Economy TOEICTest 2

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listening TEST

In the Listening lest. you will be asked to demonstrate how welt you understand spoken English. The
enti re Lis tening leSI will lasl approximately 45 minutes . There are four paris. and directions afe given
lor each part. You must ma rk your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not wnle yOU! answers
In Ihe test book.

Part 1

Directions: For each queslion In this part, you wilt hear lour statements about a picture in you r lest
book. When you hear the statements, you must seleel Ihe one statement Ihal besl describes what YOll
see In Ihe picture. Then find Ihe number 01 Ihe Questton on your answer sheet and mark your answe r.
The stalemen ls will not be printed In you r lesl book and will be spoken only one lime.

Example Sample Answer

' A fO (Q.

Statement (C). "He IS wnling in a notebook ," is the best description 01 the picture , so you should select
answer (C) and ma rk it on your answer sheet .

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Part 2
Oirection s : You wil l hear a queslian or statement and three responses spoken 10 English. They will be
spoken only one lime and wi ll not be printed In yOU! test book Seleci the best response to the
quesl10n or statement and mark the letter (A), (8) . or (C) on your answer sheet

Exa mple Sampl e Answer

You will hea l ' Where did you buy you r lie? A C

You '0'1 111 also hear: (AI Next we'U do belter.
(8) AI the downtown shoppIng centor
(C I We'll rnove to a new building soon ,
The best response to Ihe queslion ''Where did you buy your tie?" Is choIce (6), "At the downtown
shoppmg cenler," so (8) is the correcl answer, You should mark answer (8 ) on your answer sheet.

11 . Mark your answer on you r answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer shee!.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sl1eet. 31 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark you r answer on your answer sheel.

19. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on you r answer sheel.

20. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark yo ur answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

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Part 3
Directions: You will hear some conversa tions between two peop le. You will be asked to answer three
queslions about what the speal<ers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each
question and mark Ihe teHer (A) , (8). (C). or (0) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be
spoken only one time and will not be pnnted in your test book.

41. What is the man 's problem? 44. What did Maria do this afte rnoon?
(A) His computer IS broken. (A) Ca lled the shipping company
(8) His Internet provider closed down. (8 ) Sent a COLJpte of faxes
(C) He cannot contact technical support. (C) Photocopied records
(0) HIs Internet IS slow. (D) Drafted a proposal

42. Why does the woman recommend Roger's 45. Why would Ihe man like Maria to make a
Inc.? phone call?
(A) They offer great technical assistance. (A) To ensure the shipping is done
(8) They provide a money-back guarantee. (8) To complain about a custome r
(e) They give discounts on used computers. (C) To order a replacement product
(D) They repa ir computers free of charge. (D) To complete Ihe paperwork

43. What does the woman ask the man to do? 46. Why are the speakers concerned?
(A) Go to a nearby computer shop (A) They need 10 deliver an order.
(B) Give her name when orde ring a service (9) They need to cancel an order.
(el Talk 10 a service slaft member (C) They need more custo mer information.
(D) E-mail the company hiS details (0) They need to fiX their rax macl1ine.


