Products For Microbiological Control

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Products for

Microbiological Control
2 Microbiological Analysis

Benefit from Sartorius long-standing expertise in microbiological quality control while increasing
performance and enhancing your workflows. To help improve the safety of quality-critical processes,
we offer premium products for microbial limit testing, sterility testing, air monitoring and
Mycoplasma detection. Obtain reproducible,
Content reliable results for in-process and final release testing
to meet the industrys requirements of today and anticipate the demands of tomorrow.

Table of Contents
Microbiological Enumeration
7 Membrane Filters
18 Culture Media
28 Filtration Units
40 Filtration Equipment

Sterility Testing of Final Pharmaceutical Products

69 Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables
74 Sterisart Universal Pumps
76 Sterisart BD Media and Fluids
78 EXPAND Training
79 EXTEND Instrument Services
83 CONFIDENCE Validation Services

Mycoplasma Contamination Control

87 Microsart AMP Mycoplasma
90 Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma
92 Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma
94 Microsart AMP Extraction
95 Microsart Coating Buffer
96 Microsart Validation Standard
97 Microsart Calibration Reagent

Air Monitoring
101 Gelatine Membrane Filters (GMF), also DNA-free
102 BACTair
103 MD8 airscan
105 AirPort MD8
106 Accessories
110 EXTEND Instrument Services

Chemical Compatibility
114 Filter Materials
116 Filter Holder|O-ring Materials

118 Index
Intro Microbiological Enumeration 5

Microbiological Enumeration
Table of Contents

Membrane Filters
7 Gridded Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters
(Cellulose Mixed Ester)
12 Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters
13 Microsart e.motion Dispenser
14 Ungridded Cellulose Nitrate and Cellulose Acetate
Membrane Filters
16 Hydrophobic Edged Membrane Filters

Culture Media
19 Microsart @media
21 Nutrient Pad Sets
26 Culture Media in Bottles and Tubes

Filtration Units
29 Biosart 100 Monitors
32 Biosart 100 Nutrient Media
33 Microsart Funnel 100 | Microsart Funnel 250
35 Microsart @filter 100 | Microsart @filter 250
38 Biosart 250 Funnels

Filtration Equipment
41 Combisart The Sterile-Vented Filter Station
47 Microsart Combi.jet
49 How to Setup a Vacuum Filtration System
49 Traditional Multi-Branch Manifolds and Individual Filter Holders
52 Accessories for Vacuum Filter Holders and Manifold Systems
58 Electric Vacuum Pumps
6 Microbiological Enumeration Intro

Microbial Enumeration is the quantitative determination

of microorganisms present in a sample. To assure the
quality of a manufacturing process, raw materials,
in-process samples, as well as final products, are subject
to microbiological testing. These samples are examined
for microbial colony and|or particle counts to ensure
product safety and compliance. Whether it is about
testing the sterility of a final product or evaluating the
microbial contamination of water, it is essential to
be able to rely on the quality of results test after test.
At the same time, it is important to be able to comply
with the ever increasing and demanding requirements
of international and national regulations.

The potential health impact of pathogens or other

contaminations in water, beverages or pharmaceutical
products makes the absolute reliability of the test results
indispensable. With public safety in mind, Membrane
Filtration is still the established method of choice for the
detection and quantification of microorganisms in liquid
samples. The principle of this method is based on the
concentration of microorganisms from relatively large
samples on the surface of the membrane filter, and on
subsequently culturing these captured microbes on a
nutrient medium.

Benefit from Sartorius long-standing expertise in

Microbiological Quality Control and choose from a wide
range of dedicated products for Microbial Limit testing
and more. The comprehensive range of Membrane
Filters, Filtration Units, Filtration Systems and Culture
Media will help you reach the highest levels of safety
with reproducible, reliable results for in-process and
final release testing while streamlining your workflow
and simplifying your testing procedures.

Find out more about our filtration equipment,

membrane filters and smart consumables which offer:
Full compliance with regulations
Total Ease of Use
Systematic risk mitigation
Highest Level of Safety and Efficiency
Membrane Filters Microbiological Enumeration 7

Gridded Membrane Filters

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Mixed Ester)

Sterile and Individually Packaged High-Flow Membranes

for Colony Counting The standard membrane filter for micro
Sterile, individually packed filters have biological analysis is a 0.45 m filter.
long become standard for routine microbi- One special variant is the High-Flow mem-
ological quality control because of the brane. It provides 30% higher flow rates
user benefits they offer. in comparison to traditional 0.45 m mem-
branes due to the special pore structure
They are pre-sterilized and ready-to-use which thus allows shorter filtration times.
and save preparatory time. As they are Especially for the detection of E. coli, High-
individually packed, they avoid the possibil- Flow Membranes are highly recommended
ity of contamination of remaining filters as they achieve the best growth promotion
in opened packs and conform with GLP results. As every Sartorius 0.45 m mem-
with filter identification and lot number brane filter lot, these membranes are also
printed on each individual envelope. tested and released according to ISO 7704.

These membrane filters are in accordance Additional Membrane Filters

with the following norms: ISO 7704, Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester) membrane
ISO 7899-2, ISO 8199, ISO 9308-1 and filters, gridded, non-sterile packaged
ISO 16266. In combination with Sartorius (page 10).
Nutrient Pads, they offer excellent growth
results and are in accordance with e.g. Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester) and
the AFNOR (French Standards), the APHA cellulose acetate membrane filters, white,
Standard Methods, the European Brewery individually, sterile packaged (page 14).
Community, the European Drinking Water
Guideline 98/83, the European Pharmaco- Hydrophobic edge membranes are used
poeia or the United States Pharmacopoeia. mainly in the sterility testing of solutions
containing antibiotics (page 16).
The Membrane Filters
Cellulose Nitrate membranes are mixed
cellulose ester membranes containing
cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate, a
material which assures effective retention
with high-flow rates and optimal colony
growth. The printed grid with a size of
3.1+ 3.1 mm makes the counting easier,
especially for higher bacteria counts and
for microcolonies, but does neither inhibit
nor enhance the growth. The various filter
colours allow the best contrast to the
colonies and particles for easy and reliable
quantification and identification.
8 Microbiological Enumeration Membrane Filters

Gridded Membrane Filters

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Mixed Ester), Individually, Sterile Packaged

Applications O  utstanding recovery rates for

Membrane filters for colony counting, microorganisms
particle testing and microscopy. 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
High-Flow membranes available
Benefits T hree different colours available
Some of the advantages you will benefit Certified quality
from when using this type of membrane Gamma irradiated, 25 kGrey
filter: E asy counting of colonies due to perfect
visibility of grid lines

Design  7 or 50 mm in diameter, white, grey or green
and gridded
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the grid lines
acc. to ISO 7704 No enhancement or inhibition due to chemical
No enhancement or inhibition by the sterilization
Sterility test Sterile
Thermal resistance 130C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 115145 m
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 4-8), hydrocarbons and several
other organic solvents. Detailed information in section
Chemical Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type 113
(page 113).

Typical Performance Rates for Various Pore Sizes

Pore size 0.2 m* 0.45 m** 0.45 m 0.65 m
Flow rate for water per cm2 in ml/min 20 70 100 130
at 1 bar acc. to DIN 58355
Coliform retention in % 100 100 100 n. a.
Recovery rate lot-released in % > 90 > 90 > 90 > 90
acc. to ISO 7704

*) Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Brevundimonas diminuta in accordance with

the ASTM Document F 838-83 (1993) Standard test method for determining bacterial retention
of membrane filters utilized for liquid filtration.
**) Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Serratia marcescens in accordance with
the Standard Methods of Water and Waste Water
Membrane Filters Microbiological Enumeration 9

Ordering Information
White Membrane with Black Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 114, Individually, Sterile Packaged
Pore Size Diameter Pack Size Order No.
0.2 m 47 mm 100 11407--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 11407--47----ACR
50 mm 100 11407--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 11407--50----ACR
0.45 m 47 mm 100 11406--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 11406--47----ACR
50 mm 100 11406--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 11406--50----ACR
0.45 m High-Flow* 47 mm 100 114H6--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 114H6--47----ACR
50 mm 100 114H6--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 114H6--50----ACR
0.65 m 47 mm 100 11405--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11405--50----ACN
0.8 m 47 mm 100 11404--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 11404--47----ACR
50 mm 100 11404--50----ACN
1.2 m 47 mm 100 1
47 mm 1,000 11403--47----ACR
50 mm 100 11403--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 11403--50----ACR
White Membrane with Green Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 139, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 47 mm 100 13906--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 13906--47----ACR
50 mm 100 13906--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 13906--50----ACR
0.45 m High-Flow* 47 mm 100 139H6--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 139H6--47----ACR
50 mm 100 139H6--50----ACN
0.65 m 47 mm 100 13905--47----ACN
1.2 m 47 mm 100 13903--47----ACN
Green Membrane with Dark-Green Grid, Providing Optimal Contrast to Light-
Colored or Transparent Bacteria Colonies, Type 138, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 47 mm 100 13806--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 13806--47----ACR
50 mm 100 13806--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 13806--50----ACR
Grey Membrane (After Wetting Black) with White Grid, for Detection of Yeasts
and Molds, Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 130, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.45 m 47 mm 100 13006--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 13006--47----ACR
50 mm 100 13006--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 13006--50----ACR
0.45 m High-Flow 47 mm 100 130H6--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 130H6--47----ACR
50 mm 100 130H6--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 130H6--50----ACR
0.65 m 47 mm 100 13005--47----ACN
50 mm 100 13005--50----ACN
50 mm 1,000 13005--50----ACR
0.8 m 47 mm 100 13004--47----ACN
47 mm 1,000 13004--47----ACR
50 mm 100 13004--50----ACN
10 Microbiological Enumeration Membrane Filters

Gridded Membrane Filters

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Mixed Ester), Non-Sterile Packaged

Applications O utstanding recovery rates for

Membrane filters for colony counting, microorganisms
particle testing and microscopy. 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
Three different colours available
Some of the advantages you will benefit
from when using this type of membrane

Design 25, 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white,
grey or green and gridded
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the grid lines
acc. to ISO 7704 No enhancement or inhibition due to chemical
Thermal resistance 130C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 115145 m
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 4-8), hydrocarbons and several
other organic solvents. Detailed information in section
Chemical Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type 113
(page 113).

Typical Performance Rates for Various Pore Sizes

Pore size 0.2 m* 0.45 m** 0.65 m
Flow rate for water per cm2 in ml/min 20 70 130
at 1 bar acc. to DIN 58355
Coliform retention in % 100 100 n. a.
Recovery rate lot-released in % > 90 > 90 > 90
acc. to ISO 7704

*) Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Brevundimonas diminuta in accordance with

the ASTM Document F 838-83 (1993) Standard test method for determining bacterial retention
of membrane filters utilized for liquid filtration.
**) Pore size determined by quantitative retention of Serratia marcescens in accordance with
the Standard Methods of Water and Waste Water
Membrane Filters Microbiological Enumeration 11

Ordering Information
White Membrane with Black Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 114, Non-Sterile
Pore Size Diameter Pack Size Order No.
0.2 m 25 mm 100 11407--25------N
47 mm 100 11407--47------N
47 mm 1,000 11407--47------R
50 mm 100 11407--50------N
0.45 m 25 mm 100 11406--25------N
47 mm 100 11406--47------N
47 mm 1,000 11406--47------R
50 mm 100 11406--50------N
50 mm 1,000 11406--50------R
0.65 m 47 mm 100 11405--47------N
0.8 m 25 mm 100 11404--25------N
47 mm 100 11404--47------N
50 mm 100 11404--50------N
1.2 m 25 mm 100 11403--25------N
47 mm 100 11403--47------N
50 mm 100 11403--50------N

White Membrane with Green Grid, for Detection of Bacteria with Dyed Media,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 139, Non-Sterile
0.45 m 47 mm 100 13906--47------N
47 mm 1,000 13906--47------R
50 mm 100 13906--50------N
50 mm 1,000 13906--50------R

Green Membrane with Dark-Green Grid, Providing Optimal Contrast to

Light-Colored or Transparent Bacteria Colonies, Type 138, Non-Sterile
0.45 m 47 mm 100 13806--47------N
47 mm 1,000 13806--47------R
50 mm 100 13806--50------N
50 mm 1,000 13806--50------R

Grey Membrane (After Wetting Black) with White Grid, for Detection of Yeasts
and Molds, Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 130, Non-Sterile
0.45 m 25 mm 100 13006--25------N
47 mm 100 13006--47------N
47 mm 1,000 13006--47------R
50 mm 100 13006--50------N
0.65 m 47 mm 100 13005--47------N
50 mm 100 13005--50------N
0.8 m 47 mm 100 13004--47------N
50 mm 100 13004--50------N
12 Microbiological Enumeration Membrane Filters

Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters

The Microsart e.motion membrane filters Benefits

specifically designed for use with the Some of the advantages you will benefit
Microsart e.motion dispenser allows simple from when using the Microsart e.motion
insertion and faster exchange of filter membrane filters:
types - even without having to completely Outstanding recovery rates for
use up a complete package quantity. microorganisms
Each box contains 100 membrane filters 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
individually sealed on a special pleated Multi-fit: Fits into various dispensers
band and is designed for easy opening and Protective paper-free
sealing for storage. Microsart e.motion Packaged on a special pleated band
reliable help in your lab. Product data are printed on
High-Flow membranes available
Gamma irradiated, 25 kGrey

Please refer to the membrane type: Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester),
gridded, individually, sterile packaged. See page 8

Ordering Information
Order Numbers for Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters
Diameter 47 mm or 50 mm, in Pack of 3 +100 Membranes, Individually,
Sterile Packaged, Without Protective Paper
Membrane Filter Pore Size Order No.
Color |Grid Color
White|black 0.2 m 11407Z-47----SCM
White|black 0.2 m 11407Z-50----SCM
White|black 0.45 m High-Flow 114H6Z-47----SCM
White|black 0.45 m High-Flow 114H6Z-50----SCM
White|black 0.45 m 11406Z-47----SCM
White|black 0.45 m 11406Z-50----SCM
White|black 0.8 m 11404Z-47----SCM
White|black 1.2 m 11403Z-47----SCM
White|black 1.2 m 11403Z-50----SCM
White|black 3 m 11402Z-47----SCM
White|green 0.45 m High-Flow 139H6Z-47----SCM
White|green 0.45 m 13906Z-47----SCM
White|green 0.45 m 13906Z-50----SCM
Green |dark green 0.45 m 13806Z-47----SCM
Green |dark green 0.45 m 13806Z-50----SCM
Grey*|white 0.45 m High-Flow 130H6Z-47----SCM
Grey*|white 0.45 m High-Flow 130H6Z-50----SCM
Grey*|white 0.45 m 13006Z-47----SCM
Grey*|white 0.45 m 13006Z-50----SCM
Grey*|white 0.65 m 13005Z-47----SCM
Grey*|white 0.65 m 13005Z-50----SCM
Grey*|white 0.8 m 13004Z-47----SCM
Grey*|white 0.8 m 13004Z-50----SCM

* Grey membranes after wetting black

Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters are also available together

with Nutrient Pads (page 21).
Membrane Filters Microbiological Enumeration 13

Microsart e.motion Dispenser

Fully automated membrane filter dispenser Benefits

for high throughput of membrane filters. The clear, compact design of the dispenser
allows quick and easy cleaning.
The membrane filters are automatically
individually removed from their sterile The dispensers low weight makes it easy
packaging either in a touch-free mode to be transported. Both its functions and
via an optical sensor or at the touch of a design are ideal, giving you the versatility
button. A foot switch can be optionally and flexibility you need in your lab.
connected to the dispenser. Thanks to their
motorized traction roller, each filter is Some of the advantages you will benefit
quickly and reliably dispensed. from when using the Microsart e.motion
A dispensing operation is triggered when Fully automated membrane filter
the optical sensor detects approaching dispenser
tweezers. Its simple and fast. Works hands-free by an optical sensor
Works by the touch of a button
Applications Rapid and reliable transport
Membrane filters for colony counting, Easy insertion of the filter band
particle testing and microscopy. Easy-to-clean
Small footprint

Dimensions (L +H+ W) in mm 204+ 213+165
Weight 2.9 kg
Operating voltage 110 V/230 V optional
Frequency 5060 Hz
Max. power Consumption 10 W
Dispensing speed 0.5 sec
Dispenser delay 5 sec
Certificates CE Mark and EMC Directive,
European Standards EN 50081-1 and 2,
EN 50082-1 and -2, EN 61010

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Microsart e.motion dispenser, 16712
fully automated membrane filter dispenser
Foot switch for Microsart e.motion dispenser 1ZE---0028
14 Microbiological Enumeration Membrane Filters

Ungridded Membrane Filters

Cellulose Nitrate and Cellulose Acetate, White, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Sterile, individually packed filters have Additional Applications

long become standard for routine 11301, a white CN membrane filter with
microbiological quality control. They are a pore size of 8 m is used as a prefilter
pre-sterilized and ready-to-use and save in a special prefilter attachment (16807)
preparatory time. As they are individually for bacteriological analysis. It retains the
packed, they avoid the possibility of coarse suspended particles, whereas it
contaminating the remaining filters in allows microorganisms to pass through.
opened packs and conform with GLP, These microbes are trapped on the surface
having the filter identification and lot of the underlying bacteria-retentive
number printed on each individual membrane filter (e.g. 0.45 m).
11107, a white CA membrane filter with a
Materials pore size of 0.2 m is the filter of choice
The membranes are made of even cellulose for sterile filtration, such as nutrient media,
nitrate (cellulose ester a material which buffer and sera. This membrane is validated
assures effective retention with high-flow by the Bacteria Challenge Test.
rates and optimal colony growth) or cellu-
lose acetate (a material which combines Benefits
high-flow rates and thermal stability with Some of the advantages you will benefit
very low adsorption characteristics.) from when using this type of membrane
Applications O  utstanding recovery rates for
Membrane filters for colony counting, microorganisms
sterility testing, particle testing and Defined particle retention
microscopy. 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
0.2 m are validated by BCT
Certified quality
Gamma-irradiated, 25 kGrey
Membrane Filters Microbiological Enumeration 15

Design 25, 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the
acc. to ISO 7704 sterilization process
No enhancement or inhibition due
to chemical extractables
Sterility test Sterile
Thermal resistance CN: 130C max. | CA: 180C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 CN: 115145 m | CA: 120 m (average value)
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 48), hydrocarbons and several
other organic solvents. Detailed information in section
Chemical Compatibility under Cellulose Nitrate type 113
and Cellulose Acetate type 111 (page 113).

Ordering Information
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White, for Colony Counting, Sterility Testing,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 113, Individually, Sterile Packaged

Pore Size Diameter Pack Size Order No.

0.45 m 25 mm 100 11306--25----ACN
47 mm 100 11306--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11306--50----ACN
0.65 m 47 mm 100 11305--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11305--50----ACN
0.8 m 47 mm 100 11304--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11304--50----ACN
1.2 m 47 mm 100 11303--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11303--50----ACN
3 m 47 mm 100 11302--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11302--50----ACN
8 m 47 mm 100  1301--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11301--50----ACN

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White, for Colony Counting, Sterility Testing,
Particle Count and Microscopy, Type 111, Individually, Sterile Packaged
0.2 m 47 mm 100 11107--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11107--50----ACN
0.45 m 47 mm 100 11106--47----ACN
50 mm 100 11106--50----ACN

* If cellulose nitrate is not compatible

16 Microbiological Enumeration Membrane Filters

Hydrophobic Edged Membrane Filters

Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose Mixed Ester), Cellulose Acetate and Regenerated Cellulose
Individually, Sterile and Non-Sterile
Hydrophobic edge membranes are used Applications
mainly for colony counting and sterility Membrane filters for colony counting
testing of solutions containing substances and sterility testing
with antibiotic characteristics. The hydro-
phobic edge avoids the penetration of Benefits
any growth-inhibitory substance into the Some of the advantages you will benefit
membrane clamp zone where it could not from when using this type of membrane
be rinsed out and the substance could filter:
inhibit microbial growth during incubation. O  utstanding retention rates for
Materials 0.45 m are acc. to ISO 7704
The membranes are available in three 0.2 m are validated by BCT
different materials: Certified quality
Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester) a
material which assures effective reten-
tion with high-flow rates and optimum
colony growth
Cellulose acetate a material which
combines high-flow rates and thermal
stability with very low adsorption
Regenerated cellulose a material which
combines excellent chemical resistance
and thermal stability with very low
adsorption characteristics

Design  5, 47 or 50 mm in diameter, white or
white with black grid
Growth Promotion Test No enhancement or inhibition by the grid lines
acc. to ISO 7704 No enhancement or inhibition due to chemical
No enhancement or inhibition by the sterilization
Sterility test Sterile
Thermal resistance CN: 130C max. | CA and RC: 180C max.
Thickness acc. to DIN 53105 CN: 115145 m | CA: 120 m (average value) |
RC: 160200 m
Chemical compatibility Aqueous solutions (pH 48), hydrocarbons and
several other organic solvents, RC is resistant to almost
all solvents and is compatible in a pH-range of 3-12.
Detailed information in section Chemical Compatibility
under Cellulose Nitrate type 113, page 113, Cellulose
Acetate type 111 and Regenerated Cellulose type 184.
Membrane Filters Microbiological Enumeration 17

Ordering Information
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid,
for Colony Counting and Sterility Testing, Type 131, Pack Size 100

Pore Size Diameter Hydrophobic Edge Packaged Order No.

