Kuensel: Govt. Rejects Opposition's Proposals

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T U E S D A Y , J U N E 2 1 #  ) ' ( -   E l  ( '

Lyonchoen Tshering
Tobgay will attend
the first convocation
of the Royal Institute
for Tourism and
Hospitality graduates
today. During the
convocation ceremony,
83 graduates will be
awarded joint Diploma
certificate in Tourism
Management and 96 in
Hotel Management from
the Tourism School,
Salzburg and RITH.


Monks, dzongkhag officials and villagers perform Kanjur-Lingkor to bring rain to help farmers as four of Govt. maintaining
the 11 gewogs of Punakha complete paddy transplantation (Story on Pg. 9) Rupee reserve
through sale of
Council Central School | PG.3

NC to advice Govt. Govt. rejects HOME

on implementing Work on Druk

Acts Oppositions proposals Bindu hydropower

| PG.5
Tempa Wangdi grated extended family, he said.
Kinga Dema The problem with the Central School
The government shot down the oppo- and the other schools, he said, is the
Given the delay in implementation of
Acts even after Parliament endorses it,
sitions recommendations on Central
Schools with the majority of parliamentar-
huge gap in opportunities. There has
been great difference in the facilities be- Weather
National Councils legislative committee ians voting against the proposals present- tween the 51 Central Schools and 659
recommended that an Act shall come ed in the National Assembly yesterday. non-Central Schools, he added. There
into force upon assent of The Druk Gyal- The opposition made three recom- has been difference in the benefits given
Max Min
po in line with Article 13 (1) of the Consti- mendations. The first was to give open to boarders and day scholars. 24 16
tution for which a commencement date admission in the Central Schools to According to the opposition, most of
or a separate circular is not necessary to every student from class seven onwards. the Central Schools are in the periphery Kanglung
bring an Act into force. The second was to retain the schools in of towns. Therefore people are saying
Presenting the report on the imple- the villages. The third was to do away that because the Central Schools are lo- Max Min
mentation status of Acts passed by the with the 5km radius to be eligible for cated in the periphery of the towns, the 25 16
Parliament yesterday, the committee also admission in the Central Schools. policy has been questioned on whether
recommended that while tabling a bill in Panbang Member of Parliament it is benefiting the children from remoter
the Parliament, the agencies concerned (MP) Dorji Wangdi, moving the mo- areas, Dorji Wangdi said, adding that
should simultaneously draft relevant tion, said that while Central Schools this has also created a rift between the
rules and regulations and the bill must be have benefited underprivileged chil- facilities for children in towns and the
accompanied by a financial memoran- dren in giving equitable quality educa- remote areas.
dum to ascertain the cost implications. tion there are concerns surrounding the The opposition also expressed con-
Adequate budget, human resources and policy. Our concerns are on equity of cern on the Nu 3 billion (B) expenditure
infrastructures must be provided to ef- educational facilities, sustainability and incurred on Central Schools in the last
fectively implement the Act. promotion of conditions conducive to two years. In just three years, Nu 6B has www.kuenselonline.com
Pg.2 cooperation and community of the inte- been spent, Dorji Wangdi said. Pg.2
PAGE 2 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL

Govt. rejects Oppositions proposals

From Pg.1 Schools. ars will not get will be bed- was met from domestic rev- Schools, he said. The minis-
More will be spent in It is unfair to reject chil- ding, he said. enue and capital expenditure trys hope is that if the Cen-
opening the 60 Central dren from the villages where Sustainability of the Cen- was a grant from India. tral School is able to provide
Schools in the current Plan Central Schools are con- tral Schools is a priority, the On compulsorily admis- quality education, then the
and another 60 during the structed when admissions minister said. Capital outlay sion for children from classes existing schools might close
12th Plan. The opposition ex- are given to those children in the 11th Plan for Central seven, the minister said the down naturally, he added.
pressed concern on how the from outside, Khar-Yurung Schools is 0.5 percent and it decision would be better left On the 5km radius issue,
country will be able to meet MP Zangley Dukpa said. is not something to be con- for the parents to decide. If the minister said that it was
such huge expenses against Responding to the rec- cerned about, he said, add- children were to be given introduced to give priority
the backdrop of dropping do- ommendations, education ing this years budget alloca- admission in Central Schools to the children coming from
mestic revenue. minister Norbu Wangchuk tion on education is the least compulsorily, the existing far-flung areas. But the prin-
The opposition also raised said most of the 51 Central since the 7th Plan. 77 lower secondary schools cipals have been considerate
concerns on the implications Schools are established in the Lyonpo also said that the would have to be closed to take in underprivileged
of separating children from remoter dzongkhags. How- Nu 4.3 billion (B) spent on the down, he said, also pointing children even from within
their parents at tender ages. ever, the minister acknowl- Central Schools would have out that it would deprive par- the 5km radius despite hav-
Since some schools in the edged prevalence of inequity to be used even if the Cen- ents from making decisions ing such criteria, he said. He
villages have been closed or of facilities between boarders tral Schools werent started. on their childrens education. added that the 5km radius is
downgraded, our proposal is and day scholars in the Cen- Nu 4.3B would be required On the second recom- an interim measure.
to retain these schools as it tral Schools. But he said there to construct multi-purpose mendation to retain existing Once the Central Schools
is, Dorji Wangdi said. are plans to provide the same halls, laboratories, new infra- schools in the villages, the have adequate boarding fa-
On the 5km radius issue, benefits for the day scholars. structures in the old schools, minister said that there is no cilities and classrooms the
the opposition also point- From next year the gov- and additional facilities, he policy to close down existing children even within the 5km
ed out that the education ernment is planning to give said. He added that opening schools because of the Cen- radius should naturally be eli-
blueprint does not set such uniforms, shoes and station- of Central Schools didnt re- tral Schools. Even now there gible for boarding facilities,
distances to be eligible for ery, to even the day scholars. quire the taking of loans since is no school which has closed the minister said.
admission in the Central The only thing the day schol- the recurrent expenditure down because of the Central

