Minds Eye Theatre Vampire The Masquerade Quickstart Guide
Minds Eye Theatre Vampire The Masquerade Quickstart Guide
Minds Eye Theatre Vampire The Masquerade Quickstart Guide
Partner, Ventrue, Operations & Development Jennifer Still Loopy Smith, Editor
Jason The Eldest Elder Carl,
who Dominated the Neonates off his lawn. Katrin Kat O Nine Tails Auch, Book Design
2014 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission
of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for
blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White
Wolf, Vampire, World of Darkness, Vampire: the Masquerade, Minds Eye
Theatre, Mage: the Ascension, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, and Changeling:
the Dreaming are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Storyteller
System, and Storytelling System are trademarks of CCP hf.
All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted
by CCP hf.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical
and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes
only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
Backgrounds are special assets possessed by a character, Step Six: Assign Backgrounds (Generation)
justified by the characters history. Has she made allies?
Created an influence network within her city? Does she Step Seven: Assign Disciplines
have a great deal of money or other resources to call on
when things are difficult? The quick-start guide presents Step Eight: Purchase Merits
only one background: Generation. Others are covered in
detail within the complete rulebook. Step Nine: Spend Initial XP
Disciplines are supernatural powers. Each vampire clan Step Ten: Finishing Touches
has three native disciplines. For the Brujah, those are
Celerity, Presence, and Potence. For the Ventrue, those are
Dominate, Fortitude and Presence. As a character gains Step One: Create a Persona
experience points through playing the game, the player may Think of a character concept. You might begin by defining
choose to purchase higher ranks of her native disciplines or who your character was as a mortal. Next, consider the
find a teacher and learn disciplines not native to her clan. characters Embrace. Did she cling to mortality or eagerly
damn her soul with the Embrace? Be sure your character
Merits and Flaws define a characters unique qualities, has a perspective on the vampire world and the mortal one.
giving her distinct advantages (or detriments). A character Formulate a personality and consider how the years since
can purchase only seven points of merits. The complete the Embrace might have affected that person. Here are some
rulebook includes several flaws that players may choose for simple questions to help define your concept:
their characters but, in the interest of simplicity, flaws are
not included in this document.
Who were you before you became a vampire? Was
the character prosperous in her mortal life? Was she
Willpower represents a characters inner reserves. destitute? Did she enjoy her mortal life or hate it? Did
Willpower also provides a passive defense against Social and the character know anything about vampires before she
Mental powers, and may be spent as a retest when you fail was Embraced?
a challenge.
Why were you Embraced? Was the character Embraced
Health is a measure of a characters wounds. As your because she was considered worthy? Was it a mistake?
character takes damage, you will cross off an appropriate Was the characters sire acting out of impulse, passion,
number of wound boxes. When you spend Blood points to or some other quick spark of emotion, or was it done
heal, you will erase damage in those wound boxes, keeping after a long period of consideration?
careful tally of the characters current injury level.
Character Creation 5
Who have you become as a vampire? How did the In modern nights, the Brujah are a fiery group of warriors,
character adapt to the Embrace? Is she still controlled individualists, and rebels, driven to both success and failure
by her sire, or is she independent? Did she accept her by their tempestuous natures. They feel mortal passions more
sires tutelage, or did she rebel? deeply than other vampires, and are prone to attack first and
ask questions later. Members of this clan love a cause, and
will eagerly act on anything they see as injustice. They come
Step Two: Record Initial XP together in violent gatherings called rants, where they give
During character creation, you will be provided free dots to passionate speeches, challenge rivals to personal combat, or
allocate within each section of your character sheet. You drum up support for crusades against the status quo. They
also receive 30 initial experience points (XP) to spend know best that the capacity for emotion can also be a dark
during character creation. path. Many Brujah are driven to frenzy and madness if they
cannot control their passions.
In the complete rulebook, experience point costs for items
on your character sheet can be different depending on your Members of the Brujah clan are Embraced from many
characters Generation (see Step Six, Backgrounds, page 11). cultures, regions, and religions. The Brujah have never been
Using this quick-start guide, you can only create a character selectivethey choose childer based on an individuals
of Ancilla generation. Therefore, all experience costs listed drive and desire to right wrongs. When it comes to fitting
in this document are appropriate to an Ancilla character. in with the modern world, Brujah do it better than most
vampires. They easily adopt styles of rebellion: shaved
heads, motorcycles, rivets, leather jackets, or t-shirts with
Step Three: Choose a Clan rude slogans.
Your characters clan determines her role in vampire society.
The clans are well known, and each has their own flavor; Organization: Brujah with experience tend to be
your clan will cause other characters to have expectations inspirations to their clanmates, but a member is expected to
about your persona. Clan also determines a characters innate prove her worth rather than turning to her elders to solve
disciplines and provides access to clan-only merits, as well as problems, so clan hierarchy is loose at best. Brujah tend to
other innate strengths and weaknesses. group themselves into philosophical factions, often claiming
to be Idealists, Individualists, or Iconoclasts. Iconoclasts
The quick-start guide provides a choice of two of the central are passionate about tearing down society and building
clans of the VTM world: the Brujah and the Ventrue. The something new, while Idealists prefer to solve societys
Ventrue clan includes nobles and leaders in vampiric society. problems rather than start completely over. Individualists
Brujah are deeply loyal, warlike vampires with a glorious are more reclusive, working on a person-by-person basis
history in battle. Choose one of these clans for your character, instead of concentrating on society as a whole.
and denote that choice on your character sheet.
Clan Weakness: Brujah are highly emotional and have
great trouble controlling the wrath of their Beasts. Their
Brujah difficulty to resist frenzy is increased by 2.