0.2 m 47 mm 3 mm Individually, 13107--47----ACN
50 mm 3 mm sterile packaged 13107--50----ACN
0.2 m 25 mm 3 mm Non-sterile 13107--25------N
47 mm 3 mm 13107--47------N
47 mm 6 mm 13107--47----HCN
50 mm 3 mm 13107--50------N
0.45 m 47 mm 3 mm Individually, 13106--47----ACN
47 mm 6 mm sterile packaged 13106--47----HEN
50 mm 3 mm 13106--50----ACN
0.45 m 25 mm 3 mm Non-sterile 13106--25------N
47 mm 3 mm 13106--47------N
47 mm 6 mm 13106--47----HCN
50 mm 3 mm 13106--50------N
8 m 47 mm 3 mm Non-sterile 13101--47------N
50 mm 3 mm 13101--50------N

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, White,

for Colony Counting and Sterility Testing, Type 131, Pack Size 100
8 m 50 mm 3 mm Non-sterile 13101--50----AHN

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid,

for Colony Counting and Sterility Testing, Type 135, Pack Size 100
0.2 m 47 mm 3 mm Individually, 13507--47----ACN
sterile packaged
0.2 m 47 mm 3 mm Non-sterile 13507--47------N
0.45 m 47 mm 3 mm Individually, 13506--47----ACN
50 mm 3 mm sterile packaged 13506--50----ACN
0.45 m 47 mm 3 mm Non-sterile 13506--47------N
47 mm 6 mm 13506--47----HCN

Cellulose Acetate* Membrane Filters, White with Black Grid,

for Colony Counting and Sterility Testing, Type 135, Pack Size 100
Packaged of 10 Discs per Sleeve
0.45 m 47 mm 3 mm Sterile 13506--47----ALS

Regenerated Cellulose* Membrane Filters, White,

for Colony Counting and Sterility Testing, Type 184, Pack Size 100
0.45 m 47 mm 3 mm Individually, 18406--47----ACN
47 mm 4 mm sterile packaged 18406--47----HDN

* If cellulose nitrate is not compatible

18 Microbiological Enumeration Culture Media
Culture Media Microbiological Enumeration 19

Microsart @media
Advanced System for Agar and Membrane Transfer

Microsart @media are media dishes Features

pre-filled with different agar media types,
sterile packaged and ready-to-use. Togeth- Innovative Membrane Transfer Concept
er with the Microsart @filter units, they The active lid enables touch-free mem-
introduce a brand new agar and membrane brane transfer and, therefore, reduces the
transfer concept for the Microbial Limit risk of secondary contamination. Thanks to
Test. The innovative active lid of Microsart its special design, no air bubbles are
@media allows a touch-free membrane entrapped.
transfer from the Microsart @filter base
and thus reduces the risk of secondary Benefits
contamination to an absolute minimum.
Easy Handling
Applications Fits perfectly onto the Microsart @filter
Microsart @media and the Microsart base and thus allows an easy and reliable
@vance product line enhance the safety transfer of the membrane filter onto the
of microbiological quality control in agar. No powerful cracking of plastic is
biopharmaceutical laboratories. The needed!
products are designed for microbiological
in process and final product controls of Safe and Reliable
non-sterile pharmaceuticals according to Touch-free membrane transfer rules out
the following regulations: EP 2.6.12, 2.6.13 manipulation and handling, minimizing
and USP 61, 62 (microbiological examina- major sources of secondary contamination.
tion of non-sterile products), EP 5.1.4, Results in best growth conditions and
USP 2021 (microbiological quality of non- reliable results.
sterile pharmaceutical preparations and
substances for pharmaceutical use) and Time-saving
the EP and USP chapters concerning water Innovative click-fit closure permits fast and
(USP 1231, EP and USP purified water, easy removal of the funnel after filtration.
highly purified water and water for
20 Microbiological Enumeration Culture Media

Ordering Information
Media Type Target Typical Incubation Time Order No.
Microorganisms and Temperature
TSA (Tryptic Total Count 48 to 72 hrs (USP) or 14313--47----ACN
Soy Agar) 1 to 5 days (EP)
at 30 to 35C
SDA (Sabouraud Yeasts and molds 5 to 7 days at 20 to 25C 14314--47----ACN
R2A Total Count 5 to 7 days at 20 to 28C 14322--47----ACN
TSA (Tryptic Soy Total Count 48 to 72 hrs (USP) or 14315--47----ACN
Agar) with Lecithin 1 to 5 days (EP)
& Polysorbate at 30 to 35C
SDA (Sabouraud Yeasts and molds 5 to 7 days at 20 to 25C 14316--47----ACN
Dextrose Agar)
with Lecithin,
Polysorbate 80
& Chloramphenicol
PCA (Plate Count Water, Waste 48 to 72 hrs at 32 to 35C 14317--47----ACN
Agar) Water and
dairy products

Description Order No.
Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump 166MP-4
Combi.jet manifold 16848-CJ
Microsart Base 47 mm 1ZU---0002
Silicone Pressure Tubing, pressure sided, 1 meter lengths 1ZAS--0007
Silicone tubing pressure-sided, 2 m 1ZAS--0019
Silicone tubing pressure-sided, 10 m 1ZAS--0020
Minisart SRP25 vent filters 17575--------ACK
Culture Media Microbiological Enumeration 21

Nutrient Pad Sets

Dehydrated Media Pads in Petri Dishes, with Suitable Membrane Filters
for Economical, Time-Saving Microbiological Quality Control
Sartorius Nutrient Pad Sets have been Inclusive Membranes
used successfully in the membrane filter All Nutrient Pad Set types are supplied
method for 30 years. Practical and easy to with the suitable membrane filters, which
handle, they reduce labor and simplify are also pre-sterilized and individually
many microbiological testing procedures. packaged. Nutrient Pad Sets are also avail-
able with Microsart e.motion Membrane
Nutrient pads are sterile, dehydrated Filters which are specially designed for the
culture media. Once they are moistened Microsart e.motion Dispenser and can
with 3.03.5 ml of sterile and demineral- be conveniently inserted. The membrane
ized (or distilled) water, they are ready to filters then are automatically removed
use immediately. from their sterile package. All membrane
filters tailored to meet the special require-
Ready-to-Use up to 24 Months ments of microbial detection are available
The standard NPS box contains 100 sterile with 47 mm or 50 mm diameters.
nutrient pads, each of which is individually
inserted in a petri dish and sterilized. Ten Benefits
each of these petri dishes are sealed in an
aluminum bag. This special packaging in Economy
bags protects the sensitive formula constit- No time-consuming and labor-intensive
uents of the nutrient pads during transport preparation of the nutrient media (sterili-
and storage from fluctuations in humidity zation, cleaning, etc.).
and temperature. As a result, it guarantees
the high quality of our NPS throughout Easy Handling
their entire shelf life up to 24months. Nutrient Pad Sets can also be used in
This makes the Sartorius Nutrient Pads laboratories without comprehensive
Sets unique: No other ready-to-use culture microbiological equipment.
media around the globe assures such
consistently high quality and reproducible Consistently Quality
results up to 24 months. During the production, each nutrient pad
set batch is compared with the correspond-
Compliance with International Standards ing agar medium, in order to guarantee
Currently, Sartorius offers more than consistently quality and reproducible
30 different Nutrient Pad Set types to meet results.
the diverse objectives of microbiological
analysis. Aside from the European drinking Trouble-Free Storage
water directive, they comply with other Nutrient Pad Sets can be stored at room
international regulations and recommen- temperature in a warehouse, up to
dations: international pharmacopoeias, 24 months.
DIN and ISO standards, the American
Standards for Water and Foods, mineral
water regulations, brewery guidelines, such
as MEBAC or EBC, and recommendations
of the food industry, such as LMBG, NCA
and ICUMSA, etc.
22 Microbiological Enumeration Culture Media

Ordering Information
NPS Type (Filter Type)1 Determination of Order No.2

Nutrient Pad Sets for Total Colony Counting,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually, sterile
packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Caso (1) Total count 14063--47------N
R2A (1) Total count 14084--47----RDN
R2A (1) Total count 14084--47------N
Standard TTC (1) Total count 14055--47----RDN
Standard TTC (1) Total count 14055--47------N
Standard TTC I mod. (1) Total count 14085--47------N
Standard (1) Total count 14064--47------N
TGE|Tryptone Glucose Extract (1) Total count 14076--47----RDN
TGE|Tryptone Glucose Extract (1) Total count 14076--47------N
Yeast Extract (1) Total count 14090--47------N

Nutrient Pad Sets for E. coli, Coliforms and Enterobacteria,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually, sterile
packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Chromogenic Coliform E. coli and coliforms 14049--47----RDN
(acc. ISO 9308-1) 14049--47------N
CHROMOCULT (7) E. coli and coliforms 14087--47----RDN
CHROMOCULT * (7) E. coli and coliforms 14087--47------N
ECD (2) E. coli 14082--47------N
Endo (9) E. coli and coliforms 14053--47----RDN
Endo (9) E. coli and coliforms 14053--47------N
MacConkey (2) Enterobacteria, E. coli 14097--47------N
m FC (2) E. coli and coliforms 14068--47------N
Teepol|Lauryl Sulphate (2) E. coli and coliforms 14067--47----RDN
Teepol|Lauryl Sulphate (2) E. coli and coliforms 14067--47------N
Tergitol TTC (2) E. coli and coliforms 14056--47----RDN
Tergitol TTC (2) E. coli and coliforms 14056--47------N

Nutrient Pad Sets for Other Faecal Bacteria,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually, sterile
packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Azide|KF Strep (1) Enterococci 14051--47----RDN
Azide|KF Strep (1) Enterococci 14051--47------N
Bismuth Sulfite (1) Salmonellae 14057--47------N

Nutrient Pad Sets for Non-Faecal, Pathogenic Bacteria,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually, sterile
packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Cetrimide (2) Pseudomonas aeruginosa 14075--47----RDN
Cetrimide (2) Pseudomonas aeruginosa 14075--47------N
Chapman (2) Staphylococci, Staph. aureus 14074--47------N

* Trademark owner and manufacturer is Merck KGaA

Culture Media Microbiological Enumeration 23

NPS Type (Filter Type)1 Determination of Order No.2

Nutrient Pad Sets for Yeasts and Molds,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually, sterile
packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Lysine (3) Wild yeasts 14061--47------N
Malt Extract (8) Yeasts and molds 14086--47----CCN
Malt Extract (6) Yeasts and molds 14086--47------N
Sabouraud (10) Yeasts and molds 14069--47------N
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14070--47------N
m green yeast and mold (4)
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14072--47------N
m green yeast and mold (5)
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14080--47----RDN
m green yeast and mold (6)
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14080--47------N
m green yeast and mold (6)
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14083--47------N
m green yeast and mold (3)
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14091--47----RDN
m green yeast and mold (8)
Schaufus Pottinger| Yeasts and molds 14091--47------N
m green yeast and mold (8)
Wallerstein Nutrient| Yeasts and molds and bacteria 14089--47------N
WL Nutrient (2)
Wort (3) Yeasts and molds 14058--47----RDN
Wort (3) Yeasts and molds 14058--47------N
Wort (8) Yeasts and molds 14092--47----RDN
24 Microbiological Enumeration Culture Media

NPS Type (Filter Type)1 Determination of Order No.2

Nutrient Pad Sets for Product-Spoiling Microorganisms,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually, sterile
packaged 47 mm membrane filters (order no. -RDN = Microsart e.motion Membranes)
Glucose Tryptone (2) Thermophilic spore formers 14066--47------N
and mesophilic bacteria
Jus de Tomate | Leuconostoc oenos and 14079--47------N
Tomato Juice (1) other wine-spoiling organ.
MRS (1) Lactobacilli and other soft 14077--47------N
drink-spoiling microorganisms
Orange Serum|pH 5.5 (1) Acid-tolerant microorganisms 14062--47----RDN
Orange Serum|pH 5.5 (1) Acid-tolerant microorganisms 14062--47------N
Orange Serum|pH 3.2 (6) Acid-tolerant microorganisms 14096--47----RDN
Orange Serum|pH 3.2 (6) Acid-tolerant microorganisms 14096--47------N
VLB-S7-S (2) Lactobacilli and Pediococci 14059--47------N
and other beer-spoiling
Weman (1) Mesophilic slime-forming bacteria 14065--47------N
esp. Leu. mesenteroides

Nutrient Pad Sets Starter Kit,

individually, sterile packaged in petri dishes, 100 per box, with 100 individually,
sterile packaged 47 mm membrane filters
Mixed types: Endo, Standard, E. coli and coliforms, total count, 14095--47------N
Wort (1, 2, 3) yeasts and molds

Special brochure available on request f.o.c. Order no. SM-4017-e.

1) The membrane filters are selected for optimum growth, together with the
corresponding nutrient media. The supplied membrane filter type is listed
within brackets:
(1) = Green with dark-green grid, 0.45 m pore size
(2) = White with green grid, 0.45 m pore size
(3) = Grey (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.65 m pore size
(4) = White with green grid, 0.65 m pore size
(5) = White with green grid, 1.2 m pore size
(6) = Grey (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.8 m pore size
(7) = White with black grid, 0.45 m pore size
(8) = Grey (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.45 m pore size
(9) = White with green grid, 0.45 m pore size, High-Flow (ideal for E. coli)
(10) = Grey (after wetting black) with white grid, 0.45 m pore size, High-Flow

2) Diameter of the membrane filter, 47 mm. Order number for

Nutrient Pad Set with 50 mm membrane filter as above,
but --47------N replaced by --50------N.
Most of the NPS types are also available with Microsart e.motion
Membrane Filters: Order number as above, but ---N replaced by -RDN.

Other NPS types and NPS with Microsart e.motion Membrane Filters on request.
Culture Media Microbiological Enumeration 25

Nutrient Pad Sets

Total colony count
Caso R2A Standard TTC Standard TGE Yeast Extract

Typical Application Examples

Product Detection and enumeration of... Nutrient Pad type

Beer Lactobacilli and Pediococci and VLB-S7-S
other beer spoiling organisms
Total colony count Standard, Standard TTC,
Wild yeasts Lysine
Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli Bacillus subtilis Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract*, Wallerstein Nutrient, Wort
Foods Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum
Enterobacteria, E. coli and coliforms CHROMOCULT **, ECD, Endo, (MacConkey),
m FC, Teepol | Lauryl Sulphate, Tergitol TTC
Enterococci, Enterococcus faecalis Azide | KF Strep
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide
Salmonellae Bismuth Sulfite
Mixed culture from process water Mixed culture from water Mixed culture from well water Mixed culture from drinking water Mixed culture from water Mixed culture from river water
Staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus Chapman
Thermophilic spore formers and Glucose Tryptone
mesophilic bacteria
E. coli and coliforms, Enterobacteria
Total colony count Caso, Standard, Standard TTC,
CHROMOCULT ** ECD Endo MacConkey m FC Teepol Tergitol TTC TGE | Tryptone Glucose Extract
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract, Wort
Fruit juice Enterobacteria, E. coli and coliforms Endo, (MacConkey) Tergitol TTC*
Oenococcus and other product Jus de Tomate | Tomato Juice,
spoiling organisms Orange Serum
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract, m Green yeast and mold |
Schaufus Pottinger, Wallerstein Nutrient, Wort
Milk E. coli and coliforms Endo
Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Enterococci, Enterococcus faecalis Azide | KF Strep
Salmonellae Bismuth Sulfite
Pharmaceuticals, Enterobacteria, E. coli MacConkey
WFI, raw materials, Enterococci, Enterococcus faecalis Azide | KF Strep
and cosmetics Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide (cosmetics only)
Salmonellae Bismuth Sulfite
Staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus Chapman

Mixed culture from water E. coli colonies fluoresence in UV light E. coli and coliforms from river water E. coli and coliforms from river water E. coli and coliforms from waste water E. coli and coliforms from waste water E. coli and coliforms from waste water
Total colony count Caso, R2A
Yeasts and molds, Candida albicans Sabouraud
Other faecal bacteria Non-faecal, pathogenic bacteria Yeasts and molds Soft drinks, Acid-tolerant microorganisms, Orange Serum, VLB-S-7-S
concentrates Lactic-acid bacteria
Azide Bismuth Sulfite Cetrimide Chapman Lysine Malt Extract Sabouraud
Enterobacteria, E. coli and coliforms Endo, MacConkey
Mesophilic slime-forming bacteria, Weman
Total colony count Standard*, Standard TTC*,
TGE | Tryptone Glucose Extract
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract, m Green yeast and mold |
Schaufus Pottinger, Wallerstein Nutrient, Wort
Sugar, E. coli and coliforms Endo
Enterococcus faecalis Salmonella typhosa, streak Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphylococcus aureus Torulopsis spec. Saccaromyces cerevisiae Alternaria humicola Torula lipolytica
sugar products Mesophilic slime-forming bacteria, Weman
Thermophilic spore formers and Glucose Tryptone
mesophilic bacteria
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract*, Schaufus Pottinger |
m Green yeast and mold, Wort*
Water Acid-tolerant microorganisms, Orange Serum
(general Lactic-acid bacteria
quality), Enterobacteria, E. coli and coliforms CHROMOCULT **, ECD, Endo, (MacConkey),
Enterococci from waste water Salmonellae from waste water Mixed culture with Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mixed culture of staphylococci Wild yeasts from lager beer Mixed culture from Saccaromyces and Rhodutorula Yeasts and molds from cough syrup Mixed culture from a soft drink mineral water, m FC, Teepol | Lauryl Sulphate, Tergitol TTC
natural water,
waste water Enterococci, Enterococcus faecalis Azide | KF Strep
Yeasts and molds Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide
Wallerstein (WL Nutrient) Glucose Tryptone Jus de Tomate Orange Serum VLB-S7-S Weman Salmonellae Bismuth Sulfite
Staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus Chapman
Total colony count Caso, R2A, Standard, Standard TTC, TGE | Tryptone
Glucose Extract, Yeast Extract
Yeasts and molds, Candida albicans Sabouraud
Wine Acetobacter Orange Serum, Wort
(both wetted with 5-8% ethanol)
Acid-tolerant microorganisms, Orange Serum
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bacillus coagulans, the flat sour colony Lactic-acid bacteria, streak Rhodotorula spec. Lactobacillus brevis Leuconostoc mesenteroides
Lactic-acid bacteria
Oenococcus and other wine Jus de Tomate | Tomato Juice

SM-0001-e140606 | 85030-503-74 Ver.: 06| 2014

spoiling microorgan.
Yeasts and molds Malt Extract, m Green yeast and mold |
Schaufus Pottinger, Wallerstein Nutrient, Wort

* These NPS types are suitable for the determination of the mentioned microorganisms, although the media are not explicit declared in references.
The description of the typical results or any pictures show typical appearance of the mentioned microorganisms.
Lactobacillus plantarum Yeasts and molds from spoiled beer Mixed culture from canned vegetables Oenococcus oeni from wine Mixed culture from a soft drink Lactobacilli and pediococci from sediment, streak Mixed culture from sugar syrup In particular cases, color and shape of the colonies could vary from the expected habitus. Further tests may be necessary
to validate the result. Sartorius Stedim Biotech shall not be liable for consequential and | or incidental damage sustained
by any customer from the use of its products.
Nutrient Pad Sets (NPS) are subject to continuous product improvement as part of our product development program
to align our products with changing application requirements. For current specifications and lot release criteria please visit
our homepage under:
** Trade mark owner and manufacturer is Merck KGaA

Nutrient Pad Set Poster

The photo shows a poster, original size 70 cm+50 cm, with growth patterns and typical applications for the Nutrient Pad
Sets, described on the previous page. On request, you can obtain this poster free of charge. Order no. SM-0001-e.
26 Microbiological Enumeration Culture Media

Culture Media in Bottles and Tubes

Absorbent Pads and Petri Dishes

Agar Media Absorbent Pads

The traditional culture media for microor- Sartorius 1.4 mm thick absorbent pads are
ganisms is agar media. This can be used for wetted with the appropriate liquid culture
the membrane filtration method or for medium before a membrane filter is placed
direct incubation. There are two different on them. They come pre-sterilized in plastic
forms available: Agar media in tubes are magazines, which fit onto the Sartorius
for pouring agar plates. The content of one manual dispensing device. The absorbent
tube is sufficient for two 90 mm or three pads are available in two diameters:
60 mm petri dishes. Agar media in bottles 4 7 mm with approx. 3 ml absorption
are the cost-effective alternative for cast- capacity and
ing plates. 5 0 mm with approx. 3.5 ml absorption
Liquid Broth Media
Liquid culture media broth for direct
incubation or for wetting an absorbent pad
before a membrane filter is placed on it.
They are available in tubes and bottles.