NC to advice Govt. on implementing Acts

From Pg.1 out the rules and regulations, houses in the dzongkhag and 7 Section 98 of the National by the Royal Assent, the rules
While seeking the Na- the committee observed that villages. Council Act states that a bill and regulations must come in
tional Councils endorsement the sections that require sub- This led to discrepancies in once passed by Parliament place, he said. And within
to provide the recommenda- ordinate legislations cannot the enforcement of law as some and granted Royal Assent the Acts itself, a certain grace
tions to the government, the be implemented so it was as- authorities imposed a blanket comes into force immediately. period is provided in some
committee observed that even sumed that such Acts could 50ft right of way for construc- There is no time frame cases which is justified.
after the enactment of Acts by not be fully implemented. tions of any houses along the required for how and when As for time required to
the Parliament, the agencies Sangay Khandu cited the sides of all type of roads, others to implement the Act that the consult people, he said peo-
concerned took more time in example of the Road Act 2013 approved constructions along Parliament has passed, he ple are consulted and the bills
formulation of rules and regu- on the right of way for all na- the sides of roads without said, adding that some Acts put up for feedback during the
lations to fully implement the tional highways requiring a considering any right of way were explicit while some re- drafting stage.
Act. distance of 50 feet from the requirement in absence of a quired rules and regulations The Legislative Committee
Committee chairperson centerline of a road on either notification or regulations. to support them. was assigned the review work
Samtses councillor Sangay side. At the same time, the Act The delay in implementa- Zhemgangs councillor on the implementation status
Khandu said that the average also states that the govern- tion of Acts were attributed to Pema Dakpa said that claus- of Acts as per the resolution
time taken for framing and ment may, if in its opinion it inadequate human resources, es in some of the Acts were of the 35th Plenary Session
adoption of rules and regula- is necessary to provide and budget and infrastructures, re- left flexible for which a time of the Council in March last
tions following an enactment prescribe a right of way for quirement to submit the final frame was necessary to draft year. The committee then met
of Act is close to two years. dzongkhag roads by a notifi- draft to the board/commis- the regulations to implement and identified nine important
Some Acts also took cation in writing. sions/committees resulting the Acts. Its important that Acts passed by the Parlia-
about six years for implemen- The committee reported in either adoption or further the rules and regulations ment to be reviewed for its
tation while some were imple- that the clauses pertaining to review, time taken for com- are drafted within five to six implementation status. The
mented without delay having the right of ways for dzong- prehensive research works, months and the copies should committee collected infor-
adopted the rules and regula- khag roads and farm roads consultative meetings and be sent to the agencies con- mation on nine Acts and the
tions in a few months, he said, were not enforced until the translations, among others. cerned and the Parliament relevant rules and regulations
while presenting the report. Cabinet endorsed the road Deliberating on the com- members, he said. from the agencies concerned
Citing the Education City rules and regulations in May mittee recommendations, After the drafting of the and reported its preliminary
Act 2012 and the Alternate 2016. some members pointed out regulations within the speci- findings at the 37th plenary in
Dispute Resolution Act 2013, Considering such issues, the need for a time period to fied time period, Pema Dakpa April 2016 following which the
Sangay Khandu reported that Sangay Khandu said that the frame rules and regulations said awareness on the Act was house directed the committee
the two Acts were not imple- local government officials to implement the Acts while also necessary. to extend the review work to
mented at all. were not able to determine some were against it. Gasas councillor Sangay the Acts passed since 2008.
Although some agencies and administer the road right Bumthangs councillor Khandu was also against pro- Given time constraints, the
reported that the Acts have of way while approving the Nima said that Article 13 (I) of viding a time frame. As soon committee could review only
been implemented even with- construction approvals of the Constitution and chapter as a law is passed as indicated 28 of the 36 Acts passed so far.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 3


Govt. maintaining Rupee

reserve through sale of dollars
MB Subba May 30 this year. He said that ports. and there has been delays in not said how those Rupees was
its important that the people The reserve management implementation of hydropower earned, he said.
The improvement in Bhutans know the true picture of the policy allows the conversion of projects. The budget report states
Indian Rupee (INR) reserve economy. convertible currencies in the The current account defi- the countrys economic growth
account is not a result of the He said the INR reserve reserves into INR. cit widened to Nu 36.1B (28.83 momentum picked up due to the
improvement in the funda- has improved not as a result However, the Eminent percent of GDP) in financial revival of domestic demand and
mentals of the economy. The of the improvement in the Member said sale of dollars in year 2014-15 from Nu 29.7B continued expansion of ongo-
government has been selling economy. The government such a manner was neither (26.40 percent of GDP) in the ing construction of hydropower
dollars to maintain the INR needs to do much more to sustainable nor desirable. If previous year. This was a result projects. In 2014, the growth rose
reserve. earn the INR and improve the the government portrays a of higher imports. to 5.5 percent from a low of 2.1
Member of the National economy, he said. wrong picture of having enough In the future budget re- percent as a result of contain-
Councils economic affairs According to the budget money in the INR reserve, he ports, he said the government ing aggregate domestic demand
committee and Eminent report, INR reserve stood at said the economy would face should report how much of under import and credit restric-
Member, Dasho Tashi Wangy- Rs 10.86B by the end of June consequences - pressure from the international reserves were tions imposed to stem shortages
al, reported this to the house last year. the private sector for INR, for sold so as to give a true picture of Indian Rupee reserves.
during the deliberation on The total convertible example. of the economy to the people. As of June 30 last year,
the annual budget report on currency reserve was USD Any improvement in the Member from Samtse, the external debt stock was
June 17. 746.4M, out of the total inter- INR reserve should be reflective Sangay Khandu, expressed Nu118.676B or USD 1.855B
The Eminent Member re- national reserves of USD 916M of the improvement in the fun- his concern saying that selling accounting for 94.8 percent of
ported that the government at the same point of time last damentals of the economy. The dollars in such a manner would GDP. Of this total, about 31.6
sold USD 197 million (M), year. The total reserves were Eminent Member citing exam- pose risks to the economy. The percent was convertible cur-
equivalent to INR 12.443 bil- more than adequate to meet ples said the economy still faces government has said the Rupee rency debt and 68.4 percent
lion (B), from April 17, 2014 to 12 months of essential im- a huge current account deficit reserve has improved but it has Rupee debt.


Wood Craft Centre plans to expand

Tshering Dorji up to set up two show rooms in the country. This is because ency on the supply side. ing years the companys market
Mongar and Gelephu. the WCCL is unable to get the The company is also plan- share representation would be
The Wood Craft Centre Ltd The company will be out- required size and quality of ning to manufacture windows reversed with more private or-
(WCCL) is making headway on sourcing most of its painting and wood. He said furniture cannot and door frames, which the ders.
gaining a commercial footing. carving works to private wood be made from any type of wood Kaurana Foundation Project in Last year the company made
The company is on the verge based units. and that moisture content in the Pangbisa has proposed. a profit of Nu 4.35 million (M), a
of completing a detailed project WCCL, he said, was not wood and other aspects have to Today, the government and drop from Nu 6 M.
report to set up a new produc- established for commercial be considered. corporate bodies form 65 percent WCCL was initiated in 1990
tion plant and move to another purposes but for training. So, he The company has been im- of WCCLs market share while by the government and DANI-
location. During the annual DHI said the mentality of employees porting raw materials like rubber private orders make up only 15 DAs support with the aim to set
conference, the its CEO, Singye are different from those of com- wood from Vietnam and India percent. The remaining 20 per- up training cum production and
Dorji said that the government mercial entities. but this entails huge transporta- cent is for ad-hoc orders. advisory contemporary furniture
has approved a six-acre land in But commercial footing tion costs and hampers consist- The CEO said in the com- making unit.
the capital and that the company doesnt necessarily mean we
is anticipating lots of changes have to make money, he said
and growth. adding the company intended
This will solve the space to emerge as a model for other NOTIFICATION
constraints the company faces. wood-based industries.
Actually the demand is not huge The biggest challenge,
but our capacity is low, he said. he said is availability of wood Dungkhag Engineering Sector
The company is also gearing despite the abundance of it in

