ASHRAE Handbook Online - 53 - Fire & Smoke Control
ASHRAE Handbook Online - 53 - Fire & Smoke Control
ASHRAE Handbook Online - 53 - Fire & Smoke Control
SMOKE, which causes the most deaths in fires, consists of airborne solid and liquid particles and gases produced when a
material undergoes pyrolysis or combustion, together with air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. In building
fires, smoke often flows to locations remote from the fire, threatening life and damaging property. Stairwells and elevators
frequently fill with smoke, thereby blocking or inhibiting evacuation.
The idea of using pressurization to prevent smoke infiltration of stairwells began to attract attention in the late 1960s. This
concept was followed by the idea of the pressure sandwich (i.e., venting or exhausting the fire floor and pressurizing the
surrounding floors). Frequently, a buildings HVAC system is used for this purpose. This chapter discusses smoke control systems
and fire management in buildings, including the relationship with HVAC. A smoke control systemis an engineered system that
modifies smoke movement for the protection of building occupants, firefighters and property. The focus of codemandated smoke
control is life safety.
For an extensive technical treatment of smoke control and related topics, see the Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering
(Klote et al. 2012), referred to in this chapter as the Smoke Control Handbook . For those interested in the theoretical
foundations of smoke control, the Smoke Control Handbook includes an appendix of derivations of equations.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 92 provides information about smoke control systems for buildings. For
further information about heat and smoke venting for large industrial and storage buildings, refer to NFPA Standard 204.
The objective of fire safety is to provide some degree of protection for a buildings occupants, the building and property inside
it, and neighboring buildings. Various forms of analysis have been used to quantify protection. Specific life safety objectives
differ with occupancy for example, nursing home requirements are different from those for office buildings.
Two basic approaches to fire protection are (1) to prevent fire ignition and (2) to manage fire effects. Figure 1 shows a
decision tree for fire protection. Building occupants and managers have the primary role in preventing fire ignition, though the
building design team may incorporate features into the building to support this effort. Because it is impossible to prevent fire
ignition completely, managing fires effects is significant in fire protection design. Examples include compartmentation,
suppression, control of construction materials, exit systems, and smoke control. The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection
Engineering (SFPE 2008) and the Fire Protection Handbook (NFPA 2008) contain detailed fire safety information.
Historically, fire safety professionals have considered the HVAC system a potentially dangerous penetration of natural building
membranes (walls, floors, etc.) that can readily transport smoke and fire. For this reason, HVAC has traditionally been shut down
when fire is discovered this prevents fans from forcing smoke flow, but does not prevent ducted smoke movement caused by
buoyancy, stack effect, or wind. Smoke control methods have been developed to address smoke movement however, smoke
control should be viewed as only one part of the overall building fire protection system.
Although most of this chapter discusses smoke control, fire management at HVAC penetrations is also a concern. The most
efficient way to limit fire damage is through compartmentation. Firerated assemblies (e.g., floor or walls) keep the fire in a given
area for a specific period. However, fire can easily pass through openings for plumbing, HVAC ductwork, communication cables,
or other services. Therefore, fire stop systems are installed to maintain the rating of the firerated assembly. The rating of a fire
stop system depends on the number, size, and type of penetrations, and the construction assembly in which it is installed.
Performance of the entire fire stop system, which includes the construction assembly with its penetrations, is tested under fire
conditions by recognized independent testing laboratories. ASTM Standard E814 and UL Standard 1479 describe ways to
determine performance of throughpenetration fire stopping (TPFS).
TPFS is required by building codes under certain circumstances for specific construction types and occupancies. In the United
States, the model building codes require that most penetrations pass ASTM Standard E814 testing. TPFS classifications are
published by testing laboratories. Each classification is proprietary, and each applies to use with a specific set of conditions, so 1/41
Encourages continuity of firestopping products on the project by consolidating their requirements (e.g., TPFS, expansion
joint fire stopping, floortowall fire stopping, etc.)
Maintains flexibility of work assignments for the general contractor and construction engineer
Encourages prebid discussions between the contractor and subcontractors regarding appropriate work assignments
Dampers are used for one or more of the following purposes: (1) balancing flow by adjusting airflow in HVAC system ducts,
(2) controlling flow (for HVAC purposes), (3) resisting passage of fire (fire dampers), and (4) resisting passage of smoke
(smoke dampers). Dampers that are intended to resist the passage of both fire and smoke are called combination fire and
smoke dampers. For more detailed information about dampers, including pressure losses, flow characteristics, actuators,
installation, and balancing, see Felker and Felker (2009).
Fire dampers are intended to prevent the spread of flames from one part of the building to another through the ductwork.
They are not expected to prevent airflow between building spaces, because gaps of up to 9.5 mmare allowed for operating
clearances. Fire dampers are rated to indicate the time they can be exposed to flames and still maintain their integrity, with
typical ratings of 3 h, 1 1/2 h, 1 h, and less than 1 h. Fire dampers are twoposition devices (open or closed), and are usually
of either the multiblade (Figure 2) or curtain design (Figure 3). Most multiblade fire dampers are held open by a fusible link and
are spring loaded. In a fire, hot gases cause this link to come apart so that the spring makes the blades slam shut. Some
manufacturers use other heatresponsive devices in place of fusible links. Typically, curtain dampers are also held open by a
fusible link that comes apart when heated. Curtain dampers often rely on gravity to make the blades close off the opening, but
horizontal (ceiling) curtain dampers must have spring closure.
In the United States, fire dampers are usually made and labeled in accordance with UL Standard 555. This standard addresses
fire dampers intended for use (1) where air ducts penetrate or terminate at openings in walls or partitions, (2) in air transfer
openings, and (3) where air ducts extend through floors. 2/41
Fire dampers are evaluated for use as static, dynamic, or combination fire and smoke dampers. Static dampers are for
applications where the damper will never have to close against an airstream, such as when HVAC systems are automatically shut
down when a fire is detected. Dynamic dampers are for applications where the damper may be required to close against airflow,
such as an HVAC system that remains operational for smoke control purposes. UL Standard 555 also applies to ceiling dampers
and ceiling diffusers intended for use in hourlyrated fireresistive floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling assemblies.
Smoke dampers are intended to seal tightly to prevent the spread of smoke from one part of the building to another through
the buildings ductwork, and to allow an engineered smoke control system to build up pressures across zone boundaries. A
smoke damper is not required to withstand high temperature and will not prevent a fire from spreading. Smoke dampers are of
the multiblade design (Figure 2), and may be either twoposition devices (open and closed), or may be modulated between the
open and closed positions to serve as both a smoke damper and a control damper.
In the United States, smoke dampers are usually made and classified for leakage in accordance with UL Standard 555S. This
standard includes construction requirements air leakage tests and endurance tests of cycling, temperature degradation, saltspray
exposure, and operation under airflow.
Leakage Class 1.1 kPa, m3/(sm2) 2.1 kPa, m3/(sm2) 3.1 kPa, m3/(sm2)
I 0.041 0.056 0.071
II 0.102 0.142 0.178
III 0.406 0.569 0.711
Each smoke damper needs to pass testing for (1) reliability, (2) temperature resistance, and (3) air leakage resistance. The
operational test confirms proper smoke damper operation after 20 000 cycles or 100 000 cycles for modulating smoke dampers.
The temperature test confirms proper smoke damper operation after 30 min exposure to elevated temperatures. Smoke dampers
must meet the requirements at a minimum temperature of 121C, and may receive higher temperature ratings in increments of
After the reliability and temperature resistance tests, the air leakage test is conducted. UL defines air leakage classes by the
maximum allowable leakage through the closed smoke damper at a minimum pressure difference of 1.1 kPa. The smoke damper
classes are I, II, and III, and the leakages of these damper classes are listed in Table 1.
Designers can use these leakage classes to specify smoke dampers. At a location where very little smoke leakage is acceptable, a
class I damper may be needed. Where some smoke leakage will not adversely impact smoke control performance, a class II or III
damper may be appropriate. Combination fire and smoke dampers comply with the dynamic fire damper requirements of UL 3/41
Standard 555 and with the smoke damper requirements of UL Standard 555S.
Typically, smoke control systems for buildings are designed to avoid the need for operation at elevated temperatures. For zoned
smoke control systems, usually the zone being exhausted is much larger than the fire space, and this limits the gas temperature
at the exhaust fan. For atrium smoke control systems, air is entrained in the smoke plume that rises above the fire, and this
entrained air reduces the temperature of the smoke exhaust.
ASHRAE Standard 1492000 (reaffirmed in 2009) established uniform methods of laboratory testing and test documentation for
fans used to exhaust smoke in smoke control systems.
Chapter 2 of the Smoke Control Handbook lists design climatological data for design of smoke control systems for many
locations in the United States, Canada, and other countries. These data consists of winter temperature, summer temperature, and
wind speed. Standard barometric pressure at these locations is also listed.
Wind is measured at weather stations, which are often at airports. Because local terrain has a significant effect on wind, wind
speeds at project sites are usually very different from those measured at neighboring weather stations. For information about
adjusting design wind speed to a project site, see Chapter 3 of the Smoke Control Handbook and Chapter 24 of the 2013
ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals .
A smoke control system must be designed so that it is not overpowered by the driving forces that cause smoke movement:
stack effect, buoyancy, expansion, wind, forced ventilation, and elevator piston effect. In a building, fire smoke is usually moved
by a combination of these forces.
It is common to have an upward flow of air in building shafts during winter. These shafts include stairwells, elevator shafts,
dumbwaiters, and mechanical shafts. The upward flow is caused by the buoyancy of warm air relative to the cold outdoor air.
This upward flow is similar to the upward flow in smoke stacks, and it is from this analogy that the upward flow in shafts got
the name stack effect. In summer, flow in shafts is downward. Upward flow in shafts is called normal stack effect, and
downward flow is called reverse stack effect.
Figure 4 shows both kinds of stack effect. In normal stack effect, air flows into the building below the neutral plane, flows up
building shafts, and out of the building above the neutral plane. The neutral plane is a horizontal plane where pressure inside the
shaft equals outdoor pressure, and is often near the midheight of a building.
At standard atmospheric pressure, the pressure difference caused by either normal or reverse stack effect is expressed as
p SO = pressuredifferencefromshafttooutdoors,Pa
TS = absolutetemperatureofshaft,K 4/41
TO = absolutetemperatureofoutdoorsK
z = distanceaboveneutralplane,m
Figure 5 diagrams the pressure difference between a building shaft and the outdoors. A positive pressure difference indicates
that shaft pressure is higher than the outdoor pressure, and a negative pressure difference indicates the opposite. For a building
60 mtall with a neutral plane at midheight, an outdoor temperature of 18C (255 K), and an indoor temperature of 21C (294
K), the maximum pressure difference from stack effect is 54 Pa. This means that, at the top of the building, pressure inside a
shaft is 54 Pagreater than the outdoor pressure. At the base of the building, pressure inside a shaft is 54 Palower than the
outdoor pressure.
Smoke movement from a building fire can be dominated by stack effect. In a building with normal stack effect, the existing air
currents (as shown in Figure 4) can move smoke considerable distances from the fire origin. If the fire is below the neutral
plane, smoke moves with building air into and up the shafts. This upward smoke flow is enhanced by buoyancy forces from the
smoke temperature. Once above the neutral plane, smoke flows from the shafts into the upper floors of the building. If leakage
between floors is negligible, floors below the neutral plane (except the fire floor) remain relatively smoke free until more smoke is
produced than can be handled by stack effect flows.
Figure 5. Pressure Difference Between Building Shaft and Outdoors Caused by Normal Stack Effect
Smoke from a fire located above the neutral plane is carried by building airflow to the outdoors through exterior openings in
the building. If leakage between floors is negligible, all floors other than the fire floor remain relatively smoke free until more
smoke is produced than can be handled by stack effect flows. When leakage between floors is considerable, smoke flows to the
floor above the fire floor.
Air currents caused by reverse stack effect (see Figure 4) tend to move relatively cool smoke down. In the case of hot smoke,
buoyancy forces can cause smoke to flow upward, even during reverse stack effect conditions.
Caution:It is a myth that the pressure difference caused by stack effect is nearly proportional to the temperature difference
between the building and the outdoors. Instead, this pressure difference is nearly proportional to the temperature difference
between a shaft and the outdoors. Looking at Figure 4, it is easy to see how the shaft and building temperatures might be
considered identical. Often, they are the same. However, shafts that have one or more walls on the outside of the building tend
to be relatively cold in winter and warm in summer, and this can have a major influence on stack effect.