Ordering Information
Agar Media in 250 ml Bottles, 4 Bottles per Box
Determination of Agar Type Order No.
Total count Nutrient 14144----------A
Yeasts and molds Wort 14157----------A
Wild yeasts Lysine 14143----------A
Lactobacilli and Pediococci and VLB-S7-S 14148----------A
other beer-spoiling organisms

Agar Media in 20 ml Tubes, 50 Tubes per Box

Determination of Agar Type Order No.
Total count Nutrient 14137----------K
Total count Standard 14131----------K
Yeasts and molds Wort 14138----------K
Acid-tolerant microorganisms Orange serum 14130----------K
Leuconostoc oenos and Jus de tomate 14140----------K
other wine-spoiling organ. (tomato juice)

Liquid Broth Media, for Drinking Water Analysis in 100 ml Bottles, 4 Bottles per Box
Determination of Media Type Order No.
Lactose fermenting Enterobacteria Lactose Broth 14155----------A
(E. coli and coliform bacteria)
Culture Media Microbiological Enumeration 27

Broth Media in 20 ml Tubes, 50 Tubes per Box

Determination of Broth Type Order No.
Lactobacilli and Pediococci and VLB-S7-S 14127----------K
other beer-spoiling organisms

Absorbent Pads, 47 mm, Sterile Packaged in 10 Magazines, Each with 100 Pads
Description Packaging Order No.
Absorbent Pads, 10+ 100 pads 1,000 per box, 15410--47----ALR
incl. one dispenser
Absorbent Pad Set, 10+ 100 pads 1,000 per box, 13906--47----APR
plus 1,000 membrane filters incl. two dispensers
(0.45 m, white|green)

Absorbent Pads, 47 mm, Sterile Packaged of 10 Discs per Sleeve

Description Packaging Order No.
Absorbent Pad Set, 10+10 pads 100 per box 13707--47----ALN
in sleeves plus 100 membrane filters
(0.2 m, white|black)
Absorbent Pad Set, 10+ 10 pads 100 per box 13706--47----ALN
in sleeves plus 100 membrane filters
(0.45 m, white|black)

Absorbent Pads, 50 mm, Sterile-Packaged in 10 Magazines, Each with 100 Pads

Description Packaging Order No.
Absorbent Pads, 10+100 pads 1,000 per box, 15410--50----ALR
incl. one dispenser

Absorbent Pads, 50 mm, Sterile-Packaged in Petri Dishes

Description Packaging Order No.
Absorbent Pad Set, 100 pads in 100 per box 15400--50------N
petri dishes, sterile packaged
Absorbent Pad Set, 100 pads in petri 100 per box 15400--50----FRN
dishes plus 100 membrane filters
(0.45 m, green |dark green)

Disposable Petri Dishes, Auto-Sterile, 100 per Box

Diameter Order No.
60 mm 14311--60------N
90 mm 14311--90------N
28 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Units
Filtration Units Microbiological Enumeration 29

Biosart 100 Monitors

The membrane filtration method is the International Standards microbiological

suitable technique for microbiological methods, such as ISO 7704, ISO 9308-1,
analysis of pharmaceuticals, water, cosmet- DIN EN ISO 16266, ISO 8199
ics, foods and beverages. The use of ready- WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water
to-use disposable units are optimal for Quality, 1997
these applications. International Pharmacopoeia, such as the
current editions of the USP and EP
Biosart 100 Monitors
Biosart 100 Monitors have been specifical- High-Flow Membranes
ly designed for the detection and enumera- Biosart 100 Monitors are also available
tion of microorganisms in pharmaceuticals, with the new 0.45 m High-Flow mem-
cosmetics, food, beverages, water and other branes. The special pore structure allows
liquids. These sterile disposables with an shorter filtration times due to 30% higher
incorporated membrane filter and cellulose flow rates. Especially E. coli shows best
pad are ready to use. After filtration, just growth promotion on High-Flow Mem-
remove the 100 ml funnel to convert the branes.
Monitor into a petri dish eliminating the
need for membrane manipulation. Culture Applications
media for wetting the pad are available in Microbial enumeration, particle testing and
individually sterilized, convenient plastic microscopy
ampoules. Biosart 100 Monitors are ready-
to-use filter units designed to be placed Benefits
onto the bases of a vacuum manifold,
eliminating the cleaning and sterilization Superior Performance
required of reusable funnels. High-flow rate
High total throughput
Compliance with International Standards
The membrane filter method is accepted Safe and Reliable
worldwide and the preferred method of Sterile or individually, sterile packaged
choice for the analysis of microbial con- Consistent recovery
tamination in liquid samples. Biosart 100 Membranes meet ISO 7704
Monitors and Media are in compliance Membranes available in various colours
with the membrane filtration procedures Without any hydrophobic adhesive areas
referenced in the:
European drinking water directive Economical
(Council Directive 98/83/EC on the Ready to connect and easy to use
quality of water) Minimal amount of equipment needed
Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Waste Water, 20th edition
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
30 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Units

Housing Polystyrene
Membrane filter Cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester): choice of white,
green or grey, with grid;
Regenerated cellulose: white;
membranes removable for filing
Plug and adapter Polyethylene
Pad Cellulose
Capacity 100 ml, 10 ml graduations
Pore size 0.2 m, 0.45 m or 0.8 m
Filter diameter 47 mm
Filtration area 14.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Outlet 6.5+ 1.5 mm
Lot certificates Recovery rate, sterility and specifications

Ordering Information
Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Individually Packaged, Sterile, 48 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Order No.
Color|Grid Color
0.2 m CN white |black 16401-47-07--ACK
0.45 m CN white |black 16401-47-06--ACK
0.45 m CN green|dark green 16402-47-06--ACK
0.45 m CN grey|white** 16403-47-06--ACK

Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Packaged on Trays, Sterile, 48 Units
0.2 m CN white|black 16401-47-07----K
0.45 m High-Flow CN white|black 16401-47-H6----K
0.45 m CN white|black 16401-47-06----K
0.45 m CN green|dark green 16402-47-06----K
0.45 m CN grey|white** 16403-47-06----K
0.8 m CN grey|white** 16403-47-04----K
0.45 m RC white 16404-47-06----K
Filtration Units Microbiological Enumeration 31

Biosart 100 Monitors, 100 ml, 47 mm, Sterile, 48 Units

Pore Size Membrane Filter* Order No.
Color|Grid Color
0.45 m High-Flow CN white|black 16401-47-H6-V--K
0.45 m CN white|black 16401-47-06-V--K
0.45 m CN grey|white** 16403-47-06-V--K
0.8 m CN grey|white** 16403-47-04-V--K

* CN = Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose ester)

RC = Regenerated Cellulose
** Grey membranes after wetting black

Biosart 100 Monitor Adapters and Membrane Lifter

Description Adaptation Order No.
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitor onto Sartorius 16424
polypropylene with a stainless-steel base 1ZU---0002 Microsart
silicone O-ring Base 47 mm (stainless-steel base for
Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet)
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitor onto Sartorius 16414
silicone stainless-steel frits e.g. 16840
(Combisart single base, 50 mm)
or onto 16841 (individual base)
Biosart 100 Membrane For easy transfer of the membrane 16417
Lifter, ABS onto agar
32 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Units

Biosart 100 Nutrient Media

Each box of Biosart 100 Nutrient Media have been passed successfully. Biosart 100
contains 50 ampoules with sterile media, Nutrient Media are convenient in use and
each with 2.5 ml and a lot certificate. eliminating the handling of glass ampoules.
If stored under proper conditions (+4C),
the culture media have a shelf life of Application
12months (except for Endo, KF Strep, Microbial enumeration.
Lauryl Sulfate and Tergitol which have a
9month shelf life). Biosart 100 Nutrient Benefits
Media comply with international regula-
tions and recommendations: International Safe and Reliable
pharmacopoeias, DIN and ISO standards, Pre-sterilized media
the American Standards for Water and Certificate of Quality for every batch
Foods, mineral water regulations, guide- In compliance with international
lines of the food and beverage industries. standards
Consistent recovery
Within the scope of the quality assurance
procedure and the stringent quality control Economical
standards every batch has passed Sartorius Ready-to-use
in-house tests of growth promotion, Long shelf life
sterility, physical and technical parameters

Ordering Information
Biosart 100 Nutrient Media, 2.5 ml, Individually,
Sterile-Packaged in Ampoules, 50 Units
Media Type Determination of Order No.
Caso (acc. USP) Total count 16400-02----CA-K
R2A (acc. EP) Total count 16400-02----RA-K
TGE|Total Count Total count 16400-02----TC-K
Total Count TTC Total count 16400-02----TZ-K
m Endo E. coli and coliforms 16400-02----EN-K
m FC E. coli and coliforms 16400-02----MF-K
Lauryl Sulfate|Teepol E. coli and coliforms 16400-02----LS-K
Tergitol TTC E. coli and coliforms 16400-02----TT-K
KF Strep|Azide Enterococci 16400-02----KF-K
Cetrimide Pseudomonas aeruginosa 16400-02----CE-K
Sabouraud (acc. USP) Yeasts and molds 16400-02----SB-K
m Green yeast and mold| Yeasts and molds 16400-02----MG-K
Schaufus Pottinger
m Green yeast and mold Yeasts and molds 16400-02----GS-K
Wort Yeasts and molds 16400-02----WZ-K
WL Nutrient | Yeasts and molds and bacteria 16400-02----WN-K
Wallerstein Nutrient
WL Differential | Bacteria in fermentation 16400-02----WL-K
Wallerstein Differential processes
Orange Serum Acid-tolerant microorganisms 16400-02----OS-K
MRS Lactobacilli and other soft 16400-02----MR-K
drink-spoiling microorganisms
Filtration Units Microbiological Enumeration 33

Microsart Funnel 100 | Microsart Funnel 250

Sterile Disposable Funnels with Click-Fit

In microbiological quality control, sterility Microsart Base 47 mm

of the equipment used for processing The Microsart Base 47 mm is the perfect
samples is a necessary basic requirement. addition to existing Combisart and
The re-useable funnels made of stainless- Microsart Combi.jet stainless-steel mani-
steel or other materials which are used for folds. The slightly recessed frit ensures the
membrane filtration are usually sanitized plane positioning of the membrane filter.
between samples by flaming or with hot Recessed parts for the tweezers at the rim
water. Both of these methods can be insuf- of the base make sure that the membrane
ficiently reliable if not properly performed. can be removed easily after filtration.
Alternatively, the funnels can be sterilized
by autoclaving which often is too laborious Microsart Funnel Dispenser
for routine use. A disposable filter funnel The Funnel Dispenser for secure removal
is the ideal choice for more reliability and of single, sterile Microsart Funnels.
saving time. Even after opening the bag, the remaining
funnels are protected from secondary
Description contamination.
Microsart Funnels are sterile plastic fun-
nels, which are available for the filtration Applications
of various sample volumes. They allow Colony counting, particle testing and
quick performance of the filtration steps microscopy.
required in the routine testing of water,
food and beverages, pharmaceutical and Benefits
cosmetic products. Some of the advantages you will
benefit from when using Microsart
The funnel is made of polypropylene and Funnel 100|250:
thus is elastic enough for optimal sealing Reliable Results
with a Click-Fit closure. Graduations are Use a new, sterile funnel for each test
marked to allow accurate sample volumes. for secure prevention of cross contami-
The large inner diameter ensures a high- nation!
flow rate and the optimized shape allows Time-Saving
thorough rinsing of the system subsequent Just change the funnel, rather than
to filtration: no liquid is retained in the spending time and money sanitizing it!
filter funnel. Simpler Handling
No more flaming, thus no holding of hot
funnels! The clear material allows easy
visualisation of the status of filtration,
particularly useful in routine testing.
34 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Units

Material Polypropylene
Capacity 100 ml, graduations at 20, 50 and 100 ml
250 ml, graduations at 50, 100, 200 and 250 ml
Filter diameter 47 mm, prefilter 40 mm (particle testing only)
Filtration area 13.2 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization Ethylene oxide
Lot certificate Sterility and performance test

Ordering Information
Microsart Funnel 100, Sterile Disposable Funnel, 100 ml, 100 Units
Description Order No.
Microsart Funnel 100, sterile in 5 sealed bags 16A07--10------N

Microsart Funnel 250, Sterile Disposable Funnels, 250 ml, 96 Units

Description Order No.
Microsart Funnel 250, sterile in 6 sealed bags 16A07--25------N

Accessories and Replacement Parts

Description Order No.
Microsart Funnel Dispenser 16A08
Funnel dispenser for secure removal of single,
sterile Microsart Funnels
Microsart Base 47 mm, with frit, stainless-steel base for 1ZU---0002
Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet
Optimized for the use with 47 mm membranes, Click-Fit closure for
Microsart Funnel, Microsart @filter and other funnel types sealed
by bayonet closure
Silicone O-ring for Microsart Base 47 mm male thread (pack size 3) 6980274
Replacement frit for Microsart Base, stainless-steel 1ZU---0001

Further information about Microsart Combi.jet and Combisart stainless-steel manifolds

are on the following pages.
Filtration Units Microbiological Enumeration 35

Microsart @filter 100 | Microsart @filter 250

Sterile Disposable Filter Units for Advanced Colony Counting

The pharmaceutical and biotech industries Microsart @vance

are driven by the need to optimize their The Microsart product family consists of
work flows and increase efficiency without all the most recent products from Sartorius
compromising their level of safety. Prod- for microbiological analysis, which are
ucts and raw materials used in the pharma- especially characterized by innovation and
ceutical or biotech industry require control clever design.
of microbial levels during processing and
handling. All components of the filtration Microsart @filter not only saves time and
system must comply with international labor costs but minimizes the risk of second-
guidelines, such as USP, EP or ISO stand- ary contamination thats advanced colony
ards. counting by Sartorius.

Description Microsart Funnel Dispenser

Microsart @filter 100 and 250 filter units The Funnel Dispenser for secure removal of
are a ready-to-use combination of funnel, single, sterile Microsart @filter. Even after
filter base and gridded membrane in one opening the bag, the remaining funnels are
unit. The range of Microsart @filter types protected from secondary contamination.
has been tailored to meet individual needs:
It is possible to choose between two vol- Applications
ume sizes, 100 ml and 250 ml, different Filtration and enumeration of micro
pore sizes and different filter colours for organisms in liquids like pharmaceuticals,
contrasting backgrounds during evaluation. biopharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
The filter units exist as tray versions with
lids or are stacked in bags for safe removal Benefits
using the Microsart Funnel Dispenser. Some of the advantages you will benefit
from when using Microsart @filter units:
Despite the diversity of Microsart @filters
one thing is common: The optimal design. Safe and Reliable
S  terile Packaged
Click-Fit fastening allows for easy remov- Sterilization at the point of use is
al of funnels not required
Leaking-free procedure due to innovative Fully Disposable Base and Funnel
Click-Fit and bayonet closures Preparation-and sterilization-free
Bayonet closure allows for easy mounting procedure reduces the risk of secondary
and removal of units contamination
Sterile Filter Base with recesses allows Optimized Design and Materials
for simple membrane removal No liquid remains after filtration,
Innovative geometry of the funnel allows eliminates the need of rinsing
for effective rinsing after filtration
(no sample residue is left in the funnel) Easy Handling
 lick-Fit Closure
They have been specifically developed for Fast in routine analysis, eliminates
the detection and enumeration of microor- the risk of leakage
ganisms in pharmaceuticals, biopharma-
ceuticals and cosmetics. Economy
A  daptable on Combisart
Given flexibility, no additional invest-
ment required
Transparent Funnel Material
Visibility of the complete filtration
36 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Units

Materials Funnel: Polypropylene,
Base: ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol),
Membrane filter: Cellulose Nitrate (C. mixed Ester),
Regenerated Cellulose;
choice of various colours and pore sizes
Capacity 100 ml, graduations at 20, 50 and 100 ml
250 ml, 50, 100, 200 and 250 ml graduations
Filter diameter 47 mm, prefilter 40 mm (particle testing only)
Filtration area 13.2 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization Gamma irradiation
Lot certificate Recovery rate, sterility and performance test

Ordering Information
Microsart @filter 100, Sterile Disposable Filter Units with Lid, 47 mm, 100 ml,
Packaged on Trays, Ideal for the Use in Clean Benches, 24 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color|Grid Color Order No.
0.2 CN white|black 16D01--10-07--TG
0.45, High-Flow CN white|black 16D01--10-H6--TG
0.45, High-Flow CN grey|white** 16D03--10-H6--TG
0.45 CN green|dark green 16D02--10-06--TG
0.45 RC white (w/o grid) 16D05--10-06--TG***
0.45 CN white|black 16D01--10--06--TG

Microsart @filter 250, Sterile Disposable Filter Units with Lid, 47 mm, 250 ml,
Packaged on Trays, Ideal for the Use in Clean Benches, 16 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color|Grid Color Order No.
0.2 CN white|black 16D01--25-07--TF
0.45, High-Flow CN white|black 16D01--25-H6--TF
0.45, High-Flow CN grey|white** 16D03--25-H6--TF
0.45 CN green|dark green 16D02--25-06--TF
0.65 CN grey|white** 16D03--25-05--TF
0.45 CN white|black 16D01--25--06--TF
Filtration Units Microbiological Enumeration 37

Microsart @filter 100, Sterile Disposable Filter Units, 47 mm, 100 ml, Stacked and
Packaged in Bags, Ideal for the Use with Microsart Funnel Dispenser, 60 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color|Grid Color Order No.
0.2 CN white|black 16D01--10-07--BL
0.45, High-Flow CN white|black 16D01--10-H6--BL
0.45, High-Flow CN grey|white** 16D03--10-H6--BL
0.45 CN green|dark green 16D02--10-06--BL
0.45 RC white (w/o grid) 16D05--10-06--BL***
0.45 CN white|black 16D01--10--06--BL

Microsart @filter 250, Sterile Disposable Filter Units, 47 mm, 250 ml, Stacked and
Packaged in Bags, Ideal for the Use with Microsart Funnel Dispenser, 48 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color|Grid Color Order No.
0.2 CN white|black 16D01--25-07--BK
0.45, High-Flow CN white|black 16D01--25-H6--BK
0.45, High-Flow CN grey|white** 16D03--25-H6--BK
0.45 CN green|dark green 16D02--25-06--BK
0.65 CN grey|white** 16D03--25-05--BK
0.45 CN white|black 16D01--25--06--BK

Microsart @filter 100, Individually Sterile Packed, 100 ml Capacity,

with Covers, 27 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color|Grid Color Order No.
0.45, High-Flow CN white|black, 100 ml 16D01--10-H6-ACG
0.45, High-Flow CN black|white, 100 ml 16D03--10-H6-ACG
0.2 CN black|white, 100 ml 16D01--10-07-ACG

Microsart @filter 250, Individually Sterile Packed, 250 ml Capacity,

with Cover, 18 Units
Pore Size Membrane Filter* Color|Grid Color Order No.
0.45, High-Flow CN white|black, 250 ml 16D01--25-H6-ACF
0.45, High-Flow CN black|white, 250 ml 16D03--25-H6-ACF
0.2 CN white|black, 100 ml 16D01--25-07-ACF

Description Order No.
Lids for Microsart @filter 100 and 250, Pack size: 100 1ZSF-K0007
(4 bags with 25 pieces each), gamma sterilized
Microsart Funnel Dispenser 16A08

Funnel dispenser for secure removal of single, sterile Microsart @filter packaged in bags.