This is to notify the general public under Nganglam Drungkhag that the Second
Consultation Public meeting for the structure plan and one local area plan of the
FOR NEWS, VIEWS AND Nganglam Regional Hub will be conducting on June 27, 2016 at 9:00AM sharp at
Therefore, all the stakeholders including land owners and business community which
Call: 324684 or mail to fall under the new proposed town are requested to attend the meeting without fail.
The concern agencies will not be responsible for any complication.
[email protected] Offtg. Drungpa
PAGE 4 KUENSEL | Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Openness to work together
will help both government
and media

edia freedom is impor- The next best thing:
tant. Where press cannot Inspired by prayer
be free, there will be cor- wheels these used plastic
ruption, lack of account- bottles have another spin
ability and transparency. Photo by Chundu Nidup
It is not for no reason that Edmund Burke Tshering
said nearly two centuries ago that yonder in
the reporters gallery is a fourth estate more
important far than all the eminent and ven-
erable branches of the government.
Media as a fourth branch of government MY SAY
is important for the functioning democracy.

Dogs dumped in Gaiguri

However, media often are considered the
enemy of the state and the government be-
cause they question their plans, programmes
and intent. Sir, seems to know about the DCM with locals. The fact that Jangsa
For a young democracy like ours, free- On 11 June, more than a hun- trucks number or the driver does not know where the dogs
dom of media is critical. As a young nation dred dogs, tied in sacks atop or who or which agency or were apprehended from makes
treading on a democratic path, lack of free a DCM truck - disoriented, community was responsible the task of relocating the dogs
and vibrant media will be an expensive state injured, traumatised and suf- for this outrageous cruelty. Not impossible for the moment.
of affair. There will come a time when the focating to death were dumped only is this event sad, cruel and From the perspective
threatened and silenced media will quiet- below the road at Gaiguri i.e. inauspicious - the sinister ploy of modern civility,this is an
ly die and corruption will become all too 13km from Phuentsholing to deny the role of any person, outright case of Animal Cruelty
prevalent. along the highway towards leader or agency is even more against which most civilised
At the Parliament recently, the Opposi- Thimphu. harrowing and bodes ill for the nations have legislations. From
tion questioned the Prime Minister about A local woman who lives coming future ahead. a spiritual perspective, to harm
the state of media in Bhutan. The quality of in this area, disturbed by the The poor dogs were discov- any animal and particularly
news was at the centre of the question. An stench of dead animals nearby, ered in atrocious conditions: dogs is a very heavy negative
Opposition MP said that the quality of news saw the dumped dogs in the 20 dead, almost all weak from karma, not only for the indi-
has suffered because reporters are self-cen- morning of 12 June, and re- the journey, severely injured, vidual committing the act but
soring because the government interferes in ported it to local authorities in and many had now turned ag- for the whole nation.
their [media houses] affairs. Phuentsholing. gressive due to the harrowing Most importantly, to
It is a difficult question to answer. We may The local also informed experience of near-death and ensure that such a cruel act,
have the best freedom ranking in the region, Jangsa on 14 June of about 20 death of other dogs. anonymously or openly, is not
yet our media houses are shrinking by the dead dogs in sacks, and about It is uplifting to note that repeated in the sacred Dharma
day. Somethings surely going on. Editors more than 80 injured, sick, many locals had come forward Kingdom of Bhutan, Jangsa
who were asked if there is any inference from disoriented, traumatised and to take care of some of the dogs appeals to all individuals, com-
the government said that there is none. What aggressive dogs lost in the wil- wandering around. In col- munities, agencies and all oth-
ought we to make of it? derness. laboration with them, Jangsa ers, who have the auspicious
Prime Minister said: If any of the Par- When Jangsa staff members undertook a mass feeding destiny of our kingdom at heart
liament members are aware of government reported the event to Lama campaign all along the high- to lend a voice, a hand, and
agencies interfering or pressurising the Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche way, approaching the dogs with to come together to prevent
media, you should inform me and Ill take the founder of Jangsa - he caution and care. such atrocious and cruel acts
action accordinglyIf not, we shouldnt be instructed the staff members Jangsa was able to rescue from ever repeating itself in our
discussing issues that arent true here. to immediately conduct a fact about 20 puppies that had sur- sacred land.
Following the discussion in the Parlia- finding and rescue mission. A vived and tended to the many May our collective destiny,
ment, there have been many debates about team immediately departed injured and sick, most of whom shaped by our individual and
the issue. But then, sadly, the debates fell far from Thimphu to the location will be moved to the Jangsa collective karma, be auspi-
too short of the weight and attention that the where the dogs were reported. Animal Shelter in Serbithang, cious, may our Dharma Kings
Bhutanese media truly deserve. Bickering The Jangsa team conducted Thimphu - that provides food, live long and may our Dharma
and finger-pointing mindlessly for personal enquiries with all the locals in water and medical care to the Kingdom enjoy an auspicious
gains doesnt help media grow. It should all the townships and villages dogs and other animals there. present and future ahead.
start with professionalism. Is there any? along the Thimphu-Phuent- Jangsa is now looking to It is all in our hands!
Perhaps the government and media pro- sholing highway, including the see many possibilities of long
fessionals should cultivate respect for each checkpoints along the way. For term rehabilitation, food and Jangsa Animal Saving Trust
other. Openness to work together will help some sinister reason - nobody care of the dogs, in partnership
both the parties.
Send your letters and pictures to
[email protected]
Letters will be edited for space and clarity

MANAGING DIRECTOR - Bachu Phub Dorji, EDITOR IN-CHARGE - Gyalsten K Dorji,

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL

Work on Druk Bindu hydropower begins

Rajesh Rai | Tendu power from the Bindu river At the moment, a contractor the topographical survey of the ager Karma Tshering said. Dur-
in Tendu. DGPC is currently has been identified for the drilling project has been completed and ing construction phase the local
Works on the Detailed Project preparing the detailed report works. the other geological investigation communities would benefit with
Report (DPR) for Druk Bindu for about 18 to 20 MW. This drilling is done to iden- works were under progress. business opportunities.
Hydroelectric Power Project During the DPR, DGPC of- tify the quality of the rocks inside DBHPP is one of the hydro- The estimated annual energy
(DBHPP) in Tendu, Samtse ficials in the head office said the soil, the official said, adding electric power projects in the production of about 82GWh can
kick-started on June 15. Druk the project layout has been that samples would be collected. country that Bhutanese inves- assist domestic energy security
Green Power Corporation optimised as compared to These samples will be sent for tors can take up. The cost of the if consumed within the country
(DGPC) is implementing the earlier studies by considering testing in Thimphu. project will be determined only and earn rupee if exported to
task. the full potential until the bor- The contractor, meanwhile, once the scope of the project is India.
The Bhutan Power Corpo- der. The hydrological study has has been given about 87 days to finalised, DGPC officials said. The project shall also en-
ration (BPC) initially carried also been carried out based on complete all five drilling works. Tender for the project can hance domestic competencies in
out the pre-feasibility studies additional data available since The DPR is scheduled to con- be floated only after investment investigation, design, engineer-
and had suggested a capacity the feasibility study conducted clude in December this year. is approved by the board and the ing, and construction, DGPC
of 12 megawatts (MW) hydro- by BPC. DGPC officials also said that government, the project man- officials said.


