Stone Columns Use For Soil Improvement

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Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Behaviour of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns

IGC 2009, Guntur, INDIA



S. Murugesan
Assistant General Manager, Geosynthetic Division, Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd., Pune411019,
(Former Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai600036, India).
E-mail: [email protected]
K. Rajagopal
Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai600036, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Stone columns are being widely used as ground reinforcing elements for the construction of flexible structures
on soft soils. When they are installed in extreme soft soils, the possible squeezing of the stones in to the surrounding soil and
intrusion of the clay in to the stone aggregate will result in poor performance of the stone column. In such situations confining
the individual stone columns within a geosynthetic encasement would help in preserving the functions of the stone column as
well as improving its strength and stiffness by many folds. In this paper the performance of the encased stone column has
been evaluated through experimental studies and numerical simulations. The results have brought out the benefits of encasing
the stone columns with geosynthetic, particularly in terms of enhanced load capacity. The influence of the geometry of the
stone column, material properties like stiffness of the geosynthetic used for the encasement has been investigated. The
numerical simulations generally agreed reasonably well with the experimental results.

1. INTRODUCTION such as introducing horizontal layers of reinforcements,

vertical reinforcing rods, grouting the column, skirting the
Among different ground reinforcement techniques, insertion
stone column treated area etc., encasing the column with
of stone columns (otherwise called as granular pile) is being
geosynthetic would be an ideal form since it also offers other
widely used for the construction of flexible structures over
benefits as follows (Raithel et al. 2002, Alexiew et al. 2005)
soft soils. When such columns are installed in very soft clays,
i) Additional lateral confinement (ii) Making the stone
we may encounter the following problems. (i) Loss of Stones:
column to act as a semi-rigid element enabling the load
The stones charged in to the column may squeeze out of the
transfer to deeper depths. (iii) Preventing the lateral
column due to low lateral confinement from the surrounding
squeezing of stones in to surrounding soft clays thereby
soft clay. Due to this squeezing, the quantity of stone
minimising the loss of stones. (iv) Enabling higher degree of
required to form the stone column may be much higher than
compaction compared to the conventional stone columns.
anticipated. (ii) Contamination of Stone Aggregate: The
(v) Promoting the vertical drainage function of the column
surrounding soft clay soil may intrude or penetrate into the
by acting as a good filter (if encased by geotextile)
stone aggregate leading it to the reduction in frictional
(vi) Preserving the frictional properties of the aggregates
strength of the aggregate besides impeding the drainage
(vii) Increasing the shear resistance of the stone column
function of the stone column. (iii) Limited Bearing Capacity:
(Murugesan & Rajagopal 2009). In spite having all these
As the stone columns largely depend on the lateral passive
benefits of there has not been enough application of this
support from the surrounding soil, the load carrying capacity
technique in the field. There is good amount of research
of the stone column can not be improved more than 25 times
being carried out on this technique both by model
the strength of the soft clay and the control over settlement is
experiments (Ayadat & Hanna 2005, Murugesan And
also limited (Chummar 2000). Hence, it may not be possible
Rajagopal 2007, Malarvizhi & Ilamparuthi 2007, Gniel &
to design economical spacing for stone columns in case of
Bouazza 2008) as well as analytical investigations
very heavy loads.
(Murugesan & Rajagopal 2006, Wu et al. 2009). This paper
Nevertheless the performance of the stone columns can be explains about the laboratory model tests performed on the
considerably improved by encasing the individual stone stone columns with and without geosynthetic encasement
columns with suitable geosynthetics. Among various and subsequently the numerical simulation of the results
methods of enhancing the load capacity of the stone columns using Finite Element Method.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Behaviour of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns

2. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 2.2 Load Tests on the Stone columns