For a building with shafts of various heights and different shaft temperatures, the flows become very complicated and would
not resemble those in Figure 4. Each shaft could have its own neutral plane with respect to the outdoors, and may have more
than one neutral plane. Equation (1) is not applicable for such complicated buildings, but the flows and pressures in such
buildings can be analyzed by a network flow model such as CONTAM (see the section on Computer Analysis).
Hightemperature smoke has buoyancy because of its reduced density. At sea level, the pressure difference between a fire
compartment and its surroundings can be expressed as follows:
where 5/41
p FS = pressuredifferencefromfirecompartmenttosurroundings,Pa
TF = averageabsolutetemperatureoffirecompartment,K
TS = absolutetemperatureofsurroundings,K
z = distanceaboveneutralplane,m
The neutral plane is the plane of equal hydrostatic pressure between the fire compartment and its surroundings. For a fire with
a fire compartment temperature at 800C (1073 K), the pressure difference 1.5 mabove the neutral plane is 13 Pa. Fang (1980)
studied pressures caused by room fires during a series of fullscale fire tests and found a maximum pressure difference of 16 Pa
across the burn room wall at the ceiling. Much larger pressure differences are possible for tall fire compartments, where the
distance z from the neutral plane can be larger.
In sprinklercontrolled fires, the temperature in the fire room remains at that of the surroundings except for a short time before
sprinkler activation. Sprinklers are activated by the ceiling jet, which is a layer of hot gas under the ceiling. The ceiling jets
maximum temperature depends on the fires location, activation temperature of the sprinkler, and thermal lag of the sprinkler
heatresponsive element. For most residential and commercial applications, the ceiling jet is between 80 and 150C. In Equation
(2), TF is the average temperature of the fire compartment.
For a sprinklercontrolled fire,
H = floortoceilingheight,m
HJ = thicknessofceilingjet,m
TF = averageabsolutetemperatureoffirecompartment,K
TS = absolutetemperatureofsurroundings,K
TJ = absolutetemperatureofceilingjet,K
For example, for H = 2.5 m, HJ = 0.1 m, TS = 20 + 273 = 293 K, and TJ = 150 + 273 = 423 K,
In Equation (2), this value of TF and z of 1.5 mresults in a pressure difference of 0.5 Pa, which is insignificant for smoke
control applications.
Energy released by a fire can also move smoke by expansion. In a fire compartment with only one opening to the building,
building air flows in, and hot smoke flows out. Neglecting the added mass of the fuel, which is small compared to airflow, the
ratio of volumetric flows can be expressed as a ratio of absolute temperatures:
Vout = volumetricflowrateofsmokeoutoffirecompartment,m3/s
Vin = volumetricflowrateofairintofirecompartment,m3/s
Tout = absolutetemperatureofsmokeleavingfirecompartment,K
Tin = absolutetemperatureofairenteringfirecompartment,K
For smoke at 700C (973 K) and entering air at 20C (293 K), the ratio of volumetric flows is 3.32. Note that absolute
temperatures are used in the calculation. In such a case, if air enters the compartment at 1.5 m3/s, then smoke flows out at 5.0
m3/s, with the gas expanding to more than three times its original volume.
For a fire compartment with open doors or windows, the pressure difference across these openings caused by expansion is
negligible. However, for a tightly sealed fire compartment, the pressure differences from expansion may be important.
In many instances, wind can have a pronounced effect on smoke movement within a building. The pressure that wind exerts
on a wall is
p w = windpressure,Pa
Cw = pressurecoefficient 6/41
o = outdoorairdensity,kg/m3
UH = velocityatwallheightH ,m/s
The pressure coefficient Cw depends on wind direction, building geometry, and local obstructions to the wind. The pressure
coefficients are in the range of 0.8 to 0.8, with positive values for windward walls and negative for leeward walls.
Frequently, a window breaks in the fire compartment. If the window is on the leeward side of the building, the negative
pressure caused by the wind vents the smoke from the fire compartment. This reduces smoke movement throughout the building.
However, if the broken window is on the windward side, wind forces the smoke throughout the fire floor and to other floors,
which endangers the lives of building occupants and hampers firefighting. Windinduced pressure in this situation can be large
and can dominate air movement throughout the building.
Modern HVAC systems are built of materials intended to withstand fires, and either shut down in the event of a fire or go into a
smoke control mode of operation. For details on the latter approach, see the section on Zoned Smoke Control.
The transient pressures and flows produced when an elevator car moves in a shaft are called piston effect, and can pull
smoke into a normally pressurized elevator lobby or elevator shaft. For a validated analysis of piston effect, see Klote (1988) and
Klote and Tamura (1986, 1987).
When an elevator car rises, the pressure difference across an elevator door increases until the car reaches that floor. When the
car passes the floor, the pressure difference suddenly drops and then increases. For elevators with lobbies that have closed doors
(enclosed lobbies), the pressure difference across the closed lobby doors reacts in a similar way to elevator car motion.
For a car traveling from the bottom to the top of the shaft, the largest value of pressure difference from stack effect is at the
top of the shaft for a car traveling from the top to the bottom, the largest value is at the bottom of the shaft. This largest value
of pressure difference is called the upper limit of piston effect.
The upper limit of piston effect for an elevator with enclosed lobbies is
p u,si = upperlimitpressuredifferencefromshafttobuilding,Pa
= airdensityinhoistway,kg/m3
As = crosssectionalareaofshaft,m2
Air = leakageareabetweenbuildingandlobby,m2
Aa = freeareaaroundelevatorcar,m2
Ae = effectivearea,m2
U = elevatorcarvelocity,m/s
Cc = flowcoefficientforflowaroundcar
The flow coefficient Cc was determined experimentally at about 0.94 for a multiplecar hoistway and 0.83 for a singlecar
hoistway. The free area around the elevator car is the crosssectional area of the shaft less the crosssectional area of the car.
Effective areas are discussed in the section on Height Limit. 7/41
Figure 6. Calculated Upper Limit of Piston Effect Across Elevator Lobby Doors.
Figure 6 shows the upper limit of piston effect from the lobby to the building for normal elevator car velocities from 1 to 5
m/s. All elevator velocities are in this range except for those in extremely tall buildings.
In this chapter, smoke control includes all methods that can be used singly or in combination to modify smoke movement to
protect occupants or firefighters or reduce property damage. These methods are (1) compartmentation, (2) dilution, (3)
pressurization, (4) airflow, and (5) buoyancy. These mechanisms are discussed in the following sections.
Barriers that can remain effective throughout a fire exposure have long been used to protect against fire spread. In this
approach, walls, partitions, floors, doors, and other barriers provide some level of smoke protection to spaces remote from the
fire. Passive smoke control consists of using barriers alone (or without pressurization). Using compartmentation with pressurization
is discussed in the section on Pressurization (Smoke Control). Passive smoke control systems can be analyzed with the goal of
providing a tenable environment at specific locations during a fire. For more information, see the section on Tenability Systems.
Many codes, such as the Life Safety Code (NFPA 2012) and the International Building Code (ICC 2012), provide specific
criteria for construction of passive smoke barriers (including doors) and their smoke dampers. The extent to which smoke leaks
through such barriers depends on the size and shape of the leakage paths in the barriers and the pressure difference across the
Smoke dilution is sometimes referred to as smoke purging, smoke removal, smoke exhaust, or smoke extraction.
Dilution can be used to maintain acceptable gas and particulate concentrations in a compartment subject to smoke infiltration
from an adjacent space. It can be effective if the rate of smoke leakage is small compared to either the total volume of the
safeguarded space or the rate of purging air supplied to and removed from the space. Also, dilution can be beneficial to the fire
service for removing smoke after a fire has been extinguished. Sometimes, when doors are opened, smoke flows into areas
intended to be protected. Ideally, the doors are only open for short periods during evacuation. Smoke that has entered spaces
remote from the fire can be purged by supplying outdoor air to dilute the smoke.
The following is a simple analysis of smoke dilution for spaces in which there is no fire. At time zero (t = 0), a compartment is
considered contaminated with some concentration of smoke and no more smoke flows into the compartment or is generated in
it. Further, the contaminant is considered to be uniformly distributed throughout the space. The concentration of contaminant in
the space can be expressed as
CO = initialconcentrationofcontaminant
C = concentrationofcontaminantattimet
a = dilutionrate,airchangesperminute
t = timeaftersmokestopsenteringspaceorsmokeproductionhasstopped,min
e = baseofnaturallogarithm(approximately2.718)
Concentrations CO and C must be expressed in the same units, but can be any units appropriate for the particular contaminant
being considered.
In reality, it is impossible to ensure that the concentration of the contaminant is uniform throughout the compartment. Because
of buoyancy, it is likely that concentrations are higher near the ceiling. Therefore, exhausting smoke near the ceiling and
supplying air near the floor probably dilutes smoke even more quickly than indicated by Equation (8). Supply and exhaust points
should be placed to prevent supply air from blowing into the exhaust inlet, thereby shortcircuiting the dilution.
Example 1. A space is isolated from a fire by smoke barriers and selfclosing doors, so that no smoke enters the compartment
when the doors are closed. When a door is opened, smoke flows through the open doorway into the space. If the door is
closed when the contaminant in the space is 20% of the burn room concentration, what dilution rate is required to reduce
the concentration to 1% of that in the burn room in 6 min?
Solution. Time t = 6 min and CO /C = 20. From Equation (8), the dilution rate is about 0.5 air changes per minute, or
30 air changes per hour.
Caution About Dilution near Fire:Some people have unrealistic expectations about what dilution can accomplish in the fire
space. Neither theoretical nor experimental evidence indicates that using a buildings HVAC system for smoke dilution significantly
improves tenable conditions in a fire space. The exception is an unusual space where the fuel is such that fire size cannot grow 8/41
above a specific limit, such as in some tunnels and underground transit situations. Because HVAC systems promote a considerable
degree of air mixing in the spaces they serve and because very large quantities of smoke can be produced by building fires, it is
generally believed that smoke dilution by an HVAC system in the fire space does not improve tenable conditions in that space.
Thus, any attempt to improve hazard conditions in the fire space, or in spaces connected to the fire space by large openings,
with smoke purging will be ineffective.
Many smoke control systems use mechanical fans to control smoke by pressurization. Pressure difference across a barrier can
control smoke movement by preventing smoke on the lowpressure side of the barrier from migrating to the highpressure side.
Pressurization can control smoke from a fire remote from a barrier, or from a very large fire located next to a barrier (Figure 7).
Frequently, in field tests of smoke control systems, pressure differences across partitions or closed doors fluctuate by 5 Pa.
These fluctuations are generally attributed to wind, although they could have been caused by the HVAC system or some other
source. To control smoke movement, the pressure difference produced by a smoke control system must be large enough to
overcome pressure fluctuations, stack effect, smoke buoyancy, and wind pressure, but not so large that the door is difficult to
Airflow can be used to control smoke flow in many applications, including buildings, rail tunnels, and highway tunnels, if the
air velocity equals or exceeds the limiting velocity (Figure 8). For information about rail and highway tunnels, see Chapter 15.
For control of smoke between an atrium and a communicating space, see NFPA Standard 92 and the limiting velocity equations
in Chapter 15 of the Smoke Control Handbook . 9/41
Airflow is not used much in buildings because of the very large amounts of airflow needed, and (more importantly) because
airflow can supply oxygen to the fire, which can result in catastrophic failure. Even full sprinkler protection does not completely
eliminate this risk. For any application that uses the airflow approach, this failure mode must be addressed in the design analysis.
Buoyancy of hot combustion gases is used for smoke control in largevolume spaces such as atriums. A smoke plume rises
above the fire to form a smoke layer under the ceiling of the large volume space. The smoke plume entrains air from the
surroundings. The mass flow of the plume increases with height, and the plume temperature decreases with height.
The pressure difference across a barrier must not result in dooropening forces that exceed the maximum values stipulated in
codes. For example, in the Life Safety Code (NFPA Standard 101), this maximum force is 133 N.
