Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling: Section 1
Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling: Section 1
Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling: Section 1
foundations of safe
bulk-materials handling
Chapter 1.................................................................................... 2
total material control
Chapter 2.................................................................................. 14
Chapter 3.................................................................................. 28
conveyors 101conveyor components
Chapter 4.................................................................................. 36
conveyors 101the belt
Chapter 5.................................................................................. 60
conveyors 101splicing the belt
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Figure 1.1
Control of material
movement is critical
to clean, safe, and
productive material
Chapter 1
Total Material
Conveyors and Fugitive Materials....................................................................... 3
Problems from Fugitive Materials.. ..................................................................... 4
Economics of Material Control.. ......................................................................... 9
Record-Keeping for Total Material Control.. ........................................................ 11
Advanced Topics........................................................................................... 12
The Opportunity for Total Material Control......................................................... 12
Total Material Control | Chapter 1
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
chute. Chute or bin hang-ups often cause Left unchecked, fugitive materials repre-
sudden material surges, in which amounts sent an ever increasing drain on a convey-
of material suddenly drop through the ors, hence a plants, efficiency, productivity,
vessel and onto the receiving belt. Both and profitability. Materials lost from the
1 boilovers and surges are major contributors conveyor system cost the plant in a number
to spillage. Material lying under the head of ways. The following are just a few:
end of a conveyor is often mistakenly iden-
tified as carryback, when it can actually A. Reduced operating efficiency
result from surges and boilovers. Carryback B. Increased conveyor maintenance costs
will generally be fine material, so the pres- C. Reduced plant safety
ence of lumps greater than 10 millimeters
D. Lowered employee morale
(0.39 in.) will often pinpoint the cause of
the fugitive material as a surge or boilover. E. Diminished product quality
F. Heightened scrutiny from outside agen-
cies and other groups
MATERIALS These costs will be more thoroughly cov-
ered in the sections that follow.
Results of Fugitive Materials
Fugitive materials have been around Reduced Operating Efficiency
plants since conveyors were first put into It can be said the most expensive mate-
operation; therefore, their presence is often rial in any operation is the material spilled
accepted as a part of the industry. In fact, from the belt. At a clean plant, all the
maintenance and production employees material is loaded onto a conveyor belt at
who are regularly assigned to cleaning one end and then it is all unloaded at the
duties may see this work as a form of job other end. The material is handled only
security. once: when it is placed on the belt. This,
of course, equates to high efficiency: The
As a result, the problem of materials
plant has handled the material as little as
escaping from bulk-materials handling
possible. Material that has spilled or other-
systems is often regarded with resignation.
wise become fugitive, on the other hand, is
While it is recognized as a mess and a haz-
material that has been received, processed
ard, it is believed that no effective, practi-
(to some extent), and then lost. It has been
cal, real-life systems have been developed to
paid for, but there will be no financial
control it. Therefore, spillage and dust from
leaky transfer points and other sources
within plants are accepted as routine, unal- In fact, fugitive material may prove to be
terable courses of events. Fugitive materials a continuing drain: It degrades equipment,
become a sign that the plant is operating: such as conveyor idlers, over time, and it
Were making money, so theres fugitive might require additional labor to reprocess
material. it before it can be returned to the system
if it can be returned to the process. How-
At one time, pollutionwhether from
ever, once fugitive, it may be contaminated
smokestacks or from conveyor transfer
and unsuitable for return to the system.
pointswas seen as a sign of industrial
If fugitive material cannot be reclaimed,
strength. Now these problems are recog-
efficiency decreases more dramatically. In
nized as an indication of possible misman-
many places, even basic materials such as
agement and waste. This pollution and
limestone or sand that fall from the belt are
waste offer an opportunity for improve-
classified as hazardous waste and must be
ments in both efficiency and bottom line
disposed of at a significant cost.
Total Material Control | Chapter 1
Fugitive materials also prove to be a Seized idlers create other even greater
drain in efficiency by requiring additional risks, including the possibility of fires in the
labor to clean up. Production materials can system. A coal export facility in Australia
be handled by large machinery in signifi- suffered damage from a fire on a main
cant quantities in large batches, in massive in-loading conveyor. The fire was caused 1
bucketfuls, and by the railcar load, often by a seized roller and fueled by accumu-
automatically or under remote controls. lated spillage. The fire destroyed much of
Fugitive materials, in contrast, are usually the head end of the conveyor, causing the
picked up by a skid steer, an end loader, or failure of the 1600-millimeter (60-in.) belt
a vacuum truckor the old-fashioned way, and burning out the electrical cables and
by a laborer, one shovel at a time. controls. Repairs were completed in four
days to restore operation, but the total cost
Increased Conveyor Maintenance of the fire was estimated at $12 million
Costs USD.
The escape of materials from conveyors
Another risk is that material buildup on
leads to any number of problems on the
the face of pulleys and idlers can cause the
conveyor system itself. These problems
belt to run off center (Figure 1.7). An ac-
increase maintenance expenses.
cumulation of materials on rolling compo-
The first and most visible added expense nents can lead to significant belt-tracking
is the cost of cleanup. This includes the problems, resulting in damage to the belt
cost for personnel shoveling or vacuum- and other equipment, as well as the risk of
ing up material and returning it to the injury to personnel.
belt (Figure 1.4). In some plants, cleanup
means a man with a shovel; in others, the Figure 1.4
cost is escalated, because it includes equip- For some plants,
ment hours on wheeled loaders, sucker the cost of cleanup
trucks, or other heavy equipment used to includes the cost of
operating vacuum
move large material piles. A factor that is
(sucker) trucks
harder to track, but that should be in- and other heavy
cluded, is the value of other work not being equipment.
performed because personnel have their at-
tention diverted to cleanup activities. This Figure 1.5
delay in maintenance activities may result Fugitive material can
in catastrophic failures and even additional bury the load zone,
expense. resulting in idler
failures, belt fires,
As materials escape, they accumulate on and belt mistracking.
various conveyor components and other
nearby equipment. Idlers fail when clogged
or buried under materials (Figure 1.5).
No matter how well an idler is constructed,
fines eventually migrate through the seal to
the bearing. Once the bearings seize, the Figure 1.6
constant movement of the belt across the Idlers fail when
idler can wear through the idler shell with clogged or buried
under material. The
surprising rapidity, leaving a razor-sharp
motion of the belt
edge on the seized roll, posing a threat to across frozen idlers
the life of the belt (Figure 1.6). Frozen will wear rollers to
idlers and pulleys increase the friction knife-like edges.
against the belt, consuming additional
power from the conveyor drive motor.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
A mistracking belt can move over into volume and efficiency of production. In
the conveyor structure and begin abrading 2005, the National Safety Council in the
the belt and the structure. If this condition United States listed $1,190,000 USD as
is not noticed right away, great lengths of the cost of a work-related death; the cost
1 valuable belting can be destroyed, and the of a disabling injury assessed at $38,000
structural steel itself can be destroyed. Belt USD includes wage and productivity losses,
wander creates interruptions in production, medical expenses, and administrative
as the belt must be stopped, repaired, and expenses. These figures do not include any
retrained prior to resuming operations. estimate of property damage, and should
not be used to estimate the total economic
A particularly ugly circumstance is that loss to a community.
fugitive materials can create a problem
and then hide the evidence. For example, Statistics from the Mine Safety and
accumulations of damp materials around Health Administration (MSHA) in the
steel conveyor structures can accelerate United States indicate that roughly one-
corrosion, while at the same time making it half of accidents that occur around belt
difficult for plant personnel to observe the conveyors in mines are attributable to
problem (Figure 1.8). In a worst-case sce- cleanup and repairs required by spillage
nario, this can lead to catastrophic damage. and buildup. If fugitive materials could be
eliminated, the frequency at which person-
What is particularly troubling about these nel are exposed to these hazards would be
problems is that they become self-perpetu- significantly reduced. Excessive spillage
ating: Spillage leads to buildups on idlers, can also create other, less obvious, safety
which leads to belt wander, which leads, in hazards.
turn, to more spillage. Fugitive materials
truly create a vicious circle of activitiesall In Australia, a Department of Primary
of which increase maintenance costs. Industries safety seminar advised that in the
six-year period from 1999 to 2005, a total
Reduced Plant Safety of 85 fires were reported on conveyor belts
Industrial accidents are costly, in terms in underground coal mines in the state of
of both the health of personnel and the New South Wales. Of these, 22 were iden-
tified as attributable to coal spillage, and
Figure 1.7 38 to conveyor tracking. Included among
Material buildup on the twelve recommendations of the report
the face of pulleys were: Improve belt tracking and Stop
and idlers can cause running the conveyors in spillage.
the belt to mistrack,
resulting in damage In 2006 in the United States, a conveyor
to the belt and other
equipment. belt fire in an underground coal mine
caused two deaths. The cause of this fire
was attributed to frictional heat from a
mistracking belt that ignited accumulations
of coal dust, fines, and spillage, along with
Figure 1.8
grease and oil.
of damp material Many countries now enforce regulatory
around steel safety procedures on companies. Included
conveyor structures
can accelerate is the requirement to conduct hazard
corrosion, while at the analyses on all tasks. Codes of practice in
same time making design and in plant operation require that
it difficult for plant once a hazard has been identified, it must
personnel to observe
the problem.
be acted upon. The hierarchy of controls
Total Material Control | Chapter 1
for hazards will usually advise that the most tion of every job must be performed to
appropriate action will be to design out meet the quality standard. Each employees
the hazard. The control will depend on effort must contribute to, and reflect, the
the severity of the hazard and the layout of entire quality effort. If employees see that
the existing equipment. a portion of the operation, such as a belt 1
conveyor, is operating inefficientlymaking
Lowered Employee Morale a mess and contaminating the remainder
While the specific details of an individu- of the plant with fugitive materialthey
als job have much to do with the amount will become used to accepting less than
of gratification received at work, the physi- perfect performance. A negative attitude
cal environment is also a significant influ- and lax or sloppy performance may result.
ence on a workers feelings toward his or Fugitive materials provide a visible example
her workplace. of sloppy practices that corporate quality
programs work to eliminate.
A clean plant provides a safer place to
work and fosters a sense of pride in ones Heightened Scrutiny from Outside
workplace. As a result, employees have Agencies and Other Groups
better morale. Workers with higher morale Fugitive materials act as a lightning rod:
are more likely to be at work on time and They present an easy target. A billowing
to perform better in their assignments. cloud of dust draws the eye and the at-
People tend to feel proud if their place of tention of concerned outsiders, including
work is a showplace, and they will work regulatory agencies and community groups.
to keep it in that condition. It is hard to Accumulations of materials under con-
feel proud about working at a plant that is veyors or on nearby roads, buildings, and
perceived as dirty and inefficient by neigh- equipment sends a message to governmen-
bors, friends, and, especially, the workers tal agencies and insurance companies alike:
themselves. The message is that this plant is slack in its
operations and merits additional inspec-
It is recognized that jobs involving
tions or attention.
repetitive and unrewarding tasks, such as
the cleanup of conveyor spillage, have the If a plant is cited as dirty or unsafe,
highest levels of employee absenteeism and some regulatory agencies can mandate the
workplace injuries. It is a mind-numbing operation be shut down until the problems
exercise to shovel away a pile of spillage are solved. Community groups can gener-
today, knowing that the pile will be back ate unpleasant exposure in the media and
again tomorrow. create confrontations at various permit
hearings and other public gatherings.
Diminished Product Quality
Fugitive materials can contaminate the A clean operation receives less unwanted
plant, the process, and the finished product. attention from regulatory agencies; it is also
Materials can be deposited on sensitive less of a target for environmental action
equipment and adversely influence sen- groups. Cost savings can result from fewer
sor readings or corrupt tightly controlled agency fines, lower insurance, reduced at-
formulas. torneys fees, and less need for community
relations programs.
Fugitive materials impart a negative
image for a plants product quality and set The Added Problem of Airborne
a bad example for overall employee ef- Dust
forts. The most universal and basic tenet Serious concerns arise when dust be-
of many of the corporate Total Quality comes airborne and escapes from conveyor
or other quality improvement programs systems. Dust is a greater problem than
popular in recent years is that each por- spillage: Whereas spillage is contained on
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
the plants ground, airborne dust particles Respirable dust, particles smaller than
are easily carried off-premises (Figure 1.9). 10 microns in diameter, are not filtered
out by the natural defenses of the human
In its series, Best Practice Environmental respiratory system and so penetrate deeply
1 Management in Mining, Environment Austra- into the lungswhere they can get trapped
lia (the Australian governments equivalent and lead to serious health problems. These
to the US Department of the Environment) health issues could be seen in the workforce
issued a report on dust control in 1998 and might even occur in neighborhood
(Reference 1.2). The report analyzed the residents.
sources of airborne dust in various mineral
processing plants. The report indicated that A frightening possibility that can arise
the primary sources of dust were as follows: from airborne dust is the risk of dust explo-
sions. Dust can concentrate to explosive
Crushing................................... 1-15 percent levels within a confined space. One incident
Screening.................................. 5-10 percent of this naturewhile tremendous in repair,
Stockpiling.............................. 10-30 percent replacement, regulatory fines, and lost pro-
ductivity costscan result in the greatest
Reclaiming............................... 1-10 percent
cost of all: the cost of someones life.
