Chem82015 Exam
Chem82015 Exam
Chem82015 Exam
Thursday, August 13, 2015 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., only
This is a test of your knowledge of chemistry. Use that knowledge to answer all
questions in this examination. Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition
Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Chemistry. You are to answer all questions in all
parts of this examination according to the directions provided in this examination
A separate answer sheet for Part A and Part B1 has been provided to you. Follow
the instructions from the proctor for completing the student information on your
answer sheet. Record your answers to the Part A and Part B1 multiple-choice
questions on this separate answer sheet. Record your answers for the questions in
Part B2 and Part C in your separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on
the front of your answer booklet.
All answers in your answer booklet should be written in pen, except for graphs and
drawings, which should be done in pencil. You may use scrap paper to work out the
answers to the questions, but be sure to record all your answers on your separate
answer sheet or in your answer booklet as directed.
When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed
on your separate answer sheet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the
questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor
received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your
answer sheet and answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this
Notice. . .
A four-function or scientific calculator and a copy of the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for
Physical Setting/Chemistry must be available for you to use while taking this examination.
Part A
Directions (130): For each statement or question, select the word or expression that, of those given, best
completes the statement or answers the question. Record your answer on the separate answer sheet in
accordance with the directions on the front page of this booklet. Some questions may require the use of the
2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Chemistry.
1 Which subatomic particles are paired with their 6 At STP, which substance is a noble gas?
charges? (1) ammonia (3) neon
(1) electronpositive, neutronnegative, (2) chlorine (4) nitrogen
(2) electronnegative, neutronneutral,
protonpositive 7 At STP, oxygen exists in two forms, O2(g) and
O3(g). These two forms of oxygen have
(3) electronnegative, neutronpositive,
protonneutral (1) different molecular structures and different
(4) electronneutral, neutronpositive, properties
protonnegative (2) different molecular structures and the same
(3) the same molecular structure and different
2 In the ground state, an atom of which element properties
has two valence electrons? (4) the same molecular structure and the same
(1) Cr (3) Ni properties
(2) Cu (4) Se
8 Which statement describes a chemical property
3 The atoms in a sample of an element are in of sodium?
excited states. A bright-line spectrum is (1) Sodium has a melting point of 371 K.
produced when these atoms (2) Sodium has a molar mass of 23 grams.
(1) absorb energy (3) emit energy (3) Sodium can conduct electricity in the liquid
(2) absorb positrons (4) emit positrons phase.
(4) Sodium can combine with chlorine to produce
a salt.
4 Which statement describes a concept included
in the wave-mechanical model of the atom?
(1) Positrons are located in shells outside the 9 Which term identifies a type of chemical
nucleus. reaction?
(2) Neutrons are located in shells outside the (1) decomposition (3) sublimation
nucleus. (2) distillation (4) vaporization
(3) Protons are located in orbitals outside the
(4) Electrons are located in orbitals outside the 10 Based on Table S, an atom of which element has
nucleus. the weakest attraction for electrons in a
chemical bond?
(1) polonium (3) selenium
5 All elements on the modern Periodic Table are (2) sulfur (4) tellurium
arranged in order of increasing
(1) atomic mass
(2) molar mass
(3) number of neutrons per atom
(4) number of protons per atom
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [2]
11 Given the balanced equation: 17 Under which conditions of temperature and
F2 energy F F pressure does a real gas behave most like an
ideal gas?
Which statement describes what occurs during (1) 37 K and 1 atm (3) 347 K and 1 atm
this reaction? (2) 37 K and 8 atm (4) 347 K and 8 atm
(1) Energy is absorbed as a bond is formed.
(2) Energy is absorbed as a bond is broken. 18 The ratio of chromium to iron to carbon varies
(3) Energy is released as a bond is formed. among the different types of stainless steel.
(4) Energy is released as a bond is broken. Therefore, stainless steel is classified as
(1) a compound (3) a mixture
12 Which atoms will bond when valence electrons (2) an element (4) a substance
are transferred from one atom to the other?
