Mridul Srivastav Repert Jan-17
Mridul Srivastav Repert Jan-17
Mridul Srivastav Repert Jan-17
Kanhar Irrigation Project envisages construction of 39.54 m high and 3.2 km long earth dam
with ogee type spillway across River Kanhar, a left bank tributary to River Son. The dam under
construction is located at about 600m downstream of the confluence of River Kanhar with the River
Pangan near village Amwar, district Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh. The Project consists of construction of
two irrigation canals namely Right Kanhar Canal on right bank and Left Kanhar Canal on the Left
bank of the River Kanhar in order to augment the irrigation facilities in the area. A 2.78 km long with
6.3 diameter D shaped tunnel is under construction between village Harnakachar and village Kurwa to
cross over the hilly region and 1.7 Km long viaduct across river Maliya, National Highway and
Railway line falling in the way of Right Kanhar Canal
The Project Components are located between Dudhinagar and Wyndhamganj, district
Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh making a part of Toposheet no. 63P/7 and 63 P/8.
At the request of the Executive Engineer, Kanhar Construction Division -1, Pipri, Sonbhadra,
the author made two field visits in the area: one between 30 th September 2016 and 5th October 2016
and another between 9th January 2017 and 17th January 2017 in order to prepare 3D geological log of
the Kanhar Irrigation Tunnel and classification of the rockmass present in the excavated section of the
tunnel for deciding the support system.
Geologically, the area exposes the rocks of Mahakoshal group and Dudhi granitoid complex
of Palaeo-Proterozoic age, Vindhyan Super group of Meso to Neo Proterozoic age with
unconsolidated sediments of quaternary age. The rocks of Dudhi granitoid complex consists of
medium to fine grained diorite, grey granodiorite, epidotised pink tourmaline gneiss, leucocratic
granite, enclaves of metamorphites, amphibole granite gneiss, migmatites and meta sedimentaries.
The rocks of Mahahkoshal group exposed in the central part of the area comprises phyllites and
quartzite, andalusite mica schist, limestone acid intrusive, meta basic rocks, cherty quartzite, slate
marble and tuff. Coarse to medium grained foliated to non foliated leucocratic biotite granite is
exposed in small isolated patches in the eastern part of the area.
Geomorphologically, the area is characterised by rocky surface comprising ridges and valleys,
denudation plain and plateau, older alluvial plain comprising Banda Plain and Varanasi plain and
flood plain classified as older flood plain and active flood plain.
During the field visit between 30th September and 5th October 2016 3D geological logging and
classification of the rock mass present in the excavated section of the tunnel could not be taken up due
to flooding in tunnel because of the heavy rain in the area. In spite of the sincere and rigorous efforts
by the Project authorities for dewatering the tunnel, the tunnel could not be made accessible.
However, the field visit was utilised in technical discussions with the project engineers, study and
understanding of the design drawings of the structures, field visit to the different components of the
project to explore the scope of geotechnical investigations in the project and also the efforts were
made to explain the importance of the geotechnical ingestions to the project authorities. It had been
found that there is scope of geotechnical investigations particularly for 3 d logging of the tunnel when
the excavation gets started from inlet portal end (Harnakachar side), geological mapping of the Cut
off trench (COT) of the earthen embankments, geological mapping of the foundation pit of the piers
of the viaduct and geological assessment of the foundation and abutment condition of the various
cross drainage structures of both left and right Kanhar canal. It had been emphatically told to the
project authorities the geotechnical investigations and their findings not only facilitate economic and
safe design, cost effective construction of the structure but it also provides construction stage
documentation of the geological features which become valuable source of information for post
construction problems in future.
During second field visit between 9th January and 17th January 2017, 3D geological logging
between chainage 900m and 1422m from the outlet portal of the Kanhar tunnel on 1:200 scale was
carried out. Generally, 3D geological logs of the tunnel are prepared on 1:100 scale, but since there
are not much variation in geological feature in the tunnel, it has been logged on 1:200 scale. Besides
3 D geological logging the rock mass present in the excavated section of the tunnel was also classified
in order to decide the support system in the tunnel.
Aligned in N15W-S15E direction a 2.78 km long and 6.3m diameter D shaped tunnel had
been excavated up to 1422m from its outlet end (Kurwa side) for the Kanhar Irrigation Project, district
The Kanhar tunnel is being excavated involving two group of rocks namely Mahakoshal
group and Dudhi Granitoid complex. Mahakoshal group of rocks comprising phyllites and muscovite-
biotite chlorite schist with andalusite are present at the inlet portal end (Harnakachar side) and Dudhi
Ganitoid Complex consisting of medium to fine grained diorite, grey granodiorite, epidotised pink
tourmaline gneiss, leucocratic granite, enclaves of metamorphites, amphibole granite gneiss and
migmatites are exposed at the outlet portal end ( Kurwa side).
At the proposed inlet portal side the foliation is N45-65E-S45-65W dipping 40-50 in
north westerly direction. Besides foliation joint the rock mass is traversed by following prominent
joint sets.