The force required to open a sidehinged swinging door is the sum of the forces to overcome the pressure difference across the
door and to overcome the door closer. This does not include forces from friction, which are insignificant compared to the other
forces for properly adjusted and maintained doors. This can be expressed as
A = doorarea,m2
d = distancefromdoorknobtoknobsideofdoor,m
F = totaldooropeningforce,N
Fdc = doorcloserforce,N
W = doorwidth,m
p = pressuredifference,Pa
This relation assumes that the dooropening force is applied at the knob. Dooropening force caused by pressure difference can
be determined from Equation (9). For example, for a sidehinged swinging door 0.914 mwide by 2.13 mhigh with a door
closer that requires 40 Nof force, a pressure difference across it of 87 Pa, and a knob that is 76 mmfrom the edge of the door,
the dooropening force is 132 N.
The primary equation used for analysis of pressurization smoke control systems is the orifice equation:
Alternatively, Equation (10) can be expressed in terms of volumetric flow:
m = massflowthroughthepath,kg/s
V = volumetricflow,m3/s
C = flowcoefficient
A = flowarea(orleakagearea),m2
p = pressuredifferenceacrosspath,Pa
= gasdensityinpath,kg/m3
Equations (10) and (11) are equivalent forms of the same orifice equation. Airflow paths must be identified and evaluated in
smoke control system design. Some leakage paths are obvious, such as cracks around closed doors, open doors, elevator doors,
windows, and air transfer grilles. Construction cracks in building walls are less obvious but no less important.
The flow area of most large openings, such as open windows, can be calculated easily. However, flow areas of cracks are more
difficult to evaluate. The area of these leakage paths depends on quality of work (e.g., how well a door is fitted or how
weatherstripping is installed). For many flow paths in buildings, a flow coefficient of 0.65 is used. The open doors of pressurized
stairwells commonly have stationary vortices that reduce flow significantly (Cresci 1973 Klote and Bodart 1985). These vortices
are thought to be caused by asymmetric flow from the stairs, and stationary vortices can be expected at many open doors in
other locations of smoke control systems. For open doors in stairwells, the geometric area of the opening should be used for the
flow area, with a flow coefficient of 0.35.
Construction Element Tightness Area Ratio A /AW *
Exterior building walls (includes construction cracks and cracks around windows and Tight 5.0 10 5
Average 1.7 10 4
Loose 3.5 10 4
Very Loose 1.2 10 3
Stairwell walls (includes construction cracks but not cracks around windows or doors) Tight 1.4 10 5
Average 1.1 10 4
Loose 3.5 10 4
Elevator shaft walls (includes construction cracks but not cracks around doors) Tight 1.8 10 4
Average 8.4 10 4
Loose 1.8 10 3
Floors Tight 6.6 10 6
Average 5.2 10 5
Loose 1.7 10 4
A = leakage area AW = wall area AF = floor area.
Typical leakage areas for walls and floors of commercial buildings are tabulated as area ratios in Table 2. These data are based
from field tests performed by the National Research Council of Canada (Shaw et al. 1993 Tamura and Shaw 1976a, 1976b,
1978 Tamura and Wilson 1966). Considerable leakage data through building components are also provided in Chapter 3 of the
Smoke Control Handbook .
Both the maximum and minimum allowable pressure differences across the boundaries of smoke control should be considered.
The maximum allowable pressure difference should not cause excessive dooropening forces.
The minimum allowable pressure difference across a boundary of a smoke control system might be the difference such that no
smoke leakage occurs during building evacuation. In this case, the smoke control system must produce sufficient pressure
differences to overcome forces of wind, stack effect, or buoyancy of hot smoke. Pressure differences caused by wind and stack
effect can be large in the event of a broken window in the fire compartment. Evaluation of these pressure differences depends
on evacuation time, rate of fire growth, building configuration, and the presence of a fire suppression system. NFPA Standard 92
suggests values of minimum and maximum design pressure difference.
CONTAM(Walton and Dols 2005) is the de facto standard computer program for analyzing pressurization smoke control
systems. It is a network model that simulates airflow and contaminant flow in buildings. Network modeling for smoke control
dates back to the 1960s, but these early models were subject to numerical difficulties and data input was extremely cumbersome
and time consuming. CONTAM has superior numerical routines and sophisticated data input, and can be downloaded from the
NIST web site ( at no cost. Note that, when CONTAM is discussed in this chapter, other
network models could be used instead.
Network models represent a building by a network of spaces or nodes, each at a specific pressure and temperature. The
stairwells and other shafts can be modeled by a vertical series of spaces, one for each floor. Air flows through leakage paths
(e.g., doors or windows that may be opened or closed, partitions, floors, exterior walls, roofs) from regions of high pressure to
regions of low pressure. Airflow through a leakage path is a function of the pressure difference across the leakage path.
In network models, air from outside the building can be introduced by a pressurization system into any level of a shaft or into
other building spaces. This allows simulating pressurization of a stairwell, elevator shaft, stairwell vestibule, and any other
building space. In addition, any building space can be exhausted. This allows analysis of zoned smoke control systems where the
fire zone is exhausted and other zones are pressurized. The pressures and flows throughout the building are obtained by solving
conservation equations for the network. Analysis can include the driving forces of wind, the pressurization system, and indoorto
outdoor temperature difference.
The primary purpose of network simulations is to determine whether a particular smoke control system in a particular building
can be balanced such that it will perform as intended. Network models can simulate pressures and flows throughout very large
and complicated building networks with high accuracy, although the results are approximations.
There are many flow paths in buildings, including gaps around closed doors, open doors, and construction cracks in walls and
floors, and these flow paths are approximated for a design analysis. However, the approximated results can be useful in 11/41
identifying problems with specific smoke control systems, so the smoke control system or the building can be modified
appropriately. These simulations can also provide information to help size system components such as supply fans, exhaust fans,
and vents.
Firsttime users of CONTAM may be confused by its extensive capabilities, many of which are not usually used for smoke control
analysis. Chapter 14 of the Smoke Control Handbook has CONTAM user information intended to help start using the software for
analysis of smoke control systems that rely on pressurization. This information includes a section on speeding up data input.
Stairwell pressurization and elevator pressurization are two kinds of shaft pressurization systems. Major factors that must be
addressed in the design of these systems are building complexity and stack effect.
Building complexity is a major factor in shaft pressurization, and successful shaft pressurization can be challenging in
complicated buildings. A simple building has floor plans that are nearly the same from floor to floor, whereas a complicated
buildings floor plans differ considerably from floor to floor. Figure 9 shows examples of these buildings. Air leaving a pressurized
shaft flows through the building to the outdoors, and flow paths to the outdoors differ by floor in complicated buildings. This
results in varying pressure differences across pressurized shafts from floor to floor in complicated buildings, and can result in
challenging shaft pressurization systems. Stairwell pressurization is usually straightforward for simple buildings, but elevator
pressurization can be a challenge even in simple buildings. Systems that can be used to overcome these challenges are discussed
in the sections on Pressurized Stairwells and Pressurized Elevators.
Sometimes engineers will say that a pressurized stairwell or elevator must be designed to account for stack effect. If the space
is properly pressurized, there is no neutral plane, and all the flows are from the stairwell. Strictly speaking, then, there is no stack
effect in the pressurized stairwell or elevator: what is meant is that the space must be designed to account for the temperature
differences that cause stack effect.
Caution:It is a myth that stack effect is the major factor affecting stairwell and elevator pressurization. Stack effect is a minor
factor for most pressurized stairwells and elevators. Pressurization air for many stairwells and elevators is untreated outdoor air
that is not heated or cooled. The temperature of these shafts is often nearly the same as the outdoor temperature, and the
consequence of stack effect is significantly reduced as compared to shafts pressurized with air treated to the building
Shaft Temperature. When pressurization air is untreated, the shaft temperature can be expressed as
(12) 12/41
TS = temperatureinstairwell,C
TO = temperatureoutdoors,C
TB = temperatureinbuilding,C
= heattransferfactor
There has been little research on the heat transfer factor, but it is believed to be in the range of 0.05 to 0.15. Without better
data for a specific application, a heat transfer factor of 0.15 is suggested as conservative for the consequence of stack effect.
For untreated supply air, it takes a few minutes for the temperature in the shaft to stabilize near that of the outdoors. During
this stabilization, excessive pressure differences could be produced. To prevent this, supply air can gradually be increased so that,
when the shaft temperature is near that of the building, there is insufficient flow to cause excessive pressurization. If needed,
temperature stabilization can be evaluated by a heat transfer analysis.
Friction Losses in Shafts. Pressure losses from friction in stairwells and elevator shafts can be significant when flow rates are
high. CONTAM uses data from Achakji and Tamura (1988) and Tamura and Shaw (1976b) to calculate pressure loss in stairwells.
Many pressurized stairwells have been designed and built to provide a tenable environment inside the stairwell in the event of a
building fire. They also provide a smokefree staging area for firefighters. On the fire floor, a pressurized stairwell is intended to
provide a positive pressure difference across a closed stairwell door to prevent smoke infiltration.
Air can be supplied to a pressurized stairwell at one or several locations. A singleinjection systemsupplies pressurized air to
the stairwell at one location, usually at the top. This system has the potential for smoke to enter the stairwell through the
pressurization fan intake, so consider using automatic shutdown during such an event.
For tall stairwells, singleinjection systems can fail when a few doors are open near the air supply injection point, especially in
bottominjection systems when a groundlevel stairwell door is open.
Air can be supplied at multiple locations over the height of a tall stairwell. Figures 10 and 11 show two examples of multiple
injection systemsthat can be used to overcome the limitations of singleinjection systems. Multipleinjection systems can use
one fan or multiple fans. When one fan is used, air is supplied through a duct that is usually in a separate duct shaft. However,
some systems eliminate the expense of a separate duct shaft by locating the supply duct in the stairwell itself. In such a case,
ensure that the duct does not obstruct orderly building evacuation.
Figure 10. Stairwell Pressurization by Multiple Injection with Fan Located at Ground Level
Stairwell compartmentation, which is not often used, consists of dividing a stairwell into several sections consisting of five to
ten stories each each compartment has at least one supply air injection point. The compartments are separated by walls with
normally closed doors. The main advantage of compartmentation is that it allows acceptable pressurization of stairwells that are
otherwise too tall for acceptable pressurization. A disadvantage is the increase in floor area needed for the walls and doors
separating the stairwell sections. When the doors between compartments are open, the effect of compartmentation is lost. For
this reason, compartmentation is inappropriate for densely populated buildings, where total building evacuation by stairwell is
planned in the event of a fire. 13/41
Pressurized stairwells with vestibules are occasionally used. The vestibules can be unpressurized, pressurized, ventilated, or both
pressurized and ventilated. Vestibules provide an additional barrier around a stairwell, and can reduce the probability of an open
door connection existing between the stairwell and the building.
An evacuation analysis can determine the extent to which both vestibule doors are likely to be opened simultaneously. For
densely populated buildings, it is expected that on many floors both vestibule doors would be opened simultaneously. Therefore,
vestibules may provide little benefit of an extra barrier for densely populated buildings.
The algebraic equation method of analysis can be used to analyze a pressurized stairwell with an unpressurized vestibule. The
pressure differences and flows of stairwell systems with any kind of vestibules, including those with openings to the outdoors and
those with combinations of supply air and exhaust air, can be analyzed by CONTAM.
This system can achieve acceptable pressurization of tall stairwells in very complicated buildings. A relatively small amount of air
is supplied to the stairs, and the fire floor is exhausted such that acceptable pressurization is maintained on the fire floor where it
is needed. It is common to also exhaust one or two floors above and below the fire floor. Fire floor exhaust with stairwell
pressurization is discussed further in the section on Zoned Smoke Control.
Pressure differences across a stairwell tend to vary over the height of the stairwell. Figure 12 shows pressure profiles for
pressurized stairwells in an idealized building (i.e., no vertical leakage through the floors and shafts, and leakage is the same
from floor to floor) and in a more realistic building with vertical leakage through floors and an elevator shaft. This figure is for
winter. When it is cold outdoors, the pressure differences tend to be less at the bottom of the stairwell than at the top. When it
is hot outdoors, the trend is the opposite. For both winter and summer conditions, the pressure profile for an idealized building
is a straight line.
The pressure profiles of stairs in real buildings depend on many factors, including (1) leakage values of the building
components, (2) building floor plans, (3) size of elevator shaft or shafts and number of elevator doors, (4) presence or absence
of elevator vents, and (5) leakage through other shafts. There are many possible shapes for such pressure profiles in real
For a building with vertical leakage, flows through the floors and shafts to some extent even out the highest and lowest
pressure differences across the stairwell. The profile for a building with vertical leakage is bounded by the extremes of the
pressure profile of the idealized building. This means that, other things being equal, the smallest pressure difference of the
idealized analysis is less than that of the realistic building, and that the largest pressure difference of the idealized analysis is
more than that of the realistic building. This is why the algebraic equation method discussed in the section on Equations for
Steady Smoke Exhaust is conservative.