(1) O and Se (3) O and H 19 Which statement explains why increasing the
(2) O and Sr (4) O and P temperature increases the rate of a chemical
reaction, while other conditions remain the same?
13 Which sample of matter is a mixture? (1) The reacting particles have less energy and
(1) Br2() (3) KBr(s) collide less frequently.
(2) K(s) (4) KBr(aq) (2) The reacting particles have less energy and
collide more frequently.
(3) The reacting particles have more energy and
14 According to kinetic molecular theory, collisions collide less frequently.
between gas particles in a sample of an ideal gas (4) The reacting particles have more energy and
(1) increase the energy content of the gas collide more frequently.
(2) produce strong attractive forces between 20 An open flask is half filled with water at 25C.
the gas particles Phase equilibrium can be reached after
(3) result in a net loss of energy by the gas
sample (1) more water is added to the flask
(4) transfer energy between the gas particles (2) the flask is stoppered
(3) the temperature is decreased to 15C
(4) the temperature is increased to 35C
15 Which substance can not be broken down by a
chemical change?
21 Which formula represents an unsaturated
(1) ethane (3) silicon
organic compound?
(2) propanone (4) water
(1) CH4 (3) C3H8
(2) C2H4 (4) C4H10
16 The temperature of a sample of matter is a
measure of the
22 All isomers of octane have the same
(1) average potential energy of the particles of
the sample (1) molecular formula (3) physical properties
(2) average kinetic energy of the particles of the (2) structural formula (4) IUPAC name
(3) total nuclear energy of the sample 23 Which formula represents a hydrocarbon?
(4) total thermal energy of the sample
(1) CH3I (3) CH3CH3
(2) CH3NH2 (4) CH3OH
25 At which electrode does oxidation occur in a 29 Compared to the half-life and decay mode of
voltaic cell and in an electrolytic cell? the nuclide 90Sr, the nuclide 226Ra has
(1) the anode in a voltaic cell and the cathode in (1) a longer half-life and the same decay mode
an electrolytic cell (2) a longer half-life and a different decay mode
(2) the cathode in a voltaic cell and the anode in (3) a shorter half-life and the same decay mode
an electrolytic cell (4) a shorter half-life and a different decay mode
(3) the anode in both a voltaic cell and an
electrolytic cell
(4) the cathode in both a voltaic cell and an 30 Which net change occurs in a nuclear fusion
electrolytic cell reaction?
(1) Ionic bonds are broken.
(2) Ionic bonds are formed.
26 Based on the Arrhenius theory, when potassium
(3) Energy is converted to mass.
hydroxide dissolves in water, the only negative
(4) Mass is converted to energy.
ion in the aqueous solution is
(1) O2 (aq) (3) H (aq)
(2) OH (aq) (4) OH (aq)
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [4]
Part B1
Directions (3150): For each statement or question, select the word or expression that, of those given, best
completes the statement or answers the question. Record your answer in the separate answer sheet in
accordance with the directions on the front page of this booklet. Some questions may require the use of the
2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Chemistry.
31 Which conclusion was drawn from the results of 36 As the first five elements in Group 15 are
the gold foil experiment? considered in order of increasing atomic number,
(1) An atom is electrically neutral. first ionization energy
(2) An atom is mostly empty space. (1) decreases
(3) The nucleus of an atom is negatively (2) increases
charged. (3) decreases, then increases
(4) The electrons in an atom are located in (4) increases, then decreases
specific shells.
37 Which substance in the table below has the
32 Which electron configuration represents an strongest intermolecular forces?
atom of magnesium in an excited state?
(1) 273 (3) 282 Molar Mass Boiling Point
(2) 276 (4) 285 (g/mol) (kelvins)
HF 20.01 293
33 Which group on the Periodic Table has HCl 36.46 188
elements with atoms that tend not to bond with
HBr 80.91 207
atoms of other elements?
