I nos. 25.00 ?
... IL.S.-2% (a + b) 46.30 L. S. II 225.00
Total = 9,301.20
lC) Water charge. - ,
... . @ 1% of the total.,; = 93.07
Total = 9,400.27
(d) Profit and Overhead. - ... @ 10% of the total = 940.03
:. Rate per sq. rn, = Rs. 103.40 Grand Total == 10.340.30
Note :-R. C, C. work are paid separately (a)for cement concrete work. (b)for M. S. reinforce
ment work and (c) for shuttering and staging as per practice of C. P. W. D. and also the procedure as
adopted by All India Standard Schedule ofRates.

--~--:.._~.: ._-"" . -~
17(a). R. C. C. work 1 : 1 -}: 3 for Beam with 2.0 % steel.
Consider first 10 cu m Unit ~ 1 cum
Materials For concrete I: i :3 same as in the articlell-5. S1.32
Steel @ 2% = 10 X 0.02 =0.2 cu m@ 78.5q/cu m = 15.7 Qtl
. Binding wire@ lkg/q 15.7 kg:" _-_ ..

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Rs. P. Rs. P.

(a) Materials.
Stone cheps 20 mm down ... 8.4 cu m 325.00 per cu m 2,730.00
Sand (Coarse) ... 4.2cu m 225.00 per cu m 945.00
Cement ... 2.8 cu m
= 80.7 bags 80.00 per bag 6,456.00
I Steel ... 15.7 Qtl. 880.00 per QtI. 13,816.00
- Binding wire ... 15.7 Kg 15.00 per Kg 235.50
Total = 24,182.50
(b) Labour
For concreting
same as in item no. 14 ... - - 735.00
(ii) For reinforcement
Blacksmith ... 15 nos, 40.00 Each per day 600.00
Mazdoor (Beldar) ... 15 nos. 25.00' " II 1\
Sundries, T. & P. etc. ... ~ % (a) + (b) L. S. 122.79
(c) Centering and sh.uttering
(Hire charge) including removing
@ 5% cost ofmaterials (a) . 24,182.50 x i~ L. S. 1209.10
Carpenter ... 10 nos. 40.00 Each per day 400.00
Mazdoor (Beldar) '" 10 nos. 25.00 " " " 250.00
Nails @ 10% of hire charge L. S. 120.90
.. Total = 27,995.29
(d) Water charges- ... @ 1% of the total 279.96
Total = 28,275.25
(e) Profit and Overhead ... @ 10% of the total 282.75
. . =Rs,
per cu m . " 2,855.70
. , " . .Grand
' Total.
..... =
... . .

Note: - One number Blacksmiih should be consideredfor one quintal of reinforcement:

The rate analysis for R. C. C. column is the same as that ofR. C. C. beam. Only the quantities of mate
rials shall have to be worked out according to the proportion of concrete and percentage of reinforcement.
In the rate analysis for R. C. C. column in basement in the item (c) above. shuttering only is required,
Therefore, shuttering should be 2% of the cost of materials of (a) above. 5 nos. Carpenters and 5 nos.
Mazdoors (Beldar) should be considered.
\I. 15(b) R. C. C. Lintel in 1 : 2 : 4 cement concrete and 0.9 % steel.
t The procedure for rate analysis is same as that of Sl. 17(a), Labour Blacksmith =7 nos.
Mazdoor =7 nos. For (c) above Carpenter =7n05. Mazdoor = 7 nos.

f _ _oO<==rioo-'........- _...._ ,:.;/

L--_.. __ .

19. Reinforced Brickwork in Slab with cement mortar (1': 3)

Considerfirst 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu m
Mortar required per 10 cu m =4.8 cu m. Cement = 4.8 ~ 4 = 1.2 cu m, sand = 1.2 x 3 = 3.6 cu m
Particulars --- --Quantity .. -----Rate . . Amqu!lt.
. Rs, P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.
1st class bricks @ 450 nos. per cu m . ... 4,500 nos. 950.00 per % nos. 14,275.00
Cement .,. ... 1.2 cu m.
=36 bags. 80.00 per bag 2,880.00
Sand (coarse) ... . . ... ;3.6 cum 225.00 per quo 810.00
M. S. bar@ 0.8% = 0.8 x -rtfif'
0.08 cu m
(of 1 cu m of M. S. bar = 78.5qu) ... 6.28 quo 880.00 per quo 5,526.40

(b) Labour. '.

HeadMason ... ... -1 no. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason '" ... . 10.nos. 45.00 " " "- 450.00'
Mazdoor (4 nos as Bhisti) ." 20 nos . 25.00 " " " 500.00

(c) M. S. work, -Bending, binding etc.

Black smith ... 5 nos. ~O.OO " " " 200.00
Mazdoor ... 6 nos. 25.00 " " " 150.00
::- .. "

(d) Centering and Shuttering.

Hire charge of timber planks
and hollies=1. labour charge i ~.
for M. S. work . ... 1. (290+150) 1,75.00 L. S. 175.00 t'
Carpenter ... 7 nos. 45.00 Each per day 315.00 .;"

Mazdoor ... 8 nos. 25.00 " " " 200.00 "

Nails ... L. S. 25.00 L. S. 25.00
.' Contingencies T; &P. etc. ... L.S. @~ (a-b) 59:65 72.33 ....
. :

Total= 1::,603.73 "'

... @l%.ofthe total = 156.04

Total = 115,759:',7
(f) Profit including Overhead. - @ 10% of the total :;: I 1,575.98

.. Rate per cu rn. = Rs, 1,733.57 Grand Total 1= 17,335.57

20. :R. B. work in roof slab when the unit is per sq. m. Conrider first 10 sq m.

For (i) One brick thick 10 cm slab : - Materials and labour =10 th of item no. 19.

(ii) Two brick thick 20 em slab : - Materials and labour =1

th of item no. 19.

}l. R. B. work in roof slab with cement mortar' for any other proportion to that of
item no. 19, find out quantity of cement and sand dividing 4.8 cu m of mortar by the summation of pro
portion. Others arc same as ill item no. 19. .
~. I
22. 2.5 em. thick cement concrete 1: 2 : 4 Damp-proof Course.
\ Considerfirst 100 sq m. Unit: 1 sq m
Calculation of Materials: - Vol. of concrete: 0.025 x 100 == 2.5 cu m. Summation of prop == 7.
Following the same principle as in the article 13-5. S1. 32; ecme?t =lrt{~Y ==O.~5 eu!!!: 16~m
r bags; sand == 0.55 x 2 == 1.10 cu in; sr<:)nc'chips' == 0.55 x 4 ~"2.20 cu m.

Warcr-proofir; compound = 3% by the weight of cement =lio x (16.5 x 50) = 25 kg (say)

~l_a_n_tj_ty__ ~_--:=_-=-=---
I Particulars Rate Amount
.. Rs. P. _ _-+---=-:.=.:--=--:..
Rs. P.

(a) Materials.-Stone chips 2.20 cu m 360.00 per cu m 792.00

Sand (coarse) 1.10 eu m 225.00 per cu m 247.50
Cement 16 . r1gs 80 per bag I 1,320.00.
Water proofing compound ~5 kg 10.00 per kg 250.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason (Mistri) 2 no: 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason S nos. 45.00 " 360.00
Mazdoor (including 1 no.
as Bhisti) 9 nos. 25.00 .. 225.00
.Form work
Coningencics, 7~ .& P. etc. "'1 mp 25.00 L. S.
LV sum 16.22 L. S.
.:. L.S.-pro(a+b)
Total = 3,260.22
(c) Water charges. - @ I % of the total : 32.60
Tolal = I. 3,292.82
(d) Profit and Overhead. - .@ 10% of the total - I 329.28
:. Rate per sq m = Rs. 36.22 Grand Total: 3,622.10 .
23. 20 rnm thick Damp-proof course with cement mortar (1.: 2)
Considerfirst 100 sq m Unit == 1 cu m
1 Calculation of Materials: - Vol. of wet mortar == 0.02; 100 == 2 cu m; Vol dry mortar == 2 + 2 x
'5 == 2.7 cu m. For 1 : 2 prop. Vol. of cement =='kJ =
=0.9 cu m: 27 bags, sand 0.9 x 2 == 1.8 cu m.
Water-proofing compound @ 2% by wt. of cement == (27 x 50) x.r6n = 27 kg.

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.-Cemcnt ... ' 27 bags 80.00 per bag 2,160.00
Sand (coarse) . 1.80 cu m 225.00 per eu m 405.00
Writer proofingcompound :Pkg 10.00 per kg 270.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason (Mistri) , 2: no .. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason ,. ... ' 5 nos. 45.00 " 225.00
Mazjioor (1 no. as Bl.isti ,.. \ 6 nos. 25.00 .. 150.00
Form work "'i Lump sum 25.00 L. S. 25.00
Contingencies, T. & P..etc. ... [LS.@ -fo (a + b) 14.95 L. S. 14.95
Total = 3,004,95
(c) Water charges. - @ 1% of the . total = 30.05
Total = 3,035.00
(d) Profit including Overhead. @ 10% of the total == 303.50

.. Rate per sq m = Rs. 33.39 Grand Total = 3.338.50

! ; , .
1313. Analysis of Rates for Ilrlckwork ; .
Calculation of materials pet 10 ell It). volume of brickwork ";
Number of metric brick having ~tze with mortar 10 em x 10 em x 20 em
.. ---- -~ :::-~ . ~.-----~~~-~;;S:OOOnos.
. 0.1 x O. i x 0.1
1'./1e size of one metric brick without mortar is 9 em x 9 ern x 19 em.
., Mortar required per 10 cu In = 10 - <'5.000 X 0.09 x 0.09 x 0.19)= 2.3 cu m. Due to frog filling, brick
bonding courses and wastage etc. increase this quantity by 15%. Volume of wet mortar = 2.3 + 2.3 x
0.15 = 2.64 cu m. When dry, increase this quantity bY1 I'd =2.64 + 2.64 x -j = 3.50 cu III (approximately),
In case of lime mortar the above quantity 3.50 cu m reaches up to 4.0 cu m. Such increase may be
justified considering the void in surki is more, joints are generally thicker and additionally less care i~ ob
served towards wastage. .
With 2nd class bricks, the quantity of cement mortar of 4.0 cu m and lime mortar of 4.2 cu mare
required according to t.he shape and size of 2nd. class bricks.
Number of traditional bricks having size with mortar 25.4 ern X 12.7 em x 7.6 em (i.e, 10" x 5" x 3"

= _ _ _-'-1_0__
0.254 x 0.127 x 0.076
._ '::079 nos. say 4,HJ<) '105. With this traditional size of bricks, joints are less
. '. .
and therefore lesser amount of mortar should be required. But due to larger size of frog and wider area of a
brick such variation may be minimised.
Number of traditional bricks having size with mortar 22.9 em x 11.4 em x 7.6 em

(i.e. 9" x 4 i"

X 3" = 0.229 x 0~~14 x 0.076 504 1 nos. say 5.000 nos. (due to thicker joints). The number
of bricks being same to that metric brick and the quantity of mortar is also same..
24. First class brickwork in lime and surki mortar (1 : 3 in foundation and plinth.)
Consider first 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation of Maie:iq.[s : - Lime d!.:P = 1.0 eu m, Surki =.1.0 x 3 = ,3.0 cu m.
Labour Gang : - (B) with adjustment. .'
Particulars Quantity Rate 'Amount
Rs. P. l Rs. P.
(a) Materials. - Brick (kiln)
Metrie 20 cm x 10 em x 10 em 5,000 nos. 950.00%0 nos.
Traditional125.4 em x 12.7 ern x 7.6 em 4,100 nos.
. 22.;'cm x 11.4 em x 7.6 em ... 1 5,00(rIIIJ,:,..
Surki 3.00 cu m 200.00 per cu m 600.00
Lime IrOO eu m 450.00 per Cll m 450.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason 2 nos. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason 8 nos. 45.00 360.00
Mazdoor (2 nos. as Bhisti) ... 15 nos. 25.00 375.00
Contingencies, T. & P., risk etc. ... I L. S. fa (a + b) 32.80 32.80
Toul= : 6.592.80
tl:) . Water charges. - @ 1% of the total : 65.93

(d) Profit and Overhead.

. _.... .....
_-~,.,...:..:...:. -_ ..... - ----_...""'"

25. First class brickwork in cement mortar (1 : 4) in superstructure, ground floor.

Consider first 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu m
. Calculation of Materials: - Cemen~ = 0.70 cu m; Sand::: 0.70 x 4 =2.8 eu rn,
Labour Gang -{B} with adjustment
.. _.
Particulars . Quantity . -Rate --AmOllnt-
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.
Bricks (kiln) 20 em x 10 em x 10 em .,. 5,000 nos. 950.00 per'%o nos. 4,750.00
Sand (medium) ... 2.8 cu m 160.00 per eu rn, 448.00
Cement 0.70 cu m = 21 bags < .. 21 bags I 80.00 bag 1,680.00
Scaffolding ... ... L. S. I 25.00 25.00
(b) Labour.
Head Mason ... ... 2. no. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason ... ... 8 nos. 45.00 Each per day 360.00
Mazdoor (2 Bhisti) ... ~qnos. 25.00 " " " 400.00
Contingencies, T. & P. etc. ... L.S. -7o(a+b) 38.44 38.44
Total = 7,726.44
(c) Water c~arges. ... @ l%of the total = 77.26
Total = 7,803.70
(d) Profit and Overhead. ... @ 10% of the total = 780.37
:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 858.41 Grand Total = 8,584.07
, .1
Brickwork for add~~~~:lal storey, labour cost of 1 Mason, 3 Mazdoors (Beldars), and a lump sum
amount Rs. 25.00 for scaffolding per 10 cu m volume of work are to be added over the ground floor as
illustrated below. According to All India Standard Schedule ofRate an extra over rate of 1 % shall is added
per floor of brickwork (taking each floor to be of avo 3m ht.) ..
26. First class brickwork in cement mortar 1 : 6 superstructure first floor .
. - Considerfirst 10 cu m . Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation of Materials: - Cement 2;f = 0.5 eu m; Sand = 0.5 x 6 = 3.0 cu m.
Labour Gang - (B) with additions as stated in the above note.
(a) Materials.
Bricks (kiln) 20 cmx 10em x 10 em
5,000 nos. 950.00 per%o nos. 4,750.00
(For 25.4 em x 12.7 em x 7.6 em)
4,1000 nos.
, .. (For 22.90 em x 11.4 em x 7,6 em)
5,000 nos.
Sand (medium)
3cum 160.00 percu m 480.00
Cement 0,5 cu m 15 bags
= IS bags 80.00 per tag i,200.00
Scaffolding . ~~ S. 38.00 L.S. 38.00
(1)) Labour ... ~ ff~~rl Mac::on". .:2 no.. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason 9 nos. 45.00- .;...,' 405.00

Mazdoor (2 nos. as Bhisti) 2q nos. 25.00 . 500.00

Contingencies, T. & P. etc. L. S. ---;p,!o (a + b) 36.99 " 36.99

I Totnl= 7,.n4.99 "
(c) Water charges. @ 1% of (a + b). the total = 74.35
Total = -7.509-34"
(d) Profit and Ourhead. the total
@ 10% of == 750.93
:. ~.{ale per cu m =
Rs. 826.03 Grand TOIll = H.260.27
27. Second class brickwork in crm eut mortar (1 : 6) in foundation and plinth.
Consider first 10 cu m .. . Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation of material is same as item no. 2-\. Only reduce the Labour-head. Number of labours Mason >
7 nos., Mazdoor 14 nos. (2 nos. as Bhisti) 9thcrs arc the same.

28. 'First class brickwork in plain arches: in superstructure sp~n not exceeding 6m in
cement mortar 1 ; 4 including ~entering andshuttering complete.
. 'Consider first 10 cu m , . Unit = 1 cu m
Centering and shuttering :- Considering a semicircular arch 3.601 clear span 3.0 m long an4 0.40 m thick
area of centering nrl, =3.142 x 1.8 x 3,0 = 16.97 sq m,' Brickwork in arch = 1t X rm x t xL 3.142 x 2 x 0.4 . ,:~
--: .._ - ' "',", :T6.97' ,." '.'" " ":j

x 3.0 = 7~54 cu m. Area per 10 cu m '= 7.54 x 10 = 22.5 sq rn.'

-.' I.

Particulars '

Quantity Rate

Rs, P
Rs P.

