G-03 Guide On Conducting Proficiency Testing (En)
G-03 Guide On Conducting Proficiency Testing (En)
G-03 Guide On Conducting Proficiency Testing (En)
Issue Number : 4
April 2016
Reviewed by :
Quality Manager
Approved by:
Director for Accreditation of Laboratory and Inspection Body
Part number
No. Date Brief description of changes revision
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
KAN conducts annual proficiency testing program for both testing and calibration
laboratories. Proficiency testing program conducted by KAN is a program for
comodities outside the scope of Proficiency Testing Provider (PTP) which has been
accredited by KAN. Due to the big variety on scope of testing and calibration, the
selection of program is carried out based on the following criteria but not limited to:
In executing proficiency testing program, KAN may form Proficiency Testing Expert
Group (PTEG). The main task of the PTEG is to plan, including preparation of
proficiency testing protocol, to carry out and to evaluate the results. Criteria of
being member of PTEG are as follows:
KAN may appoint sample/artifact provider to prepare the test sample and/or artifact
for the need of proficiency testing. Criteria of sample/artifact provider for being
appointed is as the following:
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
The current policy is to levy each participant in aprogram with a fee that
contributes to the cost for conducting that program. The varies from program to
program and participants are notified accordingly prior to commencement the
7.1 Introduction
KAN proficiency testing is carried out annually. The program for each year is
selected by KAN PT at the beginning of the respective year.
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
7.3 Documentation
The main documents associated with the initial phase of a proficiency program
These are carefully designed for each individual program and participants
are always asked to adhere closely to them.
Instructions and results sheets may be issued with or prior to the dispatch of
The packaging and method of transport of the samples are considered carefully
to ensure that they are adequate and able to protect the stability and
characteristics of the samples. Certain restrictions on transport such as
dangerous goods regulations or customs requirements are complied with.
Results from participating laboratories for KANs proficiency testing programs are
required to be sent to Secretariat of KAN. A due date for return of results is set
for each program, usually allowing laboratories two to three weeks to test the
samples. If any results are outstanding after the due date reminders are issued.
However, as late results may not be included in the data analysis, laboratories
are strongly encouraged to submit all results on time.
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
Results are usually analysed together (with necessary distinctions made for
method variation) to give consensus values for the entire group. The results
received from participating laboratories are entered and analysed as soon as
practicable so that an interim report can be issued to participants within two to
four weeks of the due date for results.
This letter includes preliminary feedback including the consensus values for
each test/sample and also features of the programs design. Laboratories
reporting one or more result(s) that are significantly different from the
consensus values are encouraged to commence investigative/corrective action
prior to the release of the final report.
(a) introduction
Laboratories reporting extreme and outlier results for accredited tests are
requested to investigate and report back to KAN, as described in KAN P 06.
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
8.1 Introduction
Once a program has been selected, a small working group maybe formed.
This group usually comprises one or more technical advisers from Puslit
Metrologi LIPI as NMI and KAN proficiency testing officer who will act as the
program coordinator. The group decides on the measurements to be
conducted, how often the artefact will need to be recalibrated and the range
of values to be measured. They also formulate instructions and results
sheets. KANs program are designed so that it will normally take no more
than one year for each program.
8.4 Documentation
Results Sheet is used, to ensure that laboratories supply all the necessary
information in a readily accessible format.
Puslit Metrologi LIPI provides most of the reference values for KAN
interlaboratory comparisons. The majority of the participating laboratories
reference equipment is also calibrated by Puslit Metrologi LIPI. As stated
previously, it is important to select an artefact with high resolution, good
repeatability and good stability. This is to ensure that these factors do not
contribute significantly to the reference value uncertainty. Likewise, the
Reference Laboratory must have the capability to assign uncertainties of
measurement that are better than the participating laboratories. Otherwise
it will be more difficult to evaluate each laboratorys performance.
Where an artefact has exhibited drift, the reference values will usually be
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
8.9 Reporting
KAN-G-03 Issue Number : 4 7 April 2016
P 06 will then be considered in conjunction with the Technical Adviser and the
Field Manager.