Kuensel: Govt. Rejects Opposition's Proposals
Kuensel: Govt. Rejects Opposition's Proposals
Kuensel: Govt. Rejects Opposition's Proposals
T U E S D A Y , J U N E 2 1 # ) ' ( - E l ( '
Lyonchoen Tshering
Tobgay will attend
the first convocation
of the Royal Institute
for Tourism and
Hospitality graduates
today. During the
convocation ceremony,
83 graduates will be
awarded joint Diploma
certificate in Tourism
Management and 96 in
Hotel Management from
the Tourism School,
Salzburg and RITH.
Monks, dzongkhag officials and villagers perform Kanjur-Lingkor to bring rain to help farmers as four of Govt. maintaining
the 11 gewogs of Punakha complete paddy transplantation (Story on Pg. 9) Rupee reserve
through sale of
Council Central School | PG.3
This is to notify the general public under Nganglam Drungkhag that the Second
Consultation Public meeting for the structure plan and one local area plan of the
FOR NEWS, VIEWS AND Nganglam Regional Hub will be conducting on June 27, 2016 at 9:00AM sharp at
Therefore, all the stakeholders including land owners and business community which
Call: 324684 or mail to fall under the new proposed town are requested to attend the meeting without fail.
The concern agencies will not be responsible for any complication.
[email protected] Offtg. Drungpa
PAGE 4 KUENSEL | Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Openness to work together
will help both government
and media
edia freedom is impor- The next best thing:
tant. Where press cannot Inspired by prayer
be free, there will be cor- wheels these used plastic
ruption, lack of account- bottles have another spin
ability and transparency. Photo by Chundu Nidup
It is not for no reason that Edmund Burke Tshering
said nearly two centuries ago that yonder in
the reporters gallery is a fourth estate more
important far than all the eminent and ven-
erable branches of the government.
Media as a fourth branch of government MY SAY
is important for the functioning democracy.
When you have got an he following day, the mother and daughter saw the father
elephant by the hind legs and Dondrub being escorted from prison in hand-cuffs.
and he is trying to run This sight caused them even more anguish, and they felt
away, it's best to let him as if their hearts were being torn into pieces. They started
run. to cry loudly while holding onto one another, rocking
Abraham Lincoln
back and forth in utter despair. The captors led the father and son
along the Phochu side while others lead the mother and daughter
A WORD a day along the Mochu side at the same time all of them looking at one
Denounces. another.
v. 1. Publicly declare to be wrong or evil; 2. Inform
The Assembly denounced the use of violence.
Fungi of Bhutan Daily Living
While it is absurd to reject medical science, the principal
factor in overcoming illness is the patient and his or
her life force. In medical terms, it is our capacity to
heal ourselves. Life force is a mystic phenomenon that
transcends human understanding.
Scientific name: - Daisaku Ikeda
Rozites caperata
Tech Tricks Graze
Photoshop CS3
How to play
Fill in the grid so that Tools: Dodge Tool
every row, every col- Growing pains
umn, and every 3 X 3 Lightens areas in an image.
box contains the num- Select the area where you
wish to apply the tool.
bers 1 through 9.
Choose the Brush, Range,
and Exposure. To be continued...
Answer Click on the spots you wish to highlight.
BC Plastic bags
ach year we use 84 billion plastic
bags, a significant portion of the 500
billion used worldwide. They are
not biodegradable, and are making
their way into our oceans, and
subsequently, the food chain. Stronger, reusable
bags are an inexpensive and readily available
PAGE 8 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL
Punakha performs
Kanjur-Lingkor for rain
Dawa Gyelmo | Punakha be shared among many farmers.
