Advanced Light Source

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Advanced Under the Advanced Light Source (ALS) dome,

brilliant beams of light travel down beamlines that

radiate from a central ring like fins on a pinwheel.

Light Source Low-energy soft x-ray light is the ALS specialty,

filling an important niche and complementing other
A U.S. Department of Energy, Department of Energy light source facilities.
Office of Science, User Facility at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Soft x-rays reveal the atomic and electronic structure
of matterthe first step toward designing new
materials with which to develop new technologies.
The ALSs optimized capabilities and knowledgeable
experts attract researchers (users) who lack the
advanced scientific tools available at a national
National user facilities, such as the ALS, are a
critical and unique part of the nations scientific
infrastructure underpinning the innovations that
spur economic growth and benefit society.

ALS in Profile
40 beamlines 2000 users each year One of an array of LBNL facilities
Soft x-rays Academia, national National Energy Research
Ultraviolet light labs, industry  Scientific Computing Center
Infrared light Industrial users include National Center for Electron
semiconductor and Microscopy
Around-the-clock operation pharmaceutical companies Molecular Foundry
200 staff members 600 publications per year Joint Genome Institute

Materials by Design Chemistry of Energy Environment & Health

Longer-lasting lithium-ion Harnessing artificial  Using microbes to clean up

batteries for electric vehicles photosynthesis for clean,  toxins in the environment
and mobile electronics renewable energy Cheaper biofuels from
Nanoscale magnetic imaging Fine-tuning combustion abundant, renewable plants
for compact data storage for cleaner-burning fuels Solving protein structures
Plastic solar cells that are More effective chemical for rational drug design
flexible and easy to produce reactions for fuel cells, pollution
control, or fuel refinement
Materials by Design Chemistry of Energy Environment & Health

Lithium-ion Artificial Bioremedia-

batteries photosyn- tion is a neat
can power a thesis could solution to
wide variety be a prom- a difficult
of mobile ising way problem:
devices, from to convert toxins, such
cell phones to electric cars. sunlight into clean, renewable as oil, are broken down into
X-ray studies at the ALS can fuel. X-ray experiments at the less-harmful form by microbes.
reveal what electrode materials ALS can help researchers to At the ALS, we can study this
perform best, providing a understand and re-create the process by correlating the
rational basis for the design chemical processes that form and location of the toxin
of longer-lasting batteries. occur naturally in all plants. with that of the microbe.

Magnetic Understand- Cheaper

imaging ing com biofuels
at the ALS bustion at from plant
reveals how a detailed matter may
magnetic level can be possible
materials help control if we can
behave at the nanoscale. With pollution and improve efficiency. learn how to break down the
such information, researchers ALS flame chemistry studies cellulose in plant cell walls
can discover new ways to have yielded surprising insights more efficiently. Promising
encode and manipulate data that have caused researchers new solvents and their
for faster, smaller, and more to rethink their models for effects can be studied using
reliable digital applications. combustion processes. various ALS capabilities.

Plastic More Rational

solar cells effective drug design
are light, chemical requires
flexible, and reactions are knowledge of
inexpensive. the ultimate the molecular
At the ALS, goal of structures of
it is possible to determine ALS studies of how catalysts the proteins in our bodies so
the amount of molecular perform under realistic reaction that we can understand how
mixing in the active materials, conditions, such as feeding drug molecules interact with
a key to improving the cells hydrogen fuel cells, sweeping them. At the ALS, researchers
efficiency at converting toxins from emissions, or driving have the tools they need to
sunlight into electricity. fuel-refinement techniques. study protein form and function.

CSO 22947

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