Lec 20
Lec 20
Lec 20
Lecture No. # 20
Good morning. This is lecture number 20 in our course on Advanced Structural Analysis.
We are continuing with this third module on basic matrix concepts, as applied to
structural analysis.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:27)
This is covered in the chapters 2 and 3 of this book on advanced structural analysis.
You will recall in the last class, we gave a big picture view. This picture really shows
how you can do various transformations.
You will get the element stiffness matrix of every element aligned along the global axis.
So the end result of these transformation is this k i T i k *i T i , after this, your next job is
So, that assembly is where some of you had a difficulty. Remember we had some
difficulty understanding so, let me tell you a story.
There was a housewife who wanted to buy one of those gadgets or mixer, come grinder,
come juicer, come so many other things so, she bought it online and this big packet
reached her house. She was very excited because, she paid through credit card and all
that and when she open the box it looks beautiful there was a brochure but, it all came
like this matrices in small pieces and she was supposed to assemble them because
assembled is very big, the unassembled is very small so, for packaging purpose is came
in small pieces.
She was postgraduate student so, she thought she could easily put it altogether. So, she
opened the manual and she spent one hour trying to put it altogether and did not work,
just like you did not get the hang of this in the last class.
So, she kind of gave up, and in frustration she left the house and went out. When she
came back few hours later, she was amazed to see that, the matrix was well assembled
already and it has been connected to the socket, plug and she just put on the switch and
she heard a beautiful whirling sound.
Oh my god, how did this happen and she looked around and she realize there was a maid
servant in the house, who is absolutely illiterate. She was wondering, did she fix up this
wonderful gadget and she called and, she said did you do this? She said, she smiled
hesitantly and said yes. But you do not know how to read or write and she replied yes
mam, when you do not know how to read or write you have to use your brain.
So, your real challenge is you are literate, you know how to read or write, and you can
look at solved examples in text books. If they say step 1, step 2 you know what all that
means but, really putting things together on your own, you need to be little illiterate and
start using your brain.
So, here we have the challenge of both knowing how to read and write and also trying to
fit it all together. So, let us do this one more time, looking through the eyes of the maid
So, you have three elements there, for each element in the last class; we generated the Ti
matrix, first we generated along the local coordinates, then we transformed it and put it
along the global axes but, we put some linking coordinates.
So, we have got those readymade stiffness matrix boxes and we just have to put it at the
right place in the big matrix. The structures stiffness matrix, what is the size of that? Its
12 12 and we have these small three 6 6 matrices, which we can again partition into
3 3, 3 3, 3 3, 3 3 and we need to put the right 3 3 box in the right slot.
The contribution of element one is only to these four slots 3 3 slots and it is direct
contribution. You just have to show it there, you do not have to play with it, you do not
have to multiply with the change sign, and nothing just put it there. That is all you have
to do, do it intelligently.
Element one has no contribution elsewhere in that big picture in that global, take element
two, it will fit in that simple, the top corner because 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 element coordinates
match with, global structure coordinates 1, 2 so that is simple. Last one will connect 4, 5,
6 and 7, 8, 9.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:03)
That is all, and in some places like 1, 2, 3 you will have two contributions, you just
algebraically add them up, because stiffnesses get added up. That is all you have to do
and when you do an assignment of course, we will make it a small problem you will get
a firsthand feel of how to do it yourself. So, there is no way of learning this except doing
it by yourself, like the maid servant did it in our little story.
Finally, after you have got this matrix and we will see that there are many other ways of
getting the same matrix. There is a reduce element stiffness method, there is another
method, which we will study soon of getting this matrix because, this has the big
advantage that you are playing with little boxes, no matrix is more than 3 3.
So, your storage is very elegant, economical, only thing you must program it well, so that
it goes to the right slot. There is a crude way of doing it; we will look at that, for
beginners, that you will be more comfortable with that. But, when you do programming,
when you want to make, a matrix solve a very large problem, you cannot do that; that is
too unwieldy. This further you can partition to the active coordinates, you have eight
active degrees of freedom and the restrained coordinates. And the alternative is to use
the, what we call the displacement transformation matrix TD which is what I want to
show you next.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:38)
But, before that let us say, you have got the stiffness matrix, you can write relationships
like this, basically F = [k] [D] at the structure level but, D itself is subdivided into active
degrees of freedom, which you do not know. You do not know DA displacements but,
you know DR displacement. They are usually zero. On the left hand side, the force vector
FA is known to you, that is a load vector acting at the, FR is the reactions you do not
know. So, you can expand this into two equations, because a k matrix can be subdivided
and they will look like this.