(a) Materials. - ;
First class bricks (Metric) ... sooo' nos. 950.00 per %0 nos. 4,750.00
Sand (medium) ... 2.80 cu m 160.00 per cu m 1448.00
Cement 0.70 cu m = 21 bags .,. 21 bags 80.00 per bag 1i680.00
Centering and shuttering ... 22.5 sq m 40.00 per sq m 900.00
Scaffolding Lump sum 35.00 L. S. 35.00
(b) Labour. -
Head Mason (Mistri)
10 nos.
50.00 each per day
45.00 It 11
Mazdoor (2 nos. as Bhisti) " :.. 27: nos. , 25.00
Contingencies, T. & P. etc ... L. S. -Wo (a + b) '45.32 L.S,
Total- 8,908.32 '
(c) Water Charges. - @ ~% of the total = ' 8908
Total = 8,997.40
(el) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% - 899.74
:.Rate per cu m = Rs.989.71 Grand Total-9897.14
According to is-1200. the brickwork rate for arches ofspan not exceeding tim, hire and labour charges for
centering and shuttering shall be included in the item and for spans exceeding 6 m centering and shuttering
shall be measured separately.
29: Half brick i.e. 10 em brick wall in :ceinent mortar (1 : 3) with H..B. netting in every';
third layer (ground floor). '. 'Consider first 100 sq m. Unit 1 ~q m
Calculation of Materials : - Bricks (metric)
. _ , '
0.10 x 0.20
= 5,000 nos.
Volume of mortar 35% to the volume of work = 100 x O.10x 0.35 = 3.5 cu ID'. Due to half brick
work, volume of morlf becomes 10% less than 3.5 cu m. '= 3.5 -r- 0.35 = 3.15 cu m . '
:. CementIt' = 0.79 cu rn; Sand = 0.79 x 3::::; 2.37 cu m. , .
V(ife netting for every third layer i.e.;30 em intervals (considering a wall 10m length x 10 m height)
::::; 10 x U31) = 334 rm; with 10 em wide.area of netting = 334 x 0.10 = 33.4 sq m. Labour Gang-{C)
(a) Maten3ls
Bricks 20 em x 10 em x 10 em 5,000 nos. 950.00 per %0 nos 4,750.00
(For 25.4, em x 12.7 em x 7.6 em) 4,100 nos.
(For 25.9 ern ;: 11.4 em x 7.6 em). 5,000 nos.
Sand (medium) , 2.37 cu m 160.00 per eu m ;379.20
Cement 0.79 cu m == 23 bags 23 bags 80.00 per bag 1,840.00
H. B. Wire netting 33.4 sq m 30.00 per sq m 1,002.00
Sc~[[olding L. S. , 35.00 L. S. , 35.00 .:!.
(b) Labour I
HeadMason "'2 no. , 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason 14 nos. 45.00" " " 630.00
Mazdoor (3 nos. as Bhisii) 21 nos. 25.00 " 525.00
Contingencies. T. & P. etc. L. S.-fk (a -t- b) 45.93 L. S.. 45.93

Total 9,232'.13

(c) Water charges ,@ l%pf the total = 92.32

Total = -9,124.45
(e1) Profit and O\'erhead @ 10% of the totel 932.45
:. Rate per sq m = Rs, 102.57 Grand Total = 10,256.90

30. Half brickwork for each higher storey :-- Labour cost of 3 Mazdoors (Beldars) is to be add
ed to lift the materials over and above Sl. 31. '
31. Second class Brickwork in mud mortar in superstructure, ground floor,
Consider first l Ocu m ' Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation cf.Matcrials : -Bricks (metric size) =5;000 nos, Selected Clay=4.0cum; '"
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials. -
13 ricks 2nd class (metric) 5,000 nos. 950.00 per %0 nos. 4,750.00
Clay (selected loamy soil) 4.0cu m 15.00 per cu m 60.00
Scaffolding , L. S. 35.00 L. oS. 35.00
(b) Labour. -
Head Mason 4: nos. 50.00 Each per day', 12.50
Mazdoor (1 no. as Bhisti)
Contingencies, T. & P. etc.
." t 8 nos.
12-hnos.' .
... L. S. to (a + b)
45.00 "
25.00 "
" ",
27.58 L. s.~ 27.5~

To~1 = I 5545.08
(c) Water charges. - @ 1% of the total = I 55.45
Total = 5,600.53
(d) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% of the total = 560.05
:. Rate per cu m Rs. 616.06= Grand Total = 6,160.58
13-14. Analysis 01 Rates for Stone Masonry :~
32. Random Rubble Masonry in cement mortar (1 : 6) in foundation and plinth.
..... Consider first 10 cu m , Unit = 1 cu in
Calculation of Materials: - Volume of mortar per 10 ell m =4.2 eu rn, cement =4l
=0.60 cu m
Sand = 0:60 x 6 =3.60 ell m.

II Labour Gang - (B) with adjustment.

'(a) Materials. - ,
Stone (undressed) , 11.7 ell m 100.00 per cu m ' 1,170.00
,Thorough stone or Headers 0.8 cu m 115.00 " " ,92.00
Cement 0.60 cu m = 17 bags' 17 bags 80.00 per bag 1,360.00
Sand (medium) , 3.6 cu m 160.00 " " 576.00
(b) Labour.
H'?3.d Mason '. .. "VL no:
Mason 1 ..., ' 10 nos.
Mazdoor (12 nos. as Bhisti) 19 nos.'
, Contingencies. T. & P. etc L. S. 470 (a+ b)

(c) Water Charges. - ,@ 1% or the total

(d) Profit and Overhead.

:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 463.15 Grand Total = 4,631.47
33. Random Rubble Masonry in cement mortar (1 : 6) in superstructure.
Consider first 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation of Materials: -Sarnc as above. Add scaffolding L. S. Rs. 45.00
Labour Gang - Increase by 1 no. mason and Mazdoor in item no. 32:



. ~ ~ t
~ ; . '

The calcularion of mortar for Random Rubble Stolle Masonry. .,"

c'oilsidcr l t) ':1/ m ~olllmc~f work,
Dry lime mortar of 4.4 eu III and cement mortar of 4.2 cum per 10 eu m vollime of work will be
required. Dividing these quantities of mpnars by the.summation of proportions'und rnuhiplylng the result
.bythc respce.tJYGstf(~!lglh of\qtl.~Qt!ll~S of ingrc.fli.c.n.!s.Il~~e. Q.~~_n, sllQ\~DJ~I.()~'{. _. .., .

Lime mortar Liru e Sand or Sudd

Proportion 1: 2 105 ell III 3.0 ell III
I :3 I.leu m 3.3 ell In
1:4 n.'> ell m 3.6 cu m

Cement mortar Cement Sllnd

Proportion 1 : 3 1.0 cu rn (30 bags) . 3.0 cu m
1:4 ... 0.84 cu m (24-1 bags) 3.4 eu m
1:5 0.7 cu III (20 hags) 3.5 cu m
1:6 ... 0.6 cu m (17 bags) 3.6 cu m

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Rs. P.
Rs. P. . :\
(a) Materials.-S lone J1.7eum 100.00 per cu m 1,170.0.1) 1
Thorough stone or Headers 0.8 ell m 115.90 per cu m 92.00 ,-"..... :
Cement 0.57 eu m
= 17 bags 80.00 per bag 1;360.00
Sand (medium) 3.40 cu m 160.00 per cu m 544.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason
. 1
2 no. 50.00 Each dayper I

. II
It '
585.00 ..:

Mason 13 nos. 45.00 "

Mazdoor (11 nos. as Bhisti) 20 nos. 25.00 500.00
Contingencies. T. &P., ClC. L. S.-fk (a + b) 21.38 L. S. 21.~S

Total = 4.'297.38
(c) Water charges. @ 1% of the total :::; 42.97
Total :::;' .1 ~~0.35
. . --(d) Profit and Overhead. the tow I =. 434.04

:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 477.44 Grand Total =4,774.39

35. Coursed Rubble (C. R.) stone masonry in cement mortar (1 : 6) in Superstructure.
Considerfirst 10 cu m Unit = 1 ell m
Calculation of Materials: - Same ns above. Add scaffolding Rs. 40.50 L. S.
Labour Gang. - Increase by 2 nos. ~'L\son and 4 nos. Mazdoor in item no. 34.



36. Ashlar Masonry in cement mortur (1 : .6) ill superstructure ground floor.-
Consider first 10 cu m Unit = 1 cu m
Calculation of Materials: - Volume or mortar per 10 eu m == 2.5 eu m.
Cement =.-"L/ == 0.36 eu In. Sand == 0.36 oX 6 = 2.2 ell m. Labour Gang - (C) wilh adjustment.
Particulars .... Qliiii1Tity_ --'.. Rate ... AmoiTnr- .
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) 1\1 a ter ials.-S tone (undressed) 12.5 eu m
100.00 per cu In 1,250.00
Cement 0.36 cu m :=: 10 ~ b:lgS = 10~ bags
::W.OO per bag 1,040.00
Sand (medium) 2.20 eu m
160.00 per eu In 416.00
Scaffolding L. S. 35.00 L. S. 35.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason '21 I~()~. 50.00 Each per clay 25.00
. Mason ... 25 1\(,)';. . 45.00 " "1,125.00
Mazdoor (l~ nos. as Bhisti) 1 35 :i():'. I 25.00" " " 875.00
Contingencies, T. & P. etc. ... ~.:.J% (a +.J:'_)_1:~~?__"_' _._.~~. _". 23.83
Total = 4,789.83 i
(c) Water charge. - @ 1% of the total = 4'7.90
I ... .:' 7-'
To !.aI = l'-l. 8~- '"I A

(d) . Profit and overhead. - @ 10% of the total = \ "483:77

:. Rate per eu m = Rs. 532.15 GrandTotul=Rs.5,321.50
Ashlar Masonry for different proportions :
Consider first 10 cu m volume of work
Cement mortar of 2.5 Cl~ In per 10 cu m volume of work will be required. Dividing these quantities of
mortars by the summation of proportions and multiplying the result by the respective strength of propor
tion, can be calculated. Labour is same for different proportional.
13-15. Analysis of Rates for flooring :
37. Brick on edge floor with cement mortar (1 : 3)
Consider first 10 sq m Unit = 1 sq m
Calculation of Materials: - Same as balf brickwork from S1. 32. Wire netting is not required,
Labour Gang - (B)
(a) Materials:-Brieks 20 em x 10 em x 10 em I 5,000 nos. 950.00 per %0 nos. 1 4,750.00
Sand (medium) . 2.37 eu m 160.00 per eu m 1 379.20
Cement 0.79 cu no = 2: :~.:.:;.' \ 23 bags 80.00 per bag 1,8.:10.00
~:b) !_".buur- ~:1~~~"'~ :', I Al ~~:.i ;~:~ E~eh per day! ~~~:~g
Mazdoor ',1 no. as Bhi~,i) \ 15 nos. : 25.()() .. 3'7:'.OCl
C0ntim:cncie:>.T.&P. cic.:
-- "'.
l..._ _ _ _ ._ _ _
__ L
.. __ __ .. __ . ,:.:l.10
---J. - .

TOllll= 17,Si~.2U_
(el \"',lter charges @ 1ljo of the total =: -:-~.1l)
Total = 7,897.39 I
Cd) Profit ancl Overhead @ 10% of the tOlal I 1.7~.).74
.. Rate per sq rn = Rs, 86.87 GranclTol3I=8.6.Q.13
Note- Size of m~tri~ brick being 20 \.'111 X 10 cmx 10 em with mortar and so brick nat llc..'rin.g
becomes same to thatbrick on edge flooring. For brick soling the quantity or sand is same to that
ty of mortar for 10 ell 111 of brickwork = 3.5 cu m. ..

.....- . . . - . -,-. "'C'Q;lI;o..:o;.-- _.' ...::.I



504 '.1'
38. 7.5 em thick cement concrete floor 1 : 4 : 8 with overbur:nt brick chips.
Consider first 100 sq m. . Unit =1 sq m
. Calculation of Materials: - Volume of concrete =0.075 x 100= 7.5 cu rn: summation of proporti
. 16 75
on :::.J.:L4+8= 13. Following the same stated-in 13-32, Cement =f(f',
Sand = 0.92 x 4 = 3.68 cu m, Brick chips= 0.92 x 8 ;: 7.36 cu m..

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

. Rs. P. Rs .. P.
(a) Matcrials.-Brick chips (20 rnrn down) ... 7.36 cu m 250.00 per cu m. 1,840.00
I Sand (coarse)
... 3.68 cu m 160.00 " " 588.80
Cement 0.92 ern - 17.6 bags
... 27.6 bags 80.00 per bag 2,208.00
1 25.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason ... 2. no. 50.00 Each per day
Mason ... 10 nos. 45.00 " " " 450.00
Mazdoor (2 nos. as 'Bhisti) ... . 20 nos . 25.00 " " " 50C.00
Contingencies, T. & P. etc. L. S. +0
(a + b) 28.06 L. S. - 28.06
Total = 5,639.86
(c) Water charges. .. , @ l%of the total ;: 56.40
Total::: 5,696.2(5
(d) Profit and Overhead. ... @ 10% of the total == .569.63
:. Rate per sq m == Rs. 62.66 Grand Total == 6,265.89
39. "Terraced flooring with brick' chips, surki and stone lime (l ~ : 2 : 7) 7.5 em thick.
Consider first 100 sq m Unit =.1 sq m
Calculation of Materials: - Wet volume of concrete > 0.075 xlOO = 7.5 cu m. For 10 cu m of wet
v?l~e, ~y vol. required = 16 cu m. :. For7.5 cu m of wet voL, dry vol. required - ~ x 7.5 == 12 cu m. Di
viding this by the summation of proportion 1 + 2 + 7 = 10.5 and then multiply ing the same by the ratio.
Lime =lb~5 x 11 = 1.7 cu m: Surki == Ib~5x 2 = 2.3 eu m, Brick chips =lb~5 x 7 = 8 eu m
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.-Briek chips (20 mm down) 8 cum 250.00 per cu m 2,000.00
Surki 2.3 cu m 200.00 per cu m 460.00
Lime (Slaked white) 1.7eum. 450.00 per eu m 765.00
(b) Labour; '
Head.Mason ' L no.
I . 50.ooEaehpcr day I' 25.00
Mason ::: 5 nos. 45.00" " ", 225.00
Mazdoor (3 nos. as Bhisti) I 40 nos. 25.00" " i 1,000.00
Contingencies T. & P., etc. ... li, S. -lac (3. -"- b)
i ~
22.37 L. S. I 22.37

(c) Water charges. @ 1% of

me total ::::: i ::::~E
(d) Profit and Overhead. - @ lock of . the total = 454.23
.. Rate per sCI m = Rs. 49.97 Grand TOLaI = 4,996.57
\~ 40. 25 nun t hick Cement Concrete or artificial stone flooring (l : 2,: 4).
I Consider first 100 sq m ' Unit = I sq m
Calculation of Materials: - Volume of concrete = 0.025 x 100= 2.5 eu m.
Summation of proportion> 1 + 2 + 4 = 7. Following the same procedure as stated in 32 of 13-5.

0 1 ,=
4 5
0.55c:urn~*~~:'; 16.17; say-r6hiigs.
Sand:: 0.55 x 2 = 1.10 eu m, Stone chips = 0.55 x 4 = 220 eu m
Analysis :
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.-Stone chips (12 rom down) .. , 2.20 cu m
325.00 per eu m 715.00
Sand (coarse) ... 225.00 per cu m
1.10 eu III 247.50
Cement ... 16 bags 80.00 per bag 1,280.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason ... -i no. 50.00 Each day
U ,10
Mason ... 8 nos. 45.00 360.00
Mazdoor ( 7. nos. as Bhisti) ... 10 nos . 25.00
. 10
Contingencies, T. & P., etc. L. S. +0
(a + b) 14.80 L. S. 14.80
Total =
(c) Water charges. - ... @ 1% of the total = 28.92
Total = 2,921.22
(d) Profit and overhead. - ... @ 10% of the total = 292.12
.'. Rate per sq m = Rs. 32.13 Grand total =3,213.34
41. Neat Cement Punning (about 1.5 mm thick) to floor, wall, dado, window sills etc.
Consider firstiOO sq m Unit = I sq m
Calculation of Materials: - Volume for 100 sq m with a thickness of 1.5 mm
100 x 0.001':; = J.15 cu m. Increase the Vol. by 25% when dry.
=' 0.15 + 0.15 x
?60 =-&H
= 0.19 cu m
= 5.59 sayS bags.
Particulars Quantity Rate I Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.-Cement 51 bags. 80.00 per bag I 440.00
(b) Labour. - Mason ... \ 2"2 nOS. 50.00 Each per my 125.00
Mazdoor .: 1 "2 ~ 'nos. \25.00 u' , UN"I 62.50
Contingencies. T. & P. etc. "IL.S. 2%(a+b) i 3.14 L..S. i
Total = I 630.64
(c) Water charges. - @ I % of the total. :: 6.31
Total = 636.95
(d) Profit and over headv> @ 10% of the total, :: 63.69

:. Rate' per sq m = Rs, 7.00 Grand total es 700.64

42. 2.5 em thick artificial stone or cement concrete (1 : 2 4) floor with neat cement
punning at top :-- Combination of item nos. 40 and 41. '

~.tJime _
., ~ '.

. .",. , '~ ~,
43. When the cement punning shall be .of Red Oxide cement punning, the quantity of red
oxide shall be @ 3.5 kg per bag at' cement. _. . , ' . - .
Mason::: 3 nos. instead of 2.Jin9~. and all other PiJrticulurs\\rC the sam~'as S.L. 4 L
44. 40 mmthick noorin'~--utiderlaycr-pf:,lOn"iffi ,hickceme-nt--<;ouHete-{l-: -2: 4) and
topJayer of 10 mm thick red oxide cement plaster (1 : 3) using 3.5 kg. of red oxide of iron
per bag of cement (each bag of 5Q kg) finished: with a floating coal of neal cement red oxide mix of same
proportion. .' \
-, Conside r first 100 sq m. Unit::: 1 sq m.
Calculation of mat eria is :~ (i) For under-bed of 30 mm thick cement concrete (l : 2 : 4).
Vol. ::: 0.030 x 100 ~ 3 cu m. Following the same procedure as in sl.32 article 13-5.
f6 1 : :
:. Cerncnt 1 4 x 0.66 cu m ::: 19.4 bags. Sand::: 0.66 x 2 ::: 1.32 cu rn,
-Storie chips::: 0.66 x4 ::: 2.64 cu m. - .
(ii) For Top layer 10 mmihick mortar (1 .' 3) : - Vol. of mortar 0.010 x 100::: 1.0 cu m; for
rough under bed increase this vol. by 20% ::: 1.0 + 0.20::: 1.2cu m (wet.) = 1.2 + Y
= 1.60 cu m(dry).
:. Cement = l.go = 0.40 cu m ::: 11.76 bags; Sand::: 0.4 x 3 ::: 1.2 cu m. _
(iii) For floating coat t- Cement @ 2.2 kg/sq. m::: 100 x 2.2 ::: 220 kg ::: 4.40 bags.
:. Total quantity of cement for top layer 11.76 + 4.40::: 16.16 bags.