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47. When is the train supposed to leave the 53. Where most likely are the speakers?
station? (A) Al a holel
I A) AI 30'clock (S) AI a restauran t
(S) AIS o'clock Ie) At a cooking class
(C) AI 7 o'clock (01 At a farm
CD) AI 9 o'clock
54. What does the woman ask the man to do?
48. What is the woman concerned about? (A) JOin hel fOI IUllch
CA) She canOl confiml departure 'Imes online. (S) Sring her lhe menu
(8) She will be late for an appointment. (C) Make her a club sandWich
(C) She has mrsplaced lhe conl acl (D) Suggesl somelhlng 10 eal
Dl SI1e 11as losl some Imp0l1anl documenlS. 55. What will the woman probably do next?
(AI Dnnk her coilee
49. Why was lhe man planning to contact Ihe (8) COOk lood lor a Inend
partners? ICI Pay her brll
(A) To disclIss lhe presentation (0) Cons ider whal she wan ls to orde r
(0) To arrange accommodation
(C) To ensure Ihalilley received (he Illes
l D) To obtain directions to the o ffi ce 56. What wou ld the man like to do?
(AI Fill oul an app lication form
(S) Renew t1is driver's license
50. When does the man oHer the return? leI Check his credi t raltng
(A) In an hour (0) Obtain a credit card
fB) In 1\''''0 hours
(C) Tomorrow morning
57. Whal did tile man provide the woman wilh?
OJ Tomorrow allernoon IAI Hr s credi l card
(13) HIS driver s license
51. Where is Mr. Michaels? (e\ HIS passporl
(Ai On a business trrp fOl HIS reference leller
fB' In hiS oli lce
fe) AI a meeting 58. What will the woman do?
(0) Down(own
(A) Fill oul Il1e application form for lhe man
(8) Photocopy the rnan's identification
52. What are the speake rs talking about? IC) Gel the man a new dnve(s license
(A) A presentation !O) Tell the man more aboullhe bank's
(81 A shipment services
(C) An offrce desk
\D) A trip lIinera ty

130 F.(ol1l'lu~' 1.<" Ihll' W,'l\v.nhantrrYIPU;Off

59. What's the mai n topic of the conversation? 65. Who most likely is Ms. Oias?
I AI A restaurant reservation \/1) A Spanish dlploma\
.8, A business meeting (B) A Iranslalor
lei A conference (C) A publisher
IDJ A Job interview

60. When will Sarah meet with the vice

to) A marke le(

66. What would Ms. Dias like from the man?


president ?
(A) Tomorrow
(AI A new publishe r
(BI A higher salary

18) AI lI'e end of Ihe week (e) A new deadline

Ie' At the begmnlng of next week (D) An assis lanl
101 AI the begmning of next month
67. How will Ms . Dias make the due date?
61. What request did Sarah make regarding her tA) By focusing only on the 1r8nslal ion of the
second interview? book
(A To aller the locatIon 113) By delaY"lg a busmess Irlp
, BI T 0 modify Ihe I,me ee) By hlfl ng an assistant
(e) To change 1110 person inlerviewing her I D) By shortening the article
To reschedule Ihe day of Ihe Interview

68. What type at business is being talked about?

62. What would the man like the woman to do? (A I A Ira vel agency
\, Schedule a meeting (B) A grocery SIOfe
113) Con fact a client in New York (C) A magazine
((':) Gellnlormallon at a seml naf (0) A resta urant
(D) Make Iravel arrangements
69. How did the man learn about the busin ess?
63. Where is Mr. Pauls going tomorrow? (1\) From a newspaper nrtlcle
A) To a bUSiness lunch (B) From a COlleague
131 To a marketing presen tation (C) From a !ravel pamphlet
IG) To a training workshop iO) From a news program
"I) To a client"s office
70. What did Ihe woman fike aboullhe
64. Wha t does the woman in fer abou t Johnson business?
& Johnson? (A) The sl aff
(A They Will Increase the company s profits. tB) Thelocallon
B 1 The company Isn't very successtul fe, The a lmosphere
Ie) The company wishes 10 relocate (0) T he food
0) They wt ll Introduce new compa ny

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Part 4
Direction s: You will heal some shorl talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer
three queShQns abou t what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response 10 each
question and mark the leiter (A) , (8), (el, or (0) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken onry
one lime and will nOI be pnnted In your tesl book.