Might doesnt make right. Right makes might. Clan Merits: In addition to general merits (see page 35),
Fuck it, Im not going to waste my immortality Brujah may purchase any of the following Brujah-only
compromising with the corrupt. merits:
Aligheri, Advocate of 8 Mile
Brotherhood (1 point merit):
Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence Brujah are known for two things: their fiery tempers and
their intense clan loyalty. As a member of Clan Brujah, you
The vampires of Clan Brujah were once scholars and seekers gain a +2 bonus to Brawl, Melee, and Ranged attacks when
of wisdom. They inspired the glory of ancient Carthage, a attacking an individual who was targeted by another Brujahs
mighty city where mortals and vampires lived together Physical attack (Brawl, Melee, or Ranged) earlier in the same
in peace. However, Ventrue treachery and the armies of combat round. Members of the True Brujah bloodline found
ancient Rome laid Carthage low and forever shattered in the main rulebook cannot purchase this merit.
the Brujah clan. Over the centuries, internal divides have
shaken Clan Brujah to its core, changing the clans nature Burning Wrath (2 point merit):
from stoic philosopher to passionate warrior. The Brujah are A Brujahs heart is ablaze with emotion, spurred by anger,
no longer the creatures they were in Carthage. and filled with righteous fury. By channeling this anger, you
You receive free starting dots in your attributes. First, decide Mental Focuses: Perception, Intelligence, Wits
which of the three attributes (Physical, Social, and Mental)
are important, making one primary, one secondary, and the
last tertiary according to your vision for the character. A Step Five: Assign Skills
boxer would likely have a primary Physical attribute, where Skills represent a characters experience and training. A
an artist might place the Social attribute first, and so on. character with high skills is well-educated or has a great deal
of knowledge about the world. A character with low skills
Assign 7 dots to an attribute, indicating that this is your might be naive, sheltered, or uneducated. You can purchase
characters primary attribute. up to 5 dots of each skill. Skills are defined on page 24 of
this document.
Assign 5 dots to a second attribute, indicating that this
is your characters secondary attribute. A character receives a number of free starting dots in skills.
Assign them as follows:
Assign 3 dots to the last attribute, indicating that this is
your characters weakest attribute. Choose one skill and fill in the first 4 dots of that skill.
Physical Attributes: Physical attributes measure your Choose two skills and fill in the first 3 dots of those
characters strength, agility, and stamina. skills.
Social Attributes: Social attributes describe a characters Choose three skills and fill in the first 2 dots of those
appearance, charm, and ability to interact with others. A skills.
character with a Social attribute is attractive, compelling,
and more capable of convincing others to do as she desires. Choose four skills and fill in the first dot of those skills.
Generation determines the thickness of a characters blood. Additional dots of in-clan disciplines cost experience points
A vampire may spend blood to heal wounds, and some equal to the new level of the discipline x3.
powers require blood as an activation cost. An Ancilla has
a Blood pool of 12 points and may spend Blood at a rate of Additional dots of out-of-clan disciplines cost experience points
up to 2 points per turn. equal to the new level of the discipline x4.
Character Creation 11
You may purchase merits after you begin playing a character,
provided the description of the merit does not specifically Step Ten: Finishing Touches
say it can only be taken during character creationbut you Congratulations! Your character is complete. Now write
must never exceed the 7-point limit on merits. Merits are down your characters derived traits and then youll be ready
defined on pages 35 (general), 6 (Brujah) and 8 (Ventrue) to play. Derived traits are items formulated by using other
of this document. statistics on your sheet. These include a characters health
levels, Willpower, and Morality.
Using the complete rulebook for Vampire: The Masquerade, a All characters start with 9 health levels, three boxes in
character can gain additional XP by choosing up to 7 points each of three tracks: Healthy, Injured, and Incapacitated.
of flaws. These points are then added to the characters If you have Fortitude, you may have more health boxes;
overall experience point total. However, for simplicitys denote that, if applicable.
sake, flaws are not included in this document.
All characters begin with 6 permanent Willpower. Some
merits may alter your characters Willpower, depending
Step Nine: upon the situation. Denote that, if applicable.
Attribute 3 XP each
Scissors: Beats paper and ties with scissors. Step Three: Determining the Defense Test Pool
The type of challenge (Physical, Social, or Mental)
Therefore, if you win the rock, paper, scissors test, you win determines the targets defense test pool. However, note
the challenge. If you tie, compare your attack test pool to that defensive pools for Mental and Social attacks are
the targets defense test pool. If your pool is greater than the different than Physical defense test pools. Where skills assist
defenders, you succeed; otherwise, you fail. If you lose the in Physical defense, current Willpower determines how well
test, you lose the challenge. a character can resist Mental and Social challenges.
Systems 13
Mental/Social Defense: Social or Mental Attribute + opponents, you do not achieve an exceptional success
Willpower = Test Pool (though you do achieve a normal victory).
Note that defense pools use your characters current Note that only the attacker can score an exceptional success.
Willpower rating. Therefore, the more Willpower you spend It is not possible to score an exceptional success if you tieyou
on retests, the more vulnerable you become to Social and must win the test outright to achieve an exceptional success.
Mental challenges. Spend your Willpower wisely!
Step Five: Retests
Step Four: Rock, Paper, Scissors The loser of an opposed challenge may choose to retest that
Next, play rock, paper, scissors with the target player. challenge and throw another test against her opponent.
