Report On Traffic Volume
Report On Traffic Volume
Report On Traffic Volume
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Table of Contents
Content Page no
1. Introduction 3
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 Definition 3
3. Methodology 8
5. Conclusion 15
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List of Tables
No. of the Name of the table Page no.
Table-1 General Traffic Volume study from 9
New Market to Science Lab
Table-2 General Traffic Volume study from 10
Science Lab to New Market
Table-3 Traffic Volume Considering PCU from 11
New Market to Science Lab
Table-4 Traffic Volume Considering PCU from 11
Science Lab to New Market
Table-5 Percentage (%) of flow rate 12
Table-6 AADT Calculation of New Market to 13
Science Lab
Table-7 AADT Calculation of Science Lab to 13
New Market
Table-8 ADT Calculation 14
List of Figures
No. of the Name of the figure Page no.
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Market to Science Lab
Figure-4 Percentage (%) of traffic from Science 10
Lab to New Market
Figure-5 Percentage (%) of Service Flow Rate 12
Figure-6 Flow Fluctuation Curve 14
1. Introduction
Traffic volume studies are conducted to determine the
number, movements, and classifications of roadway vehicles at a
given location. These data can help identify critical flow time
periods, determine the influence of large vehicles or pedestrians
on vehicular traffic flow, or document traffic volume trends. The
length of the sampling period depends on the type of count being
taken and the intended use of the data recorded. For example, an
intersection count may be conducted during the peak flow period.
If so, manual count with 30-minute intervals could be used to
obtain the traffic volume data.
2. Literature Review
A traffic study is conducted to evaluate the transportation
system serving an area and to identify any improvements
necessary to accommodate existing or projected traffic volumes.
The study consists of data collection, including existing traffic
volumes and turning movement counts, projected traffic volumes,
and the identification of required improvements such as traffic
calming devices. Any identified improvements may include a
feasibility analysis, including identification of impacted properties,
impacted structures, alternate alignments, physical constraints
and roadway design criteria to be used.
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2.1 Definitions
ADT: Average daily traffic or ADT, and sometimes also mean
daily traffic, is the average number of vehicles two-way passing a
specific point in a 24-hour period, normally measured throughout
a year. ADT is the standard measurement for vehicle traffic load
on a section of road, and the basis for most decisions regarding
transport planning, or to the environmental hazards of pollution
related to road transport. Road authorities have norms based on
ADT, with decisions to expand road capacity at given thresholds.
AADT: Annual average daily traffic, abbreviated AADT, is a
measure used primarily in transportation planning and
transportation engineering. It is the total volume of vehicle traffic
of a highway or road for a year divided by 365 days. AADT is a
useful and simple measurement of how busy the road is. It is also
sometimes reported as "average annual daily traffic".
Hourly Expansion Factor (HEF):
Total 24 hours volume
Volume for particularhour
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data for determination of vehicle hourly patterns, daily or
seasonal variations and growth trends, or annual traffic estimates.
The selection of study method should be determined using the
count period. The count period should be representative of the
time of day, day of month, and month of year for the study area.
Counting Board
Mechanical count
boards consist of
counters mounted
on a board that
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record each direction of travel. Common counts include
pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle classification, and traffic volume
counts. Typical counters are push button devices with three to
five registers. Each button represents a different stratification of
type of vehicle or pedestrian being counted. The limited number
of buttons on the counter can restrict the number of
classifications that can be counted on a given board. A watch or a
stopwatch is also necessary with this method to measure the
desired count interval.
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2. Select observer location(s). Observers (data collectors)
should be positioned where they have a clear view of traffic
and are safely away from the edge of the roadway.
3. Record observations on site.
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period of time. Permanent counters are not a cost-effective option
in most situations. Few jurisdictions have access to this
3. Methodology
There are two ways of counting system
Direct Method.
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Indirect method.
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1.Data Collection & Analysis
Bus, 2%
SPT, 0% Truck, 0%
7% 1
AR, 27% 3
LV, 64% 5
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Table 2: Science Lab to New Market
Figure-4: Percentage (%) of traffic from Science Lab to New Market
Time Bus Truck LV AR SPT MC Total %
12-12:30 30 2 344 170 1 35 582 27.1329
13-13:30 15 1 379 160 0 60 615 28.6713
14-14:30 25 0 584 250 14 75 948 44.1958
Total 70 3 1307 580 15 170 2145 100
%of whole 3.2634 0.13986 60.9324 27.0396 0.6993 7.92541 100
Bus, 3% Truck, 0%
AR, 1%
8% 1
AR, 27% 3
LV, 61%
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Traffic Volume considering PCU
Bus = 1.99
Truck = 2.12
Light Vehicle = 1.53
Auto rickshaw = 0.41
Small public transport = 0.51
Motor cycle = 0.03
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Table 5: Percentage (%) of flow rate
NM to SL, 45% 1
SL to NM, 55% 2
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Calculation of AADT
Table 6: AADT Calculation of New Market to Science Lab
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Calculation of ADT
Table 8: ADT Calculation
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ADT =Flow rate in PCU*HEF
09-10:00 10-11:00 11-12:00 12-13:00 13-14:00 14-15:00
5. Conclusion
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The results of the first post-study indicate that the traffic
volume within the neighborhood has generally improved. We
determined the vehicle proportion of these roads and also to
understand what is the tidal flow occurs. Though we have done
the survey manually there is possibility of some mistakes which
were not done intentionally. It would be more accurate if video
camera is used. Basically the survey time recommended is 24
hours but it is not possible. So we convert 30 minutes survey to 1
hour survey. Because it provides effective and helpful
information, so such information is needed for traffic system
improvement in our country.
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