1. N45-65E-S45-65W dipping 40-50 in north westerly direction. ( Foliation Joint)
2. N60W-S60E dipping 15in north easterly direction
3. N40W-S40E dipping 65 in south westerly direction
4. E-W dipping 42 towards north.
The soft nature of the rock mass closely spaced joint sets indicate fair to poor quality of
rockmass likely to be encountered from inlet portal side.
Granites exposed at the outlet portal side have feeble foliation and are traversed by following
joint sets:
1. N60-80E-S60-80W dipping 40-70 in south easterly direction.
2. N10-20W S10-20E dipping 6-8 in south westerly direction
3. E-W 70-85 towards north
4. N-S 80 towards west or Vertical
5. N10-20W S10-20E dipping 6-8 in north easterly direction
6. N40W-S40E dipping 70 in south westerly direction
3D geological logging between chainage 900m and 1422m from outlet portal was carried out
on 1:200 scale. The method adopted for geological logging was invert opening method which gives
prominence to the crown region of the tunnel where geological features are well preserved.
Between chainage 900m and 1030m, 1040m and 1067m, 1150m and 1315m phyllitic
quartzite and between ch.1030m and 1040m, 1067m and 1070m, 1315m and 1422 phyllite rock are
exposed. Nine shear zones have been encountered between chainage 900m and 1422m. The details of
the shear zones are given below:
The tunnel is moist to wet except for the region where it has intersected shear zones. In shear
zones water is dripping.
Out of 522m of the tunnel logged, 353m falls in good class, 18.5m in fair class and 40.5m in
poor rockmass class. The details are given in following table.
Chainage (m) Lithology RQ No. of joint set Roughness Alteration Ground SRF Rockmass class
D water
From to (%) Number Jn detail Jr detail Ja details Jw Q-value Class
900 920 Phyllitic 60 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 12 Good
Quartzite Random
920- 922 Phyllitic 50 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 10 Good
Quartzite Random
1017 1018 Shear Zone 30 Two + 6 B 3 C 2 B** .66 2.5 1.98 Poor
1018 1020 Phyllitic 65 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 13 Good
Quartzite Random
1020 1030 Phyllitic 70 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 B** .66 2.5 9.24 Fair
Quartzite Random
1030 1040 Phyllite 60 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 12 Good
1040 1067 Phyllitic 70 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 14 Good
Quartzite Random
1067 1070 Phyllite 50 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 B** .66 2.5 6.6 Fair
1070 1073 Phyllite 55 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 11 Good
1073 1083 Shear Zone 30 Two + 6 B 3 C 2 B** .66 2.5 1.98 Poor
1083 1110 Phyllite 65 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 B** .66 2.5 8.58 Fair
1110 1150 Phyllitic 70 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 14 Good
Quartzite Random
1150 1207 Phyllitic 80 Two + 6 B 3 B* 1 A 1 2.5 16 Good
Roughness (B) Rough, Irregular, undulating
Alteration (B*) Unaltered joint walls, surface staining only
Alteration (C) Slightly altered joint walls. Non softening mineral coatings, sandy particles, clay free disintegrated rocks etc.
Ground water (A) Dry excavation or minor inflow
Ground water (B**) Medium inflow or pressure, occasional outwash of joint infillings
It is pertinent to mention here that the excavation of the tunnel was suspended since June
2016 and the tunnel section is standing without any external support except for the design rock bolts.
As regards the stand up time the tunnel fall in self supporting category but the rockmass has been
classified based on the Q-value considering the rockmass properties. However, the spacing of the ribs
may be increased as given in the design.
Following recommendations are being rendered for the safe and economic construction of the
Kanhar Irrigation tunnel.
1. The support system may be provided in the Tunnel based on the Rockmass classified as in
Table II.
2. Proper drainage to the ground water should be given particularly in the sections where
water is dripping or wet to avoid adverse affects of the pore pressure. Drainage windows
may be left in lining.
3. Rock bolts must be installed oblique (as much as possible) to the surface where it being
installed. Wrongly applied rock bolts effect negatively to the rock mass.
4. L section along the tunnel on natural scale may be provided for development of the
geological section.
5. Blast pattern may be reviewed time to time particularly on the basis of the rockmass in
order to avoid under and over cuts while tunnelling.
6. Tunnel alignment should be checked regularly to avoid any deviation.
7. Tell tale may be applied in the tunnel to monitor any type of deformation taking place in
the tunnel, although it is very crude and qualitative method of monitoring.
8. Chainage should be marked properly and distinctly on both the walls of the tunnel.
9. 3 D geological logging and determination of rockmass should be carried out at every 25-
30m for better and safe management of the tunnelling process.
10. Face at the proposed inlet portal (Harnakachar side) must be geologically assessed when
it is exposed up to invert level.
Date : 28.02.2017
From :
The Director
Engineering Geology Division
State Unit : Uttar Pradesh
Geological Survey of India
The Executive Engineer
Kanhar Construction Division-I
Kanhar Irrigation Project
Pipri, Sonbhadra
Kindly find enclosed a copy of the study note entitled, A study note on the Field visit to
Kanhar Irrigation Project, District Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh By Dr. Mridul Srivastava, Senior
This is for your kind perusal and further necessary action.
Encls : As Above.
Yours faithfully
( M.C. Upadhyay)
( M.C. Upadhyay)