There are two standard ways to retest: by spending
Winning the Test Willpower or by Overbidding. Some merits or powers also
If you outright win the rock, paper, scissors test, you win the give you a retest, but those are exceptions.
test and should check to see if youve scored an exceptional
success (see below). Spend a Willpower
If a character loses a test, she may spend a point of Willpower
Losing the Test to retest. Only the loser may do this (regardless of whether she
If you lose the rock, paper, scissors test, you fail, and your was the attacker or defender). The results of the second test
target is unaffected. are final. During a retest, both characters should use the same
test pools that they used for the initial challenge. Spending
Tying the Test a Willpower to retest will reduce your ability to resist future
If you tie, compare your attack test pool to the targets defense Mental and Social challenges but will not reduce the players
test pool. If your pool is greater than the defenders, you achieve pools in the challenge they are currently retesting.
a normal success. Otherwise, you fail in your challenge. It is not
possible to score an exceptional success if you tieyou must Overbidding
win the test outright for an exceptional success. If your test pool is equal to or greater than double than
your opponents test pool, you gain a free retest. This is an
Exceptional Successes exception to the rule limiting opposed challenges to a single
An exceptional success grants a bonus in addition to retest. The overbid retest and the Willpower retest can be
winning the challenge. Damaging attacks that score an used in any order.
exceptional success inflict an additional point of damage.
Supernatural powers often list specific bonuses for achieving Second Attempts of Failed Attacks
an exceptional success. If you target someone with a Physical opposed challenge and
fail, you may try again on your next initiative. If you target
If your attack test pool is greater than your opponents a character with a Mental or Social opposed challenge and
defense test pool and you have won every test involved in the fail, the target is immune to your power or action for the
challenge, including all retests, you achieve an exceptional next 10 minutes. Note that this immunity only extends to
success. If you lost or tied one of the tests involved in this the power or action used and not an entire discipline.
challenge, or if your test pool is equal to or lower than your
Combat in Minds Eye Theatre is thematic and cinematic Standard Action: Any action that requires your characters
rather than hyper-realistic. These rules prioritize speed, full attention is a standard action. Actions that require a
flexibility, and ease of use over realism. While some conflicts challenge (static or opposed) are always standard actions,
can be resolved by running one or two opposed challenges even if the target doesnt resist your challenge. If you choose
(as described above), other fights require large-scale to forgo your standard action, you gain an additional simple
combat. These are called dynamic scenes. In an extended action instead.
conflict between two players, the Storyteller should use the
complex scenario system, determining initiative, rounds, Simple Action: A simple action is something your character
and turns. can do without a challenge. Examples of simple actions
include readying a weapon, using a supernatural power on
yourself, or running around a corner. Note that you cannot
Measuring Time forgo your simple action to gain another standard action.
Unarmed Attack: Successful unarmed attacks inflict 1 Disarm: (Reduce your attack test pool by 2 when using
point of damage. To inflict an unarmed attack, you need this maneuver.) Force your target to drop one item. If
to be within two steps of your target. you are Dexterity-focused and have a free hand, you
may choose to end up holding the disarmed object.
Melee Attack: Successful melee attacks inflict 1 point of
damage. To inflict a melee attack, you need to be within Grapple: (Reduce your damage by 3 when using this
two steps of your target. maneuver.) While grappled, a target cannot take steps,
or take Physical actions. A target can escape a grapple
Thrown Attack: Successful thrown attacks inflict 1 point by using her simple action to make an opposed Brawl or
of damage. To inflict a thrown attack, you need to be Melee challenge against the grappler, and winning that
within 10 steps of your target. challenge.
Combat 17
Quick Draw: Draw one weapon or other small item might not know which one, unless they have the appropriate
without using a simple action. knowledge or experience. A fellow vampire would realize
that you attempted to use a power, and would likely be able
Fighting Blind: Use this maneuver to attack an to guess which one, if she has the appropriate knowledge or
opponent you cannot see. Otherwise, your attack will experience. If the source of a supernatural power isnt within
automatically miss. line of sight, characters who notice the power will know
what direction the power came from.
Pierce the Heart: (Reduce your attack pool by 3 when
using this maneuver.) If your opponents wounds are
in the Incapacitated wound track (normally the last Maximum Attacks Per Round
3 health levels), you may use this attack to Pierce her As noted previously, combat turns are broken down into
Heart. Mortals are instantly killed. Vampires who have individual rounds, beginning with an Everyman round and
their hearts pierced with a weapon that has the staking continuing through each Celerity round until all character
quality fall into torpor until the stake is removed. actions have been completed.
Regaining Willpower
At the start of each game, your character begins with her
maximum Willpower as long as she had a complete days
rest before starting the game. During the course of the game,
spent Willpower is regained by roleplaying.
One of the most important themes of the Vampire roleplaying
Death game is the undeads struggle to retain her soul and fight the
Living characters die if they have no remaining health levels degradation of the Beast. Morality: Humanity measures a
and take 3 or more points of damage. Additionally, a living vampires innate empathy. As she degenerates, the vampire
character who is knocked unconscious from damage will die loses the ability to form meaningful, emotional connections
in 5 turns, unless treated by a character with the Medical with others. Her control over the Beast diminishes, and her
skill. Stamina-focused characters will survive for up to 10 next frenzy may well mean complete surrender to the Beast.
turns without medical attention.
Thus, it is extremely important to use Morality in a consistent,
Vampires are more difficult to kill. To permanently destroy dramatic manner. If the Storyteller allows the characters to
a vampire, you must damage all of the targets health levels, (sometimes literally) get away with murder, the tragedy of
knock her into torpor, and remove her head or destroy vampiric existence vanishes and the story suffers.
her body. To remove a vampires head, you must use a full
round of actions (both your simple and standard actions)
to do so. To destroy a vampires body without beheading
her, you must expose her to a damaging situation or inflict
significant blunt trauma throughout 3 full turns. The 3 turns
needed to kill a vampire in this way dont need to happen
consecutively, but they must happen within 10 minutes.