Belt Conveyor Systems........... 30-60 percent
ISO 14000 and the Environment
In the Clean Air Act, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The continuing globalization of com-
is required by law to reduce the level of merce promises more unified standards.
ambient particulates. Most bulk-materials Just as ISO 9000 developed by the Inter-
handling facilities are required to maintain national Organization for Standardization
respirable dust levels in enclosed areas (ISO) has become a worldwide standard for
below two milligrams per cubic meter (2.0 codifying quality procedures, the develop-
mg/m3) for an eight-hour period. Under- ment of ISO 14000 will set an interna-
ground mining operations may soon be re- tional agenda for an operations impact on
quired to meet levels of 1.0 mg/m3. Failure the environment. ISO 14000 prescribes
to comply with air-quality standards can voluntary guidelines and specifications for
result in stiff penalties from federal, state, environmental management. The program
and local regulatory agencies. requires:
Total Material Control | Chapter 1
Fugitive Accumulation
Material Hour Day Week Month Year
Released (60 minutes) (24 hours) (7 days) (30 days) (360 days)
packet of 4g 96 g 672 g 2,9 kg 34,6 kg
sugar (4 g)
per hour (0.1 oz) (3.4 oz) (1.5 lb m) (6.3 lb m) (75.6 lb m)
packet of 240 g 6,2 kg 43,7 kg 187,2 kg 2,2 t
sugar (4 g)
per minute (8.5 oz) (13.8 lb m) (96.3 lb m) (412.7 lb m) (2.5 st)
shovel full 9 kg 216 kg 1,5 t 6,5 t 77,8 t
9 kg (20 lb m)
per hour (20 lb m) (480 lb m) (1.7 st) (7.2 st) (86.4 st)
bucket full 20 kg 480 kg 3,4 t 134,4 t 172,8 t
20 kg (44
lb m) per hour (44 lb m) (1056 lb m) (3.7 st) (15.8 st) (190 st)
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
china clay were examined. The costs have duties rather than for production are not
been adjusted to reflect an annual increase included in the survey. Those figures would
for inflation. This study, compiled for be difficult to calculate.
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
1 established that industrial fugitive materials It is easier to calculate the actual costs for
add costs amounting to a one percent loss the disruption of a conveying system that,
of materials and 40 pence ($0.70 USD) per for example, lowers the amount of mate-
ton of throughput. In short, for every ton rial processed in one day. If a belt runs 24
carried on the conveyor, there is a loss of hours a day, each hours production loss
10 kilograms (or 20 lbs lost for every short due to a belt outage can be calculated as
ton of material), as well as substantial ad- the amount and the market value of mate-
ditional overhead costs. rial not delivered from the systems total
capacity. This affects the plants revenues
This overall cost was determined by and profits.
adding four components together. Those
components included: The Economics of Material Control
The cost of systems to control fugitive
A. The value of lost material (calculated at
materials is usually considered three times
one percent of material)
during a conveyors life. The first is dur-
B. The cost of labor devoted to cleaning ing system design; the second, at system
up spillage, which averaged 12.8 pence startup; and the third, during ongoing
($0.22 USD) per ton of output operations, when it is discovered the initial
C. The cost of parts and labor for addi- systems did not prevent fugitive materials.
tional maintenance arising from spillage,
which averaged 8.6 pence ($0.15 USD) It is often very difficult, with new instal-
per ton of output lations, to predict the precise requirements
for material control. In most cases, only a
D. Special costs peculiar to particular guess can be made, based on experience
industries, such as the costs of reprocess- with similar materials on similar conveyors,
ing spillage and the cost of required indexed with seat of the pants engineer-
medical checkups for personnel due to ing judgments. An axiom worth remember-
dusty environments, representing 19.7 ing is this: A decision that costs $1 to make
pence ($0.33 USD) per ton of output at the planning stage typically costs $10 to
Note: This loss includes fugitive materials change at the design stage or $100 to cor-
arising from problems such as spillage and rect on the site. The lesson: It is better to
conveyor belt carryback along with fugitive plan for worst-case conditions than to try to
materials windblown from stockpiles. shoehorn in additional equipment after the
initial system has been found to be under-
A similar study of 40 plants, performed designed.
by the Royal Institute of Technology in
Sweden, estimated that material losses The details of conveyor transfer points,
would represent two-tenths of 1 percent of such as the final design and placement of
the material handled, and the overall added chute deflectors, are sometimes left to the
costs would reach nearly 13 Swedish Krona start-up engineer. It may be advantageous
($2.02 USD) per ton. to allow the suppliers of specialized systems
to be responsible for the final (on-site) en-
It is interesting that in both of these gineering, installation, and start up of their
surveys, it was actual material loss, not the own equipment. This may add additional
parts and labor for cleanup and mainte- start-up costs, but it is usually the most
nance, which added the largest cost per effective way to get correct installation and
transported ton. However, the indirect costs single-source responsibility for equipment
of using labor for time-consuming cleanup performance.
Total Material Control | Chapter 1
Plants are often constructed on a rate of (for rollers). This would allow computer-
cost per ton of fabricated steel. Even if the generated reporting of cost versus cause of
best materials-handling controls are not component failures. This program should
put into place at the time of design, it costs include data on belt-cleaning and belt-
little extra to ensure structures and chutes sealing devices, so accurate costs can be 1
are installed that will allow for the instal- determined for the system installed.
lation of superior systems at some future
date. The consequences of penny-wise, Some contract maintenance services
pound-foolish choices made in the initial maintain conveyor databases on customers
design are the problems created: fugitive conveyors, recording system specifications,
materials and chute plugging, compounded details of equipment status, and service
by the additional expense of doing it over procedures performed. This information is
again. helpful in scheduling preventative mainte-
nance activities and in determining when
outside resources should be utilized. This
RECORD-KEEPING FOR TOTAL information can be used to better manage
MATERIAL CONTROL an operations equipment and budget.
A great deal of attention is paid to the The measurement of fugitive materials
engineering of key components of belt at transfer points is difficult. In an enclosed
conveyors. Too often, other factors affect- area, it is possible to use opacity measuring
ing the reliability and efficiency of these devices to judge the relative density of dust
expensive systems are ignored. The cost of in the air. For transfer points in the open,
fugitive materials is one such factor. dust measurement is more challenging,
although not impossible.
Record-keeping on the subject of fugitive
materials is not part of standard reporting A basic technique is to clean a defined
done by operations or maintenance person- area and weigh or estimate the weight or
nel. The amount of spillage, the frequency volume of material cleaned and the time
of occurrence, maintenance materials consumed in cleaning. Follow up is then
consumed, and labor costs are rarely conducted with repeat cleanings after
totaled to arrive at a true cost of fugitive regular intervals of time. Whether this in-
materials. Factorssuch as cleanup labor terval should be weekly, daily, or hourly will
hours and frequency; the wear on conveyor depend on plant conditions.
skirting and conveyor belting; the cost of
idler replacement including purchase price, What will be more difficult to determine
labor, and downtime; even the extra power is the point of origin of the lost materi-
consumed to overcome stubborn bearings als. Fugitive materials can originate from
seizing from accumulations of materi- conveyor carryback, spillage due to belt
alsshould all be calculated to determine wander, skirt-seal leakage, spillage from
a true cost of fugitive materials. Compo- loading surges or off-center loading, leak-
nents whose service-life may be shortened age through holes in chutework caused by
by fugitive materials, such as idlers, pulley corrosion or missing bolts, or even from
lagging, and the belt itself, should be exam- floors above.
ined to determine service-life and replace-
The individual making a fugitive mate-
ment cycle.
rial study has to bear in mind the number
Computerized maintenance programs of variables that may influence the results.
could easily include a field for cause of This requires the survey to be conducted
failure of any replaced parts. Pull-down over a reasonable time frame and include
prompts in these programs should include most of the common operating conditions,
causes such as spillage, dust ingress, water including: environmental conditions, oper-
ingress, and wear from material abrasion ating schedule, material moisture content,
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
and other factors that create or complicate ability and consequence level of hazards
problems with fugitive materials. experienced in cleaning spillage and carry-
back from under and around conveyors
Record-keeping of the amount of spill- provides a determination of the risk for
1 ageand of the costs of labor, parts, and employees and managers (Table 1.2).
downtime associated with itshould be a
key part of the management information Most conservative operators and mainte-
system for the operation of belt conveyors. nance people would evaluate the Probabil-
Only when armed with such records cover- ity of a safety incident taking place when
ing a period of operation will an engineer- cleaning spillage and carryback from under
ing study of fugitive materials and recom- and around belt conveyors as B: Has hap-
mendations for total material control seem pened or near miss has happened or C:
reasonable. Could occur or I have heard of it happen-
ing, with the People Consequence rated
For many conveyor systems, the costs as- as 2: Serious Injury. By moving these
sociated with lost materials will easily justify Probability and People Consequence
corrective measures. In most cases where values to the Level of Risk Reckoner,
adequate records have been kept, it has a rating of Level 5 or Level 8 places the
been shown that a modest improvement in cleanup activities in the category of Ex-
material control will rapidly repay the costs treme Risk of a serious injury (Table 1.2).
of installing improved systems. Savings in
labor expense alone often offsets the cost in These ratings demonstrate a situation in
less than one year of any retrofit equipment which the risk management for the opera-
installed. tions manager means proper diligence must
be exercised by putting systems in place to
eliminate or minimize these hazards.
Consequently, managers must do all
The Management of Risk and the within their power to eliminate the occa-
Risk for Management sions (such as conveyor cleanup) that put
Many countries are starting to hold man- employees in harms way, both for the
agement personally accountable for failing well-being of their employees and for the
to mitigate conditions such as spillage and reduction of their own personal risks.
dust resulting from poorly designed, oper-
ated, or maintained conveyors. In Austra-
lia, for example, the maximum penalty for THE OPPORTUNITY FOR TOTAL
failing to take corrective action to a known MATERIAL CONTROL
problem that causes death or grievous
In Closing
bodily harm is a $60,000 (AUD) fine and
two years in prison for the manager, as well When the costs created by fugitive ma-
as a $300,000 (AUD) fine levied against the terials are understood, it becomes obvious
company. There is no doubt that a substan- that controlling materials at conveyors and
tial number of accidents around conveyors transfer points can provide major benefits
are directly related to cleaning spillage and for belt conveyors and to the operations
carryback, and it is also known that there that rely on these conveyors. This control
are methods and products to control these has proven difficult to achieveand more
problems. Consequently, any manager who difficult to retain.
chooses to ignore these problems and, as a
A planned and maintained approach
result, risks the health of workers runs the
is needed to aid in total material control.
risk of these penalties.
This is an opportunity to reduce costs and
Using a standard industrial Hazard to increase efficiency and profitability for
Analysis formatto determine the prob- many operations.
Total Material Control | Chapter 1
Total material control means that materi- reducing spillage and dust. The following
als are kept on the belt and within the sys- chapter, Safety, continues this section and
tem. Materials are movedwhere they are explains the importance of safe practices
needed, in the condition they are needed, around bulk-materials handling equipment
at the flow rate they are neededwithout as well as ways in which total material con- 1
loss or excess energy consumption, and trol will increase safety in the plant.
without premature equipment failures or
excessive maintenance costs. Total mate-
rial control improves plant efficiency and References
reduces the cost of ownership. 1.1 Engineering Services & Supplies
This book presents many concepts that PTY Limited. Australian Regis-
can be used in a program to achieve total tration #908273, Total Material
material control for belt conveyors. Control and Registration #716561,
Looking Ahead 1.2 Environment Australia. (1998). Best
This chapter about Total Material Con- Practice Environmental Management in
trol, the first chapter in the section Foun- Mining: Dust Control, (ISBN 0 642
dations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling, 54570 7).
introduced the need for and benefits of
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Figure 2.1
Belt conveyors feature
fast-moving bulk
2 materials and pinch
points, characteristics
that create risks for
personnel who are
working on or near them.