With no rainfall, the quantity of
It is almost the end of the paddy available water is decreasing.
transplantation season, but However, NB Adhikari said
Khandu of Chubbu gewog in other measures are being pur-
Punakha is yet to finish trans- sued so that farmers can com-
planting his two-acre paddy plete transplantation on time.
fields. We have received two water
Lack of rain and having to pumps for upper Baap gewog,
share the little available water are he said.
the reasons. Three days ago, Guma gewog
Hoping for rainfall, Khandu was provided with two water-
joined several farmers from 11 pumps to bring water from the
gewogs who had come to con- river. Of 337 acres of paddy fields
duct the daylong auspicious in Guma chiwog of Guma gewog,
Kanjur-Lingkor ritual ceremony only 98 acres were transplanted.
in Punakha, yesterday. Transplantation in the remaining
Local leaders, monks of the paddy fields is being carried out
Punakha dratshang and dzong- using the newly supplied water
The daylong Kanjur-Lingkor was performed to bring rain and ensure a bountiful harvest
khag officials jointly conducted pumps.
the ritual to bring rain and allow For Dochurisa chiwog of
paddy transplantations across Guma, the dzongkhag has re- tation within a few days, he said.
villages in Punakha. quested a water pump from the Transplantation in Toewang
According to the dratshang, regional agriculture machinery gewog is ongoing after being
the Kanjur-Lingkor is being con- centre located in Wangdue. provided with two water pumps.
ducted to not just bring timely NB Adhikari said for Chubbu NB Adhikari said that if it
rain but also for a bountiful har- gewog, three water pumps were rains in the next few days, it will
vest. provided last week, and the help farmers to complete trans-
Four of the 11 gewogs in gewog has started drawing water plantations and catch up with
Punakha: Guma, Toewang, Baap from the river. the paddy cultivation season.
and Chubbu are affected by lack Hebisa chiwog of Chubbu Meanwhile, farmers said
of rain, senior dzongkhag agri- has more than 40 acres of paddy they have jointly conducted
culture officer, NB Adhikari said. fields yet to be transplanted. such rituals for rainfall. Such
The problem is occurring With three water pumps, we are rituals are only conducted dur-
because irrigation water has to expecting to cover the transplan- ing such dry spells.
Date Route Flight No. Departure Arrival
June 22 Paro to Bangkok via Guwahati KB 140 06:00 pm 11:35 pm
June 22 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata KB 121 06:50 am 10:10 am
June 22 Paro to Delhi KB 240 12:00 pm 01:50 pm
June 22 Delhi to Paro KB 241 02:40 pm 05:20 pm
June 22 Paro to Dhaka KB 300 07:00 am 08:20 am
June 22 Dhaka to Paro KB 301 09:00 am 10:20 am
June 22 Paro to Singapore via Kolkata KB 500 07:50 am 04:10 pm
June 22 Paro to Kathmandu KB 400 11:00 am 12:05 pm
June 22 Kathmandu to Paro KB 401 12:45 pm 02:20 pm
*** No flight on June 22 ***
Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Drukair toll free No. 1300 for latest flight information.
Picture story: Thousands of devotees received Tshewang Bhutan Airlines (Tashi Air)
or life-long blessings from the seventh Namkhai Nyingpo June 22 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata B3701 06:30 am 09:55 am
Rinpoche, Jigme Pema Thinley Namgay, yesterday at the June 22 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata B3700 10:35 am 04:05 pm
conclusion of the Tendha Chenmo at Lhodrakharchu June 22 Paro to Delhi B3773 10:35 am 11:35 am
Dratshang in Bumthang. The Guru Tshengye Thongdrol June 22 Delhi to Paro via Kathmandu B3774 12:35 pm 04:15 pm
was also displayed for public viewing in the morning. Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Bhutan Airlines toll free No. 1234 for latest flight information.