Humanity 21
Degeneration Challenge fades. While under the effects of a rage frenzy, a vampire
When a vampire commits a sin, she may attempt to receives a +1 bonus to all Physical attack test pools, but
overcome her Beast in order to mitigate the number of suffers a -2 penalty to all Physical defense test pools. If
Beast traits gained. The test pool is: Mental + Willpower you are reduced to the Incapacitated wound track, your
with a standard difficulty rating of 10 +1 per level of sin. For rage frenzy will automatically transition into a fear frenzy.
example, if Suzie broke her victims finger for information
(level 1 sin), her difficulty for the degeneration challenge is Hunger Frenzy: You attack the nearest source of mortal
11 (base 10 + 1 for the level of the sin). If the degeneration blood and drink until your Blood pool is full. This frenzy
challenge succeeds, reduce the number of Beast traits gained will only end after your Blood pool refreshes. While
by 1 point. under the effects of a hunger frenzy, a vampire receives
a +1 bonus to all Physical attack test pools, but suffers a
Frenzy -2 penalty to all Physical defense test pools.
While under the effects of frenzy, a character may take any
sort of action or challenge as per usual (Physical, Social, Fear Frenzy: You run away from anyone and anything
or Mental) but all of the characters actions must be bent that has the potential to harm you or acts aggressively
towards the motivation of her frenzy. You may use Auspex towards you. You can only attack if you are cornered,
to find new victims, Dread Gaze to force your enemy to flee, and even then you will abandon the fight and run as
or Obfuscate to hide from a terrifying foe. soon as you have an opportunity. Fear frenzy ends when
you escape threats and find a quiet place to hide for 10
The Beast is simple but not stupid. A frenzying character minutes.
will not ignore her own preservation. For example, if you
light a frenzying character on fire, she may choose to pause Resisting Frenzy
and extinguish the flames before continuing. To resist frenzy, you must make a Mental + Willpower
challenge. The difficulty rating is 10 + the number of Beast
Rage Frenzy: You attack the thing that made you angry traits the character currently possesses. A vampire can spend
and will continue to fight until it is unconscious (or in a point of Willpower to avoid the effect of frenzy for a scene,
torpor). If your target escapes, you will spend 3 turns or three turns if in combat. A vampire who has no current
venting your rage on your surroundings before the rage Beast traits will automatically resist frenzy.
3 Hit by a single blow that inflicts 2 or 4 Appears slightly inhumane; the cost
more points of damage (rage frenzy); to take on a semblance of humanity is
Blood pool is reduced to half of doubled (2 Blood per scene)
maximum (hunger frenzy); Three feet
or closer to sunlight or a source of fire 3 All test pools are reduced by half during
larger than a torch (fear frenzy) the daytime
4 Takes any damage (rage frenzy); Blood 2 Appears very inhumane; The difficulty
pool is reduced below maximum to resist all frenzies is increased by 5
(hunger frenzy); Sees or smells mortals
or their blood (hunger frenzy); Sees 1 Cannot wake during the daytime; Does
sunlight or a source of fire larger than a not automatically wake from sleep
cigarette lighter (fear frenzy) when damaged
Humanity 23
Skill Descriptions Crafts: You are artistically talented, and have the training
or experience needed to create art or build items. You can
create beautiful and expensive objects. When you choose
Academics: You possess a level of scholarship and general the Crafts skill, you must choose a specific field of study,
knowledge beyond primary schooling. This skill reflects the such as clockwork, blacksmithing, calligraphy, poetry, or
fact that the character has received an in-depth education. anything appropriate. Note that some artistic fields are
With Academics, you can express artistic criticism, comment better represented under the Performance skill. You may buy
on the classics, discuss philosophy, and indulge in cultural this skill multiple times, each with a different field of study.
debate. A player may further focus the characters education
by choosing a field of study for each dot purchased, such Dodge: When trouble rears its ugly head, you know how to
as mathematics, literature, history, journalism, theology, or get out of its way. Quick reactions let you evade blows and
anything appropriate to a classical education. shots, preventing injury. You can use Dodge to attempt to
evade an attack that youre aware of, such as diving for cover
Animal Ken: You know how to handle animals, and you as someone fires a gun or twisting away from a sword.
understand their behavior. You know how to calm an
animal, care for it, and train it to perform certain tricks Drive: Most people can drive, but you have the knowledge
or obey commands. You also know how to panic or enrage and training necessary to perform difficult and dangerous
an animal, when necessary. The Animal Ken skill also actions while behind the wheel of a vehicle. The first dot
makes hunting animals much easier, allowing a vampire of the Drive skill gives you competency driving cars. For
to temporarily hide the predatory aura of the Beast long each additional dot, you are considered competent driving
enough to close in on unwitting prey. another vehicle in the following categories: carriages,
chariots, motorcycles, sail boats, motor boats, large ships,
Athletics: You have a knack for athletic endeavors. You fixed-wing planes, airliners, or helicopters. You may choose
are good at sports and have often participated in physical other categories, if approved by your Storyteller.
competitions. This skill is useful when attempting physical
activities or sports, when fighting with thrown weapons, or Empathy: A character trained in Empathy tends to be
when using a bow. educated in fields such as psychology, anthropology, or other
aspects of human interaction and culture. Such characters
Awareness: Your senses are keen, and you are trained to are sensitive to the moods, emotions, and motives of
notice unusual things in your environment. You also have other people, and can identify when someone has mental
visceral reactions to the presence of the supernatural, problems, psychological weaknesses, or buried issues.