Chapter 2
The Record and the Problems......................................................................... 15
Conveyor Safety Practices.............................................................................. 18
Safety Training............................................................................................. 23
The Importance of Personal Responsibility......................................................... 24
Advanced Topics........................................................................................... 25
Double Benefit of Conveyor Safety.................................................................... 25
Safety | Chapter 2
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
*Note: The total figure in each column is not the sum of that column, as there may be
multiple causes cited for any specific accident (Reference 2.1).
Safety | Chapter 2
In South Africa, the Conveyor Belt out stand out as major causes of conveyor
Systems Safety in Mines Research Advisory accidents. According to the report, injuries
Committees report examined more than most frequently result from people working
3000 accidents (including 161 belt conveyor at the tail pulley, head pulley, idlers, and
fatalities) between 1988 and 1999 (Reference loading chute.
2.3). In findings that echoed the above-cit-
ed MSHA report, the document noted that The Cost of Conveyor Accidents
people working on moving conveyors, in- Some of the direct costs arising from
adequate guarding, and ineffective locking accidentssuch as medical treatment, lost
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
wages, and decreased productivitycan when the system has been de-energized.
be identified. Less evident expenses associ- Lockout and tagout alone may not be
ated with accidents are known as indi- enough to ensure a workers safety;
rect or hidden costs and can be several therefore, it is important that after
2 times greater than the value of direct costs. lockout and tagout, the worker blocks
These hidden costs include: out the conveyor (blockout) and tests
to make sure it cannot move (testout).
A. Expense and time of finding a tempo- These procedures should be followed
rary replacement for the injured worker before beginning any workwhether
B. Time used by other employees to assist it is construction, installation, mainte-
the injured worker nance, or inspectionin the area.
C. Time used by supervision to investigate
B. Inspection/maintenance schedule
the mishap, prepare accident reports,
and make adjustments to work schedules A formal inspection and maintenance
schedule must be developed and fol-
D. Property damage to tools, materials, and
lowed for the material-handling system.
This program should include emergency
E. Delays in accomplishment of tasks switches, lights, horns, wiring, and warn-
ing labels, as well as the conveyors mov-
In 2005, the National Safety Council in
ing parts and accessory components.
the United States listed $1,190,000 USD as
the cost of a work-related death; the cost of C. Observance of operating speed and
a disabling injury was assessed at $38,000 capacity
USD. Their accounting includes wage and
The design operating speed and capac-
productivity losses, medical expenses, and
ity for the conveyors, chutes, and other
administrative expenses. The figures do not
material-handling equipment must not
include any estimate of property damage.
be exceeded.
It is easy to see that even a slight reduc-
D. Safety walk around
tion in the number of conveyor-related
accidents can save significant amounts of All tools and work materials must be
money for an operation. removed from the belt and chute before
restarting a conveyor. A safety walk
around is recommended prior to re-
CONVEYOR SAFETY PRACTICES suming conveyor operation.
Safety | Chapter 2
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Safety | Chapter 2
Equipment Guards
It is important that pinch pointson
rotating equipment like head pulleys and Figure 2.9
on equipment that allows sudden move- Guards are fabricated
ments, like gravity take-upsbe equipped of metal mesh or
screen that allows
with guards to prevent accidental or unwise personnel to observe
encroachment by employees (Figure 2.7). the conveyors
moving parts and
It is becoming more common for convey- pinch points without
ors to be totally enclosed in guard barriers getting so close as to
along walkways to protect personnel who risk an injury.
are required to use the walkways (Figure
2.8). These guards are fabricated of metal
mesh or screen that allows observation of
moving parts and pinch points without al- Figure 2.10
lowing personnel to get so close as to pose a To protect personnel
risk of injury (Figure 2.9). working near the
belt, the conveyor
While each nation has its individual re- should be equipped
quirements that must be met when it comes with pull-rope
to the proper placement of guards on emergency stop
equipment, local and industry requirements
should also be thoroughly investigated and
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
barriers installed to shield this equipment C. Frozen pivot bearings where the switch
must be carefully designed, or they will shaft enters the enclosure
interfere with maintenance efficiency. Re- D. Failure of electrical switches inside the
moving the guards should require a special enclosure
2 tool to prevent untrained individuals from
E. Incorrect wiring of switch or control
entry into the system. The guards must
be sufficient to prevent an employee from
reaching in, or around, the guards to gain The solution to this problem is proper
access to the pinch point. service attention and testing drills similar to
school fire drills, when the operation of the
After service procedures are completed,
conveyor safety equipment can be checked.
it is important that guards be returned to
These tests should be performed monthly.
position prior to restarting the conveyor.
Safety Signage
Emergency Stop Switches
Safety stickers and warning labels should
To protect personnel working near the
be affixed at pinch points, service ac-
belt, the conveyor should be equipped with
cess doors, and other hazardous areas on
pull-rope emergency stop switches. These
conveyor equipment (Figure 2.11). It is
safety switches should be conveniently
the responsibility of the manufacturer to
mounted along conveyor catwalks and
supplyand whenever possible, apply
right-of-ways (Figure 2.10). The system
safety warnings to equipment. These signs
should run the full length of both sides of
must be kept clean and legible, and should
the conveyor if there is access, or a walk-
be reapplied appropriately to suit changes
way, on both sides of the belt. The switches
in equipment or procedures. It is the
should be wired into the belts power sys-
responsibility of operations management
tem so that in an emergency, a pull of the
to replace worn, damaged, or unreadable
rope interrupts the power to the conveyor,
safety warnings. It is the responsibility of
stopping the belt.
the employee to comply with safety signage.
In 1995, MSHA in the United States
Signs warning of equipment that can be
alerted mine operators about potential fail-
remotely started should be placed promi-
ures of emergency-stop pull-cord systems
nently along the conveyor. Many times the
along conveyors. After tests of over 1100
conveyor belts start automatically or when
systems, MSHA noted a failure rate of two
triggered by an operator in a remote con-
percent. MSHA attributed these problems
trol room, nowhere near the conveyor.
to several factors:
Chutes that have flow aid devices such as
A. Spillage around the switch that prevents
air cannons, that can seriously injure em-
deactivation of the conveyor
ployees when discharged, must be clearly
B. Broken pull cords or excessive slack in marked. This situation also requires the
cords chute to be marked with restrictions for ves-
sel entry. Flow aids must be de-energized
Figure 2.11 and properly locked out / tagged out /
Safety stickers blocked out / tested out and chutes cleaned
and warning labels prior to chute entry.
should be affixed at
pinch points, service Safety stickers and signs are available
access doors, and from reputable manufacturers of conveyors
other hazardous
areas on conveyor
and related equipment, as well as safety
equipment. supply houses. In the United States, the
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers As-
sociation (CEMA) has a variety of safety
Safety | Chapter 2
and precautionary labels available for bulk- ley or control room. As this could be
material conveyors and several common quite some distance from the work site,
accessories. These labels can be viewed and compliance could require a considerable
ordered from the organizations website at amount of time and effort. It is not dif- ficult to imagine maintenance personnel 2
rationalizing that it is all right to quickly
Signage incorporating pictograms may perform some routine repair work with-
be required to protect all workers in plants out locking out the belt when imple-
where multiple languages are spoken menting the lockout procedure would
(Figure 2.12). If required, translation take much longer than the job itself.
of the messages of safety signage should
be performed locally to ensure accurate This shortcut creates the opportunity
meaning. (The International Organization for accidents and injuries.
for Standardization has a goal to eliminate
words that need to be translated and use
signs that incorporate only pictures.) SAFETY TRAINING
The South African report (Reference 2.3)
Safety Considerations at New noted: Most accidents can be attributed to
Conveyor Startup
a lack of an understanding of the inherent
Start-up time for new conveyors can be risks of conveyor systems and the safe use
one of the most dangerous times, because of such systems.
the system may not behave as expected,
and safety equipment such as startup horns The best approach to accident preven-
and signals may not work properly. It is tion is a well-designed safety program com-
recommended that multiple spotters be bined with effective, and repeated, training.
stationed along the conveyor route prior to
starting the belt. They should have radio Figure 2.12
communication with the control room or Signage
person starting the belt conveyor. incorporating
pictograms may be
Adjustments that may be required to get required to protect
all workers in plants
the belt running smoothly should be made where multiple
only while the conveyor is properly locked languages are
out / tagged out / blocked out / tested out. spoken.
Making even a simple adjustment while the
belt is running may result in an accident.
Hazardous Thinking
Many operations forbid working on
the conveyor system when it is running.
Nevertheless, the same operations require
working around the conveyor while it is in
operation. Workers come to the conveyors
for inspection and maintenance procedures
and to clean up fugitive material.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Safety | Chapter 2
hearing protection, hard hats, and steel- Therefore, it is highly likely that if a
toe shoes worker has violated the safety rules and/or
B. Attention to safety practices systems and becomes entrapped, the con-
veyor cannot be stopped in time to prevent
C. Good standards of housekeeping to
provide a clean and safe work area
serious injury or death. 2
D. Thorough review of equipment manu-
als to learn safe operations and mainte- DOUBLE BENEFIT OF CONVEYOR
nance procedures SAFETY
E. Willingness to stop unsafe actions by In Closing
other workers and to coach others in
proper safety procedures Is it possible to eliminate accidents in-
volving conveyors? Probably not. However,
we can work toward zero accidents with a
ADVANCED TOPICS two-pronged approach:
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
2.5 Wilson, Richard J. (August, 1982).
Conveyor Safety Research. Bureau of
2.1 Padgett, Harvey L. (2001). Powered Mines Twin Cities Research Center.
Haulage Conveyor Belt Injuries in Surface
2 Areas of Metal/Nonmetal Mines, 1996 2.6 Giraud, Laurent; Schreiber, Luc;
2000. Denver, Colorado: MSHA Mass, Serge; Turcot, Andr; and
Office of Injury and Employment Dub, Julie. (2007). A Users Guide to
Information. Conveyor Belt Safety: Protection from Dan-
ger Zones. Guide RG-490, 75 pages.
2.2 Maki, D. Michele, PhD. 2009. Montral, Quebec, Canada: IRSST
Conveyor-Related Mining Fatalities (Institut de recherche Robert-Sauv
2001-2008: Preliminary Data. Un- en sant et en scurit du travail),
published Report for Martin Engi- CSST. Available in English and
neering. French as a free downloadable PDF:
2.3 Dreyer, E., and Nel, P.J. (July 2001).
Best Practice: Conveyor Belt Systems. Proj-
ect Number GEN-701. Braamfon-
tein, South Africa: Safety in Mines
Research Advisory Committee (sic)
(SIMRAC), Mine Health and Safety
Safety | Chapter 2
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Figure 3.1
The belt conveyor is the
basic building block of
bulk-materials handling.
Chapter 3
Components of a Standard Conveyor................................................................ 29
Transfer Points: Problems and Opportunities.. .................................................... 32
Systems Engineering..................................................................................... 34
Safety Concerns........................................................................................... 35
Belt Conveyors: Simple and Complex.. ............................................................... 35
Conveyors 101Conveyor Components | Chapter 3
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
of the conveyor belt, with conveyors often dust-suppression and dust-collection sys-
moving several thousand tons of material tems, and weather-protection systems.
per hour, day in and day out.
Components of a Standard Belt
3 Every bulk-materials handling belt con- Conveyor
veyor is composed of six major elements:
Although each belt conveyor is somewhat
A. The belt different, it shares many common compo-
nents (Figure 3.3). A conveyor consists of
Forms the moving surface upon which
a continuous rubber belt stretched between
material rides
terminal pulleys. One end is the tail. This
B. The pulleys is usually where the loading of the cargo
takes place, but loading may take place
Support and move the belt and control
anywhere along the length of the conveyor,
its tension
and conveyors with multiple load zones
C. The drive are relatively common. The other end of
the conveyor is called the head. The cargo
Imparts power to one or more pulleys to
is usually discharged at the head, but with
move the belt
the use of plows or trippers, the load may
D. The structure discharge anywhere along the conveyors
Supports and aligns the rolling compo- length.
nents The belt is supported along the top (car-
E. The belt-support systems rying) side with flat or troughing rollers
called idlers. Troughing rollers form the
Support the belts carrying and return belt into a U-shape that increases the cargo
strands capacity of the conveyor. On the bottom
F. The transfer systems (return) side of the conveyor, where the
belt returns to the loading point, the belt
Load or discharge the conveyors cargo is supported with return idlers. The roll-
Another part of every conveyor is the ing components are mounted in frames
ancillary equipment installed to improve and supported by a steel structure called
the systems operation. This would include the stringers. In some applications, such as
such components as take-ups, belt cleaners, underground or overland conveyors, the
tramp-iron detectors, skirtboards and seals, rolling components of the conveyor are
belt-support systems, plows, safety switches, mounted on suspended wire ropes.
