G-03 Guide On Conducting Proficiency Testing (En)

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Issue Number : 4
April 2016

Komite Akreditasi Nasional

National Accreditation Body of Indonesia
Gedung I BPPT, Lt. 14
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 8, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta 10340 Indonesia
Tel. : 62 21 3927422 ext 173, 194, 195, 197, 210, 211
Fax. : 62 21 3927528
Email : [email protected]
Website : http//:www.kan.or.id
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016


Reviewed by :

Quality Manager

Approved by:
Director for Accreditation of Laboratory and Inspection Body

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KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016


Part number
No. Date Brief description of changes revision

1. 18/04/2016 Poin 1 until 6 Move KAN-P-06 Adding to KAN-G-03 4

KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016



KAN conducts annual proficiency testing program for both testing and calibration
laboratories. Proficiency testing program conducted by KAN is a program for
comodities outside the scope of Proficiency Testing Provider (PTP) which has been
accredited by KAN. Due to the big variety on scope of testing and calibration, the
selection of program is carried out based on the following criteria but not limited to:

Be the accreditation scope possessed by relatively big number of

Be the accreditation scope that significantly contribute directly or indirectly to
the main Indonesian export commodities (products);and/or
Be supposed to be carrying out of obligatory national standard(SNI)
Outside the scope of Proficiency Testing Provider which has been accredited
by KAN.

In addition, KAN also actively participate in other proficiency testing activities

coordinated by regional, or international bodies.


In executing proficiency testing program, KAN may form Proficiency Testing Expert
Group (PTEG). The main task of the PTEG is to plan, including preparation of
proficiency testing protocol, to carry out and to evaluate the results. Criteria of
being member of PTEG are as follows:

be competent in the relevant field of testing, and/or calibration;

have appropriate knowledge on proficiency testing, particularly in relation to
the understanding of ISO/IEC 17043 and ISO 13528.


KAN may appoint sample/artifact provider to prepare the test sample and/or artifact
for the need of proficiency testing. Criteria of sample/artifact provider for being
appointed is as the following:

an accredited laboratory for testing, calibration or, if relevant National

Measurement Institute (NMI) for calibration; and
having sufficient competency in the preparation of test sample and/or artifact.

KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016


Participants of KAN Proficiency Testing Program are mainly accredited testing,

and calibration laboratories. Non accredited laboratories may also participate in
KAN Proficiency Testing Program regardless their status as far as they follow
KAN rule and procedure on Proficiency Testing.


As for KANs assessment activities, all information supplied by participants are

treated as confidential. This information will, however, be made available to the
assessor(s) of laboratory, the PTEG and KAN technical committee. All of these
people are fully aware of confidentiality of the results.


The current policy is to levy each participant in aprogram with a fee that
contributes to the cost for conducting that program. The varies from program to
program and participants are notified accordingly prior to commencement the


7.1 Introduction

Most of interlaboratory comparisons conducted by KAN are subdivided samples

(taken from a bulk sample) that are distributed to participating laboratories
which test them concurrently. They then return results to KAN for analysis.

7.2 Working Group and Program Design

KAN proficiency testing is carried out annually. The program for each year is
selected by KAN PT at the beginning of the respective year.

The preparation of program includes :

nomination of tests to be conducted, range of values to be included, test

methods to be used and number/ design of samples required;

preparation of paperwork (instructions and results sheet) particularly with

reference to reporting formats, number of significant figures/decimal places
to which results should be reported and correct units for reporting;

technical commentary in the final report and in some cases evaluation of

replies submitted by laboratories which were requested to investigate extreme

KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016

An appropriate statistical design is essential and therefore must be established

during the preliminary stages of the program based on ISO 13528.

7.3 Documentation

The main documents associated with the initial phase of a proficiency program

(a) Letter of Intent

This is sent to prospective participants, including all accredited and applicant

laboratories to advise that the program will be conducted and provides
information on the type of samples and tests which will be included, the
schedule and participation fees.

(b) Instructions to Participants

These are carefully designed for each individual program and participants
are always asked to adhere closely to them.

(c) Results Sheet

For most program, results sheet is supplied to enable consistency in the

statistical treatment of results.

Instructions and results sheets may be issued with or prior to the dispatch of

7.4 Packaging and Dispatch of Samples

The packaging and method of transport of the samples are considered carefully
to ensure that they are adequate and able to protect the stability and
characteristics of the samples. Certain restrictions on transport such as
dangerous goods regulations or customs requirements are complied with.

