Errata Cassell Variational Methods With Applications in Science and Engineering2

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The document provided errata for the first printing of a book on variational methods and applications in science and engineering. Many typos and minor errors across various pages were corrected.

The errata corrected typographical errors, incorrect equation formatting, missing symbols, incorrect references and page numbers.

Examples of corrections include changing 'Greeen's' to 'Green's', adding ' = 0' to equations, updating references, and correcting variable names in exercises.

Errata for first printing of

Variational Methods with Applications in Science and Engineering

by Kevin W. Cassel
Cambridge University Press (2013)

26 April 2016

p. 4, line 11 of the second paragraph: Change This period... to These periods...

p. 17, line preceding equation (1.7): Change g(x, y) to g(x, y, z)
p. 22, line 2 before (1.11): Change Greeens to Greens
p. 31, third line after equation (2.5): Change variational derivative to functional derivative
p. 36, first equation: Remove 2 factor

p. 54, second equation after (2.44): Change (1 c21 )1/2 to (1 + c21 )1/2
p. 54, fourth equation after (2.44): Change ex1 to ex
p. 54, fifth equation after (2.44): Change (1 c21 )1/2 to (1 + c21 )1/2
p. 56, line 6: Change higher derivatives to higher-order derivatives
p. 66, line 4 of the second paragraph of Section 2.7: Replace final with overall
p. 67, third equation: Replace with
 Z x1 
G(x, u, u )dx = 0.

p. 77, second and third to last equations: Add = 0

p. 84, Exercise 2.24: Add Note that a(x, y), b(x, y), and c(x, y) are specified functions. to
end of exercise.
p. 84, Exercise 2.25, last line: Change u(x) to u(x, y, z)
p. 84, Exercise 2.26, second to last line: Change u(x) to u(r, )
p. 87, Exercise 2.40: Add Note that p(x), q(x), r(x), and s(x) are specified functions. before
If u(x) and ....
p. 90, line 3 of item 1): Change residual to residuals
p. 91, second line after equation (3.1): Change n to n + 1
p. 99, last equation: Add = 20
p. 127, line 7: Change l to `
p. 128, line 2 after equation (4.8): Change Euler-Lagrange equations to Euler equations
p. 131, equations following (4.18): Change due to to owing to (for consistency with pre-
ceding equations)

p. 142, line 4: Change do to does
p. 148, Table 4.2: Add explicitly after Forces of constraint must be incorporated
p. h154, Exercises
i 4.7 and 4.8: Change 1 to ` in four places: r = ` in 4.7(b), S(t) = (t) =

m ` + g cos in 4.7(c), ` + k two places in 4.8(b)

p. 190, footnote 3 and p. 192, line 4 of the third paragraph: Change Hartog to Den Hartog
p. 195, lines 4 and 9 of the third paragraph: Change Reddy 1984 to Reddy 1986
p. 195, line 6 of the third paragraph: Change Section 2.7.3 to Section 2.7.1
p. 199, third to last equation: Change to
1 2
dU P v dx,
2 x

p. 203, line 2 of the second paragraph: Change for systems to for conservative systems
p. 208, line 6: 0 in u = 0 should be bold
p. 218, Figure 6.16: The negatives are missing on the vertical axis
p. 224, line 9: Change methods to method
p. 239, line 3 of the last paragraph: Change the previous section to Section 7.1
p. 243, second to last line of first paragraph: Change symmetric to invariant
p. 247, line 4: Remove the before familiar
p. 249, lines 1 and 4 of the third paragraph: Change equations to equation
p. 261, second line after first equation: Change direction to directions
p. 264, line 2 of second paragraph: Add comma after Section 9.3
p. 274, line 18: Change Panton (2005) to Panton (2013)
p. 293, line 2: Add comma after non-normal systems and change comma to semi-colon before
that is
p. 296, line 6 of the third paragraph: Change 89 to 87.7
p. 304, third to last line: Change of up to up of
p. 306, line 6 of first paragraph in Section 10.2: Change Section 2.1.4 to Section 2.2
p. 310, second to last line: Change constraints to the constraint
p. 312, line 8 of second paragraph: Change u to in inequality constraint
p. 321, line 3 before (10.26): Change dynamic to dynamical
p. 337, line 5 of second paragraph: Remove comma after rate
p. 350, first line after equation (10.115): Change equation (10.109) to equation (10.108)
p. 355, line 3: Change least-square to least-squares

p. 356, line 2 of second paragraph: Change computational to computationally

p. 356, line 3 of third paragraph: Change dynamic to dynamical

p. 357, line 8 of second paragraph: Change bipassing to bypassing
p. 373, line 2 of second paragraph in Section 11.2.2: Change is to are

p. 375, line preceding equation (11.17): Change (x, y) to i (x, y)

p. 379, last line of first paragraph: Add comma after approach
p. 382, equation (12.5): Change f (x) to f ()
p. 394, first line after equation (12.25): Remove linear

p. 406: Update Panton reference to 4th edition (2013)

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