Conveyors 101Conveyor Components | Chapter 3
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Equation 3.1
P = T V k
Calculation for Power
Given: 5400 newtons (1200 lbf ) of tension is added to a belt traveling at 3 meters per second
(600 ft/min). Find: The power required to operate the conveyor belt.
3 Variables Metric Units Imperial Units
P Power Required kilowatts horsepower
T Net Tension Added to the Belt 5400 N 1200 lb f
V Belt Speed 3 m/s 600 ft/min
k Conversion Factor 1/1000 1/33000
5400 3
Metric: P = = 16
1200 600
Imperial: P = = 22
P Power Required 16 kW 22 hp
Conveyors 101Conveyor Components | Chapter 3
ing the life of the belt, reducing spillage, others from the belts that run into and out
and keeping the belt running in the proper of the load zones. Material characteris-
path. The design of chutes and other load- tics, air movements, and impact levels add
ing equipment is influenced by conditions forces that must be addressed by any system
such as the capacity, the characteristics of designed to prevent the escape of fugitive 3
material handled, the speed and inclina- material. In addition, many requirements
tion of the belt, and the number of loading imposed by the plants overall process will
zones on the conveyor. subject transfer points to additional forces
and limitations.
To minimize material degradation and
component wear, an ideal transfer point The Engineering of Transfer Points
would place the specified quantity of mate-
There are three basic approaches taken
rial on the receiving belt by loading:
to the design of transfer points. The first
A. In the center of the belt and most common is the conventional
method of drafting a solution using rules
B. At a uniform rate
of thumb to fit the master layout of
C. In the direction of belt travel conveyors. This would be the drafted solu-
D. At the same speed as the belt is moving tion (Figure 3.6). The second method
E. After the belt is fully troughed is to specify the critical components of
the transfer point and design the overall
F. With minimum impact force
conveyor layout to minimize transfer-point
At the same time, it would provide ad- problems. This is the specified solution
equate space and/or systems for: (Figure 3.7).
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Conveyors 101Conveyor Components | Chapter 3
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Figure 4.1
Conveyor belts are key
factors in the overall
productivity of the entire
Chapter 4
101The Belt
Safety Concerns........................................................................................... 37
Plant Safety and Belting................................................................................. 37
Belt Construction.. ........................................................................................ 39
Belt Selection.............................................................................................. 44
Belt Storage and Handling.............................................................................. 48
Belt Damage.. .............................................................................................. 50
Belt Repair.................................................................................................. 56
Preserving the Life of the Belt.. ....................................................................... 58
Belting is the Key......................................................................................... 59
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
these conditions are most dangerous der a required maximum after a specific
underground mining and, particularly, time and under a specific tension. The
underground coal mining. Many coun- test procedure simulates a belt slipping
tries replaced the earlier requirement for over a jammed pulley or a pulley rotat-
4 flame-retardant belting, belting that passes ing under a stationary conveyor belt. To
a smaller Bunsen Burner Test, by mandat- pass this test, the surface temperature
ing the use of self-extinguishing belting in of the belting must remain below 325
underground applications. degrees Celsius (617 F) with no flame
or glow visible.
It should be noted that ALL conveyor
belts will burn given sufficient heat and B. Surface Resistance Test (ISO 284/EN
airflow. However, standardized laboratory 20284/DIN 20284)
tests have been accepted by governmental An electrostatic charge may build up
regulatory bodies to measure and catego- on the conveyor belt surface and ignite
rize the burning characteristics of differ- a mixture of flammable gases and air.
ent conveyor belts. In very general terms, By keeping the surface resistance of the
self-extinguishing is considered to be a belting low (making the belt cover more
belt that will not propagate a fire in a labo- conductive), the conveyor belt allows the
ratory setting once the ignition source has charge to flow freely, eliminating the risk
been removed. of sparks.
Self-extinguishing belting is higher in C. High-Energy Propane Burner Test (EN
cost than flame-retardant belting. This cost 12881)
premium is generally 10 to 50 percent, but
To determine whether a conveyor belt
it will vary depending on the carcass con-
will propagate fire, a belt sample 2,0
struction and cover gauges.
to 2,5 meters long by 1200 millimeters
With the exception of the United States, wide (80 to 100 in. by 48 in.) is ignited
fire-safety standards for conveyor belt- by a propane burner. After the ignition-
ing are similar in the largest coal mining source has been removed, the flames
countries, including Australia, Canada, must self-extinguish within a certain
China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Poland, amount of time, leaving a defined area
Russia, and South Africa. In Germany, for of belt undamaged.
instance, strict requirements were imple-
D. Laboratory Scale Gallery Test (DIN
mented more than 30 years ago.
22100 and 22118)
There are numerous international A specimen of belting 1200 millimeters
regulatory and advisory organizations and long by 120 millimeters wide (48 in. by
governmental agencies that provide guid- 4.8 in.) is placed over a propane burner.
ance and direction. Those agencies include, After the ignition source is removed,
but are not limited to: British Standards the flames must self-extinguish, and a
Institution (BSI), Conveyor Manufacturers defined undamaged length must remain.
Equipment Association (CEMA), Deutsch-
es Institu fr Normung (DIN), European In the United States, conveyor belt flam-
Standards (EN), and the International mability standards can be considered less
Organization for Standardization (ISO). stringent than those used in other coun-
tries, because a total-system approach is
The tests in these and most other coun- taken to fire suppression. The US regula-
tries include: tions include not only conveyor belting but
air monitoring and motor-slip detection
A. Drum Friction Test (DIN 22100 et. al)
The drum friction test measures wheth-
er the surface temperature remains un-
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
The present flame resistance requirement tory Test (BELT), a laboratory-scale flame
in the United States for applications for ev- resistance test based on the work done for
erything except underground coal mines, as the 1992 proposed rule. In order for a belt
published in the Code of Federal Regula- to pass the BELT method, it must have
tions (CFR), is quite simple: improved fire-resistant capability, which 4
greatly limits flame propagation.
Bunsen Burner Test. (CFR Part 30 Sec-
tion 18.65) The test requires that three belt samples,
approximately 152 by 23 centimeters (60
A small (approximately 150 by 12 mil- by 9 in.), be placed in a test chamber 168
limeters) (6 by in.) piece of a belt is held centimeters (66 in.) long by 456 centimeters
over a Bunsen burner flame for one min- (18 in.) square. After applying the burner
ute, after which time the flame is removed flame to the front edge of the sample for 5
and an airflow applied for three minutes. minutes and the flame is extinguished, each
After a set length of time, the duration of tested sample must exhibit an undamaged
the flames is recorded. The average of four portion across its entire width.
samples must not burn for more than one
minute or exhibit afterglow for more than At the time of this writing, the final rule
three minutes. published by MSHA requires conveyor
belts placed in service in underground coal
This test, which was implemented per the mines to be more flame resistant than those
1969 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety previously required beginning December
Act, is similar to a standard for under- 31, 2009. The rule also requires existing
ground conveyor belts that was in force in belting to be replaced within ten years.
Europe until the mid 1970s. However, with MSHA or a reputable belting supplier
the advent of the more stringent regula- can be contacted for additional, updated
tions, flame-retardant belts have been al- information.
lowed to be used in Europe only in applica-
tions above ground; self-extinguishing belts Other Belting Safety Concerns
are required underground.
Other standards are sometimes in place.
The United States now has a more Some countries have even more stringent
stringent standard for flame-resistant belts requirements regarding, for example, the
in underground coal mines. In December belts toxicity, hygiene, or cover roughness.
1992, the US Department of Labor, Mine The exact specifications can be found in
Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the standards in a given geographic region
proposed a new rule for conveyor belt test or industry. Procedures and standards are
requirements (Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. offered under DIN, EN, ISO, BSI, CEMA,
248) that would bring safety standards up and other standards. Of course, it is im-
to the international level. Nearly ten years perative that the belting be compatible with
later, in July 2002, this proposed rule was the materials to be transported on it.
withdrawn. The reasons cited for with-
drawal were that the number of conveyor
belt fires had significantly declined and that BELT CONSTRUCTION
improvements in belt monitoring were be- The Belt Carcass
ing implemented.
Conveyor belting is composed of two
Recommendations from the Mine Im- parts: the inside carcass and the outside
provement and New Emergency Response covers. The carcass is the most important
(MINER) Act of 2006 resulted in a new structural section of the belt, as it con-
rule for underground coal mines (CFR Part tains the tensile member to handle the
30 Section 14.20) effective December 2008 load of cargo carried on the conveyor.
that includes the Belt Evaluation Labora- The primary purpose of the carcass is to
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
application is on conveyors where, due top side. Turning the belt over presents an
to limitations in the distance the take-up irregular surface to the pulley, resulting in
system can travel, the belting cannot be poor lateral distribution of tension, and
allowed to stretch significantly. may lead to belt wander. Another problem
is that there may be cargo fines embedded 4
D. Solid-woven belting into what was formerly the belts carrying
This type of belting consists of a single surface; when the belt is turned over, this
ply of solid-woven fabric, usually im- material is now placed in abrasive contact
pregnated and covered with PVC with with pulley lagging, idlers, and other belt-
relatively thin top and bottom covers. support systems. In addition, after years of
The surface of PVC belts is often rough being troughed in one direction, the belt
on purpose to aid in conveying on in- tends to take a set (a predisposition to a
clines, but the rough surface makes belt direction) and will resist the necessary re-
cleaning more difficult. The abrasion versing of trough needed to invert the belt.
resistance of PVC is lower than rubber, Sometimes this can take weeks to overcome
so some solid-woven belts are made with and can lead to belt-tracking problems.
a combination of a PVC core and rub-
ber covers. A specific mention must be made of
the practice of some belting manufactur-
Top and Bottom Covers ers of stamping their logo into the carry-
ing surface of the belt (Figure 4.2). Even
Covers protect the carcass of the belt
when near the belt edge, this recessed area
from load abrasion and any other condi-
becomes a trap for conveyed material, and
tions that could contribute to belt deterio-
the roughness of the area can abuse the
ration. The top and bottom covers of the
belt-cleaning and sealing systems under
conveyor belt provide very little, if any,
which the embossed area will pass. It is
structural strength to the belt. The purpose
recommended that users specify that these
of the top cover is to protect the carcass
supplier logos be positioned on the return,
from impact damage and wear. The bot-
non-carrying side of the belting.
tom cover provides a friction surface for
driving and tracking the belt. Usually, the
Aspect Ratio
top cover is thicker than the bottom cover
and more durable for abrasion, impact Whereas some belts have the same cover
damage, and wear, due to its increased thickness on both sides, most belts are fab-
potential for damage. Abrasion and cut- ricated with the pulley-side cover somewhat
ting may be so severe that a top cover as thinner (lighter in gauge) than the carrying
thick as 18 millimeters (0.75 in.) or more side of the belt, because of the difference
is required. In any case, the goal of cover in wear resistance needed. The difference
selection is to provide sufficient thickness to in thickness between the top and bottom
protect the carcass to the practical limit of covers is referred to as a belts aspect ratio.
carcass-life. However, the difference in thickness be-
tween the two covers cannot be too great,
The covers can be made of a number of or the belt may cup.
elastomers, including natural and synthetic
rubbers, PVC, and materials specially Figure 4.2
formulated to meet special application It is a bad practice for
requirements such as resistance to oil, fire, the belt manufacturer
to emboss a logo
or abrasion. into the carrying side
of the belt, because
Users might be tempted to turn a belt carryback can
over when the carrying side has become become entrapped in
worn. In general, it is better to avoid the logo.
inverting the belt after deep wear on the
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
The problem with belts with poorly-de- Cleats, or ribs, can be seen as walls or
signed aspect ratios is that the larger mass shelves installed perpendicular to the lines
of rubber will shrink more than the smaller. formed by the belt edges. Chevrons are in a
Consequently, if a belt has an inordinately V-shaped arrangement. Lugs are individual
4 large top-to-bottom cover ratio, and the islands or pillars in the belts surface. All
top cover shrinks due to age, exposure to are available in a variety of patterns and
ultraviolet light, or other factors, the belt styles, with heights determined by the ap-
will cup up, reducing the area of the bot- plication. They can be molded integrally
tom cover in contact with the idlers. This into the surface during the belts original
will make it more difficult to keep the belt manufacture, or they can be bolted or vul-
running in alignment. This problem is canized to the surface of the belting.
most likely to occur when, in the interest of
getting a thick top cover to extend service- Bear in mind that the taller the cleats,
life, a plant orders belting with a top cover ribs, chevrons, or lugs are, the more vulner-
that is too thick for the bottom cover. To able they are to damage and the harder the
provide consistent shrinkage and more con- belt is to clean and seal.