'Quantity of red oxide @ 3.5 kg per bag of cerncnt 16.16 x 3.5 ::: 57 kg;

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Rs .. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.- (i) For under bed-
Stone chips (12 mm down) 2.64 cu m -1325.00 per cu m 858.00
Sand (coarse) 1.32 eu m 225.00 per cu m 297.00
Cement 19.40 bags 80.00 per bag 1,552.00
(ii) & (iii) For LOp layer & finishing
Sand (medium) 1.2 cu m 160.00 per cu m 192.00
Cement 16.16bags 80.00 per bag 1,292.80
Red oxide . 5Tkg. 28.00 per kg. 1,596.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason 1 no. y
50.00 Each per da \ 50.00
Mason (9 + 8 + 3) 20 nos. 45.00 It " 900.00 "

Mazdoor (5 nos. as Bhisti) 27nos 25.00 675.00

tl " "

Special Mazdoor for rub:':';i1t; 3 nos. . 35.00 105.00

I ~8 03 L S I ~x C-
It "

Contingencies T. & P. etc. .. 'IL. S. T'o (a + b) I ~.

.. I__ d~::~~
~ !.
Total= !,.643.H3
(c) Water charges. - @ l%of the total = ~_ 7(l.44
TOLal = -I 7,i20.27
(d) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% of the total :::
:. Rate per sq m = Rs. 84.92 Grand total = 8,492.30
45. Cement plastered skirting (1 : 6) finished with. a floating coat of neat cement red
oxide mix @ 3.5 kg per bag of cement. (2.2 kg of cement per sq m for floating coat). Method of
calculation is same as (iii) For cement plaster see item no. 55. Labour -combination of s1. 43 and 55.

13-16. Notes on Terrazzo. Flooring :-,- This is a special type of concrete flooring in which mar
ble chips are used as coarse aggregates and laid over conventional cement concrete under layer. Terrazzo
concrete comprises a mixture of cement and marble chips of sizes from 1 mm to 4 mm nominal of select
ed colours as coarse aggregate in a proportion I : 2 or I : 3. Marble powderby-1 rd. weight of cement is
mixed with cement. The excess volume due to addition of marble powder may be considered for surface.
cutting volumcurrdsturryturbuucrirrg affCf-eaCllctiC'Mm15l6 chips-arc'"io\efb:iwclghC-fcum-~' 16.5
quintals. Pigment is used with cemellt@ 3.5 kg per bag of cement (l bag 50 kg).
(a) For dark shade pigment ordinary cement is used; (bifor light shade pigment white cement is
used and (c) for medium shade pigment approximately 50% white cement and 50% ordinary cement is
used. Terrazzo work is polished three times as 1st cut. 2nd cut and final cut.
46. Terrazzo floor, 6 rnrn thick Terrazzo (1 : 2) over 20 mrn cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4).
Consider first 100 sq m (Dark shade using ordinary cement) Unit::: 1 sq m
Calculation 0/ materials.~ (i) Volume of concrete at base = 0.02 x 100::: 2 cu IT! (wet). Increase
this vol. by 20% for rough sub-base = 2 -I- 2 x ?~O = 2.4 cu m (wet) == 2.4 x 1.5 = 3Ji cu rn dry.
:. Cement =31- = 0.50 cu m; Sand = 1.00 cu m; Stone chips = 0.50 x 4 = 2.00 cu m.
(ii) Volume of Terrazzo = 0.006 x 100 = 0.6 cu m (wet) = 0.6 x 1.5 = 0.90 cu m (dry).
:. Cement =<J{Q= 0.3 cu m = 9 bags, Marble chips = OJ x 2 = 0.6 ell m = 0.6 x 16.5 =9.90 Qtl,
I Marble powder = j rd by weight of cement =9 x~ '= 150 kg. = 1.5 Qtl, Pigment = @ 3.5 kg per bag
of cement = 9 x 3.5 = 31.5 kg. . . . . .
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials.-(i) For c. c. base~
Stone chips (12 mm down) 2.0 cu m 325.00 per ell m 650.00
Sand (coarse) 1.0 cu m 225.00 per cu m 225.00
. Cement = 0.50 cu m = 15 bags IS bags 80.00 per bag 1,200.00
(Ii) For Terrazzo-
Marble chips (1 mm to 4 mm size) 9.90 ou 130.00 per Qtl. 1,287.00
Cement 9 bags 80.00 per bag 720.00
Marble powder 1.50 ou. 138.00 per ou. 207.00
Pigment @ 3 ~ l.-~ per bag 31.5 kg 16.50 per kg. 519.75
(b) Labour. - Head Mason . 1 no. 50.00 Each per day 50.00
Mason 20 nos. 45.00 . 900.00
-- , * Mazdoor (4 nos. as Bhisti) 30 nos. 25.00 750.00
Polisher 98 nos. 25.00 2,450.00
Polishing stone (carborundum) L. S.
90.00 90.00
Oxalic acid powder L.,S ..
90.00 90.0t;
Contingencies T. & P. etc' ... Ii.... S. -~% (a + by 4.5.69 L. S. 45.69
Total =! 9,184.44
(c) \Yater rhargt:S. - @ I (.:~, 0 r the = ~J..&4-
Tot.;.1i = i 9,276.28
(d) . @ I v;c uf .' tile tow I = i 927.63
:. !bll r'~'r <q rn'= l~~. 1()2.0J GrJlldLOtJI=IO,203.91
Extra/or providing und fixing afrlll:!f::;,": strips -10 mn; \\:.fc and 1.5 111111 thick.
Details or L"O~t Ior lOO III Aluminiuu: ~!:2l'[~ for strips =.:: ](\() x O.O-i- = 4 sq 111 + 0.2 (for wastage)
= 4.2 sq 111 @ 4.l kg per sq 111 = 17.2 k~. For sec 11l1tl'S or sl. 49.
*Notc :~ tdachil1('. is usually lISl'l! I'm p\1Iishil1g. The labour charge of polishers should equalise
the hire charge of Ill;IChiI1C and the Llb\ll1l" Clbt d operatorwith helper.

, ,

47. Terrazzo skirting or Dado (up to 30 cm height) top layer 6mm thick Terrazzo 1 : 2 over 12 mm ",
thick cement plaster under layer (l : 3). Slack or white colour. , ' ,.
" ":!':,: , ,': , Consider first lOOsqm Unit = 1 sq m
Calculati~n ofMaterials: -' (i) For 12 mm thick cement plaster (1 : 3), same procedure as fo~"_,, '
plasteti~g:.vol.u()f,c.eme,Qt=.='~, =.0.47 cu,m'="'o~b~~,=nl-3$2-say'14bags-;sand-,=nl:4t'cTf'm"-" ,
",' ", (ii) For Terrazzo : - Same as for Terrazzo flooring. " '
Analysis :....:...

Particulars Quantity Rate

Rs. P.
I Amount
Rs. P.

(a) Materials.-(i) For cement plaster base--

Sand (medium) ... 1.41 cu m 160.00 per cu m 225.60
Cement ... 14 bags 80.00 per bag 1,120.00
(ii) "For TerrQ2.z~
Marble chips (1 mm to 4 rnm) -,.. 9.90 QU. 130.00 ou,
\ 1,287.00
Cement ... 9 bags 80.00 per bag
Marble powder .., 1.50 ou. 138.00 per QU.
Pigment @ 3.5 kg per bag , .... 31.5 kg. 16.50 per kg. 519.75

(b) Labour. - Head Mason . .. l no. 50.00 Each per day 50.00
Mason .. , 26 nos. 45.00""" 1,170.00
,Mazdoor (4 nos. as B histi) '" 44 nos.
' ' 25.00 '.,:" " ", " 1,100.00
Polisher ... 98 nos. 25.00""" 2,450.00
Oxalic acid ,powder ... L. S. " 90.00 L. S.' ' 90.00 ,
Polishing stone ... L. S. 90.00 L. S. 90,00
Contingencies T. & P. etc. ... L.S. iro(~+bY 45.15L'S: .. ,45.15
-#".. Total:= -.
, "

.. ;-
' ::..".: -." '.
(c) Water charges. . @ 1% of the .total. .' .' 90.74,
.Toril; 9,165.24
-', .. " .~.

(-2) Profit and Overhead. - " . : @ 10% of.: . the total 916.52

:. Rate per sq m =
Rs, 100.81 Grand total 10.081.76
~!~~e - (1~':'/ chocolate: greyor yellow marole chips 'areused instead of whlte, blnck or white and
black chips then extra cost shall be added with allowance for water charges and contractor's profit,
(2) If aluminium strips 40 mm wide and 1.6 mm thick are used in joints of Tcrraizo floor then
cost of aluminium strips and labour charge @ -A th Mason and th Mazdoor per 10 m of Aluminium
strip shall be added along with the additions for wastage of Aluminium strip @ 5% and water charges,
pout CIC.
. .
(3) For laying terrazzo floor on staircase, treads not exceeding 30 em in width including the cost of
forming etc. extralabour charge per 100 sq. m. Mason 3 nos. and Mazdoor 6 nos. shall be added in the la
bour gang.
(4) Extra for laying terrazzo in narrow band not exceeding 75 em wide shall be added thus :
5 em band 200 m long Mason and Mazdoor. i .

~~;;;;:;;;;;;=====",.,.,.....---_ .._--._--_.. _.,_._----_. ' .---'---_.,

48. Precast terrazzo tiles 20 mrn thick white and black marble chips' of sizes up. t06 mm
laid hi- floors, treads of steps and landings on 25 mm thick bed of lime.mortar (1.: 2)jointed with
neat cement slurry mixed wiLh pigment to match the shade of the tiles and high polishing,
Consider firstlOO sq m. (Dark shade using ordinary cement) Unlt s I sq m..
Calculation materials : '-Terrazzo -Liles-;" lOOsq m+.-lO%,wast.age ::;;.1l0_sq~: m, ,, ,
(Note: The w-stage has been allowed by the All India standard
. ,schedule
. of Rates).
. Vol. of lime mortar = 0.025 x 100 = 2.5 cum (wct.), Increase this vol. by 20% for rough sub
base == 2.5 + 2.5 x ?go== 3.0 eu 01 (wet) = 3.0 + -1- x 3= 4.0eu 01 dry.
,:. Slaked white lime = 4:p_ = 1.33 eu 01; surki -e 2.67 cu m.
Analysis :
Particulars Quantity , Rate Amount

Rs. P. Rs.' P.

(a) Materials.'
20 mm thick terrazzo tiles
(including 10% wastage) , .., 110.00 sq 01 78.00 per sq 01 8,580.00
r Surki ... ... 2.67 cu m 200.00 534.00
I" ~laked white lime , ... 1.33 eu m 450.00 per cu 01 598.50
Fement for slurry over bedding @ 4.4 kg/sq m
f 440 kg. = 8.8 bags " ... 8.80 bags 80.00 per bag 704.00
iI t Cement for grouting ... 8.80 bags 80.00 per bag 704.00
Pigment (dark shade) @ 3.5 kg per
of cement
(for grouting) ... 30.8 kg 16.50 per kg . 508.20
l (b) Labour. -
' .
Head Mason .. . 1 no. ' 50'.00Each per day -50.00
J :. Mason ... 20 nos, 45.00""" ',900.00
I " 'Mazdoor . ,'... .':~:2Ciios:--- 25~OO' .. " " 525.00
i Polisher ... ' 65 nos. 25.00 n i l .. 1,625.00
Polishing stone (carborundum) . ':., , , ... 'L S'. 9b~00 L. S., 90.00
j Oxalic acid powder' " . ... L~ p.~ ..'/ .90~~0 :L.. S.. 90.00
Contingencies, ::. & P. etc. L.S.2 'fIo (a+ b) 7~.54 L S. ,' 74.54

) (c) Water Charges. @ 1% of the total =
, . Total =
!\!I (d) Profit and Overhead. @ 10% of the 'total =
... Rate per sq .m = Rs, 166.46 Grand total = 16.646.38
*(1) For medium shades 50% ~f white cement and 50% ordinary cement shall beaceounted for
i" grouting i.e. 4.4 bags while cement @ Rs. 250 per .bag and 4.4 bags @ Rs. 80.00 per bag.
)' (ii) For light shades 8.8 bags of white cement @ Rs. 250.00 per bag shall be calculated.

! 'Note :~ (1) If terrazzo tiles arc laid in treads of steps not exceeding 30 cm in width extra labour

r shall be added per 100 sq 01 Mason 2 nos., Mazdoor 2 nos. and' polisher nos. .,' &1'
(2) Floors are polished three times. After polishing each time cement grout with colouring pigment ,
r. is lapped over the floor to fill up joints etc. and left out for some days before the 2nd time polishing.
~ ..
, )

.r _. . _ _ .~ ._ .. _ ..._._ .'. ....

~ .. I

. : i ~ , ".: : ' . :.: ': -i,,,;, . ': .. "!' .."" ~ ',.:I:; . "
1317. Analysls 'of. Rates for,' -Roof'lng.: ":. '. .' . - ......
49. 10' c'm":
a~erage' thick lime'
ter'radng on . R: .C. roof 'wlth 2S trim' 'gauge overburnt.'
brick ballast at first floor' (proportion 2 : 2 : 7);
. Consider first 100 sq m. . Unit = J sq m.
Catcutatton "m.ateria[s-: --...,;;' sumrnauon 'of pta-portions '::-2--,.--2 T'-?" :::"ll--------,t"--- -- ~ - -" _. _.- ...--".--- -
Wet volume of concrete 0.10 x 100 = =10 cu m. Lime = l1 .x 2 = 2.9 cu ni. Surki = 2:9 cu m.
Brick ballast
- ~~ x 7 - 10 20 cu m
Particulars ~itY.. Rate
Rs. P.

Rs. P.

(a) Mater-ials. - ::-

Overburnt brick ballast (25 mmgauge) ... 10.2 cu m 250.00 per cu m 2,550.00

Surki ... 2.9 cu m , 200.00 per cu rn 580.00

Lime (white slaked) ... 2.9 cu m 450.00 per cu m 1,350.00
. Molasses (Gur) ... L. S . 35.00 L. S . 35.00
(b) Labour.
(i) For laying-s-
Head Mason . .. ... "2 no . 50.00 Eachper day' "25.00
... 1 no. 45.00 .-" " . 'I"
Mazdoor (3 nos. as Bhisti) '" 20 nos. 25.00 " " " 500.00
.}" .'
(ii) For beating lime concrete-s- .
Mason '. ... 10 nos. 45':00 . "
450.00 "
.on,' . I .. ~:~
. Mazdoor (3 nos. as Bhisti): ... '22 nos . 25.00 550.00 "
.Mazdoor (female 6 hours a day) 65 20.00 ." II",

Contingencies, T. & P., etc. ... L. S. ?% (a +b) 37.35 . :I~ :, .. Il.
37.35 Il

. , .... :" . ;:': c Total.:;:: ':.

'.' 7,421.93
(c) Water charges.
.. -,
@ l%of the total = '75.07.':
. !.... , ....
:.,;:.' .~. "r"
.Total = . "1,582.42:
(d) Profit and Overhead..:.- '
. . ,. ..
. ..
@ 10% of . the total s: 7~8;24::'
. . -' ... .,...,. :. Rate per sq m = Rs. 83.40 Grand:tot31~:8;340.66;:
.~ ... ~~N<>te::-In case the.tlii,~kness is'not specified consider 10 cu m. volume ofwo~k:theiiYhe quanti
tY,o[materialiand labour ate same as above. "':'.' : ', l' . j;\:~:l.<}.n.;J) ~:;:rC.\;'>7\::" ' : c ' ,

.sq. )~imigu~j Tile 'roofi~g'Jh 1.iJI!~,:.,ri~9riar ('1': 2). pointing the joiIl;t~ :,~iti{it~rit~nt'mortar'
(1 : 2).'_~.x.:~lu~ing frame\vork~:<~\''.; ,', ..... . - ;'.. '~ ;'!:'" ",,:;,;.";,'::, .':. . .

:-:i \:/; .;-.;" .<.- '-"-:::~:C;/;;;id~'~'fir;tlOsq m. . . . . . . Uilit =1 sq m.

(a) Mater'lals>- Ranigunj.Tiles ,-\.I1r,.:: : 124 nos. , . 1350.00 per.,%.n~s.. 434.00,.
" ' - White lime (slaked) . ,.' CJ;.:ii cu m : . 450~OO'pcr cu III . 22.5C
Surki .. "'1 0.10 cu rn : 200.00" . . 20.00
Cement 0.14 cu m = 4.2 bags
Sand (medium)
::: 'I . qo' 228bacgusm 80.00
I 160.00 per cu m
bag 336.00:'..'.
(b) Labour. - "Tile Mason ::: I 1- nos. 145.00 Each per day 22.~0
Mazdoor (Beldar) ... : 2 'los. 1 25.00 Il " " 50.00
ContingenciesT.& P.CiC. ...iLS. -;F,o a+b 4.65 L. S. 4.65
Total = 934.45
(c) Water Charges. _. @ 1%of the total = 9.34
Total = 943.79
(d) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% of the total - 94.38
:. Rate per sq rn = Rs. 10.38 Grand total =1,038.17

_. __._---_ . ~;~ ... -


.: I
.. ;
. I

51. Mangalore Tile roofing including Teak battens of size 3 em

in lime mortar (1 : 2). ' .
x2 em @ :tI.Oem c/.~:set
. ,,;: , ....
... Ii
Consider first 10sq m. Unit::.:: 1sq m.
- . Calculation of materials .~-:-:..riks @.l~ 11!1.,P!!!J__q~ m. == 150 nos. Ridge Tilefor 10m long = 10 nos;
Considering sloped area 10m long x Srn wide for each slope~'NumberoTbilii'cnS'f'Oroile'slope-@-40- em"
c/c . ~~+ 1 ::.:: 13.5 say 14 nos.
:. For two slope 2 x 14 =28 nos. of 10 m long each. Quantity = 28 x 10.0 x 0.03 x 0.02::.:: 0.17 cu m.
Particulars I Quantity Rate

Rs. P.