An algebraic equation method of analysis pressurized stairwells is also presented in Chapter 10 of the Smoke Control Handbook .
This algebraic equation method is based on (1) the idealized building, (2) flows calculated by the orifice equation, (3) effective
areas, and (4) symmetry. It does not account for pressure losses in the stairwell from friction, but these losses tend to be small
for stairwells when all stair doors are closed. CONTAM can analyze pressurized stairwells much more realistically than the algebraic
equation method. 14/41
Stairwell Leakage Classification Wall Leakage, m2/m2 Door Leakage, m2 Supply Air, m3/(sfloor)
Low 1.4 10 5 0.0075 0.04
Note : The supply air listed was calculated by equation method to maintain a minimum pressure difference of 25 Pa.
Some designers size fans for pressurized stairwells using their own rules of thumb, which are generally in the range of 0.14 to
0.26 m3/sper floor. Such estimates can be appropriate for simple buildings such as those discussed previously. The primary
factor regarding the amount of pressurization air needed is stairwell leakage. Table 3 lists the supply air needed to pressurize
stairwells as a function of leakage classification. If the fan is oversized, the amount of supply air can be adjusted during
commissioning to achieve successful pressurization. Because of the high cost of replacing undersized fans (including electrical
wiring), rules of thumb chosen by designers usually incorporate an allowance for leakier construction than actually anticipated.
For some tall stairwells, acceptable pressurization may not be possible because of indoortooutdoor temperature differences.
This is more likely with systems with treated supply air than those with untreated supply air.
The height limitis the height above which acceptable pressurization is not possible for an idealized building. For the height
limit to be applicable to a building, all the floors of the building must be the same or relatively similar. When using the height
limit, shafts that are not pressurized are neglected. For standard atmospheric pressure at sea level, the height limit is
Hm = heightlimit,m
FR = flowareafactor
p max = maximumdesignpressuredifference,Pa
p min = minimumdesignpressuredifference,Pa 15/41
TO = absolutetemperatureoutdoors,K
TS = absolutetemperatureinstairwell,K
ASB = flowareabetweenstairwellandbuilding,m2
ABO = flowareaperstairwellbetweenbuildingandoutdoors,m2
TS = absolutetemperatureinstairwell,K
TB = absolutetemperatureinbuilding,K
Figure 13 shows the height limit calculated from Equations (13) and (14) for winter with treated supply air, and Figure 14
shows the same thing for winter with untreated supply air. The areas ASB and ABO are calculated using effective areas. The
effective area of a system of flow areas is the area that results in the same flow as the system when it is subjected to the same
pressure difference over the total system of flow paths. The effective area of any number of flow paths in parallel is
Ae = effectivearea,m2
Ai = flowareaofpathi ,m2
Two examples (Figures 15 and 16) are used here to demonstrate evaluation of ASB and ABO . The areas on these figures
include wall leakage through construction cracks or other paths, including gaps around doors, as appropriate for each section of
wall. Figure 15 is a floor plan of a simplified openplan office building. Because the height limit is based on symmetry, the area
ABO is on a perstairwell basis. Figure 15 shows the axis of symmetry, and flows and flow paths on one side of this axis are the 16/41
mirror image of those on the other side. This figure is geometrically symmetric, but the height limit also can be used for
buildings where the building is only symmetric with respect to flow. In this figure, the areas between the building and the
outdoors are A 1, A 2, and A 3. These areas are in parallel, and based on Equation (15), ABO = A 1 + A 2 + A 3. The areas between
the stairwell and the building are A 4 and A 5, which are also in parallel. Based on Equation (15), ASB = A 4 + A 5.
The stairwells of Figure 16 have unpressurized vestibules. As with Figure 15, ABO = A 1 + A 2 + A 3. Calculating ASB involves
flow areas both in parallel and in series. Equation (16) can only be used when no air is supplied to or exhausted from the
spaces in the system of series paths. The effective area approach can be used because the only space in this path is an
unpressurized vestibule. In Figure 16, the areas A 5 and A6 are in parallel, so A56 = A 5 + A6 . The path through the vestibule is
series, so from Equation (16), A456 = (1/A 24 + 1/A 256) 1/2. The paths A 456 and A 7 are in parallel, so ASB = A 456 + A 7.
Figure 15. Example for Effective Flow Areas of Building with Pressurized Stairwells
Example 2. For the simple building of Figure 17, (1) evaluate wind effect, (2) evaluate stack effect, and (3) determine the
design capacity of the supply fans. The height of the building and stairwells is 33.5 m. The minimum and maximum design
pressure differences are 25 and 87 Pa.
Wind Effect. For this building, wind effect is not considered to be an issue because
There are no windows or balcony doors that can be opened between the building and the outdoors. 17/41
A centrifugal fan is used to minimize wind effect on the flow rate of pressurization air. (Wind effect can also be
minimized by other kinds of fans, although this requires evaluation for the specific case.)
For designs where wind effect is not minimized, CONTAM is recommended for analyzing the stair pressurization
Stack Effect. The stairwells are pressurized with untreated air. Under these conditions, it takes a few minutes for
stairwell temperature to stabilize. Stack effect can be a concern before and after temperature stabilization.
The winter outdoor design temperature is TO = 15C, and the building temperature is TB = 21C. The atmospheric
pressure is 101.3 kPa. Consider a heat transfer factor of = 0.15. Because the building is simple, height limit can
be used to evaluate stack effect. First, evaluate stack effect before stabilization the first approach for this is to
examine the height limit for the stairwell if pressurization air were treated. From Figure 14 with TO = 15C, the
smallest value of height limit is about 45 mwhen ASB /ABO is near zero. The stairwell height is 33.5 m, which is less
than the height limit. This means that stack effect is not an issue before temperature stabilization consequently, it
cannot be an issue after stabilization.
Size Supply Fans:Because this building is simple, the rule of thumb method can be used to size the fans.
Generally, rules of thumb for pressurized stairwells are in the range of 0.14 to 0.26 m3/sper floor. The most
important factor to consider in choosing a rule of thumb is the stairwell leakage, which primarily consists of the
leakage of stairwell walls and stairwell doors.
Construction of the stairwell is believed to be of average leakiness or higher. Table 3 lists supply air of 0.11 m3/sper
floor for average leakage, and 0.26 m3/sper floor for high leakage. Because of the cost of replacing an undersized
fan, the rule of thumb of 0.21 m3/sper floor is chosen. The stairwell has 11 floors, and fan capacity is 11(0.21) =
2.31 m3/s. Each stairwell is pressurized by one fan with capacity of 2.31 m3/s.
Figure 16. Example for Effective Flow Areas of Building with Pressurized Stairwells and Unpressurized Vestibules 18/41
When any stair door is opened in a simple stairwell pressurization system, the pressure difference drops significantly. When all
doors are closed suddenly in such a simple system, the pressure difference increases significantly. A compensated stairwell
pressurization systemadjusts for changing conditions either by modulating supply airflow or by relieving excess pressure. The
intent is to maintain acceptable pressurization when doors are opening and closing.
In the United States, most codes do not require pressurized stairwells to be compensated, and such stairwells are designed to
maintain pressurization only when all the stair doors are closed. Traditionally, some engineers felt that pressurized stairwells
needed to be compensated, but an incidental finding of a study by Klote (2004) casts doubt on this opinion. For two
simulations in this study with a closed stair door on the fire floor and some other stair doors open, the stairwell remained tenable
because smoke that leaked into the stairwell was diluted by the large amount of air supplied to the stairwell. In light of this
finding, ASHRAE is sponsoring research project RP1447 to study the need for compensated stair systems.
Many kinds of compensated stairwell pressurization systems have been used, but the most common are the open exterior door
system and the variableairvolume (VAV) system. The open exterior door systemhas constantsupply airflow, and an exterior
stairwell door that opens automatically upon system activation. This system is sometimes called the Canadian system, because
it originated in Canada and has been used extensively there. The supply air rate is not actually constant, but it varies to some
extent with pressure across the fan. For centrifugal fans, this flow variation is generally small. However, the phrase constant
supply is used to differentiate this system from those where the supply air intentionally changes.
By eliminating opening and closing of the exterior stairwell door during system operation, the Canadian system eliminates the
major source of pressure fluctuations. This system is simple and relatively inexpensive, but there are many locations where
opening exterior doors automatically raises issues of building security. For complicated buildings, a CONTAM analysis of this
system is recommended to ensure that it operates as intended.
With the VAV system, the flow rate of supply air to the stairwell is adjusted to account for opening and closing of doors.
Tamuras (1990) research on VAV systems at the National Research Council of Canada found that the pressure dropped when
doors were opened, and it took about 3 to 7 min to recover to the initial pressure. When all the stair open doors in a VAV
system are closed, there is a pressure spike, which Tamura found had a peak of 181 Pa. This spike only lasted about 30 or 40 s,
but the peak was much more than any reasonable maximum design pressure difference. Such peaks are a concern. Occupants
encountering such a peak would probably not be able to open the stair door, but they could open it a minute or so later
however, it is possible that a person encountering such a peak would think the stair door was locked, and might not try to open
it again.
Wind can have a significant effect on VAV stair pressurization systems. During design analysis of some of these systems, some
engineers have encountered very high pressure differences during some wind conditions. For example, when an exterior door is
opened during the design wind speed, a compensated stair system may supply so much air that the pressure difference across
some stair doors may exceed the maximum design value by as much as 100%. During such an occurrence, it would be
impossible or extremely difficult for occupants to enter the stairwell. For this reason, it is recommended that design analysis of
VAV compensated stairwell pressurization systems include CONTAM simulations under wind conditions.
The elevator pressurization systems discussed in this section are intended to prevent smoke from flowing from the fire floor
through an elevator shaft and threatening life on floors away from the fire floor. This section does not address smoke control for
elevator evacuation (see Chapter 12 of the Smoke Control Handbook ). Usually, pressurized elevators are in buildings that have
pressurized stairwells, and this section assumes that these pressurization systems operate together. In the rare situation where
pressurized elevators are the only pressurization smoke control system in a building, the information in this section may still be
The information discussed in the section on Elevator Piston Effect can be used to evaluate the influence of piston effect on
performance of pressurized elevator systems. The piston effect produces a pressure spike when a car passes a particular floor, and
this happens for only a few seconds during the run of an elevator. For elevators in multiplecar shafts with car velocities less than
5 m/s, or for those in singlecar shafts with car velocities less than 2.5 m/s, piston effect should not adversely affect performance
of elevator pressurization. 19/41
Design of pressurized elevators is much more complicated than design of pressurized stairwells, because (1) the building
envelope often cannot effectively handle the large airflow resulting from both elevator and stairwell pressurization, and (2) open
exterior doors on the ground floor can cause high pressure differences across the elevator shaft at the ground floor. Several
systems can deal with this complexity, however.
Usually, several exterior doors on the ground floor are open during a building fire: the fire service opens several exterior doors
and keeps them open while fighting the fire. Occupants also open exterior doors during evacuation. The shaft pressurization
system needs to operate as intended with these exterior doors open.
Generally, a CONTAM analysis is needed to determine whether pressurized elevators and pressurized stairwells in a particular
building can be balanced to perform as intended. Though it is theoretically possible to use only a rule of thumb to design these
systems, a CONTAM analysis is strongly recommended.
The following discussion is intended to provide an understanding about the elevator pressurization systems, and is based on 36
CONTAM simulations with a 14story building (Figure 18). For a more detailed discussion of these simulations, see Chapter 11 of
the Smoke Control Handbook . Elevator pressurization systems discussed here are for use in buildings with pressurized stairwells.
For these simulations, the pressure difference criteria are listed in Table 4. The leakage values and flow coefficients used for
these simulations are listed in Tables 5 and 6. For the CONTAM simulations of the example building, supply air was injected only
at the top of the elevator shafts, but about half the supply air was injected at the top of the stairs and the rest at the second
In the basic system, each stairwell and elevator shaft has one or more dedicated fans that supply pressurization air. For reasons
mentioned previously, the basic system also includes stairwell pressurization, and the stair subsystems are not compensated. In
most buildings, the basic system does not result in successful pressurization, so the systems discussed in this section add extra
features to improve performance.
