Haspelmath Objects
Haspelmath Objects
Haspelmath Objects
A P accusative A P ergative A P
(2)a. S b. S
Universal 1:
Case alignment is practically always neutral, accusative, or ergative.
Horizontal alignment and tripartite alignment are extremely rare.
Universal 2:
In neutral alignment, the single case is always zero-coded; in accusative
alignment, the nominative case is usually zero-coded; in ergative alignment,
the absolutive case is almost always zero-coded.
Universal 3: UA#217
If any P is overtly case-marked, then all Ps that are higher on the animacy
scale, the definiteness scale, or the person scale are marked at least to the
same extent.
(Silverstein 1976)
2.2. The definiteness scale: pronoun > proper noun > definite > specific >
Thompson (1912:75)
"...wenn die Sprache ein transitives Verb besitzt, in gewissen Fllen der Patiens als solcher durch
sprachliche Mittel zur Unterscheidung von Agens gekennzeichnet werden mu, weil er sonst vom
Hrer als Agens aufgefat werden wrde. Zu dieser flschlichen Auffassung ist der Hrer fter dann
disponiert, wenn das Objekt eine bestimmte Person bezeichnet. Ist andererseits die Person oder ein
Tier Agens und ein unbelebtes Ding Patiens, so ist auch ohne sprachliche Bezeichnung ein solches
Miverstndnis fast ganz ausgeschlossen."
[...if a language has a transitive verb, in certain cases the patient needs to be marked as such
by linguistic means to distinguish it from the agent, because otherwise the hearer would
interpret it as agent. The hearer is frequently inclined toward this wrong interpretation if
the object denotes a definite human being. If, on the other hand, the human being or an
animal is the agent and an inanimate thing is the patient, such a misunderstanding is almost
completely excluded even without any linguistic marking.]
(Caldwell and Thompson cited after Filimonova 2005)
Silverstein (1976:113)
"This hierarchy expresses the semantic naturalness for a lexically-specified noun
phrase to function as agent of a true transitive verb, and inversely the naturalness
of functioning as patient of such."
Comrie (1989:128)
"...the most natural kind of transitive construction is one where the A is high in
animacy and definiteness, and the P is lower in animacy and definiteness; and any
deviation from this pattern leads to a more marked construction...
the construction which is more marked in terms of information flow should also be
more marked formally"
Dixon (1994:85):
"Those participants at the left-hand end of the hierarchy are most likely to be
agents..., and those at the right-hand end are most likely to be patients..."
(the term differential object marking is from BOSSONG 1985, 1991, 1998; see also
Croft 1988, 2003:166-75, Lazard 2001)
McCarthy (2002:1)
"One of the most compelling features of OT, in my view, is the way that it unites
description of individual languages with explanation of language typology...
OT is inherently typological: the grammar of one language inevitably incorporates
claims about the grammars of all languages. This joining of the individual and the
universal...is probably the most important insight of the theory."
McCarthy (2002:40)
"Descriptive universals rarely make good constraints, but descriptive tendencies
often do. Indeed, the success of OT in incorporating phonetic or functional
generalizations is largely a consequence of its ability to give a fully formal status
to the otherwise fuzzy notion of a cross-linguistic tendency. Tendencies, then, are
a good place to start theorizing about constraints..."