Monitoring retention of health workers and transformative education

The key indicators to ensure free quality health care for all Bhutanese
Kinga Dema 1,000 population has doubled for the regional directors sup- starting 2016 until the next dec- in the country to set up the Health
from 2002 to 2014, the number of port to member states in their ade. System in Transition review that
To ensure free quality health- health workforce is still below the implementation of the regional Meanwhile, three inter- will be conducted by a national
care for all Bhutanese, officials benchmark set by WHO of 2.28 strategy on strengthening health national experts from Interna- team with technical assistance
from various organisations met doctors, nurses, and midwives workforce education and train- tional Health Policy Program from WHO and IHPP.
yesterday to discuss key indica- per 1,000 population. In addition, ing in the SEAR (20142019) and (IHPP) Thailand facilitated the The review is expected to
tors in the monitoring progress retaining frontline health work- to report progress on the imple- workshop. Dr Travis, Dr Viroi provide good data and recom-
in terms of transformative edu- ers, particularly women in basic mentation of health workforce Tangcharoensathien and Dr mendations for strengthening
cation and retention of health health units in the most difficult development every two years Walaiporn Patcharanarumol are health system in the 12th Plan.
workers. districts, is an issue for the health
Organised with technical ministry.
and financial support from Officials said that WHO rec-
World Health Organisation ognised the challenges posed by
(WHO), the one-day workshop providing a sufficient number of
saw participants from health competent health providers to
ministry, Khesar Gyalpo Uni- ensure free quality health care 2nd Floor, RICBL Building, Phuntsholing
versity of Medical Sciences, and achieving universal health Interested candidates fulfilling the below mentioned criteria are invited to apply:-
Medical Council and WHO coverage more than a decade
regional and country office. ago. Sl.
Post Slot Education Qualification
The participants reviewed The issue, according to WHO No
the achievements, identified the officials, is prominent in all coun- 1 Production Incharge 1 Diploma in Mechanical
gaps and proposed the way for- tries in the world independently 2 Mechanical 4 VTI passed
ward for 2017-18, including the according to their level of devel- 3 Electrician 2 VTI Passed
technical support required from opment. 4 Auto Electrician 1 VTI passed
WHO over the next two years. Ensuring production, de- 5 Chemist 2 Class XII Science
They also discussed the key ployment and retention of a suf- 6 Stores Assistant 1 Class XII passed
indicators required to monitor ficient number of skilled health 7 Weighbridge Operator 1 Class XII passed
progress and to ensure that qual- workers is the key to sustain free 8 TMT Operator 1 Class X passed
ity healthcare will continue to be healthcare in Bhutan and achieve
Nail machine Operator/ Cass X passed
provided free to all Bhutanese. the sustainable development 9 6
Wire drawing Operator
Retention of health work- goal for health (SDG3) targets,
10 Receptionist 1 Class X passed
force in places where they are WHOs resident representative
11 Dispatcher 2 Class X passed
most needed, and scaling up Dr Ornella Lincetto said.
and transformation of health To address these challenges, 12 Hydra Operator 3 Valid driving license holder
professional education among HRH strengthening is one of the 13 Driver (Lvs) 2 Cl- VIII with Valid driving license holder
physicians and nurses/midwives flagship initiatives of the WHO Submit your applications to the Administrative Manager along with the following
were found essential to ensure Regional Office for South East documents. The last date for submission is June 25, 2016.
free quality healthcare for all Asia, according to WHO. The 1. Academic Transcripts 2. Valid Medical Certificate
Bhutanese, according to WHO. South East Asia Regional (SEAR) 3. Copy of CID 4. Certificate of Merit
According to Bhutans committee in 2014 endorsed 5. Security Clearance Certificate
Human Resources for Health the resolution on strengthening
Shortlisted candidates will be informed about the interview date over phone. For
(HRH) country profile in 2014, health workforce education and
further information contact the Administrative Manager at Tel: 05-251640/17610549
although the density of physi- training in the region.
during office hours.
cians, nurses, and midwives per The resolution requested
PAGE 6 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL

