Manual Silver Violet Fire
Manual Silver Violet Fire
Manual Silver Violet Fire
Juan Manuel Luzuriaga
The silver violet flame can be invoked, by simply stating 'I now invoke
the silver violet flame to release the negative energy associated with
(your perceived problem)'. It effectively can be used, with an open
heart, mind and thanks to the universe, to reverse the effect of karma.
The Silver Violet Flame is a high frequency spiritual energy, which has been known
to spiritual adepts for thousands of years. It was re-introduced by the Ascended
Master, Saint Germain, and is the seventh ray of Gods / the Universes
consciousness. The Violet Flame is for those who hear the call of community or
spiritual service to mankind, and it also provides the wisdom needed to overcome
the selfishness in our lives.
It can be invoked by reciting special kinds of prayers known as decrees or mantras,
and when combined with meditation and visualization, the violet flame has the
power to change or transmute the negative energy manifesting at physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual levels. This negative energy may take the form of illness,
stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, hate, anger or unwanted habits etc, all of which prevent
us from experiencing the beauty and joy of our higher spiritual nature.
The Silver Violet Flame possesses the qualities of freedom, alchemy, justice, joy,
forgiveness and mercy. When the decrees are recited with devotion, the Silver
Violet Flame permeates every cell and atom of our body, mind, emotions and even
our subconscious memory. It actually steps up the vibration of the electrons, so we
resonate more with the pure cosmic energy that comes from our God Presence. As
a result, the Violet Flame transmutes anything negative that is lodged within our
spiritual or physical being, including everything from self-hatred to physical viruses.
As well as expelling toxins lodged in our physical organs, the Silver Violet Flame
can also transmute the karmas and traumas of our present and past lives, which
are recorded in our etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Sometimes our
personal karma feels like a heavy weight, but by invoking the Violet Flame we will
feel lighter and less burdened since it literally consumes the cause of our personal
problems. In other words, the Silver Violet Flame clears the records of past
lifetimes, thereby raising our self-esteem and helping us to be happy with ourselves.
In receiving the Silver Violet Flame attunement and using it in conjunction with the
regular process of decrees, meditation and visualization, you will speed up the
transmutation process.
Attunement Preparations
The Silver Violet Flame attunement is a pleasure to both give and receive.
Everyone will have their own personal experience of the attunement, along with
some form of internal transformation. Afterwards you will be more compassionate
to others and you will also be more concerned about others rather than yourself. As
your intuition grows, you may suddenly become aware of angels, spirit guides, etc.
and if you already work with guides then your spiritual connection with them will
become stronger.
Each of us has our own way of preparing to receive attunements that we feel most
comfortable with. There is no wrong way to do this, as long as you listen to yourself
and not some other person. You may wish to bathe or shower, light some candles
or incense, play relaxing meditation-style music in the background, pray, meditate,
chant, etc. This is a personal process and it is not necessary for me to know what
you do. I only need you in a place with the intent to receive this attunement at the
pre-arranged time and the energy will work itself out.
When your preparations are complete, say aloud or silently to yourself the following:
Then sit, relax, and rest for about 15 minutes, or until you are signaled to quit.
Afterwards, you can contact me via email if you wish to share the experience or if
you have any questions: [email protected]
Silver Violet Flame energies are highly transformational and can be used on both
yourself and others. You can call upon the angels/guides of the Silver Violet Flame
and also on St. Germain before going to sleep at night, asking them to work on
whatever issue requires healing. By the morning, the issue is typically released,
although for deeper problems you can repeat the procedure for up to 30
consecutive nights, for example to break through barriers, or to overcome
addictions or deep-rooted fears.
Painful memories can be healed using the Silver Violet Flame, and it can even help
resolve difficulties in relationships. People who have directed the Silver Violet
Flame into relationship problems report sensing a tremendous burden being lifted
and feeling free to move on with their lives again. The Silver Violet Flame can also
be used to cleanse and purify the aura and major chakras by invoking it on a daily
When using the Silver Violet Flame to heal others you should call upon the angels
of the Silver Violet Flame and St. Germain, and then visualize yourself in a violet
flame with them. Imagine yourself healing the person, and see the angels and the
Silver Violet Flame transform their issues or illness. This visualization can be
modified to meet your personal needs and can be done both in-person or distantly.
The following is a channeled message from St. Germain by Hari Das Melchizedek,
founder of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing:
I AM Germain, Keeper of the Violet Flame or, the Violet Flame with the added
dimension of the Silver Violet Flame. Because, as times change and the vibrations
go faster, the vibrations are accelerated, we have to add other colors to assist
those that youve already been using. Higher vibrations mean different times, so
different cures and different methods are called for. So, the Silver Violet Flame.