sistent tracking, an aspect ratio of 1.5-to-1 One way to increase traction between the
is recommended for belts up to 900 mil- belt and the conveyed material is to use a
limeters (36 in.), with a 2-to-1 aspect ratio top cover that features inverted chevrons.
recommended for belts from 1000 to 1600 Instead of extending above the belt cover,
millimeters (42 to 60 in.). For belts above inverted chevrons are recessed into the top
1600 millimeters (60 in.) a 3-to-1 aspect cover, like the tread on a tire. The grooves
ratio is recommended. Belting with a 3-to-1 are cut into the belt cover with a router;
aspect ratio is suitable for many purposes the grooves can be at a chevron angle or
and is the ratio mostly commonly stocked straight across the belt 90 degrees to the
at belting distributors. edge. This design allows greater success in
cleaning and sealing the belt with tradi-
Cleats, Ribs, Chevrons, and Lugs
tional systems, although it is possible to fill
Raised elements are sometimes used on the recessed cleats with material.
a belt surface to assist in the carrying of
material (Figure 4.3). These cleats, ribs, Grades of Belting
chevrons, and lugs are generally used to al- Various national and international bodies
low a conveyor to carry material at a higher have established rating systems for the belt-
angle of incline than would generally be ing used in general-purpose bulk-materials
possible with a flat belt. This is particularly handling. Designed to provide a reference
useful with lumps or stones that could easily for end users as to what grades to use in
roll down an unobstructed incline. different applications, the ratings specify
different laboratory-test criteria without
Figure 4.3
providing any guarantee of performance in
Cleats, ribs, a specific application.
chevrons, and lugs
are raised elements
In the United States, the Rubber Manu-
in a belts surface
that allow it to carry facturers Association (RMA) has estab-
material at a higher lished two standard grades of belting
angle of incline. covers. RMA Grade I belting meets higher
rubber tensile and elongation require-
ments, typically indicating improved cut
and gouge resistance over the performance
of Grade II covers. It should be noted that
grade rating does not necessarily denote
overall abrasion resistance.
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
The International Organization for Stan- (ASTM) as ASTM Test Method D2228. In
dardization (ISO) has similarly established this test, tungsten carbide knifes are used
a grading system under ISO 10247. This to abrade a small sample of the belt cover.
standard includes Category H (Severe Cut As above, the sample is weighed before and
and Gouge Service), Category D (Severe after the procedure, and the weight loss is 4
Abrasion Service), and Category L (Moder- calculated. Results are given as an index, so
ate Service). Category H is roughly compa- the higher the number, the better the abra-
rable to RMA Grade I; Categories D and L sion resistance.
approximate RMA Grade II belting.
Most references caution that neither test
In addition, there are belting types manu- should be seen as a precise prediction of
factured to meet specific requirements of actual performance in field applications.
stressful applications, such as service with
hot materials, in underground mines, or New Developments in Belting
with exposure to oil or chemicals. As with A recent innovation is the development
most things, it is best to acquire an under- of energy-efficient belt covers. Called Low
standing of the operating conditions and Rolling Resistant (LRR) Covers, these bot-
then consult with reputable suppliers before tom covers reduce the tension required to
selecting categories of belting. operate the belt, because there is less roller
indentation resistance as the belt moves
Abrasion Resistance in Belting over the idlers. According to manufactur-
There are two types of abrasion that oc- ers, this belting can produce operating
cur on conveyor belts. One is caused by the energy consumption savings of 10 percent
material rubbing against the belt cover. As or more. The savings occur where the
a woodworker sanding an object, this wear rubber belting meets the conveyor systems
is relatively even under the influence of the idlers. The energy-efficient cover has less
material pressing against the surface. The rolling resistance, because the bottom cover
actual rate of abrasion will depend on the returns to a flat configuration more quickly
nature of the material, as modified by the than conventional belts, which deform as
density of material loading and the speed they go over the conveyors rolling compo-
of the belt. This is called impingement nents.
The manufacturers note that the ben-
A more aggressive form of abrasion is efits of this energy-efficient cover can best
the damage to the surface by sharp-edged be realized on long horizontal conveyors
materials that cut or gouge the belt. This is utilizing wide, fully-loaded belts carrying
generally called impact damage. high-density material, where the friction
of the system is dominated by idler-related
There are two types of tests used to mea- resistances. The LRR compound is at
sure belt-cover wear. One is the ISO 4649 a premium cost over other cover com-
Types A and B Abrasion Test Methodol- pounds. However, on those installations
ogy (formerly DIN 53516). This test uses where the benefits can be fully realized, the
a sample of the rubber cover and holds it compound compensates for its additional
against a rotating abrasive drum for a fixed expense through a reduction in power costs
interval. The cover sample is weighed be- and, on new systems, by allowing the con-
fore and after to calculate volume loss. The veyor to be equipped with smaller motors,
lower the number (the less material lost), pulleys, gear boxes, shafts, bearings, idlers,
the more resistance to abrasion. and steel structures.
A second method of testing is the Pico Users cannot assume that an LRR
Abrasion Test, also referred to by the cover will reduce operating expenses, nor
American Society for Testing and Materials can they just specify LRR, as each belt is
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
compounded for a specific application. The required to fulfill the order. Using this
relationship between the power consump- method, the manufacturer may hope to fill
tion with an LRR belt and temperature two or three customer orders out of one
conditions is not linear, and there is typical- piece of belting produced. As a result, this
4 ly a small window of application. A specific makes cut-edge belting more cost-effective
LRR bottom cover designed to save energy (hence economical) to manufacture, so this
at 20 degrees may cost more to operate type of belt has become more common.
at 0 or 30 degrees, so each belt must be The slitting to the specified width may oc-
designed for the climate conditions of each cur at the time of manufacture, or it may
application. be done when a belt is cut from a larger
roll in a secondary operation, either at the
Another new development in belt con- manufacturer or at a belting distributor.
struction is the use of non-stick belt cov-
ers, to prevent belt-borne carryback. This A cut-edge belt can be cut down from
belting is created by applying a non-stick any larger width of belting. This makes
coating to the belting to prevent the ac- it more readily available. However, there
cumulation of carryback material on the are some drawbacks. At the cut edge(s) of
belt. This coating should reduce the need the belt, the carcass of the belt is exposed;
for belt cleaning, thereby extending belt- therefore, the carcass is more vulnerable to
life by reducing cover wear. This coating is problems arising from abusive environmen-
also resistant to oil and grease and unaf- tal conditions in storage, handling, and use.
fected by weathering and aging. It should In addition, the slitting process is vulner-
be noted that conventional belt cleaners able to problems. Dull slitting knives can
(scrapers) should be removed if using non- lead to problems such as belt cambera
stick belting, as the cleaning edge of even curve in the edge of the belt. In addition,
soft urethane pre-cleaners might remove there are the unknowns that come with
the coating. buying used or re-slit belting, including its
age, environmental exposure, and applica-
Conveyors are designed as a system, and tion history.
any changes from the original belt specifi-
cation can adversely affect the operation of Steel-cable belting is manufactured to
a conveyor. Belting manufacturers should a pre-determined width, so it has molded
be consulted to determine which belting edges. Fabric-ply belting is available with
type is most appropriate for any applica- either a molded edge or a cut edge.
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
be detailed when specifying a conveyor not interfere with belt cleaning and seal-
belt. Material conditions to be detailed ing systems.
Operating parameters to be detailed
A. Thickness when specifying a conveyor belt include: 4
Limit variations in thickness to a sliding A. Hours of operation loaded and unload-
scale of +/ 20 percent for thin covers ed
such as 2,4 millimeters (0.094 in.), and
+/ 5 percent for cover gauges greater B. Details of the transfer point, including
than 19 millimeters (0.75 in.). trough angle and transition distance, as
well as information on material trajec-
B. Camber or bow tory, drop height, and speed
Limit camber or bow to one-quarter C. Description of material to be handled as
of one percent (0.0025). This allows a completely as possible, including lump
camber or bow dimension of +/- 25 sizes and material temperature range
millimeters in 10 meters (0.75 in. in 25 D. Description of belt-cleaning system to
feet). Camber is a convex edge of the be used
belt; bow is a concave edge of the belt.
E. Description of chemical treatments (e.g.,
RMA defines bow (and camber) as the
de-icing agents or dust suppressants) to
ratio of the distance, midway between
be applied
two points along the belt edge that are
15 to 30 meters (50 to 100 feet) apart, F. Description of atmospheric contami-
between the actual belt edge and a tape nants (from nearby processes or other
or string stretched straight between the sources)
two points. To express this in percent, G. Specification of local weather extremes
calculate the ratio in hundredths and that the belt must withstand
multiply by 100. For example, if 30
meters of belting was out of true by Know Your Structure, Know Your
450 millimeters (by 0,45 meters), this Belt
would equal a camber of 1.5 percent. In Placing any belt on a conveyor structure
Imperial measurements, a distance of without understanding the characteristics
18 inches (1.5 ft) over 100-foot length of of the belt will impair the performance of
belting would be a 1.5 percent camber. the system and reduce the performance
of the belt. There can be problems in the
C. Belt surface
form of mistracking, shortened belt-life,
Specify the belt surface to be smooth, damaged splices, unscheduled downtime,
flat, and uniform +/- 5 hardness points. and added maintenance expenses.
Hardness is measured in the United
States in Shore A Durometer. Readings A detailed analysis of the conveyor struc-
range from 30 to 95 pointsthe higher ture and rolling components is required to
the durometer number, the harder the ensure that the belt used on the system is
compound. The International Rub- the right choice. It is recommended that
ber Hardness Degrees (IRHD) scale all parameters be fully understood prior to
has a range of 0 to 100, corresponding selecting and installing a belt on an existing
to elastic modulus of 0 (0) and infinite structure. It is always wise to consider the
(100), respectively. advice of belting suppliers.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
construction. Conveyor belts are designed PIW. In other parts of the world, the belt is
for different capacities, lengths, widths, rated in ultimate breaking-strength in the
trough angles, and tensions. A belt must metric units of newtons per millimeter (N/
be compatible with the conveyor structure, mm) or kilonewtons per meter (kN/m).
4 and there is more to compatibility than belt
width. The strength rating is a function of the
reinforcement included in the carcass of
Unfortunately, this is not commonly the belt and the number of, and type of,
understood at a plants operating level. Too material in the fabric plies, or, if it is a
often, there is a belting is belting phi- steel-cable belt, the size of the cables. As
losophy in place. This originates from an noted above, a belts top and bottom covers
incomplete understanding of the complex- provide very little of the belts strength or
ity of the belting equation. This philosophy tension rating.
becomes practice at times when there is a
need to economize or to provide a faster The belts strength, either carcass ten-
return to service. The typical response in sion rating or ultimate breaking-strength,
these cases is to use belting from stock, ei- represents the amount of force that can be
ther a leftover piece or a spare belt found in applied to the belting. Putting greater de-
maintenance stores, or to use belting read- mands in the form of material load, take-
ily available from an outside source, like up weight, and incline gravity against this
a belting distributor or a used-equipment belt would cause severe problems, including
dealer. the possibility of breaking the belt. The
higher the rated tension of the belt, the
It is a false economy to use a bargain more critical the compatibility of the belt
belt that is not fully compatible with the with the structure and rolling components
conveyor system. Incompatibility of belt to becomes.
structure is a common problem leading to
poor belt performance and a poor return Each conveyor structure will require a
on the belting investment. This incompati- belt with a specific tension rating. Factors
bility could well be the most common cause affecting this decision are:
of the tracking problems seen on conveyors A. Length of structure
where a replacement belt has been installed
or pieces have been added to the exist- B. Incline angle of the conveyor
ing belting. Understanding the basics of C. Desired capacity
compatibility is essential to ensuring good D. Width of belt
performance of the belt and conveyor.
E. Drag and inertia of rolling components
Specifying a conveyor belt is an impor-
tant undertaking. It is in an operations best Minimum Bend Radius
interest to allow an expert to take owner- Belting is designed with a minimum
ship of this part of the conveyor process. pulley size specified by the manufacturer.
This expert will be familiar with the capa- Bending a belt over a radius that is too
bilities of the belts provided by manufactur- small can damage the belt. This may
ers and know the proper questions to ask. result in separation of plies, ply failure, or
cracking of the belts top cover. Inadequate
Belt-Tension Rating pulley size can also lead to the pullout of
Each belt is rated as to its strengththe mechanical splices. The minimum pulley
amount of pulling force that it will with- diameter is determined by the number and
stand. The strength of a belt (or more ac- material of plies, whether steel or fabric-re-
curately, the tension it is able to withstand) inforced, the rated tension of the belt, and
is rated in the United States in Pounds per the thickness of the top and bottom cover.
