Startrekcatan Almanac PDF
Startrekcatan Almanac PDF
Startrekcatan Almanac PDF
19 Sector Tiles
Red planet (4)
Yellow planet (4)
White gas planet (4)
Green planet (3)
Blue planet (3)
Asteroid field (1)
6 Frame Pieces
with 9 trading posts
25 Development Cards
Starfleet Intervenes (14)
Progress Cards (6)
Victory Point Cards (5)
10 Support Cards
2 Special Cards
4 Building Costs Cards Longest Supply Route Largest Starfleet
Game Pieces (in 4 player colors)
18 Number
With a trading post: cards, etc.
Your trading options are better Important: Only the active player
if you have built an outpost or may perform border trades.
starbase at a trading post.
There are two different kinds of Build (Building)
trading posts: You may build on your turn after you
1. Generic Trading Posts (3:1): have rolled for resource production
During the trade phase of your and finished trading. To build, you
turn, you may return 3 resource must pay certain combinations of
cards of the same type to the resource cards (see Building Costs
corresponding supply stack and Cards). Return the resource cards
take any 1 different resource card to the supply stacks. You can build
of your choice. multiple starships and outposts,
upgrade numerous outposts, and
buy as many development cards as
you desire as long as you have
enough resources to pay for them
and they are still available in the
supply. (See development cards S,
outposts S, starbases S, and
starships S.)
Example: Mark places 3 tritanium cards on the Each player has a supply of
tritanium supply stack and takes 1 water card. 15 starships, 7 outposts, and
2. Special Trading Posts (2:1): 4 starbase expansions. At the
For each resource type, there is beginning of the game, 2 outposts
one special trading post. The per player are set aside as a reserve.
favorable 2:1 trade applies only No player may have more than
to the resource depicted on the 5 outposts on the game board.
special trading post. When you upgrade an outpost to a
Please note: A special trading post starbase, add 1 outpost from your
does not entitle you to trade the other reserve to your supply. Once built,
resource types at 3:1! all game pieces remain on the board
Example: Bruce has built an outpost at the until the end of the game.
Your turn is over after building, and
the player to your left continues the
game. Rule variant: Combined Trade/
Build Phase S.
Combined Trade/Build Phase
The separation of the trade and
tritanium trading post. When trading, he may build phases was introduced to make
return 2 tritanium cards to the supply stack and the sequence easier for beginners
take any 1 different resource card in exchange. to learn the game. We recommend
He can also trade 4 tritanium cards for any 2 experienced players ignore this
separation between trade and build E
phases. End of the Game
After rolling for resource production, If you have (or reach) 10 victory
you can trade and build in any order. points on your turn, the game ends
Naturally you can trade, build, trade immediately and you win! You can
again, and build again. You can even only win during your turn. If you
use a trading post on the same turn find you have 10 victory points
you build an outpost there. This will during another players turn you
also speed up the game. must wait until your next turn to
D claim victory.
Example: A player has 2 outposts (2 VPs), the
Development Cards Longest Supply Route special card (2 VPs),
There are 3 different kinds of 2 starbases (4 VPs), and 2 VP cards (2 VPs). He
development cards: Starfleet reveals his two VP cards, giving him the 10 VPs
Intervenes S, Progress S, and needed to win.
Victory Points (VPs) S. When you
buy a development card, take the F
top card of the draw stack into your Federation Border
hand. Keep your development cards
When a planet borders the frame,
hidden until you play them.
a Federation border is formed.
You may only play 1 development
You can build a starship along the
card during your turn either
Federation border.
1 Starfleet Intervenes card or
1 progress card. You may play the You can build outposts on the space
card at any time, even before you intersections S bordering the frame.
roll the dice. You may not, however, However, you only receive resource
play a card during the turn that you production from 1 or 2 planets.
bought it.
