Implant Subperiostal Nou
Implant Subperiostal Nou
Implant Subperiostal Nou
Placement of a Modified
Subperiosteal Implant:
A Clinical Solution to Help Those
With No Bone
Authored by Ara Nazarian, DDS
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Continuing Education
Continuing Education
Placement of a Modified Subperiosteal Implant: A Clinical Solution to Help Those With No Bone
Continuing Education
Placement of a Modified Subperiosteal Implant: A Clinical Solution to Help Those With No Bone
Clinical Protocol
Utilizing intravenous sedation, the jawbone was exposed by
making an incision at the crest of the ridge, from the distal Figure 6. The
incline of one tuberosity around the arch to the contralateral hydroxyapatite (HA)
bone grafting material.
side. A sharp periosteal elevator was used to reflect the
palatal tissue cleanly from the bone (Figure 4). The incisive
neurovascular bundle is always severed when performing
this procedure; however, with no significant harm. Once
complete, the palatal tissue was temporarily sutured
together to assist in clearly visualizing the ridge for implant
placement. On the labiobuccal aspects, the muco-
periosteum was elevated starting from the anterior section Figure 7. The HA bone
and proceeding posteriorly on both sides. The structures grafting placed over
subperiosteal implant.
that needed to be exposed included the anterior nasal spine,
canine fossa (up to the lower rim of the infraorbital foramina), site with careful attention not to allow saliva to contaminate
zygomatic buttresses, and the entire bony tuberosities the framework (Figure 5). Once inserted, the framework
extending toward the pterygohamular complexes. Once was inspected to confirm there was no space between it
completely reflected, any residual connective tissue on the and the underlying bone. Each strut and component was
bony ridge was removed so that the subperiosteal frame checked to confirm that the subperiosteal implant was
would only be in contact with bone. firmly and accurately seated. Two bone fixation screws
The subperiosteal implant was inserted into the surgical (Salvin Dental) were placed into the appropriate recessed
Continuing Education
Placement of a Modified Subperiosteal Implant: A Clinical Solution to Help Those With No Bone
Continuing Education
Placement of a Modified Subperiosteal Implant: A Clinical Solution to Help Those With No Bone
The author would like to thank Ryan Dutton, CDT, and the lab
team at Dutton Dental Concepts Laboratory, Ohio, for the
fabrication of the subperiosteal implant and overdenture.
Continuing Education
Placement of a Modified Subperiosteal Implant: A Clinical Solution to Help Those With No Bone
Online Completion Option: 4. Today, it has been observed and reported that HA-
coating improves the chance of direct bone-to-
Use this page to review the questions and mark your
implant interface, to decrease strut dehiscence, and
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Continuing Education
Placement of a Modified Subperiosteal Implant: A Clinical Solution to Help Those With No Bone
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