Regional collaboration for climate

resilience in the Himalayan region
By Staff reporter sustainable development, and downstream regions. The stream region. tion that was echoed by Qazi
said Yuba Raj Khatiwada, Vice- PES, also known as payments Climate change is not Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and
Unless countries in the Hima- Chairperson of National Plan- for environmental services, are just a cause for alarm, but also Ajay Narayan Jha, Secretary,
layan and downstream region ning Commission, Government incentives offered to commu- provides us an opportunity Ministry of Environment, For-
strengthen collaboration to of Nepal. He also highlighted nities of upstream catchment to work together beyond our est and Climate Change, India.
address food, water and en- ICIMODs pilot project on cli- areas in the mountain region national borders. After all, as a Ahmad suggested that having
ergy issues, the region is likely mate smart villages, which he for their role in managing land, Hindu Kush Himalayan region, such network would give strong
to face an unprecedented food said has now been adopted by sources of water and ecosystem. we share so many things geo- stronger voice to the HKH re-
crisis. This was the underlin- the government and included in Such a PES system is being insti- graphically, culturally, socially, gion in international negotia-
ing message of the two-day the national planning process. tutionalized in Nepals Dhanku- economically and most of all tions. Ajay Narayan Jha lauded
regional Knowledge Forum on The Himalayan and down- ta district to promote the linkage our natural resources. said the critical role played by ICI-
Climate Resilient Development stream region has a great op- between the Dhankuta town David Molden. He hoped that MOD as a knowledge integrator
in Himalayan and Downstream portunity now especially with residents and the villagers of one day, the region would have and requested ICIMOD to initi-
Regions, held in New Delhi from a river basin approach in a co- remote Nibuwa and Tankhuwa. its own Himalayan Council, ate discussion on Himalayan
1617 June 2016. ordinated manner. Australias In Indias Himachal Pradesh, like the Arctic Council, a no- Council.
Jointly organized by the Min- most important water basin, there has been good progress to
istry of Agriculture and Farmers Murray-Darling, has flourished promote the States ecosystem
Welfare (MOAFW), International due to strong knowledge and health by adopting green growth
Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development (ICIMOD), and
Institute of Economic Growth
management support for two
decades and Australia is ready
to share their experience and
strategy. Himachal Pradesh is a
leading mountain state today in
terms of poverty reduction and
(IEG), the event brought togeth- expertise to take appropriate can be achieved through inte-
er policy makers, scientists and measures in three Himalayan grated approach, said Srikant
Sale: SantaFe 10, 12
development practitioners from basins Ganges, Indus and Baldi, additional chief secretary
model. Contact 02- Vacancy: Car wash
Himalayan and downstream Brahmaputra, said Harinder of the Government of Himachal service boy. Salary
countries, including Bangla- Sidhu, Australian High Com- Pradesh. 336465/17931421.
6,000. Contact
desh, China, India, and Nepal. missioner, India. She added The forum concluded with Sale: Bolero SLX 77227873.
Over the two-day meet, partici- that for the countries, creative direction for appropriate policy (full option) 15. Loan
pants shared innovative ideas and innovative solutions are key and institutional options, and transferable. Contact Vacancy: 5 security/
to promote climate resilient towards improvement in food, regulatory mechanisms to foster 77620773. bouncers for a night
development by addressing the water and energy. science-policy-practice interac- club, Thimphu. Contact
food-water-energy nexus from a Regional collaboration is tions, and a conversation about 17502033.
regional perspective. needed on knowledge on spe- how all countries in the region Rent: Space for Vacancy: 1 two
We need to work hard to cific sectors and research on can work together through a
showroom/office near wheeler driver & 1
make sure that mountain issues single issues. Climate change meaningful collaboration on
DNP office. Contact heavy vehicle driver for
and their downstream linkages is not uniform in the region and issues surrounding food, water
17605804. DHL. Applicants can
are well reflected in regional and might be very diverse and the and energy security issues.
global discussions. We need new impact is more on low income There are solutions to Sale: Five call at 02-324730.
knowledge in this area to make areas of all nations, said Manoj many of these common chal- storeyed building at
sure that it guides in the devel- Panda, director of Institute of lenges, but to implement these, Changzamtok. Contact
opment of effective adaptation Economic Growth, India. we must strengthen trans- 77344996. Announcement:
strategies in the region, said The level of impact and boundary cooperation in the BCSE Prelim Exam
David Molden, Director General the coping mechanisms are management of the regions Sale: Shop along with 2016-RTC coaching
of ICIMOD. This knowledge is different in low and high in- shared natural resources, said residence at Changjalu. classes will be held in
critical to achieving the 2030 come areas of all countries of Golam Rasul, livelihood expert Contact 77492233. July in Kawajangsa,
Agenda for Sustainable Devel- Himalayan region. This is where at ICIMOD. He noted that col- Sale: Shop opposite Thimphu. Details:
opment, he added. diversity and equitable develop- laboration is also essential to Clock Tower. Contact www.rtc.bt, email:
Achieving Sustainable De- ment is key. ensure that the benefits of im- [email protected] or call
velopment Goals will require in- For sustainable devel- proved resource management 351801, extension 145.
tegrated solutions, efficient and opment inclusiveness is not are shared between commu- Required: A house/
sustainable use of land, water enough. We need equity and nities in upstream and down- bungalow for small
and ecosystems, strengthened equitable development that stream areas, and that appropri- family in Thimphu with NU. PER UNITS OF FOREIGN CURRENCY
as of yesterday
linkages between communities lets all men, women and chil- ate incentive mechanisms are private compound. NOTES
in upstream and downstream dren benefit equally, said Qazi put in place. Contact 17117802. Buy Sell
areas, and increased regional Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, chair- Tishyarakshit Chatterjee,
US $ 66.10 68.30
and sub-regional coordination man of Palli Karma-Sahayak Director, Indian Institute of
and connectivity. These key Foundation, Bangladesh. He Public Administration, Former POUND 94.25 96.85
Sale: 2.12 acres dryland EURO 74.40 76.45
issues were actively discussed added that the region needs to Secretary, Government of India
at Gelephu near air field. YEN (100) 63.40 65.20
during the Forum. build social capital at the insti- cited the example of Sikkim and
In the whole SDG proc- tutional and individual level, lo- said hill people have managed
50 decimal dryland near HK $ 8.50 8.75
ess, mountains are somehow cally, nationally and regionally. resources in micro-watershed Gangrithang School AUS $ 48.85 50.20
left behind, but there is a space Institutionalizing benefit- for centuries despite absence facing Chamkhar SING $ 48.95 50.35
for this and the mountain sharing Payment for Ecosystem of appropriate administrative Throm, Bumthang. Courtesy BNB
countries need to develop their Services (PES) is seen as a good unit in watersheds and we must Contact 17630887.
own targets and mechanisms initiative to forge the linkages communicate knowledge of the
to address climate change and between upstream Himalayan mountains and hills to down-
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL

Hist ry LIFE and WORKS

isdom wise
Jamgon Ngawang Gyeltshen

When you have got an he following day, the mother and daughter saw the father
elephant by the hind legs and Dondrub being escorted from prison in hand-cuffs.
and he is trying to run This sight caused them even more anguish, and they felt
away, it's best to let him as if their hearts were being torn into pieces. They started
run. to cry loudly while holding onto one another, rocking
Abraham Lincoln
back and forth in utter despair. The captors led the father and son
along the Phochu side while others lead the mother and daughter
A WORD a day along the Mochu side at the same time all of them looking at one
Denounces. another.
v. 1. Publicly declare to be wrong or evil; 2. Inform
The Assembly denounced the use of violence.
Fungi of Bhutan Daily Living

REBUS Dhungshing Shamong Health and Illness

Deep in thought

While it is absurd to reject medical science, the principal
factor in overcoming illness is the patient and his or
her life force. In medical terms, it is our capacity to
heal ourselves. Life force is a mystic phenomenon that
transcends human understanding.
Scientific name: - Daisaku Ikeda
Rozites caperata


Tech Tricks Graze
Photoshop CS3
How to play
Fill in the grid so that Tools: Dodge Tool
every row, every col- Growing pains
umn, and every 3 X 3 Lightens areas in an image.
box contains the num- Select the area where you
wish to apply the tool.
bers 1 through 9.
Choose the Brush, Range,
and Exposure. To be continued...
Answer Click on the spots you wish to highlight.