In the present study the load tests were conducted on the stone The stone columns thus formed were subjected to vertical
columns installed in unit cell tank which would represent a loading at a constant strain rate of 1.2 mm per minute
typical stone column and contributory in a grid of columns. through a loading plate of diameter equal to that of the stone
The cylindrical unit cell tank used in this study was of 210 mm column. The loading plate was placed concentrically over the
diameter and 500 mm height. The plan area of the tank is stone column. All the load tests were performed by loading
equivalent to a typical unit cell area of stone columns installed at only the stone column, in order to directly compare the
a centre to centre spacing of 200 mm in square pattern and improvement in the load capacity due to encasement. The
186 mm spacing in triangular pattern. The clay bed in the unit loads corresponding to different displacements (in the stone
cell tank for the installation of stone columns was prepared column) were measured using a proving ring (having
by consolidating the slurry clay in a laboratory controlled accuracy of 0.01 kN). Figure 1 shows the schematic of the
condition. The stone column of the required diameter was load test set up. Three series of tests were conducted by
installed at the centre of the tank with displacement method. varying the diameter of the stone column, viz. 50 mm, 75
The readers can refer Murugesan (2007) for further details. mm and 100 mm. The first series of tests were performed on
the virgin clay bed without any stone columns. A second
2.1 Material Properties series of tests were performed on ordinary stone columns of
different diameter without any encasement (referred to as
The properties of clay bed formed in the unit cell tank are OSC). The third series of tests were performed on
listed in Table 1. For every test, fresh clay bed was prepared geosynthetic encased stone columns (referred to as ESC)
with consistent properties to have proper comparison between with woven and nonwoven geotextiles and different
tests. The stone aggregates used to form the stone columns were diameters.
granite chips of size 2 to 10 mm and having uniform gradation.
The peak angle of internal friction of stone aggregates Strain Controlled
determined from the direct shear test data is 41.5 within a Loading
normal pressure range up to 300 kPa. The density of the
stone aggregate in all the tests was maintained close to 1.6 g/cc.

Table 1: Properties of Clay Bed Geosynthetic

Properties Value
Liquid limit 49% Soft
Plastic limit 17% Stones
Specific Gravity 2.59 500 mm
In-situ Moisture 471%
In-situ vane shear strength 2.5 kPa
In-situ void ratio 1.25
Consistency Index 0.06 Unit cell tank
Dry unit weight 11.56 kN/m3
IS Soil Classification Symbol CH
Degree of Saturation 96% 210 mm

In the present study woven and nonwoven geotextiles were Fig. 1: Schematic of the Load test on Stone Columns in a
used as encasement for the stone column. As the Unit Cell
geosynthetics were stitched to form the tube for encasing the
stone column, the seam strength of the geosynthetic was also 3. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS
determined with geosynthetic specimens having a horizontal
seam at mid length. The tensile strength properties are listed The results from the laboratory tests of the present work were
in the Table 2. back-predicted through numerical simulations with relevant
material properties used in the experiments. All the analyses
in this investigation were performed using the finite element
Table 2: Properties of Geosynthetics Used for the Encasement program 'GEOFEM' which was originally developed at the
Woven Nonwoven Royal Military College of Canada (Rajagopal & Bathurst,
Strength properties
geotextile geotextile 1993) and subsequently modified at IIT Madras. In finite
Ultimate tensile strength (kN/m) 20 6.8 element models, the cylindrical unit cell was idealised as
Ultimate seam strength (kN/m) 4.7 5.1 axisymmetric case with radial symmetry around a vertical
Initial modulus (kN/m) (based axis passing through the centre of the stone column. As the
17.5 12
on seam strength) problem can be modelled as axisymmetric case, one half of a

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Behaviour of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns

typical vertical section passing through the central vertical Table 3: Hyperbolic Material Properties Used in the
axis is considered for the analysis. This area is discretised Numerical Simulation of the Experiments
using 8-node quadrilateral elements for all the components in
Hyperbolic model parameters
the system as shown in Figure 2.
Materials c
K m Rf
Applied load (kPa) (kN/m3)
Stone column 250 0.7 0.3 0.7 0 41.5 16
Foundation soil 15 0.5 0.45 0.7 2.5 0 17
Stone Linear Elastic with Poissons ratio, = 0.3


Figure 3 shows the pressure settlement curve obtained from
laboratory tests for the case of virgin clay bed, OSCs and
ESCs encased with non woven geotextile, of three diameters,
50, 75 and 100 mm. The loading on clay bed and OSCs show
clear catastrophic failure. Whereas the ESCs have shown
elastic behaviour, and there is no remarkable failure. The
load carrying capacity of individual stone column for a
settlement of 10 mm is increased by 3 to 5 folds because of
Radius of Unit cell
c =105 mm encasement. The ESCs behaved like elastic semi-rigid
flexible piles. In the case of ESCs the compression of the
Fig. 2: Typical Finite Element Mesh Used in the Analyses
stone column was mainly due to the readjustment of the
In the current investigations the stone columns and the soft particle within the stone column and the elongation of the
soil are modelled using hyperbolic non-linear elastic geosynthetic encasement. In the present study the failure was
equation given by Duncan & Chang (1970), Equation 1. not observed even for the settlement of 50 mm (i.e. 10% of
the column length). Figure 4 shows the load settlement
R f (1 sin )( 1 3 )
2 m
3 response of the stone columns encased with woven geotextile
E t = 1 Kp a
(1) for the three diameters (50 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm) of the
2c cos + 2 3 sin pa column. ESCs with woven geotextile show stiffer response
In which K, m, , Rf, c, , are Youngs modulus number, than that of ESCs with nonwoven geotextile. This is because
Youngs modulus exponent, Poissons ratio, Failure ratio, of higher modulus of the geotextile.
cohesion, angle of internal friction and unit weight
respectively. The geosynthetic used for encasement of stone
columns are assumed as linear elastic and modelled as a Pressure (kPa)
0 100 200 300 400
continuum element whose Youngs modulus (E) was derived
from the relation J = E t. Where J is the secant modulus of ESC - 50 mm
the geosynthetic and t is the thickness of the geosynthetic. ESC - 75 mm
The shear strength parameters were considered as that of clay 10 ESC - 100 mm
OSC - 50mm
Settlement (mm)..