Along the Federation border there
Exception: If you buy a card and it is a are trading posts S that allow
VP card S that brings you to 10 points, improved border trade S. Here you
you may immediately reveal this card can trade resources more favorably.
and win the game. However, outposts or starbases on
You only reveal VP cards when space intersections without trading
the game is over once you or posts do not give you any trade
an opponent reaches 10 VP and advantages.
declares victory. Federation Trade
Purchased development cards never (Trade with Opponents)
change hands. You cannot trade or On your turn, after resource
give away development cards, nor production, you may trade resource
can they be stolen by the Klingon cards with your opponents. You
battle cruiser. Keep these cards and the other players negotiate the
seperate when resources are about terms of trade how many cards
to be stolen from you. of which type you offer and want
to receive, respectively. You may
trade as many times as you can using If the Klingon battle cruiser is moved
single or multiple cards. to a planet, it prevents that sector
Please note: You may never give from producing resources as long as
away cards. Federation trade must the Klingon battle cruiser remains in
always result in an exchange of this sector.
resource cards between players.
Example: Nichelle has 8 cards in her hand and A B
wants to get rid of one of them. So she offers
Walter 1 dilithium for free. Since this is not
allowed, Nichelle offers Walter 2 dilithium for
1 dilithium. This isnt allowed either, though,
because Nichelle would actually be giving 1
dilithium away. Therefore, Nichelle and Walter
Example: It is Genes turn, and he rolls a
agree to trade 2 dilithium for 1 tritanium.
4. The owners of outposts A and B do
Important: You may trade with another not receive a tritanium card. This lasts until
player between your turns, but only if the Klingon battle cruiser is moved again by
it is their turn and they choose to trade another 7, a Starfleet Intervenes card or
with you. Players who are between turns activating Checkov.
may not trade with each other.
Example: It is Williams turn. He needs
1 dilithium to build a starship. He has Longest Supply Route
2 tritanium and 3 water. William asks aloud, If you are the first player to build a
I need 1 dilithium. Im offering 1 water. Ill continuous route of at least
give you 1 dilithium if you give me 3 water. 5 individual starships, you take this
replies Leonard. Ill give you 1 dilithium for special card and place it face up in
1 tritanium and 1 water, interjects DeForest. front of you. This card is worth
William opts for Deforests offer and trades 1 2 VPs. If your network branches you
tritanium and 1 water for 1 dilithium. may only count the single longest
Important: Because it was Williams turn, route.
Leonard would not have been allowed to If you hold this tile and another
trade with DeForest. player builds a longer route, they
immediately take this special card
K from you and now they have those
Klingon Battle Cruiser 2 VPs.
The Klingon battle cruiser begins the You can break an opponents route
game on the asteroid field S. by building an outpost on a free
It is moved only by rolling a 7 S, space intersection along this route!
by playing a Starfleet Intervenes Please Note: Your own outposts
card S, or by activating the Pavel or starbases do not interrupt your
Chekov support card S. supply route!
If the Longest Supply Route is producing resources. Consider, a
broken and several players tie for planet with a 6 or 8 (indicated
the special tile then the following by a field of red) is far more
may occur: productive than a planet with a
1.If the tie includes the player who 2 or 12.
has the Longest Supply Route
special card, he keeps the card.
2. If the tie does not include the Outposts
player who has the Longest Each outposts are worth 1 VP.
Supply Route special card, the You receive resource production
card is set aside. It only comes from each planet adjacent to your
into play again when only one outposts.
player has the Longest Supply When built, an outpost must:
Route. Be built on a space intersection
Also, the Longest Supply Route connected to 1 or more of your
is set aside if none of the players starships.
have continuous routes of 5 or more Observe the distance rule no
starships, and is taken when one neighboring space intersections
player qualifies for it again. may contain any outposts or
Please note: Even though a players
supply includes 7 outposts, each
player may only have 5 outposts at
a time on the game board. If you
have built 5 outposts, you must first
upgrade one of them to a starbase
only then you receive one of the
outposts set aside as a reserve at the
Example: The Majel had the Longest Supply
beginning of the game, and you can
Route, consisting of 7 starships. Then James
build a 6th or 7th outpost.
builds the outpost marked with a white circle.
This interrupts Majels supply route and now he You can have up to 7 outpost pieces
is the owner of the Longest Supply Route and and starbases on the game board
its 2 victory points. if you have upgraded at least 2 of
these outposts to starbases.