such as a headache or a strange feeling in the pit of your
stomach. A character with the Awareness skill may Firearms: You have been trained to handle a wide variety of
attempt to notice nearby Mental and Social attacks even firearms, from holdout pistols to heavy machine guns. You
if the attacker succeeds on her test. If you are looking at can clean, repair, recognize, and accurately fire most forms
someone who successfully uses a power, you may make an of simple modern weaponry.
opposed challenge using your Mental attribute +Awareness
versus the targets Mental attribute + Willpower or Mental Intimidation: Youre good at being fearsome, and have often
attribute + Subterfuge (targets choice) to determine if your used this talent to terrify others or cow them to your will.
character understands what happened. Your tactics might be based on your physical size, fighting
prowess, reputation, or just knowing how to push someones
Brawl: You have been trained to fight, and know how to use buttons and play on her fears.
your body in hand-to-hand combat. You might have military
training, you might have been trained in the martial arts, or Investigation: It takes a great deal of training to be a good
maybe you grew up with a lot of rough-and-tumble siblings. investigator. You have that education and the experience
Whatever the case, you know how to dish out damage with to use it. You notice subtleties and can connect disparate
your fists and feet. pieces of information. With effort, you can set a jumbled
mass of data into patterns, discovering clues that others
Computers: You have the knowledge required to operate and would have overlooked.
program computers, including mobile devices. In addition,
you have a fundamental understanding of the internet,
including website management, data-mining, and hacking.
Linguistics: Most people have a fluent command of one Security: You may have been a dedicated security consultant
language: their native tongue. Each dot of the Linguistics skill or an incorrigible thief. No matter which side of the law you
allows your character to be fluent in an additional language. operated on, you learned a great deal about modern security
techniques. You understand both the ins and outs of the
Lore: Most vampires understand their powers and know technology and the structure of security organizations, and
enough about vampiric society to get by. To know more know how best to circumnavigate both. With a little time
about the supernatural world, a character must collect and effort, you can design comprehensive security protocols
and study Lore. With several dots in Lore, the character for a location or, conversely, defeat such measures.
is familiar with centuries of legends and understands the
minute details of vampire existence. Stealth: It takes a great deal of physical training to move
silently, and a tremendous amount of mental dedication to
Medicine: You have a trained knowledge of human anatomy, remain unnoticed when others are attempting to find you.
including knowledge of medicines and the ability to treat You know how to take advantage of surrounding cover, how
wounds or diagnose diseases. to act nonchalant, and you understand the uses of timing
and diversion. By taking the appropriate precautions and
Melee: You are a dangerous combatant, especially when you using your natural skill, you can blend into the crowd and
are armed with any sort of weaponry. Melee represents your remain unnoticed even without supernatural powers.
ability to use non-ranged weapons of all forms, from swords
and spears, to esoteric martial-arts weaponry such as sai or Streetwise: Youre a savvy individual, completely capable
nunchaku. This skill also includes training with vampire- of taking care of yourself no matter how difficult the
related weaponry, such as wooden stakes. circumstances. The streets and the underbelly of urban areas
hold no danger for you, and you know the local criminal
Occult: You are familiar with occult topics such as mystic organizations and how to contactor avoidthem. You
philosophy, superstition, or folklore. Occult includes can recognize tagging and other territorial markers, and you
knowledge of many traditions such as Jewish Kabbalah, know the signs, colors and accoutrements that are used as
primitive shamanism, New Age beliefs, or psychic research, identification by those who make their homes in those areas.
but is always appropriate to mystic studies. It does not imply
a command of hard facts, but basic knowledge of rumor, Subterfuge: Lies, bluffs, and subtle games of manipulation
myth, legend, and hearsay. are the purview of those who have studied the art of
Subterfuge. An individual trained in this skill is capable of
Performance: You have been trained in physical hiding her intentions and redirecting the attention of others
performance, and are comfortable entertaining a crowd. in order to deceive them. You may be at your best with feats
This skill represents your talent and technical ability, as of magical misdirection, or you may be a con artist, making
well as the ability to enthrall an audience and keep them money playing three-card-Monte on the streets. You may
wanting more. When you choose the Performance skill, you use phraseology to confuse your listener, or you might be
must choose a specific field of study such as dance, comedy, the sort to utilize small feats of hypnotism to confuse and
acting, oratory, singing, or anything appropriate to the distract. Like the old hucksters used to say, theres a sucker
dramatic arts. You may buy this skill multiple times, each born every minute.
with a different field of study.
Survival: You know the ways of the wilderness and you
Science: The modern Information Age allows for all manner feel at home in untamed environments. You know how
of studies. By categorizing and breaking down the world to navigate a variety of terrains, find shelter, and survive
into many different forms, the methods of logic and reason in a different of habitats. You can control your responses
give sentient beings the means to understand the universe, and act with temperance and composure, having suffered
or at least small pieces of it. Education in Science covers numerous hardships with ease. Your survival instincts are
techniques of inquiry, modern studies, and a broad range of rarely ignored, even under the direst provocation.
underpinning work in a diverse range of fields. When you
Skill Descriptions 25
Discipline Descriptions
Note that these are simplified descriptions of the innate
success. Additionally, when dodging, you receive a +5 bonus
to your test pool for the purpose of comparing attributes
to determine if your attacker has achieved an exceptional
disciplines of two clans: the Brujah and the Ventrue. Brujah success.
in-clan disciplines are Celerity, Potence, and Presence. Ventrue
in-clan disciplines are Dominate, Fortitude, and Presence. Rapidity
The full descriptions of these powers and a comprehensive You can move faster than humanly possible. Before a normal
list of all disciplines can be found in the complete rulebook. human can move or breathe, you are already acting a second
Focus [Dexterity]: Anytime you activate Celerity, your System: When you activate Celerity, you gain an extra
character gains +2 to Dodge-based defensive test pools. round of actions (one simple action and one standard
action). Resolve these actions on the second Celerity round.
