The Old Struggle For Human Rights
The Old Struggle For Human Rights
The Old Struggle For Human Rights
The wisdom of hindsight informs us that human rights stem from three
bedrock rights: the right to life, the right to human dignity, and the right to
develop.[2] From the right to life springs our right to own property, to health, to
work, to establish a family. From the right to human dignity flows our right to
equal treatment before the law, to freedom of thought, of conscience, of
religion, of opinion, expression, and to be recognized as a person everywhere.
From the right to develop comes the right to education, and to live in an
environment that allows all of our rights to flourish in full.[3]
There is no human without any right. The caveman and the civilized man
have the same natural rights. Human rights inhere in all of us as human
beings, as beings higher and different from other creatures. Since they are
innate to man, since they are inherent to his being, these rights are inalienable
and cannot be taken away; they are inviolable and cannot be waylaid by any
might of man; their preservation is an obligation shared by the rulers and the
ruled alike.
Our history tells us that in this small patch of the earth, our forefathers
pioneered in planting the seeds of human rights when it was far from being
the fad and fashion of the day. On May 31, 1897, they established a
republican government in BiaknaBato. It had a Constitution advance on
political and civil rights. With serendipity, its authors Felix Ferrer and Isabelo
Artacho embedded in it four articles which guaranteed freedom of the press,
the right of association, freedom of religion, and freedom from deprivation of
property or domicile except by virtue of judgment passed by a competent
court of authority. They entrenched these radical ideals in 1898 when
Aguinaldo established a revolutionary government and adopted the Malolos
Then came our war against the United States. American President
McKinley sent the First Philippine Commission headed by Jacob Gould
Schurman to assess the Philippine situation. On February 2, 1900, the
commission reported to the President that the Filipino wanted above all a
guarantee of those fundamental human rights which Americans hold to be
the natural and inalienable birthright of the individual but which under Spanish
domination in the Philippines had been shamefully invaded and ruthlessly
trampled upon. In response to this, President McKinley, in his Instruction of
April 7, 1990 to the Second Philippine Commission, provided an
authorization and guide for the establishment of a civil government in the
Philippines stated that (u)pon every division and branch of the government of
the Philippines must be imposed these inviolable rules The inviolable
rules included, among others, that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty,
or property without due process of law.
The horrors of the World Wars warn us that the protection of human rights
is a duty we owe to generations to come. In 1945, the peoples of the United
Nations (UN), declared in the Preamble of the UN Charter that their primary
end was the reaffirmation of faith in the fundamental human rights, in the
dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women
and of nations large and small, in order to save succeeding generations from
the scourge of war.
The promotion of human rights is also the indispensable predicate of
peace and progress. For this reason, on December 10, 1948, the United
Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its two
implementing covenants are the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights. These instruments not only denounced nazism and fascism, but also
recognized that the security of individual rights, like the security of national
rights, was a necessary requisite to a peaceful and stable world order.
The interesting question is what has happened to human rights in this new
millennium? The end of the Cold War ended the bipolar world starring the
West led by the United States and the East led by Russia. The end result of
that clash of civilization is the emergence of a unipolar world dominated by
democracy as the political ideology and the triumph of capitalism as the bible
of economics. With communism out in the cold, the world awaited with bated
breath the dawn of universal peace and order. But when peace appeared to
be within mankinds grasp, 9/11 shattered to smithereens its illusion. 9/11
gave birth to new realities on ground with grave repercussions on the human
rights situation in the world, especially the most vulnerable sector, the poor
who are many, the many yet the most impotent.
On the universal level, 9/11 altered the face of international law. As the
worst victim of terrorism, the United States led the fight to excise and exorcise
terrorism from the face of the earth. It pursued a strategy characterized by a
bruising aggressiveness that raised the eyebrows of legal observers. The
leader country of democracy did not wait for the United Nations to act but
immediately sought to search and destroy terrorists withersoever they may be
found. In less polite parlance, the search and destroy strategy gave little
respect to the sovereignty of states and violated their traditional borders. The
strategy which is keyed on military stealth and might had trampling effects on
the basic liberties of suspected terrorists for laws are silent when the guns of
war do the talking. The war on terrorism has inevitable spilled over effects on
human rights all over the world, especially in countries suspected as being
used as havens of terrorists. One visible result of the scramble to end
terrorism is to take legal shortcuts and legal shortcuts always shrink the scope
of human rights.
The escalation of extra judicial killings in the Philippines has attracted the
harsh eye of advocates of human rights. The UN Commission on Rights has
sent Prof. Alston to look at the Philippine human rights situation. Some
members of the International Parliamentary Union are in town for the same
purpose. Their initial findings are not complementing to our Constitutional
commitment to protect human rights.
Three. The threats to our national security and human rights will be
aggravated if we have a state, weakened internally by a government hobbled
by corruption, struggling with credibility, battling the endless insurgence of the
left and the right; and, by a state weakened externally by pressure exerted by
creditor countries, by countries where our trade comes from, by countries that
supply our military and police armaments. A weak state cannot fully protect
the rights of its citizens within its borders just as a state without economic
independence cannot protect the rights of its citizens who are abroad from the
exploitation of more powerful countries.
Fourth and lastly, the business of safeguarding our national security, the
obligation of protecting human rights is a burden shared by all of us. It is not
only the military that should tackle our problem of security for it is our security
that is at stake, not their security. Security interest is a collective interest
where everybody has a significant stake. In the same vein, the rich and the
powerful should not consider the protection of the rights of the poor and the
powerless as peripheral problems just because for the moment their own
rights are unthreatened. Sooner or later, they will find that they who default in
protecting the rights of the many will end up without rights like the many. The
apathy of those who can make a difference is the reason why violations of
human rights continue to prosper. The worst enemy of human rights is not its
non believers but the fence sitters who will not lift a finger despite their
violations. If we have learned anything from September 11 wrote New York
Times, columnist Thomas Friedman, it is that if you dont visit a bad
neighborhood, it will visit you.
Our work of protecting human rights is not yet finished. With the
incursions and threats of incursion to our human rights at this crucial moment
in our history, the clarion call to each one of us is to consecrate our lives to
the great cause of upholding our human rights. When Rizal turned his face
towards the rising sun, he saw hope in a heroic people carrying on the fight.
Let us not allow the shadow of ignorance, indifference or indolence eclipse
this hope so that we may continue to see a tomorrow begin in the East.