Inch of Width, commonly abbreviated as
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
When a conveyor system is originally Another problem that may occur if the
designed, the desire to use a thicker belt on belts troughing capability is exceeded is
a conveyor system (to extend belt-life in the damage to the top and bottom covers and
face of high impact levels in the loading to the carcass in the idler-junction area.
zone, for example) may require the installa- 4
tion of larger-diameter pulleys. In addition, if the belts troughability is
not compatible with the troughing idlers,
A common mistake occurs when an it might take more power to operate the
operation notices some type of surface conveyor than originally designed.
damage to the carrying side of the belt.
The immediate reaction is to install an even Transition Distance
thicker belt on the conveyor in the expecta- The belt travels across the tail pulley in
tion of getting a longer service-life. If the a flat position. As the belt leaves the tail
thicker belt has a minimum pulley size that pulley and moves into the loading zone, the
is larger than the pulleys on the structure, belt edges are elevated, forming the trough
the belt may actually yield a shorter life,
worsening the problem the thicker cover
Figure 4.4
was selected to solve.
Exceeding its
troughing capability
Trough Angle
can result in damage
Belts are troughed to allow the conveyor to the belt.
to carry more material. As the trough angle
is increased, more material can be carried.
All flat rubber or PVC belts can be formed
into a trough by idlers. The type of belt
carcass, the thickness of the belt, the width
of the belt, and the tension rating of the
belt determine the maximum trough angle.
On belting manufacturers technical data
Figure 4.5
sheets, troughability is typically shown as
Transition idlers are
the minimum belt width allowed for the used to raise the belt
various trough angles. edges and form the
trough that carries the
Exceeding the maximum trough angle of cargo.
a particular belt can cause the belt to per-
manently deform into a cupped position.
Cupping can make a belt difficult to seal,
difficult to clean, and almost impossible to
track. As the cupping increases, the sur-
face contact between the conveyors rolling
components and the belt is reduced, dimin-
ishing the ability of the rolling component Figure 4.6
to steer the belt properly. Junction-joint failure
is caused by an
If the belts troughability is exceeded, improper transition
the belt may not form the trough correctly, distance (center of
creating sealing and tracking problems. If a terminal pulley to first
full troughing roll).
belt is too stiff and will not properly trough,
it will not steer (track) properly through the
system. This will quickly evolve into spill-
age off the sides of the conveyor and dam-
age to the edges of the belt (Figure 4.4).
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
The following are the key storage and be utilized in the plant for storage, or
handling guidelines: the belt can be transferred to an in-plant
storage system that properly supports
A. Rolled on a core the roll. It is important that the roll be
As the belt leaves the manufacturer or properly supported from the time of 4
the supplier, the belt should be rolled manufacture to the time of installation.
carrying side out on a core with a square
opening (Figure 4.7). The core gives Figure 4.9
the belt protection from being rolled Storing a roll of
into a diameter that is too small and belting on its side
may lead to problems
protection when the belt is lifted through
with camber.
the center. It also provides a means for
unrolling the belt onto the conveyor.
The core size is determined by the
manufacturer, based on the type, width,
and length of the roll of belt. The core
size can be smaller than the belts mini-
mum pulley diameter, as the rolled belt
is not in a tensioned state. The lifting
bar should be square to closely match
the square opening in the core.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Material entrapment can also be caused longer carry the rated capacity of the
when the skirting is placed inside the conveyor.
chutewall in the path of the material
flow. Not only does this arrangement Belt mistracking is probably the lead-
4 cause material entrapment and belt ing cause of belt-edge damage. There
damage, it also reduces the cross- are numerous reasons why a belt might
sectional area of the chutewall, in turn mistrack. These causes range from
reducing conveyor capacity. This same out-of-alignment conveyor structures,
damage can be seen when installing off-center belt loading, accumulations of
leftover or used belting as a dust seal, material on rolling components, or even
as the carcass is more abrasive than the the effect of the sun on one side of the
belt cover and will wear the cover away. belt.
Incorrectly installed wear liners can also There are many techniques and technol-
cause entrapment points, creating this ogies that can be used to train the belt.
type of wear. These would include laser surveying of
One way to prevent sag is to use bar the structure, adjustment of idlers to
support systems to support the belt and counter the belts tendency to mistrack,
stabilize the path in the entire skirted and installation of self-adjusting belt-
area. (See Chapter 10: Belt Support.) training idlers that use the force of the
belt movement to steer the belts path.
C. Belt-edge damage
The key to good belt tracking is to find
Edge damage is usually seen as frayed the cause for the mistracking and then
edges on one or both sides of the belt remedy that cause, rather than spending
(Figure 4.16). If edge damage is not time and money turning one idler one
identified and corrected, it can be severe direction and another idler a different
enough to actually reduce the width direction in pursuit of better tracking.
of the belt to a point where it will no (See Chapter 16: Belt Alignment.)
Figure 4.17 D. Belt delamination
Another form of
damage seen at
Another form of damage seen at the
the belt edge is belt edge is delamination, in which the
delamination, in plies of the carcass separate, or the cov-
which the plies of the ers pull away from the carcass (Figure
carcass separate or 4.17). This can be caused by belting
the covers pull away
from the carcass. being wrapped around pulleys that are
too small. The entry of moisture, chemi-
cals, or other foreign materials into the
edge of the belt can contribute to this
Figure 4.18 E. Worn top cover
Abrasion from Damage to the top cover is seen when
material loading will
be seen as wear in the top cover of the belt is worn in the
the top cover in the load carrying area of the belt or even
load carrying area of across the entire top (Figure 4.18).
the belt. Several factors can contribute to worn
top covers.
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
from the material falling onto the mov- trol, because it occurs very quickly and
ing belt. often with catastrophic effects. There
are a number of ways to minimize, but
Another cause can be carryback. This not totally eliminate, the amount of
is material that clings to the conveyor tramp iron in the material flow. These 4
belt past the discharge and then drops methods include grizzly screens, metal
off along the conveyor return. If not detectors, and video monitors. Regard-
controlled, this fugitive material can less of the effectiveness of the precau-
build up on the ground, in confined tions, the belt is still vulnerable.
spaces, and on rolling components.
These accumulations can quickly build G. Belt-cleaner damage
to a point where the belt runs through a Conveyor belts often have a paradoxical
pile of fugitive material that wears away relationship with belt cleaners. Cleaning
the top cover. This damage will happen systems are required to remove car-
more quickly when the materials have ryback, which reduces fugitive material
sharp-edged particles and higher abra- along the conveyor and so preserves the
sion levels.
Figure 4.19
Faulty belt-cleaner selection and im- Tramp iron, ranging
proper cleaner mounting can also lead from packing-crate
to top-cover damage. Belt cleaners must strapping to the teeth
be mounted properly to avoid chatter- from loader buckets,
ing. Belt-cleaner chatter can quickly can become wedged
in the conveyor
remove the top cover of the belt if not structure and
corrected immediately. damage the belt.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
life of the belt; however, belt cleaners materials, and thickness, will require a
can also have negative effects. Like any different minimum-bend radius. This
foreign object, cleaners can damage type of damage occurs if the belt is not
a belt, particularly when the clean- matched to all pulley diameters of the
4 ing system is poorly applied or poorly structure. Bending a belt in too small
maintained. Damage can come from of a radius will cause stress on the top
too much pressure or out-of-alignment cover. This undue stress on the top cover
installation. Chattering cleaner blades will cause the rubber to crack, expos-
can remove pieces from the belt surface ing the reinforcing materials of the belt,
(Figure 4.20). which can lead to damage to the belts
internal carcass.
Any damage on the surface of the belt
or on the cleaning edge of the belt Any change from the original belt
cleaner can create additional vibration, specifications should also be done in
expanding the movement and perpetu- conjunction with a rerun of the belt-
ating the cycle. specification program which includes a
study of the conveyors pulley diameters
H. Top-cover cracking and tension required to drive the belt.
Short random cracks in the top cover
running perpendicular to the direction Installing a thicker belt on an existing
of belt travel may be caused by a mis- system to improve life by preventing
match between the belt and the pulley other types of belt damage, such as
diameters (Figure 4.21). impact, may dramatically shorten the
life of the new belt if the diameters of
Each belt, depending on the manu- the conveyor pulleys are smaller than
facturer, number of ply, reinforcing recommended by the manufacturer. It
is important to always check with the
Figure 4.22 belt manufacturer to ensure this design
Carrying hot material parameter is met.
may lead to cracks in
the belts top cover. I. Heat damage
Conveying hot materials may also cause
the top cover to crack or the plies to
separate. The cracks from heat damage
may run either parallel or perpendicular
(or both) to the direction of belt travel
(Figure 4.22). If the conveyed material
is hotter than the belt can handle, holes
may be burned through the belt. Using
Figure 4.23 high-temperature belting may reduce
Junction-joint failure this heat cracking and increase belt-life.
can be seen as a W The only true solution is to cool the
or M shape in the
belt as it passes over material prior to conveying it or to use
a return roller. some other method of moving the mate-
rial, at least until it is cooled sufficiently.
J. Junction-joint failure
As the belt moves along the conveying
system, going from flat to troughed at
the terminal pulleys, the outer one-third
of the belt is required to travel farther
than the center one-third of the belt.
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
Thus, the outer one-third of the belt face, perpendicular to the line of travel
must stretch more than the inner one- (Figure 4.24).
third. If this stretching takes place in too
short of a distance, the belt can become Belt cupping can be caused by heat, by
damaged at the point where the outer transition distances not matched to the 4
wing rolls meet the center flat roll. This belt, or by too severe a trough angle for
damage is termed junction-joint failure. the type of belt being used. Another
cause of cupping is over-tensioning the
Junction-joint failure appears as small belt. The presence of chemicals such as
stretch marks running the entire length deicers or dust surfactants can also cause
of the belt in the areas which pass over a belt to cup up or down, depending on
the points where the wing rollers and whether the chemical shrinks or swells
the flat rollers meet. (These stretch the elastomer in the belts top cover.
marks run parallel to the belt, approxi- Aspect ratios that are too great (where
mately one-third of the belt width in the top cover is too thick for the bottom
from each edge). In early stages, it can cover) can also cause a belt to cup.
be seen as a W or M shape in the
belt as it passes over a return roller Cupped belts are extremely difficult to
(Figure 4.23). This type of belt damage track, as the frictional area, the surface
may be so severe as to actually tear the where the belt contacts the rollers, is
belt into three separate pieces. drastically reduced.
K. Belt cupping
A cupped belt happens when the belt
has a permanent curvature across its
Figure 4.25
Viewed from the
top, camber is a
longitudinal curve in
the belting.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
it may have more than one camber or area of influence, whereas the curve of
even conflicting cambers. a camber or bow is from one end of a
belt section to the other.
This type of damage can be created
4 during manufacture or from improper
storing, splicing, or tensioning of the BELT REPAIR
belt (Figure 4.26). Proper storage and
handling are essential from the time of Repair of Conveyor Belting
manufacture to the time of installation. For most operations, conveyor belt-life is
measured in years. To achieve the low-
These curves in the belt produce track-
est operating cost, inspection of the belt
ing problems that are often confused
should be a scheduled maintenance proce-
with a crooked splice. Camber and bow
dure. Any belt damage noted during these
will produce a slow side to side move-
inspections should be repaired promptly to
ment; a crooked splice produces a more
prevent small problems from becoming big
rapid jump in the belts tracking.
trouble. Damage to a belt can permit the
However, a crooked splice has a short
entrance of moisture or foreign materials
into the belting, and thus promote prema-
Figure 4.26 ture failure of the belt. To preserve the belt,
Belt camber can it is important to make prompt and effec-
be created during tive repairs of any damage.
manufacture or by
improper storing,
Vulcanized repairs can be made dur-
splicing, or tensioning
of the belt. ing scheduled maintenance outages when
sufficient conveyor downtime is available
to allow the long time required to make
a vulcanized joint. In nearly all cases, a
vulcanized repair requires removal of a
complete section of belt and then either
re-splicing the remainder or adding an
additional piece of belting, often called a
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
Repairs can be made with self-curing, and then spread like cake frosting directly
adhesive-like repair materials to keep mois- onto the area to be repaired. They typi-
ture or foreign material out of the carcass. cally achieve operating strength in a short
Mechanical fasteners are another method period, one to two hours, but will continue
for repairing damaged belting to restore to cure for eight to twelve hours until full 4
service without significant downtime and cure strength is reached.
extend the service-life of expensive belts.