BC Plastic bags

ach year we use 84 billion plastic
bags, a significant portion of the 500
billion used worldwide. They are
not biodegradable, and are making
their way into our oceans, and
subsequently, the food chain. Stronger, reusable
bags are an inexpensive and readily available
PAGE 8 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL

Announcement tender notice

BhutAn olympic committee ministry of Agriculture
The Bhutan Olympic Committee would like to invite applications from interested And forests
youth to apply for the Foundation in Youth Sports Coaching Course (FYSCC) Department of Livestock
scheduled from July 15, 2016 to August 10, 2016. Selected candidates, based on
their performance in the course, will be given the opportunity to intern with the National Dairy Development Centre
National Sport Federations. The applications must be submitted to the HR officer of Yusipang, Thimphu
the BOC along with all relevant documents on or before July 4, 2016. NDDC/Adm-4(11)/2015-2016/1113
Eligibility Criteria: Sealed tender are invited from the eligible suppliers
1. Class 12 passed or equivalent owners for the supply of following items for the
2. He or she must be less than 25 years of age as of 01.07.2016 financial year 2016-2017.
For more details please contact the following during office hours: 1. Maintenance of vehicle and supply of spare
- Mr. Namgyal Wangchuk, SRDD, BOC @ +975 17622625, and parts, tyre resoling and tubes (Package I)
- Mrs. Tshering Lham, HRO, BOC @ +975 17640825 2. Supply of office stationery, hardware, electrical,
plumbing items, Agriculture tools and animal
For more information please log into: feeds (Package II)
http://bhutanolympiccommittee.org/foundation-youth-sports-coaching-course-2/ 3. Lab & ET chemical & consumable, Lab & ET
equipment, AI equipment and dairy equipment
& consumable (Package III)
Announcement The tender documents can be collected from the
office of Account Section, NDDC, Yusipang on
indiAn AmBAssAdors scholArship for payment of Nu. 500 per package (non-refundable)
VocAtionAl courses 2016-2017 from 22/06/2016 till 21/07/2016 during office hours.
The last date for submission of tender is on or before
Embassy of India to Bhutan is pleased to announce Vocational Courses in India
2:00 pm on July 21, 2016. It will be opened on the
sponsored under the Indian Ambassadors Scholarship Scheme for the period 2016-
same day at 2:30 pm at NDDC, Complex Yusipang.
Following courses are being offered Program Director
Short term courses (Max. Duration 3 months)
r Diploma in Automobile repair (Minimum qualification- 8th pass)
r Chef Training (Minimum qualification-10th pass)
request for proposAl
r Spa Training (Minimum qualification-10th pass) BhutAn deVelopment BAnk
r Interior Design (Minimum qualification-10th pass minimum of 40% independently
in Science and Mathematics) limited
r Mobile Application Development (12th pass and above)
r Refrigerator & AC Mechanic (Minimum qualification-10th pass) Bhutan Development Bank invites sealed quotation
r Computer Hardware Maintenance & Servicing (Minimum qualification-10th from National and International bidders to develop
pass Science and Maths as subjects) risk assessment framework and guideline. The
r Painting and Decoration (Minimum qualification- 5th pass) detailed terms and conditions can be purchased from
r Architectural Assistantship (Minimum qualification- Intermediate pass) the Procurement Section of the BDB, Thimphu during
r Building Carpentry (Minimum qualification- 5th pass) office hours from June 21, 2016 to July 20, 2016 on
For more information regarding courses, duration of the course, downloading of form payment of Nu. 500/- each which is non-refundable.
etc., please visit our website (www.indianembassythimphu.bt) or log on to our The last date for submission of quotation is July 20,
face book page (www.facebook.com/IndiainBhutan). 2016 on or before 2:30 pm & shall be opened on the
Last date for submission of application form is July 31, 2016 same day at 3:00 pm.
For further queries, you may contact: (General Manager) Administration
Education Section, Embassy of India, Thimphu
Tel: 00-975-2-339656
Email: [email protected] notice inViting tender
Website (www.indianembassythimphu.bt)
Face book (www.facebook.com/IndiainBhutan) ministry of Agriculture
And forests
Department of Agriculture
notice inViting tender
National Post-Harvest Centre, Paro
dhi-infrA ltd. DoA/NPHC/2015-16/10/576

DHI-INFRA/2016/HRAD/PROC/667 The National Post Harvest Centre, Paro would like to

DHI-INFRA Ltd. would like to invite sealed quotations for Supply & Delivery of invite sealed tender from eligible firms for the supply
Foundation Materials from the firms holding valid trade licence: of following items
1. Supply of electrical & hardware equipment
Title of Tender Sale Date Submission Tender Cost of
The tender document may be obtained from NPHC
Deadline Opening Tender
upon payment of Nu. 500.00 (non-refundable) during
Supply & Delivery of 21 June 2016 20 July, 2016 20 July, 2016 Nu 500 (Non- office hours. The last date of submission of the tender is
Foundation Materials 20 July, 2016 refundable) July 21, 2016 before 12:00 noon will be opened at
For details please visit www.dhiinfra.bt or call Mr. UgyenChophel at 331853 Ext. 2:30 pm at NPHC, Paro. For any other details, please
107 during office hours. contact Administration Section at Tel # 08-272406.
Management Offtg. Chief Post Production Officer
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 9


Punakha performs
Kanjur-Lingkor for rain
Dawa Gyelmo | Punakha be shared among many farmers.
With no rainfall, the quantity of
It is almost the end of the paddy available water is decreasing.
transplantation season, but However, NB Adhikari said
Khandu of Chubbu gewog in other measures are being pur-
Punakha is yet to finish trans- sued so that farmers can com-
planting his two-acre paddy plete transplantation on time.
fields. We have received two water
Lack of rain and having to pumps for upper Baap gewog,
share the little available water are he said.
the reasons. Three days ago, Guma gewog
Hoping for rainfall, Khandu was provided with two water-
joined several farmers from 11 pumps to bring water from the
gewogs who had come to con- river. Of 337 acres of paddy fields
duct the daylong auspicious in Guma chiwog of Guma gewog,
Kanjur-Lingkor ritual ceremony only 98 acres were transplanted.
in Punakha, yesterday. Transplantation in the remaining
Local leaders, monks of the paddy fields is being carried out
Punakha dratshang and dzong- using the newly supplied water
The daylong Kanjur-Lingkor was performed to bring rain and ensure a bountiful harvest
khag officials jointly conducted pumps.
the ritual to bring rain and allow For Dochurisa chiwog of
paddy transplantations across Guma, the dzongkhag has re- tation within a few days, he said.
villages in Punakha. quested a water pump from the Transplantation in Toewang
According to the dratshang, regional agriculture machinery gewog is ongoing after being
the Kanjur-Lingkor is being con- centre located in Wangdue. provided with two water pumps.
ducted to not just bring timely NB Adhikari said for Chubbu NB Adhikari said that if it
rain but also for a bountiful har- gewog, three water pumps were rains in the next few days, it will
vest. provided last week, and the help farmers to complete trans-
Four of the 11 gewogs in gewog has started drawing water plantations and catch up with
Punakha: Guma, Toewang, Baap from the river. the paddy cultivation season.
and Chubbu are affected by lack Hebisa chiwog of Chubbu Meanwhile, farmers said
of rain, senior dzongkhag agri- has more than 40 acres of paddy they have jointly conducted
culture officer, NB Adhikari said. fields yet to be transplanted. such rituals for rainfall. Such
The problem is occurring With three water pumps, we are rituals are only conducted dur-
because irrigation water has to expecting to cover the transplan- ing such dry spells.