For the example building with very leaky exterior walls, the CONTAM simulations showed that the basic system would perform
well, but this was not so for with less leaky exterior walls. In Figure 19, for leaky exterior walls, the pressure difference across the
elevator doors on the ground floor is about 130 Pa. For exterior walls of average leakage, the pressure difference across the
elevator doors on the second floor is about 87 Pa, and at the ground floor it is about 470 Pa. These values exceed the
maximum criterion used for elevator doors, which is 62 Pa(see Table 4). For average and leaky exterior walls, there is
insufficient leakage in the building envelope to accommodate the large amount of pressurization air supplied to the shafts.
Figure 18. Floor Plans of the Example 14Story Open Plan Office Building for Elevator Pressurization Study 20/41
Figure 19. Elevator Pressure Differences for Basic Elevator Pressurization System
With very leaky exteriors walls, Figure 19 shows that the basic system meets the pressure difference criteria (Table 4). Air was
supplied to each elevator shaft at 13.1 m3/s, and air was supplied to each stairwell at 3.09 m3/s. With very leaky exteriors walls,
there is enough wall leakage area to accommodate this large amount of pressurization air. For the few buildings that have very
leaky building envelopes, the basic system can be a simple way to pressurize elevators and stairwells. For less leaky buildings,
consider the systems discussed in the following sections.
This system uses vents in the exterior walls to increase the leakiness of the building envelope such that successful pressurization
can be achieved. The vents are usually closed, but they open when the pressurization system is activated. Vents should be
located in a manner to minimize adverse wind effects, and supply intakes must be located away from the vents to minimize the
potential for smoke feedback into the supply air. These vents may need fire dampers, depending on code requirements.
Figure 20 is a typical floor of the example building with vents in the exterior walls. Vents can be sized to ensure the design
criteria are met. In the example building, the vents were sized such that the amount of pressurization used for the basic system
produced acceptable pressurization with the EV system in the example building.
Table 5. Flow Areas and Flow Coefficients of Doors Used for Elevator Pressurization Simulations
Flow Path Flow Coefficient Flow Area, m2
Single door, closed 0.65 0.023
opened 0.35 2.0
Double door, closed 0.65 0.045
opened 0.35 3.9
Elevator door, closed 0.65 0.06
opened 0.65 0.56
Note : Values were chosen for elevator simulations discussed in this chapter flow areas and coefficients appropriate for design
analysis of a specific building may be different.
Table 6. Flow Areas and Flow Coefficients of Leakages Used for Elevator Pressurization Simulations 21/41
Flow Path Leakage Classification Flow Coefficient Flow Area, m2 per m2 of wall
Exterior walls Tight 0.65 0.50 10 4
Average 0.17 10 3
Loose 0.35 10 3
Very loose 0.12 10 2
Interior walls Loose 0.65 0.35 10 3
Floor or roof Tight 0.65 0.66 10 5
Average 0.52 10 4
Loose 0.17 10 3
Note : Values were chosen for elevator simulations discussed in this chapter flow areas and coefficients appropriate for design
analysis of a specific building may be different.
In Figure 20, the vents are in all four exterior walls to minimize any adverse effects of wind. The vent area should be
proportional to the area of the exterior walls. If fewer vents are used, wind effects should be incorporated in the CONTAM
With open exterior doors, it is not necessary to have exterior vents on the ground floor. Because the EV system may not be
able to achieve acceptable pressurization with some or all the exterior doors closed, it may be necessary to have some of the
exterior doors open automatically on system activation. The number of exterior doors that need to open automatically can be
evaluated by the CONTAM analysis.
The example building has an open office plan, but the EV system can be adapted to other buildings. Ducted flow paths can be
installed from the vicinity of the unenclosed elevator lobbies to the outdoors. Such ducted paths can overcome the flow
resistance of interior walls. The ducts can be located above suspended ceilings. Duct penetrations of a firerated wall may have
fire resistance requirements, depending on code specifications.
The FE system is a kind of zoned smoke control that reduces the amount of supply air used. In the FE system, a relatively
small amount of air is supplied to the elevator shafts and the stairwells, and the fire floor is exhausted such that acceptable
pressurization is maintained on that floor where it is needed. It is common to also exhaust one or two floors above and below
the fire floor.
As discussed in the section on Zoned Smoke Control, exhausting air from the fire floor and some floors above and below the
fire floor benefits shaft pressurization. Often, this system can achieve successful pressurization in tall and very complicated
Typically, exhaust is through a shaft with a fan located in a mechanical floor or on the roof, and dampers between the shaft
and the floors are closed on all floors when the system is not operating. On system activation, the dampers open on the floors to
be exhausted. The outlet of the exhaust fan must be located away from the inlets of the supply fans to minimize the potential
for smoke feedback into supply air.
As with the EV system, some of the exterior doors on the ground floor may need to open automatically upon system activation,
and the number of such doors can be evaluated by the CONTAM analysis.
For the example building, an FE system is shown in Figure 21. Simulations showed that each elevator shaft needed 7.14 m3/s,
and each stairwell needed 1.79 m3/s. The floor exhaust needed from the floors ranged from 2.28 to 2.55 m3/s.
As with the EV system, the FE system can be adapted to other buildings. This can be done by having the exhaust draw from a
space onto which the elevators and stairwells open. 22/41
Figure 20. Typical Floor Plan of Example Building with Exterior Vent (EV) System
This system has an enclosed elevator lobby on the ground floor to reduce the tendency of open exterior doors to cause high
pressure differences across the elevator shaft at the ground floor. The GFL system often has a vent between the enclosed lobby
and the building to prevent excessive pressure differences across the lobby doors (i.e., the doors between the enclosed lobby
and the building).
The pressure difference across the lobby door and the elevator door depends on the area of the vent. There is no established
criterion for the maximum pressure difference across the lobby doors, but the pressure should not be high enough to prevent the
doors from remaining closed. This value depends on the specific doors and hardware. This discussion uses a maximum pressure
difference for the lobby doors of 87 Pa, but this value can be much different for specific applications. The vent should have a
fire damper and a control damper in series. The control damper can be used to adjust the flow area of the vent so it can be
balanced during commissioning. Figure 22 shows the ground floor of the example building with a GFL system.
Figure 21. Typical Floor Plan of Example Building with Floor Exhaust (FE) System 23/41
Figure 22. Ground Floor of Building with GroundFloor Lobby (GFL) System
The intent of the elevator pressurization systems discussed in this chapter is to prevent smoke from flowing from the fire floor
through an elevator shaft and threatening life on other floors. In the GFL system, the enclosed lobby on the ground floor
protects the elevator from smoke from a fire on the ground floor. Thus, the minimum elevator pressure difference criterion of
Table 4 does not apply to the ground floor for a GFL system. Table 7 lists the criteria that are used for the GFL system
simulations. Successful pressurization consists of meeting these criteria.
For fires in highrise buildings, the fire service frequently uses the elevators for rescue and for mobilization of firefighting
equipment. When groundfloor lobby doors are opened, the pressure difference may exceed the maximum pressure difference. If
this can happen for a particular design, the fire service should be contacted to determine whether this is acceptable to them.
The floortofloor leakage can significantly affect a GFL systems performance. This leakage consists of the leakage of the floor
and that of the curtain wall gap (Table 6).
The traditional approach for HVAC systems is to shut them down during building fires, but HVAC systems can be operated in
smoke control mode during building fires. Zoned smoke control consists of exhausting the zone of the fire and possibly
pressurizing the surrounding zones. In addition to using the HVAC system, dedicated equipment can be used for zoned smoke
In zoned smoke control, a building is divided into several zones, each separated from the others by barriers. In the event of a
fire, the zone with the fire is called the smoke zone, and the others are called the nonsmoke zones. Zones bordering on the
smoke zone are called the surrounding zones. Either passive or pressurization smoke protection is used to limit smoke spread
beyond the smoke zone. Smoke control cannot make conditions tenable in the smoke zone, and occupants should evacuate the
smoke zone as soon as possible.
Some arrangements of smoke control zones are shown in Figure 23. In this figure, the smoke zone is indicated by a minus
sign, and the surrounding zones are indicated by a plus sign. The smoke zone is often one floor of the building, but it can be
the fire floor plus the floors directly above and below the fire floor. In a relatively low, sprawling building with several wings, the
smoke zone can be part of a floor.
When separate HVAC systems serve each zone, systems distant from the smoke zone and surrounding zones should only remain
operating if the building pressurization produced by these systems does not adversely impact zoned smoke control system
performance. Otherwise, they should be shut down.
The traditional approach to zoned smoke control is to exhaust the smoke zone and to pressurize the surrounding zones, but
other approaches have been used. Although fanpowered smoke exhaust is the most common method of treating the smoke 24/41
zone, passive smoke control using smoke barriers may be satisfactory when fanpowered exhaust is not practical. Using exterior
wall vents or smoke shafts to treat the smoke zone is not common, but these methods are discussed in Chapter 13 of the Smoke
Control Handbook .
Fanpowered pressurization or passive smoke control using smoke barriers can be used for the zones surrounding the smoke
zone. Fanpowered pressurization of the surrounding zones has a negative consequence on stairwell pressurization, as discussed in
the following sections. In this section, fanpowered pressurization is called pressurization, and fanpowered exhaust is called
When the floors or wings of a building are divided into many rooms with normally closed doors, these floors do not lend
themselves to the traditional concept of zoned smoke control. For such applications, a form of zoned smoke control can be used
that relies on a combination of corridor exhaust and passive smoke control using smoke barriers. The passive protection tends to
minimize smoke flow through the ceiling floor assembly during building fires. Some applications suitable for such an approach
are hotel guest floors, apartment buildings, and some office buildings.
The interaction of zoned smoke control with pressurized stairwells can have a significant effect on pressure differences across
the stairwell doors. The following discussion is about smoke zones that are one floor and surrounding zones consisting of one
floor above and one floor below. However, the same kind of interactions can happen with smoke zones and surrounding zones
that are more than one floor.
The interaction between zoned smoke control and pressurized stairwells is illustrated in Figure 24. For zoned smoke control
using both exhaust and pressurization, pressurization of the surrounding zones decreases the pressure difference p SB across
pressurized stairwell doors on these floors. This decreased pressure difference can result in a failure mode of the pressurized
stairwells on the floors being pressurized. However, this failure mode is eliminated by the use of zoned smoke control that uses
exhaust only.
Ideally, exhaust and pressurization zoned smoke control should prevent smoke from reaching the floor above the smoke zone,
and negative stairwell pressurization should not compromise tenability of the stairwell. The effectiveness of this depends on
proper identification of the fire floor. Properly maintained fire alarm systems are very good at identifying the location of a fire,
but no system is perfect. In some fires, the first smoke detector to activate was a floor or so above the fire floor. This can be
attributed to any of the following: (1) smoke flowing through a complex route to a floor above the fire, (2) smoke detectors not
working properly on the fire floor, and (3) signals from smoke detectors being misidentified.
Regardless of the reason, when a fire floor is incorrectly identified, the smoke zone is incorrectly chosen. In this situation, the
failure mode is that inadvertent pressurization of the fire floor can push smoke into the stairwells (probably into all stairwells 25/41
serving the fire floor). This failure mode is more of a concern for tall buildings because acceptable pressurization is more difficult
in tall buildings than in short ones, and stairwell smoke protection is more important in tall buildings (i.e., those with 10 or more
stories) than in short ones. Occupant density is another factor affecting the importance of stairwell smoke protection. Because of
this failure mode, it is recommended that zoned smoke control using systems using both exhaust and pressurization not be used
for tall buildings where protection of the stairwells is especially important. Alternatively, analyze this failure mode, including
factors such as evacuation time, emergency response time, and probability of using the firefighters smoke control station (FSCS)
for corrective action.
Figure 24. Interaction Between Zoned Smoke Control and Pressurized Stairwells
Because of the lack of compartmentation in largevolume spaces, smoke protection for such spaces is important. This chapter
considers a largevolume space to be at least two stories high, such as an atrium, exhibition center, enclosed shopping mall,
arcade, sports arena, or airplane hangar.
For simplicity, the term atriumis used generically here to mean any of these large spaces.
Most atrium smoke control systems are designed to prevent exposure of occupants to smoke during evacuation this is the
approach described in this section. An alternative goal is to maintain tenable conditions even when occupants have some contact
with smoke, as discussed in the section on Tenability Systems.
