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SMO Senior 2017

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Singapore Mathematical Society

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) ?01?

Senior Section (Rouna r)

Tuesday, 30 May 2017 0930 - 1200 hrs

Instructions to contestants

1. Ansuer ALL 35 wuti,ons.

2. Enter lJour ansuers on the dBurer sheet pnnid,ed..

3. For the multiple chai.:e .tuesions, you, on".n o, ine ansuer sheet b! shadNng
the babble containing the letter (A, "nt",
B. a, D or Et .ateapan(lns to the c.frect

1. Far the other short Westions, urite yaLr ansuer on the ansuer sheet and sha.le the
opptopriat" bubbl" beto, lout o"suter.

5. Na steps are need.ed, to justify Aour ansuers.

6. Each question caffi$ 1 mark.

7. No calculatorc are alloued.


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l\,4icron Technology

Multiple Choice Questions

1- Find all the \,alues oftr for which the exprcssion 12 +&(k r)+3h is positive for a[ x]

(A) O<k<4 (B) 4<h<0 (c)k<0, k>4 (D) k>0,k<-4

rEr None of LhP abovF

2. Simplifo
log312 + Ioge 16 log278.

(A) los,a (B) log" s (C) lo9316 (D) lo6 2a (E) lo& 32

Solve for in the following equation

1tt L 6
' t zi-"
(A) tos6 7 (B) 1o9614 (C) IogT 6 (D) los712 (E) 1os7 14

4- When a pollaomial is divided by (.r 2) hd z': 3:r + 2, the remaindels axe 11 ar}d
,4r + 5 respectirtv, where ,4 is some integer. Find the remainder when it is divjded
by (r - 1).

(A) 7 (B) 8 (c) q (D) 10 (E) 11

5. Simpli{y
,5t uat ,/5' + rfz"
,|-rt ; -vo

{10 (B) 2vli0 (c) 3./44 (D)
"/B - \O (E) \E + \A

6. Which ot Lh" lollowinC is tne LargFSt?

(A) Btoo (B) 9010 (C) 8225 (D) 849 + 74e (E) 2tuo

Suppose 2?0' < o < 360' Which of the foltiwing js equa'l to

y'cos3a- Vsin'acosa?

(A) Gin a + cos a) v6os o (B) (sin a - cos a)y'cos a (C) (cosa sina)16os o
(D) (- sin a - cos o) y'cos a (E) /cos a

. Find the range of values of r ihat satisfu both of the followiag inequa.lities:

(x + 3)2 <(3x-1)2, 3r>x2.

(A)0sr<1 (B)r{zlz (c)2<r<3 (D) 3<c<1
(E) None of ihe above

9: If /(ir) : -x + 6"i6 + 16 - 5, wherc 16 < l' < 0, find th ranse of /(r).

(A) 2e < J(') < 20 (B) -2e < l(') < 1s (c) 11 < /(z) < 1e

(D) 1e < l(r) < 20 (E) 11 < /(0) < 20

10. A circle is giwn by the equation c2 4x + A2 + 8! : 5. Find bhe equation of the

ta.nsent lin to the circle at the point (-2, -1).

- ar - 5:0
(A) 3e (B) 79+c-5=0 (C)3a+2x+7:0 .

tDr3q-2r-l-0 (El 4!, 3x-2=0

Short Questions

11. Suppose c2+3c+15 is a factor of2ra+mx2 +30n, where rn, n ate integers. Find the
value of rnD.

i2. How mary dili-ereni rcal numbers rJ wherc 0" < r < 360', satisry the equation

:sinr qsin3r- 21l

" :': s n2A
4 I/ fird
13. SuDDosF
,' l+cos2,4 - tan 0. tan2d.

rhd -inl: rl 3 -
/- 'r.fird l5.os 2r
14. G:wn -,0
h 4 .
co.(,i _r)

15. Find the coefficient of 13 in the expansion of (1. + 2r + 3x2 + 4#)3.

oi -,r(rzrl)
"r-99r2 I /i < I
16. trnct the md-xrmum value - - where
-r00 - -10
77. Four points O, P, Q, B have coordi;ates (0,0), (0,30), (r,s) and (20,0) respectively,
s,,herc the point I liei on the curve I :59 r? in the fiIst quadrart. Let I be the
polyson OPQ-B with four sides O-?, PQ, 8A aJ1d BO. What is ihe ma-.cimum possible
arFa ot II it I h;" ar.a mus bean inu"g"ri

r8. Tbere are 5 girls a.nd 5 boys in a junior class. and 4 sirts and 9 boys iII a senior class. ,{
conmittee of 7 mmbrs is to be formed by selecting studenrs from these two classes.
Find the nunber of $'ays ihis can be done ifthe comniitee must har exacitv 4 sniors
and exactly 5 boys.