Rs. P.

(a) Materials.- Mangalore tiles ... 150 nos. 250.00 per % nos. 375.00
Mangalore ridge tiles ... . 10 nos. 3.50 Each 35.00
Teak rafter 3 em x 2 em ... 0.17 ell m 14.00 per cu m 55.50
Battens nails ... 2.5 kg. 26.00 per kg. 65.00
Surki ... 0.08 GU m 200.00 per cu m 16.00
White lime (slaked) ... 0.04 cu m 450.00 per cu m 18.00
(b) Labour. - Carpenter ... 2" no. 45.00 Each per day 22.50 .
Tile layer ... 2"1 no. 43.00 " " " 21.50
Mazdoor (Beldar) ... 3 nos. 25.00 "
.. .. 87.50
1 '
Contingencies T. & P. etc. L. S. 7% (a+b) 3.48 L. S. 3.48
Total = .698.48
(c) Water charges. @ l%of the total .. = 6.98

Tota1= , .,:
(d) Profit and overhead. - @ 10% of the totai. = 70.55
., Rate per sq m = 7.76
: Grand lotal == 776. 10
. . ' "

52. Corruagated GalvanizedTron . (C. G_~ .1.) 0.63 mm thick (i.e. 24 B. G~) sheet. Roofing
(exciuding the cost of purlins and rafters). -
.,' Consider first 10 sq m. - .;. -J/nit = 1 sq m:
(a) Materials. - . _ .'. ,/.",: r . ,
C. G. 1. sheets (with 1~'p' _. 1~.8
sq m ",' :"; .~, ',. ~~. \ : .c. .: ~~

and 2 corrugation sid. lapr':~~_:!:: -'-- ... : ,::.::O.:r,Qtl. 610.00"pei--QH. --

.J'"' G. I. bolts a;-l~ r uts ", ... 0.7 kg. 54.00 per kg . 37.80
G. 1. screws .. ' .. , 1.0 kg. 54.00 . " : " 54.00
a . 1.4 kg 48.1)0 - " ... f)7.20
Limpet washers ... 5 doz. 3.60 per doz .
(0) Labour.
Carpenter ...
Blacksmith ... l2' nono.. 45.00 Each per day
40.00 " " .. 45.00
Mazdoor (BcIlklr) ... 2 nos . 25.00 "
. .. 50.00
Sundries. T. & P. ... L. S. 15.00 L. S. 15.00
Total = 734.00
(e) Water charges. - ... @ 1% of the total = 7.34
Total =

r: (d) Profit and Ovcrhead.v-, ... @ 10% of the total . 74.13

~ale per sq m = 81.54 Grand total =815.47
13-14. Analysis of Rates for Plastering :-.
53. 12 111m thick cement plastering 1 : 6 on new brickwork
.Consider first 100 sq m. .' Unit == 1 sq m.
., . ,_ Method of-Calculation:~Calculale first-the volume of mortar- (wet)-frqmthe thickness "and- sur
face area. Increase this amount by 20% for filling the depressions. joints. wastage etc. Calculate then the
volume of mortar when dry by increasing -j rd volume. (For richer proportions such as 1 : 2 or 1 : 3 the
total dry volume of mortar should be 3% less than the quantity calculated by the above procedure due to
more care against wastage and lesser amount of void from the lesser volume of sand.)
In this case, volume of rnortar 0.012 x 100;:: 1.2 cu m. Increase by 20% for filling the depres
1- i
sions etc. == 1.2 + 1.2 x = 1.44 cu m (wet) == 1.44 + x 1.44 == 1.92 cu m (dry). Summation of prop.
= 6 + 1= 7 . . .
:. Cement = T
= 0.274 cum; Sand 0.274 x 6 = 1.64 cu m
Labour Gang-(B) .
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
I Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials. -
Cement 'OO 0.274'cu m
",; 8.2 bags 80.00 per bag 656.00
Sand (medium) '" 1.64 cu m 160.00 per Cll m 262.40
Scaffolding oo. L. S. 20.00 L. S. 20.00
(b) Labour.'
Head Mason ... "1 no. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Mason .oo 10 nos. 45.00 II
" " 450.00
Mazdoor (1 no as Bhisti) 15 nos. 25.00 " " "375.00
Contingencies. T. & P. etc. ... L s. -fk (a. +...b) 7.49 II II . 8.94
Total = 1,797.34
(c) Water charges. - @ l%of the total = 17.97
Total;:: 1815.31
(d) Profit and Overhead. -, @ 10% of 'the total' == I 18L53
:. Rate per sq m = Rs, 19.97 Grand total = 1.996.84
54. Materials required ror cement plastering with different" proportions per 100 sq m
Proportion Cement Sand
(a) For 12 mm thick plastering 1:3 0.47 cu m = 14.1 bags 1.41 cu m
1:4 oo. 0.38 cu m = 11.4 " 1.52
1:5 0.32 cu m == 9.6 " 1.60
(b) For 20 mm thickplastering 1:2 1.00 cu m == 30 " 2.00
1:3 0.80 cu m == 20 " 2AO
1:4 0.64 cu m = 19.2 " 2.56
Labour for any one of the above plastering work per 100 sq m is same as that of 12 mm thick cement
plastering (1 : 6).

---~ <,

55. 6 mm thick cement plaster (l : 3) to R. C. Ceiling.

. \
Consider first 100 sq m. .. . Unit =I sq m.
-, Calculation of Materials : - Same procedure as staled in 51. no. 55.
Labour Gang .- (B)
-- _. .. " .... . . . -- .... . . - - _
... .. .. ,-.- ._. - -- ... _---~-_ ...-.. . . . . _-" .. _.

Particulars Quantity Rate


-II Rs. P.
Rs. P.

1 (a) Muter iats.i-Ccmcnt ... 0.24 cu In ,

= 7.2 bags 80.00 per bag 576.00
Sand (medium) ...
0.72 . 160.00 per cu m 115.20
Scaffolding ,..
L. S. 25.00 L. S. 25.00
(b) Labour. - Head Mason ...
"2 no. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
" .1
Mason ...
10 nos. 45.00
.. " 450.00
Mazdoor (1. no. as Bhisti) .. ,
12 nos. 25.00 " " " f300.00
~,I Contingencies, T. & P. etc. . .. L s. -f;o(a -i: 7.46L. S, I 7.46
Total = 1,498.66
(c) Water charges. - ... @ 1% of. the total = 14.98
Total = 1,513.64
(d) Profit and Overhead. - ... @ 10% of the total - = 151.36

:. Rate per sq m == Rs. 16.65 Grand total = 1;665.00

56. Rule Pointing in cement mortar (1 : 3) on brickwork on walls.
Consider first 100 sq m.,_ Unit =I sq.m.
Caiculation ofMaterials : - An empirical quantity of 0.63 eu m (dry) mortar should be considered
p~r ioo sq m [or Rule and Tuck pointing. In case of Rush pointing, take 75% of the above quantity.
Here, cement =~ = 0.16 cu m; sand = 0.16 x 3 = 0,4,8, cu m... ,
Labour G~~g -"-' (B) " .

(a) Materials.-Cement 0.1'6 cu in'

. :.', 4.8 bags
=: 80.00 pe(bag 384.00
Sand (medium);.. " . O.~8 cu m 160.00pr cu m 76.80
'.;'. ,J. , , . ,J
..... !
Scaffolding '" L.S. 15.00t:.'S. 15.00
(b) Labour. - HeadMason "2 no. 50.00 Each per day i 25.00
Mason' 10 nos. 45.00"' :.. '" I 450.00
Mazdoor (1 no, as Bhisti) ... \ . 10 nos.. -'; ! 2).00' ;." ",' I' , 250.00
Contingencies. T. & P., etc. ... LS. (3.+b) I 5.93 L.S . 5.93
I I ' I

I Total =. I 1.191.75
(c) \Vater charl-:es. - @ 1% of the total = 11.92
Total = 1,203.65
(d) Profit and Overhead. @ 10% of the total = 120.36

:. !~;ltc per sq m = Rs. 13.24 Grand total = 1,324.01

Note : - For pointing work on floor, requirement of materials and labour will be 25% less than that on
walls. For flush pointing labour charge shall be 10% less than that of Rule pointing.

i, " "
'. ~ . t ~. .
1315. Analysis of Rates for f'lnlshlng. (,'
$7. White washing.2 coats on a~oat of primer to new plaster.
Unit = 1 sq m.
Considerfirst 100 sq m.

.... _.
Rate Amount'
... ,- ",I ..... ....
, "
''''Rs~ "P: ' "
, , I

(a) Materials.c-Stone Lime (unslakcd) ... 30.0 kg 1.80 per kg 54.00

Gum I 0.16 leg 20.00 per kg 3.20 .. ~
Blue pigment Colour ... L. S.: 7.00L. S. 7.00
(b) Labour. - Painter ... I ~ nos. 38.00 Each per day
. . ..
Mazdoor (BeldarS) .., 2 nos. '25.00

Contingencies. ladders. etc. ... LS. -o(a+b) 0.86 L. S. 0.86

Total = 172.06
(c) Water charges. ... ... @ 1% of the total :;:: 1.72
Total = 173.78 .; .

(d) Profit including Overhead.- ... @ 10% of the total = 17.38

:. Rate per sq m = Rs. 1.91 Grand total = 1.91.16
58. Colour washing two coats over a coat of white wash to new plaster.
, Consider first 100 sq m. Unit = 1 sq m.
Calculation of Materials :- Ali particulars are same as that of white-washing. only add 2.5 kg of
paint in material column. Labour Gang same as white washing.
59. Distempering two coats with dry distemper to interior walls' or ceiling with a coat
of primer.'
., Consider first 100 sq m: Unit = 1 sq m.
(1) Primer coat with distemper primer
,(a) Materials..-Distemper J)r~mcr 8 litres 50.00 per litre' ,, 400.00
, Brushes, putty. sandpaper L'.l.' 20~00 C' S'~"":-"'-"" .. 20.00
(bj-Labourv > Painter ' 2 2 nos. 38:CiO Each' per day 57.00
Mazdoor , 2 2"
1 nos., 25.00 ',' 62.50
,Contingencies,ladd~ etc. L.S. ,~ %" '2.70 L. S. 2.70
(2) Top coats.
(a) Materials.-Dry distemper ... 1 10 kg. 24.00 per kg ,240.00
Brushes, putty, 'Sandpaper ' I L. '5. 9.00 L<L I
(b) Labour. - Painter ... \1 6 nos. , 38.00 Each per day 228.00
Mazdoor ... 3 nos. 25.00 75.00
Contingencies, ladders etc. ... L S. -~7o (a + b) 5.47 L. S. 5,47
TOLaI = 1,099.67
(c) Water, charges. - @ I % of the total = 11.00
Total = i.n 0.67
(d) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% of the total ;: 111.07
.: Rate per sq m = Rs. 12.22 Grand total = 1,221.74
60. Distempering two coats with oil bound distemper with a coat of primer. Same pro
c~dllfe and same labour as in (67). Only the quantity of distemper for Top coat shall be 15 kg.

Particulars .Quantity Rate Amount

'I . '-'. . - .. .-
-Rs-.- -p;- ... _. . _.- . -, . ----R-s. -P.
(a) Materials.-Slakcd stone lime ... 8 kg 1.80 per kg. 14.40
(b) Labour. -Mason ... 1 no. 45.00 Each per day 45.00
Mazdoor ... 2 nos. 25.00 " " It
Sundries, ladder, T. & P. '" LS, ~(a+b) 15.00 L. S. 15.00
Total:: 124.40
(c) Water charges; - ... @ l%of the total == 1.24
Total = 125.64
(d) Profit and Overhead. - ... .@ 10% of the total == 12.56
.', Rate per sq m = Rs. 13.82 Grand total == 138.20
62. Single _coat of white-washing over old white-washed surface.
Consider first 100 sq m. Unit 1 sq m.
Particulars Quantity Rate
Rs. ~.
Rs. P.
(a) Materials.-Stone lime unslakcd ... 10kg 1;80 kg. 18.00
Gum ... L. S . 3.50 L. S .. 3.50
Blue colour ... L. S . 5.50 L. S. 5.50
(b) Labour, - Painter ... 3
1n~ . 38.00 Each per day 28.50
Mazdoor(helper) 4" no. 25.00 " It It

Contingencies, ladder etc. L S. '+-f'o (a + b) 15.00 L. S. 15.00
Total = 89.25
(c) Water charges. - ... @ 1% of the lotal = 0.89
Total = 90.14
(d) Profit and Overhead. - ... @ 10% of the total = 9.01
. .... Rate .per ~q m = Rs. 0.99 Grand total = 99.15
63. Decorative Water proofing cement coating on plastered surface (may be snow cem
Blucccm, Super-cern, Duro-cern two coats. Similar compound may' be prepared by mixing white cement
with coloured powder pigrnent.) ..
Consider first 100 sq m. Unit = 1 sq m.
a) Materuus.e-Snowccm (Duro-cent) Ier ,.
1st coat
.2nd coat
. 30 kg
20 kg
50 kg
19.50 per kg . I 975.00
(b). Labour. Painter 5 nos .. 38.00 Each per day I 190.00
Mazdoor (Helper) i 5 nos. 175.00. " . " ": 125.00
Contingencies, ladder. T. & P. etc. l1. s. -Jr." (a + b) I 15.00 -
I ....
"": 15.00
Total :0=. 1,305.00
(c) Water charges. - @ 1% of the total == 13.05
Total == 1.318.05
(d) Profit and Overhead. @ 10% of the to 1.411 = 131.80
.. Rate per. sq III == Rs. 14.50 Grand total == 1,449.85
. ~ .:. ~ .
. ' ,:;,.,.} ". ~
Wall painting ..(twoor morejaoats) with; plastic emuislon paint of approv~ brand and
manufacture' on new work to give an uniform shade: .
'. Consider first 100 sq m. Unit = 1 sq m.
Calculation ofMaterials : - Sa~e procedure as stated in Sl. no. 58. .
" ..<Izabour Gang-----(B) - .." .
. - .. ..... _.. - .. - _._

Particulars Quantity Rate


Rs. P.
Rs. P:

(a) Materials. -Plastic emulsion paint Materials for 12 Litre 87.00 litre 1,044.00
filling in holes and cracks (putty etc.) ... L. S. 17.00 L. S. 17.00
(b) Labour. - Painter (classI) . ... 5.5 nos. 38.00 Each per day .,
Mazdoor (Helper) ... 5.5 nos. 25.00 " " 137.50
. Brushes, Sandpaper etc. L. S. 24.00 L. S. 24.00
Sundries ." L S. -kro (a + b) L.S. 15.00
Total = 1,446.50
(c) Waterrcharges. - ... @ l%of the total == 14.46
Total = 1,460.96
(d) Profit and Overhead, - - ... .@ 10% of the total . . 146.09
:. Rate per sq m = Rs. 16.07 Grand total = 1,607.05
65.' Pr imer coat with ready mixed primer on steel WOrk.
, i
Consider first 100 sq m. Unit = 1 sq m.
Materials Labour
. 1 .
Primer (Rs. 50.00 per litre) 5.5 Iitres, Painter - 2 '2 nos.
Sundries, brushes, sand paper. Rs. 20.00 L.S. .Mazdoor (helper) - 2 t nos.
"66. Primer coat with ready. mixed primer on Wood work.
.. Consider first 100 sq m. Unit =1 sq m.
'.: Primer (Rs. 45.00 per litre) 7.5 litres Painter = 2 nos.. . ..~.::..'~
Putty L.S. Rs. 8.00 Mazdoor (helper)- 2t nos. -..
. Sundries, brushes; sand papcr.. L.S. Rs. 20.00 ..
., ~7. -p~i.~ti~g' two coats (excluding primer coat) -wlth ready mixed paint for new wood
:"",~or~:-:to ~give aneven surface'::;'.. ':. :. ;!:'.' , : .. ~ '.' ~
. ,
.. . Consider first 100 sqm. :.. Unit J sq m. = I
(a) Materials.-Paint (Enamel, I.C.I.) 121itres 87.00 litre. l.~~.OO I
, i
. Putty, sandpaper etc ..' . T~."S .. 20.00 L. S. . 20.00
. . I'
. . .... ,-.

(b) Labour, - Painter (class 1) 5 2" nos. 38.00 Each Per day 209.00
Mazdoor (helper) ... S j nos. 25.00 " 137.50
. Contingencies T. & P. etc. . .. L S. ,,"0 (a + b) L. S . 20.00

I T013I= 1.430.50
(c) Water charges. -
, .. \ @ l%of I the total = 14.31
I TOt:.\I= 1,444.81
(d ) Profit and Overhead. ... @ 10% of :I the tot ,II == 144.48

:. Rate per sq m = Rs. 15.89 Grand LOL31 = 1,5S').29

68. Painting two coats (excluding primer coat) on Wood work or Steel work. Unit = I sq III

For 100 sq m.. paint = 7.5 litres, Painter = 3.5 nos. Mazdoor (helper) = 3.5 nos.

. "


13-16; Analysis of Rate for Water Supply and Sanitary Installations.

69.' Suppl)'ing. and fitting, fixing 12 m rn diameter G. 1. pipes with G.!. fittings' and

M.S .. clamps including cuuing holes in walls and mending good the same complete for internal work.

Considerfirst Ion r m . . U.'~it ":: fJ..~ r_ '!:~_ ..

Particulars Quantity I Rate Amount

Rs. P.

(a) Materials.
12 rnrn diu. G. I. pipcsuncdium) lOOrm 29.00 pCI' I'm 2,900.00
Fitting and wastage 5% of I
pipe cost ,
While lead. oil, hemp L. S. i 20.00 L. S.
Cement. sand, grit (for mending wall) L. S. 2(1.00 L. S.
(b) La bou r.
Filler 3 1105. 150.00
I' .
Assistant [ittcr
1 .
4 nos. 130.00
. Mazdoor (Bcldar) 6 nos. 150.00

(c) Water charges. ~ @ l%of

(d) Profit and Overhead.