All adhesive systems offer fairly simple
Belt Repair Using Adhesives applications, assuming the instructions are
followed. Of course, it is critical that the
Adhesives provide a cost-effective means
adhesive manufacturers instructions be
to repair conveyor belting with a high qual-
followed carefully as to surface prepara-
ity bond. Use of adhesive compounds will
tion, component mixing, pot life, applica-
save downtime and money in maintenance
tion technique, and cure time. The length
budgets without requiring heavy vulcaniz-
of time for an operating cure and full cure
ing equipment or creating obstructions
may provide the basis for selecting any
with repair hardware in the belt (Figure
particular product.
4.27). Adhesive repair compounds offer
simple solutions for belt maintenance that It is important to get the profile of the
are durable, reliable, and easy to use. There repaired area down to match the profile
are a number of products available to do of the original belt in order to preserve the
this. They include solvent-based contact repair and avoid more damage to the belt.
cements, heat-activated thermoplastics, and
two-component urethane elastomers. It is also important to identify and resolve
the cause of the problem, removing the ob-
All of these systems require some degree struction or correcting the mistracking that
of surface preparation, ranging from a led to the belt damage in the first place.
simple solvent wipe to extensive grinding or Otherwise, the resumption of operations
sandblasting. Some may need an applica- after repair merely initiates a waiting pe-
tion of a primer to improve adhesion. riod until the damage recurs and the repair
must be made again.
Most commonly used for standard cold-
vulcanized splices, solvent cements are also Mechanical Fasteners for Belt
used for bonding repair strips and patches Repair
over damaged areas.
Because of their comparative ease of
Thermoplastic compounds are hot installation, mechanical splices are often
melts that are heated to a liquid state and used in emergency repair situations when
then harden as they cool, forming a bond. a new piece of belting must be added to
As they cool quickly from their application an old belt or when a belt must be patched
temperature of 120 to 150 degrees Celsius or a rip closed (Figure 4.28). In these
(250 to 300 F), the repair must be per- cases, the mechanical fasteners are used as
formed quickly, before the adhesive returns a band-aid to cover damage and close a
to the hardened (non-adhesive) condition.
Figure 4.28
Problems encountered with thermoplastic
adhesives include the possibility of shrink- Damaged belts can
be repaired using
age as the adhesive cools and the risk that mechanical fasteners.
high-temperature operations or cargo may
cause a softening of the adhesive, leading
in turn to failure of the repair.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
hole, allowing the conveyor to begin run- are only temporary stopgaps and are not
ning again. designed for permanence. It is always
important to solve the root cause of the
Mechanical splices can be used effectively problem in order to prevent recurrence.
4 for belt repair, providing care is used to
properly install and recess the fasteners. Recovery from belt damage does not
Of course, the problem with all temporary have to involve lengthy downtime. Mechan-
repairs is that too quickly the temporary ical rip repair fasteners offer an inexpen-
part becomes forgotten. The system is run- sive and fast repair. They can be installed
ning; the plant personnel have moved on, with simple tools and without discarding
at least mentally, to solving other problems. any belting. As soon as the fasteners are in
It must be remembered that these repairs place, the belt can be returned to service
without waiting for any cure time. They
Figure 4.29 can be installed from the top side of the
Claw-type fasteners belt, without removing the belt from the
can be hammered in conveyor.
place for a fast repair
of a ripped belt. One-piece, hammer-on claw style
fasteners can provide temporary rip repair
where the speed of repair and return to
operation is critical (Figure 4.29). These
rip-repair fasteners can also be used to for-
tify gouges and soft, damaged spots in the
Figure 4.30 belting to prevent these spots from becom-
ing rips. For repair of jagged (zig-zag)
Damaged belting
can be repaired with rips, splice suppliers recommend alternat-
rip-repair fasteners ing two- and three-bolt fasteners (Figure
installed in a pattern 4.30) along the repair. The larger (two-bolt)
that alternates side of the three-bolt fasteners should be
two- and three-bolt
placed on the weaker flap side of the rip
to provide greater strength. For straight
rips, standard two-bolt mechanical fasten-
ers are acceptable.
Rip-Detection Systems
Increasing numbers of operations are
acting to preserve the life of their belting by
installing rip-detection systems. In the event
of a rip in the belt, these systems sound an
alarm and/or automatically shut down a
Conveyors 101The Belt | Chapter 4
tection system, a belt rip may continue for Early detection, mapping, and moni-
hundreds or thousands of feet. toring of damaged areas and of splice
strength allow planners to schedule mainte-
Rip-detection systems are most com- nance windows in advance and extend the
monly seen on very expensive, production- service-life of the conveyor systems under 4
critical conveyors. In these circumstances, their control.
the operation would be shut down for the
time required to acquire and install a new
belt or make a repair to a belt-length rip. Belting is the Key
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Figure 5.1
Whether it is vulcanized
or uses mechanical
fasteners, a well-applied
and -maintained splice
is critical to the success
of a belt conveyors
Chapter 5
the Belt
Vulcanized Splices.. ....................................................................................... 61
Mechanical Splices....................................................................................... 64
Safety Concerns........................................................................................... 71
Safe Splice Design........................................................................................ 72
Maintenance and Installation Stations............................................................... 72
Inspection and Monitoring.............................................................................. 72
The Importance of the Splice.......................................................................... 73
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
then laid in place, and the belt is cured plies heat and pressure to vulcanize the
in the same manner for both steel-cable belt into an endless loop. In cold vulcaniza-
and fabric belts. tion (technically called chemical bonding),
the belts layers are joined with an adhe-
5 C. Curing of the splice sive or bonding agent that cures at room
The assembled materials are pressed temperature. Vulcanization, particularly
together and cured, through the applica- hot vulcanization, is usually performed by
tion of heat, pressure, and/or time, to outside contractors who have the special-
form the finished splice. ized equipment and expertise to perform
the required procedure.
Typically, the materials used for a vulca-
nized splicecement, tie gum, strings of Hot Vulcanization
rubber called noodles, or cover stock, all
In hot vulcanization, a special press
depending on belt style and construction
(Figure 5.4) applies both heat and pressure
are available in kit form. Kits from the belt
to the splice to cure the intermediary and
manufacturer are sometimes preferred,
cover materials into a high-strength joint.
although there are generic kits available for
The press applies pressure consistently
the most common belt grades. The materi-
across all surfaces. Pressure can range from
als in the kit are perishable; they have a
34 to 1200 kilopascal (5 lbf /in.2 to 175 lbf /
specified shelf life in storage and a limited
in.2), depending on the belt. Cooking tem-
pot life when they are mixed into the
peratures range from 120 to 200 degrees
ready-to-apply state.
Celsius (250 to 400 F), depending on belt
There are two types of vulcanization: hot type and rubber compound. The time re-
and cold. In hot vulcanization, the layers of quired to cure will depend on belt thickness
a belt are stripped in a stair-step or finger and compound: Belt manufacturers nor-
fashion and overlapped with glue and rub- mally include time and temperature tables
ber. A heated press or cooker then ap- in splicing manuals. Although the equip-
ment is automated, the process may require
Figure 5.3 constant human attention to achieve the
The splicing process
best results. Portable vulcanizing presses
for a steel cable belt for curing the splice are available in sizes to
involves cutting back match various belt widths. Small fabric belt
the rubber cover. splices can often be cured in a single setup.
Larger fabric belt splices can be cured in
two, three, or more settings of the vulcaniz-
ing press without problems. With steel-cord
belts and finger splices, it is important that
the press be large enough to cure the splice
in a single setup to avoid undesirable rub-
ber flow and cord displacement.
Figure 5.4
When the vulcanization procedure, or
Heat and pressure cook, is completed, the resulting splice
supplied by a
special press are
should be inspected for any visible defects
used to form a hot that might indicate a weakness. It is com-
vulcanized splice. mon practice to grind or buff away any
surplus rubber from the splice to improve
the performance of the joint as it passes
through belt cleaners and other conveyor
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
chemically bonds the belt into an endless (and expensive) in cases where an emergen-
piece with no possibility of material sifting cy repair is required to allow the resump-
through the splice, from the standpoint of tion of operations. In this case, the delay
control of fugitive material, vulcanization is required for hiring and bringing on-site
5 the splice of choice. A properly-performed an outside crew and equipment increases
vulcanized splice will not interfere with the cost of the downtime by extending the
rubber skirting, idler rolls, belt-support outage and adding emergency response
structures, or belt cleaners. surcharges.
Cold vulcanization offers some advan- Due to time and cost pressures, vulca-
tages over hot vulcanization. There is no nized belt splices cannot be justified in
heating source nor press required, the applications where frequent extensions
equipment is easier to transport, and no or retractions of the conveyor length are
special electricity is required. Therefore, required. The same is true where the take-
cold vulcanized splices can be performed up allowance does not allow enough belting
even at remote sites where access is difficult for a vulcanized splice, and a short section
and power is unavailable. Only small hand of belting, often called a saddle, must be
tools are required, so the cost to purchase added, requiring two splices.
and maintain the splicing equipment is low.
Vulcanizing can be more difficult and less
Hot and cold vulcanized splices take reliable on older, worn belts. In applica-
roughly the same amount of time to pre- tions on conveyors that are utilized in the
pare the belt and complete the joining pro- process of transporting hot materials, it is
cess; however, the cold splice may require important that all material be discharged
more downtime than hot vulcanization due from the belt prior to stopping the belt. Hot
to the long cure time of the adhesive bond. material left on a stopped belt can bake a
splice and reduce its life.
The finger splice can provide the best
mix of splice strength and dynamic life in Installation of a vulcanized splice can
applications on high-tension belting. This consume a considerable length of belting,
system keeps all the factory belt plies in as much as 2,4 to 3 meters (8 to 10 ft) in
place, without any steps cut into the belt. A some cases, particularly when a bias splice
finger splice can be cut square or on a bias is used on a wide belt. This installation may
across the belt. require a longer belt to be purchased or a
new section of belt, or saddle, to be added.
Disadvantages of Vulcanized
Splices When designing new conveyor systems
that will incorporate vulcanized belts, it
The disadvantages of vulcanization that
is wise to include a take-up pulley mecha-
must be considered are the higher initial
nism, designed to take up slack in the belt.
cost and the length of time required to
The take-up pulley should have sufficient
perform the splice when compared to a
movement to account for belt stretch, thus
mechanical splice. The peeling back of
avoiding the need to shorten the belt with a
layers of belting to prepare for both hot
time-consuming new splice.
vulcanization and cold chemical bonding
can be difficult. It can take over 24 hours
to return a conveyor to service by the time
Mechanical Splices
the splice is prepared, heated, and cooled
sufficiently to allow the finished joint to be Mechanical Fasteners
handled or even longer for the cold chemi- Today there are many types of me-
cal bond to cure. chanical fasteners available for belt splicing.
This added time to complete a vulca- They all work on the principle of joining
nized splice will be particularly troubling the two ends of the belt together with a
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Solid-plate segment fasteners are typi- in the fastener and in belt cleaners or other
cally provided as individual pieces packed systems that contact the belt as it moves on
loose in a box or bucket. The plate seg- its path through the conveyor.
ments are installed from one belt edge to
5 the other using staples, rivets, or bolts. Riveted solid-plate fasteners are designed
for the most demanding, highest-tension
Bolted solid-plate fasteners have some applications. The multi-point attachment
unique advantages. They can be applied on each side of the hinge provides the high-
diagonally across the belt to allow use on est holding power of any mechanical fas-
pulleys that are smaller than the size rec- tener. They can be installed without power
ommended for the fastener. They can also tools, using a hammer to set the rivets and
be installed in a V-shaped pattern (Figure break off any heads above the belt. This is
5.9), which may be the only choice for us- an advantage in remote or underground
ing fasteners to join the thick, high-tension locations.
belts designed for vulcanization.
A problem arises if the conveyor uses
One problem with bolt-fastened solid- pulleys that are smaller than 300 millime-
plate segment fasteners is that they typically ters (12 in.) in diameter. In this case, solid-
use only two bolts on each plate, with one plate fasteners may be too large to bend
on each side of the splice. Tightening down around the pulley, causing components of
on the ends of the splice means the leading the splice to pull out or break.
and trailing edges are more compressed
than the middle of the plate. This allows Flexible-Matrix Plate Splices
the middle to crown, creating a wear point One additional splicing technique is
flexible-matrix plate splices. This system
Figure 5.9 uses self-tapping screws driven through
A V-shaped splice
an H-shaped (or perhaps I-beam-shaped)
may be the best hinge matrix. To form this joint, the two
choice for joining belt ends are skived on a bias down to the
high-tension belts fabric carcass and then inserted into the
with mechanical
open ends of the H-shaped reinforced-rub-
ber hinge matrix. The matrix (which runs
the full width of the belt) is then fastened
to the belting using up to 240 screws per
meter of belt width.