Date Route Flight No. Departure Arrival
June 22 Paro to Bangkok via Guwahati KB 140 06:00 pm 11:35 pm
June 22 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata KB 121 06:50 am 10:10 am
June 22 Paro to Delhi KB 240 12:00 pm 01:50 pm
June 22 Delhi to Paro KB 241 02:40 pm 05:20 pm
June 22 Paro to Dhaka KB 300 07:00 am 08:20 am
June 22 Dhaka to Paro KB 301 09:00 am 10:20 am
June 22 Paro to Singapore via Kolkata KB 500 07:50 am 04:10 pm
June 22 Paro to Kathmandu KB 400 11:00 am 12:05 pm
June 22 Kathmandu to Paro KB 401 12:45 pm 02:20 pm

*** No flight on June 22 ***
Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Drukair toll free No. 1300 for latest flight information.

Picture story: Thousands of devotees received Tshewang Bhutan Airlines (Tashi Air)
or life-long blessings from the seventh Namkhai Nyingpo June 22 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata B3701 06:30 am 09:55 am
Rinpoche, Jigme Pema Thinley Namgay, yesterday at the June 22 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata B3700 10:35 am 04:05 pm
conclusion of the Tendha Chenmo at Lhodrakharchu June 22 Paro to Delhi B3773 10:35 am 11:35 am
Dratshang in Bumthang. The Guru Tshengye Thongdrol June 22 Delhi to Paro via Kathmandu B3774 12:35 pm 04:15 pm
was also displayed for public viewing in the morning. Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Bhutan Airlines toll free No. 1234 for latest flight information.
PAGE 10 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL


Branch Office, Samdrupjongkhar

The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited invites sealed bids for the sale of following particulars on as is where is basis
Sl.No Vehicle Type Vehicle No Model Registration Condition Remarks Location
Lot 1 Various Parts of Vehicle approximately Scrap Assemble Scraps for S/JONGKHAR
1200kg settled claim
Lot 2 Maruti Alto BT-2-A1823 2012 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 3 Maruti Van BP-2-A6241 2006 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 4 TATA Tipper BP-2-A5040 2010 Not Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 6 TATA LPT 1109 BP-2-A4957 2010 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 7 TATA Truck BP-2-A2944 2005 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 8 TATA Tipper BP-1-A2782 2011 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
1. Cost of Tender Document : Nu. 200.00 (Nu. Two Hundred) only.
2. Earnest Money Deposit : Nu: 20,000.00 (Nu. Twenty Thousand) only.
3. The successful bidder shall lift the item within 07 days from the date of opening the tender.
4. Last Date of submission of tender documents : 05/07/2016 up to 4:30PM.
5. Date of opening of tender : 06/07/2016 at 10:30AM in the RICBL Office, Samdrupjongkhar.
6. Non-Bhutanese intending to participate in the tender should arrange their entry permit on their own.
The Bidding documents can be purchased from the RICBL cash counter, Branch Office, Samdrupjongkhar, against the payment of Nu: 200.00
(Nu. Two Hundred) only which is non-refundable. The bidders are requested to inspect the items. It may be noted that any complaint after
auction shall not be entertained. The items can be inspected during week days from 9AM to 1PM and 2PM - 4.30PM. Interested bidders are
requested to contact Mr. Sonam Darjay at 17532436 or Branch Manager at 17464224 for further information.



NOTICE INVITING TENDER Dzongkhag Administration, Bumthang is pleased

to invite sealed quotation from the eligible licence
Sealed tender is hereby invited from all the interested buyers for the sale of Accident holder/dealers for the supply of following items for the
vehicles (Heavy, Light and Misc.) and Scraps. The sealed bid will be opened on financial year 2016-2017:
29/06/2016 at 10:30 am at BIL, Branch Office, Phuentsholing. All interested buyers
1. Stationery & cartridges
are requested to submit the sealed bid form on/before 10 am on 29/06/2016. The
2. Furniture
details of the accident/salvage wreck will be available in the tender form.
3. Computer & laptops
Terms & Conditions:-
The tender documents will be available for sale at the
1. Tender forms can be purchased with the payment of Nu.200/-(Nu.Two
Dzongkhag PABX counter with effect from June 20,
hundred) only which is non refundable from BIL, Ho, Thimphu /BIL, Branch
2016. Further more, supplier can also download from
office, Phuentsholing/ BIL, Branch office, Wangduephodrang.
the Dzongkhag website. The completed documents
2. The offer should be submitted with earnest money of Nu.10,000/-(Nu. Ten should be submitted at the PABX counter on before
Thousand) only for each form irrespective of bidders biddings for the items. 11:30 am July 20, 2016. The tender document will
3. The successful bidder will have to deposit 25% of the quoted amount upon be opened on the same day at 2:30 pm.
acceptance of his/her tender on the spot and the balance 75% on taking Should you need any extra information, please contact
delivery of the accident/salvage wreck within 7 days from the date of tender, Procurement Officer at 17562575 during office hours.
failing to deposit the balance 75% within the given time , the 25% deposit will
be forfeited. Dzongrab Gom
4. Any taxes/Custom duties/NOC/other charges applicable has to be borne
by the buyer.
5. The items can be inspected during the office hours. Therefore, interested
bidders are requested to inspect the items before the auction. (Please contact mINISTRY OF HOmE AND
Mr.Kinga Chopel, Mobile No. 17925240, BIL, T/Phu/Mr. Lhaba Dorji,
Mobile no.17580266, BIL, P/Ling).
6. Decision of the BIL Management/Tender Committee shall be final and binding.
Management The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs has
completed the shortlisting of applicants for the post of
Immigration Inspectors. For further details, kindly refer
to the website of the ministry at www.mohca.gov.bt
Call 326191 or fax 326638; E-mail us at: [email protected]; [email protected]
TO SUBSCRIBE KUENSEL: Call 327463; FOR NEWS: Call 324684, 322483 Director
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 11

Notice iNvitiNg teNder

MiNistry of iNforMatioN & coMMuNicatioNs
Department of Air Transport , Paro International Airport

The Department of Air transport, Paro invites sealed quotation from the eligible Bhutanese licence holders for supply of the following for the
financial year 2016-2017.
Cost of Sale of tender Date & time of bid
Name of Tender Bid Security
tender documents opening
Supply of annual items for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing
Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
Sewerage treatment plant and accessories.
Supply of office stationery, computers and equipment, miscellaneous,
Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
security items, Furnitures, Printer cartridges.
Supply of Uniforms Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
Maintenance, repairing and supply of spare parts of office pool vehicles
Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
and fire fighting vehicles.
The complete set of tender document maybe downloaded from the following websites from 21/06/2016. DoAT: website: www.doat.gov.bt the
bidders have to furnish Nu.500/- in cash (non-refundable) as cost of tender documents during the submission of bid documents. Bid documents
have to be submitted to account section along with the cost of tender. The last day for submission of tender is 21/07/2016 at 12 noon and shall be
opened on same day at 2.30pm in the presence of bidders who wish to attend. Any inquires contract 08272877, [email protected].
Officiating Director

vacaNcy aNNouNceMeNt
food corPoratioN of BHutaN Ltd.