The following approaches can be used to manage smoke in atriums:
Smoke filling. This approach allows smoke to fill the atrium space while occupants evacuate the atrium. It applies only to
spaces where the smokefilling time is sufficient for both decision making and evacuation. For information about people
movement and evacuation time, see Chapter 4 of the Smoke Control Handbook . The filling time can be estimated either by
zone fire models or by Equations (15.1) and (15.2) in the Smoke Control Handbook .
Unsteady smoke exhaust. This approach exhausts smoke from the top of the atrium at a rate such that occupants have 26/41
sufficient time for decision making and evacuation. It requires analysis of people movement and fire model analysis of
smoke filling.
Steady smoke exhaust. This approach exhausts smoke from the top of the atrium to achieve a steady clear height for a
steady fire (Figure 25). A calculation method is given in the section on Equations for Steady Smoke Exhaust.
Analysis of the design fire is extremely important for atrium smoke control design, and an understanding of fire development is
needed for such analysis. The intent of this section is to provide preliminary information of these topics. For more complete
information, see Chapter 5 of the Smoke Control Handbook . By nature, fire is an unsteady process, but many design fires are
steady fires. One of the most important aspects of a design fire is the heat release rate (HRR).
When steady design fires are based on test data, it is accepted that HRR of the steady fire is taken as the maximum HRR of the
test data. For example, the HRR of upholstered furniture from test data is shown in Figure 26. For a sofa, the HRR grows to a 27/41
maximum of about 3200 kW, then decreases as the fuel burns out. A sofa design fire could be unsteady based on the fire test
data, or it could be a steady 3200 kW.
A design scenario is an outline of events and conditions that are critical to determining the outcome of alternative situations or
designs. In addition to the fire location and HRR, it may include many other conditions such as materials being burned, outdoor
temperature, wind, status of the HVAC system, and doors that are opened and closed.
A design analysis should include several design scenarios to ensure that the smoke control system will operate as intended. It is
possible for an atrium project to have only one scenario, but most projects have two or three, and some complex projects require
five or more.
The stages of fire development are useful when discussing fires. These stages are (1) growth, (2) flashover, (3) fully developed
fire, and (4) decay. Not all fires go through all the stages, primarily because of a lack of fuel or fire suppression.
The growth stage follows ignition, and the early part of the growth stage is characterized by an abundance of air for the fire.
During the growth stage, the fire often spreads from one object to another. The growth stage of a sofa fire is from ignition to
the peak HRR of about 3200 kW. The growth stage is often characterized by the following equation:
q = heatreleaserate,kW
t = time,s
tg = growthtime,s
Such a growth stage is a called a tsquared fire, and typical growth times are listed in Table 8.
The development of a room fire in the growth stage may seem gradual. Smoke rises above the fire to form a smoke layer under
the ceiling. Typically, the fire spreads from object to object, while the temperature of the smoke layer increases.
Flashoveris a rapid change from a growthstage fire to a fully developed fire, and primarily occurs by thermal radiation. This
radiation is from the flames, the smoke plume and the hot smoke layer below the ceiling. Thin, easytoignite materials
(newspapers, draperies, etc.) near the fire are the first to burst into flame, and this is followed by ignition of the rest of the
flammable materials in the room.
In a room with a fully developed fire, everything that can burn is burning. A fully developed fire also is called a ventilation
controlled fire, because the HRR depends on the amount of air that reaches the fire. During a fully developed fire, flames
generally extend from the doorways or open windows of the fire room. A fully developed fire is characterized by inefficient
combustion resulting in high carbon monoxide production. For a fully developed fire in room with one opening, the HRR within
the fire room can be expressed as
q = heatreleaserateoffullydevelopedfire,kW
Aw = areaofventilationopening,m2
Hw = heightofventilationopening,m
For example, a fully developed fire in a room with a single door 1.07 by 2.13 mhas an HRR of 4190 kW. The decay stage is a
decrease in the HRR, which results from either fuel consumption or fire suppression. As the fuel is consumed, the fire may
change from ventilation controlled to fuel controlled.
Sprinklers are used extensively because they effectively suppress fires. The possible responses to sprinkler spray include (1) HRR
decay, (2) constant HRR, or (3) an increase in HRR. The first two responses might be considered successful suppression, but in
the third case, the sprinkler spray is overpowered by the fire.
Slow 600
Medium 300
Fast 150
Ultrafast 75
Note : Growth times from NFPA Standards 92 and 204.
Sprinkler actuation depends on the temperature and velocity of the gases flowing by the sprinkler and on the responsiveness of 28/41
the sprinkler. The responsiveness of a sprinkler is characterized by the response time index (RTI). In a fire, a ceiling jet of hot
gases flows in a radial direction from where the smoke plume contacts the ceiling. The RTI of standardresponse sprinklers is
greater than or equal to 80 m1/2 s1/2, and the RTI of fastresponse sprinklers is equal to or less than 50 m1/2 s1/2. Computer
programs can use the RTI and correlations for the ceiling jet to predict sprinkler actuation time, and some zone fire models
(including CFAST, discussed in the section on Zone Fire Modeling) have this ability.
In spaces with high ceilings, the temperature of the smoke plume can drop so much that sprinklers may not activate, or
activation may be so delayed that the spray can evaporate before it reaches the fire. Sprinklers in an atrium could have some
beneficial effect, but for design purposes they are considered not effective in an atrium. However, they are usually considered
effective for fires in communicating spaces (i.e., a space with an open pathway to an atrium, such that smoke from a fire in
either the atrium or the communicating space can move from one to the other without restriction). Fires in communicating
spaces are often included in design scenarios.
A fire can be shielded from the sprinkler spray if an obstruction is between the sprinkler and the fire. Not only does the
obstruction shield the fire from the water spray, but it also prevents the usual formation of a smoke plume. Because the smoke
plume of a shielded fire can be very different from that of an unshielded fire, the sprinkler actuation time of shielded fires must
not be calculated by the computer methods mentioned previously.
Two models have been developed for the HRR of shielded fires, based on test data. At NIST, fire tests were based on a few
field observations of fuel loadings in office buildings (Madrzykowski and Vettori 1992), with a peak HRR of shielded fires of 500
kW. At the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), fire tests were based on extensive field observations of fuel loadings in
many buildings (Lougheed 1997), with a peak HRR of shielded fires of 1000 kW.
A peak HRR of 1000 kWis suggested for most shielded fires, and an HRR of 500 kWfor locations where fuel is limited, such
as in a showplace office of the president of a large corporation.
Transient fuels are materials that are in a space temporarily. Examples include seasonal decorations, paint and solvents in
stairwells during redecorating, unpacked foam cups in cardboard boxes after delivery, cutup cardboard boxes awaiting removal,
upholstered furniture after delivery, and stacked folding chairs. Sometimes, transient fuels remain in place for long periods: for
instance, polyurethane mattresses delivered to a dormitory and waiting for distribution in the next school year, automobiles on
display in a shopping mall, boats and campers on display in an arena, or a twostory wood frame house built for display inside a
shopping mall.
Transient fuel is likely to accumulate at most locations in a building, except where it would block the usual paths of heavy
traffic. It is unlikely that a commonly used building entrance or corridor would be blocked by transient fuel, but there could be
accumulations next to a wall near the entrance or in the corridor.
Location can play a key role in transient fuels. Consider a sofa with polyurethane foam padding that is delivered for the office
of the corporate president. Because the sofa is new and clean, it is decided to temporarily leave it in the nearby atrium until it
can be moved to the presidents office. In a corridor of an office building, the fuel could be trash consisting of any number of
things such as an old upholstered chair or cardboard boxes with packing materials.
In many atriums, fuel loading is severely restricted with the intent of restricting fire size. Such atriums are characterized by
interior finishes of metal, brick, stone, or gypsum board and furnished with objects made of similar materials, plus plants. In this
chapter, a heat release rate per floor area of 225 kW/m2 is used for a fuelrestricted atrium, and 500 kW/m2 is used for atriums
containing furniture, wood, or other combustible materials. These heat release rates per unit floor area are from Morgan (1979)
and Morgan and Hansell (1987). In a fuelrestricted atrium, transient fuels must not be overlooked when selecting a design fire.
The minimum fire is often considered as occupying 9.29 m2 of floor area. The HRR of the minimum transient fire is (225 kW/m2)
(9.29 m2) = 2100 kW. The HRR of the minimum fire with combustibles is (500 kW/m2)(9.29 m2) = 4600 kW. However, the
area involved in fire can be much greater, and large fires can easily occupy 22 to 52 m2 of floor area. This translates to large
fires ranging from 11 000 to 26 000 kW. Table 9 lists some steady design fires, but an engineering analysis as discussed in
Chapter 5 of the Smoke Control Handbook can result in different fire sizes.
Atrium smoke filling is only applicable to very large atriums. Atrium smoke filling time can be calculated by empirical equations
for steady fires and for t squared fires in NFPA Standard 92 and Chapter 15 of the Smoke Control Handbook . These equations
are based on the conventional approach of keeping smoke from coming into contact with occupants during evacuation. In very
large atriums, smoke can often be diluted to an extent that favors the use of a tenability system (see the section on Tenability
For some applications, loss of buoyancy can cause the smoke layer to descend and threaten occupants. There is little research
on this event, but the geometry of the largevolume space and the fires heat release rate are major factors. Spaces that are
unusually large or unusually long are of particular concern for these cases, draft curtains can divide up the atrium into several
smaller spaces. Theoretically, CFD modeling can predict loss of buoyancy in a largevolume space, but this has not been
experimentally verified.
The ceiling jet and smoke flow under the jet each have a depth of about 10% of the floortoceiling height. Thus, the
minimum smoke layer depth should be 20% of the floortoceiling height, except when an engineering analysis using fullscale
data, scale modeling, or computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling indicates otherwise (see the section on CFD Modeling). For
information about scale modeling and fullscale fire testing, see Chapters 21 and 22 of the Smoke Control Handbook .
Makeup air must be provided to ensure that exhaust fans can move the design air quantities and to ensure that dooropening
force requirements are not exceeded. Makeup air can be provided using fans, openings to the outdoors, or both. Supply points
for makeup air must be below the smoke layer interface.
The makeup air system should be designed to provide 85 to 95% of the exhaust mass flow rate. The remaining 5 to 15% of
makeup air enters as leakage through cracks in the construction, including gaps around closed doors and windows. Evaluation of
this leakage needs to take energy standards into account.
Hadjisophocleous and Zhou (2008) and Zhou and Hadjisophocleous (2008) show that, for makeup air velocities exceeding
1.02 m/s, the plume can be deflected, resulting in an increase in smoke production. For even higher velocities, the plume and
smoke layer interface can be disrupted. The maximum air velocity must not exceed 1.02 m/sif the makeup air could come into
contact with the smoke plume, unless a higher velocity is supported by engineering analysis. A secondary reason for the 1.02
m/srestriction is that it reduces the potential for fire growth and spread caused by airflow. For systems using fans, the exhaust
fans should operate before the makeup air system does.
When makeup air is supplied through openings, the wind can affect makeup air velocity. When makeup air openings are on
walls facing different directions, wind can increase the makeup air velocity. A simple approach is to have all makeup air openings
on walls facing the same direction. When makeup air openings are on walls facing different directions, a wind analysis is
suggested to mitigate the possibility of excessive makeup air velocity.
A layer of hot air often forms under the ceiling of an atrium because of solar radiation on the atrium roof. Although no studies
have been made of this stratification layer, building designers indicate that its temperature can exceed 50C. Temperatures below
this layer are controlled by the buildings heating and cooling system.
When the average temperature of the plume is lower than that of the hotair layer, a stratified smoke layer will form beneath
the hotair layer. In this situation, smoke cannot be expected to reach the atrium ceiling, and smoke detectors mounted on that
ceiling cannot be expected to go into alarm.
Beam smoke detectors can overcome this detection difficulty. The following approaches can provide prompt detection
regardless of air temperature under the ceiling when a fire begins:
UpwardAngled Beam to Detect Smoke Layer. One or more beams are aimed upward to intersect the smoke layer
regardless of the level of smoke stratification. For redundancy, more than one beam smoke detector is recommended.
Advantages include not needing to locate several horizontal beams, and minimized risk of false activation by sunlight (a risk
with some beam smoke detectors), because the receivers are angled downward. Review the manufacturers recommendation
when using beam smoke detectors for this application, because some beam detectors are not recommended for upward
angled installation.
