Bicycle Compound Machine
Bicycle Compound Machine
Bicycle Compound Machine
Response Booklet.
25907 | OR | F:4A Q:23 Sect:B| Content:50 | Linking | Artid: 25907bike |
Bicycle Design
Use the illustration of a bicycle below to answer question 23.
KY Grade 11 Form 4a 1998-99
Open-Response Item Scoring Worksheet
Grade 11 Science
The academic expectation addressed by Bicycle Design is
2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways in which their components work together or affect
each other.
The core content assessed by this item includes
Objects change their motion only when a net force is applied. Laws of motion are used to predict
and/or calculate the effects of forces on motion of objects.
Bicycle Design
Use the illustration of a bicycle below to answer the questions.
Bicycle Design 1
Grade 11 Science
Score Description
4 The response is complete and shows a solid understanding of simple machines and how they are
used to transfer energy. There is a clear and accurate description of where each of the three simple
machines is found on a bicycle and how each transfers energy.
3 The response shows an understanding of simple machines and how they are used to transfer
energy. There is a clear description of where at least two of the simple machines are found on a
bicycle and how each transfers energy. The response may lack detail or contain minor errors or
2 The response shows a limited understanding of simple machines and how they are used to transfer
energy. There is a description of where at least one of the simple machines is found on a bicycle
and how it transfers energy. The response may contain errors, misconceptions, and omissions.
1 The response is incomplete and shows a minimal understanding of simple machines and how they
are used to transfer energy. There is a description of where the simple machines are found or a
description of how they transfer energy, however, the response is mostly incorrect and contains
major errors and omissions.
0 Response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank No response.
Bicycle Design 2
Grade 11 Science
Student Response
Student clearly and accurately describes where a
There are three simple machines found on wheel-and-axle can be found on a bicycle (i.e., in the
a bicycle: lever, pulley, and wheel-and-axle. front and rear wheels) and what a wheel-and-axle
Wheel-and-axle is the most obvious. The bike does. The drawing clarifies the description and
contains wheels and axles in the front and rear shows the relevant motion.
wheels. A wheel-and-axle is simply a wheel that
rotates on an axle as shown below.
where the bicycle chain and gears are. The chain gear) and what this pulley does. The drawing
is wrapped around the pulley which turns and clarifies the description and shows the relevant
causes the wheel to turn on its axle. motion.
from the force of your legs to the lever (pedal). move. The description is supported by information
Energy goes from the lever to the pulley (chain provided throughout the response.
and gear), and finally to the wheel and axle,
and then to the ground under the wheel, which
makes your bike move. Overall, the response demonstrates a solid
understanding of simple machines and how they are
used to transfer energy.
Bicycle Design 3
Grade 11 Science
A. The lever on a bicycle is the brake lever (i.e., leverbrake lever on handlebars; pulleychain
located on the front handle bars. The pulley is and gear; wheel-and-axlefront and rear tires).
the chain and gear that help make the bike run,
and the wheel and axle are in the front and
back tires.
The student clearly and accurately describes how the
B. The bikes pulley transfers energy from simple machines transfer energy to make a bicycle
the persons body to the chain. The chain then move.
sends the energy to the wheel-and-axle which
transfers it to the tire and then onto the road
causing movement. The lever stops the
movement by sending the energy from the tire
to the brake pads where it is absorbed and Overall, the response demonstrates a solid understanding
neutralized. of simple machines and how they are used to transfer
Bicycle Design 4
Grade 11 Science
Student Response
Student accurately describes where a lever, pulley, and
The lever is the pedal. The pully is the wheel-and-axle can be found on a bicycle (i.e., lever
chain, sprockets, and gears And the wheel and
pedal; pulleychain, sprockets and gears; wheel-and-
axle are in the front and the back where the axlefront and rear wheels and axles).
wheel and axles are.
In the transfer of energy, energy is passed
Student explains how the simple machines transfer
from one's body through the legs to the pedals.
energy, but the explanation lacks some detail (e.g., omits
From the pedals the energy is carried along that the wheel and axle transfers energy to the ground
the chain by means of the pulleys. The energy
which finally moves the bike forward).
from the pulleys finally reaches the wheel and
axles causing the bicycle to move in a forward
motion. That concludes the following energy
of a bicycle.
Overall, the response demonstrates an understanding of
simple machines and how they are used to transfer
Bicycle Design 5
Grade 11 Science
on to turn the crankshaft, which is a example both the crank and the chain are necessary for the
of a pully. The wheel and axle is the handlebars pulley to work). The description for the handlebar is
and the shaft that connects it with the wheel incorrect (i.e., the handlebar is a lever, not a wheel).
to turn.
Student describes how the simple machines transfer
Energy is transferred when a person
energy, but the description is incomplete and lacks
pushes on the levers to turn the pully, which
some clarity.
makes the wheels turn and the bike go forward.
Energy is spent turning the wheel and axle or
handlebars also. Overall, the response demonstrates a limited
understanding of simple machines and how they are
used to transfer energy.
Bicycle Design 6
Grade 11 Science
The open-response item Bicycle Design was designed to assess students ability to (1) break down a complex,
but very familiar, machine into simple machine components and (2) describe how these simple machine
components, in combination, transfer energy as a bicycle operates. The instructional strategies below present
ideas for helping students practice and master these skills and concepts.
Bicycle Design 7