Number Tokens
The 18 number tokens are marked
Planets, Planet Sectors
with the numerals 2 through 12. Planet, planet sector, and sector are
There is only one 2 and 12 and collective terms for all hexagons
no 7. Note that the physical size of in Star Trek Catan even if not all
each number on a token indicates planet hexes contain planets as such
the relative frequency of that (asteroid field).
number being rolled and thus
Progress Cards The roll and the resource
Progress cards are a type of distribution are inseparable. Support
development card S. Remember, and development cards may be
you may play only 1 development played only before the dice roll (if
card during your turn. applicable) or after the resource
distribution. Exception: only the
There are 2 each of the following James T. Kirk support card is
progress cards: allowed to break this rule.
Monopoly: If you play this card,
you must name 1 type of Rolling a 7 &
Activating the Klingon
resource. All other players Battle Cruiser
must give you all their
If you roll a 7 for resource
resource cards of this type.
production, none of the players
Players who dont have that
receive resources. Instead:
resource in hand dont have
to give you anything. Each player counts his resource
cards. Any player with more than
Research Station: If you play this 7 resource cards (i.e., 8 or more)
card, you may take any 2 must choose and discard half of
resource cards from the them. Return the discards to the
supply stacks. You may use supply stacks. If you hold an odd
these resource cards to number of cards, round down
build on the same turn. (e.g., if you have 9 resource cards,
Utopia Planitia: If you play this card, you discard 4).
you may immediately place Example: Majel rolls a 7. She has only 6
2 new free starships on resource cards in his hand. George has 8 cards
the game board. You must and James has 11. George must discard 4 cards
observe the normal rules and James 5 (rounding down).
for starship building. Then you (the player who rolled
the 7) must move the Klingon
R battle cruiser S to any other
Resource Production sector of your choice (including
the asteroid field). This blocks any
At the beginning of your turn, roll
resource production in this sector.
2 dice to determine the resource
production for all players. All Afterwards, you steal 1 random
outposts or starbases on the sectors resource card from the hand of
indicated by the roll receive the the player who has an outpost
resource cards that those sectors or starbase adjacent to this new
produce. If there are not enough sector. If 2 or more players have
resource cards in the supply to give outposts or starbases there,
ALL players the production they choose which one to steal from
earn, then no player receives any of (see also Starfleet Intervenes S).
that resource this turn. Production Afterwards, your turn continues as
of other types of resources is not usual.
S follow clockwise. Each of them places
Set-up Phase 1 outpost and 1 starship similarly.
Begin the set-up phase after you Important: When placing the outposts S,
have assembled the variable game the distance rule always applies!
board S.
Each player chooses a color and Outpost
takes the corresponding game
pieces: 7 outposts, 4 starbase
expansions (habitat rings), and
15 starships. Each player also takes Starship
one building costs card. Create an
outpost reserve by setting 2 of the
7 outposts aside. As you upgrade Round Two
each of your first 2 outposts to Once all players have built their first
starbases, add 1 of the outposts outpost and starship, the player who
from the reserve to your supply. went last in the first round begins
Sort the resource cards (oxygen, round two and places a second
food, tritanium, dilithium and outpost with an adjacent starship
water) into 5 stacks and put them as before. Look for helpful hints for
face-up next to the board. set-up in the Tactics S section.
Shuffle the development cards S Please note: After the build, the
and place them face-down other players follow counter-
forming a stack. clockwise. So, as the starting player
in round one you place your second
Place the support cards S with
outpost and starship last.
their A-sides face up as a display
beside the gameboard. The second outpost can be placed on
any space intersection, as long as the
Place the 2 special cards Largest
distance rule is observed.
Starfleet & Longest Trade
Route S and the dice beside the Each player receives their first
game board. resource income immediately after
building the second outpost; for
Place the Klingon battle cruiser on
each planet adjacent to this second
the asteroid field.
outpost, they take a corresponding
The set-up phase has two rounds. resource card from the supply.
Each player places 1 starship and
In addition, after building his second
1 outpost per round.
outpost and starship, each player
Round One takes a support card S.
Each player rolls both dice. If you roll The first player to take a card
highest, you are the starting player. receives the A1 support card (Uhura),
Place one of your outposts on a free the next player the A2 support card
space intersection S, and one of (Scott), etc. As the starting player you
your starships on an adjacent space now begin the game. Roll both dice
route S. The facing of the starship for resource production.
is irrelevant. The other players then
Set-up, Variable
1. First join the 6 frame pieces in a 3
random order. Please note that
one side of the frame pieces does
not depict trading posts. Only use
the side that depicts the trading
3. Place the number tokens:
Place the number tokens beside
the game board with their letter
sides face up.