:. Rate per rm = Rs. 39.60 Grand total > 3,960.71

70. Supplying and filting, fixing 20 mm dia. G. 1. pipes with G.I. fittings and M. S.
clamp's including cutting holes in-walls and mending good the samecomplete for internal work.
. Consider first 100 r m. " .
Same procedure as (69). For labour Gang increase the strength of Assistant fitters by 1-1 nos. cost
of 20 mm dia. pipe @ Rs. 32.00 per r m. .
71. Supplying, ITHing 'and' laying 25mm dia. 'G: I.' 'pipes with G; 1. fittings' complete in
trenching andrefilling etc. [or external work.
" .
Consider first 100 r m. .' ..' Unit = j sq m.
(a) Materials. :: ';

25 mm dia. G.I. pipes (medium I. T. C.) 1001' m 38.00 per r rn 3,800.0{)

For fitting and wastage 2%of
pipe cost 76.00
nitc lead, oil. hcmpctc.
W L. S. .i
(b) Labour. -
Filter I 1 no. 50.00
Mazdoor (Bcldcrs) 2 nos. 50.00
For trenching an refilling etc.
Mazdoor (Bcldcrs) 6 nos.

(c) Water charges. @ l%of' the total

: '
'1 ' (d) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% of the
.. Rate per I'm ::; Rs. 46.06 Grand Total = 4,606...21

... -~_.~-...:.:::.....-._._
. . _~..;:.4
o ~ : Il .

n. L-aying, fitting, fixing 100mm~ din. C. L pipes, provlding wit:h tighton joint ~.n-
~ludjng tc.sting of the joint and trench cuttipg for the I?ipe laing up to a depth of mvcrt 90 CI~ and refill
ing.jiressing etc. complete. ... .: ,~.. ,Umt,=l'er r m.
(Length of each pipe is 4.0 m and suppliedfrom departmental 'storewithin 10 km). CC?nsider{irst (l
lenglAoj-20 r.m.of pipe.. line.-NumbeLoLj.9.in1s.J~lr aJengJILQflQ-f._I;P. ,':I~!l,~.~~~~:!O~I;EI?~,S,:::,i= .
5 no~. :. . , ; : ..
(a) l\lu ter ials. - ...
Carriage of materials weighing approx, '
450 kg within 10 km distance . L. S. 50.00 L. S. 20.00
For 5 nos. joints tighton-
Rubber gasket 100 mm dia 4 nos. 7.50 Each 30.00
(b) Labour. - .
*For trench and refilling etc.
Section 90 cm x 60 ern 21.50 cu m 7.00 per cu m 150.50
For pipe laying and jointing- 1
Filler . "2 no. 50.00 Each per day 25.00
Assistant Filler 1 no. 45.00 Each per day 45.00
Mazdoor (Bcldar) 1nm: 2500 " "" 75.00
Total. = 375.50
(c) Water charges. @I%of the total . 2.-
Total = 379.25
(d) Profit and Overhead. @ 10% of the total _ .)7. 1) ,;
:. Rate per r m = Rs, 41.68 Grand total", 4,1 "1. j is
*y 01. for trenching = 0.90 x.0.60 x 20,=.. 10.80 cu m
Vol, for refilling = 10.8 - Tt/4 x 0.1 2 . x 20= 10.70 cu m
.Total = 21.50 cu m
73. Laying, fi~ting,. and ~ixing 150. ~m dia,~ c~,r .. tlghton joint pipes providing with
rubber gasket including testing of the joint and trench CUlling. depth of invert 75 em and refilling.
dressing. etc.. complete. (Length of each pipe is 4.00 m supplied from 'departmental store).
Consider first a length of20 r.m of pipe;line. Unit = 1 r m.
I ioi 20 .
No. 0 joints = 4' = nos.5
. .",.-.
(a) Mater iuls.' - .
Carriage of materials . ,. ... ... '..
weighingapprox. 660 kg within 10 km distance .y.~~. . "5'6:06:L.S. 50.00
.For 5 nos. joints- .... _.. ~ . '. ~_ ...._. '."_. -"
Rubber gasket 150 mm dia 4 nos. 18.00 Each 72.00''
Sundries; T. & P. etc. L. S. 20.00 L. S. 20.00
(b) Labour. -
*Fnr. Trenching and refilling etc.
Section 75 cm x 60cm" 17.65 cu m 7.50-.:u m 132':.-8
For pipe laying and jointing-i-
Filler - 1 nos. 50.00 each per day 50.00
Assistant filler 1 nos. 45.00 per day 45.00
Mazdoor (Bcldar) 4 nos. 25.00 each per day 100.00
Total = i 469.38
(c) Water charges. -

(d) Profit and Overhead. -

@ 1o/cof the

@ 10%
Towl =


:.Rate per r m = Rs. 26.07 Grand total = 521.48
"Vol. for trenching = 0.75 x 0.60 x 20 = 9.00 cu m
Vol. for refilling = 9.00 - Tt/4 x (0.15)2 x 20::: 8.65 cu m
Total = 17.65 cu m

74 . Supplying, laying and jointing 100 rnm dla. glazed stoneware' pipes with cement
mortarjl; .1:. (costs of concrete for embedding the pipe and earthw.ork are to be calculated as per design
and drawing). .. " . . . '.
. Considerfirst 15 r m . Unit = per r.m.
Number of joints with Iengtho[-eachpieceis60-cm-=~=-2.5~nos. --- -._-- .-:--.....

. Quantity
. Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Materials. -
100 mm dia. S. W. pipes 60 em long each ... 25 nos . 19.80 per piece 495.00
Allowance for breakage ... 5% the cost
of materials - 24.75
Cement for 25 joints (0.022 cu m) .. , :;:; 0.66 bags 80.00 per bag 52.80
Sand (coarse) ... 0.022 Cll In 225.00 per eu m 4.95
Spun-yam or plain gasket@ 0.1 kg per joint ... 2.5 kg. 9.00 per kg I 22.50
Sundries, T. & P. etc. ... L. S. 15.00 L. S. . 15.00
(b) Labour. -
Mason ... 1 no. 45.00 Each per day 45.00
Mazdoor(Bcldar) . .., 2 nos. 25.00 Each per day 50.00
Total:;:; 710.00
(c) .Water charges. - . ... @ 1% of the total = 7.10
Total = 717.10
(d) Profit including overhead. - '" @ 10% of the total = 71.71
:. Rate per rm = Rs. 52.59 Grand total :;:; 588.81
75. Supplying, laying and jointing 150 mm dia. glazed stoneware pipes with cement
'mortar 1 : 1 (costs of concrete for embedding the pipe and earthwork are to be calculated as per design
and drawing).
Considerfirsli5 rm. Unit = per r m.
Number of joints with length of each piece is 60:cm = = 25 nos.
Particulars . Quantity Rate ."
. ~.
i : .Rs. P. ns. P.
(a) Materials. -
ISO mm dia, S. W. pipes 60 ern long each ... 25 nos. 24.50 I 612.50
Allowance for breakage. ;" ,. . 5% of the
materials -
I 30.63
Cement for 25 joints (0.034 cu 111) .., I ;:::; 1.02 bags 80.00 pel bag 81.60
Sand (coarse) "
.... , O.034-cu rr. :::.OC"IA-r c.; III !
Spun-yam or plain gasket@ 0.18 kg per ,
joint = 25x 0.18 ... \
.4.5 kg 9.00 per kg 40.50
Sundries, T. & P. etc ... L. S. 15.00 L. S. 15.00
(b) Labour. - I !
Mason .
... 1
~ .. 1 1Inos. 45.00 Each per day i 67.50
Mazdoor ~ Bcldar) ." j 2"2 nos. 25.00 Each per day 62.50
Total = 917.88
(c) Water chargcs. - . . .. @ 1% of the total = 9.18
Total = 927.06
(d) Profit and overhead. - ... @ 10% of the total :;:; 92.71

.. Rate p cr r rn = Rs. 67.98 Grand total == 1,01.9.77

-_.. _-~_.-.~ ..;';."'.:..~-- -. _... . ..- ......~

.:1 .


; , . ~ ~ . .~ ~~'..
75(.1\). Supplying fitting an~'
rlXing Indian typewbite glazed. earthenware ;.w~ C. pan ~Sc~;.with .
100 mm dia; H. C. L (Heavy Cast Iron) trap, 15litres C~ I. flushing cistern with G/L unions and G. Lchain
and pull, telescope flush pipe with fittinga and clamps, 25 mm dia, G, I. overflow pipe with-specials and
mosquito-proof coupling complete including cutting floors and w~s and mending good the same and
painting thecistem ,with fittings, ' - '''' __._. _",. " __ _:.., _
(Low-level plastic cisterns are also in use, this cost less than C. 1. high-level cisterns as mentiond
avove.Pressed steel cisterns are also in use.) . .

Unit = Each set


Particulars Quantity Rs. P.

Rs. P.

(a) Materials
45 cm white glazed earthenware W. C.
pan ... 1 no. 120.00 Each 120.00
100 mm H. C. 1. P-trap '" 1 no. 60.00 60.00
15 litres C. 1. flushing cistern with .'
fi ttings and G. 1. chain etc.. ... 1 no. 350.00 Each 350.00
~C. 1. brackets ... 1 pair 25.00 25.00
t .~

32 mm telescope flush pipe with . , , , .. ..

G. 1. un:o~s
(G.!. pipe) ...
1 'rio.
25:00 Each
';" . '. :< "
32 mmholder bat clamp '" 1 no. . .: ,7.00 Each , "
'. ,
2~ mx:n ilia. G. 1. ovrflow pipe
with specials ... L. S.:
.'. '., .'. ".j 15.ooL. S. 15.00
....... . ,
.. ... ~~~.;~r': , ' ~ ..:-',; .: :,' {!!,. ".:" .~,j!:." i .
.. .. 8.00 Each-'~' .:
~. ~

25 mm mosqulto-proof coupling '1 rice" "

~. :,;.: ;..: .::.: ..... ~ '":

White lead, red lead and gasket ... '.' . L.S.. .. ..... 8.00 LS.."_ ... 8.00 . .'

.. '. .'
Cement, sand and grit :: ; ... L.S.: - . .; ~ ~ j , ;: 18.;QO.:Lt:~ . 18~00
.s .
Painting to cistern etc. ... L. S. 8.00 c;~:s>_ 8~00
. .'~

. ..
Sundries, T. & P. etc. ... L. S. 12.oo'L. S.. 12.00
.' .
(b) Labour-
Fitter (plum bing Mistri) ... 1 no. 50.00 .:2ach per day . 50.00
Mason ... 2" no. 45.00 Each per day 22.50
Mazdoor (Beldar) ... 1 no. 30.00 Each per day 30.00
Total == 758.50
(c) Profit including overhead ... @ 10% = 75.85
Grand Total = 834.35
:. Rate of each pan = Rs. 834.35

.. , -i:i1 .

75(B)~ Supplying fitting, fixing 60 cm x 45 em x 25 em PorceJaiitw8sh basin with C. I. b rackets painted

white, a: pair of 12 mm brass pillar taps, 32 mm brass plug withbrass chain, and 32 mmbrass pipe waste
complete including cutting walls ana mending good the same. ; , .. '
Note: The basins are gel1er:allY,Qf~jJheI.~~~Wt)$.9rpnlGlcet. type.,.F'Q[dcG.cUGy_pedestaltype .. "
may be used but this cost about Its. 60 more than bracket type.
Unit =Each set
Rate Amount
Particulars Quantity Rs. P. Rs. P.

(a) Materials

60 cm x 45 cm x25 cm Porcelain basin, I no. 310.00 Each 310.00

C. 1. bracket 1 pair 30.00 per pair 30.00

12 mm brass pillar tap 2 nos. 65.00 Each 130.00

32 mm dia. rubber plug with brass chain 1 no. 15.00 It


32 mm dia. brass waste 1 no . 20.00 u


. 32 mm dia, lead pipe 7~ em long I no. 45.00 It


White lead, red lead and gasket . L. S 15.ooL. S~' 15.00

. . '" ; "J.!.": . ... ~ . .

Cement.sand and grit L.S. .. 12.00.L. S. 12.00

'" .
Painting brackets ' L. S. 6.00L. S., 6.00
"' ".- ~ ...,

Sundries, T & P. etc. L.S. 12.00L. S. 12.00

Fitter (plumbing 1-~tri)

I .
uu. 50.00 Each per day '50.GO

1 It
T no. 45.00 22.50

Mazdoor (Beldar)
I no. 30.00 . 30.00

Total = 697.50
(c) Profit including overhead- @ 10% = 69.75.

Grand Total = 767.25

:. Rate of each basin =Rs, 767.25

',':::;:..-.- .;..,~.,.-. , -,--"'"

. . t~ ! .~. ~:
13-17. ANALYSIS OF RATE (~OAi> WORKS).:; ~.
16 . Earthwork in excavation fro;,pborrow pltsand dep9slting the 'soil in l~y~rs of 23 c~
[ncludlng rough dressing within ~ lead of ~Q m and lift. of 90 c~.. .
. C04sider first JOsq 1JZ '. Unit =1 cu m;

1 21 nos. 25.00 Each per day 37.50

2Inos. 25.00 Each per day I 5.00
3" no. 25.00 Each per day 5.00
Total = f- 9 2.50
(b) Water charges. - @ 1% of the amount = 0.93
Total = . 93.43
(c) Profit and overhead. @ 10% of the total '= 9.34
:. Rate per cu m = Rs. 10.28 Grand total = 102.77
Note.- (a) For each additional lead 30 m beyond the initial lead add the labour cost of 1~. Mazdoors for
carrying the earth. (b) For each additional lift beyond the initial 90 em lift add the labour cost of 1 Maz
door. (c) In case of mooram or gravelly soil increase the number of Mazdoors for excavation by 50%.
.13-18. Average output of a steam roller (working 8 hours in a day) .
. (a) On Embankment 370 sq m (4,000 sft)
(b). On stone boulder 90 sq m 0,000 sft)
(c) On stone ballast for Macadam . 20 cu m (700 eft)
(d) On brick ballast for Macadam . 28 cu m 0,000 eft) .
(e) On Laterite ballast for Macadam 34 cu m (1,200 eft)
Hire charge of a roller (8 to 10 tons) excluding the wages of driver, cleaner, and nightguard may be
taken as Rs. 200.00 per day. But including wages of such attendant staff Rs. 250 may be considered per
day. Cost of fuel is to be taken separately. Hire charge ofTar Boiler@ 30.00 pefday. ..
77. Laying over burnt Brick ballast or Jharna metal true to Camber including consolida
tion with power roller carrying the metal from road side within a lead of 150 rm.thick
ness 75 mm to 100. (compacted).
Consider irst 10 cu m Unit = 1 r m.
(a) Labour. - Mozdoor for
(i) Spreading and carrying .102: nos.
(ii) Hand packing and rectifying defects I
32: nos.
(ii i) Watering and blinding 7 nos .
(iv) Shouldcrir-g at edge .3 -1 nos.
(v) Rolling.c-Hirc charge of a roller @ 28 cu m 24 I 25.60 perday . 612.5u
per day including pay of its attendant staff trd day i 300.00 per dJY 100.00
Diesel for road roller @ 18 litrcs per day o liircs i 6.00 per litre 36.00
Contingencies (including lighting ctc.): I L. S. ! 20.00 L. S. 20.00
TOlJ.I = 768.50
( b ) Water charges. - @ 1% of the total = 7.6R
Total = 776.18
(c) Profit and overhead. @ 10% of the total = 77.62
:. Rate per rrn = Rs.85.38 Grand towl= 853.80
Note : - In case or stone metal increase the number of Mazdoor by one for spreading, add Further one
Mazdoor for hand packing. Hire charge of roller becomes (by @ 20 cu m per day .


13-19. Short notes on Bituminous road surfacing. - The main types of bituminous road surfac
ing arc as follows :
'ta) Surface Dressing. (b) Penetration or Grouting method and (c) Premix.
(a) Surface Dressingi-- 'Thismethodconsistsof theapplicationof ~ lhihIilrilof15itiimen a on
cleaned mecadam road face and then binding this film with stone chippings. Surface dressing may be ap
plied in one or two coats according to the surface condition. For two coats surface dressing larger sized
chipping should be used for binding the first layer.
(b) Penetration or Grouting : - In this method metal is spread first on the road surface to the speci
fied thickness and profile lightly rolled in such a way that the interstices between the stones are fairly
open. Bitumen is then applied on the road and allowed to penetrate between the stones through the inter
ctices; in this way the dry chipping are coated with bitumen and bound together. The grouted surface is
then rolled to specified compaction. '
When the bitumen is allowed to penetrate to the full depth of the stone layer it is called Full
Grout; when it penetrates to only half the depth or less, it is known as Semi Grout. .
78. Surface dressing or Bituminous painting -one coat.
Consider first 100 sq m Unit = 1 sq m.
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
(a) Ma terials. -
(i) Stone chips 12 mm standard size @ 1.52 cu m .,-,
per 100 sq rn '" 1.52 eu m 325.00 per eu m 494.00
(ii) Bitumen (Transported up to work site) 199 kg
__ @ 194 kg per 100 sq m + 2 i% wastage = 0.199T 4~000 per tonne .- 796.00
(b): Labour ., Mazdoor(Beldar)
(i) .For brushing off road surface -. . 4~ Nos.
(ii) For heating and sprayings Bitumen -. . 2~-N6S;
(iii), For spreading chippings . 2Nos.--
(c) Plant-Hire of one tar Boiler including sprayer 9Nos. _.,', 25.00 per day
@ 600 sq m per day . I th
-0 day . _25.oo_per day
(d) RolHng.-Hire of Roller @ 600 sq m per day
! including auendant staff ... -i th day 300.0:0 per day
te) Fuel.e-l-irewoou lorhciliing-Bitumen-@- 4 quintals
pcrlonne of Bitumen . 79 kg 1.50 per kg
Diesel for roller@ 18 litrcs of per day .. 3 litres . 4.20 per litre
Contingencies (including lighting
arrangement) etc. L. S. 20.00 L. S.
Total =
(f) Water charges. - @ l%of the total =
Total =
(g) Profit and overhead. - @ 10% of the total =
" Rate per sq m = Rs. 19.10 Grand Total = 1.910.67

. j... ; l
. ~

79. Surface dressing. or IHtumin,Jus paintiit~ .sebmd c~at.. ~,. ~ .
. .' 1 ~("

Consider first 1OOsqm ihtit = per sqm..