PAGE 10 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 | KUENSEL
The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited invites sealed bids for the sale of following particulars on as is where is basis
Sl.No Vehicle Type Vehicle No Model Registration Condition Remarks Location
Lot 1 Various Parts of Vehicle approximately Scrap Assemble Scraps for S/JONGKHAR
1200kg settled claim
Lot 2 Maruti Alto BT-2-A1823 2012 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 3 Maruti Van BP-2-A6241 2006 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 4 TATA Tipper BP-2-A5040 2010 Not Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 6 TATA LPT 1109 BP-2-A4957 2010 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 7 TATA Truck BP-2-A2944 2005 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
Lot 8 TATA Tipper BP-1-A2782 2011 Cancelled Scrap Total Loss S/JONGKHAR
1. Cost of Tender Document : Nu. 200.00 (Nu. Two Hundred) only.
2. Earnest Money Deposit : Nu: 20,000.00 (Nu. Twenty Thousand) only.
3. The successful bidder shall lift the item within 07 days from the date of opening the tender.
4. Last Date of submission of tender documents : 05/07/2016 up to 4:30PM.
5. Date of opening of tender : 06/07/2016 at 10:30AM in the RICBL Office, Samdrupjongkhar.
6. Non-Bhutanese intending to participate in the tender should arrange their entry permit on their own.
The Bidding documents can be purchased from the RICBL cash counter, Branch Office, Samdrupjongkhar, against the payment of Nu: 200.00
(Nu. Two Hundred) only which is non-refundable. The bidders are requested to inspect the items. It may be noted that any complaint after
auction shall not be entertained. The items can be inspected during week days from 9AM to 1PM and 2PM - 4.30PM. Interested bidders are
requested to contact Mr. Sonam Darjay at 17532436 or Branch Manager at 17464224 for further information.
The Department of Air transport, Paro invites sealed quotation from the eligible Bhutanese licence holders for supply of the following for the
financial year 2016-2017.
Cost of Sale of tender Date & time of bid
Name of Tender Bid Security
tender documents opening
Supply of annual items for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing
Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
Sewerage treatment plant and accessories.
Supply of office stationery, computers and equipment, miscellaneous,
Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
security items, Furnitures, Printer cartridges.
Supply of Uniforms Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
Maintenance, repairing and supply of spare parts of office pool vehicles
Nu. 50,000/ Nu. 500/- 21/06/2016 21/07/2016, at 2.30PM
and fire fighting vehicles.
The complete set of tender document maybe downloaded from the following websites from 21/06/2016. DoAT: website: www.doat.gov.bt the
bidders have to furnish Nu.500/- in cash (non-refundable) as cost of tender documents during the submission of bid documents. Bid documents
have to be submitted to account section along with the cost of tender. The last day for submission of tender is 21/07/2016 at 12 noon and shall be
opened on same day at 2.30pm in the presence of bidders who wish to attend. Any inquires contract 08272877, [email protected].
Officiating Director
vacaNcy aNNouNceMeNt
food corPoratioN of BHutaN Ltd.
The Management of the Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited is pleased to announce the following vacancy on regular basis:
Sl. Position
Designation Slots Qualification & other requirements
No. level
Assistant Minimum Class 12 with Diploma in Civil Engineering, preference shall be given to candidates
1 S2 1
Engineer with some experience.
Interested applicants who fulfill the criteria are requested to apply in FCBL job application form available online (www.fcbl.bt)or from the nearest
FCBL regional offices along with the following documents, latest by June 30, 2016. The applications can also be submitted to FCBL regional office.
For ToR, refer www.fcbl.bt .
1. Curriculum Vitae 2. Duly filled FCBL Job Application Form
3. Copy of Academic Transcripts ( Class- X and above) 4. A copy of Citizen Identity Card
5. A copy of valid Security Clearance Certificate 6. A copy of valid Medical Certificate ( Six Months validity)
7. No Objection Certificate from employer, if employed once shortlisted.
For any further information please contact HR Manager, FCBL Head Office at telephone number 05-252505, Thimphu RO at 02-322877,
Gelephu RO at 06-251048 and S/Jongkhar RO at 07-251073 during office hours.
A good day for rituals (laza) for those born in the tiger and
rabbit years.
Generally a good day (sogza) for those born in the monkey
and rooster years.
A bad day (shedza) for those born in the ox and dragon
Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, www.kuenselonline.com BICMA Lic no. 303000005, ISSN 0259 1499