Space Routes If you are the first player to have
Space routes are the edges where 3 Starship Intervenes cards face
2 sectors (A) or 1 sector and the up in front of you, you receive the
frame (B) meet.You can only build Largest Starfleet special card.
1 starship S on each space route. This special card is worth 2 VPs.
If another player ever has more
Starfleet Intervenes cards than
you, they take the special card from
A B you, and the 2 VPs go with it.
Important: When you play a
Starfleet Intervenes card, no one
need check whether anyone has
Each space route leads to 2 space more than 7 cards in hand. A player
intersections S, where you can build whose hand contains more than
outposts S. 7 cards need only discard the excess
if a 7 was rolled.
Starfleet Intervenes
If you play a Starfleet Intervenes
development card during your turn
you must immediately move the
Klingon battle cruiser S. You can
also do this before production. A B
Once played, place the Starfleet
Intervenescard face up in front
of you.
You must now move the Klingon
battle cruiser to any other sector
of your choice.
Example: On her turn, Grace plays a Starfleet
You then steal (and keep) Intervenes card and moves the Klingon battle
1 resource card from the player cruiser from the blue planet to the red planet
who has an outpost or starbase marked with a 4. Grace may now steal a
adjacent to this sector. If 2 or more resource card from player As or player Bs
players have outposts or starbases facedown hand.
there, you may choose which one
to steal from. Starbases
The player you choose to steal You cannot dirctly build a starbase.
from keeps their hand of resource You can only an upgrade an existing
cards face down while you outpost to a starbase. Each starbase
randomly draw 1 of their cards. is worth 2 VPs, and you receive
If they have no cards you get double resource production
nothing. You may ask how many (2 resource cards) from the adjacent
cards players have. planets where those numbers
are rolled.
Support Cards
Throughout the game, each player
will always have 1 Support card in
front of them.
Support cards have
two sides
(A and B) that are
nearly identical.
Having a support
card provides you
with a special advantage. Most of
Example: An 8 was rolled. Red receives these advantages you can only use
3 water cards 1 water for the outpost and during your own turn.
2 water for the starbase. Orange receives The James T. Kirk and the
2 tritanium for his starbase . Spock support card can also
have effects during an opponents
Each player can have no more than turn. After you use the advantage
7 outposts and/or starbases on the of a support card whose A-side is
game board, 4 of which he may have face up, you decide whether you
upgraded to starbases. want to return the support card
Hint: It is extremely difficult to (A-side up) to the support cards
win the game without upgrading display and take another one of the
outposts. Since you can only have support cards exhibited there, or
5 outposts on the game board, whether you want to turn the card
you can only reach 5 VPs with the over to its B-side and use it again
outposts alone. on a subsequent turn. If you use a
support card whose B-side is face
Starships up, you must return the card to the
Starships represent fixed routes support card display, A-side face-up.
between any outposts or starbases. Take a new, different support card.
You may only build 1 starship on Important: You are not allowed
each space route S. When built, you to use a support card during the
must place a starship either adjacent same turn you have received it. If
to a space intersection containing you have a support card you may
one of your outposts or starbases, not exchange it for another one
or adjacent to an unoccupied space without using it. You may only
intersection that borders one of your activate a support card by actually
own starships. using its advantage. For example,
You cant build new outposts without it is not allowed to activate the
building new starships. Starships Janice Rand support card without
will only earn you VPs by qualifying performing a trade afterwards.
for the Longest Supply Route S See the back page of this Almanac
special card. for details on individual support
T opponents (Federation Trade S),
Tactics or you may also trade without
your opponents (Border Trade S);
Since you play Star Trek Catan with in which case you trade your own
a variable game board, the tactical resource cards for cards from the
considerations for each game are supply stacks.
different. There are, nevertheless,
some common points you should During your turn, you may trade
consider. as long as you have resource cards
in your hand. You may not trade
Dilithium and tritanium are the support or development cards. You
most important resources at the may not trade like resources (e.g.
beginning of the game. You 2 water for 1 water).
need both to build starships and
outposts. You should try to place Trading Posts
at least 1 of your first outposts
Trading posts allow you to improve
adjacent to a good dilithium or
the results of your Border Trade S.
tritanium planet.