19. Suppose r is a real number. Find ihe largest possible integer that can be attainei:i b).

777a t 101
l/ 5 r," ,i

(,n 4cos (f) cos (+) cos (+),.* (T) - 1)'

z-" (i)
21. What is the last digit .1201720171

22. In hov many ways can 4 intgers, ar < .t2 <- a3 < aa. be chosen from th integers 1,
2, 3, .... 26 such that 5 < ai - o.i, r < 7 lot aU i : 2. B, 47

23 Let a and , be the roots of the quadraiic equatior / 7i + 1 I : 0. Deiermine the

ralue of aa + da.

Let {a1, o2, a3, . . .} be a sequence of real numbers. Let {b1,6r, b3, . . .} be a sequence of
rcal numbm such that b. : an+r a^ fot all n > 1. Determine the ma-{imum vatue
of az withh the sequence {a1. ar. a3,...} if bn+r - b, : 2foraUm >1,as:6tj
and ato : 1045.

25 There are 12 blue socks 14 re.l socks, 16 sreen socks, 18 yellow socks and 20 oranse
socks in a drawer. Socks of the same colour lrxe indistinguishabte. A prson randomb,
pi&s a certain nunber of socks from the drawer. Find the minimum number of socks
that should be taken to ensu.e that he wiu hal,e at least two pairs of cotour J(. at leasl
iwo pairs of colour y and ai least tllo pairs of colour Z, for some rltlee distinct cotouft
x, Y, z.

26 Determine the number of paths to morc from rhe toplefi celt ro the bottom-right celi
in the 8 x 6 cell grid using a sequence of doi.nr,,ards moves ard right$',ards novs such
that thre nre an even number of direction changes.
27. Consider th following equation where m and n a.re positi! intgers:

3-+3n-8m-4nl :680.
Determine the sum of al1 possible values of rn.

28. In the fi$rle below. ,4BCD is a parallelogram, where E ties on the srraight line Ce.
The line tO intersects the [nes AC and Aj] at the point i. and P respectil]y, r.here
P is ihe midpoint of the line ,18. Let lAEl. IAD , IACI al.,d AF denote the lensth
of the lire segment AE, AD. AC aud AF respectively. If lAt : 3 cm, 1,,{rl : 9 cm,
, lA'l

29. Find the smalest positive integer n such that

5(8, + 2r)(34 + 24)(33 + 23)... (3r" + 22-) > 9156

30. The foltowing diagram shows paths (edges in the grid) connecting 5 x 4 lattice points.
Each path is exactiy 1 meter long. Determine the shortest distance (in meters) a
person needs to travel so ihai he will walk through each path at lea"st onc and rciurns
to the sta-rting position.

31. Let a. 6, :. and y be real va-riables such that

ax+ba:4A, a; +bu2 =710, axi +by3:3t0, &t)1 +b!4:8gA

DF,, rmio" bF v" u. a'oi - b'r'.
Deiermine the largest prime number thai carnot be ereressed as the sum of three
composite odd intesels.

Two lines PQ and BS conneci the \,efiices of a regular decasor (lGsided polygon)
ard intersect at the point ?. Suppose ZPIS = 2". Find r.

34. In the figxre below, the lines,4B, AC and, PQ are tangent to the circle (with centrc
O) at the points B, C and R respecii\,ly. If the circle has.radiru 9 cm and the length
of the line segment OA is 15 cm, find the perimeter of A,4PO in c r-

35. In ihe {igure below, the circle centrcd at ,4 has radius 20 cn and the circle centred at
-D has radius 5 cm. The lire segment QR is tangent to the smaler circle at the point
P. Let 8Bl a,lld lBnl denote the lensth of ih line sesment 8B and BR respectivel,-.
Find the ialue of IQB x lr,Bl.

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