There are many things
you can do with it. One thing you can do is you can get it to consume all your
negative feelings and emotions. Just consign all that aggravates you in that way
into the Silver Violet Flame. So, when you find your thoughts moving in directions
that you dont want them to move in, thoughts that are interrupting that flow of
Christ Energy into your physical body, when you work out what these interruptions
are and as time goes on, it becomes much easier for ones to do this, just consign
them into the Silver Violet Flame.
There are also Mantras you can use. Of course, it only means that you have to add
the Silver bit to the Violet Flame Mantras, the most useful or easiest many ones
find to use is:
Now, I give this Mantra to you to use in your daily lives for several reasons. One is
that this is a Cleansing effect. You could say that the Silver Violet Flame Mantras
are Spiritual antiseptics. You can flood your consciousness, your minds, your
physical bodies, with this spiritual antiseptic and ALL will become clean. But, if you
chant this Mantra in the mornings when in your bath or on the loo, you will find that
it brings the Silver Violet Color, the Silver Violet Energy into your space, into your
living room and of course, this
heightens the vibration. Were not suggesting you take up this system of chanting
on beads or an exact number of these Mantras every day and taking it up as a
discipline in that way.
Although if you are going to take up the chanting of Mantras, if you chant this
Mantra day after day, this is one Mantra that is very worthwhile thinking about. But
just use this Mantra in your daily lives, chant it a few dozen times a day and you will
find that every thing starts to become Silver Violet. The vibration gets into the walls
of your house, into the metal work of your cars, into the metals of your jewelers,
into your energy system, both physical and spiritual.
You will actually start shining Silver Violet!
So, we could chant a few repetitions and see the vibrations:
This is very good because many are putting the emphasis on I AM, because the
important part of this Mantra is I AM. The important part of the Ascension process
is realizing that you ARE the I AM Presence. So use this Mantra in your daily lives.
It need not take up much time. No need to put hours into it. Use it as a matter of
course. Allow it to flow into your consciousness. Allow your voice to speak it. It is
better spoken out loud and with intent because, saying it to yourself, although it has
an effect on your physical body, your four body system and what can be termed
your Spiritual Body, you are not having an effect on everything that surrounds you.
So when you think about how much Service you can do for creation just by
chanting your Mantras out loud (because the business end of the mantra is the
vibration of the Mantra), so you will be affecting everything around you. So when
you get into these situations, as well as using the Protection of the Pillar of Light of
Archangel Michael, use these Silver Violet Mantras. They will help to bring nice
high vibration Energies into your space.
Any questions? A deep heartfelt thank you to all from Theres no need to thank
us, thats our job. We accept your thanks with Love but all the time, there is no
need to thank us because we are giving you Service from the heart with
unconditional Love. It is because we love you, we give you the Service. I do take
your acknowledgement and accept your Love, thank you. So again, I say to you
that you can use this Mantra out loud but also you can meditate with this Mantra,
which will trigger your mind into meditation. Then meditate on this Silver Violet
I have now with me, some helpers to help put the Vibrations and energy of this
Silver Violet Flame into your working space and now you have chanted a couple of
rounds of this Mantra, some of you if not all of you, must be seeing this Silver Violet
energy that is building up within the space. We are putting it too into this small
Stargate and spreading it into the room. So, just take some time to think about this
Mantra. Ground it within your bodies and your consciousness and bathe yourselves
with the lovely Vibrations of it. You must all now be feeling in your physical bodies
this Raising of Vibrations. This is a reasonably Energetic day on many levels so of
course on the second day, many are feeling the results of that. Many feeling
somewhat disorientated, feeling somewhat tired, but you see, there IS a
heightening of Vibrations here.
So, use this in your daily lives, use it to transmute situations that are undesirable to
you. You can also as well, leave this Violet Flame behind you wherever you go.
You can bring down the Fire and install it in many Places. Install it in the streets of
your towns, on the roads of your Island, in the energy points of your Island. It will be
there then for the transmutation of all, not only of the humans but the animals, the
birds. Work with these instructions. We Love you.
You may wish to bathe or ground yourself of excess energies before commencing
the attunement procedure. Make sure you will not be interrupted, and if you are a
Reiki practitioner/master or spiritual healer, feel free to use whatever preparation
methods you feel most comfortable with. Once you are ready, focus on the person
to be attuned by thinking or looking at their name. Request the assistance of your
guides, the angels of the Silver Violet Flame, the assistance of the attunees guides
and St. Germain. They are the ones that actually make this attunement - you are
only the antenna sending the signal to a particular person. Then visualize a violet
flame around you, inside you, and all around.
I call upon the keepers of the Silver Violet Flame. I ask that St. Germain
assist me here now in attuning (persons name, address) to the Silver Violet
See the flame surround the person, entering their heart and chakras. Allow it to flow
through them for a few moments. Then say: (Persons name), you have been
attuned to the Silver Violet Flame, the fire of unconditional love and spiritual
service. Go in peace and attune others to their spiritual flame.
Email : [email protected]