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
- .... -._- "- - - ----_ .._-._-----
._ .. ------ -----. .- ----R-s.- P.-_ ., ..__...._- --_ . Rs.~_ P..
(a) Materials.
(i) Stone chips 12 mm
@ 1 cu m per % sq m . ... 1 cu m 325.00 per cu m \ 325.00
(ii) Bitumen @ 120 kg. % sq m + 2 % wastage -i 0.12 tonne 4,000.00 per tone I 480.00
(b) Labours- Mazdoor (Belder)
(i)' For brushing off road surface . . 2 ?'fos.
(ii) For heating and spraying of Bitumen 11 Nos.
(iii) For spreading stone chips 1'"'l Nos.
5 Nos. 25.00 each 125.00
(c) Plant;~ Hire of one tat Boiler including
sprayer @ 800 sq m per day ... -k th day 25.00 per day 3.13
(d) Rolling. - Hire of power Roller @ 800 sq m .. . 1 .
per day including attendant staff ... . -g th day 300.00 per day 37.50
(e) Fuel.-"::fi!e wood for heating Bitumen .
. . @ 4 quintals per ton of Bitumen .. 120.00 per ou
0.48 Ql1 57.60
Dieselfor roller @ 18 litresper day . 4.20 per litre
61itres I 25.20
Contingencies, etc. . .. L. s. 15.00 L. S. I 15.00
Total = ! 1,068.43
(f) Water charges. @ i% of the total - . 10.68
, To~1=J,079.11
(g) Profit and Overhead. - "., . @ (0%_: 107.94
Rate' per sq m = Rs, 11.87 Grand Totale 1,187.05
80. Providing seal coat with paving bitumen S.90~nd stonecliips 'to -mm nominal size.
(Materials per 100 sq m shall be bitumen 150 kg and stone chips' 1.0S eu .m),
Consider first 100 sq m .:.-:.:::..: ,:;' . ";Unit =:;;'per.~q in.
(a) Materials. - "' .... !-:
..... ,. I

'Bitumen S-90 @ 150 k/100 sq m

0.15 T 3,5OO'perton . ! 525.00
Stone chips @ 1.05 cu m/100 sq m
. :,~: 1.05cu:m 325~OOJI~rcu m I' .
(b) Labour. .;... For cleaning, 'brcshing.. heating . I
and spraying I 4--f nos.. ~ 25.00' each 112.50
(c) Plant. Hire charges of Roller and Tar boiicr
~ th day

including attendant staff @ 900 sq m per day I 325.00 per day 36.11
(d) Fuel. - Steam coal for heating I
@ 2q per tonne of bitumen 1 0.3 cu. . I 40.00 per Qtl. 12.00

I:;.CS 1~~~ per litre l~:~~

Diesel for roller @ 18 litres per day
(ej Sundries, T. and P. etc. __1.
I TOUlI = ! 1,045.26
(f) Profit and Overhead. - @ 10% of i the total = i. 104.53
.. Rate per sq m = Rs. 11.49 Grand Total =l ,149.79

' ..
81. 25 mm thick premix chipping carpet or premix Bituminous Road surfacing
Considerfirst 100 sq m Unit =per sq m.
Particulars Quantity 'Rate Amount
Rs. P. Rs. P.
- "'--'-- .. - .. ~

(a) Materials. -
For tack coa L-Bitumen (shelmac or shclspra) I 7S kg
@ 73 kg per 100 sq m + 2-1 % wastage ::: 0.075 T

For pcrmix carpel

(i) S tone chips 12 mm standard @ 3 cu m per

100 sq m . 3 cum
(ii) Bitumen (shelmac or shclspra) @ 64 kg
per cu m of stone + 2 -! % wastage 0.197 tonus

Sand (coarse) for flushing @ 0.75 cu In

per 100 sq m ,.. I 0.75 eu m

(b) Labour. - Mazdoor (Beldar)

(i) For brushing off the old surface

4 nos.

(ii)For heating and applying lack coat

2 nos.
(iii) For heating mixing and spreading chipping~ 9 nos.
.. . (iv) For flusing sand 1 nos.
I 16 nos.
. . I
(c) Plant. - Hire of one tar Boiler including spreader I
@ 560 sq m per day ..' -... . .. I -~th day'
r ) (d) Rolling. - Hire of roller including attendant !.. I

staff @ 560 sq rn per day .,. : ~ th day

i ' '. " I
(e) fuel. Fire wood for heating Bitumen @ 4 quin.l
i . ;
per ton of Bitumen '" I 0.3 quintal
"i .
Diesel for roller @ 18Iii"e~ per day .. , I 31ilrcs
Suudrics (including lighting and brushes) L. S. .15.00

(f) Water charges. - ::: ;! -@l%

I ' Total =
(gJ llrofit and Over head. - ... ! i
_, gatl' per r m ::: Rs....... Grand Total :::

.__. .. _
....:z.~~,.:;;.._ .. _ ...... _-:.o:.l



Factor~ influencing the cost of transport : - Materials' are usually carried to the departmen

tal store or to the works site either by animal transport such a by Bullock carts or by mechanical transport

such-as by trucks. The cost of transporting materials.depends.upon.several fa.CJQ~a:s,h~Q~~Il_s~~..... ~ ~i~-= ,

grammaticallity below.

Cost of Transport

caP~ity and
( I
(1) Cost of ownership , (3) 'Inc I (5) The of keoo (7) The lead of
loading Of the vehicle. ' the vehicle. materials per trip.
I I r-
(2) For mechanical (4) Labour cost for (6) Number of (8) Fot mechanical transport

transport the rate loading, unloading trips in a day allowance for movement of the

_ of fuel consumption and delay per trip. (8 hours). the truck from parking place
to duty spot and back.
Before going further, let us explain the different factors in short.
(1) Cost of Ownership : - This includes the cost of hire charges of the vehicle for a working peri

od (8 hours) in a day including the cost of driver. For animal transport Bullock Cart charges ofRs. 100.00

may be considered fair and in the case of mechanical transport hire charge of a truck (diesel) of Rs. 400.00

may be considered reasonable for 8 hours in day.

(2) For mechanical transport the rate of fuel consumption and its cost : - The rate of

diesel oil consumption may be assumed at 1 litre per 5 k.m. and the rate of mobil oil consumption at a rate of

1 litre per 140 k.m.

(3) The capacity and loading of vehicle : - The capacity of a vehicle varies for different class

of materials. A chart has therefore been given below showing the carrying capacity of different materials by

different transport. In some cases a diesel truck may carry more quantity of materials at their own risk but

such volumes can not be taken into consideration in the analysis of rate.

Sl. Materials to be carried Capacity per trip


.. ;. ...
' '

- ,
, By bullock ':,' ,
-..... 1
By diesel truck
1. Bricks call (8 tonnes capacity)
(a) Modular or tradltional 9" x 4 -i, "
x 3" 400 nos. 2,000 nos. '
('0) Traditional 10" x 5" x 3" 300 nos. 1.800 nos.
'L. Sana, Lime. SUfKi, Mooram.etc. Earth, B...Ilast,
Building rubbish, Boulders etc. 9.0cu m 42cum
3. Cement, stoneblocks, steel or other heavy materials \ 1.5 tonnes 8.0 tonnes
4. Timber ... ... .., ... 1.4 cu m 3.5 cu m
5. S. W. pipe (a) 100 mm dia, . ..
... 75r m 350r m
" " (b) 150 mm dia, ... ... 45rm 180rm
6. Tar, Bitumen etc. It tonncs 5 tonnes

(4) Labour cost for loading unloading and delay per trip : - The labour COSLfor loading
and unloading a load will depend on several considerations such as the weight of the load, the size of the load,
the ease of taking hold of the load and the kind of material. Beside these the cost also depends on the skill of
the workman, his rate of work eLC There is no special rule whereby the best combination of the above


, I considerations can always be determined by one computation. However, selecting a labour gang of the right

number of men those who will be along with the truck will work efficiently and economically, The number

t of labourers, Mazdoor (Beldar) in such a gang may be taken as 6 nos.per truck. '.

I The time required for loadi~f and unloadingwil] varyon dilfcrcntjobs, diffcrent materials and different
-, . IIIethods 0 f load i ng, A period or~ hour is lo-be allowed, Ior.loading and,.u.nJo_adiogjO_C;lJ:_b_Jdp.bY..ani rna1
transport and I hour by mechanical transport according to the recommendations of Ccrural Public Works De
I partmcnt.
(5) The speed of the vehicle : - This depends on the lead of materials. If the lead be lesser the
I speed will be lower. At the beginning the estimator is generally inclined to estimate the average truck spec'!..
I at too. high a value. For a lead of I km the average speed is to be considered as 10 km per hour and for each ad
ditional lead of I km over the initial lead an increase of km may be allowed according to the practice of
I CP.W.D. For a Bullock cart the speed may be assumed 4 km.
i (6) Number of trips in a working day (8 hours) : - Number of trips in a working day de
pends upon the speed which itself dependsupon the truck, the road, trafficand the driver.

, The nwnber of trips in a workingday of 8 hours may be gi ven by :
N 2L 8 3 This is applicablefor any type of transport.

S+ 4
where, L =The lead in kilometre, S =The speed in kilometre per hour, i hour is the time allowed for
, I loading per trip. .
! \
(7) The lead ofma tt:r.ials- The shorter the lead of materials, the greater is the carrying cost and

i! vice versa. The time and cost for loading and unloading are same per trip of a vehicle. Now if the lead be
shorter the above rate will be higher in comparison to rate for longer distances.For a short distance a mechan
ical transport cannot speed up fully in comparison to the rate for longer distances.
(8) Allowance for movement of truck from parking place to duty spot and back :
r ! A distance of 6 km may be allowed for movement of truck from parking place to duty spot and back.
t 13-21. How is the Analysis of rate for carriage of materials individually prepared ?
Analysis of rate of a material for the quantity per unit of rate can be worked out based on the capacity
I of the cartper trip and the number of trips required to carry the quantity of materials. The total cost for the
! number of trips at the rate to the specified lead is to be calculated. Then an amount of 10% to the total cost is
to be added for contractor's profit to show the cite per unit of the material. Overhead charges may be excluded,
" I considering that no hand tools or operating machinery becomes necessary for carriage of the materials.
- I Example : Analysis of rate for carrrlage.. of materia~' Sand, Lime, Moorum , Earth,
Ballast, Boulders, Building ,~~bbish ~lC. for a I~ad of ~ .km = . 2 x5 3 2.46. (This has been shown
in.the above table.) '.. ' . " T ~-
Ac!opt;ng a !raI. rate for hiring charge of Bullock.cart @Rs.1OO.OO per day.cost per,trip =~ = Rs. 40.65
Ii Volume ofmaterials to be carried = J cu m. Carrying capacity per trip. = 0.9 cu m. . .
-. Number of trips required e ~ = 1.11. me cost has been shown in the table as below.
Ma~rials Unit c'+: Quantity . Number Rate Amount
i rate per trip . of trips pcrtri~ Rs. P.
i Rs. P.
Sand, Lime, Mooruiu, Earth. .!
Ballast, Boulders etc. I
cum 0.9 eu m 1.11 40.65 45.17
Profil ! @1O% of the I total . 4.52
Total = 49.69
:. The carrying rate of I cu m of anyone of the above mentioned material by bullock cart for a lead of 5 km =
' .. Rs,49.69,

. ,~~-~---._.;....:.;J::
I' ~ "{ f
, i . .

Example: 1,000 nos. of brick to be transported at a distance of 8 kID from the site of manufacture
either in a cart or diesel truck, By rate analysis find out which one will be cheaper with following data:
Cart chargee Rs.125 per day (8 hours) with carrying capacity of 300 nos. of bricks: hire charge of'diesel
truck = Rs. 600 per day (8 hours) with a carrying capacity ofl,8oo nos. of bricks, cost of diesel =Rs. 5.31
... -pcr-Jitre ~Mobil = Rs;28;01-per Htre-;[email protected] cac.h_pe.r.dJ!y'_~Y,$p~d = 20 km per hour. The
rate should be analysed according to the standard practice of the Central Public Wm-ks-Department:-
- S
Case .; L By Cart: Number of trips per day N

2L -l- 3

S '4

Where, .L = The lead inkrn == 8; \'

S = The speed per hour == 4 km

.2 = hour is allowed for loading and unloading

N ~
1::: 2 x .8
2 6
== .4 .. .,
o~t per
tnp =
2.46 ==
Rs 5208

. .
-4-+4 .
Adding 10% profit, .', Cost pee trip = Rs. 52.08 + Rs.5.21 = Rs.57.29

For 300 nos of bricks carrying cost = Rs, 57.29

For 1,000 nos of bricks carrying cost

57;09 x 1,000
= Rs, 190.10

Case - 2. By deisel truck: Number of trips per day N = 2L 8

- + 1 t
. Where, L == The lead in kID = 8:
S == The Av. speed per hour ::: 20 km
1 - == hour is allowed for loading and unloading
.. N = 8 =4.44
.. ~+1 .<:._....
Total Km done per day == 2 NL+ 6 (6-km is from perkiilg place tt? <lU.ty spot).. t

. == 2 X4.44 x 8 + 6" : = 77:04 km:" .. .',.

_. .. . . - .... .," ''7704:'''. - '. . .,.: C.I ;.:.:..- .
(a) _?iesel oil consum~d@ one litre persian =.. 500
._.-::7=.J5.4lJJtx;e.s::! -._" ..
:. [email protected]";15Alx"S.31 = Rs.81.83
(b) M~bil oll consumed @ one litre per 140 kID ~ -7~4~: .==' O:SS-litres
:. Cost of mobil oil @ Rs. 28.01 == 0.55 x 28.01 ...._. = Rs. 15.41
(c) Labour charge for E. M3idoo(@ Rs. 35.00 eacn perday := R.;.210 ..
(d) Hire charge of diesel Truck per day .__._.. == Rs.6.00
Total == Rs. 907.24
I . 907.2~

:. Cost per trrp == - ~A-t ==Rs.204.33

Adding 10% profu cost per trip == 204.33 + 20.43 = Rs.224.76

For 1,800 nos. of bricks carrying cost == Rs.224.76

For 1,000 nos. of bricks carrying Cost

. I, 00
22:.7 6 x 1.000 == Rs. 124.27
The carrying COSl in a diesel Truck is cheaper by Rs 190.10 - Rs. 124.27 = Rs. 65.23 per 1,000 nos. of
bricks. .


The analysis of rates dealt in the previous chapter (Chapter II) give the quantities of materials
and labour required for different items of works for their respective units. Knowing the analysis per
. unit, the materials and labour required for a whole buildingor a work, can be calculated. A few
problems are solved in the following pages as illustrations. First detailed estimate of the work will
be prepared and the quantities of differeru items of work calculated. t hen from these q uantuies the
details of materials may be calculated.
Materials statements-This is a statement of materials or a list of materials required far a
particular work. The estimate may be accompanied with a statement of materials required for the
completion of the work. Generally, each estimate is accompanied with a statement of main
materials or important materials which may be arranged in advance during the execution of work.
Materials statement is also known Appreciation of Materials,
Example I.-Calculate the materials for J 00 metres length of a jail wall whose cross-section is
given in Fig. 12.1. .
The wall is of l-class brickwork in cement sand mortar I : 6 finished with 12 mm thick plastering
both side above G. L. with cement sand mortar 1 : 6. Foundation concrete is of cement, sand l-class
brick ballast of I : 4 : 8 proportion.
90 em

.. ', 150cm


210 em
SO em

:..- 90 em --ti
Fig. 12-1
First by dct uilccl cstinuuc met hod the q uantitics ofdifferent items of work ha Ie been tekca out
and t licn wit h the hell' oralli/lysis. the nuucriuls worked out.

Details of Measurement and Calculation OfQuantities (Ex. 1)

- - ---_.
Item Particulars of Height

.No. Items of work No.

Length Breadth . or TotaL Remark. .
Depth Quantity Quantity
m m m
-+.---------- ._ ---- - ._ -~._---
concrete 1:4:8
in foundation 100.00 0.90 0.30 . 27.00 27.00
cu m
21st class
Brick work in
cement sand
mortar I: 6
Footing 100.00 0.60 0.20 12.00

50 em wall
above footing 100.00 0.50. 2.30 115.00 Outer sloping

consideredlas ;

solid rectangles. (i-'

40 em wall 100.00 0.40 1.50 60.00

30 em wall 100.00 0.30 0.90 27.00

., Total 214.00
eu m
3 12 mm Cement
'sand plaster :t~:
l : 6

Inner side
Outer side

470.00 Ht.=4.5+.1 +
.1=4.70 rn
. : .. : ~/~ .
: Top I 100.00 0.30 - 30.00
; i
i I Total 950.00
i. ..L..~ sq m

Quantities of different items of work :--'

l . Cement concrete I: 4 : 8 27 ell m
2. Ist class Brickwork in cement sand mortar I : 6' 214 cu m
3. 12 mm Cement sand plaster J : 6 950 sq m
Note: End (aces ofthe wall ha ve not been taken into account as the same JliIS been considered as
part of a wall.