Aissen starts with the Relational scale and the Animacy scale:
"The analysis rests on a set of proposed universal prominence scales which are
part of universal grammar." (AISSEN 1999:679):
(11) Animacy scale: Hum > Anim > Inan (Human > Animate >
This expresses the fact that inanimate subjects and human objects are
generally disfavored. But in fact they do occur, though languages pay the
price of additional marking. What's really excluded is "marked" associations
of relation and animacy that are not case-marked:
(16) a. Vietnamese
*STRUCcase >> *OJ/HUM & *CASE >> * OJ/ANIM & *CASE >> *OJ/INAN & *CASE
b. Spanish
*OJ/HUM & *CASE >> *STRUCcase >> * OJ/ANIM & *CASE >> *OJ/INAN & *CASE
c. Russian
*OJ/HUM & *CASE >> * OJ/ANIM & *CASE >> *STRUCcase >> *OJ/INAN & *CASE
d. Hungarian
*OJ/HUM & *CASE >> * OJ/ANIM & *CASE >> *OJ/INAN & *CASE >> *STRUCcase
But why do we need "constrained description"? Why not opt for a division of
labor? (some universals are explained functionally, others in terms of innate
constraints from the cognitive code/UG)
e.g. in German, DOM in noun inflection is found only in one small subclass of
masculine nouns (Haspelmath 2002:245):
NOMINATIVE Lwe Mann Garten Frau Nase Kind Buch
ACCUSATIVE Lwe-n Mann Garten Frau Nase Kind Buch
'lion' 'man' 'garden' 'woman' 'nose' 'child' 'book'
But in fact, the term "markedness" stands for a highly diverse range of
different (often related) concepts, none of which is needed (see Haspelmath
2006). In this case, "markedness of associations of grammatical function with
animacy/definiteness" can easily be replaced by "rarity".
Oj/Inan > Oj/Anim > Oj/Hum = human objects are rarer than inanimate
(vi) Iconicity would have to be built into the OT machinery (i.e. into UG) as
well for Aissen's system to work:
This totally undermines the whole effort, because it is far simpler to "appeal
to functional reasoning" from the very beginning (thus dispensing with all the
constraints, the prominence principle, the alignment mechanism and the
statistical data:
Zeevat & Jger 2002, Jger 2004: SAMTAL corpus of spoken Swedish
Table 4.
animate inanimate pronoun NP definite indefinite
subject 2948 203 2984 167 3098 53
object 317 2834 1512 1639 1830 1321
p < 0.01%
Aissen (2003:437)
"An intuition which recurs in the literature on DOM is that it is those direct
objects which are most in need of being distinguished from subjects that get
overtly case-marked. This intuition is sometimes expressed as the idea that the
function of DOM is to disambiguate subject from object."
Comrie (1977:9)
"Given the general tendency in languages [for subjects to be definite/animate and
objects to be indefinite and inanimate], instances where confusion will be
particularly likely will be where one has either indefinite...and/or inanimate
subjects, or where one has definite...and/or animate direct objects."
The functional factors assert themselves in language use. Language use affects
language structure through language change. Where they have a choice,
speakers will tend to prefer more efficient coding strategies, and these usage
preferences may become part of language structure.
e.g. Old High German extended the accusative suffix -an from pronouns to
personal names, where it is most needed, but not further.
e.g. in the Old High German n-declension, animate and inanimate nouns alike had a
distinction between nominative and accusative (cf. 15). Then the nominative-accusative
distinction was lost in inanimate nouns (following the pattern of the other declsension types),
and in Modern German only animates preserve the zero-marking in the nominative
(Haspelmath 2002:245).
5.5. How does the efficiency-based approach avoid the problems of Aissen
5.6. Conclusion
Universal 4: UA#217
If any A is overtly case-marked (with "ergative" case), then all Ps that are
lower on the animacy scale, the definiteness scale, or the person scale are
marked at least to the same extent.
(Silverstein 1976)
Kiparsky 2008: argues extensively against Garrett's (1990) proposal that "NP-
split ergativity" (=differential use of overt ergative case only for lower
NP types) has a purely diachronic explanation
"All diachronic roads lead to the same synchronic Rome, where ergative case is
lacks a morphological mark in high-D nominals. Far from explaining this
syncretism pattern, the various changes themselves require a motivation for
the pattern as part of their explanation. The invisible hand of historical
evolution nudges morphological systems towards certain optimal states, and
part of the job of morphological theory is to say what those states are...
Historical mechanisms by themselves cannot explain why languages undergo
the particular kinds of reanalyses that result in split ergativity but not other, a
priori equally imaginable kinds of reanalyses. The D-hierarchy must in some
sense be part of the design of language. (Kiparsky 2008:3.2)"
Typological Typological
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