(1) Group 1 (3) Group 17 HI 127.91 237
(2) Group 2 (4) Group 18
(1) HF (3) HBr
(2) HCl (4) HI
34 Which group on the Periodic Table has at least
one element in each of the three phases of
matter at STP? 38 Which ion in the ground state has the same
(1) 1 (3) 17 electron configuration as an atom of argon in the
ground state?
(2) 2 (4) 18
(1) A13 (3) K
(2) O2 (4) F
35 Rubidium and cesium have similar chemical
properties because, in the ground state, the
atoms of both elements each have 39 What is the number of pairs of electrons shared
(1) one electron in the outermost shell in a molecule of N2?
(2) two electrons in the outermost shell (1) 1 (3) 3
(3) one neutron in the nucleus (2) 2 (4) 6
(4) two neutrons in the nucleus
42 An aqueous solution has a mass of 490 grams 47 Given the diagram representing an incomplete
containing 8.5 103 gram of calcium ions. The electrochemical cell:
concentration of calcium ions in this solution is
(1) 4.3 ppm (3) 17 ppm
(2) 8.5 ppm (4) 34 ppm Wire Wire
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [6]
49 Which equation represents a spontaneous 50 Which particle has two neutrons?
transmutation? (1) 10n (3) 21H
(1) Ca(s) 2H2O() Ca(OH)2(aq) H2(g) (2) 11H (4) 42He
(2) 2KClO3(s) 2KCl(s) 3O2(g)
(3) 239 Pu
94 2 10n 241
95Am 1e
(4) 37
20Ca 37
1 e
Directions (5165): Record your answers in the spaces provided in the separate answer booklet. Some questions
may require the use of the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Chemistry.
52 Explain, in terms of particle arrangement, why a sample of solid NaCl has less entropy
than a sample of aqueous NaCl. [1]
53 Determine the molecular formula for a compound that has the empirical formula
CH2O and a molar mass of 120. grams per mole. [1]
54 A student drew the Lewis electron-dot diagram below to represent sodium chloride.
Na Cl
Explain why this diagram is not an accurate representation for the bonding in NaCl. [1]
57 In nature, 1.07% of the atoms in a carbon sample are C-13 atoms. In the space in your
answer booklet, show a numerical setup for calculating the number of C-13 atoms in a
sample containing 3.28 1024 atoms of carbon. [1]
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [8]
Base your answers to questions 58 and 59 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Heating Curve
Time (min)
59 State what happens to the potential energy of the particles of the sample during time
interval BC. [1]
Base your answers to questions 60 and 61 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
61 What is the color of methyl orange after it is added to this sample? [1]
One fission reaction for U-235 is represented by the balanced nuclear equation below.
92 10n 140
54Xe 38Sr 20n
94 1
Both radioisotopes produced by this fission reaction undergo beta decay. The half-life
of Xe-140 is 13.6 seconds and the half-life of Sr-94 is 1.25 minutes.
62 Explain, in terms of both reactants and products, why the reaction represented by the
nuclear equation is a fission reaction. [1]
63 Complete the equation in your answer booklet for the decay of Xe-140 by writing a
notation for the missing product. [1]
64 Determine the time required for an original 24.0-gram sample of Sr-94 to decay until
only 1.5 grams of the sample remains unchanged. [1]
65 On the diagram in your answer booklet, draw an arrow to represent the path of an emitted
beta particle in the electric field between two oppositely charged metal plates. [1]
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [10]
Part C
Directions (6685): Record your answers in the spaces provided in the separate answer booklet. Some
questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Chemistry.
Base your answers to questions 66 through 68 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
The two naturally occurring isotopes of antimony are Sb-121 and Sb-123. The table
below shows the atomic mass and percent natural abundance for these isotopes.
Antimony and sulfur are both found in the mineral stibnite, Sb2S3. To obtain antimony,
stibnite is roasted (heated in air), producing oxides of antimony and sulfur. The unbalanced
equation below represents one of the reactions that occurs during the roasting.
