ME Lab1
ME Lab1
ME Lab1
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department
II. Apparatus
c) After recording the ambient temperature, Place the ice tubes on water and record
the temperature (freezing point). Use the temperature measured on a digital
thermometer as the standard value.
d) By using the water bath heater, set up the temperature of water to 10 C and
make sure the reading on the digital thermometer is 10 C. Measure it using
other temperature measuring devices.
Temperature is set up to 20 C
30 C
40 C
50 C
60 C
70 C
80 C
90 C
100 C
f) Record all the data on the table.
As you can observe, all the data collected are close. It means that there is
no significant difference between the standard value and the experimental value.
The slight difference is due to experimental error.
VI. Conclusion and Recommendation
Base on the experiment, the student achieved the objectives. They were
able to measure the temperature of water using different types of thermometer.
The results are slightly different compared to the standard value. This is because
of the accuracy of different device used, the accuracy depends on the size and
length of the tube used, and how manufactured it.
The results show that even there is a slight difference between the
standard and measured, devices used is still accurate. Notice the percent error,
all the values are accepted as accurate.
The students also observed that while the temperature increases, the bi-
metal thermometer becomes accurate. Maybe this is just an observation but as
you can see the table, the glass tube thermometers are accurate especially the
high-range when measuring lower temperature compared to bi-metallic.
This simple experiment can help the students when the time comes
working in the field like power plants. All of the things in the power plant involves
temperature like steam power plants, ventilation and exhaust systems, etc. it is
better for the students to have a deep knowledge about it.