So, you need to solve the first equation, find out the unknown displacements DA, plug it
in those second equation, you get the support reactions here, from the global picture.
Then, the unknown displacements DA you should use, using equation similar to your
slope deflection equations and get the member level forces. This is the big picture.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:38) Now, that is what you get in a truss, because there are no
intermediate loads but, in a beam, or in a frame, or even in an axial system; like a chain
where you have intermediate loads, you have to add the fixed end force effects, which
you have some introduction to already, so you have to modify that equations slightly. We
will look at that in detail later.
Then let us go back, let us take another example, let us take this frame which we looked
at yesterday. How do you go about doing it, first you find Ti and k*i , we have done this.
Next step is finding ki by doing this transformation which, in Matlab you can do
effortlessly for each element. This is at the element level. Next is assembly, this is where
you had difficulty. We assemble it to this form and then, you can solve for whatever
loading you get.
So, mind you up to this stage, you are dealing with the property of the structure and you
say, now give me the loads I can handle it but, the computer does this in a jiffy, the
moment you feed in the geometry of the structure in the material properties. It is ready to
handle any loading because; it is already going to work out this properties effortlessly if
your programming is good.
For example: in this structure you do it this way, let us look at kAA, it will be a 2 2
matrix, because you have only two active degrees of freedom and kAR for example, will
look like this but, in this method you have to always keep track of the linking global
coordinates which I have shown here. 1, 2 are the active degrees of freedom and 3, 4, 5
all the way to 10 are the restrain degrees of freedom and kRA will be the transpose of kAR
and you can calculate kRR.
You will never need kRR unless, you have support settlements because that is DR is
usually zero, the alternative is this using a displacement transformation matrix, this is for
people who are not very comfortable you know putting it in slots and all that. If
somehow you could have a robust method, where you do not have to keep track of this
linking coordinates then, you have got a blind way of doing it.
Not suitable for programming large structure but, ok at your level, ok to do manually and
I think that is the way it is taught in most universities. But, that is not how algorithms are
built in software packages so, let us look at that.
Remember, I told you about three transformations, this one we have finished, you
studied this, we know how to do the transformation using Ti.
The second one is using the displacement transformation matrix, this is when you do the
reduce element stiffness method, which we are going to study next but, you can use the
same idea in conventional stiffness method and in the next class, we will look at
flexibility method where, instead of a displacement transformation matrix you have the
force transformation matrix, it will all fall into place.
Now, the inverse of those matrices helps you switch from the element level the local
level to the global level and there is a principle, you do not need to do the inverse there is
a principle called the contra gradient principle, a beautiful principle which will look at
So, let us look at these transformations. Now, I am talking about structure level
coordinates here and element level coordinates here. I have combined them, so F* is as
shown. I can put them all together neatly.
And I am saying, if you give me the global displacements they are linked all in one go to
the element displacements through a matrix, which I called the TD matrix. TD matrix is
the displacement transformation matrix and obviously, it must satisfy compatibility.
Likewise, in the flexibility method there is something linking this to this, that must
satisfy equilibrium and what would be the good name for that transformation matrix,
force transformation matrix, we will study that later. For the time being, we will look at
the displacement transformation matrix and see how it works.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:15)
So, since we know that the displacement vector is really made up of DA and DR then, I
can again partition my TD into TDA and TDR. TDA TDR, and if you expand it, it will look
like this. Do not get worried about those size of those matrices, it is just how it works
out, how it falls into place. Now, I can do something here this D* is actually including all
the elements in the structure. It is too messy sometimes, so I just look at one element.
When I look at one element the ith element, it will look like this D*i and this TD now,
becomes unique to that element so, it is TDi which can be partitioned as, TDA
i i
and TDR .