67 In the space in your answer booklet, show a correct numerical setup for calculating the
atomic mass of antimony. [1]
68 Complete the balancing of the equation in your answer booklet for the roasting of
stibnite, using the smallest whole-number coefficients. [1]
Procedure Observation
1. Measure the temperature of 10.0 milliliters
1. The temperature of the H2O() was 25.8C.
(10.0 grams) of H2O() in a test tube.
2. Add 5.0 grams of the solute, NH4Cl(s), to 2. The NH4Cl(s) settled to the bottom of the
the H2O(). test tube.
3. Stir the contents of the test tube for 3. A small amount of NH4Cl(s) remained at the
4 minutes. bottom of the test tube.
4. Measure the temperature of the NH4Cl(aq)
4. The temperature of the solution was 11.2C.
70 State evidence from the investigation that indicates the NH4Cl(aq) solution is saturated. [1]
71 State evidence from the investigation that indicates the process of dissolving the NH4Cl(s)
in water is endothermic. [1]
72 State the observation that would be made if procedure 3 is repeated with the original
temperature of the H2O() at 98C. [1]
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [12]
Base your answers to questions 73 and 74 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Coal is a fuel consisting primarily of carbon. In an open system, the carbon that burns
completely in air produces carbon dioxide and heat. This reaction is represented by the
balanced equation below.
73 In your answer booklet, use the key to draw at least five particles in the box to
represent the phase of the product. [1]
Base your answers to questions 75 and 76 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
During the winter months, icy roads pose a threat to motorists and can lead to
accidents. A mixture of sand and sodium chloride, NaCl, can be spread on roads to make
winter driving safer.
One New York town requires that a mixture of sand and salt used on
residential roads should contain 25% or less of NaCl by mass. A 10.0-gram sample of a
mixture of sand and NaCl was analyzed and found to contain 3.3 grams of NaCl.
75 State, in terms of freezing point, why sodium chloride is part of the mixture put on icy
roads. [1]
76 Explain, in terms of composition by mass, why the mixture from which the analyzed
sample was taken should not be used on residential roads of the town. [1]
Base your answers to questions 77 and 78 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Two organic compounds, geraniol and linalool, can be represented by the molecular
formula C10H18O. Geraniol has an odor similar to the scent of roses and linalool has an odor
similar to the scent of citrus fruits. Both compounds are nearly insoluble in water. The
structural formulas of geraniol and linalool are shown below.
Geraniol Linalool
79 Write the name of the class of organic compound to which both geraniol and linalool
belong. [1]
80 Explain, in terms of molecular polarity, why geraniol and linalool are nearly insoluble in
water. [1]
Base your answers to questions 81 and 82 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
The gastric juice of the human stomach has a pH value of approximately 1.5.
Hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is necessary for the digestion process. However, excess
hydrochloric acid may harm the stomach lining. One type of antacid uses Mg(OH)2(s) to
neutralize excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This neutralization is represented by the
incomplete equation below.
81 Complete the equation in your answer booklet by writing the formula of the missing
product. [1]
82 Describe the changes in both the hydrogen ion concentration and the pH of the gastric
juice of a human after ingesting this type of antacid. [1]
P.S./Chem.Aug. 15 [14]
Base your answers to questions 83 through 85 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Early scientists defined oxidation as a chemical reaction in which oxygen combined with
another element to produce an oxide of the element. An example of oxidation based on this
definition is the combustion of methane. This reaction is represented by the balanced
equation below.
The definition of oxidation has since been expanded to include many reactions that do
not involve oxygen. An example of oxidation based on this expanded definition is the
reaction between magnesium ribbon and powdered sulfur when heated in a crucible. This
reaction is represented by the balanced equation below.
83 State why early scientists classified the reaction represented by equation 1 as oxidation. [1]
85 Write a balanced half-reaction equation for the oxidation that occurs in the reaction
represented by equation 2. [1]