7.5 Receipt of Results

Results from participating laboratories for KANs proficiency testing programs are
required to be sent to Secretariat of KAN. A due date for return of results is set
for each program, usually allowing laboratories two to three weeks to test the
samples. If any results are outstanding after the due date reminders are issued.
However, as late results may not be included in the data analysis, laboratories
are strongly encouraged to submit all results on time.

KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016

7.6 Analysis of Data and Reporting of results

Results are usually analysed together (with necessary distinctions made for
method variation) to give consensus values for the entire group. The results
received from participating laboratories are entered and analysed as soon as
practicable so that an interim report can be issued to participants within two to
four weeks of the due date for results.

This letter includes preliminary feedback including the consensus values for
each test/sample and also features of the programs design. Laboratories
reporting one or more result(s) that are significantly different from the
consensus values are encouraged to commence investigative/corrective action
prior to the release of the final report.

The evaluation of the results i s described in ISO 13528.

A final report is produced at the completion of a program and includes data

on the distribution of results from all laboratories, together with an indication
of each participants performance. This report typically contains the following

(a) introduction

(b) features of the program - number of participants, sample description, tests to

be carried out

(c) results from participants

(d) statistical analysis, including graphical displays and data summaries

(e) a table summarising the extremed results

(f) technical comments (on possible causes of extreme results, method

effects overall performance etc.)

(g) sample preparation and homogeneity testing information

(h) a copy of the instructions to participants and results sheet

7.7 Follow-up of PT Results

Laboratories reporting extreme and outlier results for accredited tests are
requested to investigate and report back to KAN, as described in KAN P 06.

KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016

8. Calibration Interlaboratory Comparisons

8.1 Introduction

Each accredited calibration laboratory has its accredited capability uniquely

expressed both in terms of its ranges of measurements and uncertainty
applicable in each range. Because calibration laboratories are generally
working to different levels of accuracy it is not normally practicable to compare
results on a group basis such as in interlaboratory testing programs. For
calibration programs we need to determine each individual laboratorys ability
to achieve the level of accuracy for which they are accredited (their least
uncertainties of measurement).

The assigned (reference) values for a calibration program are not

derived from a statistical analysis of the groups results. Instead they are
provided by a Reference Laboratory which must have a higher accuracy than
that of the participating laboratories. For KAN interlaboratory comparisons the
Reference Laboratory is usually the Puslit Metrologi LIPI, which maintains
Indonesias primary standards of measurement.

Another difference between calibration and testing programs is that there is

usually only one test item (known as an artefact) which has to be distributed
sequentially around the participating laboratories, making these programs
substantially longer to run. Consequently, great care has to be taken to
ensure the measurement stability of the artefact.

8.2 Program Design

Once a program has been selected, a small working group maybe formed.
This group usually comprises one or more technical advisers from Puslit
Metrologi LIPI as NMI and KAN proficiency testing officer who will act as the
program coordinator. The group decides on the measurements to be
conducted, how often the artefact will need to be recalibrated and the range
of values to be measured. They also formulate instructions and results
sheets. KANs program are designed so that it will normally take no more
than one year for each program.

8.3 Artefact Selection

Because there can often be a substantial difference in the accredited

uncertainties of measurements of the participating laboratories the artefact
must be carefully chosen. For example, it would be inappropriate to send a
3 digit multimeter to a laboratory that had an accredited uncertainty of
measurement of 5 parts per million (0.0005%) because the resolution,
repeatability and stability of such an artefact would limit the uncertainty of
measurement the laboratory could report to no better than 0.05%. What is
necessary is an artefact with high resolution, good repeatability, good
stability and an error that is large enough to be a meaningful test for all
participants. In some intercomparisons (especially international ones), the
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016

purpose of the interlaboratory comparison may not only be to determine how

well laboratories can measure specific points but also to highlight
differences in methodology and interpretation.

8.4 Documentation

A Letter of Intent is sent to all accredited and applicant laboratories to advise

that the program will be conducted and to provide as much information as

Instructions to Participants are carefully designed for each individual program

and it is essential to the success of the program that the participating
laboratories adhere closely to them.

Results Sheet is used, to ensure that laboratories supply all the necessary
information in a readily accessible format.