This also you can do, it is actually all the D*i put together that actually make up the D*.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:20)
Now, let us take a look at an example: but, before that a definition, the displacement
transformation matrix TD is a unique matrix satisfying compatibility requirements for
any given structure and a typical element TDi l *, j of this matrix may be visualized as the
Let us just try to understand what that means, take this same structure, and let us see
what it means for the ith element. Well really, we are trying to first arrest all the degrees
of freedom. So, you got the kinematic structure; all degrees of freedom arrested then, one
at a time let us say D1 = 1, you get a shape like that. We are trying to see the effect of this
in, each of the element displacement vector that is what we are trying to see. In other
words, if I apply D1 = 1, it will affect first and second, the third will remain unaffected, if
I apply D2 = 1, likewise something like that will happen.
If I apply D3 = 1 that will happen. So you already have an exposure of doing this, you
can actually do it from first principles, using the physical approach because, we did a few
examples earlier. But, the computer has no feel for any physical approach, it has to do it
mechanically, blindly and that too is possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:19)
Before that, let me talk of this matrix k*, which is sometimes refer to as the unassembled
stiffness matrix. Let me give you a simple example: let us take a truss.
Let us say the truss has four elements, so I have F*1 etc. Now you know that the truss
element has four degrees of freedom. We worked out this stiffness matrix in the last
class. This is related to D1*1 etc. as shown through a relationship, which we are going to
refer to as k*1 . This is the element stiffness matrix 4 4 and you remember, some rows
are zero. Here second and fourth. Because they refer to shear forces in a truss element,
the shear force is zero. So, we know that these are anyway going to be zero and so, the
columns also will be zero. And the non-zero values are very easy to remember. The
matrix is as shown.
Now, if I take the next one, which I will put as F*2 , I get another 1 like that is equal to
k*2 D*2 . Similarly, I get let us say there are m elements, I can write these matrices.
Now, if I want to relate all of them to a single matrix. So, this is really meaning F*1 , F*2
etc. How will this k* look like? Let us say, this is dimension m 1, m members this will
be m 1, and each of them will be 4 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:20)
So, the actual size will be 4m 1. Let us look at, the sub matrices and not worry about
this so, we do not worry about this. The size of this matrix will be m m. You have got
all the individual elements matrices, how will you arrange this?
See the element stiffness matrix of one element has no relationship with the element
stiffness matrix for the other element. So, if you really want to put in a matrix form, there
is only one way you can put it. This will be a diagonal matrix where, you have say k*1
here, k*2 there, all the way here and you have zeros everywhere else. Because, then only
{F} = [K] [D]. So, this is sometimes referred to as the unassembled, because you really
not assembled the structure you just put together all the element fellows together but, it is
not the structure stiffness matrix. So, this is called the unassembled element stiffness
That is what shown in the slide here because it is always the diagonal matrix and if you
do the transformation here and see it is a simple. I need to explain this transformation,
this depends on the contra gradient principle which I showed you but, I have not proved
it, i will prove it little later. Let us accept this principle that, the reverse works this way
and so you can prove that it takes a same form, this form is familiar to you, because we
did T i k i T i , you have a similar transformation here. So you see, you get the same
structure stiffness matrix from the displacement transformation matrix this manner.
So, let us say you get TD, let us say you got k*, you got k by this method and if you do
not want to do it for the whole structure, you want do it element by element that is also
fine but, then you have to sum up for all the elements. I want you to understand that,
unlike the previous case where we dealt with ki, which was always limited to the size, it
is a square matrix size 6 6. This k is a structure stiffness matrix size is as big as the
global degrees of freedom, you will understand when we do an example and then, you
can have these relationships, after you find the displacements, you can get the member
end forces.
So, let me put it in a different way. If I want to generate the structure stiffness matrix
using this approach, the displacement transformation matrix. First, I create this
relationship at the element level putting all of them together, so it is unassembled.
Exactly, what I have shown on the board.
Then, in the real structure I know this is what I want. Now, my playground is different,
now my playground is on one side, the goal poles will have the structure level
coordinates, on the other side, I have all the element level coordinates put together in an
unassembled manner but, all of them are there. Then, my TD will take this path because,
D* is T D D, I have not partitioned DA, DR, but you can do that.