In order to use a particular trading
Do not underestimate the value post, you must build an outpost on
of trading posts. A player with one of its two space intersections S
outposts or starbases with good at the Federation border S.
oxygen production should
consider building an outpost
adjacent to the oxygen trading
post as a goal.
Leave enough room to expand
when placing your first 2 outposts
during the set-up phase. It is
dangerous to build both outposts
at the center of the Federation
territory. The space routes will Important: You cannot access the trade
quickly be occupied by your advantage from a trading post that you
opponents! If you plan to build build this turn unless all players have
toward a trading post, building agreed to play with the alternative rule
in the center will mean that you Combined Trade/Build Phase S.
could be easily cut off from the
Federation border. V
The more you trade, the better Victory Point Cards
your chances of victory. Even if it (VP Cards)
is not your turn, you should offer Victory point (VP) cards are
trades to the active player! development cards S, so they can be
bought. These development cards
Trade represent important achievements
After you perform resource and milestones of the Federation.
production, the trade phase begins. Each VP card is worth 1 VP. When
You may trade cards with your you have bought a VP card, keep it
hidden. If, together with your VP English Edition
cards, you have 10 VPs during your Translation: Gavin Allister, Gero Zahn.
turn, reveal the VP cards so you can Production: Pete Fenlon, Coleman
declare victory. Charlton, Ron Magin, Morgan Dontanville.
Development: Guido Teuber, Gero Zahn,
Victory Points (VPs) Benjamin Teuber.
The first player to have or reach Special Thanks: Peter Bromley, Robert T. Carty,
10 VPs on his turn wins the game. Jr., Robert T. Carty, Sr., Marinda Darnell, Dan
You receive VPs for the following: Decker, Jonathan Hart, Nick Johnson, Kim
Outpost S: 1 VP Marino, Marty McDonnell, Brad McWilliams, Jim
Miles, Chuck Rice, Bridget Roznai, Larry Roznai,
Starbase S: 2 VPs Loren Roznai, Brad Steffen, Bill Wordelmann,
Longest Supply Route S: 2 VPs Elaine Wordelmann, Alex Yeager, Julie Yeager.
Largest Starfleet: 2 VPs
a a a
Victory point card S: 1 VP
Since each player begins with You have purchased a game
2 outposts, each player begins the of the highest quality.
game with 2 VPs. Therefore, you However, if you find any
only need 8 more VPs to win the components missing, please
game! contact us for replacement
pieces at: [email protected]
Designer: Klaus Teuber WWW.MAYFAIRGAMES.COM
License: Catan GmbH (
Copyright 2012 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and all
Art: Franz Vohwinkel,
related marks and logos are registered marks of CBS Studios
Sculpt Design: Andreas Klober
Inc. Catan, The Settlers of Catan, and the Catan
Graphic Design: Imelda Vohwinkel sun marks are trademark properties of Catan GmbH and
Concept: Gero Zahn, Sebastian Rapp. are used by Mayfair Games under exclusive worldwide
Chief Editor: Sebastian Rapp. English-language license. All rights reserved.
The Settlers of Catan
Continue your journey with the most acclaimed
board game of our time.
You can extend your game to 5-6 players. You 5
11 /16
9 /16
can even explore the saga further by adding any
of Catans great expansions: Cities & Knights,
Seafarers, and Traders & Barbarians. Each
expansion provides additional depth and variety.
Catan Junior
Introduce kids ages 6+ to the world of Catan!. For Kids &
Explore a ring of tropical islesincluding the Families
mysterious Spooky Island, home of the dreaded
Ghost Captain. Produce cutlasses, goats, molasses,
and wood, or find gold. Start with 2 pirate lairs,
and then build ships in order to expand your
Use your resources to build ships, lairs, or to get
help from wise Coco the Parrot. You can even
trade in the nearby market. Learn Catan Junior in
about 10-15 minutes and get playing right away.
Averaging about 30 minutes, games are quick,
interactive, and loads of fun.