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
This system is presently used for joining in the maintenance supply room. Over the
fabric carcass belts; the supplier is attempt- years, the specifications for the belts used
ing to develop and secure approval for use within a plant may have changed, but the
on steel-cable belts. mechanical fasteners kept on hand in the
storeroom have stayed the same, which can 5
Selecting the Proper Fastener lead to a variety of problems, including
Most fasteners are available in a range of splice failure and damage to conveyor com-
sizes. In all cases, the manufacturers rec- ponents. Installing a mechanical fastener
ommendations should be checked to ensure properly requires using the correct fastener,
the fastener size is matched to the pulley proper tools, and attention to detail.
sizes and belt thickness.
Squaring the Belt Ends
If the belt is to be skived in order to Where belt ends are joined with me-
countersink the fastener down to the sur- chanical fasteners, the first requirement of
face of the belt, this skived thickness should a good joint is usually that the belt ends be
be considered when thinking about fastener cut square. Failure to do so will cause the
size. The fastener should be selected based belts splice area to run to one side of the
on the diameter of the smallest pulley in structure at all points along the conveyor.
the system. This is usually seen as a quick side-to-side
Fasteners are available in a variety of motion as the spliced area passes over any
different metals to meet the requirements point on the structure. Using the belt edge
of special applications. These proper- as a squaring guide is not recommended,
ties include non-sparking, non-magnetic, as the belt edge may not be straight. Used
abrasion-resistant, and/or corrosion-resis- belting may have an indistinct edge due to
tant materials. Hinge pins are available in a wear, so one of the following procedures is
similar selection. The manufacturer should recommended:
be contacted for the proper recommenda- A. Centerline method
tion for any specific application.
To find the belts average centerline,
Training for selection and installation of measure from one belt edge to the
splices should be carried out by qualified other at five points along the belt, each
personnel. When installed in accordance roughly 300 millimeters (12 in.) farther
with manufacturers instructions, me- from the end of the belt. Mark a series
chanical splices can provide an economical of points at the center of the belt, and
method of joining the belt. When incor- connect these points using a chalk line
rectly specified or applied, mechanical or ruler to determine the average cen-
splices can create expensive and recurrent terline (Figure 5.11).
Draw the cut line by using a square.
Proper Installation of Fasteners Draw a line across the belt perpendicu-
lar to the average centerline. This line
Mechanical splices can be installed can be used for the cut line (Figure
relatively easily by plant personnel; how- 5.12).
ever, as a consequence, they can be eas-
ily misapplied, particularly by untrained B. Double-arc method
personnel or in an emergency get running For greater accuracy, or on belts with
in a hurry situation. It is critical that plant worn edges, a double intersecting arc
personnel be trained in the proper installa- method can be employed. After estab-
tion of mechanical fasteners. lishing an average centerline as above,
It is a common but incorrect practice to pick a point on the centerline two to
stock only one size of mechanical splices three times the belt width from the belt
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
will not reduce the integrity of the belt or Notching the Trailing Side
splice. Great care is required when skiving To protect the corners of the belt at the
the belt, as any damage to the carcass of splice, it is often useful to notch, or cham-
the belt can weaken the splice and there- fer, the corners of the belt at the joint. On
fore reduce the strength of the belt. When one-direction belts, it is necessary to notch 5
the splice is properly recessed, the metal only the trailing belt end. The notch is cut
components of the mechanical hinge will in the belt from the first fastener on each
move without incident past potential ob- end of the splice out to the belt edge at a
structions such as impact bars, rubber-edge 60-degree angle. The notch will help pre-
skirting, and belt-cleaner blades. Skiving vent the corners of the belt from catching
is recommended to ensure the integrity of on the conveyor structure and damaging
the belt, splice, and other conveyor compo- the splice or tearing the belt (Figure 5.19).
nents. Skiving the belt reduces noise in the
conveying operation, as clips are now re-
cessed and do not click clack against the Figure 5.17
idlers as the belt moves through the system. If properly recessed,
the top of the
Skiving equipment can be purchased mechanical fastener
from most splice suppliers. will be even with or
lower than the top of
the belt.
Dressing a Mechanical Splice
If for some reason, such as limited belt
thickness, belt damage, or limited time to
complete a repair, it is impossible to prop-
erly recess a mechanical splice by skiving,
the splice can be dressed. This can be done
by either lowering its projecting surfaces by
grinding or submerging the raised surfaces
by encapsulating.
Figure 5.18
With the first approach, grinding away
the high spots will ensure the leading edge Dressing the splice
will protect both
or bolts and rivets do not protrude above the mechanical
the splice. Care must be taken when grind- fasteners and belt
ing the splice to avoid digging into the belt cleaners. This can
or removing too much of the splice. be done by either
lowering its projecting
The second approach is the encapsula- surfaces by grinding
or submerging the
tion of the splice in a material to protect
raised surfaces by
both it and the cleaner from impact dam- encapsulating.
age (Figure 5.18). This is usually ac- Top photo: before
complished with an adhesive or elastomer encapsulation.
applied like putty onto the belt and splice. Bottom photo: after
Although the cleaning system will still have
to ride up and over the mechanical clips,
the splice surface will be smoother, without
obstacles like fastener heads in the cleaners
path. The downside of this procedure
is that because the mechanical splice is
covered, the joint is harder to inspect and
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Getting Along with Belt Cleaners be chosen on the basis of the performance
Mechanical belt fasteners sometimes con- required, rather than any worries over their
flict with aggressive belt-cleaning systems, life expectancy.
especially where hardened metal blades are
5 used. Many operators prefer to use non- Advantages of Mechanical Splices
metallic (e.g., urethane) belt-cleaner blades The principal advantage of mechanical
on belts with mechanical splices for fear of splicing is that it allows the belt to be sepa-
wearing or catching the splice and ripping rated easily. This separation of the splice
it out. Most of these types of problems with allows extension or shortening of the belt
belt-cleaning systems can be traced to im- in applications like mining; and it enables
proper selection or installation of mechani- service to other conveyor components, such
cal splices. as pulley lagging, idlers, or impact cradles
to be more easily completed.
New developments help make mechani-
cal fasteners more scraper-friendly. One is An additional advantage of mechanical
the development of tools for skiving that fasteners is that they minimize repair down-
easily remove a uniform strip of belt cover time. These splices can often be installed
material, leaving a smooth, flat-bottomed in an hour or two, whereas a vulcanized
trough with a rounded lip to receive the joint can easily take a full day or more to
splice. These devices are much faster and complete. Fasteners are easily installed by
safer than earlier methods that used knives available plant maintenance personnel,
or grinders. using only hand tools or simple portable
machines; in contrast, vulcanizing usually
A second development is new designs for requires calling independent contractors
fastener friendly cleaners, offering special with specialized equipment. The fastened
blade shapes, materials, and mounting joint will cost a few hundred dollars and
methods that minimize impact problems consume only a few millimeters of belting,
with fastener plates. The recent introduc- whereas the vulcanized joint can cost sev-
tion of scalloped mechanical clips, eral thousand dollars and consume several
designed to allow belt-cleaner blades to meters of belting.
ramp over the plates without damage to
the cleaner or the splice, offers the possibil- Mechanical fasteners provide a splice that
ity of improvement in durability of both is simple to perform and easy to inspect. If
blade and fastener. regularly inspected, a mechanical splice will
normally provide notice of an impending
There are no empirical studies on the failure. Mechanical splices are low cost and
wear of splices due to interaction with bulk can be stored for long periods. They allow
material and with the cleaning and sealing quick installation and enable easy lengthen-
systems. If good installation and mainte- ing or shortening of the belt.
nance practices are observed, the cleaning
and sealing systems and the splices should It is important to make sure that fastener
selection follows the recommendations of
manufacturers of both the belt and the
Figure 5.19
The belts trailing
edge should be
Disadvantages of Mechanical
cut away at the
splice to prevent the Splices
corners catching on If the materials to be conveyed are hot,
the transmission of heat through a metal
fastener may be a factor that leads to the
selection of a vulcanized splice. When the
material temperature exceeds 121 degrees
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
Celsius (250 F), the amount of heat pass- Using the wrong size or type of mechani-
ing through the metal fastener into the belt cal fastener can greatly reduce the operat-
carcass can weaken the fibers, ultimately ing tension capacity of a belt. The extra
allowing the fastener to pull out. In these thickness of a mechanical splice not prop-
applications, a vulcanized splice would be erly recessed or of the wrong specification 5
preferable. will make sealing the transfer point almost
impossible. Splices that are oversized and
Failure to inspect fasteners and the result- too thick to pass through the transfer-point
ing failures of those fasteners can result in area can catch on the wear liner or skirt-
severe belt damage. If the fasteners begin board, abusing the splice and shortening its
pulling out on a portion of the splice width, life. These splice issues sometimes require
longitudinal ripping of the belt may occur. the wear liner and skirtboard to be higher
When belt and fasteners have been prop- above the belt, allowing more material to
erly selected, pullout is usually due to insuf- reach the edge-sealing system. This, in
ficiently tight bolts or worn hooks or plates. turn, results in accelerated wear and spill-
Plate-type mechanical fasteners typically age. Often, the fasteners used in the splice
allow the replacement of individual plates, will not be properly trimmed, and these
which, if performed when damage is first extended rivets or bolts can catch on other
observed, may eliminate the need to cut out components like skirtboard-sealing systems
and replace the entire joint. or belt cleaners.
Section 1 | Foundations of Safe Bulk-Materials Handling
Most, if not all, mechanical splices will lation. This may also be the point at which
allow some small quantity of the conveyed a new belt is pulled onto the conveyor.
material to filter through the joint itself.
This material will fall along the run of the A splice station should be located where
5 conveyor, resulting in cleanup problems there is plenty of room, ideally including
and the potential for damage to idlers, workspace on both sides of the conveyor
pulleys, and other conveyor components. structure. The station should provide
Plate-type fasteners, in a well-made joint, protection for the belt from climate con-
are quite free of material leakage. The ditions and fugitive material. The space
hinge-type fasteners are all subject to should be placed at a point where there
problems with fine materials sifting through is a distance of at least five belt widths of
the joint; this problem is eliminated with straight conveyor stringer on either side of
vulcanized splices. the point where the splice will be made.
Power should be readily available, includ-
While it does provide greater strength, ing outlets for hand tools.
the V-shaped splice does have its costs. It
can require up to 3 meters (10 ft) of belting
for completion. That may be a significant Inspection and Monitoring
amount of expensive belting to be dis-
Splice Inspection and Service
Where bolt-style fasteners are used, it
Mechanical splices are used on fabric is important that the plates be kept prop-
belts for making the belt endless or for erly tightened. The most practical way to
repairing rips and holes; however, on achieve this is to tighten the bolts so that
steel-cable belts, they can be used only for the rubber behind the plate slightly swells.
temporary repairs. Care must be taken not to over-tighten
fasteners or bury the plates into the belt
cover, as this could cause damage to the
Safe Splice Design plies of the belting. Manufacturers gener-
Both mechanical and vulcanized splices ally suggest retightening the fasteners after
must be designed with factors of safety the first few hours of operation, again after
when compared to the expected belt ten- the first few days of operation, and then at
sion. These design factors for mechanical intervals of two or three months of opera-
fasteners are built into the manufacturers tion.
selection tables. Vulcanized splices on high-
Splices should normally be inspected
tension steel cable belts are often individu-
on a weekly basis, with replacement of
ally designed by the belt manufacturer or
any fasteners that look worn, watching for
consultant. Failure to match the splice with
crosswise breaks on the back of fasteners,
the belt and account for the correct service
and checking for fastener pullout.
and safety factors can result in catastrophic
splice failures leading to injury, death, loss
Splice-Monitoring Systems
of production, and equipment damage.
Newer technologies are now available
which allow the remote evaluation of
Maintenance and Installation splices by measuring any elongation of
Stations the splice. These systems are based on the
principle that the lengthening of a splice
Some operations develop what is called
is an indication of an impending failure.
a belt-splicing station along the conveyor.
The system is installed on vulcanized belts
Here, tools and equipment are stored for
by placing small magnetic targets into the
splice maintenance, and the space and
belting at a set distance on either side of
work surfaces are available for splice instal-
Conveyors 101Splicing the Belt | Chapter 5
Looking Ahead
This chapter, Splicing the Belt, explain-
ing how delayed or improper splicing can
allow fugitive materials to escape from the
belt, concludes the section Foundations of
Safe Bulk-Materials Handling. The follow-
ing chapter begins the section related to
Loading the Belt and addresses the area
Before the Loading Zone, looking at tail
pulleys and transition areas.