8.5 Artefact Stability

The artefact is distributed sequentially around the participating laboratories. To

ensure its stability it is usually calibrated at least at the start and at the end of
the circulation. For artefacts whose values may drift during the course of
the program (e.g. resistors, electronic devices, etc.) more frequent
calibrations and checks are necessary.

8.6 Evaluation of Performance

As stated in Section 8.1, calibration laboratories are generally working to

different levels of accuracy. Consequently, their performance is not judged
by comparing their results with those of the other laboratories in an
intercomparison. Instead, their results are compared only to the Reference
Laboratorys results and their ability to achieve the accuracy for which
they are accredited is evaluated by calculating the En as described in ISO

8.7 Reference Values

Puslit Metrologi LIPI provides most of the reference values for KAN
interlaboratory comparisons. The majority of the participating laboratories
reference equipment is also calibrated by Puslit Metrologi LIPI. As stated
previously, it is important to select an artefact with high resolution, good
repeatability and good stability. This is to ensure that these factors do not
contribute significantly to the reference value uncertainty. Likewise, the
Reference Laboratory must have the capability to assign uncertainties of
measurement that are better than the participating laboratories. Otherwise
it will be more difficult to evaluate each laboratorys performance.

Where an artefact has exhibited drift, the reference values will usually be
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016

derived from the mean of the Reference Laboratory calibrations carried

out before and after the measurements made by the participating
laboratories. Where a step change is suspected, then the reference values will
be derived from the most appropriate Reference Laboratory calibration.

Where an artefact is calibrated a number of times during an

intercomparison, participants results can be graphed using the difference
between each laboratorys result and the appropriate reference value (LAB
REF), rather than the actual laboratory results and corresponding reference
values. This also helps maintain the confidentiality of the reference values
for later use of the artefact.

8.8 Uncertainty of Measurement

To be able to adequately intercompare laboratories they must report their

uncertainties with the same confidence level. A confidence level of 95% is
the most commonly used internationally. Laboratories should also use the
same procedures to estimate their uncertainties as given in the ISO Guide
98 Series (GUM), which has been adopted by laboratory it specific field.

Laboratories should not report uncertainties smaller than their accredited

uncertainty of measurement.

8.9 Reporting

Whenever practicable an Interim Report is sent to laboratories to give

them early feedback on their performance. The interim report states the En
values for each measurement based on the preliminary reference values and
usually does not contain any technical commentary.

A Final Report is sent to the Authorised Representative of each

laboratory at the conclusion of the program. This typically contains more
information than is provided in the interim report - including all participants
results and uncertainties, final En numbers, technical commentary and
graphical displays.

8.10 Corrective Action

Where a laboratory reports results which are deemed unsatisfactory, the

laboratory will be notified and asked to check their results and provide an
explanation. If it is a measurement problem then every effort will be made to
arrange a re-calibrate of the artefact. The reference values will not be
released to the laboratory until after the retest results have been received,
however, they may be given an indication of which results require attention
and whether they are consistently higher or lower than the reference values.

If the problem is not satisfactorily resolved, further action as outlined in KAN

KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016

P 06 will then be considered in conjunction with the Technical Adviser and the
Field Manager.

8.11 Measurement Audits

The term measurement audit is used by KAN to describe a practical test

whereby a well characterised and calibrated test item (artefact) is sent to a
laboratory and the results are compared with a reference value (usually
supplied by Puslit Metrologi LIPI).
Where suitable artefacts exist, these audits are mandatory for calibration
laboratories applying for accreditation or significantly extending their scope
of accreditation. They may also be employed for the evaluation of proposed
KAN signatories or where laboratories due for reassessment have not
recently participated in a proficiency testing activity in a particular area.

Normally, the artefact(s) will be sent to a laboratory prior to an assessment

so that the resulting information is available to the assessment team. In
some cases the measurement audit (or part of it) is witnessed by the
assessment team, for instance, when a proposed signatory is carrying out the

Procedures are the same as for a normal interlaboratory comparison except

that usually only a simple report is generated. In some cases the
laboratories may only be told that they are within their uncertainty of the
reference value.

If problems arise the laboratory is given the chance to retest, but

subsequent poor performance would preclude granting of accreditation for
specific calibration area.


1. ISO/IEC 17043, Conformity Assessment General Requirements for proficiency

Testing Provider
2. ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and
calibration laboratories
3. ISO 13528, Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory
4. ISO Guide 98-3, Uncertainty of measurement -- Part 3:Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement

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