Rent Agreement / Lease Deed

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For a period of ___________________

This Rent Agreement/Lease deed is made at ____________________________________

On this _______day of _________________________between the following parties:-

Herein after called the First Party /Landlord/ Lessor, where the terms and conditions/
Contexts as admit as includes its representatives, executors, successors and assigns.

Sh/ Smt _________________________________________________________________

( hereinafter referred the seconds party/tenant/Lessee where the terms and conditions so
admits include its representatives,heirs,executors,administrators ,successors and assigns)
WHEREAS the first party/landord/lessor is the owner of __________________

Sign of I st party/landlord. Sign of Second Party/Tenant.

And Whereas the second party/tenant/lessee, has approached the first
party /lessor /landlord to give the premises mentioned above on rent / lease to second
party for______________________________________________________________

And Whereas both the parties have agreed for it on the following terms and
Conditions :-

1. That the tenancy of the said premises ________________________________

Shall commence from ______________________to ______________________

i ..e.Period of ________________.
2. That the second party/Leasee/tenant has taken the possession of the said pemise
from the first party/landlord/ lessor with effect from _______________________

3. That the premises shall be used by the second party for ____________________
in case he/ she vacate the premises earlier, the Rent Agreement/Lease
automatically, stands cancelled

4. That the second party/tanant shall pay the monthly rent of Rs.____________
(Rupees in words __________________________________________________
in advance on or before the 7th day of each English calendar month for which it
falls due by the cheques/Draft/Cash .

5. That ____ percent rent will be increased after every Eleven months/one year from
the date of tenancy

6. That the second party/tenant will pay the electricity Water charges and Sewerage
charges bill as per meter reading issued by the concerned authorithy.

7. That the second party/tenant shall not make any addition or alteration in the said
premises under his/her occupation without the permission in writing from the first
party/landlord . However ,minor repairs and replacement of Electric & Sanitary
fittings will be undertaken by the second party/tenant at his expenses.

8. That the second party/tenant shall keep and maintain the said premises in proper
and good condition.

9. That the second party/tenant shall not sublet or part with the said premises in
whole or in part to any body else.
Sig. Of 1st party/landlord sig. Of 2nd party/Tenant
10. That the tenancy may be renewed with the mutual consent of both the parties.

11. That the tenancy may be terminated by either of the party by the local authorities.

12. That the second party will abide by the rules and regulations imposed by the local

13. That the time of expiry the tenancy period , the second party/tenant shall be liable
to deliver vacant possession of the aforesaid premises in its original state without
any damages to the building , fittings and fixtures ,the same will be replaced/
compensated by the second party/tenant.

14. That the second party have deposited a sum of Rs.________________________

(Rupees in words __________________________________________________
as security with the first party/landlord without interest, which will be refunded at
the time of vacating the premises after deducting any kind of arrears /damages.

15. While the agreement is for a period of _______________________the second

party/tenant will vacate the tenancy premises within stipulated period to the first
party/landlord . If for any reason whatsoever vacant possession of the tenancy
premises is not given within time, the possession will be illegal ; and the
possession may be taken by first party/landlord by all methods open to his/her.

16. Any dispute arising out of the Rent Agreement/Lease deed shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of court of Gurgaon only.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have set and subscribed their hands on the day ,
month and year as mentioned above in the presence of following witnesses.


1. Sig. Of Ist Party/Landlord

2. Sig. Of 2nd Party/Tenant.

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