Calculation of MaterIAls (Ex. 1)

... ,. ---- ..... _--_ ...... --_._. .._ - - -_._ .... ' ... --..::;..:;,;----

Item Particulars of items of work and Requirement of Material

No. and basis of materials per unit Brick l-class Brick ballast Sand Cement
I Cement concrete 1:4:8-27 cu m - 24.84 cu m 1"2,42 cu m 3.105 cu rn
@ 0.92 ell rn ballast} -
0.46 cu rn sand, percu m
0.115 cu m cement
(3.45 bags) .
2 Brickwork in cement sand
mortar 1:6-214 cu rn 107000 nos. - 57.78 ell m 9.63 cu rn
@ 500 nos. bricks, } m sand, per cu m
0.045 cu m cement,
(1.35 bags)
3 12 mm Cement sand plaster 1:6
950 sq m - - .17.10 cu m 2.85 cu m
@ 0.30 ell rn (9 bags} .
, cement . ;per % sq rn!
.' 1.80 cu msand . "
Total 107000 nos. 24.84 cu m . 87.30 ell m 15.585xcu m
\ bags
=467.55 bags
The requirement of materials. are as given below : .
, -
. 1, Bxcks I-class 10,7000I}os.
2. Brick Ballast l-class 40 mm gauge 24.84 cu m
3. Sand (Local) 87.30 cu m
4. Cement 467.55 bags (233.78 quintals)

Example 2-Estimate the quantitiesof brick, brick ballast, lime, surkhi, sand, stone ballast and
cemFnt required in the construction of the two-roomed building of Example 5 given in pages 93-95.
(Figs. 3-5 and 3-6). .

Note-From the detailed estimate and Abstract of Estimate in pages 96-/09 the quantities of
different items of works involving the above mentioned materials are taken and the requirement of
materials are calculated os given in the next page 550-552..

. .~

. r


Particulars of items of Bricks' 40 mm 20 mm 20 mm Cement Sand Sand White White Surkhi

work' and basis of l-class Brick. brick Stone coarse Local lime lime .:. !
materials per unit ballast ballast ballast fine slaked unsla ;

ked :~:)~;,

2 3 4 5 .6
7 8 9 10 II

1. Lime concrete in foun

~udtion-IO.74 cu m
10.74 1.72 3.44
cu m eu m eu m

Per cu m-
1.00 eu m Brick ballast
40 mm gauge >
0.16 cu m White lime


0.32 cu m Surkhi

2.. I-Class Brickwork in

foundation and plinth

in 1:6 cement mortar

-22.32 cu m
11160 1.004 6.03
nos. cu m cu m
Per cu m- ....\,
500 nos. Bricks
0.045 cu m Cement '>
0.27 cu m Sand' (localj'
3. I-elass brickwork in )
superstructure with 1:2
lime mortar
3Q.1O cu m 15050 \
3.61 7.22 '0,," i
nos. cu m cu m . .i
;~ ~~s~Bricks }

0; 12 cu m lime slaked


0.24 cu m Surkhi \,
4. R.B. work, in linte1s 1
1.788 cu m 805 0.214 0.64 i -- J -
I ~
I(,;u'ffi 'i..l,m I'. ,,, I
, t

Per cu m
4~0 nos. Bricks

0.12 cu m Cement
0.36 eu m Sand


} I

5. 2 em D.P.C. 1:2
cement sand mortar
10.52 sq m
0.095 0.J9
Per (Jfo
7( sq m
eu m eu m

~:~ ~~: ~~~e~~o.rse)} ._L 1_1~_1

'L--_--'--_ _ ~L- .I. .. _L

(Ex. 2 Contd.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6. R'C'Crworkl :1!-1- :-3 - . .... - - .. _, ... ----_ ... . - .. --_. _... ................ '---_._-

II in columns--0.19cu m - - - 0.16 0.053 0.08 - - - -

cum cum cum
Per cu m
0.84 cu m stone
aggregate 20mm
0.42 cu m Sand (coarse)
0,28 cu m Cement
7, R.C.C. work. 1:2:4 in
slab-8.329 cu m - - - 7.33 1.832 3.66 . - - -
cu m cu m cum
Per cu m
0.88 cu m stone "
aggregate ')
20 mm
0.44 cu m Sand coarse
0.22 ell m Cement .)

8. 10 em Lime concrete in
m =5.36 ell m - - 5.36 - - - - ,0.97 - 1.93
cum, cum
Percu m
1.00 cu m Brick. ballast
,1 cum

25 mm .. >
,. \'
0.18 cu m Lime (slaked)
0.36 cu m Surkhi ' .
9. 12 mm plastering 1:1:6
cement, lime and sand.:
285.60 sq m --,
- - - - 0.857 - 5:14 0.86 - -
cum cum cum
Per%sq ffi
0.30 cu m Cement '>
.-: '. 0.30 eu m Lime (slaked)
1.80 eli m Sand(local)' - .. , , .

10. 20 mm thick cement

plaster 1:3 in steps
cement f1oated-4.59 sq m - - - -"'. 0.036 0.107 - - - -
cu m cu m
P,,%sqm }
0.78 cu m Cement
including finishing
2.34 cu m Sand (coarse}
II. 2.5 em c.e. 1:2:4 floor

., over 7.5 em lime

concrete =50.00 sq m 3.75 - 1.20 0.400 0.60 - 0.60 - 1.20
(For basis of calculation
see next page cu m cum cum cu m cu m eu m

(Ex. 2 Contd.)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 1'1
~' ..
For 2.5em C.C. 1:2:4 ~~'.; ~.~I,:.:: .'
_.. . _ .. - - " ' - ' ... __ ._ - _.. - _- .... _... . - ._..... - .

. .. .. ... .


- 2.40 cu m Stone
aggregate 20 mm
1.20 cu m Sand (coarse) >
0.80cu m Cement
including cement
finishing .,.J ,

For 7.5 em L.C. per %

sq m .'
1.5cu m Brick ballast }
1.20 cu m Limeslaked .
2.40cu m.Surkhi
12. White washing and
colour washing 3 coats
203.64+ 171.58=375.22 sq
m - - - - - - - 112.6
Per% sq m for 3 coats- }
30 kg White lime
Total 270.15 14.49 5.36 8.69 4.492 6.28 11.l7 7:76 112.6 13.79
nos. cu m cum cu m cum cum cum cum kg cu m .t
Abstract of Materials
(1) I-classbricks 27015 nos. . ..-:. .
. . ~ ..
(il) 40 mm Brick ballast l-class 14.49 cu m
(m) 25 mm Brick ballast l-class 5.36 cu m
(iv) 20 mm Stone aggregate 8.69 cu m
(v) Cement 4.492 cu m
=134.76 bags=67.38 q
(VI) Sand coarse 6.28 cu m
(viI) Sand local fine 11.17 cu m
(~w) White lime slaked 7.76 ell m
(ix) White lime unslaked 112.6 kg
(x) Surkhi 13.79 cu m
Example 3-Estimate the quantities of materials required for a R.C.C. roofslab 12 em thick with
1% reinforcement for a room having internal dimensions of 4.50x3.50m.
Estimate the cost of construction of the roof slab with suitable rates of materials and taking
labour rate of laying including centeringand shuttering, etc., as Rs. 80.00 per cu m of R.C.C. work.

Quantity of R.C.C. work-Bearing on wall 15 cm=4.80x3.80X.12=2.189 eu m.


, Stone agzrezate 20 mm-@ 0.88 eu m per eu m of R.C.C.=2.189x.88=1.926 eu m.
Sand eoarse-@ 0.44 eu m per eu m of m.
Cement__@ ... .
0.22 eu m per eu
m -of R.C.C.=2.189x.22=0,482
~_ ._----_ _-._-_
, " -_ _--_.
eu -m
"'.-..- .
bags==14.5 bags.
. 1 .
Steel = @ 1% of R.CC. -2.189x _ eu m = 0.02189x78.5 q=1.718 q.
Cost- 100. .
Stone aggregate 20 mm 1.926 eu m @ Rs. 315.00 per eu m ==Rs. 606.69
Sand coarse 0.963 eu m @ Rs. 150.00 oer eu m ==Rs. 144.45
Cement 14.5 bags @ Rs. 65.00 per bag ==Rs. 942.50
Steel 1.718 q @ Rs. 650.00 per q = Rs.ll16.70
TotaJ cost of materiaJs ;; Rs. 2810.34
Labour for concreting, bending and binding of steel, centering
and shuttering for 2.189 cu m R.CC. work @ Rs. 80.00
per eu m = Rs. 175.12
Total cost of material and labour =Rs. 2985.46
Add 5% Contingencies Rs. =149.27
Grand Total Rs: =3134.73
Example 4.- Estimate the quantities of materials required fora R.B. slab roof over a verandah
2.50 metre wide and 12 metre long. The slab will be 14 em thick consisting of one layer of brick die
over one layer of standard brick, laid in 1 : 3 cement and coarsesand mortar with 0.3 per cent
reinforcement. . .
. Quantity of R.B. work-(Beadng on wall 15 cm)=12.30 x2.80XO.l4==4.822 cu m.
Area of R.B. slab=1230x2.80=34.44 sq m. '
(1). Bricks standard size withJ em mortar joint
, No. per sq m == 1 sq m = 10000 == ~8 =40 nos. including wastage.
19 +- 3 x 9 + 3 x 12 n
100 100 ,
No. of standard bricks @ 40 nos. per sq m = 34.44 x 40=13 78
(n) Brick tile with 1 em mortar joint-s
, I sq m . 10000

No. per sq m == == ... " ..' .== 50 nos.

19 + 1,x _
.,__ 9 +_
1 20 x 10
100 100
No. of brick tile @ 50 nos. per sqm.s 34.44 x SO = 1772 e. . : . '

(iiI) Cement @ 0.12 cu m per cu m of R.B. work -4.822X.12:::Q:579 cu m == 0.579x30

. . . . ' =17.37=17..5 bags,
(i0 Sand coarse @,O.:'o..:u il1P~,;';u i\li..-f R.'ri; w~ik='4.8n~(.36=L7'~'eu ffi;" '.
(0 Steel @ 0.8% of R.B. work == 4.822 x .8 cu m > .3858 x 78:5 q' ==0.0385& x 78.5 == 3.03 q
Abstract of Materlals- . 100 100 .
1. Bricks standard size (Metric) 1378 nos.
2. Brick tiles (Metric) . 1722 nos.
3. Cement 17Yz bags
4. Sand coarse 1.74 cu m
5. Steel . 3.03 q
Example 5- Work out thequan~ities of bricks, ceme~~ san~L coarse aggregate and, steel
required for the aqueduct whose drawings are gwen m page 430(Flg. 9-7). .

;/ .. "'
! i
. I
~; ,: A .'

Prom the detailed estimate ofthp Aqueduct in page; 4;1432. the quantities ofdifferent items
ot' work are obtained and the quan.t~ies are calcula(ed as follows :_
. ~. ~
... Cal~uliltion-of ~aterials(E".S) . _ :::f;\:t
... ":

Particulars of items of work Br.cks Bricks 40mm 20 min Cement .Sand Sand Steel
and basis of materials l-class, ll-class brick .Stone coarse (local)
per unit ballast ballast

1. Cement concrete 1:4:8
with brick ballast

~~;c~:- -
- 1.78 - 0.222 - 0.89 -
cu m cum cu m
0.92 ell m brick ballast 40mn .
0.46 cu m Sand (local)
0.115 cu m Cement
2. l-class brickwork in 1:4'
cement mortar
4870 - - -
9.74 cu m
Per cu m-
500 nos. Bricks I-class .
. nos.
eu .,.,
I -

0.06 cu m Cement
0.24 cu m Sand
3. R;C.C. work 1:2:4
5.48 cu m
Percu m-
I - - - 4.82 1.20 2.41 - 4.302
cum cu m cu m q
0.88 cu m Stone ballast
20 mm >.
0.44 cu m Sand (coarse) I
0.22 cu m Cement
0.785 q steel @ 1%
4. Cement pointing ..

1:2-43.14 sq m } - - - 0.086 - 0.17 -

Per % sq m _ . cum cum
0.20 cu m Cement
0.40 cu m Sand (local)
S. Brick pitching 8.86 cu m
Per cu m }
- 4430 - - - - -
500 nos. Brick straight
Over burnt . . .
- . . , -

Total 4870 4430 1.78 4.82 2.088 4.75 1.06 4.302

nos. nos. - cum eu m cu m cum cu m q
= 2.09
Abstract of Materials
1. Brick I-class . 4870 nos. 5. Cement 63 bags
2. Brick Il-class 4430 nos. 6. Sand coarse 4.75 cu ~
3. 40 mm Brick ballast 1.18 cu m 7. Sand (local) fine 1.06 cu m
4. 20 mm Stone ballast 4.82 ell m 8. Steel 4.302 q

Example 6-Estimate the quantity of materials required for the construction of a 3 metre span
culvert as per drawings in Figs 8.8 and 8.9 given in pages.384-385 .
, i . ' The quantities ofdifferent itcms.ofworkheve qeen calculated under dctsiled estimate in pages
/ 385-388. and (rom those quantities of work, the reqil1remeiJ {offiiiifefials-Ei.ttnJalculated below:
Calculation of Materials (Ex. 6)
I; Particulars of items of work and basis
Brick 40mm Cement Sand Lime Surkhi
of materials
I-class Brick slaked
I. Lime concrete in foundation-31.61 cu m - 31.6r - - 5.06 10.12
1.00 cu m Brick ballast 40 mm} cum cu m cu m
0.16 cu m Lime slaked' per cu m
0.32 cu m .Surkhi' ,'
2. I-class Brickwork in 1:4 cement mortar
82.03 cu m
41015 - 4.922 19.69 - -
, i
.! ,

500 nos. Bricks l-class

0.06 cu m Cement,

0.24 cu m Sand }per cu m

nos. GU m cu m

.' I 3. I-Class Brickwork in I : 3 cement

~- -_.

! mortar in arch - 30.78 eu m

15390 - 2.310 6.93 "
, )! 500 nos. Bricks I-class
nos. cu m cum

, i
)I 0.075 Cll m Cement
0.225 cu m Sand ')


I 4. Brick on edge floor in I : 3 cement
-,I ,t mortar-30.30 sq J(J.
1515 - 0.227 0.6.8 - '
r , II For Brick floor I : 3
5000. nos. l-class brick
nos. curn cum;
0.75 cu m Cement } per %sq.m
", .::'' 1
, "
2.25 eu m Sand . - .. : ..
r '\ I ,

For cement pointing I : 2-:

0.2 cu m Cement
0.4 eu m Sand
~ per % sq m.
- -, 0.061
- -
5. Cement pointingl : 2-170,:'M sqm - ,0:68"
'<, .
- '0.340, ........
0.2 cu m Cement .. per % sq m cum cu.rn
0.4 cu m sand , 0

Tota'[ .57920 31.61 7.860 28.10 5.06 10.12
nos. cum cum eu in, eu m cum
j =235.8
~ !,
. .. bags
Abstract of Materials
\. l-class brick 57920 nos. 4. Sand 28.10 cu m
2. Brick ballast I-class 40 mm 3\.61 cu m 5. Lime slaked 5.06 cu m
3. Cement ' 7.60 cu m 6. Surkhi 10.12 cu m
~ 235.8 bags,

Example 7-Estimate the quantity of materials-stone aggregate, sand and cement required

for cement concreting one kilometre length of a 3.70 metres wide road, the thickness of concrete

being 10 em.

. _. _.. Estlmateihe cosifo~ lk~-~-itils~it~bierat~~~T~~t~;i~l-~'~~;~~i~g-l~b;~;~~t~-i~~-~lixing,

laying and curing including shuttering as Rs. 30.00 per cu m of c.c,
(Aligarh o.S.Q. - 1962, Punjab Technical Board Q.-1964 Modified)
Quantity of I : 2 : 4 c.c. work-v-f Ot) m x 3.70 m x 0.10 m = 370 cu m.

Stone aggregate @ .88 cu m per cu m of C.C.=370 X.88=325.6cu m.

Sand coarse @ .44 cu m per cu m of C.C.=370X.44=162.8 cu m.'

Cement @ .22 cu In per cu m of C.C.=370x.22=81.4 cu m = 81.4 x30 =2442 bags.


Stone aggregate 40 m 325.6 ClI m@ Rs. 190.00 per cu m Rs. 61864.00.

Sand coarse 162.8 cu m @ Rs. 150.00 per cu m Rs. 24420.00

Cement 2422 bags @ Rs. 65.00 bag Rs. 157430.00

Labour 370 cum @ Rs, 30.00 per cu m Rs.1 I 100.00

Total Rs.254814.00
Add 5% for Contingencies and Workcharged Establishment Rs. 12740.70
Grand Total Rs.267554.70
Example 8-Estimate the quantities of materials required for I km length of e.e. Trackway

with 75 em wide and8 em thick e.c. I: 2: 4 tracks, 150em centre to centre over 16em thick and 95

ern wide rammed brick ballast. The space in between theC.C. tracks is to_befille'd with 8 em thick

rammed brick ballast.

Calculate the cost of the whole job from the following data :
Cement at site-Rs. 1300.00 per tonne, coarse sand (at site)-Rs. 150.00 per cu m, stone ballast

40 mm (atsite)-Rs. 190.00 per cu m, brick ballast 50 mm (at site)-Rs. 130.00 percu m. Labour for

concreting, mixing.Laying, curing, etc., of tracks-Rs. 180.00 per % sq m of track surface, labour

for laying and consolidation of brick ballast-i-Rs. 9.00 per cu m.

(Roorkee O.s.Q:-1948 Modified)

(For type cross-section sec Fig. 7-24, page 365)

Quantities of cement concrete I: 2 : 4 in tracks=2x1000x.75 x.08=120 cu m.