The Management of the Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited is pleased to announce the following vacancy on regular basis:
Sl. Position
Designation Slots Qualification & other requirements
No. level
Assistant Minimum Class 12 with Diploma in Civil Engineering, preference shall be given to candidates
1 S2 1
Engineer with some experience.
Interested applicants who fulfill the criteria are requested to apply in FCBL job application form available online (www.fcbl.bt)or from the nearest
FCBL regional offices along with the following documents, latest by June 30, 2016. The applications can also be submitted to FCBL regional office.
For ToR, refer www.fcbl.bt .
1. Curriculum Vitae 2. Duly filled FCBL Job Application Form
3. Copy of Academic Transcripts ( Class- X and above) 4. A copy of Citizen Identity Card
5. A copy of valid Security Clearance Certificate 6. A copy of valid Medical Certificate ( Six Months validity)
7. No Objection Certificate from employer, if employed once shortlisted.
For any further information please contact HR Manager, FCBL Head Office at telephone number 05-252505, Thimphu RO at 02-322877,
Gelephu RO at 06-251048 and S/Jongkhar RO at 07-251073 during office hours.

eXteNsioN of date for Bid vacaNcy aNNouNceMeNt

suBMissioN MiNistry of HoMe aNd cuLturaL affairs
royaL iNsuraNce Department of Culture
Division for Conservation of Heritage Sites
corPoratioN of BHutaN Ltd.
Phajoding Monastery Conservation Project
Branch Office, Samdrupjongkhar PMCP/Misc/2015-2016/895
The Project Management of Phajoding Monastery Conservation Project under
The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Ltd. Department of Culture, MoHCA is pleased to announce the following vacancies for
would like to notify that, with reference to our earlier National workers for immediate recruitment:
Invitation for bids vide RICB/HO/IT/2016/4481 in Sl.# Description Slot Qualification
Kuensel dated May 21, 2016, the submission date for 1 Store Assistant 1 Minimum class X
Package II: Supply of Checkpoint Fire wall UTM 2 Tractor Driver 1 Having valid driving licence
has been extended till July 02, 2016. 3 Carpenters 5 Experience in same field
The submission and opening times remain the same 4 Masons 5 Experience in same field
as announced earlier. Firms wishing to submit bids Work station shall be at Phajoding Monastery. Therefore, preference will be given
may avail Request for Proposal from IT Division, on a to the bachelors especially for the Store Assistant and Tractor driver. For further
payment of Nu. 500/- during office hours. information please contact at 338480/17887395 during office hours.
Management Offtg. Project Manager
PAGE 12 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL


City wins Thimphu League

Younten Tshedup its squad but also in the back-
room. Before the beginning
After four consecutive unsuc- of the league, City merged its
cessful seasons, Thimphu City management with Paro Yuljong
FC finally broke the curse and Futsal Club, strengthening its
lifted their first Thimphu A- backroom potency.
League title at the Changlim- Considered to be one of the
ithang Stadium on Sunday. strongest teams with 10 players
Under a revamped team, from the national squad, City,
City scored a staggering 44 like in the previous seasons
goals in 14 games, the high- were again the crowd favourites
est in the season. At the same in the race for the title.
time, the team also conceded However, it was the young
the least number of goals (11) lads of the team who displayed
and registered five clean-sheets their potential this season in Along with the winning trophy, Thimphu City FC won a cash price of Nu 400,000
during the league. the absence of some of the big Photo: BFF
City could have been the names from the national squad
first invincible team to have due to injuries. far the biggest league in the said Passang Tshering. Thimphu FC and Druk United
won a league title in the coun- The team manager, Hishey country today and the pres- City is making its move have also qualified for the na-
try, however, a 2-0 defeat at the Tshering said that although sure to perform better will be to bring in FC Terton skipper, tional league. Paro United FC,
hands of Druk United in the winning the league has been a on us, said Tshering Dorji. Tshering Wangdi in the attack Ugyen Academy FC and a team
final game of the season held team effort, the contributions We are expecting it to be more line. The former Drukpol FC from Phuentsholing will join
the team from achieving such from the young players during challenging. Well try and give goalie Leki has also now joined the three teams for the league
glory. the season were remarkable. our best and with every game the champions for the upcom- in July.
Citys head coach Passang The skipper of the team, well better ourselves. ing national league. A total of eight teams took
Tshering said that winning the Tshering Dorji (Tsagay) who Passang Tshering is hope- Meanwhile, along with City, part in the two-month long
title was an added reward for was declared the best player of ful that the clubs defence line the first and second runners up, Thimphu League.
the teams hard work and com- the season, said that the clubs will be much stronger once the
mitment to the game. Our pri- primary intention of qualify- injured players namely, Dawa
mary objective was to qualify
for the national league, he said.
ing for the national league was
successfully completed and
Gyeltshen, Jigme T Dorji,
Manoj and Chimi Dorji are
Its an overwhelming moment the team expects to carry on back for the national league.
for our team to have won the the same momentum into the No team is perfect. We are
Good day
title this season. national league that begins next still in the process of strength-
to perform daily rituals
The club also made some month. ening the team and filling the
major reshuffles not only in The national league is by voids wherever necessary, Bad day
to marry
to celebrate
to appoint to new post
to enter in a new house
to learn astrology
to shift house
to hand and take over office
to start new business

A good day for rituals (laza) for those born in the tiger and
rabbit years.
Generally a good day (sogza) for those born in the monkey
and rooster years.
A bad day (shedza) for those born in the ox and dragon

JUNE 21 SUNRISE : 5:07 am

2016 SUNSET : 7:00 pm
Max Min
Gasa 20 11
Trongsa 21 16
Picture story: The Bhutan Taekwondo Federation handed over Nu 185,000 worth of Bumthang 21 14
taekwondo gear to the Royal University Sports Federation of Bhutan in Thimphu yesterday.
A cheque of Nu 54,000 for the upcoming Summer University Games at Paro College of 32 Sarpang 28 24
Education next month was also handed over. The nine colleges under the Royal University
of Bhutan will take part in the summer game. 22 Source: Meteorology Division, DHMS, MOEA
For any weather information: Call hotline 339673

Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, www.kuenselonline.com BICMA Lic no. 303000005, ISSN 0259 1499

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