Growing Levels of Contaminants and Micropollutants Have Prompted The Need For More Stringent Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater

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4 Quality & Analytics

This investment cluster focuses on monitoring, maintaining and protecting water quality.

Figure 29: Quality & Analytics

Overview of selected areas Expected annual growth

CAGR 2014-2018
Water analytics 9.0%
Point of use treatment 10.0%
Municipal solid waste management 8.7%
Industrial solid waste management 10.5%
Source: RobecoSAM; Global Water Purifiers Market Forecast & Opportunities by TechSci research; Global Municipal Solid Waste Management Market 2014-2018;
Global Industrial Waste Recycling And Services Market 2014-2018 published by 2014

Growing levels of contaminants and Point-of-use

Point-of-use (POU) water treatment systems are widely
micropollutants have prompted the need for used in individual homes and commercial establish-
more stringent monitoring of surface and ments to improve drinking water quality. In poorer coun-
tries, where water infrastructure spending is constrained
groundwater. by the availability of funding, the growing number of
cases of water-borne diseases is driving the need for
Analyzing and monitoring contaminants water purification systems. This has led to the develop-
Growing levels of contaminants and micropollutants ment of systems that can purify drinking water at an
have prompted the need for more stringent monitoring affordable cost. The market growth of POU is supported
of surface and groundwater. Analytical instruments are by rising gross domestic production, the low penetra-
used to measure and identify chemical and biological tion level of water purifiers, and a growing awareness of
agents; to monitor various parameters such as dissolved water-related health concerns.
oxygen, pH levels, nitrogen/phosphorus concentrations
and turbidity; and measure levels of pesticides and toxic Resource protection
chemicals in water bodies. Sustainable waste management solutions are crucial
to protecting water resources. Leachates from poorly
The Ganges River is Indias holiest river, with more than managed landfills contaminate soil and groundwater.
420 million people relying on it for food, water, bathing, Untreated waste that is dumped into rivers and seas
agriculture and spiritual needs. However, the Ganges threatens the water supply, aquaculture and the liveli-
River has also long been used as an open sewer and is hoods of those who depend on these aquatic systems.
therefore severely polluted. Water samples taken from In China, for example, heavy metal contaminants
the Ganges have shown fecal coliform as high as 1.5 mil- from untreated mining and industrial waste are found
lion counts per 100 milliliters. Hence, the Indian govern- in the water, which in turn is used by farmers to water
ment has set up numerous monitoring stations across their crops.
the country to routinely analyze water samples.

RobecoSAM Water: the market of the future 35

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