This your conventional stiffness matrix. That is how to get this TD is what we will see
shortly but, once you got TD you have the same game going on, that will be TDT. We will
prove that it is so. Right now you accept it as it is and then, you have this short cut along
the diagonal and so you will get this.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:50)
So, you know this also establish the same relationships. Let us see this problem which
we did in the last class, I am just showing you to remind you that we did this using Ti.
How do we do the same thing using TD? So let us see, remember in Ti those where our
non-zero elements. The transformations were very simple, you had a cosine and a sine
and a negative in one of those.
Let us, look at the same problem and here we are using the TD in the conventional
stiffness method. Well, I am not going to the global axis, I am sticking to my original 1*
2* 3* 4*, I am not doing any switch at this stage. Then, I need to develop this matrix. It
will look something like this. First of all, in this truss element; I have four degrees of
freedom so, do you understand D1*i all the way to D4*
. This is by TD matrix and on the
right side, I put all the elements that are there in this all the coordinates in the structure,
global coordinates. There are two active coordinates and there are eight restrained
coordinates. So, the size of my TD matrix for any element i, there are four elements is 4
Now, most of the elements are zero, let us prove it. Now how do I fill up these column?
If I want to fill up this column, what should I apply? D1 = 1 and everything else 0. If I
want to fill up this, what should I do? D2 = 1 everything is 0. Similarly for others.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:50) Now, do not you agree this box will be the same as the box we
have got earlier, because it is a same transformation. Cosine, sine, minus sine,
cosine because we are aligning to the global axes because, the global axes are pointing
horizontal x and vertical y.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:16) So, I have taken a short form. I have said let ci be cosinei,
because I need not write so many letters and my matrix looks smaller and sinei, I write
as si. So, do you agree this is so but, there is one more box of ci, si where should that
come, well it depends on which of the four elements you are dealing with? Let us take
the first element. This set of ci, si si, ci will come some way here. Well check the
coordinates, the element number one is linking 1, 2 and 3, 4 so this is 1 is not it, this is 2,
this is 3, this is 4 because that is what the global coordinates point to.
It will come there, for i =1, so that top corner is common for all of them, because 1, 2 is
common for all the four elements, in this particular example. Similarly it can be done for
(Refer Slide Time: 29:03)
So, you have got four TD matrices, for all the four elements k* is very easy. It is the same,
it is this one. You can play the game and you know, you can actually work it out.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:08)
And find TD and ki as we pointed out, generate this, sum it up and you will get to the
exactly the same form.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:08)
So, let me sum up, because we are just showing the big frame work, we are not solving
any problems. What do you do in this stiffness method? Well, your first job is to make
sure that, the computer is able to deal with the same structure that you have in mind.
So you have to join, you have to give information regarding the joint labels, the global
axis coordinates identify the active and the restrained degrees of freedom, put them at the
end of the list, give them labels and identify the incidence which is your start node,
which is your end node and give the element material and cross sectional properties. In
fact, if you take any software that is the first thing you need to do. You input it and once
you get the coordinate, it should draw that structure for you to see and confirm and say
yes. In fact, in the big software packages, you not only see the line you can do what is
called an extrusion.
Let us say, you have given an I-section, you have to make sure that the I points in the
right way. I mean it does not get flipped over to all that come, you can see clearly. So,
sometime we make errors in the input but, you should be able to see it using some visual
C ++. I am not asking you do any of that but, then this is the first step.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:16)
The moment you give this it is not waiting for loads. It is trying to be ready to handle
your loads know so, by the time you keen the loads it would have done its homework, it
will generate the element properties. So, we have done that the element stiffness matrix,
the transformation matrix, either you can do Ti software packages do only Ti but, let us
say humans will do TiD, because now you are not comfortable putting those brackets and
serving them into box.
So, TD is the blind way. You know you are really covering all the global coordinates. So,
what if most of the elements of that TD matrix is 0? Then, you do the product (Refer
Slide Time: 29:51) so that, you are able to generate the structure stiffness matrix and
there are two ways you can do it and finally, you find that its kAA that you need to invert,
because only that forms the matrix, which will help you get the unknown DA.