71. What is the man calling about? 74. Why is the announcem en t being made?
(A) A documenl (A) To direct people to customer service
(8) An airline delay (8) To mform custome rs thallhe store IS
(C) A p,ece 01lu9gage clOSing
(0) A travel itinera ry (C) To In!roduce the new manager on duly
(0) To advertise the poces of produce
72. Where can Ms. Damon expect to receive the
delivery? 75. Who should customers ask questions to?
(A) AI her hole I (A) The manager
(8) Allhe pOSI ofllce (6) The cashIer
(C) Al lhe airporl (C) The secunty guard
(0) At the secun ty desk (0) The customer service representative

73. When can Ms. Damon expect the delivery? 76. What change will be introduced next week?
(A) Th is morning (A) A new cash ier wIll be hired
(8) This a fternoon {BI SpeCial discounts will be Introduced.
(e) Tomorrow morning (C) The store will slay open longer.
(0) Tomorrow afternoon (0) The store will receive a shipment.

77. WhO most likely is the speaker? 83. Who is the subject of Ihis report?
I I A wCliter f Ai A pianist
'81 A food crille (B) A Jazz artist
A cook C} A radio announcel

1) A reception lsi I), A mUSIC CII (tC

78. What accompanies the specia l dishes? 84. How old is Mr. Onawa?
'I) Eighl
Ib: Soup
I .) Etghleen


,.." Rice (C Eighty-seven

) Dessert 10) EIg hty-n ine

79. How mllch does the lavender m ousse cake 85. At what lime on Friday will Mr. Onawa's
cost? interview be on the air?
SIX dollars IA) AI 7:00 A.M
i' Eighl doliars BI AI 9:00 A M
J FI/teen dollars Ie) AI 6:00 P .M.
Ir Seventeen dollars IU AI 8:00 P.M

80. WhO is the speaker? 86. W ho is Nathan East?

A sales representative (A) An astronomer
I '\ A company's depanment head (8 An environmentalist
) A pubhc relations aHleer (Cl An urban planner
)\ A newspaper Journalist (D) A

61. Wilat is Ihis announcement about? 87. How does Ihe speaker know Nathan East?
(II A new JOO opportun ity .AI She attended one o t his prevIous talks
I A newspaper ar1icle ~l She assisted him on a research prolect
A new product (~) She dined With him In Tokyo.
~l A rise m sales (01 She was one of his students.

82. According to the announcement. what wi ll 88. What does the speake r say about the
staff members receive? audience?
) New employees \A) II has tost some key members.
til Larger office space 8) It has done some excII1I1g research.
An Increase in bonus ICl ll IS qUi te small in nllmber
The new product line 0) They are globally recognIzed

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89. What is Gossip Central? 95. Where did the meeting take place?
fA) A magazIne (A) At a communll y college
(8) A lilm (8) Al a local police division
eel A radio show (C) AI Ihe counhouse
(D) A concert (D) AI a Judges residence

90. Who is Sarah Polly? 96. What was the subject of the gathering?
(AI A motivational speaker (A 1 Buildmg more public offices
(BI An aClor (8) Lowering the cos t of health ca re
(C) A producer (C) Reducu19 tt1e number of police officers
(0) A direclor (0) Improving the safe ty of the community

91 . How tong has Ms, Polly worked in her 97. Why were some people against the talks?
industry? (Al Innocent people may be arrested
IA) Five years (8) The number of Jobs will decrease.
(8) Ten years (C) II will harl11lhe community.
(C) Filleen years (0) The program wIll be 100 COSily.
(0) Twenly years

98. What is being worked on?

92. What kind of company is being adve rtised? (A) The parkIng garage
(A) Shipping company (B) The main entrance
(8) Re nova tion services (C) Tile shullie bus
(C\ Auto repair shop (0) The compute r ne twork
(0) Food delivery
99. When is the parking garage available again?
93. What has the company recently done? (A) Tuesday
(A) Introduced new produc ts (8) Wednesday
lB) Opened a new store (C) Th ursday
(C) Celebrated an anniversary (0) Fnday
10) Founded a new company
100. How does Ms. St. Pierre offer to help?
94. What do customers receive this weekend (A) Give directions to 111e parking lot
only with the pu rchase of a service (8) Write a report ou tlining the repairs
package? (C) PrOVide transportation for employees
(A) A free all change (0) Send slaff 10 help repair the garage
(B) Free esl1males
(e) Hourly selvice
(D) A pre ferred customer card

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