Horizontal Beams at Various Levels to Detect Smoke Layer. One or more beam detectors are located at roof level,
with additional detectors at lower levels. Exact beam positioning depends on the specific design, but should include beams
at the bottom of identified unconditioned spaces and at or near the design smoke level, with several beams at intermediate
Horizontal Beams to Detect Smoke Plume. Beams are arranged below the lowest expected stratification level. These
beams must be close enough to each other to ensure intersection of the plume spacing should be based on the width of
the plume at the least elevation above a point of fire potential.
All components of a beam smoke detector must be accessible for maintenance, which may require maintenance openings in
walls or the roof depending on the application.
This section describes the algebraic equation method for analysis of atrium smoke control systems with a steady fire. A steady
atrium smoke exhaust system has a steady smoke layer interface and a fire with a constant HRR. The smoke layer interface is the
same as described in the section on Zone Fire Modeling, and the equations used here are used in some zone fire models. There 30/41
is some diluted smoke below the smoke layer interface, but this assumed to not be significant. CFD modeling can calculate
tenability of this diluted smoke.
For a case study of an engineering analysis for a threestory atrium that uses the algebraic equations of this section, see
Chapter 16 of the Smoke Control Handbook . This case study addresses (1) the impact of wind, (2) determination of the
minimum smoke layer depth, (3) system activation with a stratified hotair layer, (4) analysis of design scenarios, (5) calculation
of smoke exhaust for a fire in the atrium, (5) calculation of smoke exhaust for a fire with a balcony spill plume, (6)
determination of makeup air, and (7) evaluation of the number of exhaust inlets and separation between them to prevent
Readers who need to analyze atriums by the equation method may want to use AtriumCalc (Klote 2013), which uses common
routines for designing atrium smoke control systems. For example, one routine calculates the smoke exhaust needed to maintain
a steady smoke layer height when there is a steady design fire in the atrium with an axisymmetric plume. Each routine can be
printed on a page suitable to be inserted in an engineering report. The page consists of a relevant figure, the equations used for
calculation, input, and output. Other routines address balcony spill plumes, window plumes, preventing plugholing, and opposed
For an atrium fire, most of the heat flows upward in the smoke plume, and practically the rest of the heat leaves the fire by
radiation. Heat transfer from fires by conduction is negligible. The convective heat release rate is expressed as
c = convectivefraction
q c = convectiveheatreleaserate,kW
q = heatreleaserate,kW
The convective fraction depends on the material being burned, heat conduction through the fuel, and the radiative heat
transfer of the flames, but a value of 0.7 is usually used. For fire reconstruction, the specific value of the fuel being burned must
be used.
For a fire in an atrium, the mass flow rate of the plume is usually calculated by the empirical plume equations for axisymmetric
plumes. Theoretically, an axisymmetric plume has a round cross section, but the plumes of many burning objects behave like an
axisymmetric plume at some distance above the fire.
For a distance above the base of fire z equal to or greater than the limiting elevation zl, the mass flow of the plume is
For z < zl , the mass flow of the plume is
m = massflowinaxisymmetricplumeatheightz ,kg/s
q c = convectiveheatreleaserateoffire,kW
z = distanceabovebaseoffire,m
zl = limitingelevation,m
The limiting elevation is approximately the average flame height, which is
A value of z in Equation (20) or (21) can be used to calculate the mass flow in the plume for any height above the base of
the fire up to the smoke layer. When z is the distance from the base of the fire to the smoke layer interface, it is called the
clear height. For a burning solid (e.g., chair, sofa, desk), the base of the fire is some distance above the floor (Figure 25).
When a flammable liquid has spilled and is burning, the base of the fire is at the floor.
Figures 27 and 28 show the smoke layer temperature and the smoke exhaust rate for fires in an atrium with an axisymmetric
plume. The mass flow was calculated from the preceding equations, and the smoke layer temperature and volumetric flow were
calculated by equations discussed in the following sections. As shown in Figure 27, the smoke layer temperature decreases with
increasing clear height. This is a consequence of air being entrained by the plume as it rises. The plume mass flow increases with
height, and plume temperature decreases with height. Figure 28 shows the smoke exhaust rate for steady exhaust atrium systems,
and illustrates that the smoke exhaust rate increases with clear height. 31/41
Figure 27. Smoke Layer Temperature for Steady Smoke Exhaust Systems
Example 3. For a 2100 kWfire in an atrium with a clear height of t11 m, what is the mass flow of the plume? The
parameters are: q = 2100 kW, z = 11 m, and c = 0.7.
Because z is greater than zl , the mass flow of the plume is calculated with the following equation:
For a fire in a communicating space, usually the mass flow rate of the plume is calculated by balcony spill plume equations.
The following equations are based on extensive research, including scale model fire experiments, fullscale fire experiments, and
analytical studies (Ko et al. 2008 Law 1986 Lougheed and McCartney 2008a, 2008b Lougheed et al. 2007 McCartney et al.
2008 Morgan and Marshall 1979).
The equations were developed for fire room and balcony geometry similar to that of Figure 29. If the geometry is different,
CFD modeling is recommended. For zb less than 15 mabove the balcony edge, the mass flow of the plume is
Note : the mass flow equations and regions of applicability for the equations listed here have been corrected. NFPA issued errata
correcting balcony spill plume equations in NFPA Standard 922012. There is an erratum for the bounds of one of these
equations in the Smoke Control Handbook . 32/41
Figure 28. Smoke Exhaust Rate for Steady Smoke Exhaust Systems
For zb 15 mand plume width of less than 10 m, mass flow of the plume is
For zb 15 mand plume width between 10 and 14 m, the mass flow of the plume is
m = massflowrateinplume,kg/s
q = heatreleaserate,kW
q c = convectiveheatreleaserateoffire,kW
W = widthofthespill,m
zb = heightofplumeabovebalconyedge,m
H = heightofbalconyabovefuel,m
Physical barriers can be used to restrict the horizontal spread of smoke under the balcony. Draft curtains used for this
application must extend at least 10% of the floortoceiling height below the balcony. In almost all U.S. and Canadian
applications, there are no draft curtains to restrict flow as shown in Figure 29. Without draft curtains, the width of the spill is
estimated as
W = widthofspill,m
w = widthofopeningfromareaoforigin,m 33/41
b = distancefromopeningtobalconyedge,m
Example 4. For a 1000 kWshielded fire in a communicating space as shown in Figure 29, calculate the mass flow of the
balcony spill plume. There are no draft curtains to restrict the smoke flow under the balcony. The parameters are q = 1000
kW, zb = 8 m, H = 3.4 m, b = 1.8 m, and w = 4 m.
The width of the spill is
Because zb is less than 15 m, the following equation is used to calculate the mass flow of the balcony spill plume:
The smoke layer temperature is calculated from
Ts = smokelayertemperature,C
To = ambienttemperature,C
K = fractionofconvectiveheatreleasecontainedinsmokelayer
q c = convectiveheatreleaserate,kW
Cp = specificheatofplumegases,1.0kJ/(kgK)
m = massflowrateofplumewhereitenterssmokelayer,kg/s
Equation (27) applies to both axisymmetric plumes and balcony spill plumes. For atrium smoke control systems, it is believed
that K varies from 0.5 to 1.0. For calculating the volumetric flow rate of smoke exhaust with Equation (23), use a value of K =
1.0 because it results in the highest smoke exhaust, which is conservative. For plugholing calculations, use a value of K = 0.5
because it results in the largest number of exhaust inlets, which is also conservative. Other values of K may be used for these
applications if they are supported by test data or an engineering analysis. The mass flow rate is calculated from Equations (20)
or (21), with z being the clear height.
Volumetric flow of smoke exhaust is
V = volumetricflowrateofsmokeexhaust,m3/s
m = massflowrateofsmokeexhaust,kg/s
= densityofsmoke,kg/m3
The density of smoke can be calculated from
= densityofsmoke,kg/m3
p atm = atmosphericpressure,Pa
R = gasconstant,287J/(kgK)
Ts = absolutetemperatureofsmoke,K
The standard atmospheric pressure p atm for many locations is provided in Chapter 2 of the Smoke Control Handbook .
Example 5. What is the volumetric flow rate for the mass flow rate from Example 3? A few minutes after system activation,
the air temperature in the atrium is the same as that of the outdoors, and the largest volumetric flow rate happens during
summer when it is hot outdoors. The summer outdoor design temperature is 35C. The parameters are To = 35C, m =
46.6 kg/s, q c = 1470 kW, Cp = 1.0, R = 287 J/(kgK), and p atm = 101.3 kPa. For calculation of smoke exhaust, K = 1. 34/41
When the flow rate of a smoke exhaust inlet is relatively large, cold air from the lower layer can be pulled into the smoke
exhaust. This phenomenon is called plugholing. Multiple exhaust air inlets may be needed to prevent plugholing. The maximum
volumetric flow rate that can be exhausted by a single exhaust inlet without plugholing is calculated by
Vmax = maximumvolumetricflowratewithoutplugholingatT ,m3/s
Ts = absolutetemperatureofsmokelayer,K
To = absoluteambienttemperature,K
d = depthofsmokelayerbelowlowestpointofexhaustinlet,m
= exhaustlocationfactor
The ratio d /Di should be greater than 2 where Di is the diameter of the exhaust inlet. For exhaust inlets centered no closer
than 2 Di from the nearest wall, = 1 should be used for less than 2Di , = 0.5 should be used. For exhaust inlets on a wall,
use = 0.5. For rectangular exhaust inlets, calculate Di as
a = lengthoftheinlet,m
b = widthoftheinlet,m
The variables a and b can be in any unit of length provided that they are both in the same units. For square inlets, Di equals
the side of the square. Where multiple inlets are needed to prevent plugholing, the minimum separation between inlets should be
Smin = minimumedgetoedgeseparationbetweeninlets,m
Ve = volumetricflowrateofoneexhaustinlet,m3/s
Example 6. For the fire of Example 5, determine the number of smoke exhaust inlets and the minimum separation between
them to prevent plugholing. The smoke layer is 3.2 mdeep. Because the inlets in the ceiling far from walls, = 1.
Plugholing will be calculated for an ambient temperature of 21C. The parameters are: = 1, d = 3.2 m, To = 21C (294
K), m = 46.6 kg/s, q c = 1470 kW, Cp = 1.0, and V = 44.8 m3/s. For calculating the number of exhaust inlets, K = 0.5. 35/41
V/Vmax is 44.8/17.7 = 2.6. This means that at least three inlets are needed to prevent plugholing.
An inlet velocity of 7.5 m/sis chosen. The area of each inlet is 14.93/7.5 = 1.99 m2.
An inlet size of 1.3 by 1.53 mis chosen, and Di = 2ab /(a + b ) = 2(1.3)(1.53)/(1.3 + 1.53) = 1.41 m.
Then d/Di = 3.2/1.41 = 2.27, which meets the stipulation that this ratio has to be greater than 2.
These calculations indicate that the edges of the inlets need to be at least 3.48 mapart from each other, and at least
2Di (2 1.41 = 2.82 m) from the nearest wall. If the edges of any inlets are closer to a wall, the calculations should be
repeated with = 0.5. If the inlets were in the walls, would be 0.5.
Zone fire modeling is a simple approach to simulating smoke transport. The idea of the zone fire model came from observations
in early room fire experiments that a smoke plume rises above the fire, and a smoke layer forms under the ceiling. As the fire
continues, the smoke layer descends, and smoke may flow out of doorways (a doorjet).
A zone fire model considers a fire compartment to be made up of an upper smoke layer and a lower nonsmoke layer. The mass
flows of the smoke plume and the doorjet are calculated from empirical equations. For the zone model idealization, temperature
and concentrations of constituents are considered to be constant throughout each layer. These properties change only as a
function of time.
Most zone models consider that ceilings are flat and that rooms have uniform crosssectional areas. The height of the
discontinuity between these layers (the smoke layer interface) is considered to be the same everywhere. In the idealized model
at an infinitesimal distance above the interface, the temperature and contaminant concentrations are those of the smoke layer. At
an infinitesimal distance below the interface, the temperature and contaminant concentrations are those of the lower layer. Even
with these simplifications, zone fire models have proven to be very useful tools for many applications, but they must be used
with care. Because different zone models use different empirical equations implemented in different ways, the predictions of
different zone models vary to some extent.