So, you do not have to invert the whole K matrix for example: that truss problem only 1
and 2 those coordinate. So, kA is really small and when you learn in the university, they
teach only that kAA, so you do not see kAR, you do not see kRA, and you do not see kRR, so
you do not get confused. Now you get confused but, then you are trying to see the big
picture and trying to see what is really going on, you are trying to capture the complete
displacement field, the complete force field and you decide, what do you want to do.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:57)
Next, you put in the load data and this we will see later you generate the fixed end force
vector, you find the unknown displacements by using the inverted kAA matrix, compute
the element level forces, compute the support reactions, you got everything and all this
happens in a jiffy at the press of a button but, inside the black box, we are trying to see
what is inside the black box and how is it working.
But, something is common to these and I want you to understand. In the last class, we
talked of three element stiffness matrices, one was for a truss element same as the one I
showed on the board, second was for a beam element but, we said there is a problem
with the rank of these matrices, what is a rank of the first matrix? Its 1. So the question
is, can you find the inverse of the element stiffness matrix?
So, is there a flexibility matrix for the element stiffness matrix? Because it is singular, it
is rank is not full so, you cannot invert it, does it mean there is no element flexibility
matrix? Because we have studied that the flexibility matrix is the inverse of the stiffness
matrix, but clearly inverse is not possible so, what is wrong? Physically, why is it not
possible? Mathematically it turns out so. Your intuitive hunch is justified by
mathematics. Now, you do not have the intuitive hunch. You try to see the mathematics
hence, and give me the hunch behind it. I will give you a clue.
The clue is, take the flexibility matrix. If you give some forces, you can find the
displacements. If I have a structure and I push it, the flexibility tell me, how much the
deflection is. Now, here it will not be able to tell me, what the displacements are.
Because, there is something when you look at those pictures, which should make you
nervous, when you built such structures. You should get nervous when you look at those
elements, see they are just hanging, floating in the air, how can you build structures like
that? So, you do not get any unique results. These are unstable structures, the way we
have drawn them. That is the simple reason, they are unstable structures.
You have rigid body movements so, you have independent displacement vectors which is
fine but, you do not have independent force components in the force vector. That is a
simple answer but, there is more to it. So rank of this is one. What is the rank of the
second one? Two.
One is for the truss. It is 3 for next one. Why it is 3? You should figure out by now. You
can multiply, you know they are all dependent, they are not independent. So, here is the
summary of it. The element stiffness matrix is singular, non-invertible. Physically, this is
associated with instability, inadequate restraints, and rigid body moments. The
components of Di are independent but, clearly the components of Fi* are linearly
dependent. The number of independent force components is limited by the number of
independent equations of static equilibrium so, take the truss element.
Theoretically, you have four forces but, only one equation of equilibrium. So, that is why
the rank is one. It makes lot of sense. So, I am using the notation q for the conventional
stiffness method, where q is four for the truss, plane truss element but, it reduces to 1 so,
I have put a q that sign is called tilda. q is 2 for beam element. q is 3 for a plane frame
element. Now, I want you to fill in the blanks. What about a space truss element? 6 6 is
what you get, if you follow the conventional stiffness method. What is a rank of that
Its 1. Argument is simple, for plane truss what is the equation of equilibrium? Its 1. I tilt
it and put it in space, it is still 1. So you did not get it. It is beautiful. Who would
manually ever dream of doing the conventional stiffness method to do a space truss,
when the reduced element stiffness method offers you such a dramatic, drastic reduction
in the quantum of work involved. So that is why, it is good fun manually to study the
reduced element stiffness method.
So, for a space truss it remains 1, for a grid element it is 3, for a space frame it is 6, 12
become 6. I bring a new notation here. The tilda is my notation for telling you that this
element stiffness matrix is different from the stiffness matrix, we talked about till now.
This is dealing with the reduced size of the matrix, this has an inverse because the rank is
full here. This has an inverse and that inverse is called the flexibility matrix of the same
size so, it is beautiful, that is why it is good to look at the reduced element and flexibility
in one go because, the size of all the matrices are identical.
Let us look at this problem, we did this earlier. Now, I have given three supports. I can
give any three independent supports, you see these things and I have actually made it
simply supported. These two rigid link say that, this joint cannot move, this rigid link
says, it can move horizontal, it is like a roller support but, it cannot move vertically.