* CN = Cellulose Nitrate (Cellulose ester), RC = Regenerated Cellulose

** Grey membranes after wetting black
*** not to be used in combination with Microsart @media
38 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Units

Biosart 250 Funnels

In microbiological quality control, sterility sample volumes. The large inner diameter
of the equipment used for processing ensures a high-flow rate. The conical
samples is a necessary basic requirement. form allows a thorough rinsing of the
The reuseable funnels made of stainless- system subsequent to filtration. No liquid
steel or other materials which are used for is retained in the filter funnel.
membrane filtration are usually sanitized
between samples by flaming or with hot Applications
water. Both of these methods can be Microbial enumeration, particle testing
insufficiently reliable when not properly and microscopy
performed. Alternatively, the funnels could
be sterilized by autoclaving, but this is Benefits
too laborious for routine use. A disposable
sterile funnel in a certified quality is the Superior Performance
ideal solution. High-flow rate
High total throughput
The Biosart 250 Funnel has been specifi- Safe and Reliable
cally designed for microbiological and Sterile or individually, sterile packaged
analytical quality assurance. Biosart 250 No risk of cross contaminations
are sterile funnels which allows for fast N o leakages due to proven closure
filtration required in the routine testing technique
of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, No holding of hot funnels
water, food and beverages and other V isibility of the complete filtration
liquids. A Sartorius gridded membrane is
placed on a stainless-steel filter support. Economical
A Biosart 250 Funnel is simply fitted on R eady to connect and easy to use
and the sample is filtered. The funnel is Minimal amount of equipment needed
made of polypropylene and is sufficiently Autoclavable (to a limited extend)
elastic for optimal sealing with a bayonet-
type closure. Graduations are marked at
50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ml for exact
Filtration Units Microbiological Enumeration 39

Material Polypropylene
Capacity 250 ml, 50 ml graduations
Filter diameter 47 mm (or 50 mm), prefilter 40 mm
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization 16407--25----ALK: Ethylene oxide
16407--25----ACK: Gamma Irradiation
Lot certificates Sterility and performance tests

Ordering Information
Biosart 250 Funnels, Ready to Use Filter Funnels, 250 ml, 50 Units
Description Order No.
Biosart 250 Funnel, 50 units, individually, sterile-packaged 16407--25----ACK
Biosart 250 Funnel, 50 units, sterile-packaged 16407--25----ALK

Further information available on request f.o.c. Order no. SL-3017-e

40 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 41

Combisart The Sterile-Vented Filter Station

Individual and Multi-Branch Systems

The Sartorius Combisart system enables Sterilization

you to select the optimal hardware and The system is compliant with ISO 8199
consumables for your needs in microbio- with regards to the sterilization methods
logical analysis or particle count in quality of the equipment described in the General
assurance. Combisart features a modular Guide to enumeration of micro-organisms
design and field-proven standard accesso- by culture. Since the most reliable
ries to make your choice easier. sterilization method is autoclaving, the
Combisart design offers a unique advan-
Description tage for this method. After inserting the
At the heart of the Combisart system is membrane filters in the filter holders, you
a high-grade stainless-steel manifold or can simply unscrew them as an entire unit
individual system designed to accommo- from each workstation and autoclave them.
date all types of filter holders and funnels This method increases reliability and saves
such as: sterilization capacity.
Ready-to-use units like Microsart
Funnels 100 and 250, Microsart @filter The Right Equipment for Your
100 and 250, Biosart 100 Monitors and Application
Biosart 250 Funnels In connection with the single base 16840
Flammable units such as stainless-steel (for 50 mm membranes) the manifolds are
funnels for colony counting flexible to adapt disposable Biosart 250 or
Autoclavable reusable funnels made of stainless-steel funnels. The stainless-steel
glass or polycarbonate filter support of the single base 16840
allows a homogenous distribution of the
The outlet of the 1- and 3-branch mani- residues on the membrane filter surface.
folds are newly Quick Connection Nipples,
which could be used together with Quick Alternatively to 16840, the Microsart Base
Connection Couplings (more information 1ZU---0002 is highly recommended for
under Microsart Combi.jet) or as hose all 47 mm membrane filters, Microsart
nipples for vacuum tubings. The low height Funnels and for Microsart @filter.
of the manifold ports is particularly advan-
tageous for working on a clean bench. For The adapter 16424 ensures that the
low number of samples, we recommend the Biosart 100 Monitors are positioned
use of the 1-branch manifold 16844 or the perfectly, minimizing the risk of contami-
individual base 16841 on the top of a suc- nation during filtration.
tion flask. For large number of samples, we
recommend the 3- or 6-branch manifolds. 3 or 6 polycarbonate holders of the type
16511 can be screwed onto the manifold
Sterile Venting directly.
A special feature of the Combisart system
is the stainless-steel three-way valve (tap). Glass units (16306 or 16307) can be fitted
This allows the vacuum for each filter by using corresponding adapter- |stopper-
holder to be individually controlled and combinations.
each filter station to be sterilely vented.
This rules out secondary contamination of
the underside of the filter.
42 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Maximum Flexibility Saves Time

The turnable single base for 50 mm Filtration of 3 or 6 samples in parallel
membranes 16840 or the Microsart Base Easy pouring out of non-filterable
47 mm features additional advantages you samples
will benefit from: Equally easy for right- and left-handed
You can pour out a non-filterable sample users
from each unit
Filtration equally easy for left- or right Economical
handed users in your laboratory, because Maximum flexibility due to different
funnels can be positioned to suit the set-ups
individual user Space-saving in the autoclave
Stainless-steel 304 long lifecycle
Some of the advantages you will benefit
from when using the Combisart System: Combisart Hardware Setups
Filtration systems fast and easy completed
Safe and Reliable at
S terile venting of each membrane after
S terilization acc. to ISO 8199
S pecial polished stainless-steel surfaces
allow easy cleaning and rinsing
L ow height is advantageous for working
on a clean bench

Stainless-steel quality High-grade stainless-steel: B.S. 304S31|AISI 304
Dimensions in mm (L|H|D) 3-branch manifold: 435|103|120
6-branch manifold: 910|103|120
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134C),
By dry heat (max. 180C),
By flaming,
By other methods acc. to ISO 8199
Parts and materials Lid, funnel, base part, filter support, clamp and tap
made of stainless-steel. Silicone flat gasket. Silicone
lid seal
Flow rate per filter station 200 ml/min with 0.2 m membrane filter
for water at 90% vacuum 600 ml/min with 0.45 m membrane filter
Filtration area 12.5 cm2 (if using stainless-steel funnels)
Suitable membrane filter diameter 50 mm (47 mm, if using a 47 mm frit 6980103)
Outlet spout (individual system) 10 mm outer diameter
Inlet (branches only) Female thread, TR 20+ 2
Outlet (1- and 3-branches only)  uick Connection Nipple DN 7
(tubings with DN 10 are connectable)
Outlet (6-branch) Hose nipple DN 10
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 43

Ordering Information
Combisart Individual System and Multi-Branch Manifolds, Made of High-Grade
Stainless-Steel, Pre-Assembled with Stainless-Steel Funnels and Lids
Description Capacity Order No.
Combisart individual filter holder, stainless-steel, 100 ml 1+ 100 ml 16219-CS
Combisart individual filter holder, stainless-steel, 500 ml 1+ 500 ml 16201-CS

Combisart 1-branch stainless-steel manifold, 100 ml 1+ 100 ml 16844-CS
Combisart 1-branch stainless-steel manifold, 500 ml 1+ 500 ml 16845-CS

Combisart 3-branch stainless-steel manifold, 100 ml 3+ 100 ml 16824-CS
Combisart 3-branch stainless-steel manifold, 500 ml 3+ 500 ml 16828-CS

Combisart 6-branch stainless-steel manifold, 100 ml 6+ 100 ml 16832-CS

Combisart 6-branch stainless-steel manifold, 500 ml 6+ 500 ml 16831-CS

Combisart Individual and Multi-Branch Bases, Made of High-Grade Stainless-Steel,

Without Funnels and Lids, to Accommodate Various Funnel Types
Description Order No.
Combisart individual base, stainless-steel, with frit (50 mm), 16841
to accommodate stainless-steel funnels and Biosart 100|250
Combisart 1-branch stainless-steel manifold, without frit 16844
Combisart 3-branch stainless-steel manifold, without frits 16842
Combisart 6-branch stainless-steel manifold, without frits 16843
Combisart Single base with frit (for 50 mm membranes), stainless-steel, 16840
accommodate stainless-steel funnels and Biosart 100|250
Microsart Base 47 mm, with frit, stainless-steel base for 1ZU---0002
Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet
Optimized for the use with 47 mm membranes, Click-Fit closure for
Microsart Funnel, Microsart @filter and other funnel types sealed
by bayonet closure

Combisart Hardware Set-Ups

Choose complete filtration systems easy and fast under:
44 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Replacement Parts for Combisart Individual Filter Holders

Replacement Parts for Combisart Manifolds

stainless steel lid
funnel 40 ml 6981063
with clamp stainless steel lid
6981064 silicone lid seal
silicone lid seal
funnel 100 ml
with clamp
6980271 6981002
silicone O-ring funnel 500 ml with clamp
16840* 6980264
16 + 2 mm clamp
single base
6980264 clamp

single base
6980102 stainless steel frit 50 mm
6980103 stainless steel frit 47 mm
6980124 silicone flat gasket
6980104 PTFE flat gasket
stainless steel cap 16840* stainless steel single base
(incl. 50 mm frit and silcone gasket)
6980274 silicone O-ring 8 + 20
6980235 silicone O-ring (pack of 3)

6980268 17575-ACK 17012-E

knurled nut Minisart SRP Plug Luer Lock 1EAS--0026 6980272
(pack of 50) (pack of 12) quick connection hose nipple
without base nipple
supports and
16844 1-branch
16842 3-branch
16843 6-branch
silicone O-ring
16 + 2 mm

6980267 6980225
stainless steel Plug conical
3-way tap (pack of 10) *) Alternatively to 16840 the Microsart Base 47 mm is highly recommended
for all 47 mm membrane filters, Microsart Funnels and Microsart @filter units.
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 45

Accessories and Replacement Parts for the Combisart System

Description Qty. Order No.
Minisart SRP25, sterile filter for venting, 0.2 m, 50 17575--------ACK
individually sterile-packaged, could be autoclaved
5 times
Plug luer lock, to close the Minisart inlet, 12 17012----------E
if sterile venting is not required
Plug, conical, to close the venting hole beside 10 6980225
the 3-way-valve, if sterile venting is not required
Silicone O-ring for single base 16840 male thread 3 6980274
(also 1ZU---0002)
Silicone O-ring for manifold female threads 3 6980235
Silicone flat gasket underneath the frit (16840) 1 6980124
PTFE flat gasket underneath the frit (16840) 1 6980104
Stainless-steel frit, 50 mm diameter (16840) 1 6980102
Stainless-steel frit, 47 mm diameter (16840) 1 6980103
Quick Connection Nipple, stainless-steel 1 1EAS--0026
Hose nipple, stainless-steel, DN 10 1 6980272
Stainless-steel frit for Microsart Base 47 mm 1 1ZU---0001
Rubber vacuum hose (1 m) 1 16623
Tubing with Coupling Quick Con., PSU 1 1ZA---0006
Vacuum hose with Quick Con., silicone, 1 m 1 1ZAS--0016
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 1 m 1 1ZAS--0007
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 10 m 1 1ZAS--0020
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 2 m 1 1ZAS--0019
46 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Funnels, Lids, Seals and Filter Holders to Connect on the Combisart System
Description Capacity Membrane Order No.
Filter Diameter
Stainless-steel funnel with 100 ml 47|50 mm 6981065
closure clamp
Lid, stainless-steel for 100 ml funnel 6981063
Lid seal, silicone for 100 ml funnel 6981064
Stainless-steel funnel with 500 ml 47|50 mm 6981002
closure clamp
Lid, stainless-steel for 500 ml funnel 6981001
Lid seal, silicone for 500 ml funnel 6981003
Stainless-steel funnel with 40 ml 47|50 mm 6981004
closure clamp
Polycarbonate filter holder, 250 ml 47 mm 16511
complete with filter support
and funnel
Glass filter holder, complete 30 ml 25 mm 16306
with filter support, funnel
and metal clamp
Glass filter holder, complete 250 ml 47|50 mm 16307
with filter support, funnel
and metal clamp

Combisart Adapter, to Accommodate Various Funnel Types

Description Adaptation Order No.
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitors onto 16424
silicone 16840 (Combisart single base)
or onto 16841 (individual base)
Biosart 100 Adapter, Biosart 100 Monitors onto 16835
stainless-steel with Combisart manifolds 16844,
silicone stopper 16842 and 16843
Glass funnel Adapter, 16306|15 (glass funnel, 30 ml) 16836
stainless-steel with onto Combisart manifolds
silicone stopper 16844, 16842 and 16843
Glass funnel Adapter, 16307 (glass funnel, 250 ml) 16837
stainless-steel with onto Combisart manifolds
silicone stopper 16844, 16842 and 16843
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 47

Microsart Combi.jet
2-Branch Stainless-Steel Manifold for Microbiological Analysis

The Microsart Combi.jet is a 2-branch Maximum Flexibility

manifold, made of high-grade stainless- The Microsart Combi.jet enables you to
steel. The manifold has been specifically select the optimal hardware and consum-
designed for the use together with the ables for your needs in microbiological
Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump. The system analysis in quality assurance. The heart
is able to create sufficient vacuum for of the whole system is the Microsart
vacuum filtration concomitantly transfer- Combi.jet, the stainless-steel 2-branch
ring the filtered liquid directly to waste. manifold, designed to accommodate all
Microsart Combi.jet and Microsart e.jet types of filter holders and funnels such as:
can be easily connected and disassembled
by the innovative Quick Connection Ready-to-use units Microsart @filter
technology. 100 and 250
Ready-to-use units Microsart Funnel
Compact Design 100 and 250
The complete traditional equipment, Ready-to-use units Biosart 100
such as connectors, tubes, suction flask, Monitors
protection filter, Woulffs bottle and a Ready-to-use units Biosart 250 Funnels
vacuum pump, requires a lot of laboratory Flammable units such as stainless-steel
space and is time consuming to operate funnels
and maintain. Microsart Combi.jet reduces Autoclavable glass filter holders
operating complexity due to its small Autoclavable polycarbonate filter holder
and compact design. The Transfer Pump
Microsart e.jetfits visually and ergonomi- Reliability: Ideal for Microbiology
cally into this design. Applications
Sterile venting after filtration
Quick Connection Easy to clean and sanitize
Building up the vacuum filtration system Smooth and reliable filtration
is easy and fast thanks to the innovative
Quick Connection Coupling and Nipples Economically Efficient
at the Microsart Combi.jet manifold and Saving time due to Quick Connection
Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump. Simply technology
push-to-connect for assembling and Saving work space (saves 70%)
pull-to-disassemble the whole system No need for suction flasks and
within seconds. water traps

Sterile Venting
A special feature of the Microsart
Combi.jet manifold are the stainless-steel
three-way valves (taps). They allow the
vacuum for each filter holder to be
individually controlled and each filter
station to be sterilely vented. This rules
out secondary contamination of the
underside of the filter.
48 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Microsart Combi.jet
Stainless-steel quality High-grade stainless-steel: B.S. 304S31|AISI 304
Dimensions in mm (L|H|D) 246|98|130
Max. operating pressure Vacuum only
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134C)
Parts and materials Manifold: stainless-steel, silicone O-ring
Quick Connection Coupling PVDF, closure: stainless-steel, sealing: FKM|FPM
Inlet (manifold) Female thread, TR 20+2
Outlet Quick Connection Coupling (female),
inner diameter NW 7, non-shut-off

Microsart Base 47 mm
Materials stainless-steel, silicone O-ring
Suitable membrane filter diameter 47 mm
Filtration area (e. g. for the use 12.5 cm
with Microsart Funnels)

Ordering Information
Microsart Combi.jet 2-Branch Manifold, Made of High-Grade Stainless-Steel,
Without Frits and Funnels, to Accommodate Various Funnel Types
Description Order No.
Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch manifold, without base support 16848-CJ
and frits
Microsart Base 47 mm, with frit, stainless-steel base for 1ZU---0002
Combisart and Microsart Combi.jet
Optimized for the use with 47 mm membranes, Click-Fit closure for
Microsart Funnel, Microsart @filter and other funnel types sealed
by bayonet closure

Accessories and Replacement Parts

Description Qty. Order No.
Minisart SRP25, sterile filter for venting, 0.2 m, 50 17575--------ACK
individually sterile-packaged, could be autoclaved 5 times
Plug luer lock, to close the Minisart inlet, 12 17012----------E
if sterile venting is not required
Plug, conical, to close the venting hole beside 10 6980225
the 3-way-valve, if sterile venting is not required
Silicone O-ring for Microsart Base 47 mm male thread 3 6980274
Silicone O-ring for manifold female threads 3 6980235
Combisart single base, stainless-steel, 1 16840
optimal for the use with 50 mm membrane filters,
funnel closure by bayonet or adapter
Microsart Combi.jet Coupling, Quick Connection, PVDF 1 1EAS--0022

Funnels and filter holders to connect onto the Microsart Combi.jet manifold are
equivalent to those for the use with the Combisart system (page 41).
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 49

How to Set-up a Vacuum Filtration System

Microsart Combi.jet 2-Branch Stainless-Steel Manifold plus Microsart e.jet

The filter stations are directly connected to the Transfer Pump for simultaneous transfer of the
filtrate to waste. Easy assembling thanks to Quick Connection technology.

Ordering Information
Pos. Description Qty. Order No. Detailed
on Page
Microsart Combi.jet stainless-steel equipment: 48
1 Microsart Base 47 mm 2 1ZU---0002
2 Microsart Combi.jet 2-branch manifold 1 16848-CJ
Sterile venting of the filter station: 45
3 Minisart SRP25, 0.2 m 1 17575--------ACK
4 Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 1 m 2* 1ZAS--0007 61
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 2 m 1ZAS--0019
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 10 m 1ZAS--0020
Vacuum Pump: 60
5 Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump, 1 166MP-4
230 V, 50 Hz
Additional accessories:
Microsart @filter 100, sterile filter 1 16D01--10-H6--TG 35
units, packaged on trays
Stainless-steel tweezers 1 16625 65
Colony Counter 1 17649 64
Incubator 1 18119 64
Container for anaerobic incubation 1 16671 65

* required length depends on distance between Transfer Pump and drain

50 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Combisart 1-Branch Stainless-Steel Manifold Plus Microsart mini.vac

The filter station is connected to a suction flask, which is connected to a filtrate-protected

vacuum pump.