Many zone models were developed in the 1980s, and often had poor numerical convergence. CFASTis a multiroom zone fire
model that has superior numerical convergence, many features, and a graphical interface (Jones et al. 2009 Peacock et al.
2012), and has been verified with fullscale fire data. CFAST and its documentation are available from NIST at no cost. Probably
for these reasons, CFAST has become the de facto standard zone fire model.
CFAST can be used to simulate atrium smoke filling, and is useful for calculating sprinkler activation time. To help new users of
this model get started, Chapter 18 of the Smoke Control Handbook has general information about zone models plus some CFAST
user information.
Atrium smoke control can be analyzed by CFD modeling. For general information about CFD modeling, see Chapter 13 of the
2013 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals . For information about fire applications of CFD modeling, see Chapter 20 of the Smoke
Control Handbook .
The idea of CFD is to divide the space of interest into a large number of cells and to solve the governing equations for each
cell. For atrium applications, the number of cells typically ranges from 100 000 to 1 000 000 or more. Obstructions such as
walls, balconies, and stairs should be taken into account, and conditions at the boundaries defined. Exhaust flow at or near the
top of the atrium is specified, and makeup air conditions are also defined. This allows simulation of fluid flow in considerable
Although CFD modeling has significant advantages in realistically simulating smoke flow, it is computationally intensive and
requires a lot of computer memory and time it is not uncommon for a CFD simulation to run for many hours and sometimes
days. Also, it produces so many numbers that the usual ways to evaluate computer output are inappropriate. Visualization
methods have been developed so people can understand CFD results.
Several generalpurpose CFD models are commercially available that can be used for atrium smoke control. NIST has developed 36/41
the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) model (McGrattan et al. 2014a, 2014b) with visualization software called Smokeview (Forney
2008). FDS, specifically developed and verified for fire applications, can be obtained from NIST at no cost
( and has become the de facto standard CFD model for fire applications.
The smoke control systems previously discussed are conventional systems intended either to keep smoke away from occupants
or to allow only incidental smoke contact deemed to be negligible. Tenability systems are different: they are designed to allow
occupants to come into contact with smoke provided that a tenable environment (i.e., one in which combustion products,
including heat, are limited to a level that is not life threatening) is maintained. Analysis of a tenability system consists of a smoke
transport analysis and a tenability evaluation.
Toxic gas, heat, and thermal radiation exposure are direct threats to life, the severity of which depends on the intensity and
length of exposure. Tenability evaluation considers the effects of exposure to these threats, as well as reduced visibility.
Reduced visibility does not directly threaten life, but it is an indirect hazard. It can reduce walking speed also, when occupants
and firefighters cannot see well, they can become disoriented and cannot get away from the smoke, thus prolonging their
exposure. Another concern is that a disoriented person can fall from an atrium balcony, which can be fatal.
For information about calculating the effects of exposures to combustion gases and reduced visibility, see Chapter 6 of the
Smoke Control Handbook . There is no broad consensus, but suggested visibility criteria range from 4 to 14 m. When combustion
products from most materials are diluted enough to meet such visibility criteria, the hazards to life from toxic gases, heat, and
thermal radiation are also eliminated for exposures up to 20 min. This means that, for most fires, tenability can be evaluated by
calculating visibility, but the hazards of other exposures must also be checked.
CFD Models. CFD models have been used extensively to analyze smoke transport for tenability systems in atriums. In addition
to analysis of smoke transport, the FDS model incorporates features that help evaluate tenability. An especially useful feature is
the ability of FDS to calculate visibility at userselected points.
Large Buildings. It is not practical to use CFD to simulate smoke transport in large buildings, but CONTAM can handle this
simulation in extremely large buildings. With CONTAM, the user inputs the temperatures, and zone fire models can be used to
evaluate fire produced temperatures in building spaces. Chapter 19 of the Smoke Control Handbook discusses tenability analysis
using CONTAM, including an example.
Commissioning refers to the process of examining, comparing, testing, and documenting the installation and performance of a
smoke control system to ensure that it functions according to an approved design. It demonstrates to an owner that the smoke
control system installed in a project meets the projects design goals.
Special inspections are a means that an authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)uses to determine that a smoke control system
meets the code requirements. The International Building Code (IBC) has requirements for a special inspection and describes the
qualifications required for a special inspector (ICC 2012).
Commissioning begins at the start of the project and continues throughout the project. ASHRAE Guideline 1.5 provides
methods for verifying and documenting that the performance of smoke control systems conforms with the intent of the design.
For smoke control systems, an AHJ such as a building official or fire marshal typically enforces a combination of building codes,
fire codes, and local standards. The intent is to determine that the system meets the owners project requirements (OPR),
including code requirements and inspections by the AHJ throughout the delivery of the project.
For successful commissioning of a system, several different people typically are involved in the process. In addition to the
building owner and AHJ, the system designer, general contractor, subcontractors, fire protection engineering consultants, and
testing and balancing technicians can be involved. At the end of testing, documentation is provided that the system is working
properly according to the design.
Commissioning activities can occur at multiple stages during the construction process. Duct inspections, duct leakage testing,
and barrier inspections are activities that typically occur early in the construction process when the ducts and barriers are readily
visible. Component testing, including airflow measurement, can occur at a midpoint in construction where power is provided to
individual devices, but central monitoring and control has not yet been provided. Sequence of operations and final performance
testing typically occurs when construction is nearly complete, often just before the building is intended to obtain its permits and
open to the public.
Commonly, testing and balancing (TAB) is required before formal acceptance testing to achieve the expected performance of all
the components. TAB refers to the process where the asbuilt performance of smoke control systems is tested in the field and
compared to the required design conditions. Adjustments to the installed system, such as refining the supply airflow rates, are
made to ensure that the smoke control system is functioning as intended in the approved design documentation.
System performance testing is the phase where the codespecified performance parameters appropriate to the smoke control
design are measured. For example, building codes require that a minimum pressure difference exist between a pressurized stairwell
and other zones in the building, and that door opening force must not exceed a specified amount. In this case, performance
testing would focus on measuring the pressure difference across stairwell doors and door opening forces. Some common
parameters measured during smoke control system performance testing are (1) exhaust/supply airflow quantities, (2) airflow
velocities at atrium or other large open space perimeters, (3) dooropening forces, and (4) pressure differences between zones.
Caution: Smoke Bomb Tests Not Recommended. Artificial smoke from smoke bombs (also called smoke candles) or any 37/41
kind of artificial smoke generator is not recommended for any performance testing, because it lacks the buoyancy of hot smoke
from a real building fire. Smoke near a flaming fire has a temperature in the range of 540 to 1100C. Heating chemical smoke to
such temperatures to emulate smoke from a real fire is not recommended unless precautions are taken to protect life and
Some building codes require special inspections and tests of smoke control systems in addition to the ordinary inspection and
test requirements for buildings, structures, and parts of buildings. These special inspections and tests should verify the proper
commissioning of the smoke control design in its final, installed condition. Procedures for inspection and testing should be
developed by the smoke control systems special inspector, with approval of the authorities having jurisdiction. The special
inspector must understand the principles of smoke control, including code requirements, and should check that the components
of the system are as specified and are installed as intended, as well as whether the smoke control system performs as intended.
After a smoke control system has been commissioned, testing must still be performed periodically over the buildings life to
ensure the system is in proper operating condition in the event of a fire. Periodic testing includes manual testing involving
ongoing inspection and maintenance, and automatic testing to determine that integral equipment is functional and operational.
Automatic testing is often performed at a higher frequency than manual testing. Continued inspection and testing identifies
adjustments and repairs needed to account for unforeseen changes to the building or failure of components.
Until recently, smoke control system reliability has been somewhat compromised because periodic testing was limited to manual
testing. Inspections performed years after commissioning showed that some smoke control systems were inoperable, turned off,
or made ineffective by modifications to equipment or the building. Reliability of smoke control systems should be significantly
improved by the use of automatic weekly self testing of system components, available from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed
equipment with the UUKL product designation.
Dampers that are part of codemandated passive smoke barriers are not included in the automatic weekly self testing. Typically,
codes require testing these dampers every four years, except in hospitals (every six years).
Extraordinary incidents, whether caused by war, terrorism, accident, or natural disaster, can affect immediate human needs such
as survival and safety, and also longerterm needs such as air, water, food, and shelter. Some buildings are designed with
specific features intended to make them less susceptible to extraordinary incidents. It is recommended that actuation of systems
for fire and smoke protection be of higher priority than possibly conflicting automatic strategies designed to respond to other
extraordinary conditions.
Some acts of terrorism use fire, and those using bombs often lead to fires. It is well known that war, terrorist attacks, and
natural disasters have the potential to disrupt utilities and interfere with firefighting, and this often allows any fires that occur to
grow unchecked. For these reasons, simultaneous fire and other extraordinary incidents should be considered likely, and any
features intended to mitigate extraordinary conditions should be designed accordingly. For more information, see ASHRAEs
(2003) report, Risk Management Guidance for Health, Safety and Environmental Security under Extraordinary Incidents and
Chapter 59 of this volume.
A = area,m2
a = dilutionrate,airchangesperminutelengthofinlet,m
Aa = freeareaaroundelevatorcar,m2
ABO = flowareaperstairwellbetweenbuildingandoutdoors,m2
Ae = effectivearea,m2
Ai = flowareaofpathi ,m2
Air = leakageareabetweenbuildingandlobby,m2
As = crosssectionalareaofshaft,m2
ASB = flowareabetweenstairwellandbuilding,m2
Aw = areaofventilationopening,m2
b = distancefromopeningtobalconyedge,mwidthofinlet,m
C = flowcoefficientconcentrationofcontaminantattimet
Cc = flowcoefficientforflowaroundcar
CO = initialconcentrationofcontaminant
Cp = specificheatofplumegases,1.0kJ/(kgK)
Cw = pressurecoefficient
d = depthofsmokelayerbelowlowestpointofexhaustinlet,mdistancefromdoorknobtoknobsideofdoor,m
Di = diameterofexhaustinlet,m
F = totaldooropeningforce,kg 38/41
Fdc = doorcloserforce,kg
FR = flowareafactor
H = floortoceilingheight,mheightofbalconyabovefuel,m
HJ = thicknessofceilingjet,m
Hm = heightlimit,m
Hw = heightofventilationopening,m
K = fractionofconvectiveheatreleasecontainedinsmokelayer
m = massflowrate,m2/s
p atm = atmosphericpressure,Pa
p w = windpressure,Pa
q = heatreleaserate,kW/s
qc = convectiveheatreleaserate,kW/s
R = gasconstant,287J/(kgK)
Smin = minimumedgetoedgeseparationbetweeninlets,m
t = time,s
TB = temperatureinbuilding,Cabsolutetemperatureinbuilding,K
TF = absolutetemperatureoffirecompartment,K
tg = growthtime,s
Tin = absolutetemperatureofairintofirecompartment,K
TJ = absolutetemperatureofceilingjet,K
TO = temperatureofoutdoors,CorK
To = absoluteambienttemperature,CorK
Tout = absolutetemperatureofsmokeleavingfirecompartment,K
TS = temperatureofshaftorstairwell,CorK
Ts = absolutetemperatureofsmoke,K
U = elevatorcarvelocity,m/s
UH = velocityatwallheightH ,m/s
V = volumetricflowrate,m3/s
Ve = volumetricflowrateofoneexhaustinlet,m3/s
Vin = volumetricflowrateofairintofirecompartment,m3/s
Vmax = maximumvolumetricflowratewithoutplugholingatTs ,m3/s
Vout = volumetricflowrateofsmokeoutoffirecompartment,m3/s
W = doorwidthorwidthofspill,m
w = widthofopeningfromareaoforigin,m
z = distanceaboveneutralplaneordistanceabovebaseoffire,m
zb = heightofplumeabovebalconyedge,m
zl = limitingelevation,m
= exhaustlocationfactor
p = pressuredifference,Pa
p FS = pressuredifferencefromfirecompartmenttosurroundings,Pa
p max = maximumdesignpressuredifference,Pa
p min = minimumdesignpressuredifference,Pa
p SO = pressuredifferencefromshafttooutdoors,Pa
p u,si = upperlimitpressuredifferencefromshafttobuilding,Pa
= heattransferfactor
= density,kg/m3
o = outdoorairdensity,kg/m3
c = convectivefraction 39/41
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The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 5.6, Control of Fire and Smoke. 41/41