You are capable of an incredibly fast response time. By
activating Alacrity, you have the ability to make incredibly Dominate
rapid movements, increasing both reaction speed and reflexes. There are many legends describing a vampires ability to
put people under her mental influence. Practitioners of
System: When you spend Blood to activate Celerity, your Dominate can bend minds, implant suggestions, and even
initiative increases by the sum of all of the Celerity powers control another persons actions.
you possess.
To use Dominate, the vampire must first capture her victims
Swiftness attention (see Gaze & Focus, page 13). The Dominate user
Your body responds so quickly that the world around you then issues verbal orders or communicates through simple,
seems to slow down. You can use this extra time to draw a obvious hand gestures. The target cant comply if she cant
bead, increasing your accuracy with ranged weapons. understand the vampires commands.
System: When making a ranged attack, you gain a +5 bonus Dominate cannot force a target to do something directly
to determine whether or not the attack scores an exceptional self-destructive. Commands such as shoot yourself in
Discipline Descriptions 27
Exceptional Success: When the target fulfills the A character can also use Forgetful Mind to detect false or
Mesmerism (or when the duration of the power ends), your missing memories and (under the correct circumstances)
victim will not remember following your instructions. She restore them. Restoring lost or altered memories is difficult,
will remember all actions she took of her own free will, but and takes a great deal of patience and dedication. If
will not recall what she was forced to do by your Mesmerism. another character attempts to restore the subjects altered
memory, she must first tell the subjects Storyteller how
Focus [Intelligence]: Your Mesmerisms may remain many powers of Dominate she possesses (including elder
dormant in your targets mind for up to three months powers but not techniques). If she has fewer powers than
instead of one month, and the effects, once triggered, will you, then she is incapable of overpowering your Dominate
last for up to two hours rather than one. enough to even make an attempt to restore the original
memory. If she has equal or more powers, she may make an
Forgetful Mind opposed Mental challenge against the highest Dominate
Your skill with mental manipulation gives you the power pool you have applied to that subject. If she is successful,
to modify and shape the memories of other individuals. all memories altered by that Dominate user are restored to
By holding your targets attention and speaking to her the subject. This process requires one downtime action to
clearly, you can place her in a hypnotic state. While she is be spent by both the subject and the individual restoring
somnambulant, you may ask questions, cause her to describe the memories.
something she has experienced, or alter or overwrite her
memory of an event. A vampire cannot use Forgetful Mind to alter or restore her
own memories.
Its a relatively simple matter to rifle through a victims
psyche and erase swaths of memory, but unless you offer Exceptional Success: When you score an exceptional
something in its place, the deletion will leave a blank spot success, your character is considered to have 1 more dot of
in the victims recollection. The Dominate user can instead Dominate for the purposes of determining whether or not
create false memories, describing a plausible story for the this application of Forgetful Mind can be undone by other
victims subconscious to absorb. The user of this power characters in the future or for determining if you can undo
can tell the target to incorporate new information into alterations to your targets memories.
(or remove details from) her original memory. The target
will do so seamlessly, justifying the information within the Focus [Wits]: You may alter up to one hour of the targets
context of her overall remembrance. Unless someone else memory with a single application of Forgetful Mind
points out critical paradoxes in the memory, the target will (rather than 10 minutes).
rationalize away any contradictions.
Forgetful Mind does not grant the user any telepathic It takes little effort to control an individuals actions for a
ability to see an event in the targets mind. The events brief moment, or to twist her memories of a few minutes
are remembered from the subjects point of view, and are time. You are capable of far more insidious feats. By taking
verbally described to the best of the subjects ability. If the your time and applying a more dedicated amount of effort,
subject does not know a detail about the event, then she you can permanently alter a portion of your subjects
cannot describe that detail under Forgetful Mind. personality, adding habits or removing them. This takes
a significant amount of exertion, but once accomplished,
System: To activate Forgetful Mind, expend a standard you will have reshaped your target into something more
action and make an opposed challenge. If you are amenable to your purposes.
successful, your target enters a trance while the user of this
power offers details to alter, erase, or completely overwrite System: Through sustained exertion and focus, you can
the targets memory. If the target is threatened in any way, implant a semi-permanent Mesmerism (as per the above
she will snap out of this trance, ending the application Dominate power) deep in your subjects mind. Conditioning
of Forgetful Mind. Therefore, you may not use Forgetful a target takes three hours of diligent and uninterrupted
Mind in combat. focus, during which time your subject must be conscious
and aware. The target may be restrained, but she cannot
A successful use of Forgetful Mind allows you to erase or be unconscious, drugged, or otherwise unaware. Once your
alter up to 10 minutes of memory. A more substantial period character has completed this prerequisite, make an opposed
of time may be altered (in 10-minute increments) with challenge against the subject. If successful, you implant a
repeated application of this power. Mesmerism that can be triggered repeatedly.