Ordering Information
Pos. Description Qty. Order No. Detailed
on Page
Combisart stainless-steel equipment: 41
1 Combisart single base, 50 mm 1 16840
2 Combisart 1-branch manifold 1 16844
Sterile venting of the filter station: 45
3 Minisart SRP25, 0.2 m 1 17575--------ACK
4 Rubber vacuum hose, 1 m 3* 16623 57
Suction flask and stopper: 56
5 Tube connector 1 17204
6 Silicone stopper 1 17173
7 Suction flask, 2 liters 1 16672
Water trap for pump protection: 57
8 Vacusart, 0.45 m 1 17804----------M
Vacuum Pump: 58
9 Microsart mini.vac, 230 V, 50 Hz 1 16694-2-50-06
Microsart mini.vac, 115 V, 60 Hz 16694-1-60-06
Additional accessories:
Microsart e.motion Dispenser 1 16712 13
Stainless-steel tweezers 1 16625 65
Colony Counter 1 17649 64
Incubator 1 18119 64
Stainless-steel prefilter attachment 1 16807 65
Container for anaerobic incubation 1 16671 65

* required length depends on distance between the filter station and the vacuum source
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 51

Combisart 1-Branch Stainless-Steel Manifold plus Microsart e.jet

Ordering Information
Pos. Description Qty. Order No. Detailed
on Page
Combisart stainless-steel equipment: 41
1 Combisart single base, 50 mm 1 16840
2 Combisart 1-branch manifold 1 16844
Sterile venting of the filter station: 45
3 Minisart SRP25, 0.2 m 1 17575--------ACK
4 Silicone tubing with Quick Connection 1 1ZA---0006 61
Coupling, 20 cm, vacuum-sided
Silicone tubing with Quick Connection 1ZAS--0016
Coupling, 1 m, vacuum-sided
Vacuum Pump: 60
5 Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump 1 166MP-4
6 Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 1 m 2* 1ZAS--0007 61
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 2 m 1ZAS--0019
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 10 m 1ZAS--0020
Additional accessories:
Microsart e.motion Dispenser 1 16712 13
Stainless-steel tweezers 1 16625 65
Colony Counter 1 17649 64
Incubator 1 18119 64
Stainless-steel prefilter attachment 1 16807 65
Container for anaerobic incubation 1 16671 65

* required length depends on distance between vacuum source and drain

52 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Accessories and Replacement Parts

Description Qty. Order No.
Rubber vacuum hose (1 m) 1 16623
Vacuum tubing with Quick Connection, 1 1ZA---0006
silicone, 20 cm
Vacuum tubing with Quick Connection, 1 1ZAS--0016
silicone, 1 m
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 1 m 1 1ZAS--0007
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 10 m 1 1ZAS--0020
Silicone tubing, pressure-sided, 2 m 1 1ZAS--0019
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 53

Traditional Multi-Branch Manifolds and Individual Filter Holders

Made of Stainless-Steel, Glass and Polycarbonate

Individual Filter Holders tribution of the residues on the membrane

The three stainless-steel holder types differ filter surface. Funnel and filter support can
only in the funnel capacity (either 40 ml, be disinfected by flaming.
100ml or 500 ml). They have been designed
specifically for applications in which the Glass Filter Holders
particles or microorganisms retained on These filter holders are available for the
the membrane filter surface are of interest. filtration of small volumes with a 30 ml top
The stainless-steel frit filter support ensures part and for larger volumes with a 250 ml
a uniform distribution of the residues. top part. They can be sterilized by auto
Simple handling is very important regard- claving (max. 134C) or by dry heat (max.
ing routine examinations. Stainless-steel 180C). The glass frit ensures uniform
taps in the base allow the vacuum to be distribution of retained residue.
turned on and off. The special closure
clamps simplify the addition or removal Polycarbonate Filter Holders
of the funnels adding to the ease of use. Type 16510 is complete with receiver flask,
and can be operated with vacuum as well
Multi-Branch Manifolds as with slight overpressure (0.5 bar is
The manifold systems are available with recommended for highest standing times).
100ml or 500 ml capacity funnels. The Type 16511 is like 16510, but without
three or six separate filter holders save time receiver flask. It is used on a suction flask
when mass examinations have to be carried or a vacuum manifold e. g. Combisart
out. Due to the stainless-steel taps on the systems. Both devices can be sterilized by
manifold ports, the vacuum for each holder autoclaving (max. 121C).
can be turned on and off individually. The
stainless-steel frit allows homogenous dis-

Stainless-steel quality High-grade stainless-steel: B.S. 304S31|AISI 304
Dimensions 3-branch manifold:
in mm (W|H|D) 3 + 100 ml: 432|184|120
3 + 500 ml: 442|262|132
6-branch manifold:
6 + 100 ml: 906|268|120
6+ 500 ml: 916|329|132
Max. operating pressure Vacuum or max. 2 bar pressure (29 psi)
Sterilization By autoclaving (max. 134C),
By dry heat (max. 180C),
By flaming,
By other methods acc. to ISO 8199
Parts and materials Lid, funnel, base part, filter support, clamp and tap made
of stainless-steel. Silicone flat gasket. Silicone lid seal
Flow rate per filter station 200 ml/min with 0.2 m membrane filter
for water at 90% vacuum 600 ml/min with 0.45 m membrane filter
Filtration area 12.5 cm2
Suitable membrane 50 mm
filter diameter (47 mm, if using a 47 mm frit filter support 6980103)
Outlet spouts 10 mm outside diameter
(individual system)
Outlet (branches only) Hose nipple, DN 10
54 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Replacement Parts for Traditional Individual Filter Holders

Replacement Parts for Traditional Manifolds

Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 55

Ordering Information
Individual Stainless-Steel Filter Holders, Pre-Assembled with Stainless-Steel
Funnels and Lids
Description Capacity Order No.
Individual stainless-steel filter holder, 100 ml 1+ 100 ml 16219
Individual stainless-steel filter holder, 500 ml 1+ 500 ml 16201
Individual stainless-steel filter holder without lid, 40 ml 1+ 40 ml 16220

Multi-Branch Manifolds, Stainless-Steel, with Stainless-Steel Funnels and Lids

Description Capacity Order No.
3-branch stainless-steel manifold, 100 ml 3+ 100 ml 16824
3-branch stainless-steel manifold, 500 ml 3+ 500 ml 16828
6-branch stainless-steel manifold, 100 ml 6+ 100 ml 16832
6-branch stainless-steel manifold, 500 ml 6+ 500 ml 16831

Glass Filter Holders

Description Membrane Capacity Order No.
Filter Diameter
Glass filter holder, 25 mm 30 ml 16306
complete with filter support,
funnel and metal clamp
Glass filter holder, 47|50 mm 250 ml 16307
complete with filter support,
funnel and metal clamp

Polycarbonate Filter Holder

Description Membrane Capacity Order No.
Filter Diameter
Polycarbonate filter holder, 47 mm 250 ml 16510
with 250 ml top part and
receiver flask, for vacuum or
pressure filtration
Polycarbonate filter holder, 47 mm 250 ml 16511
with 250 ml top part,
for vacuum filtration only
56 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Accessories for Vacuum Filter Holders and

Manifold Systems
Suction Flasks and Stoppers
Suction Flask, 2 Liter Capacity A 1-liter capacity flask is available for
Vacuum-resistant flask made of duran countries which do not have safety
50 glass with plastic safety hose nipple restrictions on glass hose nipples.
according to the German Industrial
Standard No. 12476. Outer diameter of the
hose nipple, 9 mm. Inner diameter of the
opening, 60 mm. Stoppers are not enclosed.

Ordering Information
Suction Flasks
Description Order No.
Suction flask, 5 liters acc. to DIN 12476, incl. stopper 75 D and glass tube 16672-----1
Suction flask, 2 liters acc. to DIN 12476, without stopper 16672
Tube connector for connecting a Combisart stainless-steel manifold 17204
to a suction flask 1 or 2 liters (not necessary when a Vacusart
is connected directly to the bored stopper)
Suction flask, 1 liter (not available in countries which have 16606
safety restrictions on glass hose nipples)

Replacement Parts
Description Order No.
Glass tube for silicon stopper 75 D for suction flask 5 liters 16672-----1 1EAQ--0017
Bored stopper 75 D for suction flask 5 liters 16672-----1 1EAS--0019
Assembling kit for hose barb for suction flask 5 liters 16672-----1 1EA---0018
Hose barb, complete, Polypropylene, for suction flask 2 liters 16672 6983003

Bored Stoppers for Suction Flask 2 Liters 16672

Description Adaptation Order No.
Silicone stopper Combisart individual base 16841 17173
or other individual stainless-steel filter holders
(16201, 16219, 16220) onto the suction flask 16672
Silicone stopper 16306|15 (glass funnels, 30 ml) 17174
onto the suction flask 16672
Silicone stopper 16307 (glass funnel, 250 ml) 17175
onto the suction flask 16672

Bored Stoppers for Suction Flask 1 Liter 16606

Description Adaptation Order No.
Silicone stopper Combisart individual base 16841 17004
or other individual stainless-steel filter holders
(16201, 16219, 16220) onto the suction flask 16606
Silicone stopper 16306|15 (glass funnels, 30 ml) 17005
onto the suction flask 16606
Silicone stopper 16307|16 (glass funnel, 250 ml) 17006
onto the suction flask 16606
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 57

Water Traps
Used between suction flask and vacuum
source, in order to prevent overflow of
filtrate into an electric vacuum pump.

Vacusart is a ready-to-connect filtration
unit, consisting of a polypropylene housing
and a hydrophobic, but air-permeable
PTFE membrane with a pore size of
0.45 m. Vacusart is perfectly suitable
for the protection of vacuum pumps.
It could be put directly into the hole of
the bored stopper and connected with
the rubber hose to the vacuum pump.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Vacusart water trap, pack of 3 17804----------M

Woulffs Bottle, 500 ml

Used between suction flask and vacuum
source. Allows simple control of the vacu-
um with glass units without a separate tap
and prevents the filtrate from overflowing
from the suction flask.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Woulffs bottle, 500 ml 16610

Rubber Vacuum Hose (1 Meter)

Thick walled rubber hose for connecting
the system components, e. g. suction flasks,
vacuum pumps, etc. When ordering, please
state length required in meters.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Rubber vacuum hose (1 meter) 16623
58 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Electric Vacuum Pumps

Microsart mini.vac|Microsart maxi.vac

Sartorius neoprene membrane pumps, The vacuum produced by the new pumps
operate with low noise level, are oil and is controlled and can be easily adjusted to
maintenance free and has providing your specifications. Thus damageable cells
reliable sources of vacuum. (e.g. bacteria) are concentrated on the
surface or a membrane filter under better
The new vacuum pump series provides conditions, which results in decreased sub
up to date technology for daily use in the lethals, higher recovery rates and shorter
Microbiology laboratory environment. incubation times.

Microsart maxi.vac Microsart mini.vac
16694-2-50-22 16694-2-50-06
16694-1-60-22 16694-1-60-06
Delivery 22 l/min 6 l/min
Ultimate Vacuum 100 mbar 100 mbar
Noise level [100 mbar] 57.559.0 dBA 53.5 dBA
Operating Pressure 1 bar 2.5 bar
Materials (contact with Aluminum, CR (Neoprene), PPS, EPDM, FPM
filtrate possible) NBR (Perbunan) (Fluoroelastomer)
Connectors for Tube (mm) ID 9 ID 4
Ambient Temperature 540C 540C
Mains 16694-2-50-22: 16694-2-50-06:
230 V|50 Hz 230 V|50 Hz
16694-1-60-22: 16694-1-60-06:
115 V|60 Hz 115 V|60 Hz
Motor Protection IP 44 IP 20
Power P1 130 W 65 W
Operating Current 0.9 A 0.63 A
Weight 7.1 kg 1.9 kg
Dimensions W|H|D (mm) 261|204|110 164|141|90
Recommended application All multi-branch manifolds Single filtration run up
to 3-branch manifolds
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 59

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Microsart maxi.vac for multiple filtration runs, 230 V, 50 Hz 16694-2-50-22
Microsart maxi.vac for multiple filtration runs, 115 V, 60 Hz 16694-1-60-22
Microsart mini.vac up to 3 filter stations in parallel, 230 V, 50 Hz 16694-2-50-06
Microsart mini.vac up to 3 filter stations in parallel, 115 V, 60 Hz 16694-1-60-06

Replacement Parts
Description Order No.
Replacement kit for 16694-2-50-22 and -1-60-22, 1ED---0055
set of one membrane, two valve springs and two head seals
Replacement kit for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06, 1ED---0054
set of one membrane, two valve springs and two head seals
Sound absorber for 16694-2-50-22 and -1-60-22 1EH---0002
Sound absorber for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06 1EH---0001
Fine adjustment head for 16694-2-50-22 and -1-60-22 1EV---0002
Fine adjustment head for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06 1EV---0001
Fine adjustment head for 16694-2-50-06 and -1-60-06, 1EV---0003
for pressure filtration
60 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump with Quick Connection

The Microsart e.jet is a new vacuum ment Microsart e.jet and a stainless-steel
laboratory pump able to create sufficient manifold require only 30% of the average
vacuum for vacuum filtration and con space meaning in particular less congestion
comitantly transferring the filtered liquid working in Laminar Flow Cabinets.
directly to waste. The second generation
of Microsart e.jet is ideal for sample prep- Traditional vacuum pumps often lose
aration in Microbiology achieving a trans their efficiency and capability to generate
membrane pressure of 600 mbar and a sufficient vacuum, when liquid is drawn
higher flow rate of > 4.0 Nl/min (4.0 Norm- into the pump head. The Microsart e.jet is
liters water displacement by air in one designed to pump both gas and liquids,
minute). Constant flow rates and a defined meaning no loss of efficiency or malfunc-
maximum vacuum guarantee smooth and tions from water drawn into the pump head.
reliable filtration.
Quick Connection
Reducing Operating Complexity Building up the vacuum filtration system
Until now vacuum equipment for the is easy and fast thanks to the innovative
Membrane Filtration Method consists of Quick Connections. The Microsart e.jet
numerous parts including connectors, Transfer Pump is equipped with Quick
tubes, vacuum containers, protection Connection Nipples assembled to Quick
filter, Woulffs bottle and a vacuum pump. Connection Couplings on hose nipples for
After several samples the vacuum must be DN 10 tubings. Simply push-to-connect
broken to empty the filtrate collection con- for assembling and pull-to-disassemble the
tainer. The complete traditional equipment whole system within seconds. The Quick
requires far more laboratory space and is Connections are non-shut-off.
time consuming to operate and maintain.
Microsart e.jet will eliminate the need for Some of the advantages you will benefit
side-arm flasks or Woulffs bottles from the from when using the Microsart e.jet
laboratory filtration bench. Ideal for microbiology applications
No need of suction flasks and water traps
The Microsart e.jet pump is an ideal Saving 70% of work space while saving
accessory for manifolds up to 3 filter money thats economic efficiency
stations. Compared to traditional equip-

Flow rate > 4.0 Nl/min
Max. vacuum 0.4 bar
Max. pressure 1.0 bar
Mains 100240 V|4763 Hz
Materials (in contact with filtrate) PTFE, ETFE, Polypropylene, EPDM, POM, PSU
Weight Pump: 1425.3 g
Power supply: 242.6 g
Dimensions (W|L|H) 120 + 170+190 mm
Max. ambient temp. +5+40C
Max. temp of liquid +5+80C
Max. viscosity <150 cSt
Protection type IP 64
Protection class III
Inlet|Outlet Quick Connection on hose nipples for DN 10 tubings
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 61

Microsart e.jet with Quick Connection


2 3

Ordering Information
Description Order No. No. in
Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump with Quick Connection, 166MP-4 1
without tubings, inlet and outlet hose nipples for DN 10 tubings

Description Order No. No. in
Tubing with Quick Connection Coupling (PSU), silicone, 1ZA---0006 2
20 cm, for vacuum-sided connection, inner diameter DN 10,
outer diameter DN 20, wall thickness 5 mm (when ordering,
please state length required in meters)
Silicone tubing with Quick Connection Coupling, 1 m, 1ZAS--0016
vacuum sided
Silicone tubing, 1 m, for pressure-sided connection, inner 1ZAS--0007 3
diameter DN 10, outer diameter DN 14, wall thickness 2 mm
Silicone tubing pressure-sided, 2 m 1ZAS--0019
Silicone tubing pressure-sided, 10 m 1ZAS--0020
Foot switch for Microsart e.jet Transfer Pump 1ZE---0053

Replacement Parts
Description Order No. No. in
Pump head complete for 166MP-3 and 166MP-4 1EP---0003
Power supply complete for 166MP-3 and 166MP-4 1EE---0012

Threaded Fittings
Quick Connection set, 2 Nipples (POM) on R3/8 male 1EAS--0027 4
thread and 2 Couplings (PSU) on DN 10 hose nipple
Quick Connection Nipple, stainless-steel 1EAS--0026 5
DN 10 hose nipple on R3/8 male thread 1EAF--0020
62 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Traditional Pumps
Description Order No.
Multiple filtration runs: 16612
13 mbar final vacuum, 26 l/min max., 220 V, 50 Hz
Multiple filtration runs: 16615
13 mbar final vacuum, 26 l/min max., 110 V, 60 Hz
Individual filtration run: 16692
100 mbar final vacuum, 20 l/min max., 220 V, 50 Hz
Individual filtration run: 16695
100 mbar final vacuum, 20 l/min max., 110 V, 60 Hz

Replacement Parts
Description Order No.
Set of two neoprene membranes, four valve springs 6986017
and two neoprene head seals for 16612/16615
Set of one neoprene membrane, two valve springs 6986105
and one neoprene head seal for 16692/16695
Rubber tubing 16623
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 63

Water Jet Pump

Simple vacuum source. For connection to
a water tap with G3/4 male thread.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Water jet pump, with G 3/4 female thread 16611

Hand-Operated Vacuum Pump

Practical vacuum source e.g. for the use
outside of a laboratory. Up to 80% vacuum
can be obtained. The body is made of PVC.
Supplied completely with gauge, vacuum
release lever and a 60 cm clear plastic

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Hand-operated vacuum pump with gauge 16673

Dosing Syringe
The most convenient way to moisten the is easily done by simply dropping the sinker
NPS with water is to use a dosing syringe at the end of the suction tubing into the
with an adapted Minisart syringe filter. water, then filling the dosing syringe and
Simultaneous sterilization and dispensing dispensing sterile water by operating the
of demineralized water in e.g. 3.5 ml steps trigger automatically.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Dosing syringe, 0.55 ml 16685-----2
Minisart, 0.2 m, individually, sterile-packaged 17597----------K
Replacement part: tubing with sinker for 16685-2 and 16685 6986125
Service Kit for Dosing Syringe 16685-----2 1EP---0002
64 Microbiological Enumeration Filtration Equipment

Colony Counter
Compact, handy battery-operated colony
counter, as simple to use as a ball point
pen, and has a 4-digit LCD-display.
The counter is supplied with an additional
marker refill.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Colony counter 17649
Replacement part: Black marker refill 6981540

Compact, space-saving incubator for the The swing-up cover and removable
incubation of membrane filters on nutrient insertion plate simplify loading and
pads or other nutrient media. The incubator unloading. The cover is opaque, avoiding
has a capacity of 18 liters and is designed light penetration into the chamber.
to hold the following numbers and sizes of
petri dishes: 200+47 mm or 160+56 mm|
60 mm or 72+90 mm.

Voltage 100240 V
Frequency 50|60 Hz
Rated power 0.045 kW
Weight 7.2 kg (15 lbs)
Max. shelf load 2 kg (4.4 lbs)
Dimensions W|H|D (mm) Inner 290|180|310
Outer 470|260|415
Temperature range 17C to 40C
Temperature stability at 37C Less than 0.2C
Temperature uniformity at 37C 1.2C
Capacity approx. 18 liters

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Incubator 18119
Filtration Equipment Microbiological Enumeration 65

Stainless-Steel Tweezers
Membrane filters should only be handled can be flamed and are autoclavable.
with suitable tweezers to avoid contami They have blunt-edged tips for a careful,
nation since the stainless-steel tweezers firm hold of the membrane filter.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Stainless-steel tweezers 16625

Stainless-Steel Prefilter Attachment

The stainless-steel prefilter holder allows prefilter which retains the coarse suspend-
the removal of coarse, solid particles from ed particles from the sample, whereas it
samples for microbiological analysis before allows microorganisms to pass through.
and during the actual bacteria retentive The microbes are trapped on the surface
filtration. The device is clipped between of the underlying bacteria-retentive
funnel and base of the stainless-steel membrane filter (e. g. 0.45 m). After
vacuum filter holders. It can be autoclaved the filtration is completed, the test filter is
and flamed. 11301, a white cellulose incubated, and the colonies can grow on
nitrate (cellulose mixed ester) membrane the filter surface without disturbance from,
filter with a pore size of 8 m is used as a or being hidden by, an excess of particles.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Stainless-steel prefilter attachment 16807
Cellulose nitrate membranes with 50 mm diameter 11301--50----ACN
and 8 m pore size for the prefilter holder, pack of 100,
individually, sterile packaged
Replacement part: support plate, autoclavable, 6981139
flame treatment resistent

Container for Anaerobic Incubation

Stainless-steel container with 11.8 cm cleaning with inert gas, with 6 mm hose
inner diameter, 10.7 cm depth and with a nipples (for 16623), vacuum gauge and
metal insert for convenient insertion and sealing ring. For up to fourteen 60 mm,
removal of petri dishes. The plastic lid holds or up to six 90 mm petri dishes.
two taps for the vacuum exhaust and for

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Anaerobic container 16671
Intro Sterility Testing 67


Sterility Testing
Table of Contents

69 Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables

74 Sterisart Universal Pumps

76 Sterisart BD Media and Fluids

78 EXPAND Training

79 EXTEND Instrument Services

83 CONFIDENCE Validation Services

68 Sterility Testing Intro

Sterility Testing is the analysis for sterility of defined

pharmaceutical products which must be sterile accord-
ing to international pharmacopeia. This test directly ex-
amines the final product in the given container, whether
it might be filled in a syringe, bottle, vial or bag. There is
also no exception on the physical form the pharmaceuti-
cal products may have. Liquids or powders, ointments or
oils, creams and solid forms, suspensions and emulsions,
they all have to be tested for microbial contamination.

The potential impact that pathogens could have on

human or animal health, underlines the importance of
the Sterility Test. Almost any kind of microorganism,
assume given the chance, can become pathogenous and
do severe physical harm to living organisms. Injection
of microorganisms directly into the bloodstream enables
the infection and colonization of tissues which are
usually considered as being sterile. The principle of the
test for sterility is based upon the membrane filtration
method, which initially enables the concentration
of microorganism from a variety of sample volumes,
by s imultaneously washing out growth inhibiting
substances. After 14 days of cultivation in defined media
the sample has to be analyzed visually for turbidity:
No turbidity means no contamination!