Now, this element is stable. If I apply loads on it, it will resist those loads. So, that is a
kind of element you are going to deal with from now on and actually you should be more
comfortable with these visually because, they are familiar to you and you know you
cannot play around with them, they are not mechanisms, and they are good solid
elements. But, I have chosen simply supported, you can choose a cantilever also, you
will get the same results but, we will choose it simply supported.
Now, how do I mark my degrees of freedom? Earlier I did, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for each, how
do I do it now? How many do I get for each element?
This, when you are doing problems for yourself, that when you want to sell your
software and make money.
So, let us proceed. So, you have 1, 2, 3 everywhere. These are my local coordinates, now
I can put it all together and then, I get my combined element stiffness. So, for each of
them it is like this got it, that 6 became 3 that is all much easier to handle and there are
three elements and I can put them all together and that is my combined element stiffness
matrix. Everything that we did till now, except the size is dramatically reduced and you
put a tilde to make sure that, you are clear. So, I have both, I have displacement vector,
force vector combined and when I put the relationship between them, it will be that
diagonal unassembled stiffness matrix or I put it the other way I get it in this fashion.
Now, each of them at the element level will look like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:02)
The reduced element stiffness formulation has the advantage of enabling us to deal with
transformation and stiffness matrices of small sizes. It is especially suitable when we
wish to make simplifying assumptions in structural analysis, such as ignoring axial
deformations in frame elements. However, it should be used with caution, when dealing
with sway type problems and those types of problems; we have seen where the
columns are sloping. There you have to use extra brain work not worth it. Might will use
the software way of doing it.
It is just the elongation. So, that is easy for us, it is what we called ei earlier. Now, we are
comfortable, we are connecting with, what we have studied in earlier, Structural analysis
is actually very simple and you should not lose that simplicity. So now, we realize that is
not it much better to deal with this, than with that but, you have to deal with this, when
you dealing with large problem. So, you have to know both. That is your truss element
and we call that axial stiffness, what about your beam element, its two. You are familiar
with this matrix. What about the plane frame, its three. It is nothing but, the truss element
and the beam element put together and we assume that the axial stiffness is independent.
We ignore any axial-flexure interaction that is what we do in first order analysis, we will
study later in the seventh module there is an interaction, because it behave like a beam
column. Right now, we pretend there is no interaction, not only we, all the have software
packages also happily pretend that, there is no interaction but, actually you have
something called a P-delta effect which we will see later, that is called second order
(Refer Slide Time: 46:43)
What about the flexibility matrix? That is very easy, I put it this way, I flip it over and I
call this axial flexibility and look at this. This makes sense, you remember if I apply a
moment here, what is a rotation I get there? L/ (3EI) and what do I get here? L/ (6EI)
with an opposite sign that is what this matrix tells you. So, it is not difficult and by the
way, it is an inverse of the previous one and similarly, this works out.
So, if you want to put it all together. These are the three values for stiffnesses and these
are three values for flexibility. Very easy and you already have learnt this and manually,
you can do this but, you should also know the other one. How do I generate the
components of this matrix for a plane truss element? I will end with this definition.
So, let us take a truss element like that. How do I get the TD matrix for this truss
element? Well, now I realize there is only one degree of freedom though in my global
structure, I may have 1, 2, 3, 4, now this 1, 2, 3, 4 I have shown for convenience, it may
actually be 5, 6, 21, 22, in the actual structure. So, those are happening there but, the
elongation is given by, how much these move, so this 1, 2, 3, 4 is arbitrary. Now,
basically I want to know, if these joints move by some known amounts, how much
elongation do I get? That is a meaning of this TDi , TDi is just how much elongation the ith
What are these values? Well, let us do it from first principle you put D1=1. How much
will be the elongation? The component of that is cos, it will be minus. You put D2=1.
You see the length of the element is reducing. It will be minus sine. If you take the
other end and you pull it, horizontally and you lift it up, that is your transformation
That is the answer to these question marks. We will stop here. So, you will find that, with
subsequent classes this knowledge will get solidify but, you have to do some reading on
your own. Thank you.