.Quantities of brick ballast )0 nun I()use\~<t ern compacted (0"16 em in 'two Iayersj-i- .

(.1) Under c.c. tracks=2 x 1000 x .95 x .24 = 456 cum.} ::: 5,46 cu m

(11) In between tracks > 1000 x .75 x .12 = 90 cu m

(iiJ~ Track surface area > 2 x 1000 x .75 = 1500 sq m.


Stone aggregate 40 mm @ .88 cu m per cu m of e.c. =120x.88:;=105.6 cu m.

Sand coarse @ .44 cu m per cu m of c.c. 120 x .44 = 52.8 cu m.

Cernent@ .22cu m percu mofC.C. = 120 x .22= 26.4cu m > 26.4 x 30:::792 bags> 39.6 tonne.

Brick ballast over burnt 50 mm = 546 cu m.


,t Cost-
Stone aggregate 40 mm 105.6 cu m @ Rs. 190.00 per cu m == .105.6 x 190.00 = Rs. 20064.00
Sand coarse 52.8 cu m @ Rs. 150.00 per cum = 52.8 x 150.00 = Rs. 7920.00
Cement J9.6toli"ne -@ Rs. l3OO~OO' penonne=39~6"',x,l-300;OO =Rs. 51480.00-. '
Brick ballast over burnt
50 mm 546 cu m @ Rs, 130.00 per cu m ' = 546 x 130.00 = Rs. 70980.00

Labour for concreting 1500 sq m @ Rs. 180.00 per % sq m = i500 x 180

Labour for laying and
consolidation of brick
II ballast 546 cu m @ Rs. 9.00 per cu m = 546 x 9.00 = Rs. 4914.00
Total 158058.00
Add 5% for Contingencies and Workcharged Establishment 79'02.90
Grand Total 165960.90


Materials are carried to the site of works either by bullock carts or by trucks. When the
distance is short the bullock cart's are used and for long distance trucks are used.
Trucks.....The trucks may be of different capacity as 3 tanners, 5 tonners, 8 tonners (see page'-
477) etc. The cost of transporting materials depends upon the following factors':- '
, (1) Cost of owing or hire charges of the vehicle, (iI) Loading capacity of the vehicle, (ill) Speed
of the vehicle, (i0 Lead or distance of transport, (lo}Number oftrips per dayof8 hours workin~(V1)
Labour cost for loading and unloading, (viI) The consumption offuel Petrol or Diesel oil, Mobil .
oil, and their cost, (viiI) Distance of parking place ofthe vehicle. The speed for truck is less for.short
lead and gradually increases for greater distance lead. For a lead of 1 km average speed is usually
taken-as 10 km per hour and for each additional lead of 1 km an increase of speed of Ih km/hr, is
allowed. For parking usually 6 km is allowed. The number oftrips(N) in"a'8~hour working day is
calculated by the formula-N= 8 , where L=lead (distance) in km, Ssspeed in km per
2L+ .2
S 4
hour and ~ hour time is allowed for loading and unloading. '
Knowing the number oftrips, the total distance run both 'ways in km isequal to 2 NL -'-6. The

consumption of fuel, etc., many be taken as-Petrol or Diesel oil 3 km per litre, Mobil oil 100 km

y~; :i~'i(.i TL. quantity offuel consurr-ptior- .?.nn the ~nst offuel may be calculated atthe local rates.

. Then the total cost and the quantity of materials that can be transported p~r day may be

calculated and hence the rate of transport per unit of materials.mav be determined, The trucks may

be' owned by the department or engaged on hire (Rs. 6001- to Rs. '700/- per dayi.or the ";,',,'fl.;, of

transport may be given on contract per unit rate of materials. "

.: I
Bullock Cart-Bullock cart can carry a load of 3/4 to I tonne depending on the type of

materials and the natureof road (seepage 477).The average speed-of a bullock can may be: taken as

3.S km per hour and 3/4 hour may be allowed for loading and unloading. Ta~ing 8 hours work~ng

per day knowing the distance, the number of trips per day may be calculated directly or by applying

the formula. The quantity of materials that can be transported per day and hence the number of


~,~. i ~
. . \ ,

dayf work may be determined. Assuming suitable rate of bullock cart including driver per day
(Rs, 1001- to Rs.1501- per day), the totalcost.of transport and th~ rate of transport per unit of the
materials may be calculated. Bullock cart may be engaged on daily wages basis or the transport
wotk-maybe given on-contract per unit0r-material~;- ---- -- ...-.-!- . - - - - - -- .

Example I-Calculate the cost of carriage of 50,()OO bricks by bullock carts, from a distance of
7 krn on kutcha road. The cart can make two trips p'er day and can carry 250 bricks per trip. The
wages of bullock cart may be taken as Rs. 50.00 per day including driver. ; :11

No. of trips required = ~.9000 = 200.


No. of days work at two trips per day = 200. = 100.

Cost of transport @ Rs. 50.00 per day> 100 x 50.00 = Rs. 5000.00.
Example 2-Calculate the cost of transport of 1500 cu m of stone ballastfrom a distance of 20
km by truck can carry 3 cu m per trip. Tile kilometreage 'rate of carriageinclusive o_f loading and
unloading being-
Ist km Rs. 5.50 per cu m/ km
2nd and 3rd km ~. 1.00 per cu m/k~
4th and 5th km RS,O.80 per cu m/krq
6th to 10thkm Rs. 0.6() per cu m/kII1
l lth to 20th km . Rs. 0.40 per ell m/ km,
No. of-trips _1500= 500 nos.

Cost of trip of 3 cu m
1st km @ 5.50/cu mlkm . =.5.50 x 3 x 1 =-Rs. 16.50

2nd and 3rd Ian @ I.OO/cu m/km. . = .1.CO )( 3 x 2 = Rs. 6.00

4th and 5th km @ 0.30/cu m Ikm = 0.80 x 3 x 2 = Rs. 4.80

. 6th to 10th km @ 0.60/cu m/km = 0.60 x 3 x 5::: Rs. 9.00

. I I th to 20th krn @ oAo,iCti mlkm = 0.40 x 3' x jQ ~Rs. 12.00

Total Rs. 48.30

per trip of 3 eu m
Cost of transport = Rs. 48.30 x 500 trips = Rs. 24150.00
Example 3-Find the cost of carrying 20,000 bricks. to a distance of8 km in aeart at Rs. 50.00
a day, when a cart can carry 200 bricks in a trip, the speed of the cart being 30 metres in a minute.
Assume a workingday of9 hours, and time taken in loading and unloading 200 bricks (a cart
as 20 minutes. .

pi ...

(i) How many carts are needed if the above transport is to be done in 5 days?

No; of trips required > 20,000 ::: 100" " _ . .... _,---- - _.
T irne require i one trip
. d In . b ot h ways >
(8 x2x lOOO)
_ mins. ::: 534 mins. = 8 hrs. 54 min.
30 '

Adding 20 min for loading and unloading, time per trip = 9 hrs. 14 min., say 9 hrs.
That is the cart can make one trip per day.
Therefore, the cost of transport @ Rs. 50.00 per day > Rs. 50,00 x 100::: Rs. 5000.00.
(ii) If the work of transport is to be completed in 5 days, the no. oftrips per day = 100 ::: 20.
Therefore, 20 carts are needed to work daily for 5 days.
If the working day is [or 8 hours working then [or 9 hours 14minutes working a day propor
tionate overtime charge may be allowed. The amount due [or 1 ltour la min overtime working is
equal to Rs. 50 x 114 =Rs. 7.70. Therefore, the cost per trip = Rs.50.00 + Rs. 7.70= Rs. 57.70and
8 ,60 "
hence the total cost o[tr~nsport will be equal to Rs. 57. 70xlO0 = Rs. 5770.00.
Example 4-Calculate the cost of transportation by trucks for Kankarsoling and inter coat
for a new road 16 km long, width of metalling is 3.7 metres. '," ,

Assume the quarry to be in lkm. of the section, carrying capacity of truck in 3' cu m and
transport charge including loading and unloading being : - ":':.- ,.. ,:'

1st km Rs. 4.50/c~-m/ k.=ll'

2nd km and 3rd km Rs. 0.75/cu m/ km
4th and 5th km Rs. 0.60/cu mjkm
6th to 10th krn Rs. 0.45/cu mj krn
II th to 20th km Rs. O.30/cu mj km
The rate of stacking by the road side is Rs. Loo/cu m.
, "'\
Quantity of kankar for I km for two coats-

Soling coat (12 em thick loose tayer)> I x I 000x3. 7x 1.2=444 cu m.

Inter coatI l Z em thick loose layer) :::lxIOOOx3.7XI.2=444 Cli m.

Total 888 cu m.
888 cu m of kankar is to be transported to each km and stacked in two rows.
Quarry, being against 1 km, the distance of transport will be 1 km form Ist km, 2 krn [or
znd krn, 3 km [or 3rd km , .. '... , , ... " .. 16 km for 16th kID. of the road.
: ,I

The cost of transport including the cost of.stacking'for different kilometres are calculated
Rate of transport Cost 'of Transpcrt for _ Cost of Total cost
Km ---
per eu m 888 eu m stackliii@--- -radiaiiS-porT .
Re. LOO/eu m and stacking

Kml Rs.4.50 888 x 4.50 = Rs. 3996.00 888xLOO Rs.4884.00


Km2 Rs. 4.50+0.75=Rs. 5.25 888 x 5.25 = Rs. 4662.00 888x 1.00 Rs.5550.00

Km3 Rs. 5.25+0.75=Rs. 6.00 888 x 6.00 = Rs. 5328.00 Rs.888.00 Rs.62.16.00
Km4 Rs. 6.00+0.60=Rs. 6.60 888 x 6.60 = Rs. 5860.80 Rs.888.00 Rs.6748.80
Km5 Rs. 6.60+0.60= Rs. 7.20 888 x 7.20 == Rs. 6393.60 Rs.888.00 Rs. n81.00
Km 6 Rs. 7.20+0,45==Rs. 7.65 888 x 7.65 = Rs. 6793.20 Rs.888.00 Rs. 7681.20
Km7 Rs. 7.65+0,45=Rs. 8.10 888 x 8.10 = Rs. 7192.80 Rs.888.00 Rs.8080.80
Km8 Rs. 8.10+0,45==Rs. 8:55 888.x 8.55 == Rs. 7592,40 Rs,888.00 Rs: 8480.40
Km9 .Rs. 8.55+0,45==Rs. 9.00 . 888 x 9.00 = Rs. 7992.00 Rs.888.00 Rs.8880.00
Km 10 Rs. 9.00+0,45=Rs. 9.45 888 x 9,45 == Rs. 8391.60 Rs.888.00 Rs.92(9.60
Km 11 Rs. 9,45+0.30==Rs. 9.75 888 x 9.75 == Rs. 8658.00 Rs, 888.00 . Rs. 95~6.00
Km 12 Rs. 9.75+0.30==Rs. 10.05 888 x 10.05 <Rs. 8924.40 Rs.888.00 Rs.9812.40
Km 13 Rs. 1O.05+0.30=Rs. 10.35 888 x 10.35 = Rs. 9190.80 , Rs.888.00 Rs. 10075.80
Km 14 Rs. 1O.35+0.30=Rs. 10.65 888 x 10.65 = Rs. 9457.20 Rs.888.00 Rs. 10345.20
Km 15 Rs. 1O.65+0.30=Rs. 10.95 888. x 10.95 == Rs. 9723.60 Rs.888.00 Rs. 10611.60
Km 16 Rs. 10.95+0..30==Rs. 1l.25 888 x 11.25 = Rs. 9990.00 Rs.888.00 Rs. 10878.00

_I Total Rs. 120164,40 Rs, 14208.00 Rs. 134372.40

The total cost of transport and stacking = Rs. 134372.40 .:;;f

Alternate Approximate Method. - The cost may also be calculated approximately as
follows :

l ometreage rdi
A verage kilometreaze (distance) of transport = 1-r16
:= 81.~ k rn.

-----------'-----~----_ ..... .._-_

_ .. -.. - ..-- ..


~ Cost of transport per trip of 3 cu m for 8Y:z km

1st krn @ Rs. 4.50/cu rnj krn = 4.50 x3xl =Rs. 13.50
2nd and 3rd km @ Rs. 0.75/cu rn/ km = 0.75x3x2 =Rs. 4.50
t 4th and 5th km @ Rs. 0.60/cu rnj krn =0.60x3x2 =Rs. 3.60
, .j 6th to8~hn @ Rs, 0.45/ eu in/ km" . == O.45x3x2'h=:Rs~-TJ8-- .

.-- ! Total =Rs. 24.98

Total quantity of kankar for 16 km forboth soling and inter coat=2x 1000x3.7 xO.12x 16x888
= 14208 cu rn. Total number of trips at 3 Cll m per trip = 14208/3 = 4736.
, Total cost of transport=Rs. 24.98xNo. of trip=Rs. 24.98x4736=Rs. 118305.30.
.. j
Total cost nf stacking=Rs. 1.00xI4208=Rs. 14208.00 .
'.' Therefore, the total cost of transport and stacking= Rs. 118305.30+ RSt 14208.00 =
I Rs. 132513.30.
-, "1
'I It may be noted that the cost calcu lated by this method differ from the first method. If the rate
I /"i
of transport per km would have been uniform althrough then there would not have been any
II ~J,
. difference. .
-,../ i
-:'-1 The first method should be used as it gives the correct cost and the cost for every km, the cost of
.-' I
, 1
transport, the cost of stacking, etc., separately which are advantageous during execution of work.
.\ Example 5-Calculate the cost per trip for carriage of materials by bullock cart for a .lead of 5'
.., .. \
km. Take the speed of bullock cart as 4 krri per hour. .

. . a
(i) Number of trips per working dayof 8 hours, N = (See page 559)
' .
2L + 3
S "4

,. 8
V~6. Taking a bullock cartas ~ ~.?Ou~s:workingday,
" , = 2x5 3= the charge of Rs. 50.00 .per
, -"- - '-+
4' 4
or :1 Rs.50.00
. "
Cost per trip = . = Rs. 20.30 .
'-- -; (iI) As the bullock cart cannot make a whole number .rf trip during 8 hours, the working hours
r may be increased and higher charges may be paid. Taking 9% hours as working hours per day.
9% .
, the number of trips. N = .. = 3.Taking charaes of bullock cart as Rs. 58.00 per 93,1,; hours
! 2xS+.2 . ....
" I

'- ,
I i
, working day. Cost per trip =" = Rs. 19.33.
,. ;.." 3
The cost per trip has been calculated by two assumptions, the second one is more practicable.
Example 6-Calculate the rate per unit (per cu m) for carriage of materials-Sand, surkhi,
Iime, ballast, etc., by bullock cart for a lead of 6 km. Average speed of bullock cart is 4 km per hour.
8 8
'., I Number of trip per 8 hours working day, N = - - - : : 2.13.
2L + 3 2 x6+-l
S 4 4 4


....... .-1

::~I : . . .. -'--" .~
~ '. ~
, ,
;..: .:.. i . Rs.50.00
Taking charges of a bullock cart as Rs. ~.OO per d~y. of ~ hours working. Cost per tnp "1 \2: 13 .

=R&.2.3..50, , .._ .___._ .

Taking loading capacity per bullock cart as 0.8 cu m, number of trips required per unit of
.1 cu m =. 0.18 =1.25 no. Therefore, cost. of carriage per unit of 1 cu m = Rs. 23.50 x 1.25 = Rs. 29.40.
Adding' 10% contractor's profit the rate' per cu m = Rs. 29.40 + 2.Y4 = Rs. 32.84. .
Example 7 .-Calculate the rate per unit (I cu m) for carriage of materials-e-Saud, surkni, lime,
grit,ballast, kankar, etc., by track for a lead of 15 km. .
Take loading capacity of truck as 3.5 cu m of material.
Speed of truck-Speed of truck for first I km lead=1O km per hour. For subsequent lead of
14 km at Y2 km per hour for each additional lead of I km = 7 km per hour. Therefore, average speed
for a lead of IS km = 17 km per hour. Thus, speed S = 17, and lead L=15. .

Number ofTrips per day of(8 hours working day), N = ---~

Totslkm done per day (both ways allowing 6 km for parking) = 2NL+6=2x3.18X15~6

=101.4 km.

Petro/.-'-Petrol consumption for 101.4 km at 3 km per litres- 101.4{3=33.81itre. Cost of Petrol

33.8 litres @ Rs. 7.50 per litre=Rs. 7.50x33.8";Rs. 253.50.
Mobi/ oil-Mobil oil consumption for 101.4 km at 100 km per litre= 101.4/100 = 1.0 1litre. Cost
of Mobil oil 1.01 litre at Rs. 20.00 per litre = 20.02.
Labour-Cost of labour for loaumg and unloading materials 6 Mazdoor (Beldar) @ Rs. 18.00
each per day=Rs. 108.00.
Hiresge of Truck-Hire charge of Truck including driver and cleaner-i-Rs. 350.00 per day of8 . "':'"
Total Cost-Adding Total Cost-Rs. 253.50+ Rs. 20.02 + Rs. 108.00 + Rs. 350.00 =Rs. 731.52.
Adding 10% contractor's profit. Total Cost=Rs. 731.52+Rs.73.15 = Rs. 804.67.

T otal Cost Rs. 804.67

Cost per trip'" -- . ,- = - - .-.-.- .. "" I>.~ ?53.(ltl,

Number of Trips 3.18

Rate per cu m-e-Loading capacity of {ruck is 3.5 cu m of materials.

Cost per trip Rs. 253.04

Therefore cost oi carriage per CLl ill = = = Rs. 72.30 per eu m.

Carrying capacity 3.5 eu m

--_..... _~-_._------_._._. __ .. _-'--- .. _

~-'-' ~------_ _._._-_ __._._._--
.. ... -
-.,-- .. -_ .. _._~ ---..... ~

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