Parenterals, opthalmics and surgical devices have to

follow the same stringent microbiological controls.
They benefit from Sartorius long-standing expertise in
manufacturing a wide range of dedicated products,
especially designed for use in cleanrooms. The compre-
hensive range of consumables with dedicated adapters,
ensure reliable results and make your lab life easier.

Find more about our Sterility Test solution, which

fully complies to international pharmacopeia and
our extensive service package:
M ore than 20 different sterility test consumables
D edicated cleanroom pumps for use in Isolator
or Clean bench
EXPAND Training
EXTEND Instrument Services
CONFIDENCE Validation Services
Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables Sterility Testing 69

Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables

Sterisart NF is a completely closed system Ergonomical and safe handling

for the sterility testing of pharmaceutical Easy to open packaging
products. It is based on the membrane Large color-coded clamps for optimized
filter method, however it eliminates the use with gloves
procedure of manipulating the filters. Protective shields to avoid injuries
By doing this it means the main risk of a
secondary contamination and false positive Reliable results
results is eliminated. A peristaltic pump Sartochem membrane for highest
transfers the sample into the filtration retention of microbes, low adsorption
units. After rinsing, the filtration units are and high mechanical stability
filled with media and used for incubation Gas-impermeable packaging for use in
of the filters without any contact to the isolators
environment. Product and lot information on units and
additionally as barcode on packaging
As different pharmaceutical products and
their containers need different systems Flexible use
for a convenient and secure sample Different variants with several user
transfer, different versions adapted to the friendly adapters for the most common
needs are available. Detailed information sample containers
can be found in the corresponding data Septum variants for sampling during
Sterisart NF Septum version
sheets Order no. SLD1002-e, SL-2019-e, incubation
SLD2006-e, SLD2005-e, SLD2007-e,
S--2019-e, SLD2009-e, SLD2011-e At Sartorius, together with our customers,
and the overview brochure Order no. we steadily improve the features and ease
SLD1004-e. of use of every product we manufacture
to make your life in the lab easier. The
Sterisart NF Offers the Following Sterisart NF Septum version features a
Features and Benefits septum with a membrane made of latex
Unique Septum version for aseptic for aseptically taking samples out of the
sampling and supplement. Sterisart NF canister without risking
secondary contamination. This may be
The sterile, medical grade septum enables applicable for different purposes, for exam-
and facilitates the aseptic sampling out ple for the validation of pharmaceutical
of the canister during|after 14 days of products (stasis test), for the supplement of
incubation, which is required for: additives (-Lactamase), or for the dilution
dilution and transfer of materials being tested that
rapid detection render the medium turbid USP <71>.

or for supplement of Services

additives which inactivate growth Validation on request, refer also to
inhibiting substances page 83.
microorganism during validation
(Bacteriostasis|Fungistasis test, Sterisart BD Media and Fluid refer
Stasis Test) to page 76.
70 Sterility Testing Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables

Pore size of the Sartochem 0.45 m, retention of 10 Million Serratia marcescens
membrane filter per cm2 of active filtration area
Filter area  5.7 cm2 in each Sterisart container
Flow rate (for water) 500 ml/min at 1 bar (approx. 15 psi)
Pore size of the air filters 0.2 m PTFE, validated acc. to HIMA
for the retention of B. diminuta
Sample container capacity 120 ml (graduation marks at 50, 75 and 100 ml)
Max. operating pressure 3 bar (approx. 44 psi) at 20C
Max. operating temperature 50C
Sterilization ETO (ethylene oxid gas) or gamma irradiation

Sterisart NF alpha
Disposable units for sterility testing in clean rooms, individually, sterile packaged,
ETO-sterilized, needles made of flame-sterilizable stainless-steel, 10 units

Ordering Information
Description Type of Type of Sample Order No.
Sample Container
Sterisart NF alpha with long LVPs Closed glass bottles 16466--------ACD
dual-needle metal spike, with septum
Sterisart NF alpha with long LVPs Open containers (i.e. 16467--------ACD
needle and protective plate, SVPs glass ampoules, glass
inclusive sterile venting needle bottles), collapsible bags
Sterisart NF alpha with Luer or Medical Tubing systems and 16468--------ACD
Luer Lock connector, inclusive devices bags with Luer or
long needle and sterile venting Luer Lock connectors
Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables Sterility Testing 71

Sterisart NF gamma
Disposable units for sterility testing in isolators, individually sterile, double-packaged,
gamma irradiated, needles made of flame-sterilizable stainless-steel, 10 units.

Ordering Information
Description Type of Type of Sample Order No.
Sample Container
Sterisart NF gamma with long LVPs Closed glass 16466--------GBD
dual-needle metal spike, bottles with
sterile-vented septum
Sterisart NF gamma with long LVPs Open containers 16467--------GBD
needle and protective plate, SVPs (i.e. glass ampoules,
inclusive sterile venting needle glass bottles),
collapsible bags
Sterisart NF gamma with Medical Tubing systems 16468--------GBD
Luer or Luer Lock connection, devices and bags with
inclusive, long needle and Luer or Luer Lock
sterile venting needle connectors
Sterisart NF gamma with Pre-filled Syringes with and 16469--------GBD
syringe-adapter and long syringes without needles
dual-needle metal spike,
Sterisart NF gamma with Lyophilisates, Closed glass vials 16475--------GBD
two dual-needle metal spikes soluble with septum
of different length, one is powders,
sterile-vented liquid
Sterisart NF gamma with short SVPs Closed glass vials 16476--------GBD
dual-needle metal spike, with septum
Sterisart NF gamma with long LVPs, Closed plastic 16477--------GBD
needle (side opening, with SVPs, containers|vials|
solid pointed tip, non-coring), eye drops ampoules, plastic
protective plate, inclusive sterile containers of Blow-
venting needle Fill-Seal fillings
Sterisart NF gamma with NEW Containers|bags 16478--------GBD
female Luer Lock connector Medical with Luer Lock
devices male connectors
72 Sterility Testing Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables

Sterisart NF gamma Septum NEW

Disposable units for sterility testing in isolators, Sterisart NF containers with integrated
septum for reliable sterile sampling during incubation. Individually sterilized, double-
packaged, gamma irradiated, needles made of flame-sterilizable stainless-steel, 10 units.

Ordering Information
Description Type of Type of Sample Order No.
Sample Container
Sterisart NF gamma Septum LVPs Closed glass bottles 16466--------GSD
with long dual-needle metal with septum
spike, sterile-vented
Sterisart NF gamma Septum LVPs Open containers 16467--------GSD
with long needle and protective SVPs (i.e. glass ampoules,
plate, inclusive sterile venting glass bottles),
needle collapsible bags
Sterisart NF gamma Septum Pre-filled Syringes with and 16469--------GSD
with syringe-adapter and syringes without needles
long dual-needle metal spike,
Sterisart NF gamma Septum Lyophilisates, Closed glass vials 16475--------GSD
with two dual-needle spikes Soluble with septum
of different length, one is powders,
sterile-vented Liquid
Sterisart NF gamma Septum SVPs Closed glass vials 16476--------GSD
with short dual-needle, with septum
sterile vented
Sterisart NF Sterility Test Consumables Sterility Testing 73

Description Application Order No.
Sterisart NF gamma tubing Dissolving and diluting of 16470--------GBD
system with two dual-needle hardly soluble powders in
metal spikes of different length, closed containers
needles made of flamable
Needle with venting filter, Sterile venting of containers with 16596--------HNK
4 cm, stainless-steel, rinsing solution and nutrient
individually sterile packaged, media, additional sterile venting
gamma-irradiated, needles, equal to the included
pack size 50 needles of the Sterisart NF units,
i.e. type 16467, 16468 and 16477

Further units on request.

74 Sterility Testing Sterisart Universal Pumps

Sterisart Universal Pumps

International pharmacopeias require the Additional Features and Benefits

complete sterility of pharmaceutical prod- Enhanced safety due to the closed system
ucts that are injected into the blood stream without ventilation
or that otherwise enter the body below the Robust stainless-steel housing
skin surface. The manufacture of such Compact and ergonomic construction
products are required to supply proof of Modular design
sterility of the final product batch. Pump available with special software
(menu-driven prompts for operator
The Sterisart Universal Pump is available in guidance; all process sequences can
two versions: the basic version 16419 and be logged; barcode recognition)
the upgraded version 16420 with display
and user software. The pump can be used in Special brochures available on request.
clean rooms, integrated into clean benches, Order no. SLD1003-e, SLD2010
or installed countersunk in the working sur-
face of isolators. Its low, compact design has Services
a space-saving footprint a great benefit IQ|OQ and maintenance service on
for most clean room benchtops and isolators. request, see also page 83

Photo: SKAN AG, Switzerland

Sterisart Universal Pumps Sterility Testing 75

Pump flow rate 70650 ml/min
Power requirements 100240 VAC
Frequency 5060 Hz
Power consumption 100 W
Pump approx. 336+260 + 210 mm (with lever) (W+ D+ H)
Pump with holding ring for
bottles, container approx. 440+365+ 485 mm (W+D + H)
Basic version 16419 approx. 13.5 kg
Upgraded version 16420 with
display and user software approx. 14.6 kg

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Sterisart Universal pump, basic version 16419
Sterisart Universal pump, upgraded version 16420
with display and user software

Description Order No.
Footswitch 1ZE---0033
Adapter for Sterisart NF units, fitting into container 1ZG---0014
for draining of Millipore Equinox pump
Transport trolley 1ZE---0039
Communication kit 1ZE---0040
Installation kit for isolators 1ZE---0050
Container for draining 1ZG---0028
Drain Tubing 1ZA---0002

Further accessories are available on request.

76 Sterility Testing Sterisart BD Media and Fluids

Sterisart BD Media and Fluids

Sterisart BD Media and Fluids are sterilized Individually Double-packaged, Sterile

by autoclaving in their final primary The filled bottles are packaged into two
bottles. They are used on clean benches Stericlin bags prior to autoclaving. This
or in clean rooms. Special packaging types unique manufacturing process results in a
are ideal for transferring media from bottle exterior that is free from microbial
non-sterile areas into sterile areas such contaminants.
as isolators.
D  ouble-packaging ensures that the area
Transparent labels allow a clear view under the cap remains sterile, therefore
of media and cultures reducing the risk of false positive results
Labels resist alcohol and chlorine S terisart BD Media and Fluids are
treatment validated at a sterility assurance level
Color-coded caps and labeling for the (SAL) of 10-6
nutrient media allow easy product Sterisart BD Media and Fluids comply
identification with the requirements set forth in the
Specially developed clear FTM for much International Pharmacopoeia such as
easier growth detection EP and USP
Growth performance test conforms to O  ptimal for all clean room areas
EP and USP requirements including isolators due to easy and
Extensive Certificates of Analysis showing reliable transfer into the sterile area
microbial recovery of all microorganisms
listed in EP and USP

Multi-packaged, ETO-sterile
The autoclaved filled bottles are packaged
into a polypropylene box which is then
sealed into a Stericlin bag and sterilized by
ethylene oxide (ETO). This treatment pro-
vides a sterile outer surface of the bottles
and the packaging. The multiple-packaging
allows the transfer of the bottles into clean
rooms from a non-sterile area into a
sterile area.

Sterile outer surface of the bottles

eliminates the need for spraying down
bottles before transferring them into
clean rooms or isolators
Polypropylene boxes reduce shedding
of particles to a minimum
Compact packaging saves working space.
Optimal for small clean room areas
such as isolators due to clever waste
Sterisart BD Media and Fluids Sterility Testing 77

Nutrient Media Types Rinsing and Diluting Fluids

FTM Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Fluid A and Fluid D according to USP

according to USP|EP: Three different steps are required by the
Liquid nutrient medium for the sterility compendia depending on the condition
testing of biologics and for the enrichment of the sample:
and cultivation of anaerobes, aerobes, Rinsing: Sterile devices or materials are
and microaerophiles acc. to USP and EP. rinsed in order to release adhered micro-
In order to avoid secondary contamination, organisms. After filtration of the sample,
the Sterisart BD Media Type FMT is not the Pharmacopoeia also require rinsing
under vacuum, but the headspace of the steps to be performed on the entire
FTM is gassed with a stream of nitrogen Sterisart NF unit
to maintain anaerobiosis. Diluting: Small volumes or viscous liquids
are diluted for better filterability
Sterisart BD Media Type FTM contains a Dissolving: Solid samples or ointments
special quality of agar, resulting in a high are dissolved for better filterability
clarity of the prepared medium.
Fluid A (Peptone Water)
Color code: red Fluid A is used for diluting, dissolving and
rinsing of all types of samples.
TSB Tryptic Soy Broth according
to USP|EP: Fluid D
A general purpose liquid nutrient medium (Fluid A with 0.1% Polysorbate 80)
used in sterility testing for the detection, Fluid D is peptone water with 0.1% poly-
isolation, and cultivation of fastidious sorbate 80 (TWEEN 80). It is used for those
and non fastidious microorganisms acc. to samples types which contain lecithin or oil.
USP and EP. Another application is to rinse articles and
devices with bacteriostatic or fungistatic
Sterisart BD Media Type TSB is a nutritious activity. Polysorbate 80 may act as an
medium that will support the growth of a inactivator of microbicides present in or
wide variety of microorganisms, including on a testing sample.
common aerobic and facultatively anaero-
bic bacteria and fungi. The use of Sterisart BD Fluid A and
Fluid D does not affect the viability of
Color code: blue microorganisms.

Both Sterisart BD Fluid Types, Fluid A and

Fluid D, are according to the specifications
of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

Sterisart BD Media and Fluids on request

78 Sterility Testing EXPAND Training

Training Courses and Seminars

Sterility Testing Course date|venue

on demand
Who should attend
Staff working in the field of microbiologi- Course Duration
cal quality control who perform or are 1.5 days
responsible for the performance of sterility
testing. Start first day: 1:00 pm
End last day: 4:00 pm
Because sterility testing is a very exacting
procedure, where asepsis of the procedure Trainer
must be ensured for a correct interpreta- Dr. Dagmar Simons
tion of results, it is important that per
sonnel be properly trained and qualified Course Fee
USP <71>. on demand

This workshop is designed to give partici-

pants theoretical knowledge and practical
experience in the handling of sterility
testing in clean rooms and isolators.

Theoretical Aspects Include

Regulation and guidance
Sterility test methods | test limitations
V  alidation
Interpretation of sterility test results
Microbiological monitoring

Practical Exercises
Sterility testing of different sterile
products (LVPs|SVPs|ampoules|
syringes|medical devices)
Performing sterility test in isolators
EXTEND Instrument Services Sterility Testing 79

Installation and Commissioning

Sterisart Pump

The reliability and the service life of your Prerequisites Required by the Customer
equipment significantly depend on its System is standing at the installation
installation and configuration according location
to the specifications. Unobstructed access to the system
Power is available at the installation
Installation and commissioning by location
our service professionals will ensure When ordering, a responsible person has
that your Sterisart pump successfully to be appointed
operates right from the start.

Sartorius Service installs and configures

according to regulatory requirements
and quality standards.

Check of scope of delivery
Check of device for transport damage
Manufacturers ID label check
Installation of system components and
utilities connection
P  ositioning of the system at the installa-
tion location (not installation in isolator*)
Initial start-up
B  rief instructions to operating personnel
(not application training)
General maintenance discussion

* T he installation in an isolator is charged

on time basis.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Installation and Commissioning Sterisart Pump S8740INST
80 Sterility Testing EXTEND Instrument Services

Preventive Maintenance
Sterisart Pump

The objective of preventive maintenance Prerequisites Required by the Customer

is a continuous, precise operation of your S ystem is standing at the maintenance
equipment, to secure your investments location
for the long term and to guarantee correct Unobstructed access to the system
and proper function. W  hen ordering, a responsible person has
to be appointed
Preventive maintenance will be performed A  ccess by automobile is possible|parking
in accordance with Sartorius fixed stand- lot is available
ards and in between the contractually
stipulated time intervals between the Repairs, spare parts as well as shipping
customer and Sartorius. costs, travel costs and expenses are not
covered in scope of services and will be
invoiced separately.

Inspection visit at fixed intervals
or as needed
Visual inspection
Maintenance check according to
maintenance checklist
Check of flow rate capacity and
uniform performance
Start-up test
CONFIDENCE Validation Services Sterility Testing 81

Validation of Sterility Testing

with the Sterisart System

Introduction Customized Study

Sterility testing is a critical step in A  n experienced technical team will
pharmaceutical product release. It is a select representative products for
very exacting procedure where aseptic testing based on a scientifically sound
conditions, well-trained personnel and bracketing approach with supporting
validated methods must be adhered to rationale
for the consistent interpretation of P  roducts are classified in groups
results. according to their chemical and anti-
microbial properties; the worst-case
Validation of the sterility test is essential products are selected for testing
for a quality program and to meet V  alidation is conducted according to
regulatory requirements. Every precau- routine procedures using the same
tion must be taken to ensure that the testing parameters, volume of filtered
environment, procedures, test materials product, fluid rinse cycles and testing
and personnel do not inadvertently environment
contaminate routine testing while T ests are conducted by the laboratory
still making the detection of product according to USP and|or EP require-
contamination possible. ments
82 Sterility Testing CONFIDENCE Validation Services

Conducted by Confidence Study Design

1. Chemical compatibility between the All Sterisart disposable systems are
product sample and the Sterisart designed with a unique and reliable
system is demonstrated on all plastic membrane that has high retention of
parts (needles, connections, tubing microorganisms, low adsorption and
and containers). In addition, the filter high chemical|mechanical stability.
integrity of the Sartochem membrane
is tested.
Chemical compatibility
2. Microbial growth should not be between Sterisart
inhibited by the sample under routine system and Product
testing conditions in a controlled
One series of positive control tests is
performed. Six strains (Staphylococcus
Microbial: Final Validation
aureus, Bacillus atrophaeus,
Growth promo- test: complete
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium
tion test (six sterility testing
sporogenes, Candida albicans and
strains), culture
Aspergillus brasiliensis) in neutral
condition (media,
solution are individually inoculated
duration and
directly into the filtration unit
(100 CFU per filtration unit)
One series with strains is inoculated
(100 CFU per filtration unit) in the
solution to be tested and filtered  onducted by Confidence
through the filtration unit in routine Validation Services
conditions Conducted by Customer
The sterility and fertility of the
Thioglycollate and Soybean Casein
Digest media are checked
Equivalent microbial growth must be
observed in both testing series

3. Sterility test

Sterility testing is performed
according to routine SOP in a
controlled e nvironment.
CONFIDENCE Validation Services Sterility Testing 83

Conducted by Customer Documentation Provided

Following the routine procedure, one Detailed protocols and reports including
complete sterility test validation run rationale, test results and method
should be performed by the customers transfer assessment are provided based
operators in their routine environment. on the health authorities requirements.
Full traceability is given according to
Regulatory Compliance cGMP recommendations and internal
USP <71> Sterility Tests quality systems.
EP 2.6.1 Biological Tests Sterility
ISO17025 certified and FDA registered Assay Duration
Laboratory Complies with general Typically five weeks after samples
requirements for the competence of receipt and protocol approval, the study
testing and calibration laboratories, report for non-inhibitory products can
cGMP recommendations are applied be provided.
for test procedures
Intro Mycoplasma Contamination Control 85

Contamination Control
Table of Contents
87 Microsart AMP Mycoplasma

90 Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma

92 Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma

94 Microsart AMP Extraction

95 Microsart Coating Buffer

96 Microsart Validation Standard

97 Microsart Calibration Reagent

86 Mycoplasma Contamination Control Intro

Mycoplasma are among the worlds smallest bacteria

capable of independent reproduction. They belong to
the class of Mollicutes and have a very slow and parasitic
growth. They cause many infections in humans, animals
and plants. Mycoplasma are very difficult to control as
they lack the bacterial cell wall, which is the main point
of attack for many antibiotics. For this reason, a com-
plete retention with conventional sterile filters (0.2 m
pore size) is not possible. The risk is that Mycoplasma
with a cell size between 0.5 and 0.8 m could pass
through the pores due to their high flexibility and
capacity for deformation. Without causing any visible
changes in the culture a Mycoplasma contamination can
reach high numbers, with no effect on viability and thus
may go undetected. This means, the earlier you detect
Mycoplasma contamination, the higher your long-term
savings. Early detection means more time to react,
saving you valuable time and considerable expense.

The detection of Mycoplasma with conventional

methods is labour-intensive and requires a cultivation
time of at least 28 days before a contamination with
these slow-growing bacteria can be ruled out with
certainty. Real-time PCR based kits offer a fast and
easy-to-use solution for early detection at all stages
of your process, whether you are screening in the lab
or testing in your production line.