Discipline Descriptions 29
A Conditioned character acts normally, with no alterations System: To use Possession, you must expend your standard
of her standard behavior, until such time as her Conditioning action to stare into the eyes of a mortal; this power will
is triggered. Once activated, the target must fulfill the not work on blind subjects, subjects who cannot see your
behaviors demanded by the Conditioning (or attempt to eyes, or supernatural creatures. Make an opposed challenge
for one hour, whichever comes first). Just like Command or against the person you intend to Possess. If successful,
Mesmerism, a Conditioning compulsion will automatically your consciousness is transferred into the targets body,
break if the target realizes that performing these actions and her mind is rendered into a fugue-like state. Because
will lead to direct harm. When this happens, the current your characters mind is focused entirely on controlling
compulsion to act will cease, but the Conditioning itself the body she has inhabited, the vampire has no innate
will remain (and can be triggered again in the future, as per sense of anything occurring to her native physical form.
normal). The characters original body falls into a torpid state and
can neither defend itself nor act on its own (although your
A successful compulsion implanted with Conditioning is body does have access to any Fortitude you possess while
permanent until broken by the subject; it cannot be removed your consciousness is absent). While in Possession, you
or overwritten. A mortal who goes one year without having always know the location of your real body, although you
her Conditioning triggered may make an opposed challenge cannot perceive its surroundings. A character cannot use
(Mental + Willpower versus your Mental + Intimidation). supernatural powers while in Possession.
If successful, the target breaks the Conditioning. If she fails,
the target must wait another year before she can attempt While in Possession, a character uses her own Mental
to break the Conditioning a second time, and another year attributes and focuses, Social attributes and focuses, skills,
after that before she can try a third time. Supernatural and backgrounds. A character using Possession has a
characters may attempt to break their Conditioning if they Physical attribute of 5 and no Physical attribute focus. If
avoid having the compulsion triggered for three months. If the character uses Possession on a particularly strong or
the victim fails that opposed challenge, then she must wait weak mortal, the Storyteller may choose to assign a Physical
another three months before making another attempt, and attribute between 2 and 8 (instead of the standard 5).
so forth.
Possession lasts until the next sunrise, or until you spend a
A characters Conditioning cannot be triggered more than simple action for your character to return to her native body.
once per hour. The compulsion placed by Conditioning does Possession ends immediately if the character travels more
not count towards a characters Mesmerism limit; a target than 10 miles away from her native body, if the characters
may be the victim of your Mesmerism and Conditioning native body takes 1 point of damage, or if the body shes
powers at the same time. However, even as you can only possessing takes damage.
implant one Mesmerism at a time on your target, you can
also only implant one Conditioning compulsion at a time. Exceptional Success: If you achieve an exceptional success,
A subject may have multiple Conditioning compulsions, your characters mind can maintain control of the possessed
provided each one comes from a different user of Dominate. form for up to three days without further challenges.
Possession will end after the third sunrise, instead of the
Focus: [Intelligence]: If you are Intelligence-focused, first. Note that your Possession will still end if the character
a mortal target must avoid having her Conditioning travels more than 10 miles away from her native body, if the
triggered for three years before making an attempt to characters native body takes damage, or if the body shes
break that Conditioning (instead of the standard one Possessing takes damage.
year). Supernatural creatures must go six months without
having the Mesmerism triggered before attempting to Focus [Wits]: You can use the first 2 dots of your Mental
break it (instead of the standard three months). and Social in-clan disciplines while possessing. Before
possessing a mortal, you may feed her up to 5 Blood points,
Possession which you may later use to fuel these in-clan disciplines.
The strength of your will is such that you can dominate While possessing, you can only spend 1 Blood a turn.
another individuals psyche, controlling her thoughts and Vampires with this focus who have Dominate in-clan
actions and completely taking over your targets physical can activate Possession while in Possession, transferring
form. You cannot access the victims thoughts or memories directly from one subject body to another. Each new
while in this state; her mind is suppressed, as though deep use of Possession requires a standard action, eye-to-eye
in sleep, and she knows nothing of your activities. While contact, and a successful opposed challenge, as per the
you are in command of the subjects body, you can take any standard use of this power.
physical action she is capable of performing.
Focus [Stamina]: Stamina-focused characters gain 1 System: Each time your character takes damage, you may
additional health level in each wound category when they ignore 1 point of normal damage. You can combine this effect
first purchase Fortitude. Such a character has 4 Healthy with Resilience in order to ignore 2 points of normal damage
wound levels, 4 Injured wound levels, and 4 Incapacitated per attack. You can also use this power in conjunction with
wound levels. powers that turn aggravated wounds into normal wounds.
You are beyond pain or fatigue, ignoring such hardships. Potence
Your body simply does not feel such minor inconveniences. Practitioners of the Potence discipline have tapped into the
primal quality of their blood in order to gain superhuman
System: You can easily ignore pain. Your character is strength. The inhuman might of Potence is incredible and
immune to torture and doesnt suffer wound penalties. clearly supernatural. With this discipline, a vampire can
easily break bones or shatter stone. Armor is meaningless
Mettle to her, as are obstacles. Anything in her way will simply be
Your body can take more damage than others, suffering demolished or hurled aside.
only light injuries, even under circumstances that should do
serious harm. Each dot of Potence represents an additional increase to
a characters physical strength, and each dot stacks with
System: Each time your character takes aggravated damage, all other mechanical bonuses granted by other dots of this
you may convert 1 point of aggravated damage to normal discipline. If your character has Vigor (Potence), she
damage. also has the bonuses granted by Prowess (Potence) and
Might (Potence ), which she must possess to reach Vigor.
Wounds that would slow or maim other vampires mean Potence powers are always active, and do not require Blood
nothing to you. You can shrug off such detrimental injuries. to activate. The Potence powers cannot be used outside of
hand-to-hand and melee combat range.
System: Each time your character takes damage, you may
ignore 1 point of normal damage. You can use this power Focus [Strength]: Strength-focused characters who have
in conjunction with other powers that convert aggravated at least 1 dot of Potence add +2 to all Brawl and Melee
wounds into normal wounds. You can use Mettle to attack test pools.
downgrade a point of aggravated damage into normal
damage; then, you can use Resilience to ignore that point Prowess
of normal damage. Your blows achieve remarkable concussion, smashing
through protective gear and shattering mortal bones with
a single strike.