soil and aggregates as reported in the details of laboratory OSC - 75 mm

experiments in section 2. The hyperbolic parameters 20 OSC - 100 mm
considered are listed in Table 3. In order to reduce the Clay
number of parameters in the investigation, it is assumed that 30
the contact between the different materials is perfect thus
avoiding the need for interface elements. However, the
elements immediately adjacent to the geosynthetic 40
encasement are given lower shear strength values equal to
2/3rd of the strength of the parent material in order to allow 50
the relative deformation between the encasement and
Fig. 3: Pressure Settlement Response of the OSCs and ESCs
adjacent materials. Further, the effects of stone column
with the Nonwoven Geotextile
installation on the development and dissipation of the pore
pressures are not considered in the analysis.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Behaviour of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns

Pressure (kPa) Pressure (kPa)

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400
0 0
10 10
Settlement (mm) ..

Settlement (mm)..
20 20

30 ESC - 50 mm 30
ESC - 75 mm Diameter of Columns
ESC - 100 mm 50 mm
40 OSC - 50 mm 40
OSC - 75 mm 75 mm
OSC - 100 mm 100 mm
50 Clay 50

Fig. 4: Pressure Settlement Response of the OSCs and ESCs Fig. 6: Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results
with the Woven Geotextile of ESCs with Nonwoven Geotextile

In both the cases, it is observed that the load capacities of Pressure (kPa)
OSCs are almost same for all the diameters. Where as for the 0 100 200 300 400 500
ESCs it could be observed that as the diameter increases the 0
load capacity of encased stone column decreases. The load Experiment
capacity is found to depend very much on the diameter of the Numerical
stone column.
Settlement (mm)..

The load settlement responses obtained from experiments 20

and numerical analysis are compared for different cases in
Figures through 5 to 7. In general there has been a reasonably 30
good agreement between the responses from model tests and Diameter of Columns
that from the numerical analyses. From Figure 5 it is 50 mm
observed that the hyperbolic model is predicting well the 75 mm
load settlement responses of the stone column and virgin clay 100 mm
bed. The discrepancy in comparison could be due to the total 50
stress analysis assuming fully undrained response while in Fig. 7: Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results
reality the drainage may take place due to small size of the of ESCs with Woven Geotextile
test set up. Hence a part of the measured settlements could be
due to consolidation of soil which was not simulated in the
numerical investigations. 5. CONCLUSIONS
Encasing the stone column with suitable geosynthetic has
Pressure (kPa) emerged as one of the attractive techniques to improve the
0 20 40 60
performance of stone columns, especially which are installed
Experiment in very soft soils. In this paper the individual load capacity of
Numerical this type of the stone columns were investigated through
10 laboratory model experiments and the same has been
Settlement (mm)..

simulated through numerical modeling. The behaviour of the

20 geosynthetic encased stone columns was compared with the
Diameter of Columns ordinary stone columns and clear improvement is observed
30 Clay because of encasement. The major conclusions drawn from
50 mm this study are as follows.
75 mm
40 100 mm 1. Pressure settlement response of geosynthetic encased
stone columns generally shows linear behaviour not
indicating any catastrophic failure unlike the conventional
stone columns.
Fig. 5: Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results 2. The improvement in the load capacity due to encasement
of OSCs and the Loading on Clay Alone depends upon the diameter of the stone column. Lesser

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Behaviour of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns

the diameter more would be the improvement. This is in Conventional Stone Column, Soils and Foundations, 47
line with the findings from earlier published literature. (5), 873886.
3. The numerical simulation with hyperbolic mode for the Murugesan S. and Rajagopal K. (2006). Geosynthetic-
soil and stone columns has predicted reasonably well, the Encased Stone Columns: Numerical Evaluation,
laboratory responses. In general the numerical modeling Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 24 (6), 349358.
of the ESCs compared well with that of the model Murugesan, S. (2007). Geosynthetic Encased Stone
experiments to a reasonable degree. Columns as Ground Reinforcement of Soft Soils, A
Ph.D. thesis submitted to Indian Institute of Technology
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