Sartorius offers the Microsart AMP Mycoplasma,

Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma and Microsart RESEARCH
Mycoplasma detection kits for your different needs and
levels of security.
Microsart AMP Mycoplasma Mycoplasma Contamination Control 87

Microsart AMP Mycoplasma

Rapid Real-time PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

Rapid methods for the detection of Features and Benefits

Mycoplasma contamination are essential
for improving monitoring of the produc- Flexible sample volume from 200 l
tion process of biologicals. The first to 18 ml
member of the product line qPCR kits for The level of security can be adapted to
Mycoplasma detection is the Microsart specific needs.
AMP Mycoplasma. The Microsart AMP
can be easily implemented into your Microsart AMP Mycoplasma is based
process because no specific hardware is on Real-time PCR technology
Real-time PCR kit for the needed. The test procedure takes only Easy-to-use and Fast: Results within
specific and sensitive detec- 3hours and is successfully validated for hours, not days!
tion of Mycoplasma DNA
sensitivity, specificity and robustness
according to EP 2.6.7. and also complies Microsart AMP Mycoplasma is
with many other international guidelines validated according to EP guidelines
like USP <63> and JP. Carefully selected Easy implementation for regulated
primer|probe combinations are highly in-process and lot release testing.
specific for a region within the 16S rRNA
gene for more than 110 Mycoplasma Applications
species. The Microsart AMP Mycoplasma kit is
specifically designed for microbiological
Due to the prior enrichment step using the QC labs in the bio-pharmaceutical industry
Sartorius Vivaspin 6 and|or Vivaspin 20, or contract labs performing Mycoplasma
you have the possibility to be flexible in contamination in-process controls and|or
the testing volume for the DNA extraction. lot release testing according to EP 2.6.7.
With this concentration step you have and also complies with many other inter-
the option to analyze a testing volume national guidelines like USP <63> and JP.
from 200 l up to 18 ml ensuring to reach
the highest possible sensitivity. The kit It is used for direct detection of Mollicutes
contains all essential components in a (Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Spiroplasma)
function-tested ready-to-use master mix in cell cultures, cell culture media compo-
including the polymerase. nents and derived biologicals.

The use of TaqMan probes adds specificity Sample types:

to the PCR detection system. The analysis Master cell banks
is performed during the cycling process Working cell banks
no melting curve analysis is needed. Virus seed lots
Virus harvests
A detection limit of less than 10 CFU/ml Final lots of biologicals produced by cells
for all Mycoplasma species mentioned in
the European Pharmacopoeia fulfills the
requirements for the needed sensitivity.
88 Mycoplasma Contamination Control Microsart AMP Mycoplasma

Typical Sampling Steps for Mycoplasma Testing

Media Preparation

Fermentation Harvest

Working Cell Bank Seed Culture

Each kit contains reagents for 25 or 100 reactions. The expiration date of the unopened
package is specified on the package label. The kit components are to be stored until
use at +2 to +8C and must be stored after opening and rehydration below 18C.
The lot-specific Certificate of Analysis can be downloaded from the manufacturers
website (

Kit Component 25 Reactions 100 Reactions

Order No. SMB95-1001 SMB95-1002
Mycoplasma Mix 1 + lyophilized 4 + lyophilized
Rehydration Buffer 1 + 1.3 ml 4 + 1.3 ml
Positive Control 1 + lyophilized 4 + lyophilized
Internal Control 1 + lyophilized 4 + lyophilized
PCR grade Water 1 + 1.4 ml 4 + 1.4 ml
Microsart AMP Mycoplasma Mycoplasma Contamination Control 89

Ordering Information
Mycoplasma Kits
Description Quantity Order No.
Microsart AMP Mycoplasma 25 tests SMB95-1001
Microsart AMP Mycoplasma 100 tests SMB95-1002

Microsart AMP Extraction 50 extractions SMB95-2003
Vivaspin 6, 100,000 MWCO 25 units VS0641
Vivaspin 20, 100,000 MWCO 12 units VS2041
Microsart AMP Coating Buffer 20 + 2 ml SMB95-2002

Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2011
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2012
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2013
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2014
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2015
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2016
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2017
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2018
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2019
Spiroplasma citri
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2021
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2022
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2023
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2024
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2025
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2026
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2027
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2028
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2029
Spiroplasma citri
90 Mycoplasma Contamination Control Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma

Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma

Rapid Real-time PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit for testing ATMPs

The Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma detec- Feature and Benefits

tion kit is the second member of the new
rapid qPCR product line for an easy and Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma is based
fast detection of Mycoplasma. With the use on Real-time PCR technology
of the Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma you Easy-to-use and Fast: Results within a day!
will reduce your testing time from weeks to
3 hours. The Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma is
has been effectively validated according to validated according to EP guidelines
EP 2.6.7 in combination with EP 2.6.21 for Advanced Therapy Medicinal
with respect to detection limit for all listed Products, but is not limited for the use
Mycoplasma species, specificity and robust- with ATMPs. Easy implementation for
ness for Advanced Therapy Medicinal regulated in-process and lot release testing.
Products (Cell Therapy, Gene Therapy,
Tissue Engineered Products). Our kit also No specific hardware requirements
complies with many other international Easy implementation and no additional
guidelines like USP<63> and JP. costs for the hardware package. Can be
used with any Real-time PCR instrument
The use of TaqMan probes adds specificity which is able to detect the dyes FAM and
to the PCR detection system. The analysis ROX and which can handle total reaction
is performed during the cycling process volumes of 25 l.
no melting curve analysis is needed. In contrast the Microsart AMP Mycoplasma
kit requires an instrument which is able to
handle total reaction volumes of 100 l.

The Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma real-
time PCR kit is especially designed for
all hospitals, institution and companies
which are involved in testing Mycoplasma
contaminatioin in ATMPs according to
EP2.6.7. or many other international guide-
lines like USP <63> and JP.

Each Kit contains all required reagents for 25 or 100 reactions including polymerase as
part of the Mycoplasma Mix. The expiration date of the unopened package is specified on
the package label. The kit components are to be stored until use at +2 to +8C and must
be stored after opening and rehydration below -18C. The lot-specific Certificate of
Analysis can be downloaded from the manufacturers website (

Kit Component 25 Reactions 100 Reactions

Order No. SMB95-1003 SMB95-1004
Mycoplasma Mix 1 + lyophilized 4 + lyophilized
Rehydration Buffer 1 + 1.0 ml 2 + 1.0 ml
Positive Control 1 + lyophilized 1 + lyophilized
Internal Control 1 + lyophilized 4 + lyophilized
PCR grade Water 1 + 1.5 ml 4 + 1.5 ml
Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma Mycoplasma Contamination Control 91

Ordering Information
Mycoplasma Kits
Description Quantity Order No.
Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma 25 SMB95-1003
Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma 100 SMB95-1004

Microsart AMP Extraction 50 extractions SMB95-2003
Vivaspin 6, 100,000 MWCO 25 units VS0641
Vivaspin 20, 100,000 MWCO 12 units VS2041
Microsart AMP Coating Buffer 20 + 2 ml SMB95-2002

Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2011
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2012
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2013
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2014
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2015
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2016
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2017
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2018
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Validation Standard 3 vials SMB95-2019
Spiroplasma citri
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2021
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2022
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2023
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2024
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2025
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2026
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2027
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2028
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2029
Spiroplasma citri
92 Mycoplasma Contamination Control Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma

Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma

Rapid Real-time PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma enables Feature and Benefits

a fast and reliable detection of Mycoplasma
DNA in cell culture supernatants most Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma is
applicable in research and development. based on Real-time PCR technology
Carefully selected primer|probe combi Easy-to-use and Fast: Results in hours,
nations are highly specific for a region not days!
within the 16 S rRNA gene of at least
110 Mycoplasma species. The detection Primers and probes detect a highly
procedure can be performed within conserved region of the 16S rRNA gene
3 hours. of numerous Mycoplasma species
High specificity and easy result
The use of TaqMan probes adds specificity interpretation.
to the PCR detection system.
No specific hardware requirements
2 l of sample material, e.g. cell culture Easy implementation and no additional
supernatant, can be added directly to the costs for hardware package. Can be used
PCR reaction tube. For the detection of with any Real-time PCR instrument which
Mycoplasma DNA a TaqMan real-time detects the dyes FAM and ROX.
qPCR is used. Optional, depending on the
sample matrix a standard spin-column Applications
based DNA preparation can be done prior The Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma
to PCR analysis to increase sensitivity or real-time PCR protocol is especially
prevent inhibition. 200 l sample volume designed for fast and reliable screening of
can be used as starting material for DNA cell culture supernantants most applicable
preparation if using the Microsart AMP in research and development, e.g. biotech
Extraction kit. 2 l of isolated DNA extract and biopharmaceutical research and
is amplified in a qPCR cycler and the evalu- development, university and governmental
ation can be performed with the standard research groups.
cycler software.
It is used for direct detection of Mollicutes
(Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Spiroplasma)
in cell culture, cell culture media compo-
nents and derived biologicals.
Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma Mycoplasma Contamination Control 93

Each kit contains reagents for 25 or 100 reactions. The expiration date of the unopened
package is specified on the package label. The kit components are to be stored until
use at +2 to +8C, and must be stored after opening and rehydration below 18C.
The lot-specific Certificate of Analysis can be downloaded from the manufacturers
website (

Kit Component 25 Reactions 100 Reactions

Order No. SMB95-1005 SMB95-1006
Mycoplasma Mix 1 + lyophilized 4 + lyophilized
Rehydration Buffer 1 + 1.0 ml 3 + 1.0 ml
Positive Control 1 + lyophilized 1 + lyophilized
PCR grade Water 1 + 1.0 ml 1 + 1.0 ml

Ordering Information
Mycoplasma Kits
Description Quantity Order No.
Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma 25 SMB95-1005
Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma 100 SMB95-1006

Microsart AMP Extraktion 50 extractions SMB95-2003
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2021
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2022
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2023
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2024
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2025
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2026
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2027
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2028
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Calibration Reagent 1 vial SMB95-2029
Spiroplasma citri
94 Mycoplasma Contamination Control Microsart AMP Extraction

Microsart AMP Extraction

The Microsart AMP Extraction kit can be Principle

used for the isolation of genomic DNA Cells are lysed by a combination of
from different types of sample material, detergents and chaotropic salt. The lysate
most preferably cell culture supernatants. is directly applied onto the spin columns.
The kit was especially designed to fit the The DNA is selectively bound to the highly
Microsart AMP Mycoplasma, Microsart specified silica membrane. Two subsequent
ATMP Mycoplasma and Microsart washes remove residual contaminants, like
RESEARCH Mycoplasma qPCR kits and to proteins, metabolites, dyes, detergents etc.
provide best performance in means of The purified DNA is eluted in Tris buffer.
sensitivity and robustness for the detection The procedure is completed in 30 min. The
of Mycoplasma within the test sample. DNA is ready-to-use for PCR.

Kit Component Quantity Required Supplements
Spin columns 50
Collection Tubes 350
Sample Storage Tubes 50
Buffer A1 15 ml
Buffer A2 25 ml
Buffer B 15 ml 15 ml Ethanol
Buffer C 12 ml 48 ml Ethanol
Buffer D 22 ml

Ordering Information
Description Quantity Order No.
Microsart AMP Extraction 50 SMB95-2003
Microsart Coating Buffer Mycoplasma Contamination Control 95

Microsart Coating Buffer

The Microsart AMP Coating Buffer is used Principle

in combination with the Vivaspin units and The Microsart AMP Coating Buffer contains
offers the possibility to perform a test high molecular weight components in a
for Mycoplasma according to European physiological matrix to prevent unspecific
Pharmacopoeia 2.6.7 with volumes from binding of Mycoplasma cells to the Vivaspin
0.2 to 18 ml. Mycoplasma particles which filtration membranes. This leads to higher
might be present in the sample are concen- recovery yields and improved sensitivity of
trated with Vivaspin 6 or 20 prior DNA ex- the final results.
traction as part of the sample preparation
procedure. The Microsart AMP Coating Reagent
Buffer is required to increase recovery of Each kit contains 202 ml sufficient for
Mycoplasma cells from the filtration mem- 40 sample concentrations (1 ml each) using
brane of the Vivaspin units which results in Vivaspin 6 units with sample volumes from
higher detection sensitivity. 0.2 to 5 ml or sufficient for 20 filtrations
(2 ml each) using Vivaspin 20 units with
sample volumes from 5 to 18 ml.

Ordering Information
Description Quantity Order No.
Microsart Coating Buffer 202 ml SMB95-2002
96 Mycoplasma Contamination Control Microsart Validation Standard

Microsart Validation Standard

Microsart Validation Standard is used for to realize. Microsart Validation Standards

validating robustness and sensitivity of are not infectious, and therefore safe in
NAT-based Mycoplasma detection methods use. They are titrated to 10 CFU/ml, the
in combination with cell cultures, cell sensitivity limit for NAT-based methods like
culture media components and cell culture PCR to replace the traditional culture me-
derived biologicals according to European thod. The Mycoplasma used for the manu-
Pharmacopoeia (EP) 2.6.7 Mycoplasmas. facture of Microsart Validation Standard
are low passage reference strains cultivated
The European Pharmacopoeia 2.6.7 Myco- in culture broth described in EP 2.6.7.
plasmas requires validation of sensitivity The cultures are harvested in the early
and robustness with respect to sample logarithmic phase of the growth to avoid
matrix and lab precision. In addition, the an atypical high ratio of dead Mycoplasma
method shall show a performance equal particles, titrated immediately in culture
or better to the classical cultivation broth and plated on Hayflick and Frey
procedure. As most test and cell culture medium for quantification based on colony
labs are not allowed to cultivate forming units (CFU).
Mycoplasma, such comparison is not easy

Kit Component Quantity Cap Colour
1 Mycoplasma species or 3 tubes with green
1 Acholeplama species or 10 CFU each,
1 Spiroplasma species lyophilized
Negative Control 2 tubes with white
lyophilization matrix
as negative control,

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2011
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2012
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2013
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2014
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2015
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2016
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2017
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2018
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Validation Standard SMB95-2019
Spiroplasma citri
Microsart Calibration Reagent Mycoplasma Contamination Control 97

Microsart Calibration Reagent

For quantitative PCR titrated genomic DNA extracted with a classic phenol-chloroform
can serve for creating standard curves by protocol and further purified with adsorp-
using dilution series of the Microsart tion chromatography. The concentration of
Calibrations Reagents as sample in the PCR. the DNA was quantified photometrically
The cycler specific software can then be (OD260/280) and with an ultrasensitive flu-
used to determine unknown DNA concen- orescent nucleic acid stain for quantitating
trations. double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) calibrated
to weight reference standards and con-
This product provides isolated genomic trolled by qPCR (compared against exactly
DNA of a specific Mycoplasma species. quantified calibrator plasmids). The DNA
To obtain these highly purified genomic concentration was adjusted with regular
DNA standards, a special liquid culture TE80 buffer prior to the lyophilization.
medium was inoculated with early passage
strains and harvested at the end of the
logarithmic growth phase by repeated
washing and centrifugation. The DNA was

Kit Component Quantity Cap Colour
1 Mycoplasma species or 1 tube with green
1 Acholeplasma species or 108 genome copies,
1 Spiroplasma species lyophilized
Buffer 32 ml tubes white

Ordering Information
Description Order nr.
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2021
Mycoplasma arginini
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2022
Mycoplasma orale
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2023
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2024
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2025
Mycoplasma synoviae
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2026
Mycoplasma fermentans
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2027
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2028
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Microsart Calibration Reagent SMB95-2029
Spiroplasma citri
Intro Air Monitoring 99

Air Monitoring
Table of Contents

101 Gelatine Membrane Filters (GMF), also DNA-free

102 BACTair

103 MD8 airscan

105 AirPort MD8

106 Accessories

110 EXTEND Instrument Services

100 Air Monitoring Intro

Active Air Monitoring is the quantitative determination

of microbes present in a given environment. To assure
the quality of a manufacturing process, a valid method
that eliminates adverse effects on the test area is

Microbes are a potential threat of contamination for

(final) products and raw materials, therefore potentially
endangering the health of humans and animals.
Sampling of air with active devices is a commonly used
method for evaluation of particles, microorganisms and
even viruses and bacteriophages.

Whether its about testing the environment in most

critical areas such as Isolators, filling lines and class B
rooms, or evaluation of microbiological contamination
in laboratories and warehouses, its essential to be
able to rely on the quality of the results.

Active sampling of a defined volume of air in a defined

time can be performed with two physically different
methods: Filtration with Gelatine Membrane Filters
(GMF) or Impaction on agarplates with BACTair.
Sartorius offers both solutions, depending on your
application. Quantitative and qualitative results can
be obtained by use of defined growth media.

Find out more about our Air Sampling solution and our
extensive service package:
U  nique Gelatine Membrane Filter (GMF) for sampling
of microorganisms, viruses and bacteriophages
Portable, battery powered AirPort MD8
B  ACTAir Media plates for direct sampling and
EXTEND Instrument Services
Gelatine Membrane Filters (GMF) Air Monitoring 101

Gelatine Membrane Filters (GMF), also DNA-free

Gelatine filters in conjunction with the Gelatine filters in conjunction with the
MD8 air samplers (gelatine filter method) MD8 air samplers offer the following
are used for the collection of airborne features and benefits:
microbes and viruses. Gelatine filter Absolute retention rate (99.9995%
disposables are individually packed, for Bac. sub. niger spores, 99.94% for
pre-sterilized and ready-to-connect units, T3 phages)
each consisting of a gelatine membrane The filter maintains the viability of
filter and a holder. collected microorganisms for a relevant
and meaningful sampling time
Gelatine membrane filters are still available Gelatine filters are completely water-
as filter discs, suitable for the filter holder soluble. Therefore, microbes in one sam-
17655 (80 mm diameter) supplied with the ple can be cultivated in|on different
MD8 airscan air samplers, as well as in nutrient media or low and high bacteria
smaller diameters. For DNA-based appli- counts can be measured. The sample is
cations such as detecting viruses, dissolvable not affected by inhibitors
DNA-free gelatine membranes are available The solubility of the gelatine filter is a
on request ([email protected]). prerequisite for virus sampling

Gelatine filters  ater soluble, pore size 3 m, 80 mm diameter,
thickness approx. 250 m
Thermal resistance Max. 60C
Air flow rate Approx. 2.7 l/min./cm2 at P = 0.05 bar
Retention rates 1. Bac. subtilis niger spores 99.9995% at 0.25 m/s inlet velocity.
2. Coli phages: phage T1, 99.9% at 0.3 m/s inlet velocity
and 50% rel. air humidity. Phage T3, 99.94% at 0.3 m/s inlet
velocity and 80% rel. humidity.
Filtration area 38.5 cm2
Conditions for use Room temperature, max. 30C, max. air humidity 85%
Sterilization Supplied pre-sterilized by gamma irradiation

Ordering Information
Disposable Gelatine Units, Sterile, Pack of 10
Description Order No.
Individually packed in 1 polyethylene bag each 17528--80----ACD
Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each 17528--80----BZD
Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each, 17528--80----VPD
but label on innermost bag

Gelatine Disc Filter, Sterile, Sealed in Units of Five Each in a Polyethylene Bag
Diameter Package Size Order No.
80 mm 50 12602--80----ALK
50 mm 100 12602--50----ALN
50 mm 50 12602--50----ALK
47 mm 100 12602--47----ALN
47 mm 50 12602--47----ALK
37 mm 50 12602--37----ALK

Special brochure available on request. Order no. SM-3011-e

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
102 Air Monitoring BACTair

BACTair Big Impact

Microbiological Air Monitoring by the Impaction Method

A new developed system for sampling This new method uses the AirPort MD8
airborne organisms that allows impaction air sampler to draw the air stream over
onto culture media plates, where the the BACTair Culture Media Plates.
plates function directly as collection BACTair is ready-to-connect to the
heads. This means that the collection AirPort MD8.
properties are integrated right into the
culture media plates. Metal sieve plates BACTair offers the following benefits:
or metal collection heads with slots, Individually, sterile packaged
which have to be sterilized for routine Integrated disposable sieve
samplings on a regular basis, are elimi- Pre-filled with agar media
nated. Now, non-sterile sieves or slots Samples 1 m3 in just 8 min
have become a thing of the past. Optimized geometry

The geometry of the culture medium

plate and the 400 holes in the sieve plate
yield exceptional sampling efficiency,
which is generally higher than that of
other impaction samplers.

