Gesture? I Hardly Know Her!: Addison Hinson Pia Wyatt 9/11/2017 Movement For The Actor
Gesture? I Hardly Know Her!: Addison Hinson Pia Wyatt 9/11/2017 Movement For The Actor
Gesture? I Hardly Know Her!: Addison Hinson Pia Wyatt 9/11/2017 Movement For The Actor
I Hardly
know her!
Addison Hinson
Pia Wyatt
Movement for the Actor
Energy Qualities
6) Swinging- a man who works on the swinging boat ride in a theme park.
Gestural Categories
1) Functional gestures- Checking your clothes to make sure theyre not wrinkled and
4) Nonfunctional Gesture- running fingers through my hair but not as to fix it.