Discipline Descriptions 31
System: Your characters Brawl and Melee attacks are Normal Success: Your character inflicts 3 points of damage
armor-piercing. You ignore your opponents armor bonuses. at this level of Potence.
System: When you succeed making a Brawl or Melee attack, Characters may ignore all uses of Awe for one hour, even if
your character automatically inflicts 3 points of damage. they come from multiple individuals, by spending a point of
This amount includes the extra damage granted by Might. Willpower.
Note that Intensity still adds an additional point of damage,
but only when you achieve an exceptional success.
Discipline Descriptions 33
If it is not possible for a character to present herself to you System: Spend 1 Blood and expend a standard action to
physically without entering a dangerous situation, the target activate Majesty. Majesty manifests as a domineering
must come as close as possible and contact you in some other emotional presence, amplifying your characters nature.
way, such as via a phone call, forcing a human to deliver a While this power is active, others cannot show you
note, or sending an animal messenger. If the target is not disrespect, and while they may disagree with you, they must
aware of an overt risk to her safety, she will respond to do so with utmost courtesy.
your Summon in person, even if you have sinister plans.
Supernatural creatures travel as far as possible until they Anyone who wishes to attack or be rude to your character
reach you or until the next sunrise, whichever comes first. must make an opposed challenge, using her Social attribute
+ Willpower versus your Social attribute + Leadership. If
Exceptional Success: The target of your Summons doesnt the aggressor fails this challenge, she cannot make another
know the power has been used, and therefore also cannot attempt against your Majesty for at least 10 minutes. She
sense the identity of the individual summoning her. She will becomes trapped in the effects of your Majesty and will
move to present herself at your location without realizing continue to treat you with respect and courtesy even if
whyor where shes headed. Your Summon still ends if the she leaves your locale. After 10 minutes have passed, the
target cant approach you without walking into an obviously aggressor may again attempt to break your Majesty. This
dangerous situation. effect also applies to powers that dont directly target the
Majesty user, but instead target the area encompassing the
Focus [Manipulation]: You can Summon your Retainers, Majesty user. If a character wishes to engulf a room in fire,
ghouls, and individuals who are blood bound to you and one of the characters in the radius has Majesty active,
without expending Blood or a standard action. You can the aggressor must test against that Majesty to do so.
use this aspect of Summon even when you are staked or
in torpor. This is an exception to the rule that prevents If you attack an individual affected by your Majesty, or if you
powers from being used while staked or in torpor. use a power on such an individual, your Majesty immediately
breaks for that person. She is rendered immune to your
Majesty Majesty for the next hour and can treat you as she would
You have mastered the ability to channel your vampiric Beasts normally, even attacking you, as she sees fit. This breaking
emotions, focusing its rage into a dark, regal bearing that seems of Majesty only affects the specific individual; others in the
almost palpable. The force of your personality causes meeker area who are affected by your Majesty are not freed simply by
hearts to quail and fearful individuals to bow or grovel before you witnessing your aggression toward their friend.
as you demand their respect. Hearts break and even the most
stalwart tremble as you pass, overwhelmed by the authority and Focus [Appearance]: While your Majesty is active, you
sovereignty of your countenance. You take on the aspect and ignore the Majesty of other characters.
mien of ancient rulers, expressed however is appropriatebe it
through intimidation and command, worshipful subservience,
sexual magnetism, or purity and grace.
Merit Descriptions 35
Lucky (2 point merit) Rugged (3 point merit)
Like most tricksters, fools, and madmen, your life has been You may be larger than other people, more resistant to
a series of fortuitous coincidences and second chances. hardships, or have tougher skin, but for whatever reason, you
Whether you rely on this luck or just fall into it, you lead a have a greater capacity to withstand injury. Characters with
charmed existence. If an opponent achieves an exceptional this merit gain 1 additional health level in each wound track,
success against you, you downgrade it to a normal success. resulting in four Healthy levels, four Injured levels, and four
You can use this benefit once every 5 minutes or once per Incapacitated levels. This merit works in conjunction with
combat. the Stamina focus bonus granted by Fortitude; a character
with both of these advantages possesses five health levels in
Medium (1 point merit) each wound track.
In your mortal life, you may have been a spiritualist or a
shaman, or perhaps your brush with death left a portion of Skill Aptitude (2 point merit)
your spirit trapped within the Shadowlands. Whatever the Due to some facet of your history, whether it is intense
reason, you are a channel to the lands of death, and you training or simply natural talent, you are prodigally gifted
possess the natural affinity to see and hear ghosts. This merit with a single skill. Choose one skill and raise your characters
does not grant any ability to control or command ghosts, potential maximum number of dots in that skill by 1. You
nor does it give you any mystic ability to understand wraiths must still spend XP as normal to purchase that skill to its
who cannot speak a language you know. maximum level. You can purchase the Skill Aptitude merit
multiple times, but each time you do, you must apply the
Natural Linguist (1 point merit) merit to a different skill.
Some individuals have excellent minds for retention and
association, capable of learning multiple languages with Slippery Customer (2 point merit)
ease. You can assign two language specializations for each Either you are extremely lithe, incredibly dexterous, or
dot of the Linguistics skill you purchase. Additionally, you amazingly sharp-witted; whatever the reason, you have the
receive a +3 bonus anytime youre called upon to make a uncanny ability to avoid damage. You gain a +3 bonus to
challenge using Linguistics. your Dodge-based defense test pools.
Sample Equipment 37