Material Polystyrene
Dimensions 116+ 24 mm
Number of impaction holes 400 holes, d 0.47 mm each
High retention of particles > 0.65 m
Sterilization Gamma irradiation

Ordering Information
BACTair Culture Media Plates with Agar, 110 mm, Individually,
Sterile Packaged, 10 Units
Determination of Medium Type Order No.
Total Count Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) 14320-110----ACD
Yeasts and molds Sabouraud Agar (acc. USP) 14321-110----ACD

Air Sampler
Description Order No.
AirPort MD8 Air Sampler for BACTair incl. charger 16757

Accessories Order No.

Adapter for BACTair on the AirPort MD8 air sampler 17803
Covers for BACTair Culture Media Plates, 10 +2 units individually, 1ZPX-D0002
sterile packaged
BACTair Plates, sterile, without media, 50 units 14301-110------K

Special brochures are available on request. Order no. SM-4023-e and SL-2047-e
Air Sampler Air Monitoring 103

MD8 airscan
Air Sampler for Critical Applications

The system consists of the MD8 airscan The MD8 airscan air sampler allows
air sampler and disposable gelatine filter the user to make selective adjustments and
units. The system is routinely used for the easily sample air flow rate and removal
quantitative detection of air-borne organ- speed? By means of a specially developed
isms, mainly at filling lines in sterile areas calibration unit (see accessories), the user
of class A (classification according to EU can calibrate the MD8 airscan locally,
Guide for GMP), isolators, or blow-fill-seal e.g. within the scope of validation steps.
After removing the sample, the gelatine
The exceptionally high air flow rate of filter can be placed directly on the agar
8 m3/h enables isokinetic sampling at flow culture medium for incubation and colony
rates that are usual in laminar flow as growth.
well as filtration of 1 m3 air very quickly
(less than 8 minutes). The filter unit can
be placed separately from the air sampler
for remote sampling.

MD8 airscan Air Sampler
Air flow rate 2.0 m3/h 8 m3/h adjustable in 100-liter steps
Timer 199 minutes, adjustable in 1-minute steps
Max. deviation 5% in a temperature range of 1535C
Noise level For gelatine membrane filters, max. 62 dB (A)
Weight Approx. 6.5 kg
Dimensions (L+ W+H) 375+ 242+ 228 mm
Correction of the air flow When the entered air flow rate cannot be attained,
rate setting the display shows the max. attainable flow
rate for a corresponding new setting below this value.
Included filter holder 17655 (Gelatine disc filters)

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
104 Air Monitoring Air Sampler

Ordering Information
MD8 airscan Air Sampler
Description Order No.
MD8 airscan air sampler, 230 V, 50 Hz 16746
MD8 airscan air sampler, 115 V, 60 Hz 16747

Each version can be switched from 50 to 60 Hz and back.

Accessories Order No.

Holder for disposable gelatine filter units 17801

Disposable gelatine units, sterile, pack of 10 Order No.
Individually packed in 1 polyethylene bag each 17528--80----ACD
Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each 17528--80----BZD
Individually packed in 3 polyethylene bags each, 17528--80----VPD
but label on innermost bag

Special brochures available on request. Order no. SMI2001-e|SM-3011-e

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
Air Sampler Air Monitoring 105

AirPort MD8

AirPort MD8 is an air sampler for F lexible adjustment possibilities of the

the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and volume flow and the sample volume
food and beverage industries, and for U  ser-friendly prompting with the
hospitals environmental care and for option of four languages; English,
work safety. French, German and Spanish
P  arameters last used stored even after
AirPort MD8 Offers the Following automatic shut-off
Benefits T he device can be calibrated locally
Battery powered and portable for
universal use For guaranteeing reliable and exact
Battery power level clearly indicated so measurement results, AirPort MD8 uses
constant performance during sampling the gelatine membrane filter method
is guaranteed or the impaction method with BACTair.
Ergonomic design and easy to clean

AirPort MD8
Volume flow regulation By an integrated impeller wheel.
Volume flow adjustable 30 l/min., 40 l/min., 50 l/min. and 125 l/min.
Fixed given sample volumes 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 liters. In addition,
the sample volume can be chosen manually in 5-liter
Operational life with Approx. 4.5 hours for 50 l/min
one battery battery charge
Noise level For gelatine membrane filters 48 dB (A)
Weight Approx. 2.5 kg
Dimensions (L +W + H) 300+ 135+ 165 mm
Inclusive adapter 17801 (for disposable gelatine filter units)

Power Supply
Battery NiMH 16.8 Volt/3800 mAh
Battery charger input 100240 V/4763 Hz/600 mA
Battery charger output 24 V/1000 mA
Charging time Approx. 4.5 hours for empty battery

Ordering Information
AirPort MD8
Description Order No.
AirPort MD8, complete with two adapters (17801 and 17803) 16757
and battery charger (69898525).

Accessories and Replacement Parts Order No.

Adapter for BACTair on the AirPort MD8 air sampler 17803
Holder for disposable gelatine filter units 17801
Battery charger 69898525

Ordering Information for Consumables

Please refer to the following pages.

Special brochures available on request. Order no. SM-1502-e and SM-4023-e

106 Air Monitoring Accessories

For the MD8 Air Samplers

Calibration Unit
The user can calibrate the MD8 airscan supplied complete with battery charger |
and AirPort MD8 directly on the job by power supply unit (specific for the country
means of the calibration unit*. in which it is used), filter holder, connec-
tors set and connection tube (PVC, 2 m).
This is absolutely necessary above all within
the scope of validation steps, for which it * Alternatively, a maintenance agreement can
be signed. Within the scope of the contractual
is important that the shown air flow rate
services, Sartorius technicians will carry out a
(desired value at the MD8) corresponds to calibration of the MD8 at regular intervals.
the actual air amount (actual value at the
calibration device). The calibration unit is

Calibration Unit
Dimensions L ength, 300 mm (without filter holder),
Width, 390 mm with handles
Height, 182 mm min., 200 mm max. (adjustable feet)
Connectors Quick locks (bayonet principle)
Operational life with full battery Approx. 4 hours
Charge time for empty battery Approx. 10 hours
Measuring range 116 m3/h
Max. error 116 m3/h, 2%
Type of protection IP 40
Allowable ambient temperature Min. 0C, max. 40C
Weight Approx. 11 kg

Special brochure available on request.

Order no. SL-2028-e

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Calibration unit for the MD8 air samplers 16756

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU), and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
Accessories Air Monitoring 107

Tubing and Connectors Set

If the disposable gelatine filter unit is not airscan. The autoclavable silicone hose is
placed directly at the MD8 airscan, but at used instead of the flexible plastic hose, if
a distance from it, a flexible plastic hose the MD8 airscan has to be used in sterile
(2 m or 5 m), a connectors set and, if not rooms, operating rooms, isolators, blow-fill-
available, a holder (tripod 16970, double seal machines, etc. With this hose attached
socket 16976, clamp 17037), are necessary to the air outlet connector (exhaust), the
for the connection between filter and MD8 waste air can be led off into another room.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Flexible PVC hose with reinforced ends (2 m) 17085
Flexible PVC hose with reinforced ends (5 m) 17088
Silicone tubing, sterilizable (1 m, state length required) 17662
Set of connectors (consisting of 17658 and 17659), aluminum 17657
Connector (air sampler inlet to flexible hose), aluminum 17658
Connector (flexible hose to filter holder|adapter), aluminum 17659

A stable case for the transport and storage
of a MD8 airscan, incl. accessories.

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Case for MD8 airscan 17208

Aluminum Stack
It consists of a middle part, 10 numbered middle part. After removing the sample,
filter holders and 2 end caps. The stack is the inserted filter holders are put on the
first sterilized (by 180C dry heat, 2 h), and other side of the middle part, so that used
then equipped with the filters under sterile and unused filter holders are separated
conditions (LF cleanbench). The prepared from each other.
filter holders are put on one side of the

Ordering Information
Aluminium Stack
Description Order No.
Aluminum stack for MD8 air samplers 17656

Replacement Parts
Description Order No.
Individual filter holders for gelatine filter type 12602--80----ALK 17655
Middle part 17660
End cap 17661

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
108 Air Monitoring Accessories

Accessories for Isolator Application

For the monitoring of isolators with MD8 capsule with PTFE membrane and sanitary
airscan, we recommend using stainless- flange inlet and outlet, for sterile air filtra-
steel accessories such as adapters 17016 tion inserted between the MD8 airscan
(DN25) or 17030 (DN30), clamps 17033 for and isolator. This construction makes it
sanitary flanges, connector 17659---001 or possible that the MD8 air sampler remains
17659---003 (for tri clamp) and the filter outside the critical work area (the barrier
holder for gelatine filter disposables function between different clean-room
17801---001 as well as a Sartofluor classes is maintained).

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Adapter (DN 25 hose barb to 11 1/2 sanitary flange) to connect 17016
MD8 airscan to an isolator via silicone tubing and a filter capsule,
Adapter (DN 30 hose barb to 11 1/2 sanitary flange) to connect 17030
MD8 airscan to an isolator via flexible PVC hose and filter capsule,
Clamp for 11 1/2 sanitary flanges, stainless-steel Clamp 17033
for 11 1/2 sanitary flanges, stainless-steel
Connector (flexible hose to filter holder|adapter), hose nipple, 17659---001
Connector (flexible hose to filter holder|adapter), tri clamp, 17659---003
Adapter for gelatine filter disposables, stainless-steel 17801---001
Sartofluor MidiCap Capsule with PTFE membrane and sanitary 5185307TS-----SS
flange inlet and outlet, for sterile air filtration inserted between
the MD8 airscan and isolator

Accessories for Remote Control Function

Users of the MD8 airscan now have the 1. Via a PC (with Microsoft 95/98 or higher)
possibility of operating this air sampler with MD8 airscan dialog system and
from a distance, using either of two remote cable connection to the MD8 airscan
control configurations: (1ZE---0004).
2. Via a PLC interface unit (1ZE---0003).

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Remote control (Interface) for MD8 airscan designed for PLC units 1ZE---0003
Remote control for MD8 airscan for use with PC 1ZE---0004
(dialog system software)

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
Accessories Air Monitoring 109

 elatine Membrane Filter, 80 mm,

Sterile, Pack of 50 for Use with Stack
Gelatine membrane filters are still available (180C, 2h) and then equipped with the
as 80 mm filter discs, suitable for the filter filters under sterile conditions. For per-
holder supplied with the MD8 airscan. forming routine check-ups a stack is
The filters are sterile-supplied, but the filter recommended.
holders have to be sterilized by dry heat

Ordering Information
Gelatine Disc Filters, 3 m Pore Size, 80 mm, 50 Pieces/Pack
Description Order No.
Gelatine disc filter, sterile, sealed in units of five each in 12602-080 ALK
a polyethylene bag

Further Consumables for Air Monitoring

If gelatine filters cannot be used (high
humidity, high temperature), it is recom-
mended to use cellulose nitrate filters.

Ordering Information
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters, 80 mm Diameter, 100 Pieces/Pack
Description Order No.
Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 0.8 m, white with black grid, 11404--80----ALN
pre-sterilized in bags of 5
Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 0.8 m, grey with white grid, 13004--80----ALN
pre-sterilized in bags of 5
Cellulose nitrate membrane filters, 8 m, white no grid, 11301--80----ALN
pre-sterilized in bags of 5

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
110 Air Monitoring EXTEND Instrument Services

Preventive Maintenance
AirPort MD8|MD8 airscan

The objective of preventive maintenance Prerequisites Required by the Customer

is a continuous, precise operation of your D evice is standing at the maintenance-
equipment, to secure your investments for location
the long term and to guarantee correct U nobstructed access to the equipment
and proper function. W hen ordering, a responsible person has
to be appointed
Preventive maintenance will be performed A ccess by automobile is possible|parking
in accordance with Sartorius fixed stand- lot is available
ards and in between the contractually
stipulated time intervals between the Repairs, spare parts as well as shipping
customer and Sartorius. costs, travel costs and expenses are not
covered in scope of services and will be
invoiced separately.

Specifications The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not

in compliance with the Restriction of
Inspection visit at fixed intervals Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS,
or as needed 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part)
Visual inspection availability is restricted for exchange and
Maintenance check according to maintenance only.
maintenance checklist
Calibration of flow rate sensor
Start-up test
EXTEND Instrument Services Air Monitoring 111

Installation and Commissioning

AirPort MD8|MD8 airscan

The reliability and the service life of your Prerequisites Required by the Customer
equipment significantly depend on its System is standing at the installation
installation and configuration according location
to the specifications. Unobstructed access to the system
Power is available at the installation
Installation and commissioning by our location
service professionals will ensure that When ordering, a responsible person has
your MD8 successfully operates right to be appointed
from the start.

Sartorius Service installs and configures

according to regulatory requirements
and quality standards.

Check of scope of delivery
Check of device for transport damage
Manufacturers ID label check
Initial start-up
B rief instructions to operating personnel
(not application training)
General maintenance discussion

Ordering Information
Description Order No.
Installation and Commissioning AirPort MD8|MD8 airscan S8739INST

The MD8 airscan (16746; 16747) is not in compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU) and therefore its (spare part) availability is
restricted for exchange and maintenance only.
Intro Chemical Compatibility 113

Chemical Compatibility
Table of Contents

114 Filter Materials

116 Filter Holder|O-ring Materials

114 Chemical Compatibility Filter Materials

1. Filter Materials

Cellulose Cellulose Reg. PTFE Polyamide Glass Fiber Polycar Polyether

Acetate Nitrate Cellulose bonate sulfone
Solvents 111 113 184 118 250 134 230 154
Acetonitrile ? ? ? ?
Benzene ?
Benzyl alcohol ?
n-Butyl acetate
Cellosolve ?
Cyclohexane ?
Cyclohexanone ? ?
Diethylacetamide ? ?
Diethyl ether ?
Dimethyl formamide ?
Ethanol, 98%
Ethyl acetate ?
Ethylene glycol ?
Formamide ? ? ? ? ?
n-Heptane ? ? ?
n-Hexane ?
Isobutanol ?
Isopropyl acetate ? ?
Methanol, 98% ?
Methyl acetate ?
Methylene chloride
Methyl ethyl ketone ?
Methyl isobutyl ketone ? ?
Monochlorobenzene ?
Nitrobenzene ?
n-Pentane ?
Perchloroethylene ?
Carbon tetrachloride ?
Toluene ?

Key to symbols see next page.

Filter Materials Chemical Compatibility 115

Cellulose Cellulose Reg. PTFE Poly- Glass Polycar Polyether

Acetate Nitrate Cellulose amide Fiber bonate sulfone
Solvents 111 113 184 118 250 134 230 154
Trichloroethane ? ? ?

Acetic acid, 25% ?
Acetic acid, 96% ? ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 25% ? ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 50% ? ?
Perchloric acid, 25% ? ? ?
Phosphoric acid, 25% ? ? ?
Phosphoric acid, 85% ? ?
Nitric acid, 25% ?
Nitric acid, 65% ?
Hydrochloric acid, 25% ?
Hydrochloric acid, 37% ?
Sulfuric acid, 25% ?
Sulfuric acid, 98% ? ?
Trichloroacetic acid, 25% ? ? ?

Ammonium, 1N
Ammonium hydroxide, 25%
Potassium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium, 1N

Aqueous Solutions
Formaline, 30%
Sodium hypochlorite, 5% ? ?
Hydrogen peroxide, 35% ? ? ?

Key to Symbols
= compatible = limited compatibility
= not compatible ? = not tested
E = compatible after replacing silicone O-ring with an EPDM O-ring
V = compatible after replacing the silicone O-ring with a Fluoroelastomer O-ring

Contact time: 24 hours at 20C

Chemical compatibilities can be influenced by various factors.
Therefore, we recommend that you confirm compatibility with the
liquid you wish to filter by performing a trial filtration run before
you begin with actual filtration.
116 Chemical Compatibility Filter Holder|O-ring Materials

2. Filter Holder|O-ring Materials

Glass Poly Poly PTFE Stainless- EPDM PTFE Silicone Fluoro

carbonate propylene Steel O-ring O-ring O-ring elastomer
Acetonitrile ?
Benzyl alcohol
n-Butyl acetate
Diethylacetamide ? ?
Diethyl ether
Dimethyl formamide
Dimethylsulfoxide ? ? ?
Ethanol, 98%
Ethyl acetate
Ethylene glycol
Isopropyl acetate
Methanol, 98%
Methyl acetate ?
Methylene chloride
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone ?
Carbon tetrachloride

Key to symbols see next page.

Filter Holder|O-ring Materials Chemical Compatibility 117

Glass Poly Poly PTFE Stainless- EPDM PTFE Silicone Fluoro

carbonate propylene Steel O-ring O-ring O-ring elastomer
Trichloroethane ?

Acetic acid, 25%
Acetic acid, 96% ?
Hydrofluoric acid, 25%
Hydrofluoric acid, 50%
Perchloric acid, 25%
Phosphoric acid, 25%
Phosphoric acid, 85%
Nitric acid, 25%
Nitric acid, 65%
Hydrochloric acid, 25%
Hydrochloric acid, 37%
Sulfuric acid, 25%
Sulfuric acid, 98%
Trichloroacetic acid, 25%

Ammonium, 1N
Ammonium hydroxide, 25%
Potassium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium hydroxide, 32%
Sodium, 1N

Aqueous Solutions
Formaline, 30%
Sodium hypochlorite, 5%
Hydrogen peroxide, 35%

Key to Symbols
= compatible = limited compatibility
= not compatible ? = not tested

Contact time: 24 hours at 20C

Chemical compatibilities can be influenced by various factors.
Therefore, we recommend that you confirm compatibility with the
liquid you wish to filter by performing a trial filtration run before
you begin with actual filtration.
118 Index


Absorbent Pads 26 Manifolds, multi-branch 53

Accessories for vacuum filter holders MD8 airscan 101, 103, 104, 105,
and manifold systems 56 106, 107, 108
Index Airborne bacteria and viruses 106 MD8 Calibration Unit 56, 57
Air Monitoring 99 MD8 devices 106, 107, 108, 109
AirPort MD8 79, 105, 106, 111 Media 21
Air Sampler 102, 103, 104, 105 Microsart @filter 100 and 250 35
Aluminum stack 107 Microsart @vance 35
Microbiological Enumeration 5
BACTair 102 Microsart AMP Extraction 94
Biosart 100 Monitor 29, 30, 31, 46 Microsart AMP Mycoplasma 87, 88, 89
Biosart 100 Nutrient media 32 Microsart ATMP Mycoplasma 90
Biosart 250 Funnel 38, 39 Microsart Calibration Reagent 2, 85, 97
Microsart Coating Buffer 2, 85, 95
Calibration Unit 56, 57 Microsart Combi.jet 47
Case for MD8 airscan 107 Microsart e.jet 51, 60, 61
Cellulose acetate 7, 14, 16 Microsart e.motion Dispenser 13
Cellulose Nitrate Microsart e.motion Membrane
(Cellulose Ester) 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 65 Filters 12, 24
Chemical Compatibility 113 Microsart Funnel 100 and 250 33
Colony Counter 64 Microsart maxi.vac 58, 59
Combisart multi-branch systems 41 Microsart @media 5, 19
CONFIDENCE Validation Services 81, 83 Microsart mini.vac 50, 58, 59
Container for anaerobic incubation 65 Microsart RESEARCH Mycoplasma 92, 93
Culture media 21, 26, 32, 102 Microsart Validation Standard 2, 85, 96
Minisart SRP 45, 48
Dispenser 13, 27 Multi-branch manifolds, traditional 53
Dosing syringe 63
NPS 21, 63
EXPAND Training 78 Nutrient media broth 32
EXTEND Instrument Nutrient pad sets in petri dishes 21
Services 79, 80, 110, 111
Preassembled Monitors 29
Filter dispenser 13
Filter holders and manifolds 41 Quick Connection for Tubings 48, 61
Filter holders, individual 53
Ready-to-use units including media 29
Gelatine membrane filters 101 Rubber vacuum hose 57
Gridded membrane filters, type 111 15
Gridded membrane filters, type 113 15 Sartochem 70
Gridded membrane filters, type 114 9, 11 Single-use funnels 38
Gridded membrane filters, type 130 9, 11 Stainless-steel filter holder, 50 mm,
Gridded membrane filters, type 131 17 with vacuum control 53
Gridded membrane filters, type 135 17 Stainless-steel funnels 41, 43
Gridded membrane filters, type 138 9, 11 Sterisart NF 69
Gridded membrane filters, type 139 9, 11 Sterisart Universal Pump 74, 75
Suction Flask, 2 Liter Capacity 56
Hand-operated vacuum pump
with gauge 63 Vacusart 50, 56, 57
High-flow membranes 7, 29 Vacuum filtration system 49
Hydrophobic edged membrane filters 16 Vacuum pump 58

Laboratory pump 62 Water jet pump 63

Water trap, Vacusart 57
Woulffs bottle 57
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